Radio Pilot Newsletter - Donate
Radio Pilot Newsletter - Donate
Listeners’ Guide RADIO PILOT WORT 89.9 FM Volunteer-Powered Listener-Sponsored Community Radio WORT channels Power from the People M a y 3 0 -J u n e 1 2 ! By Jim Goronson, Listener Sponsor Development Director “Power From the People” is the theme for WORT’s late spring/early summer pledge drive that is taking place Wednesday May 30 through Tuesday June 12! We do indeed receive power from the people in our listening area and far beyond in various ways, including generous donations and thousands of hours of volunteer labor. WORT is truly listenersponsored and volunteer-powered! We hope that you value the fact the WORT is the radio station for the little guy and gal. WORT depends upon contributions from individuals for 65% of our budget. That’s about $397,000 for fiscal year 2012, which ends June 30. If we reach the goal of $60,000 for the “Power From the People” pledge drive we will significantly reduce— if not eliminate—a projected budget deficit for fiscal year 2012! Ways to pledge: • Call (608) 256-2001 • Toll free: (866) 899-9678 (WORT) • Send a donation in the included envelope • Pledge securely online at With your powerful pledges of support we will continue to be the People’s Station! Recall election night coverage on WORT WORT will pre-empt normal programming the special election night coverage with (The Original Wilson Brothers) from 8 to pledge rapping SO we’re wondering: would 11 pm on Tuesday night, June 5 to bring you YOU like to make a generous pre-pledge three hours of uninterrupted coverage of the of support for our election coverage? If so historic recall election! please call Jim Goronson at 256-2001 News and Public Affairs Facilitator Molly (toll free at 1-866-899-9678) or send an Stentz is hard at work organizing a night of email to to make a election coverage that only WORT can provide. pre-pledge. Here’s your chance to support The recall election is taking place during WORT on a historic night! our pledge drive. We don’t want to interrupt V o l . 19 N o . 2 Spring 2012 S p r i n g 2 012 | W O R T 8 9 . 9 F M ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 6 - 2 0 0 1 | p a g e 1 WORT 89.9 FM 118 S. Bedford Street • Madison, WI 53703 phone (608) 256-2001 | facsimile (608) 256-3704 | web page | e-mail WORT Board of Directors Paid Staff Mission Statement President WORT-FM is a non-commercial, Vice President Business & Foundation Development Director Maggie Weiser listener-sponsored, member- Treasurer Jody McCann Secretary Dave Devereaux-Weber controlled community radio station broadcasting to south‑central Wisconsin. WORT volunteers and staff shall provide quality programming and services to a broad spectrum of the community through: • promotion of communication, Lucas Osmond Vickie Eiden Staff RepresentativeNorman Stockwell At-Large Members Tom Jones Ankur Malhotra Amy Mondloch Dave Robertson Music Program Facilitator News & Public Affairs Facilitator Molly Stentz Listener Sponsor Development Director Operations Coordinator Jim Goronson Norman Stockwell Community Advisory Board Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Glenn Mitroff Jerry Chernow Adelaide Fiske Mitch Rosefelt education, entertainment, and Bookkeeper John Fournelle Victoria Straughn understanding by providing a Engineer Tish Lafferty Valerie Zisman forum for both the discussion Zaher Karp Chief Engineer Roman Dubrovsky Laura Gutknecht Information Technology Coordinator of public issues, and the expansion of musical and cultural Board Meetings: experience; Monthly board meetings are held on the third • facilitation of community Sybil Augustine Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at the WORT Underwriting Outreach Tom Christie Barbara Bolan studios and are open to the public. expression and provision of T H E R A D I O P I L O T I S T H E Q U A R T E R LY N E W S L E T T E R F O R community access to the airwaves W O R T L I S T E N E R S P O N S O R M E M B E R S A N D I S P U B L I S H E D B Y: for the purpose of sharing music, culture, news and information; Back Porch Radio Broadcasting, Inc. 118 S. Bedford Street, Madison, WI 53703 • challenge of the cultural and (608) 256-2001 intellectual assumptions of our Layout: Carol Bracewell listeners through unique and Production Coordinator: Jim Goronson diverse programming; Editor: Staff Collective • orientation towards the audience Print circulation 3,000 May 2012 with concern for those