OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & SERVICE MANUAL STEREO CONTROL AMPLIFIER SANSUI AU-70 SANSUI ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED This amplifier has a maximum output of 50 watts (25W-25W) and features an amazingly low distortion factor of not more than 0.15% at 20W. A high-quality amplifier with many exciting features, it is delivered to you with Sansui's fullest confidence. This booklet explains the steps necessary for operating and caring for your new the. AU-70. Read an the instructions carefully and retain for future use. SUI STEREO CONTROL AMPLIFIER AU-70 CONTENTS FEATURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIFICATIONS .. . .. . .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . ... . . . ... ..... ........... . CHARACTERISTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONNECTIONS.......................................... .. .... .... SWITCHES AND CONTROLS ........ ...... .......... .... .. .. .. OPERATIONS.... ................ .. .. .... .. .. ...................... HINTS ON USE ................ .. .............. .. .............. .. SERVICE NOTE ................ .......... ...... ...... ............ PARTS LIST ...... ...... .. ..... . ... . ........................ .... .. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .......... ........ . .. . .......... . ...... . PARTS LAyOUT ... . . . .. . ... . .. . ............ . .. .. ..... .. ..... . . . .. 3, 4 5 6 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12 13, 14 15, 16 17, 18 19, 20, 21 22 . 23 FEATURES 7189A P.P. PRODUCES 40W WITHOUT PISTORTION (MAX. 0.95% AT 30 CPS AND ·0.15% AT 1,000 CPS) THREE-DIMEN SIONAL PERFORMANCE POSSIBLE WITH CENTER-CHANNEL OUTPUT TERMINAL NFB USED IN ALL AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS , FROM PREAMP TO POWER AMPLIFIER The low distortion of the power amplifier is meaningless if the preamplifier generates distortions. Your AU-70 uses a three -stage amplifier circuit in its intermediate or cpntrol amplifierunlike conventional one-stage control amplifiersand has all its circuits in a single negative -feedback loop. These make your AU -70 free from noise and distortion. The 7189A power tubes operate in class AB,P.P. (fixed bias) Jor high-fidelity reproduction. Their combined. maximum output is limited to 50 W . The amplifier incorporates a multiplex feedback circuit (total negative feedback: 26 dB) for the first time in this class of amplifiers in Jilpan. This makes it extremely low in distortion over th e w h ole frequency range. Total harmonic distortion at 1 kc is 0.15%. At 30 cps, a very low frequency at which it is extremely difficult · to minimize harmonic distortion, the distortion is limited to not more than 0.95%. This is quite a feat for a 50-watt amplifier. Another remarkable feature is the damping factor of 18, a figure which is lower than that of triode power tubes' coupled in P.P. This is why bass sounds come out with such clarity. SUPER-PRECISION TRANSISTOR PREAMPLIFIER ELIMINATES HUM AND NOISE The exclusive Sansui four-transistor preamplifier, which features a transistor circuit factor of 4-as compared with conventional 5-1O-al1d a transistor noise factor of 2 dB-as compared with conventional 5 dB, eliminates hum and noise, the enemy of high -fidelity reproduction. The amplifier has a much better SIN ratio and a gain three times larger than vacuum-tube amplifiers. Y~ur AU -70 has an ou tput terminal for th e center-cha nnel amplifier. Connect it to yo ur monaural amplifier to produ ce a three-dimensional effect. BLEND CIRCU IT PERMIT CONTINUOUS SHIFT FROM MONAURAL .TO STEREO EQUIPPED WITH ADVANCED , HIGHPERFORMANCE ACCESSORY CIRCUITS As you turn the "BLEND" sw itch clockwise, your AU -70 gradually shifts from monaural to stereophoni c repr~duction. This feature enables you to get full stereophonic effect by compensating program sources which give a, particularl y strong effect of the concert halL Your AU -70 is equipped with various advanced accessory circuits such as loudness control, low and high filters, tape monitor, tone defeat, presence, blend, speaker sw itch a nd headphone jack . EASY-TO-READ THREE-RAN GE OUT PUT LEV EL METERS EACH CHANNEL CAN BE OPERATED INDEPENDENTLY EQUIPPED WITH TONE DEFEAT Each channel has independent tone controls for bass and treble. This makes fine adjustment possible. Moreover, each channel is equipped with tone defeat which cancels the tone control circuits. You can easily obtain a flat frequency response without causing any undulation in response or redu ced gain in bass and treble as in the case of conventional mechanical control by means of a tone volume knob. Therefore, you ca n get an accurate, perfectly flat response from your AU-70 just by flipping a switch. - 3 Each output level meter can be switched over to a ny of the three scales of 5, 10 and 25 watts. The meters not only give direct readings of both channels, but also indicate any lack of balance between the right and left outputs. These prove ver y useful in balancing the outputs. - 4 - CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATIONS M AIN AMPLI FIER: VACUUM TUBES, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES: MAXIMUM OUTPUT: 25W-25W (SOW to tal) HARMONIC DISTORTION : Max . 0 . 15 % at 20W fo r 1, 000 Hz Max . 0 .95 % at 20W for 30 Hz INTER MODU LAT IO N DISTORT ION : 1111 20 II) ~ w 10 z '" 0 0 r-M~X M~X Max . 0 .85 % at 20W , (50 Hz + 5,500 Hz) FREQUE NCY RESPONSE: 10-80,000 Hz at ±1 d B OU TP UT IM PEDA NCE: 8 and 16 ohms POWER CONSUMPTION: DI MENSIONS: GAIN AND SENSITIVITY: PHONO : MAG 84 d B (Ou t put 20W at 1.1 mV in put) WEIGHT: '" ~ - 117V AC, 50 and 60 Hz: 150VA W idt h 15" / 6 / ' . Heig ht 5 19/ 3/ ' . TAPE : PHONO: '" I I 10 10 K IK - - OU TPUT : I W - - - - OU TPUT : 20 W 100 ;;;~ 0 lOO K Q: 52 dB (at TAPE termin al) Q: , LOW FILTER 0 "\. 