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Presentazione di PowerPoint
Increase yield and create sustainability CHEMICAL FREE – The Natural (R)Evolution BIOMA Swiss Chemical-Free Discovery and Manufacturing Company active in Agriculture, Environment Bioremediation, Zootechny and Food Preservation Bioma’s products, totally of natural origin, are manufactured with the company’s proprietary technology Geolife®, and are able to optimize any biological process and allow for a natural balance within the ecosystems where are applied - soils, farms, landfills, water, wine, meat, humans, animas, etc. All products are “CHEMICAL FREE”, OGM-free, environmentally friendly, free of any dangerous or toxic products and suitable for intensive and/or industrial exploitation The results are superior productions both in terms of quantity and organoleptic quality in all the fields of application Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 2 Bioma’s History 1983 – 1993 1960 – 1980 Researchers around the world generates the first hypothesis of use in combination of several types of microorganisms to solve environment pollution Geolife Manufacturing Concept and E.B.O. Energy System Technology are developed by Mr. Bortoli, the company founder 1990 BIOMA IS BORN 2013-2014 1992 Start of the industrialization process and launch of its CHEMICAL FREE products internationally through structured distributors First Sulfites Free Wines made with our SO2 replacing product 2012 Bioma has completed the development of its main products and at the same time a series of regulations the use of chemicals has become effective 1996 – 2004 Distribution Agreement in Mexico for Agriculture, Environment Bioremediation and Zootechny products 2004 – 2009 Expansion in the Food Preservation sector through 2 EU Funded Project SULPHREE (elimination of sulfites in wine) and NOCHEMFOOD (substitution of nitrites and nitrates in meat products) CHEMICAL FREE - THE NATURAL (R)EVOLUTION 1996 – 2004 Efficacy and Safety of Bioma’s Products for Agriculture, Zootechny and Environment Bioremediation demonstrated by scientific collaborations with Certified Laboratories and Universities in Europe and Mexico 3 Geolife® Effects Agriculture Environment Zootechnics Food Preservation Improvement of agricultural yields, reducing at the same time the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Improvement of the quality of final products Effective and natural waste management of purifiers, biologic waste water treatment, compost and public landfills. Recovery of soils polluted with hydrocarbons, heavy metals and others Improvement of the environment allowing for a better animal metabolism, allowing a better food assimilation and acceleration of animal growth. Manure treatment and enrichment Reduction and/or complete elimination of chemical substances (Sulphites, Nitrites, Nitrates and other) in wine-making and food processing Human & Animal Health Improvement of basal metabolism and strengthening of own natural defenses Geolife Effects Increased Productivity and Quality of finished products Generate Sustainability year over year Drastic Reduction of wastes Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 4 Products Products SPÒROS KI PÒS ® ® CARPÒS ® THERMOKÌ PI O I STÒS ® ® ANTHÒS AGRI CULTURE Fields of application Products Intensive cultivation (corn, sugarcane, rape, cereals) aromatic plants, waterplants, grass and paddy fields EPYCA Industrial vegetables, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, bananas MEAXI Fruit trees, coffee, olives, citrus, cocoa, pineapple, berries, spices, reforestation MI LSYNTH Greenhouses (vegetables, flowers, aromatic herbs) Awns, sporting greens, public parks, private gardens ® ÈMPSI CO Nurseries, industrial and hobby floriculture ® Pastures, manures ® Vineyards AMPÈLOS ® Cotton fields Several products enhancing the plants own defences against fungal, vegetal, RESI STANCE I NDUCERS bacterial and animal parasites BANBÀKI ENVI RONMENT Fields of application Products Ì DOR Liquid sewage from depurators, sewage pipes, home waste pipes, septic tanks, sinkholes, lakes, water basins, rivers Composts, public open dumps, olive mills, wineries, slaughter-houses ® SYNTHETÒS ® PETRÒLSYNTH ® RADI OSYNTH ® Products ® ZÒI B, P, C, H, F ® KÒPROS