Newsletter Fall Updates
Newsletter Fall Updates
Newsletter Fall Updates News from Jane D’Angelo Executive Director Dear OhioDance members, Spring News 2016 Vol 39, no.3 2016 Spring Festival & Conference Save the Date: April 22-24, 2016 2016 OhioDance Spring Festival and Conference BalletMet Columbus Guest Artist Teena Marie Custer April 22 Young Artists’ Concert, 10:3011:30am. Master classes begin at 3:30pm. April 23 Evening Performance Full day of master classes, discussions, and awards April 24 Wellness sessions & master classes APRIL 22-24 2016 FEATURING GUEST ARTIST TEENA MARIE CUSTER @ BalletMet Columbus | Register at Photo by Joey Kennedy INSIDE From the Field Dance Health 2-3 Workshops 6-7 Performances 8-11 4-5 Jobs/Applications 12 Auditions 13 Member Movements 14 Membership Form 15 Each year OhioDance awards excellence in the field of dance. This year awards will be presented to Susan Van Pelt Petry, for outstanding contributions to the advancement of dance education and Rodney Veal, for outstanding contributions to the advancement of the dance art form. We will honor Cheri Mitchell with a posthumous and new award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of arts administration. OhioDance is honored to have guest artist, Teena Marie Custer. Teena is a dancer, teacher, and choreographer based in Pittsburgh, PA. Teena not only is a B-girl and hip-hop dancetheater artist, but she is also a member of street-dance crews the Get Down Gang and the all-female group Venus Fly Trap Crew, and performs all throughout the US. She was recognized in Dance Magazine’s “Top 25 to Watch” in 2007, and was also featured in Dance Teacher Magazine in October 2012. Teena earned her MFA in Dance Performance from The Ohio State University. During the 2016 Spring OhioDance Festival and Conference, Teena will be the guest speaking, teaching two master classes, and dancing in the evening performance. Guest artist Teena Marie Custer will be performing an excerpt from her piece “My Good Side”. Professional choreographers and dancers from all over Ohio will perform innovative and engaging works. BalletMet’s artistic director, Edwaard Liang; Bill Wade, artistic director of Inlet Dance Theatre; Holly Handman, Bobby Wesner; Griset Damas Roche will perform flamenco; Indian dance will be performed by Phane Sen. Contemporary dance pieces choreographed by students from OSU Department of Dance: Anna Brown Massey (MFA), Callie Lacinski and Calder White (BFA), Joshua Manculich (MFA), and Brandon Whited (MFA). Register early as classes will fill early. Early bird discount deadline March 2nd. Go to registration/ Questions contact Jane D’Angelo 614-224-2913 1 From the Field Verb Ballets announces American premiere of Pete Pan Peter Pan choreographed by Pamela Pribisco (Cleveland Ballet). This ballet was created in Europe and will delight all ages with the enchanting tale of Peter Pan. When Peter loses his shadow in the home of the Darling family, he makes new friends and invites them to travel to Neverland. This all ages favorite is complete with Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, a ticking crocodile and other interesting characters, plus breathtaking sets straight from Europe. The production will include a case of over 30 children from Akron and Cleveland area. The ballet features custom backdrops created in Geneva, Switzerland include the Darling Family Nursery, the rooftops of London, the Gypsy camp, and Captain Hook’s Ship. Follow along on this magical journey, past the second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning, as this classic tale comes to life through dance. Verb Ballets will present two public performances on March 5th at 2:00pm and 8:00pm at The Breen Center located at 2008 W. 30th St. in Cleveland. Tickets range $15-$35 for more information visit terpan. html. Children’s Concert Society will present Verb Ballets’ production of Peter Pan at the Akron Civic Theatre located at 182 S. Main St. in Akron for school groups on April 6th and 7th. Tickets $5 for students available by calling 330 -972-2504. CINCINNATI BALLET PRESENTS WILD SWEET LOVE WITH BALANCHINE’S WHO CARES? IN COLLABORATION WITH BALLETMET COLUMBUS Cincinnati Ballet presents a triple bill in collaboration with BalletMet Columbus March 18 Age of Innocence by Herbert Migdoll and 19 at the Aronoff Center for the Arts. The program includes George Balanchine’s Who Cares? performed by Cincinnati Ballet and BalletMet Columbus, Age of Innocence performed by BalletMet Columbus and Wild Sweet Love performed by Cincinnati Ballet. Who Cares? brings together both companies for a spectacular collaboration with the grandeur of an expansive corp de ballet. The performance marks our sixth shared production with BalletMet, and our 2014 collaboration for the masterwork Symphony in C was deemed one of the best performances of the year by The Columbus Dispatch. Backed by George Gershwin’s most popular melodies, Who Cares? has the spirit of a Broadway performance, coupled with the exquisite technique from the legendary choreographer George Balanchine. Trey McIntyre’s Wild Sweet Love follows a young woman on her journey through episodes of romance and heartbreak, revealing the many faces of love. McIntyre’s piece Chasing Squirrel which was performed on tour at New 2 York’s Joyce Theater, returned to Cincinnati audiences last season in Director’s Choice and was described by the Cincinnati Enquirer as “a raucous work, exuberant and raw in a way rarely seen on the ballet stage.” Age of Innocence, performed by BalletMet Columbus, is a neoclassical piece choreographed by BalletMet’s own artistic director Edwaard Liang, set to the music of Thomas Newman and acclaimed minimalist composer Philip Glass. Cincinnati audiences may be familiar with Liang’s piece Feast of the Gods which was also featured in Director’s Choice last season. Inspired by Jane Austen novels, Age of Innocence is a compelling exploration of women’s roles in society during that time period, reflecting on their lack of voice and individuality. MEET THE ARTISTS Studio Experience: Join us at the Cincinnati Ballet Center (1555 Central Parkway) for a full behind the scenes experience including a performance preview and a conversation with select artists, Tuesday, March 1 at 5:15 pm. RSVP to the Cincinnati Ballet box office at 513.621.5282. Pre-performance: Cincinnati Ballet invites ticket holders to a pre-show conversation with select dancers, choreographers and designers who bring the performances to life, Friday, March 18 at 7 pm in the Procter & Gamble Hall at Aronoff Center. Present your Wild Sweet Love ticket for admission. From the Field Cincinnati Ballet Dancers Awarded Silver at International Ballet Competition Patric Palkens and Abigail Morwood bring home Silver Medals from the Vienna International Ballet Experience Principal Dancer Patric Palkens and Soloist Abigail Morwood competed with more than 200 dancers from around the world Thursday in the first Vienna International Ballet Competition held in the United States. Performing the Variation of Franz from Coppelia and the Grand Pas Classique Variation, Palkens took home a Silver Medal in the Men’s Classical category. Soloist Morwood won a Silver Medal in the Women’s Classical category performing Aurora Act I Variation from Sleeping Beauty, Queen of the Dryads and a premiere contemporary piece entitled Iris, choreographed by fellow Cincinnati Ballet dancer, Jake Casey. The Vienna International Ballet Experience (VIBE) USA took place January 12 through 16 in Missoula, Montana. The multi-day competition and dance festival is under the direction of Gregor Hatala from Vienna and is