The Brain Loves A Song - Southwestern Community College


The Brain Loves A Song - Southwestern Community College
“The Brain Loves A Song”
Fall Early Childhood Conference
November 3, 2012
9:00 am— 3:45 pm
1501 W Townline St
Creston, IA
Registration starts at 8:15 am
Maryann “Mar.” Harman has been dedicated to quality, brain researchbased music for over 30 years. She is a music educator with a Bachelor’s
Degree in Music and a Master’s in Education, with an emphasis in Early
Childhood and is certified in Level I Orff. These degrees contribute to her
ability to write songs that are musically and educationally sound for children as
well as fun and easy to use for teachers and parents. She is the founder of
the internationally-enjoyed Music with Mar. Brain Research Based program and
is the host of BAM! Radio Music and Learning Channel.
Music with Mar is an internationally respected company dedicated to using
music and movement in child development to get more parents involved with their
children in positive activities while using music to prepare them for the future!
Her recordings have received several national awards, including:
· ‖Tunes for Tiny Tots‖ – Silver Parents’ Choice Award
· ―Start Each Day with A Song‖ – Best Recording Children’s Web Award
· ―Keep Safety ROO-Teen – Best Recording Children’s Web Award 2001
· DARE Officers State of Florida ―Recognition of Excellence‖ for
song ―Pledge to Lead A Drug-Free Life‖
· John Lennon Song Writing Award - Honorable Mention for ―Because
We’re Friends‖
(See the next page for details of Mar’s concert in Creston
the night before the Conference. You will be able to pay for tickets with your
registration for the Conference)
You are Invited !
Come, sing along with Mar at a concert that is surely to be
enjoyed by children and adults. Forty-five minutes of
laughing, loving and learning such concepts as language,
math, social skills, and science!
Friday, November 2
7:00 pm
SWCC Creston
Instructional Center—Room 220
Advance tickets:
$1.00 for children/$2 adults.
At the Door:
$3.00 for children/adults
Tickets may be purchased from any Green Valley IEAYC member or
SWCC Adult Ed.
Sponsored by SWCC and Green Valley Chapter of IEAYC
Fall Conference Agenda
November 3, 2012
8:15—8:45 Registration
9:00—10:00 Keynote
Music with Mar
10:15—11:45 Morning Breakout Sessions
1. Totally Tods: by Mar Harman
2. Building Vocabulary: by Kathy Cross
3. How Early Childhood (birth through toddlers) Impacts
School Readiness: by Lacey Johnson
11:45—1:00 Lunch
At the SWCC student center or on your own
1:00—2:30 Afternoon Session A
4. Using Music, Books & Puppets to Enhance Learning Skills:
by Mar Harman
5. Cultures Role: Influencing Child Development:
by Lacey Johnson
6. Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development Workshop:
by Vickie Hodge
7. Pancakes, Pudding, and Problem Solving - Investigating
Cooking: UNI Part 1
2:45—3:45 Afternoon Session B
8. T.E.A.C.H. & CDA 2.0: by Pam Ellis
9. Cost Saving Shopping for Your Program: by Jaclyn Yetmar
10. A Cut Above the Rest--Using Die-cuts to Create Learning
Materials for Your Program: by Stacey Feehan
11. Pancakes, Pudding, and Problem Solving-Investigating
Cooking: UNI
Part 2 (Session 11 ends at 4:00)
Keynote: 9:00 am
Music with Mar
Creating Capable, Confident, Competent Children; Ready for School, Ready for
Life (Adaptable for all ages) Too often children already have a list of things they
think they are not good at. Teachers are so stressed about cognitive abilities,
they neglect to get the TOTAL child ready for school / life in general, to include not only exposure
to multi-languages, math or science skills, but social skills as well. Music is the best and
easiest way to do that. Through the use of well-thought out music and movement activities
(including child-directed activities, listening games and use of various languages), children
will have a list of things they feel capable of doing.
Morning Sessions: 10:15-11:45
(Choose One)
1. Totally Tods: by Maryann “Mar” Harman
Toddlers enjoy music, too; but they have special needs. Many times materials are too old for them.
This workshop will present developmentally appropriate activities and
materials for toddlers as well as educate participants on their value in
2. Building Vocabulary: by Kathy Cross
What is one of the goals each of us has for our child?
Answer: To be a successful reader.
What can we do now to assist in achieving this goal?
Answer: Help each child achieve a large vocabulary
We are going to discuss how to build Tier 1 vocabulary through everyday
activities and toys. We will emphasize intentional teaching strategies. In
addition, book vocabulary will also be addressed to emphasize the building of Tier
2 vocabulary
3. How Early Childhood (birth through toddlers) Impacts School Readiness:
by Lacey Johnson
This session introduces the basic concepts and issues related to early brain
development. Focusing on how the early years set the foundation for lifelong learning
in each of the developmental areas: language, motor, cognitive, and social-emotional. The
four areas discussed will help you to identify strategies that can be used to help to
nurture and build a healthy brain.
