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11:12 catalogue working copy
General Information................................................................................................... 3 Personnel.................................................................................................................. 5 Student Life................................................................................................................7 Academic Information................................................................................................ 9 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................ 15 Financial Information ................................................................................................20 Nipawin Bible College Inspiring People to Know and Live the Word of God FOUNDED IN 1934 BOX 1986 • NIPAWIN, SASKATCHEWAN S0E 1E0 PHONE 888.862.5095 • FAX 306.862.3651 info@nipawin.org www.nipawin.org contents From the President..................................................................................................... 2 At NBC we believe learning happens in the day-today challenges of study and community life. Not only will faculty challenge you and inspire you, so will your peers! Our size enhances this growth process as you have the opportunity to develop deep relationships. For over 75 years, Nipawin Bible College has prepared young men and women to serve God with all their heart, soul and mind. Our goal is to create a community of growth, and to provide you with a college experience that will not only equip you, but also inspire you to live with passion for God. Whether you are planning a career in the secular workplace, on the mission field, or in the pastorate, a Bible School education will help you “stand your ground” and be that “light” you want to be for God. For those of you planning to attend university, Bible School is of incredible value before you are confronted with the anti-Christian mindset common in so many schools. I assure you that the time, energy and finances you invest in Bible College will pay off again and again throughout your life. May the Lord guide you in these vital decisions. from the president Learning and growth don’t happen by accident— that’s why you are considering attending Bible College. Sincerely in Christ, Wes Fehr President Semester One Semester Two Opening Sunday............................................................ September 4 Classes Begin.......................................................................January 2 Registration ................................................................... September 5 Freshman & Junior Practicums.................. January 13- January 27 Day of Prayer................................................................. September 9 Day of Prayer.................................................................... February 3 Classes Begin............................................................... September 12 Semester Break......................................................... February 17–21 Missions Conference................................................. November 4-6 Youth Retreat .................................................................... March 2-4 Semester Break......................................................... November 7-13 Final Exams..................................................................... April 10-13 Alumni Weekend & Walkathon........................... November 18-20 Graduation Banquet............................................................. April 14 Christmas Banquet........................................................ December 9 Graduation Ceremony.........................................................April 15 Christmas Cantata....................................................... December 10 Semester Close............................................................. December 16 NOTE: It remains the right of the College to change or revoke any information given in this catalogue without prior notice. 3 … GENERAL INFORMATION NBC Mission Statement The mission of Nipawin Bible College is to see people intimately know God and the Bible, grow spiritually in a vibrant community of faith, and serve faithfully in the world with integrity, passion and relevance. NBC Core Values We value the Bible … God’s Word is completely reliable and relevant in a world that is seeking answers. It is the final authority for life and the key to spiritual growth and effectiveness. We value spiritual growth … We seek to know and love God, and seek to develop integrity of character, a sincere dedication to Christ, and a life of prayer. We value equipping… Our goal is to equip people for humble and dedicated service for Christ by developing their spiritual gifts, and their minds for Biblical thinking and discernment, through a balance of knowledge and practical experience. We value the community of believers… Each individual should experience genuine relationship, grace, respect, compassion and development as a part of the Body of Christ. We value strategic partnership… We seek to cooperate and integrate with the ministry of the local church, and other ministries whose goal is fulfilling the Great Commission. We value evangelism & missions… We seek to cultivate compassion for the lost in an educational context that actively incorporates sharing the gospel, in both local and global contexts. HISTORY Nipawin Bible College was born as a result of the prayerful vision of a group of Christian men from Tisdale, Saskatchewan in 1934. Their desire was to begin an evangelical and interdenominational Bible College in northeastern Saskatchewan, which would equip young men and women for Christian ministry. The school was first situated at the junction of the Carrot and Leather Rivers, and was named “Two Rivers Bible Institute.” In the mid-fifties, repeated spring flooding of the campus forced the school to relocate to its present 135 acre site just south of Nipawin, and was renamed “Nipawin Bible Institute.” The name was changed again in 2007 to “Nipawin Bible College.” AFFILIATIONS Nipawin Bible College is an evangelical and interdenominational school. As such, we welcome students from all denominations and offer them an opportunity to study the Word of God in a friendly, denominationally-unbiased climate. Nipawin Bible College is a charter member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities, which certifies that our school satisfies the requirements and standards of financial accountability prescribed by this national council. NBC LOCATION Nipawin Bible College is located two kilometres south of Nipawin on Highway 35, three hours from Saskatoon. Nipawin is a wellserviced town of 5,000 people located in the heart of Saskatchewan’s northeast agricultural community, and attracts many tourists for its excellent fishing, hunting and other outdoor recreation. 4 … GENERAL INFORMATION DOCTRINAL STATEMENT We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, verbally inspired, to be the Word of God to mankind, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of all people, and the supreme and final authority in faith, doctrine and life. (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:20,21; Jn 17:17; Heb 4:12) We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, eternal in being, identical in nature, equal in power and glory, with Jesus Christ being conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, existing as true God and true man. (Gen 1; Dt 6:4; 1 Pet 1:1,2; 2 Cor 13:14; Ac 5:3; Mt 28:18,19; Jn 10:22-39; Mt 1:18-25; Lk 1:35; Isa 7:14; Col 1:15-20) We believe that at death all people continue in conscious existence, awaiting the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the saved to everlasting blessedness, and the lost to everlasting conscious torment. (Lk 16:19-31; 2 Thes 1:5-10; Rev 20 & 21; 2 Pet 2:4–9) We believe that mankind was created in the image of God, sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but spiritual death; that each person is born with a sinful nature, incapable of pleasing God and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, becomes a culpable sinner, utterly lost. (Gen 1:26,27; Rom 5:12; Eph 2:1-3; Ti 3:3-5) We believe the church is commissioned by God to shed the