hosted by the Rocky Mountain Ballet Theatre and Destination Missoula. The competition came at a time when the dancers were busy preparing for Cincinnati Ballet’s upcoming performance of Cinderella, and they were able to prepare in just three days, rehearsing their pieces during breaks in their daily rehearsal schedule. “One of the reasons I love competing is that you get to choose the work,” said Palkens. This competition gave me the chance to work on pieces that I had my eye on for a long time, but haven’t had the opportunity to perform yet. Both pieces are incredibly classical, yet understated, and I really wanted to challenge myself.” It was a homecoming of sorts for Palkens who is originally from Lewistown, Montana. Upon arrival, he was greeted by Montana Governor Steve Bullock and Mayor of Missoula John Engen. Several young dancers from his hometown traveled to Missoula to watch Palkens perform. “I felt an incredible amount of support from the community, and along with that comes some pressure. I really wanted to do well and make my supporters proud,” Palkens said. Abigail Morwood in Cincinnati Ballet’s Lady of the Camellias, Photography by Peter Mueller Patric Palkens in Cincinnati Ballet’s Swan Lake, Photography by Peter Mueller Morwood also competed in the Contemporary Solo division. “I knew right away [Corps de Ballet Dancer] Jake Casey had to choreograph my solo,” she said. “He choreographed it in just a matter of hours and it was brilliant. It was such a great experience to take his work to the competition. As a friend and a choreographer I admire, I wanted to honor him and make him proud!” After receiving their awards, they were invited to perform for the final gala on Saturday evening before returning to Cincinnati. Palkens and Morwood were both invited to participate in the Vienna International Ballet Competition held in Austria. Artistic Director and CEO Victoria Morgan was very proud to hear the news. “I love the fight and ambition that is a part of that dancer who wants to go further,” she said. “While it wasn’t perfect timing, I thought it would be a great opportunity for two of our highly driven dancers to push themselves forward, to be surrounded by some of the top technical artists in the world and to put themselves in front of a new audience of international judges and competitors. I’m really proud of the fact that both Patric and Abigail received Silver Medals. It not only shines a light on their talent but on the caliber of our dancers right here in Cincinnati.” 3 Dance Health: Nutrition Evaluating Diet and Nutrition Information by Shannon Sterne, MS MA RDN We are constantly surrounded by ads and packaging proclaiming the health benefits of new food products. Celebrity doctors appear on television and swear by certain dietary supplements or diet plans. High carb. Low carb. Paleo. You name it, there is a medical doctor telling you that their diet is best. And if you search the web for “dancer nutrition” you get an overwhelming 915,000 results. With all of this diet and nutrition information bombarding us daily, it can be difficult to know what is fact and what is hype. Even nutrition experts can experience difficulty keeping up with all the latest news and claims especially when so much conflicting information abounds. Here are some tips to finding the reliable nutrition information on the web: 1. Consider the Source. Who runs the website? Government (.gov), non-profit (.org), university (.edu), professional organization, an individual, or a company? 2. Beware of Site Bias. What is the purpose of the site? Who funds it? Are they trying to sell you something? Do they attack the trustworthiness of other medical professionals or researchers? 3. Quality Control. What are the author’s credentials? Was the information reviewed by an editorial board that includes medical and nutrition experts? 4. Be skeptical. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Get a second opinion; is the same information presented on other credible sites? 5. Look for evidence. Do they cite research to support their claims? Are opinions and testimonials presented in lieu of facts? Shannon Sterne is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with masters degrees in nutrition and dance from Case Western Reserve University where she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Dance. She performed professionally with San Diego Ballet and Dancing Wheels Company, and now consults with dancers and dance companies around the world on nutrition and dietary issues. Like Dancer Dietitian on Facebook. Follow on Twitter @DancerDietitian. 4 Dance Health Strong Stable Shoulders By: Mariah Nierman, PT, DPT, AT, OCS OSU Sports Medicine, Performing Arts Medicine When people think of injuries in dancers they mostly think of lower extremity injuries. However within your dance curriculum you may be asked to do a lot of physical floor work and partnering which can set you up for more upper extremity injuries. We particularly see these injuries, especially in the shoulders, in those that have more of a ballet background switching over to more contemporary work. By strengthening your shoulder stabilizers you can prevent some injuries and your partner will thank you for being able to support yourself. When working on shoulder stability many exercises incorporate the shoulder blades and upper back muscles. Think of these muscles as the root of the tree. If the roots (shoulder blade muscles) aren’t strong, the rest of the tree (your arm) won’t be strong. Here are some exercises to strengthen your shoulders: Shoulder Rotator Strength – Hold a resistance band in each hand, elbows bent at side. Keep elbows bent and lightly touching your side while you rotate forearms out. Band should stay about chest level. Do 3 sets of 10 Trapezius Strength – Lay your torso over a ball or stool. Start with your arms dangling down. Squeeze your shoulder blades together keeping them down away from ears, then pull elbows back. Do 3 sets of 10 Middle Trapezius Strength – Lay your torso over a ball or stool. Start with your arms dangling down. Squeeze shoulder blades together keeping them down away from your ears, then lift arms straight out to side to the level of your shoulders, thumbs rotated up. Do 3 sets of 10 Lower Trapezius Strength – Lay your torso over a ball or stool. Start with your arms dangling down. Squeeze shoulder blades together and down your back without arching your spine. Then lift arms over head in “Y” position with thumbs up. Do 3 sets of 10 5 2016 Spring Workshops & Programs Dance Wellness Screening Ohio State Sports Medicine, Performing Arts Medicine Dance Wellness Screens are exclusively designed to help the dancer understand more about his /her body & potential areas of further improvement to enhance performance and career longevity. The assessments are completed individually, with an exercise packet specific to the results. No prescription is necessary, screen not meant to assess specific injuries. A one-hour individual session is $130. Call to schedule your screen at OSU Downtown 614-366-3600, Dublin 614-366-9324, Lewis Center 614-2931008, or Gahanna 614-293-7600. Website: October 1 - May 28, 2015-2016 Teen/Adult Dance Classes with Inlet Dance Theatre The Music Settlement Cleveland, OH Classes offered are Modern, Improvisation and Nontraditional Partnering and are taught by the professional dancers of Inlet Dance Theatre. 