B, P, C, H, F Soils polluted by hydrocarbons and derivates, industrial waste water Contamination by heavy and radiogenic metals ZOOTECHNI CS Fields of application Food supplement for zootechnical breeding (chicken, bovine, ovine, horses, pigs, fish) FOOD PRESERVATI ON Fields of application Natural antioxidant and stabilizer to replace the sulphur (SO2 ) in the wine-making process Substitution of Nitrites and Nitrates in Meat and Sausages preservation process (salami, mortadella, cooked ham…) Antioxidant and metabolic stabilizer for mozzarella governing liquid and substitution of Lysozyme in Grana Padano cheese ® ® MOTI CA ® ® Metabolic co-adjunct for the preservation of fruits, salads and flowers HUMAN HEALTH Fields of Application Products PROTEOSVI TAL PROAKTI L HUSTEX ® Airways infections, soar throat, cough ® LENARTON CARTEXALL ® PROXXI LI M ® CLENXANOL ® CALMONEX ® Products DHI NAMI L ® KARTI LLON ARTHI REX Articular pains, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic Against cartilage degeneration Helps improving results of Diets and weight control Helps in controlling of Cholesterol, triglycerides, glycaemia and hypertension Stress control, insomnia, nervous disturbs ANI MAL HEALTH Fields of Application Basal metabolisms regulator and enhancer ® ® Against cartilage degeneration Articular pains, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic ® Airways infections ® KALMI RELL Bovines, Chicken and Pig stables, Horse and Fish farming, Fur-animal farming, DRENAXXI L ® stables of industrial size. ® Solid manure, compost dumps, zootechnical depurators, liquid sewage, collection DI MAREL ® GURAL ponds. Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution Basal metabolisms regulator and enhancer Free radicals control ® CLOSPAN ® Stress control Hepatorenal drainage Basal metabolism stimulant with drainage effect Anti-inflammatory 5 Easy and Safe to Use Liquid Based Products Microorganisms Based Products All Geolife Sectors Agriculture, Bioremediation, Zootechny Two lyophilized elements need to be activated in warm water for one hour Mix the liquid directly into the product to be treated 3 litres/10hl of wine 1 litre/ton of meat 1 litre/10hl of milk 1litre/1Ha foliar Dilute the mixture in about 500 litres of water Liquid booster added to the activated elements in the tank NO NEED FOR ANY SORT OF PERSONAL PROTECTION WHEN USING GEOLIFE PRODUCTS Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution Product ready to be applied on the soil or on the leafs 6 Selected Results Kopros C in Canada Anthos in Switzerland Pr odu ct ion cost s ( % ) Kipos in Colombia Am ount of fe r t ilize r use d ( k g) Ave r a ge fr uit s w e igh ( Kg) 2 .5 300 100 2 .2 2 .1 2 .1 2 .1 2 .1 1 .8 1 .8 1 .6 70 1 .6 45 Convent ional product s Convent ional product s Kopros Ant hòs Kìpos Convent ional Product s Operational costs reduced by 30% Growing period reduced from 54 to 46 days Benefits increased by using 6.7 times less chemical fertilizers (45kg instead of 300kg) Melons average weight increased by 16% Geolife in Turkey Sporos in Mexico Petrolsynth in Italy Watermelon Grapes Bioremediation in days Fibers 41.5 Fibers 30.7 Grapes Beans Olive Apples W e igh t ch a n ge in % Beans Watermelon Cotton Grapes Beans Grapes Beans Olive Cotton Apples W e igh t ch a n ge in % Conventional products Proteins 13.1 Petrolsynth Proteins 5.7 1 Convent ional Product s GEOLI FE Yield increase from 9% to 25% in several cultures using various Geolife Fertilizers Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution Convent ional Pr oduct s 4 10 15 30 Spòros Corn production increased by 36% Protein increased by 13.1% Fibers increased by 35.4% Soil pollution reduced by 40% after 4 days and by 95% after 10 days 7 Certifications and Registrations OFAG – Federal Office of Agriculture, Dept. of Certification and Plant Protection, Switzerland FIBL – Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Switzerland ECOCERT – Certification body for sustainable development, France NOP – National Organic Program, USA Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 8 Food Preservation Substitution of conventional chemical products by vegetal based natural substances improving organoleptic qualities EPYCA – Total elimination of sulfites in wine making process MEAXI – Total