Web Fax Merge User Guide


Web Fax Merge User Guide
M%ODVW Messaging Services User Guide
Web Fax Merge
Getting Started....................................................................................................................................... 1
Setting up an account........................................................................................................................ 1
Requirements.................................................................................................................................... 1
Logging In ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Sending a New Web Fax Merge............................................................................................................ 2
Who are you sending your fax to? .................................................................................................... 2
Sample Merge List .................................................................................................................... 3
Changing a recipient list............................................................................................................ 4
What would you like to fax?............................................................................................................. 4
Advanced Settings (Optional)........................................................................................................... 4
Fax Image Resolution................................................................................................................ 5
“From” Field.............................................................................................................................. 5
Schedule Date & Time .............................................................................................................. 5
Billing Code .............................................................................................................................. 6
Save This Fax Document........................................................................................................... 7
Place Merge Points on Document..................................................................................................... 7
Page View Window................................................................................................................... 8
Page Thumbnails ....................................................................................................................... 8
Merge Point Controls ................................................................................................................ 8
Sending your Web Fax Merge........................................................................................................ 10
Sending a Saved Web Fax Merge ....................................................................................................... 11
Deleting a saved Web Fax Merge................................................................................................... 11
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge ......................................................................................................... 12
Email reports .................................................................................................................................. 12
Confirmation report ................................................................................................................. 12
Completion report.................................................................................................................... 12
Online reports ................................................................................................................................. 13
Faxes in progress report........................................................................................................... 13
Fax History report ................................................................................................................... 15
PIPSUGMSWFM.01.07 Contents
M%ODVW Messaging Services User Guide
Web Fax Merge
Getting Started
Web Fax Merge is a Web-based Internet fax service designed for personalized fax
broadcasts, regardless of size. Your message is customized for each destination and
delivered using the reliable and secure jBlast Fax service. Once your message is sent,
you can check the delivery status using our on-line web reporting.
Setting up an account
Before you can use Web Fax Merge, your jBlast Account Executive will help you set
up a Web Fax Merge account.
The following web browsers are officially supported by Web Fax Merge:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Netscape Navigator 4.7x, 7.x
Other browsers must have the following features enabled in order to access Web Fax
Merge through our web interface:
SSL encryption at the 128-bit level or higher
RFC1867 support for multiple forms and file uploads
Java Script
Note: If your browser uses Pop-Up blockers, you may need to disable them for Web
Fax Merge to operate correctly.
Logging In
Go to www.jblast.com. Click on the Login link at the top of the page - this will take
you to your Account Login page.
Note: Bookmark this page before entering your User ID and password.
Enter your User ID and Password in the boxes provided, and click the Login button.
Getting Started 1
M%ODVW Messaging Services User Guide
Web Fax Merge
Sending a New Web Fax Merge
To get ready to send a new Web Fax Merge, select the Web Fax link on Your Secure
User Site, or select Web Fax from the Services side-bar menu, then click the Web
Fax Merge – New link.
Web Fax Merge enables you to completely manage a merge fax broadcast through
your web browser. The Web Fax Merge user interface is broken down into four easy
to manage sections:
Who are you sending your fax to?
What would you like to fax?
Advanced settings
Place merge points on document
Who are you sending your fax to?
Here is where you provide the destinations for your faxes(s), by adding a recipient list
that is stored on your computer.
This is a list that you created in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel saved
in CSV format. The list must meet the following:
Comma-separated csv file
First row is header, containing field names
First three field names are: faxnumber, to and , id
Subsequent fields are used as the merge fields
No commas are used. Use of commas interferes with the merge points.
The “faxnumber” field holds the individual destination fax numbers, which must
begin with the country code. For North America, the country is 1. For example, to
represent the fax number 555-1234 in area code 613 in North America, the number
would be formatted as “16135551234”.
The “to” field contains the individual destination contact information that will appear
in the fax banner. Normally the individual’s name (for example, John Doe) would go
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 2
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Web Fax Merge
The “id” field enables you to set a unique identifier for each destination that will
appear in the broadcast history report, but not on the document itself.