underrepresented by other media. WO RT’s m ailing lis t is c onf ident ial and is never s old or loaned t o anyone. WORT shall be committed to radio programming with a human perspective, respecting all peoples Back Porch Radio Broadcasting, Incorporated and their environments. WORT is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible. page 2 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | Spring 2012 Anything Goes with Rich Samuels 5 to 8 am Thursdays! By Rich Samuels If you prefer your classical music locally grown and fresh, I urge you to tune into to my 5–8 am Anything Goes broadcasts on Thursday mornings where I make a special effort to feature younger performers and composers you’re not likely to hear on other terrestrial radio outlets. Madison’s New Muse new music ensemble in anticipation of its first “Muse Fest,” a May 5 series of concerts at various State Street venues. In all these segments I integrated interviews with young artists with their performances; I believe it’s important that they learn to effectively market the music for which they have an obvious passion, and, as you probably know, classical music these days can be a tough sell. Thanks to concert recordings generously provided by the UW School of Music, I’ve been able to bring WORT listeners the performances of this year’s Concerto In the near future I hope to present Competition winners. Perhaps a broadcast premiere of selections Rich Samuels most familiar among them is Alice from the new comic opera “Wired Bartsch, whom many of you will know as a for Love” by Jerry Hui, who recently received his member of the Madison Symphony Orchestra’s doctorate from the UW. first violin section and as the concertmaster Further down the line, I’m planning a special of the Middleton Community Orchestra. But celebration of the fortieth anniversary of Duke WORT listeners heard all those featured in the Ellington’s brief residency at the UW School of February 10 Mills Hall concert: Michael Roemer Music in July of 1972. If you were present at (baritone), Jeongmin Lee (piano), and Brett his master class in Mills Hall, or if you attended Walter (marimba), as well as the first broadcast any of the Ellington concerts at the Wisconsin performance of doctoral candidate Youn-Jae Ok’s Union Theater, let me know—you might be part orchestral work “Mi-Ryen .” of that broadcast. Over three weeks in April, I featured specially In the meantime, continue listening to all the recorded performances by the percussion classical music broadcasts offered by WORT. ensemble “Clocks in Motion” performing works They are unique in south central Wisconsin. of Iannis Exanakis. In early May, I spotlighted Spring 2012 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | page 3 _Pulse_of_wort By Glenn Mitroff, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Happy May! Please join us in celebrating with members of the WORT family… In February, Bill & Bobbie Malone celebrated the 15th on-air anniversary of Back To The Country. Also in February, Rockin’ John McDonald hosted his 1700th show with a 50’s Rock N’ Roll program. On May 1, Ena Foshay, host of A Musical Offering and rotating host of Musica Antiqua gave birth to Beatrix Foshay. Congratulations Ena, Casey and big sister Sadie! Ena’s shows during April and May are being hosted by Carol Moseson. Kathy Otterson will cover Newborn Beatrix Foshay contemplates Ena’s shows in June. tuning into WORT! And some sad news… Long-time supporter of WORT Nels Nelson passed away on April 1, 2012. Nels was the owner of Mildred’s Sandwich Shop on E. Johnson Street. Through WORT’s business underwriting program, Nels supported the station for over 15 years. Mildred’s Sandwich Shop sponsored many different programs over the years, including Mud Acres, Mel & Floyd, Back to the Country, Entertainment, Democracy Now!, The Original Wilson Brothers, Songs of Safety and Manners, Hootenanny, and Dead Serious. Nels was a peaceful and loving man who enjoyed gardening, cooking, hunting, good music page 4 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | Spring 2012 and spending time with family. In addition to tenderly caring for his daughters, Nels always had cats to whom he devoted extraordinary attention. Nels taught himself to play guitar and played in a local band called Medicine Hat for some years, and has always loved music of all kinds. He was an advocate of peace and honesty, with a strong sense of community and a penchant for