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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PT ADARO INDONESIA 2009 PT ADARO INDONESIA Table of Contents Cover: Children cheerfully playing around the Rubber Fumigation House, Outstanding Rubber Plantation Group, Tamiang Village, Tabalong, South Borneo Table of Contents 00 Report Overview 01 Greetings from the President Director 02 What & Who Adaro Indonesia Is 04 Our Strategy 12 Our Performance 14 Supporting State and Community Development Economic Performance 16 Product Benefits 17 Local Development Local Suppliers 18 Local Employees 18 Community Development 19 Public Facilities 42 Indirect Economic Impact 43 Prioritizing Safety and Environmental Conservation Protecting Occupational Health and Safety 46 Conserving the Environment 48 Employee Development 62 How the Stakeholders See Us 68 How We Made This Report 72 00 Report Overview Message to The Readers This is the second Sustainability Report published by PT Adaro Indonesia (from here onward called Adaro Indonesia), but this would be the first report using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines as reference. The report describes Adaro Indonesias efforts in balancing its economic, social and environmental performance. Scope of the Report The data presented in this report describes the economic, social and environmental performance of Adaro Indonesia in 2009 and in the two preceding years (for several data). The scope of the report is not only the activities of Adaro Indonesia in the operational sites and head quarter but also the community outreach programs of Adaro Indonesia. Several contractor data is also presented in this report. [3.6] Due to limited documentation and recording, not all of the organizations activities and performance can be presented in this report. Guidance We have used the sustainability reporting framework published by the GRI version 3.0 (Sustainable Reporting Guidelines G3). Feedback from the Readers This report was published to be read by all of our stakeholders, both internal and external, such that they will give comments, critiques and suggestions, which may contribute to the performance development of Adaro Indonesia. Your comments, critiques, and suggestions may be sent to [3.4]: 1. Head Office: PT. Adaro Indonesia Menara Karya 22nd-23rd floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok X-5 Kav 1-2 Jakarta, 12950, Indonesia Ph: (62-21)2553-3000 Fax: (62-21)5211-266 Email: 2. Operating Office: PT. Adaro Indonesia Mine office, Hauling Road KM73, Wara, Tabalong PO BOX TTB 110 Tanjung 71500 South Kalimantan Ph: (62-526) 2021-997 / 98 Fax: (62-526) 2021-996 Email: Other Information For further information about Adaro Indonesia, please visit our websites and Describing Adaro Indonesias efforts in balancing its economic, social and natural environment performance. 01 Greetings from the President Director [1.1] Dear honorable stakeholders, Indonesia has a large quantity of natural resources that can benefit the people at large. Coal, as one of the abundant natural resources in Indonesia, is beneficial for generating energy. The market indicates that global demand for coal is increasing. In addition to its lower price compared to those of other energy resources, Indonesian coal also has a variety of qualities that is adjustable regarding needs, usage and expected benefits. Seeing this as an opportunity, Adaro Indonesia is encouraged to explore and mine coal that can be processed by other particular parties into an energy resource, which is beneficial to all. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a significant embedded aspect in every activity we do. The essence of CSR for us is the existence of mutual goodwill. We realize that our activities may change not only the natural environment, but also the social and economic order in the area in which we operate. It has been the mutual goodwill of the shareholders that there is a responsibility to give back what we already have and to develop the potential for creating a better life in the surrounding areas of our operation. However, goodwill is not enough, we also realize and are responsible to fulfill other stakeholders interests. We see our stakeholders interests wholly as the foundation for the development of our corporate strategy in order to sustain our business. 02 The presence of Adaro Indonesia in South Kalimantan, more or less, has influenced the current economy, social and natural environment. The economic development, expansion of social and public facilities, community development, reclamation and natural environment conservation are the impacts of our existence. Nevertheless, we recognize that what we have done must not only bring temporary benefits to the surroundings, but there should be continuous and sustainable benefits that contribute to the creation of an independent society based on a harmonic relationship with the natural environment, especially when the time has come to stop operating in the future. We avoid indulging the community with programs that the community wants. In contrast, we consider the programs regarding the needs of the community by greater exploring the communitys potentials. This is our challenge: that we should not give up initiating programs in order to not only develop the economy but also to expand the communitys potentials toward an independent and environmentally sound society. Hence, when it is time for us to step out from business, the community that we would leave will be sustainable. In order to realize the above mentioned goals, we have been improving ourselves by developing our organizational management capability including addressing the health and safety of our employees. In relation to this, we use the internationally accepted Standard and Operational Procedure for mining because We see our stakeholders interests holistically as the foundation for the development of our corporate strategy... we recognize that what we have done must not only bring temporary benefits to surroundings, but that there should be continuous and sustainable benefits that contribute to the creation of independent society based on harmonic relationship with the natural environment, especially when the future time has come for us to stop operating. Garibaldi Thohir, President Director PT Adaro Indonesia we realize that our employees are in a high-risk workplace. Moreover, we also use the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) as guidance in carrying out our community development programs. We have received national and international rewards and acknowledgements for the activities we initiated and the high-quality coal we provide. Yet, we do not want to stop there. We realize that we still have to develop and improve ourselves to be more capable and to bring more benefits to our stakeholders. What is presented in this report is not only pride in what we have achieved but also self assesment on what we have done. For this reason, we are pleased to welcome comments, critiques and suggestions from the readers. Enjoy your reading! Garibaldi Thohir President Director Adaro Indonesia 03 What & Who ADARO INDONESIA is The Mining Site Adaro Indonesias mining sites are located in Balangan and Tabalong Regency in South Kalimantan Province. Both crushing plant and loading port are located in Kelanis Village, South Barito Regency in Central Kalimantan Province [2.5]. There are three mining sites of Adaro Indonesia: 1. Paringin mining site 2. Tutupan mining site 3. Wara mining site Adaro Indonesia is one of the governments first generation of contractors for coal mining and exploration in Balangan and Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan Province, as well as for coal sales, based on the Coal Contract of Work (PKP2B) number J2/J.i.DU/52/82 dated November 16, 1982. Adaro Indonesia started production in 1991, but the company began to sell coal one year later in 1992. Adaro Indonesia is a corporation designated to be under National Vital Objects (OBVITNAS) in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector based on the ministerial decree KepMen ESDM No.1762 K/07/MEM/2007 in regards to the Protection of National Vital Objects in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector. N Balikpapan East Borneo Central Borneo Kelanis Barge Loading Facility Tanjung PT ADARO INDONESIA Tutupan Mine Dahai Office Paringin Mine Coal Haul Road Kandangan Rantau South Borneo Binuang Banjarmasin Martapura Pulau Sebaku Pulau Laut Offshore Transhipment Site Pulau Laut Coal Terminal Pulau Laut Airstrip BORNEO 04 Adaro Indonesia is a corporation designated as one of the National Vital Objects (OBVITNAS) in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector. Our Coal Supply Chain [2.2] 1. Tutupan Mine 2. Exploration Driling 3. Overburden stripping 4. Overburden dumping 5. Coal Mining 6. Hauling coal to the pit stockpiles 7. Loading coal into coal haulers 8. Trucking coal on the haul road 9. Dumping coal at Kelanis 10. Coal crushing at Kelanis 11. Coal stockpiling at Kelanis 12. Barge loading at Kelanis 13. Barging coal on the Barito River 14. Barging coal at the Taboneo anchorage 15. Bulk carrier self loading with its own cranes 16. Bulk carrier being loaded by floating cranes 17. Bulk carrier loading at the IBT terminal 05 Adaro Indonesia is a well known envirocoal [2.2] producer that has marketed its product to more than 18 countries around the world, including India, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Spain, and the United States of America where envirocoal is used as an energy source by coal-fired steam power plants (PLTU) [2.7]. As 25-30% of its total sales meet domestic coal needs, Adaro Indonesia is the largest supplier for the domestic coal market, especially for coal-fired steam power plants (PLTU) in Java and Bali Province (PLTU PEC, PLTU Paiton 1-2, PLTU Jawa Power, PLTU Cilacap, and PLTU Suralaya), the cement industry, and the pulp and paper industry. North Europe Finland Denmark Germany Netherlands France England USA Chile South East Asia Philippines Malaysia Thailand South Europe Spain Italy Slovenia South Asia India Envirocoal Market Segment in Indonesia Cement Industry 26% Others Industries 5% Power Plant 69% 06 Envirocoal Market Segment in the World INDONESIA 27% AMERICA 3% EUROPE 11% ASIA 59% Total Assets in 2009 (US$) Land Road Building-Silos/Workshop/Storage Facility Crushing & Stockpiling System #1 Weigh Bridge & Handling System Vehicles Building-Mess/Canteen Bridge Settling Pond Survey Equipment 13,862,578.22 1,426,858.52 349,972.63 6,284,173.8 145,449 59,780.41 8,220.75 38,771.12 713,970.8 1,416,689.51 TOTAL 24,306,464.76 North Asia Japan South Korea China Taiwan Hong Kong With its product marketed to more than 18 countries around the world, Adaro Indonesia is also the largest supplier for the domestic coal market. Overview of Adaro Indonesias Market According to the coal contract, Adaro Indonesia has the right to explore, mine and sell coal until 2022 (the extension of contract is allowed for twice with 10 years for each extension based on the mutual agreement principle). The contract covers an exploration location of 35,800.80 ha (reductions occurred several times, with total reduction of 1,480 km2 from the initial exploration location size). Name of company [2.1] Operating Office [2.4] Indonesia : PT Adaro Indonesia : Mine Office Wara KM 73, Hauling Road PO BOX 110 TTB 110 Tanjung 71500 South Kalimantan Head Office [2.4] : Menara Karya Lt 22-23, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok X-5 Kav1-2 Jakarta Ownership and : Private, limited liability corporation. legal form[2.6] Adaro Indonesia is a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Scale of the Organization [2.8] : Number of Employees: 513 Net sales in 2009 : US $ 2,406,903,867 TOTAL CAPITAL 459 2009 256 2008 1,209 502 107 2007 200 400 1,007 600 Total Equity In million US$ Oceania New Zealand 1,029 550 0 1,849 800 Loan with interest 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 Total Liability PRODUCTION and SALES VOLUME 42,000 41,000 40,000 39,000 38,000 37,000 36,000 35,000 34,000 33,000 41,080 39,798 40,590 38,524 36,076 36,078 2007 Sales Volume (000 ton) 2008 2009 Production Volume (000 ton) 07 Recognitions in 2009 [2.10] a. Received the Indonesian CSR Award from the Minister for Social Affairs for the evaluation period of 2008 1. Awarded the Gold Winner in the Social and Environmental category for the Integrated Agriculture Program. 2. Awarded First Place in the Social category for the Formal Education Quality Improvement Program through LP3AP. 3. Awarded Second Place in the Environmental category for the Program of Clean Water Production by Using Mining Wastewater. 4. Awarded Third Place in the Economy and Environmental category for the Integrated Agriculture Program. b. The largest tax payer in 2009 to the Taxation Office for Foreign Capital Investment c. The largest tax payer in 2009 to the Tanjung Branch Pratama Taxation Office d. The KSN Award 2009 from the Minister for Social Affairs 1. Awarded the Platinum Winner in the Economy/Partnership category, the Micro Finance Institution Program. The winning program was the Banua Bauntung Micro Finance, Paringin Branch. 2. Awarded the Gold Winner in the Social/ Environmental category, the 9-Year Basic Education Program. The winning program was the Education Quality Improvement Program through LP3AP adjoining with Adaro Indonesia. 3. Awarded the Silver Winner in the Community Health Program category for the Mothers, Newborn Babies and Children Health Program. 4. Awarded the Silver Winner in the Economy/Partnership category, the Program for Farm Community Business Unit. The winning program was the Farm Group Sahabat. e. The PROPER, Green Level, for performances in the periods of 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 from the State Minister for Environment. f. Recognition from the Directorate General of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal, the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources 1. The Prominent/Primary Rank, in the category of Mining Environment Monitoring 2. The Prominent/Primary Rank, in the category of Reclamation Management on Used Mining Site 3. The Prominent/Primary Rank, in the category of Overburden Management 4. The Prominent/Primary Rank, in the category of Supporting Facilities Activity Management 5. The Prominent/Primary Rank, in the category of Seeding Management 6. The Pratama/Initial Rank, in the category of Mining Safety Management Right: Several recognitions were achieved by Adaro Indonesia in 2009. 