Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association
Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association
Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Version 3.1 Sheffield Manor HOA 12360 Penzance Lane Bristow, VA 20136 Web: Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards This page intentionally left blank. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards CHANGE HISTORY Date Version 11/16/2009 2.0 Updated 2/18/2010 2.1 Updates approved by BoD 6/18/2013 2.2 Shed revisions 8/25/2014 3.0 Updated and approved by BoD 11/20/2015 3.1 Updates approved by BoD Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Change Description Page i Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. Introduction and General Information..................................................................... 1 1.1. The Architectural Control Committee ................................................................ 2 1.2. Property Modifications Requiring ACC Approval .................................................. 2 1.3. County, State, and Federal Regulations and Ordinances ..................................... 2 1.4. Basic Application Procedures and Standards ...................................................... 3 1.5. ACC Review Procedures .................................................................................. 4 1.6. Appeal of Committee Decision to Board of Directors ........................................... 5 1.7. Enforcement Procedures ................................................................................. 5 1.8. Resale Disclosure Packets................................................................................ 6 1.9. Amendments to Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards ....................... 6 Property Use............................................................................................................. 7 2.1. Use of Private Property, Residence and Structure(s) .......................................... 7 2.2. Trash and Garbage ......................................................................................... 8 Dwellings and Structures ......................................................................................... 1 3.1. New Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Major Alterations .......................... 1 3.2. Exterior Color Changes.................................................................................... 2 3.3. Attic Fans and Ventilators ................................................................................ 2 3.4. Awnings ........................................................................................................ 3 3.4.1. Permanent Awnings: .......................................................................... 3 3.4.2. Temporary Awnings: .......................................................................... 3 3.5. Chimneys, Chimney Caps, and Flues ................................................................ 4 3.6. Decks ............................................................................................................ 4 3.6.1. Single Family Style Residence:............................................................. 4 3.6.2. Townhome Style Residence: ................................................................ 5 3.7. Doors ............................................................................................................ 6 3.7.1. Exterior Entry Doors: .......................................................................... 6 Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page ii Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3.7.2. Screen Doors / Storm Doors: ............................................................... 7 3.8. Garage Doors ................................................................................................. 8 3.9. Exterior Lighting ............................................................................................. 8 3.10. Gazebos ........................................................................................................ 9 3.11. Gutters and Downspouts ............................................................................... 10 3.12. Patios .......................................................................................................... 10 3.13. Roofs .......................................................................................................... 11 3.14. Screened Porches, Deck, and Gazebos............................................................ 12 3.15. Shutters ...................................................................................................... 13 3.16. Skylights ..................................................................................................... 13 3.17. Storage Sheds ............................................................................................. 14 3.18. Sidewalks, Walkways, and Pathways .............................................................. 15 3.18.1. Sidewalks: ..................................................................................... 15 3.18.1. Walkways: ..................................................................................... 16 3.19. Windows...................................................................................................... 16 3.20. Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops......................................................... 17 3.20.1. Single Family Homes: ...................................................................... 17 3.20.2. Townhomes and Carriage Homes: ..................................................... 17 4. Driveways............................................................................................................... 19 5. Fences .................................................................................................................... 20 6. 5.1. Single Family and Cottage Home Style Residence: ........................................... 20 5.2. Townhome Style Residence: .......................................................................... 21 Property Grounds, Landscaping, Maintenance, Snow Removal ............................. 23 6.1. Composting ................................................................................................. 23 6.2. Fountains..................................................................................................... 23 6.3. Grade Changes ............................................................................................ 24 6.4. Grounds ...................................................................................................... 25 Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page iii Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 6.4.1. Mowing: .......................................................................................... 25 6.4.2. Landscaping: ................................................................................... 25 6.5. Irrigation Systems/Sprinkler Systems ............................................................. 25 6.6. Landscape Beds and Plantings ....................................................................... 26 6.7. Landscape Screening .................................................................................... 27 6.8. Ponds .......................................................................................................... 27 6.9. Rock Gardens and Stone Features .................................................................. 28 6.10. Structures.................................................................................................... 29 6.11. Trees – Planting/Relocation ........................................................................... 29 6.12. Vegetable Gardens ....................................................................................... 30 6.13. Walls – Retaining and Landscaping ................................................................. 30 6.14. Arbors and Trellises ...................................................................................... 31 6.14.1. Arbors ........................................................................................... 31 6.14.2. Trellises ......................................................................................... 31 7. Recreation Sports Equipment and Facilities........................................................... 33 7.1. Basketball Setups ......................................................................................... 33 7.2. Children’s Recreation and Play Equipment ....................................................... 34 7.3. Goals – Hockey / Lacrosse / Soccer ................................................................ 35 7.4. Swing Sets .................................................................................................. 35 7.5. Trampolines ................................................................................................. 36 7.6. All Other Sporting Equipment and Facilities ..................................................... 37 8. Swimming Pools ..................................................................................................... 38 9. Snow Removal........................................................................................................ 40 10. Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................... 41 10.1. Address Numbers ......................................................................................... 41 10.2. Air Conditioners............................................................................................ 41 10.3. Antennas and Satellite Dishes ........................................................................ 42 Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page iv Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.3.1. Antennas: ...................................................................................... 42 10.3.2. Satellite Dishes: .............................................................................. 42 10.4. Barbeque Grills and Stands............................................................................ 44 10.4.1. Portable Grills: ................................................................................ 44 10.4.2. Permanent Grills: ............................................................................ 44 10.5. Clothes Lines ............................................................................................... 44 10.6. Commercial Vehicles ..................................................................................... 45 10.6.1. Acceptable Commercial Vehicles Standards: ....................................... 45 10.6.2. Unacceptable Commercial Vehicles Standards: .................................... 45 10.7. Construction Site Management ...................................................................... 46 10.8. Deck Fireplaces and Heaters .......................................................................... 46 10.9. Pet Enclosures and Pens ................................................................................ 47 10.10.Exterior Decorative Objects ........................................................................... 48 10.11.Firewood ..................................................................................................... 49 10.12.Flag Poles .................................................................................................... 49 10.13.Hot Tubs/Spas ............................................................................................. 49 10.14.Mailboxes .................................................................................................... 50 10.15.Motor Vehicles.............................................................................................. 51 10.16.Recreational Vehicles .................................................................................... 51 10.17.Parking and Operation of Construction Vehicles ............................................... 52 10.18.Storage of Motor Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles, Boats, Trailers, or Campers..... 53 10.19.Patio/Porch Furniture and Bench Maintenance ................................................. 53 10.20.Seasonal and Holiday Displays ....................................................................... 53 10.21.Signs........................................................................................................... 54 10.22.Security Bars ............................................................................................... 54 10.23.Solar Panels ................................................................................................. 55 Appendix A: Basic Application ................................................................................. 56 Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page v Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Appendix B: Illustration of Common Plat Definitions .............................................. 61 Appendix C: Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Suggestion Form .. 62 Appendix D: Duron Curb Appeal Exterior Accent Color Palette ............................... 64 Appendix E: Snow Removal Map ............................................................................. 65 Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page vi Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 1. Introduction and General Information Welcome to Sheffield Manor, a very special community of private residences in Bristow, Virginia. The Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association is a nonprofit corporation to which all property owners in Sheffield Manor are members. Per the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Reservation of Easement and the By-Laws, a Board of Directors (BoD) is elected by the members of the Association and responsible for the operation of the Sheffield Manor Community. Sheffield Manor was developed as a “planned community” and essential to that planning are a set of legally enforceable Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards. These Standards are designed to preserve the community’s unique character, enhance its amenities, and protect the investment of its homeowners. This document describes the function and purpose of the Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association relating to architectural policies, as well as the applicable rules, regulations, and Standards for new construction, external changes, and / or improvements to a recorded property within the Sheffield Manor Community. Enforcement of these rules is the responsibility of the Sheffield Manor BoD, who is entitled to delegate this activity to a Property Management Agent, and not the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). The ACC reviews applications and approves with or without stipulation or rejects each application according to criteria and requirements within this set of Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards. The purpose of the Sheffield Manor Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards is to serve as a guide to aid owners, as well as members of the ACC, in determining what property architecture, design and maintenance is required and acceptable. By monitoring and regulating the exterior design and any proposed improvements to recorded properties within the Sheffield Manor development, the Association is able to maintain a high standard of aesthetic quality, community identity, and functional cohesiveness that enhances property values and promotes a harmonious community. While the Standards cannot be all inclusive, any modifications that affect the exterior appearance of properties within Sheffield Manor are governed by the principles within this document. These Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards originally drafted by the ACC for review, approval and enforcement by the BoD for the purpose of informing all owners within Sheffield Manor of the applicable regulations for existing structure(s), new construction, alterations, and improvements to recorded properties within the Sheffield Manor Community. This document is continually reviewed and when appropriate has been updated to reflect any changes in jurisdictional policy and / or in response to issues that have arisen in their application of enforcement and implementation. This document is in compliance of Article V – Architectural Review and Covenants Committee and Article VI – General Restrictions on the Use of Lots and Improvements to be Made Thereon within the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Reservation of Easement that are part of the deed to every property in Sheffield Manor and which are binding on every recorded property, Owner and Resident. These Covenants along with the Association’s ByLaws serve as the basis of the Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards contained in this publication and are the authority for the establishment and functioning of the ACC. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Sheffield Manor BoD to enforce the policy that all existing recorded properties and structures contained therein are monitored and regulated for proper maintenance and that any new construction and/or improvements made to any property therein Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 1 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards will be subject to follow due process of application to and prior written approval from the ACC and such activities will be in accordance with the aforementioned Covenants and By-Laws of the Association, all rules and regulations of the Association, and the Standards contained within this document. 1.1. The Architectural Control Committee The Architectural Review and Covenants Committee, also known as the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), shall be appointed by the BoD. This Committee shall initially consist of three (3) members, but may thereafter be increased or decreased in size by the BoD, from time to time, to not more than seven (7) members or less than three (3) members. Any member of the Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association is eligible to apply for appointment of volunteer service on the ACC. All applications will be forwarded to the BoD for approval or disapproval of appointment. The term of each member will expire annually on the date of the first monthly BoD meeting following the Annual Meeting of the Association. If the BoD takes no action to change the status of the existing ACC members the terms will be deemed renewed for an additional year. The ACC will have a chairperson, nominated by the ACC, and ratified by the BoD. The BoD retains the ability to remove an ACC member at any time with or without cause. The majority of the ACC members must be present for a quorum. In accordance with property modification applications “Approval”, “Approval with stipulation”, or “Disapproval” for an application will be taken by a majority vote of three (3) committee members (except in the case of incomplete applications). Only members of the ACC (including the Chairperson) may participate in the review of, and decision on, submitted applications. 1.2. Property Modifications Requiring ACC Approval Any change, permanent or temporary, to the exterior appearance of recorded properties and structures within Sheffield Manor requires compliance with these Standards and, generally, the prior written approval of the ACC (unless otherwise specifically stated in these Standards). Please note that the requirement for ACC approval is not limited to major alterations, such as adding a room or deck to a residence, but also includes such items as changes in color, design, or materials of an existing property and structure. All applications for modification(s) are subject to review and written approval by the ACC on an individual basis. For example, an owner who wishes to construct a fence that is identical to one that already exists in the community is still required to seek prior ACC written approval. This is important because the proposed fence that the owner wishes to install may be in violation of these Standards. The best rule to follow regarding an application is … “When in doubt, apply for ACC approval.” 1.3. County, State, and Federal Regulations and Ordinances This document has been developed to serve as a guide to Sheffield Manor Homeowners regarding existing structures, changes, enhancements, improvements, modification, and / or planned upgrades to their property and any structure therein. All such guidance is super ceded by U. S. Federal, Virginia State and Prince William County regulations. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 2 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Homeowners are responsible for compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations (i.e., location, county setback requirements, right-of-way restrictions, fencing, insurance, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, and water usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc.) and obtaining all necessary approvals and permits for all such proposed alterations and construction upon any privately owned property within Sheffield Manor. Any acknowledgement or approval by the Association of a property owner’s request is not intended to indicate or represent that a property owner(s) or resident(s) has complied with county, state, and federal laws. Below are links to federal, state and local governing authority web sites to assist the community’s owners and residents to review the most current regulations and guidance on process for permit approval. 1.4. Basic Application Procedures and Standards An application is required for most exterior alterations, as defined by this Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards. All applications must be submitted to the ACC using an approved application form. The application form can be found within Appendix A of this document and is also available for downloading from the Sheffield Manor Association’s website or by contacting the Property Management Agent. Where the Standards indicate “Pre-Approved”, an application for certain improvements is not required so long as the homeowner complies with the latest Standards within this document pertaining to the specific improvement. When granting a preapproved status to a specific guideline, the assumption made by the ACC is that the homeowner will comply with not only the letter of the Standards, but also the spirit of the Standards. The ACC has chosen this pre-approved status to minimize the level of effort required to receive approval for routine repairs and simple and routine changes to homeowner’s property and structure(s). Every homeowner and any resident therein is responsible for abiding by the Standards, as well as the ACC’s decision regarding any application submitted for approval. If a homeowner disagrees with the ACC decision the homeowner may request reconsideration by the ACC. If the reconsideration is not approved the homeowner may appeal the decision to the BoD (see “Appeal of Committee Decision to Board of Directors”). The BoD’s decision will be considered final within the context of the Association. The burden rests with the homeowner to demonstrate the acceptability of the proposal. The homeowner must submit a complete application form along with any additional information required by these Standards. Homeowners may appear before the ACC, along with any witness(s) the homeowner desires to have represent and speak on their behalf. A completed application packet includes all required documentation as outlined in the Standards, including but not limited to: 1. The latest approved application form with appropriate signatures. 2. Official county site plat – this is a drawing of the homeowner’s lot that reflects the dimensions of the property and depicts the proposed modification and the relationships Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 3 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards to the residence, other existing structures, and property boundaries. Contour lines are required when drainage is a consideration. For complex applications the ACC may require a larger scale blowup of the plan. This site plan is usually not required for color changes or minor modifications. 3. Photographs, catalog/brochure illustrations, drawings, renderings etc. may be necessary to provide the ACC the appropriate context for making their decision. 4. Duron Curb Appeal Exterior Accent Palette (Appendix D), when required. 5. Color samples (if applicable). 6. Grading plans (if applicable). 7. Other supporting documentation as defined in the Standards. 8. Packets determined by the Property Management Agent or the ACC to be incomplete will be returned to the homeowner along with a statement of reason for the application’s return and incompleteness. The following are examples for the return of application: Non-compliance with specific requirements of the appropriate section of the. Missing plat/site plan. Misrepresented, inaccurate, or erroneous location relative to the residence. Missing or inappropriate signatures of affected neighbors. Black and white photos, drawings or rendering used to explain color changes. Applications lacking dimensions, such as height, width, length, and elevation changes. Missing distance from residence and defined lot lines. Incomplete or indeterminable color descriptions on Property Color Comparison Charts. To ensure an application’s acceptance it is recommended that homeowner’s carefully review the Standards, prepare the application accordingly, and review again prior to submission. The goal of the ACC to is to approve all applications the first time and minimize the modifications required. 1.5. ACC Review Procedures Upon receipt of a completed application, the ACC Chairperson at its regularly scheduled meeting shall record the date of receipt of the application on the application. This date commences the period of time available for ACC review of the application. In situations where further additional information is required for the ACC to make their decision, the homeowner will be notified and asked to provide additional information or may be requested to attend the ACC meeting at which their application will be reviewed. The application will be treated as not submitted until all the necessary information is provided to the ACC. In the event that the committee fails to act on a complete and properly submitted application request within forty-five (45) calendar days of receipt by the Committee, the request will be Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 4 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards deemed approved by waiver. However, such waivers may not be considered as a precedent for similar requests and will be treated as a one-time exception to the Standards by waiver. Additionally, such waivers will not be considered “Approved” final in any case of departure from the Standards within this document. The forty-five (45) calendar day time-period starts once a completed application is received by the ACC. This forty-five (45) calendar day time-period does not apply to requests determined by the ACC as incomplete or insufficiently prepared to make a decision. In such cases, the application will be disapproved and returned to the homeowner noting that the request contains insufficient information. The burden rests with the homeowner to maintain contact with the Property Management Agent or the ACC if the time frame of the application review process is of particular concern. A majority of reviewing ACC members must approve a request for it to be officially “Approved.” The Chairperson will sign approved applications and reviewing ACC members and notification will be sent to the homeowner (via the Property Management Agent). A majority of ACC members is required for an application to be officially “Disapproved” (unless the application is incomplete). In such cases the ACC must provide written notice to the homeowner (via the Property Management Agent) outlining specific reason for being considered “Disapproved” or “Incomplete”. If the homeowner’s application is denied by the ACC, the homeowner may request reconsideration by providing to the ACC new or additional information that may clarify their request or greater demonstration for acceptability. A homeowner may appeal “Disapproved” applications to the BoD (see Section 1.6 “Appeal of Committee Decision to Board of Directors” below). 1.6. Appeal of Committee Decision to Board of Directors A final ACC decision may be appealed to the BoD one time if the action is taken within forty-five (45) calendar days following the ACC “Disapproved” decision. All appeal petitions must be in writing and received by the Property Management Agent a minimum of one week prior to the next scheduled BoD meeting (BoD meeting occur the third Thursday of each month). Copies of the “Disapproved” application and any supplementary materials the homeowner would like to have considered must be brought to the BoD meeting. The only issue that may be appealed is whether the ACC applied the Standards and Covenants correctly in reaching its decision. 1.7. Enforcement Procedures When an apparent violation of these Standards is found to exist, the Property Management Agent will pursue the following procedure on behalf of the Sheffield Homeowners Association: All suspected violations will be confirmed by a site visit by the Property Management Agent to the recorded property. When the violation is confirmed by the Property Management Agent, they will send an initial notice to the recorded property owner, and in the event that the resident is not the recorded property owner, to both the resident as well as the recorded property owner requesting that they resolve the apparent violation within thirty (30) calendar days of the notice. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 5 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards If the violation continues for thirty (30) calendar days after the initial notification (or if no substantial action is taken to correct the apparent violation or when that action would require more than thirty (30) calendar days) a second violation letter will be sent. The owner/resident has fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of this second letter to correct the situation. If the violation continues for fifteen (15) calendar days after the second notification letter a third letter will be sent by certified mail. Failure to resolve the violation within fifteen (15) calendar days of the third letter will result in the matter being forwarded to the BoD. At this point the BoD is authorized to take legal action to ensure compliance, and to seek recovery of any costs associated with the efforts to obtain compliance. 1.8. Resale Disclosure Packets The Virginia Property Owners’ Association (POA) act requires the seller of the property that is within a homeowners association to provide an Association Disclosure Packet to the potential buyer when the buyer requests one. The Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association provides the disclosure packet with the required information for a state mandated fee when the seller or seller’s agent provides a written request to the Property Management Agent and includes the applicable fee. The disclosure packet provides the information required by the POA, including the status of assessment payments for that property and whether there are architectural or maintenance violations on the subject property. 1.9. Amendments to Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Although the ACC and BoD are not permitted to grant exceptions to these Standards, the Standards may be amended. These amendments may not conflict with the Covenants. Association members may submit to the ACC or BoD requests for additions or changes to the Standards. The ACC may make recommendations on such requests to the BoD. Notice of all Standards changes will be made available to the community by official notification from the Property Management Agent. Changes to the Standards will become effective upon adoption by the BoD. The latest version of the Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards and associated forms can be found on the Sheffield Manor Association website. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 6 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2. Property Use 2.1. Use of Private Property, Residence and Structure(s) No recorded private property, residence and structure(s) may be used for conducting any business, commerce, or profession, except for when professional uses has been granted a permit under (and subject to) Prince William County requirements and applicable zoning ordinances. Such permitted professional uses of a private property, residence and structure(s) within Sheffield Manor are required to comply with the following: 1. Homeowners that conduct business at their residence are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county safety (e.g., handrails, steps, lighting, etc.) ordinances and requirements and for obtaining all county approvals and permits. Specifically, a business permit must be obtained from Prince William County and a copy must be on file with the Sheffield Manor HOA Property Management Agent. 2. No business-related sign or other advertising device of any nature may be placed on any lot, structure, or common area, or on any vehicle regularly parked within the community. Please refer to Section 10.6 Commercial Vehicles Standards for additional information. 3. No visible exterior storage of business-related materials is permitted. 4. Business personnel may not be more than one person who is not a permanent resident in the residence. 5. For in-home daycare services, care should be taken so that this service does not cause any annoyance to neighbors or interfere with the rights of other homeowners relating to the quiet enjoyment of their property. Application Procedures: In addition to the Prince William County home business documentation, the homeowner must submit to the ACC an application for such an in-home business. The application must include the following information: 1. The type of business being conducted. 2. A copy of the Prince William County use permit. 3. Number of business employees operating at the property and their resident status. 4. Where business-related externally stored materials will be stored. 5. Impact on traffic and parking on neighbors. 6. Number and type of deliveries required. 7. Type and number of vehicles to be used to conduct business and location of vehicle storage. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 7 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2.2. Trash and Garbage Owners/residents are responsible for picking up litter on their property and debris on common ground that originated on their property. The following Standards pertain to trash and garbage: 1. Trash, refuse, and recycle containers may not be permitted to remain in public view except on days of trash, refuse, and recycle collection. Containers should be placed at the curb after dusk the night before refuse/recycle scheduled pickup and must be stored out of sight no later than the end of the day of the scheduled trash, refuse, and, recycle pickup day. 2. No accumulation or storage of litter, new or used building materials, or other materials considered to be trash or refuse is permitted on any lot. 3. Trash, refuse, or waste materials may not be burned. The placement or operation of incinerators for the purpose of burning of trash, refuse, or waste materials are not permitted any lot or common ground. 4. Dumping of debris, lawn clippings, leaves, trees, branches, logs, or any other materials on common ground is strictly prohibited. 5. Trash in plastic bags is strictly prohibited unless placed in an approved Trash Receptacle stored out of sight. Trash Receptacles must have a functional lid. 6. Lawn clippings are permitted in plastic bags and may be placed at the curb after dusk the night before refuse/recycle scheduled pickup. (Please check with the trash, refuse and recycling pickup service provider for any changes) 7. Trees, branches and logs are to be bundled in lengths no greater than three (3) feet and may be placed at the curb after dusk the night before refuse/recycle scheduled pickup. (Please check with the trash, refuse and recycling pickup service provider for any changes) 8. Recycling receptacles with or without a lid are permitted and may be placed at the curb after dusk the night before refuse/recycle scheduled pickup. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 8 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3. Dwellings and Structures 3.1. New Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Major Alterations The following Standards pertain to all property alterations, reconstruction, new construction, and other major alterations to the exterior of the existing residence including, but not limited to room additions and exterior room alterations. This section does not include Standards for screened and unscreened porches, decks, storage sheds, and fences. For Standards pertaining to these types of alterations, reconstruction and new construction please refer to the appropriate sections outlined within this document. 1. Homeowners are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county ordinances regarding location, setbacks and safety (i.e., location, county setback requirements, right-of-way restrictions, fencing, insurance, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, and water usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc.) requirements and for obtaining all approvals and county permits for all alterations, reconstruction and new construction. 2. Architectural design, character, form, scale and proportion of all alterations, reconstruction and new construction will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, structures, and adjacent residences. 3. Materials (e.g., doors, windows, siding, etc.) used in construction and color scheme are to be harmonious with the existing structures as well as the surrounding structures. For Standards pertaining specifically to building materials and colors please refer to the appropriate sections outlined within this document. 4. The location of any structure will not adversely impair the existing views or amount of sunlight and natural ventilation to adjacent properties. 5. Roofing materials must match the roof of the existing residence. Any new roof construction must be comparable with the slope and pitch of the original roof on the residence. 6. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring all alterations, reconstruction, and new construction do not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect property drainage. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements; please see Appendix A of this document. The application for alterations, reconstruction and new construction must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and/or architectural plans for the alterations, reconstruction or new construction, including exterior elevations and dimensions. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits of the proposed alterations, reconstruction or new construction. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 1 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2. Property plat/site plan showing location of proposed alteration or structure(s) and its relationship to the existing residence, structure(s), adjacent residences and property lines; please see Appendix B of this document. 3. Photographs of existing residence and structure(s) are required. 3.2. Exterior Color Changes The following Standards pertain to the exterior color scheme of the residence: 1. All exterior colors for a residence (Single Family, Cottage Home, and Townhome) must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Collectively, the color scheme refers to the color of a residence’s siding, trim, entrance and garage doors, shutters, and roof. No two adjacent, diagonal, or opposite residences may have the same or similar color schemes. The determination of the similarity of color schemes will be at the discretion of the ACC and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. As a general rule, if any of the following two are the same (siding, trim, door, shutters, roofs and brick facades) on adjacent residences then the exterior schemes may be considered similar. 3. Color selections and color schemes must be harmonious with the colors and color schemes used on existing residences within the community. 4. Please refer to the Duron Curb Appeal Exterior Accent Palette for approvable color selections; please see Appendix D of this document. 5. The exposed portion of concrete foundations for a residence must be painted/stained a neutral color and maintained at all times. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for exterior color changes must include the following information: 1. Color samples of the new proposed colors to be used. 2. Color photo of structure showing its existing color (prior to the proposed color change). 3. Completion of the “Property Color Comparison Chart” identifying all of the existing and proposed exterior colors of the homeowner’s residence and the exterior colors used on all adjacent, diagonal, and opposite residences; please see Appendix D of this document. 3.3. Attic Fans and Ventilators The following Standards pertain to attic fans, ventilators, and turbines at a residence and associated structure(s): 1. When mounted on the gable end, they must match the siding or trim. 2. Fans, ventilators shall be mounted on the rear roof ridge so as to minimize visibility from the street and should not extend above the ridgeline. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 2 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3. Ridge vents are permitted, when covered with an approved roofing material. 4. Additional information can be found at Section 3.5 – Chimneys, Chimney Caps, and Flues. Application Procedures: Application is not required for Attic Fans and Ventilators as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 3.4. 3.4.1. Awnings Permanent Awnings: Awnings that are permanently affixed to the residence must comply with the following: 1. All awnings must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Permitted on the rear of the residence only. 3. Must be maintained in good condition at all times. 4. Must be made of fabric. 5. Must be plain in design without decorative features such as fringes. Scalloped awning edges are permitted. 6. The architectural design, character, form, scale, and proportion of the awning will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences and structures. 7. The location of any awning will not adversely impair the existing views or amount of sunlight and natural ventilation to adjacent properties. 8. The awning must be fully retractable. In season, homeowners are encouraged to retract (close) the awning and remove any side screens when not in use. 9. Decorative individual window awnings are strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for permanent awnings must include the following information: 1. Complete description of awning to be used. 2. Color sample or brochure with picture. 3. Location of awning. 3.4.2. Temporary Awnings: Temporary awnings/canopies/sun control devices/trellises that are not affixed to the residence are permitted in the rear of the residence only from March 1st through October 31st. Application Procedures: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 3 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Application is not required for Temporary Awnings as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 3.5. Chimneys, Chimney Caps, and Flues The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of chimneys and the installation of chimney caps and metal flues of a residence: 1. All chimneys, chimney caps and flues must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. New/additional chimneys shall either match the residences existing chimney(s) or shall be constructed with brick that matches existing brickwork, if any, on the residence. 3. Metal flues and chimney caps, if painted, and any vent protruding through the roof, if painted, are to be painted silver or black. 4. With the exception of flues used with gas fireplaces, all other types of flues will require an application. Application Procedures: An application is not required for chimneys, chimney caps, and flues that comply with all of the Standards above or elsewhere in this document. However, an application for other types of flues must include the following information: 1. Intended use of flue. 2. Location of flue. 3. Complete description of flue to include a picture. 3.6. 3.6.1. Decks Single Family Style Residence: The following Standards pertain to the alterations, reconstruction and new construction of decks for Single Family Residences: 1. All single family style residential decks must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Decks must be located in rear yards, directly behind the Single Family residence, and may not extend around to either side of the residence. 3. Homeowners are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county setback and safety (e.g., handrails, steps, lighting, etc.) ordinance requirements and for obtaining all county approvals and permits. 4. Decks may be made from recycled plastic or wood lumber. Decks made from wood may be left to age naturally provided they are properly maintained. Decks that are stained Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 4 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards must be a natural wood color. All color samples for natural wood stain or recycled plastic must be approved by ACC. 5. Painted decks are strictly prohibited. 6. Decks may be built with white vinyl posts, spindles and deck hand railings. 7. Deck spindles may be natural wood, white vinyl, black wrought iron, or painted white. 8. The use of privacy screening for decks may be used for creating privacy if consistent with the architectural style and design of the residence. Privacy screening which may not exceed seven (7) feet in height from the floor of the deck will be considered when lattice or an open style of screening is proposed. Finish materials and colors must match those of the existing or proposed deck materials. 9. If the area under the screened porch will be used for storage, indicate whether lattice or landscape plantings will be used for screening. If, at any time, the under deck area accumulates tools, materials, or other personal effects, it will be deemed a storage area and screening will be required. 10. If lattice is used to make under deck storage, it must be permanently affixed to the deck, and remain a natural wood color or white or tan vinyl lattice in harmony with the existing or proposed deck materials. 11. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring all new decks and modifications to existing decks do not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect drainage. 12. Decks are only permitted off of the main floor and basement levels. 3.6.2. Townhome Style Residence: The following Standards pertain to the alterations, reconstruction and new construction of decks for Townhomes: 1. All Townhome residential decks must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Decks must be located in rear yards, directly behind the Townhouse. The steps may extend to either side of the Townhouse for end units only. 3. Homeowners are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county setback and safety (e.g., handrails, steps, lighting, etc.) ordinance requirements and for obtaining all county approvals and permits. 4. Decks may be made from recycled plastic (natural wood color) or wood lumber. Decks may be left to age naturally provided they are properly maintained. Decks that are stained must be a natural wood color. All color samples for natural wood stain or recycled plastic must be approved by the ACC. 5. Painted decks are strictly prohibited. 6. The use of privacy screening for decks may be used for creating privacy if consistent with the architectural style and design of the residence. Privacy screening which may not exceed seven (7) feet in height from the floor of the deck will be considered when Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 5 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards lattice or an open style of screening is proposed. Finish materials and colors must match those of the existing or proposed deck materials. 7. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring all new decks and modifications to existing decks do not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect drainage. 8. Decks are only permitted off the main floor and basement levels. 9. Spiral staircases are strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for the addition, alteration, or reconstruction of decks for Single Family and Townhome residences must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the size, dimensions, and location of the proposed deck. Distances from adjacent property lines must also be indicated. 2. Detailed description, drawings and/or architectural plans for the alterations, which include exterior elevations and dimensions of the deck and its railings and/or screening, posts, stairs, steps, benches, and other details to clearly describe the proposed work. Include height of deck above ground. 3. Indicate if residence is a walk-up or a walkout lot. 4. Description of all materials and screening to be used, including the color of any stain. 3.7. 3.7.1. Doors Exterior Entry Doors: The following Standards pertain to the installation or replacement of all exterior entry doors: 1. All entry doors to a residence must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Doors with colored stained glass features are strictly prohibited. 3. Doors with clear/frosted glass no larger than four (4) foot oval are permitted. 4. All door hardware (i.e., door knob, knocker, kick plate, lock, etc.) must match in color; bright or antique brass, bronze, brushed nickel or black are the only permitted colors. 5. The top of the kick plate will be no higher than twelve (12) inches from the bottom of the entry door and must match the other door’s hardware in color. 6. For Standards specifically pertaining to the installation of new doors or replacement of existing doors, which change the overall color scheme of the residence, please refer to Appendix D of this document regarding Exterior Color Standards. 7. The architectural design, character, and scale of the proposed exterior entry doors will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences and structures. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 6 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 8. Sidelights are permitted if they are the same color as the trim on the residence or door color. 9. Rear entry doors may be sliding glass doors or French doors and must remain white or match the trim on the residence. 10. “Self-storing” doors are permitted on the rear of the residence only. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for entry doors must include the following information: 1. Complete descriptions of the entry doors including dimensions, colors, and location of kick plate. 2. Photograph, brochure/catalog photo, rendering or drawings of the entry door are encouraged. 3. If painting the exterior door, please refer to Appendix D of this document regarding Exterior Color Standards. If another brand of paint, other than Duron is used, the color must closely match the Duron paint color palettes. 3.7.2. Screen Doors / Storm Doors: The following Standards pertain to storm/screen doors installed on the front or side planes of the residence: 1. All screen doors / storm doors must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Frosted, etched, or colored glass in storm doors is not permitted. 3. The color of the doorframe must match the approved color of the entry door, the shutters, or the trim around the entry door. 4. Beveled glass is permitted. 5. Doors must be “full view” (i.e., full, open view, rectangular shaped glass). 6. Security, wrought iron, cross buck, imitation gate hinges, and storm doors with excessive kick plates, frames and ornamentation are not permitted. 7. “Self-storing” full view storm doors are permitted on the front and rear of the residence. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for storm doors must include the following information: 1. Photograph/manufacture’s brochure of proposed door. 2. Color of the storm door and existing exterior doors. 3. Location of door (e.g., front, side, rear, etc.). Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 7 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3.8. Garage Doors The following Standards pertain to garage doors for all residences. 1. All garage doors must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Garage doors and trim must remain the original color or white. 3. Replacement of garage doors should be similar to the original garage door style installed by the builder and in harmony with overall character of the community. 4. Garage doors may include windows and decorative windows. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for garage doors must include the following information: 1. Photograph/manufacture’s brochure of proposed garage door. 2. Color of the garage door and existing exterior doors. 3.9. Exterior Lighting The following Standards pertain to the installation or replacement of porch lights, lampposts, outdoor accent lighting, security lighting, and other types of exterior lighting for all residences: 1. The number, location, design and scale of all exterior light fixtures must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. All exterior lighting, particularly spotlighting, must be located and angled so as to be unobtrusive to the neighboring residences. 3. All exterior lighting must be white or clear in color. Other colored lights are only permitted during holiday periods. For standards on seasonal lighting displays, please see Section 10.20 – Seasonal and Holiday Displays in this document. 4. Spotlights should be placed on the side or rear of the residence only and 5. All properties must maintain consistency of single lamppost usage in the front of the residence. Only the Globe Townhomes are permitted to not have lampposts installed. 6. Lampposts must be kept black in color and not more than seven (7) feet in height. 7. The lamppost light fixture must either match in color to all other light fixtures attached to the front of the residence or be black in color so as to match the lamppost itself. 8. To encourage neighborhood security, all lampposts must remain operational and lit from dusk to dawn. 9. Ground level accent lighting fixtures must be unobtrusive in nature and not more than two (2) feet in height. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 8 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10. All light fixtures attached to the front of the residence must have the same color or finish of black, bronze, chrome, nickel, polished brass, or antiqued brass finish. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or replacement of porch lights, lampposts, outdoor accent lighting, security lighting, and other types of exterior lighting, must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of the proposed light fixtures. 2. Detailed specifications and drawings of the proposed light fixture(s) including material finish, type, color, and size/dimensions. 3. Photograph, brochure/catalog photo, rendering, or drawings of the exterior lighting are encouraged. 4. Applications are not required for seasonal lighting displays. 3.10. Gazebos The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of gazebos for all residences: 1. All gazebos must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Gazebos must be located directly behind the residence; please see Appendix B of this document. 3. Homeowners are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county setback and safety (e.g., handrails, steps, lighting, etc.) ordinance requirements and for obtaining all county approvals and permits. 4. The architectural design, character, scale, dimensions, and materials (e.g., roofing, siding, etc.) used in construction and color scheme of the proposed gazebo will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences, and surrounding structures. 5. Gazebos may be made from recycled plastic or wood lumber. Gazebos made from wood may be left to age naturally provided they are properly maintained. Gazebos that are stained must have a natural wood color stain applied. 6. For Standards pertaining specifically to building materials and color; please refer to Appendix D of this document regarding Exterior Color Standards. 7. White vinyl gazebos will be permitted in the Single Family residences. White vinyl gazebos are not permitted in the Cottage Home and Townhome residences. 8. The location of any gazebo will not adversely impair the existing views or amount of sunlight and natural ventilation to adjacent properties. 9. Gazebo flooring/decking may be stone, brick, or cement if the gazebo is on ground level. 10. Gazebo flooring/decking may be natural wood or composite lumber if elevated. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 9 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 11. Gazebo foundations must be enclosed on all sides. Lattice skirts may be used to enclose the foundation of an elevated gazebo. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the alteration, reconstruction and new construction of gazebos must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings, and architectural plans for the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction, which include exterior elevations and dimensions of the gazebo. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for any required county approvals and permits. 2. Property plat/site plan showing location of proposed structure and its relationship to property lines and adjacent residences. 3.11. Gutters and Downspouts The following Standards pertain to the installation or replacement of gutters and downspouts: 1. Missing, hanging, broken, or otherwise unsightly gutters and downspouts must be repaired and/or replaced promptly. 2. The architectural design, character, form, scale, and proportion of the gutters and downspouts will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences, and structures. Architectural detailing must match residence. 3. All gutters shall remain white in color or match siding or trim colors. Application Procedures: Application is not required for Gutters and Downspouts as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 3.12. Patios The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of patios. For Standards pertaining to screened porches or decks, please refer to Section 3.14 Screened Porches, Deck, and Gazebos Standards. 1. All patios must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Patios shall be located in the rear or side yards, behind the front plane of the residence, which is defined as the furthermost structure of the residence (i.e., front of garage). 3. Only flagstone, brick, pavers, concrete, or stamped concrete shall be used. 4. The scale, location, and design shall be compatible with the lot, residence, and surroundings. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 10 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 5. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring all alterations, reconstruction, or new construction of patios does not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect drainage. 6. The use of privacy screening and wing walls/patio retaining walls for patios may be used for creating privacy if consistent with the architectural style and design of the patio. Wing walls/patio retaining walls may not exceed two (2) feet in height from the floor of the patio. Landscaping is the preferred method of screening ground level patios. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for patios must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the exact location and dimensions of the patio within the homeowner’s recorded lot. 2. Materials to be used including color and pictures showing materials used. 3. Method of installation including a description of any grading changes and resulting impact on adjacent properties or open space. 3.13. Roofs The following Standards pertain to replacement of existing roofs or installation of roofs on alterations, reconstruction, and new construction. Permitted roofing materials and styles include the following: 1. All roofing must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Standard asphalt/fiberglass shingles including standard three (3) tab and laminated (“architectural”) shingles. Shingle colors must be in the following general ranges for consideration: brown, dark brown, dark gray, or black and must closely match the color of the original roof of the residence. 3. Cedar shake wood shingles are strictly prohibited. 4. Other roofing materials including standing seam (tin/aluminum/steel) and copper will be considered on a case-by-case basis for roofing bay windows and porticos based on their consistency and compatibility with the general architectural design and character of the residence and other residences within the community. 5. Roofing materials used on porches, screened porches, and gazebos should match the roofing materials used on the main part of the residence. 6. The architectural character and style of the proposed roofing material must be consistent and compatible with roofing products used on other residences within the community. In addition, the architectural character and style of the proposed roofing material must be consistent with any existing roofing materials on other areas of the residence. Application Procedures: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 11 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the replacement of existing roofs or the installation of roofs on alterations, reconstruction, and new construction must include the following information: 1. A sample of the same color, type, and material of that being proposed for the residence. 2. Detailed drawings of the residence indicating the location of the proposed roofing and (if applicable) the location and type of any existing roofing that will remain on the residence. 