5 II) c \ I -- -,.... 1 o I 10 K IK I NPUT AND OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS NART B (50p.s) RIAA 5 ACCESSORY CIRCU ITS : 10 /' I NPUT : MAIN NF : 26 db LOAD RESISTAN CE : 16 0HMS 15 20 25 I I I I I I I ez / ...Q :5... -~ 5 !!? c ... ..."::::> II 1 ::::> 1 II 0 / V 0. 3 5 10 15 20 I I 2 10 and 25W BLEND CONTRO L - ~ "I.. - 5 .5 Ke +50 % LOAD RES IS TANCE I6 0HMS 10 25 10 ., :'J INTER MODULATION DISTORTION I - I I ;:: ... !!? HIGH FILTER 100 TAPE RECORDER PLAYBACK CONNECTION (DIN) TERMINAL FOR CENT ER·CHANNEL AMPLIFIER LEVEL METER (FOR OUTPUT) Thre e ra nges of 5, I I ~Nt~t t~fE~T 0 - 30 PRESENCE CO NTROL: Turn o ver a t 150 Hz LOW FILTER: 50Hz - 12 .5 d B HIGH FILTER: 10, 000 Hz - 13 .5 dB LOUDNESS CONTROL TONE DEFEAT TAPE MONITOR HEADPHONE JACK I I I HARMONIC I Ke ___ DISTORTION 100% ' LOAD RESISTANCE : 16 0HMS _ . - 10 Ke ez r- - 1- - w "~ -20 I I I J 10 10 5 10K IK HARMONIC DISTORTION HIGH AND LOW FILTER CHARACTERISTICS - II 1111 I I 1111 30 lbs below 0 .25 p.W Ty pe NF , ....... A ~ - 8 0:: -10 -12 MIN 100 0 EQUALIZER: Z ~ - 6 -~ ~ -1 0 Type CR 50 Hz + 11 to - 15 d B 10 ,000 Hz + 12 to - 13 dB w en ..."... Depth 12 19/ 32 /1 . 54 dB (O utput 20W at 36mV input) TAPE : 86 d B (Ou tput 20W a t 0 .9 mV in pu t) MIC: 86 d B (Ou tp ut 20W a t 0.9mV in pu t) AUX : (TA PE MON) 51 d B (O utput 20W a t 50mV inpu t) TUNER : 51 d B (O utput 20W at 50 mV in pu t) T ONE CONTRO L: ~ 1 x- TAL RESIDUAL NOISE: SIN RATIO 4 2 0 2 a;- TONE DEFEAT ...... 10 - 20 .... I 1 1111111 NF: 26 dB LO AD RESISTANC E : 16 0 HMS 6 ~ :---.... "- POWER SUPPLY: FREQUENCYRESPONSECHARACTE~ST~S TONE CONTROL CHARACTERITICS 7 189 A X 4 , 6A N8 X 2, 12AX 7 X 3, OA-91 ge rmanium d iode X 2, 25B-381 tra nsis tor X 4, 50-1 B silicon d iod e X 2 5 W- 0503 silico n diode x l TOTAL : 9 t ubes a nd 9 di odes 6 - CONNECTIONS SPEAKER nals of your amplifier to the ( - ) terminal of the speaker. STEREOPHONIC REPROD UCTION THREE·DIMENSIONAL STEREO· PHONIC REPRODUCTION Connect (+) of the rig ht-hand speaker to the 8- or 16-ohm terminal of the upper R termina ls on the back of the amplifi er. Connect ( - ) of the rig ht-hand speaker to (C) of the upper R terminals. Connect (+) of the left-hand speaker to the 8- or 16-ohm terminal of the lower L terminals on the back of the amplifier. Connect (-) of the left-hand speaker to (C) of the lower L terminals. Your AU-70 is eq uipped with a termina l for a center-cha nnel amplifier so that it can be used for three-dimensional reproduction. To do this, connect th e input terminal of a monaural amplifier (Either a m a in or combination amplifier can be used) to the pin-jack of the center-channel output termina l at th e left of the speaker terminal board with a shielded wire The center- chann el mix es the right a nd left so unds to produce the three-d im ensional effect. Speakers suitable tor the AU-70 are 20 to 30-cm coaxial s peakers and, for the best mu sical re pro- MONAURAL REPRODUCTION When you use an 8-ohm s peaker system for mona ural reproduction, connect th e upper and lower 16-ohm speaker terminals of your amplifier to the (+) terminal of the speaker. Connect th e upper a nd lower (C) s peaker term i- ~ 0 , O' 0' 0' '0' 0' 0 ~;::..,/-~-~~ P,)\,] 1'- =~~~ ~ Q; O~ Q) 'L'~t::' L' .~c duction, two or three-way speaker systems which use different speakers for different fr equ ency ranges. In choosing the cabinet, take acco unt of ton a l quality in ad dition to design. CAUTION: If yo u find that th e sound s from both s peakers do not mix well, but leave a sort of vacuum midway between the speakers, yo u can conclud e that th e amplifier a nd the speaker s do not m a tch in polarity (phase). In s uch a case, reverse th e (+) and (-) co nnect ions of either speaker. Wh en you use two pairs of speakers for stereo phonic r eprod uction, make sure th a t the speaker output terminal connections do not ca use contact between Rand L a nd that the terminals are con nected properly. If th e connect ions are faulty, your amplifier will not work normally a nd may a lso go o ut of order. RECORD PLAYER 1. Connect the outp ut termi nals to the "PHONOR" and " PHONO-L" terminals (in the case of mona ura l reprodu ction , to either of th ese terminals) on the back of your amplifier with sh ielded wires. 2. Set the cartr idge swi tch on th e back of your ampli fier to "MAG" or "X -TAL" according to the type of yo ur cartridge. 3. Connect the power- cord plu g of the player to the power plug receptacle on the back of yo ur am plifier. MICROPHONE Connect th e terminals on yo u use two the other to m icrophone to R or L of the "M IC" the back of yo ur a mplifier. When mi crophones, connect olle to Rand L. 15 .;.\ 0; C' Q; C e CARTRID GE SWITCH Set this t o MAG or X·TAL depend . ing on your p layer cart r idge (ma gnetic or crystal) i - 7 - Player (magnetic) Player (c rystal) , " Microphone 8 - , '. CONNECTIONS TUNER Conn~ct and L , respec ti\'e ly, o t th e " AUX" te rminal s o n the back o f yo ur amplifi e r. You can listen to broad casts easil y by c onnecting your amplifi er to a tuner and MPX adapt or. the tape recorder output termina l ("LINE") to Rand L (R or L in the case of monaural operation ) of the "TAPE MON" terminals on the back of your amplifier. TAPE RECORDER 1. SINGLE-CONNECTION TAPE RECORDER (DIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION ): A) STEREO TUNER Connect tun er output to th e Rand L " T L:N ER" termina ls on th e back of yo ur am pi ifier. 