traveling, especially with his daughters. His patrons, friends and family know him as an honest, gentle, hard-working and kind man with a good sense of humor. In station news… WORT’s Long Range Planning (LRP) process is nearing completion. Work groups (Staffing, Technology and Facilities, Audience Development and Fundraising, Programming, and Governance) met four times from January through March. Fourteen proposals were presented in a public session on Wednesday, March 28 at the Goodman Community Center, attended by over 50 volunteers, Board, staff and community members. The conversation continued on A Public Affair on April 10. Feedback on the proposals submitted at the community meeting, via the WORT 2020 blog, and during the on-air discussion was compiled by the LRP Planning. On May 16, the Board will discuss the final recommendations coming out of this process. For more detailed information visit the LRP blog: WORT’s Community Advisory Board recently added new members, Tish Lafferty and Zaher Karp. The CAB will be taking a break over the summer and will resume their meeting schedule in September when they will begin discussing plans for future “Friend-raisers.” En Nuestro Patio volunteers Eugenia Highland and Roberto Yanez organized and coordinated tours and workshops on April 3 at the station for 60 middle school students who participated in the Latino Youth Summit, a program of Centro Hispano and the UW–Madison. On April 21, WORT participated in International Record Store Day at four locations in Madison, including a live remote broadcast from Strictly Discs during Tropical Riddims and PanAfrica. WORT DJs also spun tunes at Sugar Shack, B-Side Records and the Exclusive Company. Sales of the WORT cookbook, This is What Democracy Cooks Like, continue at a steady rate. The 350-page book contains numerous photos from the Capitol protests and over 250 recipes, including submissions from many of the “Fab 14.” The book is available at the station, 118 South Bedford Street from 9am to 6pm Monday through Friday and can be paid for by check, cash, and credit/debit cards (Master Card and Visa.) The books are $25 each with shipping available for an additional $5. Order on-line or print out a mail-in order form at: The books are also available at: Rainbow Bookstore, Lakeside Press, Manna Café, Community Pharmacy, Orange Tree Imports, Absolutely Art, and the Wisconsin Historical Museum store. Shrinkwrapped copies will be available at the WORT booth during the summer festival season. The “heavy lifters” in the cookbook project (Robin Good, Nancy Mae, and Anna Hahm) were nominated for the Community Volunteer Awards organized by the United Way of Dane County. On May 6, “Cheddar Revolution: Songs of Uprising” had a CD release party at the High Noon Saloon. The project, funded with a grant from the UW Teaching Assistants Association, produced a CD of songs from the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising which was distributed free to attendees. Though much of the music was submitted to WORT, the project was not a station project. WORT Music Director Sybil Augustine co-produced the CD with Fred Schepartz. For more information: WORT’s 3rd annual On-Air Auction held on Saturday, April 14 was a great success. We received $4,930 in bids (just shy of our $5K goal), raising more funds with this one-day auction than we did last year during our two-day auction! Special thanks to Tanya Warden, who assisted with procuring and organizing donated items. Thanks also to Carol Bracewell for the great auction mailer art, to our programmers and auctioneers, and to the volunteers who came in to take bids! WORT’s programming is truly award-winning! Our coverage from the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising was awarded second place in the “Special Event” category by the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association at a ceremony on May 5. The award is for coverage by News Facilitator Molly Stentz, with assistance from JoAnne Pow!ers and Free Speech Radio News Editor Catherine Komp. Congratulations and farewell to John Anderson, a member of WORT’s Programming Committee and reporter for In Our Back Yard. John has accepted a position as Assistant Professor and Director of Broadcast Journalism at Brooklyn College’s Department of TV and Radio. John also recently signed a book deal with Routledge for Radio’s Digital Dilemma: Broadcasting in the 21st Century. If you would like to submit news from the WORT