3.14. Screened Porches, Deck, and Gazebos The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, or construction of screened porches: 1. All screened porches, decks and gazebos must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Homeowners are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county ordinances regarding location, setbacks and safety (e.g., handrails, lighting, steps, etc.) requirements and for obtaining all approvals and county permits for all alterations, reconstruction and new construction of screened porches, decks, and gazebos. 3. Roof materials used in construction are to match the existing structures. For Standards pertaining specifically to roofing materials; please refer to Section 3.13 Roof Standards. 4. Roofs must be architecturally compatible with the roof on the homeowner’s residence. 5. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring screened porches do not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect drainage. 6. Screened porches are not permitted on the front or sides of the residence and must be located behind the residence. 7. Screened porches may be made from wood lumber or recycled plastic decking. Posts and railings may consist of white vinyl. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis based on the architectural design and character of the existing structure. Screened porches made from wood may be left to age naturally. Screened porches may be stained a natural wood color. 8. Screened porches with support posts more than three (3) feet in height must have landscaping around the supports to soften the visual impact. For Standards specifically pertaining to landscape screening; please refer to Section 6.7 Landscape Screening Standards. 9. If the area under the screened porch will be used for storage, indicate whether lattice or landscape plantings will be used for screening. If, at any time, the under deck area accumulates tools, materials, or other personal effects, it will be deemed a storage area and screening will be required. 10. If lattice is used to make under deck storage, it must be permanently affixed to the deck, and remain a natural wood color or white or tan vinyl lattice. Application Procedures: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 12 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for screened porches must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and architectural plans for the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction, which include exterior elevations and dimensions of the screened porch. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits. 2. Property plat/site plan showing location of proposed screened porch to the existing residence, structures, adjacent residences and property lines. 3.15. Shutters The following Standards pertain to the installation, maintenance, and replacement of shutters: 1. All shutters must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Shutters will be louvered or raised panel design. Approval of all other shutter types/styles will be at the discretion of the ACC and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 3. The architectural design, character, form, scale and proportion of the shutters will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences and structures. Architectural detailing must match residence. 4. For Standards specifically pertaining to the installation of new shutters or replacement of existing shutters, which change the overall color scheme of the residence; please refer to Appendix D of this document regarding Exterior Color Standards. 5. Any shutter with milky white lines or faded discoloration throughout one or more of the shutters requires them to be restored to the non-faded original form. Using vinyl restoration products, painting the shutters, or replacing the shutters is an acceptable solution to this issue. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for installation of new shutters, replacement of existing shutters and removal of existing shutters must include the following information: 1. Detailed specifications of the proposed shutters including type of material finish type and color, size/dimensions. 2. Photograph, brochure/catalog photo, rendering or drawings of the shutters are encouraged. 3.16. Skylights The following Standards pertain to the installation or replacement of skylights: 1. All skylights must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 13 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2. The skylight frame and trim must match the color of the roof. 3. Homeowner is responsible for conforming to federal, state, and county ordinance requirements when installing skylights. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of skylights must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing location of proposed skylight. 2. Detailed specifications and drawings of the proposed skylight including the type of material finish type and color, size/dimensions. 3. Catalog photos/drawings, if available, are recommended. 4. Photos of the existing residence. 3.17. Storage Sheds The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of storage sheds, as well to the installation of per-fabricated storage sheds: 1. All sheds must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Homeowners are responsible for compliance with any federal, state, and county setback and safety requirements and for obtaining all approvals and county ordinances for all alterations, reconstruction and new construction of storage sheds. 3. The foundation, anchoring and setbacks for sheds must be in compliance with Prince William County Standards and regulations. 4. The location, size, and appearance of the shed relative to the primary residence and adjacent lots will be strongly considered. Screening by a fence or comparable hedge, visibility from the street and adjacent lots, and effect upon the overall appearance of the neighborhood are important considerations. The location of any shed will not adversely impair the existing views or amount of sunlight and natural ventilation to adjacent properties. 5. Finish materials, colors and roofing of the shed must be the same as those used on the residence; please see Appendix D of this document. Metal sheds are strictly prohibited. 6. Pre-constructed vinyl sheds (i.e., Rubbermaid, etc.) are permitted in Townhomes only. 7. Sheds must be located behind the residence. 8. Sheds in Townhomes must be no taller than eight and one-half (8 ½) feet and sixty-four (64) square feet in area. 9. Permanent sheds (sheds with concrete foundations) are strictly prohibited in the Townhomes. 10. Sheds must be kept in good repair and painted or cleaned as needed. 11. Only one (1) shed per lot. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 14 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 12. If the base of the shed is not level to the ground, the space between the base of the shed and the ground has to be covered, either by latticework or natural vegetation. 13. Playhouses may not be used as, or converted into storage sheds. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for storage sheds must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and architectural plans for the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction, which include exterior elevations and dimensions of the shed. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits. 2. Property Plat/site plan showing relationship of the structure to residence and lot lines. 3. Description of materials and colors to be used on shed as well as those on the residence. 4. Detailed architectural drawing of proposed structure including dimensions and all elevations to include landscape plan. 5. Picture/Brochure of proposed structure. 3.18. Sidewalks, Walkways, and Pathways For the purposes of this section: A “Sidewalk” refers to the public concrete pathways that interconnect properties within the community. These interconnect with neighboring properties and include any directly connecting pathways that lead to a residence. A “Walkway” (a.k.a. “Pathways”) refers to any other private pathways that exist solely within a property’s boundaries and are not a part of or directly connect to a Sidewalk. Any Walkway that directly connects to a Sidewalk becomes part of the Sidewalk as a whole. Please contact the ACC should have questions or require further clarification regarding these definitions. The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of Sidewalks and Walkways: 3.18.1. Sidewalks: 1. The scale, location and design of all sidewalks and walkways, pathways, and steps must be harmonious and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Sidewalks and Walkways must be properly maintained at all times and appear natural in color and texture. 3. Sidewalks on all property types may only be constructed of natural, poured concrete as seen throughout the community. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 15 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 4. Sidewalks must be maintained in their natural, unpainted color and texture. Only clear sealers that do not alter the original color, texture, or sheen are permitted. 3.18.1. Walkways: 1. The scale, location and design of all sidewalks and walkways, pathways, and steps must be harmonious and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Sidewalks and Walkways must be properly maintained at all times and appear natural in color and texture. 3. Walkways on all property types may be constructed of concrete, flagstone, brick, "brick pavers", "stepping stones", stamped concrete, or similar durable construction material. 4. Walkways may not be constructed of asphalt. 5. Walkways and pathways must be installed flush with the adjacent ground, turf, or landscape bed(s). 6. Walkways may be painted or coated provided: A durable paint or coating material specifically designed for use on the particular surface material is properly applied. The final color must be a match to any of the following colors from the community's official color palette provided in Appendix D of this document: "Newport", "Wheat", "Greystone", "Harness Shop Tan", "Cypress", "Incense", or "Chadwicke Tan". Note: For information regarding snow and ice removal guidelines for all public sidewalks and walkways please see Section 9 Snow Removal. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or alteration of sidewalks and walkways must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed sidewalks and walkways. 2. Materials used to construct proposed sidewalks and walkways. 3. Detailed specifications of the proposed sidewalks and walkways including the dimensions, construction method, and materials to be used. 3.19. Windows The following Standards pertain to replacement of existing windows and installation of new windows: 1. New windows must match the type currently used in the homeowner’s residence. 2. Window frames and mullions (if applicable) must be white. 3. The architectural design, character, and scale of the proposed windows will be harmonious and consistent with the design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences and structures. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 16 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 4. Windows must be double hung and have crosshatches consistent with design and character of the existing residence, adjacent residences and structures. 5. Windows with accent features and subtle tinting are permitted. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for windows must include the following information: 1. Photograph/manufacturers brochure of proposed windows. 2. Color of the new windows and existing windows. 3. Location of windows. 3.20. Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops “Foundations” refers to the concrete structure supporting the residence. “Porches” refers to the landing, porch, or stoop to each residence. “Steps” refers to the concrete steps as part of the entrance and may lead to a landing, porch, or stoop to each residence. Please contact the ACC should have questions or require further clarification regarding this definition. The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops: 3.20.1. Single Family Homes: 1. The scale, location and design of all Porches and Steps/Stoops must be harmonious and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops must be properly maintained at all times and appear natural in color and texture. 3. Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops may be painted or coated provided: If connected, Porches and Steps/Stoops must be maintained in the same color and texture. A durable paint or coating material specifically designed for use on the particular surface is properly applied. The final color must be a match to any of the following colors from the community's official color palette provided in Appendix D of this document: "Newport", "Wheat", "Greystone", "Harness Shop Tan", "Cypress", "Incense", or "Chadwicke Tan" or a match the original color. 3.20.2. Townhomes and Carriage Homes: 1. The scale, location and design of all Porches and Steps/Stoops must be harmonious and consistent with the overall character of the community. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 17 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2. Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops must be properly maintained at all times and appear natural in color and texture. 3. Foundations, Porches, and Steps/Stoops may be painted or coated provided Foundations must be maintained in the original white color, consistent with all other units in the common structure. 4. Steps/Stoops may be painted or coated provided: The color and texture selected remains consistent with all other units in the common structure. A durable paint or coating material specifically designed for use on the particular surface is properly applied. The final color must be a match to any of the following colors from the community's official color palette provided in Appendix D of this document: "Newport", "Wheat", "Greystone", "Harness Shop Tan", "Cypress", "Incense", or "Chadwicke Tan". Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or alteration of foundations, porches and steps/stoops must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed foundations, porches and steps/stoops. 2. Materials used to construct proposed foundations, porches and steps/stoops. 3. Detailed specifications of the proposed foundations, porches and steps/stoops including the dimensions, construction method, and materials to be used. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 18 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 4. Driveways The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, or new construction of all driveways: 1. All driveways must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. All driveways shall be constructed of asphalt or natural concrete. 3. Driveway additions and extensions must be constructed using the same materials as the existing driveway. 4. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring that the alterations to existing driveways or the construction of new driveways do not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect drainage. 5. Stamped, colored and decorative concrete driveway materials may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Driveways constructed of stone, brick, or pavers are also strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for alterations, reconstruction, and new construction of driveways must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and architectural plans for the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction, which include the dimensions of the driveway and distance from adjoining properties. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits. 2. Description of materials to be used. 3. A color sample must be submitted. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 19 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 5. Fences 5.1. Single Family and Cottage Home Style Residence: The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of fences used to visually define property lines and to provide privacy and security by enclosing rear yards for Single Family Residences. For Standards pertaining to fences used to enclose swimming pools; please refer to Section 8 Swimming Pools Standards of this document. 1. All fences must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Fence sections used solely as a landscape feature and incorporated into a landscape plan may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 3. Single Family residence fence height must be six (6) feet high (including all decorative trim) and have a board-on-board style. Exception: Privacy fences are permitted for any residence backing to University Boulevard or backing to the industrial park adjacent to the Sheffield Manor community. 4. All fences in single-family residences with previously approved four (4) feet fences must replace with an appropriate six (6) feet fence when repairs or replacements are needed. 5. “Cottage Homes” are those Single Family residences that have a pre-existing fence that connect between neighboring residences. These residences are limited to a four (4) feet fence except for those residences whose property borders University Boulevard or residences on Formby Street whose property borders the woods backing to the industrial plant adjacent to the Sheffield Manor community. Those residences who meet the exception criteria may construct a fence up to six (6) feet high. All fences in Cottage Homes, in areas other than the two mentioned above, with previously approved six (6) feet fences must replace with an appropriate four (4) feet fence when repairs or replacement is needed. 6. Fence gates must be constructed of the same material and be the same height and color of the fence. 7. Fence gates must have a locking mechanism. 8. Fence rails, posts, and gates may be stained but must remain a natural wood color. White fences are not permitted. Painted fences are not permitted. 9. Solid board fences may have a dip (swale) not less than four (4) inches at the center. 10. Solid board fences may have a lattice top not more than twelve (12) inches high. This lattice top is included within the total six (6) feet maximum height dimension. 11. Front yard fences are not permitted. The front yard is defined as the yard area in front of the front plane of the residence, which is defined as the furthermost structure of the residence (i.e. front of garage). 12. Fences that pass the front plane of a neighboring residence due to lot configuration are not permitted. Corner lots need to pay special attention to this Standard. Please see Appendix B of this document for “Illustration of Common Lot Definitions”. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 20 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 13. Split rail fences, privacy fences, stockade fences, metal fences (such as chain link), and fences with chicken wire are strictly prohibited. 14. The height and design of fences should conform to other fences in the immediate area. 15. Fencing may be stained with a natural wood color and must be properly maintained. 16. Due to the variety of pipe stem and cul-de-sac property configurations, fences located on pipe stem and cul-de-sac properties or on properties that border pipe stem or cul-de-sac properties must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and approval of such fences will be at the discretion of the ACC based on homeowner’s compliance to the above Standards and the impact of the proposed fence on the adjacent properties. 17. Parallel fences and/or the creation of parallel fence lines are strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or alteration of fences must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and architectural plans for the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction, which include the dimensions of the proposed fence, gates, entrances and distance from adjoining properties. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits. 2. Detailed specifications of the proposed fence and gates including type of materials to be used and sizes/dimensions. 3. If identical to an existing fence in the neighborhood the homeowner may provide, as an aid to the ACC, a picture of the existing fence. 4. Where exceptions are being requested, applications must include a detailed description of the requested exception(s), the reason(s) for requesting the exception(s), and any additional supporting materials (i.e., drawings, photographs, etc.) that will assist the ACC in their thorough evaluation of the application. 5. In some cases, the ACC may need to visit the homeowner’s property to fully evaluate the application prior to making any decision. 5.2. Townhome Style Residence: The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of fences used to visually define property lines and to provide privacy and security by enclosing rear yards for Townhomes. 