Vestafjell Lodge, Jan


Vestafjell Lodge, Jan
Vestafjell Lodge 6-146
Western Slope of Colorado
January - February 2016
Sons of Norway
Vol. 27 No.1
Vestafjell Calendar
January 4, Monday 1-2 PM. Reading group at
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 3133
F/Patterson Rd, Grand Junction, CO (referred to as
SOV in this newsletter.) Lodge Library open to all. Call
Leader Linda Lynch at 433-4113 for more info.
January 11, Monday 1 PM, Lodge Meeting at
Starvin' Arvin's Clifton. (NOTE: 2nd Monday, new time,
new place for Vestafjell Lodge Meetings. Guest are
always welcome)
January 12, Tuesday 9 AM, Board meeting at home
of Gladys Beals, 2953 Bonito Lane.241-6930
January 28, Thursday, 9 AM Ladies Breakfast, men
at their own table, Denny's in Clifton. Guest are always
February 1, Monday 1-2 PM Reading group at SOV.
Lodge Library open to all. Call Leader Linda Lynch at
433-4113 for more info.
February 8, Monday 1 PM Lodge Meeting at Starvin'
Arvin's, Clifton. (NOTE: 2nd Monday, new time, new
place for Vestafjell Lodge Meetings. Guest are always
February 9, Tuesday 9 AM, Board Meeting at home
of Gladys Beals, 2953 Bonito Lane. 241-6930.
February 25, Thursday , 9 AM. Ladies Breakfast,
men at their own table, Denny's in Clifton, Guests are
March 5, Saturday 10 AM. 14th Annual Barnelopet
Ski event for children on Grand Mesa at Skyline cross
country ski area. Contact Ron Thoreson, 241-2094 for
info and to help.
March 7, Monday 1-2 PM. Reading group at SOV.
All are welcome. Library is open. (Linda 433-4113)
March 14, 1 PM. Lodge meeting at Starvin' Arvin's
Clifton. (NOTE: 2nd Monday, new time, new place for
Vestafjell Lodge Meetings. Guest are always welcome)
To carpool, call Barb at 245-5649, or Annette, 8586702.
As we begin another year, I want to thank all you
Members, Officers, and Committee Folks for your
continuing support this last year as we worked our way
through a series of successful events: celebrating our
25th Anniversary with a fine party, working with Arvid
on a big Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner, and again on
a fine Torsk and Meatball Dinner and Auction.
We faced a major challenge this fall, but with input
from the board and cooperation from you members, we
have set a new course for next year by changing our
Lodge Meetings to a Weekday Lunch where we can just
come and enjoy each others company. Lunch meetings
at a restaurant will present some challenges, but your
board is suggesting we start 'easy' with a little formality,
and see how the room at Starvin' Arvin's works for us.
We want to hear your ideas for these 'new style'
Some folks have asked me how we will keep going,
financially, if we do not do fund-raising. The good news
is that as we end 2015, we 'are in the black' and have
some time to consider how to manage with less income.
We know we will be spending less on monthly
expenses, such as rent to the church, paper/plastic
supplies, and food provided for special meetings.
We also expect to spend less on printing and on a
simple updated directory. We will be relying more on
email and Facebook to communicate with all of you. If
you really need a phone call to remind you of meeting
dates, call Glenice Overby, 523-5180, and she will put
you on her 'phone list'. (Look on the back page of this
newsletter for Facebook and web site info.)
Barbara Firth, President
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January - February 2016
Happy New Year! Vestafjell
Lodge members, and welcome to a
brand new year!
One definite returning happening that many young
skiers look forward to, as winter’s short days give way
to the longer, warmer days of spring, is our annual
Vestafjell and District 6 Sons of Norway sponsored
BarnelØpet. This year, our Fourteenth Annual, will be
held on Saturday, March 5th. “BarnelØpet ” is a
Norwegian word that translated means “the children’s
race”. We hold these races, in cooperation with other
winter enthusiasts of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council,
on the beautiful Grand Mesa and at the Skyway
Nordic Area, with its spectacular alpine setting. This is
a day of thrilling, colorful, and sometimes-challenging,
ski racing for kids ages 3 to 16. Our purpose is to
introduce and promote the healthy and exhilarating
sport of cross-country skiing, while emphasizing its
connection to the people and culture of Norway and
Scandinavia. After the eager, noisy, and exciting start,
the kids race around their chosen courses as fast as they
can to see how well they can ski this year. It’s all about
friendly competition and fun, and in the end, –
everyone will be a winner! I encourage all of you
“Vikings” to come up to Skyway and cheer these
young skiers on!