elimination of nitrites and nitrates in meat Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 9 Why Wine and Meat? WINE 20% of world population is intolerant to sulfites and 9% is at risk of anaphylactic shock Mandatory to indicate “contain sulfites” on wine bottles as it is a potential health dangerous substance EU Regulations strongly limit the quantity of sulfites in wine and have requested total elimination Unique technological and selling positions as EPYCA is the only product able to substitute sulfites while making stable, quality wines MEAT Nitrites and Nitrates are potentially health dangerous substances as in the body can transform in nitrosamines (precursors of tumor agents) Unique technological and selling positions as MEAXI is the only product able to substitute nitrites and nitrates while making quality meat delicatessen Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 10 Epyca and Meaxi Validations EU funded research projects SULPHREE and NOCHEMFOOD have investigated and validated the efficacy and safety of our wine and meat preservation products Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 11 Epyca for Sulfites-Free Wines EPYCA is a natural co-adjunct made of tannins extracted from grape seeds composed of 3 products to be added sequentially in the winemaking process in substitution of added sulfites without changing the winemaking process EPYCA has been developed in different formulations depending on the type of vinification: EPYCA RED – EPYCA WHITE – EPYCA CLASSIQUE – EPYCA SWEET In total less then 2 grams of tannins are added to up to 2’000 liters of must/wine EPYCA effects: Optimization of alcoholic fermentation Control of undesired microorganisms activity Enhancement of organoleptic characteristics of end product Antioxidative protection and important prolonged shelf life EPYCA is classified under: European Regulations (CE) N.606/2009 Codex Alimentarius OIV (OENO 6/2008 E-COEI-1-TANNIN/INS. 181) OIV Practices (Art. 2.1-2.1.7-3.2-3.2.6) Registered at ECOCERT and NOP for Bio-Wines Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 12 Epyca Integrates in Standard Winemaking Process EPYCA is added to the must/wine as follow: 1L of EPYCA 1 at the beginning of the alcoholic fermentation immediately before the addition of selected yeasts as it is a potent activator of these microorganisms 1L of EPYCA 2 at the end of the malolactic fermentation to stabilize the wine mass and start the refining process 1L of EPYCY 3 before bottling to provide additional antioxidative protection and bacteriostatic activity EPYCA ML-STOP: specific product to prevent the onset of the malolactic fermentation Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 13 Wine in Numbers – World 2014 World vineyard surface area: 7’528’000 Ha (75’280 km2) World wine production: 270’864’000 Hectoliters (27.1 billion liters) France Italy Spain USA Argentina Australia China South Africa Chile Germany Portugal Romania New Zealand Greece Brazil Hungary Austria Bulgaria Switzerland Croatia World Total Production in Liters ('000) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 4'438'100 5'075'700 4'154'800 4'200'400 4'615'100 4'852'500 4'277'200 4'561'600 5'242'900 4'442'400 3'535'300 3'339'700 3'112'300 4'565'000 3'700'000 2'089'000 1'914'000 2'174'000 2'350'000 2'250'000 1'625'000 1'547'300 1'178'000 1'498'400 1'520'000 1'142'000 1'118'000 1'226'000 1'231'000 1'256'000 1'300'000 1'320'000 1'381'000 1'178'000 1'178'000 932'700 972'500 1'056'800 1'098'000 1'142'000 884'400 1'046'400 1'255'400 1'284'600 1'002'900 690'600 913'200 901'200 840'900 972'500 714'800 562'200 632'700 623'800 588'600 328'700 405'800 331'100 511'300 409'300 190'000 235'000 194'000 248'000 320'000 295'000 275'000 311'500 334'300 290'000 245'900 346'000 296'700 271'000 281'000 176'200 275'000 177'600 266'600 273'400 173'700 281'400 212'500 239'200 225'000 122'400 123'700 144'200 175'500 122'900 103'000 112'000 100'000 84'000 90'000 143'300 140'900 129'300 124'900 87'400 26'437'200 26'724'300 25'622'200 28'760'000 27'086'400 Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution Production breakdown per world region (2014) Oceania 5 .9 % Africa 5 .1 % America 1 9 .8 % Europe 6 2 .3 % Asia 6 .9 % 14 Major Wine Countries The 10 major wine countries produce over 80% of