light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ in all the earth, to reach the lost, disciple believers, and become a mature body of Christ. (Mt 28:18–20; Eph 4:1-16; Rom 10:10-15; 2 Cor 5:11-20; 2 Tim 2:1-10; Heb 10:19-39) We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins as the representative and propitiatory sacrifice, subsequently resurrected bodily and personally, ascended into heaven, abiding there as Forerunner, High Priest, and Advocate. (1 Jn 2:1,2; 1 Cor 15:3-6; Eph 1:20-23; Rom 3:19-29; Acts 1:1-11; Heb. 7:11-28) We believe in the Lord’s imminent return, which will be personal, bodily, visible and pre-Millennial — the ‘blessed hope’ which motivates the believer’s personal life and service. (John 14:1–3; 1 Cor 15:50-58; 1 Thes 3:13; 1 Thes 4:13-18; Acts 1:11; Ti 2:11–14) We believe that the shed blood of Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation, and that only those who by faith receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God. (Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12; Jn 1:12; Jn 3:3-8; 2 Cor 5:17; 1 Pet 1:18-21; Eph 2:8,9; Eph 1:7; Col 1:13,14) We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit whose ministry is to glorify Jesus Christ, to convict people, to regenerate the believing sinner, to indwell, guide, instruct, sanctify, fill and empower the believer for godly living and service, and the true Church being composed of all those who are thus united together in the Body of Christ, of which He is the Head. (Jn 14:16,17; Jn 15:26; Jn 16:8-14; Eph 5:18; 1 Cor 6:11; 1 Cor 12:13; Rom 12:5; Eph 1:22,23; Eph 4:1-16) We believe in the personality of Satan and other evil spirit beings, who are the enemies of God, constantly engaged in spiritual warfare against God, the believer, and the holy angels. (Isa 14:12-14; Eze 28:11-19; Dan 10:12-21; 2 Cor 4:3,4; 11:13-15; Rev 12; Rev 20:7-10; Eph 6:10-20; I Pet 5:8,9) 5 … PERSONNEL FACULTY LINDSAY ANDERSON, B.A. DEAN OF MEN/INSTRUCTOR/ATHLETIC DIRECTOR NCCP Level 1 Certification; B.A. in Biblical Studies, Nipawin Bible Institute, 2004; M.A. Studies, 2004-; Nipawin Bible College Faculty, 2006– WES FEHR, B.A. PRESIDENT/INSTRUCTOR Christian Leadership Diploma, Nipawin Bible Institute, 1984; B.A., Briercrest Bible College, 1992; M.A. Studies, 1998–; Nipawin Bible College Faculty, 1992–; Nipawin Bible College President, 2005– BOB CLARY, B.R.E, M.A., Ph.D. INSTRUCTOR/ADMINISTRATION B.R.E. (Honours), Briercrest Bible College, 1982; M.A., Wheaton College, 1988; Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1997; Faculty, Wheaton College, 1984–1990; Faculty, Okanagan Bible College, 1989–1992; Camp Director, 1993– 1995; Nipawin Bible College Faculty, 1996– MARK KOOP, B.A., B.F.A. MUSIC DIRECTOR/MINISTRY TEAMS B.A. in Biblical Studies, Nipawin Bible Institute, 2004; B.F.A. in Music, Prairie Bible College, 2006; Nipawin Bible College Faculty, 2007- WES DOBSON, M. Div., M.Th., D. Min. ACADEMIC DEAN/INSTRUCTOR B.A., Winnipeg Bible College, 1981; M.Div., Winnipeg Theological Seminary, 1986; M.Th., Winnipeg Theological Seminary, 1987; D.Min., Canadian Theological Seminary, 1996; Pastor, Winkler, MB, 1980-1983; Senior Pastor, Meadow Lake, SK, 1987-2009; Nipawin Bible College Faculty, 2009- ADAM YADLOWSKY, B.A. INSTRUCTOR/SOCCER COACH B.A. in Biblical Studies, Nipawin Bible College, 2008; M.A. Studies 2009-; Nipawin Bible College Faculty, 2007- ASSOCIATE FACULTY JOHN COSBY, M.S. GLENN DAMAN, M.A., D. Min REV. DAN ESAU, B.A. ROB MACDONALD, M.A. JAMES PENNER, M.A. MARV PENNER, M.A., D.Phil 6 … PERSONNEL STAFF COLLEEN BRAUN ASSISTANT COOK Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2007- JENNY DYCK ENROLLMENT DIRECTOR/THREE60FIVE Christian Ministry Diploma, Nipawin Bible Institute, 2006; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2007- JAKE BRAUN MAINTENANCE 3rd-year Millwright apprentice, 2004; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2008- KENDALL DYCK FINANCES & FACILITIES MANAGER Christian Ministry Diploma, Nipawin Bible Institute, 1996; Journeyman Cabinetmaker, 2001; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2006- BRYAN DRIEDGER REGISTRAR/ESL/IT B.A. in Outdoor Pursuits, Nipawin Bible Institute, 2003; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2003- DONNA ESAU FOOD SERVICES MANAGER/COOK Diploma in Biblical Studies, Berean Bible College, 1983; Diploma in Professional Cooking, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, 1985; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2010- DIELLE DRIEDGER EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT B.A. in Biblical Studies, Nipawin Bible College, 2010; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2009- MELANIE MCARTHUR RECEPTIONIST/BOOKSTORE B.C.M. Nipawin Bible Institute, 2005; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2009- LYNDA DRIEDGER DEAN OF WOMEN/LIBRARIAN Christian Ministry Diploma, Nipawin Bible College, 2009; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2002- MATTHEW THIESSEN ENROLLMENT COUNSELOR/ASSOCIATE DEAN B.A. in Biblical Studies, Nipawin Bible College, 2009; Nipawin Bible College Staff, 2010- 7 … STUDENT LIFE Student Activities Missions NBC hosts an annual Missions Conference designed to inspire and inform students regarding world missions. Special speakers challenge students to consider the call of God in their own lives. Small Groups and Mentoring Each student has the opportunity to be involved in a small group to enhance relationships and spiritual growth. The optional mentoring program takes the personal dynamic a step further. This program simply involves meeting regularly with a staff member or a senior student who will seek to help you in whatever areas you are seeking growth. Also, every 2 to 3 years students have the opportunity of joining an NBC missions team to experience missions firsthand and to impact the world for Christ. Teams have gone out to Bulgaria, Peru, Honduras, and Japan. The handson ministry helps put classroom theory into practice. Student Ministry three60five All students participate in Student Ministry on a regular basis. Student Ministry gives you the opportunity to put your classroom training to practical use. It is also an opportunity for you to begin discovering ways in which God can use you. Some of the types of Student Ministry include: youth, seniors visitation, teaching Sunday School, kids’ clubs in public schools, residence assistants (RA’s), and NBC music & drama teams. NBC hosts a youth retreat called “three60five.” This studentled event offers high school students the opportunity to be challenged in their walk with God. High energy activities, great worship, and challenging speakers make this event a highlight each year. Music & Drama Teams NBC drama and music teams are another great way to be involved in ministry. You can discover and develop your skills at NBC. The teams go out on weekend ministries and a three week tour each April after school ends. Sports NBC provides a variety of sports opportunities. Team sports include hockey (men’s), soccer (outdoor and indoor), basketball, and volleyball, depending upon school league involvement and student interest. These teams compete with local teams and/or other Bible schools. Key objectives of the athletic program are skill and character development, and Christian witness. Student Leadership Student Work Student Council, Yearbook, Chapel Committee, and three60five Committee are some of the leadership teams in which students can be involved. These committees provide key leadership in the school, and are also a great way of developing leadership and administration skills. Resident students are required to fulfill six hours of Student Work each week. The program helps to develop skills, personal responsibility, and a good work ethic. It also makes possible the very reasonable room and board fees. If students wish, however, they may pay the additional fees in place of student work. 8 … STUDENT LIFE Facilities and Services Community Life Expectations The comfortable facilities at NBC provide a good setting for your spiritual and personal growth. The Education Centre houses the offices, bookstore, library, classrooms and chapel. Other key campus facilities include the gymnasium/ auditorium, men’s and ladies’ residences, dining hall, and family residences. Living in the NBC community offers new opportunities for you