10-Class cards available! When: Mon & Thurs 5:30-7pm Info: or call 216-421-5806 x100 February 28-March 20, 2016 (Sundays) Ballet Workshop series with Kim Abkemeier Beck Center for the Arts Lakewood, OH 4 week workshop with Kim Abkemeier, former dancer with Ohio Ballet and Miami City Ballet. When: Sundays; 12:15-1:30, Adv Beginner/Intermediate, ages 9-15 1:30-2:45 Inter./Adv., ages 13+ Where: Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood,OH Info: 216-521-2540 or March 11, 2016 Dance Day @ University of Akron Akron, OH This engaging event is for the dance community and high school students interested in a dance career. Teachers and advisors are also welcome. The day will include master classes in ballet technique and modern based partnering in addition to an informational session on choosing a college dance program, alumni speakers and an informal performance by UA dance students. When: 1:00-6:00 p.m. Where: Guzzetta Hall on The University of Akron main campus Info and to register: 6 March 5, 2016 Hip Hop Master Class with Qulian “Cue” Arnold, Xclaim Dance collaborator Charisma Centre for the Arts Columbus, OH Journey through strong, expressive and physically inventive urban movement, incorporating the repetitive resiliency of grooving with timing of footwork and gesture. Gain an understanding of polyrhythmic movement through House, Locking, Popping, and Breaking. When: 10-11:30am. Where:Charisma Centre for the Arts, 4099 Karl Road Door E, Columbus,OH Info: www.charismacentreforthearts. com. March 14-18, 2016 Countertechnique Workshop with Joy Davis Feverhead Columbus, Ohio Small moves: programs in dance and Feverhead are pleased to host Joy Davis with live accompaniment by John Osburn for a 1-week workshop in Countertechnique. There are only 4 certified teachers in the US and this is the first time Countertechnique will be offered to dancers in Ohio. Please consider donating to our fundraiser TODAY, #GivingTuesday, December 1, 2015. Your donations go directly towards Ms. Davis’ teaching fee and travel, space rental and live musical accompaniment. Visit “small moves programs in dance” or Feverhead on Facebook or email meganyankeedance@gmail. March 21, 2016 The Dancing Wheels Company Oglebay Institute Wheeling, WV The Dancing Wheels Company will participate in the Workshop in Physically Integrated Dance at Oglebay Institute When: 7pm March 21-May 28, 2016 ASIAN ARTS HERITAGE :Cincinnati Beginning/Intermediate Adult Classes. Focus on dance, music, yoga and folk art techniques. When: Saturdays; 12:00-2:00 pm Where: CLIFTON CULTURAL ART CENTER Address: 3711 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220 Info: April 2-3, 2016 Nuit Blanche Athens Arts Festival Ohio University, Division of Dance & School of Music Athens, Ohio Nuit Blanche Athens, a free dusk ‘til dawn festival of arts and culture where dance, music, cinema, drama, and visual arts keep the community entertained. The city will be filled with works and workshops by local, national and international artists. For one night only, art will take over the city – Creating a Whole New Meaning For Painting the Town! Established/ Co-directed by Zelma Badu-Younge & Paschal Yao Younge, in conjunction with Ohio University Schools of Dance, and Music, and Azaguno Inc. When: 3:00pm-3:00am Where: Ohio University, Athens, OH Info: April 8, 2016 Robert Barnett Master Class Kent State University Kent, OH Bobby Barnett, internationally acclaimed ballet teacher and artistic director emeritus of the Atlanta Ballet will teach an Intermediate/Advanced ballet master class. Must be age 14 and up to participate. When: 5:30 – 7:30pm Where: Kent State University School of Theatre and Dance , Kent, OH Cost: $35 March 6, 13, 20, 2016 Diane Germaine is teaching a workshop for 3 Sundays in March at DanceFix-Blue Ash with Michelle Bump-Morano Diane Germaine April 22, 2016 1:45pm The Dancing Wheels Company Grandview Heights, OH Lecture performance at Stevenson Elementary through Ohio Alliance forArts in Education (OAAE 2016 Spring Workshops & Programs April 23, 2016 Masterclass with Pilobolus Contemporary Dance Theater Studios Cincinnati, OH College Hill Town Hall Dancers, don’t miss this incredible opportunity to take a Masterclass with Pilobolus Dance Theater at Contemporary Dance Theater’s studios in College Hill When: 10:30am-12:00pm. Where: Contemporary Dance Theater Studios Cost: $15 in advance or $19-20 at the door. April 23, 2016 WSU Dance Intensive Wright State University Dayton,OH Wright State University’s Dance Program is excited to share a broad spectrum of dance styles and teachers with students, age 14 and older, who are interested in experiencing the versatile curriculum of the dance program. Faculty members Teressa Wylie McWilliams, Gina Walther, Justin Gibbs, Joe Deer, and Erin Robbins along with various alumni will teach technique classes in modern, ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap, pointe, hip-hop, jazz funk, improvisation and lyrical jazz. Each participant will receive a complimentary ticket to the Spring Dance Concert, April 21-24, 2016. When:10:00am-4:00pm Where: WSU Creative Arts Center, Dayton, OH Info: Call 937.775.3792, email, or visit, go to Dance Intensive Cost: $45 June 3-5, 2016 Intensive Dance Workshop Oyo Dance Company Columbus, OH Oyo Dance Company presents Modern and Ballet classes, in depth study, learn how to audition for a professional company. Registration will open May 1 and space is limited. Where:1676 E Broad St. Columbus Info: or 614-253-6683 The Fluids Study Group begins on Sunday, March 13 and Wednesday, March 16. Sundays are 5 to 6:30 pm. Wednesdays are 9:30 to 11 am. Fanchon Shur Director, Growth in Motion, Inc. June 15-July 29, 2016 Inlet Dance Theatre’s Summer Dance Intensive 2016 Cleveland, OH An aggressive six and a half week training program for ages twelve through young adult held at the Idea Center at Playhouse Square. The SDI ‘16 focuses on increasing technical skill sets, collaborative creative process, performing improvisation and repertory. The SDI ‘16 allows students to experience being a dancer in a professional dance company. SDI ‘16 students will learn nontraditional partnering, Hawkins-based release technique, performance improvisation, composition, and repertory. SDI ‘16 culminates with performances at Cain Park Evans Amphitheater. Where: Idea Center at Playhouse Square Info and Brochure Download: June 6-10, 2016 MamLuft&Co. Dance Cincinnati, Ohio Named best in Cincinnati-Best dance company pushing the envelope in 2012 by Citybeat. MamLuft&Co. Dance’s Summer Modern Dance Workshop/Intensive is an invigorating week of dance that is both intensive and affordable. This week celebrates the vastness of Modern Dance in an inclusive community environment. The summer program is highly immersive on its own for college-aged through professional dancers and also compliments longer summer studies. A new EVENING track will also be offered for those who cannot make the day-time program! Schedule, fees, and registration: June 13-17, 2016 MamLuft&Co. Dance’s ALL-NEW Summer Modern Dance Intensives for Teens Cincinnati, Ohio MamLuft&Co. Dance’s professional Modern Dance Workshop/Intensive has been so popular that Cincinnati’s Modern Dance company is inaugurating a version for teens this summer, 2016! The intensive welcomes students of all backgrounds from all studios or studies. It is a week of Modern Dance studies in a challenging, yet accepting and positive environment. It is a wonderful opportunity for teens who are interested in majoring in Modern Dance in college or for those who wish to expand their technical range. Schedule, fees, and registration: June 19-25, 2016 Oberlin Dance Intensive Oberlin, Ohio Neos Dance Theatre and Oberlin College The Oberlin Dance Intensive returns for a third wonderful summer workshop. This one week program welcomes dancers 14 - 18 to join current