The Ringing World #5320 - Associazione Suonatori di Campane a


The Ringing World #5320 - Associazione Suonatori di Campane a
The Weekly Journal for
Church Bell Ringers since 1911
No. 5320 April 12, 2013 Price £2.00
Editor: Robert Lewis
Central Council Library “Outreach Meeting”
Wellesbourne, Warwicks 23rd February 2013
by Greg Morris (Library Committee). Photos by Anthony Bianco
ou may have seen the trailers in The
Ringing World advertising a ‘lively’
meeting to be held in St Peter’s Church
Centre, Wellesbourne … About Books. Not
just any old books, but books about bells and
bellringing. I wonder what images flashed
across your mind … a gathering of earnest
octogenarian bibliophiles having a snooze
after a good lunch perhaps?
Well the good lunch bit is correct at least.
The meeting was the latest Central Council
Library Committee outreach day. The CC
may seem far-off and remote to some RW
readers but many of its members and
committees do organise and take part in
Ivan Saunders and Malcolm Loveday manning their display of Guildford Guild material
activities which promote bells and bellringing
in different ways. So, it was very good to be
able to travel to a central location and to find
spacious and comfortable surroundings, with
a pleasing vista of excellent home-made
biscuits and a sustaining cup of tea or coffee
to get us started.
John Eisel regaling a tale from his upcoming
book on 19C ringing newspaper cuttings
Surplus to requirements
Various stalls had been set up. One of the
main carrots to tempt people out of their beds
on a Saturday morning was a sneak preview
of Central Council Library books which have
become surplus to requirements. Not just
books but periodicals and pamphlets CDs and
records: some 180 items for which we were
being invited to submit bids.
They are being disposed of to free up shelf
space in accordance with an agreement
reached at the Central Council meeting in
1959: ‘It was agreed that the librarian be given
power to dispose of copies in excess of two of
books in the Library printed since 1850.’
Such titles as “Bell-ringing and your Health”
and “Lines in Praise of Good Ringing” caught
my eye. Alan Glover was kept busy with
speculative enquiries and handed out the
“auction” catalogue at the beginning of the
meeting when he explained the process to us.
Details of the proposed sale can be found in the
RW of March 1st. There was a preview of the
forthcoming Ringing World CDRom (19411970) which is due for publication shortly.
Various Association stalls had been set up
350 – The Ringing World
(Founded by John S Goldsmith)
Official Journal of the
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
Editor: Robert A Lewis
35A High Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1LJ
Telephone: 01264 366 620 Fax: 01264 360 594
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The Ringing World Bankers: CAF Bank
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The Ringing World Limited
Registered Office:
35A High Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1LJ
W N G Herriott (Chairman)
Pencae, Mill Lane, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8EQ
F J P Bone, W A Hibbert,
C F Mew, A R Udal, R J Wallis
Company Secretary:
Ian H Oram, The Cottage, School Hill,
Warnham, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 3QN
Registered in England Co. Number 1722963
Registered as a Charity in London under No.287182
RW sponsors
Details of our sponsors, Whitechapel,
Taylors, Nicholsons and Whites appear
this week on p.367
Officers of the Central Council of
Church Bell Ringers
President: Kate Flavell
Vice-President: Chris Mew
Hon. Treasurer: Derek Harbottle
Hon. Secretary: Mary Bone,
11 Bullfields, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 9DB
(01279 726159)
Hon. Assistant Secretary: Robin Walker
Website address: www.
April 12, 2013
selling books pamphlets and annual reports.
The Sharpe trust had a stall, Anthony Bianco
set up a practical display on repair and
restoration on the Sussex C.A. table which also
featured copies of David Kirkcaldy’s recently
published history: The Sussex County
Association of Change Ringers 1885-2010. Of
particular note was the Guildford Guild’s
exhibition of local ringing history and attractive
artefacts which will be on view at the Central
Council meeting in May.
What shall we do with the Library?
The keynote speech was entitled “What
shall we do with the Library?” and was
delivered by Chris Pickford. He surveyed the
huge change in the way that ringers look for
and store information and considered the
function of Libraries as preserving historical
material as well as providing information. He
did acknowledge that there are some fine
Guild and Association Libraries out there, but
questioned whether some of them were
not-much-used vanity projects and whether
they had much to do with achieving their
guild’s aims of education and the promotion
of ringing. He discussed policies on lending,
disposal and acquisition, circulation, access
and security. Then, just as you were
wondering whether it was worth all the effort,
he kindly moved on to discuss the merits and
demerits of archives how to manage them and
what to keep in them; whether to store them in
some damp tower or to hand them over on
loan to your local Public Record Office or
keep them in someone’s spare room in boxes.
There was a lot of thoughtful advice on
keeping abreast of developments in
technology and best practice. He exhorted
guild librarians not to work in isolation but,
where possible, to combine resources and look
at the possibility of integrated cataloguing for
example. Librarians could also provide
pointers to resources and records elsewhere.
Digitisation was flagged up as a useful way to
make local resources available more widely
e.g. the WDCRA has published a digital copy
of all its reports 1882-1996; a resource which
would be of interest to those outside ringing,
who are interested in local or family history.
There were lots of questions and comments.
The problem of storage of data in a form
which is accessible was discussed and John
Baldwin confessed to an attic full of obsolete
technology of dubious practical use. Insurance
was another thorny problem – some useful
tips and advice were forthcoming – the British
Association for Local History may be able to
help. What do we do if an object is
irreplaceable? How do we get our Library
valued for insurance purposes?
The meeting concluded that we should
identify and get details of the ‘key’ ringing
libraries and perhaps look to providing some
co-ordinated cataloguing building on work
already done.
Order and Disorder
John Eisel then gave us a preview of his
forthcoming work Order and Disorder in the
Nineteenth Century. This is a three part
project building on a survey of periodicals and
newspapers in the 18th century. The first part,
1800-1829 will be published shortly and the
other two periods, 1830-1849 and 1850-1870
are in advanced stages of production.
The explosion of Newspapers in the 19th
century has provided John with a wealth of
material and the gradual digitisation of
historical newspapers has made searching for
ringing information a lot easier. Whilst
searching for the number 5040 is not without
its problems and OCR quality is variable, he
has uncovered a good number of unpublished
peals, been able to make some corrections to
peal records and as a bonus, a lot of extra 18th
century material hitherto undiscovered has
been brought to light. Accounts showing the
activities of the ringers at Quex Park were
used to show how useful information on the
social status of ringers is recorded in local
newspapers. The Records of ringing on new
rings of bells and for Prize ringing showed
that they were occasionally rung more or less
continuously for two days which made me
wonder whether vicars were more robust in
defending ringers or whether parishioners
were more appreciative of their exertions.
The rise and fall of bellhangers and
bellfounders and their use of the media to
advertise their services as well as interesting
titbits on how the bells were transported were
mentioned briefly but I noticed that just when
it was getting interesting, John would realise
he was giving too much away and exhort us
all to buy the forthcoming book! He did
however point out that the geographical scope
of enquiry was widening and that he had been
able (thanks to the Leeds Mercury) to uncover
substantial evidence of an increase in
standards of ringing in Northern England in
the late 18th early 19th centuries. There was a
murmur of admiration from the audience at
the fact that there was such early evidence of
Surprise ringing north of The Trent. It was
clear from his comments that there are a lot
more newspapers to search and a lot more
discoveries to come.
An excellent hot lunch was served after
warm expressions of thanks to John and
Chris for their presentations. On the menu
was Cottage Pie with veg followed by a
Chris Pickford (with Chris Ridley’s ringing
certificates/prints) being provocative about the
future of ringing libraries
The Ringing World – 351
April 12, 2013
generous slice of fine Bakewell-esque Tart
with plenty of custard. Many thanks were
recorded to ringers Peter and Veronica Quinn
and staff who welcomed us with such kind
and attentive hospitality.
Campanological Collectables
After another browse round the display
tables we were treated to an after lunch survey
of “Campanological Collectibles”. Chris
Ridley had assembled a fine display of
membership posters and illustrated newspaper
pages as well as ringing badges and gave us
an overview on how a library like the CC
Library can act as a source of information
using images, texts and artefacts. He started
with badges. There are 85 societies
represented and 361 varieties of badge in the
Central Council database. They were very
popular and often made in gold and silver as
well as the more common base metal and
enamel varieties. As one who merely
accumulates rather than collects, I was
wondering where all this collecting ends: Tie
clips? hat pins? cuff links? I am sure that there
are examples in boxes at the CC Library. What
about tattoos?!
Greg Morris and Alan Glover discussing
the ‘auction’ of surplus material from the
CC Library
Some of the Dinner Tickets that Chris
showed us on screen had subsequently been
adapted for membership certificates and were
very collectable, attractive works of art often
which would have been a great source of pride
to the recipient. By way of contrast, he
showed us a recent computer print-off
(cobbled together in 10 minutes on MS Word)
Membership Certificate from a certain
landlocked Home Counties Association which
typified the widespread declension there has
been in the artistic merit of this sort of
artefact. Chris drew our attention to the wide
range of periodicals which had illustrations of
bells and bellringing, cartoons and caricatures
of ringers and prints of famous bells. Some of
the bellhandling techniques illustrated would
not please the ITTS brigade but there was
plenty of material to distract us from such
heresies, postcards, ringing Christmas cards
(which could be reproduced by the RW), prints
of churches and famous bells from books and
magazines. Bellfounders’ broadsheets are
often attractive as well as informative and
there were quite a lot of useful asides as to
values of certain commodities and how to get
the best out of ebay.
The Outreach Day would not have
happened but for the exertions of my fellow
Chris Ridley talking enthusiastically about
why he’s a collector and interested in ringing
members of the Library Committee who
worked so hard to make it such a tremendous
success. Thanks must go to Stella Bianco who
brought the whole day together and has kept
us all working as a team and to Anthony
Bianco who patiently managed all the IT
arrangements and acted as projectionist for the
day. Thanks too must go to the 50 or so
participants, mostly ‘old’ and a few ‘new’
*Friends of the CC Library, who ignored the
risk of snow and ice and came together to
have such a stimulating and yes, dare I say it,
a lively day.
Greg Morris
Library Committee
The death of Baroness Thatcher, aged 87,
was announced on Monday, 8th April – the
day before this edition went to press. Lady
Thatcher – the UK’s first (and, so far, only)
woman Prime Minister – was a towering
political figure of our age. The Queen has
granted her a ceremonial funeral at St
Paul’s Cathedral next week and this will, no
doubt, be accompanied by ringing there and
elsewhere. We will do our best to collate
ringing reports for publication: please don’t
delay in sending them to the RW.
There was extensive correspondence in
The Daily Telegraph letters pages last week
about the effects on bell ringers of the
Government’s new tax regulations requiring
‘Real Time Information’. In the 3rd April
edition Ashley Pugh of Northwich, Cheshire
claimed that ringers in his area now “must
be made employees of the Church, and
receive our wedding fees, minus tax, by
cheque at the end of the month.” He went on
to say “This is so vexatious that some towers
have decided that they will not ring for
weddings any more …”
On 5th April William Mountain of Great
Gaddesden Herts. replied: “As both a former
tower captain and employee of the Inland
Revenue I would respond by saying that bell
ringers are not employees of the church, and
HMRC cannot so order it, as part of its Real
Time Information Tax changes.”
So what is the position? Fear not, we have
our Ringing & Money ‘guru’ Steve Coleman
on the case: we hope to have an article from
him very shortly explaining the true impact
of the new RTI rules on ringers and fees.
Our thanks, once again, to Richard Wallis
for compiling the Leading Quarter Peal
Ringers list and congratulations to Andy
Mead on making it to the top of the list with
a remarkable total of 446. Another highly
notable achievement is recorded in the peal
columns this week (p.362); Adam Crocker
has become the youngest person ever to ring
1,000 peals aged just 23. Well done Adam!
1,000th Peal Congratulations
Adam Crocker
Ernest octogenarian bibliophiles (and others!)
enjoy a nice cup of tea and a browse
In this issue:
Rope Review
News Review
Leading Quarter Peal Ringers
Association News
Auckland Centenary
Peal reports
Quarter Peal reports
Obituary – John McCutcheon
Book Review
Thought for the week
352 – The Ringing World
April 12, 2013
Report on trial of Superlative Bell Rope
by Ellis N. Thomas
A trial splice
Following the offer in The Ringing World
(p.103), a sample of the Superlative Bell Rope
from Tower Essentials was tried at St.Peter’s
Church, Yateley, Hampshire from Thursday
28th February until Sunday 24th March.
This report presents the initial findings from a
comparatively short period of use.
The trial rope was received on 15th February,
and was spliced to an old rope above the sally a
few days later. There was no time to fit the rope
before I went away for half-term, but it was left
in the tower in the clock room below the bells.
After half term it was fitted for use on our
practice night on 28th February.
Experiences with the trial rope
The initial impression of the rope was that it
looked and felt very similar to our existing
natural fibre ropes. The only visual difference
was the appearance of the heat sealed end. It also
lacked the familiar smell of the natural fibre.
After checking with Tower Essentials, I
used a short splice above the sally to attach it
to an old rope that had been withdrawn from
use due to wear at the garter hole. When
splicing I use Pam Copson’s description in
the Sherbourne “Follow-on Book” as a
crib-sheet for techniques. Everything worked
as usual, except for the approach for tapering
the ends. The combing out method was not
appropriate for the trial rope, but it revealed
that each strand divided into about 8 smaller
strands, and cutting these off two at a time
produced a neatly tapered finish. In the
photograph, the new rope is at the right.
When binding onto the wheel, the handling
was very like natural fibre rope, but it felt
slightly more shiny in the hands.
When the rope was fitted, it had not been
stretched in any way, and was used only a few
hours later to raise the bell at the start of the
practice. This was first done singly to assess
the handling. Then it was lowered, and raised
in peal with the back six. There was no stretch
at all, but there was much more on the third
when I rang it up. (The rope on the third is
natural fibre, and was fitted as a new rope over
six months ago, having been stretched for
nearly a year prior to that. Its new stretch
arose from the very dry and cold weather of
the preceding week.)
Everyone who rang with the new rope on
the first practice night agreed that it had no
stretch. It did not, of course, prevent the bell
dropping from time to time due to tower/frame
movement (see below), but certainly improved
the handling when it did.
The practice on Thursday, 7th March and
Sunday ringing on 10th March followed a few
days of persistent rain. No significant change
in length or springiness was observed.
Thursday, 14th March followed a few very dry
and cold days and comprised a quarter peal.
Sunday ringing on 17th March followed a few
days of persistent rain. No significant change
in length or springiness was observed,
although other ropes had lengthened by
Thursday and shortened again by Sunday.
Again on Thursday, 21st March and Sunday
24th there were no changes.
Background Information
In order to understand the context of the
trial, some details are provided of the tower
and bells.
Yateley tower is a mainly wooden structure
(see picture). The walls at the bell-chamber
level are faced with cedar wood shingles.
Those of the floor below it are partly sloping
tiles, with one wall against the end of the
nave. The ground floor ringing room has
external walls of herring-bone style brick
work. Thus the tower is more affected than a
stone or brick tower by changes of humidity
with the weather, which alters both the tower
movement (as the wooden beams dry out) and
the ropes.
The ropes have never been converted to
artificial fibre tops, but are wholly traditional
flax rope. Before fitting a new rope, it has
been our practice to stretch it using a pulley
system and weights in the tower for several
months. With a draught of around 30ft, the
ropes suffer changes in length with the
weather - in damp conditions they swell up
and shorten, in dry conditions they lengthen
and become more springy.
The ceiling of the ringing room is fairly
high, and there are no rope guides. The sallies
do not all pass through the ceiling.
The relevant heights are as follows:
Top of sally to splice
3ft 1in 95cm
Top of sally to ceiling
7ft 8in / 2.35m
Height of clock room
10ft 3in / 3.11m
Bell chamber room floor to garter hole
8ft 4in / 2.54m
Splice to garter hole (length of trial rope)
23ft2in / 7.05m
St Peter’s Yateley tower from the North (Photo E. N. Thomas)
Although the splice is positioned such that
it does pass through the ceiling boss, during
ringing with the bell fully up it does so while
not under tension. Thus the use of a short
splice does not result in jerky rope movement.
The bell used for the trial was the fifth,
weight 5-2-23. When the tower dries out, this
bell suffers frame movement, being next to the
tenor, and can be tricky to handle – any
springiness in the rope adds to the problem.
The third, whose rope had become stretchy
over the preceding week, weighs 4-0-25.
Because the new rope had been left in the
tower while I was away for half-term, it would
The Ringing World – 353
April 12, 2013
have acclimatised to the same conditions as
the existing ropes. The week leading to
Monday, 25th February was very dry and cold.
Over the short period of the trial, there has
been little opportunity to confirm the
behaviour resulting from changes in the
weather or from a long hot summer. However,
the experience so far is very good. Similarly
no assessment can be made for the rate of
wearing of the rope over time, nor for its
effects on the pulleys. Overall, the impression
is very favourable.
zz Slicing into natural fibre rope was easily
done by hand. (Only a short splice has been
tried; I have no information for long splices.)
zz The handling for binding onto the wheel
was like natural fibre rope.
zz The rope was usable with no prior period
of stretching.
zz It was little affected by changes in humidity.
zz We would have no hesitation in
recommending this product for use as
replacement top ends.
Ed. – For further information about
how to obtain the new rope, look out for
regular advertisements in the RW or go to
50 Years Ago
The Ringing World, 11 April, 1963
Selected by the Editor
First peal of Major on Adelaide bells
On February 20th, the local band at St.
Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, brought round the
first peal on the bells, the method being
Grandsire Triples. On Mothering Sunday,
March 24th, the first peal of Major was rung,
a 5,040 of Plain Bob, the band this time
including three Melbourne ringers, George
and Diana Pipe and Jack Roper.
The occasion was the last visit of the Pipes
to Adelaide, before their return to England,
and the week-end was thus tinged with
regret. But it was a good opportunity for
George to achieve yet another of his
Australian ambitions, and the recent
successes of the peals of Cambridge Surprise
Major and Bob Royal in Melbourne were
rounded off with a peal of Bob Major on the
41 cwt. tenor at Adelaide. Those who took
part are filled with admiration at his handling
of this big bell.
Like all other centres of ringing in
Australia, Adelaide will miss the Pipes, not
only personally but also because of the
tremendous impetus their presence amongst us
has given to ringing in this country over the
past seven years. We can only hope that
perhaps one day they will return to Australia.
to submit performances
by Giles Blundell
hat bell-ringers call a peal is “more of a
double ring, like two hits”, as opposed
to a toll, which rings out at a steady and
solemn pace and is “a single slow hit”. The
Boston Pilot of the Archdiocese of Boston
quoted one of their seminarians as saying as
much in discussing the ringing to mark the
retirement of Pope Benedict – the aim was not
to toll in sorrow nor to rejoice, but to mark his
departure. Given the comparative rareness of
Roman Catholic churches with rings of bells,
the seminarian may never have to be
disillusioned over his use of language.
Benedict’s retirement and Francis’s election
as his successor dominated ringing news in
March, with firstly reports of the ringing on
Benedict’s departure – some bishops asked for
8 minutes ringing at the very end of his reign
– then speculation as to whether this time the
Vatican bells would ring along with the show
of white smoke for a successful election (in
2005 the officials in the Sistine Chapel
struggled to contact the ringer: presumably the
idea of flashing the lights on the stairs hadn’t
occurred to them) and finally ringing on
Francis’s election. Back in the UK, there was
also ringing for Justin Welby’s enthronement
as Archbishop of Canterbury – the Kent News
website noted that the bells rang as the
archbishop left the Cathedral.
The new bells at Paris’s Notre Dame
Cathedral were inaugurated in front of what
the Independent described “as a crowd of
thousands – mostly conservative, well-heeled
and middle-aged – crushed into the square in
front of the Cathedral to watch and listen”.
The launch of the new bells in Paris coincided
with the first public staging of Lionel Bart’s
‘Quasimodo’ at Islington’s King’s Head
theatre. Reviews were mixed: “while
Quasimodo shows more signs of life than a
door-nail, no one could possibly accuse it of
being a lost masterpiece” said the Evening
Standard which went on to comment that
“what gipsy Esmeralda (Zoe George) lacks in
clothing on her top half she makes up for in
feisty charm”. We can no doubt rely on our
Editor and the Central Council’s Vice
President to follow up this important
news story.
The south west saw progress on a number
of projects – and considerable coverage from
the Falmouth Packet. On 7th March, grants to
St Keverne Church totalling £30,000 from the
Garfield Weston Trust and the Sita Cornwall
Trust were announced. Although this funding
is for new lighting and rewiring, future work
includes more bell-ringing space. On 31st
March, the Packet followed up with news of
Falmouth Parish Church’s plans to raise
£350,000 for projects including hanging their
bells for ringing. The Packet may have been a
bit slow off the mark here, since the West
Briton had reported the same story some ten
days earlier – but it did beat the Cornishman
on 27th March in reporting the naming of a
new street near Carbis Bay church as Peal
Drive (Rosva Gevres an Klegh in Cornish –
which seems to literally translate as ‘The
Avenue of the Series of Bells’).
St Budeaux church launched a £40,000
appeal by towards work on the bell frame.
Sean Beaven, one of the churchwardens as
well as a bell ringer, got a good positive
message into the Plymouth Herald: “We miss
hearing them. The bells were used to call
people to church. The congregation would
wait to hear them chime before heading out. It
is not the real experience anymore – it is dead
on a Sunday without them.” And in Somerset,
the Weston Mercury announced that Worle
bells had returned from Whitechapel.
Elsewhere, the Lichfield Diocese issued a
press release announcing the successful
augmentation and rehanging at Stone which
was picked up by the BBC in Stoke and
Staffordshire: the Suffolk Free Press
announced the launch of Little Cornard’s
£80,000 appeal to restore their five unringable
bells, and Llandrillo used the Denbighshire
Free Press to publicise a concert featuring the
Llangollen Male Voice Choir to raise funds to
repair the headstock on one of their 1951
Taylor ring of four. David Robinson also gave
the Press a good, positive message – “The
image portrayed by a television advertisement
of monks disappearing up the tower is a little
fanciful but without mastering the correct bell
control method it can be dangerous.”
In Cambridgeshire, Barbara Le Gallez also
promoted a positive image to the Cambridge
News: she explained that new ringers at
Landbeach had been trained with the bells
silenced but using a simulator – but now,
enough progress had been made so that the
ringing was good enough to be appreciated.
“Some people love hearing the bells on a
summer’s evening when they’re sitting outside
in their gardens. It is one of the traditional
forms of British music – when it’s done well.”
And resources for training can come from
unexpected places: redeye Chicago reported
that Michael Tartell “and several other
students” at the University of Chicago had
been granted $2,200 towards replacing the
ropes and pulleys in the Mitchell Tower (10)
and would also use some of the money to”
host a Ringing Weekend to bring in
professional ringers from all over the country
to teach students how to ring”. The money
comes from the University ‘Uncommon Fund’
– money from the university’s Student
Activities Fee and the Dean’s Fund for
Student Life to finance innovative projects and
initiatives proposed by students and other
individuals affiliated with the university.
Giles Blundell
For Quality and Reliability
Rhea House, Bishops Frome,
Worcester WR6 5BQ
Tel: (01885) 490673
354 – The Ringing World
Letters to the Editor should be sent to him
at The Ringing World Limited, 35A High
Street, Andover, SP10 1LJ, or e-mailed to
The sender’s full name, address and telephone
number (daytime and evening) should be
supplied, but if these details are not to be
published this should be clearly stated at the
head of the letter. Where a letter to the Editor
is not for publication, kindly put ‘Not for
Publication’ at the head of the letter. It is not
usually possible to acknowledge receipt of
letters privately. We reserve the right to edit
letters and do not guarantee to print the
whole of any letter received. Publication of a
letter does not imply agreement with its
contents by the Editor and/or Directors of The
Ringing World Ltd. The Ringing World Ltd
shall not be liable for accuracy of informa­tion
or opinions expressed in published letters or
for any loss or damage suffered as a result of
their contents.
Not in front of the children
SIR, – Like many towers we have a
subscription to The Ringing World and there is
a copy on the belfry table available for all to
look at as they wish.
The week ‘that photo’ was published I
looked on in horror as one of our junior
members picked up The Ringing World and
started to flick through – fortunately the copy
that was being looked at was from the
previous week. From the comments already
published by yourself it is unlikely that this
scenario will be repeated but please remember
that The Ringing World, like the Exercise at
large, caters to a wide age range. I don’t wish
to be having to explain to juniors (or their
parents) why they can’t look at The Ringing
World, nor to the parish who have paid for my
CRB check.
Mrs Rachel Backhouse
Belvedere, Kent
Privates not on parade (yet)
SIR, – If only I, a wrinkly old grandfather,
could make my protest really noticeable as per
page 4 (aka p.280) of the RW! If it would
make any difference I would gladly do so.
My protest would be regarding the constant
chatter by the TV commentators which means
that we have no way of hearing the bells that
are being rung so well for the many special
occasions that are televised, e.g. the
Archbishop’s enthronement, the ringing barge
in the pageant, the royal wedding et al.
There is more time allowed at 5.45am on
Sundays without comment than there is for
these special occasions.
Yours seething,
Cliff Garlick
Chairman of the East Hagbourne Society
of Church Bellringers
Didcot, Oxfordshire
April 12, 2013
Back to basics (p.343)
ITTS Module 2 in Suffolk
SIR, – It does appear that Ian Henderson
really is re-inventing the wheel!
Graham Nabb came to Bury St Edmunds
again on Saturday, 9th February to deliver the
second part of the Integrated Teacher Training
Scheme. Module 2 is concerned with teaching
elementary change ringing.
The participants were those who, as trainee
teachers or as mentors of trainees, had
completed Module 1: teaching bell handling.
The one-day course consisted of theory
sessions held in the Discovery Centre of the
Cathedral, alternating with practical ringing
sessions in the Norman Tower. It was a very
cold day but Jed made sure there were hot
drinks available at regular intervals to keep
us going.
