Annual Report - SA Power Networks


Annual Report - SA Power Networks
Year Ending
31 December 2013
Our Structure3
Executive Reports5
Our Key Causes7
Fundraising Events9
Workplace Initiatives11
Our Supporters15
Honour Roll17
08 Sponsors & Corporate Supporters
Financial Outcome20
Relay For Life
Sparks in the Park 2
Take a Breather
Our Structure
The SA Power Networks Employee Foundation is established as a
charitable trust.
The Trustees of the Foundation are executive managers of SA
Power Networks.
Day to day management of the Foundation is vested in the
Management Committee which is comprised of three people
nominated by the Trustee and the remaining eight are elected by
employees of SA Power Networks.
Our Trustees
Our Goal
“To enable employees, their families and friends, to make a positive contribution
to the lives of the people in our community.”
We achieve this through:
• Giving of time;
• Raising money; and
• Making donations of money, goods and services.
Our Management Committee
Chairperson’s Comment
What a fantastic year the Employee Foundation
had in 2013!
It is really heartening to see the Employee
Foundation continuing to grow strongly.
In 2013 we grew in all respects - volunteer and
fundraiser numbers grew and most pleasingly
there was an increase in the dollars raised
through payroll donations.
David Syme
In 2014 we are looking forward to raising and
distributing over $228,250 to charities. We are
also looking forward to giving away our millionth dollar to charity.
On behalf of the charities supported by the Employee Foundation, thank you
to everyone that contributed to the success and continued growth of the
Employee Foundation during 2013.
Executive Reports
Executive Officer’s Comment
2013 was a year of growth for the Employee
Foundation. We donated over $228,250 to South
Australian charities, a big step up from the
$162,000 the previous year.
There was a significant increase in the number
of people making payroll donations and also
holding their own fundraisers, which was the
most exciting part of the year.
Jim McCartney
Executive Officer
Of course our success is due to the great work
of our volunteers, fundraisers, workplace donors
and many supporters.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and generosity in making the
Employee Foundation a success. Together we are having a big impact on the
South Australian community.
Continued Growth
Thanks to our many supporters we continue to grow and provide increasing levels of volunteering
and financial support to the South Australian community.
The table below provides a summary of donations between 2007 and 2013.
Cancer Council SA$421,032
Red Cross Bushfire Appeal
$ 85,394
Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation $ 61,400
Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
$ 54,630
Hutt Street Centre
$ 54,539
Mary Potter Foundation
$ 45,603
UnitingCare Wesley $ 42,779
Catherine House
$ 36,385
ISKCON$ 20,300
Hospital Research Foundation
$ 18,700
Nature Foundation
$ 13,000
Asthma SA$ 13,000
Royal Flying Doctor Service
$ 9,825
Leukemia Foundation
$ 7,300
St Vincent de Paul Society
$ 6,500
Movember Foundation
$ 6,180
Motor Neurone Disease Association
$ 6,125
Starlight Foundation
$ 4,060
Assistance Dogs Australia
$ 3,900
MS Society
$ 3,770
Trees For Life
$ 3,000
$ 2,272
Special Olympics
$ 2,000
Childhood Cancer Association
$ 1,500
Autism SA
$ 1,450
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
$ 1,284
Bordertown Memorial Hospital
$ 1,125
Seacliff Surf Lifesaving Club
$ 1,052
$ 1,000
Community Lifestyles Incorporated
The graph below outlines the cumulative donations since 2007.
Our Key Causes
Mary Potter Hospice
UnitingCare Wesley
The Employee Foundation has had
a longstanding association with the
Mary Potter Foundation. In previous
years we have refurbished a family
room, counselling room and therapy
The Employee Foundation assists
UnitingCare Wesley by providing
donations to assist with the
purchase of hampers and collecting
toys for disadvantaged families at
Christmas time.
In 2013, we provided funds for the
provision of mobile technology for
use by hospice patients.
Our volunteers also assist with the
distribution of the hampers and
toys, providing some comfort during
the festive season.
Hutt Street Centre
Para Woodland
Volunteers from the Employee
Foundation join the Hutt Street
Centre staff to serve breakfast each
Tuesday morning throughout the
Our environmental cause is the Para
Woodland which is jointly owned by
Nature Foundation SA and Parks SA.