1. All Townhome fences must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Fence sections used solely as a landscape feature and incorporated into a landscape plan may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 3. Townhomes may only construct a board-on-board style fence and it must be six (6) feet high. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 21 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 4. Split rail fences, privacy fences, stockade fences, metal fences (such as chain link), and fences with chicken wire are strictly prohibited within the Townhome areas. 5. Fence gates must be constructed of the same material and be the same height and color of the fence. 6. Fence gates must have a locking mechanism. 7. Fence rails, posts, and gates may be stained a natural wood color and must be properly maintained. White fences are not permitted. Painted fences are strictly prohibited within the Townhome areas. 8. The height and design of fences should conform to other fences in the immediate area. 9. Fencing may be stained with a natural wood color and must be properly maintained. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or alteration of fences must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and architectural plans for the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction, which include the dimensions of the proposed fence, gates, entrances and distance from adjoining properties. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits. 2. Property plats/site plans or drawings of all adjacent properties showing the locations of any existing fences are also required. 3. Detailed specifications of the proposed fence and gates including type of materials to be used and sizes/dimensions. 4. If identical to an existing fence in the neighborhood the homeowner may provide, as an aid to the ACC, a picture of the existing fence. 5. Where exceptions are being requested, applications must include a detailed description of the requested exception(s), the reason(s) for requesting the exception(s), and any additional supporting materials (i.e., drawings, photographs, etc.) that will assist the ACC in their thorough evaluation of the application. 6. In some cases, the ACC may need to visit the homeowner’s property to fully evaluate the application prior to making any decision. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 22 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 6. Property Grounds, Landscaping, Maintenance, Snow Removal The following Standards pertain to the construction, installation, and removal of various landscaping elements upon a homeowner’s property. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance of structures and grounds that are part of their property. Structure maintenance includes restoring, repairing, or replacing items in accordance with these Standards. Ground maintenance includes grass mowing, trimming shrubbery, and removal of trash and debris. Overall maintenance of a lot affects the visual character and economic values of the property and neighborhood and, in some cases, the safety of the community. 6.1. Composting The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of vegetable gardens: 1. Composting is permitted as long as a compost bin/container with a lid is used and is on your property. 2. The compost bin cannot be a nuisance to neighbors. 3. The compost bin must be maintained at all times. 4. The compost bin may not be place on common area. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of compost bins must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings, dimensions, and location of the proposed compost bin and distance from adjoining properties. 2. Picture/Brochure showing compost bin. 6.2. Fountains The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction or new construction of fountains: 1. A fountain(s) must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Any fountain or water feature must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances s regarding ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, and water usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc. 3. May be located in the front or rear of the residence and must be less than three (3) feet in height. 4. Must be safely and neatly maintained. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 23 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 5. Must be properly aerated to prevent undesirable odors and the accumulation of mosquitoes. Such continuous water cycling devices are required to be fully functional from April to September to eliminate mosquito nesting and foul smelling water. 6. Must be consistent with the character of the community in both design and scale. Due to the variety of possible fountains, approval of fountains will be at the discretion of the ACC and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation, alteration, or replacement of fountains must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed fountain. 2. Detailed specifications and drawings of the proposed fountain including type of material finish type and color, size/dimensions. 3. Photograph, brochure/catalog photo, rendering or drawings of the fountain are required. 6.3. Grade Changes The following Standards pertain to changes in drainage conditions resulting directly or indirectly from homeowner construction, landscaping, or other projects/improvements: 1. All grade changes must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Homeowners are responsible for obtaining all approvals and county permits applicable to grade changes and changes in drainage conditions. 3. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring that deliberate changes in grade, or changes in grade/drainage conditions resulting from homeowner construction, landscaping, or other projects/improvements, do not have an adverse drainage impact on adjacent properties, including common areas. 4. Drainage Impact: Homeowners are responsible for ensuring that the installation and operation of irrigation systems does not have an adverse impact on their property or neighboring properties, including common areas, by exceeding the “normal” drainage capabilities of all properties, causing standing water or over-watering existing trees and plants. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the grade changes must include the following information: 1. Detailed description, drawings and plans for the alteration of the proposed grade changes and distance from adjoining properties. It is recommended that the application include the same drawings and architectural plans submitted for county approvals and permits. 2. Detailed description of the proposed grade change(s) including degree of change, method and materials to be used and anticipated impact on drainage conditions. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 24 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3. Grading plans submitted for any required county approvals and permits. 4. Pictures of the current grade of the proposed area to be changed along with pictures of immediately adjacent properties is highly recommended. 5. In some cases, the ACC may need to visit the homeowner’s property to fully evaluate the application prior to making any decision. 6.4. Grounds The following Standards apply to the maintenance of lots within the Sheffield Manor community: 6.4.1. Mowing: Turf areas need to be mowed at regular intervals, maintaining a maximum height of six (6) inches, and a minimum height of two (2) inches from April through October. This includes the mowing of grass in ditches. Homeowners bordering common area and external neighborhood boundaries are encouraged to assist in the maintenance of such areas, particularly when not specifically mowed or maintained by the contracted landscaping company hired by the HOA. Weeds shall be controlled in all areas of a lot, including lawn areas, plant beds and ditches. 6.4.2. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition. All hedges and shrubs shall be neatly trimmed and maintained, and their size maintained through pruning in proportion to the lot and residence. No bare earth may be exposed on a lot except for flowerbeds with appropriate approvals. All other areas are to be maintained with grass. Dead plants, shrubs, or trees shall be immediately removed. Trees shall be kept pruned so that dead or dangerous limbs do not cause damage to property or injury to persons, encroach upon adjacent properties. Suckers and low hanging branches shall be removed regularly. 1. Trash Removal – Each resident is responsible for picking up litter on their property and preventing wind-blown debris from originating from their land. 2. Construction Materials – Materials required for the improvement of a residence or lot shall be neatly stored out of sight in an unobtrusive location. 3. Erosion Control – Each resident is responsible for seeing that their lot area is protected from erosion; and that storm drain structures and drainage ditches are not blocked so as to cause flooding or additional erosion problems. 6.5. Irrigation Systems/Sprinkler Systems The following Standards pertain to Irrigation Systems and Sprinkler Systems: 1. Prince William County Ordinances: Irrigation systems must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, water usage, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, setbacks, permits, and usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 25 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2. Location: The irrigation system shall be installed entirely within the property lines of the homeowner’s recorded lot. 3. Spray: The irrigation system shall not direct the spray outside the property lines of the homeowner’s recorded lot. Application Procedures: Application is not required for sprinkler systems as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. . 6.6. Landscape Beds and Plantings The following Standards pertain to the installation of new landscape beds and the alteration of existing landscape beds: 1. All landscape beds, and the plantings within, must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. In total, non-turf landscaping elements, including landscape beds, must consist of a good balance of turf and landscaping. 3. The location and design of landscape beds, and the plantings within, shall demonstrate sensitivity to the interests of adjacent property owners including the preservation of light and open views. 4. Plantings within landscape beds, at maturity, should not encroach upon adjacent properties. Plantings such as bamboo and creeping vines are strictly prohibited due to their invasive tendency to spread uncontrollably. Existing plantings of creeping vines (prior to Version 2.0 Publication of these Standards) must be maintained at all times per current Standards. 5. Creeping vines must not at any time creep up the residence or fence. 6. Vines or any other vegetation shall not obstruct mailboxes. 7. Plantings within landscape beds intended to form a hedge or natural screen and located forward of the rear plane of the residence shall be maintained at all times. 8. Plantings must not restrict vehicular sight lines along roadways, pipe-stems, or driveways. 9. Landscape beds must be neatly maintained including the removal of weeds, dead growth, and unused stakes. 10. Artificial plantings and flowers are strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of new landscape beds or and/or the alteration of existing landscape beds must include: 1. Application is not required for Landscape Beds and Plantings as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 26 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 6.7. Landscape Screening The following Standards pertain to the installation of landscape screening. Landscape screening is intended to reduce the visual impact of certain objects (e.g., play equipment, fences, etc.) when not installed directly behind a residence and certain other objects, such as the posts of an elevated deck, when specifically recommended or required by the ACC. 1. All landscape screening must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Plant material chosen for such screening should be evergreen with dense foliage. 3. Plantings should be a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) the height and width of the object to be screened. Plantings should fully screen the object at maturity. 4. Trees may be used for screening in lieu of a fence. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of landscape screening must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed screening. 2. Detailed specifications of the proposed plantings including the type, number and size at both planting and maturity. 3. Pictures of screening and landscaping. 6.8. Ponds The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of ponds or other man-made landscape water featured accents: 1. A pond or other man-made landscape water featured accent must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Any such pond or other man-made landscape water feature must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, and water usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc. 3. Ponds and other man-made landscape water featured accents are only permitted in the rear of the residence where a full fence surrounds access to such a pond or water featured accent. 4. Ponds and other man-made landscape water featured accents must be safely and neatly maintained and must be properly aerated to prevent undesirable odors and the accumulation of mosquitoes. Such continuous water cycling devices are required to be fully functional from April to September to eliminate mosquito nesting and foul smelling water. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 27 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 5. The dimensions of a man-made pond must be no wider than four (4) feet; no longer than four (4) feet; and no deeper than one (1) foot. 6. The scale, location and design of a pond or other man-made landscape water feature accent must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or alteration of a pond or other man-made landscape water feature accent must include: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed pond or other man-made landscape water feature accent. 2. Detailed specifications of the proposed pond or other man-made landscape water feature accent including the dimensions, construction method, and materials to be used to include water cycling device. 6.9. Rock Gardens and Stone Features The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of rock gardens and/or stone features: 1. All rock gardens and stone features must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Stone, gravel, pebbles, and “boulders” are permitted only within landscape beds or between stepping-stones. 3. The use and location of stone, gravel, pebbles, and boulders within landscape beds must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 4. All rocks must be left in their natural color. 5. Stone, gravel, pebbles, rocks, bricks, or landscaping blocks are strictly prohibited along property lines and for outlining driveways. 6. Bricks, pavers, landscaping blocks, or laid concrete borders are allowed to outline landscape beds and must be properly maintained. 7. Painted rocks are strictly prohibited. 8. Rock Gardens and beds must be neatly maintained, including removal of dead/old growth and weeds. Application Procedures: Application is not required for a rock garden or stone feature as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document, unless fencing is included in the garden. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 28 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 6.10. Structures The following Standards apply to the maintenance of structures: 1. Exterior Appearance – Residents are responsible for maintaining the exterior of their dwellings and any other structures on their lots, including, but not limited to, decks, fences, sheds and recreational equipment. 2. Exterior structures must match color of siding of the residence. 3. Exterior Building Components – Exterior building components which are missing, broken or otherwise in a state of disrepair shall be repaired or replaced. External building components include, but are not limited to, siding, gutters, downspouts, roof shingles, windows and doors. 4. Conditions that are considered to be violations of these Standards include, but are not limited to, the following examples: 6.11. Bald, significant blistering or peeling of exterior painted surfaces; Broken windows; Dented, cracked, broken, loose, or missing pieces of garage doors or siding; Recreation equipment which is either broken or in need of repainting; Fences with either broken or missing parts or which are leaning; Sheds with broken doors or in need of painting or repair; Decks in need of repair or re-staining; Concrete or masonry block foundations and/or party walls in need of repainting. Trees – Planting/Relocation The following Standards pertain to the installation and/or relocation of trees upon homeowner’s property. The removal of viable trees, regardless of size/species, is generally discouraged: 1. The number, location, and species of trees must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. The choice of tree species and location shall demonstrate sensitivity to the interests of adjacent property owners including the preservation of light and open views. 3. Trees at maturity should not encroach on adjacent properties. 4. Trees must not restrict vehicular sight lines along roadways, pipe-stems, or driveways. 5. Trees in front yard may not be replaced with evergreen trees. 6. Trees and bushes shall only be planted not to obstruct the front of the residence. 7. Trees that are removed must be replace immediately with another tree in accordance with the above requirements. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 29 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Application Procedures: Application is not required for planting of trees as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 6.12. Vegetable Gardens The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of vegetable gardens: 1. The location and design of vegetable gardens, and the plantings within, shall demonstrate sensitivity to the interests of adjacent property owners including the preservation of light and open views. 2. Vegetable gardens must be located directly behind the residence. 3. All vegetable gardens must be neatly maintained even during the non-growing season (typically from November to March). 4. Vegetation shall not be more than six (6) feet tall. 5. Vegetable gardens shall not exceed ten by ten (10x10) feet in size, or a total of one hundred (100) square feet if irregular in shape. 6. Vegetable gardens shall be maintained neatly even during the non-growing season. 7. Vegetable gardens shall not encroach on neighboring properties or common areas. Application Procedures: Application is not required for a vegetable garden as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document, unless fencing is included in the garden. 6.13. Walls – Retaining and Landscaping The following Standards pertain to the installation or alteration of retaining walls, used for retaining soil in raised landscape beds, and decorative landscape walls: 1. All retaining and landscaping walls must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring that the installation/alteration of retaining or landscaping wall does not have an adverse impact on grade or other conditions, which may affect drainage. 3. The scale, location and design of retaining/landscaping walls must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 4. Retaining/landscaping walls installed in the front or side yards of the residence must be constructed of brick or stone masonry or dry-stacked natural or man-made landscaping stones/blocks. 5. For Standards specifically pertaining to landscaping changes/grading changes; please refer to Section 6.3 Grade Change Standards of this document. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 30 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation or alteration of retaining or landscaping walls must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed retaining wall(s) or decorative landscape wall(s). 2. Detailed specifications of the proposed walls including the dimensions, construction methods, and materials to be used. 6.14. Arbors and Trellises The following Standards pertain to the installation of arbors and landscape trellises: 6.14.1. Arbors 1. All arbors must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. The location and design of proposed arbor shall demonstrate sensitivity to the interests of adjacent property owners including the preservation of light and open views. 3. The arbor frame does not exceed thirteen (13) feet in height from the ground or from the level surface of a deck. 4. The size of the arbor is to be proportional to the location and incorporated into the overall design of the project. 