File - LakeVille Community Schools


File - LakeVille Community Schools
LakeVille Community Schools
Learning Today • Building Tomorrow
Volume 12, No. 10
Homecoming 2014
King and Queen
From The
Board of Education & Staff
Community Schools
Sophomore Prince & Princess
Freshmen Prince & Princess
LakeVille Schools Website
In This Issue . . .
District Mission Statement
Powderpuff Football .................. 11
Sports Schedule ........................ 13
Superintendent Column .............. 2
In partnership, our communities and
quality staff will deliver an excellent
education preparing all students to
succeed in our rapidly changing society.
Junior Prince & Princess
Check our website often as it is
continually being updated
Community Schools
11107 Washburn Rd.
Otisville, MI 48463
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 5
Otisville, MI
Postal Patron
Holly Selesky, President
Chad Carriero, Vice President
Gary Peterson, Secretary
Kelly Zudell, Treasurer
Joe Krapohl, Trustee
Jim Baier, Trustee
Gerry Fuller, Trustee
Vickie Luoma
Amy Smith
Design & Layout
Jill Farnsworth
The Outlook is published quarterly by the LakeVille Board of Education and distributed, without
charge, to each household in the
LakeVille Community School District
through the local post office rural
route system.
The Outlook can be mailed to
LakeVille Alumni, community members or retirees living outside the
district. Cost is $1.00 per issue.
Articles of interest may be submitted for publication. All articles are
reviewed for information that may be
valuable to the majority of citizens
in the school district. Articles may
be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the
LakeVille Outlook.
Helpful tips for submitting
information to be published:
• If you have digital pictures, e-mail
Please include a caption for the
picture or a list of people in the
picture. Pictures printed by a
computer cannot be used.
Original photographs can be
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• Text or other documents may also
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documents in Word.
• You can drop off, fax or mail information to the Administration Office. Please note your name and
telephone number on the information in case we have any questions.
Please address correspondence
or calls to:
LakeVille Outlook
Amy Smith
11107 Washburn Rd.
Otisville, MI 48463
PH: 810-591-3983
FAX: 810-591-6538
Vickie Luoma
Far and Away the best prize that life offers
is the chance to work hard at work worth
doing. Theodore Roosevelt
dens, raising and releasing salmon, running our
Sugarbush and working on multiple video and audio recording projects in our Alternative Energy
We have had an exciting start to the 2014-2015
school year. Our Girls Cross Country team and Andrew McCray from the Boys team qualified for the
state tournament this fall. This was our first trip to
states since 2001. Congratulations to the teams and
our coaches on their success.
As a result of the work completed at the high
school over the summer, our students are now enrolled in American Sign Language courses provided
by Baker College on our campus. These students
will complete their World Language graduation requirement while earning ten college credits. We will
offer a retail management class beginning second
semester. Students in this class will develop and
operate our school store. Genesee Career Institute
(formerly skill center) is piloting a marketing class in
our district in the fall of 2015 that will allow our students to participate virtually. After the GCI director
and staff visited our High School recently, their staff
believes that in the fall of 2016 we will also be able
to run their movie production program onsite. Students currently enrolled in our media and communications class are already doing some exciting work
in our new labs.
This was the second summer that we were under construction, thanks to the generosity of this community. The bond you approved in 2012 supported
major renovation to our High School this summer.
The plumbing, heating and electrical systems were
updated as they were in other buildings. All of the
unit ventilators that were original to the building have
been replaced, just in time for what is supposed to
be another tough winter.
The annex and main building are now connected
and the building has been transformed with flexible
interactive collaborative learning spaces. These
spaces were specifically designed to support college
and career ready skills for 21st century learners. In
a previous Outlook I spoke to you about Daniel Pink’s
book Drive. In this work, he says the future belongs
to a very different kind of person with a very different
kind of mind. In addition to academic knowledge,
qualities like a strong work ethic, inventiveness,
empathy, collaboration, and engaging in meaningful
work are necessary for success in the future our students will inhabit. That message was reinforced this
week when I heard Dr. Simon, President of Michigan State University speak to the Lapeer Economic
Deadline for Winter/Spring Articles
FEBRUARY 13th, 2015
Outlook Published • Feb. 27, 2015
The work we have done to align our K-12 curriculum and ensure the intended curriculum is delivered
with consistency has created a strong foundation for
our students. In addition, the bond work completed
in the past two years is giving our students the facilities they need to prepare for future success.
Questions/Comments/Need Help Solving
a Problem?
Students as young as kindergarten are participating in project based learning activities where they
are engaging in hands on research, collaborating with
their peers to analyze data and apply their knowledge to solve problems and become contributing citizens of the global community. Students at Otter Lake
are involved in a project with the post office to run
their own mail delivery system. They are actually
sworn in by the postmaster. Students in Columbiaville
are working with our local veterans groups to thank
them for their service to our country. Middle School
students are engaged in growing community gar-
You are encouraged to contact any of the following individuals to assist you in answering your school-related questions or to assist you in resolving problems. We are always
open to your suggestions and ideas for improving LakeVille
Schools. Please feel free to clip this list of telephone numbers and save it in the front of your telephone book or place it on the front
of your refrigerator for future reference.
Vickie Luoma
Drew Johnson
Athletic Director
Carrie Strait
Director of Operations
810-591/538-6561 or 591-3939
Robert Hetherton
Special Services Director
Mary Haslinger, Principal
Karlene Vogt, Counselor
Robin Mitchell, Counselor
Margaret Allen-Quaderer, Principal
Stephanie Stiles, Principal
Stephanie Stiles, Principal
(Lapeer county residents may dial
538 to reach all buildings at no
extra charge.)
Otisville 810-538-3120/591-3985
Otter Lake
Middle School 810-591/538-6281
High School
Kelli-Ann Fazer, Principal
2 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
The LakeVille OUTLOOK
2014 ”September Perfect Attendance Program was a success!!! Below are percentages
and totals of students in the LakeVille district
that had “September” Perfect Attendance. This
is our first year of trying the program. Attendance Works Program is a national and state
initiative that promotes awareness of the important role that school attendance plays in
achieving academic success starting with
school entry. Our goal is to ensure that every
district in the country not only tracks chronic
absence data beginning in kindergarten or ideally earlier, but also partners with families and
community agencies to intervene when attendance is a problem for children or particular
We wanted to bring attention to “School…
Just Get There” for education. Perfect means
perfect was the criteria. No tardies, no unexcused absences, no excused absences, no
medical excuses. A certificate, along with Hungry Howie’s donating a free personal pizza to
each student was the recognition they received.
We are working with neighboring districts and
UM-Flint to create a cohort of students who will have
an opportunity to dual enroll and take classes on
the college campus in the fall of 2015. We have
also been working with Kettering University to get
our students involved with their programs and on
their campus. Our Robotics team has grown from
the six students who participated on our Rookie team
last year to fifteen strong this year. We have been
invited to use the Kettering Robotics area to test our
robot on Saturdays. We are excited about the opportunity to work in their facility and to learn from
the professor who works with the Kettering team.
Middle and High School students will be visiting the
campus during the school year.
GISD technology staff visited our campus to discuss our technology needs this fall and are working
on a plan to provide county wide teacher professional development at LakeVille in the summer.
We are hosting a meeting of the Greater Flint
Education Consortium in the completely renovated
Dorothy Collins Media Center next week. We will
have an opportunity to share our progress with representatives from all of the local colleges as well as
with representatives from K-12 districts in the Northern Tier of Genesee County. We hope that each of
you have a chance to visit the campus and see the
opportunities you created for our children.
This is indeed the work worth doing.
Falcons Forever!
Southwest Elementary
The Board of Education has for the past year been discussing the disposition of the Southwest Elementary school building. The building was built in
the early sixties when our population was growing rapidly. It is a wonderful
elementary building in a unique location and has served our students and
the community well for over 50 years. The building was closed as an elementary school in 2005. It was later reopened when the district administrative offices and alternative education program moved in. Those offices and
programs were moved back to the main campus and the building was closed
completely two years ago.
We do not expect to use this building to serve students again. Our board
understands that though we may not need this building to serve students it
is a resource this community provided when needed and we have an obligation to protect the investment you have made. Currently, we are spending
approximately $20,000 to provide heat and electricity at a level that protects
the building from freezing. Turning the heat off could cause major damage
to the building. The building is in fair condition now. Sitting empty accelerates deterioration and we do not want this resource to be destroyed.
We also want to protect the neighborhood from unwanted behavior that
can occur on the property and want to ensure that any use of the building
would be acceptable in our rural community. In addition, the Board wants to
protect the property for the Little League baseball/softball programs that
support several hundred young people each year.
In an effort to address all of the above, our Board is in the process of
having the Southwest property surveyed and split into two parcels. The
building and immediate surroundings will be separated from the vacant property housing the Little League complex. They board plans to enter into a
lease with the Little League program that protects the program and fields in
the long term and into a second agreement with a local company interested
in leasing the building.
The business owner is interested in turning the building into a senior apartment and (possibly) assisted living center. Any use plan for the building will
have to be approved by Richfield Township. The business owner interested
in leasing the building is a LakeVille graduate and community member who
understands the rich history of the district and of the Southwest Elementary
building. He is excited about the opportunity to preserve the building while
creating a business that will also serve a community need. He would like to
build a memorial garden in the front of the building to honor students, staff
and the history of the building.
Leasing the building in this fashion, protects the investment you have
made, preserves the Little League program, eliminates ongoing maintenance
costs for the building and generates some income that can be used so support other district needs. It also gives the building a new use supporting
other community needs. As Mr. Chimento says, “We build our future as we
honor our past.”
