05/08/2016 Weekly Bulletin - Saint Therese de Lisieux Catholic


05/08/2016 Weekly Bulletin - Saint Therese de Lisieux Catholic
St. Therese de Lisieux Catholic Church
11800 Lake Worth Road
Wellington, Fl. 33449
May 8, 2016
Father David C. Downey, Parochial Administrator
Monsignor David Benz, Assisting ~ Father Michael Parrotta, Assisting
Deacon Al Payne ~ Deacon Bob Rodriguez ~ Deacon Pete Del Valle
Phone (561)784-0689 ~ Fax (561) 784-8346
Email: frontoffice@sttherese-church.org ~ Website: www.sttherese-church.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StThereseCatholicChurch
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
7:30 am; 9:30 am; 11:30 am; 5:30 pm
Happy Mother’s Day
Meaning of this Icon:
“Of the Heart”
From the Town of Naxos, the port capital
town of the Cycladic Island in Greece, at the
Church of St. John the Forerunner, from the
14th Century, this icon is striking in both its
color composition and artistic expression. The
bright golds and reds accentuate the fine lines
of the faces full of expressive love and sweet
tenderness of this Sweet-Kissing or
Glykophilousa” style icon of the Virgin Mary
titled “Of the Heart”.
The Lord presses His cheek to touch His
mother's, stretching His arms out dramatically
to embrace her head with His right hand and
her shoulder with His left. He looks up intently
with love at this most dear and loving mother's
heart who in return holds Him most carefully
and closely.
The Virgin also looks out at us, inviting us
into this very personal relationship of love,
open to all who cry out to Him in Faith who are
desiring of such a relationship.
Our will can direct our heart just as a bridle
directs a horse, because emotional love is not as
steady or sure as the willed desire to love God
truly for all eternity.
Only the will can direct the heart and mind to
choose to love and serve God here, and in
eternity. Fr. DCD
May 8, 2016
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Sacrament of Baptism
For your child to receive the
Sacrament of Baptism
contact Julie Carter at the Office
561-784-0689 or
for complete details about
Registration and Preparation!
The next scheduled Baptism Class
will be Saturday, June 11, 2016
Sacrament of Reconciliation
also by appointment please call the office:
Every Tuesday morning after the
8:30 am Mass we gather to recite the
“Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.”
Please come join us in prayer.
Every Tuesday morning after the 8:30
am Mass and the Divine Mercy,
the Legion of Mary
gather to pray the Rosary.
If you are interested, in joining the
Legion of Mary
please contact Jill Kozol at 629-5200
Please join us on Wednesdays
after the 8:30 am Mass for
Eucharistic Adoration at 9:00 am
and Benediction at 10:00 am
Next Sunday, May 15, 2016 is
Pentecost Sunday!
To better prepare for
what the Lord has in store for us,
here are 2 websites you can go to assist you.
They have lovely prayers for you to chose from.
Ministries and Organizations
Altar Servers
Louis Giannone
Baptism Prep.
Deacon Bob
Deacon Al
Brenda Rosario
Boy Scouts
Victor Maldonado
Elizabeth Gesacion
Larry Krauss
Children’s Liturgy
Geri Besa
Cursillo Movement
Mary Anne Gioia
Early Childhood Ministry Jackie Passeggiata
Ministers of
Vincent Muller
Holy Communion
Finance Committee
Martin Fleming
Home School Assistance Christie Sanchez
Knights of Columbus
Stan Lee-Fatt
Vincent Muller
Legion Of Mary
Jill Kozol
Ministry Counsel
Deacon Pete
Music Coordinator
Deacon Pete
Respect Life
Valerie Mierzwa
Deacon Pete
St. Vincent de Paul
Mark Stephens
Betty Buglio
Young Adults
Veronica Metzler
If you are interested in any of these ministries, please
contact the numbers above, or the front office at 784-0689.
Catholic Men’s
Fellowship Group
Our next Men’s Group meeting
will be held on
Tuesday, May 17, 2016, here at St. Therese
FYI: Men, there is something very special
happening within our Men’s Fellowship.
For directions and further information about the Men’s
Group, send an email to:
Please Pray for Vocations,
and for the grace of perseverance
for all Priests and Deacons.
Without them there are no Sacraments.