Both the “to” and “id” fields may be left blank, but the fields themselves must exist,
with the field names in the header. Note: The first three fields, “faxnumber”,”to”,and
“id” can not be used as merge fields. If you wish to use the data in these fields in
your merge, you must create a new field containing the same information as your
merge field.
Note: The column names cannot have capital letters in them. Use only lower case
letters in the column names. There can be no spaces between the words – for
example, firstname not first name.
Sample Merge List
Note that the id field was left blank in this example.
1. Once you have a list prepared and ready on your computer, click the My
Computer button. A window will pop up entitled Select a Contact List from My
2. Click the Browse button to open the file selection browser on your computer, and
locate the list you wish to upload.
3. Click the Open button in the browser window to select the list. This closes the
browser window and returns you to the Select a Contact List from My Computer
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 3
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Web Fax Merge
4. The file path and name of the list file appears in the “Select List:” box. Click the
Select button to load the list. The file name appears in the Recipient List box,
with the number of recipients in the list in parentheses ().
Changing a recipient list
If you made a mistake and wish to change a recipient list that you have already
entered, click the My Computer button again and select the correct list. The new list
replaces the previously selected one.
What would you like to fax?
This is where you select the document that you are faxing. Note that it is important
that you have left blank spaces in the document where you wish to place each merge
field. For example, you could enter Dear ________. The blank spaces indicate the
location for the individual names from your .csv files are merged into the fax.
1. Click Add Document. A window will pop up entitled Add a Document.
2. Click the Browse button to open the file selection browser on your computer, and
locate the document you wish to upload.
3. Click the Open button in the browser window to select the document. This will
close the browser window and return you to the Add a Document window.
4. The file path and name of the document file will appear in the “Select List:” box.
Click the Select button to load the document. The file name will appear in the
box above the Add Document button.
Advanced Settings (Optional)
If you want to use these features, click the Advanced Settings button to get started.
A popup window called “Advanced Settings” will open, with five settings that you
can control:
Fax Image Resolution
“From” Field (This field is defaulted on your account.)
Schedule Date & Time
Billing Code
Save This Fax Document
Once you have made your selections, click Apply to return to the Web Fax Merge
user interface. Click Reset only if you think you have made a mistake and wish to
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 4
M%ODVW Messaging Services User Guide
Web Fax Merge
start over. If you wish to return to the Web Fax Merge user interface without
changing any of the options in Advanced Settings, click the Close Window link.
Fax Image Resolution
Set if the fax image should be delivered in Draft (default) or Fine resolution.
“From” Field
Edit who the fax is from in the fax banner line. If you do not enter anything here, the
default value as set in the system account is used.
Schedule Date & Time
By default, your Web Fax Merge is queued to be delivered as soon as possible, once
you click Send.
Sometimes though, you want to set up a broadcast ahead of time and have the system
deliver it later that day, or even days later. You may have a plan involving sending
out different broadcasts throughout the coming weeks. You can use this screen to
make that happen.
How scheduling works
To schedule a broadcast, you need to set the “Start Date and Time”, and the range of
hours to “Deliver Messages Between”.
A scheduled broadcast is placed automatically on hold status in the system where no
message delivery is enabled until the “Start Date and Time” is reached, at which time
the broadcast is released into an active status.
Once the broadcast is in active status, it can deliver messages to its destinations as
long as the time is inside the range of allowable hours to Deliver Messages Between.
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 5
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Web Fax Merge
This is defined as the range of time from the beginning of the start hour, until the end
of the end hour.
For example, if the start hour is 10 and the end hour is 14, the time range is taken as
meaning from 10:00 until 14:59 (10:00 AM until 2:59 PM). The default setting of 00
and 23 indicates that delivery will be allowed starting at 00:00 (or 12:00 AM) and
will be allowed to continue until 23:39 (or 11:59 PM).
Note: Web Fax Merge is set to Eastern Time (either Eastern Standard or Eastern
Daylight Saving Time, depending on the time of year). Also, Web Fax Merge uses a
24-hour clock. Enter your times taking these two facts into consideration.
During the course of a broadcast, if the actual time exceeds the end of the range
defined by the allowable hours, then the remainder of the broadcast will be
suspended. The broadcast will be resumed when the start hour is reached again.