the world wine Germany 9.7 Mhl France 46 Mhl USA 22.5 Mhl Spain 37 Mhl China 12 Mhl Italy 44.4 Mhl Australia 12.6 Mhl Chile 10 Mhl Argentina 15.2 Mhl South Africa 11.4 Mhl Wine production in 2014 is estimated at 27.1 billion liters Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 15 EPYCA is Used by Winemakers Worldwide Today over 50 winemakers in Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Spain, Portugal and Germany use EPYCA Latest Achievements 2013 First Franciacorta Extra Brut Blanc de Blanc, ELITE by Azienda Agricola Mirabella, Rodengo Saiano (BS) Italy 2014 Vinitaly Gran Menzione for Sannio DOP Barbera Biologico “ASSENZA” 2013 by Antica Masseria Venditti, Castelvenere (BN) Italy Silver Medal 2014 at Rochester NY Finger Lakes International Wine Competition for 2012 AGLIANICO SULFITES FREE by Principe di Tricase Winery, Ramona (CA), USA Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 16 MEAXI for Nitrites & Nitrates Free Delicatessen MEAXI is a natural additive made with Extracts of Rosemary for the preservation of Delicatessen categorized as - Antioxidant: Extracts of Rosemary 1L of MEAXI is added to up to 1000 KG of meat and totally substitutes nitrites and nitrates additives MEAXI allows a rapid organoleptic stabilization resulting in a finished product with enhanced shelf life, flavor freshness, taste wholesomeness and better digestibility MEAXI effects: Antioxidant Bacteriostatic Enhanced shelf life Preservation of flavor component MEAXI is manufactured respecting the following regulations: Swiss Law: 817.02 EC Regulation 1333/2008 and additions M2 EC Regulation 1129/2011 EU regulation 231/2012 Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 17 Delicatessen in Numbers – Italy 2013 Production in tons Source: ASSICA (Italian Association of Meat Producers) elaboration of ISTAT Data – June 2014 Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 18 Delicatessen Treated with MEAXI Pork Speck Horse Bresaola Beef hamburger at t=0h (left) and t=120h (right) Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution Pork Salami Pork Cooked Ham 19 Agriculture Bioma’s products for Agriculture: Use the properties of culture-specific formulations of microorganisms and enzymes to catalyze the biodegradation processes essential for soil humification and nitrogen fixation Transform complex structures into simple substances, thus allowing a better assimilation of soil’s nutritive active elements by the plants Compensate the soil deficiencies generated by excessive stress, optimizing at the same time the defense systems of the trees, thus strongly reducing the need for plant protection products Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 20 Products AGRI CULTURE Products Fields of application SPÒROS ® Intensive cultivation (corn, sugarcane, rape, cereals) aromatic plants, waterplants, grass and paddy fields KI PÒS ® Industrial vegetables, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, bananas CARPÒS ® Fruit trees, coffee, olives, citrus, cocoa, pineapple, berries, spices, reforestation TH ERM OKÌ PI O ® Greenhouses (vegetables, flowers, aromatic herbs) I STÒS ® Awns, sporting greens, public parks, private gardens AN THÒS ® ÈMPSI CO Nurseries, industrial and hobby floriculture ® Pastures, manures ® Vineyards AM PÈLOS BAN BÀKI ® Cotton fields Several products enhancing the plants own defences against fungal, vegetal, RESI STAN CE I N DUCERS bacterial and animal parasites Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 21 Agriculture Program All stages of agricultural treatments are covered by Bioma’s products Fe r t iliza t ion 1. Humification (ground application) 2. Boosting Am endm ent of t he soil (ground application) 3. Photosynthesis Act iva t ion of pla nt m e t a bolism (foliar application) St im ula t ion of pla nt gr ow ing Resist a n ce induct ion 4. Phyto-protection (ground and foliar application) Pr event ion of dise a ses Soil preparation Sowing/ planting Leaves appearance Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution Inflorescence Harvest 22 Anthos Program “Etienne” Violet in Italy Blossoming anticipated by 18 days Better exterior appearance (uniformity, color intensity and turgidity) Treated with Anthos Test preformed by the Italian National Research Center CRA-RPS relation