Columbiaville Elementary News
Halloween Fun at
First Marking Period
3rd Grade
Aikens, Bryant
Alholinna, Logen
Barron, Grace
Bell, Lucas
Christopher, Cassie
Doty, Addison
Erwin, Stephanie
Heig, Savannah
Holbrook, Katherine
Hubert, Lauren
Huggler, Jonathon
Johnson, Ty
Lavrack, Khloe
Lee, Caden
McDowell, Declan
Nolen, Elijah
Parsons, Tyler
Patterson, Morgan
Schubert, Kaylynn
Thomas, Laredo
Urban, Olivia
Urioste, Jackson
Wasniowski, Thomas
Wright, Dominic
4th Grade
Barron, Corbin
Bauer, Avery
Bobolz, Lila
Butler, Liliana
Clous, Andrew
Cole, Taylor
Costello, Joslynn
Harrington, Ella
Hennessy, Devon
Huggler, Elizabeth
Huizar, Brooke
Johnston, Audrey
Kampfer, Asher
Kampfer, Nevan
Ladd, Hannah
LaLonde, Blake
Lambing, Madison
Langworthy, Jacob
Look, Ava
Love, Olivia
McDowell, Alex
McDowell, Madison
Montgomery, Aidan
Neminski, Benjamin
Parkin, Savannah
Parsons, Trinity
Schedule Of Regular Meetings Of The LakeVille Community Schools Board Of Education, to be held during the calendar year commencing January 1, 2015
and ending December 31, 2015
To all persons interested in the meetings of the Board of Education of LakeVille
Community Schools of Otisville, Michigan, please take notice that the Board of
Education of the LakeVille Community Schools, G-11107 Washburn Road,
Otisville, MI, telephone 810-591-3980 or 810-538-3980, will hold regular meetings at the following dates, times and places beginning January 1, 2015, and
ending December 31, 2015:
January 13, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
January 27, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
February 10, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
February 24, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
March 10, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
March 24, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
April 21, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
May 12, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
May 26, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
June 9, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
June 23, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
July 14, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
August 11, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
August 25, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
September 8, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
September 22, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
October 13, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
October 27, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
November 10, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
November 24, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
December 8, 2015
7:00 pm Middle School
Action/Business Meeting
Proposed minutes of each of the meetings listed above will be available for
public inspection during regular business hours at the LakeVille Administration
Office, 11107 Washburn Rd., Otisville, MI, not more than eight business days
after the date of said meeting, and approved minutes of each meeting will be
available for public inspection during regular business hours, at the same location, not more than five business days after the meeting at which the minutes
are approved. Copies of the minutes shall also be available at the reasonable,
estimated cost for printing or copying. Upon oral or written request for a subscription and payment of a fee established by the Board, minutes shall be mailed
to any person or business, by first class mail. The subscription may be valid for
Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in this meeting.
Gary Peterson, Secretary -LakeVille Board of Education
Columbiaville Honor Roll
Peterson, Lance
Raible, Brett
Raible, Emily
Sturgill, Jacob
Torrance, Jazlyn
Ugo, Chase
West, Landon
Wilson, Lara
5th Grade
Allmon, Arianna
Barritt, Jodi
Baxter, Christopher
Beckley, Lucas
Bell, Jesse
Burgett, Marissa
Carey, Tabbitha
Chavez, Elizabeth
Conley, Jacob
Conrad, Ceres
Dahlstrom, Annalei
Davis, Damaris
Diamond, Lacie
Doviak Caleb
Gillies, Nicholas
Girlish, Jasmine
Greenwald, Brenden
Hawley, Hunter
Hayes, Grant
Hiltz, Andrew
Hook, Noah
Johnson, Kaydence
Krause, Lydia
Lawson, Nina
Lee, Charlie
Lloyd, Zane
McLeod, Logan
McMullin, Jacob
Metzger, Jack
Mims, Cody
Mulherin, Austin
Nelson, Micheal
Norris, Zowie
Oliver, Charlize
Price, Kyle
Richardson, Charles
Roy, Hannah
Soye, Destini
Talarek, Natalie
Tenbusch, Oscar
Wasniowski, Ashely
Waterman, Rylie
Wells, Gage
White, Reese
Willson, Addison
Perfect Attendance
3rd Grade
Bell, Lucas
Conrad, Aidan
Doty, Addison
Foster, Taran
Holbrook, Katherine
Patterson, Morgan
Roney, Jayden
Tebbe, Kaitylynn
Thomas, Laredo
West, Ella
Wirick, Harley
Wirick, Rick
Wooster, Kyra
Summer Food
LakeVille Community Schools Meet Up and
Eat Up summer food service program for children was a huge success. Free meals were
made available to children 18 years of age and
under during the summer. During that time, our
food service staff served 1283 breakfasts and
751 lunches.
4th Grade
Anzures, Brianna
Barron, Corbin
Bol, Faith
Bush, Zachary
Clous, Andrew
George, Olivia
Gibson, Brionna
Girlish, Destiny
LaLonde, Blake
Love, Olivia
Neminski, Benjamin
Nolen, Walter
Peterson, Lance
Raible, Emily
Soye, Faythe
West, Landon
5th Grade
Baxter, Christopher
Bell, Jesse
Blandford, Dalton
Chudy, Mark
Conley, Jacob
Conrad, Ceres
Cross, Preston
Davis, Damaris
Gillies, Nicholas
Girlish, Jasmine
Hayes, Grant
Hook, Noah
Lybrand, Katelin
MacLachlan, CathrynGrace
Miller, Jasmine
Mims, Cody
Richmond, Mason
Strother, Brady
Truhett, Zackery
Weingartz, Audrey
Willson, Addison
Columbiaville Elementary
Mission Statement
All students, staff and parents at Columbiaville
Elementary School will guide the learning
community to take responsibility for their lives
and education so they may become productive
members of society.
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 3
Columbiaville Elementary News
Columbiaville News
Veterans’ Day
The first marking period is behind us and it is time to reflect
on our student accomplishments both academically and socially. On November 20th, we will be recognizing one hundred six students who had perfect attendance for the month
of September. These students will receive a perfect attendance award and a Hungry Howie’s Pizza coupon. Fifty students will be recognized for their perfect attendance for the
first marking period.
Regular attendance is the first step to ensuring academic
success. Academic success is no accident. It is dependent
upon good attendance, parent support, quality instruction, student engagement, and work ethic. This marking period 24
third graders, 36 fourth graders, and 45 fifth graders made
the A or A/B honor roll and will be recognized for their accomplishments on November 20th.
In addition to teaching the importance of academic excellence, Columbiaville students have been busy acquiring and
applying social skills. Our positive behavior support (PBS)
program teaches the importance of being respectful, responsible, safe, and positive. Students meeting our behavior expectations on a daily basis may receive a Falcon Code award.
The awards are placed in a weekly drawing and students
whose names are drawn earn a reward, such as an extra recess. For the month of September and October, 325 students received positive behavior awards.
Every student’s behavior impacts our learning environment.
We are proud of our students for making Columbiaville such a
wonderful place to learn and work.
Margaret Allen-Quadererer
On November 11th, Columbiaville Elementary staff and students assembled to honor our local veterans. This year our
National Anthem was sung by Lacie Diamond, Logan McLeod, Ashley Wasniowski, Danielle Tyler, Leah Coleman, Destini
Soye, Ceres Conrad, Zowie Norris, Carson Black, Katlyn Tull, Trinity Rankin, and
Grace Weiss. These fifth graders willingly gave up their recesses over the past
few weeks to practice the National Anthem with their music teacher Ms. Owen.
In addition to the National Anthem, every grade level prepared a patriotic song to
sing to our veterans. Decked out in red, white, and blue, our students stood
proud and belted out Grand Old Flag by George M. Cohan, Grateful to be American by Teresa Jennings, God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood, and We the
People by Sandy Wilbur.
Our Penny War raised $500 this year. The money will go to purchase wreaths
to adorn the Veteran Memorial in Columbiaville and the grave sites at the Great
Lakes National Cemetery in Holly. Anyone interested in participating in the Wreaths
across America project can join us on December 13th at 10:30 a.m. at the Great
Lakes National Cemetery in Holly.
A special thank you goes out to Mr. Bourcier, Ms. Owen, PTS, Veterans, staff,
and students for making Veterans’ Day such a meaningful event.
Head Start and Early Head Start
Have Openings For the Fall!
Enroll Now!
Field Trip to the Capitol Building
Mrs. Gerke’s class
sitting on the steps of
the Capitol building in
Cub Scouts
Pack 133 Lakeville Cub scouts have
been a very busy & growing group of
boy’s in grades 1st – 5th. Thank you for
supporting our successful Popcorn
Sales. The Popcorn Sales will pay for all
of our scouts to have a very fun &
adventurous year! We enjoyed the
Homecoming parade, and celebrating
Veteran’s Day. We look forward to our
Cake Auction, & our BIG Pinewood
Derby coming up. If you are interested
in joining, please find us on Facebook
by searching Lakeville Cub scouts.
4 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
Otisville & Otter Lake Elementary News
Students Celebrate Fire Safety Month
Members of the Forest Township Volunteer Fire Department visited the students at Otisville
Elementary to help them celebrate Fire Safety Month. All students in the building were able to
learn about what to do in case of a fire and even got to ask questions of the fire personnel who
came to share their knowledge with them. Each child was able to put on the boots, coat and
hat that are part of the regular equipment and some were even able to use the fire hose that
was attached to the fire truck that was set up outside the back of the school building. After the
demonstration, the students enjoyed cookies and juice that were
provided by the department.
The staff of Otisville Elementary would like to thank the following fire personnel for the donation
of their time to our students: Gil
Burwell, Jen Burwell, Mike
Dalrymple, Corey Seidell, Josh
Harger, Greg Goss, Dan
Campbell and Tony Bryant. All of
our little people greatly enjoyed
their time with the fire department.
“Little Falcon all
dressed up in the fire
fighter’s uniform.”
