June 20—24 - First United Methodist Church of Oviedo


June 20—24 - First United Methodist Church of Oviedo
June 2016
Heralding the News of the First United Methodist Church of Oviedo
June 20—24
9:00 AM—12:00 PM
FREE Admission!!
(K-6th Grades)
Register at: www.fumco.net/VBS
June 2016
263 King Street, Oviedo,www.fumco.net
FL 32765 / 407-365-3255 / www.fumco.net
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June 20-24, 2016
9:00 AM—12:00 PM
(K-6th Grades)
Summer Camp
Register online at:
July 18-23, 2016
Cost: $420
VBS Set-up: June 15th-17th
Please contact Gwen Hubbs (407-365-3255 or
ghubbs@fumco.net) in the church office
if you would like to be a part of this exciting
event! There are many places to serve for all
age groups!
VBS is almost here and the following is an
updated list of donation items needed. This is a
free event for our campers, so anything you
provide will be extremely helpful to making this
year a success. Thank you for your support!
Large popsicle sticks
Colored Sharpie markers
Acrylic gemstones
Pony beads
Ziplock baggies
Freeze pops
Monetary donations to provide each
camper with their own t-shirt.
Movie Days
Every Tues at 10 AM
(Oviedo Regal Cinema)
Family Beach Days
Every Wed at 10 AM
(New Smyrna Beach: 27th Ave.)
June 2016
Week 6 (July 18-23) is when many of the young
folks from our church will be participating in fun
and activities at Camp Warren Willis. These
classic overnight camps are for rising 4th grade
through graduating high school seniors. Not only
will kids grow in their faith with God, they will
make lasting friendships, and have fun zip lining,
learning archery, making crafts, doing yoga,
sailing and so much more! For more information
and to register, go to: http://www.warrenwillis
camp.org/summercamp. Contact Gwen Hubbs
(ghubbs@fumco.net) in the church office if you
have any questions.
Whale of a Sale (Sept 30 & Oct 1)
The Whale pods (storage units) located in the
church parking lot are hungry and waiting to be
filled with your gently used items for October’s
Whale of a Sale. No gas-powered items yet.
Contact the church office (407-365-3255) for
the combination to the lock and/or to let us
know if you have larger items (including furniture) to be picked up.
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The Military Support Team (MST) will meet on
Sunday, June 12, at noon in Fellowship Hall.
Lunch will be served. RSVP to Lee Barnes at
Please note that the MST has a brand new tab on
the church website entitled Active Duty Soldiers
(http://fumco.net/soldiers) which highlights some of
the soldiers that we pray for each week, starting
with 1Lt William Dickson, son of our own Jeanette
and Bill Dickson. Many more to follow.
The National Guard unit (2BN 124th Infantry
headquartered in Orlando) that we have supported
for the last year will be returning home in early
June. Please watch the Sunday bulletin for
information about the ceremony to welcome them
The June 7 meeting of the Veterans Day Luncheon
Planning Committee has been rescheduled to
Tuesday, June 14, at 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall.
The MST is planning a July mailing to our
deployed soldiers. Donations of the smaller
packages of cookies such as Oreos, Chips Ahoy
and other snack items (except chips) are greatly
appreciated. Troops have also commented
favorably on beef jerky and candy of all types.
Publix frequently has these items on BOGO. We
do not ship chocolates, as they tend to melt during
shipment, with the exception of M&Ms. We are
also collecting small personal hygiene items such
as toothbrushes, toothpaste, chap stick, razors,
and dental floss. Many dentists will donate several
take home packages, if told what the donation is
for. Please remember that we cannot mail anything
liquid, to include Bic lighters, perfumes and
mouthwash. Notes from children are always
welcome…and notes from other than children are
welcome, too. Please begin collecting your
donations and bring them to the Church office no
later than June 17. We expect to pack the boxes
for shipping on June 18.
Finally, we are always looking for retired
embroidered American flags. We cut out the stars
and send them to deployed soldiers as a reminder
of a grateful nation.
Check out the event below that is being cosponsored by the United Methodist Men and
Military Support Team:
Spaghetti Dinner and a Movie!
Saturday, June 25th
6:00 PM—Fellowship Hall
Adults: $5 / Children: $3
(Sponsored by the United Methodist Men & Military Support Team)
A true story by Colonel James Wilhite, USAR (Ret.) of success and
hope from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
The trailer for We Answered the Call : The Documentary is now
available to watch. Go to:
June 2016
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We are happy to receive the following new
members into our church family:
Bill and Doris Kenny
Jake Uttich
Come join us for breakfast in the
Fellowship Hall on:
Matthew Douglas Ayala
James Turner Bailey, Jr.
