May 24, 2015 - Blessed Sacrament Church
May 24, 2015 - Blessed Sacrament Church
Blessed Sacrament Church 3012 Jackson Street * Sioux City, IA 51104 * 277-2949 Website: *Radio Masses: Sunday—9:00 a.m. 1360 KSCJ 94.9 FM May 24, 2015 Baptism: By appointment following required pre-baptism class. Marriage: By appointment following required 6 month marriage preparation program. Please call parish office to make appointment. Communion Sick Calls: Persons unable to attend Mass, please contact the parish office to make arrangements to receive the sacraments. Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the parish office. Learning Centers: Parish Religious Ed. Programs 277-4739 Ext. 115 Angel House—3002 Jackson St 277-2001 Angel House/Villa Maria—2302 West St. 234-1854 Parish Office: Phone: 277-2949 Fax: 277-2963 3012 Jackson St. Hours: 8:00 am — 4:00 pm, Mon—Fri Weekend Liturgies Saturday—4:30 pm Sunday—7:30 am, 9:00 am & 10:30 am Weekday Liturgies see schedule inside Mon thru Fri. -6:45 am Holy Day Liturgies Evening before—5:30 pm Holy Days—6:45 am, 8:00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday—3:45 pm Weekdays—20 minutes Prior to Mass Prayers Request Line: Sue Lilla—255-3956 Holy Cross—Blessed Sacrament Center 277-4739 Holy Cross—St. Michael Center 239-1090 BHCS Central Office—1018 Grandview 252-1350 Pastoral Staff: Administrative Pastor: Rev. Daniel Rupp Permanent Deacon: Fred Karpuk Permanent Deacon: Dick Billings D.R.E./Youth Ministry: Fran O’Tool Liturgy Coordinator: Ann Schultz Parish Coordinators: Director of Operations: Terry McElroy Parish Director: Joseph M. Puetz Parish Director: Gina M. Sitzmann Finance Committee Chair: Kathy Pynn Pastoral Council Chair: David Sly Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools: BHCS President: Jim Tschann Holy Cross School Principal: Michael Sweeney Our Mission: We, the Blessed Sacrament Parish Family, seek to be a community of peace, justice and love, as expressed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BLESSED SACRAMENT, SIOUX CITY Thank you for worshiping with us! Our Parish Life Monday Memorial Day Tuesday 7:00 PM Thursday 1:00 pm May 25, 2015 May 26, 2015 Finance Meeting May 28, 2015 Sewing Circle @ Angel House Parish Financial Blessings Year-to-Date Giving Information July 1, 2014-May 17, 2015 Total Income……………………… .…..$937,888.51 Total Expenses...………………...... .$1,029,638.90 Difference……………………...… …...-$91,750.39 Sunday Collection Auto 12 Env 130 ..……...………….… ...$15,056.00 Loose Contributions….…………...………...$518.00 Other Income Hot Lunch Reimbursement……………….$1,612.12 Bills Paid this Week OCP Licensing (missals)……………………$865.00 Upcoming Bills City of Sioux City…………………………….$725.71 BHCS Investment………………………..$58,766.00 Payroll……………………………………..$18,500.00 Priest Health Insurance…...……….……..$1,050.00 Cathedraticum/Education Fund………….$1,166.00 Ice Cream Social All Symbolon participants and families (whether parish groups or online)... Let's get together and celebrate the end of a successful Symbolon season and learn what is coming this fall. On Sunday May 31st @ 1:00 pm in the Parish Center attend an Ice Cream Social. Added bonus: Fr. Dan will give a video presentation and explanation of Michelangelo's "Last Judgement" painting. Please RSVP to your group facilitator, Renee (255-4766), Betty (490-3550), or Molly (258-7454) by May 29th. May They Rest In Peace Maryann Krommenhawk, mother of Ric Krommenhawk passed away Wednesday, May 13, 2015, her funeral was May 19th at Immaculate Conception. Davon Kieler , son of Ed and Mary Kieler passed away January 3, 2015. His funeral was held May 23rd at Blessed Sacrament. May the angels welcome Maryann and Davon into heaven and our prayers be with their families. Mass Intentions Monday May 25, 2015 Memorial Day 8:00 am Deceased Members of the Lalley Family Tuesday