“Little Falcon
working the fire
“Mrs. Pack’s class
with the fire truck.”
Principal’s Corner
Otisville and Otter Lake Elementary Schools
Stephanie Stiles, Principal
This school year is off to a terrific start at Otisville and Otter Lake Elementary buildings and
we have completed so much already!
We would like to extend our congratulations to Mr. Kephart, our P.E. teacher! He was
awarded a Jump Rope for Heart mini grant to purchase P.E. equipment for our schools. He
also earned funding at for a classroom project called, “I was on the Big
Screen Today!! Projector to Help Kids Shine!!” The funding bought a View Sonic projector for
use in the Otter Lake gym. We are very proud of his accomplishments!
September Highlights
• September was attendance awareness month. Otter Lake and Otisville had an overall
increase in student attendance this year as compared to last year at this same time! Horace
Mann Insurance Company is sponsoring a 2014-2015 attendance contest for all Otter Lake
and Otisville students. A drawing will be held in June for all eligible students who have missed
two or fewer days during the entire school year. One girl and one boy will be drawn from each
school to win a bicycle for their attendance accomplishments.
• All students took the NWEA online MAP assessment this month. Students are assessed
in fall, winter and spring on the NWEA. It measures a student’s academic growth in math and
reading over the school year.
• Otisville and Otter Lake students participated in LakeVille spirit week by dressing for a
different theme each day during the week of Homecoming. The week culminated with dressing in Black and Gold in preparation for our Homecoming parade and football game, and
participating in a pep assembly led by LakeVille Middle and High School cheerleaders and
football players.
• We began practicing our yearly safety drills this month by participating in fire drills in both
• We were excited to begin implementing our newly adopted English Language Arts Wonders Program this month. The LakeVille School Board accepted our K-2 proposal to adopt the
Wonders Series reading/writing program for use beginning in the 2014-2015 school year. All
staff attended summer professional development in August on how to implement the program
with all K-2 students, including our intervention program and have worked very hard to get the
program up and running in all classrooms. We are grateful for their hard work and dedication
in helping to increase student achievement.
October Highlights
Lions Present KidSight at Otisville
Several members of the Otisville Lions Club, and a guest from the St. Charles Lions Club,
came together to operate the Project KidSight cameras to test student vision at Otisville Elementary on Wednesday, November 5th. Approximately 70 kindergarten and preschool students were checked and given the results. In addition to testing preschool and kindergarten
age students, the cameras have been approved to check student vision for those up to age
Kindergartener’s Visit Harcek’s Farm!
• The Otter Lake and Forest Township Volunteer Fire Departments visited the schools in
their respective towns for fire safety month. Students learned about fire safety, dressed in
firefighter equipment, visited a fire safety smoke house, viewed a fire safety video, and received fire hats, coloring books and stickers to take home. We are grateful to the many
volunteer firefighters that made this possible for our students!
• Otter Lake and Otisville celebrated their grandparents by inviting them to a special grandparent luncheon. Grandmothers received a carnation flower and all grandparents had their
picture taken with their grandchild after lunch. We were thankful to all grandparents and
family members who were able to attend the luncheon. Students were thrilled to have their
grandparents visit school and eat lunch with them!
• Kindergarten students took a field trip to Harcek Farm in Columbiaville. Students rode a
hay wagon, picked pumpkins and petted farm animals on their trip.
• Students celebrated Halloween with a costume parade inside each school (due to inclement weather), followed by classroom parties.
• Students in both buildings practiced lockdown and evacuation drills under the supervision
of the Otisville Police Department and the Otter Lake Fire Chief. We also practiced additional
fire safety evacuation drills.
We are thankful and appreciative of our wonderful and supportive Parent Groups in both
We look forward to sharing our upcoming activities with everyone in the next Outlook issue!
Otter Lake Students Celebrate Fire
Safety Month
Members of the Otter Lake Volunteer Fire Department visited the students at Otter Lake
Elementary to help them celebrate Fire Safety Month. All students were able to learn about
what to do in case of a fire. Students viewed a fire safety video and were shown the different
pieces of fire equipment that firemen use. After the fire safety lesson, students toured the fire
safety smoke house where they were able to practice exiting a room filled with smoke and
heat from a simulated fire situation. Each child was given a fire hat, fire safety coloring book
and sticker to take home, by the local fire department.
The staff of Otter Lake Elementary would like to thank the Otter Lake Volunteer Fire Department for the donation of their time to our students. The students greatly enjoyed the
presentation and generous donations given by the fire department personnel!
Otter Lake PTS
The Otter Lake PTS would like to recognize the 8 top sellers from our Yankee Candle
Fundraiser. Mia-Rae Diffin-Gatica, Kelsey Bowen, Zoe Swank, Blake Dobson, Avery Clous,
Madelyn Heusted, Cecelia Kiekens and Kiera Lagness. They were awarded with “mystery
box” picks, a homework pass and lunch with Mrs. Stiles. We would like to thank McDonalds of
Otisville for their donation!
Otisville Elementary
Mission Statement
Otisville Elementary, in cooperation with
parents and community, provides all
children with a safe, supportive environment where children respectfully and
responsibly grow, learn and achieve with
the goal of becoming life-long learners.
Otter Lake Elementary
Mission Statement
Our mission at Otter Lake Elementary
School is to involve family, community
and school personnel in a team effort to
prepare children to become lifelong
learners and responsible members of a
changing society.
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 5
Otisville & Otter Lake Elementary News
The Troubadours Visit
Otisville and Otter Lake Elementary Schools
SKIP Information
SKIP is having playgroups on
Fridays from 9:30-11:00 am.
Flint Institute of Music’s Troubadours visited both Otisville and Otter Lake Elementary Schools on Tuesday, November 4th
to bring some culture to the students. Their annual visit is eagerly awaited by the students as they get very involved in the
performances. Student ages ranged from preschool through the second grade and all were completely engaged by the lively
music and hijinks.
k you
, Tro
Otisville Elementary
Perfect Attendance
Mrs. Burkhardt
Leila Bonesteel
Nicklas Clemons
Gavin Margrif
Kendall Webb
1st Marking Period
Mrs. Cobb
Jayden Avery
Christopher Burcar
Elizabeth Stiles
Mrs. Pack
Mathew Dzuris
Desiree Rock
Alyssa Tebbe
Otter Lake Elementary
Perfect Attendance
1st Marking Period
Ms. McComb
Madilyn Addison
Brianna Fyfe
Jayden Jackson
Mrs. Raible
Alexandria Bush
Noah Eaton
Zoe Swank
Cole Thompson
Myla Upthgrove
Halloween Fun at Otisville Elementary!
Mrs. Ross
Sierra Arnold
Kyle Kowitz
Tyler Leach
Shyanne Rangel
Mrs. Carriero
Nicholas DeBoer
Madelyn Heusted
Caden Kennedy
Connor Kennedy
Aidan Lanter
Taylor Margrif
Ashton White
Hunter Willoughby
Mrs. Giuliani
Christopher Eaton
Brady Peterson
Samantha Raible
Mrs. Lee
Dylan Christ
Rylee Conley
Daisy Rogers
Cheyenne Thomas
Mrs. Simonsen
Gabriel Barron
Alison Barry
Brady Carr
Elliott Ferguson
Audrey Frantom
Great Job!!!
Mrs. Wright
Joel Lutze
Mrs. Cobb’s class all dressed up for Halloween.
Otter Lake Elementary 3rd Annual
Christmas Bazaar
December 5, 2014 5p.m. - 8p.m. Free Admission
Santa’s Secret Shop (all items $1.50),
NEW games and crafts for kids, bake sale, pizza and
raffle (Shedd Aquarium tickets, Crossroads Village tickets, family movie
night baskets and much more).
Santa will be visiting us also! Bring your own cameras.
Looking for crafters/vendors for table rentals.
$10.00 donation for 6ft table space
Please contact for more information.
Sponsored by Otter Lake P.T.S.
6 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
Pre-School and School Age Children
Currently taking registration for
Before and After School Childcare
Students attending Columbiaville and Otter
Lake Elementaries needing before and after
childcare will be provided that service at the
Otisville Kids Club site and bused to their respective building.
Before school care: Otter Lake and
Columbiaville students may attend the Otisville
Kids Club and ride the bus from Columbiaville and
Otter Lake Elementary to the site at Otisville Elementary after school.
6:00 a.m. - Start of School •
End of School - 6:00 p.m.
Otisville Early Childhood program will offer
childcare for students age 2 1/2-5 on the
following schedule: 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Before school care: All students will attend
Otisville Kids Club and ride the bus from Otisville
to Columbiaville and Otter Lake Elementary. Before and after school programming includes games,
playground activities, crafts and homework help.
Kids Club staff members are fingerprinted and
have background checks. Staff is trained in CPR
and first aid.
To register for childcare at Kids Club locations,
call Mrs. Burner at
810-591/538-6631 to reserve your space.
Middle School News
Principal’s Corner
Kelli-Ann Fazer
The Middle School has been off to a great start. We continue to challenge our students by
offering a variety of classes. For those who qualify, we offer the opportunity to take high
school classes as 8th grade students. Students can begin taking advanced classes as early
as 6th grade. Students also have the opportunity to take Spanish I and Spanish II before
entering high school. This allows them to complete their graduation requirement before entering high school. For students who need additional support, we offer opportunities in math and
language arts.
We are continuing to stress the importance of skill mastery. Assessments (tests, projects,
quizzes) represent 75% of each student’s grade while homework and other class activities
represent the other 25% of the grade. Grades now give a more accurate picture of what a
child knows. Teachers are working to show students different ways to learn the material.