The main emphasis in the morning session
was on the vital importance of developing the
foundation skills of a good handling style,
good bell control, the ability to listen and the
development of ropesight. The practical
session concentrated on methods of
developing good bell handling and control.
Exercises included setting the bell after a
certain number of strokes e.g. ring five strokes
then stand. Ringing ‘Twinkle, twinkle little
star’ made for a tense team effort. Each bell
had to ring the number of blows required to
ring the tune, then set. Not a very inspiring
tune, but fun to do and giving a real sense of
achievement. Simple kaleidoscope ringing in
the form of ’Mexican wave’ was an exercise
in place making and forms a step between call
changes and plain hunt. Funny Bob Doubles
and Bayles Bob Doubles give dodging
practice as preparation for Plain Bob. The
emphasis, as in Module 1, was always on
breaking down the learning in to small steps
and practising those steps thoroughly.
Much of the afternoon session concentrated
on the skills the teacher requires in order4 to
progress his learners’ ringing. Emphasis was
placed on the individual needs of each learner;
thus a flexible teaching style is necessary. The
motivation of the learner is all important so
suitable goals must be set. Feedback to the
learner is essential if he is to progress.
The final topic covered was running a good
practice, with particular reference to new
learners. It was emphasised that a practice
should be planned and reviewed afterwards.
Each learner must have at least one ‘prime
ring’ in a practice, that is, a piece of ringing
specifically to meet his needs. The teacher
should place the band carefully so as to give
the learner the best chance of achieving his
aim. Above all the practice should
be enjoyable!
It was a very full day and gave all the
participants a great deal to think about and
practise in their home towers. Thank you to
Jed Flatters and Rowan Wilson for organising
the day and especially to Graham Nabb for
presenting it.
Sue Freeman
Canterbury, Kent
Austin SSF
Bell notes
SIR, – I am writing in reply to the letter from
Doug Nichols (p.331). In on-line Dove (or,
more precisely, the prototype-National Bell
Register that sits alongside) we show the
note for each bell based on the key note of
the ring (usually, but not always, the tenor
note) and the position of each bell within the
ring. Thus, for a ring of 8 in F♯ (key
signature six sharps), we show bell 2 as E♯
and for an octave in C♯ (key signature
seven sharps), we show bell 2 as B♯ and
bell 6 as E♯.
We show the key of each ring as provided
to us and there is at least one ring in each of
the 17 theoretical keys on a piano keyboard
(five ‘black’ notes each with two note values
and seven ‘white’ notes), even though some of
these keys have more than seven sharps.
For the keys of G♯, D♯ and A♯ we show
some bells with a double-sharp. We show just
one ring (Highgate, Greater London) in a key
outside these 17. These bells were tuned by
Whitechapel in 2007 and are, we are
informed, in the key of F♭.
When a ring has accidentals (semi-tone
bells), for example 2♯, 5♯ or 6♭, we take
the note value from the corresponding bell in
the ring and add a sharp or a flat as applicable.
Thus, bell 2♯ in a ring of 12 in C♯ is shown
as F♯♯, which also gives it the correct note
value when used as bell 2 of the light eight
(in G♯).
When a ring is not tuned to a major key, we
adjust the note values accordingly. Thus, for
instance, where a ring of 3 in B♭ is tuned as
1,2♭,3 of a ring of 3, we add a flat to bell 2
and show the notes as B♭,C♭,D.
I believe this approach to be a reasonable
representation and, although neither of the
Dove Stewards would claim to be an expert in
musical theory, it would appear to be
supported by those of our regular contributors
who are. For further background reading, you
could try Googling ‘Circle of Fifths’ and
‘Pythagorean Tuning’.
Tim Jackson
Dove Steward
Farnborough, Hampshire
Down The Pub 2
A: How did you get on last Friday?
B: Lost it.
A: How many is that altogether now then?
B: 525. Makes you think.
A: Think what?
B: Dark Thoughts.
Please remember to include your full postal address
and telephone number when sending letters for
publication by e-mail. We cannot consider letters for
publication without this information.
The Ringing World – 355
April 12, 2013
Leading Quarter Peal Ringers 2012
2012 Leading Quarter Peal ringer Andy Mead
his year 211 people submitted their names
for this list. That is a drop of 7 compared
with last year despite the momentous events
of the year that lead to an increasing
prominence of ringing.
I congratulate a new name at the top of the
list – Andy Mead had 446 successes (towards
9 per week allowing for some failures).
Despite ringing 74 more this year than last,
Susan Sawyer did not retain her first place and
will have to be happy with a silver medal.
Mervyn Arscott rang 98 more this year to
reach the 300 figure – which was ninth place
in 2011.
In the remainder of the top ten, there are
some familiar names as Charles PipeWolferstan is fourth this year and eighth last
year and next come Janet Garnett and Ann
Evans who were joint fourth in 2011. Ian and
Patricia Cresshull were 24th and 48th
respectively a year ago and completing the
higher echelons are Adam Beer (59th) and
Louise Pink (3rd). All the top 9 rang more
than they did in 2011. Last year’s number 2,
Roy Shallish, rang just 17 less this year but
only achieved joint 11th.
All in all, 18 people managed the 200 mark
this year compared with 11 last year. As for
those ringing 100 or more, the story is slightly
different as 84 rang that total in 2012 whereas
2 more achieved the threshold a year ago
(though that was a record).
Charles Pipe-Wolferstan retains his title as
leading conductor with 172 (up 19). Adrian
Malton (165), Tim Bayton (160), Adam Beer
(144), Christopher Woodcock (132), Alan Pink
(116) and Mike Whitby (109) were those who
conducted more than 100 in the year.
Certainly where I ring, there is an
increasing realisation that longer touches are a
good way to try and get people to improve
their striking. Bell control won’t be an issue at
this level and the method will be known so
participants can concentrate on their striking
and have their faults commented upon. There
will also be time to correct them. Quick
touches that finish as soon as they start do not
allow this to happen.
Richard J. Wallis
# of Q
in 2012
Andy Mead
446 (36)
Susan M Sawyer
420 (1)
Mervyn A Arscott
300 (8+)
Charles Pipe-Wolferstan 256 (172)
Janet C Garnett
250 (66)
Ann Evans
244 (0)
Ian Cresshull
235 (61)
Patricia Cresshull
232 (0)
Adam Beer
228 (144)
Louise G Pink
227 (0)
Claire C Nicholson
225 (65)
Roy Shallish
225 (17)
Liz Griffith-Jones
218 (2)
Terry Nicholls
218 (14)
Margaret Chapman
216 (6)
Alan D Pink
208 (116)
Graham Tucker
203 (19)
Tim Bayton
201 (160)
Teresa Humphrey
196 (22)
Bjørn E Bradstock
193 (66)
Adrian Malton
192 (165)
Giles R Morley
187 (40)
Valerie Stone
187 (41)
Clive B Moore
186 (32)
Cathryn M Hills
172 (20)
Raymond H Daw
171 (73)
Jane Hooker
169 (?)
Philip M Hills
167 (0)
Penny Browne
166 (2)
Richard Sales
164 (43)
Martin Blazey
162 (57)
Frances P Bradford
153 (0)
Robert Perry
152 (81)
Alan R Baldock
151 (91)
Corinne Duncan
150 (4)
Linda Foddering
150 (14)
David Hird
150 (43)
Sandra M Titherly
150 (0)
Nicki Williams
142 (5)
Christopher C P Woodcock 140 (132)
Andrew M Hills
139 (49)
Robert D Bell
138 (0)
Lesley Steed
136 (61)
Gerald V Skelly
133 (8)
David Steed
133 (3)
Alan M Shepherd
132 (29)
Michael Collinson
129 (22)
Carol Wilkinson
129 (0)
Mike Wigney
127 (69)
Christine M Baldock
126 (14)
Mike Whitby
126 (109)
Matthew Hardy
125 (5)
Alec Humphrey
124 (84)
Alan Turner
123 (5)
Lynne P Hughes
122 (4)
Bryan Williams
121 (2)
Nick Bowden
120 (17)
Ian L C Campbell
120 (34)
Sue Marshall
120 (47)
Ben Waller
119 (71)
Joanne A Waller
119 (16)
Malcolm Evans
118 (41)
Sheila C Matthews
116 (0)
John A Dodd
115 (1)
Mark Drew
113 (3)
AJ Barnfield
112 (25)
# of Q
in lifetime Home or Leading Tower
564 (36)
6328 (29)
? (?)
2777 (1519)
1368 (316)
1582 (3)
931 (199)
833 (0)
1848 (1138)
3622 (60)
2046 (438)
2023 (?)
1749 (?)
1109 (?)
855 (67)
3282 (2197)
4125 (401)
2047 (1501)
1106 (91)
2040 (722)
? (?)
1734 (190)
2686 (754)
2553 (411)
2216 (?)
4129 (2471)
356 (?)
? (?)
784 (?)
1800 (345)
1012 (242)
? (?)
1648 (772)
2211 (1440)
234 (5)
562 (19)
1474 (620)
1296 (0)
353 (7)
1089 (772)
861 (97)
1821 (1)
937 (312)
3586 (366)
777 (5)
3129 (1784)
490 (121)
616 (?)
2251 (1071)
1524 (164)
1564 (1133)
975 (24)
2037 (1132)
? (?)
1361 (50)
3467 (156)
197 (22)
2409 (478)
1308 (?)
968 (399)
624 (66)
893 (141)
2033 (?)
? (?)
421 (?)
2904 (513)
Knapps Farm, Doulting Beacon
Exeter Cathedral
Durleigh, St Hugh
St Albans, St Peter
Felsted, Holy Cross
Felsted, Holy Cross
Perth, The Bell Tower
St Leonards on Sea
Great Amwell
Knapps Farm, Doulting Beacon
St Leonards on Sea
Exeter, St Mark
Exeter, St Mark
Great Amwell
Great Ellingham
Bishops Hull
Durleigh, St Hugh
Sawbridgeworth, Great St Mary
Canterbury, St Dunstan
Stoke Minster
Canterbury, St Dunstan
St Albans, St Peter
Sampford Brett, St George
Eastbourne, Christ Church
Perth, St George’s Cathedral
Barnes, St Mary
Exeter Cathedral
Potterhanworth, St Andrew
Canterbury, St Dunstan
Bathwick, Blessed Virgin Mary
Portbury, Blessed Virgin Mary
Dunstable Priory
Perth, The Bell Tower
Saffron Walden
Derby, St Peter
Hooe, Dewbys Bells
Dawlish, St Gregory
Weston super Mare, St John
Knapps Farm, Doulting Beacon
Exeter Cathedral
Gloucester Cathedral
Knapps Farm, Doulting Beacon
Awbridge, Clock House Bells
Buckland St Mary
(continued overleaf)
356 – The Ringing World
April 12, 2013
LEADING QP RINGERS LIST – continued from p.355
Dave Kelly
Lesley Tucker
P Wendy Campbell
Anne Franklin
Jonathan Tallis
Ian J Culham
Edie Robinson
Peter Wilkinson
Mark A Wilson
Laura Ivey
Paul R Smith
Mary S Garner
Thomas Perrins
Ann-M Webb
David Webb
Jim Nixon
Esther Perrins
Carol Waller
Ken Waller
Pat Halls
Graham Nabb
Jean Nixon
Mike Seagrave
Martin J E Daniels
Michael Little
Mary Townsend
Angie Jasper
Gill Hughes
Marion Robinson
Morley Bray
David E Culham
Ken Brown
Jeremy Cheesman
Neil Williams
Helen Brown
Roy Cox
John Parsons
Rosemary A Maddocks
Bill Perrins
Molly Waterson
Mary Coe
Geoff Grayton
Douglas Neve
Christine Northeast
Caroline Daniels
James A Hodkin
Liz Shearman
Samuel M Austin
Richard Offen
John W Pollard
Yvonne A Woodcock
David CH Simpson
Henry Attfield
Sheila Cheesman
Harriet J Dodd
James Perrins
John David
David Hibbert
Pauline Kennard
Stuart Piper
John West
Madeline Reeder
Thomas R Garrett
Pippa Moss
Maggie Ross
Michael Bubb
Rosemary Cox
Linda Drew
# of Q
in 2012
# of Q
in lifetime Home or Leading Tower
109 (55) 2128 (1085)
109 (0)
2210 (13)
108 (0)
2218 (67)
108 (15)
646 (?)
145 (?)
107 (61)
197 (?)
107 (38)
1143 (?)
106 (30) 1332+ (447+)
105 (22)
503 (38)
104 (0)
? (?)
104 (27)
923 (385)
103 (0)
1025 (?)
103 (?)
c500 (?)
102 (13)
800+ (?)
101 (34)
889 (?)
100 (0)
695 (3)
100 (?)
1400+ (?)
100 (0)
1307 (27)
100 (20) 1290 (561)
99 (18) 1875 (496)
99 (39)
1675 (?)
99 (14)
1089 (77)
97 (3)
781 (34)
96 (13)
? (?)
96 (85) 1518 (790)
96 (9) 1583 (460)
95 (23)
? (?)
93 (15)
1581 (?)
93 (0)
1062 (?)
92 (0)
829 (65)
90 (10)
? (?)
89 (21) 1946 (495)
89 (29) 1399 (670)
89 (21) 2033 (424)
88 (2)
1449 (16)
88 (56) 2342 (1675)
88 (14)
545 (22)
87 (4)
547 (21)
87 (?)
? (?)
85 (13)
1730 (?)
84 (8)
560 (63)
83 (1)
459 (7)
83 (1)
248 (2)
83 (0) 1538+ (35)
82 (0)
? (?)
82 (61)
? (?)
81 (0)
80 (27) 1216 (500)
80 (46) 1619 (761)
80 (1)
564+ (3)
80 (0)
79 (20)
? (?)
78 (0)
295 (0)
78 (0)
? (?)
78 (1)
219 (2)
77 (?)
c350 (?)
76 (1)
872 (?)
76 (6)
498 (72)
76 (0)
500+ (?)
76 (14)
? (?)
76 (0)
? (?)
75 (?)
354 (?)
73 (28)
592 (?)
72 (0)
566 (0)
72 (18)
937 (166)
71 (63)
751 (582)
70 (0)
? (?)
70 (12) 4494 (281)
Exeter, St Mark
Exeter Cathedral
Weaverham. St Mary
Pershore Parish Centre
Perth, St George’s Cathedral
Croome D’Abitot
Sydney, St Andrew’s Cathedral
Loddon, Holy Trinity
Loddon, Holy Trinity
Penkridge, St Michael
Sydney, St Andrew’s Cathedral
St Mary Bourne
St Mary Bourne
Derby Cathedral
Penkridge, St Michael
Tewkesbury Abbey
Birchington, All Saints
Claremont, Christ Church
Belper, St Peter
Chippenham, St Andrew
Stoke Minster
Benhilton All Saints
Stoke Minster
Wick St Lawrence
Stoke Minster
Sydney, St Andrew’s Cathedral
Bathwick, St Mary the Virgin
Histon, St Andrew & St Ethelreda
Birchington, All Saints
Awbridge, Clock House Bells
Awbridge, Clock House Bells
Lyminge, St Mary and St Ethelburga
Claremont, Ch Ch/Perth, Bell Tower
Potterhanworth, St Andrew
Perth, St George’s Cath/Bell Tower
Benhilton, All Saints
Awbridge, Clock House Bells
Sydney, St Andrew’s Cathedral
Vale Guernsey
Caistor, SS P&P/ Grasby, All Saints
Pershore Parish Centre
Old Cleeve, St Andrew
Pershore Parish Centre
St Andrew Preston
Vale Guernsey
Stoke sub Hamdon
(continued opposite)
Open University Society
Spring Meeting
2nd & 3rd March 2013
in the Wirral and Liverpool
First, congratulations to the band which
rang a peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor at
Woodchurch on Friday evening prior to
the meeting.
On Saturday members gathered at Wallasey
to find two towers in the churchyard, though
only one with bells, the previous church and
bells had been destroyed by fire in 1857
leaving only the tower. According to history, a
grocer stored bacon in the church and the fat
caught fire. A new church was built and the
present ring of 6 installed in 1859. An
interesting peal board detailed a peal rung half
muffled in January 1916 in ‘Honour of Britons
Heroes’. Plain and Little Bob, Cambridge,
Stedman and Grandsire were rung before
moving on the Port Sunlight.
The industrialist William Lever built a
model village here for his soap factory
workers; everybody remembers Sunlight Soap
from their childhood. Peals in 1988 celebrated
the centenary of the formation of Port Sunlight
and in 2004 that of the bells and church.
What appeared to be a full set of bound
Ringing Worlds lined the ringing chamber.
We rang Plain and Little Bob and attempted
Double Norwich. Olav arrived just in time not
to be reported AWOL and to ring Grandsire.
On to the eight at Bromborough, apparently
the first eight on the Wirral; tricky bells as the
ropes of two of the bells clattered down in
front of the clock case. This had taken its toll
with great splinters of wood being dislodged
and probably a good bit of rope damage as
well. We tried the Double Norwich again and
Plain Bob and Stedman.
We enjoyed an excellent leisurely lunch at
Raby before going to Burton. Some had a
wander to look at the Quaker graves just
outside of the churchyard in unconsecrated
ground. There were some unusual ‘sticks’ on
the wall of the ringing room displaying the
order of bells. We rang Norwich, St Clements,
Single Oxford, Cambridge and Grandsire.
We then visited the home tower of our
organiser, Neston, which he refers to as a good
if not spectacular eight. The church displayed
some Viking stones found in the vicinity and
had a well appointed social area where we had
tea. This time we successfully rang Double
Norwich as well as Stedman, Grandsire, Bob
Triples and Little Bob. This was followed by a
splendid tea prepared by our organiser’s
mother, it was a bonus in that it was free, in
accordance with Wirral tradition.
Our final tower of the day was Heswall, a
nice light ring of eight, the tower wall
displayed some modern peal boards with a
nautical theme and a board with the usual
call changes and one I had never heard of
called Good Shepherd (513246 or 75132468).
The Ringing World – 357
April 12, 2013
Here we rang Erin, Oxford Bob Triples and
Double Norwich.
Some then went for refreshment at the local
hostelry or to their accommodation for the
night or indeed home.
A misty start to Sunday gave way to a
sunny but cold day for the trip across the
Mersey to Liverpool, We joined local ringers
at Our Lady and St Nicholas (Pier Head) an
excellent 12, reputed to be one of the best in
Northern England, members joined in with
Rounds and Call Changes, Little Bob and
Plain Hunt.
Everybody moved on to the spectacular St
Francis Xavier, an easy lovely sounding eight.
Travelling a few miles to Tuebrook, we could
have been forgiven for thinking it was also a
catholic church. The ringing chamber was
spectacularly decorated in red, green, cream
and gold. The bells were half muffled for lent
and we joined in with Yorkshire, Grandsire
and Stedman.
We found an impressive pub for lunch
called the Philharmonia, all the rooms were
named after composers and I am told the gents
was spectacular
The piẻce de rẻsistance of the weekend
was a visit to Liverpool Cathedral, just as
terrifying as I remember from my previous
visit years ago. We joined the monthly
practice however, but were only brave
enough to ring rounds and call changes.
Tim impressed by strapping the tenor.
Many thanks to David Jones for arranging
the weekend and also to the local ringers in
Liverpool for making us so welcome for
Sunday ringing.
The Society welcomes new members,
details can be found on the web site opuscr/
Sue Tompsett
Holy Cross
Fri Mar 1 2013 2h43 (4)
5040 Cambridge S Minor
1 Robert W Jones
2 G Mary Coe
3 Peter J Rowe
4 Rosemary A Maddocks
5 Denise A Hughes
6 David T G Jones (C)
For St David’s Day.
1st for the Society: 4,6.
Rung on the back six.
An attractive range of
hand crafted bell jewellery
in 9ct gold and sterling silver.
Send for a free brochure from:
Andrew Gordon
Bell Jewellery at Allums Jewellers Ltd
48-50 New Street,
Wellington, Telford,
Shropshire, TF1 1NE
 01952 244983
Wendy Daw
Philip Gorrod
Thomas G Scase
Stella Shell
Angela Brown
Gerald Brown
James E Daniels
Anthony J Freemont
Robert (Rusty) Walters
Tony Lees
Cordelia Warr
Peter J Woollam
Pam M Bailey
Susan Bailey
Jayne Hodgkin
Georgina Barratt
Edmund Hartley
Ian Hayden
Sian Austin
Sally K Lawrence
Pamela A Manger
Jon Reed
Howard Collings
David C Manger
Stephen W Rabong
Timothy Attride
Susan Capey
Nigel Davis
Reg Hitchings
David Sheekey
Hilary Smith
Paul Treby
George E Wyatt
Lloyd Cartwright
Nicky David
Alistair Donaldson
Jane Hitchens
Ken Hodgkin
Ian G Smith
Vicky de-Vries
Peter Neil
Stuart Willmott
Charlotte Boyce
Joe Allen
Philip George
David Knewstub
Duncan Loweth
Brian J Owen
Jane Owen
Matthew Pike
Emma Tapsell
Janet Wilson
Harry E Curtis
Christine Langton
Hugo Tracey
Brian Watson
Josephine Beever
Peter J R Bevis
R M Casserley
Marisa Hayes
Irene MacKenzie
John P Burton
Michelle Clutten
Edward F Hancock
James P Mort
Mary Rixon
George M Salter
Robin J Walker
# of Q
in 2012
69 (0)
69 (35)
69 (50
68 (0)
67 (0)
67 (24)
67 (0)
67 (5)
67 (5)
66 (1)
66 (21)
65 (0)
64 (0)
64 (11)
64 (0)
63 (0)
63 (7)
63 (27)
62 (6)
62 (0)
62 (0)
62 (7)
61 (12)
61 (23)
61 (10)
60 (4)
60 (0)
60 (0)
60 (22)
60 (0)
60 (5)
60 (0)
60 (1)
59 (6)
59 (0)
58 (16)
58 (0)
58 (0)
57 (1)
56 (0)
56 (21)
56 (0)
55 (?)
54 (1)
54 (26)
54 (0)
54 (3)
54 (?)
54 (?)
54 (0)
54 (0)
54 (1)
53 (1)
53 (2)
53 (4)
53 (18)
52 (3)
52 (9)
52 (0)
52 (10)
52 (0)
51 (7)
51 (1)
51 (7)
51 (18)
51 (?)
51 (12)
51 (21)
# of Q
in lifetime Home or Leading Tower
1570+ (3)
834 (358)
553 (211)
? (?)
1157 (501)
? (?)
447 (?)
? (?)
420 (7)
297 (?)
184 (?)
1388 (?)
291 (25)
562 (15)
? (?)
1884 (?)
284 (?)
430 (27)
? (?)
? (?)
464 (?)
904 (110)
1938 (880)
426 (?)
233 (5)
98 (?)
? (0)
667 (202)
? (0)
234 (2)
80 (?)
? (?)
703 (0)
443 (115)
? (?)
525 (0)
133 (3)
79 (0)
1269 (?)
? (0)
? (?)
? (?)
756 (393)
1131 (0)
110 (?)
268 (?)
365 (?)
? (?)
? (0)
? (?)
? (?)
470 (7)
258 (4)
1254 (487)
1093 (92)
? (?)
2318 (?)
? (?)
? (?)
1311 (107)
239 (?)
1039 (181)
? (?)
? (?)
? (?)
504 (117)
Stoke Minster
Debenham, St Mary Magdalene
Eastbourne, Christ Church
Stanford Dingley
Durleigh, St Hugh
Awbridge, Clock House Bells
Oswestry, St Oswald, King & Martyr
Sydney, St Mary’s Basilica
Derby Cathedral
Oswestry, St Oswald, King & Martyr
Oswestry, St Oswald, King & Martyr
Beddington, St Mary
Claremont, Christ Church
Bathwick, St Mary the Virgin
Huntingdon, St Mary
Unattached, Hertfordshire
Durleigh, St Hugh
Loddon, Holy Trinity
Birchington, All Saints
Oswestry, St Oswald, King & Martyr
Croome D’Abitot
Cheltenham Warden Hill
Birchington, All Saints
Hailsham, St Mary
West Cranmore
Perth, The Bell Tower
Guernsey, St Michel du Valle
Seeping St James
Claremont, Christ Church
Bath, Lansdown, St Stephen
Oswestry, St Oswald, King & Martyr
Westgate, St Saviours
Tiverton, St Peter
Vale Guernsey
Great Gransden, St Bartholomew
Perth, The Bell Tower
Vale Guernsey
Birchington, All Saints
Willingdon, St Mary the Virgin
Nottingham, All Saints
Tunbridge Wells
Apsley End
Buxhall, St Mary
Alderney, St Anne
St Giles in the Fields
Perth. St George’s Cath/Bell Tower
Aldridge, St Mary
Croome D’Abitot
Redbourn, St Mary
Croome D’Abitot
(concluded overleaf)
358 – The Ringing World
April 12, 2013
Balderton outing
LEADING QP RINGERS LIST – concluded from p.357
Vanessa E Webster
Nick Cant
Eddie Dicken
David Harris
Tom Langton
Helen M McGregor
Robert J Scase
Felicity Webster
Jane Wheeler
# of Q
in 2012
51 (6)
50 (11)
50 (2)
50 (3)
50 (6)
50 (0)
50 (1)
50 (2)
50 (?)
# of Q
in lifetime Home or Leading Tower
? (?)
212 (?)
? (?)
704 (26)
538 (40)
? (?)
327 (11)
133 (2)
157 (?)
Cherry Hinton
Eastbourne, Christ Church
Hertford, All Saints
Nottingham, All Saints
Alderney, St Anne
Debenham, St Mary Magdalene
Epsom, St Martin’s
Centenary quarter peal at Auckland, NZ
The eight bells in the tower of St Matthew
in the City in Auckland were cast by John
Warner & Sons at Spitalfields in London in
1862. Originally, they hung in a wooden tower
at Bishopscourt Parnell and were transferred
to St Matthew’s in 1906.
The bells were fully restored at the
Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London in 1971
as a memorial to Frank and Bessie Lack, late
of Great Staunton, Huntingdonshire.