Rental skis, boots, and poles are available at the
incredibly low cost of only $2.00 per set up. This is
thanks to a North Face Explore Fund grant that was
received by the Nordic Council. To arrange for
equipment, the contact is Anita Evans, Skis For Kids
organizer at, or you may phone
at 970-872-1168. Anita will need the following
information no later than at least one week before the
races : Name, Shoe Size, Height &Weight, and Ability
(Beginner, Intermediate, Expert). A contact phone
number would also be useful.
BarnelØpet 2016
What: A fun, cross-country ski event for young
people ages 3 to 16. Free lessons. Free races. Prizes,
hot drinks and cookies.
When: March 5, 2016 (Saturday).
Where: Skyway Nordic Area on the Grand Mesa
between mile markers 32 & 33.
Times:10:00am Registration at Skyway.
11:00 Instructional Clinic. Free, learn to ski
12:00 1, 2. & 5 Kilometer Beginner Fun Races
where everyone is a winner.
What to Bring: Kids should bring their own
equipment [there are rentals available– see above].
Pack a lunch, as the event covers the middle part of
the day. Bring cowbells, goat bells, or sleigh bells to
cheer the racers on!
Ron Thoreson, Sports Director
A New Year wish to each of you
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January - February 2016
January, February, March 2014 Phone: 433-4113
The Vestafjell Lodge officers elected at the November
17, 2015 meeting are:
President: Barbara A Firth, Email:
Phone 245-5649
Vice President: vacant
Email: Phone: 243-0458
Email: Phone: 241-6930
Membership Secretary: Harriet A Smock, Email: Phone: 242-3396
Counselor: Bud Smock, Email:
Phone: 242-3396
Social Director: Linda A. Lynch, Email: Phone: 433-4113
Editor: Janice Booth, Email:
Phone: 243-0458
Mailing List: Elaine M. Nelson, Email: Phone 778-0301
Cultural Director: Bud Smock, Email: Phone 242-3396
Publicity Director: Annette R. Helgelien, Phone: 858-6702
Current Events of Norway: Marge Sehler, Email: Phone: 434-0803
Greeters: Arletta VanTassel, Phone: 434-1295, Elaine
Nelson, Harriet Smock
Foundation Director: Elaine M. Nelson, Email: Phone 778-0301
Sports Directors: Ronald & Sallie Thoreson, Email: Phone:249-1869
Musician: Duane Helgelien, Email: Phone: 858-6702
Historian/Scrapbook: Elaine M. Nelson, Email: Phone: 778-0301
Volunteer Coordinator: Elaine M. Nelson, Email: Phone 778-0301
Adopt-A-School: Joyce Theyson, Email:, Phone: 242-0251
Librarian/Reading Group Leader: Linda Lynch,
Email: Phone: 433-4113
Genealogy Group Leader: Barbara A. Firth, Email: Phone: 245-5649
Tubfrim Stamps: Jenifer and John Oien, Email: Phone 549-1582
Facebook & Website: Linda Lynch, Email:
November 8, 2015
The meeting was held at the SOV and called to
order about 2:00 pm. Everyone was given a good
welcome and we all Pledged Allegiance to the USA
flag and sang Anthems. There were several birthdays
acknowledged of which two members were present.
The program was presented by Charles Barth who
took us to Iceland and Norway on a slide show tour
with excellent narration. He and a friend had gone to
these countries to fish last summer and had a
wonderful time. We learned that in Iceland
hydroelectric and geothermal power supply are
Iceland’s primary energy and water sources as well as
many other facts. It was a very interesting
Marge Sehler, representing the Nominating
Committee, announced the few candidates that were
willing to serve There was discussion about a change
to our schedule of meetings. Bud made a motion
stating “I move that Vestafjell Lodge adapt to the
changing situation in our lodge, by discontinuing
Sunday afternoon meetings at the end of this year, and
beginning in January 2016, we schedule our meetings
for a week day with no preparation of food”. Charles
Barth made a motion to accept and Elaine Nelson 2 nd
it. A vote was taken by those present, and the motion
passed to have the change starting in January 2016.