Finally, as a result of our Title I designation, we were able to purchase laptops for each of
our students. Students use these in the classrooms as a tool-just like they would a paper,
pencil, and calculator. They help students to have access to resources from all over the world
that are updated in real time. This helps our students to be prepared as they move to the next
These are exciting and challenging times in schools. Please feel free to call or stop in with
any questions or concerns.
Middle School STEM Lab
Here are a few of our 6th
grade students enjoying the
STEM Lab. The STEM Lab
offers students the opportunity to learn science, technology, engineering and
math in a hands on classroom. Students are excited
to attend class where they
gain knowledge using programs such as: flight simulator, K’nex, West Point
Bridge Builder, SimCity,
Photoshop, Publisher,
Lego’s Robotics, Garage
Band, Frames, Sketch-up,
and Fishertechnik. Students work with their partners to become skilled at
the station they are assigned to; they have to read
launcher, complete the
tasks, and then give a presentation to their classmates. The classroom is
filled with positive energy based on learning.
Washington D.C. Trip 2015
Middle School Washington D.C. trip registration has begun. Current 6th and 7th graders
(next year’s 7th and 8th graders) are eligible to go next fall. The trip is scheduled for October
15, 2015-October 19, 2015. This is an opportunity you don’t want your kids to miss! We will be
visiting Mount Vernon, Gettysburg, U.S. Capitol, Smithsonian Museums, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, a lighted tour of the war memorials, National Museum of Crime and Punishment and a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington Cemetery. We would love for all of our
students to have this once in a lifetime experience. The trip costs $551.00 per student and
$655.00 per adult. We know this can be a large amount to pay for a trip but there is a payment
plan and Mrs. Hebekeuser and Mrs. Fazio have been working on many fundraising ideas.
When you see SCRIP come home, please look over the information. This fundraiser will help
pay for your child’s trip or raise money for the MS Student Council, if your child is not going. If
you have questions, please contact Mr. Henley, Mrs. Fazio or Mrs. Hebekeuser. We want to
help you send your child to DC! To save your child’s or your spot on the trip, please register on school code lakeville1288. The initial deposit is $76.00. If you
need registration information,
please contact the office at 5913945 and we can send it home with
your child.
Mr. Henley 591-3915
Mrs. Fazio 591-3903 or 591-3959
Mrs. Hebekeuser 591-3932
Perfect Attendance
Craig, Sadie
Foster, Chase
Fowler, Steven
Griffith, Dakota
Griffith, Gage
Gritzinger, Aubrey
Hess, Reagan
Kusky, Savannah
Lehman, Elizabeth
Lindeman, Tiffany
Lutz, Maddisyn
Macsuga, Brianna
Nixon, Stephen
Skinner, Allison
Taylor, Aira
Thurlow, Jenna
Vines, Aiyana
White, Jacob
Allmon, Jacob
Baxter, Abraham
Brown, Madison
Buckel, Alexander
Chema, Zachary
Contreras, Alex
Cranick, Devon
Duckwitz, Ashley
Dumity, Kirstyn
Egan, Dylan
Fyfe, Agigail
Gillies, Natalie
Harmon, Aurora
Jackson, Samuel
Jobson, Kohl
Knickerbocker, Kory
Maples, Elih
Valls, Joslyn
Ames, Joshua
Athey, Nathaniel
Bice, Heather
Campbell, Taylor
Coleman, Emily
Coultas, Brett
Cypher, Raini
English, Courtney
Lindeman, Stephanie
Macsuga, Allison
Macsuga, Madison
McConnell, Quinian
Miller, Austin
Mims, Christopher
Moss, Madison
Poole, Christopher
Privett, Mackenzie
Stanbaugh, Tyler
Stevens, Preston
West, Adara
West, Amani
Young, Zachary
Honor Roll
Barron, Charlotte
Bradley, Kathryn
Lamay, Haylie
Lee, Jetawyn
Lindeman, Tiffany
Macsuga, Brianna
Smith, Marissa
Swantek, Rachel
Tebbe, Devin
West, Breonna
Wright, Emma
Burkhardt, Kendel
Erwin, Andrea
Gillies, Natalie
Harmon, Lisa
Coleman, Emily
Craft, Hailey
English, Courtney
Ihrke, Eric
Jorrey, Sean
Macsuga, Allison
Macsuga, Madison
Parsons, Kiya
Keep Up The
Great Work!
At LVMS we implemented a student ambassador program in an effort to increase random
acts of kindness throughout the community! An act of kindness is anything to enhance
someone’s life. It is doing something to extend yourself to make someone else’s life better.
We had 10 student volunteers at the MS pledge to perform random acts of kindness as
ambassadors. When they did this, they passed out a “blueberry card” to this person in the
hopes that that person would do the same. The students shared stories of their efforts and
what they learned. Next May, the community will be invited to vote for their favorite student
story that was written. A People’s Choice Award of $1,000 will be awarded to one school and
a Founder’s Choice Award of $500 will be given to a second school in recognition of their
ambassador effort.
So really, why blueberries? It all started when a man named Phil Shaltz used a billboard
saying “I’m concerned about the
blueberries,” to send a message
that all of us have the power to
make our community a little bit better. He actually got this idea when
he was vacationing overseas. He
met a young man that was very
concerned about the blueberry
harvest, and all of the potential
problems of the crops. It really
bothered this young man. So, the
founder believes that we all have
“blueberries” in our lives and
sometimes we need help from others to help us out. This is a random act of kindness, when someone goes out of their way to make
someone else’s life a little better.
It could be opening a door for
someone, helping a neighbor in
need, or helping a person out in anyway.
SCRIP Program
The Middle School is participating in the SCRIP program
and we are inviting you to join us. SCRIP Fundraising is a noselling program that enables families to raise money for their
non-profit organization (NPO). SCRIP is just another way to
pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash,
checks, and credit cards. You purchase gift cards from your
organization at face value, and your coordinator orders those
cards from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a reduced price. The
difference is an instant rebate for your organization. It’s really
that simple!
Use the enrollment code 522L311B4L686 to enter our page.
Place your order and send your money to the Middle School.
Orders are placed on Mondays; and we will contact you once
they come back to school to make arrangements for pick up
or delivery. You pay face value for gift cards and businesses
give us a percentage of sales. This makes everyday shopping and Christmas shopping easy and profitable for our
school!! If you have any questions please contact Laura
Hebekeuser 591-3932, or Nicole Fazio 591-3959.
Thanks in advance for your support.
We, at LakeVille
Middle School, are
dedicated to providing
a safe and orderly
environment in which
all students show
respect, achieve
academic success and
reach their fullest
potential through a
cooperative effort of
staff, students, parents/
guardians and community.
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 7
High School Happenings
Open House
Counselor’s Corner
On September 16th, families were invited to the LakeVille High School Open House. The
Open House started in the gym where Principal Mary Haslinger introduced herself and discussed some of the key academic initiatives being introduced in the high school this year.
Interventionist Annette Baker presented a PowerPoint on the connection between good attendance and strong academic performance. Families were then released to follow their children’s’
schedule where they spent ten minutes in each class. Teachers were able to discuss their
curriculum, class procedures, and answer questions for parents and family members. By all
reports, this was a successful evening for all involved.
Michigan College Application
Week was Nov. 3 through the 7th.
All seniors were pulled from class
and asked to apply to at least one
college, university or trade school on
Wednesday Nov. 5th, if they had not
already applied. After applying they
were asked to sign the banner.
Spirit Week
Disney was the theme of the 2014-2015 Spirit Week leading up to Homecoming. Monday was Mickey vs Minnie Mouse, Tuesday was 20th vs 21st
College and Career Readiness
Century Disney, Wednesday was Color Day (each class
was assigned a color to wear), Thursday was Stand Up
and Be Counted Day, and Friday was Black and Gold
Spirit Day. The students had a great time preparing to
beat Caro in the Homecoming football game!
Seniors are showing their school spirit!
Falcon Pride
Falcon Pride was on display during Spirit Week this year when Falconer Roy Pena visited
the football stadium to teach our high school and middle school students about Falcons and
other birds of prey. Mr. Pena brought three falcons, three
hawks and an owl to teach the students about how these
birds hunt and their place in the food chain. He had the
hawks fly and demonstrated how hawks work as a team
when hunting for food. The hawks flew near the students and perched in the bleachers and on light poles
during their “hunt” enabling students to get a close up
view of the majestic birds. Mr. Pena explained that falcons were special and that they stood alone at the top
of the food chain. He
explained the manner
in which falcons hunt
and kill their prey. At
the end of the presentation, Mr. Pena released one of the
falcons and while the falcon was in flight, he dove toward his
target, passing just above the heads of the students, at speeds
of up to 200 miles per hour. It was an impressive display of
the power, grace, and speed of the falcon. Through this presentation, students were able to connect to the strength, power,
and speed of their Falcon namesake, and now have a greater
understanding of the origin of, and connection to, Falcon Pride.
Thanks for Passing the Bond
Thanks to the bond project, students are able to work collaboratively in new spaces in the
Media Center. Students have access to more than sixty Google Chromebooks, large monitors to enable students to share their ideas as they work, and comfortable working and learning conditions. There’s a collegiate feel in our building now.
This year, two days a week, we are using our seminar period to concentrate on college and
career readiness. Students are working on setting goals, completing career pathways, looking at top college websites, preparing for the ACT, and focusing on the personal characteristics that are key to creating a successful future.
College Application Week
High School seniors participated in
College Application
Week November 3 –
7, and all LakeVille
Seniors applied to at
least one college.
We celebrated the
week by decorating
the cafeteria will college pennants, wearing college T-shirts
and sweatshirts, and
discussing teachers’
college experiences
and alma maters.
College Credit Opportunities at
LakeVille High School
Students at LakeVille Memorial High School have had opportunities to earn college credit
while still in high school, and those opportunities are expanding. We currently offer traditional
dual enrollment classes through Mott Community College, University of Michigan – Flint, and
Baker College where our students have time off during the school day to attend their college
classes on an individual basis, and students are responsible for their own transportation. The
dual enrollment options for our students are expanding, and we are just getting started.