to experience the grace and power of God in your life. Every community is enhanced by godly structure. Within such boundaries our experiences and relationships are enriched. The NBC Student Handbook, lays out the structure under which you agree to function while you are a student at Nipawin Bible College. Meals and Accommodations We expect that each student comes to NBC, first and foremost, for a Christian education which will enhance their love and service for Jesus Christ. Therefore we expect all students to conduct themselves in a manner that conforms to Biblical principles and manifests an honourable Christian character. Housing and meals are provided for dorm students attending Nipawin Bible College. You only need to provide bedding, towels and personal items. Note: hot-air popcorn poppers, kettles, and mini fridges are the only kitchen appliances allowed in dorm rooms. Classes and dorm life are the primary components of a student’s campus experience. The Student Handbook outlines the expectations concerning class attendance, dress codes, the use of personal entertainment media, and other aspects of student life. Student Lounge The lower level of the dining hall houses a comfortable student lounge and convenient snack bar for students. The student lounge also serves as a games room, with a foosball table, table tennis and pool table as the main attractions. Relationships are also an important aspect of campus life. Bible college presents unique opportunities to develop lasting relationships. The Student Handbook contains guidelines designed to encourage the healthy development of these relationships. Bookstore Textbooks, paper supplies, Christian music, and other items can be purchased in the school’s bookstore, which is a service provided for staff, students, and the general public. If you have any particular questions, please contact the school and we will be happy to help you. Internet/Email Access Students have easy internet access in the Education Centre and in the student lounge. NBC’s high speed internet service makes general browsing, academic research, and email very efficient. Student Families Each year NBC welcomes a number of student families. NBC offers a unique setting for Christian growth for the whole family. Recreational facilities on campus are available for family use and are a highlight for many children. School bus service is available on campus for those living in campus housing. Families will enjoy the safe and caring community at NBC. Laundry Services Laundry facilities are provided for students on campus. The cost is included in the student fees. Parking Finances are always a major consideration for student families. NBC offers very affordable rental housing on campus which is available on a first come - first served basis. Reasonably priced rental housing is also available only a few minutes away in Nipawin. Parking stalls are available for students who bring their vehicles. The cost for electrical service is included in the student fees. Another benefit is reduced tuition for the spouse of full-time students, making it more feasible for both to enjoy classes. Spouses may audit a class at no cost or take one course per semester for credit at 50% of regular tuition. 9 … ACADEMIC INFORMATION ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Academic Load Since classes are a central aspect of the program and purposes of NBC, it is expected that all resident students will carry a full load of classes. However, students may not register for more than nineteen hours per semester without the Registrar’s approval. Prerequisites •Applicants must confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and have the assurance and evidence of a born-again experience. •The applicant’s references should demonstrate consistency in Christian living and a commitment to growth in their spiritual walk. Classification Of Students •Each applicant must be a high school graduate. Exceptions are made in the case of candidates who do not have a high school diploma but who are mature and clearly purposeful toward their training at NBC. Part-Time - students registered for 10 or fewer credit hours per semester. •NBC welcomes Home School students. Applicants will need to demonstrate grade 12 equivalency, which will include a transcript indicating course names, credits and grades attained, and the home school curriculum used. Grade points (GP) are given for each hour of credit according to the grade received. To determine the grade points earned in any given subject, multiply the point value of your grade by the number of credit hours in the subject. This value is used to calculate a Grade Point Average (GPA) Application Procedures Grading Scale •Complete the Application Form, which you can download from our website or request by mail or email, and mail it to the Registrar of NBC accompanied with a nonrefundable $25.00 application fee, or $35.00 if applying after August 15 (November 15 for those starting in January). 4.0 = 92-100% 3.8 = 89-91% 3.6 = 86-88% 3.3 = 83-85% 3.0 = 80-82% 2.7 = 76-79% Full-Time (Regular) - 11 or more credit hours per semester. Grade Point System •Forward a high school transcript to the Registrar of NBC. •Distribute reference forms as directed in the application. The reference forms will come to you along with the Application For Enrollment. 2.3 = 73-75% 2.0 = 70-72% 1.7 = 66-69% 1.3 = 63-65% 1.0 = 60-62% 0 = below 60% (fail) Auditing •The application will be acknowledged as soon as it is received, and acceptance notification will be received after the reference forms have been received. ACADEMIC POLICIES Auditing a course is an option to students in cases that are approved by the Registrar. Auditing means a student attends all classes, actively participating, but is not required to do the course assignments. Registration Probation Academic registration and orientation takes place at the beginning of each semester. Upon registration the student is officially enrolled at NBC. A student may be placed under academic probation when one or more grades fall below 1.0 Grade Points, or if three or more assignments are overdue. However, low academic grades alone need not necessitate a probation. The purposes, conditions and terms of our probation policy are outlined in detail in the Student Handbook. Transfer Of Credits Many Bible Colleges grant credit transfers to students who have attended another school. NBC graduates have received favourable credit transfers from several accredited Bible Colleges and Seminaries, though NBC is not accredited. The transfer of credits is dependent upon grades achieved (usually minimum of 70%), the areas of study completed and anticipated, and the standards of the institution. Individuals desiring to transfer credits to NBC must submit a transcript and catalogue from the previous college(s). A complete policy regarding class attendance, course assignments, exams, upgrades, auditing, and other academic issues, is outlined in the Student Handbook which is distributed to each student prior to the beginning of the school year. 10 … ACADEMIC INFORMATION Foundations for Life Certificate (32 Credits) Program Objectives The Foundations for Life Program is designed as a foundational, discipleship year which will equip the student with a solid Biblical basis from which to pursue a career, vocational training, or university studies. The program includes the following objectives: •personal Christian growth - to disciple the student toward firm convictions in obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. •a foundational understanding of the Bible - to equip the student with essential tools for the accurate interpretation and general understanding of God’s Word. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS •Faculty approved Christian character. •life application - to prepare the student for the complexity of life in today’s society by developing a Biblical ethic and world view and learning how to effectively share his/her faith with others. •Satisfactory completion of the program requirements as outlined in each program of study. •Financial obligations to NBC met or acceptable arrangements made. •Resident Study Program Requirements Resident study or “dorm life” is a vital component in the interpersonal and spiritual development in the student’s life. Therefore, all unmarried students will be expected to live in the dorm except by special permission from the Dean of Students. Credits Course # and Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 6 In the case of transfer students a minimum of one year or thirty-two hours of study at NBC is required in order to graduate. Graduation diplomas will be withheld until all graduation requirements have been completed. 