"Tesla Info" Section, here.
"Tesla Info" Section, here.
TESLA INFO Jeff Behary TURN OF THE CENTURY ELECTROTHERAPY MUSEUM The century electrotherapy museum has devices from the 1850s on. In the 20s & early Teens there was a lot of groundwork done. In the 1930s and 1940s extraneous claims about devices were made. This caused a lot of machines to be removed from the market, even if they were good for something but not everything. These days there is a lot of renewed interest. diathermy machines were good for healing after injuries. This means heating from the inside out. Waves can do their work remote from devices, under the skin. Heating the skin directly can cause burn damage, so having radio waves acting inside the body can help a lot. some devices lowered blood pressure by using a low-voltage Tesla coil, and could even take it dangerously low if operators were not careful. manufacturers were often at fault for the failure of machines in the marketplace, due to how they were presented. People were so ignorant about electricity it was easy to convince them of false claims. conservative attitudes in the 1920s meant people would buy the machines and use them secretly. This meant they could not get legitimate or comparative information since they could not discuss their usage with doctors, friends, or other family members. That's very different from current customs. rife type units are especially interesting and should be duplicated for further research today. In the 1930s there were many similar types of units, some transmitting single frequencies and others simultaneously putting out several frequencies at once. The electrotherapy museum is located in West Palm Beach, Florida. -- Michael Riversong Jeff Behary TESLA IN FILMS Two new films about nikola Tesla are on the horizon by co-author/director Joseph Sikorski. The first is a feature film from an acclaimed screenplay entitled "FraGmenTs From olymPus - The Vision of nikola Tesla" which he co-wrote with author michael calomino. The project currently has on board oscar - nominated actor Michael Lerner (Barton Fink, elf ), International star of stage and screen Sean Young (Bladerunner, ace Ventura), Veteran character actor Leo Rossi (analyze This, The accused) and cinematographer Howard J. Smith (Harry Potter/matrix films). The production was delayed when sikorski and his filmmaking team put their money where their hearts were, by donating all of the film's seed funding to the oatmeal's Tesla Museum crowd-funding effort. The donation put the campaign past its goal, and allowed for a state matching grant to be freed up for the property purchase. sikorski had been working to save the property with the Tesla science center at Wardenclyffe for years prior. The second film currently in production is a documentary about the past, present and future of Tesla's Wardenclyffe lab called "ToWer To THe PeoPle-Tesla's dream at Wardenclyffe continues". The goal of the film is to raise awareness of Tesla, the continued Wardenclyffe restoration effort, and to launch a Tesla-based educational program called the "Tesla Bolt Initiative". "Tower to the People" includes interviews with the oatmeal's Matthew Inman, Tesla's great grandnephew William Terbo and Physicist Sebastian White. It will also feature original music by emmy-nominated composer Marina Arsenijevic. joseph sikorski is a four-time award-winning writer/director/producer whose independent works have been screened in festivals all around the world. His latest feature, "Fragments from Olympus - The Vision of NIkola Tesla" was "BesT screenPlay" at the 2010 long Island International Film Festival. It was also chosen as a quarter finalist in one of the largest screenwriting contest in the country, The american screenwriting competition. "Fragments from olympus" was further acclaimed when sikorski created a teaser from the screenplay featuring veteran character actor Leo Rossi (analyze This, The accused). despite its micro-budget, the teaser became a semi-Finalist in the "International Movie Trailer Festival" where it competed with finished million-dollar productions. TESLAINFO.ORG 11 POOL WHY TESLA MATTERS TODAY? BORIS PETROVIC nikola Tesla’s intuitive observation of nature gave birth to the rotary magnetic field, the “Wheelworks of nature” – an event comparable to the human invention of the wheel. His childhood dream was to come to america to harness the power of niagara Falls, an undertaking he built together with George Westinghouse, building the first major hydroelectric power plant in the world in 1895. His ultimate vision was to harness electrical power from cosmic energy and transmit it freely over the globe to every human being using wireless energy transfer. In a world in which increasingly the focus of research funding is allocated towards profit and conquest rather then the benefit of all mankind, by focusing scientific research on the increase of human energy and the advance of civilization we can build the technology of peace. The scientist’s ego, in pursuit of personal recognition is limiting SHERRY KUMAR "Tesla matters because humanity has reached a turning point. We