This fall we began offering dual enrollment credit through Baker College in American Sign
Language (ASL) for students at LakeVille High School as a regular hour in their school day. A
Baker instructor comes to the high school and teaches
sixteen students ASL and the students earn high school
credit and college credit for successfully completing the
ASL class. We are planning to expand this program and
offer both American Sign
Students in the
dual enrollment
American Sign
Language class
play a hand
spelling game
with one
Language I and American Sign Language II next year.
Next year, we will be offering dual
enrollment classes at the University
of Michigan – Flint as part of a Northern Tier Consortium with Genesee,
Clio, Mt. Morris, and Montrose. Students will be enrolled in two
college classes per semester that will run during our traditional
first and second hours. We are excited about the experience
we will be able to provide our students as part of this consortium.
We are currently working with Kettering University to build a
partnership that will allow our students to take classes at
Kettering University, and attend field trips to experience the different learning opportunities on
the Kettering campus. Kettering University will be opening their FIRST Robotics facilities to
our FIRST Robotics team, and Kettering professors will mentor our Robotics team as they
build their robot and prepare for the FIRST Robotics’ competitive season.
Mott Community College (MCC) has expressed interest in expanding the dual enrollment
opportunities available to LakeVille High School students. We will begin meeting with MCC to
build a program where our students can take maximum advantage of the offerings at Mott
Community College.
8 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
High School Happenings
ATTENTION Parents of Seniors:
Falcon Family
Yearbook will be selling 1/8 page baby/message space this year for $25. We are asking
that you submit a picture of your senior from earlier years with a brief message to be placed in
the yearbook. Please purchase ads @ and then email a picture and message to,or pick up a form in the high school office.
A new mentoring program called the Falcon Family was started at the high school this year.
Volunteers from the junior and senior class work with freshmen to assist in the transition to
high school. During the mentoring sessions, juniors and seniors are given topics to discuss
with the freshmen covering topics ranging from the ins and outs of high school, the unwritten
rules of LakeVille High
School, study tips, leadership, where to go for help,
time management, and
more. Students meet during seminar and talk for approximately ten minutes
about the day’s topics. We
are extremely proud of the
upperclassmen that are
making this program possible.
If you didn’t purchase your yearbook while attending LakeVille High School, well you can
get it now. We are currently selling yearbooks from 2000-2012 for just $25. You can pick up
your copy at LakeVille Middle School by contacting Dawn Cousins @ (810) 591-3917 or emailing
her at Hurry and get yours while supplies last.
If interested in sponsoring a page in the high school yearbook for $50, please contact
Dawn Cousins @ (810) 591-3917, email her at or go to The page sponsorship will include a message at the bottom of the page that
says: “Page sponsored by”: your name or business name/phone number.
On Wednesday, October 15, 2014, thirty five LakeVille High School sophomore and junior
students took the PSAT test as compared to twenty two who tested last year. Sophomore
students take the test as practice for the PSAT their junior year. Junior students who take the
PSAT are striving to score high enough to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship.
Upperclassmen participate in the Falcon Family orientation this summer
Biology Class
National Honor Society Induction
Monday, October 27th, National Honor Society sponsor Becky Brandt hosted the National
Honor Society induction ceremony where fourteen juniors were accepted as new members in
the NHS.º LakeVille teacher Mike Brouillet was the guest speaker and he gave a fantastic talk
to the students encouraging them to pursue their college education at the college/university of
their choice, letting them know that’s it okay to be unsure about what they want for a career,
and reminding them that they can be proud of being from LakeVille and that all doors are open
to them as they enter life after high school. Students who are members of the National Honor
Society commit to consistently demonstrating the qualities of Character, Service, Leadership,
and Scholarship.
Seven LakeVille Memorial High School teachers have volunteered to enhance their professional practice by being a part of the Michigan Department of Education’s Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME) program. Teachers will work on embedding formative assessment strategies into their classes in order to assess student learning as they are in
the learning process. Teachers will determine whether or not learning has occurred prior to a
summative assessment and will be
able to reteach if student s have not
mastered the content. This is a three
to five year program which is facilitated
by Mary Haslinger who is receiving
training as a coach in the formative assessment process from the Michigan
Department of Education.
Our team name is Falcon
Enformers, which means that we are
enabling students to form their own
learning. Our motto is “Forming Learning One Assessment at a Time.”
Students in Ken Whitney’s Biology class combine technology and lab
equipment to complete a lab to determine if Beano actually helps digest
Taco Bell to relieve gas.
Feel free to access the following link to see more of the activities that are occurring in our
Student Photography
Students experiment with different photography techniques in Erin
Johnson’s Digital Photography class.
For more examples of the Digital Photography students’ work, follow this link. http://
The robotics team is excited and ready to get started on their second year competing. We
have a lot in store for us this
year, considering, last year, as
rookies we made it in to the
championship round finishing
21 out of 45 teams. We have
high hopes and expectations
for this upcoming season. Although we have set the bar
high, we need help from our
community and parents in order to have a successful year.
We are always searching for
volunteers, mentors, sponsors,
and donations of any kind. If
you are interested in sponsoring, helping out in any way or
joining, please contact Mike
We are the Falconators, and
we’ll be back… TO WIN!!!
Cooking Matters in High School Health
Students in health class are learning the techniques for cooking whole foods and making
nutritious recipes from scratch. Jon Oldham, MPH,MS,RD is a nutrition educator from GISD
who is working with schools to help educate our students on how to avoid low nutrition processed and fast foods. The halls are filled with the aroma of garlic, onions and ginger as
students have prepared dishes, such as chicken with apples and raisins, Chinese veggies
and rice, cheesy turkey burger skillet and homemade chicken noodle soup.
In a time where so much has been cut from public education in regards to life skills, this is
an excellent opportunity for our students that would otherwise be unavailable. Hopefully our
students will share their culinary skills at home with their families and include healthful eating
in their lifestyles.
Sandy Worsley’s Health students
learn about making healthy food
choices and creating tasty meals!
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 9
High School Happenings
A Look into Our Classrooms
Honor Roll
Monarch Weigh Station by LakeVille Senior Robert Thacker
Our Conservation Ecology class provided our group an opportunity to learn
more than we could have possibly imagined. We were the lucky group to get the
monarch weigh station. A weigh station is a feeding and breeding checkpoint for
monarch butterflies. Our initial task was to build this weigh station. What we
didn’t know; however, was that this task would include several smaller tasks to
complete. The path that lay ahead would not be easy, but would require hard
work and determination.
At first we only thought we had to plant some
milkweed in a patch and call it good. This, however, was not the case. Before we knew it, we
were given thirteen newly hatched monarch larvae, or as they are commonly known, caterpillars. We became the proud parents of an army
of black and white striped caterpillars (A group
of caterpillars is called an army.). The excitement in raising them to the chrysalis
they have become today has been a rather exciting journey.
The life of a caterpillar is rather extraordinary.
They grow so fast and eat so much. Let me paint a
picture for you. The group collected over 250 milkweed leaves. That’s more than enough we thought.
However, we couldn’t have been more wrong.
Within two weeks they had eaten all of it, and on
top of that they grew from being smaller than 1cm long
to some being at least 6cm. That’s a large amount of
food consumption and, well, the growth rates are unworldly.
Recently, we have watched three butterflies emerge
from the chrysalis. The weird thing is that these butterflies are ahead of schedule. We weren’t expecting
them for another few days. So, the morning we discovered them we had to scramble to get an established food source and create a suitable artificial habitat to transfer them too. So far this is where we are
with this project; however, when it is finished we will
release the time lapse video of the life of a monarch,
so reserve your tickets now.
Our long term goal is to create a large, locally renowned monarch weigh
station. We want to get the community involved as much as we can. We want
this to become something that changes the face of the school and the community itself.
Choir Concert
On October 16th, the high school and middle school choirs held
their fall concert. The middle school choir, the high school concert
choir, and the Varsity chorale each performed their own songs, and
then all choirs combined to perform two songs to close the event. The
choirs were led by Mr. Jon Vanderweide.
Falcon Marching Band
GOLD 4.0
9th Grade
Allendorfer, Bradley
Baxter, Henry J.
Green, David
Hiltz, Michalyn N.
Space, Emily
Williams, Sumer R.
10th Grade
Brown, Tiffany M.
Carriero, Katelyn J.
Clark, Maegan R.
Granger, Taylor M.
Guzowski, Katherine M.
Jaksa, Kaylee R.
Komar, Jaclyn N.
Smith, Alexis C.
11th Grade
Abbasspour, Casey M.
Ford, Cheyenne L.
Knickerbocker, Kristin
12th Grade
Daniel, London T.
Fackler, Kayla
Joyce, Alyson B.
Kraft, Joshua R.
Trout, Morgan
SILVER 3.50 to 3.99
9th Grade
Allmon, Kailyn A.
Bader, Nicholas
Basner, Trenton
Cargill, Alexis N.
Chamberlain, Shannon
Conlay, Patricia S.
Craig, Lexie J.
Crane, John S.
Hanje, Dylan M.
Hawkins, Grace I.
Hook, Jason J.
Jorrey, Logan
Lambing, Brennen D.
Main, Jacob A.
McKay, Donald L. IV
Merkle, Madeline N.
Morris, Samantha A.
Phelps, Nathanial C.
Reetz, Charlie E.
Sova, Alexis H.
10th Grade
Bradley, Jenna M.
Bronson, Anna B.
Brouillet, Alex E.
Burley, Chase M.
Chmielewski, Eva M.
Clark, Hannah L.
Coe, Bethany R.
Colley, Jewell D.
Eaton, Hannah R.
