2014 Term 1 Newsletter - Windsor Gardens Secondary College
2014 Term 1 Newsletter - Windsor Gardens Secondary College
Windsor Update Windsor Gardens Vocational College Term 1 McKay Avenue Windsor Gardens South Australia 5087 DATES TO REMEMBER T: 8261 2733 F: 8261 0827 E: dl.0906_info@schools.sa.edu.au APRIL 28 First Day of Term 2 W: www.wgvc.sa.edu.au MAY Paulette Sargent Principal 6 Interview Night 13-15 NAPLAN 19 Student Free Day Peter Papageorgiou Deputy Principal JUNE 9 Jenevieve Foster Queen’s Birthday Assistant Principal 2014 SCHOOL CARD Any families eligible for school card please see front office staff ASAP as applications are due now Parent/Teacher Interviews Term 2, Week 2 Tuesday 6th of May 2.30pm-6.50pm Diploma of Engineering (Petroleum) at Adelaide University We will be producing the “WINDSOR UPDATE” just once a term from now on so that the stories of each terms events can be shared and will be saved on the college website. The new look WEBSITE will be upgraded soon and will have ongoing reports from staff and students of all the great learning and events that happen each week. We will continue to put updates and reminders of dates, events, parent teacher nights, sports results etc. on our FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/windsorgardensvocationalcollege There is a SKOOLBAG app that you can have on your phone to keep in touch as well as SMS MESSAGES that are sent to keep you informed. If you would like us to keep you in contact with those issues and appointments that concern your students at Windsor then please provide us with your email and we can keep in contact that way too. The Chief Education Officer Tony Harrison came to visit in Week 10 and we were pleased to have the opportunity to share with him the really excellent work that occurs in our college classrooms, on the ovals, in the VET pathways and in the Centre for the Hearing Impaired. We know that Windsor is a well-kept secret as a unique centre for learning that has great facilities that support our students in their education, so we asked Tony Harrison to share our secret around the state. Celina McKenzie Congratulations to Jovanne. As a result of her dedication and commitment to study in 2013, Jovanne has achieved outstanding results and has been accepted into the Term 1 2014 over already!! Where did that time go? As usual at Windsor we have had a term jam-packed with activities and learning. As you can see from the articles in these pages our staff and students have spent many hours engaged in exciting and interesting events. Whether it’s trying out for Cheltenham or learning about safe driving or performing in the Year 8 talent night on the Year 8 camp it’s been a term focused on mental and physical challenges. 21-26 Cheltenham Exchange Assistant Principal The recently announced 2013 DUX of the School Award goes to Jovanne Lee. FROM THE PRINCIPAL As you know we are living with a work-site [$4.2 million being spent] while the new buildings are growing around us for the rest of 2014. I ask for your patience while these exciting developments happen. Carlye Tuckwell our Business Manager is the contact person for the project. Last but not least I must remind people, students, staff, parents, old scholars, ex-teachers and community members to spread the word about this years “CHELTENHAM’S 50TH!!” It is 50 years since the Cheltenham Exchange began and to celebrate we are having a re-union of any exCheltenham participants on SATURDAY 28TH JUNE. If you are able to be in contact with anyone who was involved please let them know to go to the web-site or Facebook page to save the date and express interest in being there. Have a great holiday and enjoy a Happy Easter. Online bookings available through www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code (information/instruction sheet attached to this newsletter) Paulette Sargent, Principal www.facebook.com/ windsorgardensvocationalcollege Scan your smart phone on the QR code to go direct to our website TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK YEAR 8 CAMP– VICTOR HARBOUR On February 12th 80 Year 8 students, 10 Peer Leaders and 10 staff headed to Adare camp site in Victor Harbor for the annual Year 8 camp. The camp is aimed at breaking the ice amongst the new students and providing an environment for which the students can build relationships assisting them with their transition into high school. To support this, classes became teams and in the lead up to the camp each team prepared a celebration chant and a team banner. During the camp many activities were organised for the students to enjoy. These activities included; beach games, a night walk to Granite Island, an afternoon at Green Hills Adventure Park, the Flying Kiwi swing, kayaking, mountain biking, water o bstacle, treasure hunt, survivor challenge, brain twister, challenge course and a talent night. At the end of each activity points were awarded to each team with the focus being