May 8, 2016
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How Did “Mother’s Day” come to be?
The celebration of Mother’s Day was first thought about in 1872.
Julia Ward Howe, author of the words to the “Battle Hymn of the
Republic,” proposed Mother’s Day as a day dedicated to peace.
But, it was Ann Jarvis of West Virginia who really pushed for a
National Day to honor our mothers. On the Second Anniversary of
her mother’s death, Jarvis asked her mother’s church in Grafton,
West Virginia, to celebrate a day to honor mothers. Her mother had
died on the second Sunday in May. The church obliged and the
following year, the city of Philadelphia joined in the celebration.
Thanks to a Campaign by Jarvis and her supporters, by 1911 almost
every State celebrated Mother’s Day.
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made it a National Holiday.
Other Countries also celebrate Mother’s Day, but some do so on
different days. In England, “Mothering Sunday” is celebrated on the
Fourth Sunday of Lent.
Back to Its Roots
I know I’m not alone in thinking it’s time we got back to the original intention of this special day. According to
Nancy Twigg’s book Celebrate Simply: Y our Guide to Simpler, More Meaningful Holidays and Special
Occasions (from Counting the Cost Publications), at one point Ann Jarvis herself became so fed up with how
commercial the holiday had become that she actually filed a lawsuit to stop Mother’s Day events from taking
place! So, in the original spirit of Mother’s Day and the example of our Heavenly Mother in mind, here are some
suggestions for getting back to the real meaning and roots of this special day:
 Call your mom today just to say “I love you,” even if you talk to her or see her on a regular basis. If your
mom has died, honor her by taking flowers to her grave, praying for her in a special way today, or fix one of
her favorite recipes and tell a favorite story about her.
 Give the gift of time. For year s I str uggled with what to get my mom for M other’s Day. Then one year
it dawned on me that my mom and I always would wait until Mother’s Day as the day to start planting
flowers and bulbs in her garden. So I suggested that, as her gift, I would come over on Mother’s Day
Weekend and be the “pack-mule” who would lug the dirt around and help her plant those flowers in her
garden. It was a tradition that we both looked forward to every year. My dad and sister were in charge of the
grill and meal. To this day, twenty-one years after her death I still miss this cherished tradition and time
 And …don’t forget the other 364 days a year! While it’s nice to have a day devoted to r ecognizing all
that moms do, remember that you don’t have to save up your “thank you’s” and “I love you’s” for Mother’s
Day. A little bit, more often, goes a long way to letting that very special woman, your mom, know how
important she is in your life. *My dad was also a stickler on “answer your mother properly” … If asked a
question, yes or no etc. wasn’t sufficient. It had to be “yes MOM”; no MOM; ok MOM…”
 And… don’t forget to somehow honor Our Blessed Mother today with a Rosar y or a few extr a pr ayer s
of gratitude for her loving maternal presence and protection of us all. It was from the Cross, while Jesus was
suffering in agony and near death that He said to the Apostle St. John, who represented all of humanity at that
moment… “Behold your Mother” Jesus said to him… now and at the hour of our death. Amen
May 8, 2016
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A Mother's Day Prayer
Mother Mary please pray ...
for new mothers, coming to terms with each day's new responsibilities;
for expectant mothers, wondering hoping, and waiting;
for mothers whose children are their pride and joy
for mothers who instilled a love for God in their children;
for mothers of priests and nuns;
for mothers who are tired, stressed or depressed;
for mothers who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
for mothers who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
for mothers whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
for mothers who carry the burden of the weight of years;
for mothers who have children addicted to drugs or alcohol;
for mothers who are ignored by their children;
for mothers who must care for their children's children;
for single mothers who must raise children on their own;
for mothers who worry over children serving in the Military;
for mothers whose children have left the Church;
for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled;
for mothers who have miscarried or have buried a child;
for mothers who are widowed;
for mothers coping with illness;
for our mothers who have gone Home to God.
May our mothers know how much we honor and respect them, today and always. Please
forgive us for any times we may have neglected you or expected to be perfect. May we never
forget to let you, our mothers, know how much we always deeply love you. Fr. Downey
May 8, 2016
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Do you want to learn more about the Catholic Faith?
Do you want to enrich your prayer life?
Do you want to develop close Catholic friendships?
Do you want to grow closer to Jesus and His holy Mother?
