Barton Community Led Plan 2014 - 2017
Barton Community Led Plan 2014 - 2017
B COMMUNITY LED PLAN PLAN BARTON ARTON COMMUNITY ! ! ! ! ! ! Bar Barton ton Comm Community unity Led Community Led Plan Plan 2014 - 2017 2014 - 2017 ! ! ! ! ! March M March arch2014 2014 BARTON B ARTON COMMUNITY COMMUNITY LED P PLAN LAN ! CONTENTS CO NTENTS age No. No. Page S ummary …………………..3 …………………..3 Summary B ackg round………………..3 Background………………..3 IIntroduction ntroduction ……………….4 ……………….4 P rocess………………………5 Process………………………5 S ummary of of Results………6 Results………6 Summary S ub bject Areas……………….8 Areas……………….8 Subject N ext Steps………………….11 Steps………………….11 Next A cknowledgements……….12 Acknowledgements……….12 Co ntacts…………………….13 Contacts…………………….13 G lossary ……………………13 ……………………13 Glossary …………………13 A Action ction Plan Plan …………………13 A Appendix ppendix 1 - Community Community S Statistics tatistics Appendix Timetable A ppendix 2 - Timetable Appendix of A ppendix 3 - Results Resul R esults of Questionnaire Q Quest uestionnaire ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BARTON B ARTON COMMUNITY COMMUNITY LED P PLAN LAN ! Summary! Summary! T This his p plan l an h has as b been een co compiled mpiled b by yo our ur co community mmunity iin n Ba Barton rton a and nd iis sa about b out o our ur a aspirations spirations a and nd co concerns. ncerns. W We eh have ave d documented ocumented h how ow a and nd w when hen tthe he p plan l an w was as st started, arted, w what ha t e events vents b brought rought tthe he co community mmunity ttogether ogether tto od discuss iscuss tthe he iissues, ssues, a and nd a su summary mmary o off tthe he re results sults w with ith a p proposed roposed a action ction p plan l an a arising.! rising.! ! W We e commend commend tthis his re report port to to tthe he Ba Barton rton Pa Parish rish C Council, ouncil, tthe he Pa Parkin rkin Me Memorial morial H Hall all co committee mmittee a and nd tthe he o other ther social social g groups roups iin no our ur p parish. arish. W We eh hope ope tthat ha t o our ur p proposed roposed a action ction p plan lan w will il l p provide rovide iinput nput tto o ttheir heir own o wn a agendas, gendas, p plans l ans a and nd b budgets.! udgets.! ! W We e also also co commend mmend tthe he re report port tto oo our ur co county unty a and nd d district istrict a authorities, uthorities, a as sw well el l a as s tthe he L Lake ake D District istrict nd tthe he U llswater V alley Pl N National ational Pa Park rk a and Ullswater Valley Planning ann in g G Group, roup, so tthat hat tthey hey ca can nb be ea aware ware o off tthe he iissues ssues arish co mmunity w iimportant mportant tto o Barton Barton p parish community which hich ttheir heir se services rvices a and nd ffunding un din g w will i ll h heavily eavily iinfluence.! nfluence.! mmend tthe he re port tto oo ur co F Finally ina ll y w we e co commend report our community, mmunity, ffor or iitt iis s ttheir heir iinvolvement nvolvement a and nd vo volunteering lunteering e effort ffort etermine w hich a spirations ca tthat hat w will il l h help elp tto od determine which aspirations can nb be e ffulfilled.! ulfilled.! Background Backgr ound IIn n2 2012 012 ttwo wo si significant gnificant e events vents iin n Ba Barton rton h helped elped tto o llift ift co community mmunity sp spirit. irit. IIn nF February ebruary tthe he Pa Parkin rkin Me Memorial morial H Hall al l C Committee ommittee o organised rganised a ce centenary ntenary ce celebration lebration o off tthe he ffounding ou nd ing o off tthe he vi village l la ge h hall all iin n Po Pooley oley Bri Bridge dge w with ith a p party, arty, mu music, sic, ffood, ood , w wine, ine, so some me p period eriod d dress ress a and nd llots ots o off me memorabilia. morabilia. T Then hen iin n Ju June ne tthe he vi village llage w was as b bedecked edecked iin nb bunting unting a and nd fla flags gs tto o ce celebrate lebrate tthe he Q Queen’s ueen’s D Diamond iamond Ju Jubilee, b ile e, with with an an e extended xtended w weekend eekend o off a activities ctivities iincluding ncluding fie field ld g games, ames, Pu Punch nch & Ju Judy, dy, fface ace p painting, ainting, BBQ BBQ,, Pa Parish rish b boundary oundary w walks, alks, ttea ea p party, arty, b beacon eacon o on n tthe he ffell el l a and nd a ffavourite avourite h hymns ymns C Church hurch ffestival. estival. F Further urther d dedications edications e emerged merged iin n tthe he fform orm o off n new ew b benches enches o outside utside o off tthe he vi village l la ge h hall a ll a and nd a n new ew st stone one ffronted ronted flo flower w er b bed ed iin n tthe he vi village llage ce centre.! ntre.! ! was rekindling off co community mmunity sp spirit irit w was as tthe he re result sult o off co community mmunity vo volunteering, lunteering, IItt w as recognised recognised tthat hat tthis his re kindling o generosity off llocal businesses/sponsors and nd su successful ccessful a applications pplications ffor or co community mmunity g grants. rants. tthe he g enerosity o ocal b usinesses/sponsors a T The he co combination mbination w was as p powerful. owerful. IItt w was as n no o su surprise rprise ttherefore herefore tthat h at a p proposal roposal ca came me a along long tto oh harness arness tthat hat e energy nergy a and nd iinput nput iinto nto tthe he fformation ormation o off a C Community ommunity L Led ed Pl Plan. an. By d doing oing tthis his iitt w was as ffelt elt tthat hat tthe he co community mmunity co could uld d define efine iit’s t’s o own wn a aspirations spirations a and nd b be ep part art o off tthe he llocal ocal d democratic emocratic p process rocess b being e in g o offered ffered a att tthat hat ttime ime b by yn new ew llegislation, egislation, tthe he L Localism ocalism Act Act.. Be Besides, sides, tthe he co community mmunity co could ul d h have ave ffun un iin n tthe he p process.! rocess.! ! BARTON B ARTON COMMUNITY COMMUNITY LED PLAN PLAN ! The The first step step was was tto o form form a steering steering g group roup ca capable pab le o off re representing presenting o our ur co community. mmunity. W We ew were ere su successful ccessful iin n tthat hat tthe he fin final al g group roup co contained ntained a active ctive me members mbers ffrom rom tthe he vi village l lag e h hall all co committee, mmittee, tthe he W W.I., .I., the the church church fellowship, fellowship, tthe he n neighbourhood eighbourhood w watch, atch, tthe he p parish arish co council, uncil, b business usiness a and nd p professional rofessional g groups, roups, a and nd llandownership. andownership. IIn n so social cial tterms, erms, a tteenager, eenager, re retirees, tirees, w working orking a adults, dults, h housewives, ousewives, mo mothers, thers, ffathers, athers, g grandparents, randparents, g grandchild. randchild. IIn n ttotal otal e eleven leven p people, eople, ffour our ma male le a and nd se seven ven ffemale.! emale.! ! IIntroduction! ntroduction! T The he Pa Parish rish o off Barton Barton llies i es a att tthe he ffoot oo t o off Ullswater Ullswater iin n tthe he L Lake ake D District istrict N National ational Pa Park rk iin n En England. g lan d. A armland, b ordered o n tthe he w est b y me mere re 15 15 sq square uare ki kilometres lometres iin na area, rea, iitt co comprises mprises b beautiful eautiful ro rolling lling ffarmland, bordered on west by tthe he ri ver Eamont Eamont a nd tthe he llake ake sh ore, ri sing tto o tthe he llimestone imestone e scarpment o eughscar tto o tthe he e ast. river and shore, rising escarpment off H Heughscar east. T he ffell ell then then st retches so uthwards, ri sing ma jestically tto o Art hurs Pi ke, tthe he b eg in nin g o he h ig h The stretches southwards, rising majestically Arthurs Pike, beginning off tthe high mo untains o verlooking tthe he u pper re ach o he llake. ake. F rom tthere here tthe he p arish b oundary ffollows ollows tthe he mountains overlooking upper reach off tthe From parish boundary co urse o the Roman Roman ‘‘High High St reet’, tto oe nd jjust ust b eyond tthe he p e ak o oa dpo t H ill.! course off the Street’, end beyond peak off L Loadpot Hill.! ! T here is is one one sma llage iin n tthe he p arish, Po oley Bri dg e, h ousing a pproximately h a lf o There smallll vi village parish, Pooley Bridge, housing approximately half off tthe he p parish arish p opulation o 38 . T he ma in iindustries ndustries a re ttourism ourism a nd a griculture, w population off 2 238. The main are and agriculture, which hich e explains xplains w why hy tthe he vi village lla ge h has as three three h hotels, otels, five sh shops, ops, ttwo wo g guest uest h houses ouses a and nd se several veral h holiday oliday llets ets a and nd iis s su surrounded rrounded b by y ffour o ur major ma ajor h holiday o lid ay p parks. arks. Be Being i ng o only nly five mi miles les ffrom rom tthe he M6 a and nd tthe he A6 A66 6 tthe he p parish arish iis s tthe he first p point oi nt o off a arrival rrival ffor or ma many ny o off tthe he vi visitors sitors tto o tthe he n northern orthern p part art o off tthe he L Lake ake D District. istrict. T The he si siting ting o off a llanding anding st stage age ffor or tthe he U Ullswater llswater ‘‘Steamers’ Steamers’ jjust ust o outside utside tthe he vi village lla ge a adds dds tto o tthe he vi visitor sitor n numbers umbers ffrom rom tthe he o other ther d direction.! irection.! The area has been gathering place people since neolithic evidenced by examples off T he a rea h as b een a g athering p lace ffor or p eople si nce n eolithic ttimes, imes, e videnced b ye xamples o standing stones on side. Dunmallard hill overlooking village, and adjacent and st anding st ones o n tthe he ffell ell si d e. D unmallard h i ll o verlooking tthe he vi lla ge , a nd tthe he a djacent llake ake a nd river have provided strategic site succession off An Ancient Briton, Roman, ri ver ffrontage, rontage, h ave p rovided tthe he iideal deal st rategic si te ffor or a su ccession o cient Bri ton, R oman, Saxon and Viking settlers. century King John granted market on Sa xon a nd V iking se ttlers. IIn n tthe he ttwelfth welfth ce ntury Ki ng Jo hn g ranted a llicence icence ffor or a fish ma rket o n current site. The parish has churches, St.. Mi Michael’s, Barton, which dates 1150, tthe he cu rrent village village si te. T he p arish h as ttwo wo ch urches, St chael’s, Ba rton, w hich d ates ffrom rom 1 15 0, and St.. Pa Paul’s, built nineteenth century Pooley Bridge.! a nd St ul’s, b uilt iin n tthe he n ineteenth ce ntury iin n Po oley Bri dge.! ! ! BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! There are 83 residences in the village today. Housing expanded from original farm buildings, then modest purpose built housing development took place up to the 1970’s and 1980’s. The establishment of the LDNPA has brought with it strict planning controls and there has been virtually no open market housing development in the village since. In 2006 eight affordable homes were completed and formally ‘opened’ in the village by HRH Prince Charles, providing rental and part ownership accommodation for eligible local people.! For our community today, a major concern is to find the right balance between the needs of our main economies, tourism and farming, and those of our residents. Tourism here brings with it large numbers of visitors in a very concentrated period of time. A population of 238 rises to thousands in main holiday periods. The issues arising from this form a significant part of this plan.! Appendix 1 - Barton Community Statistics, attached, summarises some key information to give a fuller picture of our community.! ! The Process! Having established our Steering Group we next sought guidance. We contacted staff from ‘ ACTion with Communities in Cumbria (ACT)’ - they were already known to us via conferences. Each steering group member was equipped with ACT guidance sheets on Community Led Planning and we discussed our approach, covering projected timetable, meetings, costings and funding and events. What soon became clear was that success depended on getting our community fully informed and involved. We also agreed that we needed to work with other groups and organisations whose help would be critical to achieving our plan. Effective links were established ; bi-monthly written and oral progress reporting to our Barton Parish Council, which itself provided input and guidance from Mike Slee, EDC, Neil Hughes, CCC, and Judith Cooke, LDNPA ; membership of a newly created Ullswater Valley Planning Group (four Barton CLP steering group members participate); ad hoc meetings with Hellen Aitken of ACT at Redhills and liaison with Rec Cathy, LDNPA Management Ranger and Deborah Garnett, EDC. In addition, our members attended conferences held by EDC and by Planning Aid, England, which included CLP as well as Neighbourhood, Emergency and Valley Planning.! We constructed a plan (and timetable) to achieve our CLP, the final version of which is set out in Appendix 2. The important community input and involvement were achieved by organising various ! ! ! BARTON B ARTON COMMUNITY COMMUNITY LED P PLAN LAN ! e vents, so some me “p “piggy-backed” iggy-backed” o on n so social cial g gatherings atherings a already lready p planned, la nn ed, e co coffee ffee mo mornings, rnings, events, w where here w we eh had ad a st stall, all, iinviting nviting tthe he co community mmunity tto oa add dd ttheir heir vi views ews tto o tthe he g growing rowing llist ist o off co comments mments a already lready ma made de a and nd iillustrated llustrated o on n st sticker icker b boards. oards. O Other ther e events vents w were ere p purpose urpose o organised rganised a as sC CLP LP events. Our range community safety fety me meeting, with ith R Rescue Services/Crime rvices/Crime p prevention/ e vents. O ur ra nge iincluded ncluded a co mmunity sa eting, w escue Se revention/ Trading Standards/Environmental Agency/Police attendance T rading St andards/Environmental Ag ency/Police iin na ttendance ; photographic and colouring competitions best and worst p hotographic a nd co louring co mpetitions tto o iillustrate llustrate tthe he b est a nd w orst off o our community displays village hall off co community o ur co mmunity ; a BBQ with with d isplays iin n tthe he vi ll ag e h al l o mmunity comments, analysed “Egan Wheel” sectors off su sustainable co mments, a nalysed iinto nto tthe he “Eg an W heel” se ctors o stainable development areas parish boundary walks, and d evelopment a reas ; p arish b oundary w alks, ttaking aking iin n ffantastic antastic ffell el l a nd views whilst discussing community aspirations and even picks llake ake vi ew s w hilst d iscussing co mmunity a spirations ; a nd e ven llitter itter p icks and skills sessions with ith C Cumbria umbria F Fire ire & R Rescue a nd llife-saving ife-saving ski lls ttraining raining se ssions w escue e elicited licited o our ur co community’s mmunity’s vi views.! ews.! ! Af ter these these e vents, w e co llected a he After events, we collected allll tthe co mmunity co mments a nd re corded tthem h em community comments and recorded ormat, h e lpe d g reatly b yH ellen Ai tken o iinto nto a questionnaire questionnaire fformat, helped greatly by Hellen Aitken off eering g roup d eliveries a nd co llection o AC T. With With personal personal st he ACT. steering group deliveries and collection off tthe ea chieved a re markable 7 8% re sponse ffrom rom a q uestionnaire w questionnaire we achieved remarkable 78% response allll h ouseholds o no ur e lectoral re gister. T he re sults w ere co llated, households on our electoral register. The results were collated, re corded a nd sh ared w ith o ur co mmunity a nd tthose hose o rganisations recorded and shared with our community and organisations w ho h ave h el pe d u s tthroughout hroughout tthe he p rocess. A su mmary o hese who have helped us process. summary off tthese re sults is is attached attached iin n Ap pen di x 3 .! results Appendix 3.! ! T The he fin final al st stages a ge s w were ere tthe he cre creation ation o off a an n ‘‘Action Action Pl Plan’ a n’ a and nd tthe he w writing riting o off tthe he C Community ommunity L Led ed Pl Plan an iitself. tself. This This was was done done iinitially nitially vi via ao our ur st steering eering g group roup me meetings, etings, sh sharing aring d discussions iscussions w with ith co community mmunity a and nd e external xternal g group roup me members. mbers. A d draft raft w was as a agreed greed a and nd ma made de a available vailable tto o st staff aff o off tthe he su supporting pporting b bodies o di es a as sw well el l a as so our ur co community mmunity a att a re re-launching -launching o off tthe he re refurbished furbished vi village ll ag e h hall al l o on n2 23 3F February ebruary 2 2014. 014. Af After ter a final final p phase hase o off co consultation nsultation iitt iis sh hoped oped tto oh have ave tthe he C CLP LP re report port a adopted dopted b by yo our ur Pa Parish rish C Council ouncil a att ttheir heir me meeting eting o on n1 11 1 Ma March rch 2 2014. 0 14. T Thereafter hereafter tthe he re report port w will il l b be ep printed rinted a and nd ci circulated rculated tto o e every very household household o on no our ur e electoral lectoral re register gister a and nd tto oo our ur p partners, artners, tthen h en b be ea available vailable o on n lline ine vi via a AC ACT.! T.! ! Summary Summary of of the the results! results! IItt was was a long long but but rewarding rewarding ttask ask tto od disseminate isseminate tthe he va vast st iinput nput ffrom rom o our ur co community mmunity o over ver tthe he p past ast e eighteen ighteen mo months, nths, iinvolving, nvolving, iinevitably, nevitably, vi views ews tthat hat w were ere so sometimes metimes co conflicting, nflicting, so sometimes metimes u unanimous, nanimous, b but ut a always lways iinteresting. nteresting. O Our ur ma major jor fin findings d ing s w were ere ::!! ! Many off our highly valued valued and and should should be be safeguarded, safeguarded, as as 1) Ma ny o our community community assets assets are are highly evidenced by the from our our community community (% agreement agreement given given in in the the e videnced b y th e following following quotes quotes from questionnaire questionnaire responses) responses) ::!! ! ! “We attracts clientele” (95%)! worldwide cl ientele” (9 5 % )! “We have have a super super location location which which a ttracts a worldwide 6! BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! “Views of mountains, hills, lake and river from the village are valued and should be protected” (85%) ! ! “What I like most is the sense of community and friendliness of the people” (82%)! “We have friendly shops, post office, pubs, cafes, and church and we value these facilities” (95%)! “Active use of the village hall for fetes, coffee mornings and sales brings visitors in and keeps the hall going” (89%)! These areas deserve our attention when considering the impact of any other proposed changes to our community. We think we have recognised this in our proposed Action Plan.! ! 2) There is a high level of agreement on some areas of improvement to our community and environment where a solution appears feasible :! - Litter - “real problem for the village” (94%), “litter in fields, verges, lake shore” (89%), “more ‘dog poo’ facilities needed” (81%), “no litter bins in car parks” (80%)! - Infrastructure improvements in the village (82%)! - Flood Group support (84%)! - Footpath improvements (76%)! - Red squirrel numbers encouragement (91%)! This group provides a very positive agenda and are included in our Action Plan! ! !7 BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! 3) There are recognised issues where the view of the community is divided :! - village hall car parking charge introduction (54% agree / 31% disagree)! - coach parking spaces in village ( 55% agree / 30% disagree)! - time limit on parking by the shops (45% agree / 36% disagree)! - extend 40 mph zones around the village (45% agree / 32% disagree)! - employ cameras in village ( 46% agree / 36% disagree)! The differing views seen above are understandable, having regard to the diversity of our parish. Where one lives, what one’s employment or business relies upon, one’s age, and how safe one feels are all contributory factors. These areas deserve full research, in liaison with service authorities and in step with the community’s growing ability to monitor and take more control of parish affairs. We have attempted to reflect this in our Action Plan. ! ! Subject areas! ! Social and Cultural! Evidence here of our community’s appreciation of what we already enjoy, a “sense of community”, with “friendly” village facilities. The new group events we would like to bring into the village, such as “curry / fine dining”, “craft” and “team competitions”, together with new facilities in situ, such as “a stage in the village hall”, a “play area” and “new benches”. Finally overwhelming support for the idea of preserving our local heritage and history with projects such as “celebrating the 250th anniversary of our bridge”, “commemorating WW1 centenary” and updating our “history of Pooley Bridge.”! Our Action Plan sets out to take up the challenges above, and indicates where this process has already started. However one area illustrates the other side of our idyllic rural living and scale of population - the need for “more recreation / sport facilities” for our youth. To construct anything locally is in competition with first class facilities that exist in Penrith and schools within 5 miles of the village. Our rural position, (in Eden, the least densely populated district in England and Wales), with no school, no health centre, no leisure centre nor shopping precinct, means that transport is vitally important. The cost, inflexibility and unreliability of public transport helps to explain why our parish has a relatively high vehicle ownership (with 57% of Barton households having two or more vehicles compared to the national average of 32% - census 2011). This also rationalises the high degree of apathy towards public transport (see Transport section).! !8 BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! Governance! The responses here are a direct call to the Barton Parish Council members, reminding them of their elected duties to represent the views of their community and to attempt “to gain more powers to serve our community.” ! We hope the council will adopt our proposed Action Plan and include the issues permeating all sections in their own plans, budgets and agendas, to ensure fulfilment of the parish aspirations.! ! Transport and Connectivity! A comment about the “lack of convenient public transport times” in our survey met with a 62% ‘no view’, and 20% ‘disagreement’. This could reflect rural living, where flexible, affordable and reliable public transport is rare. The government already concedes that rural under-funding exists, bus subsidies are under threat and this may also explain why 57% of Barton households have two or more private vehicles (compared to 32% nationally). There is no proposal in our Action Plan to tackle this, in the knowledge that Eden DC and RSN, (Rural Services Network), are actively campaigning with central government for fairer rural funding.! Another major issue, “provide coach parking” inside / outside the village, which has defied solution for many years, requires the support of landowners and several authorities and our Action Plan reflects this.! Some issues divide the community view, such as proposals to deal with road safety. With farming and tourism our major industries, there are many and large vehicles using our rural roadways daily. Research is essential and our Action Plan aims to establish a balance between unobstructed vehicle usage, cost, and the ultimate protection of life against reckless driving.! ! Services! Predictably, the main service issues raised are control of litter, dog poo, re-cycling, public seats and footpaths, village infrastructure and renewable energy. These gained massive support from our survey and we have attempted to address each area in our Action Plan, as well as indicating initiatives already under way.! Services generally are being affected by restrictions on national and local government spending. This is exacerbated by an unfair formula for rural funding, now recognised by government. For Barton residents and businesses this is further emphasised by high property prices, which brings high council tax bands and thence rates. Appendix 1 - fig 5 shows Barton households with 57% of higher council tax bands, D-H, compared to 27% across Cumbria and 31% across England. We pay a higher proportion of rates into an under funded rural pot. Our Action Plan seeks to lobby authorities for adequate service provision.! ! !9 BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! Environmental! The survey response for this section demonstrates overwhelming support for ideas to promote a good living environment by improving the village appearance, helping to build resilience against flooding, encouraging the red squirrel population and controlling that of carrion. There is almost universal support to “protect the views from the village of mountains, hills, lake and river”, indicative of how important the landscape is to our tourism and residents alike. Our Action Plan proposes a way forward in each area.! Equity! There is a strong sense of injustice expressed here by the community that our car parks, (managed by the LDNPA who choose to do so without supervision and without litter bins), give rise to crime and appalling unsightly mess. The residents, aware of the impact on visitors, choose to litter pick and exercise vigilance via their neighbourhood watch network. None of the latter is financed from the high tariffs charged to visitors by the LDNPA. Our Action Plan proposes a two tiered way forward.! Economy! Our community, without dissent, believes “we have a super location which attracts a world wide clientele - vital to our economic success.” There is a concern to prevent the very ingredient of success from becoming its undoing. “The size and expansion of holiday parks and campsites needs to be controlled,” (85% agreement), and “a balance between the village and tourism is essential”, (89% agreement). Mutual respect between our local business proprietors and our community is an important aspect which our Action Plan addresses.! A related issue is that of second homes in the parish. Half of the survey responses agreed with the view that “second homes let to tourists is a net benefit to the village.” The 2011 census (Appendix 1 fig 4), shows that 30% of the parish households were ‘vacant dwellings’. Some of these are genuine ‘vacancies’, (awaiting re-let etc), but most are second homes, many let to tourists. It should be recognised that in Pooley Bridge many of the second homes let to tourists are owned by people born and bred in the parish. Their capital is deployed in the tourist industry - which contributes to their livelihood. The Action Plan proposes to monitor activity being undertaken by the LDNPA and South Lakes authority towards the control of use of second homes, so that our community is properly aware of the issues and opportunities for consultation.! The final ‘Economy’ issue is employment. “Jobs and the economy are the drivers for new local housing developments - not the other way round.” Appendix 1 - fig 3 shows the 2011 census employment analysis for Barton, which confirms the dominance of farming and tourism at 43%, (or 52% if ‘retail’ is added). The balance across other diverse areas is reinforced by other census data which shows that 20% of our parish working population are self employed, (compared to 10% for England and Wales) ; 19% work from home, (England and Wales 4%) ; and 35% of all adults in Barton hold degree (or higher) qualifications, ( England and Wales 27%). This position would indicate that the local housing supply has not been inadequate.! ! !10 ! ! BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! Housing and the Built Environment! “Housing solutions should be community-led, not imposed from outside” and “the local community ! and have a greater say in local planning” was supported by 86 % of should be better informed responses in our survey.! Recent local events are relevant here. In 2006 HRH Prince Charles ‘opened’ Heughscar Close in Pooley Bridge, a new development of 8 affordable homes. Covered by a section 106 agreement to ensure the land belongs to the community in perpetuity, it has successfully provided a step on the housing ladder for local people. Added to existing accommodation of one social housing and five employment tied housing this means that 18 % of the total village housing is ‘affordable’ to local people. Since 2006 almost every house in Heughscar Close has ! re-sold on part ownership). In 2013 only two local people were registered on the been re let (or housing list.! It was a great surprise to the community, therefore, that in 2011 the LDNPA ‘allocated’ land in Pooley Bridge for new affordable housing (final site to accommodate up to 18 houses). Community responses showed 98% objection. Barton Parish Council also objected. Main objections were lack of consultation, lack of evidence for need, landscape / amenity detriment, lack of facilities in village, no school, health centre, or play area, current infrastructure problems, increased traffic emissions and congestion. The LDNPA was unmoved. A Public Hearing heard amendedThe theIndependent ‘site specific Examiner conditions’asked but refused to to objections from our council and our community. the LDNPA w ! re-think the allocated site. The LDNPA amended the ‘site specific conditions’ but refused to withdraw the allocation, even though the intention of the landowner remains unclear.! The community has given its reaction to this history in its response to our Community Led Plan ! ! process, in the subsequent survey and now in this report. Our proposed Action Plan reflects this.! ! ! Next Steps! We will seek adoption of our plan by the Barton Parish Council at their meeting on 11 March 2014. Hopefully they will integrate it with their own medium and longer term plans and budgets. Interim responsibility for short term advocated actions, arising from the CLP, is already being taken by volunteers of existing groups, e.g. Neighbourhood Watch. What is absolutely clear is that the CLP is not a one-off report to be shelved for future use. It is a working document, aspects of which will be adopted and where feasible, actioned by the appropriate bodies as detailed in the Action Plan. It is expected that the plan will be monitored and! reviewed, at least annually, by the Parish Council. Hopefully its impact will be continuous. ! A printed copy of the CLP will be delivered to every household on the parish electoral register. Critical to its success will be !the availability of volunteers, both to existing groups and to new ventures to be launched. ! !11 ! ! BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN “what can this community do for me?”……but…..“what can I do for this ! c Ask not “what can this community do for me?”……but…..“what can I do for this community?”! If you feel that you would like to help achieve anything that has been included in this report, by ! way of direct volunteering to new or existing groups in the parish, or by way of funding or fund! raising, please get in touch with any of the contacts listed in the section below.! Acknowledgements! ! We thank everyone who has been involved in the process of producing this plan. First of all our ! on cold winter evenings! ! community whose involvement was essential and was forthcoming, even Then all of the following groups who have encouraged and helped us :! Barton Parish Council, Parkin Memorial Hall Committee, St. Paul’s Parochial Church Council, ! Lake District National Park, Cumbria County Council, Eden District Council, ACT, ACRE, Cumbria ! Observatory, Eden Housing Association, ONS (census).! In particular these people who have continually advised and helped along the way :! ! Hellen Aitken, Rec. Cathey, Judith Cooke, Deborah Garnett, Neil Hughes, and Mike Slee.! ! Janet Wedgwood for her kind permission to include her beautiful photographs on this page and on ! pages 3, 4 and 8, as well as the back cover.! The Sun Inn and Granny Dowbekins in Pooley Bridge for catering and hospitality.! ! All individuals and businesses not already mentioned by name who kindly donated time, equipment or prizes for our events.! The steering group members for endless volunteer hours, Claire and David Armitage, William ! Coulston, Jill and Helen Mackey, Alison Phillips, Joyce Robinson, Amanda Strong, Steve Williams, Maureen and Cyril Wilson.! ! Finally, the organisations and people whose financial support, by grant or personal donation, has ACTion with Communities in Cumbria! made this Community Led Plan possible :! Barton Parish Council! ACTion with Communities in Cumbria! Parkin Hall Committee! Barton Memorial Parish Council! Three personal donors who Hall wishCommittee! to remain anonymous! Parkin Memorial Three personal donors who wish to remain anonymous! !12 ! BARTON COMMUNITY LED PLAN ! ! Contacts! If you would like to discuss or receive more information about this Plan, or if you feel you could contribute in any way to the fulfilment of any of the Action Plans, please feel free to contact! any of the steering members listed you: already know. Otherwise contact either :! 01768 486above 990 orthat email! Cyril Wilson David ! Armitage ! !! 01768 07855 486 348 990 304 or or email email :: ! 07855 348 304 or email : ! Glossary! ! ACRE -ACTion Action with Communities in Rural England, national body ! Cumbria, the organisation at Redhills providing support for c ACT - ACTion with Communities in Cumbria, the organisation at Redhills providing support for community activity across the county. Provided !the ‘Community Profile for Barton (Parish)’, commissioned by ACRE and RCAN from OCSI! ! BPC - Barton Parish Council! Steering Group of ! CCAG - tCo-chair Admin Group, local volunteers providing admin service to the Steering Group of the Barton Community Led Plan! ! CCC - Cumbria County Council! ! CLP - Community Led Plan! organisation providing high quality research! Cumbria Intelligence organisation providing high quality research! information andObservatory intelligence -about the county ! information and intelligence about the county ! ! EDC - Eden District Council! ! EHA - Eden Housing Association - provide affordable housing, manage EDC social housing stock and are managing agents for other associations and trusts! ! LDNPA - Lake District National Park Authority, also our ‘local planner’! ! OCSI - Oxford Consultants for Social ! Inclusion! ONS - Office for National Statistics! ! PO - Post Office, in Pooley Bridge! ! RCAN - Rural Community Action Network! ! RSN - Rural Services Network - an organisation devoted to safeguarding and improving services in rural communities across England! UVP - Ullswater Valley Planning (groups), comprising local residents, farmers, businesses, Parish ! Visitor and LDNPA representatives, to interpret the National Park Vision at a local Council, level ! ! WI - National Federation of Women’s Institutes, Pooley Bridge & District branch! ! ! ! WW1 - World War 1! ! Action Plan ! ! !On the following pages :! ! !13 Barton Commu mmunity Led Plan - ACTIO ON PLAN Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources SOCIAL & CULTURA LT TURAL SC1 Playground in Village a) Formalise arrangements to make facilities whiich already exist in Holiday Parks available a to children/g /grandchild dren of residents. Obtain written w agreement between Holiday Park Owners and BPC ensuring H&S & insurance ce provisions Barton Parish Council o - Holiday Park Owners High One year BPC Clerk C b) Secure agreement me with LDNPA PA under Local Plan policy p CS05 that playground provisi sion becomes development cond dition for any new housing. Via UVP and BPC agendas, with EDC C approval UVP representatives fro om BPC - LDNPA PA, BPC potential BPC, De eveloper(s) High One Ye Year BPC + UVP voluntteer represe sentatives New Community Volunteer Group needed / LDNPA PA /UVP High 1-2 Ye Years New volunteers vo + EDC LDNPA L PA / Lottery ry grants Village Hall Committee - BPC C EDC High One year Volunteers+fund t raising g/BPC/EDC CWMET MET grants c) Seek other potential e site(s), play Working Group to communicate equipment specifica fication & installers with land downers, suppliers and and funding source rces. potential funding sources SC2 A stage for shows/ cin nema in Village Ha all Provide either portable rt or permanent stage structure st in the hall Draw up specifications from intereste ed groups, compare costs and arrange funding SC3 Village g Hall a car park - charge visitors in holidays Owing g to shared ownership o p/ usage with St. Pau ul’s / conflicting demand/ limited space, sp hold for possible future application Re-app ppraise ra at annual budge g t stage, pri rioritisation of income sources Village g Hall Committee - St.Paul’s PCC Low Annual SC4 More social activities fo or residents Organise events to satisfy community deman nd for occasional curry nights / fine dining, craft groups, monthly meals, me team competitions, winter / seasonal events Trial, non-advertised, n Xmas meal alre ready taken place in December. Volunteers to work with villa age venues to devise programme mmes. Create club structure re for emerging activities. Exiting Community Ex Led Plan Steering G Group - BPC, Village Hall Committee, W.I.,Church Group High Continuous Volunteers+ t fund! -raisin ng events suppo orted by local busine esses + grants SC5 More facilities i for youth recre creation / sport in Village Ensure that the village l youth have every opportunity for good recreation / sport involving i teamwork. For this, s, excellent facilities exist in Penrith Pe and at schools The cross-section ss-se of ages in the village means me that support for village te eams/competition is too low at pre resent. Provide transport rt to Penrith. Village Parents Volunteer o drivers, PTA TA Low Continuous Volunteer t drivers Within existing g two commi mmittees R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources SC6 More benches ch / seats in village and parish sh Provide attractive benches at key points throughout the village and parish. Already underway with the donation n,( W.I.) of two brand new attra ractive wooden benches outside village vi hall. Annual review of repair costs at Budget time Barton Parish Council o - W.I., Church Groups, LDNPA PA, Landowners High Continuous BPC budget, budget b institute,personal memo morial donations + volu unteers SC7 Celebrate 250th anniversary ry of our bridge e in 2014 During 2014 fund raise by sale of bridge memorabilia, bridge ‘toll’ day event, history leaflets, to afford ap plaque q and flood dlighting g g Formation o of Pooley Bridge Heritage e Society with first project being b ‘Bridge Celebrattion’ New e Volunteer Group needed / BPC, LDNPA PA, UVP High One year New voluntee vo rs + fund raising ra / grants BPC, CCC, EDC, LDNP PA, Heritage PA g Lottery ry SC8 Heritage Boa Bo rd on Pinfold Site Commission a heritage ri board on Pinfold site to acco ccompany new BPC stewardship P B Heritage Society agenda research rch, agree design, costing, funding events e - as above High One year - as a above SC9 Update To Towler’ o s History of Pooley Bridge Record a reliable history h of Pooley Bridge using existing records, registers and memo morabilia as well as ‘oral’ history. Via PB Heritage H Society engage a trained d archivist to instruct members rs of all age groups the skills of preserving p and enjoying local hist story and heritage. heritage - as above High 3-4 Ye Years - as a above SC10 Commemorate mo WW1 Cen ntenary Support refurbishment me of Lych Gate War Memorial and involve community in prese serving our local history during WW W1 BPC has already made a donation to the appeal fund. Through the PB Heritage Society cover co this era during course of o above project - as above High 3-4 Ye Years - as a above Improve communication methods, practices,and un und derstanding between LDNPA PA, BPC, and the community Already under way, visit of Head of Spati Spatia a Planning to BPC al meeting / written LDNPA PA guidance ce notes on planning applications. BPC-planned new notice bo oards/ minutes emails/ website development Barton Parish Council - LDNPA C PA & Barton Community High 1-2 Ye Years GOVERNANC A E G1 Communication ca / understanding LDNPA PA , BPC & communityy Page Pa ge 2 ! of of 10 ! BPC / BPC budget / Clerk R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources Barton Parish Council - LDNPA PA, UWVP High Continuous BPC / resident voluntteers G2 Barton Parish representa ation on Ullswater VP group Ensure Barton Parish is represented on Ullswater Valley Planning groups Continue existing represen ntation (4 Barton residents) s) and use LDNPA PA nominate ed Parish represen ntative. G3 Barton Parish Council - aim a for ‘Quality Status’ St BPC to create conditions n to achieve the Qualitty Status recognition Upgrade communications, continue e Councillor and Clerk training and a achieve successful electionss Barton Parish Council o - CALC, EDC,! CCC & LDNPA PA High Continuous BPC, BPC budget, a) Extend existing 40mph speed limits on roads app proaching village to enable more successful su police speed checks Join with Neighbourhood Police Team in application to Te Highways ys Authority for impleme mentation / control Barton parish Council - CCC / Cumbria Constabulary High One Ye Year CCC/ CC budget plus volunteer vo NW memb mbers Neighbourhood Watch - NPT / CP High 1-2 Ye Years NPT / CP plus local voluntteer NW memb mbers Barton Parish Council - Business / C la andowners / LDNPA PA / CCC / Dacre PC High 2 Ye Years Medium TRANSPO TRAN SPO SPORT & CONNECT TIVITY TC1 Road safety e :! -Speeding g/ reckless driving b) Research use, cost, funding and Create a NW / NPT / Crime monitoring of came meras in the Prevention working party to village versus alternative safety / report findings fin to Parish Council security means TC2 Coach parkin rki g provision in / outside of village Engage with Ullswater sw Steamers, landowners, LDNP PA, CCC and PA Dacre PC to secure re appropriate site(s) and constru ruction funding Pursue via vi Ullswater Valley Planning g agenda - Economy Group - to t ensure compatible with area a plans and funding TC3 Community transport use u e.g.Rural Wheels W Advertise more extensively xt and effectively the diffe erent aspects of existing communitty transport facilities Use Grapevine / directory of services, s, village notice boards, NW / WI newsletters Barton Parish Council - NW / WI TC4 Bridge traffic f lights - too o bright Install filters / directional ct flow on lights Application from BPC to CCC Highways ys Barton Parish Council - CCC Page Pa ge 3 ! of of 10 ! Low Authorities / Comme mmercial budge ets / BPC voluntteer time Continuous Existing n social group budgets / voluntteers One Ye Year CCC budget b / BPC volute eer R Ref TC5 Issue Car parking n in village / limi mit on area by shops sh Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Review existing arrangements rra when major authority decisions on Ullswater transport rt are available. Meanwhile currentt pragmatic scheme to continu ue With representation at Ullswater level, canvass with LDNPA PA, CCC and d commercial organisa sations for adequate cover forr village Provide adequate garden refuse facilities all year round ro a) Garden e skip already supplied by EDC contractors (not winter months). s). Negotiate for bigger skip, righ ht place, all year.! b) Canva vass for garden recycling bins b as already available e in other parishes. Barton Parish Council - EDC ! EDC - Barton Parish ED Council, village volunteers, holiday park owners Priority r Timescale Ullswater Valley Medium Planning Group Ba Barton Parish Council, Landowners Resources Continuous CCC CC C, LDNPA PA PA, landow wner / comme mmercial budgets !! ! One Ye Year! BPC / BPC Budget! Continuous BPC /BPC / budget Continuous EDC budget/ b BPC budge et/ village voluntteers, holiday park staff st Continuous BPC budget, b BPC, memo morial donations, grant applica cations,local voluntteers SERVICES S1 Residents Only Garden Skip Ski S2 Litter in summer su season More frequent bin emptying -high season! Co-ordinated stree et sweeping, regular litter picks, cks, adequate dog poo provision! - Continue u process,EDC programme mme of works to BPC with updates to BPC rep. ! - Dog po oo bins withdrawn, general bins b increased (take dog poo), ), engage holiday parks! in dog ow wner education! - EDC eq quip to BPC for voluntee er litter picks S3 Public seats a maintenan nce Ensure public seats a in good repair and appearance Establish register, annual inspectio on, to control cost of repairs. Carry C out work as required. Replace if necessary. Liaise local organisations/ personall donors Page Pa ge 4 ! of of 10 ! !! !! Barton Parish Council - EDC High! !! ! High !! ! ! High Barton Parish Medium Council - local trades/ cra workers / national craft su suppliers/ community R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Waterfoot Holday Park - BPC, LDNPA Pa PA Landowner Medium 1-2 Ye Years Resources S4 Footpath from f village to Waterfoot should be upgraded Upgrade footpath from village to Waterfoot BPC and Waterfoot Holiday Park to specify sp requirements and secu cure landowner(s) consent, then implement upgrade. S5 Create pathwa t ys for walkers rs / cyclists Support Ullswater Valley Planning Group’s proposal for f footpath around the lake Continue BPC representation on UVP group and lobby landowners around northern end of la ake to co-operate in joint venture Barton Parish Council - LDNPA PA, UVP, P, Landowners Medium 2 Ye Years LDNP PA A budget / voluntteers S6 Neighbourhood rh Watch Sig gns All signs to be in good g repair. Replace when req quired to maintain village standard NW Co-ordinators -o to arrange inspectio ons, records, repairs and rene ewals, Liaison National NW Pooley Bridge NW Po group- National NHWA, BPC Low Continuous NW grants, ra fund raising g, BPC budge et, PBNW S7 Defibrillator(s) o for village Fund raising, volunteer recruitment, agree ement on siting, first responder traiining volunteers NW Co-ordinators -o to liaise with NW Ambulance Amb Service (1) to provide a defibrillator in village (2) to create cre first responder unit in village e Po Pooley Bridge NW group - NWAS, BPC g EDC CCC High 2-3Ye Years NW Fund raising, EDC+C +CCC+BPC budge ets / grants, voluntteers S8 Local Services rvi Directory Create, maintain, update a Discuss with local businesses directory of validatted local services and commu mmunity & advertisers. Build up register, agree launch. Aim self funding. 1-2 Ye Years New volunteers vo + BPC/ initial grant S9 Village control n of more servi rvices Bring control of more mo services locally. Public toile ets, re-cycling, car parking, with possi ssible establishment of village vi warden. One Ye Year EDC budget, b Grant CWMET MET, BPC budge et, village warde en Elements under way - EDC toilets pilot scheme; re-cycling establish shed - more advertising for more revenue;! car parki rking - private initiatives. Page Pa ge 5 ! of of 10 ! New e Volunteer Group Medium needed - Grapevine, local traders, community Barton Parish Council - EDC, L PA, landowners, LDNPA local businesses High Waterfoot rf Holiday Park / LDNPA PA budge ets! / volu unteers R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources Already ongoing with rere launched d CCC services / area stewards. s. Work programmes, updates, s, co-ordinated utility work. BPC / community to supply fe eedback on contractors to authori rities. UU odour control Barton Parish Council - community, C EDC, CCC, UU High Continuous Combined mb budgets of CCC, EDC, UU, with BPC & commu mmunity voluntteers S10 Village Infrastructure improveme ments surface wa ater & drainage Pending any buil build ding development, development and serious upgra rades, improve current service performance to mitigate local difficu ficulties S11 Community district hea ating scheme hydropowe er/ heat pumps Undertake a feasibility b study for a Ta initial guidance from a Take community led scheme, sch built by the local con nsultant re options / communityy grants. Form g F a village g energy rgy group. Applications Ap for grants / fund raisi sing requirements New e Volunteer Group needed - local co consultant, communityy Low 1-2 Ye Years New Voluntee V rs + Energ rgy grants/ CCC, EDC, BPC consu sultant input Create a Community n Emergency Plan Liaise with i CCC, ACT and other bodies to o set up a Crisis Committee with appropriate training and a education. Draw up plan Barton Parish Council o - PBNW, ACT, CCC High 1-2 Ye Years Volunteers, t fund raising g, grants CCC, EDC, Lottery Establish Est blish the th scop pe for f flood flo d prevention and be etter river management Add to t the h efforts ff rt off existing xisti flood gro roup to involve wider area (UVP) VP) to capture better financial support New Crisis N C i i Group G UVP, LDNPA PA, En Environmental Agency, Eden River Trust, CCC, landowners BPC/ Dacre PC High 2-3 Ye Y rs Yea - as above b ENVIRONMENTA N TAL EN1 Flood Group / Communitty Support EN2 EN2 EN3 EN4 Village Appearance ce Improve village appearance p :! - replace existing worn, untidy, leaking notice boa ards - repair and mainttain village benches and fence ces ! Specify, seek quotations, contract and instal new notice boards Update Parish Pa Council asset register, introduce annual maintena ance inspection/ report, quotes fo or work required and undertake ke repair work Pa Page ge !6 of of !10 ! Barton Parish Council - EDC, LDNPA PA, A, CCC - as above ! ! Mediu d m continuous Medium One year ! BPC, EDC, LDNP PA A , CCC budge gets/grants g - as above R Ref EN5 Issue Village Appearance ce, (cont’d) EN6 Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources - provide better screening scre around treatment plant on n Eamont riverside Specify needs n to United Utilities and land downer and agree funding. Screen area. Barton Parish Council - UU, landowner Low 1-2 years - as above! + UU U budget Identify and preserve green spaces, enhance lakeside l walk / verges Establish land ownership, rights of way, obligations. o Register commun nity ‘green space’ interests. s. Discuss with landowners. Agree path, verge maintena ance schedule. Barton Parish Medium Council Landowners, LDNPA PA, ED CCC, community EDC, 1-2 years LDNPA P / EDC / CCC / BPC / possib ble village warde en EN7 EN7 Encourage red En d squirrel population Continued C ti d vigilan vi il ce / culling lli off greys. Instal more feeders / viewing points in lo ocality e.g. Dunmallet Liaise Li i with i Penrith Pe rith & District District Red Squ uirrel Group - Ullswater Ranger, and landowners to carry outt grey culling and introduce ce feeders. Advertise reds in Ullswater U valley. Pe ith & District Penrith Di i Red Squirrel Group UVP, Ullswater ‘Steamers,’ landowners, local volunteers High Continuous UVP / P&DRSG / BPC / Ullswater! Steame mer budgets + local volunteers vo EN8 Carrion Contro o l Subject to legality and feasibility, carry out cull of loca cal carrion population Apply for licence / clearance. Agree are reas with landowners. Advertise se for volunteer gun licensed shooters. Organise rg cull events. Barton Parish Council - EDC, Landowners, local sh shooting g clubs, s, local volunteers Low 1-2 years BPC / EDC / local shootiing club / budge ets, local voluntteers Renewables Hydro power - see ‘Services’ EQUITY Footpaths - Covered under ‘Service Se s’ Page Pa ge !7 of of !10 R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources Barton Parish Council - LDNPA PA, EDC, Landowners, local ‘warden’ High 1-2 years BPC / EDC budgets + commu mmunity warde en set-up grant High 1-2 years EQ1 Re-introduce litte litterr bins into car LDNPA PA - ! PA PA, either car park policies - parks managed byy LDNPA by Policy reversal by LDNPA PA, or by no litter bin ns BPC taking on more mo local responsibilities. Continue to lobby with LDNPA PA PA, UVP, P, EDC ED and landowners for re-introduction of litter bins into car parks rks - basis that litter being cleared by b local volunteers without share sh of high tariffs. At same time me pursue ‘right to bid’ route to get more local control of service ces, and appointment of village ‘w warden’ EQ2 LDNPA PA - ! Re-introduce supervision e in car car park policies -! parks managed byy LDNPA PA, either unsupervise sed by Policy reversal by LDNPA PA, or by BPC taking on more mo local responsibilities As above, ve but also supervision, lack of which w adds to crime rates and d is detrimental to our tourist tra rade, as well as locals. ditto ditto ECONOMY EC1 Second home o s let to tourist sts - a net benefit fit to village With half of responders n agreeing, but a quarter disag greeing on this issue 10% stron issue, strong gly, ly keep up to date with proposed changes to second home regu ulations in National Park. Observe pilot LDNPA PA activity in South La akeland and ensure that if a that, an n proposed changes to ny legislatio on arise, we can keep our commu mmunity informed and involved in consultative process, via our established channels. s. Barton Parish Council - LDNPA PA, community High Continuous BPC / BPC budget, voluntteers EC2 Size / expansion of holiday parks & campsites s needs to be controlled + infrastructure capacity to o cope Ensure that proposed changes to existing park site arrangements a are openly discussed with the BPC, (thus the commun nity), as well as the LDNPA PA and EDC ED for planning and licensing mattters. Ensure actual changes comply co with granted permissions. Adopt proposals ro under ‘Governa ance’ section above. Encourage more community engageme ment at BPC meetings with effective advertising. Continue e contact with park owners, with regular and ad hoc site visits. s. Co-operate with LDNPA PA and a community in enforceme ment action. Barton Parish Council - LDNPA PA, C CCC, EDC, UU, Park O Owners / managers, community, High Continuous BPC / LDNPA PA /CCC / EDC C / local comme mmercial budge ets, volunteers Page Pa ge 8 ! of of 10 ! R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale Resources EC3 Balance between village & to ourism is essentia al Same as above but u related to village businesses. s. Same as above, above but related to village businesses Ditto, tto with village bu usiness owners / ma managers High Continuous EC4 Jobs & econo co my are drivers rs for new local housing developme ments Engage with authorities o and groups in the sea arch for new and diversified local businesses and jobs Be actively ve represented in the Ullswate er Valley Planning group - Economy my. Business rates relief, marketing, ma apprenticeship opportun nities, visitor giving scheme Ullswater Valley Planning group L PA, CCC, EDC, LDNPA BPC Ullswater Ass’n, BPC, U Ullswater ‘Steamers’, local employers High Continuous Combined mb budgets of LDN NPA PA, CCC, & EDC, possible Govt. grantss EC5 Bulk purchase rch heating oil scheme Creation of a residents’ d central buying scheme forr heating oil Form a village vi group to examine e existing schemes & specify need. n Oil i using resident vo olunteers One Ye Year New Volunteers V needed + energy grants, s, BPC, EDC, CCC Continuous BPC budget, b local volunt l teers, potential i l CLT LT fe easibility grant Medium Ditto HOUSING AND THE H BUILT LT ENVIRONMEN N T HB1 Housing solution so s sh ld be should b ! community-l y-led, not impose sed from outside Further to our affordable o housing d developments l i Pooley in Po l Bridge Brid in i 2006, ensure that any new development is forr local people, when required,in the numbers, type and location evidenced e by our community needs and infrastructure capa acity. Continuous o BPC communication ni i with i h LDNPA PA PA, EDC, CC CC, EHA & CRHT.! BPC membership of UVP group. Continuous C BPC review of land availability a and commun nity land trust and right to build opportunities. o Explore possibilitty of a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ incl cluding Barton Page Pa ge !9 of of !10 Barton Parish Council, LDNPA PA PA, EDC, CCC, EHA, CRHT, UVP, P, landowners, community High R Ref Issue Action(s) o H How to Ta Tackle It Lead Group & Partners Priority r Timescale HB2 Local community mmu should be better informed and a have greater say in local pla anning Inform and consult our community on any parish plan nning applications made, and any stra rategic planning proposals emanating from our Local Planner, the e LDNPA PA. Improved communications between BPC and LDNPA PA, plus BPC rep presentation on the UVP group (see (se ‘Governance Section’). ). New notice boards, email and website facilities. Plans forr inspection on-line and in P.O. P. Barton Parish Council, LDNPA PA, UVP, community High Continuous BPC/ LDNPA PA budge ets, local voluntteers HB3 Parish Council should have ve greater say sa in local plann ning Increase BPC credibility d by aiming for ‘Quality Q y Status’ s’ and improve mp communications with w LDNPA PA (see ‘Governance Section’). Extend liaison via UVP gro roup. Adopt written guidance on o planning applications review w from LDNPA PA As under ‘Governance Section’. Barton Parish Council, LDNPA PA, A, UVP, P, High Continuous BPC / LDNPA PA budge gets, s, local voluntteers HB4 Use of empt mp y properties for additional affordable homes Before any new development e of affordable homes, consult with parish landowners rs to update brownfield site, de erelict building and empty house availability. availability BPC to extend e the process of identifyin ng potential developme ment sites already initiated by LDNPA PA in the Local Plan Pa Part rt Two (Land Allocatio ons) Barton Parish Council, LDNPA PA, EDC, EHA, landowners High Continuous BPC / LDNPA PA budge ets, landow wners, local voluntteers Page Pa ge !10 of of !10 Resources APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 B BARTON ARTON C COMMUNITY OMMUNITY ST STATISTICS TATISTICS FIG 1 FIG 2 Barton Barton Pa Parish rish p population opulation movement movement by age age group group 2001 2001 to 2011 2011 by Age Group 2001 No. 2011 % No. Barton Barton age age group group comparison comparison with with Eden, Eden, Cumbria a and nd England/Wales England/Wales - 2011 2011 Cumbria Moveme't Eden Cumbria Eng/ W Wales % % % % 3.8 4.5 5.1 6.2 9.7 11.8 1 11.7 12.6 5.0 9.1 9.9 11.9 23.1 22.0 23.5 27.4 35.3 30.7 29.3 25.4 13.4 12.0 11.1 11.1 8.7 9.7 10.0 9.5 7.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Barton % 0-4 8 3.4 9 3.8 1 5-15 22 9.5 23 9.7 1 16-24 27 11.6 12 5.0 -15 25-44 5-44 70 30.3 55 23.1 -15 -15 45-64 65 28.0 84 35.3 19 65-74 20 8.6 32 13.4 12 75+ 20 8.6 23 9.7 3 Total To 232 100.0 238 100.0 6 Me Mean Age 41.8 47.1 47.1 44.1 42.9 39.4 Me Median Ag Age 43.0 51.0 51.0 46.0 44.0 39.0 Source So urce : 2011 2011 C Census ensus ks 1 102 02 e ew w/2 2001 0 01 C Census ensus e equivalent quivalent FIG 3 Source So urce : 2011 201 0 1C Census ensus ks 1 102 02 e ew w/2 2001 0 01 C Census ensus e equivalent quivalent Barton Barton residents residents aged aged 16 16 to 7 74 4 in in employment employment week week before before census census All categories : Indust stry FIG4 Residents % Acco Accommodation and food service activitties 37 28.5 Ag Agriculture,forestry and fishing 19 14.6 etail /w de Re /wholesale trad 11 8.5 67 51.6 10 7.7 Hu uman health / socia al work 9 6.9 Professional Pro / scientific, fic, technical 8 6.2 Ma Manufacturing g /mining n / construction 8 6.2 Pu Public admin / /d /defen nce / social security y 6 4.6 Real e estate / fi financial a / IT 7 5.4 pp service Ad Admin support ces 5 3.8 Tra ransport stora age 5 3.8 All other 5 3.8 63 48.4 130 100.0 -Sub total Ed Education -Sub total Total Source So urce : Census Census ks 6 605 05 e ew w Barton B arton Pa Parish rish h households ouseholds - 2011 2011 Number % Owner Occupiied 67 46 Private Rented 22 15 Social Rented 9 6 Living Rent Free re 5 3 Sub total 103 70 45 30 148 100 Vacant Dwelling Va n s Parish To Total So Source urce : 2 2011 011 ce census nsus ks4 ks401ew 01ew / ks4 ks402ew 0 2e w FIG 5 % Households Households with with higher higher price price C Council ouncil Tax Tax Bands Bands D - H in in 2011 2011 % Ba Barton 57 C Cumbria 27 En England 31 Source Source : Valuation Valuation O Office ffice Ag Agency ency 2 2011 011 APPENDIX 2 Barton Community Led Plan - Timetable 2012 ! Page 1 of 2! May 1 8 May/June July 10 August 28 Sept. 11 Nov. 13 First Open CLP Meeting Barton PC Meeting Oct/ Nov Valley Planning mtgs Cancelled January 8 Barton PC Meeting Oral Report ACTGazette-Barton! CLP launched! February 7 18 Minutes Action Plan/ Form! Function Gps/ACT! March 12 23 25 26 April 1 April 17 Valley Planning Mtg.! Steering Group First Meeting Barton PC Meeting Function Group Mtg - 1 Function Group Mtg - 2 Valley Planning Mtg.! Function Group Mtg - 3 Steering Group (2) 24/28 May 14 15 Function Group Mtg - 4 Barton PC Meeting Function Group Mtg - 5 23 June 1 Valley Planning Mtg Function Group Mtg - 6 Barton PC Meeting Second Open CLP Mtg Barton PC Meeting Barton PC Meeting To establish demand! Update! Jubilee Celebrations Review First Barton CLP Report Progress Report Delay! Take forward! Agree Committee! Approval of Outline! Steering Grp.est'd/! Links/ACT/LDNPA! Further delay ! 