June 2015 - Anne Arundel Fish and Game Association
June 2015 - Anne Arundel Fish and Game Association
JUNE 2015 Anne Arundel Fish & Game Conservation Association “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” - Thomas Jefferson SAFETY FIRST! From the President A n incident occurred recently where a club member was shooting .17 caliber rimfire after Centerfire hours and during .22 Caliber Rimfire hours. The range rules specifically state .22 Caliber Rimfire. Of the .22 Caliber Rimfire rounds Please be mindful of the rules while on the range! available, only .22 Long Rifle, Long, and Short are authorized outside of Centerfire hours and during .22 Caliber Rimfire hours. No .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire, more commonly called .22 WMR, .22 Magnum, or simply .22 Mag shooting is allowed outside of Centerfire hours. Skip Miller aafg.rso@gmail.com Take Note: The following are the remaining Sanctioned Weekends for 2015: June 20/21 September 12/13 October 10/11 November 7/8 Centerfire shooting hours on Sanctioned Weekends (both Saturday and Sunday) are 10am - 8pm (daylight permitting). Come join us for our… Pot Luck Supper & General Meeting June 11th Dinner ~ 7 PM Meeting ~ 8 PM Please bring a dish to share! Fellow AA&FGers, A MAZON … how many of you shop at Amazon? How many of your friends or family members shop at Amazon? Did you know that by shopping at SMILE. amazon.com you can help support the shooting sports at NO COST TO YOU? Amazon has a program called SMILE which is a separate website from Amazon.com, but looks and acts just the same as the regular site with one difference: Amazon will donate a small amount to a charity of your choice if you choose to “SMILE”. The NRA FOUNDATION is one such charity. Next time you plan to purchase an item at Amazon.com, consider going to www.smile.amazon.com instead and choose a charity – again this is free to you. Be sure to let your friends and family know about this program too. Summer weather is here and the days are getting longer. More people are making it out to the range, which is a great thing. With many members, some new to the club and some seasoned veterans using ranges, the AAF&G Board asked me to reach out to the membership to address two issues: Rimfire shooting and Archery Broadhead use on targets. AAF&G’s accepted policy and definition of “.22 rimfire”, “.22 caliber rimfire” and “.22 cal rimfire” as found in our safety rules is LIMITED ONLY to .22 LONG RIFLE (LR), .22 LONG (L) and .22 President, continued on Page 2. www.aafg.org AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 1 Bullseye Pistol Report P. O. Box 150 Arnold, MD 21012 410-757-6800 AAF&G Range Rules: http://www.aafg.org/safety.html#rules Club Officers & Activities: www.aafg.org/activities 2015 Holidays / Shooting Hours: www.aafg.org/hours 2015 Orientation Sessions: www.aafg.org/orientation AAF&G Forum: http://z13.invisionfree.com/AAFandG/index.php Calendar http://www.aafg.org/docs/Score/Calendar_June2015.pdf President, from Page 1. SHORT (S). Furthermore, .22 Magnum (22 WMR) and .22 WRF are NOT .22 LR, L or S. ANY variant of .17 RIMFIRE (HMR, HM2 etc) is NOT a .22 and neither is the vintage 5mm rimfire. Anyone remember those 5mm’s? The above policy is for the benefit of the membership. PLEASE abide by our range rules. We had some archery targets DESTROYED by BROADHEAD use recently, PLEASE consider using field points. June 20-21 is a sanctioned weekend with many planned activities including Vintage Rifle, Trap, Cowboy Action, Bullseye Pistol, Appleseed Rifle, and IDPA Pistol. If anyone has ANY questions about these programs or any other firearm related activities please contact me. Hope to see you on the range this month. Stay safe and share our sport, Walt Romaniw aafg.elprez@gmail.com AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 2 A AF&G commenced the 2015 outdoor conventional pistol season with two very successful Tournaments. The first was a Civilian Marksmanship (CMP) Excellence-inCompetition (EIC) Tournament on May 16th, featuring the inauguration on the east coast of the new .22 Rimfire Pistol EIC Match and the revised and updated Service Pistol EIC Match. The .22 Rimfire pistol EIC had 26 competitors and the Service Pistol had 24. The winners of the 30 round matches were: ED Hall with a 284-6 in the .22 EIC and Rich Kang