stand at a cross roads where technology and innovation can improve the human condition on a massive scale, or be controlled to benefit only a few. Tesla is a man whose time has finally come. His name is back in the spotlight, as scientists, innovators, artists and authors open dialogue about energy and sustainability, only this time the general public holds the key to success. Through education, outreach, political involvement and 12 info@teslainfo.org the evolution of our civilization. The results of science of peace should be open source technologies for all mankind removing the technology gap in between nations. The science of war finds itself on a turning point, opening towards a new humanity, towards a science of peace, distancing itself from the energy of the atom. manifesting Tesla’s ideal of Free energy from the sun and earth would bring energy independence and economic freedom through self-sustain- ability to the people of all nations around the globe. Human perception is limited to the experience and thus inputs of science – its theory, observation and experiments are limited by the perception of the scientific collective. The scientific method relies on experimentation using 21st century instruments with a resolution of measurement spreading to only parts of the wavelength of the total existence. at the same time, the human body, through the human antenna system (consisting of the neural network spreading within the spinal cord and the brain), acts as the most sensitive instrument available for observation of cosmos. Humanity finds itself at a bifurcation point heading towards a change of perception on a collective level. The research into consciousness is opening a window into the understanding of methods of increasing human perception, leading to the awareness of the human being social media, it is everyday people who are making the biggest impact. only time will tell if we have chosen our course wisely, but I am very optimistic that as technological innovation focuses more on energy, Tesla will get the credit he deserves”. Sherry Kumar is the Director at Tesla Science DRAGANA VERA It is impossible to imagine what life on earth would look like without the brilliant inventions of nikola Tesla. He was aware before anybody as an actor, a tele-automaton of cosmic forces. The spiritual experience proves that the speed of human thought is infinite. The historical evidence of psychic experiences and clairvoyance are explained through the existence of a timeless, all-pervading space and modes of operation of the human antenna acting as a transmitter or receiver of super-luminal waves through an all-pervading medium. The present point of civilization in chaos is an evolutionary phase of the earth’s mental field, towards the noosphere, the emerging collective consciousness of humanity. Humans are awakening to be conscious of the subtle earth vibrations and a telepathic channel for information-energy transfer, manifesting on the planet through a powerful geophysical process. modern human education should initiate the process of innovation following the vision of nikola Tesla. stimulating the observation of nature and getting in resonance with the creative source of the universe is the path to the establishment of learning by intuition. a spiritual scientist, like Tesla was, is acting as a mediator between the cosmic source of thought and the plane of manifesting matter, in the highest form of learning – learning through revelation. Boris Petrovic is the founder of The Nikola Tesla Istitute in Brasilia (Brasil) http://www.tesla.org.br http://www.facebook.com/NikolaTeslaInstitute TESLA INFO SHERI GRAUBERT nikola Tesla resides at the confluence of commercial interest and creative invention. He died alone and penniless in a hotel bedroom, despite inventing the fundamental technology on which the modern world relies. Was he forgotten and neglected because he did not harness the commercial possibilities of his creations? I think so. In my play, Tesla, I write about the lack of regard investors had for this genius because they could not think like him. They could not see what he saw. Tesla saw money merely as a means to something greater. They saw money as an end goal. With the recent financial crisis, perhaps we could all use a little more Tesla perspective. Sheri Graubert is the authior of the new play “Tesla”, played in May/June at Off Broadway. JACK DIMICH nikola Tesla is important because his inventions are a contribution to our civilization for next 200 years. I'm afraid we're still not aware how much this genius gave us when it comes to our progress. nikola Tesla is the Beethoven of modern science. Jack Dimich plays elderly Tesla, in the play written by Sheri Graubert and directed by Sanja Bestic. JAMES LEE TAYLOR Tesla gave so much to the world, everything he foresaw is coming true now and over 100 years on things are still relevant. its only right Tesla gets the credit and recognition for the work he gave to the world and I think the world is finally startelse what the mankind needs would be in the future.although his inventions were different and varied - as a