Complete Minutes for the 2013 Year
Complete Minutes for the 2013 Year
TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of January 22, 2013 - 13- 078 Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Malcolm Swinney, Deer Park Emergency Services Director, introduced Robert Hemminger, Pasadena Emergency Services Director; and self-introductions were given by Mike Macha of Texas Department of Homeland Security. PRESENTATION Jennifer Hawes of the Texas Department of Emergency Management gave an overview of the programs and processes performed by TDEM which included risks ( hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and tornadoes) highlighting historical storms and declarations. She explained that local jurisdiction cannot be superseded by state government, but to qualify for state resources an entity must be qualified by the President as a disaster area. ( Power Point Presentation is Exhibit A) Discussion followed relating to topics pertaining to having mutual aide agreements in place; notification information and additional agreements in place with state agencies; an awareness of recent legislature covering local declarations; proper documentation for after action reports and audits; and after action plans for recovery. MINUTES Motion was made by Danny Rouen and seconded by Ron Brown to approve the November 27, 2012 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Buddy Rice and seconded by Danny Rouen to accept the financial report for the month of December, 2012. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark — "As mentioned at the November meeting, the Deer Park LEPC is being challenged by the Boston Red Socks on the Wally Wise Guy Trademark which will require legal representation Edmonds & for the opposition. The Executive Committee would like to recommend the law firm of Nolte, and Robb Edwards as the attorney, be retained at a cost of$ 1 0,000 to represent the DP LEPC. Motion was made by Danny Rouen and seconded by Ray Cook to retain Robb Edmonds of Edmonds& Nolte. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2, Minutes, Regular 13- 079 Meeting Deer Park LEPC, January 22, 2013 Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair, reported: REVIEW OF LEVEL II and LEVEL III Incidents —Mr. Swinney advised the LEPC there were a number of events over the past couple of months and he had requested the plant managers give a presentation to the LEPC relating to the incidents. Johan Zaayman, Shell, chemical side of the commented, " plant which We had a Level Zero incident on January 10, 2013 on the involved Butadiene. After all notifications were made, the calculations indicated a low amount of product and further assessments indicated the product to be in the higher atmosphere. LEPC. Last week, updates were made to TCEQ, Harris County and the Deer Park There were 57 employees medically screened and the results were no employee was impacted. We had five air monitors along the fence line and there were no indications of community impact. We were able to assess that the proper protocols for workers and the community were in place and followed. One aspect of the incident was formed through e- mails and text messaging, and while these two forms of communication were not necessarily accurate, they did convey information. " David Wade questioned Mr. Zaayman indicated that is Shell terminology. on the terminology " Level Zero" to which Mr. Zaayman Mr. Swinney advised Mr. Zaayman the proper protocols used by the Deer Park LEPC are Level I, Level II, and Level III. Kevin Machemehl, Oxy Vinlys, reported there was a transformer fire in the capacitor at OxyVinyls on December 21, 2012 that was originally reported as a Level II and then downgraded to a Level I CAER LINE — " The EHCMA Public Affairs Division continues to work on developing the educational process for rolling out the new CAER Line number with anticipation of a June 1, 2013 rollout." Sandra Watkins reported for Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair: CITIZEN SURVEY— Ms. Watkins called upon Dr. Robert Heath for a presentation. Dr. Heath reviewed the 2012 Citizen Survey highlighting some of the weaknesses which included the 530 AM Radio as a communication device rather than new technology through text and e- mail messages; establishing incentives so citizens pay better attention to messages on health and safety which seemed to be their most concern; the demographics of the city being on the younger end than the survey conducted ten years ago; concerns, but not worries, relating to odors being problematic; more information on industry having positive impact on the community as a partner with the city, and school district; parents needing more assurance the schools are taking care of their children; outside sirens being taken for granted; and better use of telephone calling system. Most residents placed a high importance on Wally Wise Guy and his campaign for educating everyone about shelter-in-place, and a need to restore new knowledge through Responsible Care like the programs the LEPC presented in the early 2000' s A full copy of the report is available from the LEPC Secretary/ Treasurer, Sandra Watkins, at 281. 478. 7248 or skwatkins cr, deeiparktx. org 13- 080 Page 3, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, January 22, 2013 2013 LEPC CALENDAR — "The final proof has been presented to the printers with a schedule for delivery the last week of December." Angie Stack, Emergency Response/ Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: DRILL 2013 —"The drill has been scheduled for October 2, 2013 and will be held at the Deer Park ISD Educational Center. The 2013 drill will be the communication phase of the three year drill process involving multijurisdictional players and will continue with the tornado scenario began in The plans are moving forward and we believe this will be a good communications process test 2012. for all involved." NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be February 26, 2013 ( ATTEST: ism. Sans 4: a Watkins, TRMC, CMC Secretary 4th Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: 60 7) Jay Stokes Chairman f "- TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of 13- 81 February 26, 2013 - Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. MINUTES Motion was made by Chief Grigg and seconded by Ron Brown to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2013 meeting with to the a correction spelling of the word ` Sox', under the Wally Wise Guy Trademark update. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Chief Grigg verified that the $ 10,000 that was taken out of the contingency fund was for the legal representation on the Wally Wise Trademark. Motion was made by Chief Grigg and seconded by Jesse Hicks to accept the financial report for the January 2013. Motion carried unanimously. month of COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark — " We Edmonds & have some good news from Rob Edmonds, attorney for Nolte, the local firm hired to assist with the Wally Wise Guy Trademark. It is not the Red Sox proper who has challenged the trademark, but the attorneys for Major League Baseball, which is about the same thing. They look out for all of the trademarks in the interest of Major League Baseball. Our Attorney has had some discussions with Major League Baseball' s attorney and they have shown some willingness to compromise. If we had some restrictions that defended the Wally in Massachusetts, they might back off. The Attorney asked them about not having Wally in a baseball hat only to learn that was not one of their issues, so I don' t think that will be a problem. Wally presently is not licensed in Massachusetts and if it would help things, we would not license Wally in Massachusetts. The big question was whether we are willing to change the name and we said that we were not willing to the Our attorney very smartly asked if because of the expense that we are going through if Major League Baseball would be willing to make a contribution to our LEPC, and if not a cash donation then would they donate autographed baseballs, and other items so that we might be able to have a silent auction to raise money. Their attorney seemed receptive on that idea. The change name. funny thing about this is that Sandi was putting together, at our Attorney' s request, lots of information which shows a continuous usage of the Wally trademark for the past several years. One of the things Page 3, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, Mr. Swinney February 26, 2013 continued, " Scott Greene, Lubrizol, 13- 83 Last Thursday, Lubrizol had an incident." reported, " Lubrizol has a pipeline that goes from our facility here in Deer Park down to the Ship Channel docks. We had a leak that was discovered. Basically, it was right at the Lubrizol property line with Dow, and it crosses under their property. It did end up being large enough to report to the State. Here, locally, I contacted Malcolm and we did end up putting it out as a Level 2 on E- Notify. Technically, it was probably a Level 3 since it was on someone else' s property." Rick Deel, Lubrizol, added, " It was about 10 feet over on the Dow side. It was a small area back in the wooded area, and it didn' t impact anyone else." David Wade not with If you will recall, there was an incident at Akzo Nobel and Lyondell Basel, February 1, 2013 in La Porte. Well, it is part of Pasadena and some of La commented, " this LEPC, on Porte' s ETJ, so it was a really good multijurisdictional response effort by all. We didn' t have action on that because the initial report came out earlier that morning from Akzo Nobel as no effect, but later on effected employees from another company further downwind. So, in discussing some of the levels of events, and what was decided there, anytime you have a vapor release go ahead and report it as a Level 2 incident. A Level 2 means something may have the potential to leave the site depending on the environmental issues. If it is a vapor cloud, especially if it is a respiratory hazard, go ahead and raise the awareness level instead of reporting at a lessor level. That morning, I think there was some fog in the area, and water was sprayed on it as it was occurring which also created an HCL cloud. The HCL migrated down offsite, and down a pipeline corridor, and employees form another plant began having ill effects. Being a Level 1, a lot of people didn' t know about it, then other people began being impacted by it. It became a matter of what was causing injuries to the employees. It took all day long to associate where the contact was coming from. There was a lot of time spent on trying to figure out whether it was a pipeline leak." Mr. Swinney commented, " Speaking of crossing multijurisdictional lines in that particular incident, the first plant issued a Level 1 which did go to La Porte, but unfortunately, because of the 360 application, LaPorte didn' t honor it as a local Level 1. Those down in the Pasadena area were unaware of what was happening, literally, within eyeshot of their plant. We have the potential in our area for the same thing along Independence Parkway, with one side being in Deer Park and one side being in La Porte. The message and lesson learned here is that in a vapor release you should start off as a Level 2. A Level 2 is not going to cause me or Chief Grigg, or the dispatcher to push the button and sound any sirens, but it gives us the awareness and information we need so that if it does begin to unfold or escalate, we are already aware of the possibilities." Mac McClendon, Harris County Precinct 3, added, " On that same note about awareness, Harris County Office of Emergency Management has to notify certain people of things that are going on. The reason is that when you have offsite impacts we start seeing people showing up in emergency rooms. We have to notify SETRAC, CEMOC and the Public Health Authority so they can start getting ahead, before people start calling us, and if we don' t know anything about it, we are left out in the dark." Page 4, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, David Wade Once we receiving 26. 2013 February commented, " set up calls our 13- 84 I believe twenty- four persons were exposed and nine were transported. emergency operations from hospitals regarding center, we did a chemical release contact in the SETRAC, who were already In turn, we had to southeast side. respond to that." Mr. Swinney At the LEPC in La Porte, they did talk about the Air Liquide incident, but commented, " there was no one there to represent them either. There were a lot of positive things said about the Fire, EMS and Police response from all of the surrounding cites. Everyone worked well together. I want to refer everyone back to the CECC Manual. Inside the manual it clearly talks about the Level 2' s and 3' s. It is encouraged to start off calling the Level 2 in the manual. There are some things happening with the CECC Committee that will make things a lot more positive. One of the things that will be happening soon, under Rick Deel' s guidance, will be new documents. As soon as the manual is updated." Rick Deel commented, " The CECC Committee is going away, but that function needs to continue, because communication is always a problem. There will be a new Committee. They will call it the Security Emergency Management Committee." Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair, reported: LCITIZEN SURVEY— Ms. continue to get better. She Copeland reported that this was the fourth survey since 1998 and that they commented, " One of the key things we want the people to know is that the LEPC has done a wonderful job over the years of educating the citizens about LEPC, and the ways that citizens can learn what is going on in their community. But, it isn' t the time to say good job, we are done, but rather just to keep moving forward. One of the things that came through loud and clear was the entity that our community respects the most is law enforcement and fire fighting agencies on keeping everyone informed. One of the things that we are thinking about is how we can get community awareness and media relations training for all of the entities represented in this room. The way that the City responded to the media on the incident at Air Liquide was excellent. I know we would have responded in the same way. It would really be advantageous to us all to receive media training." Chairman Stokes I agree, I think Jeff Suggs did a very good job on television and with the media in dealing with that tragedy." commented, " Scott Greene reported for Angie Stack, Emergency Response/ Transportation Subcommittee Chair: DRILL 2013 —"Angie is working a shut down so cannot be here today. The committee met last month to continue planning the drill, schedule for October 2, 2013. This will be the second in a three year cycle. We are working on a variety of different things right now. We have confirmed that the Deer Park ISD is providing for use of three large rooms and one small room in the Education Support Center. We will go with three facilitators, one for each room. Last year, David Wade was the primary Lfacilitator. We are working on recruiting a couple more. We have received some positive feedback. The largest part of the drill that we are working on, with the help of Rick Renner, are the injects and situation descriptions. He is working a shut down as well. Once we touch base, I' ll give you all an update. We are making progress." Page 5, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, February 26, 2013 13- 85 NEW BUSINESS Malcolm Swinney thanked everyone for the phone calls, and everyone for keeping him informed." Ray Cook, Dow Chemical, with a boiler commented, " at the main site. There I contacted Malcolm because, basically, we had a situation were no injuries, no releases, no loss of containment. We had to shut down, but coming back up we didn' t expect any issues, but wanted to make sure he was informed because of the little bit of flare activity. I that happens, we will make applicable notifications." Mr. Swinney continued, " The City of Pasadena Office of Emergency Management ( OEM), my office, Pasadena Police Department, Pasadena ISD, Deer Park Police Department, and Deer Park ISD all joined together last week for a tabletop seminar on an active shooter scenario. I thought it was a great training exercise. There were a lot of different jurisdictions, same as it will be in our drill in October. Communication seems to be one of the key areas we will need to be focusing on going into the drill. I thought, overall, the drill went well." Don Dean, Deer Park ISD, I think the key element is communication and we are, as a community, getting better at communicating between Deer Park and Pasadena as well as other entities. It was a very positive exercise." added, " NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be March 26, 2013 ( ATTEST: p4, ant, a Watkins, TRMC, Secr- . ry 4th Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: BA" CMC Jay '`. Cr. es rman TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of March 26, 2013 - 13- 86 Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Blaine Murphy replacing T. J. Height for day; Christina Perez with TM Deer Park Services; Belinda Dunkel with Houston Ammonia Terminal; Ricky Anorga, Vice Chairman for North Channel LEPC; and then Chuck Wolf introduced Pamela Parker with East Harris County Manufacturers Association; and Don Dean with DPISD introduced Stephen Harrell who will replace Don upon his retirement. MINUTES Motion was made by Ricky Anorga and seconded by George Tullgren to approve the minutes of the 26, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. LFebruary FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Chuck Wolf and seconded by Ricky Anorga to accept the financial report for the months of February and March 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark — "Rob Edmonds, attorney for Edmonds & Nolte, working with us on the Wally Trademark has been corresponding with the attorney for Major League Baseball who has issued a protest on behalf of the Boston Red Sox. They have asked several things of the Deer Park LEPC to which we have responded: They asked that Wally would not appear at any sporting events. Our response was Wally would not appear at any professional or collegian sporting events; Wally would never be known or referred to as ` Wally the Green Monster' to which our response was okay and no problem; Wally' s color scheme would never be changed to reflect the color scheme of Wally the Green Monster to which our response was okay and no problem; They asked that we amend our Trademark to reflect our Wally is not related to any sporting teams or mascots to which our response was okay and no problem; and We offered to restrict Wally from being licensed in Boston or the State of Massachusetts as there are no current license agreements for either. Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, March 26, 2013 13- 87 Mr. Edmonds advised it is common practice in such cases for those filing the complaint to provide some type of settlement for the inconvenience and that he has asked them for a cash contribution of 5, 000 or an equal amount of in-kind contribution the LEPC can use to auction off, etc." George Tullgren asked who was born first, Wally Wise Guy or Wally the Green Monster to which Chairman Stokes advised Wally Wise Guy was born in 1992 and their Wally was born in 1997, and that by all rights the Deer Park LEPC could have protested their first trademark. Resignation of Emergency Response/ Transportation Chair —Chairman Stokes advised the LEPC membership that Angie Stack will be retiring from Shell in the Fall of 2013 and has rendered her resignation as the Chair of the Emergency Response/ Transportation Committee so that a new Chair can be named and begin work on the 2013 Drill. Emergency Response/ Transportation Chair Appointment — Chairman Stokes advised the LEPC membership the Executive Committee was recommending Scott Greene as Chair for the Motion was made by Ricky Anorga and seconded by Chief Greg Grigg to accept the Executive Committee' s recommendation for appointment. Motion carried unanimously. subcommittee. Chairman Stokes reported for Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair: Chairman Stokes advised the LEPC membership Mr. Swinney was in New Orleans attending the National Hurricane Conference, and called upon Akzo Nobel for a report on their March 4, 2013 incident. March 4, 2013 Incident - Kevin DeShazo release which resulted in a large fire. reported, " On March 4th we had a significant chemical We made the E- Notify communication and had representatives from both the Deer Park and LaPorte Fire Departments responded and the LaPorte Police Department assisted with roadblocks at Battleground and Highway 225 and Miller Cut Off. The fire was contained and under control within forty- five minutes. We did not recommend a Shelter- In- Place for the residential communities of Deer Park or LaPorte as there was a thirty to thirty-five mile south wind. There was one contractor transported to the hospital where he remained for a couple of days, but last report he is doing well. We are in the evaluation stage at this time." Deer Park Police Chief Greg Grigg advised Deer Park assisted LaPorte with the roadblocks at Highway 225 and Battleground. Ricky Anorga advised CIMA was on standby due to the smoke that was visible from the roadway. Chuck Wolf questioned if a CAER line message had been given to which Mr. DeShazo advised it had. Jeff Suggs, Director of Emergency Services for LaPorte, advised that while the incident was reported as a Level II, it should probably have been reported as a Level III based on the amount of visible smoke leaving the site. Page 3, Minutes, Regular Meeting 13- 88 Deer Park LEPC, March 26, 2013 Hurricane Conference— Chairman Stokes advised the LEPC membership there will be a booth at the Hurricane Conference in June, which will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center, and more details will be forthcoming. Sandra Watkins reported for Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair: Totally Texas —Ms. Watkins advised the LEPC mail for volunteers for the booth for April membership a sign-up sheet will be provided via e- 13th, and encouraged members to assist in providing information to the citizens relating to the LEPC and Shelter-In-Place. Scott Greene, Emergency Response/Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: DRILL 2013 —" There The drill is meeting. will be a meeting to discuss the 2013 Drill today after the regular LEPC still scheduled for October 2nd, and Diane Sheridan and the Deer Park Community Advisory Committee will assist in getting information to the held at the Deer Park ISD Educational Support Center." public. The event will be NEW BUSINESS Ricky Anorga advised the Deer Park LEPC he is the current Vice-Chairman for the North Channel LLEPC and they are interested in working with Deer Park, LaPorte, Baytown and Pasadena on a Regional Transportation Program and would like to invite Scott as the new Chair for the Deer Park LEPC Emergency Response/ Transportation Committee to be a member of their planning committee to which Mr. Green advised he would. Russ Kuykendall with Parks and Wildlife gave an overview of the recent controlled burn advising while the burn was a success, there were some communication issues between command and adjoining industry. He then reminded everyone of the re- enactment of the battle of San Jacinto to be held on April 20th and of the traffic congestion that will entail. Chuck Wolf provided information for an upcoming regional Joint Information Center training sponsored by HGAC on July 24th. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be April 23, 2013 ( S. • i a 1.i iK Watkins, TRMC, CMC Secretary Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: ATTEST: a 4th 1-) / Jay/ ti es Chairman TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of April 23, 2013 - 13- 89 Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Jeff Suggs, Emergency Management Officer for City of LaPorte; and Gary Hines of Clean Harbors. MINUTES Motion was made by Ricky Anorga and seconded by Danny Rouen to approve the minutes of the March 26, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT LMotion was made by Malcolm Swinney and seconded by Ricky Anorga to accept the financial report for the month of April 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark—" There is nothing new at this time. The attorney has not received any correspondence from the attorneys for Major League Baseball. We are just waiting." Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair, reported: Level Incidents— Mr. Swinney called upon Gary Hines of Clean Harbors for a report. Mr. Hines reported Clean Harbors had a minor reaction that occurred in the feed preparation building where mixing is performed and toes into the incinerator, and that while there were vapors, they stayed in the incinerator. Notifications were made to HCPC, Deer Park, and TCEQ, and there were no offsite results. He advised Clean Harbors had made a similar report to the CAC the previous night. Ray Cook reported on an incident that occurred at the Lone Star plant on Tidal Road which consisted of a small amount of product entering the ventilation system resulting in steam and a haze that went out the gate at determine Tidal towards the what occurred and monitoring occurred, but he waste He advised Lone Star is still investigating to He advised at the May LEPC meeting. HCPC investigated and were happy with what treatment plant. will make a no chemicals were better update detected. they checked and that the plant had also made the proper notifications to the city and surrounding neighbors. He advised the incident lasted about one and one- half hours. Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, April 23, 2013 Hurricane Conference— Mr. 13- 90 Swinney advised the LEPC the National Hurricane Conference was held in New Orleans in March and there were sessions which reviewed Hurricane Sandy which, at land fall, was a subtropical system. The National Weather Center is doing an analysis for a new process for the 2013 season which will include issuing warnings, more surge information, and the various components of storms like Sandy and Ike which were classified under the old system but resulted in more damage than past, typical thunder storms and hurricanes. He advised FEMA is in the red and flood rates will be increasing significantly in all flood prone areas, and FEMA is placing emphasis on wrapping up projects He advised the LEPC that Bill Reed, Former Director of the National Hurricane Conference will be the guest speaker for May. Sandra Watkins reported for Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair: Totally Texas— Ms. Watkins advised the LEPC the participation at the LEPC booth was constant, and thanked David Bode, Lee Baron, Greg Grigg, Roy Roberts, Jay Stokes, John White and Chuck Wolf for participating in booth coverage. She then thanked Tammy Jones for once again coordinating the setup, operation and take which were my down grandchildren of the booth, Jonathan Peltier and commented, " and We had two new helpers this year Megan Watkins. They helped Wally in the parade, at the booth and Megan was Wally. The old Wally' s were taking bets on how long she would be able to wear the costume and she surprised them all by staying thirty minutes. Afterwards, she told me she wants keep doing to it. So, we have a Wally in training. Also, Megan and Jonathan suggested the LEPC look into a small version of Wally which might not be as intimidating to the smaller children." Citizen Survey Invoice - Ms. Watkins reported Dr. Heath had determined the cost for the data gathering portion of the survey totaled the budgeted amount of$ 12,000 and rather than compromising the study committed the full amount which resulted in no funding for himself and Dr. Li, and had submitted a request for an additional $ 3, 000 as compensation for himself and Dr. Li. Motion to allow additional funding for the Citizen Survey was approved unanimously. Scott Greene, Emergency Response/Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: DRILL 2013 —" There will be a meeting to discuss the 2013 Drill today after the regular LEPC meeting." NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be April 23, 2013 ( ATTEST: andra Secretary atkins, 4th Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: TRMC, CMC Jay : Ch., tI des an TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of May 28, 2013 - 13- 91 Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Bryan Moody and Ronnie Myers, Shell; Zainab Naqvi, Bostco; Tory Pulliam, CTS; Johnny Lowery, AKZO Nobel; Henry Frank, Harris County Pct 2; Jennie White, Exxon Mobil Pipeline; Vicki Roberts, Citizen; Jason Parrish, Vopak, Jeff Suggs, Emergency Management Officer for City of LaPorte; and City of Deer Park Employees John White, Sharon Massey, Wade Connor, Ken Findley, Crissy Naranjo, Bobbie Magee, and Linda McHone. PRESENTATION Bill Reed of KPRC Houston and former Director of the National Hurricane Center presented an evacuation map ( Exhibit A) for the Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris and Matagorda Hurricane Evacuation Zip Zones and gave an overview of the history of hurricanes highlighting the 2013 forecast; comparing the 2013 Atlantic outlook from a historical perspective; the multi decadal history showing the part played by oceanography; current conditions being warmer than usual at this time and the effect for number of predicted storms for 2013; the El Nino factor; circulation forecasts; historical land falls; volcanic actions; historical storms for the months of June through October; and the current tropic conditions. MINUTES Motion was made by Carl Holley and seconded by Chief Greg Grigg to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Chuck Wolf and seconded by Carl Holley to accept the financial report for the month of May 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark—" There has been no final resolution with Major League Baseball since our last meeting. We are waiting on their response to our answers of their two questions." Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, May 28, 2013 13- 92 Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair, reported: Level Incidents— Mr. Swinney called upon Tim Menard of OxyVinyls for a report. Mr. Menard reported OxyVinyls had a Level II at the Deer Park site in early May of vapor where the gas kilt blew off, but there was never any off-site impact. He reported a Level III occurred at the Pasadena PVC site when an open reactor blew dusting Georgia Gulf but had no other off-site impact. Hurricane Conference — Mr. Swinney advised the LEPC the Southeast Regional LEPC along with Deer Park and LaPorte Office of Emergency Management were hosting a hurricane workshop and safety fair at the Pasadena Convention Center and Deer Park LEPC would have a booth. He on Saturday, June 8, 2013 from 10: 00 a. m. - 2: 00 p.m. distributed a sign-up sheet for those wishing to assist in the booth. Alertus Beacons for City Facilities — "The LaPorte and Pasadena school districts have these devices in their the schools. facility for It is a pager system that allows messages to be sent as a one-way communication to notification to fifteen devices, the cost lockdown. shelter- in- place or the Deer Park School District and We want to place these same devices in communication all consolidate devices through Dispatch. For is $ 10, 230." The question of testing arose and Mr. Sweeney advised Deer Park will conduct weekly tests. Motion was made by Scott Greene and seconded by Chuck Wolf to approve the expenditure of 10, 230 for fifteen( 15) Alertus Beacons. Motion carried unanimously. Community Warning Siren Radio Repairs—" not working. be The radio component on an outside warning system is The radio will have to be shipped to Illinois for repairs causing the outside warning manually. The is $ 1, 600." Motion was made by Ray Cook and seconded by Ron Brown to approve the repairs to the radio component for the outside warning system. system to operated cost of repairs Motion carried unanimously. New Radio for Community Warning Siren System —" We cost of$ returned, Roy 1125 to this replace the one going for repair. radio will allow us Roberts to approve to have a spare." would like to buy a radio component at a Once the repairs are made and the radio component Motion was made by Lee Barron and seconded by the purchase of a radio component for the outside warning system. Motion carried unanimously. Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair, reported: Citizen Survey — "The time." Citizen Survey has been completed, but there is no action or follow-up at this Page 3, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, May 28, 2013 13- 93 Scott Greene, Emergency Response/ Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: DRILL 2013 —"We are continuing to work on the drill and are looking at a series of injects for the planning. One item that has been mentioned is to look at information and data being circulated relating to the Texas and Oklahoma incidents to determine if any of the information can be used in our drill. As a result of the West, Texas incident, there is a newspaper who is contacting are industry under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain information on the company' s RMP Data. Do we have RMP data on file with the LEPC?" Chairman Stokes advised the LEPC had been contacted by the Dallas Morning News for an exhaustive amount of information, but the request was for County LEPC information, and that no secondary requests have been made specific to the Deer Park LEPC since the LEPC' s replay to their request. Mr. Greene continued, " We have information from the Texas Department of Transportation for a hazardous material and emergency preparedness grant that we will be looking at to determine if the LEPC drill qualifies, and will report back in June. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be June 25, 2013 ( ATTEST: 4th Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: air Imo, U Watkins, TRMC, CMC t i Sand a Secr• tary Ja/ C t/ es irman J J J TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of June 24, 2013 - 13- 94 Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Ferris Callihan, Texas Molecular; Norma Hysler, Deer Park Community Advisory Council; David Dorko, OxyVinyls; Jerry Mouton, Jr, Mayor of the City of Deer Park; Shannon Bennett, Deputy City Secretary. PRESENTATION Chuck Wolf of Media Consultants gave an presentation on the basic requirements of an LEPC from the EPA Region 6 LEPC Handbook ( Exhibit A). He highlighted primary LEPC Responsibilities, LEPC Membership and Structure, By-Laws and Meetings, Maintenance of Records, Request for LEPC Records, Funding LEPC activities, Reporting requirements for facilities with Hazardous Materials, Requirements of developing a EPCRA- Compliant Emergency Management Plan, HazMat Response, Exercising and Evaluating the Plan and LEPC training and Education Programs. Mayor Mouton asked, " Are we collectively doing everything that is required as an LEPCT' Mr. Wolf suggested, that the Deer Park LEPC hosts a full three session inviting area local LEPC organizations. MINUTES Motion was made by Chief Greg Grigg and seconded by Tracie Copeland to approve the minutes of the May 28, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Chuck Wolf and seconded by Jesse Hicks to accept the financial report for the month of May 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Willy our Wise Guv Trademark—" There has been no final resolution with Major League Baseball since last meeting. There has been a little progress and is still pending." Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, June 24, 2013 13- 95 Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair, reported: Level Incidents— Mr. Swinney called upon several companies to give there report. David Dorko of Oxy Vinyls reported on June 14, 2013 there was a release of ammonia at the Deer Park facility. There was a response mobilized within 15 minutes. The leak quantity was estimated to be 3580 pounds that does not include what was knocked down by the water. There were no injuries at any of the sites. Iris Rodriguez of Schwan' s Global Supply reported on June 16, 2013 at 8: 15 a.m. there was ammonia leak of 1064 pounds due to a recall on the compressors in 2008. The incident was isolated at 9: 42 a.m. They handled everything internally with the HazMat team isolating the release. Mr. Swinney was advised that the CAER line is not working properly, he will follow up with the issues. Jesse Hicks of Clean Harbors reported on June 20, 2013 at 10: 37 a.m. There was a power failure on site, which caused the emergency vent hatch to open on the 3. 6 unit creating smoke to move offsite. There were no injuries reported. EHCMA Hurricane Status Reporting System - Mr. Swinney advised that each plant can log into the system and update their profile, so if we ever get into and evacuation scenario, they will be able to post there information. Re- Entry Badges — Mr. Swinney advised if you have personnel in your facilities that need badges for early entry, David Wade is the primary contact for the badges. Swinney commented, " If you look at the disaster plan for the area including Galveston County. Galveston County indicates they are going to need a little over 35 hours to perform an evacuation. They are the trigger point. When they start they evacuation then we can start planning for evacuations to Harris County as needed, not every storm requires evacuation besides along the coast and in the coastal areas. In Harris County a category 5 hurricane is a total of 38 hours for a total evacuation. So, we have to get Galveston County going then we will start worrying about Harris County. We will keep you posted on those things. If those events occur, we will give you as Evacuation Decisions — Mr. much lead time as we can." Hurricane Conference Report — Mr. Swinney advised the Community Hurricane Workshop and Safety Fair at the Pasadena Convention Center was a success. We want to thank Belinda Dunkle of Houston Ammonia Terminals and Roy Roberts for being volunteers at our booth. Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair, reported: Page 3, Minutes, Regular Meeting 13- 96 Deer Park LEPC, June 24, 2013 We will be working the new residential and business packets and the Shelter in Place Program." Scott Greene, Emergency Response/ Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: TxDot Grant —"Last month we discussed the possibility of a grant application from the DOT. The executive committee looked at that and decided there was enough restrictions on what we can spend the money on that it would not be worth wild for us to do that. We can consider it in the future but at this point it is nothing we are going to pursue. 2013 Drill - The drill planning continues, it is planned to October 2, 2013. We had a 4 hour session the week before last that included the cities involved. We are making progress and planning a few things. New Business Chuck Wolf advised the LEPC that the Houston- Galveston Regional PIO Network invited the public information officer for Alcohol Tobacco Firearm and the state Fire Marshalls office to speak to our membership about lessons learned from the West, Texas incident on July 18, 2013 from 10 a.m. - 12, hosted by the Texas Department of Transportation at 7600 Washington Ave, Houston Texas cost. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be August 27, 2013 ( 4' ATTEST: San Watkins, TRMC, CMC Secretary h Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: Jay St Chai n at no LTO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of August 27, 2013 - 13- 97 Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. MINUTES Motion was made by Danny Rouen and seconded by Chief Greg Grigg to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Buddy Rice and seconded by Danny Rouen to accept the financial report for the months of June through August 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark— "The last report was that Major League Baseball' s last request is that the Deer Park LEPC not take photographs of Wally in any type of baseball items. The attorney has given them a sixty days extension and advised this is their last one." Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair, reported: Alertus Use Policy—" We would like to be able to create a policy that would allow the purchase of an by businesses, care facilities, industry, etc. Currently, we have twenty-three and both the Deer Park school district and City of Pasadena are installing the devices." Alertus After discussion relating to testing, life of system, and the various uses, motion was made by Rick Deel and seconded by Tim Lancelin to adopt a policy to allow the sale of the Alertus on a reimbursement basis. Motion carried unanimously. Tier Report — Shell — Johan Zaayman, Plant Manager for Shell, reported they had completed a voluntary settlement agreement with the EPA relating to a 2008 Clean Air Act inspection, and will be spending$ 160,000,000 for upgrades to Shell' s flaring units, emissions tanks and units. Tier Report— Delta —Tim Lancelin, Oxy Vinyls, gave a report on an incident which occurred in July due to a power failure which resulted in all circuit breakers coming apart tripping the transformer and causing and a fire. He stated, " This was an electoral incident isolated to the plant. There were no injuries, the investigation is ongoing. helicopters over the Because the flaring was seen from Highway 225, we did have media area and so we made the national news." Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting 13- 98 Deer Park LEPC, August 27, 2013 Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair, reported: 2014 Calendar — " The Committee has chosen to focus the 2014 LEPC Calendar on the youth organizations in Deer Park. We are excited about the theme and thank Sandra Watkins for thinking of this." Hot Zone Conference - " Houston and The Hot Zone Conference is October 18- 19 at the Crown Plaza hotel in the Deer Park LEPC will have a booth again this year. We are looking for volunteers who can work two- hour shifts on those days. If you are free and able to assist, we are passing around a sign- up sheet." Lee Barron reported for Scott Greene, Emergency Response/Transportation Subcommittee Chair: 2013 Drill — The " drill planning continues. It is planned to October 2, 2013. The scenario for the drill will be a tornado related incident stretching from the west side of Spencer at San Jacinto College across and down the street past Wal- Mart. The drill scenario will be held at the Deer Park school district' s training facility on Texas." NEW BUSINESS Dan Heiken with E-Notify advised they are working on the CAER line with East Harris County Manufacturers Association to determine if an interface can be accomplished between the CAER line and the E-Notify system, and the incident report. Discussion relating to recoding, message delivery, training and rollout were discussed, but no decisions were made. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be September 24, 2013 ( 4`" Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. ATTEST: APPROVED: i an ra Watkins, TRMC, CMC Secretary kes la C a an TO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: Minutes of 13- 99 September 24, 2013 - Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stokes called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Kevin Rodgers, Deputy Fire Marshall for City of Deer Park. MINUTES Motion was made by Chief Greg Grigg and seconded by Buddy Rice to approve the minutes of the August 27, 2013 meeting with correction to indicate the Tier Report was provided by Oxy Vinyl. Motion carried unanimously, FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Buddy Rice and seconded by Tracie Copeland to accept the financial report for the month of September 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair, reported: Wally Wise Guy Trademark — "There has been no report from the attorney since the last meeting with the last word being Deer Park' s attorney had advised Major League Baseball' s attorney they had a sixty( 60) day extension." Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair, retorted: 2014 Calendar — "The Committee will be meeting in October to review photos received from the various youth organizations in Deer Park for submission to the printer." Hot Zone Conference - " The Hot Zone Conference is October 18- 19 at the Crown Plaza hotel in Houston and the Deer Park LEPC will have a booth again this year. We are still looking for volunteers who can work two-hour shifts on those days. If you are free and able to assist, we are passing around a sign- up sheet." Scott Greene, Emel:gency Response/Transvortation Subcommittee Chair, reported: 2013 Drill— "We the drill." are fast approaching the drill on October 2" d. Lee Barron has some great injects for Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting 13- 100 Deer Park LEPC, September 24, 2013 Davis Wade welcomed anyone wishing to participate and reminded everyone this drill is the second of a three drill phase and is the functional drill. Discussion followed relating to participation by all entities, businesses, college and school districts as the drill is a multi-jurisdictional drill involving all and the importance of the drill as it relates to an weather incident likely to occur. Mr. Greene stated, " While everyone represents different facets of entities and organizations and everyone knows their respective roles, this drill will enable a coordinated effort in learning how to combine that knowledge for the benefit of one incident." NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be October 22, 2013 ( 4h Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. APPROVED: ATTEST: llue Sandra-Watkins, TRMC, CMC Secretary la LTO: Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team SUBJECT: 13- 101 Minutes of October 22, 2013 - Hosted by: the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman, Chris Hext called the meeting to order at 11 : 00 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Chris Hext of Lubrizol. PRESENTATION Chris Collier and Mark Sastre of SIETRAC gave an overview of how they function and what service they provide to the region, highlighting the CMOP ( Catastrophic Medical Operation Center) and EMTF ( Emergency Medical Task Force) and its four components, MINUTES L Motion was made by Malcolm Swinney and seconded by Chief Greg Grigg to approve the minutes of the September 24, 2013 meeting with correction to the spelling of Davis Wade to read David Wade. Motion carded unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Malcolm Swinney and seconded by Tim Lancelin to accept the financial report for the month of October 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chris next reported for Jay Stokes, Executive Committee Chair: Adoption of the budget — Motion was made by Malcolm Swinney and seconded by Chuck Wolf to adopt the 2014 budget. Motion carried unanimously. Update of CAER Line— Dan Heiken of Emerge Systems gave an overview of the development of the new CAER Line and the E- Notify system. Mr. Heiken showed us how to log on, post a message and report an incident. There are no official dates for training, but tentatively November 6th and 13th are the dates for training at Lee College and San Jacinto College. There will be more information to come. L Mr. Swinney advised that this will be the primary source to post message on the CAER Line. However, there is some discussion about having a website. If Emerge is down or the First Call system is out of service, you will have to rely on the eight hundred number and they will post the message for you. We want to emphasis the incident report needs to be done first and then the CAER Line. Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting 13- 102 Deer Park LEPC, October 22, 2013 Chris Hext reported for Tracie Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair: 2014 Calendar — "The Committee will be meeting on October 28, 2013 to review photos received from the various youth organizations in Deer Park for submission to the printer." Hot Zone Conference— The Hot Zone Conference was a great event. There were a lot of people saying we are the only LEPC represented and had the coolest " gadgets". There was at least four separate LEPC' s( Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana) that stopped and talk Ms. Watkins about who we are, how we operate, and about our budget. They all want to re-vamp their LEPC' s. Special thanks to those who helped Mrs. Watkins in booth: Campbell Aurelius ( DP Police); Lee Barron, Belinda Dunkel, Norma Hysler, Chuck Wolf, Ronnie Watkins and grandson, Jonathan Peltier. David Wade commented, " On behalf of the Hot Zone Committee, I want to express our appreciate to the Deer Park LEPC for the continued support for that conference. Deer Park LEPC has an outstanding presence there Scott Greene, Emergency Response/ Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: 2013 Drill —Mr. Greene commented, " I would like to thank everyone who participated in the drill. We had around seventy people there. I reviewed the feedback forms and we received some really good comments. We received a lot of compliments on the facilities overview and David Wade being a very good facilitator. I had a couple of comments on ways we could better utilize them but, overall, they were very good." NEW BUSINESS Malcolm Swinney reported there has been two Level II incident reports from Dow Chemical on September 26, 2013 and from Akzo Nobel on September 26, 2013. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be November 26, 2013 ( 4' s Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. ATTEST: APPROVED: Sandra Watkins TRMC, CMC Chris Hext Secretary Vice- Chairman " 7 LTO: SUBJECT; Deer Park CAER/ LEPC Team 13- 103 Minutes of November 26, 2013 - Hosted by the City of Deer Park CALL TO ORDER Secretary Sandra Watkins called the meeting to order at 11: 00 a. m. INTRODUCTIONS Self introductions were given by Mike Mocha of Homeland Security FBI Region Representative. MINUTES Motion was made by Buddy Rice and seconded by Track Copeland to approve the minutes of the October 22, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion was made by Gary Jackson and seconded by Buddy Rice to accept the financial report for the Lmonth of November 2013. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Malcolm Swinney, Communications Subcommittee Chair, reported: Level II' s and Level Ill' s Incident Reports - There were no reports this month. CAER Line Update - Mr. Swinney thanked everyone who attended the CAER Line training that was given at Lee College and San Jacinto College, and advised the new projected go- live date is scheduled for December 15, 2013. Sirens Test Change Plans- Mr. Swinney reviewed the recommendation that the monthly siren test be changed from a once a month on the first Thursday at 6:00 p. m. to a weekly test on Saturday at noon which is planned beginning January 2014. He advised there will he articles placed in the city' s newsletter, The Messenger, on Facebook, Twitter, DPTV, the City Website and Blackboard Connect, and on each calendar month of the 2014 LEPC Calendar as a campaign for notifying the citizens. Track Copeland, Community Awareness Subcommittee Chair- reported: 2014 Calendar - Ms. Copeland thanked Sandra Watkins and Malcolm Swinney for all their hard work on the calendar. Scott Greene. Emergency Response/ Transportation Subcommittee Chair, reported: 2013 Drill - There was no report this month. Page 2, Minutes, Regular Meeting Deer Park LEPC, November 26, 2013 13- 104 NEW BUSINESS Johan Zaayman, Communications Manager of Shell, commented. " I wanted to briefly update you about a Consent Decree or voluntary settlement that Shell Deer Park entered into in 2009 with two local NGOs - Environment Texas and the Sierra Club. We have now satisfied the requirements of this settlement which minimizes emissions events at Shell Deer Park and meets targets on reductions of emission events. The Consent Decree was the result of negotiations with the National Environmental Law Center to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of these NGOs for alleged " violations of air pollution emission limits" under the US Clean Air Act. The next step is for the Southern District Court of Texas to terminate the Consent Decree, which should take place in the weeks ahead." Mike Mocha introduced Angela Hahn of the FBI Cyber Taskforce which advised there will be a Cyber Security workshop on December 10, 2013 at the University of Houston. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be January 28, 2014 ( 4th Tuesday) at Deer Park City Hall. ATTEST: APPROVED: 4111 Sandra' Watkins, TRMC, CMC Jay S/ rs Secretary Ch., an J