with a 291-15 in the SP EIC. The high note of the CMP EIC Tournament was that the top Non-distinguished competitors that earned points towards attainment of the CMP Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge were AAF&G’s own Mike McGrath and Steve Peters. Mike was the top shooter of the 16 Non-Distinguished Service Pistol competitors with a score of 253-3, earning 8 EIC points. Steve was a close second with a 253-0, earning 6 points. Steve’s 6 points gave him a total of 30 points which qualified him as a Distinguished Pistol Shoot – well done Steve! On May 18th AAF&G sponsored a NRA Registered 2700 tournament followed by a .22 Rimfire Pistol EIC Match and a Service Pistol EIC Match. The NRA 2700, which consisted of firing 90 rounds in each of three Pistols, had 19 competitors with Rich Kang winning with a score of 2628-118. Rich also won the 30 round .22 Rimfire Pistol EIC (13 competitors) and the Service Pistol EIC (11 competitors) with scores of 284-4 and 287-10 respectively. Six more tournaments consisting of NRA and CMP matches will be held throughout the summer and early fall. Plan on competing, and testing your pistol skills in these AAF&G sponsored tournaments. See you on the range. Paul Striffler pjstriff@gmail.com 2015 Bullseye Schedule Here are the planned NRA and CMP matches: June 6: NRA Service Pistol Regional Championship, CMP .22 and SP EIC, NRA DR June 20: NRA 2700, CMP .22 and SP EIC Aug 15: NRA Revolver Regional Championship, NRA DR, .22 EIC Sept 12: NRA 1800, CMP .22 and SP EIC Oct 10: NRA 2700/IronMan, CMP .22 and SP EIC Nov 7: NRA 1800, CMP .22 and SP EIC Army “L” Tournaments Last Saturday of each month: 1800 (.22 and centerfire) (9 AM) And here is the league schedule: Tuesdays: Training (10 AM) Thursdays: 1800 (.22 and centerfire)(12PM) Saturdays: 1800 or Training/practice (when no NRA, CMP or Army L matches scheduled) (9 AM) www.aafg.org Rimfire Action Cowboy Action W ell, Riverboat Bob was still out fishin’ and MillCreek Mona was out visitin’ so we had kind of a light crowd of Mill Creek Wranglers for our May Shoot, but there were a couple of significant events. First, it was good to see Wicklow Wrangler come out to shoot. And second, he brought his black powder cartridges and we had calm, humid air keepin’ the smoke from Wicklow’s shots hangin' over the range. He had to bob-and-weave a bit to find the targets through the smoke every once in awhile. Stages were provided by Buffalo Creek Bob, which meant lots of sweeping back and forth between the widely spaced targets. Match results were not available when I wrote this but will be sent out to the Cowboy E-mail list. Bob and Mona, and hopefully more of the Wranglers, will be back for our next Cowboy Action Shoot on June 20th. Don’t forget our annual Hawaiian Cowboy Action Shoot coming up in July. That’s about it for now. In the words of Riverboat Bob: “Remember…never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.” Buffalo Creek Bob bambam612@comcast.net R imfire Action Shooters were greeted with a perfect spring day for our April match. We had 29 shooters for the match and the stages featured vertically and horizontally spaced targets in the Rimfire Challenge portion, and a vertical port that really made the shooters dance in the 2-Gun part. At the end of the day, Keith Richardson won the match with 20 rank points, Eric Serfass was second with 31, and Bob Yurwitz finished third with 36. Herman Floyd was the only shooter to have a clean match. Full results were sent out to the Rimfire Action Gmail list. Upcoming matches are scheduled for June 28th, July 26th and August 23rd. Matches start at 10:00. If you would like more info about Rimfire Action come out to one of the scheduled matches or contact us at aafg.ras@gmail.com. SHOOT SAFE…HAVE FUN Guy Bellanca aafg.ras@gmail.com DEADLINE FOR JULY SCORE Materials is JUNE 23rd. Send material to David Hickey at aafg.score@gmail.com A Busy Month of May for IDPA M ay brought delightful weather and lots of fun on the Action Range. IDPA held five matches, with a total attendance of 98 shooters. USPSA had one match with 16 shooters. Steel Challenge also held one match with a total attendance of 28 shooters. If you’re interested in joining this sport, please go to aafgidpa.com for more information. Bill Osborne bill5996@gmail.com JUNE RSOs and BACKUP RSOs 06/06/2015 