11 BT113 God & the Bible BT114 Life of Christ BT115 Pentateuch BT123 Approaching the Bible BT124 Letters of Paul: Ephesians to Thessalonians CM111 Discipleship & Evangelism GE122 Ethics & Culture PR115 Student Ministry (1/semester) PR121 Freshman Missions Practicum Electives … ACADEMIC INFORMATION CHRISTIAN MINISTRY DIPLOMA (64 Credits) BACHELOR OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (3 years) Program Objectives Program Objectives The Christian Ministry Diploma is designed for those students who anticipate ministry in their local church or simply want a solid base for further vocational training. This program focuses on the following areas: In addition to the objectives of the two year Christian Ministry Diploma Program, this program emphasizes: •a competent knowledge of the Scriptures — to equip the student with a basic understanding of the content and nature of the entire Scriptures along with its theological development, while also developing the capacity to think independently and evaluate constructively. •knowledge of the Scriptures - increased understanding of God’s Word combined with an ability to lead others in personal Bible study. •appreciation for the local church - a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the ministry of the Church. •an attitude of servant leadership — to inspire the student toward a Christlike attitude of servant leadership through instruction, example and experience, providing churches and mission agencies with spiritually prepared workers. •skill development for church ministry - equipping to contribute in church ministries such as music, Sunday School, youth ministry, and Bible Study, etc. •skill development for Christian ministry — to equip the student with basic communication and leadership skills as they relate to Christian ministry and to provide the potential full-time Christian worker, pastor, and/or missionary with a foundation from which to pursue further education or develop a ministry. Program Requirements Year One Credits Course # and Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 BT113 God & the Bible BT114 Life of Christ BT115 Pentateuch BT123 Approaching the Bible BT124 Letters of Paul: Ephesians to Thessalonians CM111 Discipleship & Evangelism GE122 Ethics & Culture PR115 Student Ministry (1/semester) PR121 Freshman Missions Practicum Year Two 3 BT214 3 BT215 3 BT222 3 BT223 3 BT224 3 GE211 3 GE212 2 PR115 3 PR223 Admission Requirements •Successful completion of the first two years of study. •Faculty recommendation and/or approval. •In accordance with the purposes of the Bachelor of Christian Ministry program, there will be higher expectations of the student’s academic performance so that graduates will have developed an acceptable degree of academic scholarship. Program Requirements and Minors Humanity, Sin & Salvation Israel: Conquest to Crisis Corinthians Christian World View Hermeneutics Communications Church History: Reformation to Present Student Ministry (1/semester) Outreach Missions Practicum In addition to the requirements of the Christian Ministry Diploma Program, the student will complete the courses as required for one of the following minors of their choice: • General Studies • Missions Elective Requirements - 12 credits 4 At least two of the following courses GE251 Youth Ministry CM252 Theology of Worship CM256 Teacher Development CM351 Teamwork in Ministry 8 Open Electives 12 … ACADEMIC INFORMATION General Studies Minor (98 Credits) Missions Minor (64 Credits plus Missions Internship) Year One Year One Credits Course # and Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 Credits Course # and Title BT113 God & the Bible BT114 Life of Christ BT115 Pentateuch BT123 Approaching the Bible BT124 Letters of Paul: Ephesians to Thessalonians CM111 Discipleship & Evangelism GE122 Ethics & Culture PR115 Student Ministry (1/semester) PR121 Freshman Missions Practicum Year Two 3 BT214 3 BT215 3 BT222 3 BT223 3 BT224 3 GE211 3 GE212 2 PR115 3 PR223 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 BT113 God & the Bible BT114 Life of Christ BT115 Pentateuch BT123 Approaching the Bible BT124 Letters of Paul: Ephesians to Thessalonians CM111 Discipleship & Evangelism GE122 Ethics & Culture PR115 Student Ministry (1/semester) PR121 Freshman Missions Practicum Year Two 3 BT214 3 BT215 3 BT222 3 BT223 3 MI221 3 GE211 3 GE212 2 PR115 3 PR223 Humanity, Sin & Salvation Israel: Conquest to Crisis Corinthians Christian World View Hermeneutics Communications Church History: Reformation to Present Student Ministry (1/semester) Outreach Missions Practicum Year Three 3 BT310 Israel: Crisis to Restoration 3 BT311 General Epistles 3 BT312 The Church and Last Things 3 CM321 Interpersonal Care & Counselling 3 CM322 Ministry Synthesis 3 GE311 Leadership Foundations 3 GE312 History of Christianity: the Early Church 3 GE313 Sermon Design & Delivery 4 PR317 Christian Leadership Practicum (2/semester) Humanity, Sin & Salvation Israel: Conquest to Crisis Corinthians Christian World View Intro to Missions Communications Church History: Reformation to Present Student Ministry (1/semester) Outreach Missions Practicum Year Three - internship year The intership year will include 1) a Cross-Cultural Orientation provided by a NBC partner and 2) a CrossCultural Internship placement. Through an arrangement with a NBC partner or other mission agency,the student will gain hands-on experience in cross-cultural missionary work. The syllabus for this internship will be tailored to the interest of the student. Internship placement will be the responsibility of the student in consultation with the Academic Dean. Elective Requirements - 12 credits 2 GE353 Cultural Anthropology 2 MI352 Issues in Missions 2 MI354 Missions Research Project 6 Open Electives Elective Requirements - 18 credits 18 Open Electives 13 … ACADEMIC INFORMATION BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES OR CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES (128 Credits) The Biblical Studies major is designed for individuals desiring to develop their Biblical training for Christian Ministry. This program will equip the student with sound Bible knowledge and provide a base for those wishing to pursue further studies. The specific objectives of the Biblical Studies Major are to enable the student to: Program Objectives Program Philosophy The four year Bachelor of Arts program is designed to prepare the student for vocational ministry or to go on to further Biblical/Theological studies. It emphasizes the importance of integration of study with “real life” ministry contexts. The student will also have had opportunity to interact with a mentor who will guide them in discerning gifting and place of ministry in the Kingdom of God. •Develop a broader knowledge of the Scriptures and related theological issues and themes. •Develop ability to apply Biblical truth to issues relevant to the church and society. The program has two majors. In the Christian Leadership major, students will spend most of their fourth year as interns in a ministry context related to their chosen track. In the Biblical Studies major, students will take several modular courses, with the remainder of their courses being independent studies guided by a member of NBC’s faculty. •Develop hermeneutical and ministry skills required to lead others in the interpretation and application of God’s Word. Program Requirements In addition to the core requirements (i.e. excluding electives) for the Bachelor of Christian Ministry, the student will complete the following: In addition to accomplishing the objectives of the Bachelor of Christian Ministry program, the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership are grounded in the following objectives: Year Four Credits Course # and Title 3 BT412 Pastoral Epistles* 6 BT421 Bible/Theology Research Project 3 BT423 The Prophets of Israel 3 BT452 Issues in Theology* 3 GE4** Advanced Hermeneutics/Biblical Theology 3 GE4** NT book study 3 GE413 Ministry Foundations* Ministry Philosophy Paper •to develop ministry skills — development of skills required for each major will prepare the student to meet the demands of Christian Ministry. •to apply Biblical training — the student will learn to apply Biblical truth to the particular needs and issues in today’s society. •to enhance personal knowledge and spiritual growth — the student will gain further knowledge as it pertains to their major and will be challenged in their personal spiritual growth. Elective Requirements 24 Open Electives Admission Requirements •Successful completion of the first three years of study. •Faculty recommendation and/or approval. * These courses are offered in Independent Study format. 