English, Kyle R.
Fuller, Kourtney N.
Fuller, Randi-May E.
Garcia, Maria A.
Gill, Nicole E.
Griffith, Cody T.
Houston, Hannah J.
Jackson, Taylor M.
Jaissle, Kristin R.
Lanoue, Christopher R.
Lichtenfelt, Alexandria R.
McCray, Joseph C.
McGaha, Chance I.
Morrisette, Olivia L.
Ousnamer, Jenna M.
Prater, Gracie M.
Richard, Allie E.
Richard, Marissa M.
Scott, Sara E.
Selesky, Benjamin
Smith, Lindsay E.
West, Sequoia T.
Wiggins, Clay D.
Wilson, Nathaniel R.
11th Grade
Branch, Kelsey C.
Hubert, Amy R.
Martin, Makayla
Mohr, Matthew R.
Morris, Allison D.
Neminski, Abigail S.
Raible, Brooke E.
Rini, Sarah J.
Vonderheid, Andrea M.
Warden, Lyndsie E.
Wilson, Matthew M.
Wright, Whitney
Zudell, Austin D.
12th Grade
Abbasspour, Brandon J.
Amigo-Munoz, Alvaro
Auten, Callie
Batchelor, Adam E.
Eider B.
Chmielewski, Megan
Conley, Lacey N.
Crane, Catrina
Dennis, Morgan C.
Dollinger, Elizabeth L.
Engelmann, Chase
Gibson, Tiffany J.
Guzowski, John H.
Hardacre, Nicole
Henley, Taylor
Henson, Melissa N.
Hoffmeyer, Trevor
Holloway, Caleb
Kikta, Connor
Kirchner, Lilah
Layman, Joel
Lichtenfelt, Richard A.
Loudermilk, Jackson
Marsh, Jason T.
Mathews, Peyton
McGaha, Tristin J.
Mersino, Geno A.
Offenberg, Selma B.
Papak, Marisa V.
Price, Kayla
Sanchez, Dana
Simmonds, Keyanna
Springstube, Katelynn
Stinson, Kaylin R.
Stopka, Catherine
Van Amburg, Brianna J.
Ward-Kubik, Tylor J.
Wheeler, Kyle J.
White, Samuel D.
Wiggins, Cody R.
Williams, Chelsea P.
Woolley, Leslie
BRONZE 3.00 to 3.49
9th Grade
Ashby, Angelica J.
Bethway, Haley
Climie, Lindsay L.
Coulter, Gabrielle F.
Egan, Devon M.
Engelmann, Khloe L.
Giuliani, Cody M.
Harrington, Ethan K.
Jackson, Austin
Lanoue, Martina
Lauria, Haley
Lawrence, Mia R.
Lehman, Dakota S.
McDermitt, Nickolas S.
Moorman, Kaylee M.
Ross, Courtney
Rzepecki, Daneil K.
Shann, Caleb S.
Thurlow, Arianna N.
Vines, Kenedy N.
Weiss, Noah A.
Wells, Breanna M.
Weston, Kenneth D.
Wheeler, Kody R.
White, Jason A.
Whitehead, Morgan E.
10th Grade
Athey, Eric J.
Avendt, Sarenia E.
Cain, Kali R.
Carls, Amanda N.
Deschner, Jack R.
Evans, Abigail E.
Gray, Benjamin C.
Heuman, Leigha M.
Jarosz, Jade K.
Key, Seana A.
Maize, Nathan L.
Marenic, Erin V.
McTaggart, Holly K.
Mulholland, Matthew J.
Palmer, Haley M.
Reynolds, Elisabeth M.
Robinson, Emiley P.
Ross, Ryan E.
Rowbotham, Sydney N.
Simons, Josef R.
Smith, Kylie M.
Sweeney, Haylee R.
Szuber, Sarah P.
Thygesen, Breanna J.
Waterman, Garrett L.
Wilcox, Allison R.
Wolf, Ethan M.
11th Grade
Baxter, Peter
Campbell, Grace
Clark, Karly J.
Hajek, Alec
Hallwood, Cole G.
Hendrickson, Logan J.
Horton, Wyatt A.
Ihrke, Kaylee A.
Lauria, Emily
Lincoln, Bailey M.
Mack, Taylor
Nitz, Aerolyn S.
Papak, Alexa M.
Schaefer, Allissa K.
Shelton, Nathaniel
Smith, Austin D.
Turland, Cole
Vines, Haley B.
Weiss, Lauren E.
Wietecha, James M.
12th Grade
Bates, Jessica A.
Bronson, Meagan
Burwell, Stardust
Clark, Elizabeth M.
Cox, Taylor
Gann, Dylan J.
Hashley, Beth A.
Honde, Jean-Baptiste
Lawrence, Dylan M.
LeGalley, Adam M.
Mahar, Austin J.
Maize, Jarrett A.
Patterson, Shaina M.
Peto, Meagan M.
Pyland, Brittany
Shulhin, Oleksandr A.
Smith, Donald E.
Thacker, Robert C.
Traver, Jesse
Upthegrove, Riley O.
Ward, Michael
Whitaker, Cheyenne L.
Whitt, Andrew
Perfect Attendance
The LakeVille Memorial High School Band performs at halftime
on a beautiful Friday night.
Bands Music Calendar
December 1: Holiday Parade in Millington
December 9: HS holiday concert
December 16: MS holiday concert
December 22 – January 4: Holiday break
February 21: HS solo and ensemble festival
February 27-28: MS band festival
March 6-7: HS band festival
April 3-12: Spring break/Easter
April 15-18: Band trip to New York
May 14: HS spring concert
May 19: MS spring concert
May 22: Seniors last day
May 25: Memorial Day parades (OL & Otisville)
June 3: Graduation
The marching band also performed at the Caro Pumpkin Parade
in October.
10 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
Please note that all performances and extra rehearsals are mandatory and a part of the class
requirements. There may be other items scheduled such as Sutton Clinics, State band festival,
Holiday Parade, extra rehearsals. Ample time
will be given for any event scheduled after this
calendar is published.
12th Grade
Bates, Jessica
Conley, Lacey
Cross, Domanick
Jackson, Jacob
Joyce, Alyson
Loudermilk, Jackson
Marsh, Jason
McGaha, Tristin
Medellin, Alexander
Offenberg, Selma
Papak, Marisa
Quarles, Tyler
Swanagon, Tanner
Trout, Morgan
Van Amburg, Brianna
Williams, Chelsea
11th Grade
Bartlett, Brandon
Branch, Kelsey
Ford, Cheyenne
Griswold, Jacob
Hacker, Taylor
Lambing, Kyler
Lauria, Emily
Leach, Katelyn
Mohr, Matthew
Mozader, Joseph
Neminski, Abigail
Nitz, Aerolyn
Papak, Alexa
Wheeler, Kyle
10th Grade
Avendt, Sarenia
Clark, Hannah
English, Kyle
Jaissle, Kristin
Komar, Jaclyn
McGaha, Chance
Newton, Gabriel
9th Grade
Baxter, Henry
Burwell, Seth
Caudle, Jacob
Comstock, Troy
Duckert, Jacob
Elling, Blade
McKay, Donald
Phelps, Nathanial
Shann, Caleb
Thurlow, Arianna
Trickey, Matthew
Wheeler, Kody
Whitehead, Morgan
High School Happenings
PowderPuff Football
The seniors beat the juniors in
this year’s PowderPuff game
during Homecoming week!
Halloween at the High School
Math teacher Jacob
Gentry didn’t want to be
Law and order
on Halloween
Car Show
The car show that took place during the Annual Back to School Kick Off event was a huge
success. Thank you to everyone that participated and came to the event.
U.S. News & World Report –
The 10 Best College Websites
1. College Navigator.
The graphics aren’t slick, but this federal website contains more data on the nation’s colleges and universities than any place else on the Internet. Using the College Navigator’s
school search engine, you can scour the country for schools based on your criteria, which is
handy if you aren’t sure where to hunt for schools beyond the obvious name brands and your
own state institutions.
2. College Results Online.
Families assume that their children will graduate from college in four years, but that’s sadly
not true for most. This great website provides four, five, and six-year graduation rates of schools
across the country. What I also like about College Results Online is that it breaks down graduation rates by gender and ethnicity.
3. Zinch. and 4. Cappex.
These websites are online matchmakers that have borrowed features from Facebook that
should appeal to teenagers. On both sites, for instance, a student can create a profile that
goes well beyond test scores and grade-point averages that they can share with schools.
Using these sites is a great way to discover intriguing schools that you didn’t know exist.
Through Cappex, you can access, which provides a valuable directory of scholarships that thousands of schools offer.
5. CollegeMajors101.
Wondering what you can do with a degree in biology or dance? College Majors 101 offers
lots of information about what you can do with dozens of majors, as well as what you can
expect academically if you pursue these majors.
6. College Insight.
College Insight, which is the brainchild of the Institute for College Access and Success, has
gathered detailed information on thousands of colleges. You can find statistics for any school
on such topics as college affordability, graduation rates, and college diversity, including the
racial and ethnic breakdown of students and professors.
7. Project on Student Debt.
This website is devoted to helping families make the best economic choices when tackling
college costs. You will find tons of information about college debt and student loans. The site
also has a list of schools that have pledged to limit or eliminate the use of student loans in their
financial aid packages.
8. College Board.
I am always turning to the College Board when I want to check some quick facts about a
particular school. You can easily retrieve the academic profile of a college’s freshman class,
financial aid and merit aid stats, available majors, and much more.
9. Unigo.
This site, which has teamed up with the Wall Street Journal, serves up the unvarnished
scoop on schools from the students themselves. You won’t find spin from admission offices
here. Unigo urges college students to share their take on their own schools through comments, photos, and videos.