Then come as a guest to a Legion of Mary meeting! There's no
What is it?
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay
Catholic in the Church with well over 3 million active members in
almost every Country of the world. It has been active in the United States since 1931( has been blessed
by the last 7 Popes and was highly endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. The main purpose of the
Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members.
What does it do?
Members become instruments of God the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and
service. Works include visitation to the sick or aged, Eucharistic Ministry to the home-bound and
sick; Pilgrim Virgin Statue Home Visitation; or helping and assisting with other activities or spiritual
needs of the Parish Family, in consultation with our Pastor.
How does it work?
Members meet once a week for prayer, planning and discussion in a group setting to pray and plan
Who can belong?
The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholics who;
Faithfully practice their religion; are animated by the desire to participate in the Church's apostolate of
service through membership in the Legion.
How do I start?
The first step is to be a guest at a meeting of the Legion of Mary. Guests are always welcome and can
join in on various ministries with an experienced member if they choose.
How can I get more info?
For more information, ask any Legion of Mary Member, or contact our Legion President, Mrs. Jill
Kozol at 561-629- 5200.
May 8, 2016
The CCW of St. Therese de Lisieux
meet on the second Wednesday
of every month at 7:00 pm.
All women of St. Therese
are invited to participate.
Next Meeting will be on
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
For more information please contact
Elizabeth Gesacion,
CCW President 561-352-9991
Prayer in Times of Natural Disasters
Lord, please be with the rescue workers and keep
them safe as they make heroic efforts in dangerous
situations to rescue those in trouble.
Lord, please be with everyone waiting to be rescued,
keep them safe, and bring help to them soon.
God, bless each and every person affected by this
Earthquake and surround them with Your love, protection, and angels. Let them know there are millions
of us out here praying for them and their loved ones.
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Interested in learning more about the Knights?
Council Meetings are held every month
on Thursdays at 7:00 pm
here at St. Therese.
For information please contact
Grand Knight Stan Lee-Fatt at
561-784-0689 or visit our
dynamic web site:
A Prayer for Our Soldiers
Especially those deployed
to fight ISIS
God of love, God of peace, out of the depths of
despair, we call to You. Our ears ring with the
words "Do not fear." But our stomachs churn
with the acid of doubt. Determined to preserve
our shared world from the tyranny of terrorism, we turn to You for answers, for values, for
We stand before You with respect and concern
for those who have been summoned to protect
and secure our nation, our world. Give them
We give You all the praise and glory forever, Lord,
and know that even in the darkest hours, You are al- the courage to meet the chilling stare of
ways with us. Amen
death...Return them safely to fulfill dreams unrealized so that they may bless Your name
through the lives they live. May their efforts
Ecuador has experienced devastating Earthquakes.
further the cause of peace throughout the
Here in the US, severe storms have taken many
world and bring us closer to the day when
lives and left people homeless.
“Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn of war anymore.”
Please continue to pray for them.
May 8, 2016
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May 8, 2016
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Divine Mercy
For the Special Intentions of Carina and Edgar
Ferrer By Carina
St. Therese de Lisieux
In Memory of Gerri and Frank Ferraro, Jr.
Teresa Lo Franco for an outpouring of mercy
and grace By the Arza family
Sacred Heart
In gratitude for my parents, Robert and Mary
Downey, RIP
Our Lady of Grace
The Spiritual and Physical Healing for
the Payne Family, especially Dylan and Paul
With love, Frank Ferraro Sr.
Special Intentions
In Memory of Christine Caggiano
With love, her daughter
St. Michael
Special Intentions of Denise
For an end to the evil of terrorism and the
defeat of the scourge of ISIS.
By Deacon Al and Carol Payne
Mary Garofalo, Special Intentions
Love her granddaughter
For the Intercession of Our Lady Queen of Peace
and Comforter of the Afflicted; for an end to terrorism, hatred and violence in our troubled World
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Special Intentions
By Rosalinda and Jerry Castillo
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Special Intentions of the Ferrer Family
Padre Pio
For Special Intentions of Father James DeVita
St Jude
Special Intentions
Special Intentions
By Ron and Denise
St. Anthony
In Loving Memory of Michael J. Sterlacci
With love, the Sterlacci Family
By Carina Dizon Ferrer
St. Joseph
Special Intentions
For the Temporal Needs of our Parish
through the Intersession of St. Joseph, Head of
the Holy Family and Guardian of the Church
Thanking Mothers
St. Therese Gift Store
Happy Mothers Day
Still don't have a gift for Mom? Stop in
our shop and see all the beautiful gifts
we have to offer throughout our store. From jewelry
to key chains there is something for every woman.