Elaina Catherine Butler
Madison Janette Decker
Emily Anne Einheit
Emily Grace French
Mackenzie Payton Hawk
Dagny Adele Jones
Karlie Caroline Marini
Ryan Walker Reynolds
Aaron Grant Rubinow
Kyra Lynn Saini
Alexander Melton Siler
Kyra Naomi Tam
Ariah Wynne Todriff
Käthe Wilken-Yoder
Sunday, June 19th
Time: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Donation is $4.00; first-timers eat free.
If you would like to be on the U.M.M.
mailing list, please contact Bill Dickson at
407-365-7696 or billd65@bellsouth.net
Our Christian love and deepest sympathy is
extended to the family and friends of two of our
beloved church members:
Bob Stevens, who passed away on April 29,
2016. Services were held on May 27th in
the Historic Sanctuary.
Hal Harris, who passed away on May 20,
2016. Services will be held on June 18th at
2:00 PM at St. Benedict Catholic Church of
Crystal River, FL.
Currently, our church membership is 1,494. If
you are interested in joining First United
Methodist Church of Oviedo, please contact
Charlene Davis in the church office (407-3653255 or cdavis@fumco.net) for more
June 2016
8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.—Noon
The church will begin their traditional
summer office hours on June 3rd, which
means the office will close at Noon on
Fridays. After August 12th, we will
change back to regular office hours.
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More than an event, the Summit is a resource to be leveraged for community transformation.
Leaders are discovering that by attending the Summit and utilizing its content and tools,
their teams are increasing their impact. In fact, independent research shows that 83% of
leaders who attended the Summit in consecutive years feel improved teamwork, increased
job satisfaction and productivity.
Be sure to use Promo Code #PV2016 to get the "early bird" $89 rate which changes to $119 after
July 12, 2016 (both rates discounted from $209).
June 2016
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Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring motherhood
and that’s exactly what took place on May 7th, when
friends and family gathered to enjoy a few hours of
fun, fellowship and relaxation. All who attended
would agree, it was “A Morning in Paradise.” The
Fellowship Hall was decorated in a festive “paradise”
motif which included outdoor furniture positioned
around the room under lighted palm trees just waiting
for someone to sit, relax and relish the picturesque
view of brightly colored paper lanterns hanging from
the ceiling along with the beautiful, eye-catching
glass containers arranged on each of the tabletops that
were filled with fresh lemons and limes, lovely
flowers and pink flamingos.
UMW President, Cathy Howell, greeted the UMW
members (including Brinda LeBleu and her daughter
Amanda), welcomed guests to the Mother’s Day
Brunch, and gave a special thank you to Bethany
Circle President, Frankie Crews, and Koinonia Circle
member, Annette Pursley, for hosting this beloved
event. Faith Circle Co-President, Caralyn Clark, lit
the Christ Candle as Cathy Howell spoke about a
mother’s love to her children and read Proverbs 31:25
-28, which simply describes to us in scripture the
character of a woman who loves and respects the
Lord…how she continuously displays divine wisdom
and confidence to face the future and its unexpected
challenges. Daughters of Eve Circle President,
Tiffany Wieder, blessed the food before everyone
enjoyed a delicious layered brunch of breakfast
casserole, Waldorf salad, and mini blueberry muffins,
along with a delightful fresh fruit trifle for dessert.
Mary Martha member, Trish Hare, introduced
Kenneth Hargett, Chorus Director at Midway
Elementary School of the Arts. Mr. Hargett presented
his talented students from age kindergarten through
fifth grade. Each gifted child thoroughly entertained
the audience by playing songs on the piano, followed
June 2016
by Mr. Hargett taking center stage and performing a
superb saxophone and piano piece. On behalf of the
UMW, Frankie Crews presented Mr. Hargett with a
gift of appreciation for his exceptional teaching
endeavors at Midway Elementary, and the students
were treated to a pizza party in Jones Parlor.
Friendship Circle provided the Flower Power gift.
