President`s Message - Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.


President`s Message - Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.
President’s Message
I am excited to announce that we have finalized a
settlement with Manitoba Hydro on behalf of the
Summerberry trappers. During the period between
1940 – 1964 trappers in the Summerberry area had
their livelihoods disrupted when Manitoba Hydro
built its dam flooding traditional trapping grounds.
After 50 years of waiting and hard work we have
achieved a settlement. I am disheartened by the fact
that some of our trappers are no longer with us to
celebrate this victory.
A settlement as been reached with
Manitoba Hydro to compensate
Summerberry Trappers for the
loss of their livelihood.
to view the official list of trappers.
Find the latest news online
A few weeks ago I mentioned on Metis Hour x2 that
we had an agreement only to discover that Manitoba
Hydro had to make corrections to their list. The list
we received had some trappers mistakenly left off
and others not from the Summerberry area added in
error. I appreciate and thank you for your patience as
we waited for the finalized list. It makes me happy
to tell you now, compensation to trappers will
commence immediately.
All trappers listed on the finalized list will receive
compensation for loss of their livelihood. For those
trappers who have passed on, their benefactors will
receive an inheritance from this compensation. I have
instructed our staff responsible for the Summerberry
trappers compensation file to quickly get these funds
into the hands of the trappers or their benefactor. The
MMF Northwest Metis Council and the MMF The
Pas Region offices will be handling the compensation.
Staff will be travelling to the many communities
involved in the Summerberry settlement to distribute
compensation claims. We will provide notice via our
website and Metis Hour x 2 as to when and what
communities we will be visiting.
When I was first asked to accept this responsibility
on your behalf nearly 15 years ago, I felt honoured
that you would put your trust in me. I knew full well
that justice would be served and I gave you my word
to that effect. I am proud to say that together we have
done it!
I want to thank Scott Thomson, President and CEO
of Manitoba Hydro, and Ruth Kristjanson, VicePresident of Corporate Relations for Manitoba Hydro,
for working with me and my team in finalizing this
I also want to thank Marc LeClair, MMF General
Counsel Murray Trachtenberg, Minister Jack Park and
Marci Riel for their tireless efforts in helping reach
this settlement. Thank you too to all our dedicated
staff who will be assisting in the distribution of the
compensation to the trappers or their benefactor.
The finalized list of trappers can now be found on
the MMF website. You can visit the website online at When you arrive at our web page,
you just click the Summerberry Trappers picture
to view the list. The list is arranged in alphabetical
order and has the area the trapper worked next
to their name. Contact information for MMF staff
who are managing the distribution of the trapper’s
compensation is also found on this page. You may also
contact these staff members using the information
on the Summerberry notice in this issue of Le Metis.
On another note, I want to give a shout out to Michael
Ferland. Michael is a Metis hockey player playing in
the Stanley Cup Playoffs for the Calgary Flames. He
is playing well and making a good contribution to his
team with a couple of goals and an assist against
the Canucks in the last round. I will be Anaheim this
week on business and I hope to see him make some
duck soup in round two action for the Stanley Cup.
Good luck Michael!
Upon closing, I offer my prayers for our friends, family
members, and veterans who have passed on and my
condolences to those who have lost a loved one. My
hopes are with those who are sick or shut in and I
offer my best wishes to all.
President David Chartrand, LL.D. (hon), O.M.
Louis Riel was the driving force behind
Manitoba becoming Canada’s fifth province.
His dream of a province that embraces all
cultures is still shared by Manitobans today.
Battle of Seven Oaks
The Seven Oaks Monument Committee announced
that construction will begin this week on the
revitalization of the Battle of Seven Oaks Monument
National Historic Site at Main Street and Rupertsland
Boulevard in West Kildonan, Winnipeg.
The site is the location of a battle between Governor
Robert Semple of the Red River Settlement, Metis
leader Cuthbert Grant and their men. It took place
on June 19, 1816 and came about because of the
Pemmican Proclamation by the previous governor,
Miles MacDonell. The proclamation prevented
the Metis from exporting pemmican and other
foods from the Red River Settlement. This seriously
impeded the Metis’ ability to benefit from the fur
trade and gave the Hudson Bay Company an unfair
For more information please contact your MMF representative:
For trappers in The Pas or Cormorant:
Jolene Mayer
Manitoba Metis Federation
The Pas Region
(204) 623-5701
Tammy Chief
Manitoba Metis Federation
Nortwest Metis Council
(204) 638-9485
or visit online at
The construction of this project will provide an
informative display with new interpretive panels
created by Parks Canada that will share the stories
of the Battle of Seven Oaks. Other improvements will
include new pathways and lighting, landscaping with
shrubs and indigenous plants, and other amenities
such as benches and waste receptacles.
Regarding the revitalization of the monument and
park, President Chartrand said “On behalf of the
Metis Citizens of Manitoba, I want to express our
support for this project which recognizes a very
important moment in our history. The MMF would
also like to take the opportunity to announce its
intention to see 2016 as a year-long celebration of
Cuthbert Grant Jr., the Metis National Flag and the
importance Seven Oaks had in the making of the
Metis Nation.”
For all other trappers:
Architectural plan outlining the revitalization of the Battle
of Seven Oaks Monument at the corner of Main Street and
Rupertsland Boulevard.
Members of the Battle of Seven Oaks Monument Committee
and representatives of the MMF, Parks Canada and Provincial
and Municipal governments help turn the sod on construction
set to begin immediately.