10. The Choice (New York Times).
This college blog will keep you up to date on the latest trends on college admission, testing,
and financial aid. The blog also features a lot of question-and-answer sessions with college
admission officers and other higher ed experts.
The winners were:
1st place people’s choice trophy Bob Ayre with a 1953 Chevy Pickup
1st place people’s choice trophy for BIKE – Trash – Blue Harley
2nd place people’s choice trophy Carl McElrath with a 1956 Chevy Belair
3rd place people’s choice trophy Chuck Smith with a 1935 Buick 415E
Is your student in need of new winter
coats and shoes?
The Old News Boys is administrating their Warm Hearts Healthy Starts coat and shoe
program. A child missing school or play because they don’t have a coat or pair of shoes is
both tragic and very easy to fix. They are providing new or gently used winter coats and shoes
for students in grades K through 6th. With each coat, children receive hats, mittens and scarves
– which are all donated by the community. If you would like further information on this opportunity, please contact the Administration Office at 810-591-3980.
Get Help. Give Help. Call 2-1-1
Food * Clothing * Education * Counseling * Health Care * Shelter * Support Groups *
Employment * Legal Aid * Public Safety * Individual, Family, and Community Support * Income
Support * Utilities * Housing * Disaster Services * Information Services * Transportation *
Mental Health Services * Addiction Services * Donation Opportunities * Volunteer Opportunities * And More!
Now you can dial 2-1-1 for quick access to hundreds of community services and volunteer
opportunities. One simple phone call connects you with a referral specialist ready to:
• Assess your situation
• Find answers to your questions
• Help you locate services
• Help you find volunteer opportunities
2-1-1 service is available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
A program of Resource Genesee. Funded in part by United Way of Genesee County.
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 11
Athletic News
Athletic Director Notes
Congratulations Girls Cross Country Team at the State Finals!!
Drew Johnson
The Fall sports season has officially wrapped up and we
are proud to announce a few accomplishments. The Girl’s
Cross Country team qualified for the MHSAA State Finals by
placing 2nd in the Division 3 regional at Deckerville. This is the
first cross country team to qualify for the finals since the 2001
team accomplished the feat. Andrew McCray also qualified
for the individual portion of the MHSAA State Finals by placing in the top 15 at the Regional in Deckerville. Congratulations to all of the athletes and coaches.
The athletic programs are continually building from the
ground up and we are starting to see the positive results.
Thanks to all of the individual efforts involved with our youth
programs all the way to the varsity level. If we continue to
work together to instill a work ethic necessary to compete at
the highest level, our programs will continue to move forward.
The Winter sports season is officially underway and we
are very excited about watching our teams compete against
our TVC opponents. Remember, you can follow all of the
action and results at You can
also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for real-time updates
during the games. Don’t miss out on the action, we hope to
see you this winter.
· Woodward Weight Room Challenge
LakeVille Alum Orrin Woodward has set a challenge for all
student-athletes, K-12. Mr. Woodward will be matching dollar
for dollar the amount of money that our students can raise for
the Weight Room renovation project that is being led by the
Athletic Director. Fundraising efforts began in the fall and will
continue through the end of April. Students will be organizing
several fundraisers during this time period that will include
activities such as: lift-a-thon, license plate sale, Deer Camp
Dinner, amongst others. If you have any questions please
contact Mr. Johnson.
4th Annual Deer Camp Dinner – February 28th
The annual fundraising event will again be held at the
Davison Knights of Columbus Hall on Saturday February 28th.
Proceeds from this year’s dinner will be used as part of the
Woodward Weight Room Challenge. The dinner has been a
great success and we expect it to continue. Anyone willing to
help with putting the dinner together please contact Mr.
Veteran’s Appreciation Night
Thank you to Mr. Steve Bourcier for all of his efforts organizing the Veteran’s Appreciation Night that took place on
August 28th. The event was a great success.
We plan on continuing this event next year. Next year’s
event will again be at the first home football game, August
27th. Come out and honor our Veteran’s and take in some
football action with the Falcons taking on the Bendle Tigers.
Athletic Eligibility Committee
We are currently looking to enhance our athletic eligibility
criteria for the 2nd semester of the 2014-2015 school year.
Anyone who wants to be involved in this process is encouraged to contact Mr. Johnson. The first meeting will be held
the last week of November.
The LakeVille girls Cross Country Team finished
21st out of the 30 teams at the Division 3 State Finals. Leading the way for the Lady Falcons was
Kailyn Allmon (20:55). Kailyn finished 99th overall.
Kailyn was followed by Jewell Colley and Eva
Chmielewski, who finished 123rd and 140th respectively. Rounding out the team’s finishers were London Daniel, Marissa Richard, Alexis Elling, and
Alyson Joyce.
Great job ladies!
Cross Country News
By finishing 2 at the Division 3 regional in Deckerville, the LakeVille girls Cross Country team qualified to run at the State
Finals at MIS in Brooklyn, MI on November 1st. The team was led by its 3 medalists, sophomores Jewell Colley and Eva
Chmielewski and freshman Kailyn Allmon. Jewell finished 8th overall, followed by Kailyn in 11th and Eva at 12th. To round out
the scoring and send the team to the finals, senior London Daniel finished 30th overall, followed by sophomore Marissa
Richard, junior Alexis Elling, and senior Alyson Joyce.
The team adds to its success of capturing the Genesee Invitational in September, and the Lapeer County Championship,
as well. This is the Cross Country team’s first trip to the finals in well over a decade.
Senior Andrew McCray will represent LakeVille’s boys’ team as he qualified as an individual for the State Finals by medaling
at the regional. Andrew ran the 3.1 miles in a personal best 17:32. He also had qualified last Spring in the 800m in track and
State Qualifier
Genesee Champs 2014
On December 1st Coach
Fritz and Brouillet will begin
off season track conditioning.
This runs Monday – Friday
right after school, and it is
open to everyone. It includes
core conditioning, strength
training, aerobic conditioning,
stretching, and general overall fitness. The sessions last
1 hour.
2014 Winter Coaches
Contact Information
Boys Basketball
James Vines
Girls Basketball
Dan Pardee
Lori Hollis
Erikka Gibson
Dan Huggler
Director of Athletics
Drew Johnson
(810) 591-4039
12 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
Lapeer County Champs
Assembly to Celebrate our Cross Country Athletes
The entire student body and teaching staff gathered on Friday, October 31, 2014, to wish our Cross Country runners good
luck before they competed in the State Championships on Saturday, November 1st. The girls qualified for the State Championships as a team, and Andrew McCray qualified to compete as an individual. We are very proud of these Falcon athletes,
and we sent them off to compete by singing the fight
song in their honor.
Winter Sports Schedule
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 13
Athletic News
Rotary Student of the Month Winner
Vance was named Rotary’s
October Student Citizen of the
Alumni & Faculty News
We print information about the successes of LakeVille alumni, staff and community members. Examples include graduation from college, vocational training programs and training in
any branch of the armed services. Any information on a graduate’s success in life is greatly
appreciated. We ask families and friends to let the Outlook know by calling 810-591-3983, emailing, or by sending information to the Outlook at 11107
Washburn Rd., Otisville, MI 48463.
Alumni Notes
Lea Lusk, a 2011 LakeVille Graduate, has received recognition for making All MIAA - First Team Softball 2014 as a junior. She also received this
award as a sophomore when she made 2nd team. She has been playing
third base for Alma College as a starter in the position since her freshman
season. She is now a senior.
LakeVille’s own Savannah Coolman (class of 2014) qualified to compete in the National Junior College Cross Country Championships in Lubbock, Texas on November 8th. She finished 93rd out of 250 runners with a
time of 20:00 minutes. Savannah, the daughter of John Coolman of Davison,
and Cyndi Coolman of Burton, qualified on October 25th in Lansing by finishing in the top 15. Savannah was a State qualifier last year while running
for our Lady Falcons. Savannah is a freshman running in her first year at
Mott Community College.
Jennifer Price, a 2011 LakeVille Graduate, was named to the Dean’s List for the Spring
semester at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI. Jennifer is the daughter of Mike and Mary
Ann Price of Millington. Jennifer is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Athletic Training.
2014-2015 OFFICIAL
Forest Twp Fire Dept.
Hilltop Dentistry
RPM World Class Tire
Afterglow Farms
RPM Auto
RJ Farms
Otisville Subway
Otisville Gun Barn
Columbiaville Family Dentistry
Progressive Cabinets
Jaksa Heating & Cooling
Otisville Baseball & Softball
Church’s Auto
Coach Schunot & Family
In Memory of Coach Schabel
In Memory of Coach Pickens
2014-2015 Middle School
Wrestling Roster
Coach Dan Huggler
Quinton Black
Doug Hennessey
Mike Westcoat
Zach Young
Brett Coultas
Dyllan Helms
Sam Jackson
Jacob Allmon
Jacob Crampton
Abe Baxter
Julie Henson
Hunter Norris
Maddie Costello
Jacob Jackson
Cal Huggler
Hunter Parsons
Isaiah Barton
Zane Shannon
Noah Scofield
Official Home of LakeVille
Falcons Wrestling!
Register on our website as a Falcons
wrestling Alumni.
Get scores, schedules, and current
14 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
The Tri-Village Chamber of Commerce is offering up to five
$500 scholarships to graduating LakeVille Seniors or post graduate LakeVille students who will be enrolled in college for the 20152016 academic year. Applications and requirements are available in the LakeVille Memorial High School Guidance office. Application deadline is March 31, 2015.
Community Meetings
• C.O.O.L. (Citizens of Otter Lake) meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in
St. John’s Episcopal Church.
• Columbiaville Historical Society meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in
the museum.
• LakeVille Athletic Booster meeting, first Tuesday of the month, LakeVille High School,
7:00 p.m.
• LakeVille Music Booster meeting, second Monday of the month, LakeVille High School,
6:00 p.m.