If you do not wish the fax broadcast to resume once it has been suspended, check the
Do Not Resume After End Time checkbox. If you check this option, once the fax
broadcast reaches it end hour, it will stop and not resume, even if more faxes were
waiting to be sent. This is a useful option when sending dated or legally binding
Setting up Scheduling
1. Click the checkbox to schedule the broadcast.
2. Using the drop-down menus provided, set the Month, Date, and Year that you
want to send the broadcast.
3. Using the drop-down menus provided, set the Hour and Minute that you want to
send the broadcast.
Note: the Start Date and Time is always set using Eastern Time (either Standard
or Daylight Savings, depending on the time year).
4. Set the start hour of the allowed delivery range of hours (“Deliver the messages
between:”), using the drop-down menu provided. The start hour indicates the
start of the first hour of the day that delivery will be permitted.
5. Set the end hour of the allowed delivery range of hours. The end hour indicates
the end of the last hour of the day that delivery will be permitted.
Note: The start and end hours in the delivery range are always set using Eastern
Time (either Standard or Daylight Savings, depending on the time of year. Also,
all times are expressed in the 24-hour clock.
Billing Code
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 6
M%ODVW Messaging Services User Guide
Web Fax Merge
Sometimes you may find it necessary to keep track of which faxes were sent for what
purpose. Legal firms often have this requirement in order to know which clients to
charge for faxes sent on their behalf. Web Fax Merge offers the Billing Code field
for this and any other situation where you want to place an identifier on a Web Fax
Merge broadcast, that you can refer to later on reports about the broadcast. It
provides a convenient means of cross-referencing.
Type any alpha-numeric identifier in the field provided. This will appear in the
“Billing Code” field in the broadcast reports. Do not use special characters in the
Billing Code – only letters and numbers are acceptable.
Save This Fax Document
Since creating a Web Fax Merge job often involves setting numerous merge points,
this is a way to preserve your work, so you do not need to repeat the same tasks each
time you want to send out the same document. Check the box and fill in a descriptive
name for the job. When you have completed the set-up and sent the merge, the
system saves everything about the job, including the document, the merger points,
and even the list. The next time you wish to use the same document, you can retrieve
it for use without having to go through the set-up again.
Place Merge Points on Document
Once the list and document have been uploaded, and the resolution selected within
the Advanced Settings, you need to position where in the document the merge fields
will be placed. This is done through a graphic interface where you point and click.
Click the Place Merge Points button to begin. You are presented with the Merge
Point placement screen.
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 7
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Web Fax Merge
2. Place the Merge Field
anywhere on the page by
dragging it into position with
your mouse, or by adjusting the
Start Point X and Y
3. Adjust your font style and
4. Click Apply.
1. Choose the Merge
Point Field you wish to
edit here
5. Click the double arrow
and move forward or
backward to the next Merge
Point Field you wish to edit
6. Click the Preview button to
proof your document
Page View Window
The Merge Point placement screen consists of three main areas. On the right,
occupying the larger portion of the screen is an enlarged view of one page of the
document itself. Scroll bars are used to access the entire document.
Page Thumbnails
On the left, the bottom half displays a thumbnail image of each page in the document.
If needed, a scroll-bar appears to enable any page to be displayed. Clicking on a
page’s thumbnail image causes that page to appear in the large display area.
Merge Point Controls
Again on the left, the top half of the screen comprises a set of controls that are used to
aid in placing the merge points.
Field Name
The box at the very top displays the field name of the current merge point, taken from
the header of the list being used. In the example shown, the field name is
Page Number
Under the field name box, the current page number is displayed.
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 8
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Web Fax Merge
Start Point
The start point indicates the co-ordinates of the upper-left corner of the merge point
being placed. Changing the values in this box can be used to fine-tune the position of
the merge point once a rough placement is done using the mouse.
You can change the font of the text in a merge point to match that of the surrounding
text in the document. Use the drop-down menu to select an appropriate font name.
Then, type in the size. You can also check the boxes to indicate bold or italic as
Use this box to indicate if long text in a merge point should be allowed to wrap to the
next line. Place a number in the box, and click Apply. Note that wrapping is only
visible in the Preview after all the merge points have been placed.