14 … COURSE DESCRIPTIONS BACHELOR OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS Program Objectives This track is designed to equip the student in executive leadership skills. By working alongside a godly leader, the student will develop skills in leading a Christian organization (camp, mission, parachurch ministry, etc). Courses at NBC will be designed to compliment the student’s internship experience. Leadership/Management Major This program is designed for the individual anticipating involvement in a pastoral, in a “people helping” ministry, or in organizational leadership. In addition to accomplishing the objectives of the Bachelor of Christian Ministry, this program will further equip the student to: 2 2 2 2 3 7 •understand and communicate God’s Word — develop the hermeneutical tools and Biblical knowledge to be accurately interpret and communicate God’s Word within a ministry context. •counsel and nurture others — develop understanding of the challenges of life in today’s society and acquire the skills necessary for helping others toward a healthy, God-centered lifestyle. BT251 Wisdom Literature CM255 Church Dynamics CM351 Teamwork in Ministry CM354 Conflict Resolution GE355 Global Leadership Summit Open Electives Pastoral Ministry Major This track is designed to equip the student for general pastoral ministry in the local church or in other ministries. By taking relevant modular courses at NBC and participating in an internship with an experienced pastoral staff member the student will be able to integrate their study into a real church situation. •provide Christlike leadership — be aware of the challenges encountered in pastoral leadership and develop competency in leading others in fulfilling Biblical objectives. Program Requirements 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 In addition to the core requirements for the Bachelor of Christian Ministry, the student will complete the following: Year Four Credits Course # and Title 3 BT412 Pastoral Epistles 3 BT452 Issues in Theology 3 CM421 Foundations in Christian Counselling 3 GE413 Ministry Foundations 3 GE422 Leadership Dynamics 3 **429 Lectureship 12 PR433 Ministry Internship Ministry Philosophy Paper BT257 Spiritual Formation CM252 Theology of Worship CM255 Church Dynamics CM351 Teamwork in Ministry CM354 Conflict Resolution CM422 Advanced Preaching Open Electives Youth Ministry Major This track is designed to equip the student for youth ministry in the local church or in other ministries. By taking relevant modular courses at NBC and participating in an internship with an experienced youth pastor or youth worker the student will be able to integrate their study into a real youth ministry situation. 2 2 2 2 2 8 15 BT257 Spiritual Formation CM351 Teamwork in Ministry GE251 Youth Ministry GE255 Family Life GE354 Youth Culture Open Electives … COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Course Offerings Bible / Theology The academic administration maintains the right to change course offerings and requirements listed in this catalogue, and to withhold course offerings if less than six students are registered. BT113 GOD AND THE BIBLE 3 Hours A study of the Bible’s teaching concerning the nature, character and activity of the Godhead, and the inspiration and reliability of the Scriptures. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of the attributes of the Godhead and His Word in the life of the believer today. Course Numbering System BT114 LIFE OF CHRIST 3 Hours A study of the Gospels with particular emphasis on the Gospel of John. The life, ministry and teachings of Jesus will be the central focus of this course. The numbers used in the course titles indicate the following: •The first digit indicates the level at which the course will normally be taught. (100 courses are year one, 200 are year two, etc. ) BT115 PENTATEUCH 3 Hours A survey of Genesis to Deuteronomy, with a focus on creation, the birth of the nation Israel, and the covenant relationship between God and His people. •The second digit indicates either: a)the semester in which the course is generally offered— 1 for first semester and 2 for second; 3 indicates a course generally offered outside of the regular semester. BT123 APPROACHING THE BIBLE 3 Hours This course sets out to introduce the student to the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and show how each book relates to the “big story”. The student will engage in exercises that will equip them to accurately study and interpret Scripture for themselves, and be able to effectively share those truths with others. b)elective offering (5 indicates an elective) •The two letters indicate the field of study: BT - Bible /Theology CM - Christian Ministry BT124 LETTERS OF PAUL: EPHESIANS TO THESSALONIANS 3 Hours An expository study of some of Paul’s letters: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,1 & 2 Thessalonians and Philemon. Strong attention will be given to personal implications of Paul’s teaching. GE - General Education MI - Missions MU - Music PR - Practical Experience BT214 HUMANITY, SIN & SALVATION 3 Hours A study of the Biblical truths concerning the origin and character of humanity, our sinfulness and the salvation that is provided for those who put their trust in Jesus Christ. BT215 ISRAEL: CONQUEST TO CRISIS 3 Hours A chronological survey of the history and literature of Israel from the conquest under Joshua to the division of the kingdom in 931 B.C. BT222 CORINTHIANS 3 Hours A detailed study of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. The major themes will be explored and practical application will be made for the church and the individual believer. BT223 CHRISTIAN WORLD VIEW 3 Hours A study of the principles and truths that govern the Christian’s view of the world and his/her place in it. The development of a Christian and Biblical way of thinking about our world and the important issues of life is central. The course will consider valid answers to questions raised about the Christian faith. Historical developments and current events will be evaluated from a Christian perspective. 16 … COURSE DESCRIPTIONS BT224 HERMENEUTICS 3 Hours A course for students who have taken Approaching the Bible. Hermeneutics is the science and art of biblical interpretation. This course explores the message of the biblical text as it was written to the first readers and then seeks to apply that message to its contemporary readers. Hermeneutics concerns itself with three major areas: 1) historical and cultural backgrounds, 2) grammar, and 3) literary genre. BT352 DANIEL 2 Hours An expositional study of the book of Daniel in its historical and cultural context with a view to understanding the application of the book in the 21st century. Attention will be given to the genre of Apocalyptic literature. BT353 GUIDED READING STUDY 1 Hour At least 1,000 pages of reading in relation to the student’s emphasis or major, as selected by the student and approved by faculty. Summary and critique reports are required. BT251 WISDOM LITERATURE 2 Hours An introductory study of Hebrew poetry and the part it played in Old Testament life and literature. Emphasis also will be given to the major themes in Old Testament Wisdom literature. BT412 PASTORAL EPISTLES 3 Hours The detailed study of these epistles will give students the opportunity to develop their own views on a variety of ministry-related topics. The format will allow students a choice in topics of concern, including: roles of leaders in the Church, role of women in ministry, and contextualization of the