between soil and plants, Rome Treated with conventional products Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 23 Ampelos Program (1/2) Vineyards in Switzerland and Italy Full protection from principal phytopathies both on the grape and on the foliage. Increased foliar growth and more intense green Trees are in a better overall health shape No attacks form mildew and powdery mildew Protection from late mildew attack Switzerland: Cabernet Jura grape of Cave Saint Germain, Moutier, Switzerland, Aurele Morf - Italy: Measures made on Sauvignon and Merlot grapes by Gianluigi Longatti, Enologist and Alimentary technology independent consultant, Alba, Italy Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 24 Ampelos Program (2/2) Vineyards in Mexico Substantial increase in fruit production and quality Increased quantity of fruits for export Total grapes production increased by 50% 85.8% of grapes have Brix value over 15.5° and comply with the export category (70.1% with conventional products) Measures made on table grapes by Megafarma and Agricola Batiz, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 25 Carpos Program Oranges in Brazil Yield increased by 12.1% (from 28.9kg to 32.4 kg per case) 3% Increase in Brix (sugar concentration) Average fruit size increased by 10% Better regular shape of fruits Treated with Carpos Reduction of surface stains Drastic reductions of cryptogrammic pathogens Reduced use of pesticides Study conducted from the Superior School of Agriculture “Luiz de Querioz” of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) on plantation in Sao Jorge, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil Treated with conventional products Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 26 Kipos Program Tomatoes in Turkey Yield increased by 10% Yield of tomato puree increased by 20% Brix average values increased by 8% Better regular shape of fruits Reduced use of pesticides Analysis made on 1900 samples harvested in Marmara, Aegean, and Dead Sea area by Bioma Turkey under the supervision of the Adnan Menderes Universitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Botas, Izmir, Turkey for the 1996 Sandom10 Report Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 27 Sporos Program Soybean in Romania Yield increased by 21% (from 2’337kg/ha to 2’826 kg/ha) Soybean plants increased by 10% Increase number of soybean pods per plant Drastic diminishing of cryptogrammic pathogens Reduced use of pesticides Measurements made by the Institute of Crop Research and Protection, Bucharest, Romania Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 28 Environment Bioremediation The Environment Bioremediation products are selected mixtures of microorganisms and natural substances such as enzymes, lipoproteins and vegetal extracts that: Accelerate the oxidation and deodorization processes of liquid sewage in depurators Create the correct balance between aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora, reducing depurators running-costs and power consumption Eliminate the organic encrustation into depurators mechanical parts, reducing the mud volume Transforms the residual mud obtained from depurators in natural fertilizer Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 29 Products EN VI RON MEN T Products Liquid sewage from depurators, sewage pipes, home waste pipes, septic tanks, sinkholes, lakes, water basins, rivers Ì DOR ® SYN THETÒS ® Composts, public open dumps, olive mills, wineries, slaughter-houses PETRÒLSYN TH RADI OSYN TH Fields of application ® ® Soils polluted by hydrocarbons and derivates, industrial waste water Contamination by heavy and radiogenic metals Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 30 Idor Water Cleaning (1/2) Water cleaning station in Switzerland Monthly costs reduced by US$ 9’000 Maintenance costs reduced by 10% (electricity, cleaning) Water cleaning process efficacy significantly increase Reduced bacterial crust on the basins walls Reduction of bad odors Reduction of turbidity Data from the Water Cleaning Station of La Côte-de-Fées, Neuchatel, Switzerland Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 31 Idor Water Cleaning (2/2) Leachates in Paraguay Annual costs reduced by US$ 35’000 BOD reduces by 13% COD reduced by 8% Reduction of maintenance