scientist he always felt enormous responsibility to the planet earth and it's natural cycles and processes. He was very concerned about his inventions getting into the "wrong hands " that might abuse them. When they talk about Tesla they neglect to mention his ability to present his genius honestly, humbly and with great responsibility that he felt comes with it. By doing that he showed the way to the future scientists that without the same attitude ing to release how great a genius this man really was. James Lee Taylor is the lead actor in TESLA by Sheri Graubert and Sanja Bestic. mankind will have no chance to truly and fully prosper. Dragana Vera is a journalist and screenwriter from Hollywood, California. She is the author of screenplays inspired by Tesla’s life. ANGELS OF WARDENCLYFFE record donators, meredith and Greg Tally (of denver Best Western), joseph sikorski (director and co-author of "Fragments from olympus - Vision of nikola Tesla"), and dusan stojanovic (President of True Global Ventures), who together provided matching grants at the completion of the Indiegogo campaign for the buyout of Tesla's last remaining laboratory in long Island. They were dubbed the "The angels of Wardenclyffe". A NEW LOOK AT KATHERINE JOHNSON american actress natalie Paige Bentley is rumored to be playing Katherine johnson in the upcoming serbian-american coproduction “Friendship Between nikola Tesla and Katherine johnson” (working title). The film might be produced in collaboration with nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade and the Tesla science Foundation in Philadelphia. The museum displays over 300 original letters and correspondences between Tesla and johnson. natalie’s awards include the Tesla spirit award, and the 2012 President’s award given for her interest and support of the Tesla science Foundation. natalie’s work as a writer has also been awarded with excellence from domtar for her “once upon a Time Trillium Vein” mul- timedia storybook, as well as Fantasy Book of the year Finalist awards (2012 & 2013) from ForeWord magazine & Indie excellence. If you have more Tesla information for potential publishing please contact us at info@teslainfo.org info@teslainfo.org 13 TESLA ACADEMY TESLA DAYS 2012 SCIENCE CONFERENCE PHILADELPHIA This was a small and intensely focused gathering. most of the attendees were from the Philadelphia area, although a few came from further away, including the jersey shore and ohio. our facility was the ruBa club, (russian ukrainian Boating society). With Philadelphia increasingly becoming such an important center for research, we decided that keeping TsF and the conference going would be a valuable project. ceed. an inventor has to be comfortable with that, and thus cautious with investments. We can't count on the next idea digging us out of a hole. learning how to maximize the returns from a success, so it can support other projects later on, is one of the most valuable skills we can cultivate. FRAN MCCABE, THE SECRET LIFE OF GYROSCOPES Michael Riversong, Tesla Academy such was lost. This was due to a number of factors. Theremin traveled to new york city and set up a lab there, building espionage equipment for the united states Government. eventually KGB agents kidnapped him one night from his apartment, and everyone assumed he had been killed. Instead, he was taken away to a secret prison laboratory in russia where he lived out the remaining 45 years of his life and built more espionage equipment for his homeland. Today there are only 3 recognized professional theraminists in the world. mano is one, leading the divine Hand ensemble which provided an excellent performance saturday evening. sPeaKers Presented in chronological order DAVID ROSIGNOLI john Hutchison has been an interesting and controversial character ever since videos of his experiments first surfaced in the 80s. strange things would happen in the vicinity of electrostatic and electromagnetic equipment that he built and ran, including destruction of metal objects, flying parts, apparent teleportation, and dissociation of alloys. no satisfactory explanation of these phenomena has ever emerged and other researchers have not been able to duplicate them. david has compiled and organized much of the source material. repeated surveys of this material still do not yield coherent answers. In every respect Hutchison remains a singular and mysterious character in the annals of science. MANO DIVINA, TESLA AND LEON THEREMIN Few people are aware of the world's first electronic musical instrument. It was originally developed by a russian, leon Theremin in 1919 and patented in 1928. Its fundamental technology eventually was used later for burglar alarms and espionage technology, besides being the basis for most synthesizers. For many decades knowledge of the instrument as 14 info@teslainfo.org THOMAS FETTERMAN, INVENTION ON THE CHEAP In this inspiring talk, Thomas imparted wisdom that every inventor should hear. He has been extremely successful in his field, largely due to a number of specific disciplines. most of his inventions have been improvements on existing products that