family for future editions of this article, email: or call Glenn Mitroff at 256-2001. Spring 2012 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | page 5 page 6 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | Spring 2012 FLORA VAN WORMER HEATHER GERBYSHAK Women in world classical Monday GLOB AL LINDA JAMESON 5 4 JIM SCHWALL Traditional American folk FOR T HE SAK E OF T HE SONG RICH SAMUELS Classical variety ANYTHING GOES Thursday BILL MALONE Country music on a theme BAC K TO THE COUNTRY TERRY O’ Folk & international DIASPORA SCISSORS MOSH PI T MATT MYERS AND MIKE HINZ Metal RYAN PARKS Electronic dance music SOMETHING WONDERFUL A CCESS HOUR ALEX WILDING-WHITE Wide-ranging jazz ALL AROUND J AZZ THE DELIVERYMAN Metaphysical nuggets and night sweats WAKE UP FUTURI STI C JENNI SCHWANER LADD Garage, mod, rockabilly & punk LEOPARD P RI NT LOUNGE JIM & TED WILSON New release rock T HE ORI GI NA L WILSON BROTHERS Live concerts & recorded rarities PHIL LIVE ON THE AIR ALTERNATING WITH LA BOTIC A Latin and Iberian rock, ska and hip hop ROCK EN ESPAÑOL CASEY FOX Vinyl gestalt GUILTY P LEASURES 3 shows — see below BELOW TH E RAD A R SCOTT & MELVA, THE WALKIN’ DOCTOR, HARRY RAG, DJ JUX AND TED OFFENSIVE New & archival rock FRIDAY ON MY MIND 11 10 9 8 7 BLUES CRUISE DAVE WATTS 6 5 4 LABOR RAD IO DEMOCRACY NOW! THE REAL JAGUAR Tasty music for all palates! 3 2 DAVE 3000 Psych & Prog Sounds KOSMIK RADIATION JUICE Underground Hip Hop TH E AFTER PARTY MARY GAINES, CHRIS WAGONER Diverse music and conversation 5 4 3 2 1 THE VINYL 12 RESTING PLACE MAD TOAST LIVE VINYL RICHIE Indie, surf, R&B, obscurities PRAISE “BOB” H OU R OF SLAC K REV. VELVETEEN AND BAD SISTER HEIDI Head trip through the decades PSYC H OA C OU STIC S SCIENCE/HEALTH WRITERS RAD IO LITERATU RE JANE REYNOLDS STEVE BRAUNGINN Creative, improvised music WHO COOKS FOR YOU? 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 DJ DOUBLE D Rap & Soul AFTER H O U RS MUSTAFA K.I.N.G. KRONOS Mastermixes UNIVERSAL SOUL EXPLOSION TBD DAVE LEUCINGER ART SCHUNA TWO FO R TH E BLU ES ROCKIN’ JOHN MCDONALD Rock’n’roll oldies I LIKE IT LIKE THAT RICARDO GONZALEZ, AGUSTÍN OLVERA, ROBERTO RENGEL, DJ RUMBA Salsa & Latin Jazz LA JU N TA ALHAJI, DJ LINDA Music of Africa PAN AFRICA F.R.P. & J.A.M. Reggae TRO PICAL RID D IM S JOHN KRANIAK Vintage jazz and swing ENTERTAINMENT LADY P 60s & 70s R&B TH E D U STIES STO RM ARMANDO SANCHEZ Música y conversación en español LOS MADRUGADORES JUICE: Underground Hip Hop TH E A F TE R PA RTY Saturday BRIAN, CONNOR, IAN EARBLEED Adventurous sounds IN O N E EN D DESTRUCTO Experimental & avant garde WEEK LY WO R LD N O ISE GREG TAYLOR Electronic, experimental R .T.Q .E. SISTER LINDA SISTER PAM BEST OF GOSPEL S A L A MAT PA C H YD E RM PA RA D E TH IRD W O RL D V IE W FORD BLACKWELL DAN TALMO PAUL NOVAK World Music ON TH E H O RIZO N TARA AYRES, KIRK STANTIS, MEGHAN RANDOLPH BETTER LIVING THROUGH SHOWTUNES STEPH STRINGER, SARA BLACKTHORNE, LEONIE DOLCH HER INFINITE VARIETY H E R TU RN ENA FOSHAY, CAROL MOSESON, JOHN BARKER Medieval, Renaissance & Baroque M U SICA AN TIQ U A HMONG R AD IO AFTER H O U R S Sunday a v a ila ble on a ll r a dios a nd on t he we b Below the Radar – 1st Friday, Mind’s Eye Radio, Kelly Warren; 2nd Friday, Live and Local, Collective; 3rd, 4th & 5th Fridays, Fiction Jones, Gregg Williard The Insurgent Radio Kiosk weekdays at 5:00, 6:30 and 9:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m. | Folk Calendar weekdays at 10:30 a.m. | Jazz Calendar at 4 p.m WORT FM 118 S. Bedford St., Madison, WI 53703 | phone (608) 256-2001 | facsimile (608) 256-3704 | web page | e-mail LUCAS, PRINCE OF DARKNESS Headspace Radio N E W S GARY ALDERMAN Swinging mainstream jazz JOURNEYS INTO JAZZ FREE SPEECH RADIO NEWS IN OUR BACKYARD – LOCAL NEWS QUEERY – LOCAL L/G/B/T EN N UE STR O PATI O IN S PA NIS H TH IS WAY OU T B B C JOANNE POW!ERS Creative music from this earth and others FIRE WORSHIP! STRICTLY JAZZ SOUNDS MEL & FLOYD CHRIS POWERS Bluegrass & acoustic JONATHAN ZAROV PERRY ALLAIRE Classical on a theme FANTASIA Friday MUD ACRES O ’ JAN C MIYASAKI L O C KTONY CASTAÑEDA B U Z Z ENA FOSHAY Vocal/choral music A MUSICAL OFFERING Wednesday A P U B L I C A F F A I R D E M O C R A C Y N O W ! World music uprising 3 ROLLING WI TH 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 SCOTT HERRICK Classical variety PROMENADE Tuesday E I GSTANHWOODARD T 10 REVOLUTIONS DAVID ALVARADO MARTIN ALVARADO 11 9 8 7 6 OT HER V OIC ES 5 W O RT 8 9. 