08 Received various awards in social, economic and environmental aspect PROPER Peringkat HIJAU, Kinerja 2008-2009 Kementrian Negara Lingkungan Hidup 09 The Organizations Structure Presiden Director Director of Operations [2.3] Chief Operating Officer General Manager Operation Secretary Deputy GM Strategic Planning Coal Hauling Manager Strategic Planning Manager Coal Hauling Supt. Long Term Planning Supt. Haul Road Maintenance Supt. Statutory Planning & Statistic Supt. Road Safety Supt. Deputy GM Production Geotechnical Manager Geology & Exploration Manager Business Improvement Manager Paringin Project Manager HSE Manager Production Manager Production Planning Manager Mine Infrastructure Manager Geotechnical Supt. Geology & QC Supt. Bussiness Improvement Supt. Administration Supt. Reclamation Supt. Central Prod. Supt. Short Term Planning Supt. PIT Infrastructure Supt. Mine Supt. Environmental Mgt Supt. North. Prod. Supt. Survey Supt. Technical Supt. Compliance, R & D Supt. Wara Prod. Supt. Mine Health & Safety Supt. South Prod. Supt. Maintenance Health & Safety Supt. 10 Operati PT ADARO INDONESIA n Legal Compliance Officer Legal Representative Officer Deputy GM Coal Processing & Barge Loading Deputy GM Coal Admin & External Affairs Sr. Operation & Maintenance Manager ions Supt. Maintenance Manager HSE Supt. Administration Supt. HRGA-IT Manager CSR Manager Land Acquisition Manager External Relations Manager HR Supt. CSR Project Supt. Land Acquisition Supt. Gov. Rel. Supt. General Affair Supt. CSR Bina Program Supt. Bjrn. Rep. Office Manager Fin. & Acc. Manager Shipping Manager Shipping Supt. Public Media Rel. Supt. Maintenance Supt. IT Supt. Maintenance Planning Supt. Purchasing & Warehouse Supt. 11 Our Strategy Adaro Indonesia realizes that coal is an unrenewable natural resource. Therefore, it needs reasonable and efficient management and utilization that are beneficial to all stakeholders, including the surrounding communities of the mining sites. Vision Statement To be the leading Indonesian mining and energy corporate group Mission Statement [4.8] Adaro Indonesias Values [4.8] Operating in the mining and energy sector to: Satisfy the consumers needs. Improve the employees. Create a partnership with the suppliers. Support the state and community development. Improve safety and environment conservation. Maximize values for the shareholders. Adaro Indonesias Values: 1. Focusing on the Consumers 2. QCDS (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety) 3. Possesing the characteristics of: A ttitude D etermined A daptive R esponsive O pen minded I ntegrity B alance T eam spirit 12 4. PDCA (Plan Do Check Action) 5. KISS (Keep It simple Spirit) 6. MbL (Management by Love) Since its early establishment, Adaro Indonesia has been committed to being a good citizen. For this reason, Adaro Indonesia always carries out its activities based on a caring partnership with all stakeholders, such that all, including local community, can experience growth together. Understanding the Impact Understanding the Challenge [1.2] In order to investigate the impacts of the companys operations on local communities, we have performed a number of examinations, which were: [1.2, SO1]: · Before entering the community: feasibility study, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) The study was initiated by a forming team whose members were from Adaro Indonesia as the resource persons and external consultants as the executors. While Operating: social mapping Social mapping was conducted by a research team that is expert in social and community aspects. The respondents of the study were the society within the Ring 1 area or the local community that was directly affected by the companys operations. When deciding to leave the community or the post-mining plan: the post-mining document A specific examination was also performed in order to capture the communitys perception and to figure out the impact of the 15-year community development program of Adaro Indonesia. Results of the study were used as a reference to design future strategies for community empowerment. · · · · The area of operation covers more than 50 villages in 6 regencies and 2 provinces. In line with the increasing production target from one year to another, the coverage area and operational impacts are also expanding. Limited availability of supporting facilities for coordinations and program monitoring and evaluation. Different goverment policies in different regions. The time and target of the corporate team should be adjusted to those of the local government (Pemda), because both have agendas and programs to be accomplished. Refering to the Regulation and the International Standard and Initiative [4.12]: The Decree of the Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources about the Occupational Health and Safety in General Mining (1995), KEPMEN 555.K/26/M.PE/1995 Occupational health and safety management systems-requirements 18991:2007, Auditing Technical Guidance for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System based on the Decree of the Minister for Manpower (Permenaker) No.05/MEN/96 SNI14001 (2005):the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) on the environmental management system ISO 9001 : 2000 on the quality management system ISO 14001: ISO 14001: 2004 on the environmental management system OHSAS18001: 2007 on the occupational health and safety management system The Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) as guidance for the implementation of community development. Increasing Performance To manage the impacts and to address the previously mentioned challenges, Adaro Indonesias efforts to increase its performance focus on the following mission statements: 1. SUPPORTING STATE AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2. PRIORITIZING SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 3. IMPROVING THE EMPLOYEES 13 Supporting State and Community Development This section describes the impacts of Adaro Indonesias operations on the economic condition of stakeholders and the economic system at local and national levels. Community empowerment programs are evidence of the companys commitment to preserving the natural environment and elevating the state of social economy of the community in the exploration and postmining period. 14 15 37.31% Economic Performance of the total budget for community empowerment programs in 2009 was allocated to the economic sector Direct Economic Value [EC1] Sales Net Sales (US$) 3.000 2.407 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.618 1.000 1.003 697 500 2005 2006 1.146 2007 2008 2009 in million (US$) Distributed Direct Economic Value (US$) [EC1] Operational Cost Technical Services Dept Geology Dept 8.250.650,03 Mining Dept 10.956.430,27 Road & Infrastructure Dept 12.349.748,96 Safety Dept 603.944,43 Enviro Dept 8.394.765,83 Land Acquisition Dept 1.102.987,65 Crushing Dept 30.989.238,69 Shipping Dept 41.462.768,54 Accounting/Finance Dept 187.720,15 Adm Dept 7.386.911,75 External Relation Dept 7.637.048,96 Community Development Dept 3.354.656,53 Banjarmasin Office Representative Dept TOTAL Community Investment [EC1] 3.780.217,77 232.288,57 136.689.378,13 Adaro Indonesias Community Empowerment Budget 2009 332 Economic 6.045 Education 11.437 3.575 Health Social Culture Operation Cost 9.263 16 (rate: 1 US$ = Rp 9.300,-) 1-2.5% Product Benefits [EC9] Lowest content of dust among other types of coal produced for the global export market Coal extracted from the mining sites of Adaro Indonesia is very clean with very low content of sulfur, dust and nitrogen. Because of its environmentally sound characteristic, this coal type is globally known as envirocoal. Being the most environment friendly solid waste fuel, envirocoal is also called the solid natural gas. Having the lowest dust content (only 1-2.5%) compared to other types of coal extracted and sold in the global export market, the use of envirocoal: Saves the consumers expense due to the low cost of dust disposal. Reduces the deposit inside the furnace and, hence, increases thermal efficiency and lessens maintenance costs. Coal with a low content of nitrogen (0.9%) enables: Consumers to lower the cost of reducing the content of nitrogen oxide in the chimney. Consumers to produce more salable energy and to lower the cost of electricity production. With the low content of sulfur (0.1% only), envirocoal enables consumers to: Fulfill environmental standards. Postpone capital expenditure for the installment of gas desulfurization equipment in the chimney such that the operating factory costs can be reduced (the total cost of installing a set of desulfurization equipment is up to 20% of the total capital expenditure of putting up a new power plant). Low content of nitrogen (0.9%) and sulfur (0.1%) Lowest content of dust (1-2.5%) among other types of coal produced for the global export market 17 Local Development Local Suppliers [EC6] During 2009, Adaro Indonesia initiated partnerships with 504 local suppliers domiciled in Kalimantan. Total expenditure for the local suppliers was up to US$ 54,891,814.33. Local Employment [EC7] In the employee recruitment system, Adaro Indonesia gives equal employment opportunities and prioritizes the local workforce to fulfill the vacant positions. Nevertheless, the company recruits nonlocals based on the needs of the organization. The number of local employees (with a composition of 76.22%), which refers to the number of Kalimantan native-born people working in Adaro Indonesia, is far above the number of non-locals. Each employee candidate has an equal right and opportunity to get the job and to be a part of the company by considering the abilities and skills that he or she has and also by results of recruitment testing conducted by the company. Comparison between the Number of Local and Non-local Employees Comparison between Local & non-Local Employees by Employment Levels Employee of December 31, 2009 Employee of December 31, 2009 700* 100.00% 600 90 500 400 300 513 76.22% 391 58.5% 23.78% 122 40 NON LOCAL TOTAL *EMPLOYEE (people) 61.2% 50 0 LOCAL 11.1% 88.9% 80 60 100 38.8% 70 200 Local employees also fulfill managerial positions with a composition of 40% of the total number of managerial employees. 18 100* 30 41.5% 20 10 0 MANAGEMENT STAFF NONSTAFF *EMPLOYEE (people) LOCAL % NON LOCAL% Community Development [S01] Managerial Approach The community development program inidicates the companys commitment to natural environment conservation and development of the communitys state of socialeconomy in the exploration and post-mining periods. Hence, the community development program includes the community development plan that considers the local culture and potentials and the overall development goals as well. In line with the companys mission, the strategies of Adaro Indonesia in carrying out the community development program are: Internally: Setting up the CSR Department Increasing internal coordination regarding the mining expansion plan such that potential conflicts can be predicted and anticipated. Increasing communication skills in order to be able to respond to complaints immediately and to prioritize a dialogue for a consensus in decision-making and problemsolving processes. Externally: Periodically monitoring the communitys social condition and its development. Carrying out intensive communication with the community and government by considering regulations, social aspects and the normative local culture or customs. Adaro Indonesias Community Empowerment Objectives Increasing the quality of social life and economy Minimizing the negative impacts of operations on the community in the surrounding mining locations. Moto String up love, create partnership, and grow together with the community. The Principles of Development Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Location of Community Empowerment In line with the coverage areas of mining operation [2.5], the locations are: South Kalimantan Province: 1. Tabalong Regency 2. Balangan Regency 3. Hulu Sungai Utara Regency 4. Barito Kuala Regency Central Kalimantan Province: 1. East Barito Regency 2. South Barito Regency The Four Pillars of Community Empowerment 1. 2. 3. 4. Independent Continuity Carefulness Trusteeship Mutual benefit Development of the Economic Sector Development of the Education Sector Development of the Health Sector Development of Socio-Cultural Sector Training on sewing skills, a community empowerment program, is specially designed for local housewives 19 THE DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM On arriving at the current state, Adaro Indonesia has been carrying out CSR since 1994. Initially, the companys activities largely included giving donations without systematic planning. Over time, Adaro Indonesia has been developing systematic and well-planned programs that put into account stakeholder interest and participation in order to empower the community. Yayasan Adaro Bangun Negeri (YABN) Forming Team Local Govt, Adaro Local Team YYSKSI Program Kayuh baimbay Charity Forming Team Local Govt, Adaro Local CD Team YYSKSI Local Team YYSKSI LPB Adaro Pama LPB Adaro Pama Local CD Team YYS KSI LP3 Adaro Pama LPB Adaro Pama Involved local CD team Forming team LP3 Adaro Pama Program implemented by company 1996 1999 2000 PIONEERING 2002 2004 2006 2009 ESTABLISHMENT 2010 IMPROVEMENT Adaro Indonesias community development programs are managed by the CSR Department, which is led by a Department Head. PERFORMANCE INDICATOR PROGRAM EKONOMY EDUCATION HEALTH Adaro Indonesia has setup clear Intermediate Objectives and Final Destination in order to measure the successfulness of its community empowerment programs SOCIO-CULTURE INTERMEDIATE OBJECTIVES Business unit develops Education services quality increases Health service quality increases Well-implemented socio-cultural program Program sustainability Harmonic relationship with the community FINAL DESTINATION INDEPENDENT SOCIETY THE CRITERIA of INDEPENDENT SOCIETY: Posses income resources that can sustain the family life with no depency to corporations or government Posses adequate intellectual capacity to complete with otjer community groups Posses the ability of sell and community management so as to avaoid dependency to other parties FRAMEWORK for IMPLEMENTATION Community empowerment programs in economic, education, health, and socio-cultural sectors are developed by considering local potential and regulations as well as corporate course of action 20 INDEPENDENT SOCIETY ECONOMY EDUCATION HEALTH CORPORATE POLICIES LOCAL REGULATIONS & POTENTIAL SOCIO-CULTURE Target Groups: 1. Falling under Priority 1 are the villages/community groups that are already or will be directly connected to and/or affected by the operation of Adaro Indonesia. 2. Falling under Priority 2 are the villages/community groups that are vulnerable to various needs connected to the operation of Adaro Indonesia. 3. Falling under Priority 3 are the villages/community groups that have interests within the related regency area. Management System of Community Development Program The CSR programs are designed by taking into account the community participation in various activities, starting from planning and implementation up to monitoring and evaluation. Usually, a village conference is conducted in the planning stage and the plan is implemented through a participative scheme. The CSR programs are also developed by regarding the local policies and potentials that are in line with corporate policies. Through a dialogue mechanism with the forming team, the harmonization between the CSR programs and local governments development programs is ensured, such that there is no overlapping in the implementation of the programs. In carrying out such activities, the needs of the community are also investigated by performing a need assessment mechanism in cooperation with top state universities in Indonesia and by carrying out a direct constructive dialogue mechanism between Adaro Indonesia and the local community. Through the dialogues, it is expected that the communitys initiatives can be stimulated by considering local potentials in the areas [EC8]. Community that is or will be directly connected with company operations is our primary target of the CSR programs Results of the assessment and dialogues are usually used as the basis for designing the companys medium-term plan, whose implementation can be adjusted by concerning the development progress of the local community. Moreover, based on the previously mentioned assessment mechanism, Adaro Indonesia coordinates with the local regency government for the program implementation. The coordination mechanism ensures the avoidance of overlapping between the corporations and governments programs, which is published in writing as the annual regent decree. [EC8]. In addition, Adaro Indonesia always participates actively in the Discussion on the Local Development Planning (Musrenbang) in the six partner regencies. 