April 5, 2016 - Kaiser Report - Arctic Star Exploration Corp.
April 5, 2016 - Kaiser Report - Arctic Star Exploration Corp.
Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 keyword(s) Advanced Search Members About Us Archive Recommendations Education Research Tools Login: lesent Annual KRO Member - Exp: Feb 2, 2017 (more...) Share Select Company Profiles... 0 Share Like 0 Blog 0 0 Home / Companies / KRO Profile KRO Profile KRO Company Profile Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) RS Search Web Site Tree Forum SEDAR Quote IPV Canalaska Uranium Inc is undertaking uranium exploration on a portfolio of 100%-owned and optioned projects focused on Canada's Athabasca Basin, where it controls one of the largest land positions in the region, comprising over 1,000,000 hectares. Among Canalaska's joint ventures partners are Mitsubishi Development Pty, a consortium of Korean companies, and East Resources Inc. of China. Canalaska is led by CEO Peter Dasler. Trade Date Volume High Low Close Chg Status April 4, 2016 236,500 $0.47 $0.38 $0.40 ($0.08) Trading Basic Info Listed On: TSX Venture: CVV 6/21/1994 Sector: Resource Issued: 22,068,000 10/31/2015 Story Type: Mineral Exploration Diluted: 26,194,000 JK Owns: No Insider Stake: Peter G. Dasler (CEO), Thomas Jr Graham (Chair), Harry Chan (CFO), Karl Schimann 3% 9/24/2015 Tel: ( 604) 688 3211 Working Capital: $1,476,000 10/31/2015 Email: info@canalaska.com Market Cap: $8,827,200 Web Site: www.canalaska.com Cash Breakup: Key People (VP EX) Address 625 Howe St Ste 1020, Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T6, Canada $0.05 per sh Corporate Change History #Old for New Nov 8, 2010 Jun 21, 2011 Reverse Split New Exchange 10:1 1:1 Last Price $0.14 $0.68 Listing Dec 30, 2013 New Exchange Listing 1:1 $0.11 Prior Name Subsequent Name Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV- Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV- T) T) Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV- Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV- V) T) Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV- Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV- T) V) Ranking within Company's Price Range based Group http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Details Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 All KRO as of Apr 4, 2016 Price Range: Group Median $0.30-$0.49 Price Group Total: 96 67,795,485 22,068,000 83.3% Working Cap: $1,408,620 $1,476,000 51.0% Price Group Total: Group Median $0.30-$0.49 69 Percentile Issued: TSXV KRO as of Apr 4, 2016 Price Range: Company Company Percentile Issued: 52,843,525 22,068,000 78.3% Working Cap: $1,118,672 $1,476,000 58.0% Score 67.2% Score 68.1% Group figures exclude delisted and suspended companies. The higher the company percentile the better, based on the assumptions that the lowest issued shares and highest working capital are best. The score is the average of the percentiles. A percentile is that percentage of a group that a member ranks higher than. Note that issued and WC reflect latest financials. Recommendation Status as of March 16, 2016 Canalaska Uranium Ltd was on the short list for the 2016 Bottom-Fish Edition but did not make the cut because its main Athabasca Basin uranium projects were stalled due to waning interest from the junior's Asian partners after considerable expenditure with no discovery, and its $800,000 treasury was too low to fund any meaningful Athabasca Basin exploration. In the case of the West McArthur project Mitsubishi (50%) funded most of the $17 million spent mainly in the Grid 1 area, and in the case of Cree East a Korean consortium led by KORES spent $19 million to earn 50%. Although Chuck Fipke's Northern Uranium Corp had decided to spend another $5.6 million to boost its interest in the Northwest Manitoba uranium project, the resulting 20% interest for Canalaska was not hope-inspiring given Fipke's track record since discovering Ekati. Although $800,000 working capital, only 26.2 million fully diluted since a 10:1 rollback in November 2010, and vested interests in strategic uranium prospects should have qualified Canalaska as a bottom-fish buy recommendation, I felt the uranium exploration story launched in 2005 as the uranium bubble got underway had pretty much exhausted itself and that Canalaska was destined to spin its wheels in a rut as its Asian partners slunk away. So why did I on February 19, 2016 add Canalaska Uranium Ltd to the 2016 Bottom-Fish Edition as a buy in the $0.10-$0.19 range? On February 18, 2016 Canalaska announced that it had staked claims covering 75 magnetic anomalies it interpreted as potential kimberlite pipes in the northwestern part of the Athabasca Basin. This area south of Lake Athabasca and north of the Carswell Structure (some say a meteor impact site, others say an ancient basement "pop-up" feature) is the least interesting from a uranium perspective because the unconformity sits under about http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 1,500-2,000 m of sandstone, too deep for any alteration chimneys to be discernible at the surface, and beyond the reach of geophysical surveys seeking conductive graphite beds that are the theoretical host for the Athabasca Basin's high grade uranium deposits such as the world class McArthur River deposit. It is a uranium exploration dead zone. In 2011 the Saskatchewan Geological Survey conducted a 400 m spaced airborne magnetic survey whose results were published in 2012. Nobody took much notice, but Canalaska's Peter Dasler and Karl Schimann, not having much to do after Fukushima crimped the spending activity of Canalaska's Asian partners, pulled the dataset and crunched it to see if anything encouraging for uranium targets was present. They were disappointed, but noted a cluster of discrete near-surface magnetic anomalies that made no sense given the monotonous nature of the basin's Proterozoic sandstone cover. The only plausible explanation was an igneous intrusion, and the only intrusion that would create such a circular magnetic feature would be a kimberlite style intrusion. Dasler and Schimann meditated on this oddity for a couple of years, but in mid 2015 decided to stake postage stamp claims over each of the 75 magnetic anomalies they had identified. Canada's staking system requires the owner to spend assessment work on the claims, which, even though it might all have been focused on a skinny vein in a tiny area, can be allocated