9 F M P R O GRA M SC HEDULE News and Public Affairs This Way Out Mel and Floyd Wednesday 7:30–8pm International lesbian and gay radio magazine. Insurgent Radio Kiosk Perpetual Notion Machine Friday 1–2pm It’s monkey time with hosts Mel and Mr. Smartypants (Floyd is on assignment). Two wacky guys discuss news, views and things you need to know. Mon–Fri 5, 6:30, 9am and 2pm Five-minute segment of commentary, “This Day in History,” and community events calendar. WIN Mon-Fri 8–8:03am Three-minute headline news from the Workers Independent News Service. 8 O’Clock Buzz Mon–Fri 8–9am Interviews, music, and lots of local current events, culture and people. A Public Affair Mon–Fri noon–1pm Live call–in interview program. Listener questions and comments encouraged at 256-2001. Democracy Now! Mon–Thurs 1–2pm, Friday 4:30–5:30pm Award-winning investigative news program hosted by Amy Goodman. BBC World Service Mon–Thurs 5–6pm News and analysis of current affairs worldwide. Free Speech Radio News Mon–Thurs 6–6:30pm Incisive news and analysis in the service of peace and social justice, run by the reporters themselves. In Our Backyard Mon–Thurs 6:30–7pm Volunteer-produced alternative local news. En Nuestro Patio Tuesday 7–8pm Produccíon voluntario de notícias local en español. Queery Wednesday 7–7:30pm Locally produced lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender news and issues program (music on first show of each month). 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays 7–7:30pm Science made understandable and fun for the rest of us. Interviews, Geek-of-the-Week quiz, and more. Mind’s Eye Radio 1st Friday 11pm–midnight Mind’s Eye Radio collective explores monthly topics with poetry, essay, drama and music. “The sounds of social change.” Healthwriters on the Air 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7–7:30pm Empowering people by airing economic, social, and political news and resources about health care. Fiction Jones 3rd, 4th, 5th Friday 11pm–midnight Complex metafictional novels in serialized form read by author Gregg Williard. Labor Radio Friday 5:30–6pm Locally produced headline news on issues affecting working people in Dane County with interviews and announcements. Hmong Radio Her Turn Salamat Sunday 11–11:30am News and information by and about women from a feminist perspective. Sunday 6–6:30pm Salamat brings Arab-American voices to the air, providing listeners with a window to the issues of a vastly varied segment of our planet’s population – Arabs. Third World View Sunday 5–6pm News and analysis about the Third World from a critical left, anti-imperialist perspective. Cultural Programming Access Hour Monday 7–8pm A different host from the community each week. Music, discussion, and lots more. Sign up for an Access Hour by calling 256-2001 for an application, or e-mail Sunday 6–8am Hmong-language music and talk by and for the Hmong community. Pachyderm Parade Sunday 6:30–7pm Madison’s only kids radio show, Pachyderm Parade is for pre-teen kids and their families, fostering family time, fireplace time, and rocking chair time. Kids can call in their requests – and have their voices on the air. Music Programming BLUES/ GO SPEL/ R& B Blues Cruise Thursday 7:30–8pm Locally produced program featuring local and international authors, children’s literature, spoken word poetry, and more. Friday 6–8pm Weekend-commencing electric blues from the 50s to the present and the occasional touch of zydeco and R&B, with host Dave Watts. Hour of Slack Dusties Storm Radio Literature Thursday 10–11pm The radio ministry of the Church of the SubGenius. Sinners, be justified and Praise “Bob.” ( Spring 2012 | Saturday 8–10am Host Lady P brings you a combination of 60s and 70s R&B music that will take you back to the day. WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | page 7 Two for the Blues Saturday 8–10pm Blues from the 1920s to the present with a little zydeco and southern soul added to the mix, hosted by Art Schuna and Dave Leucinger. Best of Gospel Sunday 7–9pm New urban gospel artists, requests, announcements and a segment of national and international news pertaining to the African-American community, with hosts Sister Linda and Sister Pam. C L AS S I C A L Musica Antiqua Sunday 8–11am Medieval, Renaissance, early Baroque and related styles from 1100 to 1650 with hosts Ena Foshay, Carol Moseson and John Barker. Other Voices Monday 5–8am Music from world classical traditions in a wide range of styles and