21 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PLANNING VISION/MISSION ADARO/CD VILLAGE DIALOGUE POLICY CD LOCAL POTENTIAL IMPLEMENTATION & STRATEGY MONITORING & EVALUATION > POLICY/ VISION/ MISSION BUDGET ALLOCATION CD CONCEPT CD STRATEGIC PLANNING SUBDISTRICT HEAD CD LOCAL TEAM INDIVIDUAL/ COMMUNITY PROPOSAL STUDY RESULTS, THE EXPERT CONTINUE THE PROGRAM PROPOSAL CD CENTRAL TEAM ADARO Synchronization with Local Development LOCAL GOVT., RELATED DEPARTMENT FORMATURE TEAM CD LIST of PROPOSED PROGRAM APPROVAL PROGRAM CD ADAROPEMDA Program, Budget, Objective, Target Implementa tion Team Monitoring Team ECONOMY LPB, EDUCATION LP3AP Related Subdistrict Head COMPANY (CD Central Team) HEALTH YKI (CATARACT) BPD SOCIOCULTURE Contractor/ Consultant Technical Corporate Team Special Program Local Community Special Team/ AUDITOR IMPLEMENT ATION STRATEGY Determine Budget & CD Program for the Next Year REGENT MANAGEMENT REVIEW REPORT Top management of Adaro reviews the report properness & program successfulness, quality, objective, target, budget realization & planning accordance MANAGEMENT REVIEW 22 The Aspects of CD Program Quality, Objective, Target, Budget, Problem, Suggestion for Improvement RESULT of PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION Quality, Objective, Target, Budget, Problem EVALUATION & REPORTING CSR IMPLEMENTATION [EC8] EXAMPLE ORGANIZER TYPE NATURE COMPANY Charity, as the community service and community relations Grant Scholarship Seed Donation COMMUNITY Simple projects, which can be executed by the community Empowerment Empowerment Grant Footbridge construction Village road River cleanup INSTITUTION FORMED by ADARO INDONESIA Long-term and continuous projects Empowerment Sustainability Independent Micro Finance Insitution (LKM) Development of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UMKM) School quality THIRD PARTY/ CONTRACTOR Big projects, which need special knowledge and skills Work Contract Building Hospital Sport center (GOR) Monitoring and evaluation of the community empowerment program are performed by: The Subdistrict Head The Village Representative Body The Company Staff The External Party DIRECTION TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY CD FUNDS POST MINING > Economic Sector Micro Financing Institution (LKM) > Half of Profits of the Micro Financing Institution (LKM) Micro Financing Institution (LKM) Executing Channeling Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Productive Business Education Sector Health Sector Social-Cultural Sector Target Community Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Productive Business Education Sector Health Sector Social-Cultural Sector Target Community 23 62 Social and Economic Performance villages in Balangan Regency, since 1997, have become the beneficiaries of the development program of the outstanding rubber plantation. Economy Development of the advantaged rubber tree plantation Social and Economic Performance I. ECONOMY Rubber tree plantations are one of the local potentials. The development of rubber tree plantations may contribute to the economy of the community through the absorption of productive workforce and, consequently, this may be a reliable additional or primary household income. Economic development is initated by considering the sectors in which the regencies can develop their competitiveness and specialIties. The empowerment is also carried out wholly from up to down stream regarding the independency aspect. The economic sectors developed by Adaro Indonesia are: 1. Development of the outstanding rubber tree plantation 2. Development of the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 3. Development of the Micro Finance Institution (MFI) 4. Integrated agriculture 5. Other economic development programs: fishery, husbandry, farming, and development of potential local products 6. Village Community Economic Movement (Gema) 7. Independent Adaro Development Movement (Gerbang AMAN) Rubber plantation is one of Adaro Indonesias outstanding programs in order to realize the independent community Objective Expanding landmass Increasing quality Product diversification that can add values Activity Donate seeds, disinfectants, and production equipments; carry out counseling, group dynamics, cultural training, post-harvest training, and quality development through the rubber fumigation house management Location 62 villages in Balangan Regency (since 1997), 31 villages in Tabalong Regency, and 16 villages in East Barito Regency Accumulated Number of Participants and Rubber Plantation area Number of participants 24 Area 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 04 20 02 /2 00 3 20 02 20 01 19 99 /2 00 0 19 99 8/ 19 99 19 9 19 97 /1 99 8 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Number og Groups Development of the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Honey Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the economic generators that are proven to be outstandingly durable and adaptable to the economic crisis. For this reason Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises have become the mainstays of local development and employment creation. Kabupaten Tabalong adalah salah satu sentra pemasaran Madu yang sudah cukup terkenal di Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Objective To be highly competitive economic actors through enterpreneurship empowerment, productivity improvement, technology facilitation, financing and marketing Activity Human resources development, training, business coach, management mentoring, capital acquisition mentoring, marketing assistance and technology assistance Partner Business Development Institute Adaro-Pama (Lembaga Pengembangan Bisnis Adaro-Pama) Location Tabalong Regency Several results of community empowerment through the development of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises carried out by Adaro Indonesia Initial Condition Honey has a high water content Some honey producers did not fulfill legal requirements (i.e. SIUP, HO, BPOM/Dinkes) for the product appropriateness standard. Temporary marketing place, inability to fulfill demand due to the lack of capital, insufficient quality due to the use of simple production process Funding Grant and revolving fund Result Fulfilling business legal requirements Meeting the demand of the honey market Business unit is legal and protected by law Income increases Becoming the role model of the honey industry that produces premium quality products and has competitive values Improving the image of Tabalong Regency as the center of the original and high quality honey bee producers Plan Establishment of marketing and processing building Honey processing technology and business management training 25 Rp 7.965.427.594,- was the total amount of funds distributed through Micro Finance Institution (LKM) in 2009 Soy Milk Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Initial Condition Lack of legal permit Inability to meet the market demand because of insufficient capital Funding Revolving fund through the Micro Finance Institution (LKM) Result Number of production increases, able to meet the market demand Income of the business owner increases Business unit is legal and protected by law Quality of the produced soy milk increases Plan Development of Micro Finance Institution (MFI) The A Micro Finance Insititution (LKM) is designed to address the financial needs of the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UMKM). Through the involvement of the Business Development Institute and the Micro Finance Insititution (LKM), Adaro Indonesia would like to develop potential industries, whose raw materials are provided and owned by the community. Monitoring the business progress and evaluate the continuity of payment to the Micro Finance Institution (LKM) Business management training Goal To be supporting financing institutions that can sustain the economy of local community in the surrounding area of operation of Adaro Indonesia Objective Providing capital access to the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UMKM), whose businesses are viable but not yet banking-feasible Facilitating soft loan access by channeling program to local community/the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UMKM), which have pioneering and feasible businesses, in the surrounding area of operation of Adaro Indonesia Type of Program Providing loans, teaching the community to save, business coaching and book keeping for clients , consultation and field mentoring Commen cement The Micro Finance Institution (LKM) development for the economic development of local community began in June 2005 and was initiated through the establishment of the Micro Finance Insitution (LKM) Banua Bauntung, Tanjung Branch. Partner PT PNM, the Business Development Institute (LPB), Micro, Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (UMKM) Micro Finance Institution (LKM) Banua Bauntung has opened capital access for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises operations Total Funds Disbursed by the Micro Finance Institution (MFI) [EC1] Rp. 8.522.206.496 5.406 customers Rp. 7.965.427.594 Rp. 5.220.827.436 5.398 customers Rp. 6.415.446.689 4.217 customers 5.833 customers Rp. 1.402.710.057 1.951 customers 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Funds Disbursed 26 Location Tabalong Regency, Balangan Regency, East Barito Regency, South Barito Regency, Hulu Sungai UtaraRegency Beneficiary Micro, Small and Mediumsized Enterprises operating in rubber, rattan, palm sugar, and repair shop businesses Integrated Agriculture As a mining company that cares for the social and natural environment, Adaro Indonesia always tries to harmonize the needs for the capacity of natural environment and the available potentials. An appropriate interaction among the above mentioned elements may generate complementary and synergetic responses, which can stimulate production efficiency and strengthen the economy of the integrated agriculture. Adaro Indonesia pays attention to the integration of livestock and plantation resources in order to generate maximum biomass output in particular ecological environment and socio-economy. Objective Giving good examples to the local community in managing integrated agriculture Creating employment and business opportunity Initiating cooperation with the related parties as the first phase towards community partnership Learning vehicle for the local community in the surrounding operating area Activity Development of cattle breeding, community internship of potential chicken farmers, development of compost, biourine and biogas, development of green plant and development of horticulture Commencement The integrated agriculture program was commenced in 2006 and initiated through the procurement of 100-head of Bali cattle Partner PT Japfa, PT Fajar Indo Mandiri, PT Bank BRI Progress Bali Cattle Premium/Excellent Cow Broiler Fertilizer Bio Gas Green Plant Worker (cattle & cow) Worker (broiler) : from 100 up to 190 : 325 cows : 18.000 broilers/cycle : 70 sack/day : 1 Unit : 38,8 Ha : 34 persons : 6 persons INTEGRATED AGRICULTURE SCHEME ADARO INDONESIA JAFPA PT FAJAR INDO MANDIRI INTI Poultry COMPOST BIO URINE Community Training & Internship Facilitation with JAPFA Facilitation with BRI Compost INTI Cattle Breeeding Micro Financing Institution (LKM) INTI Livestock Forage FARMER GROUP Horticulture Plantations Bio Gas Community Receive the steer Surrender the first calf Utilization of compost & bio gas Benefits to Natural Environment Energy Saving Reduction of Global Warming Reduction of the Destruction of Ozone Reduction of livestock waste Reduction of chemical fertilizer 27 Other Economic Development Programs Other potential businesses in the surrounding area of the mining operation of Adaro Indonesia are fishery, husbandry, farming, and the development of outstanding local products. The activities carried out by Adaro Indonesia are: Fishery: Considering the characteristics and potential of rivers and wetlands in South Kalimantan, the main development areas of fishery are the fish cage, net and pool. The activities are: Providing a grant and loan for the fish cage fishery business in Suput Village, which resulted in the increasing productivity and income Cultivation of nile tilapia and patin fish (freshwater catfish) in Tabalong Regency Cultivation of patin fish and the procurement of fishery equipment in South Barito Regency Development of fish cage fishery in Barito Kuala Regency 28 Husbandry: Development of the cross-breeding goat farm, Etawa in Islamic boarding school, Al-Islam in Kambitin Village Development of the duck farm, Alabio in Banua Lawas Village, Tabalong Regency Development of a cattle farm of the husbandry groups in Lampihong, Balangan Develoment of broiler farms in Dahai Village and Padang Panjang Development of a free-range chicken and broiler farm in Barito Kuala Regency, in cooperation with the Husbandry Government Agency in Barito Kuala. Under this program, a cow-dung processing community group has also been established. Farming: Development of the Sumber Rejeki Farm Group in Manduin Village, through a series of grant donations for the HT repairment, the establishment of the equipment warehouse, hand tractor and power tracer, the paddy field formation, and the demonstration plot (demplot) of the making of a paddy dike. The results are: an increase in the harvest quantity, a reduction in time and costs for land management and harvesting Other potential businesses in the surrounding area of the mining operation of Adaro Indonesia are fishery, husbandry, farming, and development of outstanding local products. Development of the outstanding local products: Some of the outstanding local products developed by Adaro Indonesia are natural honey in Tabalong Regency, palm sugar in Balangan Regency and rattan craft in South Barito Regency. A show room is currently being built, in cooperation with the National Craft Board of Balangan Regency (Dekranasda Balangan), to create access and to support marketing. Development of electricity in the villages: Electricity in the villages has been developed in order to stimulate economic activities of the villagers. Solar cells were donated to 18 houses in the neighborhood group (RT) 7 in Wonorejo Village, Juai Subdistrict, Balangan Regency. Eighteen units of solar cells were given to Gudang Seng Village, Banua Sub-district, East Barito Regency. SID (Survey identification design) and DED (detailed engineering design) to handle the flood and to maximize the paddy field: The land potential in Lajar, Mundar and Papuyuan Village is underused because of flooding. To solve this issue, Adaro Indonesia, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works in Balangan Regency and consultants, is working on a land utilization assessment. 