were easy for most people to understand. He was always able to keep full control of his work, and at one point took it back from a manufacturer who was not doing well with marketing the product. subcontractors were directly engaged when needed. an important point is to be completely open and honest with these people. once they see how they will benefit from the success of a project, they may become the most enthusiastic and thus valuable supporters. The days when inventors could be squirrelly loners tinkering away in garages are over, if they ever existed in the first place. Inventors have to realize that they are part of a huge business and social matrix. many talents are needed to make something work, and nobody has all of them. Picking the right business associates is thus a vital part of the invention process. only one out of many inventions will suc- many people are familiar with gyroscope toys of the 1950s which were widely sold. People had a fascination with them because they were used to help keep all those brand-new rockets and space satellites on course. Gyroscopes have a remarkable ability to harness gravity, but they are not well understood. Very few people have put in any time researching them. Fran has put a lot of time during his career into learning how these devices work. He brought a board with him that had several gyroscopes mounted on it. most technically-savvy people know that the primary behavior of rapidly-spinning gyroscopes is to strongly resist any change in the angular orientation of their spin-axis. However, rapidly-spinning gyroscopes are perfectly happy and well-behaved with any movement along that axis, or relocation of that axis which remains exactly parallel to its original orientation during such movement or at its new location. Forced deviation from the natural precessional behavior of flywheel-type gyroscopic systems is identical to the motion fundamentals embedded in other natural, physical phenomena. It is now clear that once we gain a deeper understanding of gyroscopes, mainly by putting them into various configurations and seeing what happens, we can begin to do some real gravity engineering. There are many possibilities, including controlling gravity vehicles laterally and perhaps even building whole vehicles around a gyroscope. JAMES JAEGER, MAKING INDEPENDENT FILMS ABOUT TESLA In this short presentation, james explained how the process of making independent films works, and how a finished film eventually emerges from the chaos. He works with people all over the world on various aspects of making films, including camera operators, financiers, crew members, facilitators, and unit directors. at any particular time, several projects are always in the process of being put together. james regards Tesla as one of the TESLA ACADEMY most important historical figures ever, so some of his upcoming films are always about some aspect of Tesla's work. RUSSELL ANDERSON, GRAVITY CONTROL: THE SEARLE METHODS Working directly on searle's technology over the past couple of years has brought new insights. It is a slow and painful process. There are many more parameters involved than we might think. using archived photos and video he gave an excellent presentation covering the history of searle's work. Then he outlined the principles of the Inverse Gravity Vehicle which is one of the most important projects in this whole field. one especially spectacular video clip in this section showed how the magnetic rings are supposed to move. HARRY OUNG & MICHAEL MANNING, BASIC ELECTROMEDICAL DEVICES Pacemakers are well known and absolutely essential to many people. manning had worked on several other types of units throughout his career, including electric bandages and what eventually became known as Tens units. There are many more things we could do with electricity, especially low-power dc pulses. Historically the best developer of electromedical devices was royal rife who worked in san diego. He made special microscopes that have never been surpassed or even duplicated. These allowed him to see when radio frequency pulses or beams had destroyed microorganisms. unfortunately in the late 30s legal troubles slowed and then stopped rife's work. In the late 60s manning worked for exide and other companies inventing various electromedical devices as part of his daily work. TESLA’S NEW ELECTRICITY: MISUNDERSTOOD AND FORGOTTEN This is a key paper which clarifies how electricity really works, and points out how energy can literally be harvested from anywhere in the universe. since the early 20th century most electrical engineers and the people who depend on them have carried forth a fundamental misunderstanding of Tesla's key work. ordinary electricity, which he refers to as “Hertzian”, is only half the picture. The other half is that longitudinally propagating waveform we've recently come to know as Tesla Waves. using these transmitting through the ground, we can obtain very clear signals with no static. Fur- thermore, by reading this paper we can begin to comprehend how large amounts of useful electric power can easily be transmitted and received. GORAN