students and faculty as well as the dancers of Neos, in the Oberlin Dance Studios. Info: or write to oberlindanceintensive@gmail. com Neos Dance Theatre and Oberlin College July 25 – August 12, 2016 Jose Limon Summer Workshop for Dancers Kent State School of Theatre and Dance/Limon Dance Company Kent, OH The Jose Limon Dance Company will be in residence at Kent State University for a three-week intensive. Please visit training/summer-workshops/ for more information. The Ohio State University Department of Dance College Day: Fri April 8, 2016 7 2016 Spring Performance Calendar March 1, 2016 Monchichi Company Wang Ramirez Columbus, OH In Monchichi, ballet-trained Honji Wang and former hip-hop B-boy Sébastien Ramirez meld themes of identity and love with a delightfully interlocking dynamic that showcases their contrasting and sophisticated styles of movement. When: 8pm Where: Capitol Theatre, Riffe Center, Columbus, OH company-wang-ramirez-monchichi March 4 & 5, 2016 7:30pm GroundWorks DanceTheater E.J. Thomas Hall at The University of Akron, 198 Hill St, Akron, OH 44325 March 18 & 19, 2016 7:30pm The Breen Center, Cleveland GroundWorks DanceTheater’s 2016 March series. The series features an exciting new piece by guest artist Loni Landon and the reprisal of Ghost Opera, a beautiful work set to Tan Dun’s dramatic musical composition. Ghost Opera, choreographed by GroundWorks’ Artistic Director David Shimotakahara in 2014, is a haunting exploration of humanity’s past, present and future. This exquisite piece is performed with a live string quartet and Chinese pipa. March 5, 2016 Peter Pan Verb Ballets Cleveland Verb Ballets is excited to announce the American premiere of Peter Pan choreographed by Pamela Pribisco (Cleveland Ballet). This ballet was created in Europe and will delight all ages with the enchanting tale of Peter Pan. When: 2pm and 8pm WHere: The Breen Center, 2008 W. 30th St. in Cleveland. Tickets: $15-$35 Info: Neos Dance Theatre’s Brooke and Bobby Wesner photo Mark Horning 8 March 11, 2016 Media and Movement Neos Dance Theatre Akron, OH Infusing technology into dance, Neos Dance Theatre’s Media and Movement at the Akron Civic Theatre combines imagery and animation by Emmy Award-winning artist Andy Gardner, two world premieres, and new film featuring an array of local residents. “Big and bold, Media and Movement meshes perfectly with Akron’s growing embrace of indie films,” says Neos artistic director and co-founder Bobby Wesner, pointing to The Nightlight cinema. “This is a daring and edgy approach to dance, and I believe that people will love it once they see it.” March 11 -13, 2016 BFA Senior Dance Concert/Student Dance Festival Kent State University School of Theatre and Dance Kent, OH Concert featuring original choreography by graduating seniors in the BFA Dance Performance program and works by dance majors and minors. March 11 – 13, 2016 Inspired BalletMet Columbus All art begins with inspiration. See it expressed in three unique works with Inspired, presented in collaboration with Cincinnati Ballet, March 11-13 at the Ohio Theatre. Anchoring the classical side of the program is George Balanchine’s Who Cares? – choreographed to, and inspired by, the music of George Gershwin. Wild Sweet Love by Trey McIntyre draws from such eclectic music as the Partridge Family’s “I Think I Love You” and Queen’s “Somebody to Love.” Spurred by Jane Austen and set to music by Thomas Newman and Philip Glass, Edwaard Liang’s acclaimed Age of Innocence rounds out the program with demanding Tickets and Info: March 12 - 13, 2016 Cinderella Canton Ballet Canton, Ohio Canton Ballet will conclude its 50th anniversary performance season with its full length ballet Cinderella, which is choreographed in two acts with epilogue by artistic and executive director Cassandra Crowley after Frederick Ashton of London’s Royal Ballet and set to the lush score by Sergei Prokofiev. When: 2pm (both days) Where: Canton’s Palace Theatre, Canton, OH BalletMet Dancers Michael Sayre Jessica Brown Inspired March 14-17, 2016 Helen Keller The Dancing Wheels Company Bath, OH Helen Keller Residency at Old Trail School culminates with lecture and performance When: 2pm Where: Old Trail School, Bath, OH March 17-19, 2016 HUManIMALS Morrison Dance Cleveland, OH Chilean Flamingos dance in private, Capuchin Monkeys reject unequal pay, Peacock Spiders use “jazz hands,” and that all too elusive animal group – humans – well, they have introspection. Animal behavior has often been studied to try to gain a greater understanding of humans, and in this collection of short dances, MorrisonDance creators will use introspection, humor and clever interpretations to explore some of the theories of animal (and human) behavior through the art of movement. Featuring Cleveland Public Theatre DanceWorks ‘16 in a double bill performance with Elu Dance Company When: 7:30pm all nights Where: 6415 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102 Tickets: $12-$30 Info: (216) 631-2727 or cptoniline. org March 17-20, 2016 Momentum: CWRU Department of Dance MFA Thesis Concert Cleveland, OH The Case Western Reserve University Department of Dance presents Momentum featuring choreography and performances by MFA candidates Andrea Alvarez, Jared Bendis, and Richard Oaxaca. When: 3/17-3/19 at 8pm; 3/20 at 2:30pm Where: Mather Dance Center, 11201 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland 44106 Tickets: $7-15. Reservations are recommended. Info: or 216.368.5246 2016 Spring Performance March 18-19 Wild Sweet Love Aronoff Center for the Arts 650 Walnut Street Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati Ballet presents a triple bill in collaboration with BalletMet Columbus March 18 and 19 at the Aronoff Center for the Arts. The program includes George Balanchine’s Who Cares? performed by Cincinnati Ballet and BalletMet Columbus, Age of Innocence performed by BalletMet Columbus and Wild Sweet Love performed by Cincinnati Ballet. The family friendly Ballet Toybox returns for one performance only on March 20 at 2 pm at the Aronoff Center. March 31-April 2, 2016 Fresh Inventions Verb Ballets Cleveland, OH Cleveland Public Theatre DanceWorks’16 Where: at Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH. Tickets: $12-$30 Info: March 18-19, 2016 Performance and Time Arts Fundraiser for Contemporary Dance Theater Cincinnati, Ohio A project of Contemporary Dance Theater, Performance and Time Arts (PTA) is Cincinnati’s longest-running performance art series showcasing new work in dance, music, theater, spoken-word and multi-media. This PTA will be a fundraiser for CDT. When: 8:00pm Where: Contemporary Dance Theater Studios, College Hill Town Hall, Cincinnati, OH Tickets: $8-15 Info: April 1, 2016 Global Excursions - Multiple Works by International Guest Artists Paschal Yao Younge and Zelma Badu-Younge Ohio University Athens, OH The World Music and Dance Festival and Concert provides an opportunity to introduce students, faculty, staff, and community to the passion and dynamism of global music and dance forms. It includes a week of workshops and lectures (March 28 – April 1) that culminates in a concert featuring dance and music from Ghana, Trinidad, Brazil, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the United States and more at TempletonBlackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium. When: 7:30PM Where: Ohio University, School of Music & Division of Dance , Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, Athens, OH Tickets: $12.00; Call 740-593-1780. March 20, 2016 3pm Evolve. Explore. Extend. Columbus Modern (CoMo) Dance Company, Columbus Join CoMo Dance for an afternoon