teamwork, encouragement and respect. Credit must be given to all students for enduring the fluctuating weather conditions of extreme heat on day 1 and annoying rain on days 2 and 3. Despite the weather, the students embraced the competition and threw themselves into each activity without too much of a second thought. All resulting in 3 days of fun and friendships. Congratulations to the Orange Dragons who earned the most points and became the winners. After busy days the students enjoyed delicious catered meals by a fantastic chef and then they retired to hot showers and comfortable dormitories. A camp of this nature takes a lot of organisation and commitment from staff. Thankyou very much, to all staff involved for their hard work, time and effort. Dean Liddicoat, Year 8 Manager TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK YEAR 8 “WELCOME TO WINDSOR” NIGHT AND SACE STUDENT SUCCESS PARENT FORUM The new format for our Acquaintance Night was very successful. Despite having to be delayed due to the early February heatwave many parents took the opportunity to come and meet not just their child’s Care Group Teacher but also their subject teachers. This took place in the revamped Resource Centre and surrounding area. The night began with the Year 8 parents hearing from Paulette Sargent (Principal) and Dean Liddicoat (Year 8 Manager) about the opportunities and requirements for Year 8 students. They then had a chance to meet in small Care Group teams. This was followed by a sausage sizzle and salad station where students could introduce their parents to their subject teachers in an informal environment. Meanwhile, SACE parents joined the sausage sizzle for informal chats with staff before heading into the library to hear more specifically about Year 11 and 12 SACE requirements. Paulette Sargent spoke to parents and students about the pressures and expectations students would need to meet to be successful in their SACE. There was then the opportunity to discuss specific subject requirements with the teachers and parents left with a much clearer understanding of what their child would need to do to successfully complete their SACE. Overall this was a very positive and effective way for parents to engage themselves in their child’s school life, put faces to names and develop contact and support structures to aid their child’s success at school. Celina McKenzie, Assistant Principal CYBER SAFETY At Windsor Gardens Vocational College we take cyber safety very seriously. As a part of the Year 9 Care Group program our students have been looking at the issues around cyber safety. This has included a performance and working through a cyber safety program. As a part of this work a police officer from the SA Police Crime Prevention Unit came and spoke with the students. His presentation explained the dangers of cyber bulling and harassment and issues around online social uses. He was also able to explain to the students the different ways they can become more cyber aware and safe. At the end of the presentation students were able to ask questions. We wish to thank Brett from SA Police for this presentation. The internet allows students to watch videos, play games, communicate globally, as well as share and view a wide range of information. However, sometimes people can be intentionally mean on the internet, just like some people are mean in real life. If someone is treating you this way while you are on the internet or on a mobile phone please use the following steps: 1. Tell someone: your mum, dad, teacher, brother, sister or friend. Keep telling them until they help. 2. Don’t answer any mean comments. Save them and show them to a parent or teacher. 3. Get a parent or teacher to help you block them so they can’t contact you any more. 4. Report them to the game/video host so they get blocked. 5. Remember it isn’t your fault if someone is mean online. Nobody should be bullied. If you have any questions or concerns about online safety you can contact www.cybersmart.gov.au or your local police station. Amy Geue, Teacher WORLD VISION SPONSOR CHILD– HOSEA MESHAK Windsor Gardens Vocational College have sponsored a child through World Vision for the past 8 years. For the last 5 years we have sponsored a child called Hosea. Hosea is from Arusha and the money the college raises helps support him and his community with fresh clean water, farming supplies and helps to send him to school. As a college the students have been very supportive of this worthwhile venture and we continue to support Hosea and his family by raising money through casual days, selling of drinks and a collection tin on the front office shelf. As a college we would like to give a very BIG THANKYOU to Mr Ray O’Brien who was kind enough to donate a drum kit to the Music Department during Term 1. The drum kit has been thoroughly enjoyed by our students. Fran Charlton We held our first Casual Clothes Day on Wednesday the 12th of March where we collected $459.25 for the cause. The money raised also helps World Vision provide funds to support programs that benefit children and their communities. Fran Charlton, Arts Co-ordinator TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK POLICE ROAD SAFETY SESSION st On Tuesday 1 of April all WGVC Year 10 students participated in a Road Safety session run by Senior Sargent First Class Paul Bryant and members of the Road Safety Centre team. Across the morning students attended lectures on crash scene investigations, ANCAP vehic le safety testing and had a chance to drive the BMW driving simulator from “Save a Life” Australia. Students discussed factors that cause accidents such as road conditions, speed and mobile phones; they also learnt about the science used to investigate crashes. Prior to the day parents were invited to attend a session with the Road Safety team at WGVC to hear about the changes to road rules and the ways they can be a positive role model for their teens when they start driving. Both sessions were well received and hopefully the message about being a safe and responsible driver will reach both the students and their families. Rebecca Sims, Year 10 Manager YEAR 10 BOYS 20/20 CRICKET COMPETITION CHRISTIAN PASTORAL SUPPORT WORKER MESSAGE Congratulations to Chris Draper who recently hit a huge 126 runs in a 20/20 match against Roma Mitchell Secondary School. Chris opened the batting with Caleb Branson and together they put on a great partnership of over 50 runs. Chris then went on to bring up his hundred in the 13th over scoring a massive 32 runs from an over to reach his total. The Windsor Gardens team made a substantial 162 runs but unfortunately were unable to defend this total. Other players to make significant contributions included Jessie Oldrey and Caleb Branson who both took 2 wickets. Hello everyone! Hope this finds you all having a great Term 1 of 2014! I just wanted to take a few lines to introduce myself and tell you about a tasty program we have going on every week, here at WGVC. My name is Katie McManus and I am the College’s Christian Pastoral Support Worker (CPSW, formerly known as the “Chaplain”). One of my favourite things to be a part of at Windsor, is the Wednesday morning BBQ Breakfast, put on by myself and volunteers from the local area churches. We start serving around 8:00am and go until the 1st bell rings (8:40am). This is a FREE breakfast open to all students and staff, and we set up just outside the change rooms, across from the tennis courts (just follow the yummy smells). Come join us for some scrumptious pancakes, egg & bacon sandwiches and juice, and start your morning off feeling full, satisfied and ready to start the day! Brenton Dalby, HPE Coordinator Katie McManus STUDENT SUCCESS Over the past 2 years, Sebastian McCallum-Boswell has worked tirelessly in our Parndendi Café to achieve his Certificate II in Kitchen Operations. This has entailed several out of hours functions and events, including cocktail parties at UniSA, the annual Youth Arts Awards at Carclew Youth Arts Centre, and official lunches for our Local Council. As part of his Year 12 Food and Hospitality program, Sebastian was also jointly responsible for the organisation and service of the Cheltenham Exchange welcome dinner. Since graduating at the end of 2013, Sebastian has earned himself a well-deserved apprenticeship. He is currently working at the Maid of Auckland Hotel and continuing his training. Leslie Wilson, VET Hospitality Trainer TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK HYDE STREET The Hyde Street Program provides a range of opportunities for students from different schools to develop their vocational, social, academic and recreational skills in a supportive environment. This course is citybased and currently operates from the Second Story Youth Health Centre in Adelaide. Students learn skills ranging from using public transport and operating safely in the community through to job readiness. This program is a confidence building and social skills course which helps students to make the transition from school to the workplace more easily. Students can attend this course for two years and receive credits towards their SACE. The program is run by Mark Eaton from Prospect Centre and our very own SSO Kathy McCarthy from Windsor who supports the program each Tuesday. We currently have 5 students from Windsor Gardens participating in the program and are seeing fantastic results. This term our students attending this course have visited various venues from Hahndorf to Glenelg, learning new skills as they go. YEAR 8 GIRLS AND BOYS BASKETBALL SA POLICE PERFORMANCE During week 4 of this term the Year 8 girls and boys participated in a Basketball carnival held at Mars Indoor Sports Centre. Both teams developed their skills in the game significantly throughout the day and displayed excellent team spirit in the way they conducted themselves and supported one another. Well