MARJANOVICH, COMPACT TESLA COILS (appeared by live skype video from serbia) compact Tesla coils are a fertile frontier for development. His coil includes a built-in tertiary element, which has been said to be an important part of Tesla's later life. a small version of the coil was brought to the conference, and a photo has been included in the Proceedings. many experienced difficulty with the audio of the skype feed, so it is fortunate that we have his paper available. “Fractal supersymmetry underlies all physical theories.” everything forms into helixes throughout the universe. shape is a vital parameter of everything. some of the key shape parameters are documented in the work of Walter russell. subtle energies play a key role in any new technologies based on these theories. Tesla Waves clearly are one of the main energy types we will be working with. JEFF BEHARY, PANCAKE COILS (APPEARED FROM HIS MUSEUM IN FLORIDA BY LIVE SKYPE VIDEO) many movies have included Tesla coils to generate live electrical effects from the very beginnings of the industry until recent developments in the field of special effects. jeff had recently been given some antique pancake coils by legendary california Tesla coil builder Bill Wysock. They were built many decades ago by Kenneth strickfaden. There are great difficulties evaluating these. Key parts can't be seen, which means there are unknown dangers lurking inside. some were fully sealed in wax. He has been able to hook up a few and get some sparks going. In the referenced video he fires off some of these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcu irjaimb8 These pancake coils are the same type that are mentioned and diagrammed in the presentation by Harry oung and michael manning “Tesla’s new electricity: misunderstood and Forgotten”. LESLIE BAIRD, HERETICAL PHYSICS some of her biggest projects have involved working with Tesla coils to investigate the fundamental structure of matter. less than 1/3rd of power typically enters the secondary coil. a billion watts will vaporize most wires, so she got rid of wires altogether. she refused to consider applying her research to weapons development which began a period of persecution. That ended up with her being put in prison for 10 years on charges of operating a meth lab – something none of her equipment could have helped accomplish. after her term she was prohibited from working in physics. only recently has she become available to promote her book and associate with other scientists. Physics and quantum mechanics contain many fundamental mistakes. “students don't even notice when their reality checks bounce.” These errors in conventional physics literally lead to dead ends when trying to build better systems of all kinds. she has written a book correcting these misconceptions entitled “The Prison lecture series in Heretical Physics”, available as a cd-rom. rather than attempt to summarize the book or quote extensively, we encourage students of physics to obtain the disk and see for themselves how coherent and useful her work really is. STEVE ELSWICK, EXTRAORDINARY TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE steve's organization Tesla Tech provides the world's most comprehensive catalog of materials related to Tesla-inspired research and puts on the annual extraordinary Technology conference in albuquerque the last weekend of july each year. everyone involved with the Philadelphia conference is encouraged to attend that conference also, if possible, and to use the catalog resources in our own education. steve said he is impressed by the high level of cooperation between Tesla Tech and the TsF. seeing local organizations arise independently throughout the world is part of his vision. WeB sITe: http://www.teslatech.info JASPER JONES, RIVER CITY TO HYDROGEN due to some scheduling situations, jasper did not get very long to speak. much of his recent work is centered around the “river city to Hydrogen” project (rctH). There are many elements to it. The benefits are clear, and each of the elements has been implemented somewhere. Philadelphia is clearly in a position to benefit from work that has been done elsewhere. jones is constantly engaged in bringing these ideas before many political groups within the city, including the city council itself. a separate folder including his papers has been built on the Proceedings disk. info@teslainfo.org 15 TESLA INFO TESLA DAYS IN PHILADELPHIA Svetlana Rogic The Tesla science Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the life, legacy and scientific innovations of nikola Tesla. Founded in 2010, the Foundation is the most active Tesla related organization in the united states today. Having successfully hosted numerous lectures, seminars, forums - to include its annual energy Independence conference and Tesla memorial conference the Foundation managed for the first time to bring together a number of Tesla-centered organizations, including nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade, serbia, Tesla memorial society of new york, Tesla science center at Wardenclyffe and numerous Tesla clubs under one umbrella. a large