gospel. BT252 HEBREWS 2 Hours A chapter by chapter study of this first-century sermon. The student will consider the supremacy of Jesus and the dynamics of the persecution of believers in the first-century. The course will emphasize the applications of the truths of the completeness of our salvation in Jesus, and our responsibility to remain faithful to Him. BT421 BIBLE/THEOLOGY RESEARCH PROJECT6 Hours A course which will require the student to integrate their Biblical and theological training with a current need or issue in society. This will involve direct research and guided study. BT423 THE PROPHETS OF ISRAEL 3 Hours This course will introduce the prophetic movement in the Old Testament. The role and message of the prophet will be considered. The prophetic books, both major and minor, will be surveyed in their historical context as well as their contemporary application in the 21st century. BT254 ROMANS 2 Hours A detailed study of one of the great doctrinal books of the New Testament. The major themes will be explored and practical application will be made for the church and the individual believer. BT257 SPIRITUAL FORMATION 2 Hours A look at how the spiritual life of an individual can flourish to the point of bountiful fruitfulness and an honest assessment of seasons of spiritual dryness and the impact of sin on this life. Current issues within spiritual formation will also be discussed. BT452 ISSUES IN THEOLOGY 3 Hours A course exploring current theological and related issues in the church & Christian practice. BT310 ISRAEL: CRISIS TO RESTORATION 3 Hours The course will follow the spiritual deterioration, refining under judgment, and eventual restoration of the nation of Israel through the eyes of the prophets. BT311 GENERAL EPISTLES 3 Hours An expository study of the Epistles of James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, and Jude. This study will emphasize practical lessons and also focus on some of the theological and textual problems that have been raised in regard to these letters. BT312 THE CHURCH & LAST THINGS 3 Hours A study of the Bible’s teaching concerning the nature, character and activity of the Church, and the teaching of the Scriptures regarding eschatology or “Last Things.” Emphasis is placed on the relevance of the Church and its involvement in preparation for the Last Days. 17 … COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Christian Ministry CM352 URBAN MINISTRY RESEARCH PROJECT 3 Hours A course which will require the student to integrate Biblical knowledge and ministry training with the needs of the “urban poor.” This is a guided study requiring biblical and sociological research, along with personal interviews and ministry exposure. CM111 DISCIPLESHIP & EVANGELISM 3 Hours A course that focuses on the personal application and the development of a biblical lifestyle, and principles for conduct and personal growth with God. A key part of this discipleship is understanding of the principles of evangelism and how to apply this in their everyday relationships. The course includes the memorization of key Scriptures vital for Christian growth and witnessing. CM353 GUIDED READING STUDY 1 Hour At least 1,000 pages of reading in relation to the student’s minor or major, as selected by the student and approved by faculty. Summary and critique reports are required. CM252 THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP 2 Hours This course focuses on understanding the role of music in the ministry and worship of the church, developing a Biblical philosophy of music and music evaluation. An introduction will be given to basic skills for leadership in music worship. CM354 CONFLICT RESOLUTION 2 Hours This course provides students with a basic knowledge of conflict theory, as well as a beginning understanding of conflict resolution skills. Students will also be equipped with a framework of bringing Biblical counsel and resolution to conflict situations at home, work and the church. CM255 CHURCH DYNAMICS 2 Hours This course explores the various issues that the pastor of a small church may face. A number of topics will be addressed as they relate to effectively dealing with the daily functions and problems confronting pastors of small churches. CM421 FOUNDATIONS IN CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING 3 Hours This course builds on the philosophical and theological foundation of Interpersonal Care and Counselling, and will offer students some practical skills in helping others through the ministry of soul care. Through the use of an assessmentgoals-interventions rubric, common problems in living will be better understood and students given opportunity for study and practice. CM256 TEACHER DEVELOPMENT 2 Hours The teaching ministry of the church is crucial to its mission. This course gives an overview of the ministry of teaching as it relates to the ministry of the church. Areas of study include the biblical foundations for Christian teaching, approaches to the teaching/learning process, and the methodology of the instructional process. Emphasis will be placed on practical application for the student. CM422 ADVANCED PREACHING 3 Hours A practical course for students who have taken Sermon Design & Delivery. This course is designed to develop the student’s skills in the preparation, delivery and evaluation of sermons. Attention will also be given to pastoral roles relating to weddings, funerals, communion, and baptism. CM321 INTERPERSONAL CARE & COUNSELLING 3 Hours This course is designed to equip the student with a wide range of people helping skills. It will seek to develop their own relational skills in a context of personal care and pastoral ministry. Biblical imagery of care and restoration will be applied to various issues. The course will make use of case studies to assist the student with the practical application of these Biblical principles. General Education GE 122 ETHICS & CULTURE 3 Hours A study of the principles and problems of ethical decision making. This will include a survey of the history and variety of approaches to ethics. Biblical principles will be sought and emphasis placed on the application of these principles to contemporary ethical issues. CM322 MINISTRY SYNTHESIS 3 Hours A study of contemporary ministry development based on recognizing needs, developing strategies, and implementing a plan, applied to the contexts of missions, evangelism, church planting, Christian education, camping or other programs of the church. GE211 COMMUNICATIONS 3 Hours A practical course introducing basic principles for public speaking. The course is designed to prepare the student on an inward level and then develop basic communication and evaluative listening skills. Significant opportunity is given to exercise personal verbal skills. CM351 TEAMWORK IN MINISTRY 2 Hours Ministry was never intended to be done alone. This course discusses the dynamics of group leadership, the pitfalls of teams and the advantages of teamwork. Students will have opportunity to experience the interdependence necessary for a team to function effectively. This course will be applicable to teams in any life setting. 