COUNCIL REPORT - Calendar - Strathroy


COUNCIL REPORT - Calendar - Strathroy
Meeting date: September 6, 2016
Environmental Services
Prepared by: Mark Harris, Director of Environmental Services
Reviewed by: Ralph Coe, Chief Administrative Officer
Princess Street Area Storm Sewer Separation/Drainage Improvements Project
RECOMMENDATION: THAT: the Princess Street Area Storm Sewer Separation/Drainage
Improvements Project Update be received as information and filed.
The Princess Street Area Storm Sewer Separation/Drainage Improvements Project became a priority
project with the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc as a result of a heavy rainfall event on June 23,
2015 that resulted in widespread surface and basement flooding in this area. An application was
submitted to the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) for this project in September 2015.
On February 5, 2016, the Municipality was advised that the Province of Ontario would provide
$1,931,783.00 of grant funding under the OCIF program for this project. The total net project costs
were $2,146,426.00. Taking the grant into account, this would leave the municipality a balance of
$214,643.00 to be funded from roads/water/sewer. This $214,643.00 was included in the 2016 capital
During the past couple of months, BM Ross have been completing final engineering on the project
and we are now at a stage to obtain final project input from residents on the proposed design prior to
going to tender at the end of September. A public Open House is scheduled for Thursday,
September 8 at Town Hall between the 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The notice of public Open House will
be in the August 31, 2016 edition of the Strathroy Age Dispatch. In addition, the notice will be hand
delivered to all properties fronting the construction and will be posted on the Strathroy-Caradoc
There were many challenges experienced in the project design such as:
Designing around mature trees in an effort to save as many as possible.
Existing hydro line placement.
Driveway widths that exceeded the municipal standard.
Driveways that were at an elevation below street grade.
Driveways that have multiple entrances.
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Sidewalk placement locations with respect to existing driveways, road and efforts to preserve
trees and at same time maintain driveway functionality.
Watermain directional drilling to preserve trees.
Buildings that encroach on road allowance.
Existing Driveway Grades and how to limit impact of new road grade/width.
Municipal standard with respect to driveway restoration on municipal property.
Proposed road asphalt widths that still will not meet the municipal design standard.
(Pictures are included at the end of the report to provide an overview of items that posed difficulty in
the design.)
It is anticipated that the project will be awarded in late October for 2017 construction. A review of the
current drawings with Union Gas has revealed that the gas infrastructure is in need of replacement
and there are identified conflicts with the proposed infrastructure/road grades. On that basis, Union
Gas will be commencing work in early 2017 with a proposed completion date of May 18, 2017.
Council should also be aware of additional work that was not part of the OCIF application scope but
will be included in the 2017 Capital Budget for Council consideration, which includes the following:
Completion of High Street from Princess to Caradoc Street (Funded from Roads/Water/Sewer
$85,000.00 + HST);
Completion of Keefer Street from 50 m west of Princess to Adelaide Street (Funded from
Roads $92,000.00 + HST);
Replacement of Adelaide Street Sanitary Sewer from Keefer Street to Burns Street. The
restoration will be asphalt only. (Funded from Sanitary Sewer $115,500 + HST);
Addition of Sidewalk from Princess/Caradoc intersection to Ontario/Caradoc intersection along
the west side of Caradoc Street. (Funded from Roads $55,000.00 + HST).
CONSULTATION: Union Gas and Management Team
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Subject to Tendering and 2017 budget consideration of additional
proposed work
ATTACHMENTS: Public Meeting Notice and Background Information
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The sidewalk alignment on the west side of Princess to be adjusted to preserve tree, and watermain
to be directionally drilled. This picture also includes property with two driveways. It is proposed that
entrance near stop sign to be closed off.
This picture shows the challenges faced in the design with respect to the tree and hydro pole location,
which placed limitations on sidewalk location and road alignment.
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Example of driveway width exceeding the standard. The design plans per previous projects is to
return the opening at curb line to the municipal standard and then taper to the property line with
Example of a driveway installed below the road grade and subject to flooding. We are planning on
providing a storm sewer private drain connection which may be pumped into, should the homeowner
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The sidewalk location in this area of the project has been adjusted to front the curb line in order to
preserve driveway functionality. At the same time, road width has also adjusted to 7 m width, which
is below the minimum standard of 8 m.
This building encroaches on the road allowance and the driveway width exceeds the municipal
standard. The proposal is to run barrier curb fronting the garage, and the north entrance will act as
the principle entrance.
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The existing driveway grade is already on the steeper side of the standard. In addition, it is likely that
the road width will be less than the 8 m standard. Therefore, we are limited on how much the road
may be pushed to the north as it will make the driveways even steeper.
These three trees will be located in the storm sewer trench/new curb line and will be removed in the
course of construction. However, new trees will be planted in the fall of 2017 through discussions
with property owner. It is proposed that sidewalk will be installed on the south side of road, which will
involve removal of the hedge.
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The two trees are scheduled for removal as they are planted below the hydro lines and will be located
in curb line. It is proposed that two new trees be planted in the fall of 2017 behind the sidewalk to
avoid future conflict with utility wires.
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The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is proposing to undertake the reconstruction of sections of Princess
Street, Keefer, Burns and High Street in Strathroy (area illustrated in the key plan below) in 2017. The
Municipality is also proposing the replacement of the sanitary sewer and services on Adelaide Street
between Burns and Keefer Street. The project is being carried out primarily to provide storm sewer
separation drainage improvements within the project area. The scope of work is as follows:
Princess Street - Road reconstruction, sanitary and storm sewer, watermain and sidewalk
High Street - Road reconstruction, storm sewer and watermain and sidewalk
Burns Street - Road reconstruction, sanitary and storm sewer, watermain and sidewalk
Keefer Street - Road reconstruction, storm sewer installation and sidewalk
Adelaide Street - Sanitary sewer replacement and repaving
Caradoc Street - Sidewalk installation on west side of Caradoc Street from Princess St. to Ontario St.