Primary: John Sasse Backup: Brian Swift 06/20/2015 Primary: John Michelli Backup: Rick Weidmann 06/13/2015 Primary: Rick Weidmann Backup: Gordon Davids 06/27/2015 Primary: Ricky Dicken Backup: Jim Price www.aafg.org AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 3 Eccles Range Club Matches T he next Service Rifle/MSR/Any Rifle subject to the FSA of 2013 (except M1A) match will be held on June 6th from 10:00am to 12:00 noon. The next Vintage Military Rifle Match will be held on June 20th from 10:00am to 12:00 noon and will be for Semiautomatic Rifles. New Service and Vintage Military Rifle Match should consider arriving NLT 09:30 in order to familiarize themselves with the course of fire and get guidance in use of the sling. A 5 minute unlimited sighter shot sighting-in period will precede the record fire phases. For details on high power rifle match requirements, please visit the web page at http:// aafg.org/events.html. Match Scores on the Forum. Don’t forget, scores from current and most preceding Service, Vintage, Very Vintage, and Rimfire Sporter Rifle matches can be found on the AAFG Forum (see Upcoming AAFG Events on the Home Page to enter). Other stuff is also posted on the Forum. Give it a look-see sometime. Sign up for members is easy! And for non-members, nigh unto impossible! This is your exclusive AAFG members only forum and is for all sorts of gun/shooting/2nd Amendment/ club operations info, some of which may not be for nonmember consumption. Check it out. Thanks. A hearty thank you to John Kerrigan for replacing the disintegrating gravel-filled/gravel-spilling milk jugs used to keep the brass curtains from flying around with nice sturdy concrete rounds that will stay in place and not disintegrate too quickly. Lower center of gravity, too. Thanks again, John! Away Matches F ive AAF&G shooters competed in the CMP Eastern Regional Games Matches at Camp Butner, NC and all came back with their shields, not on them. Out of 8 separate matches they brought back 11 medals – 4 silver and 7 bronze. Not all shooters competed in every match. Medals awarded for performance are as follows: M1 Garand Steve Allen – Silver Andrew Blischak – Bronze M1 Carbine Brian Swift – Bronze Springfield Brian Swift – Silver John Kerrigan - Bronze Modern Military Steve Allen – Silver John Kerrigan – Bronze Andrew Blischak - Bronze Rimfire Sporter Bill Palk – Silver (O-class) Brian Swift – Bronze (T-class) John Kerrigan – Bronze (O-class) For those of you who have shot the Rimfire Sporter match and came away feeling smug with a 565 or 570, there’s news from Camp Butner, NC and you ain’t such hot stuff after all. While we were shooting, a 15 year old young man from Georgia shot a 600/50X, the first time a perfect 600 has been shot on the Rimfire Sporter target. That’s 60 shots in a 10 ring a bit smaller than a half dollar and a bit larger than a quarter with 50 of those shots in the X ring the size of a dime. Shooting was at 50 yds. for 40 shots prone slow and rapid fire and at 25 yds. for 20 shots offhand slow and rapid fire. The same young man and his dad previously drove from Georgia to Phoenix, AZ for the CMP Western Regional games matches, shot in one Rimfire Sporter match, and then they drove back to Georgia. His score on that match? A very respectable 599 (don’t have X count at hand). Ahh, young eyes, youthful stamina...what a winning combination for the shooting sports! Photos of shooting on the line, pit duty, and the various daily awards ceremonies can be seen at: http://cmp1. zenfolio.com/f608538156 Apparently some folks don’t read the SCORE. In the May edition we addressed a new feature on the shooting benches at the high power range firing line. Since many of our shooters like to practice shooting from prone, sitting, kneeling and standing positions and the benches have to be pulled to the rear of the firing line for this purpose, we have tried a few different approaches to improving shooting bench mobility with limited success, until now. Thanks to Steve Barney, we have equipped the benches with rubber wheel castors, the two in the front fixed and the rear one swivels and locks. Now the benches can be moved easily. However, remember I said the rear wheel swivels and locks? If you like the shooting bench to provide a firm platform, you might consider locking the rear wheel. This is