Reduction of bad odors Remediation of leachates making it possible to pour the water into the river Paraguay Data from the Municipal Remediation Station, city of Asuncion, Paraguay Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 32 Petrolsynth for Oil and Heavy Metal Spills Oil and heavy metal contaminated water in Italy Oil contamination reduced by 98.5% in 3 days Heavy metals contamination reduced by 99% in 2 days Reduction of treatment costs Reduction of bad odors Data from Ecotrading S.r.l., Italy Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 33 Synthetos for Vegetal Composting Vegetal residues for composting in Switzerland Additional revenues of US$ 45 per ton of compost Increase of selling price by 10% Composting time reduced by 9% (from 64 to 59 days) Accelerated product degradation Reduction of bad odors Decrease in maintenance work Increased median humidity More homogeneous particle size Data from private company treating annually over 5’000 ton of vegetal residues, Geneva, Switzerland Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 34 Zootechnics In the Zootechnics products, the enzymes (which are mostly hydrolytic organic catalysts) coupled with microorganisms, lipoproteins, sugars, vitamins and other co-enzymes will: Activate the total bacterial-enzymatic activity that forms the zootechnical compounds Act in the fixation of the nitrogen and prevent the production of ammonia Optimize the metabolic functions of animal organisms, improving the food assimilation as well as reinforcing the animal immune system Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 35 Products ZOOTECH N I CS Products ZÒI ® B, P, C, H , F KÒPROS ® B, P, C, H , F Fields of application Food supplement for zootechnical breeding (chicken, bovine, ovine, horses, pigs, fish) Bovines, Chicken and Pig stables, Horse and Fish farming, Fur-animal farming, stables of industrial size. Solid manure, compost dumps, zootechnical depurators, liquid sewage, collection ponds. Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 36 Kopros C Chicken Farms in Brazil 11% Increase in total gain 8% Reduction in Mortality 7% Increase in median weight Ammonia Level reduced up to 38% Legs lesions reduced by 25% Significant reduction of hazardous infestations Reduction of bad odors Growth period reduced by 5 days Studies run by Agrias Ricerca e Sviluppo in an integrated farm from Sadia (Brasil Foods), with the participation of the Sao Paulo University, Brasil Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 37 Kopros B Bovine Farms in Switzerland 9% Increase in animal weight 7% Increase in milk production 5% reduction of ammonia levels Ratio meat/fat increased by 10% Improvement of health status Significant reduction of hazardous infestations Reduction of bad odors Drastic reduction of fly presence Results achieved in several farms in canton Wallis, Switzerland. Ammonia level and infestation reductions have been certified by Swiss Cantonal Laboratories Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 38 Kopros B in Biogas Production Biodigester in Brazil 18.75% decrease in monthly costs (from US$ 80’000 to US$ 65’000) Dissolution of the crusts and sediments Increased performance in biogas production COD reduction without use of effluents Total digestion of organic substance Increased production of electric energy Studies run by Agrias Ricerca e Sviluppo in an integrated farm from Sadia (Brasil Foods), with the participation of the Sao Paulo University, Brasil Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 39 Zoi H Horses Farms in Brazil 25 days-treatments on Mangalarga and Arabic horses Mangalarga results (3 horses) 8.13% average increase in total chest circumference 22% average increase in total weight Arabic results (6 horses) 9.24% average increase in total chest circumference 30% average increase in total weight Studies run in 2009 in four horse farms by three veterinary doctors, Dr. Bolivar Figueiredo Silva Filho, Dr. José Rodrigues Neves Neto and Dr. Fernanda Dutra, Sao Paulo Brazil and certified by Dr. Marta Brandao Tozzi of the Jockey Club Brazilian Anti-Doping Laboratory Chemical Free - The Natural (r)Evolution 40 Contacts Thank you BIOMA SA Via Luserte SUD 8 6572 Quartino Switzerland Phone: +41 91 840 1015 Fax: +41 91 840 1019 Email: Web: