Meeting: Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Plan Commission 4/20/15 #10 Mission Statement To provide our residents with a safe, friendly, attractive and active community by aggressively pursuing innovative ways to deliver valuable services. PLAN COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT REPORT TO: REPORT FROM: AGENDA ITEM: Burt R. McIntyre, President Dave Wiese, Community Development Director Review and take action on the site plan from Mike Barlament to construct a 72’ x 128’ mini-warehouse building at 1700 East Deerfield Avenue. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the new mini-warehouse project. POLICY ISSUE Should the Village approve the construction of a 72’ x 128’ mini-warehouse building? RECOMMENDED ACTION BY PLAN COMMISSION Staff recommends: “Motion to approve site plan for the construction of a 72’ x 128’ mini-warehouse building with the condition a stormwater management plan is approved by the Village of Howard Engineering department.” POLICY ALTERNATIVE(S) The Plan Commission could take the following action: • Approve the request without changes. • Approve the request with changes • Deny the request • Table the request until a later meeting date BASIC INFORMATION Project Name Mike Barlament, site plan Applicant Name/Contact Mike Barlament, No./ Email Subject property address 1700 E. Deerfield Ave. Abbreviated Legal VH-96-1 Consultant none Size of Parcel 12 acres Existing Zoning Requested Zoning Comp. Land Map Designation I1 N/A Industrial/business BACKGROUND INFORMATION (Applicant provided) The applicant owns VH96-1 consisting of 12 acres, zoned I1. There is currently a bakery on the northern edge closest to E. Deerfield. Approximately 300’ east of the bakery is a maxi storage building that was built around 2005. It has been fully occupied since that time. Over the last several years I have had many requests for more units. So now I want to put up another building identical to the existing building but only 16’ longer. It will be the same width. So the dimensions will be 72’ wide X 128’ long. This building could be sectioned into 14 separate units. ZONING CODE REQUIREMENT No building or any improvement shall be erected, placed, or altered on any building site until the plans for such building or improvement, including the site plan, landscape plan, building plan and specifications, have been submitted for review to the village plan commission. The village plan commission shall approve, conditionally approve or disapprove such plans with respect to conformity with this section and other applicable codes and ordinances of the village and with respect to harmony of external design and land use as it affects property within and adjacent. Failure on the part of the village plan commission to act within 60 days of submission shall constitute approval of such plans. EXECUTIVE ANALYSIS Zoning The property is presently zoned I-1. Warehousing and storage buildings are permitted uses in the I-1 zone. Setbacks The building meets all setback regulations in the I-1 zone. Parking The applicant would meet the required parking requirements. Floodplain, Shoreland Zoning & Stormwater Management There are no areas of mapped floodplain on the subject property. Wetlands have previously been identified in isolated areas but the owner has been working with the DNR for several years to identify and isolate these wetland areas. The owner is confident that the location of the relocated structure is not an area of wetland concern. Land Division No land division is being proposed in this request. Lighting No additional exterior lighting is being proposed with this request. ATTACHMENTS I Photos II Site plan