May 26, 2015 6:45 am Norman & Ethel Williams Wednesday May 27, 2015 6:45 am Joan Dale Kelly Thursday May 28, 2015 6:45 am Paul Schaffhousen 5:30 pm Margaret Smith Friday May 29, 2015 6:45 am Dan Walsh Saturday May 30, 2015 4:30 pm Constance Riley, Helen Davenport Sunday May 31, 2015 7:30 am Doris Sokolowski, Beth Golden 9:00 am Felicitas Polking, Dr. Kenneth Keane 10:30 am Blessed Sacrament Parish Altar Servers Saturday May 30, 2015 4:30 pm Sophie & Tess Lord, Abbie Tornell Sunday May 31, 2015 7:30 am Trevor & Connor Ritz 9:00 am Ca;eb & Rachel Engel, Andrew Puetz 10:30 am Kate Gill, Hannah & Emma Hutchinson Extra-Ordinary Ministers Saturday May 30, 2015 4:30 pm Susan Boutwell, Pat & Dick Collins, Mary Ellen Ericksen, Sr. Colane Recker, Thomas & Barb Vakulskas Sunday May 31, 2015 7:30 am Dan Fleming, Al Metz, Dave Stedman, Lori Twohig 9:00 am Mary Choquette, Carl Hardy, Mary Jo & Marty Reilly, Joan Rizk, JoEllen Treinen 10:30 am Joanne Craig, Steve & Marilyn Joyce, Jane & Mark Stevens, Lynne Wetzel, Dawn Witzke Memorial Day Monday May 25, 2015 Blessed Sacrament Office Closed From the Desk of Fr. Dan Rupp…. May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday Charismatic Prayer Meeting Sr. Mary Ann Nacke and her prayer group will be holding a charismatic prayer night on Wednesday, May 27th at 7 pm in the Parish Center. All are invited to come and join together in prayer. Totus Tuus Coming The week of June 8-12 we will be hosting Totus Tuus. Totus Tuus is a Latin phrase meaning “totally yours” and is the name of a summer camp for children and youth. More info on the program is given in this bulletin. Please consider enrolling your child in this great program. 31st Symbolon Ice Cream Social and Presentation On Sunday May there will be an Ice Cream Social and presentation in the Parish Center to wrap up our Symbolon series. I will be giving a presentation on Michelangelo’s Last Judgment painting in the Sistine Chapel. The figures, history, theology, drama and politics of the fresco will be discussed. All are invited. Contribution Letters to Parishioners You probably noticed that you received a statement from the parish recently. We did this to try and “clean up our data base.” Many times people do not inform the parish that they have moved out of the parish, that they have moved within the parish or that they have changed their phone number. Thus, our data base becomes out of date and we end up mailing envelopes, parish mailings and the diocesan Globe newspaper to wrong addresses. Our data base is being successfully updated through this mailing. The mailing also included how much was given to the parish since January 1st. This was to clear up any mistakes that may exist in the areas of envelopes, money counting and data entry. When such mistakes go on for a whole year, it becomes very time consuming to sort them out. We did not mean to offend anyone. We realize that some people do not use envelopes or make one or two big contributions a year or donate time and talent. All gifts are appreciated and needed and everyone should give in the best time and form for them. If any offense was taken, I and the whole staff apologize. If you did not receive a mailing, please call the office as we do not have you on our parish list. Baseball Game Batter Up On July 26th, we are taking a bus to the Twin Cities to watch the Twins play the New York Yankees. The bus will leave at 7 am and return later that night. The cost of the trip is $70. Space is limited so sign up soon. Up From The Earth is a new ecumenical program in Sioux City to get extra produce from home gardens to people in need. The program encourages home gardeners to "grow an extra row" and facilitates the gathering and distribution of excess fruits and veggies to those in need through existing food pantries. In our parish, Mark