29 Gerakan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa (Gema Desa) Village Community Economic Movement (Gema) Adaro Indonesia initiated Village Community Economic Movement (Gema) in order to stimulate the economic development of the village community. To make the programs effective, Adaro Indonesia cooperates with the local Islamic boarding school, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth organizations and the Military District Command (KODIM). The programs are classified into: Gema of the Village of the Islamic Pupils (Gema Desa Santri) Gema of the Village of the Islamic Pupils (Gema Desa Santri), which is carried out in cooperation with: The Islamic boarding school, Darul Mustafa in Masingai I Village, Upau Sub-district. The activities aim for the development of horticulture and husbandry. The Islamic boarding school, Al Islam in Kambitin Village. The acitivites focus on integrated husbandry development. collective business unit in Bilas Village and the medium for learning and performing organizational exercises, which strengthens the cooperation and the spirit of mutual cooperation, and lessens the growth of unfavorable moneylenders and middlemen. Gema of the Village of the NGOs (Desa LSM) Gema of the Village of the NGOs (Desa LSM), is a form of CSR concept competition and, especially for the first place winner, the competition includes CSR implementation. The NGO Langsat is the most recent first place winner, which is currently developing the indigenous craft industry in Tabalong. It is expected that the craft development program can employ a greater number of young local workforce. Stimulating economic development of small communities in cooperation with the Islamic boarding school, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth organizations and the Military District Command (KODIM). Gema of the Patriotic Village (Gema Desa Patriot) Gema of the Patriotic Village, is a food security program that is designed in cooperation with the Military District Command (KODIM) in Tabalong. Gema of the Pioneering Village (Gema Desa Pelopor) Gema of the Pioneering Village (Gema Desa Pelopor), aims to give or expand business opportunities to young pioneers and cadres in the village. The revolving soft loan to the fishery Business Unit Makmur Jaya, which resulted in an increase in production quantities and income and the establishment of a family recreation area. The formation of a pre-cooperative in Bilas Village, which has become the embryo of a multi-type commerce cooperative. This program became a 30 Establishment of precooperative provides the medium for learning and organizational training, enhances teamwork and spirit of mutual cooperation Independent Adaro Development Movement (Gerbang Aman) Adaro Indonesias commitment to social and environmental responsibility includes efforts to create an independent society during the post-mining period. In order to boost the establishment of an independent society and by considering the wide operational area covering 61 villages in Ring 1 (top priority) and located in 6 regencies in 2 provinces, a succesful role model of independent village that can be replicated to other villages is needed. Criteria for Independent Village The leadership of village head takes into account public aspirations and interests A harmonic relationship exists among the institutions in supporting the village developmental processes The village administration is well-managed and can support the establishment of outstanding public services The village has short, medium, and long-term development schemes The community groups possess economic business units that sustain the economic development of an independent society. Basic needs for the community are available and accessible Objective Community development in the surrounding area of the company towards the development of an independent village. Harmonic relationship between the company and the surrounding local community. Initial condition The community received donations and this practice generated a dependency, created demanding characteristics and consumptive behavior (less or unproductive). The community was very suspicious of Team Care of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (Tim Care IPB) as a group that merely protected Adaro Indonesias interests Initial negative perspective of the community towards Adaro Indonesia The community was easily provocated and often scapegoating other parties, having unrealistic and inproportional attitudes The mutual assistance as local wisdom was diminishing Low participation of the community in village development Low quality and performance of village officers Low cooperation between community members and stakeholders Land resources were not fully and productively utilized Progress 1. The trust, in which Team Care of the Bogor Agriculture Institute (Tim Care IPB) and Adaro Indonesia empowers the community towards the independency already exists. 2. The community has started to realize the needs for future development and independency. ... developing a successful role model of an independent village that can be replicated in other villages 31 3. The perception and attitude towards the productivity and independency have been developing. 4. The synergetic cooperation and partnership among related parties have been growing. 5. The community has begun to consider participating in village development. 6. The village heads and officers have realized the need to increase the quality and service performance. 7. The community has begun to join the productive economic development program that is potentially sustainable (as the institutionalization concerned) 8. Productive economic groups have been established and institutionalized 9. The village asset management team was created Partner Team Care of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (Tim Care IPB) Location Dahai Village and Padang Panjang Village Communities have started to realize the need for future development and independency. 32 Social and Economic Performance Education Social Sosial and Economic Performance Kinerja dan Ekonomi II. EDUCATION A program on the improvement of teachers quality and school management Teacher Training The education program was initiated to improve the human resource quality through educational, moral and religious values development by considering the local potential. Adaro Indonesia was called to get involved in developing education because the company realizes that education is the key factor for local development. Before formulating the program, an assessment of educational aspects in the area is usually conducted as the basis for the program design. The educational program consists of: 1. A program on the improvement of teachers quality and school management towards an equal quality of local education to that of the developed regions. 2. Bookmobiles, to fulfill the increasing reading interest of the pupils. 3. A scholarship program, which can stimulate educational achievement, for students from low-income families and outstanding students. 4. An improvement and procurement of educational facilities. This is initiated through a series of training and workshops for the teachers, school principals and observers in Tabalong Regency (142 schools), Balangan Regency (22 schools), and East Barito Regency (13 schools). Up to 2009, the number of teachers and school principals joining the training program has been: Number of School Training Participants (person) 5500 4359 4500 4000 3871 3500 3000 2729 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1142 527 488 615 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 accumulated number of participants teacher, school head, supervisor Partner The Institute of Educations Potential Development Adaro Pama (LP3AP) Result The improvement of: Insights into educational development (35%) Teaching skills (25%) Motivation to be an outstanding teacher (34%) Responsibility for the accomplishment of a lecturers duties (16%) Belief to guide the pupils successfully (42%) The spirit to develop teaching ability (24%) Ability to use the presentation media and teaching presentation tools appropriately (32%) Self-confidence (26%) Teaching spirit (30%) Creativity and innovation (30%) The needs for the quality development training (29%) 33 Pilot Schools Objective: to become benchmark schools in the development of educational quality in the surrounding areas of operation of Adaro Indonesia. Target: to become high quality schools in terms of educational quality, teaching-learning process and school management by the year 2012. Development of Islamic School (Madrasah) The purpose of the developments program is to empower the Islamic schools towards independent institutions that can generate and manage funds on their own. Partner: The State Institute of Islamic Religion in Banjarmasin The Archipelago Teacher Conference For the last three years Adaro Indonesia has been supporting 25 teachers in joining the Archipelago Teacher Conference in order to give insights and opportunities to acquire new knowledge for the teachers in the surrounding area of the companys operation. Number of pilot schools: 3 elementary schools, 3 junior high schools and 2 senior high schools are developed in Tabalong Regency (South Kalimantan) and East Barito (Central Kalimantan) The activities conducted in 2009 were: Trainings and workshops for all teachers in the schools, which aimed at the development of knowledge and learning-teaching process. Formulation of the educational quality standard through the involvement of teachers and school principals and by considering the culture of the schools Providing schools with the Management Information System for Educational Institution as a parameter of a pilot school. Empowering school principals towards high competencies, including in designing and implementing the quality management system for schools such that the schools would appropriately possess the vision, mission, strategy, program, standard and procedure, and a quality control to ensure a high quality of graduates. Empowering pupils towards high learning skills, such as memorizing, mind mapping, fast reading and resume writing. Partner: The Institute of Educational Potential Development Adaro Pama (LP3AP) 34 improve the human resource quality through educational, moral and religious values development ... Mobile Library Scholarship Program In order to stimulate the learning and reading spirit of the pupils and the community at large, Adaro Indonesia through LP3AP launched a mobile library on National Education Day, May 2, 2006. Scholarships have been given to elementary, junior high school, senior high school pupils and undergraduate students since 2000 in the 5 regencies of Tabalong, Balangan, East Barito, South Barito, and Barito Kuala Three vehicles were designed as mobile libraries to serve Balangan, Tabalong and East Barito Regency Objective: to support the governments program in developing human resources quality and to increase the motivation of pupils to be achievers. Over the years, the size of the book collection has increased up to 15,698 copies and about 5,000 titles, including textbooks, scientific books, fairy tale books, and life skill books, such as books on rubber tree plantation, farming and fishery. The average number of books borrowed from the mobile libraries is 201 copies per day or 1,207 per week. Partner: The Institute of Educational Potential Development Adaro Pama (LP3AP). The number of scholarships based on the school level and area: Number of Grantees of Adaro Indonesias Scholarship Program 2500 S1, 167 2000 SLTA, 264 S1, 91 SLTA, 180 1500 1000 S1, 53 SLTA, 100 S1, 44 SLTA, 118 S1, 38 SLTA, 135 SLTP, 197 SLTP, 188 SLTP, 183 SLTP, 430 SLTP, 466 500 SD, 729 0 2005 S1 SD, 701 SD, 689 2006 SD 2007 SMP Adaro Indonesia, in cooperation with the local government of Balangan Subdistrict, the local branch of the National Education Office and the local educational institution, empowers pupils in preparation for the National Final Examinations (UAN). SD, 1037 2008 SD, 1436 2009 SMA Top: Scholarships have been provided for elementary, junior high school, senior high school and undergraduate students since 2000 in 5 regencies: Tabalong, Balangan, East Barito, South Barito, and Barito Kuala Regency. 35 TAHUN TABALONG SD SLTP SLTA S1 BALANGAN SD SLTP SLTA S1 BARSEL SD BARTIM BATOLA SD SLTP SLTA S1 JUMLAH SLTA S1 80 12 6 220 18 12 60 12 6 360 42 24 0 2001 132 36 6 186 30 18 68 16 4 386 82 28 0 2002 182 40 15 204 30 18 138 30 18 0 2003 216 33 6 170 42 18 48 30 6 100 15 12 2004 214 36 4 15 170 42 28 13 48 30 12 114 15 15 5 2005 234 78 40 25 222 42 35 19 121 59 13 152 18 18 9 2006 195 65 40 25 228 49 35 19 119 50 19 147 24 24 2007 277 107 60 23 228 42 36 15 2008 350 182 70 23 384 80 48 19 2009 376 194 70 50 384 77 40 45 120 3 SD SLTP SLTA S1 2000 20 SLTP SLTA S1 SD SLTP 524 100 51 534 120 42 0 546 123 59 33 729 197 106 53 669 188 118 44 176 27 36 701 183 135 38 45 18 235 45 17 21 90 5 1037 456 180 91 60 124 33 456 99 30 33 120 60 122 6 1436 430 264 167 7 0 159 68 32 2010 JUMLAH 2.256 783 317 166 2.376 452 288 130 742 453 250 - 1.380 243 152 14 - Bukti nyata keberhasilan program bimbingan belajar: - - - 4.469 1.931 1.007 426 We additionally award the second and first place among senior and junior high school students in South Borneo Province . Number of Participants of the Study Tutoring Program 2.230 2500 Dari hasil ujian akhir nasional Tahun ajaran 2007/2008, Kabupaten Balangan berhasil mendapat peringkat 3 Tingkat SLTA dan peringkat 2 untuk tingkat SLTP se-Kalimantan Selatan. Pada tahun ajaran 2008/2009, prestasi siswa meningkat. Kabupaten Balangan meraih Peringkat ke II untuk SLTA dan Peringkat I untuk SLTP se-Kalimantan Selatan. 2000 1500 1000 2.002 500 1.877 0 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 Accumulated Number of Participants Passing Percentage of Pupils in the Try Out 2009 84% 85% Try Out 4 68% 68% Try Out 3 Try Out 2 Adaro Indonesia also organizes an exam simulation (the try out), for students in Balangan Regency, which has proven effective in improving students capacity to pass the exam 36 Try Out 1 27% 1% 4% 0% SLTA 36% 10% 20% SLTP 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Source: Primagama in Balangan Improvement and Procurement of Educational Facilities Infrastructure [EC8]: Putting up a clean water treatment in the Elementary and Junior High Schools Banua Lima in East Barito. Building a gate and rest rooms in the Elementary School Plus Murung Pudak. Building a physics and chemistry laboratory in the Junior High School Plus Murung Mudak. Fixing the building and facilities of the Elementary School Laburan. National Movement of Foster Parents (GN-OTA) In cooperation with the taskgroup of GNOTA in each regency, Adaro Indonesia donates clothes and school equipment to pupils from low-income families. Adaro Indonesias commitment to educational development resulted in the following achievements: 1. In 2009, Adaro Indonesia was awarded the Gold Winner of KSN Awards in the Social/Natural Environment category, the Program for 9 Years of Basic Education. The winning program was the Quality Development on Education through LP3AP adjoining with Adaro Indonesia. 2. In the CSR Awards 2009, the Quality Development Program on Formal Education through LP3AP was recognized First Place in the Social category. School bag donation are very valuable and beneficial for elementary students. School Bag Donation Every year, about 3000 school bags are distributed to new elementary school pupils in the neighboring area of operation of Adaro Indonesia. Development of Higher Educational Institutions A college or university is a stimulating institution and a change agent for development. For this reason, Adaro Indonesia gives a contribution to local colleges, one of which is the College of Administration Tabalong. The contribution is given in the form of the improvement of facilities and assistance to new students. Middle: School bags are distributed in the Walangkir Stateowned Elementary School, Tanta Tabalong Bottom: Students of Banyu Tanjun Stateowned Elementary School, Tanjung Tabalong, show their joy and happiness 37 3.608 Social and Economic Performance patients from cataract through cataract surgeries fully recovered. Health Accumulated number of cataract patients Social and Economic Performance Kinerja Sosial dan Ekonomi 4000* III. HEALTH The health program of Adaro Indonesia aims to increase the health level of society. Cataract Screening and Surgery Recognizing that many local people suffer from cataract, Adaro Indonesia in cooperation with the Indonesian Humanitarian Foundation (Yayasan Kemanusian Indonesia) has been organizing cataract surgeries for the community since May 2003 in 6 regencies in the surrounding area of Adaro Indonesia. The regencies are Tabalong, Balangan, Hulu Sungai Utara, East Barito, South Barito, and Barito Kuala. The objectve of the program is to reduce the number of cataract patients in the neighboring area of the operational location of Adaro Indonesia and the patients dependency ratio. Until 2009, Adaro Indonesia has provided medical treatment for 3,608 cataract patients The cataract surgeries are performed in a modified eye-clinic and surgeon mobile in order to make it reachable for patients in remote areas. 