to all contiguous claims. Recognizing the high risk nature of this diamond hypothesis, and how the Canalaska shareholder base might not be thrilled about a diversion of capital from uranium into diamond exploration, management also staked strings of single claims that connect the postage stamps so that the claim map looks like a bunch of hydra in a petri dish viewed through a microscope. This allows focused exploration on a single target to keep all the "connected" targets alive. It would have cost a fortune in the old physical post staking days, but in the modern era of map-staking it was just an exercise in mouse-clicking. When I saw this cluster of targets spread out within a 100 km by 50 km area I was stunned, especially after I realized that this portion of the Athabasca Basin is underlain by the Archean aged Rae craton which is known to host diamondiferous kimberlites. Could it be that a random government funded data gathering exercise had generated the tell-tale signs of a kimberlite cluster that a junior terrified by the bear market afflicting the resource sector since 2011 took the trouble to investigate and spent not easily replaceable capital to stake? Was this the serendipity event that periodically hauls the Canadian juniors out of deep slumps? The northern prairies have had a number of diamond exploration waves, of which the most recent is the Pikoo area in the northern part of the Saskatchewan Craton where North Arrow Minerals Ltd discovered dykes that appear to have high grade diamond potential of 100 cpht plus based on micro diamond size distribution curves. But the Pikoo dykes have limited tonnage potential, and until somebody finds a larger high grade body, this area is largely a science project. That may change if another bottom-fish called Alto Ventures Ltd turns several circular geophysical anomalies associated with nearby diamond indicator minerals into kimberlite discoveries. In the central part of the Saskatchewan Craton we have the http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Fort a la Corne field of large low grade kimberlites apparently erupted into a submarine environment that are covered by several hundrd metres of unconsolidated sediments. What is intriguing about the FALC kimberlites controlled by Shore Gold Inc is the high upper limit of the carat value modeled by WWW which also assigns a base case value in the upper half of the range. This suggests the presence of large, high quality diamonds of the sort that have been infrequent in major Canadian diamond mines such as Ekati, Diavik and Victor. In northern Alberta we have the Buffalo Hills cluster of weakly diamondiferous kimberlites that Ashton found on the basis of magnetic anomalies initially spotted by a petroleum geologist. That spurred an area play in the 1998-2001 period that fizzled when mini bulk sampling delivered very low grades. Another cluster of barren kimberlites was found to the east in the Birch Mountain area. But what tweaked the interest of Dasler and Schimann was a regional till sampling program which yielded kimberlite indicator minerals north of Fort McMurray whose source has never been resolved and which was never pushed beyond the Carswell structure into the area of the Athabasca Kimberlite play. The kimberlite indicator mineral hits are more than 100 km down-ice from the Athabasca Kimberlite project which sits on an Archean Craton that is much more prospective for diamonds than whatever underlies the Buffalo Hills and Birch Mountain kimberlite clusters. At this point we do not know if Canalaska's magnetic targets are actually kimberlites, and while the down ice indicator minerals apparently signal some diamond potential, confirmation that the "kimberlites" are indeed diamondiferous is even more speculative, let alone economically diamondiferous. Canalaska will have to wait until summer to collect till samples, ground truth the targets to see if they outrcrop as was the case in the Buffalo Hills, and conduct detailed geophysical surveys before drilling any targets in late fall or next winter. But the intrusions that make up these targets do represent meaningful tonnage, with few alternative explanations, so if indeed Canalaska has snagged most of a new diamondiferous kimberlite field, a major exploration play will emerge. I use the word "most" because not everybody believes that the 400 m spacing of the geophysical grid flown by the SGS had sufficient resolution to highlight all kimberlite targets. While the sandstone is magnetically quiet, a magnetic geophysical anomaly merely measures relative magnetic difference. A kimberlite pipe need not have a prominent magnetic signature that shows up on a 400 m grid survey. More subtle magnetic signatures might only show up on a survey flown on 100 metre lines. On March 16, 2016 Fjordland Explorations Inc announced that it had staked 26,223 hectares in the same area as Canalaska's claims on the premise that Canalaska did not get it all. I contacted Fjordland's CEO Dick (DA) Atkinson and discovered that Fjordland's claims surround Canalaska's "postage stamp" claims. The rationale is that any field of kimberlites will have clusters of closely spaced kimberlites, of which the Renard and Gahcho Kue clusters are good examples. A staking strategy that places just enough claims to cover distinct magnetic anomalies could miss nearby kimberlites with geophysical signatures that do not show up on the scale of the government survey. The snapshot below from the Saskatchewan MARS claims system enhanced by Canalaska's Karl Schimann shows the extent of current area play staking. http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 At this stage of the Athabasca Kimberlite play Fjordland's Dick Atkinson is grasping at straws, but the situation reminds me in many ways of 1992 when Dia Met Minerals announced that it had discovered a diamondiferous kimberlite at Point Lake in a god-forsaken part of the Northwest Territories called the Slave Craton where very few juniors had ever dared to tread and which a Canadian subsidiary of De Beers called Monopros had sampled without any luck that led to a kimberlite discovery. At the time the juniors were stuck in a bad bear market, a bear market so bad my brokerage firm employer decided a window office was wasted space when occupied by research analysts and moved the research department into a windowless former storage space in the middle of our floor. Although we knew nothing about diamonds, my research