The entire work of dismantling, preparing
for shipping and rehanging the bells was done
by volunteer labour of Bellringers and friends
-under the general direction of David
Cauldwell and assisted by Bill Lack.
The Vicar, Revd Morris Russell, AKC,
rededicated the bells on Easter Day 1972.
The first quarter peal on the bells was ring
on the 11th August 1912. The method was
Grandsire Triples.
On Saturday, 11th August 2012 a band,
comprising mainly Auckland ringers, plus
two from Hamilton, rang a quarter peal of
Grandsire Triples to mark the centenary.
Auckland Tower Captain, Michael Stone,
also rang in a quarter peal of Grandsire
Triples on the same day at Barrow Gurney,
Somerset, England, whilst on holiday in the
UK (see p.1002).
Auckland, New Zealand. (S Matthew-in-the-City)
11 Aug, 1260 Grandsire Triples: John N Dunn 1, Abi
Davies 2, Arnold J Smith 3, Peter J Adams 4, Mary
Sluter 5, Dennis Green 6, Frank Sluter (C) 7, Geoffrey
Waller 8. Rung to celebrate the ringing of the first
quarter peal in the tower on Sunday 11th August 1912.
Rung 100 years later on the same date, method and
number of changes.
Left to right: standing at the back:
Geoff Waller, Frank Sluter; middle row
seated: Arnold Smith, Abi Davies, Mary Sluter,
Peter Adams; front row: John Dunn
and Dennis Green
To contribute articles, news items, cartoons, reports, snippets,
letters, poems and suggestions.
Remember high quality photographs and illustrations make all the difference.
Please send to:
ROBERT LEWIS, Editor, The Ringing World,
35A High Street, ANDOVER, Hampshire, SP10 1LJ
Tel: 01264 366620, Email:
At St Giles, Balderton, Notts. the ringers
have an annual coach outing, usually in May.
We also have an annual ‘Wake Up’ mini
outing on New Year’s Day, ringing at two
towers in the morning (not TOO early)
followed by lunch in a pub.
A few months ago we started to teach a
new young recruit. It’s lovely to have a
young learner again. Amy is eleven, learning
quickly and likes ticking the attendance
register. Mum Linda and Granddad Derrick
both ring at St Giles, so, as tutors, we have
the benefit of not just parental backup, but
also grandparent support.
New Year’s Day this year was Amy’s first
ringing outing, and first ringing on other bells.
She also wrote the report for the monthly
Parish News Magazine, which follows below,
exactly as she wrote it.
Beryl Reed
Balderton, Nottinghamshire
* * * * * *
Amy’s view:
On Tuesday, 1st January 2013 we, the
Bellringers of St Giles, Balderton, went on our
annual Bellringing outing. This year we went
to two churches, as usual. It was my first
outing as a ringer, and we started off at Eagle
in the chilly winter sunshine.
There are six bells at Eagle with the Tenor
(the heaviest bell = Tenor, the lightest bell =
Treble!) being about the same weight of that
at Balderton. The last time Ringers from
Balderton rang there was 1987 – 26 years ago
to the date! Once the bells were up and some
of the more experienced Ringers had rung, it
was my turn to have a go. I rang the 2nd. It
was hard at first, but once you got into the
swing of things it became easier. We rang
there on and off 40 minutes. Then off to
Thorpe-on-the-Hill in convoy!
When we arrived at the church with the
lightest bells in Lincolnshire, some of us
noticed that we had a mention on the church
notice board! I think it was a first for all of us
at this church, as they had an ECO-TOILET
(I won’t go into detail about it though!).
Once again they had six bells but these
were quite a bit lighter than the last and a
ground floor ring again. Just the same as at
the last church after the bells were up and
some of the more experienced bellringers had
rung it was my turn! This time I rang the 4th,
which was about the same weight as that of
the 2nd at Eagle (the higher the number of
the bell the heavier it gets and the deeper and
louder the sound!).
We rang on and off for another 40 minutes,
with everyone getting two or more rings at
both towers. Then off once again in convoy to
Aubourn for a meal at ‘The Royal Oak’.
I really enjoyed myself and I am sure all of
the rest of the Bellringers did. On behalf of
all the Bellringers, I would like to say a big
thank to Beryl and Colin Reed for organising
the outing.
Ed. – We’re sorry that it has taken a little
while to include Amy’s excellent account of
this trip.
April 12, 2013
St Magnus the Martyr
Fri Mar 15 2013 3h39 (27)
5280 Kent TB Maximus
Comp. Trad.
1 David J Dearnley
2 James H Foster
3 Paul N Mounsey
4 Jennifer M Herriott
5 W Nigel G Herriott
6 Gwen Rogers
7 Terry J C Streeter
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 Stephen Coaker (C)
10Paul J Tiebout
11Philip Rogers
12Philip R Goodyer
1st Kent Treble Bob Maximus
on tower bells by all.
Blessed Virgin Mary
& St Edward K&M
Sat Mar 16 2013 3h6 (11)
5152 Nailstone S Major
Comp. S Humphrey,
arr. R Baldwin
1 Mervyn C Way
2 Sheila C Matthews
3 Lesley A Knipe
4 Susan A Haines
5 Michael Hatchett
6 Jeffrey Knipe
7 Richard H Johnston
8 Fergus M S Stracey (C)
Som, Blessed Virgin Mary
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h47 (9)
5040 Plain Minor
(1 ext each Single Oxford, Double
Oxford, Pinehurst, Thelwall, St
Clements College, Buxton, Childwall B)
1 Robert Perry
2 Lorna E Swan
3 Teresa J Humphrey
4 Nicola J Williams
5 Gerald V Skelly
6 Andrew H Ball (C)
Rung before evensong in
honour of Tower captain Stuart
Ford’s 85th birthday, and to
congratulate him on the
presentation of an award for
exceptional service to the craft
of hedgelaying by HRH Prince
Charles on behalf of the
National Hedgelaying Society.
Tue Mar 26 2013 1h57 (20lb)
5220 Chester Le Cat A Major
Arr. R D S Brown
1 Margaret E L Chapman
2 Sheila C Matthews
3 Anna M P Piechna
4 Raymond Haines
5 D John Hunt
6 Christopher R Field
7 Andy Mead
8 Robert Perry (C)
First peal in the method.
Rung as a birthday compliment
to Margaret’s cat, Chester, who
is 20 years old today (Treble
does ‘Cats Ears’ in 7-8!).
Chester Le Cat A Major:
x3x4x5x6x2x3x456.7 2nds
The Ringing World – 359
Submit peals via BellBoard:
KILHAM, E Yorks, All Saints
Wed Jan 30 2013 3h4 (15)
5040 Beighton S Minor
Comp. Traditional
1 C Barrie Dove
2 Dinah M Donovan
3 Robert M Wood
4 F Neville Pailing
5 Neil Donovan
6 Robert H Jordan (C)
Remembering Roger Bailey
who died on 22nd January.
Completes all dates in January
for peals: 6.
2,950th peal for the Yorkshire
Association: 1.
Also rung for the Yorkshire
Warwicks, The Plantagenet Ring
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h37 (2)
5088 Cambridge S Major
Comp. N J Pitstow
1 Michael J Dew
2 Philip R Wild
3 Ruth Stokes
4 Simon L Edwards
5 Raymon A Sheasby
6 Desmond L Jones
7 Michael D Fiander
8 Christopher C Stokes (C)
BELPER, Derbys, St Peter
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h51 (14)
5024 Pudsey S Major
Comp. John S Warboys
1 Peter W Dickinson
2 Philip J H Hudson
3 Rosemary A Maddocks
4 Tony Lees
5 Robert J Marchbank
6 Mike Lilley
7 Colin Aked
8 John V Chadwick (C)
For the enthronement of Justin
Welby, 105th Archbishop of
Tue Mar 26 2013 1h44 (10lb)
5040 Spliced S Minor
(41m: Carlisle, Wooler, Whitley,
Newcastle, Chester, Northumb,
Morpeth, Sandiacre, Canterbury,
Munden, Alnwick, London, Kelso,
Lincoln, Coldstream, Cunecastre,
Wells, Ipswich, Bourne, Cambridge,
York, Durham, Hull, Primrose,
Norfolk, Beverley, Berwick, Hexham,
Surfleet, Norwich, Netherseale,
Westminster, Allendale, Warkworth,
Wearmouth, Lightfoot, Bamborough,
Annable’s London, Rossendale,
Stamford, Bacup)
Comp. J S Warboys
(SUO309; SUO403)
1 Ian W Avery
2 Pauline Champion
3 Paul J Pascoe
4 James Grant
5 Robert D S Brown
6 Michael E C Mears (C)
Som, St John the Baptist
Sat Mar 9 2013 2h48 (11)
5184 Belfast S Major
Comp. J S Warboys
1 Hilary A Beresford
2 Charlotte A Boyce
3 Lynne P Hughes
4 Timothy M Payne
5 Richard H Johnston
6 Fergus M S Stracey
7 John R Martin (C)
8 Donald B Carter
First peal in method: 2.
25th peal this year: 1,8 and
Devon, St John Evan
Thu Mar 21 2013 3h15 (17)
5042 Yorkshire S Maximus
Comp. S Jenner
1 Lester J Yeo
2 Susan D Sparling
3 Pauline Champion
4 Peter L Bill
5 Jill M Hansford
6 Alison C Waterson
7 Roger King
8 Andrew P Digby
9 Ian V J Smith
10Thomas J Waterson
11Michael E C Mears (C)
12David Hird
To celebrate Peter Bill
becoming an OAP (tomorrow).
St Leonard’s Tower
Mon Mar 25 2013 2h46 (8)
5184 Bristol S Major
Comp. R D S Brown
1 Ian W Avery
2 Peter L Bill
3 Clare J Griffiths
4 Jill M Hansford
5 Thomas J Waterson
6 Pauline Champion
7 David Hird
8 Michael E C Mears (C)
Birthday compliment to Mary
Wobbly Bobs Campanile
Wed Mar 27 2013 1h50 (10lb)
5056 Xoros D Major
Comp. D W Beard
(arr. B V Mountjoy)
1 Robert D S Brown
2 Ian V J Smith
3 David Hird
4 Alison C Waterson
5 Susan D Sparling
6 Ian W Avery
7 Pauline Champion
8 Michael E C Mears (C)
SUNDERLAND, Tyne & Wear,
St Andrew, Roker
Sun Mar 17 2013 3h8 (22)
5040 Helen B Royal
Comp. Traditional
1 Paul D A Mills
2 E Alyson Kerr
3 Alexander T G Pym
4 Karen Dickinson
5 Wendy Belsey
6 Alan M Barber (C)
7 Christine Richardson
8 Kristopher King
9 Clive R Moon
10Jeremy Housden
A 23rd birthday compliment to
Helen Elizabeth Richardson.
First peal in the method.
Helen B Royal:
x 4 x 3 x 45 x 5 x 5 lh12
St Andrew
Sat Feb 23 2013 2h40 (5)
5040 Surprise Minor
(7m: Netherseale, Bourne, Ipswich,
Beverley, Surfleet, Cambridge, Norwich)
1 Colin A Johnson
2 Marion A Robinson
3 Philip D Bailey
4 Janet C Garnett
5 Roderick M Johnstone
6 Edith M Robinson (C)
Rung in celebration of Marion’s
70th birthday.
All Saints
Sat Mar 16 2013 2h48 (7)
5024 Jersey S Major
Comp. R D S Brown
1 Colin A Johnson
2 Edith M Robinson
3 Susan E Marsden
4 Barbara I Le Gallez
5 Philip D Bailey
6 Robert P Wood
7 Michael G Purday (C)
8 Alan T Winter
100th peal together: 2 & 3.
HISTON, Cambs, St Andrew
Sat Mar 16 2013 2h40 (9)
5024 Beer S Major
Comp. D F Morrison (No.3542)
1 Colin A Johnson
2 Jane K A Hough
3 Helen C Atkins
4 Susan E Marsden
5 Richard C Smith
6 Robert P Wood
7 Alan T Winter
8 Michael G Purday (C)
TERLING, Essex, All Saints
Sun Mar 17 2013 2h46 (11)
5088 Highclere Castle S Major
Comp. D F Morrison (No.6423)
1 Terry Earle
2 Yvonne A Towler
3 Paul A Cammiade
4 Christina D A Brewster
5 James L Towler
6 David L Sparling
7 David M Hengeli
8 Alan P Mayle (C)
First peal in the method by and
for the Association.
LONGCOT, Oxon, St Mary V
Sat Mar 16 2013 2h48 (8)
5088 Bristol S Major
Comp. A J Cox
1 Brian Bladon
2 Peter Bridle
3 Peter G Holden
4 Michael J Hobbs
5 Sarah B Ewbank
6 Diana M Bridle
7 Anthony J Cox (C)
8 Rebecca J Cox
BRISTOL, Cathedral Church
of the Holy & Undivided Trinity
Fri Mar 22 2013 3h10 (21)
5056 Peterborough S Major
Comp. A G Reading
1 Matthew D Dawson
2 Christine Andrew
3 Ian R Fielding
4 Alex W Tatlow
5 Anthony J Cox
6 Rebecca J Cox
7 Ian P Hill
8 Alan G Reading (C)
St Andrew
Fri Mar 1 2013 2h35 (7)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 diff exts)
1 Keith G Game
2 C Martin Foster
3 Alison Grey
4 Alexander J Skerritt
5 Andrew L Mainwaring
6 Ashley C Fortey (C)
A 70th birthday compliment to
Keith Game for next week.
BURNLEY, Lancs, St Peter
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h54 (18)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging
(14m: 360 each Morpeth, London S,
College Exercise TB, Cambridge,
Rossendale, Cunecastre S, Dover D,
Norfolk S, Oxford TB, Donottar D,
Chester S, Wath D, Netherseale S,
Bogedone D)
BURGHILL, Herefs, St Mary
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h55 (10)
5152 Spliced S Major
Arr. P J Earis from J S Warboys
1 Pauline Campling
2 Michael H Tompsett
3 Simon D Woof
4 Richard J Parker
5 John M Thurman (C)
6 George H Campling
Happy 2nd birthday to Erin
600th peal: 5.
Comp. S D Chandler,
arr. B H Taylor
1 C Martin Foster
2 Ashley C Fortey
3 James Clatworthy
4 Richard J Clements
5 David Jenkins
6 Roman E Sadowski
7 Bernard H Taylor (C)
8 Andrew L Mainwaring
SEFTON, Merseys, St Helen
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h49 (11)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1 Clarissa J E Caroe
2 John Hyden
3 William J Roberts
4 L Martin Daniels
5 Mark A Collings
6 Lenard J Mitchell (C)
To mark the centenary of the
death of Eleanor Jane
Alexandra Caroe in whose
memory the Church was
extensively restored by her
husband. The treble ringer is
their granddaughter.
(23m: 224 each Huddersfield,
Whalley, Cornwall, Belfast, Bristol,
London, Essex, Caterham, Norfolk,
Yeading, Chertsey, Sussex, Primrose,
Yorkshire, Moulton, Richmond,
Newcastle, Willesden, Chesterfield,
Northampton, Rutland, Newlyn,
Pudsey; 160 com, atw, eld)
Mon Mar 18 2013 2h35 (8)
5040 Surprise Minor
EDENHAM, Lincs, St Michael
Wed Mar 13 2013 3h (16)
5088 West Bridgford D Major
Comp. M Maughan
1 Martin F Mitchell
2 Susan E Marsden
3 Alistair M Donaldson
4 Robin H Rogers
5 Graham J N Colborne
6 W John Riley
7 Michael Maughan (C)
8 P Barry Jones
(7m: 1 ext each London, York, Durham,
Beverley, Surfleet, Norwich, Cambridge)
1 David A Cornwall
2 Janet E Menhinick
3 Keith D Waples
4 L Roy Woodruff
5 Robert J Crocker (C)
6 Stephen W Penney
Cathedral & Metropolitical
Church of Christ
Sat Mar 23 2013 3h22 (34)
5016 Plain Bob Maximus
Comp. Robert C Kippin
1 Andrew J Corby (C)
2 Cathryn M Hills
3 Paul I Butler
4 Thomas J E Brett
5 Andrew M Hills
6 Josephine D Horton
7 Brother Austin SSF
8 Malcolm J Smith
9 Paul A Barton
10Philip M Hills
11Mark Chittenden-Pile
12Philip H Larter
Rung for the Enthronement of
the Most RevD Justin Welby,
Archbishop of Canterbury.
FARNWORTH, Gtr Man, St John
Fri Mar 22 2013 2h52 (12)
5088 San Gimignano D Major
1 James E Andrews
2 Raymond A Hutchings
3 Jane Owen
4 Gail L Randall
5 Peter C Randall (C)
6 Derek J Thomas
7 Brian J Owen
8 Peter G Bellamy-Knights
SURFLEET, Lincs, St Laurence
Sat Mar 16 2013 2h54 (12)
5040 Donington A Major
Comp. M Maughan
1 Robin H Rogers
2 Martin F Mitchell
3 Alistair M Donaldson
4 James E Benner
5 Andrew J Davey
6 Alistair J Cherry
7 Michael Maughan (C)
8 P Barry Jones
First peal in the method.
Donington A Major:
le12 D
St Andrew
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h37 (7)
5040 Canterbury D Minor
(7 exts)
1 Margaret E Snyder
2 Mary S Faircloth
3 Graham J N Colborne
4 Philip R Wild
5 Philip R Grover
6 Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Rung to celebrate the
Enthronement of the 105th
Lord Archbishop of Canterbury,
His Grace, The Most Revd and
Rt Hon. Father in God, Justin
Portal Welby, which took place
earlier today at Canterbury
Rung with the bells fully
muffled for Lent.
First peal in the method by all
and for the Guild.
360 – The Ringing World
NEATH, Neath, St Thomas
Sat Feb 9 2013 2h36 (8)
5040 Doubles
(11m: 6 exts each Rev Canterbury,
Grandsire, Plain B; 3 exts each St
Remigius, Huntley, Winchendon, St
Nicholas, St Osmund, Eynesbury, St
Martin, St Simon)
1 Elizabeth Walters
2 Marice Sherlock
3 Anne L Kleiser
4 Alwyn R Lewis (C)
5 Malcolm T Johns
6 Andrew C John
Arranged and rung in memory
of Brian Rees, a ringer at this
church who died recently.
CAMPTON, Beds, All Saints
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h42 (6)
5184 Cambridge S Major
Comp. Brian Price
1 Stuart M Cox
2 Anthony H Smith
3 James K Eggleston
4 Richard W Butler
5 David L Sparling
6 Gareth Davies
7 Peter J Sanderson (C)
8 Linda M Garton
Remembering Roger Bailey, by
some of his friends.
HACKNEY, London E5,
St John the Baptist
Sat Mar 23 2013 3h13 (16)
5184 Stedman Caters
Comp. Trad
1 Philip Vracas
2 Rebecca A Cullen
3 Clive J Stephenson
4 Richard J Andrew
5 Elizabeth C Rayner
6 Stephen G Jakeman (C)
7 Ryan S Noble
8 Debbie Malin
9 Sean D Smith
10Kevin A Turner
First on ten: 10.
First in principle: 1,2.
First as conductor in principle.
LONGCOT, Oxon, St Mary
Tue Mar 12 2013 2h40 (8)
5056 Cooktown Orchid D Major
Comp. D F Morrison
1 William Butler
2 Beryl R Norris
3 Robert H Newton
4 John C Sheppard
5 Diana M Bridle
6 Peter Bridle
7 Martin J Turner
8 Timothy G Pett (C)
OXFORD, St Mary Magd
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h58 (7)
5031 Stedman Caters
Comp. John Pladdys
1 Kenneth R Davenport
2 Simon L Edwards
3 John Pladdys (C)
4 Catherine M A Lane
5 L Roy Woodruff
6 John H Napper
7 John G Pusey
8 Robert J Crocker
9 Darran Ricks
10David A Cornwall
Please consider submitting a donation with your peal report
MARLOW, Bucks, All Saints
Sat Mar 23 2013 2h54 (15)
5040 Stedman Triples
Arr. John Pladdys (No.7)
1 Janet E Menhinick
2 Julie A Haseldine
3 Christopher M Tuckett
4 John Pladdys (C)
5 Kenneth R Davenport
6 L Roy Woodruff
7 Andrew Haseldine
8 David A Cornwall
St Clement Danes
Sun Mar 24 2013 3h11 (21)
5021 Grandsire Caters
Comp. Philip A B Saddleton
1 Colin A Johnson
2 Susan E Marsden
3 Clare J Le Marie
4 Michael V White
5 Stephen W Goddard
6 Philip A B Saddleton (C)
7 Stephen C Wood
8 Richard S J Saddleton
9 R Mark Philipson
10Michael J Le Marie
To celebrate the 40th
Anniversary of the formation of
the Royal Air Force Guild of
MILTON, Oxon, St Blaise
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h35 (7)
5184 Warmington S Major
Comp. Harry Poyner
1 Cynthia E Howell
2 Brian Bladon
3 Nicola J Turner (C)
4 John C Sheppard
5 Colin M Turner
6 Peter G C Ellis
7 Richard L Thumwood
8 Peter Bridle
SHREWSBURY, Shrops, St Chad
Fri Mar 8 2013 3h44 (39)
5184 Bristol S Maximus
Comp. P N Mounsey
1 Lee Pinnington
2 Paul N Mounsey (C)
3 Mark R Eccleston
4 Adam A Brady
5 Shirley E McGill
6 Jonathan H Potter
7 Paul B Hunter
8 Christopher J Pickford
9 George H Campling
10Louis P H Suggett
11Gordon R Birks
12Paul J Tiebout
PRESTON, Dorset, St Andrew
Sat Mar 23 2013 2h50 (12)
5024 Spliced S Major
(4m: 1344 Glasgow; 1248 London; 1216
each Bristol, Belfast; 113 com, atw)
Comp. Roderick R Horton
1 Felicity S Warwick
2 Thomas R Garrett
3 Graham A Duke
4 Teresa J Dunstone
5 John R Schmidt
6 D John Hunt
7 Nigel R Woodruff
8 David A Warwick (C)
Rung to celebrate the 22nd
Wedding Anniversary of 1 and 8.
First peal in these four
methods for the Guild.
BRILL, Bucks, All Saints
Sat Feb 23 2013 2h49 (11)
5040 Minor
(7m: (1) Norwich S (2) Single Oxford
B (3) Oxford TB (4) Double Oxford B
(5) Kent TB (6) St Clements College B
(7) Cambridge S)
1 Peter J Nicholas
2 Julie A Haseldine
3 Kay Bartholomew
4 Simon L Edwards
5 Andrew Haseldine (C)
6 L Roy Woodruff
Rung as a farewell to the Revd
Tina Stirling, retiring from The
Bernwode Benefice after 15
COSGROVE, Northants,
SS Peter & Paul
Fri Mar 22 2013 2h44 (11)
5040 Surprise Minor
(7m: (1) Rossendale (2) Annable`s
London (3) Lincoln (4) Carlisle (5)
Wells (6) Bourne (7) Ipswich)
1 Raymond A Vickers
2 Julie A Haseldine
3 Ruth Stokes
4 Simon L Edwards
5 Andrew Haseldine
6 Christopher C Stokes (C)
Rung to celebrate the
enthronement of the Most
Revd and Rt Hon. Justin Portal
Welby as the 105th Archbishop
of Canterbury.
St Mary
Sat Mar 23 2013 2h42 (10)
5088 Upton Snodsbury S Major
Comp. D F Morrison
1 Jonathan P Tallis
2 Rosemary K Hemmings
3 Ian N Robinson
4 Robert Tregillus
5 Simon J O Head
6 Richard A Horne
7 Roderic K Bickerton
8 Michael Chester (C)
ACTON, Middx, St Mary
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h44 (14)
5120 Spliced S Major
(6m: 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire,
Yorkshire; 800 Pudsey; 896 Superlative;
1120 Rutland; 98 com, atw)
Comp. Marcus C W Sherwood
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Siân E Austin
3 Jonathan R Slack
4 Christopher P Giddins
5 Ryan S Noble
6 D Robert C Sworder
7 Stephen J F Mitchell (C)
8 James White
Most spliced: 4.
St Michael
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h43 (14)
5056 Ruthwaite Lodge S Major
Comp. Anthony J Cox
1 Graham M Bradshaw
2 Ruth Curtis
3 Murray A Coleman
4 Lenard J Mitchell
5 Peter C Randall
6 Nicholas A Churchman
7 Paul F Curtis
8 Ian Butters (C)
SS Simon & Jude
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h33 (12)
5056 Tritium S Major
Comp. Donald F Morrison
1 Martyn J Marriott
2 Ruth Curtis
3 Peter C Randall (C)
4 Ian Butters
5 Lenard J Mitchell
6 Graham M Bradshaw
7 Nicholas A Churchman
8 Paul F Curtis
To mark the installation, this
day, of Justin Welby as
Archbishop of Canterbury.
SALTBY, Leics, St Peter
Tue Mar 26 2013 2h52 (12)
5004 Fosdyke A Royal
Comp. Ian Butters No.557
1 Christopher C P Woodcock
2 Christopher N McCarthy
3 Mary S Faircloth
4 Peter J England
5 Murray A Coleman
6 Andrew B Mills
7 Nicholas A Churchman
8 Adrian P Sweeting
9 Matthew J Jones (tno)
10Ian Butters (C)
First peal in the method.
Fosdyke A Royal:
-30-14-12-36.14.50-34-10-1870, Group B
St Mary the Virgin
Sat Mar 23 2013 2h57 (10)
5016 St Clement’s College B
Comp. S D Pettman
1 Adrian Knights
2 Richard A Knight
3 Christine A Knight
4 Brian E Whiting
5 Alex W Tatlow
6 Joan Garrett
7 Lawrence R Pizzey
8 George M Salter
9 Jed Flatters
10Paul V Stannard
11Thomas G Scase
12Stephen D Pettman (C)
First on 12: 8.
Circled tower: 5.
450th together: 1 & 12.
1,500th peal: 12.
Believed to be the first peal on
the method on 12 bells.