Afternoon Session A: 1:00—2:30
(Choose One)
4. Using Music, Books & Puppets to Enhance Learning Skills: by Mar
As we draw more senses to the learning experience, children retain more.
Participants will be shown how to enhance learning by combining music
and movement with puppets for visual, aural and tactile stimulation. The
Importance of using props with music and movement will be discussed
and validated. How to physically involve children in playful storytelling
will be a focal point and demonstrated. How the brain works during
these activities will also be examined and demonstrated.
5. Culture’s Role: Influencing Child Development: by Lacey Johnson
Focuses on how the development of a child can be influenced by culture.
Participants will build their understanding of culture’s role in influencing a child’s
development. Participants will break down the definitions of culture, to gain a
better awareness of culture. Through identification and discussion participants
will gain a better understanding of their families’ varied culture.
6. Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development Workshop:
by Vickie Hodge
Participants will learn about healthy sexual development of children and when children’s
behaviors may indicate child sexual abuse. They will also learn to respond to children’s sexual
behaviors and questions in ways that promote healthy development. The scope of child sexual
abuse will be discussed as well as the relationship between promoting healthy sexual
development and preventing child sexual abuse.
7. Pancakes, Pudding, and Problem Solving: Investigating Cooking:
by UNI Participants Part 1
Limit 24
(Workshop for providers serving children ages 3-8 years)
Must Take both Part 1 and Part 2
Young children love to cook! Cooking is a grown-up
activity that engages children in
science, math, and literacy.
Participants will explore the value of cooking from an
educational point of view, use child-tested recipes, and see how children can use simple
kitchen appliances to produce tasty learning! Safe and practical chemistry for young
Afternoon Session B: 2:45—3:45
(Choose One)
8. T.E.A.C.H. & CDA 2.0: by Pam Ellis
Come learn about CDA 2.0 and the changes coming in early 2013. Learn
about the new training and eligibility requirements and the new credentialing process. Find out how T.E.A.C.H. can help you on your journey!
9. Cost Saving Shopping for Your Program: by Jaclyn Yetmar
The workshop will cover basic shopping and cooking techniques, helpful
hints, and great resources to help childcare providers save time, money
and energy.
10. A Cut Above the Rest--Using Die-cuts to Create Learning Materials for Your Program: by Stacey Feehan, Jon Beede & Deb Brandt Limit 25
Come see what the TriUMPH Resource Libraries offer for early childhood professionals
at this Make-and-Take session.
11. Pancakes, Pudding, and Problem Solving: Investigating Cooking:
by UNI Participants Part 2
Limit 24
(Workshop for providers serving children ages 3-8 years)
Must Take both Part 1 and Part 2
Young children love to cook! Cooking is a grown-up activity that engages children
in science, math, and literacy. Participants will explore the value of cooking
from an educational point of view, use child-tested recipes, and see how children
can use simple kitchen appliances to produce tasty learning! Safe and practical
chemistry for young children. (This session ends at 4:00)
Early Childhood Conference at SWCC-November 3, 2012
A Collaboration between Southwestern Community College-TriUMPH ECE, Union County Empowerment, and
Green Valley Chapter of Iowa AEYC
To register multiple participants, please complete a registration for each person. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
First Name
Street Address
Phone #
Email Address
Family Childcare Home
Center based
Registration confirmation and attendance certificates will be sent via email
Sessions I want to attend (Please enter the session number)
1st Choice 2nd Choice
Morning Session
Afternoon Session A
1:00 – 2:30
Afternoon Session B
Conference Fees
Registered by October 19, 2012
Check the fee that applies
Member Green Valley
Chapter of Iowa AEYC
Non Member
“Music with Mar”
Box Lunch
Registered after October 20, 2012
 $30
# of Adults _________ @ $2 = $ __________
# of Children ________@ $1 = $ __________
$5-Chicken Salad $5-Tossed Veggie  $5-Club
Sandwich Box Lunch Salad Box Lunch
I will make my
Sandwich Box Lunch own plans for Lunch
Box Lunches include: Sandwich or salad, pasta salad, chips, cookie and water
Method of Payment
Check Enclosed/Mailed ________
Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard) ________
Purchase Order # -Include with Registration ___________
Please call 641-782-1441 or 641-782-1449 before October 20
Total Payment Enclosed:
Please return completed registration form to SWCC/TriUMPH ECE Office via fax (641-782-1334) or email ( Call
641-782-1449 or 1441 for credit card or PO. Or mail to SWCC/TriUMPH ECE, 1501 W. Townline St. Creston Iowa 50801.
Payment must be included with registration.
For Business Office Use Only: 1344-6310-01-411
Ck #: __________ Date: ________ Amount: ________