done to all those who participated! On Monday the 17th of March, SAPOL came to Windsor Gardens for a presentation about ‘Getting Home Safely’, which was directed at our Year 12 students during Extended Care Group. Michael Lord from the Police Road Safety Unit, presented some statistics and a confronting DVD about drink driving and driving while distracted. The film focussed on a night out after a Year 12’s last day at school, ending in a young driver speeding, crashing his car and killing his friend. The film while at times confronting, really brought home the message to the students about their driving obligations and the importance and responsibility involved when driving on our roads. I’m sure while the Year 12’s think they have heard this message twenty times, as Michael explained, if this presentation saves just one life then it is worth it. Fran Charlton, Year 12 Manager The girls team: Back Row: Taylor, Zian, Sophie, Courtney, Myha Front Row: Chloe, Kayla, Jaz, Kacey HARMONY DAY Harmony Day was celebrated at WGVC on Friday 21st of May. Students attended a whole school assembly to support the values of acceptance, diversity and countering racism. Nathan Rarivi sang a traditional Fijian song which was enjoyed by all. A free sausage sizzle was provided for the whole school and some students participated in a soccer tournament, boomerang throwing and hand painting. A big thank you to all st udents who worked hard to make our Harmony Day a success. Sara Omond, EALD Teacher Brenda Rogerson, ASETO TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK SCIENCE EXPERIENCE AT CSIRO SCIENCE EDUCATION CENTRE In Week 5 of this term, a combined group of students from the Certificate III in Laboratory Skills and Stage 2 Biology classes ventured to the CSIRO Science Education Centre at Hindmarsh. The Centre develops exciting and novel ‘hands-on’ classes for students that will stimulate an interest in science and demonstrate its relevance and application using real examples. The aim of this excursion for our students was to use up-to-date techniques and equipment to investigate DNA. DNA or deoxyribose nucleic acid is the building block of all life on Earth. Initially, students used micropipettes to measure minute quantities of bacteria called E. coli. Aseptic techniques were used so the spread of these bacteria was minimized. Through a collection of processes the bacteria was deconstructed to expose the DNA and then heated and cooled. This enabled the DNA to be available to be placed in a piece of equipment so that an electric current could be passed through it. This process is called gel electrophoresis and it is used to separate DNA and proteins. This is often seen in TV crime shows to DNA-match suspects. One of the most important parts of the visit was an introduction into how humans are manipulating DNA. Think putting the glowing DNA from a jellyfish into a rabbit. But outside of that it has huge medical applications which will benefit all. Solomon Mualchin loading the gel electrophoresis assisted by the CSIRO scientist Sharon Robertson, Maths and Science Coordinator Matthew Bailey and Nicole Kahusny using aseptic techniques and measuring samples Nathan Bartholomaeus and Jessica Lamont, (with Stacy Smith and Jessica Bowman) flaming their equipment to stop contamination. WILTJA AND THE AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION A week before this year’s State Election, Wiltja secondary students from Windsor Gardens and Woodville High School participated in a mock election run by The Australian Election Commission (AEC). This presentation included information on: - The AEC and its role in government - The three levels of government in Australia, with a link to the state election - Enrolling to vote - The National Indigenous Youth Parliament - Voting procedures such as how to fill in a ballot paper This is part of a Civics program being developed at Wiltja to educate students about decision-making, government and elections. Last year senior students received training from the AEC, and were employed as Scrutiny Assistants at polling places for the Federal Election. In 2014, several senior students will enrol to vote. Audrey Inkamala, a Year 12 student at WGVC, is one of fifty young indigenous people from across Australia who has been selected to participate in the 2014 National Indigenous Youth Parliament (NIYP) to be held in Canberra from 28th of May until the 3rd of June. The NIYP is a week-long leadership program and includes expert training in how government works, how laws are made, public speaking and dealing with the media. Participants will have the opportunity to meet with and learn from the Nation’s leaders, members of Parliament, dignitaries, the parliamentary press gallery, indigenous community leaders, senior public servants and academics. This is an exciting opportunity for Audrey and we wish her all the best! Greg Cousins, Wiltja YEAR 8 INTRODUCTION TO ATHLETICS RUN BY THE YEAR 