Taylor will be the Garden Produce Coordinator. Our produce would go to the Soup Kitchen. This will NOT replace our fall Garden Share program. Please contact Mark (490-6925) if you are interested in growing extra produce, and he will follow up. Join us Wednesday, May 27th in the Blessed Sacrament Parish Center for a presentation by Kelly O’Brien. Entitled “To live an inspiring life, you must be inspired.” “A Call to Joy” by Matthew Kelly. Sr. Mary Ann Nacke will facilitate the evening beginning at 7:00 pm–9:00pm, with welcome and introductions, music led by Mike McGowan and friends, musicians George Olson and Kathy Baker, a Spirit-Led Intercessory Rosary by Deacon Kevin Poss and individual blessings from Father Rupp. Coffee water and treats will be served. Totus Tuus (Grades 7-12) Sunday, June 7th –11 7:30 am to 9:30 pm. Totus Tuus (Grades 1-6)Monday, June 8th –12th 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. The Cost is $25.00. Register Now! Volunteers Needed! Totus Tuus needs adult volunteers to assist tin the classroom, serve snacks, greet children as they arrive at the check in desk, host lunch or dinner for our team leaders, or donate to the Potluck & Dinner. Potluck Dinner during Totus Tuus Wednesday June 10th 5:30 pm-7:00 pm. To register or volunteer Contact Fran O’Tool @ 2774739. This week is Food to Share Weekend We are low on toothpaste, detergent, canned fruit, canned pastas with meat. Thanks for your generous support of this Parish Ministry. Mark your calendar for Sunday, July 26 to attend an exciting trip to the Target Center, St. Paul, MN to enjoy an afternoon of baseball. This is a premier game with the Minnesota Twins vs. the New York Yankees, so this family outing will be great fun. Game time is 1:10 pm. We will depart Blessed Sacrament parking lot 7:00 a.m., motor to Minnesota via Royal Coach Lines and depart for Sioux City immediately following the game. Get your paid reservations in early, as the 47 passenger bus will fill rapidly. Cost for each passenger is $70 which includes transportation and game ticket. NO REFUNDS. Bring your own snacks and beverages. Popcorn will be provided. Restroom facilities are on the bus. Send check to:Blessed Sacrament Baseball, 3012 Jackson St., Sioux City, IA 51104. Any questions call Pat Collins 255-9534. Please Patronize our Advertisers Monday May 25, 2015 Memorial Day The Holy Cross Faculty and Staff would like to thank Fr. Rupp, Fr. Hemann, BHCS President James Tschann, parents, volunteer coaches, the PTO organization, and parishioners for making this another successful school year! Holy Cross School office summer hours: Closed: June & July Open: August 3, 2015 You may leave a message on the Holy Cross office phone: BS Center 277-4739 or SM Center 239-1090. You may also call the BHCS office 252-1350. Blessed Sacrament is fortunate to have two talented artists in our parish, Laurie Dougherty and Amy Sobaski. Bring your preferred beverage, a snack to share for a fun night of canvas painting. All supplies will be provided with proceeds going to the Blessed Sacrament Art Department. No experience necessary and a good time guaranteed. Sign up very soon, as seating is limited. Bring a group of friends for a great night out. The Date is June 9, from 7-9. Class fee is$30. send reservations Marriage Nullity Workshop to be held on Thurs. June 11, 6:30pm at St. Joseph Church, 1112 8th St. in Sioux City, Iowa. To register, contact Terri at the Tribunal, 712.233.7533. The workshop is open to all, especially those who are divorced and desire to remarry in the Catholic Church.< Do you know how to use a scissors, sew a seam or tie a knot and you are looking for a way to make a contribution! Come join the Sewing Circle. The Circle meets every Thursday at 1 pm Angel House basement. Thank You! To Our May 24, 2015 Radio Mass Sponsor