Sample Text
This displays the text found in the first record in your list for the merge field being
Click Apply when you are satisfied with the placement of a merge field and want to
move on to the next. Remember, you must always click Apply to save the current
merge point information and move onto the next merge point.
Click Cancel if you want to undo the placement of the current merge point.
The Navigation box shows the merge point on which you are currently working.
Clicking the << or >> arrow buttons enables you to select a different merge point.
How to Position Merge Points
1. Using the scroll bars in the main area of the window, bring the part of the
document where you want to add your first Merge Point into view. Ensure that
your first Merge Point is the one selected in the Navigation area.
2. Position your mouse cursor on the screen where you want to place the Merge
Point, and click. You can reposition it until you are satisfied either by clicking or
by changing the coordinates in the Start Point area.
3. Set the Font Style and Size.
4. Click Apply. Note that you may want to record the X and Y values for each
Merge Point for future use.
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 9
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Web Fax Merge
5. Using the << and >> buttons, select the next Merge Point you wish to position,
and repeat the process. You can re-position each Merge Point as often as you
wish, until you are satisfied.
6. Once all the Merge Points are set, click Preview. This redisplays a sample of the
merged document as it will appear when faxed.
7. If you wish to reposition any of the Merge Points, click Re-Edit Merge Points to
be returned to the Merge Point Placement screen. You can repeat this process as
often as desired.
Sending your Web Fax Merge
Once you have placed your Merge Points, and have returned to the Web Fax Merge
User Interface, double-check that your Advanced Settings are set according to your
wishes, and click Send Merge Job. Your Web Fax Merge is now delivered
according to the specifications you provided. You see a confirmation screen
indicating that your Web Fax Merge was successfully loaded.
Sending a New Web Fax Merge 10
M%ODVW Messaging Services User Guide
Web Fax Merge
Sending a Saved Web Fax Merge
If you have previously sent a Web Fax Merge, and you used the Advanced Settings to
save it and give it a name, you can re-load the same job with all the settings intact, for
reuse. This can be a huge timesaver, especially if you have many finicky merge
1. Select the Web Fax link on Your Secure User Site, or select Web Fax from the
Services side-bar menu, then click the Web Fax Merge – Saved link.
2. You will see a list of all jobs that you have saved in the past, listed by
Reference #, Broadcast Date, Description, and Billing Code. Click on the
reference number of the job you wish to restore. The Web Fax Merge interface
appears, with the list and document fields already populated. Note that the Place
Merge Points button is missing.
If you are using a saved document, but changing the list, ensure that the header
names in your new list are the same as the original list used.
3. If desired, change the list to which you are sending, by loading the new list using
the My Computer button. Ensure that the new list has all the same fields as the
old one did, or you might get unpredictable results.
4. You can also change the Advanced Settings as required.
5. One thing you cannot change is the Merge Point placements. If you need to reposition the Merge Points, follow the procedure for creating a New Merge Fax.
Always click Preview to confirm the location of your merge points in your
document before sending the fax. .
6. When you are ready to send the Web Fax Merge, click Send Merge Job.
Deleting a saved Web Fax Merge
1. While the list of Saved Web Fax Merge jobs is displayed, check the box beside
each job you wish to delete.
2. Click Delete Selected Items. You see a confirmation message.
3. If you are certain you wish to do so, click OK; otherwise click Cancel. Deleted
jobs are completely removed from the system and cannot be restored.
Sending a Saved Web Fax Merge 11
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Web Fax Merge
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge
A number of reports are provided as part of the Web Fax Merge service. Emails are
sent confirming submission of a fax broadcast (including Web Fax Merge), as well as
notifying of completion, including detailed results. On-line reports are available
showing the status of a fax broadcast in progress, as well as a historical summary of
past broadcasts.