8) MONAURAL TUNER Co nnec t th e "in ,ld e-conn ec tion co nn ector to the "TAPE-I\EC ' recep ta cle o n th e back of your amplifi er. Conn ec t tuner output to e ith er R or L of th e " T e NER' - terminals on th e back of your a mplifi er. 2. PIN -JACK TA PE RECORDER R ecord in g Con nec t th e tape r el'orcie r input ternlin a is to R a nd L (R or L in th e l'ase of m o na ural o perati o n) of th e "REC" termin als on th e bac k of yo ur a mpli fier \\'i th shiel ded wires, b) Pl ayback 3. Con nect monaural tu ner o utjJut to th e input termina l of th e F:\l-'\lPX adapt or a nc! co n nec t R and L of the adaptor o utput termin als to R e • o CENTER "CHANOllT Ii rI Q 16" Ii fM TUN ER (B) or (C) AM/ fM / MPX TUNER (SANSUI TU·70) 9 - eQ Playing tapes on the tape deck Connect the tape deck output terminals to R and L (R or L in the case of monaural operation) of the "TAPE HEAD" terminals on the back of your amplifier. 4. a) C) FM MONAURAL TUNER AND FM-M PX ADAPTOR. Connect th e ta pe recorder input terminals to R and L (R or L in the case of monaural operation) of the " REC" terminals on the - back of your amplifier. Also, connect the tape recorder output terminal " LINE" to Rand L (R or L in the case of monaural operation) of the " TAPE MON" termina ls on the back of your amplifier. Mon itoring with a t hree-head t ape recorder a) Single-connection tape recorder Connect the single- connection plug to the "TAPE-REC" receptacle on the back of your amplifier. b) Pin -jack tape recorder It • C ~ ~ G). MPX ADAPTOR (C) o CENTER" . . "CHANOllT Tape-deck - 10 - I~ .. Bll D Q • ~ ~ G). SWITCHES AND CONTROLS CD POWER INDICATOR CD T h is lights up yvhen power is being supplied . It remains on whi le the amplifier is in operation. @ HEADPHONE JACK When you want to avoid disturbing others or wh en you use the ampl ifier as a monitor, co nnect h ead phones to this jack . You can still enjoy stereophonic reprodu ction through the head phones. For this purpose, you ca n use a ny ty pe of headphones or earphones if its plu g fits into the jack. But use d yna mic headphones designed for stereophonic reproduction, if possible. HE"O PHON ® POWER @ SPEAKER (SPEAKER OFF) When you use headphones with the headphone jack, set this switch to "OFF" to cut off sound to the speakers. This feature enables you to enjoy stereophonic reproduction without disturbing others. @ PRESENCE ® TAPE MONITOR Th e right and left meters indi cate th e out: put levels of th e right and left speake rs, respectively. Since output is shown separately for each channel , the meters provide easy balance adju stment. Besides, you ca n watch changes in th e output of each channel during operation . Each meter can be set to any of th e three ranges of 5, 10 and 25 watts by m ea ns of th e output- level meter switch on the back of th e amplifieL Choose the a ppropriat e range according to th e output YOU wan t. \'-h en th e "MODE" sw itch is se t io R (or L), t he meter for L (or R ) does no t \york. vVh en you mak e record in gs with a threehead tape record er, turn thi s sw itch "ON" to use the am pIifi er as a mon itor. Then th e sounds record ed on th e tape a re re prod uced while you are reco rding. Keep th is sw itch " ON " when you play the tape on the tape .recorder. Be sure to keep th e ~\\"itch "OFF" oth erw Ise. (J) ® LOUDNESS low-frequency noise) ® HIGH FILTER (for eliminating high-frequency noise) @ @ POWER ow TER This switch is used for connecting and disconnecting the power supply. Push the .button for poweL Push it again to shut it off_ The switch a lso activates and deactivates the power-supply plug receptacles on the back of the amplifieL .. Turn thi s sw it ch "ON " to red uce rela tively high-frequen cy noise, such as the scratch from recorels made of poor materi a l or noise du e to fluoresce nt lamps in th e case of th e tun er. @) TONE DEFEAT Turn th is sw it ch " ON " to open the tone co ntrol circuit s_ Then the frequency res ponse cur\'e of the amplifier wi ll become perfectl y flat. - 11 @ SELECTOR (input-selector) TUNER : For receiv ing broadcasts the tuner. PHONO : For pla ying records. MlC: For usin g a mi crophone, TAPE HEAD : For pla ying tapes tape c1 eck (directly from the tape AUX : For reprodu cing \'oice input th e MPX adaptor. , 1 This knob permits continuous shift from stereo phoni c to monaural reproduction . Turn it co unter-clockwise to bring reprodu ction closer to monaural (R+L). For complete mona ural r e produ ction, turn it as far counter- clockwise as possible. Th e so und s of th e righ t a nd left s peake rs become sepa rat ed \"h en you turn the knob cl ockwi se (R and L perform th e ir respective fun ction s) . Th e best stereophoni c effect is obtained wh en you turn it as far as possible_ @) BASS and ® @ @ TREBLE for L Th ese co ntrol th e tone of the left speaker. @ BASS and through on the head). or usi ng @ MODE (Stereophonic/ @ BLEND . Turn thi s 5w it ch "ON" to red uce phono" motor and other unpleasa nt low-frequency nOIses. This knob is used to control the volume of the tuner, records and tapes. Turn it clockwi se for louder reprodu ction. To redu ce th e \'01 ume, turn co un ter-clockwise. Th is knob is used to adju st the balan ce of volume between the right and left spea kers for the best stereoph on ic effec t. J\,1 ake the adjustment while watching th e o utput level meters and listening to the so und s of both spea kers . \\Then the a mplifier is adjusted properly, yo u feel as if th e sound comes from a point midway between th e two spea kers. @ LOW FILTER (for eliminating @ @) VOLUME @ @ BALANCE \\-hen so und \'olume is at a low level , you ieel as if bass a nd treble a re miss ing. In such a case, turn this switch "ON" to compensate bass and treble. Th is will mak e you feel as if you were present at a n ac tual co ncert, If the Tone Control a lone is used for bass com pensat ion, slightly higher frequencies are compensated at the same time. To avoid this, turn this switch "ON" _ This sets the turnover at 150 cps, changing speaker damping and frequency response characteristi cs to compensate bass. As a resu lt, all sounds become impressive and you can enJoy clear, m ag nificent bass. ® OUTPUT LEVEL METERS ® TREBLE for R These control the tone of th e right speaker. -12 - monaural switch) Thi s switch is used to shift from stereophoni c · t6 mon a ura l r eprodu ction or vIce versa. STEREO : Set the sw itch at thi s posi tion for stereo reproduction. Signals fed into A come out of A's speaker and those fed into B come out of B's speaker. STEREO-REV : This position, too, is for stereo reprocluct ion . But signals fed into A come out of B's speaker a nd those fed into B come out of A 's speak er. Choose thi s positi on when the ri g ht and left are re\'e rsed in reprodu ct ion. L+ R: Signals fed into Land H. are bl ended into one (L + R ) in the amplifier before th ey co me out se paratel y from Land R . Signals fed into A and 13 become A+B in th e amplifier and come o ut of the spea kers of A and 13 in the form of tb e co mbined so und A+B. R (Mon o R): S ig nal s fed into A come out of A 's and B's spea ke rs. Use this position for reprodu cing mono broadcasts and tapes. L (Mono L): Signals fed into B co me out of A's and B's spea kers. This position is r arel y usecl . OPERATIONS RECORD PLAYING BROADCASTS Set the "SELECTOR" switch at " PHONO". Set the "MODE" sw itch at " STEREO" or "ST EREO- REV" (at R or L in case of monaural operat ion). 3. Sw itch on th e player, pu t on a record and ad just the number of revolutions as necessary before placing the pickup on the record. 4. Bala nce the so unds from both speakers by mea ns of the "BALANCE" knob while watching the output level meters. .5. Adjust the amount of sound by means of the "VOLUME" knob. Other adjusting knobs and switches can be used to get the most satisfactor y repreduction. When you play a monaural record on a stereo reco rd player, follow the same procedure as for stereo record s. This will give you better results. Catridges are either magnet ic or crystal. Both can be used with the AU-70, but, if poss ible, use a magnetic type for the highest fidelity. If you feel that right a nd left are reversed when play ing a stereo reco rd, turn the "MODE" switch to "STEREO-REV". To balance th e sounds from both speakers, play a m ona ural record in the same way as a ste reo record and adju st the "BALANCE" sw itch in such a way that yo u feel th at th e sou nd comes from a point midway between the ri ght and left speakers. In this case, yo u ca n count on the output level meters for a rough determin a tion of the bala nce. Also, make sure that the "BLEND" knob is kept at the point wh ere it cannot be turn ed clockwise any further. When yo u supply power to the player from the power-plug receptacle on the back of your amplifier, do not forget th at the player is sw itched off when you switch off th e amp lifi er. In th e case of A a nd B above: 1. Set the "SELECT OR " swi tch at "TUNER". 2. Set the "MODE" sw itch at "STEREO" or "STEREO-REV" in the case of A and a t R or L (according to the cha nnel selected) in the case of B. 3. Tune in with the tuner. 4. Use other ad justing knobs and switches to get th e most satisfactory performance. In the case of C 1. Set the "SELECTOR" switch at "AUX" 2. Set the "MODE" switch at "STEREO" or "STEREO-REV". 3. Tune in with the tuner. 4. Prepare the FM-MPX adaptor for stereophonic reception. 5. Use other adjustin g knobs and switches to get the m ost satisfactory performance. When you use a tune r or FM-MPX receiver, read the instru ctions for them carefully. There should be no mistakes in co nnections and operation. When yo u usc our T U -70, follow the instructions for A. Wh en yo u use an FM-tuner (without Multiplex) and MP·2, foll ow the instructions for C. 1. 2. - USE A MICROPHONE You can use microphones with your AU-70 amplifier. Any high-impedance (50 kilo-ohm) crystal, dynami c or velocity microphone is acceptable. 1. Set th e "SELECTOR" switch at "MIC". 2. Set the "MODE" sw itch a t " STEREO" (when you use only one microphone for stereophonic effect) at R (wh en you use only one microphone for monaural reprod uction), or at L + R (when you mix two different pro13 - gram sources from tw o microphones.) During stereophonic operation, you ca n use the "BLEND" knob for mixing purposes. 4. Other adjusting knobs and switches can be used for the most satisfactor y re production. Remember that your AU·70 accepts only highimpedance microph ones. You cannot get the best performa nce if yo u use too long microphone cord, which causes \'ario us problems a nd redu ces treble. · Your amplifier ha s sepa rate tone' co ntrols for right and left speakers. You will find thi s feature very useful wh en yo u use one microphone for music and another for vo ice. Further more, it gives added \, ersa tilit y to yo ur amplifier, particularly when you record on tape what is picked up by microph ones. those ot th e sound from the speakers. Wh en you record ' a broadcast cir record , you can obtain better results by connecting the tape . recorder directly to your amplifier instead of picking up the sound fr om th e speakers with microphones. 