showcasing work by local and national choreographers. Dublin’s Abbey Theater will come alive with athletic, entertaining modern dance. New works by Company dancers Aly Massof, Tori Chu, and director Laura Puscas will premiere alongside audience-favorite choreography by Dustin Crumbaugh and Ellen Vierse of St. Louis, MO. March 24-26, 2016 7:30pm DanceWorks ’16 at Cleveland Public Theatre Inlet Dance Theatre, Cleveland, OH Inlet celebrates its 15th season as a company that’s built an ensemble known for its collaborative creative process, distinct aesthetic & generating an impressive amount of new work, often in collaboration with international artists. This year’s DanceWorks concert is a curated collection of repertory that exists as a result of others asking Inlet to create dance & thus allowing Inlet the privilege to serve others in the community. April 1-3, 2016 Skin & Bones Kent Dance Ensemble Kent, OH Kent State’s pre-professional company performs works by Kent State faculty and guest choreographers. Where: Kent State University School of Theatre and Dance, Kent, OH April 7-9, 2016 The Ohio State University Department of Dance Spring Concert Thursday – Saturday, 8:00pm Sat Matinee 3 pm Barnett Theatre, Sullivant Hall 316 Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 2927977 April 8, 2016 The Dancing Wheels Company Chagrin Falls, OH Lecture performance at Chagrin Intermediate School When: 9am Where: Chagrin Intermediate School DorranceDance photo ChristopherDuggan April 7-9, 2016 Dorrance Dance Presented by DANCECleveland in collaboration with Cleveland Public Theatre’s DanceWorks Cleveland, OH DANCECleveland in collaboration with Cleveland Public Theatre’s DanceWorks presents Dorrance Dance. This performance honors tap dance’s uniquely beautiful history in a new compelling context. The theatrically witty company pushes tap forward into the 21st century, rhythmically, aesthetically and conceptually. Street, club and experimental dance forms-all of which are American dreams-awake to the sound of furious rhythms! When: 8pm (all nights) Tickets: or call 216-631-2727 ext. 501 April 8, 2016 Residency Showcase Tiffany Mills Company Cincinnati, Ohio Contemporary Dance Theater presents Tiffany Mills Company Seating is limited for this intimate performance; reserve tickets early When: 8:00pm Where: Contemporary Dance Theater Studios, College Hill Town Hall, 1805 Larch Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Tickets: April 10, 2016 The Lasting Legacy Concert Tour The Dancing Wheels Company Chagrin Falls, OH When: 3:30pm Where: Chagrin Performing Arts Center Info: April 15, 2016 The Lasting Legacy Concert Tour The Dancing Wheels Company North Olmsted, OH When: 7pm Where: John Knox Presbyterian Church “Performing Arts Series” Info: 9 2016 Spring Performance Calendar April 14-16, 2016 MaDaCol - CWRU Department of Dance Mather Dance Collective The Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH Featuring choreography by Karlie Budge, Amanda Clark, Richard Oaxaca, Emily Shelton, and Tingting Zhou. 4/14-4/15 at 8pm; 4/16 ,7 & 8:30pm Where: Mather Dance Center, 11201 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland 44106 Tickets: $5. No reservations April 15-16, 2016 The Colored Section Onyx Productions and Oyo Dance Company Columbus, OH Info: or 614-253-6683 April 16-17, 2016 Princess Scargo Beck Center for the Arts Lakewood, OH Beck Center Dance Education’s spring Production features a mix of Native American legends, Russian folk tales. Princess Scargo is an original ballet choreographed by Associate Director of Dance, Melanie Szucs. Excerpts from Swan Lake will be performed by Beck Center Dance Workshop to Tchaikovsky’s inspirational score. Original choreography by Marius Petipa/Lev Ivanov. Including Sensory friendly performances April 15. Where: Beck Center for the Arts, Lakewood, OH Info: April 17, 2016 1-2pm Lecture and Performance The Dancing Wheels Company Cleveland, OH Encephalitis Global Annual Conference Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel April 21-24, 2016 Spring Dance Concert 2016 Wright State University Dayton, OH Dynamic works by the WSU faculty display the versatility and diversity that provide the foundation of the WSU training. This year’s concert will feature a dynamic new piece created by national guest choreographer Jon Lehrer of Lehrerdance. When: 4/21 at 7:00 pm; 4/22-23 at 8:00 pm; 4/24 at 2:00 pm Where: Creative Arts Center Festival Playhouse Stage Wright State University Campus, Dayton, OH Tickets: Online or Call Box Office at 937.775.2500 10 April 23, 2016 Performance 6:30pm OhioDance Spring Festival Guest artist Teena Marie Custer will be performing an excerpt from her piece “My Good Side”. Professional choreographers and dancers from all over Ohio will perform innovative and engaging works. BalletMet’s artistic director, Edwaard Liang, Bill Wade, Inlet Dance Theatre, and Holly Handman, Bobby Wesner will all present works. Griset Damas Roche will perform flamenco. Indian dance will be performed by Phane Sen. Contemporary dance pieces choreographed by students from OSU Department of Dance: Anna Brown Massey (MFA), Callie Lacinski and Calder White (BFA), Joshua Manculich (MFA), and Brandon Whited (MFA). April 22-23, 2016 Pilobolus Dance Theater Cincinnati, Ohio Contemporary Dance Theater presents Pilobolus Dance Theater, known for a unique and beautiful form of modern dance characterized by intense physical interaction between the bodies of the performers. It requires extreme strength, flexibility and athleticism and challenges the way we think about dance. When: 8:30pm Where: Aronoff Center for the Arts Jarson Kaplan Theater Tickets: $22-32; tickets available through April 23-24, 2016 Dance Theatre Concert Miami University, Oxford The concert features the choreography of selected company members, Dance Theatre Director Lana Kay Rosenberg, and 3 guest choreographers. Carolann Crittenden, Cincinnati, and Sami Ackard, Dallas, are former company members returning to set work. Gregory Robinson, Dayton choreographer and teacher and former artistic associate of the Dayton Ballet. There is a TalkBack after the Saturday evening concert. When: 4/23 at 7:30PM; 4/24 at 2pm. Where: Hall Auditorium, Oxford Campus Tickets: Available at the Miami University box office in the Campus Avenue Building and at the door Tickets are also available online or by calling 513-529-3200. Dance Theatre Concert Miami University, Oxford April 28-29, 2016, University of Akron Dance Company Spring Concert The University of Akron Original works by faculty Nick Carlisle, Cydney Spohn, Kara Stewart, and guest artist Kora Radella presented at E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall. The concert includes live music composed by University of Akron Music Professor Daniel McCarthy, classical and contemporary ballet, modern and postmodern dance. When: 7:30 pm Info: performances/. April 29-30, 2016 Performance and Time Arts Cincinnati, Ohio In the laboratory setting of the 1890s College Hill Town Hall, both seasoned and emerging artists are given the opportunity to share innovative work and experiments with Cincinnati audiences. Cincinnati CityBeat says PTA “consistently brings together the city’s most eclectic and edgy batch of performing arts.” April’s PTA will showcase local dancers, actors, playwrights, poets, and more. When: 8:00pm Where: Contemporary Dance Theater Studios, College Hill Town Hall Tickets and info: $8-15; April 29-30 Director’s Choice Cincinnati Ballet Cincinnati, OH Groundbreaking Female Choreographers Aronoff Center for the Arts 650 Walnut Street 2016 Spring Performance Calendar April 