2013! Progress Report! Village Litter Pick N.Watch Heartstart Church Gp Coffee Morn Action Plan update Community consult! Community consult! Community consult Events/draft Public! Mtg./Report! Community consult! Village Litter Pick Progress Report! NW Ann.Report/ Scheme Community Safety/! Wine/nibbles - Review Consultation! Environ't Group! Walk&Talk-2 Ann.Parish Community Envir't/! Boundary Walk Consultation! ! Barton Community Led Plan - Timetable ! Page 2 of 2! 4 11 18 July 2 Valley Planning Mtg Valley Planning Mtg Steering Group (3) Open Public Mtg -7 Vibrant Community Gp! Economy Group! Agree Public Mtg. Wheel/Stickers/Boards BBQ / Refreshments Progress Report! SUMMER HOLIDAYS! Dis.Report/Quest.! View/discuss all! issues to date! 16 JULY/AUG Barton PC Meeting Sept.10 11/17/24 October 15 Oct. 22-24 Oct. 25 Nov. 8 12 13 20 23 Dec. 3 Dec. / Barton PC Meeting Valley Planning Mtgs Steering Group - (4) CCAG Steering Gp/CCAG Steering Gp/CCAG Barton PC Meeting Steering Group - (5) Public Meeting -8 EDC Conference Steering Group - (6) CCAG Progress Report! Environ’t/Vibrant/Economy Agree Question’re/Dist'n Discuss Draft Rep’t ! Questionnaires Agree ACT& Print! Questionnaires To Householders! Completed Quest'n's Personal Collect'n! Progress Report! Quest'n Coll’n/Comments Draft Report! Prize Draw / Buffet Qu.results to com! Barton CLP Stall Community Plan’g ! Analysis/Prioritis’n Draft Action/ CLP! Draft Action / CL Plan Liaise all groups! Jan.14 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 / Barton PC Meeting Steering Group -(7) CCAG Progress Report ! Barton CL Plan Draft Barton CLP ! 2014! ! 23 Mar. 11 12 / ! Public Meeting Barton PC Meeting CCAG -9 Village Hall 'Re-Launch' Barton CL Plan BARTON CL PLAN Agree Draft! Circulate / liaise ! BPC/ACT/LDNPA! EDC/CCC ! Community View ! Draft CLP ! Council 'Adopt'! PUBLISH! APPENDIX 3 - RESULTS OF QUESTIONNAIRE 1 SOCIAL & CULTURAL! "Active, inclusive and safe - fair, tolerant and cohesive with a strong local culture and other shared community activities"! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Agree Strongly Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly! ................................................................................................................................................................. A play ground / play area is required in the village 14 31 23 7 5 .................................................................................................................................................................! I would visit the Village Hall more if a stage was built for! travelling theatre/cinema/amateur dramatics/pantomime 10 36 22 11 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! I think the Village Hall could raise more revenue from its! car park by charging visitors in busy holiday periods 7 36 12 19 6 .................................................................................................................................................................! Would you attend more social activities for residents to ! further improve community spirit and friendship ?! 4 42 21 13 -! -curry nights /fine dining...........................................................................................................................! 5 22 37 12 4! -craft /sewing /rug making groups............................................................................................................! 4 31 32 12 1! -community lunch monthly in local pub....................................................................................................! 3 21 42 12 2! -club / team competitions eg darts...........................................................................................................! 4 32 37 4 3! -winter activities eg Xmas lights/ "winter drove"....................................................................................... ! -celebration of end of lambing season event 3 27 43 5 2! ................................................................................................................................................................! We have friendly shops, PO, pubs, cafes, & church ! and we value these facilities 58 18 4 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! What I like most is the sense of community and the ! friendliness of the people 26 40 12 2 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Our youth deserve more facilities for recreation /sport! in the Village Hall and outside areas 18 36 22 4 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Should we "Twin" the Village ? 1 2 46 17 14! .................................................................................................................................................................! I think we need more benches / seats in village / parish 7 28 24 19 2! .................................................................................................................................................................! Would you agree with a "Village Improvement Scheme," ! a levy charged to customers / tourists via existing ! businesses - to fund projects for the Village? 8 15 16 25 16! .................................................................................................................................................................! Erect memorial plaque on fell to saviour of Ullswater! (from becoming a Reservoir) 10 15 30 20 5! .................................................................................................................................................................! Celebrate the 250th anniversary of our bridge in 2014 ! with a plaque / events / floodlighting / memorabilia/ (cont’d)! -"1- ! leaflets with history etc 15 40 19 4 2! .................................................................................................................................................................! Introduce heritage board on Pinfold site 5 36 33 3 3! .................................................................................................................................................................! With author's consent, preserve and update Towler's ! History of Pooley Bridge, involving eg young people to ! be monitored by trained archivist. 8 47 21 4 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Commemorate WW1 centenary by supporting ! refurbishment of Lych Gate War Memorial and involving ! community in preserving our history 18 37 19 4 2! ................................................................................................................................................................! 2 GOVERNANCE! "Well run - with effective and inclusive participation, representation & leadership"! .................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Strongly Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly! ! ................................................................................................................................................................. The views of the local community have been ignored by! LDNPA. Communication / understanding must improve 23 30 24 3! .................................................................................................................................................................! Barton Parish should be represented on the Ullswater ! Whole Valley Planning groups 23 42 14 1 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Barton Parish Council should aim for "Quality Status" to! gain more powers to serve our community 19 35 24 1 1! ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 TRANSPORT & CONNECTIVITY! "Well connected - good transport services & communication linking people to jobs, health and other services"! ................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Strongly Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly! ................................................................................................................................................................. Provide coach parking spaces in village 17 27 12 13 11! .................................................................................................................................................................! Coach parking for 'Steamers' outside of village 18 42 12 7 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! I have difficulty making journeys due to a lack of public ! transport at times that are convenient for me 3 11 50 15 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! I would use 'community' transport (eg Rural Wheels), ! if it were available when needed 9 14 41 15 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! Reduce brightness of Bridge traffic lights 16 13 33 13 5! .................................................................................................................................................................! Extend 40 mph speed restriction - roads in/out of village 14 22 18 22 4! .................................................................................................................................................................! Employ cameras at each end of village to reduce ! reckless driving / speeding 14 23 14 19 10! .................................................................................................................................................................! Put a limit on time for parking by shops 12 24 15 20 9! -"2- ! 4 SERVICES ! "Well served - with public, private, community and voluntary services that are appropriate to people's needs and accessible to all"! .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Agree No view Disagree Disagree ! Strongly strongly! .................................................................................................................................................................! We need,and will use, a 'Residents only' Garden Skip 36 16 21 5 2! .................................................................................................................................................................! In summer litter is a real problem for the village - bins need ! more frequent emptying & more street sweeping is required ! - improved CCC/ EDC services are needed 49 26 5 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! I believe more regular litter picks by Council/Voluntary Gps.! are needed -particularly litter in field /verges / lake shore. 38 33 8 1 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Council should provide more "dog poo" bins & ensure ! emptied on regular basis 34 31 11 2 2 .................................................................................................................................................................! Public seats need refurbishment - paint /stain /preservative 9 40 31 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Footpath from Village to Waterfoot should be upgraded 21 31 19 8 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! I could benefit from more Community Care for elderly & ! disabled people 4 13 53 8 2! .................................................................................................................................................................! Create pathways for walkers / cyclists (as at Coniston) 10 32 22 11 5! .................................................................................................................................................................! I believe we need new (and better) signs promoting Pooley! Bridge Neighbourhood Watch 10 33 30 6 1! ................................................................................................................................................................. Placement of one or more defibrillators in Village with ! training for First Responders is desirable 16 52 10 2 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Create directory of local services for Parish magazine &! notice board -eg mole-catcher / gardener / plumber etc ! & advertisers pay for church mag. 18 47 15 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Village control of more services eg - public toilets /car parks ! / re-cycling with associated revenues - requisite advertising 18 32 28 2 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! I would use new Community Allotments if available 11 30 28 11! .................................................................................................................................................................! Village infrastructure improvements - surface water ! / drainage /sewerage are overdue 41 25 13 1 ! .................................................................................................................................................................! ! I think we should explore a District Heating Scheme, ! Hydropower /Heat Pumps / Distributed Hot Water(+Cold)! - Community led scheme, built by community 23 23 25 5 4! ...............................................................................................................................................................! ! -"3- 5 ENVIRONMENTAL! "Environmentally sensitive - providing places for people to live that are considerate of the environment"! .................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly Strongly! .................................................................................................................................................................................................! ! Flood Group deserves the support of the community! with emergency planning links to Rescue Services 22 45 13 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Better river management required -river dredging- free ! flowing river below bridge - removal of shingle bank 29 27 19 4 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! Improved village appearance is needed with eg :! 14 37 17 9 3! -new information boards, village welcome signs......................................................................................! 17 38 21 3 1! -identified and preserved green spaces...................................................................................................! ! -Improved maintenance of Parish fences and walls, 25 32 21 1 1! especially at entrance to village...............................................................................................................! 22 31 22 4 1! -enhancement of lakeside walk/verges....................................................................................................! ! -better landscaping (?United Utilities) around 17 31 27 5 -! treatment site in field behind Sun Inn......................................................................................................! ! -views of mountains, hills, lake and river from the 41 27 10 1 1! village are valued and should be protected.............................................................................................! ! Encourage growth of Red Squirrel numbers - more ! feeders & grey control 40 33 5 2! .................................................................................................................................................................! Exercise Carrion Control (spread of rubbish made ! worse by big increase in population of crows, jackdaws) 36 30 9 2 3! .................................................................................................................................................................! Renewable energy eg Hydro for street lights in village 25 29 23 1 2! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..! 6 EQUITY! "Fair for everyone including those in other communities, now & in the future"! .................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Strongly Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly! ................................................................................................................................................................. Footpaths : provide the same level of maintenance and ! access for local Barton footpaths as given to high ! profile central Lakes 24 37 14 5 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! LDNPA policy of not having litter bins in car parks ! (no bins, no litter) is not working 38 26 13 3 -! ................................................................................................................................................................! LDNPA car parks are not supervised, despite high (cont’d)! -"4- ! charges. This adds to crime rates and there is no ! 29 35 14 2 -! financial return to Village .................................................................................................................................................................! 7 ECONOMY! "Thriving - with a flourishing and diverse local economy"! .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly Strongly! ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ! We have a super location which attracts a worldwide ! clientele - vital to our economic success. Look after it. 53 23 4 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Active use of Village Hall for fetes, coffee mornings and ! sales brings visitors in & keeps Hall going. Keep it up. 38 33 8 1 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! I think second homes let to tourists is a net benefit to Village 4 36 20 12 8! .................................................................................................................................................................! The size and expansion of holiday parks & campsites needs ! to be controlled together with the capacity of infrastructure! (eg drains) to handle them 41 27 7 4 1! .................................................................................................................................................................! I believe a balance between the village & tourism is essential 33 38 6 3 -! .................................................................................................................................................................! Jobs and the economy are the drivers for new local housing ! developments - not the other way round 25 25 21 6 3! .................................................................................................................................................................! I would use a bulk purchase heating oil scheme for residents 20 25 26 8 1! ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 HOUSING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT! "Well designed and built - featuring a quality built and natural environment"! .................................................................................................................................................................! Agree Strongly Agree No view Disagree Disagree Strongly! ................................................................................................................................................................. Housing solutions should be community-led, not ! imposed from outside 37 31 5 4 3! .................................................................................................................................................................! The local community should be better informed and ! have a greater say in local planning 35 34 6 4 1! ................................................................................................................................................................. The Parish Council should have a greater say in local ! planning 33 29 9 7 2! .................................................................................................................................................................! I feel better use of empty properties could be achieved! in the provision of additional affordable homes 18 24 23 7 8! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………! ! ! Now you’ve made your points, make them happen! There are lots of opportunities to volunteer as part of existing groups or brand new groups to be established. Help fund raising. See Contacts section above.! ! -"5- ! ! ! Pooley Bridge