5. Arbor frames must be made from natural wood, recycled plastic lumber, or vinyl. The color should remain a natural wood color, natural wood color stain, or white or tan vinyl. Paint is strictly prohibited. 6. Rust-resistant hardware shall be used in the construction of the arbor. 6.14.2. Trellises 1. All trellises must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. The location and design of proposed trellises shall demonstrate sensitivity to the interests of adjacent property owners including the preservation of light and open views. 3. Trellis frames are not to exceed thirteen (13) feet in height from the ground or from the level surface of a deck. 4. The size of the trellis is to be proportional to the location and incorporated into the overall design of the project. 5. Trellis frames must be made from natural wood, recycled plastic lumber, or vinyl. The color should remain a natural wood color, natural wood color stain, or white or tan vinyl. Paint is strictly prohibited. 6. Rust-resistant hardware shall be used in the construction of the trellis. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 31 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 7. The trellis is completely contained within the boundary of the lot on which it is located. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of an arbor or trellis must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of proposed arbor or trellis. 2. Detailed specifications of the proposed arbor or trellis including the dimensions, construction methods, and materials to be used. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 32 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 7. Recreation Sports Equipment and Facilities The following Standards pertain to recreational play equipment (e.g., basketball setups, trampolines, soccer/lacrosse/hockey goals, skateboard ramps, etc.) used by residents within the Sheffield Manor community. 7.1. Basketball Setups 1. Temporary basketball setups (i.e., hoop, backboard, pole, and general setup for playing basketball, etc.) may not be permitted to remain in public view and must be stored out of sight when not in use. 2. Such setup may not be secured to the residence. 3. Such setup must be stored from view when not in use and shall not block personal or community mail boxes, signs or other community property. 4. Non-permanent basketball setup must be a minimum of eight (8) feet back from the flow line of the street curb and gutter. 5. Freestanding permanent backboards must be mounted on a single pole. The location, per Prince William County regulations, must be located no less than twelve (12) feet from the side property and must be at least eight (8) feet from the front property line. 6. Poles: A backboard may be affixed to permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary freestanding pole (i.e., portable type setup), which pole shall be gray, black or silver and complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 7. Backboards on Permanent Poles: A backboard affixed to a permanent pole shall be of a transparent material (i.e. acrylic), not wood, wood composite, or metal and complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 8. Location: Basketball setups shall be located on the homeowner’s property at all times. Basketball setups should be placed so that missed basketballs do not tend to go into a neighbor’s yard and complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 9. Court Markings: No court markings may be painted on the playing surface, unless it is located behind the rear plane of the residence and screened from view and complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 10. Maintenance: The backboard, rim, pole and net shall be maintained in good condition at all times, with no evidence of peeling paint or rust. 11. Permissible Hours: Usage should adhere to Prince William County noise ordinances. 12. Basketball Goals are strictly prohibited in the Townhome area. Application Procedures: Application is not required for temporary basketball goals that are stored out of site when not in use and as long as the homeowner and complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 33 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 1. In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for children’s permanent basketball goals must include the following information: 2. Detailed description of materials or manufacturer’s brochure, including exact dimensions of equipment. 3. Property plat/site plan showing proposed location of equipment and relationship with respect to adjacent properties. 4. Color photograph of proposed play equipment. 7.2. Children’s Recreation and Play Equipment The following Standards pertain to permanent or semi-permanent play equipment, which constitutes either a structure or is appurtenant to an existing structure and therefore requires approval from the ACC. Examples include sandboxes, playhouses, swing-sets, play-sets, etc. Play equipment must be located directly behind the residence. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis if screened with plantings. 1. All permanent and semi-permanent play equipment must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. The location and design of proposed permanent or semi-permanent play equipment shall demonstrate sensitivity to the interests of adjacent property owners including the preservation of light and open views. 3. Structures and equipment must be compatible with the lot in terms of size. The design and any visual screening are additional considerations in evaluations and may be required when there might be an adverse visual impact. 4. Portable play equipment does not require approval but must be stored from view when not in use and shall not block personal or community mail boxes, signs or other community property. 5. Metal play equipment is strictly prohibited. 6. Equipment must be located in the backyard of the homeowner’s residence. 7. Equipment constructed of wood and left in natural color to weather is encouraged. Equipment constructed of composite material is permitted. 8. Tarps and canopies may be solid in color, primary colors, or striped. Neon colors and any other bright colors are strictly prohibited. 9. Playhouses must be of a natural wood color and must not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet and not more than eight (8) feet in height. Only single door openings are permitted and opening must not exceed twenty (20) inches in width and forty-eight (48) inches in height. 10. Playhouses must not be turned into or used as a storage shed(s). 11. The placement of shrubbery and trees is encouraged to minimize the impact upon neighbors. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 34 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 12. Playground equipment, such as basketball hoops with support poles permanently concreted into the ground, are strictly prohibited on the property of the residence or on community common property unless placed there by the Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for children’s recreation and play equipment must include: 1. Detailed description of materials or manufacturer’s brochure, including exact dimensions of equipment. 2. Proposed colors of tarps or canopies. 3. Property plat/site plan showing proposed location of equipment and relationship with respect to adjacent properties. 4. Color photograph of proposed play equipment. 5. Landscaping screening plan, if required. 7.3. Goals – Hockey / Lacrosse / Soccer The following Standards pertain to semi-permanent soccer/lacrosse/hockey goals and play equipment. 1. Permanent and semi-permanent soccer/lacrosse/hockey goal setups are strictly prohibited. 2. When not in use Soccer/Lacrosse/Hockey Goals must not be stored in the street, and must be stored out of sight. Application Procedures: Application is not required for Soccer, Lacrosse, Hockey Goals as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 7.4. Swing Sets The following Standards pertain to semi-permanent play equipment, including, but not limited to, sandboxes, playhouses, swing-sets and play-sets. 1. All swing sets must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Swing Sets are strictly prohibited in the Townhomes. 3. Play equipment shall be located in the backyard of Single Family residences. 4. Structures and equipment shall be compatible with the lot in terms of size. Maximum height may not exceed eight (8) feet. However, recreational equipment in excess of eight (8) feet high will be taken into consideration. 5. Metal style swing-sets and play equipment is strictly prohibited. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 35 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 6. Swing-set play equipment constructed of wood or composite material left to weather naturally is encouraged. Wood constructed equipment may be maintained with natural earth tone weather stain or paint. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for swing sets must include: 1. Detailed description of materials or manufacturer’s brochure, including exact dimensions of equipment. 2. Proposed colors of tarps or canopies if any. 3. Property plat/site plan showing proposed location of equipment and relationship with respect to adjacent properties. 4. Color photograph of proposed play equipment. 5. Landscaping screening plan, if required. 7.5. Trampolines The following Standards pertain to semi-permanent trampoline play equipment. 1. All trampoline equipment must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Trampolines shall be located in the rear of the residence. 3. Trampolines and any attached safety netting or padding shall be maintained and in good condition. 4. Homeowners are encouraged to remove or disassemble trampolines during the offseason and to be stored out of sight. 5. Trampolines do not require an application if the trampoline has no dimension that exceeds twelve (12) feet. Otherwise, an application is required for a trampoline. 6. Trampolines are strictly prohibited in the Townhomes. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for children’s recreation and play equipment must include: 1. Detailed description of materials or manufacturer’s brochure, including exact dimensions of equipment. 2. Property plat/site plan showing proposed location of equipment and relationship with respect to adjacent properties. 3. Color photograph of proposed play equipment. 4. Landscaping screening plan, if required. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 36 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 7.6. All Other Sporting Equipment and Facilities The following Standards pertain to all other sporting equipment and facilities not mentioned above. 1. All sporting equipment and facilities must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Recreational equipment may not exceed eight (8) feet in height (except basketball backboards). 3. Recreational equipment may not provide an intrusion/nuisance to neighboring lots. 4. All recreational equipment (including but not limited to, basketball setups, skateboard ramps, soccer nets, bicycles, etc.) must be removed from the front of the residence when not in use. 5. Recreational equipment may not exceed five (5) feet in height in the Townhomes. 6. Metal play equipment is strictly prohibited. 7. Play equipment constructed of wood or composite material left to weather naturally is encouraged. Wood constructed equipment may be maintained with natural earth tone weather stain or paint. 8. All equipment must be maintained in operable and visually appealing condition. Broken or deteriorated equipment must be repaired or removed promptly. The placement of shrubbery, trees, etc., around some recreational equipment is encouraged as these may soften the visual impact upon neighbors. 9. Homeowners are encouraged to remove or disassemble nets, trampolines, etc. during the off-season (October to March). 10. The location of any structure will not impair the views or amount of sunlight and natural ventilation to adjacent properties. 11. Sporting equipment and facilities constructed of wood should not be painted, but left to weather naturally. 12. Metal sports equipment should be painted black. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of recreational play equipment must include: 1. Site plan showing location of equipment and relation to property lines, residence, and any other structures. 2. Photograph and/or sketch of proposed play equipment. 3. Dimensions, color, and material. 4. Description of new landscaping (if applicable). Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 37 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 8. Swimming Pools The following Standards pertain to the alteration, reconstruction, and new construction of inground swimming pools. 1. All permanent in-ground pools must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Permanent in-ground pools are only permitted in Single Family Homes. Above Ground Pools are strictly prohibited. 3. Any private residential in-ground pool must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, fencing, insurance, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, and water usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc. 4. Permanent in-ground pools must be fenced and screened. Lot line fencing must conform to all fencing Standards found within Section 5 of this document. Gates shall open outwards from the pool and shall be self-closing and self-latching. 5. Temporary pools, such as children’s pools, are permitted and do not require an application. Temporary pools shall be placed behind the residence when used. Temporary pools shall be drained and put away daily and when not in use. 6. Permanent in-ground pools must be located directly behind the rear of the residence. A location directly behind a residence is preferred but other locations within a rear yard may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 7. The use of privacy fencing/screening that does not exceed four (4) feet in height for pools may be considered when lattice, board on board, or an open style of screening is proposed. 8. Permanent in-ground pool builders refer to the area surrounding a pool as the “decking” of the pool. Such decking shall be concrete, concrete aggregate, stone, brick or a similar material. Wood decking around an in-ground pool is strictly prohibited. 9. Seasonal and debris covers for permanent in-ground pools are permitted and actually encouraged. Such pool covers shall use muted colors such as black, brown, dark green, tan, gray or other muted shades to minimize their visibility. 10. Permanent in-ground pools may be designed to include such features as retaining walls, bench seating areas, gazebos, raised beams, waterfalls, slides, diving boards, lighting, privacy screening and other features. Such features shall be appropriate within the context of the overall pool design and shall adhere to other applicable Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 11. Pool filtration equipment must be shielded from adjacent properties through the use of landscaping. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening, please refer to Section 6.7 Landscape Screening Standards of this document. 12. The use of a water motion alarm, for when the pool is not in use, is not required but encouraged to alert homeowners and other adults of potential accidents involving toddlers. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 38 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, applications for the installation of swimming pools must include: 1. Full set of architectural plans. The plans must be scaled drawings showing all dimensions. Include materials to be used, color of pool and decking. 2. Property plat/site plan showing relationship of in-ground pool to residence and property lines with dimensions. 3. Fence plan showing relationship of fence to lot line and proposed in-ground pool. 4. Description of materials and colors to be used. 5. Landscape plan, listing type of plants to be used, location and dimensions. 6. Information regarding water supply system, draining, and water disposal system. 7. Construction plan indicating where excavated soil will be deposited and for how long. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 39 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 9. Snow Removal Residents are required to abide by Prince William County requirements regarding snow and ice from the sidewalks and walkways. It is recommend that snow and ice should be cleared from sidewalks and walkways and around mailboxes within seventy-two (72) hours of snowfall. Sand may be used as an abrasive when necessary, but the use of any rock salt or any de-icing salts, which are known to cause surface deterioration, is not advised. Single Family residential roadways are Virginia State property and therefore maintenance and plowing is the responsibility of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). Townhomes parking lots and roadways are private property of the Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association and therefore maintained and plowed by a hired private contractor(s) on behalf of the Association. Pipe-stem snow removal is the responsibility of homeowners who live on the pipe-stem. Please see attached map (Appendix E) for map of neighborhood showing State and Private maintained roadways and parking lot areas. Recommended links to the Prince William County web site for specific snow removal guidance and winter safety tips are listed below: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 40 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10. Miscellaneous The following Standards pertain to other miscellaneous areas and items associated with the improvement and maintenance of property. 10.1. Address Numbers The following Standards pertain to the installation of new or replacement of existing residence numbers on the home and street curbs. 1. All residential numbers must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Address numbers are required on all residences. 3. Residence numbers will be black or brass in color, and not more than six (6) inches in height. 4. Residence numbers painted on curbs are permitted; must be applied using a stencil, located underneath the mailbox and black and/or white in color only. 5. Homeowners will be responsible for removal of numbers incorrectly applied. 6. Residence numbers must be easily visible from the street. Application Procedures: No application is required for replacement of numbers of similar size and color, or differing size or color as long as the replacements are within Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. The approval of residence number plaque/shields, which include information such as owner’s name and/or street name in addition to the residence number, must be reviewed by the ACC on a case-by-case basis. 1. Any numbering other than described above requires an application. In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for the installation of residence number plaques/shields must include the following information: a. Description and picture of the plaques/shields including size and color, which are limited to black or brass in color. b. Front view of residence showing proposed location of plaques/shields. 10.2. Air Conditioners The following Standards pertain to the installation of new or replacement of existing residential air conditioning units. 1. All residential air conditioner units must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 41 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 2. Window air conditioner or air conditioning units extending from windows or protruding from the existing structure are strictly prohibited units are strictly prohibited. 3. Additional exterior central air conditioning units which are typically installed on a level pad on the ground or on a metal frame on the side wall, or relocation of existing units may be considered so long as they are placed near existing units and do not have any adverse audible or visual impact on adjoining lots and open spaces. 4. Screening for exterior equipment is encouraged. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening; please refer to Section 6.7 Landscape Screening Standards of this document. Application Procedures: No application is required for replacement of Air Conditioning Units of similar size as long as done so within the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. For new Air Conditioning systems the following application process must include the following information: 1. Property plan/site plan showing the residence, significant vegetation, property lines and the location of the proposed air conditioning unit. 2. Detailed specifications of the proposed air conditioning unit, including catalog photographs or manufacturer’s “cut sheets” of the unit. 10.3. Antennas and Satellite Dishes The following Standards pertain to the installation of antennas and satellite dishes. Antennas and satellite dishes designed to receive direct broadcast satellite service or to transmit/receive data (Internet) should be installed in the least visually intrusive place possible, preferably in the rear of the residence or lot. Please consider the visual impact of an antenna or satellite dish when choosing location. The Association has no obligation whatsoever to maintain common areas or any other property in order to provide or maintain unobstructed line of sight for satellite signals. Homeowners will not be permitted to cut, prune, or otherwise clear trees, shrubs or other vegetation from common areas in order to provide or maintain unobstructed line of sight for satellite or other communication device signals nor are the lot owners allowed to clear their own property if in violation of Prince William County Standards. 1. All antennas and satellite dishes must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Any antenna and satellite dish and use thereof must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, and safe operation. 10.3.1. Antennas: No antenna shall be installed on any common area of the Community. 10.3.2. Satellite Dishes: Homeowners and tenants may install on their lot a dish antenna that is one meter (39.39 inches) or less in diameter. Satellite dishes that are larger than one meter in diameter are strictly Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 42 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards prohibited. Homeowners and tenants may install a multipoint distribution service antenna (MMDS) antenna that is one meter or less in diameter or diagonal measurement. MMDS antennas that are larger than one meter in diameter or diagonal measurement are strictly prohibited. In accordance with the FCC Rule, homeowners and tenants may install a regular TV antenna designed to receive local broadcast television stations. Homeowners are strictly prohibited from installing any type of antenna that transmits a signal of any sort or disrupts the reception of the radios and television sets of neighbors. Any type of antenna not specifically protected by the FCC Rule is strictly prohibited (e.g., masts, cables, supports, conduits, wires, fasteners, or other accessories necessary for the proper installation, maintenance, and use of a reception antenna shall be considered part of the antenna.). Sale of Residence: Antenna/Satellite dishes do not convey upon sale of the residence. When any antenna/dish is no longer in continuous use as such, the Association reserves the right to require the homeowner to remove the antenna/dish, along with all exterior wiring, prior to issuance of the disclosure packet. Notice Requirement: To comply with the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, prior approval of the ACC is not required for the installation of a satellite antenna or dish, which is allowable under these Standards. However, notice of such an installation is required within seven (7) days of such installation to assist the homeowner in selecting the best possible location for the equipment while complying with the requirement for the least visible and unobtrusive location Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. Placement: The Association may condition the placement of such a reception dish as long as signal reception is not impaired. The preferred placement of the antenna is: A) Rear Roof Mount: Must be located on the rear of the roof, below the roof peak. B) Ground Mount, Rear of Lot: Must be located on a rear lot location. The ACC reserves the right to require the owner to install screening to minimize the visual impact of the antenna/dish on neighboring lots. C) Structure Mount: Shall be located such that the equipment is adjacent to a chimney or other structure on the residence. If on a deck, the equipment shall be installed to one side of the deck or adjacent to the residence, if possible. The ACC reserves the right to require the owner to install reasonable screening to minimize the visual impact of the antenna on neighboring lots. D) Ground Mount, Front or Side of Lot: Where front or side yard locations are necessary, all equipment must be installed near other utility equipment, or as close to the residence/structure as possible, without affecting ingress/egress to the residence. The ACC reserves the right to require the owner to install screening to minimize the visual impact of the antenna on neighboring lots. Homeowner must provide proof to HOA that they cannot obtain a clear signal for the preferred locations A through C above. E) Front Roof Mount: If a front roof mount is necessary, all equipment must be installed to one side of the roof, rather than in the center. Homeowner must provide proof to HOA that they cannot obtain a clear signal for the preferred locations A through C above. Application Procedures: Application is not required for an antennae or satellite dish as long as it complies with all the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 43 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.4. Barbeque Grills and Stands The following pertains to the alteration, reconstruction or new construction of permanently installed barbeque grills and stands: 10.4.1. Portable Grills: 1. Use of any portable grill must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, safe operation, etc. 2. Such portable grills may be used anywhere on the homeowner’s property and located and/or moved to the garage or rear of the property when not in use. 10.4.2. Permanent Grills: 1. All permanent grills must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Use of any permanent grill must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, safe operation, etc. 3. Shall be located behind the residence, and nine (9) feet or more from side and rear property lines. 4. Grills and stands must be maintained in good condition. 5. Screening for such exterior equipment is encouraged or may be required. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening; please refer to Section 6.7 of this document regarding Landscape Screening Standards. 6. Portable grills and stands must be stored out of sight of the street when not in use. Application Procedures: Application is not required for portable barbeque grills and stands as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. An application is required for a permanent grill. In addition to the basic application requirements, applications shall include the following information: 1. Property plan/site plan showing the location of the proposed permanent grill in relation to the residence, deck or patio, and property lines. 2. Detailed specifications and drawings of the proposed permanent grill, including types of materials, finish type and color and size/dimensions. 10.5. Clothes Lines Permanent clotheslines or similar apparatus for exterior drying of clothes are strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: Not applicable. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 44 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.6. Commercial Vehicles The following Standards pertain to the parking of commercial vehicles within Sheffield Manor. 10.6.1. Acceptable Commercial Vehicles Standards: 1. Small advertisement on the driver’s side and front passenger door, no larger than one and one-half (1 ½) feet by two (2) feet on any vehicle. 2. One window application is permitted on the rear window no larger than one and one-half (1 ½) inches by two (2) feet. 3. It is not permitted to use a combination of front/passenger door advertisement along with rear window advertisement. 4. Magnets must be used to cover decals, advertisements, etc. while parked in the community and shall closely match the primary solid color of the vehicle. 5. Federal, state, county, and city emergency vehicles with decals are permitted and do not require the use of magnets to cover decals, advertisements, etc. 10.6.2. Unacceptable Commercial Vehicles Standards: 1. Any vehicle that has any type of advertisement on any part of the vehicle other than the front driver’s door and front passengers door or one small window advertisement as mentioned under the “acceptable” Standards. 2. Any vehicle that has any type of commercial equipment or equipment that can be perceived as commercial equipment such as home improvement materials, ladders, industrial or landscaping equipment, etc. is strictly prohibited. 3. Any vehicle that is licensed as commercial or agricultural in any form or any vehicle marked for “farm use” only is strictly prohibited. 4. Any vehicle that has dual rear wheels or more (possible special exception if vehicle is used to tow camping trailer) is strictly prohibited. 5. Any vehicle that has a lift bed that can dump material is strictly prohibited. 6. Any vehicle that is paid for hire (e.g., taxi, limousine, moving van, etc.) is strictly prohibited. 7. Any vehicle that has a flat bed with no sides is strictly prohibited. 8. Any vehicle that has a flat bed with gated sides also considered as stake bodied trucks is strictly prohibited. 9. Box trucks of any type is strictly prohibited. 10. Any vehicle that can seat more than nine or any vehicle that can be considered a bus or commuter van is strictly prohibited. 11. Any vehicle that requires a commercial driver’s license or any other type of driver’s license other than for a passenger vehicle or motorcycle is strictly prohibited. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 45 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 12. Any vehicle that qualifies or possesses truck license plates is strictly prohibited. 13. Any vehicle with a bucket/cherry picker is strictly prohibited. 14. The ACC has the right to deny any vehicle, even if they meet the aforementioned “acceptable” Standards. The ACC also has the right to revoke any previously approved commercial vehicle for any reason. The BoD, as well as the Property Management Agent, also has the same authority as the ACC in the enforcement of the commercial vehicle policy. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for commercial vehicles must include the following information: 1. A color photograph of the vehicle. 2. Parking location. 10.7. Construction Site Management The following Standards pertain to the site management and oversight of major construction and landscaping projects that continue over an extended period of thirty (30) days or more and involve multiple trades. Multiple trades are defined as more than two trades working concurrently on a project. In general, these Standards are intended to promote open communication between the homeowner and their adjacent neighbors, contractors or other impacted neighbors regarding the proposed project and to ensure that the homeowner’s project does not present an unreasonable and/or extended adverse impact on other homeowner’s quality of life or safety. 10.8. Deck Fireplaces and Heaters The following Standards pertain to the use of portable and installation of permanently installed deck fireplaces and heaters: 1. All deck fireplaces and heaters must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Use of any deck fireplace and heaters must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, safe operation, etc. 3. All deck fireplaces and heaters must be located directly behind the residence. 4. Deck fireplaces and heaters must be maintained in good condition. 5. Screening for such exterior equipment is encouraged or may be required. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening; please refer to Section 6.7 Landscape Screening Standards of this document. 6. Portable fireplaces and heaters must be stored out of sight of the street when not in use. 7. Portable fire pits/chimaeras are recommended to be placed on patios, and not on wood decks. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 46 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 8. Propane/Electric heaters are permitted on decks and patios. Application Procedures: Application is not required for deck fireplaces and heaters as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 10.9. Pet Enclosures and Pens The following Standards pertain to acceptable outdoor pet enclosures and pens (e.g., doghouses, dog runs, and dog pens, etc.) located on an individual property: 1. All outdoor pet enclosures and pens must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Use of any outdoor pet enclosures and pens must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, safe operation, treatment of animals, etc. 3. Per Prince William County zoning ordinance domestic fowl (e.g., chickens, pigeons, doves and other domestic fowl) are prohibited within the Sheffield Manor community and immediate surrounding area. Zoning can be found on the Prince William County web site. 4. Outdoor pet enclosures and pens must be similar to homeowner’s residence in terms of color and materials, unless located in a densely wooded area, in which case it may be constructed of wood or composite material and left to weather naturally. Such wood constructed outdoor pet enclosures and pens located within in a densely wooded area may be maintained with natural earth tone weather stain or paint. 5. Outdoor pet enclosures and pens shall be located behind the homeowner’s residence and in a location that is visually unobtrusive to neighbors. 6. Screening for such outdoor pet enclosures and pens is encouraged or may be required. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening; please refer Section 6.7 Landscape Screening Standards of this document. 7. Outdoor pet enclosures and pens may not exceed twenty (20) square feet and may not exceed four (4) feet in height. 8. Outdoor pet enclosures and pens must not be turned into or used as a storage shed(s). 9. Multiple outdoor pet enclosures and pens are not permitted. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for outdoor pet enclosures and pens must include the following information: 1. Property plat/site plan showing location of outdoor pet enclosures and pens and distance to homeowner’s residence and property lines. 2. Description of materials and colors being used. Colors used on the homeowner’s residence should also be indicated. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 47 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3. Landscape plans including size and types of plantings, to complement or screen the outdoor pet enclosures and pens. 4. Photograph, brochure/catalog photo, rendering, or drawings of the outdoor pet enclosures and pens, which includes dimensions, are encouraged. 10.10. Exterior Decorative Objects The following Standards pertain to the installation or display of exterior decorative objects. With the exception of seasonal displays, approval is required for exterior decorative objects maintained in the yards of the residence, whether natural or man-made. Objects will be evaluated in terms of their general appropriateness, size, color, location, compatibility with architectural and environmental design qualities and visual impact on neighbors and the surrounding area. 1. All external decorative objects must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. For information regarding seasonal and holiday displays please refer to Section 10.20 Seasonal and Holiday Display Standards of this document. 3. Exterior decorative objects that do not require approval include, but are not limited to, bird houses, bird baths, statues of animals, sundials, sculptures, driftwood, decorative rocks, planters, free standing poles of any type, and all items attached to approved structures. 4. Functional exterior objects such as benches, chairs, tables, etc. are considered exterior decorative objects and require approval if maintained in the front or side yard of the residence. 5. Any exterior decorative objects under thirty (30) inches are preapproved. 6. Jockeys, wagon wheels, flamingos and other similar objects are strictly prohibited. 7. Except for seasonal displays, objects with human features are strictly prohibited. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis if screened with evergreen plantings. 8. All exterior decorative objects must be maintained in good appearance. Portable lawn furniture does not require approval but must be arranged in an orderly fashion and, unless located on a deck or patio behind the dwelling unit, and stored from view when not in use. 9. No more than four (4) exterior decorative objects are permitted without formal approval. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for exterior decorative objects over thirty (30) inches must include: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of the exterior decorative objects in relation to the front and side yard of the residence. 2. Description and picture of the exterior decorative object including size and color. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 48 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 3. Provide photograph, brochure/catalog photo, rendering, or drawings of the exterior decorative objects. 10.11. Firewood The following Standards pertain to the maintenance of firewood by homeowners: 1. All firewood collection(s) must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Firewood shall be kept neatly stacked and shall be located to the rear of the residence and in such a manner as to avoid adverse visual impacts on adjoining properties. 3. Firewood shall be stacked in piles which do not exceed eight feet in length, four feet wide and four feet in height (one cord) for Both aesthetic and safety considerations. 4. Screening for such exterior equipment is encouraged or may be required. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening; please refer to Section 6.7 of this document regarding Landscape Screening Standards. 5. Other than a limited quantity of firewood intended for immediate use, firewood shall not be stacked on patios or decks and may not be stacked in common areas. 6. The use of brightly colored tarps is strictly permitted. Where a cover is required the color shall be muted brown, tan or clear. 7. Due to potential risk of termite damage, it is not advisable to store wood next to a residence. Application Procedures: Application is not required for Firewood as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 10.12. Flag Poles The following Standards pertains flagpoles: 1. All flag poles and flags must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. One (1) temporary flagpole, which does not exceed six (6) feet in length and is attached to the residence at a forty-five (45) degree angle, is permitted without prior approval by the ACC as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 3. More than one (1) temporary flagpole per residence must be approved. 10.13. Hot Tubs/Spas The following Standards pertain to exterior hot tubs or spas. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 49 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 1. All hot tubs and/or spas must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. Any private hot tub or spa must comply with all federal, state and local jurisdictional ordinances regarding location, setbacks, permits, fencing, insurance, environmental and ecological impact, size, safety, and water usage during summer months, particularly during droughts, etc. 3. The hot tub or spa must be located behind the residence and must blend with the exterior finish of the homeowner’s residence, deck or patio to which it is connected or most closely related. For additional guidance of hot tub and spa Standards please refer to Section 8 Swimming Pool Standards of this document. 4. Screening for such exterior equipment is encouraged or may be required. For Standards pertaining to landscape screening; please refer to Section 6.7 Landscape Screening Standards of this document. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for hot tubs/spas must include: 1. Property plat/site plan showing the location of the hot tub or spa in relation to the homeowner’s residence, deck and/or patio. 2. Description and dimensions of screening and decking, if any, and landscaping plan if applicable. 3. If the mechanical unit is not self-contained, details of the location and screening of the unit. 4. Manufacturer’s brochure or pictures/renderings including a detailed description of the hot tub or spa and its dimensions. 10.14. Mailboxes The following Standards pertain to the replacement or installation of mailboxes. 1. All mailboxes must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. The color of all mailboxes shall be black. 3. Names and numbers may be mounted on the mailbox or wood post. 4. The installation of top mounted guides for the display of the residence numbers, names, and/or addresses is strictly prohibited. 5. Posts are to be painted/stained in earth tone colors and maintained in vertical alignment. 6. Signs or other decorative objects on mailboxes or mailbox posts are strictly prohibited. 