The Employee Foundation also
donated funds to become an Angel
For A Day.
Our volunteers work alongside
Nature Foundation SA and Parks
SA personnel planting trees, shrubs
and grasses and controlling weeds
to restore the property to a natural
open woodland.
Cancer Council Lodge - Flinders
Cancer Council SA
Cancer Council Lodge - Flinders is the key financial beneficiary
of the Employee Foundation and our donations are used to
refurbish rooms at Flinders Lodge.
The Lodge provides accommodation for regional cancer
patients who come to Adelaide for treatment. The average stay
is 6-8 weeks and refurbishment of the rooms makes for a more
comfortable stay while the patients undergo treatment.
Over the last five years we have donated in excess of $420,000.
The Employee Foundation is now Cancer Council SA’s largest
corporate donor in South Australia.
During 2013 patients staying at Cancer Council Lodge - Flinders
were invited to participate in our Cleland Family Day and Relay
For Life.
A number of patients took the opportunity to be involved and
really enjoyed the events. It was fantastic to have them involved
and it really increased the meaning of each event.
Neonatal Unit
Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation
The Employee Foundation supports the Neonatal Unit of the
Women’s & Children’s Hospital and our donations are used to
provide much needed equipment for the care of premature
In 2013 we raised funds towards the purchase of equipment for
use in the Neonatal Unit.
Each year the Employee Foundation runs a number of events specifically aimed at
generating funds for selected charities. During 2013 the Management Committee
organised four fundraising events: a bike ride, a family day at Cleland Wildlife Park,
the Foundation Morning Tea and Relay For Life.
Bike Ride
Thirty five riders headed out on a 58km ride
from Keswick, to Mt Lofty, Montacute and
returning to Keswick.
Fundraising Events
$1,100 for Cancer Council SA.
Foundation Morning Tea
All workplaces in SA Power Networks were
invited to hold a morning tea during the
month of May and nine workgroups took the
$10,000 to the Neonatal Unit.
Cleland Family Day
Ninety five people attended a Family Day
at Cleland Wildlife Park in August, including
twenty nine patients and carers from Cancer
Council Lodge - Flinders.
$5,000 to Cancer Council SA.
Relay For Life
Relay For Life is the largest fundraiser run by the Employee
Foundation and 2013 was the fifth year for this event.
The Relay was held at the Karka picnic ground in the Belair
National Park on 2 and 3 November.
Seventy people from the eleven registered teams walked relay
style around the track from 2.00pm on the 2nd until 9.00am on
the 3rd. Together they raised over $32,000 for Cancer Council SA.
This year we were joined by a Cancer Council All Stars team,
adding to the atmosphere and increasing our messages about
A number of patients and their carers from Cancer Council Lodge
- Flinders attended the event and took great pleasure leading the
first lap of cancer survivors and carers. A number also had great
fun joining in the activities including a Zumba session.
The final donation will allow for another four rooms to be
refurbished at Cancer Council Lodge - Flinders.
A big thank you goes to the organising committee for another
highly successful event.
$40,000 to Cancer Council SA.
Workplace Initiatives allow employees to get together with their
workmates, families and friends and raise money for a charity of their
choice. The Employee Foundation increases the benefit to the charity by
matching all funds raised by these initiatives to a maximum of $5,000.
Workplace Initiatives
Take a Breather
Walk for Love
Rob Stobbe, Joe Hayden
and Ben Kempster
took part in the Take
a Breather Charity
Challenge for Asthma
Foundation SA.
A team of cyclists: Mark
Brownley, Mark Vincent,
Mark Clarke and Doug
Schmidt, plus volunteer
Suzanne Johns – raised
over $18,000 for The
Hospital Research
Russell Duncan, Rob
Stobbe, friends and
family completed the
seven kilometre walk
around North Adelaide
as part of the Mary
Potter Walk for Love.
The team raised in
excess of $13,000,
becoming the highest
fundraising team in the
The cyclists left Adelaide
on Sunday, 7 April and
travelled through Clare,
Wallaroo, Melrose, Burra,
Morgan and Murray
Bridge before returning
on Saturday, 13 April.
The team were subsequently invited to abseil
off the Santos Building
in Flinders Street as part
of Asthma Week.