Email reports
Two types of reports are available by email:
Confirmation report
Completion report
Confirmation report
The Fax Broadcast Confirmation report is an email that is sent to you, indicating that
the system has successfully received the broadcast that you submitted. It provides
details identifying the job, including the following:
Customer information including phone number
Reference No. identifying the fax broadcast
Billing Code entered when broadcast was submitted
Total Destinations to which the broadcast is going
Estimated Cost of the broadcast, including applicable taxes
Completion report
The Fax Broadcast Completion report is an email that is sent to you, providing final
results of the broadcast, and includes attached files with details of the individual
successful and failed calls. It includes the following details:
Customer User ID
Reference No. identifying the fax broadcast
Billing Code entered when broadcast was submitted
Completed At – timestamp indicating when the broadcast completed
Total Destinations to which the broadcast was sent
Successful Destinations count
Failed Destinations count
Cost of the broadcast including applicable taxes
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge 12
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Web Fax Merge
Online reports
Two types of reports are available online:
Fax broadcast in progress report
Fax broadcast history report
Faxes in progress report
The Fax broadcast in progress report provides real-time status information on a
current broadcast, including the following information:
Ref No – the reference number identifying the fax broadcast
Received – the date and time the broadcast was received by the system
Scheduled – the date and time the broadcast was scheduled for delivery (if
unscheduled, shows 12:00:00 AM)
#Faxes – the total number of destinations
#Success – the current number of destinations that have succeeded
#Failed – the current number of destinations that have failed
Pages – the number of pages per fax destination
Billing Code – the billing code that was submitted with the broadcast
See the sample below:
Viewing the Fax Broadcast in Progress report
1. On the sidebar menu, highlight Reports. A second level menu appears with all
the available online reports.
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge 13
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Web Fax Merge
2. Click on the menu item Faxes in Progress. The Faxes in Progress page appears.
3. Under “Choose the type of fax status report…” select “Broadcast”.
4. Click Create Report. The page refreshes, showing currently available
Updating the Faxes in Progress report
Click Create Report. The page refreshes, showing currently available information.
Filtering for a specific billing code
1. Type the billing code on which you wish to filter in the available box.
2. Click Create Report. The page refreshes, showing available information only
for fax broadcasts that match the specified billing code.
Resubmitting a Credit Hold broadcast
Occasionally, you may submit a Web Fax Merge request, but your account does not
have sufficient funds in it to complete the request. The request is then placed on
Credit Hold. Once you have added more funds to your account, you can then use the
resubmit Credit Hold Broadcast option to resubmit your request.
1. On the Faxes in Progress page, check the time at which the request was originally
2. If this time has not already past, click the Resubmit ‘Credit Hold’ Broadcast(s)
button. The broadcast will proceed as planned.
3. If the time for the broadcast to start has already passed, you must select the fax
using the checkbox.
4. Click the Cancel Selected Broadcast(s) button. You must then reschedule your
broadcast as a new request.
Canceling a Fax Broadcast
Under some circumstances, it can be possible to cancel part or all of a broadcast in
progress. If there are still some destinations that have not yet been queued for final
delivery, those destinations can be cancelled. If the broadcast is scheduled and has
not yet been released for delivery, then the entire broadcast can be cancelled. Any
destinations that have already been queued for final delivery cannot be cancelled,
even though they have not yet been delivered.
1. Check the box beside each broadcast that you wish to cancel.
2. Click Cancel Selected Broadcasts. If possible, part or all the broadcast is
cancelled before it is delivered.
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge 14
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Web Fax Merge
Fax History report
The Fax History report provides summary information about past broadcasts that
have already been completed, accessible by date. It includes the following
Ref No – the reference number identifying the fax broadcast
Received – the date and time the broadcast was received by the system
Scheduled – the date and time the broadcast was scheduled to be released
Delivered – the date and time the broadcast completed delivery
Pages – the number of pages per fax destination
#Success – the actual number of destinations that have succeeded
#Failed – the actual number of destinations that have failed
Bill Code – the billing code that was submitted with the broadcast
Viewing the Fax History report
1. On the sidebar menu, highlight Reports. A second level menu appears with all
the available online reports.
2. Click on the menu item Fax History. The Fax History page appears.
3. Select the Month and Day for which you wish to view reports, using the
dropdown menus provided. Select All for Day if you wish to view an entire
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge 15
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Web Fax Merge
4. Click Create Report. The page refreshes, showing the history reports for the
date or month selected.
Filtering for a specific billing code
1. Type in the billing code on which you wish to filter, in the available box.
2. Click Create Report. The page refreshes, showing the history reports for the
date or month selected for fax broadcasts that match the specified billing code.
Reporting on a Web Fax Merge 16