29-30, 2016 Up Close and Personal New Vision Dance Company Columbus a contemporary program of intimate solo choreography both created and performed by the company. Artistic director, Melissa Gould will also reveal works in progress inspired by the challenges of confined space. Audience members will experience inventive movement in the immersive Green Room at Short North Stage in six individual hour-long performances. Proceeds support the company’s upcoming 2016-2017 season. When: 4/29 at 7pm and 9pm; 4/30 at 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm Where: The Green Room at Short North Stage, 1187 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201 Tickets: $10, available at www. April 30, 2016 Station Hope at St. John’s Episcopal Church Inlet Dance Theatre Cleveland, OH Station Hope is a free multi-arts event that celebrates the triumphs of the Underground Railroad, the history of St. John’s Church & contemporary struggles for freedom & justice. Station Hope is a jubilant, immersive community event, featuring original multi-disciplinary work created by professional & community-based artists from across Northeast Ohio, to address some of the most important issues of our time. Inlet will perform short works from our repertory as a part of this exciting event. April 30-May 1, 2016 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Toledo Ballet, Toledo Celebrating L. Frank Baum’s 1900 children’s classic, Toledo Ballet performs the tale of young Dorothy, swept away from her home in Kansas by a twister and deposited into the magical Land of Oz. Travel with her down the yellow brick road and meet all of her fantastical new friends as they journey to meet the powerful Wizard of Oz. Hold onto your seat as they battle witches and winged monkeys and ultimately learn lessons about courage, friendship, and the power of home. When: 4/30- 2:00pm & 7:30 p.m.; 5/1- 2:00 p.m. Where: Valentine Theatre, Toledo, Ohio BalletMet’s Sleeping-Beauty Photo by J. Zmuda-Sunflare May 6-8, 2016 Sleeping Beauty BalletMet Columbus, OH The magic of Sleeping Beauty will fill the Ohio Theatre for our final ballet of the season. Choreographed to the timeless Tchaikovsky score, this World Premiere ballet by Edwaard Liang tells the tale of beautiful Princess Aurora’s 100-year slumber, which can only be broken by a prince’s kiss. Feast your eyes on gorgeous costuming, elaborate scenery and stunning choreography including the Rose adagio, the Blue Bird pas de deux and the Fairy variations. Info: May 7, 2016 Peter Pan Verb Ballets Cleveland, OH Verb Ballets will present an evening of repertory including the premiere of the new work by Clevleand choregrapher, Terence Greene. When: 8:00pm Where: The Breen Center located at 2008 W. 30th St. in Cleveland. Tickets: 1$2-$35 Info: May 7, 2016 Boots and Ballet Neos Dance Theatre Mansfield, OH Neos Dance Theatre and Raemelton Therapeutic Equestrian Center join up to bring dance and a Kentucky Derby event together in the historical horse arena on the Raemelton Farms! This fun fundraising event will feature live music, dancing, auctions, food, and fun. Info: May 8, 2016 Mother’s Day Tea in the Garden Columbus Modern (CoMo) Dance Company Columbus, OH Step onto the lovely Franklin Park Conservatory outdoor grounds, and enjoy our annual company performance in the garden. Tea and light refreshments will be served. Follow dancers on an emotional, immersive journey through sitespecific dance works. This event is the perfect treat for Mom and a welcoming venue for families with children of all ages. Conservatory admission not included. When: 2:00pm May 12-14, 2016 New Work at SPACES Gallery Inlet Dance Theatre Cleveland, OH Inlet will premiere a new work as a part of Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion International Artist Exchange. This collaboration happening from March-May is with Taiwanese visual artist, Chuang Hui-Lin. Inlet Dance Theatre photo by Alexandru Patatics May 14, 2016 Dancing Wheels Company 35th Anniversary Gala & Performance Where: Windows on the Water, Cleveland, OH Info: www, May 16-18, 2016 Performance at International Convening on Physically Integrated Dance The Dancing Wheels Company & School New York, NY May 28, 2016 2016 Spring to Dance Festival at Touhill Performing Arts Centee The Dancing Wheels Company St. Louis, MO When: 7:30pm Where:Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall, St. Louis, 11 Jobs and Applications Assistant Professor of Dance (beginning Aug. 22, 2016) Cleveland State University Cleveland, OH The ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic proponent of a multifocused approach to teaching and learning that cultivates internal partnerships across university disciplines and external collaborations with community groups to further promote the integration of dance into today’s society. Responsibilities include teaching introductory through advanced contemporary modern technique; Directorship of the CSU Dance Company: choreographing, rehearsing, and production of performances including annual mainstage and associated outreach. Ability to teach several of the following is desirable: dance pedagogy, appreciation, composition and a somatic discipline. Minimum qualifications: MFA in dance, evidence of high quality professional creative/scholarly activities, prior university teaching experience. Apply at: offices/hrd/employment.html. Education and Outreach Director MamLuft&Co. Dance Cincinnati, OH MamLuft&Co. Dance is in its ninth season of bringing innovative, palpable, and accessible Modern Dance (along with related art forms) to Cincinnati and beyond through education, outreach, and performance. In recent years, the organization’s education program has experienced a surge of success; however, the organization believes its potential remains stifled without the time and effort provided by a staff person dedicated “solely” to education and outreach. MamLuft&Co. Dance is in the process of seeking and receiving funding to hire an Education and Outreach Director. The organization is starting the process of hiring by currently accepting resumes and letters of interest in order to establish a relationship in the search for an excellent fit. Please visit for more information. NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE. 12 Dance Teachers and Accompanists Momentum Dance Co. Columbus, OH Dance teachers and accompanists are invited by Momentum, an inschool program of dance education for Central Ohio elementary-aged boys and girls presented, to attend Momentum classes to observe and discuss employment opportunities. Please check us out online at and then contact Janine Lawson, Managing Artistic Director, at janine@ for more information. Instructor-Dance (full-time) The University of Akron School of Dance, Theatre, & Arts Administration Application Deadline: Open until filled. For job description and application instructions, please visit Job ID: 9310. Artistic Director of Non-Profit Dance Studio Factory Street Studio, a 38 year old non-profit dance organization, is seeking an Artistic Director to begin the 2016-2017 season. This non-competitive, modern-based dance studio is an integral part of the Athens community. The AD is responsible for hiring a skilled teaching staff, managing operations, and developing programming for Factory Street Studio. Candidates must possess a degree in Dance, a minimum of a B.A., minimum 3 years’ teaching experience. Salary commensurate with experience, starting at $25,000.00/annually; additional teaching contract negotiated separately. Start date July 1, 2016. For full consideration, please apply by February 29. 