$18,700 to Hospital
Research Foundation
$13,000 to Asthma SA
The team raised money
for the Mary Potter
Hospice and received
the honour of the
highest fundraising
corporate team in the
2013 event.
$9,600 to Mary Potter
Sparks in the Park 1 & 2
Ben Kempster and Joe Hayden organised fitness
sessions called Sparks in the Park, with the aim of
raising money for the Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Foundation. The first group of twenty employees
trained over ten weeks and significantly improved
their fitness, while raising money at the same time.
Ben & Joe donated their time as trainers and fees paid
by participants were donated to the Neonatal Unit of
the Women’s & Children’s Hospital.
The first fundraiser was so successful, Ben & Joe
decided to organise Sparks in the Park 2, for twenty four people which ran for seventeen weeks. The group was put
through their paces once a week near the grandstand in the east parklands.
$21,400 to Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation
Dance Festival
Pt Augusta Fundraiser
Ajay Pradhan and a group of volunteers hosted a Dance
Festival in October at the St Clair Recreation Centre,
Woodville. Over five hundred people attended across
the two nights making the event a huge success.
Karl Martin organised a fundraiser in support of RFDS &
Motor Neurone Disease Association. The work involved
removing 1.2km of disused private line and selling the
salvaged copper and metal. Thirty eight employees
volunteered and raised just over $23,000, which was
distributed between the Employee Foundation and
Port Augusta charities.
The aim of the event is to raise money for the provision
of meals to the homeless through ISKCON Caring for
$10,100 to ISKCON Caring for Life
$6,125 to Royal Flying Doctors Service ; and
$6,125 to Motor Neurone Disease Association of SA
Walk A Mile In My
Marleston Fundraiser
Turbo Movie Event
Naracoorte Depot
Phil Fechner and
the Marleston crew
collected funds for
the Childhood Cancer
Association in memory
of Dave Evans.
Elizabeth Willison
organised a movie
event at Tea Tree Plaza
cinemas for the release
of the new children’s
movie, Turbo, raising
money for sick children.
The entire Naracoorte
depot received a
reward as part of the
implementation of
mobile computing. They
requested that the funds
be donated to Cancer
Council Lodge - Flinders.
$3,500 to Hutt St Centre
$1,500 to Childhood
Cancer Association
$1,500 to Starlight
$1,200 to Cancer Council
Starlight Fundraiser
Barmera Fundraising
Pancake Day
Gear Up Girl
Russell Duncan hosted
employees and guests
at the Clipsal Corporate
Box. Attendees
donated to the Starlight
Cathy Howell and the
workgroup at Barmera
have a BBQ for every
safety meeting and
use this event to raise
funds for Cancer Council
Lodge - Flinders.
Elizabeth Willison and
the IT group organised
a pancake day to raise
money for Cancer
Council Lodge - Flinders.
Suzie Lochert joined
Gear Up Girl to raise
funds for Cancer Council
$1,100 to Starlight
$1,000 to Cancer Council
$200 to Cancer Council
$2,700 to Cancer Council
Caroline Bailey, her dog
Bailey, Belinda Bryan,
Melanie Toyer and
Tasnim Stobbe entered
the Hutt St fundraiser
and became the highest
fundraising corporate
team in the event.
World’s Greatest Shave
Hubert Tucker, Brad Zacher and Diana Baric
banded together as part of the World’s Greatest
Shave to raise money for the Leukemia
Collectively they received donations of more
than $3,500 before Hubert and Brad shaved their
heads on Thursday, 21 March. Diana coloured her
hair a striking blue.
$6,800 to Leukemia Foundation
Wings On The Road
George Karlis was part of the organising
committee for a multi day bike ride in the centre
of Australia.
The aim was to raise funds for the Royal Flying
Doctor Service. Unfortunately George was
unable to take part in this ride.
$3,700 to Royal Flying Doctor Service
Corporate Services Raffle
Carolyn Morgan, Liz Boyes and the Corporate
Services group held a raffle to raise funds for
Assistance Dogs Australia.
They collected a number of prizes from various
businesses and sold raffle tickets across the
$3,900 to Assistance Dogs Australia
Moonta Golf Day
Darren Warmington and the Kadina Depot held
their golf day at the Moonta Golf Club for the fifth
year running.
The day was a huge success, with all funds
donated to Cancer Council Lodge - Flinders.