eras and focusing on women composers, performers and conductors, with hosts Flora van Wormer and Heather Gerbyshak. Promenade Tuesday 5–8am A real variety in classical with host Scott Herrick. A Musical Offering Wednesday 5–8am Vocal and choral music with host Ena Foshay. Anything Goes Thursday 5–8am Classical music with host Rich Samuels. Fantasia Friday 5–8am Classical music on a theme with host Perry Allaire. page 8 | EX PERIM ENTAL R.T.Q.E. Sunday 9–11pm Electronic, experimental, classical, ethnoidal and improvised music with host Gregory Taylor. Weekly World Noise Sunday 11pm–2am Experimental and avant garde with your host Destructo. In One End Monday 2–5am Adventures in voice with hosts Brian, Connor, and Ian Earbleed. FOLK For the Sake of the Song Tuesday 9am–noon American folk music with a focus on roots, with host Jim Schwall. Back to the Country Wednesday 9am–noon With themes such as politics, work, home or around the music of a particular person, host Bill Malone puts emphasis on “classic” and “alternative” country music—what you can’t hear on Top 40 radio. Mud Acres Friday 9am–noon Bluegrass and acoustic music with host Chris Powers. IN T ERNATIO NAL Global Revolutions Monday 9am–noon World music uprising with hosts Martin and David Alvarado. Diaspora Thursday 9am–noon Do you know what folk music is? Well, think again. In the words of Big Bill Broonzy, “It’s all folk music to me. I ain’t never heard a cow sing.” Music from the uncharted regions of the record library, with host Terry O’. WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | Spring 2012 Los Madrugadores Saturday 6–8am Música y conversación en español con Armando Sanchez. Tropical Riddims Saturday noon–2pm Roots, rock steady, reggae, ska and conscious dancehall. Hosts F.R.P. and J.A.M. teachin’ the youts ’bout roots and kulcha! PanAfrica Saturday 2–4pm Popular and traditional music of Africa and the Caribbean with hosts Alhaji N’jai and DJ Linda. New releases from throughout Africa are featured in an effort to bring African music into the American mainstream. La Junta Saturday 4–6pm Salsa and Latin Jazz with hosts Agustín Olvera, Roberto Rengel, and DJ Rumba. On the Horizon Sunday 3–5pm International and world music from all continents with an emphasis on contemporary popular music with hosts Ford Blackwell, Dan Talmo and Paul Novak. HIP HO P/ RAP The After Party Saturday 2-6am Host Juice provides great underground Hip Hop with a focus on local and regional artists. Universal Soul Explosion Saturday midnight–3am Rap and soul with hosts Mustafa and K.I.N.G. Kronos After Hours Sunday 3–6am The mix continues with host Double “D.” J AZ Z All Around Jazz Monday 2–5pm A diverse collection of jazz specials, features, and festivals from around the world with host Alex Wilding-White. Fire Worship! Tuesday 2–5pm Creative music in the jazz tradition from this earth and others with host JoAnne Pow!ers. Journeys into Jazz Wednesday 2–5pm Swinging mainstream jazz from the 1940s and onward with host Gary Alderman. Strictly Jazz Sounds Thursday 2–5pm Avant garde, adventurous jazz and an eclectic mix of other styles, with hosts Jane Reynolds and Steve Braunginn. Entertainment Saturday 10am–noon Classic jazz and swing from the 1920s to the 1950s—recordings by big bands, vocalists and small combos, with host John Kraniak. Original Wilson Brothers Who Cooks for You? Tuesday 8–11pm New release indie and import rock. Also some older alternative rock and occasional theme shows, with hosts Jim and Ted Wilson. Friday 2–4:30pm Tasty music for all palates. Hosted by DJ The Real Jaguar. Friday on My Mind Leopard Print Lounge Tuesday 11pm–2am Modern and classic garage, mod, rockabilly and punk rock with host Jenni Schwaner Ladd. I Like it Like That Wake Up Futuristic Wednesday 2–5am With your host, Mr. Schinker, The Deliveryman. Home of the After 2 News, 3XGBV@3, the 4 O’Clock Freakout, and more Wisco-centric rock than anywhere else. Saturday 6–8pm Rock’n’roll mostly from the 50s and 60s with host Rockin’ John McDonald. Hits, b-sides, alternate takes, unreleased cuts, tracks out of print, rockabilly, surf music; also music from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s that “fits the format.” Guilty Pleasures M IXED GENRE Wednesday 8–11pm Vinyl gestalt with host Casey Fox. Her Infinite Variety Rock en Español Wednesday 11pm–2am Latin and Iberian rock, ska and hip hop. La Botica 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursdays 2–5am Latin and