2016. Please send résumé, letter of interest, teaching credentials or certifications, and 3 references to: Factory Street Studio Attn: Search Committee 37 Ohio Avenue Athens, OH 45701 For inquiries or to submit application, please contact Tresa Randall, liaison for the Search Committee, by email: The Arts Castle in Delaware, Ohio is seeking Early Childhood Dance Instructors Seeking: Dance Instructors (part-time) Compensation: $5.20 per student per hour Start date: June 6, 2016 The Arts Castle in Delaware is seeking part time dance instructors in all disciplines (ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap and tumbling) who enjoy working with young children ages 3-11 years. Applicants must have dance experience and preferably experience with teaching young children. Classes are taught in a historical arts center, not a traditional dance studio. Candidates must be knowledgeable, enthusiastic, energetic and patient. Applicant should have reliable transportation and cannot teach dance at another location within 7 miles of The Arts Castle. Please send resumes to Patti Uhrig, Dance Coordinator, at or mail to 190 W. Winter St. Delaware, OH 43015. Call for Artists Nuit Blanche Athens Email to receive an application: Zelma Badu-Younge at yawakwesi@ or Paschal Yao Younge at, or OU School of Dance, Office 117- Putnam Hall, on or before Tuesday, March 11, 2016. Auditions March 6,2016 Columbus BalletMet BalletMet employs 26 professional dancers from all over the world. Under the innovative and creative leadership of Artistic Director Edwaard Liang, BalletMet will perform five programs, plus The Nutcracker, during the 2016-17 season, including works by celebrated choreographers. BalletMet is offering a 36-week AGMA dancer contract for company members. Auditions will consist of a brief warm up, center work, repertoire and possibly partnering. Please arrive warmed up. Bring a resume and professional dance photo with you. Ladies should wear pointe shoes. BalletMet will also be auditioning dancers for the Second Company, BalletMet 2. More info at auditions When: 1-4pm Cleveland Verb Ballets Currently accepting submissions. Verb Ballets is a contemporary ballet company located in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Verb Ballets is looking for male and female dancers for annual 10-11 month contracts that include fringe benefits and a two week paid vacation. Must have a strong background in ballet and contemporary technique. Submission must include headshot, resume and a You Tube link, Vimeo or DVD showing dancers abilities. Submissions accepted Jan-March 2016 and will be kept on file. More information available at http://www.ver bballet Please send to send submissions to: Richard Dickinson, Associate Director, Verb Ballets 3445 Warrensville Center Road Shaker Heights, OH 44122 or email March 12, 2016 Dance Placement Audition The University of Akron Placement audition for all prospective dance students in ballet technique, pointe, modern dance, jazz and tap. Visit http://www.uakron. edu/dtaa/dance/ for additional information and to register. Kent – April 16, 2015 Kent State University School of Theatre and Dance Auditions Kent State University School of Theatre and Dance Audition for Kent State University’s BA in Dance Studies or BFA in Dance Performance programs. Visit for more information and to register. Saturday, April 16, and Tuesday, April 26, 2016; at the BalletMet Dance Centre (322 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215) Discover Dance Scholarship BalletMet Community Scholarship Auditions Students ages 8-12 are invited to participate in BalletMet’s Discover Dance Scholarship Auditions. BalletMet Columbus’ Discover Dance Scholarship Program offers children in the Central Ohio area opportunities for quality dance education and training. This scholarship provides a child with fully funded year tuition in the BalletMet Dance Academy. Scholarships require an audition and must be renewed annually based upon review of criteria. To receive a flyer contact below: Info: Melanie Ryan Education and Community Engagement Manger at 614-586-8629 or Inlet Dance Theatre’s Trainee & Apprentice Program Cleveland, OH Inlet Dance Theatre Sept-July, now accepting applications for Fall 2016 Please visit trainee.html for more info, and to download a brochure and application. June 6-7, 2016 MamLuft&Co. Dance Cincinnati, OH MEN STRONGLY URGED TO APPLY MamLuft&Co. Dance, a progressive modern dance company in Cincinnati, Ohio, will hold auditions for its next season the first week of June during its Summer Modern Dance Workshop/Intensive, June 6-7, 2016. The Company seeks experienced, intelligent, and mature dancers with strong training in modern and post-modern techniques, including release technique, somatic practices, weight share/ partnering, and contact improvisation techniques. TO APPLY: see for full description and procedure to request an audition packet. July 9 and 23, 2016 Oyo Dance Company - 2016-2017 Auditions - Males and Females 16 and up. 11 month contract. Modern and Ballet. Bring a headshot, resume and solo presentation to the audition held at 1676 E. Broad St. 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43203;; Gamal Brown and Rachel Nace Maynard, Co-Artistic Directors Registration starts at 9:15 and Audition starts at 10 am. Youth Audition Notice for Ohio Dance Theatre’s production of The Nutcracker 2016 Open audition dates Sunday, April 10, 2016 *All Dancers are welcome to audition regardless of Studio Affiliation AUDITION DATES AND TIMES for Children’s Roles Sunday, April 10 at 1:00 pm, Ages 15-18 (Advanced Dancers) Sunday, April 10 at 2:15 pm, Ages 12-14 (Intermediate Dancers Sunday, April 10 at 3:15 pm, Ages 6-11 (Beginning Dancers) Dancers should arrive 15 minutes early to check in. Advanced dancers should bring pointe shoes. For more information contact the office at 440-774-6077 13 Member Movements OhioDance Board Members latest additions Audrey Kay Nierman Born January 28, 2016 to Matt and Mariah Nierman 6lbs, 6 oz, 20 inches long Cincinnati Ballet Principal Dancer Sarah Hairston and Senior Soloist Zack Grubbs Retire Mackenzie Alise Weaver Born Sunday, February 7 at 8:51am Joyelle Fobbs, Mackenzie and Dad are recovering well. DANCEVERT Since 1986 DANCEVERT (formerly The Tom Evert Dance Company) has made impressive contributions to the community through the art of dance through award- winning choreographic work and performances throughout the state, a vast array of arts- integrated programs in the schools as well a professional development workshop for teachers, and through our own school offering community classes for youth and adults. This year we have expanded our sphere of offerings to include wellness and fitness training through The Pilates training method, which is beautifully aligned with the art of dance and avoiding and healing injuries. The company is embarking on an organizational structuring initiative in order to better support our output through board and funding development and centering our operations at Shore Cultural Center in Euclid, OH, which has wonderful office, studio and performance facilities. This was the company’s original headquarters at our founding in 1986, it is a pleasure to return to a supportive partnership in this wonderful space. Acclaimed dancers give their farewell performance as part of Victoria Morgan’s 20th Season Celebration Cincinnati Ballet Principal Dancer Sarah Hairston, a company member for 15 years and Senior Soloist Zack Grubbs, a member for 14 years, announce they will retire in 2016, going on to serve as the new Academy Dean and Academy Principal, respectively, for Cincinnati Ballet’s Otto