38 3420 3500 The objectve of the program is to reduce the number of cataract patients in the neighboring area of the operational location of Adaro Indonesia and the patients dependency ratio. Until 2009, Adaro Indonesia has provided medical treatment for 3,608 cataract patients 3000 2534 2500 2000 1500 1439 3608 3067 1933 1000 500 0 623 2003 2004 Accumulated Patient 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 *person Improvement of health service quality, promote clean and healthy lifestyles. KIBLLA (Health of Mother, Newborn Infant and Child) Village In 2004, the infant mortality and maternal mortality rate in South Kalimantan were 60 per one thousand and 126 per one hundred thousand, respectively. The primary causes of the high mortality rates were asphyxia and hypothermia. Partner The Alliance of White Ribbon Indonesia (APPI) Objective To increase public awareness for the efforts needed to protect and save mothers, newborn infants and children below 5 years old from fatalities. To create a wide network of organizations, institutions or individuals who care for the health of women in pregnancy, prenatal and childbirth, as well as the wellbeing of newborn infants and children below 5 years old. To facilitate the development of health services, to campaign for clean and healthy living. To support the governments programs on health and humanity. Types of activities Community counseling for clean and healthy living behavior, especially during pregnancy and prenatal, until childbirth such that babies and children below 5 years old can maintain good health. To carry out the economic development for women and to increase their role in village development. For example, mothers are encouraged to possess the ability to increase their economy by growing and producing vegetables or cultivating oyster mushrooms and celery. It is expected that the output of the planting can fulfill the daily needs of nutrition and can be sold to provide additional income for the families. In the future, the output of the vegetable farm may contribute to the valuable nutritious food in the Center for Pre and Postnatal Health Care for Women and Children (Posyandu). Providing scholarships for midwife training for local teenagers; it is expected that they would want to return to their villages and develop the local health. This idea is supported by the Health Department in both Tabalong and Balangan Regency. Developing health infrastructure, which is the Community Health Center (Poskedes), and health services in Dahai, South Kalimantan. Another role model village under the KIBBLA program is Warukin Village. In 2009, the number of KIBBLA villages increased in Balangan Regency. The villages chosen for KIBBLA villages are those in isolated areas with very limited availability of health facilities. Moreover, Adaro Indonesia provides a Maternity Social Fund (Dasolin). Initially, this was a loan program for pregnant mothers who needed money to pay for birthing expenses. Currently, low-income families are welcome to apply for the loan. protect and save mothers, newborn infants and children below 5 years old from fatalities. Health Community Center (Poskedes), developed health infrastructure and health services to improve the health of mothers, newborn infants and children below 5 years old 39 20 The Water Treatment Plant produces 20 litres of clean water per second. Clean Water Provision Starting from the concept of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle), Adaro Indonesia uses and processes the water resource from the mining operation into clean water that is valuable for the community. Adaro Indonesia installed a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) T300. It is a water processing system, which alters waste water from the mining operation into consumable clean water that meets the quality standard. [EC8] WTP T-300 can produce and supply clean water at 20 liters per second or 72 m3 per hour by using two clean water tanks with the capacities of 450 m3 and 72 m3. Currently, the output of WTP T-300 is used by the employees of Adaro Indonesia, the partners and several villages in Dahai and Padang Panjang by using water tank trucks for distribution. In the near future, Adaro Indonesia will set up a clean water distribution system by using pipes to Dahai and Padang Panjang Village. The piping system is now under construction. ...a water processing system, which alters waste water from the mining operation into consumable clean water that meets the quality standard. 40 Adaro Indonesia put up the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) T300, which is a water processing system that alters the waste water from mining operation into consumable clean water that meets the quality standard 109 Social and Economic Performance religious and public facilities were funded in 2009. Socio-Culture KinerjaSosial Sosialdan danEkonomi Ekonomi Kinerja IV. BIDANG SOSIAL BUDAYA Number of Facilities for Socio Culture Development 140* 120 Socio-cultural activities aim to enable local people to actualize themselves in religious, sportmanship, art and cultural aspects. In the context of community development, the social capital and local wisdom are the keys of sustainable empowerment. Since the Indonesian people possess the mutual assistance principle as their social capital, community participation is one thing that should be considered. 57 100 80 60 3 58 40 20 7 28 2 11 0 2007 2008 2009 *unit mosque In order to realize the purpose of creating an independent society through sustainable community development, Adaro Indonesia carries out socio-cultural programs through the exploration of local wisdom and the generation of social capital by implementing the CSR programs. Types of activities: 1. Religious development: assistance for renovating and developing houses of worship [EC8], and the donation for holy days and religious activities. 2. Sports development: providing sports facilities and funds for sport competitions, such as Adaro Volleyball Cup, Adaro Tennis Cup, and Adaro Football Cup. 3. Art and cultural development: expanding and promoting the potential local arts and culture to larger exposure at the regional, provincial, national and international levels. Some of them are the local arts of Upau, Warukin and Halong, Islamic arts, and marching bands from Tanjung, Balangan and Batola. 74 chruch public facility Realizing the purpose of creating an independent society through sustainable community development Locations where In-kind Contributions for Socio-cultural Sector were distributed 140* 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Tabalong Balangan Bartim Barsel HSU Batola Total *unit 2007 2008 2009 41 Rp 4.110.600.000,- Public Facilities [EC8] total budget for putting up clean water piping system The following is the list of public facilities constructed by Adaro Indonesia as a Kinerja Sosial dan Ekonomi part of the community empowerment program: THE LIST of DEVELOPED ENFRASTRUCTURES in THE CSR PROGRAM of ADARO INDONESIA in 2009 [EC8] No. Name of Program Location Explanation 1. Establishment of Balangan Stadium, Phase I Balangan Establishment of running track and drainage system are accomplished. The program is carried out gradually. 2. Establishment of Sumber Rejeki Sport Facilities Balangan Bandminton and volley ball court. 3. Laboratorium of Murung Pudak Junior High School Plus Tabalong Physics and Biology Laboratorium. Tabalong - Tabalong - (SMP Plus) 4. Toilet and Fences of Murung Pudak Junior High School Plus (SMP Plus) 5. Establishment of Kindergarten and Reading Center and Toilet Rehabilitation of Laburan Elementary School (SD) 6. Kindergarten Pirsus Balangan - 7. Clean Water Piping System Dahai-Padang Panjang The program is carried out gradually with the target of completion in the year 2010. 8. Padang Panjang Villages Community Hall Tabalong Development is ongoing. 9. Dahai Siraturrahman Mosque Tabalong In-kind Contribution. 10. Poly Clinic for Medical Specialists and Emergency Unit East Barito Development is ongoing. Central Borneo Building and equipment. Physical development is ongoing. Ambahai, HSU - The total budget is Rp.4.110.600.000,- (UGD) of Tamiyang Layang Provincial General Hospital 11. Emergency Unit (UGD) of Hospital Dorys Sylvanus Plangkaraya and its Facilities 12. Establishment of Library and Students Health Unit (UKS) of Harapan Mulia Kindergarten 13. Establishment of Toilet of Al-Madina Kindergarten Paringin, HSU - 14. Showroom for Outstanding Local Products Balangan Development is ongoing. Several public facilities founded by Adaro Indonesia 42 Indirect Economic Impacts [EC9] The existence and growth of new businesses in the surrounding area of operation of Adaro Indonesia indicate indirect economic impacts of the presence of the company. A research on this issue was conducted, especially in Tanjung, the capital of Tabalong Regency. The study showed that each new business establishment could create new employment for two local people and the types of businesses that could create high employment were capital intensive businesses, such as motorcycle dealerships, electronic shops and auto-electronic shops. The study on the types of businesses, sales turnover and profits of the non-mining industry sectors, which were economically related to the existence of Adaro Indonesia, was conducted in 2007 and showed the following results: Non-mining Sector Type of Business Service Sector Hotel, Motel, Boarding Room Hairdresser Parking Lot for Motorcycles Small Restaurant Car Wash Dynamo Repair Car Accessories & Variation Car Garage Games Center for Children Water Tank Truck Supplier Electronic Shop Mining Safety Equipment Shop Drug Store Technical Tools Store Groceries Small shop Construction Material Store Home Appliances Office Supply Optic/ Eye Clinic Tailor Pastry Motorcycle Dealer Furniture Store Shoe Shop cellphone Load & Accessories Fish Cultivation Trading Sector Fishery Sector Weekly Sales Weekly Profits 43.165.000 3.350.000 700.000 12.000.000 896.000 2.500.000 73.800.000 2.100.000 3.500.000 1.215.000 162.500.000 3.750.000 300.000 7.000.000 27.100.000 60.000.000 29.375.000 10.000.000 2.500.000 350.000 1.700.000 400.000.000 12.500.000 1.750.000 200.000 200.000 22.605.000 1.400.000 700.000 3.600.000 436.000 875.000 5.200.000 700.000 200.000 60.000.000 36.800.000 3.750.000 280.000 210.000 13.340.000 3.000.000 3.825.000 2.000.000 800.000 35.000 100.000 67.500.000 3.125.000 210.000 125.000 200.000 (Rupiah) (Rupiah) Existence and growth of new businesses in surrounding areas of operation of Adaro Indonesia creates role models in the economic sector towards an independent society. Other impacts on the community: the creation of role models in various aspects of economy, education, health and socio-culture toward an independent society. Impacts on the company: the creation of a harmonic relationship between the company, community and government, the improvement of the corporate image, and the assurance of operational continuity. Impacts on the government: the local development programs can be realized, especially in the economic, educational, health and socio-cultural aspects. 43 Prioritizing Safety and Environmental Conservation Adaro Indonesia develops and implements an integrated management system called the Adaro Safety, Environmental, Production (ASEP) Management System. Hydroseeding revegetation as a rehabilitation effort on the former mining site. 44 45 Protecting Occupational Health and Safety Adaro Indonesia provides personal protective equipment, uniforms and safety equipment to all employees for free Protecting Occupational Health and Safety By referring to the regulations and standards, especially ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18000, Adaro Indonesia develops and implements an integrated management system called Adaro Safety, Environmental, Production (ASEP) Management System. The ASEP Management System is an essential element for the employees in increasing their productivity and companys production and in managing the natural environment regarding the applied Occupational Health and Safety (K3) and Natural Environment regulations. SHE DIVISION MINE & HAUL DIVISION Management Involvement, Planning & Leadership Recruitment, Selection, Placement & training Risk Management, Emergency Crisis Preparedness & Contigency Planning Inspection, Audits, review, Evaluation & Remedial Actions Communication & Behaviour Management Incident Reporting, Investigation & Analysis HRGA DIVISION CSR & Off The Job SHE Operational & Process Safety CONTRACTOR 46 BARGE & LOADING DIVISION EXT REL DIVISION The company is responsible for any incidents related to the occupational health and safety, which is indicated and written in the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB), [LA9], as the following: Health issues: Adaro Indonesia provides and takes care of the medical facilities, routine health check-up, outpatient, hospitalization, surgery, birth, hearing aid, and the Workers Social Security Program (Jamsostek) covering a fatality, accident in the workplace and retirement. Safety issues: Adaro Indonesia provides personal protective equipment to all employees, uniforms, safety equipment to employees at particular high-risk workplaces, and safe transportation according to the safety standard. Counseling to the employees and their families is continuously conducted as an effort to prevent and control the risk of dangerous diseases [LA8]: Health counseling is carried out by the companys medical doctor regularly. Medication for employees suffering from dangerous diseases is carried out continuously by the companys medical doctor. Regarding its achievement in protecting the occupational health and safety, Adaro Indonesia received an appreciation on the safety from the Ministry of Mining and mineral Resources in 2001 up to 2005 and in 2009. Below is the number of accident cases of Adaro Indonesia and its contractors in 2009 [LA7]. Number of Accidents in Workplace 25* 80 75 70 22 20 60 40 12 40 10 30 7 29 5 6 20 20 5 5 0 ADARO *) Amount One of the occupational safety signs 50 15 PAMA BUMA SIS RA 10 0 ADARO-Sub*)) *)) Corporate Minor Injury Lost Time Injury Fatal Serious In order to mitigate potential risks, Adaro Indonesia employs basic values for addressing potential risks: The potential risks mitigation has to become a liability The potential risks mitigation has to become a need The potential risks mitigation has to become a culture Property damage, Environmental Contaminated Source: SHE Report 2009 Adaro Indonesia applies a high level of discipline to all employees, especially those who directly work in the mining sites (those whose work is closely related to the occupational safety issues). In order to ensure high discipline behavior, Adaro Indonesia carries out the following efforts: Inviting a psychologist to carry out counseling for employees, Reminding the importance of work discipline, especially in connection to occupational safety through various ways, one of which is the socialization of the President Message. Induction of all parties (guests and employees) when entering the mining sites. Socialization and evaluation of the accidents occurred in the mining sites. Setting up and managing the Discipline Committee, in which its members are the General Operation Manager, Division Heads, Department Heads, Human Resources Section, and the OPA Labor Union. Personal protective equipment for employees in the workplace 47 Conserving the Environment 6. Reduction in the use of paper by reusing scrap papers for printing and using the internal network for communication. Even though there are no documentations on the reduction of paper quantity used and reused, this effort has given benefits to the company. Initiative to Reduce the Impact on the Environment [EN26] Adaro Indonesia has initiated to reduce impacts on the natural environment from the process of operations. Some of the activities are: 1. Reduction of greenhouse gases by lessening the use of diesel fuel, through: a. The use of solar panels for running several supporting equipment for the operation b. The use of used oil as the mixture material of explosives 2. Reduction of air blast noise by using the stone material split and plug system that can produce a noise level at 90 dB (A). This noise level is below the quality standard/normal limit of 110 dB (A) (refer to the Indonesian National Standard SNI.7570-2010) 7. Fixing the design of the waste dump by changing the slope from 20° to 26° in order to prevent errosion. The change was conducted after a study on the errosion in the dump site was carried out by the geotech section. 