Iberian rock, ska and hip hop. R OC K Phil Live on the Air New Disc at Nine 1st & 3rd Thursdays 2–5am Live concerts and recorded rarities with host Phil Davis. Mon–Thurs 9pm Selections from the newest music available. Psychoacoustics Monday 8–11pm Techno, ambient, industrial and more, with host Ryan Parks. Mosh Pit The Vinyl Resting Place Monday 11pm–2am Metal with Matt Myers and Mike Hinz. Rolling with Scissors Tuesday 2–5am Headspace radio with host Lucas, Prince of Darkness. Thursday 11pm–2am Rock’n’roll, blues and R&B obscurities from the wrong side of the tracks, with host Vinyl Richie. Sunday 11:30am–2pm Women in music, all genres and styles. Interviews, live guests and announcements for the womyn’s community, with hosts Steph Stringer, Sara Blackthorne and Leonie Dolch. Better Living through Show Tunes Sunday 2–3pm Musicals old and new, with hosts Tara Ayres, Kirk Stantis, and Meghan Randolph. Live and Local Thursdays 8–11pm New and unusual music with hosts Reverend Velveteen and Bad Sister Heidi. 10–11pm: “The Hour of Slack.” Radio ministry of the Church of the SubGenius. Something Wonderful Friday 8–11pm New and archival rock with hosts Bill the Walkin’ Doctor, Harry Rag, Ted Offensive, Scott & Melva Sabatke, and DJ Jux. 2nd Friday 11pm–midnight Recordings of live performances by local musicians in a variety of genres. Mad Toast Live Saturday 12–2am Mary Gaines and Chris Wagoner present music and conversation with diverse musical artists of all styles in an intimate setting. Kosmik Radiation Friday 2–5am Psychedelic and progressive sounds with Dave 3000. Spring 2012 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | page 9 Access Hour May 21 Helena White hosts East High’s annual spring Access Hour program! Students at East High School in Madison express themselves. Mondays 7–8pm June 11 Chris Zeltner hosts. The Madison Astronomical Society will discuss the transit of Venus that will have happened on June 6th! July 2 Mark Young hosts. The past, present, and future of mental health care in Dane County, with interviews. June 18 Joey Guido hosts a careful July 9 Live rock and roll music May 28 Joel Garb hosts a tribute to and caring time bringing the Daddy from West High School teenagers Pete Seeger: a short dedication to Brain movement to radio. Calls will in the WORT studios! Pete and Toshi, their family, friends be welcome and encouraged. July 16 Sean O’Donnell hosts a and fans, the Wisconsin Solidarity June 25 Casper Sunn hosts. Learn show of Classic Doo Wop, bringing Singers, the staff, volunteers and about the 37th Annual National back the sounds of those great listeners of WORT, and people of Women’s Music Festival coming Jocks like Bobby V and the sounds good will all over the world, and to Middleton, WI, June 28–July 1 of a sock hop... cruising down then non-stop tunes and songs by featuring an eclectic mix of the mighty miracle mile, engines Pete from recordings dating from music, including peace and justice sputtering, as the disk jockey 1950 to the 2000s. performers Holly Near, Emma’s announces and you hear the echo June 4 Carmen Rumbaut hosts. In Revolution, and Sharon Katz and from car to car...that classic AM this program, we look at Buddhist The Peace Train; the folk-rock tinny sound brought to life in FM methods. Our minds are really music of Toshi Reagon and Big Bad stereo on WORT. powerful. How can we harness that Gina; a reprise of Kay Gardner’s July 23 Dr. V’s “What-a-Year-It’spower to heal and reduce pain? classic work “A Rainbow Path”; Been” show. Discussion will include a visiting local musicians Lynette Margulies, Buddhist teacher who’ll be part of a Jane Reynolds, and Ladies Must conference happening later in June. Swing; and many others. You can be on the air, too! Email us at: or call WORT at 256-2001 during business hours. Let’s put our hands together for the following businesses, organizations, and individuals who donated food and fun items for the auction and winter pledge drive: A Perfect Knot Yoga Center A Room Of One’s Own Ale Asylum Amelia John Photography Ancient Harmony Accupuncture Bagels Forever Batch Bakehouse Bellini Restaurant Blue Moon Bar & Grill Chautara Community Pharmacy Crossroads Coffeehouse Daisy Café & Cupcakery Dobhan Dream-Bikes El Rincon Tico page 10 | Equal Exchange Fair Trade Coffeehouse Essen Haus Glass Nickel Pizza Harmony Bar & Grill Hempen Goods High Noon Saloon Himalchuli Hotel Ruby Marie Ian’s Pizza Jamerica John Kraniak Lakeview Bakery & Deli Lao