network of scientists, engineers, academics, artists, students and other Tesla enthusiasts has emerged from the Foundation’s activities. The Tesla science Foundation is committed to promoting its vision, programs and projects to widest possible audiences, while relying on continuous support from its generous private and public contributors. TESLA DAYS 2013 ENERGY INDEPENDENCE CONFERENCE each year, for five consecutive days around nikola Tesla’s birthday - july 10th, the Tesla science Foundation organizes Tesla days conference to celebrate the life and discoveries of the great serbian-american scientist, inventor and visionary. This year’s energy Independence celebration will take place from july 6th - july 10th in Philadelphia and will feature a series of events including the million Volt march; signing of the Foundation’s declaration of energy Independence; demonstrations of technologies and devices that utilize accessible free energy; lectures and presentations about nikola Tesla and his work; a Book, Film and art Festival, and an open meeting for participants interested in learning more 16 info@teslainfo.org about Foundation’s future activities. The energy Independence celebration will culminate with Tesla’s birthday celebration during the night of july9th and early morning hours of july10th. MILLION VOLT MARCH / SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF ENERGY INDEPENDENCE The million Volt march is a philanthropic breakthrough energy movement dedicated to building awareness of a new energy paradigm envisioned by the great inventor nikola Tesla. originated in colorado springs, where Tesla produced some of his greatest works, the march will begin in Philadelphia on july 6th to spread awareness of and support Tesla science Foundation and its educational traveling ex- PhOTO BY SAMUEL MASON THE TESLA SCIENCE FOUNDATION Tesla Days 2012, Philadelphia hibit “Tesla: Past, Present, Future”, the restoration of Tesla science center laboratory site, the Tesla memorial society and inventors around the world continuing the legacy of nikola Tesla. The march will set out from the front of the Independence national Park Visitor center and head towards the national constitution center, following a sanctioned route around the Park. Filling the space in front of the Independence Hall, where both declaration of Independence and united states constitution were debated and adopted, a multitude of technological devices and instruments that harness free sustainable energy will be on display for spectators to survey. By signing the declaration of energy Independence, participants of the million Volt march will express their grievances with outmoded systems of unsustainable energy and proclaim their intention to bring to fruition a new and free energy paradigm that utilizes the inherent abundance of nature in which advancements in technologies are made freely and widely available to all people and in the service of human potential. all who sign the declaration of energy Independence will be acknowledged by TsF by having their names displayed during the Tesla memorial conference in january TESLA INFO 2014. (For complete text of the declaration see page 26-27.) SCIENTIFIC LECTURES on july 7th and 8th, the focus of the conference will be on a series of lectures and presentations about Tesla’s life, breakthrough technologies, implementation of Tesla’s inventions that utilize free energy, as well as updates on a number of on-going projects through live feeds from Belgrade, serbia, Wardencliffe Tower site in long Island, las Vegas... after the brainstorming session on july 7th, conference attendees will have additional opportunities to socialize with other participants and listen to Tesla inspired musical performances during a reception at the Philadelphia ethical society. FOSTERING TESLA VIRTUAL COMMUNITY In early 2014, Tesla science Foundation will launch a series of webinars about nikola Tesla’s inventions and patents, emerging alternative technologies, as well as those dealing with Tesla’s life, philosophy and spirituality. Presenters and audiences around the world, who are physically unable to attend Foundation’s conferences, will be able to participate in these web-enabled presentation through webinars. recorded webinars will be available for viewing at TeslaTalk.tv portal. FILMS, BOOKS AND ART FESTIVAL Tesla inspires a level of emotional intensity unusual for a scientist. It is no surprise that Tesla inspired books, films and works of art are emerging all over the world. during this year’s conference, visitors will not only screen films, view art and browse through books about nikola Tesla, but also meet the authors and artists whose works will be displayed at the Free library of Philadelphia on july 9th. PhOTO BY NT MUSEUM, BELGRADE REGARDING FUTURE: AN OPEN MEETING AT THE PHILADELPHIA CITY INSTITUTE an open meeting, to take place on july 8th, will be a unique opportunity for conference attendees to learn more about Tesla science Foundation’s planned activities for year 2014, to propose any desired components or get involved in existing efforts to promote Foundation’s programs