8. Minimizing the impact of transportation activities through appropriate maintenance of vehicles, reduction of dust and coal spills, and controlling the noise level. Routine check on the solar panel is carried out by field staff of Adaro Indonesia. 3. Reduction of vibration: by creating a line drill and air deck in the explosion area. The level of vibration can be reduced from 3 mm/s down to 2,5 mm/s. This vibration level is below the quality standard/normal limit of 3 mm/s (refer to the Indonesia National Standard SIN.7571-2010). 4. Reducing leftover food waste by converting it into compost, in cooperation with Hokkaido and Lambung Mangkurat University since 2007. 5. Since the end of 2009, the mud slayer has been used to reduce the number of consumable drilling materials for the drilling process. Some of the materials are the drill mud, benthonic, and stargel. 48 Adaro Indonesia is responsible to reduce the impact of operation on the natural environment, such as dust from vehicles and organic waste. The initiatives to reduce the impacts on the natural environment are explained below. Energy [EN3] Adaro Indonesias operations use the direct energy from: Non-renewable Energy: Diesel Fuel Diesel fuel is provided by Adaro Indonesia to be used by the contractors for the production process, including blasting. In 2009, the use of this non-renewable direct energy source increased by 49% due to the rise in production volume. The use of non-renewable direct energy source (diesel fuel) Amount of solar energy production, which is equal to the amount of diesel fuel energy along 2008-2009 (x 1.000 L) (x 1.000 GJ) 450.000 16.000 400.000 14.460 14.000 350.000 12.000 300.000 250.000 200.000 396.644 9.696 265.968 10.000 8.000 150.000 6.000 100.000 4.000 50.000 2.000 0 2008 Liter 2009 Gigajoule (GJ) Renewable energy: Solar Energy Solar energy is used to replace diesel fuel for generating electricity to be used for running supporting equipment in the operation. The next figure describes the amount of solar energy production, which is equal to the amount of diesel fuel energy reduction: The Use of Solar Energy Source that is Equal to the Reduction of Diesel Fuel Energy in 2008-2009 (x100 GJ) (x1000 L) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 14 12 34 7 20 2008 Liter 2009 Gigajoule (GJ) 12 10 8 6 4 2 Total Direct Energy Total direct energy (the sum of nonrenewable and renewable energy) consumed by Adaro Indonesia is: Total Direct Energy Consumed (x 1.000 L) (x 1.000 GJ) 450.000 400.000 350.000 300.000 250.000 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 16.000 14.461 14.000 12.000 396.664 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 9.697 266.001 2.000 2008 Liter 2009 Gigajoule (GJ) 49 Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energy [EN5] The product of Adaro Indonesia is an energy-efficient coal due to its high burning efficiency level (about 99.7%) Adaro Indonesia has been performing various efforts to reduce its energy consumption, which are: 1. Using solar energy by installing solar cell panels that produce electricity to be used for running equipment which support: a. Survey activities: the solar energy source is used by the AWS (Automatic Weather Station) in two different locations, the RTK GPS Radio repeater in four locations and the field office in one location. There are no documentations yet regarding the use of energy for the equipment in all these locations. b. Mining operations: some of the equipment using solar energy are the slope stability monitoring equipment, Pama repeater T300, UT view point communication equipment, SIS repeater and transmitter. The energy conversion from diesel fuel to solar cell energy is carried out gradually. The daily savings of diesel fuel as an energy source in 2008-2009 due to the energy conversion is shown as follows: Diesel fuel daily savings due to solar cell energy subsitution 100 80 60 92 40 55 20 2008 Liter/day 50 2009 The yearly diesel fuel savings due to the solar energy substitution (assuming that the equipment is used 365 days in a year) is explained below: Diesel fuel energy savings as the source of electricity 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 (x100 GJ) 14 12 34 7 20 2008 Liter 2009 Gigajoule (GJ) 12 10 8 6 4 2 2. Reduction in diesel fuel consumption by replacing it with used oil. Adaro Indonesia is also able to reduce its diesel fuel consumption for detonation activities by using used oil. Initally, diesel fuel was used as the mixture of Ammonium Nitrate (AN) of the ANFO explosive material. With the agreement of the State Ministry of Natural Environment of the Republic of Indonesia, the diesel fuel can be replaced by used oil at 25% substitution level (2008-2009), and with the Ministerial Decree of the State Minister for Natural Environment No.20 in 2010, the use of diesel fuel was reduced to 50% quantity. The utilization of used oil can save the use of diesel fuel up to 50% quantity without lessening the explosion quality. 3. Fuel savings by turning off the engines when idling for a long time. There is no data for the savings because there is no measurement yet. Restored Biodiversity and Habitat There is no conservation area, or, location that has a high biodiversity and is classified as a protected habitat or area in the 35,800.80 Ha area covered in the Coal Contract of Work (PKP2B) of Adaro Indonesia [EN11]. However, Adaro Indonesia gives contributions through reforestation and progressively manages and monitors the natural environment. The natural environmental management and monitoring is conducted based on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is approved by the government [EN14]. The existence and development of the flora and fauna, as an indicator of the impact on natural environment, would always be monitored. The impact could be resulted fom the land clearing activities and exist up to the end of exploration. Then, a rehabilition would be implemented at the former mining sites [EN12]. Monitoring the flora and fauna in the natural and affected areas is conducted once a year. The results of previous monitoring showed that there is no endangered species affected by the mining operations. The condition of biodiversity of each mining site is [EN11]: 1. Tutupan Mining Site Ecological value in this location is good enough and is indicated by the formation of vegetation in the secondary forest and mixed gardens, and also by the diversity of mammals, birds and reptiles found in the location. The vegetation analysis and the species matrix in the beginning of 2010 in Tutupan area, the natural vegetation formation and mixed gardens: 1) The secondary forest in the observation area at various vegetation levels, especially at the under-canopy level and shrub layer, is classified as having low and verylow biodiversity. 2) The fauna diversity relatively follows the diversity of the plants, except in special cases such as the shrub layer which is the habitat of mammals and birds. In case with a poor diversity of shrub vegetation; and a very low diversity of mature trees, sapling and seedling levels have shown that the diversity of birds and mammals species is sufficient. 51 2. Wara Mining Site The ecological value of this location is good enough and is indicated by the formation of vegetation from the secondary forest and mixed gardens, and also by the diversity of mammals, birds and reptiles found in the location. Results of the vegetation analysis and species matrix in the beginning 2010 show: 1) A monoculture vegetation, such as the wholesome rubber tree plantation, palm oil stand and revegetation with low variety (<3 types), indicates a low level of plant diversity and a very low level of several vegetation layers; 2) The fauna diversity relatively follows the diversity of the plants, except in special cases such as the shrub layer which is the habitat of mammals and birds. In case with a poor diversity of shrub vegetation; and a very low diversity of mature trees, sapling and seedling levels have shown that the diversity of bird and mammal species is sufficient; 52 3. Paringin Mining Site The formation of natural vegetation and mixed gardens, which consists of fruits and natural plants, has high ecological values compared to those of other formations, such as the bushes or empty area, the vegetation area, the wholesome rubber tree plantation and the palm tree plantation. The results of vegetation analysis and the species matrix in the beginning of 2010 in Paringin area are: 1) The secondary forest in the observation area at various vegetation levels, especially at the under-canopy level and shrub layer, is classified as having a low and very-low biodiversity. 2) The fauna diversity relatively follows the diversity of the plants, except in special cases such as the bushes vegetation which is the habitat of mammals and birds. In case with a poor diversity of shrub vegetation; and a very low diversity of mature trees, sapling and seedling levels have shown that the diversity of bird and mammal species is sufficient. In line with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) document, Adaro Indonesia carries out reclamation and revegetation in former mining sites in order to manage the biodiversity and make the areas useful and beneficial, through: [EN14]: The development of local plants in Kalimantan, in cooperaton with Lambung Mangkurat University and the Banjarbaru Office of Forestry Research [EN13]. The implementation of reclamation in several stages, which are: land structuring, erosion control, hydroseeding, and fast-grow and perennials planting. The cultivation of various plants, including the original forest plants of Kalimantan, annual plants, and fruit plants in the reclamation area. Some of the plants are Chinese Albizia (Albizia chinensis), Acacia, Leucaena/the leadtree, Samanea saman (the rain tree), Gliricidia sepium (Gliricidia), eucalyptus, and Sesbania grandiflora (the hummingbird tree). Some rehabilitated areas are inside the former mining site in Paringin [EN13]. Greenhouse Gas Emission [EN16] Total greenhouse gas emission of Adaro Indonesia has been computed by using the data of total fuel consumption in 2009, which is 396,664,379 liters or equal to 104,787,662 gallons. The total includes only the fuel consumption of the contractors in the mining sites and does not include fuel consumption for other activities. The methodology to compute the greenhouse gas or CO2 equivalent follows that of the USEPA (2005): Emission Facts: Average Carbon Dioxide Emissions Resulting from Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. EPA420-F-05-001 and IPCC (2006): The formula for the computation is [3.9]: 2,425 grams C/gallon * 100% oxidation factor * 44 g CO2/12 g C * 1 metric ton/1,000,000 g = 8.89*10-3 metric tons CO2/gallon of gaspelumasne Sumber: Berdasarkan perhitungan diatas maka emisi gas rumah kaca di Adaro Indonesia adalah sekitar 931.562 metric tons CO2. Air Emission [EN20] The air emission measurement is carried out on the ambience air quality. The parameters for measurement are dust, PM10 dan PM2,5, fallen dust, NH3, Cl2, HF, H2S, HCl, SO2, NO2, Opacity, Pb Cd, Zn, Sb, As and Hg. The air emission measurement is carried out bi-annually on the main sources of emission, which are the 21 units of generator used daily for the operation. The measurement shows that the emission is still under the allowed maximum emission standard issued by the government (KEP.13/MEN LH/3/1995). The results of measurement of the 21 generators Emission Unit NH3 C12 HF H2S HCL SO2 NO2 Debu Opasitas Pb Cd ZN Sb As Hg mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 % mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Range of Measurement Results 0,0242 - 0,4904 0,5 - 9,5 0-9 0,0111 - 0,8685 0 - 2,4498 3,163 - 36,3559 18,403 - 537,9563 1,9239 - 325,0872 0 - 30 0 - 9,6768 0 - 0,0877 0 - 5,4318 0 - 0,0423 0 - 0,0549 0 - 0,0005 Maximum Standard 0,5 10 10 35 5 800 1000 350 35 12 8 35 12 8 5 Source: Primary Data, Department of Manpower and Transmigration, Secretariat General Center for Occupational Health and Safety, 2009 Operational air emissions are always monitored and minimized. Routine monitoring on emissions is carried out. 53 About 2,600,000 m3 or 2% of the total volume of the water (in 2009) was used to hose the mining road and several locations at the hauling road, especially from Km 73 up to ROM 1 (High Wall), from Km 68,5 up to 73 and the Panas Market in Kelanis. This activity is usually conducted by using the water tank trucks with capacities of 20,000, 50,000, and 80,000 liters. Water and Waste Water In the loading facility in Kelanis, the company draws water from the river to be consumed for domestic needs, such as to drink and to clean up the coal (in order to ensure the quality of the coal). Total volume of water drawn from the river in 2009 was 656,355 m3 [EN8]. Water recycling was also conducted to about 150,000 m3 or 2% of the water (in 2009) by converting the previously mentioned water through the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) T.300 into clean water. WTP 300 was set up in 2008 on the west side of the Tutupan mining site. The recycling capacity is 20 liters per second and the storage capacity of the clean water is 450 m3 and 75 m3. [EN10]. Total amount of Water Drawn and Used from the River in Kelanis 33.739 Ground water and surface run-off water drawn and used in 2009 622.616 No 3 1 This ground and surface run-off water, with a total volume of 153,000,000 m3 in 2009 [EN8], , was managed by Adaro Indonesia. The water is usually collected in a pond. Half of the water is reused while the other half is usually flown to the recipient water body after being processed. 54 Amount (m3) Water Drawn water treatment total volume (m ) 3 water spray (m ) In the mining process, a large amount of ground water floods the mining area. The water then would be pumped out from the mining wall aquafier, in order to ensure the mining wall stability, such that the mining activities would be safer. Item The road in the mining site is hosed every day to reduce dust In pit sum (from the ground water) and surface runoff water in Tutupan 153.000.000 Water Drawn 2 Water Treatment Plan (WTP T300) 3 Water Used to Hose the Road 153.000 2.600.000 The concepts in managing the in-pit sump and surface run-off water are [EN21]: Preventing the surface water from the undisturbed area coming into the settling pound. Designing the settling pond by considering the catchment area and rainfall. The standard design of the settling pond uses three compartments with different functions. The use of physical and chemical processing. The maintenance of settling pond is carried out to avoid sedimentation. The monitoring of result at the structuring spot uses pH, TSS, Fe, Mn, and daily debit as the parameters. Flow Chart of the Waste Water Treatment System RUN OFF & IN PIT SUMP IN PIT POND WATER TREATMENT PLANT SETTLING POND WATER BODY Adaro Indonesias effort to use and alter waste water from mining operations into consumable clean water resulted recognition from the Minister of Social Affairs in the CSR Awards. Based on the regent regulations (SK Bupati) of Tabalong No 274 in 2008, Balangan No 188.45/021/Kum in 2008, Balangan No 188.45/126/Kum in 2009, and South Barito No 389 in 2006, Adaro Indonesia is allowed to dispose processed waste wáter into the main river bodies, including the Balangan and Tabalong River. 