Congratulations to Agape Circle
President, Diane Bless, for winning the beautiful
orchid! Everyone received a pretty dish towel and
nail polish as a favor for attending the Mother’s Day
Annette Pursley expressed thanks and appreciation to
the following for their time and talents in making the
Brunch so successful: Bob and Janet Kelly for
catering the delicious meal, Linda Cliburn for
printing the tickets, Charlene Davis for the flyers and
publicity, Angela Relyea for her technical support,
David Pursley, Craig Cortes, Dave Bless, John Lange,
Rick Howell, Henry Boxley, Chuck Tittle, Rex
Clonts, Jay Cortes and Richard Koloff for serving the
meal, Norm Collins, Craig Cortes and Jay Cortes for
washing the dishes, Miller’s Hardware in Winter Park
for the loan of flamingos for the centerpieces, Barbara
Frizzell for donating items, Tracie Handberg, Nan
Gottlieb, Joanne Tam, Leona Abell, Marty Rouse,
Janice Cooper, Angela Relyea, Judy Reed and
Richard Koloff for their decorating and clean-up
assistance, along with clean-up crew Cathy Howell,
Cindy Sloan, Christy Lange, Karen Quick and David
Pursley. Last but not least, an enormous thank you to
Frankie Crews and Annette Pursley for not only
hosting but initiating the planning of this much-loved
Mother’s Day Brunch!
Ruth Circle member, Kathy Pearson, closed the
program in prayer. The women of our church hope
everyone had a blessed Mother’s Day!!!
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June Circle Meetings
(Chairs: Diane Bless & Penny Weingart/2nd Tues)
No June Meeting
(Chair: Frankie Crews / 2nd Monday)
June 13th (11:30 AM)—Note change in time
Lunch at Mickey V’s Restaurant
(Chair: Maureen Riddley / 1st Wednesday)
June 1st (11:30 AM)—Note change in time
Lunch at Napoli’s Restaurant
(Chair: Tiffany Wiedner / 3rd Friday)
June 10th (9:00 AM)—Youth Room
(Note change in date)
(Chair: Caralyn Clark / 2nd Thursday)
No June Meeting
Blood One will have the bloodmobile in the
mulch parking lot across the street from the
Historic Sanctuary on Sunday, June 26th
from 8 AM until 1 PM. You may sign up to
donate blood at www.oneblood.org. Walkins are also welcome. Give the gift of life!
Young at Heart Luncheons and Programs
will resume after a short summer break on
August 18th. Look for information in the
bulletins and newsletters. Have a great
The Early Childhood Center still has openings in a few classes for the 2016-17
school year. For more information call 407365-3702 or email: Melody Boyington at:
mboyington@fumco.net or Sabrina Torres
at: storres@fumco.net.
(Chair: Susan Juge / 1st Thursday)
No June Meeting
(Chair: Jean Cortes / 3rd Tuesday)
No June Meeting
(Chair: Ann Irwin / 2nd Monday)
No June Meeting
June 2016
Free blood pressure checks are provided in
the portico entrance of the main Sanctuary
between services every second Sunday of
the month by nurses in our congregation.
Our next date is Sunday, June 12th.
Have you heard the ringing of our church
bell? Listen for it before each service on
Sunday morning!
Page 7
Rockin’ Klokkers Praise the Lord With
Joyful Music!
Missal of Eberhard von Greiffenklau, Adoration of the Magi,
Walters Manuscript W.174, fol. 19v detail
(The Walters Art Museum)
The Life of Christ through
Great Works of Art
Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM
beginning June 1st (Jones Parlor)
Presenting the Life of Christ as depicted by a
range of Ancient, Classical and Contemporary
Artists, attempting to appreciate the artists'
intent, interpretation, style and purpose. While
mostly a reverent art appreciation study, woven
throughout will be both an inherent bible study
as well as a bit of the history of the Christian
church. Instructor: Bob Putnam (Note: No
reading requirements or books to buy.)
The Rockin’ Klokkers ended their Spring season
in May with a Handbell performance during the
traditional service followed by their second
annual End of Year party at the Oviedo Rec
Rock Wall. What a tremendous year this has
been for these amazing young ringers! They
have grown so much musically, and have had
the opportunity to reach out to the community
through their gifts by sharing songs with the
FUMCO congregation on several occasions, as
well as performing a concert of carols for the
residents at The Tremont this past Christmas.
The Klokkers have also been invited to perform
over the summer and in the fall at another
church and another local retirement community.
They also hope to provide a Veteran’s Day
concert for the Oviedo community in November.
They are musicians on a mission!
I am so blessed to have been given the
opportunity to work with these wonderful young
ringers and to see the special fellowship they
share, and the connection with our church they
feel through music. Thank you to the FUMCO
Music Ministry and the congregation for
supporting the Rockin’ Klokkers and welcoming
our talents in worship.
In Him,
Bethany Connell
SPECIAL NOTICE: The Rockin’ Klokkers will
officially begin rehearsals in August for the fall
season! Watch out for announcements in the
bulletin. We are always looking for new ringers
to join our fellowship!
June 2016
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Summertime Stress
Slowing You Down?
women are matched with female Stephen
Ministers. It's free. It's confidential. And it will
make a difference in your life!