Along with other work incidental thereto.
The key plan below illustrates the project limits.
A Public Open House is planned to present additional details on the proposed project, and to receive input
from interested persons:
September 8th, 2016
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Municipal Office
52 Frank Street
Strathroy, ON N7G 2R4
Construction of this project is subject to Council’s review as part of the 2017 budget process.
If you are unable to attend or would like further information
please visit News and Notice Section of the
Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc web-site:
For further information, please contact:
Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc
(519) 245-1105 ext 270
Attention: Mark Harris
Mark Harris
Director of Environmental Services
Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc
All correspondence to be addressed to:
Environmental Services Department
52 Frank Street
Strathroy, ON N7G 2R4
Phone: 519-245-1105 ext. 270
Fax: 519-245-6353
Road Reconstruction, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Installation, Watermain Replacement
Location: Strathroy-Caradoc Municipal Office, 52 Frank Street, Strathroy
Thursday, September 8th, 2016
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Welcome Residents/Property Owners,
The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is planning an infrastructure renewal project on Princess, Keefer, Burns,
High and Adelaide Streets in Strathroy during the 2017 construction season. Engineering drawings have been
prepared for each of the affected road sections and are available for review at the meeting.
Engineering staff from B. M. Ross and Associates Limited, Project Engineers retained by Strathroy-Caradoc to
design the proposed infrastructure upgrades, will also be available to answer questions and provide additional
information as required.
Details of the Proposed Infrastructure Upgrades:
Princess Street (entire length)
 Replacement of sections of sanitary sewer including services installed to property line between
Maitland Terrace and Caradoc Street
 Replacement of the existing watermain including services installed to property line
 installation of new storm sewer between Maitland Terrace and Keefer Street
 Road reconstruction including curb and gutter, asphalt road and concrete sidewalk
Keefer Street (Adelaide Street to Princess Street)
 Installation of approximately 45m of storm sewer
 Road reconstruction including curb and gutter, asphalt road and concrete sidewalk
Burns Street (Adelaide to Princess) and High Street (Adelaide to Caradoc)
 Replacement of sections of sanitary sewer including services installed to property line
 Replacement of the existing watermain including services installed to property line
 installation of new storm sewer between Adelaide Street and Princess Street
 Road reconstruction including curb and gutter, asphalt road and concrete sidewalk
Adelaide Street (Keefer to Burns Street)
 Replacement of sanitary sewer including services installed to property line
 Repave roadway between Keefer and Burns Street
Caradoc Street (Princess to Ontario Street)
 Provisional item to install a concrete sidewalk from Princess Street to Ontario Street on the west
boulevard on Caradoc Street.
 Driveway Widths - Driveways within the municipal road allowance will be re-instated to a maximum
municipal standard width of 6.1 m for Double Driveway and 5.2 m for Single Driveway. Only one driveway
entrance will be permitted on the frontage. Any existing driveways exceeding the standard width will be
restored to 6.1 m width at the curbline and then will be tapered into their current width at property line.
 Driveway restoration will be to the municipal standard (asphalt) from the curb to sidewalk or property
 Driveway restoration on private property will be restored with similar materials to existing.
 All disturbed boulevards will be restored with 100mm depth of topsoil and sod.
 Prior to construction, property owners are advised to remove any planting beds (i.e., flowers, shrubs,
hedges), any underground sprinkler systems, any heated driveway systems, and any fencing from the
boulevard of the road allowance and relocate them onto their private property.
Properties relying on private wells and sandpoints
The project will include dewatering of groundwater in the vicinity of Princess Street from Maitland
Terrace to High Street in order to install the deeper utilities. The lowering of groundwater may impact
these private wells and sandpoints. The Municipality will provide temporary water connection during
construction in the event that the property is not connected to the municipal water system and is
impacted by the dewatering process. Property owners with sandpoint wells may wish to refrain from
using this source during the dewatering period as it may result in the burning out of the pump due to lack
of water. If you have a private well or sandpoint, please contact the Municipality to review your specific
Construction commencement
 A “Construction Advisory Notice” information letter will be delivered to area residents stating the
Contractor, scheduled start of construction, anticipated completion dates and other pertinent information
upon awarding of the project to the successful bidder
 Water and sanitary service disruption is expected to be limited, and a notice to residents will be provided
in advance, whenever possible, for scheduled disturbances
 No parking will be permitted within the construction zone for the duration of the projects
 Access to driveways may at times be restricted and not always available depending on the construction
 A notice to residents will be provided in advance for scheduled concrete and asphalt placement
Mail delivery during construction
 Municipality to provide if deemed necessary at a later date
On-street parking
 Due to roadway widths and the installation of curb and gutters the Municipality may restrict on street
parking after construction is complete.
The Municipality has altered design standards in an effort to preserve as many existing trees as possible.
However, some trees have been identified for removal due to conflict with utilities, curb alignment or
grading. The Municipality will meet with impacted property owners in an effort to plant a replacement
tree in a mutually acceptable location at the end of the project. (Fall 2017).
Attempts will be made to protect trees however, low lying limbs or tree roots may be impacted by
excavation and construction works.
Waste Collection during Construction
 Municipality to provide if deemed necessary at a later date.
Please take a moment to complete the Comment Sheet provided and leave it with BMROSS staff or
return it to the Municipal office by September 15th, 2016, so that we may be able to consider any
issues during preparation of the final detailed engineering drawings.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Environmental Services
Thank you for attending this public open house
Yours truly,
Mark Harris, Director
Environmental Services