done by pushing down with your toe on the tab on the right side of the rear wheel. To unlock, lift the tab up with your toe. The lock might be a bit stiff to operate at first so do what you have to to get it unlocked. Some shooters (no names) have been observed dragging the benches to the side. This is also evidenced by the black skid marks left on the firing line. Doing this will also eventually make flat spots on the wheel. So PLEASE unlock the wheels first and then simply roll the table back and steer it to wherever you want/need it. DON’T DRAG IT with the rear wheel brake/lock engaged! Thank you. Shoot Straight and Shoot Safely Bill Palk Chair, Eccles Range Committee AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 4 www.aafg.org Junior Rifle Program O n Saturday, June 6th the Junior shooters will participate in the “Libby” prone match in Marriottsville, MD. Practices sessions will be dedicated to getting ready for this match. It’s a 160 shot match on the A-51 Metric target at 50 yards. As of now David Pitt, Christopher Ours, Katie Hickey, Abbie Boak, and Dolan Carella will be participating. Good Luck! We would like to wish Courtney Cowger and Paul Hicks the best at they graduate from high school. Courtney is graduating from North County High School and will be attending the University of Delaware studying Mechanical Engineering. Paul is graduating from Broadneck High School and will be attending Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania Paul Hicks majoring in Media Production. Courtney Cowger Mark your calendars for the 2015 Anne Arundel County Friends of the NRA Banquet to be held on August 22, 2015 at the Elks Club. Please support Youth in MD. If you would like information about our program or help finding another program in the area (I have a wait list at this time), please email me at andrea@chesmill.com. Have Fun Shooting & Remember Youth are our Future! Andrea Miller Chairman Jr. Rifle Program W C ZA OO BL A e got BLACKPOWDERPALOOZA 2015 underway with a muzzle loader Bullseye Pistol Match on Sunday, May 17th. There were only 4 of us but we had a great time! The weather was P-E-R-F-E-C-T for black powder. We had rain the night before, high humidity and drizzle the morning of the match, and calm, still air. All that smoke just hung in the air and the fouling in our guns stayed nice and soft…easy to clean. Although, when a slight breeze did move in, Eric Smith was unfortunately downwind of the rest of us and it started to get a bit KP O W D E R P AL smoky at his end of the firing line. We changed the match format a little from previous matches, firing three 5-shot strings, 15 minutes per string at 25 yards (REALLY Slow Fire), so a perfect score would be 150. We used the Army “L” targets and everyone seemed to like the new format. After the shooting was done and the smoke cleared, Matt Nolte led the day. The match results are shown below. It should be noted that Matt was using a load in his Ruger Old Army that he had never fired before, and did not shoot any sighters prior to the match. AAF&G BLACKPOWDERPALOOZA Bullseye Pistol Match Results NAME SCORE Matt Nolte 139-4X Eric Smith 125-2X Guy Bellanca 114-2X John Kerrigan 104-2X Next BLACKPOWDERPALOOZA event will be another Bullseye Pistol Match on Sunday, June 21 - the next Sanctioned Weekend. Hope to see more of you come out to shoot. Other than strict adherence to safety rules, the atmosphere is very laid back and informal. Future BLACKPOWDERPALOOZA events will include a muzzle loading rifle match and possibly both rifle and pistol steel silhouette matches. Guy Bellanca bambam612@comcast.net www.aafg.org AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 5 MEMBERSHIP Department New Applicant(s) Posting T he following individuals have applied for membership in AAF&G.The names below are posted in the clubhouse for 30 days beginning May 14, 2015. Paul D. LIGHTFOOT, Arnold Sponsored by Jack Pinto Paul S. FELTON, Annapolis Sponsored by Kevin Farrell Ricardo T. JONES, Edgewater Sponsored by Fran Fillipelli If you have any comments – favorable or unfavorable – regarding these applicants, please advise Bill Palk by email at wpalk@verizon.net. AAF&G Welcomes Three New Provisional Members T hree new provisional member applications were proposed to and approved for acceptance as members by the Board and the General