associate Andrew Muir and I recognized that the Dia Met discovery was significant, and initiated detailed coverage of the emerging area play. Chris Jennings helped us up the learning curve with his collection of diamond slides he had assembled during his career as a diamond explorer (yes, the old fashioned physical kind). We adopted the simple premise that Fipke did not "get it all", and focused on a rag-tag bunch of juniors with names like Aber, Commonwealth, Southernera, Tyler, Fibre-Klad, Kettle River, Dentonia, Horseshoe, Almaden, Williams Creek and Troymin and recommended clients build a portfolio of these juniors surrounding Dia Met on the speculation that important pipes would be found outside the Dia Met-BHP property boundaries. In 1993 this prediction became reality, and proximity juniors which increased ten-fold from pennies during 1992, increased another 10-20 fold in 1993. I remember one of the banker partners hustling back an forth between his window office and the trading desk with blue buy tickets muttering over and over again "unbelievable". By 1994 the research department had been moved into a windowed corner office. That this could ever repeat itself today seems unbelievable to me. But what really triggered this flashback memory was my conversation with Dick Atkinson, now in his seventies, who was a big star in past decades. He decided to become CEO of Fjordland a couple years ago when Tom Schroeter retired after a valiant exploration effort to discover new copper-gold deposits in British Columbia. Atkinson, who steered Fjordland into a potential revival of the South Voisey's Bay nickel play, quickly discovered that this bear market was the mother of all bear markets that humbled all superstars without infinitely deep pockets to self fund a junior. When I spoke with him he was sitting in Fjordland's new office, a windowless former storage space in an office floor whose window offices were occupied by juniors that generally still had positive working capital. He had decorated the walls with his art collection; Andrew and I decorated our walls in 1992 with maps. Atkinson lamented that he would have staked more ground, but there was not enough money, and he was having trouble in light of his two cent stock price persuading the holders of five cent warrants to exercise them. For now he owns 100% and has not resorted to a DHK style syndicate. It may be that a year from now Peter Dasler has demonstrated his targets to be nothing more than another field of barren kimberlites, in which case this will be nothing more than a sad anecdote. However, I mention this story because it has a textbook resemblance to other great discovery stories that erupted from a bear market abyss with the help of desperate entrepreneurs as was the case with the Lac de Gras diamond play. http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 The Athabasca Kimberlite play is a free lunch for bottom-fishers who own Canalaska Uranium Ltd because the junior's more obvious upside resides in the potential of its West McArthur uranium play. On January 21, 2016 Canalaska announced that it had a deal to purchase Mitsubishi's 50% stake in West McArthur for $600,000 cash and a 1% royalty. That was not an overly promising development, because it depleted Canalaska's treasury and signaled a loss of confidence in West McArthur by the Japanese partner. But on February 24, 2016 Canalaska announced that Cameco was optioning 60% of West McArthur which requires it to pay $725,000 up front and spend $5 million over 3 years with $1 million guaranteed in 2016 to earn 30%, and another $6,275,000 over an additional 3 years to earn 60%. Cameco's interest is clearly in the Grid 5 area into which the C conductor with which its Fox Lake deposit is associated projects. However, the deal does require Cameco within two years to drill two deep holes in the Grid 1 area where Canalaska and Mitsubishi spent most of the $17 million sunk into West McArthur (see SVH Tracker - March 4, 2016 for a more detailed discussion). Cameco has earmarked $7 million for its Fox Lake deposit (386,700 tonnes of 7.99% U3O8) in 2016 which it views as a candidate for "top tier" development status. The grade is high enough, but the deposit needs more tonnage. The deal with Canalaska gives Cameco free rein to chase the Fox Lake system along the C Conductor in the direction of the West McArthur project which it now has tied up for 60%. A hole about which nothing has been disclosed was drilled within 500 metres of the property boundary. Previous holes by Canalaska and Mitsubishi near the C Conductor failed to intersect uranium mineralization, but did indicate the presence of a major hydrothermal system. Thrust faulting in the area has created a confusing geological picture which is best left sorted out with somebody else's money, in this case Cameco whose technical team probably better than any other knows how to follow the uranium "threads" once they come into view. Cameco is expected to start a drill program shortly. With only 26.2 million shares fully diluted and a stock price of $0.32 the market is assigning a value $21 million to the 40% net West McArthur play, and only $8.4 million the Athabasca Kimberlite play. Canalasaka looks very ripe to deliver the 500% plus gain expected for a member of the 2016 Kaiser Bottom-Fish Editon. It will take at least six months for the diamond play to reach a tipping point, but the West McArthur tipping point that justifies a Spec Value Hunter buy recommendation could be within reach in 4-8 weeks. One should keep in mind that a discovery comparable to McArthur River in grade and tonnage would be worth billions. KRO 2016 Bottom-Fish Edition Initiated: Closed: Initial Recommendation Current Recommendation Status New BF Buy $0.10-$0.19 New BF Buy $0.10-$0.19 Feb 19, 2016 Initial Position: Net Proceeds: 6,061 High: $0.52 215% 3/18/2016 $0 Low: $0.15 -9% 2/19/2016 http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Buy Range: Date Price 2/19/2016 $0.17 Gain/Loss: Recommendation New BF Buy $0.10-$0.19 142% Last: Action Buy 5,263 @ $0.19 $0.40 Net Cash $0 142.42% Net Stock 5,263 Charts & Financing Activity http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Gain -13% 4/4/2016 New Status New BF Buy $0.10-$0.19 Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Most recent 43-101 resource estimate Prior resource estimate PEA PFS FS/BFS/DFS Private Placement Key less than $500,000 $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 $20,000,000 - $50,000,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000 $2,000,000 - $5,000,000 $10,000,000 - $20,000,000 over $50,000,000 Private placement financing dates and value ranges are based on transactions reported by the TSXV Monthly Review. Date Company Type Quantity Price FT Units Amount Jan 15, 2002 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 2,000,000 $0.10 Units $200,000 Nov 11, 2002 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 1,000,000 $0.10 Units $100,000 Dec 23, 2002 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 466,667 $0.15 Units $70,000 Sep 12, 2003 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 1,500,000 $0.10 Units $150,000 Oct 6, 2003 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 3,500,000 $0.10 Units $350,000 Nov 11, 2003 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 2,000,000 $0.23 Units $460,000 Dec 23, 2003 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 2,142,858 $0.35 FT Units $750,000 Jan 6, 2004 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 2,142,858 $0.35 FT Units $750,000 Feb 2, 2004 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 2,000,000 $0.35 Units $700,000 Nov 29, 2004 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 3,300,000 $0.30 Units $990,000 Dec 21, 2004 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 4,000,000 $0.30 Units $1,200,000 http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Broker Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Dec 22, 2004 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 1,387,500 $0.40 FT Units $555,000 Jan 20, 2005 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 2,362,500 $0.40 Units $945,000 Jul 7, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 3,000,000 $0.32 FT $960,000 Sep 6, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 3,125,000 $0.40 FT $1,250,000 Sep 6, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 435,000 $0.35 Units $152,250 Sep 21, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 3,231,500 $0.35 Units $1,131,025 Sep 23, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 535,000 $0.35 Units $187,250 Dec 19, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 1,353,791 $0.37 Units $500,903 Dec 19, 2005 Canalaska Ventures Ltd PP 5,000,000 $0.40 Mar 15, 2006 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 7,425,374 $0.42 Apr 13, 2006 CanAlaska Ventures Ltd PP 4,893,000 $0.55 Oct 27, 2006 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP 7,470,331 $0.45 Dec 12, 2006 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP 4,000,000 Mar 6, 2007 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP Sep 25, 2007 Canalaska Uranium Ltd Oct 31, 2007 FT $2,000,000 Units $3,118,657 FT Units $2,691,150 FT Units $3,361,649 $0.52 Units $2,080,000 6,944,444 $0.72 Units $5,000,000 PP 1,111,111 $0.45 FT Units $500,000 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP 7,660,877 $0.47 FT Units $3,600,612 Oct 31, 2007 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP 7,629,968 $0.38 Units $2,899,388 May 9, 2008 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP 9,452,060 $0.34 FT Units $3,213,700 May 28, 2008 Canalaska Uranium Ltd PP 1,470,600 $0.34 FT Units $500,004 Aug 12, 2009 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 5,826,764 $0.17 FT Units $990,550 Nov 3, 2009 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 11,904,428 $0.21 FT Units $2,499,930 Nov 30, 2009 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 2,380,000 $0.21 FT Units $499,800 Dec 21, 2009 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 14,496,300 $0.21 FT Units $3,044,223 Dec 21, 2009 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 10,897,571 $0.18 Units $1,907,075 Dec 30, 2010 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 446,167 $1.60 Units $713,867 Dec 30, 2010 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 1,721,708 $1.60 Units $2,754,733 May 30, 2011 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd PP 418,141 $1.13 FT FT $472,499 Capital Financials Dated: October 31, 2015 Reporting Period: 6 months Assets Cash Equivalents: Receivables etc: Current Assets: Long Term Assets: Total Assets: Year End: 04/30 Liabilities $1,171,000 $413,000 $1,584,000 $976,000 $2,560,000 Current Liabilities: Currency: CAD Income $108,000 Operating Revenues: $0 Tangible LT Debt: $0 Operating Cash Costs: $0 Intangible LT Debt: $0 Operating Cash Flow: $0 Operating Non-Cash Costs: $0 Miscellaneous Revenue: $0 Total Liabilities: Share Capital: Shareholder Deficit: $108,000 $73,205,000 ($70,753,000) Cash Expenses: Non-Cash Expenses: http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] $953,000 $37,000 Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Working Capital: Monthly Overhead: Net Shareholder Equity: $1,476,000 $2,452,000 $158,833 Total Expenses: $990,000 Overall Cash Flow: ($953,000) Net Income (Loss): ($990,000) Note: Structure & People Directors, Officers and Employees: Other Insiders: Past Reported Shareholders: Related Party Occupation Related Since Geologist 1/1/2004 Businessman 3/25/2008 Thomas Jr Graham Diplomat 9/19/2007 Jean-Luc Roy Geologist 1/1/2007 Karl Schimann Geologist 9/27/2013 Lawyer 1/7/2014 Accountant 1/1/2015 Geologist Peter G. Dasler Insider 986,030 4.5% AGM: September 24, 2015 0 0.0% People Tree Available 1,656,833 N/A Director Officer Capacity % 286,538 1.3% 0 0.0% 20,000 0.1% 0 0.0% 423,375 1.9% 0 0.0% CFO 0 0.0% 1/1/2012 Advisory Board 0 0.0% Nana Lampton 1/1/2012 Advisory Board 0 0.0% Simon Szeto 1/3/2013 Advisory Board 0 0.0% 9/24/2015 Corporate 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Victor Fern Kathleen K. Townsend Harry Chan Daniel L. G. Faure Dianne M. Szigety Administrator CEO & President Ownership Chairman VP Exploration Secretary Past Reported Shareholders - Current Ownership Status unknown Joseph Bowes Accountant 10/19/2009 CFO John Clemens Broker (Pro) 12/30/2010 Placee 20,000 0.1% Richard M. Cohen Broker (Pro) 8/12/2009 Placee 75,000 0.3% Olav Langelaar Broker (Pro) 8/12/2009 Placee 40,000 0.2% Fund 9/23/2009 1,132,352 5.1% Ravensden Asset Management Inc. Manager Active Index Memberships http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Membership Start Date: February 19, 2016 Start Price: KRO 2016 Bottom-Fish Index: http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] $0.17 Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Membership Start Date: November 8, 2010 Start