18 … ACADEMIC INFORMATION GE212 HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY: REFORMATION TO PRESENT 3 Hours A survey of the history of the Church (Christianity) from the Reformation through to the present, including the emergence of contemporary denominations and church issues. GE354 YOUTH CULTURE 2 Hours An independent study designed to introduce the student to the current trends and issues of youth culture. The goal of the course is to understand youth culture in order to have effective ministries for contemporary youth. GE355 GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 3 Hours The Global Leadership Summit is facilitated by the Willow Creek Association in August every year. Student may register for the summit and with additional work obtain two elective hours. GE251 YOUTH MINISTRY 2 Hours This course discusses the formulation of a Biblical basis for youth ministry in the church. Emphasis will be placed upon youth program planning, and ministering to youth inside and outside of the church. GE413 MINISTRY FOUNDATIONS 3 Hours The Ministry Foundations course orientates the student to life in vocational ministry. As the student will be engaged in real time ministry in their internship, this class will speak to expectations in ministry, enemies of ministry, behaviour in ministry, personal life and ministry and foundations to put in place as the student enters ministry. GE254 PERSONAL FINANCES 1 Hour A course designed to give the student a foundational understanding of God’s principles for handling finances. GE255 FAMILY LIFE 2 Hours This course discusses key principles for building a solid Christian home, as well as how to develop healthy relationships in the student’s current family. GE256 CULTS GE422 LEADERSHIP DYNAMICS More info coming soon. 2 Hours A study of the major pseudo-Christian religions and contemporary sects. Students receive an overview of their historical development, beliefs, and practices, along with a Biblical evaluation. Attention is given to evangelizing these religious adherents. GE257 WORLD RELIGIONS 3 Hours Missions Studies MI352 ISSUES IN MISSIONS 2 Hours An introductory study of cross cultural missions which includes a biblical and historical survey of mission as well as the challenges of modern missions, such as: preparation requirements, financial issues, current trends and the relationships in mission service (home church, nationals, mission agency, etc.). 2 Hours A study of the major religions. Students receive an overview of their historical development, beliefs, and practices, along with a Biblical evaluation. Attention is given to evangelizing these religious adherents. MI353 GUIDED READING STUDY 1 Hour At least 1,000 pages of reading in relation to the student’s minor or major, as selected by the student and approved by faculty. Summary and critique reports are required. GE311 LEADERSHIP FOUNDATIONS 3 Hours A study of basic theories and principles in leadership, management, and administration, with special attention to their application in ministry contexts. Attention will be given to Biblical principles of servant leadership. MI354 MISSIONS RESEARCH PROJECT 2 Hours A course which will require the student to integrate their Biblical and missions training with a current trend or issue in missions. This will involve direct research and guided study. GE312 HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY: THE EARLY CHURCH 3 Hours A survey of the history of the Church (Christianity) from the Apostolic age through to the Reformation. GE313 SERMON DESIGN & DELIVERY 3 Hours The basic elements of the structure and development of sermons will be discussed, with attention to the importance and means of the expository method. The student will receive supervised preaching and evaluation. GE353 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 2 Hours A study of the various components of culture and how their culture determines the people’s world view. Attention is given to the means by which the gospel could possibly penetrate these various cultures. 19 … ACADEMIC INFORMATION ministry opportunities in a first nations community context. (Students will need to raise additional funds for the practicum.) Music Studies Individual music courses are offered at the student’s request, usually consisting of 1 hour per semester. Intermediate and Advanced music studies are available for advanced music students, including courses not listed below. These studies are tailored to the student’s skill level and personal goals in music studies. Contact the Academic Dean for information. PR 223 OUTREACH MISSIONS PRACTICUM 3 Hours Students will participate in an intense ministry practicum designed to expose them to a broad range of needs and ministry opportunities in an inner city context. (Students will need to raise additional funds for the practicum.) MU153/154 INTRODUCTORY PRIVATE PIANO 1 Hour Instruction for the beginner and intermediate pianist aimed at providing the student with a sound fundamental technique and sight-reading skills. The student will proceed through graded piano literature in the course. Requirement: one lesson per week and daily practice. PR 251 MINISTRY ELECTIVE 1 Hour Students will commit to a weekly ministry role and be guided in their growth and learning by both a faculty member and a ministry supervisor. This course is only available to those who have completed at least two credits of Student Ministry. MU156 MUSIC THEORY 1 Hour This course is designed to provide the student with a thorough understanding of basic theory and to introduce basic music writing and arranging skills valuable to a churchrelated ministry. Theory content is comparable to Royal Conservatory Grade Two Rudiments and Grade Four Western Board. PR 253 SUMMER MINISTRY PRACTICUM 2 Hour Students will conduct an equivalent of four weeks of ministry prior to the start of their second year of study. Ministry may take the form of visitation, leading a Bible study, Sunday School teaching, Vacation Bible School, camp ministry, NBC drama or music tour, etc. PR317/327 CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP PRACTICUM 2 Hours A practical ministry experience in church or a parachurch setting (including NBC) in which the student will engage in a leadership a leadership role. This practicum will be flexible in nature based on the student’s gifts and objectives, but mus fit into the student’s chosen BCM minor. ** MUSIC HISTORY & HARMONY will be offered if at least three students are at the same level of study. PRACTICAL MINISTRY STUDIES PR115/125 STUDENT MINISTRY 1 Hour A weekly student ministry program, involving the student in actual ministry and service opportunities, combined with written evaluations. It is designed to give the student experience, exposure, and the opportunity to develop skills in practical Christian ministry. PR433 MINISTRY INTERNSHIP 12 Hours Through an arrangement with a church, youth ministry, mission, or other organization of the student’s choice, this is an opportunity for the student to have a hand’s on experience of ministry leadership. Through supervision, journals, and evaluation tools the student is provided an opportunity to maximize their awareness of the role of a ministry leader and the various aspects of full-time ministry. PR 121 FRESHMAN MISSIONS PRACTICUM 3 Hours Students will participate in an intense ministry practicum designed to expose them to a broad range of needs and 20 … FINANCIAL INFORMATION NBC makes every possible effort to keep student expenses at an affordable rate. Students pay approximately 55% of the total cost of their education. The remainder is provided through the sacrificial giving of God’s people who believe in the work of the College. FEE SCHEDULE Resident Students Tuition (up to 18 credits per semester)**....................................................................................................................... 5600.00 Room Rental and Food Services...................................................................................................................................... 4200.00 Damage/Key Deposit (Refundable)............................................................................................................................... (100.00) Total for one year 9800.00 Non-Resident Students Tuition (up to 18 hours/semester)**............................................................................................................................... 5600.00 * Married Students: note additional information in the policy section. Other Fees (these fees are nonrefundable, except for tuition) Part-time Hourly Tuition fee..............................................................................................................................................230.00 Hourly Tuition fee (for hours over 18).............................................................................................................................. 130.00 Graduation fee..................................................................................................................................................................... 100.00 Grad Absentee (students leaving school prior to Graduation for any reason)................................................................ 50.00 Late Registration/Arrival...................................................................................................................................................... 50.00 Private Lesson Fee (all Private Voice/Piano students)..................................................................................................... 