After the change of schedule was approved, Marge
presented a second slate, of officers and committee
chairs who will serve with the new schedule. This list
was approved by acclamation.
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January - February 2016
Marge Sehler led us in honoring our Veterans, and all
Veterans were acknowledged and a picture was taken.
Each Veteran shared his name, rank and serial number
and where and in what service he/she served. A poem of
Thanksgiving was read by Jan Booth. The poem was
titled “This is what Thanksgiving means to me”.
The Dinner Prayer was sung and a delicious Turkey
dinner was had by all. Turkey was furnished by the
lodge with Bud and Harriet, Ardy and Elaine Nelson
cooking the turkeys. A wide assortment of delicious
potluck foods was provided by members. The meeting
was adjourned about 3:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Booth, Secretary
Annual Cultural Fest at the Mesa County Public
Jan, Marge, Gladys and Barb
Vestafjell Board Meeting
November 10, 2015
The Thanksgiving Spread was delicious!
Winsome Bell Perry, a charter member of our lodge
passed away November 10, 2015. We , Vestafjell Lodge
members, extend our most heartfelt sympathies and
condolences to the family.
Our Board meeting was held at the SOV and
started at 9:00 a.m. Board Members present were
Barb Firth, Bud and Harriet Smock, Marge Sehler,
Elaine Nelson, Linda Lynch, Gladys Beals and Jan
President Barb Firth thanked the nominating
committee for gathering information about the
officers for next year. The Oct 13, board minutes were
read, reviewed and approved. Gladys gave a treasure’s
report and it was approved as well. It was discussed
that a report needed to be prepared of our actual
budget expenditures to date so we can present it to the
members in January. All board members were
encouraged to present anticipated expenses in 2016.
We were reminded that the end of the year reports is
coming due and to gather information.
A report was given on the Mesa County Public
Library Annual Cultural Fest that was held on
Saturday, November 7th. Barb, Gladys, Marge and Jan
were at our Sons of Norway table with displays and
homemade flat bread. It was a great event and we
shared information with many people who attended.
It was agreed to give the usual donation of $100 to
the Grand Mesa Nordic Council at the end of the year.
Gladys was asked to send our accumulated
Foundation donations to Minneapolis, the SON
The Christmas Dinner meeting was discussed and
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January - February 2016
January, February, March 2014
there will be a Ham dinner with potluck sides and a
Christmas cookie sale consisting of anything
December 13, 2015
homemade. Unwrapped gifts and gift cards, as well as
cash donations collected during the meeting, will be
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm at the
given to the Salvation Army. The meeting was
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church by President
adjourned at 10:15.
Barbara Firth. There were 20 members and 3 guests
present. Barbara thanked all of those who brought
Respectfully submitted,
cookies and decorations that made the room look very
Janice Booth, Secretary
festive. The cookie sale did a brisk business, with
some items sold as soon as they hit the table.
Original picture painted by Bud Smock and photos
of Bud and Harriet's trip to Norway.
Arletta VanTassel our Greeter and Gladys Beals our
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Anthems
were sung, led by Duane Helgelien. There were 11
members with December birthdays with special
acknowledgment to Shirley Spangsberg on her 85 th
birthday. President Barb Firth presented a 25 year pin
to Arletta Van Tassel and 10 year pins to Annette and
Duane Helgelien.
The Uffda Singers led the members in singing
Christmas Carols and related readings, including the
biblical story of Christmas. Gifts, gift cards, and
monetary donations for children will be taken to the
Salvation Army this week.
All enjoyed delicious ham prepared by Elaine
Nelson accompanied by a wide variety of side dishes
and desserts.
Barb discussed the need to reduce costs next year.
One of our biggest costs is printing and stamps. If you
now get your newsletter by post office mail, we
would like to change our records to send it by email.
Please call Barb 245-5649, to make this change.