St Clement’s College B
&-1T-3T-3T-3T-3T-3T, le12
OLD STOKE, Ipswich, Suffolk,
The Wolery
Tue Mar 26 2013 1h42 (9lb)
5040 Spliced S Minor
(14m: (1) Lightfoot & Wearmouth (2)
Berwick & Hexham (3) London &
Wells (4) York & Durham (5)
Westminster & Allendale (6) Beverley
& Surfleet (7) Ipswich & Cambridge)
1 Michael J Edwards
2 George E Thoday
3 Colin F Salter
4 Katharine J Salter
5 George M Salter
6 David G Salter (C)
First of spliced: 3.
First of spliced Minor: 5.
The Ringing World’s
You can rely on it
Holy Trinity
Wed Mar 20 2013 2h44 (11)
5056 Dereham S Major
Comp. David W Beard
1 Ian H Oram
2 Jacqueline M Barlow
3 Margaret L Sherwood
4 Margaret E Oram
5 Anne E Franklin
6 Thomas M Barlow
7 James W Belshaw (C)
8 David Kirkcaldy
Rung to mark the 90th birthday
today of Roy Kirkcaldy. One
time member of this
Association and ringer at
Hurstpierpoint then Westham.
BRONLLYS, Breconshire,
St Mary
Fri Mar 22 2013 2h34 (7)
5040 Doubles
(4m: 12 exts Plain B; 10 exts each St
Simon’s, St Martin’s, Grandsire)
1 Alison C Alcock
2 Colin A Lewis
3 Malcolm T Johns
4 Alwyn R Lewis
5 Anne L Kleiser (C)
6 Lloyd R Evans
Rung for the 40th wedding
anniversary of Anne and Colin
First peal as conductor.
All Saints
Sun Mar 10 2013 2h54 (11)
5152 Zirconium S Major
Comp. A J Cox
1 Fiona M Wheeler
2 Angela M Athawes
3 Peter Bridle
4 Diana M Bridle
5 Douglas J Beaumont
6 Adam S Greenley
7 Benjamin D Constant (C)
8 Claire F Roulstone
Our Lady of Warnford
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h44 (13)
5040 Cambridge S Minor
Comp. R Bailey (No.3)
1 E C Gareth Higgs
2 Rachel C Byford
3 Andrew J Byford
4 James W G Twiney
5 John A Dodd
6 Edward P D Colliss (C)
80th birthday compliment to
Peter Short.
Clock House Bells
Tue Mar 26 2013 2h19 (3)
5024 Cambridge S Major
Comp. T B Worsley
1 Brian J Woodruffe (C)
2 Janet L Morris
3 Patricia D Spink
4 Richard M Thompson
5 Roy LeMarechal
6 James A Hodkin
7 John A Dodd
8 Andrew J Dodd
Rung to mark the 10th
anniversary of Andrew’s first
peal (24th March 2003).
April 12, 2013
Worcs, St Peter
Fri Mar 22 2013 2h44 (10)
5152 Superlative S Major
Comp. R B Pullin
1 Geoffrey M Brewin
2 Paul R Smith
3 Deborah M Talbott
4 Richard B Pullin (C)
5 Stuart P B Talbott
6 Andrew D Hodgson
7 Alan E M Bagworth
8 Nicholas D Brown
A treat for the conductor on the
eve of his birthday.
With compliments to Miss
Vivien Barnes and Mrs
Margaret Harris, retired Hinton
ringers who celebrated their
birthdays earlier this month.
BARNSLEY, S Yorks, St Mary
Fri Jan 4 2013 2h56 (13)
5024 Plain Bob Major
Comp. Gabriel Lindoff
1 Helen E Thorley
2 Tracey J Jones
3 L Gillian Moreton
4 Michael Sheeran
5 Adrian M Moreton
6 Alan M Shelbourn
7 Brian A Sanders (C)
8 J Richard Pagdin
Rung in celebration for the life
of George Hancock.
BARNSLEY, S Yorks, St Mary
Fri Jan 11 2013 3h1 (13)
5088 Kent TB Major
Comp. Andrew J Corrigan
1 Adrian M Moreton
2 Tracey J Jones
3 Trevor C Ledger
4 Alan M Shelbourn
5 J Rodney Pagdin
6 Michael Sheeran
7 Brian A Sanders (C)
8 J Richard Pagdin
Birthday compliments to
Tracey Jones.
First treble dodging Major away
from treble: 2.
BARNSLEY, S Yorks, St Mary
Fri Mar 8 2013 2h55 (13)
5056 Spliced S Major
(8m: 928 Rutland; 736 Bristol; 576
each Cambridge, Pudsey,
Superlative, Yorkshire; 544 each
Lincolnshire, London; 152 com)
Comp. N R Aspland
1 Tracey J Jones
2 Michael Sheeran
3 Alan M Shelbourn
4 Neil Donovan
5 Adrian M Moreton
6 J Rodney Pagdin
7 Brian A Sanders (C)
8 J Richard Pagdin
First of Spliced S Major: 6.
St John Div
Sat Mar 9 2013 3h6 (22)
5056 Deva S Major
Comp. D F Morrison
1 Peter W McCoy
2 Neil Donovan
3 Dinah M Donovan
4 Andrew P Thackeray
5 Adrian M Moreton
6 Tim R Palmer
7 Simon J Reading
8 Christopher M Bennett (C)
100th as conductor.
April 12, 2013
Christ Church, Dore
Wed Mar 20 2013 2h46 (11)
5152 Welby D Major
Comp. R F Knights
1 Chris Bostock
2 Gail L Randall
3 C Barrie Dove
4 Neil Donovan
5 Richard F Knights (C)
6 Tim R Palmer
7 Simon J Reading
8 Peter C Randall
Rung on the eve of the
enthronement of Justin Welby
as Archbishop of Canterbury.
First peal in the method.
Welby D Major:
f -34-4-2-1-234-5-234-5
YORK, St Lawrence
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h49 (7)
5152 Spliced S Major
(14m: 448 each Bristol, Cambridge,
Cassiobury, Ipswich, Lincolnshire,
London, Rutland, Uxbridge, Yorkshire;
224 each Ashtead, Cornwall, Lindum,
Pudsey, Superlative; 139 com, atw)
Comp. N Smith
1 Michael Sheeran
2 Neil Donovan (C)
3 Dinah M Donovan
4 Paul T Young
5 Robert H Jordan
6 Gary J Audley
7 Roger S Riley
8 C Barrie Dove
On the 40th anniversary of the
Lofthouse Colliery disaster
(21st March 1973) when seven
miners lost their lives after
flooding of underground
St Michael & All Angels
Sun Mar 24 2013 2h44 (9)
5056 Cornwall S Major
Comp. J W Holdsworth
1 Penelope J Thorley
2 Jane Lynch
3 John R Welch
4 Susan E Welch
5 James W Holdsworth (C)
6 Paul Brook
7 Neil J Murray
8 Adam R Crocker
LEEDS, W Yorks,
St Anne’s Cathedral (R.C.)
Mon Mar 25 2013 2h40 (9)
5088 Ingoldmells S Major
1 Katharine M Thorley
2 Graham J N Colborne
3 C Barrie Dove (C)
4 Roger S Riley
5 Gail L Randall
6 Peter C Randall
7 Neil J Murray
8 Robert J Crocker
26th alphabet to peals of S
Major: 3.
All Saints Minster
Mon Mar 25 2013 3h29 (35)
5042 Swindon S Maximus
Comp. Richard I Allton No.800
1 Dinah M Donovan
2 Neil Donovan (C)
3 Christopher C P Woodcock
4 Trevor C Ledger
5 Christopher M Bennett
6 Gary J Audley
7 Robert H Jordan
8 John E Hawes
9 Chris Bostock
10Ian Lloyd
11Timothy R Palmer
12Malcolm S Turner
Submit peals via BellBoard:
Handbell Peals
9 Hawthorn Lane
Tue Mar 19 2013 2h42 (15)
5040 Cambridge S Royal
Comp. I R Fielding
1-2 Neil D Lomas
3-4 James W Holdsworth (C)
5-6 Mungo B Stacy
7-8 David W Friend
9-10 Paul B Hunter
14 Park Road
Sun Mar 24 2013 1h56 (11)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Comp. C K Lewis
1-2 Geoffrey A Edwards
3-4 Ian W Taylor
5-6 Frank R Morton(C)
7-8 C Paul Cheshire
1,000th handbell peal: 5-6.
4a Cockshot Road
Wed Mar 20 2013 2h27 (14)
5088 Lessness S Major
Comp. G A C John
1-2 Alexandra J Hajok
3-4 Richard J Clements
5-6 Malcolm P Taylor
7-8 Bernard H Taylor (C)
12 Highfield Avenue
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h45 (15)
5040 Kent TB Royal
Comp. D F Morrison (No.366)
1-2 Karen M White
3-4 Mike Pidd
5-6 Peter N Felton
7-8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
9-10 Tom Page
First peal of Treble Bob Royal
on handbells: 9-10.
First peal of Treble Bob Royal
on an inside pair: 3-4.
50th handbell peal for the Guild
as conductor.
FLEET, Hants, 20 Burnside
Fri Mar 22 2013 2h35 (15)
5184 Spliced TB Major
(2m: 3840 Kent; 1344 Oxford;
Liversedge var; 84 com at half lead)
Comp. D F Morrison (No.2172)
1-2 Martin J Turner
3-4 Peter N Felton
5-6 W John Couperthwaite (C)
7-8 Mike Pidd
1,100th peal for the Guild: 5-6.
9G Highbury Crescent
Wed Feb 27 2013 2h25 (8)
5040 Kent TB Royal
Comp. D G Maynard
1-2 Peter J Blight
3-4 Samuel M Austin
5-6 David G Maynard (C)
7-8 Martin J Cansdale
9-10 Christopher D O’Mahony
90th birthday compliment to
John Jarvis (grandfather of 5-6).
You can read your own
handwriting – but can
our typesetters?
If in doubt, print it out!
15 Lytham End
Wed Mar 27 2013 2h16 (15)
5088 Oxford TB Major
Comp. W Hudson
1-2 Marcia L Dieppe
3-4 June D Wells
5-6 Kenneth R Davenport
7-8 E John Wells (C)
First in the method 1-2.
NORWICH, Norfolk,
42 Devon Way, Trowse
Thu Mar 21 2013 1h44 (14)
5040 Spliced S Minor
(27m: 384 Wells; 360 each
Warkworth, Whitley, York; 336
London; 240 each Allendale, Bacup,
Norfolk, Northumb, Primrose; 120
each Alnwick, Annable’s London,
Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley,
Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle,
Chester, Hexham, Ipswich, Morpeth,
Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle,
Rossendale, Westminster; 50 com,
atw, no 65s at backstroke)
Comp. P G C Ellis (No.1007)
1-2 Cherril C Spiller
3-4 Jeremy W Spiller (C)
5-6 David C Brown
15 Lytham End
Thu Mar 21 2013 2h18 (13)
5056 Cambridge S Major
Comp. C Middleton
1-2 June D Wells
3-4 Graham A C John (C)
5-6 Christopher P Cole
7-8 E John Wells
A birthday compliment to
Sarah Cole.
First in the method on an inside
pair: 5-6.
18 Sandhills Way Calcot
Tue Mar 26 2013 2h23 (15)
5184 Thanet S Major
Comp. Graham A C John
1-2 June D Wells
3-4 Kenneth R Davenport
5-6 Bernard F L Groves (C)
7-8 E John Wells
The Old Post Office
Sun Mar 10 2013 2h25 (15)
5040 Cambridge S Royal
Comp. C U G Collective
1-2 John S Croft
3-4 David Kemp
5-6 Emma J Southerington
7-8 Christopher D O’Mahony
9-10 Michael G Purday (C)
BACTON, Suffolk,
2 Pretyman Avenue
Tue Mar 26 2013 1h41 (13)
5040 Surprise Minor
(7m: 1 ext each Canterbury,
Newcastle, Alnwick, Northumb,
Munden, Rossendale, Bamborough)
1-2 Cherril C Spiller
3-4 Jeremy W Spiller (C)
5-6 Peter J Waterfield
LEEDS, W Yorks,
11 St Chad’s Drive, Headingley
Wed Mar 20 2013 2h (9)
5040 Surprise Minor
(2m: 3 exts Cambridge; 4 exts Bourne)
1-2 Katharine M Thorley
3-4 James W Holdsworth (C)
5-6 Paul Brook
Please help to reduce our office
administration costs and use
The Ringing World – 361
IoW Young Ringers’ outing
On a warm March day, the young bell
ringers (under 30 years) of the Isle of Wight
met up for their spring outing. Three towers
had been chosen, all very different from each
other, to give everyone more experience of
ringing on other bells. We all met at the first
tower and from then on we travelled round
together on a minibus. There were 12 ringers
from all over the Island all aged under 25.
We met at the first tower, Arreton, where a
good standard of striking was achieved.
These light and easy going bells (tenor 8cwt),
rung from the ground floor, were a good start
to the day with many different people calling
call changes and Plain Hunt Doubles was
also rung. Pleased with the ring we had had
there, we hopped on the minibus to go to the
next tower.
The second tower of the day was Godshill,
where an equally easy going ring of six bells
hang. Again with the tenor weighing just
8cwt, these bells proved no problem with any
of the ringers and much the same quality of
ringing was achieved here. This was surprising
considering the ringing light bulb had blown
as we were ringing up!
The third and final tower of the day was
very different to the previous two towers. Our
last tower was Ryde where there is a 26cwt
ring of eight. Although these bells are not
particularly easy to ring or strike well, nobody
was phased by the weight, and four or five
people (all under 20) rang the tenor behind to
some well struck call changes.
And that was the end of the outing, for
some anyway. After ringing finished at
Ryde, there was the opportunity to go
ice-skating at the Islands rink. Five of us
decided we would go skating, some better
than others! We are looking forward to our
Autumn outing in September.
Kieran Downer
to submit performances directly to
The Ringing World
The oldest Bellhanging Company in the UK
combining Modern Technology with Traditional
Church Bellhangers
(Established 1824)
Appleton, Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5JJ
Tel: 01865 862549 Fax: 01865 864969
web site:
Free inspections on the UK mainland
No deposit required with order
362 – The Ringing World
Please consider submitting a donation with your peal report
Adam Crocker – 1,000 peals at 23 years old
April 12, 2013
why Stedman Triples is his leading method for peals with 139
(followed by 7 Surprise Minor (106) and Stedman Caters (50)).
His leading tower for peals is Leeds Cathedral with 87 peals; a
tower which he has circled 9 times. His leading handbell venue is
Headingley (11 St Chad’s Drive) with 90 peals. His slowest peal
was 4h46 at Liverpool Cathedral. Adam has still got a couple of
peal ringing aims that he’d like to achieve: complete the calendar to
peals (28 dates to go) and ring peals in every English county as
listed in Dove (4 to go).
Some words of wisdom from Adam to finish with: “Someone
once gave me a birthday card that said “If I had all the money I’ve
spent on drink, I’d spend it on drink”. If I had all the time and money
I’d spent on ringing peals, I’d spend it on ringing peals.”
Durham University Society Peal Weekend
DURHAM, St Nicholas
Fri Mar 8 2013 2h46 (10)
5040 Minor
(5m: 1440 Kent TB; 720 Norwich S;
1440 Cambridge S; 720 St Clement’s
College B; 720 Plain B)
The peal band (in order 1-8 from front right going clockwise)
With a peal of Stedman Triples at Leeds, Burley on Friday, 22nd
March, Adam Crocker becomes the youngest person to ring 1,000
peals, aged 23 years and 38 days. Adam rang his first peal in 2000
on the lovely light 6 at Lemsford at the age of 9 and has never
looked back. He explains his obsession with peal ringing:
“Different people get different things out of ringing: some people
like travelling around ringing at lots of different towers, some people
like striking competitions, and others just like the social aspect. The
same can be said for peal ringing. Some people enjoy ringing
complex things that can only be achieved in longer periods of
ringing, e.g. all the work spliced, some people like ringing peals on
different sets of bells, and some people, like me, just enjoy the
physical aspect of simply ringing a bell so much that we could quite
happily ring a bell for hours on end. This hopefully goes some way
to explain why I’ve rung 1,000 peals by such a young age.”
Adam’s peal ringing ‘career’ really took off when he came to
University in Leeds, and was no doubt helped by his joining the
Leeds handbell and Leeds Cathedral peal bands. Some people say
that handbell peals don’t count (generally people that can’t ring
handbells) and others say that they should count twice (you are,
after all, ringing two bells), so Adam has simply averaged this out in
his peal records, and counted each handbell peal as one peal,
making a total of 121. Many people told him that whilst he was at
University he shouldn’t ring too many peals, and it is true that it took
him four years (rather than three) to get a degree in Economics and
Mathematics. But is this cause and effect? He would argue that if
he hadn’t rung so much, hadn’t spent his time travelling about,
meeting new people, and de-stressing on the end of a bell rope,
what would he have done instead? He says that he’d have spent it
in the pub, most likely, not in the library. “Maybe I would have even
packed Uni in altogether after the first year.”
Adam doesn’t just spend his whole bell ringing life ringing peals.
It’s another common misconception that peal ringers don’t give
anything back to ringing, and whilst that may sometimes be the
case, it isn’t for him. He was a regular member of the Sunday
Service bands at Kimpton and Lemsford for ten years before
moving to Leeds, and has rung with the Sunday Service bands at
Burley, Leeds Minster and Chapel Allerton whilst he has been ‘up
North’. He has been Leeds Branch Ringing Master for the past four
years, and is currently teaching a band a Seacroft.
You are probably expecting some exciting stats, so here are
some that stand out for Adam: He has rung peals in 440 different
towers and on 87 different tenors, although nothing over 26cwt (it’s
not size that matters, it’s what you do with it that counts). He has
rung more than 50 peals at each stage from Doubles to Royal, and
whilst he is a fan of 5- and 6-bell ringing, he’s also rung a 16 bell
peal just to prove that he can do that too! His leading peal ringer is,
unsurprisingly, his father, Robert Crocker, who has given him
endless lifts to peals, having organised and conducted many of his
early ones. In second place is John Pladdys, which accounts for
LEEDS, W Yorks,
St Matthias, Burley
Fri Mar 22 2013 2h29 (7)
5040 Stedman Triples
Arr. John Pladdys (No.14)
1 Katharine M Thorley
2 John Pladdys (C)
3 Paul Brook
4 Robert J Crocker
5 John H Napper
6 C Barrie Dove
7 Thomas B Mack
8 Adam R Crocker
1,000th peal: 8.
Adam is now the youngest
person to reach this milestone,
aged 23 years 38 days.
The celebratory cake (made by Lynne Oldfield)
1 Matthew J L Durham
2 Gwen Rogers (St Mary’s)
3 John A Mcleod (St John’s)
4 Robert V Criddle (Grey)
5 Duncan G Walker
(Hild Bede) (C)
6 Philip Rogers (Van Mildert)
A farewell compliment to John
Mcleod, for his forthcoming
departure to Nottingham.
Most methods: 3.
St Oswald King & Martyr
Sat Mar 9 2013 2h56 (13)
5024 Spliced S Major
(8m: 640 each Bristol, Cambridge,
Lincolnshire, Rutland, Superlative;
608 London, Pudsey, Yorkshire; 140
com, atw)
Comp. J S Warboys
1 Gwen Rogers (St Mary’s)
2 Matthew J Jones (St Chad’s)
3 Frances E Haynes (Trevelyan)
4 Matthew J L Durham
5 Christopher M Rudd
(St Aidan’s)
6 Peter H Gardner (St Cuthbert’s)
7 Philip Rogers (Van Mildert) (C)
8 Roy A Meads (St Cuthbert’s)
St Mary the Virgin
Sat Mar 9 2013 2h22 (4)
5040 Spliced S Minor
(18m: 2160 Allendale, Annable’s
London, Bacup, Bamborough, Norwich,
Rossendale, Warkworth, Westminster;
2160 Bourne, Cambridge, Durham,
Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose, York;
720 Beverley, Surfleet)
Comp. J S Warboys (2160s)
1 Peter H Gardner (St Cuthbert’s)
2 Gwen Rogers (St Mary’s)
3 Matthew D Frye (Trevelyan)
4 Philip Rogers (Van Mildert)
5 Andrew G Enzor (Hild Bede)
6 Matthew J L Durham
(Trevelyan) (C)
Most methods: 3.
First spl Minor: 5.
St Brandon
Sun Mar 10 2013 2h59 (14)
5056 Yorkshire S Major
Comp. D G Hull
1 Robert V Criddle
2 S L Catrin Morgan
3 Matthew J L Durham (C)
4 Roy A Meads
5 Frances E Haynes
6 J James G Morgan
7 Gwen Rogers
8 Philip Rogers
First of Surprise: 2,6.
Ringing World
National Youth
Contest 2013 –
Hurry up!
The deadline for entries
to the 2013 Ringing World
National Youth Contest
at St Lawrence, York
on Saturday, 6th July is:
Friday, 26th April 2013
Applicaions cannot be
considered after this date.
To enter the contest Email:
The Ringing World – 363
April 12, 2013
First quarter congratulations
Burwood, NSW. 24 Mar, 1260 PB Doubles: Michael
Lorber 1, Nick Davies 2, Pam Brock 3, Natalie Davies
4, Andrew Davies (C) 5, Geoff Bursill (1st Q) 6. Rung
after a wedding. 21st Birthday compliments to Jenny
Davies (26th March).
Downs Barn, Milton Keynes, Bucks. (Cross &
Stable) 23 Mar, 1260 PB Doubles: Sophie Reading (1st
Q) 1, Alexandra J Marchbank 2, Gary Reading 3,
Graham Bartholomew 4, Alan J Marchbank (C) 5, Alice
Reading 6.
Great Gransden, Cambs. 24 Mar, 1260 PB Doubles:
Sheila Prest 1, Tamsyn Hadden 2, David Prest 3, Sheila
George 4, Phillip George (C) 5, Michael Prest (1st Q) 6.
For service of evening prayer and to mark the induction
of the Most Revd Justin Welby as 105th Archbishop of
Canterbury. 1st PB Doubles inside: 3. 400th Q as C.
In Memoriam
Aberdeen. (31 Ashwood Road) 23 Mar, 1344 PB
Major: Jennifer A Holden 1-2, Lucy M Bricheno 3-4,
Nicholas W Jones (C) 5-6, Colin P North 7-8. 1st Q in
hand: 7-8. First Q in the house. Rung in memory of
Roger Bailey.
Chippenham, Wilts. (S Paul) 19 Feb, 1312 Bristol S
Major: Christine J Sworder 1, Susan P E Bateman 2,
Nicola J Williams 3, Simon A Percy (C) 4, Thomas N
Longridge 5, Phillip A Butler 6, Robert Perry 7, Simon
D G Webb 8. For absent friends & loved ones.
Chisleborough, Som. 15 Mar, 1260 Grandsire & PB
Doubles: Linda Drew (C) 1, Cathy Civill 2, David Ledger
3, Hugo Tracey 4, John Hearn 5. Rung in memory of
Andrew Tucker, who died in an horrific car accident on
28th February.
Crayford, Kent. 13 Jan, 1260 PB Doubles: Chris
Goldsmith 1, Shelagh Norman 2, Cathy Cheeseman 3,
Andrew Sinclair (C) 4, Rupert Cheeseman 5, Sue
Cameron 6. For High Mass and in celebration of the life
of Corinne Rooke, who passed away yesterday. 100th
on the bell: 5.
Cropthorne, Worcs. 9 Mar, 1365 Grandsire Doubles:
Denis Wager 1, Rob Newman 2, Thelma James 3,
Steve Bowley 4, Roger Hunt (C) 5, Andy Jones 6. Rung
as a 65th Birthday compliment to Rob Newman and
also remembering Arthur Berry.
Eckington, Worcs. (Holy Trinity) 21 Feb, 1260 PB &
Grandsire Doubles: Phil Sagar 1, Marie Newson 2, Kath
Cocks (C) 3, Mary Bickmore 4, Tony Cocks (C) 5, John
Day 6. Jointly conducted. Rung to commemorate the
life of Arthur (Bill) Berry.
Eckington, Worcs. (Holy Trinity) 28 Feb, 1260
PB & Grandsire Doubles: Peter Moreton 1, Christine
Moreton 2, Kath Cocks (C) 3, Kate Collingwood 4,
Tony Cocks (C) 5, Ron Daniels 6. Jointly conducted.
Rung to commemorate the life of Arthur (Bill)
Hatfield Heath, Essex. 28 Feb, 1260 PB Minor: Liz
Griffith-Jones 1, Penny Browne 2, Ro Kelsell 3, Di
Carpenter 4, Ann Clinton 5, Mary Bone (C) 6. By a local
ladies’ band in memory of Doreen Pearson, ringer at
Hatfield Heath.
Helmingham, Suffolk. 8 Feb, 1344 PB Major:
Muriel Page 1, Jenny Scase 2, Tig Sweet 3, Mervyn
Scase 4, Robert Scase 5, Robert Beavis 6, Stephen
Christian 7, Tom Scase (C) 8. In memory of Tony
Horton Kirby, Kent. 13 Jan, 1299 Doubles (5m):
Shelagh Norman 1, Sue Cameron 2, Rupert Cheeseman
(C) 3, Andrew Sinclair 4, Cathy Cheeseman 5, Chris
Goldsmith 6. Rung to welcome the new vicar Nicholas
Williams, former colleague of Sue in the Met Police, to
St Mary’s. Also in memory of Corinne Rooke, who
passed away yesterday.
Peterborough, Cambs. (S Mary) 28 Mar, 1260
Stedman Doubles: Elaine Wilkinson 1, Stuart Weston 2,
Alex Dyer 3, Nick Elks 4, Andrew Christie (C) 5, Geoff
Davis 6. Rung for the Maundy service. Also in memory
of Alex’s best man, John Illingworth, who died 10 years
ago today.
Preston, Lancs. (S John Ev) 10 Mar, 1260 PB Minor:
Jan Reeves 1, Shirley Pilkington 2, Barbara Murray 3,
Barbara M Shallcross 4, Jean Barnes (C) 5, Anne E
Pettifor 6. Rung on Mothering Sunday by a band of
mothers: seven daughters, four sons, three grandsons
& one granddaughter. Remembering Jean Kelly, a
former member of this band.