12 SPORT & RECREATION STUDENTS On Friday the 28th of March during lessons 5 and 6, the Year 8 students participated in an ‘Introduction to Athletics’ carnival run by the Year 12 Sport and Recreation students. The afternoon provided an opportunity for the Year 8 students to take part in a variety of events including; discus, shot put, javelin, high jump and a 100m sprint. The event also allowed the Care Group tribes that were formed for the Year 8 Camp to come together once again to battle it out for the top prize. Throughout all the events, the Year 12 students were awarding points to Care Groups for their display of respect, encouragement, and participation/effort. The points were very close, but it was Care Group 803 that came out victors - congratulations to them! Christie Watkins, Teacher TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK VOLUNTEER AWARD WINNER– BOB MACK Robyn Geraghty School Volunteer Award for Outstanding Service has been awarded to Bob Mack and his faithful dog Slater Bob and Slater have become an iconic part of the community garden over the past 18 months. Bob has been involved with bringing back to life the six garden beds that were in dire need of tender loving care. He was also a catalyst in preparing two more garden beds and introducing the Wikki watering system. Bob’s expertise is not only contained to preparation of planting, but has also included the teaching of horticulture to students. Bob has also trained and developed staff in techniques of garden maintenance. Bob has in this short time worked closely with the building construction students, the CHI students, society and environment classes, home economics faculty and students. His knowledge has allowed the community garden to become an integral part of the college curriculum. The garden has provided a variety of vegetables for the Parndendi Café, the home economics centre and members of the community. Sustainability of the community garden has been one of Bob’s agendas since he started at Windsor Gardens and in his own time he has enrolled himself into TAFE and undertaken courses around Workplace Health and Safety, and Horticulture to further assist him to help the students at WGVC. Due to Bob’s dedication, he has given the garden a real community feel. His energy, new ideas and expertise have been a most invaluable asset to the college. As a college, we appreciate and value Bob’s commitment and dedication to the community garden and the college. He and Slater will always be a welcomed member of the college community. Peter Papageorgiou, Deputy Principal BUILDING WORKS UPDATE NATIONAL YOUNG LEADERS DAY The building works have finally begun which is very exciting! The first stage of the project involves the refurbishment of the canteen area – this area will be completely redone and will include a brand new canteen, a PE classroom and a PE storage area. This stage is due to be completed in late May. Year 10 Windsor Voice students spent the day with over 700 students from around South Australia. The aim of the event held at the Entertainment Centre (organised by Halogen) was to enthuse, inspire and encourage young people to seek support and take risks in making change happen in their world. The theme “I am somebody” was boosted by five dynamic speakers who had faced major challenges and successfully accomplished some amazing feats. During Weeks 4 and 5 of Term 2 we will be moving Music, Electronics and PE out of their current areas ready for demolition of these buildings. Stage 2 of the project is the demolition of buildings and the construction of a new building which will accommodate Music including a performance area and some General Learning classrooms. This stage is due for completion in May 2015. If you would like to see the plans of the new building they are on display in the Front Office foyer – please feel free to come and have a look. I will continue to put updates in each Newsletter but I’m sure you will see the progress when construction of the new building begins. Carlye Tuckwell, Business Manager A video was made of young people with 10,000 IDEAS. Their statements started with “I always wondered why…” “Then I realised...” “So I will …”. The ideas raised included Refugees, Bullying, the Environment, Asylum seekers, Political action, Women’s rights, Speaking up and Slavery. It was a great day. Thank you Halogen. Helen Parkin, Middle School Counsellor TERM 1 IN DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Term 1 2014 has been a busy and exciting time in the Design and Technology department at Windsor Gardens Vocational College. The faculty welcomed a new teacher, Kyle Jenner who brings both industry experience and enthusiasm to our faculty and the students at Windsor. This term has seen Year 8 classes working at both ends of our wood and composite workshop space during the same lesson periods. This has been quite a challenge for the teachers involved as they have worked on teaching new