Overview of Cold Crucible Induction Melting of Corium
Overview of Cold Crucible Induction Melting of Corium
Overview of Cold Crucible Induction Melting of Corium Sevostian Bechta (KTH) and Dmitry Lopukh (SPbGETU «LETI») PLINIUS 2 International Seminar, Marseille, France, May 16th, 2014 Contents Motivation CCIM method: How it works? History of CCIM development and application to corium studies Examples of induction furnaces and experiments done so far What we need for large scale corium facility CCIM simulation Conclusive remarks 2 Motivation We need PLINIUS-2 furnace(s) for preparation of about 500 kg of superheated metallic-oxidic corium melt and melt pouring as a well controlled jet into a test section for FCI and MCCI studies Keeping in mind that prototypic corium melt, which is a mixture of oxidic (UO2, ZrO2, …, SiO2, …) and metallic components (Zr, Fe, …), is very high-temperature and reactive with all known crucible materials, we cannot use traditional refractory or hot crucible technologies Is CCIM one of the possible options for PLINIUS-2? 3 CCIM furnace: How it works? Combination of contact-free method of power supply with non-polluting method of melt Melt retention Crust Advantages: (Garnissage) - Volumetric power in the melt (but not uniform) Cold crucible - Melting all oxides (except pure Silica) and reaching very high temperatures Inductor - Synthesis of ultrapure materials, - Long term retention of high temperature and aggressive melts in different atmospheres (including oxidizing ones) - Compact design and cheap furnace disposal (important for melting radioactive materials) Complexities: CCIM ↔ IMCC ↔ Scull Melting Cold crucible - Heating efficiency is sensitive to melt specific resistance (material and temperature efects) Inductor frequency should be adjusted for every combination of melt composition and crucible diameter 4 Power profile is not uniform and start-up heating is necessary History of CCIM Skull melt retention was originally proposed in 1905 for melting of metals Ref: [Bolton W.V. // Z. Electrochemie,1905, vol. 11, p 45] Examples of vitrification CCIMs SPbGETU “Chamomile” and “Draining” furnaces The method was combined with inductive heating in 1931 [Siemens & Halske A.G. German Patent 518499] Currently used in industrial scale for manufacture of refractory oxides and reactive glasses as well as for crystal growth Used in nuclear industry for radioactive waste vitrification Radon and DOE cold crucibles Used for production of fibers, granules and spheres from rocks and oxidic materials by melt jet dispersion 5 Corium CCIM facilities worldwide 6 Overview of corium CCIM facilities Facility Commiss ioning date Research area Melt mass, kg Inductor frequency, MHz Installed power, kW 5 10 2 2 1.76 1.76 0.1 5.2 240 240 120 100 RASPLAV facilities: 2 2C 3 4 1989 1993 1998 2004 COMETA 1998 Experiments with model corium ~1-2 4.5 80 (output) TROI 2000 FCI 50 ~0.05 50 VESTA 2010 Melt/material interactions, phase diagrams, melt properties Melt-Structure interaction (Ex., Jet impingement from core catcher, Melt/SM interaction, RPV vessel penetration failure) 400 0.1 450 Company and contact person NITI, Russia. Evgeny Krushinov npc@niti.ru UJV (Czech ) Dr Monika Kiselova, Monika.Kisel ova@ujv.cz KAERI, (Korea) Dr Hwan Yeol KIM, hykim1@kae ri.re.kr Operation features Furnace Melt gas composition Oxidized Air, N2, corium, He, Ar, Sub oxidized steam corium, and Corium mixtures with silica and alumina Air, Oxide nitrogen mixtures (UO2+FexOy, CaO, ZrO2, SiO2, Al2O3) Air or UO2-ZrO2 and Air/N2 other oxides, UO2-ZrO2-Fe, Inert Oxidised and sub-oxidized corium with metal Possible manipulations with corium melt Melt sampling, melt pouring, zonal crystallization, melt quenching, VPA IMCC Crucible shift against inductor: 0-50 mm/min (possibility of zonal crystallization) Well-designed melt jet injection and jet observation Measurements: Melt jet velocity, Void fraction, Melt temperature Dynamic pressure loads, etc. Melt delivery from the furnace into the lower experimental section also equipped by induction heating 7 Overview of corium CCIM facilities (2) Facility SICOPS Commiss ioning date Research area 2000 (A small medium frequency melt facility since 1992) SOFI Phase1 Phase 2 Jan – 2014 End of 2014 Melt mass, kg Inductor frequency, MHz Installed power, kW Company and contact person 1- and 2-D corium interactions with sacrificial or protective