We like to think of summer as being a
relaxing, enjoyable time. But hurts, struggles,
crises, and problems don't take a vacation. Many
times our difficulties seem even worse during the
summer because everyone else seems to be
enjoying life while you are feeling down.
To find out more about Stephen Ministry for
you or someone you know, talk with one of our
Stephen Leaders, Diane Bless, Karen Quick or
Jim Wottring. You may also read about Stephen
Ministry on the church web page, fumco.net.
If you are experiencing a difficult time-emotionally, spiritually, or relationally--you don't
have to suffer alone. Our Stephen Ministers are
trained caregivers, ready to listen, care for and
encourage you, pray with and for you, and
provide one-to-one Christian care to help you
through whatever it is that you are facing. Men
are matched with male Stephen Ministers and
Congratulations to the following newly trained
Stephen Ministers: Edgar Buckley, Denise
Clonts, Donna Evans and Tom Polhill. They just
completed over 50 hours of training and were
commissioned on May 22nd to serve FUMCO.
May God bless their commitment and service to
this congregation!
The Lawton (Elementary School) Angels Backpack program would like to thank the United
Methodist Women, the Mary Martha, Bethany, and Agape Circles, and all who have
contributed toward our backpack program this school year. The Lawton Angels Backpack
program is a year-round effort. Our 26 families are invited to visit the school office each
week and pick up food in the summer, just as they receive it during the school year.
Cereal, one pound bags of rice, macaroni and cheese, snack items and whatever else you
have in your pantry or see on BOGO are always needed. Please continue to donate!
Items may be delivered to the school’s main office off Graham Street, Monday through
Thursday, or left in the Church office marked “Lawton Angels.” Happy Summer!
June 2016
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Summer Servant Leader Equipping Event!
Packed with 10 hours of action-oriented learning followed by weekly online ELessons, Encounter is a highly interactive, participant-centered leadership
development workshop that exposes common leadership misconceptions and offers
a practical model based on the greatest leader role model of all time, Jesus.
Orlando Area: July 15-16, 2016
Facilitated by Master Trainer Jim Boesch
Event Details
1st United Methodist Church
263 King Street
Oviedo, FL 32765
Friday, July 15, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 16, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Registration Fee:
$69 per person; $115 for couples
To register, call: J im Boesch 407-721-0416 email: jboesch@fumco.net
June 2016
Page 10
Bob Brooks, Ruth Gates, Kraig Lenius, Marie Radkevich, Marti
Ryals, Michael Tully
Jeffrey Bedwell, Becca Butterfield, Chris Crowley, Kelly
Gindlesperger, Kathy Sessions, Miriam King, Jennifer French
Andrew Hutton, Jill Minton, David Minton
Max Clark-Bradley, Elaine Gazaway, Carol Jacobs, Debra Nutcher,
Reagan Pomp, Michelle Walter
Sylvia Langfitt, David McDonald, Jake Ohl, Brent Paul, Lori Puckett,
Gisela Sadler
Brent Bailey, Doris Kenny, Cammie Parker, Savannah Ross, Izzy
Caleb Allison, B.J. Beard, Katie Jones, Jill Wampole
Lauren Adams, Linda Brentzel, Nicholas Cavanaugh, Sandra Chen,
Mariah Heise, Travis Moore, Linda Shoup
Jeff Alford, Cari Towle, Jim Woodward
Kaine LaPerle, Isaac Mills, Connor Tam
Alex Cunningham, Margarita Delgaldo, Zack Garrett, Skyler Robinson,
Rob Roop, Jeff Smith
Kelly Barsky, Brooke Butterfield, Shirley Crookshanks, Charlie Davis,
Frankie Godwin, Travis Loyd, Meghan Monroe
Cassie Burke, Pattie Hazel, Barbara Wilson
Austin Lager, James McMichen, Hannah Thompson
Kari Brentzel, Lesli Briggle, Susan Halvatzis, Sue Evans, Fred
Hutton, Shirley Perdue, Blake Roden, Carolyn Williams, Ron Nelson
Melody Boyington, Nicholas Burns, Brianne Butterfield, Joseph
Shawfield, Heather Sikes, Emma Stoner, Daniel Smith, Allie Ungaro
Sidney Andersen, Zack Gordon, Lindsay Hayes, Bob Hughes, Sara
Miller, Laura Moeder, Tom Polhill, Arlene Miller-Tokumaru, Ruth
Jordan Beach, Chris French, Rachel Jones
Darrin Riley
Emerson Feisthammel, Ashley Sikes
Carolyn Kimrey, Kelly McPherson, Callan Radkevich
Stacie Jurek, Veronica Neuner, Christy Lange, Hayden Longo