$4,200 to Cancer Council
Workplace Initiatives
Thank you to our supporters.
Our Supporters
Payroll Donors
SA Power Networks employees donated over $50,000 in regular or one off
donations from their pay.
The Employee Foundation thanks employees for their commitment to
helping us make a difference in the South Australian community.
Employees, families and friends volunteered a significant number of hours
of their own time through the Employee Foundation to provide assistance
directly to the charities we support.
The Employee Foundation thanks volunteers for their time and effort, which
has helped us provide support to Cancer Council SA, Para Woodland, Mary
Potter Foundation, the Hutt St Centre and UnitingCare Wesley.
Our fundraising efforts have involved many people across the organisation,
including their families and friends.
Fundraisers have given their time in fundraising activities and helped us
raise over $130,000!
The Employee Foundation thanks all fundraisers for the generous efforts
that have helped us make 2013 another successful year.
It wouldn’t happen without you !
Many individuals and organisations provide us with support and assist
us to raise funds by providing donations and/or equipment, all of which
make our efforts that much more effective. The Employee Foundation
thanks all supporters for the generosity, support and assistance.
SA Power Networks
The Employee Foundation would like to thank SA Power Networks for its
generosity, which includes:
matching employee generated funds to a maximum of $50,000 pa;
four hours volunteer leave per annum, per employee;
the role of Executive Officer; and
event support from various sections of the organisation.
Management Committee
The Management Committee of the Employee Foundation volunteer
their time to manage the activities of the Employee Foundation and the
Trustees thank the Management Committee for their effort, energy and
commitment throughout the year.
The Trustees oversee the activities of the Employee Foundation and the
Management Committee thanks them for their guidance and support
throughout the year.
2013 Major Donors & Fundraisers
Honour Roll
Each year a few people achieve outstanding results, either through
significant donations or large fundraising efforts and the Employee
Foundation would like to recognise the efforts of these people on our
Honour Roll.
Donate more than $2,000 or
Ajay Pradhan
Ben Kempster
Darren Warmington
Gary Wahlstedt
Joseph Hayden
Karl Martin
Mark Brownley
Rob Snowdon
Robert Stobbe
Russell Duncan
Susan Filby
Belinda Bryan
Mark Vincent
Graham Brown
Paul Roberts
Helen Edmonds
Rob McKinnon
Hubert Tucker
Vicki Shearer
Jim McCartney
Vicki Skidmore
fundraise more than $4,000.
Donate more than $1,000 or
fundraise more than $2,000.
Mark Clarke
Angelo Mercorella
Glyne Smalldon
Peter Carn
Brian Docking
Ian Bowen
Philip Speakman
Brian Whyte
Ian Ramsay
Philip Totman
Caroline Bailey
Ian Rowe
Robert Riebolge
Christine Locher
John Sands
Roberto Ruggiero
Colin Pearce
Jorg Enigk
Rosslyn Player
Donate more than $500 or
Craig Spangler
Ketsanay Vongphachan
Sarah Jessop
fundraise more than $1,000.
Darren Davis
Lisa Ibro
Sean Kelly
David Dunn
Liz Boyes
Shiyam Selvarajah
David Skein
Maggie Abela
Steven Tucker
David Syme
Mark Gevers
Suzanne Johns
Doug Schmidt
Michael Tellis
Suzie Lochert
Eric Lindner
Patrick Makinson
Wipula Wasala
Lifetime Achievement Awards
Each year a few people achieve results to an outstanding level. When one of our donors or fundraisers acheive
at this level consistently over a five year period we recognise their effort with a lifetime achievement award.
Terry Parsons
Darren Warmington
Vicki Skidmore
Sponsors &
Corporate Supporters
2013 Sponsors &
Corporate Supporters
Our sponsors and corporate supporters play a crucial role
in our success and it is through their support that we are
able to run our events so successfully.
We would like to say thank you to the following sponsors
and supporters:
Financial Outcome
Financial Outcome
Take a Breather
Barmera Fundraiser
Foundation Morning Tea
Starlight Funsraiser
Kadina Morning Tea
Wings On The Road
Sparks in the Park 2
Relay For Life
Cleland Family Day
Turbo Movie Event
Marleston Fundraiser
Walk A Mile In My Boots
GPO Box 77, Adelaide, SA 5001