material, with concretes 20 max 1-4 100 (output) AREVA (Germany) Dr Gert LANGROCK gert.langroc k@areva.co m FCI of SFRs: molten UO2 interaction with Sodium including fuel fragmentation aspects, debris relocation behavior and morphological characteristics of generated debris bed 50 0.002 50 200 0.1-0.2 200 IGCAR (India) Prof P. Chellapandi pcp@igcar.g ov.in Operation features Furnace Melt gas composition Air, N2, UO2 melts Ar and simulant melts Inert UO2 melts with steel Possible manipulations with corium melt Simultaneous Interaction of Molten Corium with Protective and Sacrificial Material Melt pouring into lower crucible for 2D tests >In-sodium pressure transducer >Imaging of debris bed with high power X-Ray with flat panel detector >Melt pouring into test section using combination of remotely operated pneumatic valves 8 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments Studies of Corium Melt Interactions with Structural Materials (Vessel steel, Concretes, Refractory, Sacrificial Materials, etc.) Immersed specimens 1D Downward Ablation Sideward Ablation Rasplav-2 SICOPS Rasplav-2 SM after interaction with metal corium Rasplav-2 Vessel steel interaction (simulation) ZrO2 ceramic after interaction with oxide corium 293 9 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments (2) SICOPS Studies of 2D MCCI: Conventional (b) and inverse (a) geometries a b Ref: [J. J. FOIT, M. FISCHER, CH. JOURNEAU, G. LANGROCK Experiments on MCCI with oxide and steel // 6th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR-2013), Avignon (France), Palais des Papes, 2-4 October, 2013] 10 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments (3) FCI and steam explosion studies FCI in water: TROI Ref: [JinHo Song, Current Progress of TROI Program, presentation at KAERI-NITI Meeting, 10-11 April, 2006, St. Petersburg] FCI in sodium: SOFI Ref: [VENKATARAMAN NATARAJAN KARTHIK RAVICHANDRAN Experimental and Analytical Simulation of MFCI during CDA in Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor. Master of Science Thesis, CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Göteborg, Sweden, 2011] 11 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments (4) Study of corium phase diagrams at Rasplav-2 VPA IMCC method of liquidus temperature determination Corium samples preparation for solidus measurements Study of miscibility gap and determination of tie lines 2350 2300 Tliq=2390 oC Temperature, C Melt equilibrium crystallization and determination of solubility limit Cord 37 Tmel 2250 2200 2150 2100 4745 4750 4755 4760 Time, s 12 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments (5) Study of corium phase diagrams at COMETA CCI melting in air or air/nitrogen mixture Observation and video recording of the melt surface to check the second liquid Quenched samples of melt by means of initially cold metallic rod Rapid or slow (zonal crystallization) cooling of ingot Systems studied: U-Zr-O, U-Fe-Zr-O, U-Fe-Zr-Si-Ca-O, U-Fe-Zr-Si-Ca-Al-O 1 melting chamber with illuminators 2 supporting movable frame 3 cold crucible 4 inductor 5 high frequency generator 6 drive mechanism for moving frame (2) 7 ball-&-screw couple of the moving mechanism 8 ventilator of the gas – purification system 9 filter 10 water-cooling system 11 aerosol sampler 12 radiation pyrometer or videocamera 13 PC-based information and measuring system. Example of microstructures formed at different cooling rates in the system of U-Fe-Zr-Si-Ca-Al-O Ref.: [S. BAKARDJIEVA et al, Thermodynamic Data applied to Corium Interactions for Improved Quality of Severe Accident Modelling in SARNET2, to be published soon] 13 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments (6) Study of corium melt properties Melt specific resistance versus oxidation index of corium 7.5 Melt density: Comparison of NITI data measured in CC with RRC KI data measured in Tungsten crucibles 2700 K 7.0 2900 K ln cm)-1 6.5 6.0 5.5 2 1 3100 K 5.0 2800 K 4.5 4.0 3000 K 3.5 3.0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Corium oxidation index, % 1 - Exp. Data of ISTC METCOR Project 2 – Beong Tae Mina, Seong Wan Hong et.al. A Computational Analysis of the Cold Crucible Melting of Corium. // Proceeding of ICAPP ’04, Pittsburg, PA USA, June 13-17, 2004. Paper 4222. RRC KI: Data of RASPLAV and MASCA projects 14 Examples of CCIM facilities and experiments (7) Aerosol formation and transport & Fission product