3. PLAYBACK 1. a) T ape deck Set the "SELECTOR" sw itch at "TAPE". b) Tape record er Set th e " TAPE MONITOR" switch at "ON". 2. Set the tape recorder in the play position. 3. Other ad justin g knobs a nd switches can be used for th e most satisfactory reproduction. CAUTION Whe n you use a Tape Recorder, keeping the "TAPE MONITOR"sw itch at "ON" the "MODE" sw itch is not operative. If yo u want to use the "MODE" sw itch, connect the recorder output to the "AUX" pin-jackson the back of you r amplifi er and th e " TAPE MONITOR" sw itch a t off. RECORD AND PLAY TAPES Your AU·70 can be sed with a tape r ecord er for recording and pl ayback and can also play tapes on the tape deck. If yo u use a three·head tape recorder which has separate record and playback heads, you can make r ecordings while listen ing to a reproducti on of the recordings. In oth er words, your amplifier can be used as a monitor which lets you know the quality of your r ecord ings while th ey are being made .. TAPE MONITORING To use yo ur amplifi er as a monitor for a threehead tape recorder, follow the same proced ure as the one for playing tapes on a recorder. Vvh en you use a record er, read the instruction manual carefull y to avoid errors in connection and operation. U nl ess yo u use yo ur amplifier as a tape mon itor or for playing a tape with a tape recorder, be sure to switch off th e " TAPE MONITOR" switch. Connecting a tape recorder can be done by using either a single- connection connector or by pin-jacks. The single-connection plug conforms with German DIN standard specifications. It makes it easier to connect the tape recorder to your amplifier because it has a five-pin plug for both record and playback. When you use your amplifier as a tape moritor, turn on the "TAPE MONITOR" switch if you want to hear the sound you are recording. RECORDING Set the' "SELECTOR" sw itch at the proper position according to th e program source (broadcastor record) you are going to record. 2. Set "MODE" switch at "STEREO" (for stereophonic recording), at R or L (for monaural recording), or at L+ R (for monaural recording of a stereophonic source). 3. Prepare the tape recorder for recording. 4. Operate the recorder and amplifier adjusting knobs and switches properly. Amplifier adjusting knobs do not affect the level and tonal quality of recordings, but only control - 14 - HINTS ON USE SPEAKER POLALITY up, it might go out of order. If the phase (polarity, viz. +and-) of the right and left speakers is not correct, sounds at the center of the frequen cy ran ge become weak. You will particularly sense an attenuation of bass. To m ake sure that speaker polarity is all right, play a monaural record on a stereo record playe r. If the polarity is reversed you will have the result mentioned above. In such a case, reverse the polarity of either speaker. (Connect the - lead wire to +.) When both speakers are thu s made to agree in polarity, you , will feel as if the sound comes out of a single speaker placed midway between th e right and left speakers. CONNECTIONS When you con nect you r amplifi er to a tape recorder or tuner, be sure to use a n adequately thick shield ed wires. If yo u use untwisted vinyl cord like those used for lights, you will suffer from hum. Furthermore, do not ,use a wire longer th an 2 m eters (about 6.5 ft.), because the lon ger the connecting wire is, the grea ter th e a ttenuation of treble becomes. For con nection to a tuner or FM adaptor, use a wire 1 to 1.5 meters (about 3.3 to 4.S ft.) long. When yo u use the amplifier for monaural reproduction, it is eas ier for operation to use th e upper R terminal for connection. Be sure to set the "MODE" switch to the connected channel. FUSE The a mplifier does riot work when the fuse is bl own. In such a case, disconnect the power cord and replace the fu se on the back of the amplifi er~ Use a 3-ampere fuse encased in a glass tube. Never risk the danger of usi ng fine wire or a fu se of a larger ca pacity as a substitute. If the fuse has burnt out beca use the amplifier is out of order, locate the troubl e and repair it before replacin g the fuse. The fuse , blows if you use an AC plug receptacle larger than the' specified ·capacity (SO VA for two)_ HUM AND HOWLING When you play a reco rd or tape, you may sometimes hear unpleasant humming or how ling. This ,does not mean th at your amplifi er is defecti ve. In most cases, hummi ng or howlin g is a result of these cau ses: If you place a record player 0 11 or near th e speaker box, the vibrations of the speaker cabinet caused by the sound waves from th e speaker are transmitted to th e player and cause h owling. To prevent this, keep the record player away from the speaker cabi net or put a thick cushion between the player and the cabinet. A low, buzzing sound wjll also be produced if you do not use shielded wires for connection. If this is not the cause, ex am ine th e connections closely. Make sure that the earth and live end~ are not reversed so that the motor a nd arm a re inadequately grounded. HEAT GENERATED BY AMPLI· FIER The top of the amplifier case becomes considerably hot after many hours of continuous operation_ But this should not worry you because air vents are provided on the top and back of the case. If you place something on the amplifier or put it in a closed box, or keep its front panel facing - 16 - Fig. 3 Fig . 