Laan Xang Lazy Jane’s Luna Circle Farm WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | Spring 2012 Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition Madison Mallards Madison Sourdough Midwest Clay Project Milio’s Nature’s Bakery New Orleans Takeout Orange Tree Imports Original Pancake House Osteria Papavero Overture Center For The Arts The People’s Bakery Pizza Brutta Revolution Cycles Rick’s Olde Gold Rockin’ John McDonald Roman Candle Santa Fe Trailer Stalzy’s Deli Stoughton Opera House The Come Back Inn The Concourse Hotel The Knitting Tree The Up North Bar The Wine And Hop Shop Underground Food Collective Upham Street Pottery Vitense Golfland Vom Fass The Weary Traveler Willy Street Co-Op Wisconsin Union Theater Support WORT Underwriters 5Nines Data 222 West Washington Avenue Madison WI 53703 (608) 512-1000 Community Shares of Wisconsin Heartland Credit Union 612 W. Main Street, Suite 303 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 256-1066 5325 High Crossing Blvd. Madison, WI 53718 (608) 282-7000 (800) 362-3944 1230 Regent St. Madison, WI (608) 251-8413 Crossroads Coffeehouse Herrick & Kasdorf, LLP 2020 Main St. Cross Plaines, WI 53528 Burnie’s Rock Shop Crystal Corner Bar 16 N. Carroll St., Ste 500 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 257-1369 901 E. Johnson St. Madison, WI 53703 1302 Williamson St. Madison, WI 53703 Cardinal Bar The Exclusive Company 418 E. Wilson St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 257-2473 508 State St # A Madison, WI 53703 (608) 255-2433 Cargo Coffee The Farley Center 1309 South Park Street Madison, WI 53715-2103 (608) 268-0597 2255 Spring Rose Rd Verona, WI 53593 Cha Cha Beauty & Barber Four Elements Herbals 912 Williamson St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 204-3988 (608) 522-4492 Budget Bicycles Community Pharmacy 341 State St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 251-3242 Four Seasons Theatre H&H Solar Energy Services 818 Post Rd. Madison, WI 53713 High Noon Saloon 701 E. Washington Madison, WI 53703 (608) 266-1122 Just Coffee 1129 E Wilson St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 204-9011 Last Coast Producing (608) 616-5721 Lynn’s – Supplies for Creative People Greater State Street Business Association 5928 Odana Rd. Madison, WI 53719 (608) 274-1442 Ground Zero Coffee Marango Carpet Update 744 Williamson Street Madison, WI 53703 (608) 294-8668 Madison Homebrewers & Tasters Guild Maximum Ink Music Magazine ResTech Services 120 W Gorham St Madison, WI 53703-5221 (608) 663-3868 Strictly Discs Mildred’s Sandwich Shop 1900 Monroe St. Madison, WI 53711 827 E Johnson St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 255-2460 Madison Museum of Contemporary Art (MMoCA) TAPIT/new works Union Cab of Madison 227 State St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 242-2000 Netphoria Inc. 610 Langdon St., Room 442 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 262-2112 Overture Center for the Arts 201 State St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 258-4141 Paradigm Gardens 4539 Helgesen Drive Madison, WI 53718-6747 (608) 241-3800 Plan B 924 Williamson St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 257-5262 UW School for Workers Williamson Street Grocery Co-op EAST: 1221 Williamson St. Madison, WI 53703 (608) 251-0884 WEST: 6825 University Ave Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 284-7800 Wisconsin Youth Company 258-9004 When you visit these businesses, please tell them you heard about them on WORT 89.9 FM and that you appreciate their support of community radio. If you own an area business, please consider joining them. Contact Business Development Director, Maggie Weiser, at 256-2001 or for information about WORT underwriting opportunities. The Radio Pilot has gotten greener IF you would rather receive an e-newsletter version of the historic/legendary Radio Pilot please let us know: Send an email to Jim Goronson at or call 608-256-2001 (ask for Jim). Spring 2012 | WORT 89.9 FM (608) 256-2001 | page 11 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Back Porch Radio Broadcasting, Inc. 118 S Bedford St., Madison, WI 53703 phone (608) 256-2001 web e-mail OF WISCONSIN Are you moving? Any problems with your address or the spelling of your name? Call Jim at 256-2001 Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm with any corrections. PERMIT NO. 2021 MADISON, WI
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