125.00 Special diet fee (upon medical order only)....................................................................................................................... 200.00 Intense Course Fee.............................................................................................................................................................. 250.00 Hockey Fee...........................................................................................................................................................................200.00 Soccer fees - tournament teams (per tournament)............................................................................................................ 50.00 Student fees: included in Tuition and Room & Board. They cover costs incurred in the following areas: class handouts, insurance, library resources, student activities, internet access, yearbook, as well as parking and laundry services for resident students. Other expenses: students should plan for the cost of textbooks, personal expenses and personal travel. The cost for textbooks is approximately $250 per semester. Breaks: Room Rental and Food Services fees do not cover times of academic recess (semester breaks, Christmas break, etc.). *Note: The college reserves the right to change the fees without notice. … FINANCIAL INFORMATION FINANCIAL POLICIES Payment Policy STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Tuition, room rental and food services, and incidental fees are due upon registration. Interest will be calculated on the account balance. Textbooks are paid for separately in the bookstore. A significant amount of financial assistance is available to students attending Nipawin Bible College. Following are some forms of assistance available through NBC and some that are available through other means. Students anticipating a difficult time in meeting their financial obligations should make arrangements prior to enrolling and contact the school to discuss the situation. 1. Entrance Scholarships ACADEMIC ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP Applicants may request information and an application form from NBC’s enrollment director. Refunds If a student finds it necessary to withdraw from enrolment at NBC they will be refunded the unused portion of the room rental and food services charges. Tuition will be refunded based on calendar days of the withdrawal from the semester opening, counted as follows: MUSIC ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP Applicants may request information and an application form from NBC’s enrollment director. ATHLETIC ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP Applicants may request information and an application form from NBC’s enrollment director. • 10 days - 100% • 20 days - 70% MINISTRY CHILDREN SCHOLARSHIP Tuition assistance is given to children of ministry families whose parents are presently in full-time vocational ministry, provided the student is 21 years of age or younger. These students will receive a tuition scholarship of $1500 applied to the second full semester of study at NBC. Students receiving this scholarship must attain a GPA of 2.0 in their first semester of study in order to be eligible for the scholarship in their second semester. • 30 days - 40% Student Fees and Optional fees are nonrefundable. Student Work Resident students are required to fulfill six hours of student work each week. The program helps to develop skills, personal responsibility and a good work ethic. It also makes possible the very reasonable room and board fees. The Ministry Children Scholarship application form must be completed and submitted prior to August 15 (or November 15 in the case of second semester students) Tuition for Spouses of full-time students Spouses of full-time students may audit one class per semester at no cost. If spouses wish to take the course for credit, they may do so at 50% of regular tuition. For those taking more than one course per semester the normal tuition rates apply. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP A $100 scholarship established by the NBC Alumni Association, granted to each freshmen student whose parent (s) are alumni of NBI. 2. Bursaries Bursaries are granted to students who are in good standing and who are in genuine financial need. Applications are made available annually. STUDENT AID FUND This is a fund maintained by the school office for the purpose of assisting needy students. Applications are made available annually. NBC JUNIOR BURSARY Because of its interest in the completion of studies for students at NBC, the school sponsors this $200 bursary ($100 each for a male and female student). Awarded to second year students who meet the designated criteria and are returning for their senior year. 22 … FINANCIAL INFORMATION NBC BOARD OF DIRECTORS BURSARY As an expression of their interest in the training of students at NBC the members of the Board of Directors have established this annual $200 bursary. This bursary is granted to a qualifying student who is in their third year of studies or is a returning junior student. HELEN SNIDER MEMORIAL BURSARY In memory of Helen Snider, an alumnus of TRBI, her three sisters, Ethel Baxter, Blanche Hitchcock, and Neoma Snider, have established this annual $100 bursary. It is awarded to a second or third year student meeting the designated criteria. MARION ENS MISSIONS SCHOLARSHIP MR. & MRS. R.W. SNIDER MEMORIAL BURSARY In memory of Marion Ens, who was a missionary in Liberia with her husband Jake, this $500 scholarship is awarded to a student anticipating a missions trip in the hope that her passion for missions will be passed on to others. Mr. and Mrs. Snider were one of the couples used of God in the founding of Nipawin Bible College. In honor of their dedication and service, this $100 annual bursary, has been established by their four daughters: Blanche Hitchcock, Neoma Snider, Cora Snider, and Ethel Baxter. Awarded each year to a student anticipating a missionary career and who meets the other designated criteria. INTERACT MINISTRIES NORTH PACIFIC CRESCENT BURSARY In an effort to encourage students tracking towards missions involvement, InterAct Ministries has established an annual bursary in the amount of $250.00 for a junior or senior student training for missions with Aboriginal, East Indian, Sikh, or Muslim people in Western Canada. DAN AND DWIGHT KOOP ANNUAL BURSARY The Dan Koop family, in appreciation of NBC, have made a $100 bursary available which is awarded annually to a freshman student meeting the designated criteria. 3. Canada Student Loans J. FROESE BURSARY Nipawin Bible College is designated as eligible by the Canada Student Loan Plan, for qualifying students. Low interest loans and grants are available under this plan. Additional information will be given upon request. To mark 40 years since attending TRBI, Mr. Froese presented a $4000.00 gift to NBI in the winter of 1992. In his appreciation of the school’s input into his life and its continued ministry, and as an expression of his ongoing interest in the training of Christian young people, Mr. Froese has invested this money to provide an annual bursary of $250 for a needy freshman student at NBC. 4. First Nations Assistance First Nations students may also be eligible for financial assistance through their own band assistance program. DWAYNE SALMOND MEMORIAL BURSARY In memory of their son Dwayne, Rod & Diane Salmond of Salmond Trucking Ltd. (Hudson Bay, SK) have made an annual bursary of $500.00 available to help a student with a significant financial need. Their desire is to help students who are planning on ministry or missions service, but are in jeopardy of not completing their program due to financial needs. 5. Foreign Students Tuition assistance is available for foreign students on a limited basis. Further information is available from the Registrar. JARED HERTZ MEMORIAL BURSARY In memory of their son Jared, Reg & Bev Hertz have established a semi-annual bursary of $200 to help a student with a financial need. ROBERTS BURSARY As a way of assisting students who are training for pastoral ministry, Mr. & Mrs. Roberts have established a $150.00 bursary to help a third- or fourth-year student with the cost of textbooks. 23