2 Fig. 1 CONNECT LEADWIRES PRO· PERLY 3. Not wet and dusty; 4. Not exposed to the sun; 5. Well ventilated. Connect lead wires properly to the speaker and other input a nd output terminals. If co nnections are loose or touch other parts, yo ur amplifier will not work properly. Moreover, it may produce noi se. If you use your amplifier in such a way for a long time, it may eve ntu all y break down. Finally, read the instructions for your tuner or tape recorder carefully before you co nnect it to your amplifier. LEVEL METER SWITCH This is used to select the most suitable meter sensitivity from the three ranges of 5, 10 and 25 wa tts. The variable sensitivity is intended to mak e it eas ier to watch needle movement. high: up to 5 watts medium: up to 10 watts lo\\' : up to 25 watts (maximum output) Choose the appropriate range according to volume level you want. AC OUTLET The AC OlJtlets on the back panel are connected or disconnected by the power switch on the front panel. The total capacity is SOVA-30VA and another 50VA- Be sure to lise them within the limit. WHERE TO BE PLACED The amplifier should be installed to the place as given below: 1. Easy to ground; 2. Floor not vibrated; - 16 - SERVICE NOTE Symptom No power when power switch is pushed on What to Do Probable Cause 1./ Defective power switch . Replace . 2. Defective line cord . Replace . 3. Loose contact between plug and socket or defective plug . Recondition or re place . 4. Blown fuse. Replace . Symptom A . Distorted sound on AUX. Probable Cause 1. Aged tube . 2. Short -c ircuit What to Do Check V ,~ V 9 ' In output transformer . Check and repair T z and T 3 3. Defecti ve loudspeaker. Replace . 4. Defective record play er. adapto r or others. connected to the unit. Replace l. Defecti ve record playe r . tape recorder or o th e rs . connected to the unit. Replace . 2. De fec ti ve tubular elect roly ti c capacito r. Replace C, and/or C 2. 3. Di scon nection at fixed resistance . Chec h R2 , ~ R az . R •. R ,a. R ... R 15 • R '6. R 17 • R 'B. R '9. R zo . R 2, and R 22 . l. Electrol y tic capacitor di scharged . Check C a,. C66 ~ C' 3 . C76~C77' 2. Defec t ive tube. Check If again blown after replacing. check power transformer (T, ) & path condenser (C s ,) in power circuit for short-circuit. B. Distorted sound on PHON O and TAPE. Power indicator is lit when power switch is pushed on. but; A. the unit does not work at all . B . PNONO and TAPE does not fu nction. 1. Defective tube. Check V , ~ V 9 and silicon diodes. 2. Abnormal voltage in tubes and o ther parts . Check voltage in tube and other parts and replace. if necessary. If voltage is OK. check AUX input circuit and hereafter. 1. Defective head amplifier (transistor section). Rep lace transistor head amplifier unit. 2. Defective selector switch. Replace or repair S2'20 and/or S 2e. S 2f 3. Loose contact or short -circuit between input terminal and pin -jack . Replace or repair. 4. Defective record playe r . tape recorder. or others. connected to the unit. Replace . 5. Defective coupling condenser . C. Weak sound on AUX . PHONO and TAPE . A. Normal voltage at 'e ve ry part but weak sound on AUX A . Hum on AUX . B . Hum on PHONO and TAPE. I, Re place 1. Abnormal voltage in power circuit and other parts. C, and/or Cs. Check and repair . Check R ,,~ R ,s . R66~ R" and Compound part CRS01. CRS02. 1. Defective fixed resistance . A . Noise on AUX and TUNER . 2. Short -c ircuit in ou tput transformer. Check C 2 ' ~ C Z" C a6 and C a, tubular electroly tic capacitor C 2, . C 26 . C. o. C" . 3. Discharged capacitor. 3. Defec ti ve record pla ye r. ada ptor or others. connected to the unit. R ep lace. 4. Hum balancer not properl y a dj uste d. Check VR .. a nd VR ". 5. Disconnected NF resistor. C heck RS2 and R s3 . l. Defec ti ve shielded wire and/or wrong connection of record playe r. tape recorder or others . Replace a nd connect correctly 2. Audio system and shielded wire induced f rom outside . Keep prop e r di stance between audio system and inductor. 3. Residual hum of audio sys tem connected to the unit. Replace or repair. 1. Fix ed resistor badly connected or touched by a nother part . . 2. Capacitor nearly short-ci rcui ted or touched by another part. 4. Aged tube . 5. Defecti ve slide switch or selector switch . V, ~ V 9. Check C '6. C S7 • C 60 • C 6 , . 3. Primary coil of output transformer nearly disco nnected. Check T z and T a. 4. Defecti ve tube . C hec k V, ~ V 9. 1. Fixed resistor defective or nea rly disconnected. Check R 7~ R a2 2. Defecti ve capacitor. Check C ,~ClO 3. Noise or bad connection of audio system connected to the unit. Replace or repair ---------------------+-----------------------------~----------------------------- B. Normal voltage at every part I 1. Defective selector switch . Replace or repair S 2" S JO but weak sound on PHONO and TAPE . 2. Abnormal input circuit : between input terminal defective shielded wire . loose contact and pin ·jack: S20. S 2e. S zf. S ". and Replace o r repa ir. 3. Defecti ve record play er. tape recorder or others. connected to the unit . Replace 4. Defecti ve coupling condenser. Check C ,. C z• C,. C 6• C , . and Cs. 5. Discharged by pass condenser. Check Cs. C,. C 9• and C 'O . - 17 - B . Noise on RHONO and T A PE . --- 18 - PARTS LIST Part No . RI R2 R3 R4 Rs R6 R7 RB R9 RIo RII RI2 RI3 R I4 R I5 R I6 R I7 RIB RI9 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R 33 R34 R3S R36 R37 R38 R39 R 40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R 4s R46 R47 R48 R49 Rso SKn SKn 100Kn 100Kn IS0Kn IS0Kn 170Kn 170Kn 100Kn 100Kn ISKn ISKn 300n 300n ISKn ISKn 70Kn 70Kn ISKn ISKn 12Kn 12Kn Ion Ion 3Kn 3Kn 12Kn 12Kn 16Kn 16Kn SKn SKn SOKn SOKn 2 .SKn 2.SKn IS0Kn IS0Kn 100Kn 100Kn ISOKn ISOKn 400Kn 400Kn I.S Kn I.SKn SMn SMn 100Kn 100Kn Part No . Nomenclature J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ±10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % Noise-less Noise-less J{ Watt ±10 .