skills while harnessing the enthusiastic Year 8’s who are enjoying their lesson time in Design and Technology. Design and Technology is currently entering a period of exciting change as we strive to deliver a curriculum which will meet the needs of our students in the 21st century. As well as traditional areas such as Wood and Metalwork the faculty is working alongside students with new technologies such as Computer Aided Design and 3D printing. This year we will also be involved in building and racing of Pedal Prix vehicles and the Concept 2 Creation program where a group of students will be involved in the SA Power Networks quadcopter drone project. We look forward to a very busy and rewarding 2014 here in the Tech area. Paul Manser, Coordinator Design and Technology TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK Parndendi Café will open Term 2, Week 6. Keep tuned for information updates! industry PARTNERS myFamilyLaw App Adelaide Convention Centre myFamilyLaw is a free family law app where you can find information about: separation, divorce, parenting arrangements, child support and your financial future. Don’t forget to LIKE WGVC on Facebook for continual updates and information Corporation Visit: Got a question? Ask a family lawyer through the app!! www.facebook.com/windsorgardensvocationalcollege Plus download our College App Skoolbag which is available from the App Store on iPhone and Google Apps Store on Android phones. View and share feel good image quotes myFamilyLaw Events: events for you and your family are added to the calendar regularly Australian Submarine Bianco Construction Supplies Brimblecombe Builders Pty Ltd Built Environs STEP UP FOR SA Pilot Program A new program to address young people’s violence and abuse in the family– and it’s free! Updating Student Personal Info If there has been a change of living circumstances for your student (parent separation, change of address, moved from one parent to another, custody orders etc.) Please call the college on 8261 2733 to advise us of the details so we can have up-to-date contact information on our database regarding our students. It is also important that we are advised when parent/guardian, emergency contact and student phone numbers are changed. There have been times recently when students have been injured or unwell and despite our best efforts we have not been able to contact anyone to advise them of the situation in a timely manner. Please call 8261 2733 if you need to check the information on record. The Walking on Eggshells Project will be piloting Step Up for SA in 2014 at RASA 49A Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh We are looking for 12 parents and young people (12-16 yrs) to participate in the 13 week program focusing on accountability, competence development and family safety. For more info: Rosalie O’Connor walkeggproject@optusnet.com.au 0459 789 336 Café Va Bene Café Buon Giorno Norwood CIBO Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) D&D Tooling Diverse Industry Group of Australia Pty Ltd Fasta Pasta—Gilles Plains Flinders University Southern Cross Cultural Exchange PRACTICE YOUR SPANISH WITH AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT! Capture the spirit of family and friendship - Host a Spanish international exchange student! Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is seeking volunteer host families for International High School students from Spain. Students arrive in July 2014 for 11 weeks and can be placed anywhere in South Australia. You do not need to have children of your own to enjoy this experience. All students are carefully selected, will attend a local high school, have their own spending money and can bring your family to life! Hercus SA Homestead Homes Australia Pty Ltd IJF Australia For more information contact Jenny on 8556 2208 or jeh1313@bigpond.net.au Italian Benevolent Foundation Autumn SACE Revision Program Year 12 SACE Students Week 1 - Mon 14 - Thu 17 Apr, 2014 Week 2 - Tue 22 Apr - Thu 24 Apr, 2014 “For the best results in Year 12, these seminars are the way to go!” Paula “The most useful holiday programmes I have ever been to.” M.Dimauro Maths Studies, Specialist Maths, Maths Methods, Maths Applications, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Physical Education, Legal Studies, Accounting, Economics, Nutrition, Geography, English Studies, English Comms, Mod History, ESL, Essay Writing and Study Skills Ph 8231 7776 www.aeg.sa.edu.au TAX FILE NUMBERS Any students interested in part-time or casual employment please see Student Services for an application form for a Tax File Number. Applying for a TFN through school is easier because students do not need to show identifying documentation to the ATO. Students only require a copy of their birth certificate and a completed application. TRUST * RESPECT * TEAMWORK SA Aged Care John Richards Furniture Master Builders Group Training Scheme Motorossi—Klemzig Rosa Matto Cookery School