• Nourmahal Chapter #282, Order of the Eastern Star, meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Otisville Masonic Center, 10246 State Road,
• Otisville American Legion Post #321 meets every 4th Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the
American Legion Building on Main Street in Otisville.
• Otisville Bethel #63 of the international Order of Job’s Daughters meets the first and
third Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Otisville Masonic Center at 10246 State
• Otisville Lions Club meets the first and third Thursdays of the month 7:00 p.m. at the
Lions Clubhouse located at the corner of M-15 and Vienna Rd.
• Otisville Lioness Club meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month (February –
November – No meeting in July), 7:00 p.m. in the Lions Clubhouse located at the corner
of M-15 and Vienna Rd.
• Otisville Masonic Lodge #401 meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the
Otisville Masonic Center, 10246 State Rd.
• Otisville St. Francis Xavier Church Men’s Club serves an All You Can Eat Breakfast on
the 3rd Sunday of every month from September to May from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
• Otter Lake American Legion, Post 504, meetings every 2nd Saturday, 11 a.m. in the
new building located at Benson and 11th St.
• Otter Lake Lions Club meetings are every 2nd and 5th Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the
VFW Hall.
• Otter Lake Literary Club meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (April
through December); once a month (Jan-Mar). For more information, call 810-793-4545.
• Otter Lake VFW meetings are every 1st Thursday, 7 p.m.
If you would like your community meeting listed,
call Amy Smith at 810-591-3983
Outlook Contributing Sponsors
Dustin E. Mumford
Mohamedally Health Plaza
Funeral Home, Inc.
P.O. Box 66, 116 Grove Street
Otisville, MI 48463-0066
Phone: (810) 631-2525
Fax: (810) 631-8325
Designated a medical home provider
387 N. State Rd. • Otisville, MI 48463
(810) 631-4060
Hrs: Mon-Fri • 9 am - 5 pm
By Appointment or
walk in emergencies
Otisville Glass & Auto Parts
Pro Hardware
120 North State Street • Otisville, MI
631-4581 • 631-2515
Terry Lapeer
Frank Worvie
9531 N. State Rd. • Otisville, MI
Winter Hours
Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm
Summer Hours
Mon-Fri 8 am - 6 pm
Sat 9 am - 3 pm
Closed Sunday
Jeff Conlee
(810) 686-5600
12076 N. Linden Rd. • Clio MI 48420
Mike Church
Rick Church
Terry Church
631-4544 • 631-2886 • 631-4969
Office Hours By Appointment
(810) 793-6255
4469 Fifth St.
Columbiaville, MI 48421
ames J. Fehrman, D.D.S
James H. Ford, D.
M. D.
Pastor Kay Leitelt
Evening & Saturday Appointments Available!
24 Hr. Emergency Service
Church 810-631-2911
Parsonage 810-631-8395
Comprehensive Family Dental Care
Invisalign, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry
Sunday Worship 11:15 p.m.
12265 N. State Road
Otisville, MI 48463
200 West Main Street, Otisville
Call to schedule an appointment today!
(810) 631-4573
Store Hours:
Daily 9 am - 9 pm
Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
Next to
Citizens Bank
North Branch
4032 Huron St.
8529 State
50% Off Greeting
Cards Everyday
Outlook Needs
Community Sponsor
The LakeVille Outlook school and community
newsletter is inviting individuals and businesses
in our community to be part of our continuing
effort to provide a news source that reaches all of
the LakeVille School District community. The
Outlook is mailed to approximately 7,000
boxholders, businesses and agencies throughout
the community each issue. Companies and
individuals doing business in our community and
contributing to the district support of the Outlook
are recognized in each issue.
Private contributions are also gratefully accepted.
The Outlook prints news from and about community people, service groups, villages, townships
and community activities in addition to school
To sponsor a space in the Outlook,
call Amy Smith at 810-591-3983
The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 15
≈ Calendar of Events ≈
Nov 21 Otisville PTG Fundraiser Pickup 2-4:00 pm @
Otisville Elementary
MS Dance 2:15-4:00 pm @ MS Gym
Nov 24 Toys for Tots Begins @ HS
Nov 25 LV Football Study Group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
Board of Ed, Mtg 7-9:00 pm @ MS Media Center
Meet the Winter Athletic Teams 7-7:30 pm @ HS Gym
Dec 1 Toys for Tots Begins @ MS
Secret Santa Workshop 8-4:00 pm @ Otter Lake
Varsity Band participates in Millington Holiday
Parade 6:30 pm
LV Football Camp 7-9:00 pm @ MS Gym
Dec 2 Secret Santa Workshop 8-4:00 pm @ Otter Lake
LV Football Study Group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
Dec 3 Secret Santa Workshop 8-4:00 pm
Otter Lake PTS Mtg 9-10:00 am @ Otter Lake
Athletic Boosters Mtg 7-9:00 pm @ HS Media Ctr
Dec 4 Secret Santa Workshop 8-4:00 pm @ Otter Lake
Otisville PTG Mtg 9-10:30 am @ Otisville
Col. Book Bowl Mtg 3:35-4:30 pm @ Col Media Ctr
Dec 5 Secret Santa Workshop 8-4:00 pm @ Otter Lake
Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Col. Media Center
Popcorn Friday 9-11:00 am @ Otisille
PTS Christmas Bazaar/Craft Show 4-9:00 pm
@ Otter Lake
Columbiaville Title I Night 5:30-7:00 pm @ Col.
Dec 6 Santa Luncheon 11-1:00 pm @ HS Café
Emergency School
Closing Procedures
If weather, road conditions or other emergencies make it
necessary to close LakeVille Community Schools, parents will
be notified through SynreVoice, our emergency calling system. In addition, the information will be posted on our website
at and on the LakeVille Community
Schools Facebook page. The following radio and television
stations will also be notified.
WHNN (96 FM)
WEYI-TV—Channel 25
WKCQ (98.1 FM)
WNEM-TV—Channel 5
WWCK (105 FM)
WJRT-TV—Channel 12
WCRZ (108 FM)
Student safety is always our primary concern when making a determination to close schools. We use the following
procedures to determine whether it is safe to transport students on our buses.
Our Transportation Supervisor and Director of Operations
drive district roads. We are a large district (appx. 100 square
miles) with diverse roads across the district. They drive our
back roads as well as main roads and drive roads in both
Genesee and Lapeer County. They consult with the transportation staff in neighboring districts and consult with the superintendent.
The superintendent monitors the weather forecast, consults with area superintendents and the Road Commission as
well as our staff driving the roads before making a determination. Every effort will be made to make a decision to close
school by 5:30 a.m. when necessary. On rare occasions,
conditions change requiring we close school with little notice
or a situation arises that necessitates closing school during
the school day. Parents are asked to have a plan in place for
their children in this event.
16 • The LakeVille OUTLOOK
Dec 8 Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Otisville
Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Col. Media Center
Dec 9 Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Otisville
Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Col. Media Center
LV Football Study Group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
Board of Ed. Mtg 7-9:00 pm @ MS Media Center
HS Holiday Concert 7-10:00 pm @ MS Gym
Dec 10 Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Otisville
Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Col. Media Center
Dec 11 Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Otisville
Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Col. Media Center
3rd Grade Concert 6:30-7:00 pm @ Col. Gym
Dec 12 Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Otisville
Santa Shoppe 8:30-4:00 pm @ Col. Media Center
Otter Lake Popcorn Fridays 9-10:00 am @ Otter Lake
MS Dance 6-8:00 pm @ MS Gym
Dec 13 Basketball Shooting Camp 1-6:00 pm @ HS Gym
HS Dance 8-10:30 pm @ HS Café
Dec 15 MS Student Council Mtg 2:15-3:00 pm @ MS Café
LV Football Camp 7-9:00 pm @ HS Gym
Dec 16 Principal’s Mtg 8-10:00 am @ Otter Lake
LV Football Study Group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
MS Holiday Concert 7-1:00 pm @ MS Gym
Dec 18 LV Football Study Group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
Col. Book Bowl Mtg 3:35-4:30 pm @ Col Media Ctr
Dec 19 Photos with Santa 9-11:00 am @ Otisville
Dec 22 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Dec 23 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Dec 24 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Dec 26 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Dec 28 LV Baseball Camp 4:00-7:00 pm @ HS Gym
Dec 29 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
LV Football Camp 10:00-1:00 pm @ HS Gym
Dec 30 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Dec 30 LV Football Camp 10:00-1:00 pm @ HS Gym
Dec 31 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Jan 1 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
Jan 2 NO SCHOOL – Holiday Break
LakeVille Youth FB & Cheer Board Mtg
6:30-8:00 pm @ MS Media Center
LV Football Camp 7:00-9:00 pm @ MS Gym
Jan 6 LV Football Study group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
Jan 7 Otter Lake PTS Mtg 9:00-10:00 am @ Otter Lake
LV Athletic Boosters Mtg 7:00-9:00 pm
@ HS Media Center
Jan 8 Otisville PTG Mtg 9:00-10:30 am @ Otisville
LV Football Study group 2:30-4:30 pm @ HS Café
Jan 9 Popcorn Friday 9:00-11:00 am @ Otisville
MS Dance 2:15-4:00 pm @ MS Gym
Jan 13 Board of Ed. Mtg 7:00 – 9:00 pm @ MS Media Ctr
Jan 22 1/2 day of School
Jan 23 1/2 day of School
MS Dance 2:00-4:00 pm @ MS Gym
Jan 26 MS Student Council Mtg 2:15 – 3:00 pm @ MS Café
Jan 27 Board of Ed. Mtg 7:00-9:00 pm @ MS Media Center
Feb 10 Board of Ed. Mtg 7:00-9:00 pm @ MS Media Center
Feb 24 Board of Ed. Mtg 7:00-9:00 pm @ MS Media Center