% Noise-less J{ Watt ±10 % J{ Watt ± 10 % . Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 %/ Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Noise-less J{ Watt ±10 % Noise-less J{ Watt ± 10 % J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ±10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ±10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ±10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbo l) Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Enclosed in CRS02 Enclosed in CRS02 Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor RSI Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resisto r R76 Resisto r Resistor Resis tor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Res istor Resis tor Resistor Re sistor R83 RS2 RS3 RS4 Rss RS6 RS7 RS8 RS9 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R6s R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R7I R72 R73 R74 R7s R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 R84 R8s R86 R87 R8B R89 R90 R91 R92 R93 R94 R9s R96 R97 R98 R99 Rloo - 19- Nomenclature ISKn ISKn 100Kn 100Kn Enclosed Enclosed Enclosed Enclosed in in in in CRS02 CRS02 CRS02 CRS02 SOKn SOKn 80Kn 80Kn I .SKn I.SKn 2Mn 2Mn IS0Kn IS0Kn 20Kn 2Mn 2Mn 2Mn 2Mn 1Mn 1Mn SOKn SOKn SOKn SOKn SOKn SOKn 300n 300n I.SKn I .SKn 2K n 2Kn 600Kn 600Kn IS0Kn IS0Kn 12Kn 12Kn 6Kn 6Kn 30Kn 30Kn SOKn 30Kn 30Kn 2S0Kn 2S0Kn J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % ' Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon 1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon Enclosed in CRSOI Enclosed in CRSOI Enclosed in CRSO 1 Enclosed in CRSOI Enclosed in CRSOI Enclosed in CRSOI );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Ca rbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon 1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon Yz Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Carbon );,I Watt ± 10 % Ca'rbon Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fi xe d Res istor Re sisto r Resisto r Resistor Res istor Resi stor Res ist or Res istor Res is tor Resistor Resistor Res is tor Res ist or Res is tor Res is tor Re sistor Resistor Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fix ed Fixed Fixed Fi xed Fi xed Fi xe d Fixed Fi xed Fixed Fi xed Fixed Fi xed Fi xed Fixed Res istor Res istor Resis tor Res istor Res istor Resistor Resis tor Resistor Resi stor Re sistor Resisto Resisto Re sistor Resistor Resisto r Re sistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resi stor Resistor 2S0Kn );,I Watt ±10 % Ca rb on Fixed Resistor 2S0KO J{ Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Re sis tor . Port No. Nomenclature Port No . Riol 1 KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resistor C20 O.Ol p F SOWV ± 10 % mylar tubular C70 RI07 1KD )1 Watt ±1 0 % Carbon Fixed Resistor C21 0 .003 p F 400WV ± 10 % oil tubular 0 1 RI03 1KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fix e d Res is tor C22 0 . 003 p F 400WV ± 10 % oil tubular RI04 1KD )1 Watt ±1 0 % Carbon Fi xe d Resistor C23 O. l p F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular C72 C73 R105 40KD )1 Watt ±1 0 % Carbon Fixed Res ist or C24 O. l p F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular RI06 40KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Res is tor 0 5 4p F 20WV El ec t r olytic RI07 2SKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resis tor C26 20WV 400WV 400WV 40 fl F 40p F SOOWV Electrolytic lug terminal SOOWV 'Electrolytic iug terminal 200,u F 300WV Electrolytic lug terminal 200,u F 300WV Electrolytic lug C74 O.OOS ,u F 600WV ±10% oil tubular 0 5 O.OOS ,u F ± 10 % oil tubular El ect rol y tic tubular 06 SO f.l F 600WV SOW V Electrolytic tubular ± 10 % oil tubular 2SWV Electrolytic tubular oil tubula r C77 0 8 SO ,u F ± 10 % 200,u F 2SWV Electrolytic tubular 0 9 200,u F 2SWV Electrolytic tubular C80 O.OOS ,u F SOOWV :t: l 0~% Ceramic tubular C81 O.OS ,u F 400WV ± 10 % oil tubular RI08 2SKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Resis tor C27 4 fl F O. OOl f.l F RI09 SOKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Resistor C28 0 .001 f.l F Rllo SOKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resi sto r C29 lS0pF Enclosed in CRS02 R11 1 16.0 10Watt ± 10 % Wi re Wound Resi stor C30 lS0pF En c los e d in CRS0 2 RI1 2 16.0 10Watt ± 10 % Wire Wound Resis to r C31 0 .00 3 /I F En closed in CRS02 RI13 30.0 1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Resistor C37 0 .003 p F En clo se d in CRS02 30.0 RI14 1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resistor C33 0.03 fl F Encl osed in CRS0 2 RI15 2. SKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Ca rbon Fi xed Resis to r C34 0.03 f-L F Encl os e d in CRS0 2 RI16 2.SKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resist or C35 20 f-L F 300WV El ec trol y tic tubu la r R! 17 SKD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xed Resist or C36 0 . 1 fl F 2S0WV MP tubu lar 1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixe d Resistor C37 MP tubula r C38 0 . 1 f.l F 30 p F 2S0WV lSKD .!1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resis tor 6WV Electrol y ti c tubular RI18 RI 19 lS0KD VRI VR2 RI 20 4KD 2 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Res istor C39 30 p F 6WV Electrolytic tubular RI21 2KD 10Watt ± 10 % Wire Wound Resis tor C40 20WV El e ctrol y ti c tubular RI27 12KD 20Watt ± 10 % Wir e Wound Res istor C41 4 /I F 4p F 20WV El ectr olytic tubular RI23 2kD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbo n Fixe d Resis tor C42 O.OOS f.l F 400WV oil tubular RI24 SOOD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xe d Resis tor C43 O.OOS fl F 400WV o il tubular RI25 7KD )1 Wat t ± 10 % Carbon Fi xe d Res isto r C44 O.OOS f.l F 400WV o il tubular RI26 7KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resist or C45 O.OOS p F 400WV oil tubular R127 7KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixed Resistor C46 0 . 