Seal, Kent. 20 Mar, 1260 Doubles (1p/2m): Isabel
Pearce 1, Catherine Lewis 2, Fraser Clift 3, Graham
Everitt 4, Eric Roughley (C) 5, Frank Lewis 6. To
celebrate the life of Roy Pankhurst, whose funeral took
place today.
Wick St Lawrence, Som. 24 Mar, 1260 Doubles
(7m): Tessa Quinn 1, Ray Jones 2, Bryan Williams 3,
Yvonne Criddle 4, John Parsons (C) 5, Paul Tomlinson
6. For evening service and in memory of Diana NgumaSärnström, a close friend of 1.
General quarters
Alrewas, Staffs. 23 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Doubles:
Josh J Butcher 1, Amanda E Chaddock 2, Jill E
Butcher 3, John E Bark 4, David Hall (C) 5, Kristopher
A Jones 6. For LWASCR Challenge Fortnight. 1st on
treble: 1.
Amersham, Bucks. 28 Feb, 1344 Spl S Major
(6m): J Alan Ainsworth (C) 1, Alison M Bayley 2,
Deirdre Watson 3, Janet Galloway 4, John C Davidge
5, Valerie J Simmonds 6, David A Cornwall 7, Brian C
Watson 8. 224 each of Cambridge, Lincolnshire,
Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative & Yorkshire. 41 com, all
the work.
Ashbocking, Suffolk. 25 Jan, 1272 PB Minor:
Muriel Page 1, Elizabeth Christian 2, Felicity Brasier 3,
Robert Scase 4, Tom Scase (C) 5, Stephen Christian 6.
The band’s compliments to Muriel Page for the 59th
anniversary (yesterday) of her first peal.
Aston Clinton, Bucks. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Royal:
David Cornwall 1, Linda Rothera 2, Sue Powell 3, Sue
Haines 4, Kath Bentley 5, Janet Stiles 6, Colin Walter 7,
Paul Andrews 8, Roger Powell 9, Roy Woodruff (C) 10.
For Evensong and a get well message for Alan Bentley
in hospital.
Aston Rowant, Oxon. (The White House) 28 Feb,
1344 Little B Major: Hilarie Rogers 1-2, Robert Newton (C)
3-4, John S White 5-6, Cathy Hughes-D’Aeth 7-8. £BD
Avening, Gloucs. 27 Feb, 1320 Bourne S Minor:
Patricia A M Halls 1, Rosemary A Maddocks 2, Gillian
E Hughes 3, Helen Brown 4, Raymond H Daw (C) 5,
Ken Brown 6.
Awbridge, Hants. (Clock House Bells) 8 Feb, 1280
Superlative S Major: John A Dodd 1, James A Hodkin
(C) 2, Janet L Morris 3, James E Daniels 4, Martin J E
Daniels 5, Colin J Butler 6, Caroline Daniels 7, Harriet J
Dodd 8.
Awbridge, Hants. (Clock House Bells) 8 Feb, 1376
Rutland S Major: James E Daniels 1, Caroline Daniels
2, Frank R Morton 3, John A Dodd 4, Martin J E Daniels
5, Colin J Butler 6, Harriet J Dodd 7, James A Hodkin
(C) 8. Rung to welcome Mia Overton, born 7th
February, a niece for the conductor.
Awbridge, Hants. (Clock House Bells) 22 Feb,
1280 Superlative No 2 S Royal: Janet L Morris 1, Brian
J Woodruffe 2, James E Daniels 3, Maureen J Hanney
4, Alan D Elsmore 5, Caroline Daniels 6, Colin J Butler
7, John A Dodd 8, James A Hodkin 9, Martin J E
Daniels (C) 10.
Awbridge, Hants. (Clock House Bells) 22 Feb, 1296
Gainsborough Little B Royal: James A Hodkin (C) 1,
Janet L Morris 2, James E Daniels 3, Maureen J
Hanney 4, Colin J Butler 5, John A Dodd 6, Caroline
Daniels 7, Martin J E Daniels 8, Alan D Elsmore 9, Brian
J Woodruffe 10.
Axbridge, Som. 24 Feb, 1260 Grandsire & PB
Doubles: Liz Lane 1, Marcus Ham 2, Teresa J Humphrey
3, A Roy Shallish 4, Gerald V Skelly (C) 5, Peter
Hughes-Caley 6. Prior to the Axbridge Civic service.
Aylsham, Norfolk. 18 Feb, 1320 Norwich S Minor:
Daniel Phillips 1, Keith Shaw 2, Anne Bridge 3, David
Hoare 4, Stephen Cockbill 5, Andrew J Lubbock (C) 6.
1st in m: 2 & 5.
Banwell, Som. 15 Feb, 1280 Bristol S Royal:
Christine Andrew 1, Maryl Chambers 2, Andrea
Beaumont 3, Charles Pipe-Wolferstan (C) 4, Barrie
Hendry 5, Roy Shallish 6, Joseph St J Beaumont 7,
Richard Newman 8, Alex Hunt 9, Melvyn Freeman 10.
1st Bristol Royal: 6.
Bardwell, Suffolk. 23 Feb, 1280 Superlative S
Major: Alison Daniels 1, Ruth Suggett 2, Ruth Young 3,
Abby Antrobus 4, Ann Webb 5, David Webb 6, Jeremy
Warren 7, Adrian Malton (C) 8.
Barrow, Suffolk. 28 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Doubles:
Brian R Wells 1, Kay D Nunn 2, Sally E V Crouch 3,
Martyn C Crouch 4, Paul V Stannard (C) 5, Christopher
R Nunn 6. A compliment to David Macdonald on his
90th Birthday, and Caroline & David Holmes on their
Ruby Wedding Anniversary.
Bathwick, Som. (S Mary V) 24 Feb, 1280 London
No 3 S Royal: Matthew A Skues 1, Emma L Pym 2,
Georgina Barratt 3, David A C Matthews 4, Robert D
Bell 5, David P Hytch 6, Christian J Brown 7, David P
Sworder 8, Michael J Stubbs 9, David R Ware (C) 10.
1st in m: 8.
Beeston, Notts. (21 Cedar Avenue) 24 Jan, 1272
Spl Kent & Kent Little Royal: Christine Langton 1-2,
Michael Garle 3-4, Ian Vincent 5-6, David Marshall 7-8,
Tim Poole (C) 9-10.
Beeston, Notts. (28 Leslie Avenue) 28 Feb, 1344
Rutland S Major: Christine Langton 1-2, Ian Vincent
3-4, Tim Poole 5-6, David Marshall (C) 7-8. Treble snap
start & finish.
Belper, Derbys. (16 Blackden Close) 24 Nov 2008,
1260 Double Oxford Minor: Sally Bramson 1-2, John
Cater (C) 3-4, Gill Hughes 5-6.
Belper, Derbys. (16 Blackden Close) 17 Aug 2009,
1260 Original Minor: Sally Bramson 1-2, John Cater (C)
3-4, Gill Hughes 5-6.
Belper, Derbys. (S Peter) 24 Feb, 1272 Oxford TB
Minor: Ellie Chatto 1, Graeme Hughes 2, Viv Suttie 3, Sue
Marson 4, Alec Humphrey (C) 5, John Booth 6. £2.50
Bexhill on Sea, Sussex. 22 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major
(RCY): Rosemary Cox 1, Stella Shell 2, Louise Pink 3,
Jenny Dearie 4, Colin Nicholson 5, Alan Pink 6, Alan
Turner 7, Roy Cox (C) 8. Most Spl S Major without
using variations in 5/6: 7.
Bilton, Warks. 24 Feb, 1260 Doubles (4m): Cathy
Barker 1, Andrew Barker 2, Sally Idle 3, David Price 4,
Christopher Idle (C) 5, Dave Sammon 6.
Birmingham. (S Paul) 22 Feb, 1260 PB Minor: Tony
Daw (C) 1, Jonathan Thorne 2, Matthew King 3,
Graham Kelly 4, Francesca Cinderey 5, Adam Brady 6.
1st inside: 2 & 3.
Bolton on Swale, N Yorks. 18 Feb, 1320 Duke of
Norfolk TB Minor: Siân E Austin 1, C Sally Williams 2,
David A C Matthews 3, Oliver M Austin 4, Samuel M
Austin (C) 5, David T G Jones 6.
Bow, Middx. (S Mary) 22 Feb, 1274 Cambridge S
Minor: Thomas Lawrance (C) 1, Gillian Harris 2, Jinny
Kufluk 3, Kevin Turner 4, Tony Knox 5, Elizabeth
LeMoine 6, Alastair George 7.
Brailsford, Derbys. 9 Jan, 1440 Spl Alliance &
Little Minor (3m): Mike Willis 1, Gill Hughes 2, Jack
Chadwick 3, Philip Hudson 4, Nick Daines 5, Alec
Humphrey (C) 6.
Bristol. (S Mary Redcliffe) 10 Feb, 1346 Cambridge S
Maximus: Anthony M Bulteel 1, Gareth L M Lawson 2,
Susan P E Bateman 3, Alex W Tatlow 4, Russell N
Scudamore 5, Graham L Sparey 6, David P Sworder 7,
Philip M Pratt 8, Simon D G Webb 9, Keith W Scudamore
10, Stephen J Bateman (C) 11, Simon A Percy 12. Rung
for Evensong. 1st Cambridge Maximus: 7. Also
congratulations to Christine Sworder for ringing her first
Q of Cambridge Royal, earlier today at Bathwick.
Bristol. (SS Philip & Jacob) 27 Feb, 1280 Superlative
S Major: Hannah Burton 1, Ian Fielding (C) 2, Ross
Weddell 3, Robert Beavis 4, Richard Webster 5, Andy
Green 6, Matthew Dawson 7, Edward Mack 8.
Bromborough, Mers. 25 Feb, 1250 Pope Benedict
XVI S Major: Gillian Caulfield-Pleavin 1, Janet M Jones
2, Samantha C Harrison 3, Lisa K Nuttall 4, Robert
Peers 5, Peter M S Newton 6, Randle T J Tinkler 7,
Steven W Hughes (C) 8. First in m by all. Rung to mark
the retirement this week of Pope Benedict XVI.
Bronllys, Brycheiniog. 28 Feb, 1260 Doubles (11m):
Alan Charters 1, Anne L Kleiser 2, Alison C Alcock 3,
Colin A Lewis (C) 4, Malcolm T Johns 5, Lloyd Evans 6.
In honour of St David on the eve of his day.
Buckley, Flints. 27 Feb, 1280 Cambridge S Major:
John R Williams 1, Gregory Morris 2, D John Williams 3,
Janet M Jones 4, C Mark Edwards 5, Kenneth W Price
6, David J P Stanworth 7, Geoffry Parting (C) 8. Birthday
compliment for 1st March to D John Williams.
Burwash, Sussex. 25 Feb, 1344 Cheesden S Major:
Frances P Bradford 1, Louise G Pink 2, Jacqueline M
Barlow 3, Christine M Baldock 4, Pamela A Manger 5,
David C Manger (C) 6, Alan R Baldock 7, Peter M J
Bradford 8. First in m by all the band.
Burwell, Cambs. 16 Feb, 1280 PB Major: Marion
Robinson 1, Geoff Grayton 2, Christine Northeast 3,
John Causer 4, Geoffrey Reed 5, Jon Reed 6, Martin
Kitson 7, Philip Bailey (C) 8. Ely district monthly 8 bell
Q. Happy Birthday to Edith Robinson who has now
only one year to go before a significant age.
364 – The Ringing World
Cannock, Staffs. 24 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
Jim Nixon 1, Jean Nixon (C) 2, Paul Geoghegan 3,
Linda Pick 4, Geoff Pick 5, John Pollard 6, Martin
Hardeman 7, John Burton 8. 1st in m inside: 3. For
LAWAS Challenge month.
Canterbury, Kent. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1251 Erin
Cinques: Cathryn M Hills 1, Paul I Butler 2,
Josephine D Horton 3, Christopher J Robinson 4,
Philip O Elderton 5, Andrew J Corby (C) 6, Brother
Austin SSF 7, A James Phillips 8, Susan E Record
9, Keith A F Record 10, Philip M Hills 11, Malcolm J
Smith 12. Rung for Evensong and as a Birthday
compliment to Mrs Lucile M Corby, the conductor’s
Cattistock, Dorset. 25 Feb, 1260 PB & Grandsire
Doubles: Sylvia Fowler 1, Sheila M Ellis 2, Harry Murley
3, Nigel A John 4, Gareth R Evans (C) 5, Lynda G Evans
6. Birthday compliment to 5.
Chelmsford, Essex. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1320 Erin
Cinques: Hilary Donoghue 1, Julia Jones 2, Paul
Cammiade 3, Maria Jorysz 4, Helen Harpole 5, Peter
Sloman 6, John Harpole (C) 7, David Sloman 8, John
Cousins 9, Nigel Taylor 10, Steve Nash 11, Paul
Trueman 12. For Evensong. Rung by a Southern
District band during the Centenary year of the
installation of Chelmsford’s 12 bells. Birthday
compliment to 12. 1st on 12: 5 & 6. First on 12 as C.
First Erin Cinques by all except 10. 1,100th Q: 11. £6
Chester. (Cathedral) 10 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
Peter Wilkinson 1, Helen S Mitchell 2, Ian W Taylor 3,
Fiona Harrison 4, Andrew J Jobson 5, Randle T J
Tinkler 6, K George Lee (C) 7, Andrew J Rawlinson 8.
Rung on the light eight after the tenor clapper broke
during a Q of Caters. For Evensong. 80th Birthday
compliment to Brian Harris.
Chew Stoke, Som. 13 Feb, 1320 Cambridge S &
PB Minor: Tony Bulteel 1, David Giles 2, Helen Mansley
3, Graham Sparey 4, Matt Dawson (C) 5, Gareth
Lawson 6. Rung for BATTY. New members: Tony
Bulteel, David Giles, Gareth Lawson & Helen Mansley.
Birthday compliments to Paul Mason (16th) & Andy
Green (12th).
Chiddingly, Sussex. 27 Feb, 1250 Dardanelles S
Major: Hilary Smith 1, Louise Pink 2, Sandra Titherly 3,
Penny Neal 4, Christine Baldock 5, Richard Neal 6,
Alan Pink 7, Alan Baldock (C) 8. 800th together: 3 & 5.
First in m by all.
Chippenham, Wilts. (S Andrew) 24 Feb, 1344 PB
Triples: Jean Carey 1, Jane Ridgwell 2, David Parks 3,
Morley Bray 4, Ruth Plumridge 5, Richard Iles 6,
Andrew Woolley (C) 7, Rodney Brown 8. For evening
service and as a compliment to all who shared a
Birthday on 22nd February.
Church Stretton, Shrops. 24 Feb, 1260 PB & April
Day Doubles: E Anne Hone 1, Helen C Sharpe 2, Tim
Goodwin 3, Sue Buckingham 4, Andy Wilson (C) 5,
Andrew Buckley 6. To celebrate the 90th Birthday of Mr
Vincent Evason (Uncle of 1). First conducting more
than one method.
Cirencester, Glos. (S John Bapt) 24 Feb, 1280 Spl
S Major (CYNSPRB): Richard Crooks 1, F Eric Roberts
2, Barbara Holden 3, Hazel Bridges 4, Carole Wood 5,
Sarah Ewbank 6, Rob Clive 7, Andrew Wood (C) 8. For
City of London. (S Magnus the Martyr) 24 Feb, 1265
Stedman Caters: Andrew Hills (C) 1, Michael Crockett
2, Katherine Young 3, Ryan Noble 4, Linda Foddering
5, Michael Royalton-Kisch 6, Ian Blake 7, Ben Meyer 8,
Alan Ladd 9, Gaurang Patel 10. Rung for morning
Eucharist. 100th as C.
City of London. (S Vedast) 24 Feb, 1260 PB Minor:
Jean Azzopardi 1, Thomas Lawrance (C) 2, Lee Garlick
3, Tony Knox 4, Elizabeth LeMoine 5, Liam Sims 6.
After morning Mass. 1st Minor: 1.
City of London. (S Vedast) 24 Mar, 1260 PB
Doubles: Jaekyung Kim (1st Q) 1, Thomas Lawrance
(C) 2, Elizabeth LeMoine 3, Lee Garlick 4, Rachel
Billinge 5, Liam Sims 6. After Mass on Palm
Clapham,London SW4. (Holy Trinity) 26 Feb, 1296
Cambridge S Minor: Asher Kaboth 1, Tom Nagel 2,
Ruth Simon 3, Ruth Corney 4, Nicholas Simon (C) 5,
Ian Blake 6. 1st touch of S: 4.
Clapham, London SW4. (Holy Trinity) 28 Feb, 1296
Norwich S Minor: Monica Trow 1, Thomas Lawrance
(C) 2, Paul Norman 3, Jeremy Cheesman 4, Dennis
Ellisdon 5, Linda Foddering 6.
Compton Martin, Som. 27 Feb, 1260 Doubles
(10m): Bryan G Williams 1, Raymond P Jones 2, W
John Parsons 3, Charles H P Pipe-Wolferstan (C) 4,
Giles R Morley 5, Michael S Blissett 6.
April 12, 2013
Copt Oak, Leics. 28 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S Minor:
Charles A Bishop 1, Valerie A Baxter 2, Robert C
Graves 3, Richard C L Brown 4, John D Cooper 5,
Nicholas J Parr (C) 6. 80th Birthday compliment to
Rosaline Stockwell.
Cotherstone, Durham. 18 Feb, 1320 Capel TB
Minor: David A C Matthews 1, Samuel M Austin 2,
Raymond D Helliwell 3, Siân E Austin 4, Matthew D
Hardy 5, David T G Jones (C) 6.
Cranleigh, Surrey. 24 Dec, 1260 Stedman Doubles:
Christine Bryant 1, Tim Kellett 2, Andrea Young 3, Jan
Fowler 4, Chris Robinson (C) 5, Sue Ansell 6. Rung for
the Christmas Eve Crib service.1st in p: 1.
Creswell, Derbys. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Triples: Eva M
Bainbridge 1, Rosemary S Hall 2, Jeanette L Fisher 3,
Hazel M Jones 4, Susan G Hall 5, Emily E Hall 6, Anne
E Westman (C) 7, Annetta Ives 8. 1st Triples: 1. By a
Chesterfield District Ladies Band.
Croome D’Abitot, Worcs. 24 Feb, 1260 Stedman
Doubles: Richard Pullin (C) 1, Cynthia Palmer 2, Claire
Redstone 3, Nigel Davis 4, Paul R Smith 5, W David
Roskelly 6. 1st Stedman Doubles: 4. For the delight of
visitors to Croome Park.
Cropthorne, Worcs. 1 Sep, 1280 Grandsire Doubles:
Graham Maggs 1, Rob Newman 2, Thelma James 3,
Steve Bowley 4, Roger Hunt (C) 5, Anthony Wheeler 6.
Rung as a compliment to Ron Stephens, a life-long local
resident & ringer, on his 80th Birthday by some of his
ringing friends and with recent Birthday compliments to
Thelma’s mother, Mrs Sarah Caroline Staines (85),
Anthony (60), Thelma & Graham. Marking also this
Diamond Jubilee year of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the
conductor having completed 45 years ringing.
Darlington, Durham. (S Cuthbert) 24 Feb, 1280
Yorkshire S Major: Chris Enzor (C) 1, Shirley Blair 2,
Barbara Busby 3, Lesley Hall 4, Philip Park 5, Godfrey
Hall 6, Alex Pym 7, Matthew Jones (tdo) 8. To welcome
Miriam Eleanor White, a granddaughter to 3, born 22nd
Denby, Derbys. 22 Feb, 1272 Baden-Powell D
Minor: Steve Harpham 1, Graeme Hughes 2, Gill
Hughes 3, Mike Banks 4, John Booth 5, Alec Humphrey
(C) 6. Rung for the Birthday of Lord Robert & Lady
Olave Baden-Powell.
Derby. (S Peter) 31 Jan, 1272 Oxford TB Minor:
Graeme Hughes 1, Sue Marson 2, Mike Redfern 3, Gill
Hughes 4, Chris Gilbert 5, Alec Humphrey (C) 6. £2
Derby. (S Peter) 28 Feb, 1280 Cambridge S Major:
Graeme Hughes 1, Chris Gilbert 2, Francis Gilbert 3, Gill
Hughes 4, George Fletcher 5, John Booth 6, Alan Rowe
(C) 7, Alec Humphrey 8. 200th together: 4, 7 & 8.
Durleigh, Som. 25 Feb, 1260 PB Minor: Sally K
Lawrence 1, Bryan G Williams 2, Raymond P Jones 3,
W John Parsons 4, Giles R Morley 5, Joseph St J
Beaumont (C) 6. 200th together: 2 & 4.
Earl Stonham, Suffolk. 1 Feb, 1260 Doubles (4m):
Muriel Page 1, Jenny Scase 2, Robert Scase 3,
Stephen Christian 4, Tom Scase (C) 5, John Taylor 6. To
welcome Noah Edward Rodgers, first grandchild for
Podge & Liz Christian. Also to welcome Oliver Bignell,
first grandchild for Clive & Shirely Bignell.
East Huntspill, Som. (Little Orchard Tower) 24 Feb,
1260 Doubles (1p/4m/6v): Margaret E L Chapman 1,
Nicola J Williams 2, Robert Perry (C) 3, Caroline Hunt 4,
David A Huxford 5, Alex Hunt 6. On the back six. £3
East Huntspill, Som. (Little Orchard Tower) 24 Feb,
1320 London S Minor: Margaret E L Chapman 1, Nicola
J Williams 2, Robert Perry 3, Alex Hunt 4, Marion
Newman 5, David A Huxford (C) 6. On the front six.£3
East Huntspill, Som. (Little Orchard Tower) 24 Feb,
1260 PB Minor: David A Huxford 1-2, Margaret E L
Chapman 3-4, Alex Hunt (C) 5-6.
Eastbourne, E Sussex. (All Saints) 23 Feb, 1280
Bristol S Major: Monica Trow 1, Mike Wigney (C) 2,
Angie Jasper 3, Linda Foddering 4, Oli Thompson 5,
Hugo Tracey 6, Gill Tomlinson 7, Tony Nunn 8. 1st
Bristol: 5.
Eastbourne, E Sussex. (Christ Church) 23 Feb, 1250
Lincolnshire S Major: Mike Wigney 1, Stella Shell 2,
Monica Trow 3, Oli Thompson 4, Linda Foddering 5, Gill
Tomlinson 6, Hugo Tracey 7, Tony Nunn (C) 8.
Eastbourne, E Sussex. (S Mary) 23 Feb, 1260
Grandsire Triples: Mike Wigney 1, Stella Shell 2,
Monica Trow 3, Gill Tomlinson 4, Hugo Tracey 5, Tony
Nunn 6, Linda Foddering (C) 7, Oli Thompson 8. First
Grandsire as C.
Eastwood, NSW. (4 Spencer St) 23 Feb, 1320 Kelso
S Minor: Esther Perrins 1-2, Thomas Perrins 3-4, Bill
Perrins (C) 5-6.
Eastwood, NSW. (4 Spencer St) 1 Mar, 1320
Naremburn TB Minor: Esther Perrins 1-2, Thomas
Perrins 3-4, Bill Perrins (C) 5-6.
Eaton Socon, Cambs. 24 Feb, 1260 Grandsire
Triples: Sarah-Louise Ward 1, Adrienne P Sharp 2,
Jennifer S Thompson 3, Mary Parnham 4, Susan J
Matthews 5, Michael J Matthews 6, Stephen H Stanford
(C) 7, D Graham Hall 8. Specially aranged as an 80th
Birthday compliment to John Harrison MBE of Enfield,
Edwardstone, Suffolk. 22 Feb, 1260 St Clement’s
CB Minor: Mary Allum 1, Stephen Dawson 2, Kevin
Ward 3, Lesley Steed 4, David Steed 5, David Howe (C)
6. 1st in m: 3.
Elloughton, E Yorks. 25 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles: Gail
P Horton 1, Simon Plows 2, Harvey O Plows 3, Barry
Jones (C) 4, William Lennox 5, James T Goodwin 6.
Elsham, Lincs. 27 Feb, 1272 Rev Canterbury Place
Minimus: M Caroline Ballard 1, Paul D Wilkinson 2,
Patricia A Donnelly 3, Barry F Peachey (C) 4, Frederick
W B Bartle 5, Carole A Roberts 6. 1st in m: 2. 1st
Minimus in m: 3. Rung with the best wishes of the band
as a ‘Get Well’ compliment to Sandra Clarvis of Brigg,
sister-in-law of 6, currently off ringing due to injury.
Elsham, Lincs. 1 Mar, 1260 Grandsire & PB Doubles:
Katie Hogg 1, Patricia A Donnelly 2, Matthew J Blurton
3, K Joan Barton 4, Barry F Peachey (C) 5, Bish A Ward
6. Rung as a significant Birthday compliment to
Christine Pickering, wife of Howard Pickering of the
Hull (St Mary, Lowgate) band.
Elstow, Beds. 15 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Doubles:
Stephen H Stanford (C) 1, Adrienne P Sharp 2, Jennifer
S Thompson 3, Derek A Hammond 4, Robert P Wood
5, Richard J Hillson 6. To congratulate Barbara
Routledge, member of the Elstow band, on her 70th
Birthday last Tuesday.
Enderby, Leics. 25 Feb, 1260 Stedman Triples: M A
Lindsey 1, G W Mason 2, S J Franklin 3, M Vernon 4,
Christine Hurst 5, T M Astill 6, A J Rowan (C) 7, P
Staples 8. Belated Birthday compliment to Christine.
Escrick, N Yorks. 22 Feb, 1272 Grandsire Minor:
Michael J Hastings 1, James R Startin 2, Neil Turner 3,
Martin T Hardgrave 4, Robert D C Richards 5, John M
Goldthorpe (C) 6. First in m for all except 6.