M. Budig Academy. The two company veterans will help Artistic Director Victoria Morgan kick off her 20th Season with Cincinnati Ballet before officially retiring, with a special appearance and farewell performance taking place in September 2016. Hairston and Grubbs have been essential elements of Cincinnati Ballet’s artistic identity since they first joined the company in 2001 and 2002 respectively. Hairston, throughout her extensive career at Cincinnati Ballet, has had new works created on her by some of the most sought-after choreographers in the industry and has danced lead roles in several full length productions including The Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, Giselle, Swan Lake and Symphony in C. She has become known not only for her tremendous talent but the depth of character she brings to the stage. “Performing is something I will truly miss,” says Hairston. “I love being on stage. I love being a character and giving all my emotions to the audience. This is a feeling you can’t describe.” As one of Cincinnati Ballet’s favorite dancers for the past 14 years, Zack Grubbs has encountered many professional and personal milestones during his time at Cincinnati Ballet. 14 He worked his way up to Senior Soloist dancing lead roles in classical and contemporary works alike such as Mozart’s Requiem, Romeo and Juliet, The Firebird and Twyla Tharp’s In the Upper Room. Known for his versatility onstage, audiences have enjoyed his many on-stage incarnations as lead characters such as the Mad Hatter in ALICE (in wonderland), Von Rothbart in Swan Lake and Captain Hook in Peter Pan. “Although a dancer’s career is fleeting,” says Grubbs, “I am truly grateful to have spent the majority of mine with such a bold, receptive and dynamic company as Cincinnati Ballet, and with all of the remarkable people I’ve met along the way.” Off stage, Grubbs has become an integral part of the company and the Cincinnati community, engaging in many other capacities at Cincinnati Ballet such as serving as a union representative, teaching in the Otto M. Budig Academy and performing frequently with the Cincinnati Opera. He has also been able to balance a successful dance career with family life, becoming a husband and a father of two children during his time as a dancer at Cincinnati Ballet. His daughter is now a student in the Otto M. Budig Academy. “During my time with Cincinnati Ballet, I’ve not only been welcomed into an amazing organization, but I’ve been rooted into this increasingly progressive community that continues to captivate me,” he says. Artistic Director & CEO Victoria Morgan says, “I look forward to partnering with this new leadership team in ushering in a new era for our Academy and our company. Their heart to inspire students through dance has been overwhelmingly evident in their service as Academy instructors, mentors and outreach leaders over the years. Their aptitude in the classroom and ballet experience will undoubtedly take us to new heights as we partner in building Cincinnati Ballet into a world-class organization.” Their leadership builds on the incredible foundation created under the tenure of current Academy Dean, Catherine Batcheller. Through Ms. Batcheller’s leadership, the Academy has implemented a new syllabus, greatly enhanced its offerings for summer study, expanded performance opportunities and built a Summer Intensive program with an international reputation for excellence. All OhioDance members receive. . . JOIN TODAY! • OhioDance Festival and Conference discounts ♦Individual Memberships♦ ◊STUDENT: $25 ◊INDIVIDUAL: $45 ◊STUDENT: 2 years $40 ◊INDIVIDUAL: 2 years$80 • Access to online Dance Directory and Resource Guide ◊HOUSEHOLD: $60 ◊HOUSEHOLD:2 years $100 • Professional development opportunities ◊BUSINESS:$75 (Single proprietors: i.e. chiropractor, costume designer) • Links and photos of your organization • Fiscal agent services • Biweekly email updates and Quarterly online • Discounts on performances, workshops and ads • State Policy Representation OhioDance is a statewide organization that inclusively supports the diverse and vibrant practice of dance. Since 1976 OhioDance has been an inclusive umbrella for networking, information sharing, education, partnership building and increased visibility for dance. The following receive all membership benefits at the donation level Additional benefit of name listed in all programs: ◊ SUPPORTER: $80 ◊ SPONSOR: $150 ◊ DONOR: $250 ◊ BENEFACTOR: $500 ◊PATRON: $1,000+ ♦Organizational Memberships♦ Dance companies, universities, studios and schools: your membership boosts your visibility and benefits your stakeholders. Dues are based on your organization’s budget ◊ORGANIZATION: up to $50,000 $60 $51-100,000 $100 Additional benefits include: one 1/16 page newsletter ad, discounts on other ads, access to online publications ◊SUSTAINING: org budget $101-250,000 $200 $251-500,000 $300 one 1/8 page newsletter ad, discounts on other ads, access to online publications, acknowledgement in publications ◊SPONSORING: budget over $501-$1M $500 $1M+ $750 ad package worth $250, access to online publications, acknowledgement in publication ◊CONTRIBUTE TO OHIODANCE: I would you like to make an additional tax deductible contribution to OhioDance? ◊Yes $ _________ Please Print Name:__________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________________________________ Organization Name: _______________________________ Work Phone:_____________________________________________ Organization Contact:______________________________ Web Site:________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ Mail with your check to: OhioDance City, State, Zip:____________________________________ 77 South High Street, 2nd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 E-mail:___________________________________________ or join online using PayPal Questions: 614.224.2913 15 77 S. High St. 2nd Fl Columbus, OH 43215 614/224-2913 fax: 614/241-5329 OhioDance is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1976 to encourage and support dance in Ohio. OhioDance is supported by grants from the Ohio Arts Council, The Greater Columbus Arts Council, The Columbus Foundation, Puffin Foundation West, Ltd., NiSource. OhioDance is a member of Ohio Citizens for the Arts, Ohio Alliance for Arts Education, VSA Ohio, Columbus Arts Marketing, Dance Heritage Coalition, Dance/USA and the National Dance Education Organization. Editor Jane D’Angelo, Executive Director David Guion, President Morgan Green, Editing Assistant Email: ISSN 1090-4107 OhioDance thanks the following for their support: Organization Sponsoring Members BalletMet Columbus, Canton Ballet, Cincinnati Ballet, DANCECleveland, Dublin Dance Centre, GroundWorks DanceTheater, Inlet Dance Theatre, Mason Dance Center Timothy Lynch, Jeanne Mam-Luft, Mariah Nierman, Nancy Pistone, Susan Petry, Kim Popa, Kora Radella, Barbara Robinson, Lisa Rovner, Barbara Schubert, Gabrielle Stefura, Shannon Sterne, Stefan Thomas, Kodee Van Nort, Shannon Varner, Rodney Veal, Kerri Wilde, Bobbi Wyatt, Margaret Wyszomirski, Erich Yetter Organization Sustaining Members Contemporary Dance Theater, Wayne Center for the Arts Submission deadline for the Summer Newsletter: May 1 Publication Date: June 1 Sponsors: David Guion, Nancy Strause Supporters Ann Cooper Albright, Zelma BaduYounge, Laurie Bell, Karen Bell, Vickie Blaine, Loren Bucek, Suzan Bradford Kounta, Jeanne Coen, Joel Cohen, Kaye Davis, Lynn Deering, Dennis Dugan, Joyelle Fobbs, Tina Gehres, John Giffin, Jessica Hodges, Robin Hunter, Eric Jackson, Sara Hutchins Jodka, Jessica Johnson, Kathryn Karipides, Mia Klinger, Marlene Leber,