01 p F 400WV ± 10 % oil tubular RI28 7KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fixe d Resistor C47 tubular C48 ± 10 % in CRS01 o il 6KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fi xe d Res istor 0 .01 f.l F 300pF 400WV RI29 RI 30 2KD )1 Watt ± 10 % Carbon Fix e d Resis tor C49 300pF C50 CI 30/I F 10WV El ec trolyti c tubular C51 C2 30/I F 10WV El ectrol y ti c tubular C3 30f.l F 10WV El e ctrolytic C4 30/I F 10WV C5 30f.l F 12WV C6 30 f.l F 12WV Enclosed in CRS01 200pF Enclosed in CRS01 200pF Enclo se d in CRSOI C52 200pF Enc lo se d in CRSOI tubular C53 200pF Enclo se d in CRS01 El e ctrolytic tubular C54 30f.l F 6WV Electrolyt ic tubular El ec trolytic tubular C 55 30fl F 6WV El e ctrolytic tubul ar Elec trol y tic tubular C56 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular 2S0WV o 10f.l F 10WV E ~c trol y tic tubular C 57 ± 10 % MP tubular C8 10/I F 10WV El ectr ol y tic tubular C58 O.S p F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubula r C9 30f.l F 10W V El ec trol y tic tubular O. S fl F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular CIO 30f.l F 0.06 f.l F ~ I ectrolytic C59 tubular C60 80pF SOOWV ± 10 % mica tubular SOWV tubular C61 80pF SOOWV ± 10 % mica tubular tubular C62 0 .3 fl F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular 10WV SOWV ± 10 % CI3 0 .06 f.l F 0. 02S f.l F mylar mylar SOWV ± 10 % mylar tubula r C63 0 . 3 f.l F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular CI4 0 .02S p F SOWV ± 10 % myla r tubular C64 O. 3 f.l F 2S0WV ± 10 % MP tubular Cl 5 O.Ol p F SOWV ± 10 % mylar tubula r C65 0.3 p F 2S0WV Cl 6 ± 10 % my lar tubula r C66 20 f.l F 300WV MP tubular lug term inal CI7 0 . 01 fl F lS0pF ± 10 % El e ctrolytic SOOWV ± 10 % mica tubular C67 20f.l F 300WV Electrolytic lug terminal Cl 8 lS0pF SOOWV ± 10 % mica tubular C68 20 f.l F 300WV Electrolytic lug terminal C I9 0 . 01 f-L F SOWV ± 10 % mylar tubular C69 20 /I F 300WV Electrol y tic lug t e rminal CI2 SOWV ± 10 % - 20 - terminal tubular SOOKD (A) Variable Resistor 24¢ type loudness tap 120KD (Volume control) VR3-VR6 1MD (N) Variable Resistor 24¢ type (Tone control) . VR 7 VR8 SOOKD (A . C) Variable Resistor 24¢ type ( Balance control) VR lO ~ 13 SOKD (B) Variable Resistor driver type VRI 4 VR I5 100.0 Hum Balancer driver type VI-V3b 12AX7 Pre amplifier V40- V5b 6AN8 V6- V9 7189A Power amplifier TR I- TR4 Transistor 2SB-381 Head amplifier Phose splitter TI Power transformer T2. T3 Output transformer SD- 1B Si diode AC (RMS) 280V ID SOOmA SW - OS03 Si diode AC (RMS) 90V ID SOOmA - SS o C ~ + 100 ° C SI(o- b) Cartridge switch - 60 ° C ~+ Enclo se d 0 .2f.l F O. 2p F Cli Nomenclature 100 ° C S2(0 - 1) Input Selector 'switch S3(0- c) Mode switch S4(0-b) Tap e monitor switch S5(0- b) loudn ess switch S6(0 - d) Tone defeat switch S7(0-d) low filter switch S8(0-b) High filter switch S9 (0-b) Presence switch SI 0(0-b) Speaker switch Sl1 (a-b) level meter control switch 512 Power switch 51 30, 13b level meter pilot lamp switch 5140, 14b level meter switch COI- 2 AC outlet OA- 91 Ge. diode VD = 90V ID=2SmA -SS o~ 7S o C TR v,' 12AX7 TR V",fI 12AX7 V.. '" SAN8 ~, V, 7189 N A OIL (] MICA MP <11 MYLAR ~ NOISE LESS o CERAMIC o S,(a-bl 1 MA G 2 Xta! S, Ca.- rll_ TSELECTOR 1 TUNER 2 PHONO 3 MIC • TAPE 5 AUX 5, la-c I MODE SELECTOR 1 REVERSE 1 NORMAL 3 MIX (R+L) • CHAN R 5 CHAN L 55 (a.- h) I OFF 2 ON LOUDNESS S6(a .... d l 1 OFF 2 ON TONE OEFEAT S7(a-d) 1 OFF 2 ON LOW FILTER Ss (a ... b ) 1 OFF 2 ON HIGH FILTER S.(a-b) I OFF 2 ON PRESENCE 5'0 (a. "b) 1 ON 2 OFF SPEAKER S/T(a.-b) 1 LEVEL lOW ·2 LEVEL illDOLE 3 LEVEL HIGH 5 12 1 OFF 2 ON AC S,;u PILOTLAHP 1,2.3,4 OFF 5 ON S. "'-bl Sl3b PlLf)TL AMP 1,2,3,5 OFF 2 ON TAPE MONITOR 4 , OFF ON S"" LEVEl.ME,.R 1.2 ,3,4 OFF 5 ON S"" LEVEL METER 1,2,3.5 OFF 4 011 ~ W (J) :::> u. €UI9 €[[]]9 r:- (]) u (]) 0:: § w (])g(]) '-'I [~-I- 0~ (])~(]) 0~ ~©~:r: w u :r: ::E no ~ 0~ 0~ • • '. I . ~ r: :) ©~~© '0« > (]> ~ ©~© ©~© no ~ I- ©~© 0~ 0~ ...... N N 1rl~0.'. '. a no ILl f" I'- > c::c .::J I millIl ::E 0~ ::::» c::::) u 9-~ ~ 0~ f=> 0:: wO © ~~ © © © ~JX U) I- 0:: ~© o ~© Cl. ..J ..J ~ IIITilll I V.. Yz SAN8 ::E f'! x ~ c::c "- v,' I2AX7 TR Tf< V,. II 1'2AX7 v..v, 7 189 N :&: c::c et:: C!:J c::c Q -.c::c...... C-:) ::15 L&.I :c C-:) U) " OIL MICA MP MYLAR ~ NOISE LESS o CERAMIC a o 55 @ 2 ON LOUDNESS S ,Ca-b ) I MAG 2 Xtal S, (a.- f) IIIfflT SELECTOR I TUNER 2 PHONO 3 MI G 4 TAPE 5 AUX S, la- cl /oIODE SELECTOR I Z 3 4 5 S. REVERSE NORMAL MIX(R+L) CHAN R CH AN L (a.-b) I OFF 2 ON TAPE MONITOR (a. ... b) I OFF S6 (a - d) I OFF 2 ON TONE DEFEAT S 7(a - dJ I OFF 2 ON LOW F/l TER S8 (a.-b ) I OFF 2 ON HIGH FILTER S.(a.- b) I OFF 2 ON PRESENCE S,o {a. ... b) I ON 2 OFF SPEAKER II: SI/(a-b) I LEVEL LOW ,2 LE VEL HIODLE J LEVEL HIGH 5" I OFF 2 ON AC S'Ja PIl.OTLAHP 1. 2,3.4 OFF 5 ON So. PlLOTL AMP 1.2,3,5 OFF ON 4 JA - :''''00' r..... ". .... H ...,J. RED " : 9 J~f> '0: 5 J4/5 ":5 " )5 J4 j ... J,L A,.. I"''''' t ~ 1.2,J,. ~ O s ( S '.h ) 5 ,4< LEVEl.fiIETER 1.2,3,4 OFF ON 5 S,.. LEVEL. METER 1,2,3 ,5 OFF 4 ON ~~~~ WI I17V nov IIXJV I SANSUI ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Head Office; 14-1. 2-chome. Izumi . Suginomi - ku. Tokyo. Japan _ TEL _ 323- 1111 Printed in Japan (01200M6)