Essendon, Herts. 22 Feb, 1312 Glasgow S Major:
John J Ford 1, Janet L Penney 2, Bjørn E Bradstock 3,
Ann Evans 4, Andrew M Reeve 5, Claire C Nicholson 6,
Stephen W Penney (C) 7, Richard Sales 8.
Exeter, Devon. (Cathedral) 23 Feb, 1360 London No
3 S Royal: Ian Campbell 1, Pauline Champion 2, Wendy
Campbell 3, Andrew Digby 4, James Kirkcaldy 5, Paul
Pascoe 6, Richard Harrison 7, David Hird 8, Matthew
Hilling (C) 9, Mike Mears 10. Rung for ‘Celebrate our
Soldiers’, a concert organised by ABF The Soldiers
Exeter, Devon. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1346 Spl S
Maximus (CYN): Susan Sparling 1, Ian Avery 2, Lester
Yeo 3, Clare Griffiths 4, Wendy Campbell 5, Andrew
Digby 6, Richard Johnston 7, James Kirkcaldy 8, Paul
Pascoe 9, Ian Campbell 10, Matthew Hilling (C) 11,
David Hird 12. Rung for Evensong.
Exeter, Devon. (Harrison Building, University) 22 Feb,
1312 Oxford TB Major: Steph Hills 1-2, Ian Campbell
3-4, Matthew Hilling (C) 5-6, Martin Gentile 7-8. 1st in m
on handbells: 7-8. 1st in m on a working pair: 3-4. £2
Filey, N Yorks. 10 Jan, 1272 Cambridge S Minor:
John Siddle 1, Martin Hall 2, Teresa Jones 3, Kathy
Carter 4, Jeremy Strange 5, Simon Percy (C) 6. Rung to
celebrate the second wedding anniversary of John
Siddle & Kathy Carter.
Frodsham, Ches. 22 Feb, 1280 Hastings S Major:
William G Bibby 1, Helen S Mitchell 2, Andrew J Jobson
3, Andrew J Rawlinson 4, Robert Peers 5, Geoffrey
Parting 6, Duncan L C Hyde (C) 7, Peter Wilkinson 8.
Gamlingay, Cambs. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Triples:
Becky Loudon 1, Diana Mackley 2, Catherina E Griffiths
3, Phil Loudon 4, Andrew B Smith 5, Cass Boocock 6,
Iain Hayden (C) 7, John A Boocock 8. Rung prior to
Deanery Evensong. 1st inside on 8: 4.
Gloucester. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1282 Yorkshire S
Royal: John Smith 1, Margaret Smith 2, Chris Hickey 3,
Trish Donald 4, Cathy Baker 5, David Butler 6, Tim
Lewis 7, Pat Hickey 8, Rachel Coates 9, Malcolm
Evans (C) 10.
Gloucester. (Cathedral) 26 Feb, 1282 Cambridge S
Royal: John Smith 1, Lizbeth Harbottle 2, David
Matthews 3, Clive Sheppard 4, Reg Hitchings 5, Trish
Donald 6, Di Sheppard 7, Derek Harbottle 8, Simon
Webb 9, Malcolm Evans (C) 10.
Great Bromley, Essex. 22 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles:
Philip G Erith 1, Mandy E Miles 2, Susan C Orriss 3,
Stephen A Cheek 4, David N Wenden (C) 5, Desmond
H Thorne 6. Birthday compliment to David E Wenden
(Feb 11th). 1st in m inside: 2.
The Ringing World – 365
April 12, 2013
Great Chart, Kent. 23 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles: Patsy
Ayathurai 1, Margaret Wilsher 2, Dorothy Wiseman 3,
Colin Friend 4, Daniel J Lavender (C) 5, Paula WickhamPusey 6.
Great Haseley, Oxon. 22 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S
Minor: Kay Bartholomew 1, Maureen Bosley 2, Mary
Friskney 3, John Tchighianoff 4, Hilarie Rogers 5,
Robert Newton (C) 6. 1st S inside: 2.
Great Ryburgh, Norfolk. (S Andrew) 24 Feb, 1260
PB Doubles: Chris Brantingham 1, Rosemary Ditchman
2, Gill Waldron 3, Peter Trent 4, Anne Prentis 5, Ben
Trent (C) 6. A fond farewell to Chris as she departs for
pastures new in Wiltshire with love & best wishes from
all of us at Ryburgh.
Greens Norton, Northants. 26 Feb, 1296 Pembroke
D Minor: Graham Paul 1, Bridget Paul 2, John Lindsay
3, Barry Saunders 4, John Pardoe 5, A John Stanworth
(C) 6. Rung as a Birthday compliment to C.
Gressenhall, Norfolk. 10 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles:
Peter Adcock (C) 1, Claire Willetts 2, Sarah Seaman 3,
Kenny Frostwick 4, Brian Laing 5, Jenny Brunger 6.
Birthday compliments to 2, 4 & 5.
Grinton, N Yorks. 18 Feb, 1320 Sandal TB Minor:
Raymond D Helliwell 1, Matthew D Hardy 2, David A C
Matthews 3, Samuel M Austin 4, Siân E Austin 5, Oliver
M Austin (C) 6.
Gulval, Cornwall. 25 Feb, 1344 Glasgow S Major:
Nicola Carveth 1, Jane Hitchens 2, John Davis 3, Sam
Nankervis 4, Graham Baskerville 5, Carolyn Howell 6,
Neil Hitchens 7, Norman Mattingley (C) 8.
Hadlow, Kent. 24 Feb, 1288 Grandsire Triples:
Janice Massy 1, Ann Jenner 2, Rachel Lewis 3, Emma
Jarvis 4, Philip Jarvis 5, Howard Rogers 6, Stanley
Jenner (C) 7, Ray Taylor 8. Rung for parish Eucharist
and to welcome Revd Paul White, Vivienne, Annabelle
& Henry to Hadlow.
Hailsham, Sussex. 24 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
Ryan Coates 1, Christine Baldock 2, Pauline Kennard
3, Anne Franklin 4, Hilary Smith 5, Sandra Titherly 6,
Alan Baldock (C) 7, Hugh Bell 8. 1st on 8: 1. For the
evening Lent Bible Focus service.
Hallow, Worcs. 17 Feb, 1260 Single Oxford B Triples:
Tim Munslow 1, Alex Hajok 2, Janet Mann 3, David H
Mountford 4, Geoff Munslow 5, Jim Wheeler 6, , Roy K
Williams (C) 7, Tony Palmer 8. For Evensong. 1st in m: 3.
Hampstead, Middx. (Christ Church) 22 Feb, 1250
Spl S Major (CSY): Lizzy Stokoe 1, Helen Herriott 2,
Christopher Rimmer 3, David Maynard (C) 4, Tessa
Beadman 5, Leigh Simpson 6, Andy Bradford 7, Rob
Lee 8. 1st Spl: 2. Most Spl S Major: 3.
Hampsthwaite, N Yorks. 28 Feb, 1260 Grandsire
Doubles: Jenny Robinson 1, Kate Mussett 2, Andy
Sutherland 3, Stuart Holtam 4, Kevin Haseldine (C) 5,
Chris Wright 6. First Q on the bells for 7 years.
Harborne, Birmingham, W Mids. 24 Feb, 1260
Grandsire Doubles: Janet A Horton 1, Sarah C Jones 2,
D Rose W Horton 3, Stephen W Horton 4, Clare
McArdle (C) 5, Michael Rigby 6. 1st inside: 3.
Heavitree, Devon. 15 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major (8m):
Don Roberts 1, Charlotte Boyce 2, Sue Sturdy 3, Sue
Sawyer 4, Nigel Birt 5, Graham Tucker 6, David Hird 7,
Tim Bayton (C) 8.
Henbury, Bristol. (S Mary) 28 Nov, 1280 Double
Norwich CB Major: Phill Payne 1, Malcolm Evans 2, Phil
Pratt 3, Arch Andrews 4, Simon Webb 5, Dave Matthews
6, Gaby Cowcill 7, Simon Percy (C) 8. Rung to say
farewell to Phill Payne as he heads to Ireland for work.
High Ercall, Shrops. 15 Feb, 1320 Oxford TB Minor:
William J Lander 1, Madeline J Harris 2, Susan Capey
3, Peter J Woollam 4, Brian S B Kear (C) 5, Peter Neil
6. 1st in m: 2 & 3. First in m as C.
High Halden, Kent. 27 Feb, 1320 Cambridge S
Minor: Frank R Wenham 1, Mary F Marshall 2, Dean R
Jeffries 3, Stephen J Davis 4, Karen A Edwards 5,
Michael C Marshall (C) 6. 1st S inside: 3. For the birth
of Mia Grace Sims.
High Littleton, Som. 28 Feb, 1272 Cambridge S
Minor: Andrew H Ball (C) 1, George E Wyatt 2, Mervyn
A Arscott 3, David A C Matthews 4, A Roy Shallish 5,
Gerald V Skelly 6.
Higham Ferrers, Northants. 23 Feb, 1260 PB Triples:
Rod Walker 1, Pam Bailey 2, Simon Sweeney 3, Robert
Dennis (C) 4, Harry Curtis 5, Kevan Chapman 6, Richard
Cowley 7, George Whiting 8. For the town’s monthly
Farmers’ Market, and to help Kevan celebrate a substantial
pay rise as a result of a significant Birthday today!
Histon, Cambs. 3 Feb, 1260 PB Triples: Michael
Davies 1, James Bench-Capon 2, Mavis Driver 3,
Jonathan Western 4, Christine Northeast 5, Will Scheilling
(C) 6, Geoff Grayton 7, Tim Griffin 8. For evening service
at Candlemas. A St Andrew’s Centre sponsored Q, rung
as a 70th Birthday compliment to Mavis Driver.
Histon, Cambs. 17 Feb, 1296 PB Major: Michael
Davies 1, Sarah Farley 2, Jonathan Western 3, Geoff
Grayton 4, Janet Garnett 5, Christine Northeast 6,
Helen Atkins 7, David Richards (C) 8. For evening
service. First Major as C.
Hoar Cross, Staffs. 24 Feb, 1267 Cambridge S
Minor: Michael J Platt 1, Peter W Olding 2, Elizabeth
Hutchieson 3, Jim Nixon 4, Stuart C W Hutchieson (C)
5, Andrew C Ogden 6. For morning service.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Bells) 4 Nov, 1320
Woodbine D Minor: Alan P Turner 1, Louise G Pink 2,
Alan D Pink (C) 3, Frances P Bradford 4, Peter M J
Bradford 5, Sandra M Titherly 6. First in m for all.
Circled tower 43 times: 3.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Bells) 22 Dec, 1260 Holly,
Ivy & Mistletoe Doubles: Sandra M Titherly 1, Alan D
Pink (C) 2, Anne E Franklin 3, Pauline M Kennard 4,
Louise G Pink 5, Alan J Collings 6.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Barn) 23 Dec, 1296
Cambridge S Minor: Alan J Collings 1, Sandra M
Titherly 2, Alan P Turner 3, Alan D Pink (C) 4, David W
Thelfall 5, Louise G Pink 6. 1st S: 5.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Bells) 10 Feb, 1260 St
Agatha B Triples: Frances P Bradford 1, Alan D Pink (C)
2, Alan P Turner 3, Sandra M Titherly 4, Louise G Pink
5, Colin F E Nicholson 6, Stephen J Chambers 7, Peter
M J Bradford 8. 1st in m: 3, 4, 6 & 7. Circled tower 44
times: 2. For the feast of St Agatha.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Bells) 17 Feb, 1272
Ipswich S Minor: Peter M J Bradford 1, Frances P
Bradford 2, Sandra M Titherly 3, Alan D Pink (C) 4, Alan
P Turner 5, Jenny A Dearie 6. 1st in m: 5 & 6.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Bells) 24 Feb, 1288
Grandsire Triples: Alan D Pink (C) 1, Louise G Pink 2,
Sandra M Titherly 3, Frances P Bradford 4, Stephen J
Chambers 5, Marisa A Hayes 6, Peter M J Bradford 7,
Alan J Collings 8.
Hooe, E Sussex. (Dewbys Bells) 4 Mar, 1296
Bedford D Minor: Frances P Bradford 1, Christine M
Baldock 2, Alan R Baldock 3, Alan P Turner 4, Alan D
Pink (C) 5, Peter M J Bradford 6. 1st in m: 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Hornchurch, Essex. 24 Feb, 1280 Kent TB Major:
Pauline Brown 1, John Stephenson 2, Roger Butt 3,
Leonie Hughes 4, Paul Bloomfield 5, Simon Greenwood
6, Chris Pain 7, Clive Stephenson (C) 8.
Horsham, W Sussex. (The Castle) 22 Feb, 1344
Kent TB Royal: Karen White 1-2, George Francis 3-4,
David Finch 5-6, Simon Alford (C) 7-8, Val Atkins 9-10.
Horsington, Som. 28 Feb, 1260 Doubles (1p/3m):
Derek Biles 1, Audrey Riley 2, Stanley J Redmond 3,
Albert Spreadbury 4, Brian Shingler (C) 5, Robert Davis
6. Circled tower: 6.
Hungerford, Berks. 24 Feb, 1299 Grandsire
Doubles: J Martin Rice 1, Cath Fitsell 2, Steve Lowman
3, David Thorpe 4, Mark Robins (C) 5, Mike Holt 6. For
Hursley, Hants. 26 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major (RSYNC):
Christine Hill (C) 1, Jen Churchill 2, Christine Saunders
3, Maureen Hanney 4, Trish Spink 5, Mac McTiffin 6,
Drew Craddock 7, Peter Hill 8. 1st Spl: 2.
Ringing Towers
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Hurworth, Durham. 18 Feb, 1260 Frodsham B
Minor: Matthew D Hardy 1, David A C Matthews 2,
Raymond D Helliwell 3, David T G Jones 4, Samuel M
Austin (C) 5, Oliver M Austin 6. 500th as C.
Ilkeston, Derbys. 24 Feb, 1280 St Clement’s CB
Major: Neil Westman 1, Chris Gilbert 2, Simon Westman
3, Alec Humphrey (C) 4, Richard Stevenson 5, Richard
Barnett 6, Ed Nicholson 7, Nick Daines 8.
Ixworth, Suffolk. 23 Feb, 1280 Pudsey S Major:
Alison Daniels 1, Abby Antrobus 2, Ruth Young 3, Ann
Webb 4, Ruth Suggett 5, David Webb 6, Adrian Malton
(C) 7, Jeremy Warren 8. 1st in m: 2.
Kemble, Glos. 27 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S Minor:
Patricia A M Halls (C) 1, Raymond H Daw 2, Gillian
E Hughes 3, Ben Gooch 4, Helen Brown 5, Ken
Brown 6.
Kersey, Suffolk. 23 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
Stephen Dawson 1, Mary Allum 2, Lesley Steed (C) 3,
Lucy Dawson 4, David Steed 5, Neville Whittell 6, David
Howe 7, Richard Brewster 8. Birthday compliments to
Neville for today.
Kirkheaton, W Yorks. 24 Feb, 1320 Oxford TB
Minor: Gillian Davison 1, Sharon Kelly 2, Stephen
Littlewood 3, Jean Doman 4, Wynford Carter 5, John
Spencer (C) 6. Rung for Sunday service.
Langdon Hills, Essex. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Minor:
Darren Osborne (C) 1, Cathryn Corns 2, Gordon Lucas
3, Alan Gisby 4, Andrew Martin 5, Stephen Nash 6.
Lavenham, Suffolk. 23 Feb, 1260 Cambridge S
Double Oxford B Minor: Mary Allum 1, Stephen Dawson
2, Lesley Steed 3, David Steed 4, Richard Brewster 5,
David Howe (C) 6.
Leckhampton, Glos. 24 Feb, 1320 Cambridge S
Minor: Harry Tomlinson 1, Barbara Pettit 2, John Liptrot
3, Jonathan Sweetman 4, Reg Hitchings 5, Stuart
Tomlinson (C) 6. 1st TB: 1.
Leicester. (Cathedral) 23 Feb, 1346 Cambridge S
Maximus: Helen E Taylor 1, Paul B Hunter (C) 2, Peter T
Eyles 3, Mark A Collings 4, Raymond D Helliwelll 5, Ashley
B Wilson 6, Jeffrey D Simcox 7, Andrew J Rawlinson 8,
Luke D Marshall 9, Colin Woods 10, Peter L Furniss 11,
Lenard J Mitchell 12. 50th Q & 1st S Maximus: 3.
Lincoln. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1311 Stedman Cinques:
A Robin Heppenstall 1, Delia E Heppenstall 2, Michael
Maughan 3, Heather Blackstock 4, Graham JN
Colborne (C) 5, Sandra Underwood 6, Robin H Rogers
7, Leslie G Townsend 8, Christopher J Sharp 9, David
Fox 10, Philip R Grover 11, John F Underwood 12. For
Lismore, NSW. 24 Feb, 1260 Titanic Singles: Julia
Stewart 1, Robert Weatherby Snr (C) 2, Margaret
Weatherby 3, Geoff Cawley 4. To celebrate the
ordination to the diaconate today at St Paul’s
Cathedral, Rockhampton of Parishioners Erin & Nuia
Tuineau. 50th Q: 2.
Liverpool, Mers. (Cathedral Ch of Christ) 23 Feb,
1282 Yorkshire S Royal: Claire A Mills 1, Ashley B
Wilson 2, David T G Jones 3, Peter T Eyles 4, Mark A
Collings 5, Colin Woods (C) 6, Jeffrey D Simcox 7,
Lenard J Mitchell 8, Luke D Marshall 9, David Marshall
10. 90th Birthday compliment to Bill Dumbell.
Loddon, Norfolk. 26 Feb, 1344 PB Major: Michelle
Clutten 1, Rona Sporle 2, Katie Wright 3, Ann-M Webb
4, Jeannine Roe 5, Val Counter 6, David Webb 7,
Stephen Rabong (C) 8. Rung as a Birthday compliment
for Sue Rabong (24th Feb), Katie Wright (25th Feb) &
Michelle Clutten (1st March). 1st PB Major: 6.
Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. 16 Feb, 1263
Stedman Caters: Jeremy R Pratt (C) 1, Michael A
Williams 2, Anne S Pratt 3, John G Pusey 4, Stuart T
Nelson 5, Lorna Curtis 6, Robert Caton 7, Andrew W R
Wilby 8, Bernard J Stone 9, Brian J Curtis 10. 1st
Stedman Caters: 6.
Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. 20 Feb, 1282
Yorkshire S Royal: Angela M Athawes 1, Geraldine R
Forster 2, Margaret J Smith 3, Thomas J Hinks (C) 4,
Roger Forster 5, Mark R Eccleston 6, Shirley E McGill
7, James S Croft 8, Benjamin D Constant 9, Ian V J
Smith 10. 1st Yorkshire S Royal: 3.
Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. 20 Feb, 1400
London No 3 S Royal: Margaret J Smith 1, Angela M
Athawes 2, Thomas J Hinks (C) 3, James S Croft 4,
Geraldine R Forster 5, Mark R Eccleston 6, Shirley E
McGill 7, Ian V J Smith 8, Michael A Williams 9,
Benjamin D Constant 10. 1st London S Royal: 2.
Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. 21 Feb, 1360
London No 3 S Royal: Christine C L Seaman 1, Shirley
E McGill 2, Benjamin D Constant 3, Adam S Greenley
4, Thomas J Hinks (C) 5, Roger Forster 6, James S
Croft 7, Geraldine R Forster 8, Mark R Eccleston 9, Ian
V J Smith 10. 1st London S Royal: 6.
366 – The Ringing World
Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. 22 Feb, 1313
Grandsire Caters: Mark R Eccleston 1, Angela M
Athawes 2, Ian V J Smith 3, Roger Forster 4, Michael A
Williams 5, Margaret J Smith 6, Benjamin D Constant
(C) 7, Adam S Greenley 8, Geraldine R Forster 9,
Shirley E McGill 10. To welcome the next band of
visitors, arriving today. In memory of the Lundy Fern.
Lyminge, Kent. 23 Feb, 1260 St Nicholas B Triples:
Robert Powell-Williams 1, Liz Shearman 2, Ro Edmond 3,
Cathryn M Hills 4, Philip M Hills 5, Michael Godfrey 6,
Adrian Hackford (C) 7, Peter Boreham 8. Rung to
celebrate the 99th Birthday of Muriel Snawdon, mother of
3 & the Birthday of Maryann Canning, sister-in-law of 2.
Madron, Cornwall. 23 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
Val Hicks 1, Tricia Cox 2, Eddie Hancock 3, Lynne Smith
(C) 4, Mike Squire 5, Chris Cox 6, Bruce Hicks 7, Jeremy
Taylor 8. Belated Birthday wishes to Eddie Hancock.
Malvern Link, Worcs. (S Matthias) 21 Feb, 1344 PB
Major: Paul R Smith 1, Angela M Roskelly 2, Claire
Penny 3, Jonathan Tallis 4, Mark W Sayers 5, Mick
Mears 6, Steven Tibbetts 7, W David Roskelly (C) 8.
First Major as C. 1st Major inside: 2.
Marden, Kent. 9 Feb, 1260 PB Triples: Jack Phur 1,
Daniel W Brady 2, Debbie C Brady 3, James Davis 4,
Roy A Barclay 5, James R S Sawle (C) 6, Richard J
Barclay 7, Andrew R Brady 8. To celebrate the wedding
of Victoria Elizabeth Duguid, daughter of the vicar of
Marden, and Andrew John Watson married today at St
Alphege’s Greenwich. 1st Triples away from cover: 4.
Marietta, GA. (S James) 5 Jan, 1260 Grandsire
Doubles: Charley Heilker 1, Alice Gough Heilker 2, Derek
J Wilsden 3, Jay Williams 4, Catherine P Brown (C) 5.
Marietta, GA. (S James) 23 Feb, 1260 PB Major:
Ted Clark 1, Kit Matthew 2, Lyn Barnett 3, Charley
Heilker 4, Catherine P Brown 5, David L Porter 6, Roy
Smith 7, Noah Smith (C) 8. In honor of the Rt Revd
Charles Von Rosenberg, Bishop of the Episcopal
Church in South Carolina.
Marsworth, Bucks. 1 Mar, 1260 PB Doubles: Jan
Robinson 1, Ruth Monks 2, Rose Nightingale 3, Ann
Young 4, Lyndsey B Brett (C) 5, Valerie Clark 6. Rung
by an all-ladies band for Women’s World Day of Prayer.
First as C.
Mavesyn Ridware, Staffs. 24 Feb, 2352 PB Triples:
David L Towell 1, Dawn Grundy 2, Jill D Walburn 3,
Stuart C W Hutchieson (C) 4, Anthony R Marsden 5,
David J Crump 6, Andrew C Ogden 7, P Roy Farrington
8. 1st on eight: 1. For LWASCR Challenge month.
Melbourne, Victoria. (S Paul’s Cathedral) 1 Mar, 1260
Grandsire Triples: Laraine Pointer 1, Michael Pointer 2,
David Smith 3, Helen Pettet 4, David Pacey 5, John
Thompson 6, Brian Pettet (C) 7, Neil McFarlane 8. £BD
Milford on sea, Hants. 27 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major
(Std-8): Mandy Peck 1, Andy Ingram 2, Geoff Peck 3,
Colin Butler 4, David Bennett 5, Neil Garrard 6, Tony
Tyers 7, Nigel Orchard (C) 8.
Mistley, Essex. 28 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S Minor:
Vicky de Vries 1, Martin C Jones 2, Valerie Banwell 3,
Phillip Erith 4, Neil V Avis 5, Paul A J Bray (C) 6. Rung
to mark the end of the Papacy of Benedict XVI.
Modautal-Brandau, Germany. (Klingenweg 5) 23
Feb, 1280 Bristol S Major: Alban D Forster 1-2, Michael J
Trimm (C) 3-4, Eric R Trumpler 5-6, Brian P Diserens 7-8.
Mosman Park, W Australia. (S Hilda) 1 Mar, 1280
Double Beeston D Major: Corinne Duncan 1, Mary
Townsend 2, Brenda Davies 3, Richard Offen (C) 4,
Callum Crofton 5, Michael Collinson 6, Lloyd Cartwright
7, Adam Beer 8. First blows in m by all except C. 200th
together: 1 & 8. Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!
Nempnett Thrubwell, Som. 24 Feb, 1260 Doubles
(3m): Judith Green 1, Roy Shallish 2, Teresa Humphrey
(C) 3, Richard Curry 4, Martin Sperring 5, Rodney Gay 6.
For Evensong. Also to congratulate Stuart Ford on being
presented to HRH Prince Charles for the presentation of
a trophy for services to the art of hedge-laying. £BD
New Alresford, Hants. (28 Oak Hill) 24 Feb, 1260 St
Clement’s CB & PB Minor: Derek Yates 1-2, Ian
Redway 3-4, Peter Felton (C) 5-6.
New Alresford, Hants. (S John Bapt) 27 Jan, 1320
Kent TB Minor: Maureen Hanney 1, Elizabeth Johnson
2, Ian Redway 3, Andrew Johnson 4, Rodney Skinner
5, Michael K Hopkins Till (C) 6. For the Sundays @ Six
Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear. (Cathedral Ch
of S Nicholas) 22 Feb, 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara
Davies 1, William Davidson 2, Kris King 3, Christine
Richardson 4, Peter K D Dawson 5, Stephen B Bell 6,
Howard E J Smith (C) 7, Jeremy Housden 8. Rung to
celebrate the birth of a daughter to Kirsty & Michael
Smith in New Zealand. Proud Grandparents - Kathryn
& Howard E J Smith.
April 12, 2013
Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear. (Cathedral Ch
of S Nicholas) 26 Feb, 1280 PB Major: Helen Mayfield
1, Alan M Barber 2, Jesse Hetherington 3, Stephen B
Bell 4, Peter K D Dawson 5, Kris King 6, Matthew
Hetherington 7, Howard E J Smith (C) 8. Rung to
celebrate the 80th Birthday of George Stedman Deas,
for many years Ringing Master of this Cathedral Guild.