55 Solid Waste [EN22] Every day, Adaro Indonesia produces waste in the form of: Non B-3 waste: The waste from activities in the office area is disposed to the dump site (TPA) of the local regency government. The leftover waste food of the contractor members in the working area is processed into compost in cooperation by Hokkaido and Lambung Mangkurat University. The amount of leftover waste food and the compost produced is shown as follows: Amount of processed waste and produced compost 154,76 160* 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 115,73 86,56 38,89 2007 36,25 2008 42,15 2009 *Hundreds (Kg) Processing leftover food from the workplace and converting it into usable compost 56 Hazardous waste: is delivered to the third party to be processed according to the permit and regulation of the Ministry of Environment and the Directorate General of Transportation. Adaro Indonesia does not transport hazardous waste outside the country. [EN24]. 1-2.5% Kandungan Abu Envirocal terendah dipasaran batubara global Amount of Hazardous Waste in 2009 Unit of Measurement Sumber Adaro Buma Puma RA SIS Used Oil Liter Workshop 49,700 583,540 1,534,600 382,360 909,682 18,000 2 Used Battery Pcs Workshop 6 590 1,337 6 427 * 3 Used Filter Pcs Workshop 100 22,425 37,095 20,588 130,378 * 4 Grease Waste Kg Workshop 2,980 0 3,417 0 0 1,255 5 Paint, Thinner, and Solvent Cans Drum Workshop 0 0 0 0 1,241 * 6 Utility Rag Waste Karung Workshop 330 395 23,096 0 2,318 4,700 7 Sawdust Karung Workshop 0 0 0 0 103 * 8 Empty Printer Cartridges Pcs Office 0 92 0 10 310 * 9 Used Flourescent Lightbulbs Pcs Office 0 0 0 1,021 0 * No Waste Type 1 KELANIS 10 Empty/Used Fuel Drums Pcs Workshop 0 0 0 215 1,482 0 11 Diesel Fuel Waste Liter Workshop 0 0 147 0 0 * 12 Grease Waste Liter Workshop 0 0 0 0 66 * 13 Used Hoses Pcs Workshop 0 1,028 1,139 10 10,512 * 14 Welding Wire Waste Kg Workshop 0 0 0 20 6,325 * 15 Used Gloves Pcs Workshop 0 45,558 0 0 369,456 * Source: Hazardous Waste Balance Sheet of Adaro Indonesia Note: *) unit of measurement of waste of the loading facility in Kelanis is in drum, which contains various (B3) Dangerous & Poisonous Waste such as used battery, hose, tube lamp waste, used filter, welding wire, and glasses. Total number of the drum was 149 in 2009. Reuse of Used Oil in 2009 for the Mixture of Explosive 30.000 27.500 25.000 26.360 20.000 20.000 20.874 14.500 15.000 12.500 12.150 10.000 10.000 5.000 16.627 14.020 4.000 0 nu fe ary br ua ry m ar ch ap ril m ay ju ne ju l au y se gus pt em t b oc er to no be ve r m de ber ce m be r 0 ja Half of the used oil from the mining operations is usually reused for the material mixture of explosives (ANFOemulsion). About 178,521 liters of used oil was reused in 2009. The allowed composition is 50% used oil and 50% diesel fuel. The proportion rose from the previous composition of 25%. Waste Oil (liter) 57 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Activities of Reusing Used Oil as the Additional Material for Blasting in Adaro Indonesia. Service Unit Mixing Solar Fuel and Used Oil in the Mixing Plant Mixing Ammonium Nitrate with Diesel Fuel + Used Oil (ANFO) for the Explosive 58 Pretreatment with Filtering Mixture is carried out by the special unit (the Blasting Unit) Explosion Produces Zero Balance Oxygen (White Smoke) Storing in TPS The Flow In and Out of Used Oil is recorded in the logbook Explosion results no boulder-shape fragmentation Spills [EN23] Impact of Transportation Activities [EN29] Hydrocarbon (oil and diesel fuel) spills occured in 2009 and, to handle this, Adaro Indonesia has implemented the System and Procedure on Hydrocarbon Management and has set up a particular team that manages hydrocarbon spills. The spills were successfully isolated in the mining sites to prevent negative impacts on the external environment. · · Frequency of spills in 2009 · 14 · The impact of transporting products and services on the natural environment is described as follows: 12 10 Gas emission that pollutes the air from vehicles. To minimize this, the vehicles are routinely maintained and emissions are measured. Fuel consumption of the vehicles. The efforts to improve this are maintaining the vehicles regularly and carrying out an energy efficency program. The dust in the air due to coal loading, transporting and dumping activities. The efforts to address · this are measuring the dust content of the air in the area and carrying out a coal treatment procedure. Coal spill from coal loading, transporting and dumping activities. To handle this, a procedure on coal spill treatment has been implemented. Noise due to the coal dumping activities. The efforts to minimize the impact are monitoring the noise and managing the dumping procedure. 8 6 4 2 0 PAMA BUMA SIS RA ADARO Cost for the Environmental Management [EN30] Adaro Indonesia has committed to managing and monitoring the natural environment. In 2009, the spending for managing the natural environment was Rp. 47.901.200.679. Cost for Managing the Environment (jutaan rupiah) 18.000 16.000 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 16.305 15.654 7.982 3.914 2.849 637 353 206 t t nt tc. nd on SP rch en en ati of g a rol me on ea nt ng, e t m m n s n e i e t e e e i i r t c o g a g an vir vat al R pm ort ctu on na tre -ve tru ion C al En bser ent velo Rep ten Re Ma ter S n l i a i d s O nm De o ur w Ma o Lan Ero Nat pS ste vir and To En Wa 59 Improving the employees This Section Describes the Impact and Performance of Adaro Indonesias Operation on Employees. Adaro Indonesia gurantees and subscribes employees to the Workers Social Security Program (Jamsostek) 60 61 Improving the Employees Improving the Employees There are 513 employees working for Adaro Indonesia. They are classified into Management, Staff and Non-staff [LA1]: Based on employment status, more than half of the employees are permanent employees. Composition of the Employee Group by Status 600* 101 500 400 300 25 388 412 Based on the age of employees, more than half of the employees are at a productive age between 31 and 40 years old. 200 100 0 2008 2009 *KARYAWAN (orang) Non-permanent Permanent Composition of the Employee Group by Age Workforce as of December 31, 2009 600* 600* 19 500 110 300 205 175 200 100 300 391 513 2008 23,78% 122 0 2009 LOCAL *EMPLOYEE (people) 41-50th 76,22% 100 162 4 >50th 400 200 112 0 100,00% 500 123 16 400 62 Based on the origin of employees, more than half of the employees are local people because Adaro Indonesia gives fair employment opportunities and prioritizes local workforce. Fourty percent of the individuals at the management level are also local people. *EMPLOYEE (people) 31-40th 21-30th <20th source: HR Report, 2009 NON LOCAL TOTAL Comparison between Local & non-Local Employees by Employment Levels 100% 90% 58,5% 38,8% 11,1% 88,9 80% Composition of the Employee Group by Gender and Employment Level 100% 70% 90% 60% 80% 61,2 50% 39 40 288 297 1 1 10 10 70% 40% 30% Based on the gender, the number of female employees has increased and women already fulfill managerial positions. 60% 41,5 20 50% 20% 14 40% 10% MANAGEMENT NON LOKAL % STAFF NONSTAFF LOKAL % 20% Comparison of the Number of Local and Non-local Employees Between Companies as of December 31, 2009 4500 30% 0% The data presented above shows the number of employees of Adaro Indonesia only. If employees of the sub-contractors are also counted, the total number of workforce is 1,117 people. The number of people working in the area of operation of Adaro Indonesia would be 12,623 people if employees of the four main contractors, namely PT Pamapersada Nusantara (Pama), PT. Bukit Makmur Mandiri (Buma), PT. Sapta Indra Sejati (SIS), and PT. Rahman Abdi Jaya (RA), are also included. 121 4000 145 1181 3500 10% 3000 0% 2008 2009 MAN MANAGEMENT 2008 2009 WOMAN NON STAFF STAFF 3044 2500 1026 2000 1197 1500 1000 500 1693 180 937 833 339 1207 316 668 0 ADARO PAMA BUMA NON LOCAL % RA SIS OTHER LOCAL % The increase in the number of employees in 2009, compared to that in the previous year, followed the increasing volume of production in 2009. 63 Possessing a Mutual Work Agreement Remuneration and Allowance The rights and liabilities of the employees and the company are written in the Collective Work Agreement (PKB). The agreement is usually reviewed every two years in a meeting with the (OPA) Adaro Labor Union. Remuneration for the employees is set up and given according to the employment laws and regulations, by considering and is not less than the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) and the Provincial Sectoral Minimum Wage (UMSP) regulated by the provincial/local government [EC5]. The content of the Collective Work Agreement in general is about the employment regulations concerning the rights and liabilities of the employees, the professional relationships and the industrial/employment dispute resolution. Aspects included in the Collective Work Agreement (PKB) are: 1. Status and facilities, 2. Professional relationships, working days and hours, 3. Annual Leaves, 4. Permission to leave, 5. Salaries, wages and benefits, and medical benefits including the occupational health and safety [LA9], 6. Skill development, 7. Order and disobedience, 8. Complaint mechanism, 9. Redundancies. One hundred percent of the employees of Adaro Indonesia are protected by the Collective Work Agreement [LA4]. 64 The salary increase is given based on an employee promotion scheme for outstanding employees through examinantion led by the corporate leaders. This is also applied to determine the incentives for the employees. Freedom of Association To ensure its existence in the company, the employee group has a formal organization, namely the Adaro Labor Organization (OPA) that represents the employees and brings forward considerations to the company. Each employee is a member of OPA through a voluntary membership mechanism. In addition to salary and wages, the employees of Adaro Indonesia receive [LA3]: 1. Overtime wages for non-staff employees 2. Annual, maternity and menstruation leaves 3. Religious holiday allowance 4. Medical allowance 5. Field allowance (especially for employees in Kelanis and Permata Barito), 6. Housing allowance (especially for on-site employees in Kalimantan), 7. Workers Social Security Program 8. Medical Services 9. Transportation facilities to workplace, worship facilities, entertainment, mobilization costs, and 3 sets of uniform each year. Providing Work Protection [LA3] In the aspect of work protection, the company subscribes the employees to the Workers Social Security Program (Jamsostek). This is the governments program that should be followed by all employers and their employees. This program includes: the Occupational Accident Security Program (JKK), Fatality Security Program (JK), and Postemployment Security Program (JHT). The company does not subscribe the employees to the Health Security Program (JPK) because the company has and implements its own health insurance program that is relatively better than the Health Security Program (JPK). Employees who should take a bedrest for reasons of non-occupational accidents still receive salaries from the company based on the following 4-phase mechanism: For the first four months of absence: 100% x salary For the second four months of absence: 75% x salary For the third four months of absence: 50% x salary For the next four months of absence: 25% x salary (up to termination) Developing Lifelong and Career-long Learning [LA11] Since 2009, Adaro Indonesia has been implementing the Standard Operating Procedure on training management to ensure that every employee and manager receives training programs in order to develop their knowledge and skills and to improve their behavior. The training program is designed based on the Performance Development System and the training need analysis. Based on the results of the training need identification, the annual training schedule is developed into three categories, which are: General, Technical and Leadership Training. Employees who receive training should present the new knowledge they acquire and be evaluated by the Division Head/Section Head. Types of trainings: At the Managerial Level, emphasizing soft skill training such as mental development, ESQ and an External Leader Camp. At the Technical Level, training is usually carried out based on the needs of each department. Safety is the training about the occupational safety and the certification program concerning the safety need. Adaro Indonesia also provides a crosslevel training for non-staffs, staffs (officers, foremen, and supervisors), and employees from middle-up managerial level. For example, the company organizes a Mental and Physical Training (BINTALSIK) with militaristic methodology and led by military instructures. The employees that enter the end-ofcareer phase also receive training, Pra Purna Bakti. One year before the age of 55, the employees participate in entrepreneurship training. This training includes mental (post power syndrome) preparation training, financial management training and other training according their interests in businesses that they want to manage after retirement. These types of training are also given to the spouse of the participating employees. If needed, Adaro Indonesia also gives reemployment opportunities to retirees. Usually, the re-employment is carried out in order to develop, guide and grow the corporate values of the new employees. In 2009: the average training hours per employee was 20.6 Number of training hour & participant (people) (hour) 600 12.000 9.936 500 400 10.000 10.000 8.000 496 488 300 6.000 200 4.400 2.752 2.176 100 110 212 128 2008 2009 2008 2009 MANAGEMENT STAFF G R A D 2.952 145 4.000 2.000 2008 2009 NON STAFF E Participant Total Hour Average training hours per employee (people) 70.00 60.00 50.00 20.75 20.36 20.03 20.49 19.78 21.50 2008 2009 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 non-staff staff management 65 There was a decreasing number of participants of training and an increasing number of training days per employee in 2009 compared to 2008 because of the improvement that we made. Since 2009, the Training Need Analysis (TNA) was implemented prior to designing the training in order to make the training in line with the needs of the company and to be able to focus on work issues. However, it took a long time to develop the TNA, which resulted in a delay in the TNA implementation in 2009. Career development of the employees of Adaro Indonesia is known as the Performance Development System Program. It is a one-year development program that covers the processes of: a. Determining the workload in the beginning of the year b. Determining the agreement between the leaders and subordinates c. coaching-counseling d. Performance Review at the end of the year is carried out together with the process of identifying the best employee. e. Fit and proper test The number of employees that received career promotion in 2009 [LA12]: The number of employees that received career promotion in 2009 4.5 4 4 3.5 3 2.5 3 3 2 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 66 supervisor manajemen non-staff staff/ foreman Motivating the Employees and Appreciating the Employees Performance [LA12] To appreciate the employees performance, the Reward for the Best Employee was granted in the period of 2008 up to 2009. Those who received the appreciation as the best employees