Membership at the May 2015 Board and General Membership meetings. The new provisional members are: Charles M. Ebersberger Richard T. LONG Lewis H. (Chip) PALUMBO If you see them on the range after their initial orientation and safety walkthrough, remember that they’ll be looking to you for guidance in following the range safety rules, range protocol, range safety, customs, range safety, ethics, range safety, etc., and since they cannot shoot without the presence of a full member on that range, please help them out if you can. Be a mentor. Four More Provisional Members Accepted as Full Members T he May 2015 Board and General Membership meetings saw four more provisional members gain full membership. Ken KLOTZ, Frank LESSIAK, Dale LINDSAY and Wayne TRAVERS are the most recent provisional members to gain full membership. They completed all the requirements of provisional membership – a minimum of 6 months of participation at AAF&G with demonstrated safe shooting in at least 3 different shooting disciplines — Handgun, Rifle, and Shotgun — attendance and participation in AAF&G Gun School, and the endorsement of 3 full members in good standing. Congratulations Ken, Frank, Dale and Wayne! We hope you have many safe, enjoyable, and successful years shooting with us. AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 6 Provisional Members – Gun School Gun School W e held our most recent Gun School on Sunday, May 3rd. Many thanks to Jacqueline Small and Col. (ret) Rick Kaufmann for assisting with the May class. They are each experienced instructors in their own right but new to the Gun School class and their unique perspective was a welcome addition to the class. The next scheduled Gun School is set for Sunday, August 9th at noon. Class generally runs until 4:00. If you are a provisional member and wish to register for the Gun School class in August, please send me an e-mail at bambam612@ comcast.net. I will send an e-mail confirmation that you are registered for the class. You must be a provisional member to attend, i.e., you must have had your interview, safety walkthrough, and have been issued your provisional membership card. Also, if you were confirmed to attend Gun School previously, and missed your class for whatever reason, please send me an e-mail as well. I will reserve a space in the next scheduled class, but I still need you to indicate if you plan to attend. I will send you an e-mail confirmation as well. In either case, first time registering or making up a missed class, please do not show up for Gun School unless you receive a registration confirmation from me. We can accommodate up to 20 people in the Gun School class. If the class fills up, a waiting list will be created. Those on the waiting list will be placed into class on a first come, first served basis if there are cancellations. Therefore, it is very important if you are confirmed to attend the Gun School class on August 9th and cannot attend, that you notify me by e-mail so that I can place someone from the waiting list into the August class. Otherwise, those on the waiting list will be given priority placement in the next Gun School class, scheduled for November (date TBD). Guy Bellanca “Quotes to Note” "I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it." - Clint Eastwood www.aafg.org www.aafg.org Sun 1 Mon 1900 Board Meeting 2 Tue 1000 Bullseye Training ~ June 2015 ~ 3 Wed 4 Thu 1200 Bullseye League 5 0900 IDPA 1000 Trap Fri 6 RSO John Sasse 0900 IDPA 1000 NRA Service Pistol 1000 Service Rifle League 1000 Trap 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0930 Junior Rifle 1215 Junior Rifle 0930 Junior Rifle 1215 Junior Rifle AAF&G Score • June 2015 • 7 Sanctioned Weekend 0830 Appleseed 0900 IDPA 0930 Black Powder BE 0930 Junior Rifle 1000 Rimfire Action 1215 Junior Rifle 1000 Bullseye Training 1000 Bullseye Training 1000 Bullseye Training 1000 Bullseye Training 1200 Bullseye League 1900 Dinner 2000 General Meeting 1200 Bullseye League 1200 Bullseye League 1000 Trap 1000 Trap 1000 Trap Sat RSO Rick Weidmann 0900 Bullseye League 0900 IDPA 1000 Trap Sanctioned Weekend RSO John Michelli 0830 Appleseed 0900 Bullseye 2700 0900 Orientation 1000 Cowboy Action 1000 Trap 1000 Vintage Rifle RSO Ricky Dicken 0830 Appleseed 0900 Bullseye L-Match 0900 IDPA 1000 Trap
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