7. Only newspaper delivery tubes may be attached to the mailbox support post. 8. Mailbox support posts may not be metal. 9. Decorative mailbox covers are strictly prohibited. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 50 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Application Procedures: Application is not required for Mailboxes as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 10.15. Motor Vehicles No disabled vehicle or vehicle with expired license plates, county registration or inspection sticker may be parked on any lot, common parking lot, or on any street within Sheffield Manor. No extraordinary and/or extended maintenance or repair of any vehicles may be carried out on any lot or common area. Regular maintenance or repair of any vehicle or related equipment that is performed outdoors is permitted during daylight hours only. Any vehicle or related equipment suspended with jacks, blocks, etc. may not be left unattended for reasons of safety. When extended periods are required for maintenance or repair (i.e., overnight or longer) the vehicle or related equipment must be garaged or stowed in approved enclosures before sunset. Vehicle maintenance is strictly prohibited within the Townhomes parking lot and street areas. 10.16. Recreational Vehicles No recreational vehicle may be parked or stored in open view of residential property, residential streets, open space or other common area other than on a temporary and occasional basis. Temporary and occasional is defined as not more than one (1) week in a two (2) day consecutive period. A recreational vehicle is defined as: 1. Operation of motor vehicles or motorized equipment on common areas or neighboring properties at any time is strictly prohibited. 2. Operation of motor vehicles or motorized equipment on common areas or neighboring properties at any time is strictly prohibited. 3. Any boat or boat trailer, canoe, Jon-boat, paddle boat, jet skis, sailboats, catamarans, rafts, inflatable’s, or any other type of watercraft, etc. 4. Any motor home or other self-contained camper, etc. 5. Any camper slip-ons where the camper backs are twelve (12) inches or higher than the roof-line of the cab of the truck, etc. 6. Any mobile home, trailer or fifth-wheel trailer, etc. 7. Any pop-up camper/tent, trailer or other similar recreation oriented portable or transportable facility or conveyance, etc. 8. Any other vehicle not defined above which could not normally or regularly be used for daily transportation, including dune buggies or non-operative automobile collections or other automotive equipment not licensed for use on the highways of Virginia. Application Procedures: Not applicable. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 51 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.17. Parking and Operation of Construction Vehicles The following Standards pertain to the parking and operation of construction vehicles on the homeowner’s property: 1. Parking and operation of construction vehicles may be permitted only during renovations that have been applied for to the ACC and, when necessary, proper federal, state and county permits must be visibly displayed in accordance to Prince William County regulations. 2. Operation of motor vehicles or motorized equipment on common areas or neighboring properties at any time is strictly prohibited. 3. All motor vehicles or motorized equipment must be parked in a neat, legal, and orderly manner at all times. 4. Must be operated in a safe, legal, and professional manner at all times while in the Sheffield Manor Community. 5. Must not prevent other Sheffield Manor homeowners from safely and conveniently entering and exiting their residence or parking spaces. 6. Must not prevent, disrupt, or impede the delivery of mail, collection of garbage, or school bus operation. 7. Noise – Prince William County noise ordinance must be followed. Every reasonable effort should be made to reduce/prevent excessive construction noise and to conduct those activities that are particularly noisy at times, which have the least impact on affected neighbors. 8. Recommended Start and End Time – Construction should not begin before 7 AM and be completed by sundown each day. This includes the arrival of construction vehicles and personal contractor vehicles and the delivery of construction material. 9. Dates – Proposed start and end dates must be provided for each phase of the project and must be strictly adhered to. 10. Prevention of damage, including damage caused by drainage, to adjacent properties. Application Procedures: In addition to the basic application requirements, the application for proposed project, major construction and landscaping projects require the submission of a Site Management Plan to the ACC. The Site Management Plan must be presented to impacted neighbors and address, in detail, of all of the Standards above and elsewhere in this document, and any concerns raised by affected homeowners. Once the project has begun, any continued deviation from or continued violation of the approved Site Management Plan may require that all work cease, at the homeowners’ expense, and a new Site Management Plan to be submitted for re-approval by the ACC. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 52 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.18. Storage of Motor Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles, Boats, Trailers, or Campers The following Standards pertain to the storage of motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, boats, trailers, or campers on the homeowner’s property. Refer to Prince William County Ordinance 13-0320.1 at the link listed below: 10.19. Patio/Porch Furniture and Bench Maintenance The following Standards pertain to the maintenance of patio and porch furniture: 1. All patio/porch furniture and benches must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. All furniture will be maintained in good appearance. 3. Portable furniture does not require approval but must be arranged in an orderly fashion, and unless located on a deck or patio behind the dwelling unit. 4. For Standards specifically pertaining to exterior decorative objectives; please refer to Section 10.10 Exterior Decorative Objects Standards of this document. Application Procedures: Application is not required for patio/porch furniture and benches as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above and elsewhere in this document. 10.20. Seasonal and Holiday Displays The following Standards pertain to seasonal and holiday displays: 1. All seasonal and holiday displays must be harmonious with the homeowner’s residence and adjacent residences and consistent with the overall character of the community. 2. May be installed no earlier than one (1) month before the first day of the month in which the holiday is observed. For example, December holiday decorations may be displayed from November 1st through January 31st. 3. Must be removed no later than the last day of the month following the month in which the holiday is observed. For example, December holiday decorations may be displayed from November 1st through January 31st. Application Procedures: Application is not required for seasonal and holiday displays as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 53 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.21. Signs The following Standards pertain to the installation or posting of signs on the homeowner’s property: 1. One (1) sign per lot is approved for display only in the front yard of a residence. 2. Real estate signs may not exceed four (4) square feet and may be placed only in the front yard of properties for sale or rent. Real estate signs must be removed within seven (7) days of a sales contract being signed. 3. Real estate signs must not be placed in rear yard of a residence. 4. Political signs are considered a seasonal display and can only represent a declared candidate. Political signs may be displayed forty-five (45) days before Election. All political signs must be removed within one (1) day following Election Day. 5. Signs used to promote a charitable fund drive or garage sale may be displayed temporarily. Such signs may be displayed up to ten (10) days before the event and may not be larger than two (2) square feet. The homeowner(s) or party(s) who displays such sign(s) are responsible for removing the sign(s) immediately after the conclusion of the event. 6. Commercial contractor sign(s) may be displayed only when the work being performed is in progress. The sign(s) must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours of work completion. 7. Two (2) security service warning signs are permitted per lot. Such security service warning signs shall not exceed three (3) feet in height or twelve (12) square inches in size of actual signage. 8. Signs attached to structures, lampposts, trees, mailbox posts, fences, state traffic or utility poles, per county/state laws, are strictly prohibited. 9. Only signs described above may be displayed on residential property in Sheffield Manor. Application Procedures: Application is not required for signs as long as homeowner complies with all of the Standards listed above or elsewhere in this document. 10.22. Security Bars The use of security bars or gates on windows and doors is strictly prohibited. Application Procedures: Not applicable. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 54 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards 10.23. Solar Panels Solar panels may only be installed on a roof only they are parallel to the roofline and below the ridgeline. Solar panels may not be elevated above the roof ridgeline. Solar panel frame(s) must be painted to closely match the color of the roofing surface. Application Procedures: An application is required for solar panels. In addition to the basic application requirements, applications must include: 1. A property sketch showing location of the solar panel on the residence. 2. Manufacturer’s product information or a sketch showing dimensions, materials and colors of the solar panel. 3. Please note that new technologies related to skylights are becoming available in the marketplace. Accordingly, do not hesitate to submit applications for new types of products, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 55 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Appendix A: Basic Application The Architectural Improvement Request form for Sheffield Manor is provided on the following two (2) pages. To submit this form, homeowners may use this form within the ‘Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards’ or a photocopy thereof. Alternately, the Architectural Improvement Request form is also available as a PDF download from the Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association web site at: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 56 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Architectural Improvement Request Form Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association MAIL TO: Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association c/o Sequoia Property Management Agent 13998 Parkeast Circle Chantilly, VA 20151-2283 Name: Date: Address: Lot #: Phone: (H) (W) (Fax) Type of Alteration/Change (please check appropriate box): Second Story Deck Complete Section A below Ground Level Deck Complete Section A below Fence Complete Section B below Patio Complete Section C below Storm Door Complete Section D below In-Home Business Complete Section E below Other Complete Section F below Section A: Deck Additions (if necessary provide the following within architect drawings, etc.) Dimensions, across the back of the residence: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Dimensions, length out from the residence: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Elevation, from ground level: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Railing height, from deck surface: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 57 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Railing type (describe): _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type and color of materials: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Section B: Fence Additions Total dimensions of the fence: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Fence type: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type of gate: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type and color of materials: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Section C: Patio Additions Dimensions and design layout: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type of materials: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Section D: Storm Doors Placement of door: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type of door (describe): _____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe color of door as it relates to the following: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Front door, siding (brick) and trim: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 58 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Section E: In-Home Business Attach a copy of the in-home business permit, license, or certificate from Prince William County. Type of Business: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the potential impact on neighbors regarding traffic and parking: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type and number of vehicles to be used to conduct business: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Location of vehicle storage: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Number and type of daily deliveries required: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Section F: Other (includes Addendums to previously approved requests, if applicable) Please provide an explanation of the project, providing details on dimensions, materials and colors as applicable. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ If applicable, all applications must be accompanied by the materials listed within Sections A, B, C, D, E, and F. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and may result in your project being delayed. Attach architectural plans/drawings or photographs of the proposed project. Drawing(s) MUST show elevations, dimensions, height off the ground, relationship to existing structures, railings, footings, color samples if necessary and manufacturer’s brochure if available. Attach a copy of the property plat showing size, shape and location of improvement to residence and to adjoining properties (including specific dimensions of improvement and distances to adjoining properties). Grading plan must be included, if applicable. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 59 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards I/we understand and agree to the following: That this modification may require a Prince William County building permit or may be subject to other governmental regulations. I/we agree to obtain all required city/county approvals. Miss Utility will be contacted prior to the commencement of any construction. Approval of this application satisfies only the requirements of the Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association and not any obligations to the county or others as may be required. That I/we assume full responsibility for: all landscaping, grading and/or drainage issues relating to the improvements, any damage to adjoining property (including common area); and any injury to third persons associated with the improvement. That all work associated with the project will be completed within the property lines. That no work on this proposal will commence until I/we receive written approval of the Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association. To do so is a violation of the Covenants of the Association and may result in my/our being required to remove an unapproved modification and restore my/our property to its original condition at my/our own expense if this application is disapproved. I/we also understand I/we may be held responsible for any legal fees incurred on behalf of the Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association in enforcing this provision. That an approval is contingent upon the construction being completed in a timely and a professional and a workmanlike manner as per the specifications as submitted in this application. That there are architectural requirements addressed in the Architectural Control Guidelines and a review process as established by the Covenants of the Association and the Board of Directors. That the approval authority granted by the Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association (if so granted) will automatically expire should the proposed project not be completed within one (1) year of the date of approval. That any variation from the original application must be submitted for approval of the Sheffield Manor Homeowner’s Association. Owner/Homeowner’s Signature(s): Date: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(For Committee Use Only) Approved Date of Decision: Disapproved: Date of Decision: Approved with conditions: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Committee Representative: Committee Representative: Committee Representative: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 60 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Appendix B: Illustration of Common Plat Definitions Residence Location Survey Plat A Residence Location Survey Plat (certified by a registered Virginia surveyor) is required for many zoning approvals. This plat shows all property lines and existing structures on an individual residential lot. Everything on the plat must be drawn to-scale. Only plats with the following items will be accepted: o o o o o All information shown to-scale; The surveyor's seal; The surveyor's signature; The scale used by the surveyor; Complete plat drawings (partial plats are not acceptable). PLEASE NOTE: Neither the Planning Office nor the Prince William County Courthouse keep copies of residence location survey plats. Where do I get a copy of my plat? A residence location survey plat is required with the documents provided at closing when purchasing a new home. If a plat was not included with your closing paperwork (or if the copy you received is not to-scale), you should contact the mortgage company, title company, or surveyor who did the survey. What is "to-scale"? To ensure that plat information accurately reflects the measurements taken on the site of a survey, surveyors use a scale (for instance, 1"=30' or 1 inch = 30 feet) for all plat drawings. A "toscale" plat is an exact copy of the original plat, with all lines (as measured on the page) being identical to that of the original. A toscale copy must be on the same sheet size as the original (for instance, if an original plat is printed on an 11" x 17" sheet, then only a copy on that sheet size would be acceptable, not a copy on 8.5" x 11"). Plats that have been faxed, reduced, enlarged, or otherwise altered are not to-scale and cannot be accepted. Zoning staff will verify that a plat is to-scale before processing a request for zoning approval. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 61 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Appendix C: Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Suggestion Form The Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Suggestion form for Sheffield Manor is provided on the following page. To submit this form, homeowners may use this form within the ‘Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards’ or a photocopy thereof. Alternately, the Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Suggestion form is also available as a PDF download from the Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association web site at: Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 62 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Suggestion Form Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association MAIL TO: Sheffield Manor Homeowners Association c/o Sequoia Property Management Agent 13998 Parkeast Circle Chantilly, VA 20151-2283 Name: Date: Address: Lot #: Phone: (H) (W) (Fax) Description of Suggestion: Please describe your suggestion for improving the Sheffield Manor Architectural Standards in detail. Please feel free to add additional pages to this suggestion form as needed. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 63 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Appendix D: Duron Curb Appeal Exterior Accent Color Palette If using another brand of paint, the color of the paint must closely match the Duron color palettes below. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 64 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards Appendix E: Snow Removal Map Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 65 Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards This final page intentionally left blank. Sheffield Manor Homeowner Association Page 66