that are being coordinated from the city of Philadelphia globally. “TESLA: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE” TRAVELING EXHIBIT a traveling exhibit, designed to take spectators through an educational exploration of Tesla and his inventions through time, is in production. The Tesla science Foundation plans to take the exhibit on a north american tour to be displayed at top educational and scientific centers in the united states. starting on july 10th, 1856 in smiljan, the voyage through “Tesla: Past” component of the exhibit will take viewers through most important segments of Tesla’s lifetime, ending on january 7th, 1943 in new york city. Following, a journey through “Tesla: Present” will present Tesla’s inventions that play a vital role in our everyday lives. The exhibit will conclude with Tesla: Future, featuring works which aim to show what the world would look like had Tesla’s ideas been fully realized. THE FIRST SEGMENT - TESLA: PAST, will be organized in cooperation with nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade and will incorporate archive materials from Tesla’s legacy that are kept at the Tesla museum to present chronologically Tesla’s life and work. These archive materials have been recorded in the memory of the World register, founded by unesco in 1992 in order to preserve world’s documentary heritage from oblivion and for the benefit of mankind. all those with genuine interest in Tesla should consider visiting “Tesla’s Wonderful World of electricity” exhibit by nikola Tesla museum, to be displayed at the new york Hall of science between july 10th and october 20th, 2013. TESLA: PRESENT will feature the first ever augmented reality experience - interaction of superimposed graphics, audio and other sense enhancements over a realworld environment, developed by yetzer studio, llc to honor nikola Tesla. upon entering “Tesla: Present”, viewers will be amazed by the free app enabled virtual content appearing through the lens of a smartphone or a tablet, against posters that contain embedded interactive 3d animation and video playback. There are currently three posters that contain embedded interactive 3d animation and video: Vortex, coil, and Wardenclyffe Tower. Working closely with wireless electricity and Tesla coil expert, mr. Gary Peterson, a mathematically correct 3d coil model has been animated to provide a step-by-step demonstration of how it works. dr. ljubo Vujovic of the Tesla memorial society of new york contributed the video footage from his “nikola Tesla: The Genius Who lit the World” documentary for both Vortex and Wardenclyffe Tower posters. TESLA: FUTURE component of the exhibit will feature the most creative representations of the future Tesla had envisioned - future of accessible sustainable energy and unencumbered communica- info@teslainfo.org 17 TESLA INFO TESLA MEMORIAL CONFERENCE, NEW YORKER HOTEL, JANUARY 2014 Illustration of augmented reality experience by Yetzer Studio, LLC tion - created by winners of “Tesla: Future” competition. select nominees who have applied Tesla’s ideas to innovate in fields of science, medicine, business, technology and art will get a chance to present their works at the Tesla commemorative conference in january 2014. The winning projects will also be integrated in “Tesla: Future” segment of the traveling exhibition and featured in Tesla magazine. Ms. Svetlana Rogic, contributing author of the above article, is an expert in management of nonprofit organizations. Her clients have included private universities, public-private partnerships, cities and international multilateral organizations. TESLA ART EXHIBITION IN PHILADELPHIA not only is Tesla an inspiration to the scientific community, he is also an inspiration to the artists. more than 70 years after his death, interest in Tesla and his work continues to grow, year after year, and as art imitates life, many forms of art about Tesla have begun to emerge from around the world. This july, we will exhibit some of the top examples of Tesla Themed art, at the Tesla science Foundation reception held at the Philadelphia ethical society, on july 7th. This exhibit will move to the Philadelphia city Institute library 18 info@teslainfo.org on the 8th, and will be at the Free library of Philadelphia on the 9th, for the two days of the Tesla themed Film, Book and art festival. art from around the world, and the united states, will be on display during the festival. examples will include a triptych collage of "Tesla's dove" by mirjana nikolic from serbia, as well as mixed media "nikola Tesla from the series- Gods of science" by david Ferreira, from the united states, in the photos. Tesla has served as an inspiration to many over the past decades, and he continues to do so today to the artistic community. While many people don't understand the complexity of Tesla's science, all people can appreciate the beauty of art inspired by nikola Tesla. The exhibit is available for three days some of the world’s brightest minds, scientists, engineers, alternative energy entrepreneurs, innovation experts, artists and a myriad of Tesla enthusiasts will