Newport, S Wales. (Cathedral) 22 Sep, 1346
Yorkshire S Maximus: Becky Shipley 1, Joy Kipling 2,
Gareth Kipling 3, Ryan Noble 4, Hal Drysdale 5, Barry
Hayman 6, Anne Jones 7, Aled Jones 8, Chris Kipling
9, Bryn Kipling 10, Matt Dawson (C) 11, Jon Potter 12.
Rung as a 30th Birthday compliment to Hal.
Newport, S Wales. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1295 Erin
Caters: Helen Phillips 1, Rebecca Shipley 2, Anne
Jones 3, Philip Huxley 4, Mike Penney 5, Jonathan
Lewis 6, Matthew Turner (C) 7, Andrew Phillips 8, Peter
Munday 9, Hal Drysdale 10. Rung for Evensong.
North Cerney, Glos. 27 Feb, 1260 Single Oxford B
Minor: Sue Rhodes 1, Robert Clive 2, Philip Twentyman
3, Judy Carter 4, Charles Woodd 5, Peter Holden (C) 6.
Nottingham. (S Mary) 22 Feb, 1282 Verdon S Royal:
Corinna England 1, Bob Metcalfe 2, Denise Harden 3,
Tony Lees 4, Phil Wild 5, Emma Jones 6, Martyn
Marriott 7, Matthew Jones 8, Peter Hawcock 9, Peter
England (C) 10. Rung as a tribute to the life & times of
Kipper, the Cat at the Vat.
Oxford. (40 Western Road) 27 Feb, 1280 PB Major:
Susan E M Read 1-2, Joe Norton 3-4, John G Pusey
5-6, Tim Pett (C) 7-8.
Pershore, Worcs. (S Andrew’s Centre) 22 Feb, 1312
Kenton S Major: Jo Dawson 1, Claire Redstone 2, A J
Barnfield 3, Andrew Evans 4, Stuart Piper 5, Mike
Seagrave 6, Roy Williams (C) 7, Alison R Williams 8.
Pershore, Worcs. (S Andrew’s Centre) 25 Feb, 1280
Yorkshire S Major: Stephen Bowley 1, David Beacham
2, Andrew D Evans 3, Anthony J Barnfield 4, Paul J
Marshall 5, Michael J Seagrave 6, Mark A Wilson 7,
Stephen J Bedford (C) 8.
Perth, W Australia. (Cathedral) 24 Feb, 1260 PB
Triples: Laura Ivey 1, Irene Mackenzie 2, Jayne Hodgkin
3, Mary Townsend 4, Ken Hodgkin 5, Michael Collinson
6, Adam Beer (C) 7, David Knewstub 8. For Evensong
and as a Golden Wedding compliment to Jan & Laith
Reynolds (for yesterday).
Perth, W Australia. (The Bell Tower). 28 Feb, 1280
Cambridge S. Major: Jayne Hodgkin 1, Brenda Davies
2, Richard Offen (C) 3, Callum Crofton 4, Michael
Collinson 5, Andrew Ling 6, Adam Beer 7, Ian Harris 8.
50th together: 6 & 7. To celebrate the very welcome
return visit of Brenda.
Pettistree, Suffolk. 27 Feb, 1272 Norwich S Minor:
Suzanne Stevens 1, Mary Garner 2, Chris McArthur 3,
Tim Stanford 4, Peter Harper 5, Mike Whitby (C) 6. 1st
in m: 4.
Pickering, N Yorks. 13 Jan, 1271 PB Minor: Peter M
Robb 1, Pam Robb 2, Gerry A Bacon 3, Jeremy J Strange
4, Martin R Hall 5, Simon A Percy (C) 6. 1st Minor: 1.
Portishead, Som. 21 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
Lorna E Swan 1, Gina Scarbro 2, Gerald V Skelly 3,
George E Wyatt 4, Janet K Wyatt 5, A Roy Shallish 6,
Andrew H Ball (C) 7, Mervyn A Arscott 8.
Rainford, Mers. 22 Feb, 1280 Cambridge S Major:
Celia Hughes-D’Aeth 1, Lisa Vernon 2, Gill Heath 3,
Alison Ridd 4, Daniel Vernon (C) 5, Colin Woods 6, Ray
Woods 7, Barry Hale 8.
Reading, Berks. (S Laurence) 25 Feb, 1282
Lincolnshire S Royal: June A Saint 1, June D Wells (C)
2, Joanne P Druce 3, Jack Page 4, D Giles Winter 5,
James Champion 6, Robert A Partridge 7, Douglas J
Beaumont 8, Colin Newman 9, E John Wells 10.
Reading, Berks. (S Mary V) 24 Feb, 1280 Spl S
Major (6m): June D Wells 1, June A Saint 2, Jenny Page
3, Joanna Knight 4, Jack Page 5, Stephen A Rossiter
(C) 6, E John Wells 7, Kelvin R Britton 8. For Choral
Rugby, Warks. (West Tower) 24 Feb, 1260 Doubles
(3m): Diana Butcher 1, Anthony Osborne 2, Julian
Edgson 3, Pip Spice 4, John Goddard (C) 5. To
commemorate the Revd Peter den Haan’s last service
in the Rugby Team Ministry today.
Sharnbrook, Beds. 19 Feb, 1260 Grandsire Triples:
S H Sweeney 1, Barbara Beard 2, Pam Bailey 3, Jenny
S Thompson 4, R J Hillson 5, P J S Albon (C) 6, Barbara
J Woplin 7, T W Sander 8. A compliment to Linda
Liggett on reaching yet another significant Birthday (the
clue is in the number of changes)!
Shelland, Stowmarket, Suffolk. (The Millbeck Ring)
27 Feb, 1280 Bristol S Major: Adrian Knights 1, Ruth V
Young 2, Janet R Sheldrake 3, Mary S Garner 4,
Gordon E Slack 5, Joan Garrett 6, Jed Flatters 7, Brian
E Whiting (C) 8.
Shenfield, Essex. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles: Paul
Wiggins 1, Beth Johnson 2, Alan Moody 3, David Reed
4, Ray G Jones (C) 5, John Church 6. 1st away from
tenor: 1. For Evensong.
Shrewsbury, Shrops. (S Chad) 28 Jan, 1346
Yorkshire S Maximus: Dawn V A Offen 1, Sue
Buckingham 2, Heather A Kippin 3, Neil Bennett 4,
Nicholas J Green (C) 5, Michael Wilshaw 6, Richard D
Blagrove 7, Penny J Salisbury 8, Laura M Davies 9,
Mark Adams 10, Alan M Glover 11, Robert C Kippin 12.
1st S Maximus: 8. Rung as a get well compliment to Bill
Deason, who was to have rung in this Q.
Shrewsbury, Shrops. (S Chad) 17 Feb, 1296
Grandsire Caters: Dawn V A Offen 1, Biff Patterson 2,
Sue Buckingham 3, Gillian R Glover 4, Amanda R
Craig 5, Jad Bienek 6, Madeline J Harris 7, Adrian G
Roberts 8, Brian S B Kear (C) 9, John Crum 10. Rung
for Evensong.
Southport, Mers. (5 North Street) 21 Feb, 1264 PB
Major: Daniel J Vernon 1-2, Celia F Hughes-D’Aeth 3-4,
Colin Woods (C) 5-6, Jeffrey D Simcox 7-8.
Speldhurst, Kent. 23 Feb, 1280 Cambridge S
Major: Eric Roughley 1, Janice Byrne 2, Tessa
Worthington 3, Ray Taylor 4, Catherine Lewis 5,
Catherine Heathcote 6, Anthony Leeves (C) 7, Frank
Lewis 8. 1st Cambridge Major: 2.
St Albans, Herts. (S Peter) 28 Feb, 1344 Spl S
Major (6m): Richard A Horne 1, Stephen W Penney (C)
2, Iain J Anderson 3, Claire C Nicholson 4, Bjørn E
Bradstock 5, Jonathan A Agg 6, Richard Sales 7,
Samuel M Austin 8.
St Annes-on-the-Sea, Lancs. 24 Feb, 1320 PB
Doubles: Alison Harrison 1, John Preston 2, Stuart
Newton 3, Hal Meakin (C) 4, Gareth Wilson 5, Joanne
Barker 6. Rung for Evensong and as a 70th Birthday
compliment to John Preston. First as C.
St Martins, Shrops. 23 Feb, 1260 Spl St Clement’s,
PB & LB Minor: Cordelia Warr 1, William J Lander 2,
Peter J Woollam 3, Susan Capey 4, Peter Neil (C) 5,
Anthony J Freemont 6. To mark the second anniversary
of the Christchurch earthquake.
Stepney, Middx. (S Dunstan) 24 Feb, 1260 PB Minor:
Thomas Lawrance (C) 1, Andrew Larsen 2, Alastair
George 3, Kevin Turner 4, Elizabeth LeMoine 5, William
Stungo 6. For evening service. 1st Minor: 2.
Stoke upon Trent, Staffs. (S Peter ad Vincula) 24
Feb, 1260 Doubles (1p/4m/1v): B Margaret Burton 1, J
Geoffrey Burton 2, Wendy Daw 3, Raymond H Daw (C)
4, Bernie Payne 5, Spencer J S Browning 6. Compliment
to Bernie for his 66th Birthday, today. For evening
Stretford, Lancs. 23 Feb, 1344 PB Major: Malcolm
Murphy 1, Matthew D Warburton 2, Bernard J Ongley
3, Harry N Grange 4, Andrew Tyler 5, Michael F Leese
6, K George Lee (C) 7, Tim J Calvert 8. 1st on 8: 4.
Birthday compliment to Betty Ormrod.
Stretton, Staffs. (S Mary) 23 Feb, 1260 Grandsire
Doubles: Lee Cooke 1, Colin Whieldon 2, Barry Gooding
3, John A Cater (C) 4, Christopher P Wilton 5, David
Mitchell 6. Rung to celebrate the Golden Wedding of
Keith & Noreen Atkinson, married at this church 50 years
ago and also ringers at St Mary’s at that time.
Stroud, Glos. 26 Feb, 1259 Grandsire Caters: Fen
Tongue 1, Steve Coleman (C) 2, Pat Wood 3, Connie
Tongue 4, Jeremy Meyrick 5, Sue Coleman 6, Jo
Gifford 7, Dave Franklin 8, Cathy Baker 9, Charlie
Burnett 10. 1st on ten: 1 & 6.
Sturry, Kent. 15 Feb, 1260 Mixed Doubles (1p/3m):
Christina Bouldin 1, John Haimes 2, Liz Shearman 3,
Ann Davies 4, Mike Little (C) 5, Josephine Horton 6. To
celebrate the 100th Birthday of Marjorie Button, a loyal
member of this church for many years.
Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambs. 25 Feb, 1280 Glasgow
S Major: Pat Cresshull 1, Liz Griffith-Jones 2, June
Mackay 3, John Rank 4, Peter Rogers 5, Ian Cresshull
6, George Bonham 7, Stephen Wood (C) 8.
Swanage, Dorset. (S Mary V) 24 Feb, 1264 Spl
Plain Major (3m): Jill Harris 1, Sally Jenkins 2, Rachael
Rutter 3, Matthew Pike 4, Linda Hough 5, Eddie Dicken
6, Phil Miles 7, Tim E Rose (C) 8. For Choral Evensong
and rung as a Birthday compliment to Sas Watson.
Most m Spl: 2.
Sydney, NSW (S Mary’s Cathedral). 22 Feb, 1260
Stedman Triples: Murray-Luke Peard 1-2, Thomas
Perrins (C) 3-4, Esther Perrins 5-6, John Fryer 7-8.
Sydney, NSW. (S Mary’s Cathedral). 22 Feb, 1346
Cambridge S Maximus: Elaine Lee 1, Mary Symes 2,
David Bath 3, Kate Simms 4, Kathi Downs 5, MurrayLuke Peard 6, Tom Goodyer 7, John Fryer 8, Esther
Perrins 9, Bill Perrins (C) 10, Thomas Perrins 11, James
Perrins 12. 1st Maximus: 4 & 6.
The Ringing World – 367
April 12, 2013
The Lye, W Mids. 24 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S Minor:
Stephen Bedford (C) 1, Nicky Beaumont 2, Andy Gray
3, David Struckett 4, Dave Andrews 5, David Chiswell
6. First Q on the bells since being re-hung.
Town Church, Guernsey. 27 Feb, 1260 Grandsire
Doubles: Dean Lee 1, Nicky David 2, John David 3,
David Reeves 4, Michael Bubb (C) 5, Judith Laine 6.
Rung to celebrate the birth on 13th February of Eilidh
Elinor, daughter of David & Lorna Reeves and sister
of Amilie.
Truro, Cornwall. (Cathedral) 23 Feb, 1280 Bristol S
Major: Mark Hood 1, Norman Mattingley (C) 2, Carolyn
Howell 3, Robert Perry 4, John Davis 5, Owen Borlase
6, Neil Hitchens 7, Chris Venn 8.
Ubley, Som. 27 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S Minor:
Raymond P Jones 1, Charles H P Pipe-Wolferstan 2, W
John Parsons 3, Michael S Blissett 4, Bryan G Williams
5, Giles R Morley (C) 6.
Ulceby, Lincs. 1 Mar, 1260 PB Doubles: Katie Hogg
1, Bish A Ward 2, Patricia A Donnelly 3, K Joan Barton
4, Barry F Peachey (C) 5, Matthew J Blurton 6. Rung as
a Birthday compliment to 6.
Upper Boddington, Northants. 22 Feb, 1260 PB
Minor: Geoff Pullin 1, Dorothy FitzGerald 2, Carole
Pullin 3, Brian Foley 4, Gwynneth White (C) 5, James
White 6. 1st Minor: 2.
Vale, Guernsey. 25 Feb, 1260 St Simon’s B Doubles:
Robbie Sherwood 1, Nicky David 2, John David 3, Joe
Allen 4, Michael Bubb (C) 5, Colin Sarchet 6. Rung to
celebrate the birth of Indira Putra. Granddaughter for
Father Leslie & Mrs Joyce Craske.
Wallasey, Wirral. (S Nicholas) 24 Feb, 1250
Cambridge S Major: Gillian Caulfield-Pleavin 1, Helen A
Stansfield 2, Steven W Hughes 3, Janet M Jones 4,
Desmond Hall 5, Jane E Davies 6, George W Phillips 7,
Randle T J Tinkler (C) 8. 1st Cambridge Major: 2. £2.40
Wapley, Glos. 26 Feb, 1260 Single Oxford B Minor:
Philip Coward 1, Valerie Johnson 2, Brynley A
Shackleton 3, David H Sansum 4, Andrew R Williams 5,
Matthew B Johnson (C) 6. For Matthew’s Birthday
(today), and also Brynley’s (21 Feb).
Wellington, New Zealand. (S Paul’s Cathedral) 23
Feb, 1296 Surfleet S Minor: Derek Williams 1, Mary
Sluter 2, Christopher Jarman 3, Gerald McIlhone 4,
Alan Caldwell 5, Frank Sluter (C) 6. To welcome David
Sluter as a ringer at Wellington Cathedral.
Wellington, New Zealand. (S Paul’s Cathedral) 24
Feb, 1280 Yorkshire S Major: Gerald McIlhone 1, Peter
Bill (C) 2, Ruth Lightbourne 3, Mary Sluter 4, Christopher
Jarman 5, Derek Williams 6, Alan Caldwell 7, Frank
Sluter 8. A Birthday compliment to Kate Kirkman (5),
granddaughter of Peter Bill, and Mark Lightbourne, son
of Ruth Lightbourne.
West Camel, Som. 23 Feb, 1260 PB Minor: Eloise
Reeves 1, Paul Reeves 2, Stanley Redmond 3, Andrew
Clark 4, Stuart Reeves 5, Mervyn Buckley (C) 6. To
celebrate the birth of Eilidh Elinor Reeves born 13th
February and Poppy Emily Reeves born 20th February.
West Hallam, Derbys. 23 Feb, 1260 Spl S Major
(Std-8): Jane Aked 1, Colin Aked 2, Jane Boden 3, Pam
Timms 4, Jack Chadwick 5, Pat Halls 6, Luke Heaton
7, John Hawes (C) 8. On the day of the DDA 60th
anniversary Sir Arthur Heywood Dinner.
Westbourne, Sussex. 24 Feb, 1260 Grandsire
Triples: Wendy Shutler 1, Jane Wilkinson 2, Barbara
Salmons 3, Cyril G Shutler 4, Geoffrey Anthony 5,
Simon L Kelly 6, Peter M Wilkinson (C) 7, Anthony
Shutler 8. 1st for 37 years: 1.
Westham, E Sussex. 1 Mar, 1272 Spl Ipswich &
Cambridge S Minor: Christine Baldock 1, Louise Pink
2, Pauline Kennard 3, Anne Franklin 4, Alan Baldock 5,
Stephen Beckingham (C) 6. Rung before the Women’s
World Day of Prayer service.
Westminster, London WC2. (S Martin in the Fields)
24 Feb, 1346 Cambridge S Maximus: Edmund J
Wratten 1, Rona M Joiner 2, Rosemary E Hill 3, Lucinda
J Woodward (C) 4, Janet E Archibald 5, Elizabeth A
Hibbert 6, Jonathan R Galloway 7, David Woodward 8,
James P Ramsbottom 9, Benjamin D Kipling 10,
Catherine N Merlane 11, Andrew V Brown 12. With the
band’s best wishes to Ralph Smith the Head Verger
who retired today.
Winwick, Cambs. 14 Mar, 1260 PB Doubles: David
Fowler (1st Q) 1, Michael Alderman 2, Ann Bunting 3,
Kevin Dalley 4, John Haas (C) 5. On 80th birthday of 2;
also his first Q ringing an inside bell for nearly 57
Weston-in-Gordano, Som. 24 Feb, 1320 Cambridge
S Minor: Mervyn Baker 1, Michael Callow 2, Julie
Slocombe 3, Ronald Ballam 4, David James (C) 5, Mark
Callow 6. For Evensong.
Wethersfield, Essex. 3 Feb, 1260 Doubles (4m):
Annemarie Adams 1, Esther Pilgrim 2, Cherry
Threadgold 3, Ian Hamilton 4, Roy Threadgold (C) 5,
William Pannell 6. With the band’s best wishes to
Adrian Semken.
Whitehaven, Cumbria. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Triples:
James Last 1, Susan J Sewell 2, Jane Holland 3,
Christine B J de Cordova 4, Gerald Sewell 5, Richard C
Last 6, Andrew J Holland 7, Brian J Forster 8. £4.50
Wing, Bucks. 24 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles: Gill Jeffries
1, Natalie Brett 2, Ed Houghton 3, John Lomas 4, Alan
Frost (C) 5, Ernie Weight 6. Rung for 1600 Holy
Communion service.
Wittersham, Kent. 3 Feb, 1260 PB Minor: Sue
Childs 1, Daniel Lavender 2, David J Chesson 3, Craig
Tyler 4, Colin Friend 5, Tim Munt (C) 6. Rung for
Candlemas Evensong on the front six.
Wittersham, Kent. 24 Feb, 1260 Grandsire & PB
Doubles: Gay Quearney 1, Colin Friend 2, Daniel
Lavender 3, David J Chesson 4, Frank R Wenham (C)
5, Sue Childs 6. On the front six for Choral Evensong.
York. (S Lawrence) 22 Feb, 1272 Kent TB Minor:
Eric Wolever 1, Ryan Mills 2, Helen Beaumont 3,
Charlotte Elkington 4, Kevin Atkinson 5, Peter
Sanderson (C) 6. First in m: 1, 2 & 3.
The Ringing World
Gold Sponsor
John Taylor & Co.
The Bellfoundry, Freehold Street
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 1AR
Phone: 01509 212241 Fax: 01509 263305
Silver Sponsors
Shropshire 2013
Our weekend away this year saw the band take over
a large self catering house located on a farm just south
of Bridgnorth. The close proximity of the Severn Valley
Railway and a golf course distracted the attention of a
couple of members of the group. Whereas Neil
managed to satisfy his other passion with a trip on the
railway, Donald will have to make a return trip in order
to grab a new course. The bitterly cold weather this
year was in sharp contrast to the warm weather we
experienced in Oxfordshire last year and a number of
the “sit-outs” had to be made in the ringing chamber
rather than exploring the locality.
As usual we would like to thank all the incumbents
for allowing us to ring on their bells and to all the
local representatives who made the arrangements to
enable access.
Donald Carter
Morville, Shrops. 23 Feb, 1312 Morville D Major:
Lesley Tucker 1, Susan Sawyer 2, Graham Tucker 3,
Hilary Beresford 4, Stephen Taylor 5, Phil Dunn 6, Neil
Williams 7, Donald Carter (C) 8. First in m by all. Rung
as a compliment to Alan Carter and Zoe Warner on the
birth of a son, Sebastian, on 21st February. Donald is
now a Gruncle.
Much Wenlock, Shrops. 23 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major
(3m): Susan Sawyer 1, Rachel Taylor 2, Jane Dunn 3,
Cathy Civill 4, Hilary Beresford 5, Stephen Taylor 6, Phil
Dunn 7, Donald Carter (C) 8. 250th Spl S Major: 8. 50th
together: 7 & 8.
Coalbrookdale, Shrops. 23 Feb, 1282 Yorkshire S
Royal: Hilary Beresford 1, Susan Sawyer 2, Rachel
Taylor 3, Lesley Tucker 4, Jane Dunn 5, Graham Tucker
6, Stephen Taylor 7, Phil Dunn 8, Neil Williams 9, Donald
Carter (C) 10. Rung as a get well compliment to James
Caswell who should have been on this weekend.
Broseley, Shrops. 23 Feb, 1280 Rutland S Major:
Stephen Taylor 1, Rachel Taylor 2, Cathy Civill 3, Susan
Sawyer 4, Hilary Beresford 5, Graham Tucker 6, Donald
Carter 7, Neil Williams (C) 8.
Bridgnorth, Shrops. (S Mary Magd) 23 Feb, 1280 X
S Major: Jane Dunn 1, Hilary Beresford 2, Lesley
Tucker 3, Susan Sawyer 4, Neil Williams 5, Graham
Tucker 6, Phil Dunn 7, Donald Carter (C) 8. First in m by
all. 2,600th as C.
Chelmarsh, Shrops. 24 Feb, 1272 Norwich S
Minor: Susan Sawyer 1, Rachel Taylor 2, Cathy Civill 3,
Hilary Beresford 4, Stephen Taylor 5, Donald Carter (C)
6. 50th Norwich S Minor: 6.
Chetton, Shrops. 24 Feb, 1296 Cambridge S Minor:
Lesley Tucker 1, Susan Sawyer 2, Jane Dunn 3,
Stephen Taylor 4, Phil Dunn 5, Graham Tucker (C) 6.
Claverley, Shrops. 24 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major (8m):
Neil Williams 1, Lesley Tucker 2, Susan Sawyer 3, Hilary
Beresford 4, Stephen Taylor 5, Phil Dunn 6, Graham
Tucker 7, Donald Carter (C) 8. 2,200th bell to a Q: 8.
Enville, Staffs. 25 Feb, 1280 Spl S Major (6m):
Graham Tucker 1, Susan Sawyer 2, Rachel Taylor 3,
Jane Dunn 4, Neil Williams 5, Stephen Taylor 6, Phil
Dunn 7, Donald Carter (C) 8.
Kinver, Staffs. 25 Feb, 1250 Kinver S Major: Donald
Carter 1, Lesley Tucker 2, Stephen Taylor 3, Susan
Sawyer 4, Graham Tucker 5, Hilary Beresford 6, Neil
Williams 7, Phil Dunn (C) 8. First in m by all except 1 & 4.
Nicholson Engineering Ltd
Church Bell Works, St Swithin’s Road,
Bridport, Dorset DT6 5DW.
Telephone (01308) 422264.
Fax (01308) 427172
Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd
32/34 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DY
Tel. 020 7247 2599 Fax. 020 7375 1979
Whites of Appleton Ltd
Appleton, Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5JJ
Tel: 01865 862549 Fax: 01865 864969
Hagley, Worcs. 25 Feb, 1250 Superlative S Major:
Cathy Civill 1, Susan Sawyer 2, Jane Dunn 3, Lesley
Tucker 4, Rachel Taylor 5, Donald Carter 6, Hilary
Beresford 7, Neil Williams (C) 8. 3,900th Q: 6.
Clent, Worcs. 25 Feb, 1280 Clent S Major: Rachel
Taylor 1, Graham Tucker 2, Susan Sawyer 3, Phil Dunn
4, Hilary Beresford 5, Stephen Taylor 6, Neil Williams 7,
Donald Carter (C) 8. First in m by all. 1,500th tower &
1,000th tenor to a Q: 8.
Bromsgrove, Worcs. 25 Feb, 1259 Grandsire
Caters: Susan Sawyer 1, Lesley Tucker 2, Jane Dunn 3,
Cathy Civill 4, Hilary Beresford 5, Neil Williams 6,
Graham Tucker 7, Stephen Taylor 8, Donald Carter (C)
9, Phil Dunn 10. 25th Worcs tower to a Q: 9.
368 – The Ringing World
See obituaries on line at
John McCutcheon 1939 - 2012
John was born in Scotland on 3rd March
1939 to a Welsh father, William, and an English
mother, Greta. He was given the middle name
Ninian, after the patronal saint of Perth
Cathedral where his father was the Precentor at
the time. John, the eldest of three boys, moved
to Ripon at 6 months old and spent his formative
years in Yorkshire and always considered
himself a Yorkshireman.
John attended the village school in Kirkby
Fleetham and later went to prep school in
Saltburn before entering Northallerton Grammar
School. John reckoned he was a bit of a geek and
should have been bullied but wasn’t because he
was quite sociable. As a vicar’s son in a small
village it was drummed into him that you
acknowledged everyone and spoke to all - a trait
that he carried with him to the end of his life.
In his final years at school, John and his
fellow sixth formers resolved as a group to buy
a different newspaper every week to get a
varied view on the world. One day John bought
the Daily Worker and soon afterwards was
summoned to appear before the Head and
Chairman of the Governors following a report
from the shopkeeper. John explained what he
and the others were about but he was nonetheless
accused of being a Communist. John noted that
next week the Yorkshire Post was the paper on
the list and asked if that then branded him as a
Conservative, a comment that did not go down
well with the Governor who was also Chairman
of the local Conservative Club. Needless to say,
John was never made a prefect.
John survived his school days, studied physics
at King’s College University in Newcastle upon
Tyne and became a gifted and popular teacher.
After teaching for five years in Mansfield he
became Head of Physics at Hitchin Girls’
School in 1966 and stayed for 37 years becoming
Head of Science and then Deputy Head for 19
years before retiring. Teaching was John’s first
and great love. He took the trouble to make
difficult concepts easy for his pupils to
understand and worked hard so that they would
be successful. John had a terrific sense of
humour which he used to advantage in the
classroom but he could also be mischievous
with it. On one occasion when he had been
invited to a reception at Buckingham Palace, a
senior civil servant asked him how his school
was coping with the new national curriculum.
“Well,” said John with his usual dead pan
delivery, “we have just installed a new central
heating system that runs on shredded paper, so
with all these new instructions we have a ready
supply of fuel, thank you very much”.
John’s ringing career started in his early
twenties in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire,
where he attended an evening class to learn to
ring. A year later in Hitchin he joined the band
of St Mary’s where his contribution to ringing
was considerable. He was an ever present and
totally reliable member of the band for service
ringing, practices and weddings. His wisdom,
wry humour, friendship and pure goodliness
were a constant source of strength to all who
knew him. John ably filled the roles of Tower
Captain, Trustee and Vice Captain. He always
made sure there were enough ringers for service
and weddings, calling upon his wide circle of
ringing friends when the local band was short.
John used his organizational skills to run
extremely successful, and highly profitable,
tower open days to coincide with the Christmas
and Summer Fayres at St Mary’s Church. He
was also an excellent quiz master and helped to
raise hundreds of pounds over the years for the
County Bell Fund at the annual Holy Week
quiz which he introduced, and which is now a
permanent fixture on the North Hertfordshire
District calendar.
John was very supportive of the scheme that
is currently underway to improve and augment
Hitchin bells and it is particularly sad that he
did not live to see the project completed. It is
unusual to dedicate a bell to someone while
they are still alive, and John was characteristically
modest when it was suggested that the new
sharp second carry his name; he knew he was
unlikely to hear it ring. The new bell, cast in
October, is inscribed “To the Glory of God and
in gratitude for the contribution made to ringing
at this tower by John N McCutcheon, the gift of
St Mary’s Bellringers”. The bell will be part of
a light training eight and it is appropriate that it
is dedicated to a gifted teacher who did so
much for ringing in Hitchin as a band member,
long-serving local committee member and
President of The Hertford County Association
of Change-Ringers, 1987-1988.
Ringing gave John a good release from
work and provided much solace in the last
April 12, 2013
months of his life. In his view there were few
hobbies that encompassed the age spectrum
like ringing did. Over the years he taught his
wife, Christine, and his two children, Andrew
and Susan, to ring. John revelled in the fact
that in one group he could socialize with his
family, his contemporaries, his pupils and a
generation that had fought in the First World
War. Many years ago he persuaded pupils
from Hitchin Girls’ School (and those with
links to the school) to ring before the Annual
Founders’ Day Service at St Mary’s Church; a
tradition that still carries on. Like the man,
John’s ringing achievements were modest; he
would always encourage others to achieve
their goals although it is much to his credit
that he achieved his own goal to ring Glasgow
Surprise Major on Hitchin bells a few weeks
before he died. John rang 42 peals over a
period of forty years. He rang his last peal in
December 2011 (Minor – 7 methods) and his
last quarter peal in January 2012 (Barium
Surprise Major). In retirement John was a
popular and regular member of local midweek ringing groups, bringing his own brand
of wit to the day.
John was a very practical man and a
marvellous fixer of all sorts of things but with a
particular passion for electronics which started
when he was 12. As a boy he would repair the
radios of the elderly parishioners and took great
joy in extracting the accumulators and valves
from the old radios passed to him. Later in life,
whenever he was out and about with the family
he would hatch a cunning plan to visit a radio
shop and make it look accidental. Once retired
from teaching, John joined the local Amateur
Radio Society and soon became club secretary.
Using his talent to enthuse he revived the club’s
fortunes and ensured that it had a thriving and
engaged membership. John was always
generous with his practical skills and, unasked,
would do “fixing” jobs - trying to make things
just that little bit better for everyone else. He
was still giving help and practical advice about
the sound system in St Mary’s Church in the
last week of his life.
In retirement John, ever busy, was also an
active member of the local Probus club and was
at one time its Chairman; he and Christine
enjoyed the club’s monthly walks and outings
and made many new friends along the way.
John married Christine, a zoology graduate,
in 1965 and through a long and very happy
marriage they travelled widely, particularly
enjoying holidays in France, and shared many
interests apart from science and bell ringing. At
one time they both taught at Hitchin Girls’
School. John was an inspirational and nurturing
parent to Andrew and Susan and a devoted
grandfather; his sense of fun and energy was
never more apparent than when he was in
charge of his grandchildren.
John was a very special man who will be
much missed. His untimely death on 13th
December has left us all diminished by the loss.
That St Mary’s Church was packed for his
funeral was an indication of the high regard in
which John was held by his friends from all of
his walks of life. May he rest in peace.
The McCutcheon family
with help from Trevor Groom and Jane Boyd
The Ringing World – 369
April 12, 2013
The Hereford Diocesan Guild
of Bellringers, 1886-1986 –
The History of the
First Hundred Years
by D. John C. Eisel
Sixty years ago, as a lad in shorts, I
accompanied my father as he visited his
parishioners in the benefice of Glasbury. On
the walls of house after house were one or two
framed certificates: of Competence in
Religious Knowledge (issued by the Diocese
of Swansea and Brecon after examination in
the local church schools) and/or of election to
the Hereford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell
Ringers (HDGBR). The most prized and
hardest earned was the latter, for which
candidates had to ring 120 changes on tower
or handbells. My certificate (below) dates to
January 1964, by which time I had already
rung nineteen peals for the Guild!
The Hereford DGBR was founded in 1886,
mainly at the instigation of two clergymen
within the diocese: Rev G. M.Custance of
Colwall and Prebendary W. H. Phillott, who
was sometime incumbent of Staunton-on-Wye.
Both had sons who were ringers and went up to
Oxford University. At Oxford these young men
benefited from ringing with such experts as The
Revds. F. E. Robinson, G. F. Coleridge and C.
D. P. Davies. In 1886, for example, they stood
in a peal of Stedman Triples at Drayton
conducted by Robinson. Both men
subsequently played important roles in the new
Guild. George Phillott was the first Master,
even though employed as an architect in
John Eisel’s book traces the formation and
development of the Guild. The book also
indicates the standard of ringing within the
diocesan area before the foundation of the
Guild. (The diocese largely equates with the
territory of the much older British/AngloSaxon kingdom of the Magonsaete that
formed a buffer zone between Wales and
Anglo-Saxon Mercia).
The formation of the Hereford DGBR was
part of the process of establishment of
diocesan and territorial ringing associations
that took place during the 1870s and 1880s.
This process was an outgrowth of the
‘Oxford Movement’ of the nineteenth century
that sought to reform the Church of England.
Bells and ringers were seen as part of the
Church of England. Ringers who drank,
swore, or even lit fires in ringing chambers,
were seen by reformers as disreputable, as
were those who only rang for occasions other
than church services.
The first meeting of the Hereford DGBR
elected a committee of fourteen, of whom
eight were clergy. The meeting also
determined to employ a paid instructor.
Subsequently James W. Washbrook was
appointed to that position. In June 1886 he
conducted the first peal for the Guild:
Grandsire Triples at Ross-on-Wye. In 1887
H. J. Tucker replaced Washbrook as paid
instructor, followed by W. H. Fussell in 1888
and subsequently by James Groves and then
by William (Bill) Short.
Among the highlights of the pre-1914-18
War that Eisel recounts were the Kidston
Shield competitions, first held at Glasbury in
1912 with eleven bands competing. The
terrible effects of that War are also described.
The number of ringing members of the Guild
dropped by almost 200 from 1913 to 1914 and
the names of over fifty ringers are recorded on
the memorial tablet installed in All Saints’
Hereford as having given their lives during
that conflict. The era of paid instructors ended
and has not been renewed.
Standards after the war rose. The first
course of Double Norwich CB Major by
residents of the Guild was achieved in 1924,
although the first peal of Cambridge S Minor
by resident members was not rung until 1947.
The Hereford Ringing Course, of immense
value to ringers worldwide, started in 1963,
and so the book continues.
The Hereford Diocesan Guild of
Bellringers is well worth reading, especially
since it contains photographs of many of the
leading members of the Guild at different
periods of the past. Perhaps, however, it
lacks some of the more personal insights that
add spice to history. A. F. M. Custance, son
of one of the two instigators of the Guild and
a committee member for 1886-7, was
Concluded on p.371
370 – The Ringing World
See Notices on line at
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The deadline for notices is 9am Thursday, 8 days
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Copy, with payment (except on approved
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Notices will also appear on The Ringing World
The Editor may place display notices throughout
the paper – if you would prefer your display notice
to appear on the Notices page please make that
request known when submitting the notice.
We regret to report that Dr Jean Weddell, who
was for many years associated with Southwark
Cathedral and the London County Association, died
in the Isle of Wight on 10th March. A thanksgiving
service for her life was held in London on 5th April
at St Thomas’ Hospital Chapel.
For Sale
QUALITY PEALBOARDS. Free layout and quote
– – tel: 023 8089 8741
Tower Announcements
CARLISLE CATHEDRAL. New contact Anne East, 65
Scotby Road, Scotby, Carlisle CA4 8BG. 01228
District. Crawford Cup District Contest at
Scarrington, draw at 2pm. Contest followed by
Service. Tea and meeting in the W.I. Hall. Evening
ringing at Whatton at 6.30pm approx. Names for
tea to James Howard on 07970 467760.
and Petersfield District. Quarterly Meeting at Buriton
April 13th 2013. General ringing from 3pm, service
4.15pm, tea at 5pm in the church followed by the
business meeting. Names for tea to Helene Tipper, or phone 02392
591007 by April 9th.
Meetings on Saturday April 20
CHESTER D.G. South Branch. Ringing at St Mary’s,
Sandbach 4-5.30pm followed by service and tea.
Evening ringing. St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich.
Names for tea to Mary Stanwell 01270 628900 or by 17th please.
ELY D.A. Huntingdon District. Afternoon Ringing at
Stanground (6) 3-4.30pm followed by a Service of
Evensong, tea and business meeting. Evening
Ringing at Old Fletton (5) from 6.30pm. All welcome.
Special Method Reverse Canterbury. Names for tea
essential by 16th April to Sally Mew on 01480
KCACR. Rochester District. Competitions and
Quarterly Meeting at Eastchurch. Draw 2.30pm
followed by call change and 6-bell striking
competitions. Tea, results, business meeting and
evening ringing afterwards. Names for tea to
Richard Senior on 01795 871384 or rmsenior@ by 17th April. All welcome.
Meetings on Saturday April 13
Ringing only at Beverley Minster (10) from 2.304.30pm, followed by a Notice Meeting.
LACR. Fylde Branch. Meeting at St Joseph’s,
Ansdell, Lytham (SD348280) from 4-6pm. Visitors
LACR. Manchester Branch. Morning Meeting at St
Matthew, Stretford. Ringing 10am-12noon. All
LDG. Market Harborough District. 3-5pm District
Practice at Kibworth – tea and biscuits will be
provided. All welcome.
LEICESTER D.G. Melton District. Meeting Saturday
20th April 7-8.30pm at Ashby Folville (8). All abilities
OXFORD D.G. Banbury AGM on Saturday 20th April
2013 at Cropredy. Ringing from 3.30pm. Service
4pm followed by tea and meeting in the Village Hall.
Further ringing after meeting. Tea numbers to Helen
Wilde by Monday 15th April. Tel 01295 758894, email
PDGCBR. Rutland Branch. Branch 6-bell Striking
Competition 4-7pm at Gt Casterton. Note changed
date and venue. Details on website www.
Practice 7pm. Visitors welcome. Branch Practice in
Sherborne Abbey 7-9pm. Visitors welcome.
Meetings on Saturday April 27
towers from Basingstoke Station. See www. Visitors welcome, £10 per
person. Pre-booking is essential. Martin Boult. Tel:
01256 479772.
Meetings on Saturday May 18
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 27 April 2013
9.30-10.00am Ringing at Lincoln Cathedral (12)
Holy Communion in the
Ringers’ Chapel, Lincoln
Annual General Meeting at
Bailgate Methodist Church
Lunch at Bailgate Methodist
Church (names required)
2.00-3.00pm Ringing at Stow (8)
2.45-3.45pm Ringing at Saxilby (6)
4.15-5.20pm Ringing at Lincoln Cathedral
5.30-6.15pm Evensong at Lincoln Cathedral
Ringing at Lincoln Cathedral
Notice of proposed change to rule 9(b):
“Fourteen days notice of such meeting and
proposed alteration(s) must be given to each
member through their respective towers, via
the Branch Secretaries.”
Names for lunch, please, to
Sandra Underwood, Hon Secretary
01522 884682 email
by Wednesday 17 April 2013
Weekday Meetings and Practices
Midweek Meeting at St Mary’s Hale. Ringing from
19:30-21:00. Further information from Beverley,, 07947 602594.
LACR. Rossendale Branch. Monday 15th April 2013.
Midweek Practice at St Peter, Burnley (BB11 1UF),
7.30-9pm. All welcome.
L&M DAC. Practice at Michaelston-y-Fedw on 26
April from 10.30am. All welcome.
W&PDG.Wednesday April 17th, 11:00-12:00 Liss, S
Mary; 14:00-15:00 Buriton; 15:30-16:20 Petersfield.
All are welcome. Contact David Forder 023 8087
2399. Details at
April 12, 2013
Spring Guild Meeting
& 6 Bell Striking Competition
Saturday 27th April 2013
Meet at 15.45.
Competition Ringing begins at 16.00
Buffet tea available during the contest
in Village Hall.
Short Business Meeting followed by results.
Evening Ringing at Earls Barton until 21.00.
To enter a team contact the Guild President
by 23/4/13.(01933 358982)
Meeting: 2pm Ringing at Southwell Minster; 3pm
AGM in Trebeck Hall followed by tea; 5pm Ringing at
Southwell Minster; 5.45pm Evening Prayer at
Southwell Minster; 6.45pm approx Evening Ringing
at Southwell Minster. Names for tea to Maurice
Selby 01636 816918. For details of rule change, see Written details are
available from 2037
Sunday, 26th May 2013 at 2pm
The URC, Portsmouth Road, Guildford
Appointment of Directors
In accordance with Article 24 of the Company’s
constitution one-third of the Directors are
subject to retirement by rotation.
Messrs R G Booth and A R Heppenstall retire;
both are eligible for re-election.
Article 27 requires that notice of intention to
propose a person as a Director should be sent to
the undersigned together with a notice of
willingness to be appointed signed by the
The notice should give the name, address,
occupation and nationality of the nominee,
The notice may be given in writing or by email.
Proposals may be made by any member of the
Nominees are not required to be members of
the Central Council of Church Bell ringers.
For inclusion with the papers to be circulated to
members prior to the meeting notifications
need to be received by me no later than 26 April;
notifications received no later than 12 May will
still be valid.
A R Heppenstall
Company Secretary
10 Willingham Road
DN21 5EH
The Ringing World – 371
April 12, 2013
Thought for the week
Hertford County Association
Saturday April 27th 2013
Route 1 – North
Route 2 – South
12:00 - 12:45 Widford (6)
12:45 - 13:30 Barley (6)
13:00 - 13:45 Much Hadham (8)
13:45 - 14:45 Barkway (8)
14:00 - 15:00 Bishop’s Stortford (10)
15:00 - 16:00 Braughing (8) (T)
Routes merge at Standon
15:30 - 16:15 Standon (6)
Names for tea by Sunday 21st April
16:15 - 16:30 Service touch (invited band)
to Tracey Coley
Service at Standon
01920 823886 or
Tea in the Standon and Puckeridge Community Centre, Station Road,
Puckeridge SG11 1TF followed by AGM
18:30 (approx)
Proposed rule changes:
Rule 2.3: Add “whether continuous or not.” (clarification of 50-year life membership
automatic qualification)
Rule 7.1: Delete “and the Central Council Representatives” as rule 6.7 has already included
them as officers.
The 2013 Tewkesbury Shield
New from
Central Council Publications
Judging Striking
will take place at
by Simon Linford
This 32 page book is aimed at
inexperienced judges as well as those
with more experience and also includes
useful tips for organisers and bands.
Price: £3.50 incl p&p
Order from
Mrs B Wheeler,
2 Orchard Close, Morpeth, NE61 1XE
Please make cheques payable to
‘Central Council Publications’
Appointment of Directors
In accordance with Article 26 of the Company’s
constitution, one-third of the Directors are subject
to retirement by rotation. Mr W N G Herriott and
W A Hibbert retire. Mr Herriott and Mr Hibbert,
being eligible, are willing to be reappointed.
Article 29 requires that notice of intention to
propose a person as a Director should be sent to
the undersigned, together with a note of
willingness to be appointed by the nominee.
The notice should give the name of the nominee,
address, occupation and any other directorships
(these being particulars that have to be included
in the Company’s Register of Directors). The
notice may be given in writing or by e-mail.
Proposals may be made by any member of the
Company who is still a member of the Central
Council at the time of nomination. Proposers
should submit information about candidates for
Directorship for inclusion in the agenda and also
confirm that the nominee is not disqualified from
holding office (see Article 36). Nominees are not
required to be members of the Central Council.
Nominations may be made up to 12th May.
However, only those received by 30th April can
be included in the papers for the Annual General
Company Secretary,
The Cottage, School Hill,
Warnham, Horsham,
West Sussex RH12 3QN.
We print Notices as submitted
so please ensure that what you send as the text
of your notice is exactly what you intend to
appear, and is clearly readable.
Tewkesbury Abbey
On Saturday May 4th 2013
The teams taking part are Nottingham
University Society, Worcestershire and Districts
Assn, Oxford DG, St Martin’s Guild, Leicester
DG, Llandaff and Monmouth Assn (Monmouth
Branch), Irish Assn, University of London
Society and Derby Diocesan Assn
The test piece will be a touch of Erin Caters
and the Judges are Robin Walker
and Simon Woof
Booking in of Teams
Ballot and Competition ringing
16.45 approx
The Competition Secretary, D.Bagley,
38 Ashchurch Road, Newtown, Tewkesbury,
Glos, GL20 8BT
More details at
100 Years Ago
The Ringing World, 11 April, 1913
Selected by the Editor
Odd Changes
The Middlesex Association have scored a
peal of Cambridge Surprise Maximus, and
they are to be congratulated upon at length
attaining to the height of their ambition. The
peal was rung at Cripplegate last Saturday,
and was composed and conducted by Mr.
William Pye.
* * *
That peal, we believe, is only the seventh
ever rung in the method. The first was
achieved at St. Mary-le-Tower Ipswich, by
Mr. James Motts’ company on August 15th,
1908, and they also rang the second in 1910,
Since then the College Youths, who were the
first to score Cambridge Maximus in London,
have rung three, one at Cornhill and two at
Southwark. The other peal was rung recently
at St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol.
* * *
We understand that the College Youths
intend attempting a peal in this difficult
method at St. Paul’s Cathedral on April 26th.
If this should be successful it would be a
crowning achievement.
As I write this ‘Thought for the Week’ I
am preparing to join the Guild of Clerical
Ringers on their annual Low Week Tour.
This will be the third time I have shared in
such a tour, the previous ones being an
autumn tour to the Lake District and the
Low Week tour in Shropshire last year. As
a Presbyterian minister I was unsure how I
would fit in with a group of mainly
Anglican clergy, but I was made very
welcome and immediately felt that I was
among friends. Indeed, I was given the
privilege of leading evening prayer in the
last church we visited on one of the days
of the tour. I thoroughly enjoyed the
fellowship and I am looking forward to
being with the Guild once again, this time
in the Yorkshire Dales.
I was elected a member of the Clerical
Guild in 2000 and had received regular
invitations to join their tours in the annual
mailings. But for various reasons I was
unable to do so until 2011. Having seen
what is involved for myself and enjoyed
the experience I find that I regret not
having been part of a tour much sooner.
But that is often the way with life. We
think about something and hesitate to get
involved, and then when we do make the
decision, the experience is such that we
wish we had made the choice sooner.
Many people have shared with me how
this has been their experience of the
Christian life. They have heard Christ’s
invitation to follow him, but put off the
decision to do so. Then having become a
Christian they regret not having done so
much sooner. Perhaps you have been
thinking about it for many years but have
not yet responded to the gospel invitation.
I would urge you to do so without delay. It
is a choice you will never regret.
Revd George Cringles
The Guild of Clerical Ringers
Book review Concluded from p.369
described by Canon Coleridge as ‘… the son
of a poor Parson, he shortened his career at
Oxford by driving tandem up the High and a
steam launch down the river …’ Good on
him, and good on John Eisel for writing this
valuable history, and good on The Whiting
Society of Ringers for publishing this
fascinating and valuable book.
The Hereford Diocesan Guild of
Bellringers, 1886-1986 – The History of the
First Hundred Years is an A5 format booklet
of 108 pages, and is obtainable from Anne
Phillipson, 9 Ebbsgrove, Loughton, MILTON
KEYNES, MK5 8BD for £5.50 including UK
P&P. Cheques should be payable to The
Whiting Society of Ringers. It can also be
bought on-line through the Society’s website, – credit and debit
cards accepted.
Colin A. Lewis
372 – The Ringing World
April 12, 2013
Wedding at St Alfege, Greenwich,
Saturday, 9th February 2013
The 2012 Leading Quarter
Peal Ringer – an inspiration!
What spurred this year’s leading QP ringer
to achieve his extraordinary total of 446?
Andy Mead writes:
I hope my experience may inspire learners;
I set out last year not to become the leading
quarter peal ringer – but really to improve my
striking and move up the ladder from Doubles
to various Major methods.
Having returned to ringing after a gap very
“raw” – where a bob called in Grandsire
Doubles was a real issue, just over a year
later, with the help of local ringers and
supportive bands I now enjoy taking part in all
Standard 8 methods and some of the standard
10 & 12 methods.
This is just some of the stuff that can be
done if you take your time and do your
homework. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but
ringing endless changes on Mobel ringing
simulator has also helped me progress.
Having achieved all this, I now find all sorts
of ringers from all sorts of places are asking
me to ring in all sorts of weird and wonderful
methods and locations!
Recently I was even asked to call a quarter
of London Major at a local tower: a challenge
that I accepted and achieved. And now the
sky’s the limit …”
See Leading QP Ringers list on p.355.
Andy Mead – his rapid progress was assisted
by using Chris Hughes’ Mobel simulator
Rosie Riley, Jim Odell, Freda Cannon, Jeremy Gilliland, Hazel Bing, Alan Munden,
Graham Long, Jan Odell, Shelagh Norman, Roxanne Hughes, Bill Lanyon;
front: the bride and groom, Vicky Watson née Duguid and Andy Watson
he date was fixed, the band was ready,
and finally the big day arrived for a
wedding was to take place between Andy
Watson and one of our own ringers, Vicky
Duguid. We were keen to have some of our
best ringing on all 10 bells as Vicky is one of
our regulars at Greenwich.
The couple were to be married by Vicky’s
uncle, The Rt Revd Martin Wallace, Bishop
of Selby, who incidentally had never heard
bells firing before; Mother of the bride
could have stepped in to perform the
service, as she is Revd Ali Duguid, Vicar of
St Michael & All Angels, Marden, Kent, but
getting a Bishop is a bit special and Vicky’s
mother already had a starring role as
‘Mother of the Bride’.
Saturday dawned, a bit grey and chilly, but
not enough to dampen our enthusiasm! We
rang the happy couple in and after the
ceremony rang them out again. Some good
ringing of rounds and call changes on 10 bells
was the order of the day, always sounding
melodic for weddings at St Alfege.
The service was lovely, with some
musical harmonising of the hymns by our
own Tower Captain, Graham, who is also a
talented organist!
The bride looked beautiful in a full-length
lace gown with short train, no veil but a
tiara and an angora shrug, a necessity for a
February wedding. The groom was likewise
very handsome in his suit. The bridesmaid,
Lola, niece of the bride, a picture in pink
and white with a little basket, completed
the party.
After the service, the guests assembled for
photographs while we returned to the
chamber for more ringing, some lovely
Grandsire Triples and firing on all 10 bells,
a favourite with our ringers and obligatory
for weddings at St Alfege. Then the
photographer requested that we come down
for a photograph. As we were all (except
Graham who had thoughtfully brought a
change of clothing), wearing our usual,
casual ringing attire, we were initially
reluctant, but eventually descended to form
a huddle behind the bride and groom. The
photographs were taken and we favoured the
guests with an impromptu rendition of a
verse of ‘Ding Dong Merrily on High’, one
of the wedding hymns chosen by Vicky and
Andy in honour of the bells. Finally, we
were released and raced back upstairs for a
final ring.
Afterwards the guests repaired to The Cutty
Sark Tavern, which was closed to the public,
and enjoyed some refreshments and wedding
cake and plenty of merriment!
The happy couple will be honeymooning in
Cuba next week!
Chris Goldsmith
and Shelagh Norman
Greenwich, Gtr London. 8 Feb, 1260 PB Doubles:
Shelagh Norman 1, Jeremy Gilliland 2, Graham
Cuthbert 3, Jim Odell 4, Graham Long (C) 5, Alan
Munden 6. To celebrate the wedding of Vicky Duguid
(local ringer) and Andy Watson held at this church the
following day. All members of The Meridian Ringers
wish to be associated with this quarter. Members of
The Meridian Ringers also rang a touch of Stedman
Doubles to enable our matriarch, Freda Cannon, to be
included in the celebratory ringing.