First Holy Communion gifts are still available. Stop
in and see all the beautiful items we have on display
faithful, but the faith itself would lose a good part of for this blessed day.
its simple and profound warmth…
A lovely keepsake book with a dedication page
Dear mothers, thank you! along with space for photos and memories of the
day make a perfect gift.
Thank you for what you
are in your family and
A large selection of items for Confirmation are also
for what you give to the
on display including beautiful bracelets and neckChurch and the world.”
laces nicely boxed.
“Without mothers, not only wouldn't there be new
Pope Francis: April 2016
Amoris Laetitia”
(“The Joy of Love”)
The selection of inspirational CD's by Lighthouse
has been updated. Come by and see what is being
offered this month.
May 8, 2016
Mass Intentions for the Weekend
Saturday, May 7, 2016
4:30 pm
For the Intentions of:
Jeannie Baderian Go, for her birthday
By the Go Family
Father Joseph Cazenavette, healing
By Jerry and Rosalinda Castillo
Candy Curran, for her birthday
By her husband, Jim
For the Repose of the Soul of:
+Mary Kwiatkowski By Carrie and Sid Lindblom
Sunday, May 8, 2016
7:30 am
For the Repose of the Souls of:
+The McQuire and Stramaglia Families
By Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stramaglia
+Alicia Rosales By the Kelly Family
+Astrid Caceres By the Kelly Family
9:30 am
For the Repose of the Souls of:
+Barbara Castlen By the Flanagan Family
+Ana Araujo By her son, Frank
+Julieta Hitcher Maria Calvo
+Paul Aureliano By Vincent and Samira Perrone
11:30 am
For the Repose of the Souls of:
+Katherine De Angelo
By daughter Debbie and granddaughter Marissa Reda
+Louise Motto
By goddaughter Debbie and Marisa Reda
+Edith Henderson By the Maggio Family
+Maria and Vincent D’Agati By their children
5:30 pm
For the Intentions of:
Margarida Arellano By the Obregon Family
For the Repose of the Souls of:
+Eleanor Z. Jockers By Betty and Al Buglio
+Carlo Spadaccini, Sr. By his wife Margaret
For the Parishioners of St. Therese
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Weekday Intentions
Monday, May 9, 2016
8:30 am
For the Intentions of Pope Francis
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
8:30 am
For the Intentions of:
Jack Donovan By Pat Fitzgerald
Candy Curran on her birthday
By her husband, Jim
For the Repose of the Souls:
+Nina Galvano By the Ruggiero family
+Brenda Bumbery By Luke and Margaret Howlett
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
8:30 am
+For the Souls In Purgatory
Thursday, May 12, 2016
8:30 am
For the protection of our troops
Friday, May 13, 2016
8:30 am
For an End to the Persecution of Christians
Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts
By the Power of God, thrust into Hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
The Sanctuary Lamp,
which must perpetually burn near
any Tabernacle containing the
Most Blessed Sacrament,
has been graciously
donated this week:
For the Special Intentions of the
Clancey/Giragos Families
May 8, 2016
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Adult Bible Studies
Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 9:15 am
Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 3:00 pm
Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Be sure to read the last chapter of “Bible
Basics” The class will go for three sessions.
Coming soon two classes:
 A 5-week preparatory class on the study of
the “New Testament”
 “Bible Basics” classes on Tuesday evenings.
To keep up-dated about our classes and
what is going on pertaining to our studies,
please visit:
to sign-up.
Thank you, David Castlen
To donate directly to
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
If you would like to donate to assist in the
Catholic Relief Services with the emergency
response to the Ecuador Earthquake,
please contact:
 Donate Online:
Donate.crs.org/ecuador; please write
“Ecuador Earthquake” in the Special Request box.
 Donate by Mail:
Mail checks or money orders to:
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21297-0303
 Donate by Phone:
Call 877-HELPCRS to make a credit card
donation to CRS over the phone.
Thank you and God bless.