Price: $1.48 KRO Uranium Exploration Junior Index: Includes companies which have made uranium exploration their primary focus, and which have not acquired a project with a historical resource, and have not yet reported a resource estimate for an exploration play. Index members which subsequently acquire a project with a resource or report a resource for a new discovery will be added to the Uranium Pounds in the Ground Index, but will also remain an active member if te Uranium Exploration Juniors Index. Risk Analysis Click here to view IPV Report http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Key to Understanding the Spec Value Hunter Tables Flagship Play Secondary Plays Other Plays A Spec Value Hunter table allows speculators to identify which projects offer poor, fair or good speculative value according to the rational speculation model. The speculative value depends on the project stage, the project's implied value as calculated by the company's fully diluted, stock price and net project interest, and the dream target deemed appropriate for the project. A dream target is what a project would be worth in discounted cash flow terms once in production. Fair Speculative Value - Poor Speculative Value Note: Good Speculative Value - narrow arrows indicate IPV is outside the fair value channel but within 25% of the fair value limits Active Company Projects Project West McArthur Country Canada Region Athabasca Net Interest 40% TC Basin Athabasca Canada Kimberlite Project Cree East Athabasca $100 UPV $500 $26 $2000 Target Metals Uranium Deposit Style Unconformity style 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Diamond 50% WI 3-Discovery $21 Uranium Basin Canada Athabasca Canada Athabasca Delineation 25% WI Basin NW Manitoba 2-Target IPV $ MM Drilling Basin Moon South Stage Canada Manitoba 2-Target style $42 Uranium Drilling 20% TC 2-Target Unconformity Unconformity style $52 Drilling http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Uranium Unconformity style Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Patterson West Canada Saskatchewan 50% TC 2-Target $21 Uranium Drilling Carswell Canada Athabasca Unconformity style 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Unconformity Basin Grease River Canada Saskatchewan 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Intrusive Helmer Canada Athabasca 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Unconformity Basin Hodgson Canada style Athabasca 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Basin Kasmere Canada style Athabasca 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Basin Moon North Canada Canada Wollaston Unconformity style Athabasca 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Basin North East Unconformity Unconformity style Athabasca 5% TC 1-Grassroots $210 Basin Uranium Unconformity Rare-Earth- style Metals Patterson East Canada Saskatchewan 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Unconformity style Patterson North Canada Saskatchewan 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Unconformity style Poplar Canada Athabasca 5% FC 1-Grassroots $210 Uranium Basin Ruttan Canada Unconformity style Manitoba 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Gold Copper VMS Zinc Waterbury Lake Canada Athabasca 100% WI 1-Grassroots $10 Uranium Basin Unconformity style Company Projects West McArthur Project West McArthur Canada Net Interest: 40% TC Ownership Terms: CanAlaska entered into an option agreement with Mitsubishi Development Pty Vested: Yes Ltd. (MDP) where MDP may acquire a 50% ownership interest in the West McArthur Project by Uncapped NSR/GOR: 1.00% expending a minimum Cdn$11.0 million in cash and exploration payments to CanAlaska over a 3½ -year SK Athabasca Basin 35,830 ha period. Upon MDP fulfilling its exploration commitments under the Option Agreement, the parties will enter into a 50/50 joint venture. On Jan 21, 2016 Canalaska acquired Mitsubishi's 50% for $600,000 and a 1% NSR.Feb 24, 2016 deal optioning 60% to Cameco for $725,000 cash upfront plus $5 million exploration over 3 years to earn 30%, then pay $500,000 plus another $6,275,000 exploration over 3 years to earn 60%. $1 million is required in the first year, and 2 deep holes must be drilled in the Grid 1 area within 2 years. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $26,194,000 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 2-Target Drilling $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Athabasca Kimberlite Project Project Athabasca Kimberlite Canada SK Athabasca Basin Project http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] 0 ha Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: Acquired by staking. Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Diamond Model: Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Athabasca Kimberlite Project Project Canalaska staked 75 discrete circular magnetic anomalies that showed up in a 2011 geophysical survey flown by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey in an area north of the Carswell Structure (a meteor impact site) that was beyond the limit of the Saskatchewan Kimberlite Indicator Mineral sampling. Cree East Project Cree East Canada Net Interest: 50% WI Ownership Terms: n December, 2007 CanAlaska entered in a joint venture whereby a Korean Vested: Yes consortium omprising Hanwha Corporation, Korea Electric Power Corporation, Korea Resources Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Corporation and SK Energy Co. Ltd may earn a 50% interest in the Cree East Project by investing SK Athabasca Basin 56,000 ha Cdn$19.0 mil. towards exploration, an amount which has been fully expended. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $20,955,200 Not Rated Stage: 3-Discovery Delineation $100 million $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Moon South Project Moon South Canada Net Interest: 25% WI Ownership Terms: Optioned Jan 5, 2016 to Denison Mines for $200,000 epxloration over 2 years to Vested: Yes earn 51%, and another $500,000 to earn 75%. If either party gets diluted below 10% the interest Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% converts into a 2% NSR that can be bought for $500.000 by the other party. Target Metals: Uranium SK Athabasca Basin Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $41,910,400 Not Rated $100 million 2,716 ha Stage: 2-Target Drilling $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value NW Manitoba Project NW Manitoba Canada Net Interest: 20% TC Ownership Terms: September 2013 option for NEX-listed MPVC Inc (now Northern Ursnium Corp) Vested: Yes to acquire an 80% interest by carrying out an $11.6-million three-stage exploration program. The first Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% stage allows MPVC to obtain a 50-per-cent interest by making a cash payment of $35,000, and by MB Manitoba 143,603 ha issuing 4.5 million common shares and 2.25 million common share purchase warrants and completing a minimum of $3.2-million exploration expenditures on the property by 2015. The second stage allows MPVC to increase its interest in the project to 70 per cent by issuing a further 2.5 million common shares and 1.25 million common share purchase warrants, and spending a further $2.8-million on exploration expenditures. The third and final stage allows MPVC to increase its interest to 80 per cent by issuing a further five million common shares and 2.5 million common share purchase warrants, and spending a further $5.6-million on exploration expenditures. A royalty provision is also included in the agreement. This provision allows either company to acquire a 2-per-cent yellowcake royalty if either participating interest in the joint venture is diluted below 15 per cent, then such party's interest will automatically convert to a 2-per-cent royalty on uranium oxide or any other minerals mined and sold from the project, and the joint venture shall be terminated. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Stage: 2-Target Drilling http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $52,388,000 Not Rated $100 million $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Milestone Timeline Program Target Testing Start End 2014 Q2 Mid May 2014 Q2 Mid May Milestone Drilling begins with two rigs. A rotary air blast drill rig is focused on rapidly testing shallow targets while diamond drilling is testing the Maguire Lake focus area, targeting geophysical and geochemical anomalies. Target Testing 2014 Q3 Late 2014 Q3 Late Fall 2014 drilling begins, testing high-priority land based targets on the August August Maguire Lake focus area. A rotary air blast drill is being used to locate the bedrock source of the exceptionally anomalous radon results returned from the AlphaTrack survey. Patterson West Project Patterson West Canada Net Interest: 50% TC Ownership Terms: 3 claim groups acquired by staking. August 2013 agreement for Makena Vested: Yes Resources Inc to acquire 50% for $25,000 within three business days of exchange approval, with Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% additional cash payments of $25,000 due Dec. 31, 2013, $25,000 due June 1, 2014, and $25,000 due SK Saskatchewan 6,687 ha June 1, 2015. Makena is required to issue one million common shares within three business days of TSX approval; an additional 750,000 common shares on June 1, 2014; and 750,000 common shares on June 1, 2015. Makena is also required to issue one million share purchase warrants within three business days of TSX approval. Makena will need to perform $75,000 in work commitments by Dec. 31, 2013; an additional $225,000 by Sept. 30, 2014; $400,000 by Sept. 30, 2015; and $700,000 by Sept. 30, 2016. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $20,955,200 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 2-Target Drilling $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Patterson West Project The West block straddles the Athabasca Basin edge and the basement is at 130 to 200m, below Cretaceous and Recent sediments. The Eastern Block is within the Basin; unconformity is at 350 to 400m. The Northern block is also within the Basin with unconformity at 180 to 350m. Carswell Project Carswell Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: Acquired by staking. SK Athabasca Basin 1,723 ha Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Carswell Project The claims were acquired in August 2014. The area was part of ground held by, and explored, by Amok Ltd in the 1960's to 1990's. There is only one historical drill hole on the property, CAR-311, consisting of steeply dipping, interlayered altered basement and sandstone, with Cluff Breccia dykes. Several uranium showings also occur on or near the property, mostly of radioactive pegmatoid boulders. Grease River Project Grease River Canada SK Saskatchewan http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] 16,145 ha Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Uranium Model: Intrusive Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Grease River Project The Grease River project of 15 claims is located 50 kilometres north west of the community of Black Lake. Access is by air, year round, and by winter roads. The project covers 70,084 ha in three non contiguous claim blocks that extend from Bulyea River, north of Fond du Lac, to Marytnuik Lake, north of Stony Rapids, and covers four geological domains. During the late 1960's and late 1970's extensive regional prospecting and airborne geophysical work was carried out by the Canadian government on the project area. A very strong halo of uranium mineralization is evident from lake sediment surveys, and very high uranium - thorium background is recognized along the contacts of major structural zones. CanAlaska has spent approximately $2.7-million on exploration of the property since 2006, and has discovered 24 uranium occurrences, one rare earth element occurrence and one occurrence of REE plus uranium mineralization. The highest analytical result encountered from surface sample analysis on the property was 550,600 parts per million (55.06 per cent) U3O8. Westcan believes that the Shearika Ridge uranium occurrences show similarity to the famous Ressing deposit in Namibia, which has been mined continuously since 1976 and has produced a total of 215 million pounds of U3O8 to the end of 2009. The planned program for 2010 at Shearika Ridge is to map the zone in detail, then to put down a series of 200 m deep diamond drill holes to determine the average grade of the main alaskite sills. Drilling in 2010 failed to intersect high grade uranium. Helmer Project Helmer Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: SK Athabasca Basin 51,531 ha Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Helmer Project The project has been explored by Shell and Famok during the 1970's and early 1980's, when numerous geophysical and geochemical surveys were performed. During