gather for the second annual three-day Tesla extravaganza to honor Tesla’s legacy, seventy-one years since his passing on january 7th, 1943, at the new yorker Hotel. This unique Tesla forum will include an array of Tesla-related lectures, presentations, discussions and evidence of growing interest and recognition of Tesla’s contribution to the 20th and 21st century. last year’s conference was supported by Westinghouse, Ieee, the new yorker Hotel and consulate General of serbia in new york. each year, the Tesla science Foundation recognizes achievements in research, publications and art related to Tesla’s work and awards those who demonstrated extraordinary commitment to Tesla science Foundation and its mission of honoring nikola Tesla’s legacy with a Tesla spirit award. at the Tesla memorial Matthew Inman at 2013 Cenference, New Yorker hotel conference 2014, TsF will also give recognition to the winners of Tesla: FuTure competition, whose creations will be integrated into the traveling exhibit “Tesla: Past, Present, Future” and featured in Tesla magazine. and will be a beginning of the new tradition of the Tesla science Foundation. We hope that there will be more art and more artists every year celebrating the name and the legacy of this true visionary. Gods of Science" by David Ferreira The Tesla science Foundation has lots of exciting plans for the future, including an art Gallery and the book store, a meeting place for all of the scientists and Tesla fans. Zvezdana stojanovic scott art director, The Tesla science Foundation: zvezdana.teslascience@gmail.com TESLA INFO TESLA EVENTS TESLA DAYS IN PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia, Pa july 6 - 10 EXTRAORDINARY TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE albuquerque, nm -- july 24 - 28, 2013 enerGy IndePendence... Vital to a Prosperous economy! space is limited at the conference. early preregistration is highly desired. TeslaTech members will receive a preregistration discount only if their expiration date is after july 31, 2013. We encourage you to renew when you preregister. The earlier you preregister, the bigger the discount. more Info at www.teslatech.info “TESLA'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF ELECTRICITY” EXHIBITION BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY MOVEMENT (BEM) HOSTING CONFERENCE october 10 -12, 2013, Boulder, co The Global Breakthrough energy movement (Bem) is hosting a three day conference with 30 notable scientists, industry insiders, and creative thinkers. The Bem program integrates the science, implications, and future directions for the implementation of Free energy solutions. This year’s conference will be held at the university of colorado in Boulder, where we have reserved three conference rooms for presentations, one room to showcase movies related to Be technology, and another room to display technology and provide information about other organization related to this work. Technologies to be discussed include zero point, magnetic, hydro, plasma, and cold fusion lenr. • employment in europe (Budapest, Paris, strasbourg); • First years of his work in the us; • scientific contribution according to fields; • most important recognitions; Hall of science, new york, • Tesla's legacy in the nikola ny july 10 - october 20, 2013. Tesla museum in Belgrade. The exhibition follows Tesla's life and work chronologiThe exhibition has been recally and is documented accord- alized with the support of the asing to subjects. It covers the sembly of the city of Belgrade, following segments: serbia, and consulate General of • origins and family, the republic of serbia • new schooling (Gospić, Karlovac, york. Gratz, Prague); TESLA SOLD OUT IN NEW YORK The off Broadway play "Tesla" (written by sheri Graubert and directed by sanja Bestic) sold out in new york. The play was performed may 24 until june 8th. The main characters were played by james lee Taylor (young Tesla on the right) and jack dimich who played old Tesla (left). The show sparked a lot of interest and was one of the fastestselling theatrical performances at off Broadway. It was announced that possible future performances in other north american cities could occur in the near future. Panel discussions will allow participants to formulate strategies for the sharing of research, rolling out prototypes, and funding the large scale manufacturing of Be products. The public is demanding for decentralization of resources such as energy, medicine, food, water, media, and education. conscious objectors from countries like Greece and spain have launched public demonstrations in the millions who echo the sentiments of the global occupation movement. several speakers will be sharing resources for do-it-yourself Be projects in an open source format. The message of the Bem conference is balanced to empower participants with knowledge. “I support The Bem conference and its roster of many of my heroes”. Foster Gamble, energy activist and producer of ‘Thrive’ For conference tickets and participation visit www.globalbem.com. info@teslainfo.org 19 +
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