Email messages from Vestafjell Lodge are now
coming from Elaine Nelson's address. We are also
updating the website and the Facebook page often. If
you do not have email, or really need a phone
reminder for meetings, call Barb to get you on a call
list that Glenice Overby has offered to handle.
Barb announced there will be no breakfast during
the month of December. The next breakfast will be on
Thursday January 28, at 9:00 am at Denny’s in
The next lodge meeting is our first lunch meeting
on Monday, January 11, at l:00 pm at Starvin’ Arvin’s
in Clifton. Wear your badge, sit in booths or at the
long table. Come and be in on the discussion about
what to include in these meetings.
Barb thanked everyone for attending and the
meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Harriet Smock, Acting Secretary
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January - February 2016
buyers. Gladys has sent our accumulated Foundation
donations to the Minneapolis office. Our customary
memorial donation to the Foundation in memory of
Winnie Perry has also been sent. It was agreed that
Gladys will send a check for $50 to the Salvation
Army, reflecting cash donations at the December
meeting Linda Lynch will deliver gift cards and gifts
for children to Salvation Army this week.
The board worked out the budget for 2016 during
the remainder of the meeting. Barb will forward our
plan to Elaine Nelson, and the budget will be
presented to members at the January lodge meeting
on Monday January 11.
Happy lefse makers Gladys, Marge, Barb and
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Lynch, Acting Secretary
Det Norske Sellsak I Vestafjell
Lefse to sell at the cookie sale
December 15, 2015
Our Board meeting was held at the SOV and started
at 9:00 a.m. Board Members present were President
Barb Firth, Bud and Harriet Smock, Linda Lynch, and
Gladys Beals.
The Nov. 10 board minutes were read, reviewed and
approved with one change. The $100 sent to the Grand
Mesa Nordic Council in November was not a donation,
but was our payment for liability insurance for the the
March 6, 2016 Barnelopet event.
Gladys gave the treasurer’s report and it was
approved. Gladys reported that our Christmas Cookie
Sale netted $147.00. Thanks to all the bakers and
Our Reading group meets at the SOV Church the
first Monday of each month from 1-2 PM. The
reading group is open to all and remember that our
library is open during this time. We have a good
selection of books to choose from, so come and find a
good book from our library.
Linda Lynch, Facilitator
Don't forget to clip your postage stamps and bring
them to the the next lodge meeting. Please give your
stamps to Jenifer or John Oien..
Also, Adopt a school is still going strong, keep
collecting books and soup labels. Thank you to
everyone and anyone who has given me books for the
“Kiddos”. They love them. Please bring your box top
education coupons/labels and give them to Joyce
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January - February 2016
January, February, March 2014
At a recent lodge meeting, I did not have much
time to give my report so I said “Buy life insurance
while you can.” That brought a few chuckles and
had me backtracking . I did not mean buy
insurance before you die, I meant buy life
insurance while you can afford it.
A 69 year-old male with standard rating would
pay $465 per month for a $100,000 whole life policy.
A 49 year-old male with a select rating would pay
$158 per month for a $100,000 whole life policy. A
29 year-old female with a super select rating would
pay $53 per month for a $100,000 whole life policy.
The premium does not change so the 29 year will
still be paying $53 per month when she is 69.
The point is, life insurance premiums are largely
driven by age and health. If you have a young child
or grandchild, you would be doing them a favor if
you helped them to understand this concept. If you
want help, call or email me.
Mike Johaneson
720 971-0130 or
Hal Rolfson
Cecil Tapey
Elaine Nelson
Bud Smock
Lillie Huwe
Florence Vuk
Janice Kirkwood
Robert Andrews
Annette Helgelien
John Welch
Arletta Van Tassel
Gladys Beals
Beverly Kampf
Page 8
January - February 2016
The official newsletter of Sons of Norway
Vestafjell Lodge 6-146
Editors: Jan Booth
613 ½ Arapahoe Way
Grand Junction, Colorado 81506
Email address:
Vestafjell Web Site Address:
Facebook/Vestafjell Lodge 6-146 (Public Group)
Disclaimer: Names, phone numbers and addresses
listed in the newsletter must not be redistributed or
used for commercial purposes.
Vandrer newsletter is in color on the web
Return Mail Address:
613 ½ Arapahoe Way
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Clip Stamp for Tubfrim