this time, two uraniferous boulder trains were located within the project area with grades of 2.4% and 2.2% U3O8. Hodgson Project Hodgson Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: SK Athabasca Basin 11,492 ha Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Kasmere Project Kasmere Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: SK Athabasca Basin Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Stage: 1-Grassroots http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] 0 ha Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Moon North Project Moon North Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: SK Athabasca Basin 360 ha Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value North East Wollaston Project North East Wollaston Canada Net Interest: 5% TC Ownership Terms: December 2008 memorandum of understanding with East Nickel Mining Inc. Vested: Yes (ERI) where ERI may earn a 40% interest in the project by undertaking a minimum of 100,000 metres of Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% diamond drilling within five years. ERI may earn a 70% interest in the project by undertaking a minimum SK Athabasca Basin 0 ha of 50,000 metres of diamond drilling, successfully completing a feasibility study for a minimum economic reserve of 15 million pounds U(3)O8 and fully financing the costs of mine construction. ERI may earn an 80-per-cent interest in the project by undertaking a minimum of 50,000 metres of diamond drilling, successfully completing a feasibility study for a minimum economic reserve of 35 million pounds U(3)O8 and fully financing the costs of mine construction. ERI may also earn an additional 15-per-cent interest in the project to hold a cumulative 95-per-cent ownership by granting to CanAlaska a 5-per-cent gross revenue royalty from the production and sale of minerals. Target Metals: Uranium Rare-Earth-Metals Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $209,552,000 Not Rated $100 million $500 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $2 billion Speculative Value Patterson East Project Patterson East Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: April 2013 agreement for Ashburton to earn 50% from Canalaska for $25,000 Vested: Yes cash, 2.5 million shares, share purchase warrants to CanAlaska in the amount of one million shares of Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Ashburton stock exercisable at a price of 10 cents per share, and cumulative expenditures in the amount SK Saskatchewan 2,999 ha of $1.4-million over a three-year period. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Patterson East Project Patterson West (2,999 hectares) borders the Patterson Lake South property of Alpha Minerals/Fission Energy and is located eight kilometres northwest of the Patterson Lake South uranium discovery. A historical drill hole indicates the basement to the Athabasca sandstones is at a depth of only 154 metres in the centre of the Patterson West property. Most of the project area has been covered by a recent VTEM survey, the remainder was covered by a 1978 airborne electromagnetic equivalent to INPUT. Two basement conductors have been interpreted from the EM surveys, one of which is adjacent to a marked magnetic lineament, suggesting a distinct structure. Patterson North Project http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Patterson North Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: April 2013 agreement for Ashburton to earn 50% from Canalaska for $25,000 Vested: Yes cash, 2.5 million shares, share purchase warrants to CanAlaska in the amount of one million shares of Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Ashburton stock exercisable at a price of 10 cents per share, and cumulative expenditures in the amount SK Saskatchewan 2,537 ha of $1.4-million over a three-year period. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Notes on Patterson North Project Patterson North (2,537 hectares) is located eight kilometres north of the Patterson Lake South property of Alpha Minerals/Fission Energy. Based on neighbouring historical drill hole data, depth to basement unconformity has been estimated in the order of 300 metres. The project area has been covered by a MEGATEM survey. The residual magnetic map indicates the property is located over the boundary of the Talston and Clearwater domain. Magnetic lineaments suggest northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest structures. The EM response shows a major conductor striking from the northeast toward the property. It is possible that this structure may extend into the property. Poplar Project Poplar Canada Net Interest: 5% FC Ownership Terms: June 2009 memorandum of understanding where East Resources Inc may earn Vested: Yes a 40-per-cent interest in the Poplar project by undertaking a minimum of 100,000 metres of diamond Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% drilling within five years. ERI may earn a 70-per-cent interest in the project by undertaking a minimum of SK Athabasca Basin 26,824 ha 50,000 metres of diamond drilling, successfully completing a feasibility study for a minimum economic reserve of 15 million pounds U3O8 and fully financing the costs of mine construction. ERI may earn an 80-per-cent interest in the project by undertaking a minimum of 50,000 metres of diamond drilling, successfully completing a feasibility study for a minimum economic reserve of 35 million pounds U3O8 and fully financing the costs of mine construction. ERI may also earn an additional 15-per-cent interest in the project to hold a cumulative 95-per-cent ownership by granting to CanAlaska a 5-per-cent gross revenue royalty from the production and sale of minerals. Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $209,552,000 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Ruttan Project Ruttan Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: Acquired by staking in June 2012. MB Manitoba 11,563 ha Vested: Yes Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% Target Metals: Gold Copper Zinc Model: VMS Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Waterbury Lake Project Waterbury Lake Canada Net Interest: 100% WI Ownership Terms: 3 claim blocks, 75% optioned to Northwestern Mineral Ventures, which can Vested: Yes acquire a 50% interest by paying $150,000, issuing 300,000 shares, and spending $2,000,000 on Uncapped NSR/GOR: 0.00% exploration. NWT can increase its interest incrementally up to 75% by completing a feasibilty study. NMV SK Athabasca Basin dropped option. http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] 6,089 ha Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Target Metals: Uranium Model: Unconformity style Implied Project Value JK Dream Target $10,477,600 Not Rated $100 million Stage: 1-Grassroots $500 million $2 billion Speculative Value Company Related KRO Comments Mar 16, 2016 Bottom-Fish Comment: Recommendation Strategy for Canalaska Uranium Inc Mar 4, 2016 SVH Tracker: Uravan decides to be aggressive about marketing Outer Ring for a farmout Nov 18, 1998 Report Sept-Oct 1998: Intl Canalaska Res Ltd - 1998 Annual Review Dec 1, 1997 Report Sept-Dec 1997: Intl Canalaska Res Ltd - 1998 Bottom-Fish 100 Dec 1, 1997 Report Sept-Dec 1997: Intl Canalaska Res Ltd - 1997 Annual Review Oct 10, 1997 Tracker 1997-38: Canalaska - Eastern Deeps Extension play still alive in ninth inning Aug 21, 1997 Tracker 1997-23: Canalaska - Wow, the rock type changed! Aug 14, 1997 Tracker 1997-19: Canalaska - Labrador deep drilling & reacquisition of Kilometre 88 concession Dec 23, 1996 Report Nov-Dec 1996: Intl Canalaska Res Ltd = 1997 Bottom-Fish 100 Company News Releases Mar 29, 2016 Cameco Commences Drilling at CanAlaska's West McArthur Project Cameco focusing on Alteration Zone at Major Structural Break in C10 Conductor Feb 24, 2016 Cameco Options CanAlaska Property Adjacent to Read Lake Property host to the High Grade Fox Lake Uranium Discovery; Cameco can Earn 60% in $12.5 Million West McArthur Deal; Feb 18, 2016 Stakes Kimberlite Targets in Western Athabasca Jan 29, 2016 Drilling Identifies Uranium on Prospect Bordering Fission's Patterson Discovery Jan 25, 2016 Drilling to Commence by Denison on CanAlaska's Moon Claim Jan 21, 2016 CanAlaska and MC Resources Canada Ltd. Agree on West McArthur Uranium Project Buyout Jan 5, 2016 CanAlaska Options Uranium Property to Denison Mines Dec 14, 2015 MakenaIntersects Uranium on Athabasca Drill Program Nov 27, 2015 Drilling to Commence at Patterson West, Current Financing Postponed Oct 28, 2015 Extension Of Financing And Attendance At New Orleans Investment Show Sep 25, 2015 Results Of Annual General Meeting Of Shareholders Sep 23, 2015 Amended: $5.6 Million Exploration Program Planned to Follow up Manitoba Uranium Discovery Sep 15, 2015 Financing and AGM Aug 24, 2015 Northern Uranium Intersects Two Highest Gamma Radiation Drill Results to Date Jul 2, 2015 Northern Uranium Drill Hole MG15DD 0016 Intersects Highest Gamma Radiation Results To Date Jun 19, 2015 Property Asset or Share Purchase Agreement, Property Asset or Share Disposition Agreement Jun 17, 2015 Northern Uranium Commences Summer Drill Program at NW Manitoba Jun 15, 2015 CanAlaska Receives Bayswater Shares And NSR For Collins Bay Option Jun 12, 2015 CanAlaska Receives Bayswater Shares and NSR for Collins Bay Option China's Nu Nova Energy to Purchase property May 13, 2015 Drilling at Maguire Confirms Large Alteration System Drilling to Continue in June with Two Diamond Rigs May 8, 2015 Intention To Deregister From Reporting Requirements In USA May 1, 2015 Sells Two Diamond Prospects in Pikoo Region and Alaska Gold Subsidiary Apr 22, 2015 Significant Uranium Mineralization Intersected at NW Manitoba http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Apr 13, 2015 Strong Gravity Anomaly Discovered At Patterson West Uranium Project Apr 7, 2015 Pacific Road Resources Funds Maintains Interest in Reno Creek Project Through Reno Creek Holdings Mar 2, 2015 on Multiple Projects Feb 4, 2015 Awaiting Results from Partner Funded Exploration Programs Dec 23, 2014 Northern Uranium Issues 2,500,000 Common Shares to CanAlaska Dec 15, 2014 Northern Uranium earns 50% interest in NW Manitoba; CanAlaska grants options Dec 12, 2014 Northern Uranium Earns 50% in North West Manitoba Project Dec 12, 2014 Northern Uranium Earns 50% In North West Manitoba Project Nov 19, 2014 Grants Incentive Stock Options Nov 10, 2014 Correction of Stock Option Exercise Price Nov 7, 2014 Grants Incentive Stock Options Nov 3, 2014 Removed from BCSC Delinquent Filer List - 2014/10/24 OT Filings Sep 23, 2014 Results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Sep 2, 2014 Launches Trading on OTCQB Aug 27, 2014 Northern Uranium Commences Drill Program Jun 30, 2014 Kasmere South Uranium Project Sale Completed Jun 20, 2014 Receives final RadonEx Results and Prepares Summer Drill Program for its Northwest Manitoba Uranium Project Jun 18, 2014 Cree East Project Drill Target Extended: Drill Ready Jun 3, 2014 MPVC Drill Update At Its Northwest Manitoba Uranium Project Jun 3, 2014 MPVC Drill Update At Its Northwest Manitoba Uranium Project May 22, 2014 MPVC's Second Drill Arrives at NW Manitoba Uranium Project May 14, 2014 MPVC Commences Drilling at NW Manitoba Uranium Project Apr 9, 2014 Strongly Anomalous Radon Results Received From MPVC NW Manitoba Project Apr 1, 2014 Kasmere Sales Agreement Jan 7, 2014 Appoints Honorable Kathleen Kennedy Townsend as Director Dec 27, 2013 New Listing Shares, Correction Dec 27, 2013 CanAlaska Winter Budgets and Shareholder Update Dec 27, 2013 Bulletin 2013 1371 Dec 24, 2013 New Listing Shares Dec 24, 2013 Delisting Review Dec 2, 2013 Bulletin 2013 1248 Trader Note Nov 29, 2013 TSX Delisting Review CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (CVV) Nov 8, 2013 MPVC Updates On Technical Report For Northwest Manitoba Property Nov 5, 2013 Confirms Application to List on the TSX Venture Exchange; Grant of Incentive Stock Options Nov 1, 2013 43 101 Filing And Shareholder Update Nov 1, 2013 Delisting Review Nov 1, 2013 TSX Delisting Review CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. Oct 4, 2013 MPVC Signs Option Agreement With Canalaska Uranium To Acquire Up To 80% Interest In Northwest Manitoba Uranium Property Oct 2, 2013 Results of the Annual General and Special Meeting Of Shareholders http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM] Kaiser Research Online - KRO Profile - Canalaska Uranium Ltd (CVV-V) - Tue Apr 5, 2016 Sep 26, 2013 NW Manitoba Uranium Property Agreement Sep 26, 2013 IIROC Trading Halt Re CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. Pending News Sep 20, 2013 Property Update You can return to the Top of this page Copyright © 2016 Kaiser Research Online, All Rights Reserved http://www.kaiserresearch.com/s4/CompanyProfile.asp?ReportID=61549&_Type=KRO-Profile&_Title=Canalaska-Uranium-Ltd-CVV-V[4/05/16 3:33:19 PM]