Sherri Garner, Hannah Parker, Kelsey Tatum
Pam Baker, Shelda Baumann, Diane Bless, Shelby Curran, Drew
Dawkins, Ken Dean, Chuck Grieneisen, Joy Lenius, Karlie Marini,
Bailey Moore, Connie Moss, Paulette Presson, Lee Sloan, Mike
Will Reedy, Mary Bosanko, Haley Case, Chad Ingram, Kelly
Gazaway, Charlotte Ledbetter, Laila Saini
Carson Creager, Joseph Feisthammel, Madison Hanson, Jennifer
Longo, Shannon Pomp, Shea Wallin
Shannon Curran, Makenna Haynes, Tom Heinrich, Rachel Mina, John
June 2016
28. Dan Smith, Timothy Whitley
29. Joanne Babyak, Tommy Barnes, Axton Binkley, Benjamin Binkley,
Katherine Cline, Kennedy Hawk, Drew Hawkins, June Hennigan,
Bryan Hare, Tim Machtel, Pat Shipley
30. Richard Ledbetter, Paul Nutcher, Gwen Szelc
1. Jim & Mo Campbell, Justin & Taylor Hughes
2. Nathan & Elizabeth Boese, Randy & Tiffany Brown
3. Dave & Diane Bless, Jim & Judy Hunt, John & Christy Lange, Mack
& Jeannie Wilson
4. Frederick & Joyce Guldstrand, John & Sue Sauter, Jim & Barbara
6. Anthony & Ashley Pleasants, Matthew & Dawn Stoner
7. Steve & Lynn Kracht, Ron & Marquita Nelson, Rodney & Sheila
Raw, Bob & Gwen Szelc, Allen & Whitney Walters,
8. Miguel & Jonette Tamayo
9. Danny & Karen Chadwick, Michael & Evelyn Fink, Jamie & Marla
Poissant, Paul & Megan Sladek
10. Larry & Nancy Hastings, Dick & Hollie Hood, Andy & Jackie
Wasson, Stephen & Patty Krauser
11. Greg & Leanne Buchanan, Stephen & Holly Sinders
12. Patrick & Amy Moeder
13. Glenn & Connie Grossman, Butch & Joan Nunnally, Ron & Mary
Scott, Joseph & Carrie Shawfield, Terry & Diane Turner
14. Keith & Leslee Cunnion, Prashant & Amber Saini, Scott & Farrah
15. Brad & Dena Heath
16. Marc & Amanda Ayala
17. Jim & Marsha Boesch, Andrew & Heather Zeid
18. James & Lisa Davidson, Roger & Tracie Handberg, Scott &
Katherine Reekie
19. Jim & Rachel Allamon, Matt & Susan Juge, Hall & Judy Macy,
Brooks & Carol Madsen
20. Tim & Pam Colton
21. Kent & Cherril McMillian, Paul & Christy Phelps
22. David & Donna Evans
23. Pete & Chris Crowley, Karl & Sonia Nebel, Stephen & Joanne Tam
24. Norm & Diane Boese, Beau & Ashley Einheit
25. Denny & Denise Ward, Jim & Ann Wottring
26. Hunt & Tracey Dawkins, Eric & Jane Spriggs, Tom & Gloria St.
John, Michael & Amanda Tully, Hugh & Shirley Wilson
28. James & Beth Cooper, Donald & Janet Keller, Scott & Penny Rains,
Adam & Lindsay Todd, Matthew & Cameron Watson
29. Ed & Joyce Kershner
30. Robert & Lynn Abascal, Joshua & Rachael Leichty
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To make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Every person to become a follower of Jesus, loving God and others.
Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Joseph Okello
Congregational Care Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Quick
*Financial Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Taylor
Administrator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Dares
Executive Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charlene Davis
Administrative Assistant & Kitchen Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeanette Dickson
Director of Music & Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynne Roop
*Contemporary Worship Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Conrad
*Choral Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kara Ferland
*Organist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kraig Lenius
Interim Director of Student Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jacob Garrett
Director of Children and Family Ministries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gwen Hubbs
*Children’s Ministry Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Burton
*Nursery Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Lancaster
Director of Early Childhood Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melody Boyington
*Less than 40 hours
Church Mailing Address: 263 King Street, Oviedo, FL 32765
Church Office: 407-365-3255; Fax Line: 407-366-5750;
Preschool (ECC): 407-365-3702
Sunday Worship Services:
8:00 (Casual Traditional); 9:30 (Praise & Worship); 11:00 (Traditional)
Church Website: http://www.fumco.net (staff emails may be accessed through the website)
June 2016
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