release from corium melt FP simulants: stable or radiolabeled Sr, Ba, Ce, La, Mo, Ru …(simulated fissium) Measurements and charactrization: Mass and element specific release rates Aerosol composition and morphology Aerosol size distribution Transport and deposition phenomena In past: Experiments at NITI for FPRMP and LPP projects of EU and EVAN ISTC project Currently: Aerosol formation experiments at UJV using COMETA facility 15 Features of large scale CCIM for PLINIUS-2 Melt jet initiation and control Rotary furnace Trough the bottom Trough the side section Used in conventional induction furnaces with refractory or hot crucibles (e.g. in KTH) TROI: with plunger VESTA SOFI Rasplav-2 C 16 Features of large scale CCIM for PLINIUS-2 (2) Melt jet initiation and control Unpredicted release start, unstable jet (UO2/ZrO2 corium) Jet initiation and control by additional high frequency inductor (molten glass) SPbGETU “LETI” CCIM Laboratory 17 Features of large scale CCIM for PLINIUS-2 (3) Melt mass and power increase Increase of melt mass of specific composition (i.e. increase of cold crucible diameter) allows decrease of inductor frequency, which is quite favorable for the induction furnace reliability Necessary space for power supply and cooling systems can be reduced, if the decreased frequency will allow use of thyristor or transistor generator Different melt compositions for water/sodium FCI and MCCI experiments (i.e. different specific resistances of melt) probably will require different inductor frequencies It can be achieved by using different power suppliers or generator with adjustable frequency or by a combined solution Design solutions should be supported by CCIM simulation 18 CCIM simulation: DYMELT code Developed in NIEFA (St Petersburg) by Dr S. Calculation domain for Smirnov molten pool simulation DNS of non-steady-state convection of viscous electro-conductive liquid volumetrically heated by electromagnetic field Solution of magneto-hydrodynamic task Influence of cold crucible sections Consideration of two liquids in miscibility gap Consideration of gas phase Modeling of melt pouring The code was verified against experimental data measured in corium tests: 1 - Furnace lid 2 – Cold crucible - Pool and jet surface temperatures and velocities 3 - Inductor 4 – Pool - Integral parameters of CCIM (power in the melt, cold 5 - Bottom crucible, inductor) - Heat fluxes to cold crucible and bottom calorimeters 19 CCIM simulation: examples of results for single liquid pool and melt jet release Dynamics of molten glass jet delivery from CCIM to a cask Dynamics of natural convection of single liquid corium pool T, C 20 CCIM simulation: behavior of immiscible oxide and metal melts within a stratified pool MA-3: Power in the melt Temperature and velocity vectors Metal distribution after crystallization Posttest ingot Metal inclusions 21 CCIM simulation: 2D-MCCI with gaseous concrete decomposition products in the pool Average gas velocity on Bottom and Concrete wall – V = 0.04 m/s Wall temteratures – 2100 C Temperature Initial melt temperature – 2277 C Void Inductor current – 266 A, as without gas 22 Conclusive remarks Successful experience of corium cold crucible furnaces operated in different countries and organizations confirms that CCIM is one of the best options for the new experimental platform at CEA Wide range of corium composition requested for PLINIUS-2 will probably require variation of inductor current frequency Industrially produced power supplies have sufficient power in a wide enough frequency range Challenging features of the new facility are associated not only with the heating capacity but also with the quality of melt delivery into the test section and furnace compatibility with sodium test section Pre-design, pre- and post-test IMCC simulations as well as supporting experiments are necessary for successful application of this complex melting technology 23 Acknowledgements Thanks to Dr Hwan Yeol Kim and Dr Seong-Wan Hong (KAERI), Prof Perumal Chellapandi (IGCAR), Dr Gert Langrock and Manfred Fischer (AREVA), Dr Monika Kiselova (UJV) for provided technical information about CCIM facilities Thanks to many colleagues participated in design, construction, commissioning and operation of different facilities as well as in the cold crucible experiments Thanks to PLINIUS 2 International Seminar organizers for invitation to present our experience 24