are: Adaro Indonesias employees (Staff, Non Staff) Sub-contractor employees (labor supplys employees, drivers and contractors employees currently working in Adaro Indonesia) The announcement of the best employees was carried out in the event of General Morning Talk at the beginning of the year. The winners of the Adaro Indonesias Best Employees 2009 were: Karyawan Teladan Adaro Indonesia tahun 2009 adalah Level Winner Staff 1. Kadarisman (External) 2. Syamsul Bahri (Geology) 3. Diki Wandani (Production) Non Staff 1. Ageng Prasongko (TDS) 2. Supian Syarif (Geology) 3. Rahmat (CPBL) Labor Supply 1. Supriadi (Production) 2. Emanuel (HRGA) 3. Bijuri (TSD) Driver To motivate the learning spirit of the employees children, the company also provides Special Educational Assistance for the employees children, who have good performance in their studies (criteria for elementary school up to senior high school pupils: ranked 1st -5th in the class; for college students: a minimum GPA of 2.75 for those in engineering programs and a minimum GPA of 3.00 for those in non-engineering programs). Turn Over [LA2] The employee turn over rate was 4% (25 persons) in 2009 because of various reasons. The main reason was the end of the work contract and the second primary reason was the willingness to lift up career level. Three persons were discharged due to indisciplinary behavior and sanctions. Turn Over Karyawan 12 8 2 0 MANAJEMEN Non Voluntary 0 STAFF 3 NON STAFF Voluntary 1. Amrullah (Environmental) 2. Gazali Rahmat (TSD) 3. Supriatin (Production) 67 How the Stakeholders See Us 68 The Stakeholders of Adaro Indonesia [4.14] The stakeholders of Adaro Indonesia are classified into: Shareholders Employees Contractors PT Pamapersada Nusantara PT. Bukit Makmur Mandiri PT. Sapta Indra Sejati (SIS) PT. Rahman Abdi Jaya The Community at Large Non-Governmental Organizations and Community Groups YABN Islamic Boarding School Darut Tauhid Islamic Boarding School Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School Darul Musthafa Daniel Foundation, East Barito Islamic Boarding School Ilhya Ulumudin CRDS The universities and research institutions Hokkaido University, Japan The Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Limnology The Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Limnology Bogor Agricultural Institute Gajah Mada University Bandung Institute of Technology Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru The Office of Forestry Studies, Banjarbaru The National Institute of Islamic Religion, Banjarbaru Amuntai College of Nursing, Hulu Sungai Utara Local Government The Provincial Local Development Body and the Local Development Body of Kabutan The Local Government of Tabalong, Balangan, Hulu Sungai Utara, Barito Kuala, East Barito, and South Barito Regency The Local Government Body on Natural Environment The Village Community Empowerment Body The Department of Mining and Energy The Department of Forestry The Department of Immigration The Department of Education The Department of Health The Department of Plantation The Department of Agriculture The Department of Husbandry The Department of Fishery The Department of Cooperatives and SMEs The Department of Manpower The Department of Industrial and Trading The Department of Social Affairs The Statistic Office The Security The National Land Agency The Local Lower House of Representatives Mass Media Kompas Newspaper, Banjarmasin Post, Bebas Baru Tabloid Identifying the Stakeholders [3.5] The stakeholders are identified regarding particular criteria, which are the location proximity, influence on the company, interests, experience, and professionality. Based on these, the stakeholders can be classified based on: Work partnership Work location Organizational relevance and the insitutional authority on particular issues Personage and influence. In increasing the stakeholder engagement, the approach used is to make good planning and to ensure the participation of stakeholders from the beginning. This should be conducted through dialogues with relevant stakeholders regarding their needs and by asking them to actively get involved in program implementation [4.16]. CSR Community Group Recently, those who hold the Coal Contract of Work (PKP2P) and Production Contract (KK) have set up the CSR Community Group in South Kalimantan and Adaro Indonesia has been appointed as the Chair. Through the community group, it is expected that the mining corporations can develop and maintain good relationship with their stakeholders and that the group can generate new ideas or regulations to improve the social performance of the company. [4.13]. ...make good planning and to ensure the participation of stakeholders from the beginning... The Stakeholders Perception [1.2] Employee (Teguh Budirianto, Geotech Support, Electrical) Teguh has been working in Adaro Indonesia for three years. He, who is the President of the Adaro Labor Union (OPA), is proud of being a part of Adaro Indonesia. For him, the existence of the bi-annual training on skills, the employees engagement in the efficiency program at any aspect, the EDUTAMBANG program and the CSR programs indicates that the company, especially the management, cares very much about the quality of the employees. He was impressed when he and his coworkers won the Gold Prize in the fire and rescue competition held by the Department of Mining. To appreciate his achievement, Adaro Indonesia gave him a bonus and allowed him to take a vacation. Realizing that the community members have big interest to work at Adaro Indonesia, he hopes that the company may increase the promotion of recruitment process for the candidates, such that people can easily receive recruitment information. Government (Mr. Ansharudin, the Vice Regent of Balangan) Mr. Ansharudin can not deny that the development in Balangan Regency is highly stimulated because of the support from Adaro Indonesia through its social responsibility programs. He values that the programs of Adaro Indonesia straightforwardly address the needs of the community, such that the beneficiaries directly experience the benefits from the programs. Adaro Indonesia is responsible enough through the development of road dedicated particularly for the mining activities and the reclamation of former mining site appropriately he said. Besides, he has seen that the good relationships with the local government and the involvement of the local government and other stakeholders in CSR planning are the positive efforts of Adaro indonesia. Mr. Ansharudin expects that Adaro Indonesia can keep prioritizing local people in the employee recruitment process and expanding the programs that are directly related to the community. 69 dari budget Pemberdayaan masyarakat 2009 untuk bidang ekonomi Cleric (KH. Ahmad Rasyidi Amin, the President of MUI in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan) KH. Ahmad Rasyidi Amin sees that the presence of and assistance from Adaro Indonesia gives positive impacts, including the impacts on religious aspects, in the operational area. Nevertheless, he emphasizes the need to increase cooperation between Adaro Indonesia and the ulama. The role of ulama is very significant in bridging the gaps between Adaro Indonesia and the community, mass media and non-governmental organizations. The ulama has carried out a multi-stakeholder meeting and would like to hold the meeting regularly in order to generate solutions to the problems occured, without sacrificing particular parties. He also expects that Adaro Indonesia can be more transparent in giving information to the community. 70 Contractor (Mr. Agung Hadi Widiyono, CDI Section Head PT. BUMA) Since joining one of Adaro Indonesias contractors in 1993, Mr. Agung sees many positive impacts from the presence of Adaro Indonesia. One of which is the economic growth and the development of life quality of the community. He saw several incidents, such as water pollution, land disputes and also communitys demand for employment in Adaro Indonesia and its contractors as well. All of these have taught Adaro Indonesia to search for the win-win solutions. Mr. Agung was very impresed by his experience of being involved by Adaro Indonesia in the CSR program on health, which was the cataract surgery, and on education, which was the bookmobile program. The contractors usually participate in every program planning, including budgeting. The togetherness and cohesiveness that occurs, creates a condusive working environment he said, whilst expecting that the existing cooperation could be improved by maintaining the agreed aspects. In 2009, Adaro Indonesia cooperated with a team from the Center of Demographic Research of the Lambung Mangkurat University to carry out a study about the communitys perception regarding the CSR programs of Adaro Indonesia in 10 villages around the mining sites. Results indicate that [SO1]: Overall, there is a good perception on the community empowerment program, except for the area where its inhabitants only receive restricted funds and limited programs, or, where the programs, or, where the programs are not suitable for the condition in the area. Suggestions for improvement are: To flow funds and carry out the programs more evenly in ring 1, especially in the economic developmental aspect. To engage the community and village officers in the program planning. To further study the impact of community empowerment program on the level of community wealth. Community (Ms. Nordinah S. Ag (50 th) The parent of a grantee of the Adaro Indonesias scholarships) . Ms. Nordiah is very delighted because her son, Habibi, has been nominated as one of the ten grantees of Adaro Indonesias scholarships for college education. Habibi is accepted to study at Bogor Agricultural Institute. For Ms. Nordiah, as a single parent and teacher, the Adaro Indonesias care is a blessing that she is grateful for. She expects that Adaro Indonesia keeps its commitment to develop education and the quality of local youths through this scholarship program. It is expected that the options of universities and faculties offered in the program can be expanded, such that local youths can develop various other skills. At the end, the students are expected to implement the knowledge they have learned, to develop their homelands. Thank you Adaro! ...the Adaro Indonesias care is a blessing that she is grateful for. She expects that Adaro Indonesia keeps its commitment to develop education and the quality of local youths through this scholarship program. A study on the communitys perception of the CSR programs of Adaro Indonesia in 10 villages around the mining sites 71 How We Wrote This Report This is the second Sustainability Report of Adaro Indonesia but the first report that was written according to the GRI version 3.0 sustainability reporting standard. The report covers a period of one year, from January to December 2009 [3.1]. In the future, the reporting will be carried out annually [3.3]. The report includes the economic, natural environmental and social performance, especially in the area of the companys operation and its surroundings in Dahai, Tutupan, Klanis, and Banjarmasin. The contents of the report were decided through a series of cross-division and cross-management level discussions. In the discussions, the participants used the latest guidance from the GRI, which was the GRI version 3.0, in order to understand the principles and guidelines to verify the report content and to ensure the report quality, and also to guide the participants in disclosing performance. The participants in the discussions were from the Departments of Environmental, Safety, CSR, HRGA, ERD, Accounting, Geologi, Geotech, Land Acquisition, PSSP, PNSP, Hauling and Infrastructure, and from the two projects located in Paringin and Kelanis [3.5]. The materiality and priority of the topics in this report were defined regarding the observation and experience of the management and staffs, who were involved in the reporting development, and also the availability of data from the reporting period. The facts written in this report consequently became the foundation for the management to continuously improve the reporting and the economic, natural environmental and social performance comprehensively for the coming periods. The summary of items and indicators of GRI version 3.0 fulfilled in this Sustainability Report are: Aspect Pg. Strategy and Analysis 1.1 1.2 Organizational Profile 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Report Parameters Governance, Commitments and Engagements Profile of the Report 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.10 3.1 3.3 3.4 Scope of the Report 3.5 3.6 3.9 GRI List of Content 3.12 4.8 Corporate Governance Commitment to Any 4.12 Kind of External Affairs Relevant to Sustainability 4.13 Stakeholder Engagement 4.14 4.16 72 Statement of the President Director Description of Key Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities Name of the Company Primary Brands, Products and/or Services Operational Structure of the Company Location of Organizations Headquarter Locations, where the Company Operates, that are Related with Sustainability Issues Nature of Ownership and Legal Form Market Served Scale of the Organization Awards Received Reporting Period Reporting Cycle Contact Point for Further Information Regarding the Report or Its Content Process for Defining Report Content Boundary of the Report Data Measurement Techniques and Bases of Calculations of Indicators Table Showing Reporting Content Mission, Values, Code of Ethics, and Principles Relevant to Sustainability and Status of Implementation Charters, Principles or Other External Initiatives to Which the Company Subscribes or Endorsed 2 13, 69 7 5,6 10-11 7 4,19 Membership in Associations List of Stakeholder Groups Engaged by the Company Approaches to Stakeholder engagement 68 69 7 6 7 8,9 72 72 1 69,72 1 53 72,73 12 13 69 Aspek Economic Indicators Economic Performance EC1 Direct Economic Value 16,26 Market EC5 Range Ratios of Standard Entry Level Salary Compared to Local Minimum Wage. Locally-based Supplier Local Manpower Development and Impacts of Infrastructure Investments for Public Interests 64 Indirect Economic Value Environment Indicators Pg. Material Energy Water Biodiversity EC6 EC7 EC8 EC9 EN3 EN5 EN8 EN10 EN11 EN12 EN13 EN14 Emission, Effluent and Waste Products and Services Transportation Overall Labor Practices and Decent Work Performance Indicators Employment Management and Industrial Relationship Occupational Health and Safety Training and Education Society Performance Indicator Community EN16 EN20 EN21 EN22 EN23 EN24 EN26 Indirect Economic Impacts Direct Energy Consumption Energy Saving Water Withdrawal Water Recycled and Reused Protected/High Biodiversity Value Areas Dampak signifikan terhadap Significant Impacts on Biodiversity Habitats Protected or Restored Strategy, Current Actions, and Future Plans for Managing Impacts on Biodiversity Greenhouse Gas Emissions Other Significant Air Emissions Waste Water Discharged Solid and Liquid Waste Spills Transported Waste Under the Basel Convention Inititatives to Mitigate Environmental Impacts 18 18 20,23, 37,40, 41,42 17,43 49 50 54 54 51 51 52 51,52 53 53 55 56 59 56 48 EN29 Environmental Impacts of Transportation EN30 Natural Environment Protection Expenditures and Investments LA1 Total Workforce LA2 Total Employee Turn Over LA3 Benefits to Employees LA4 Collective Work Agreement 59 59 LA7 LA8 LA9 47 46 46,64 Occupational Accidents and Diseases Prevention of Serious Diseases Occupational Health and Safety Topics Covered in the Collective Work Agreement LA10 Employee Training LA11 Skills Development and Lifelong Learning LA12 Performance and Career Development Reviews SO1 Practices to Assess and Manage the Impacts of Operations on Communities 62 67 64,65 64 65 65 66,67 13,19 73 PT Adaro Indonesia copyright 2010