Coo Chi Coo Vol 2 Issue 3 - 2014


Coo Chi Coo Vol 2 Issue 3 - 2014
100% Free
Volume 2 - Issue 3
May/June 2014
© Junior
Page 2
In this months edition
Coo Chi Coo Magazine
Page 3 - Sponsor’s
Page 4/5 - Helpful Hints
Page 6 - Intro Welcome
Page 7 - Will I Find Innocence ? (Poem)
Page 8 - Seven Years Ago (Letter)
Page 9/10 - Diaper Adventures (Letters)
Page 11/12 - I'm A Baby Again (Letter)
Page 13/15 - Diaperman Comic
Page 16 - Adult Baby Club London
Page 17 - Got My Mother's Attention (True
Page 18 - Friend Finder Ads
Page 19 - Baby Walking Advertisement (Comic)
Page 20 - Littles And Baby Pride Badge (Pin)
Page 21 - Vangoo Photo
Page 22 - Adult Baby Photos
Page 23 - *NEW* Drawing - Mr O.D.K
If you advertise our magazine for FREE we will
advertise your site for FREE !
Happy Reading
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Page 3
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Page 4
Helpful Hints
Stories, Articles, Letters, Photos & Illustrations
You can send Stories, Letters, Photos or Illustrations to
Magazine Content
We always welcome suggestions about new content for the magazine. If you
know of a subject that you think would be of interest to the readers, please
submit an article or letter about it. You can send it by email to We may even make a new subheading for it.
With a few exceptions, all content of the magazine is determined and
submitted by the readers.
Coo Chi Coo does NOT support, condone or approve of, in any way whatsoever,
the actual involvement of children in any activities related to Infantilism. We
assume that all articles, stories, letters or fantasies that we publish are for
adult information and entertainment ONLY.
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Page 5
Helpful Hints Cont..
Friend Finder Ad’s
If you like to be featured in the magazine for the friend finder then make
sure to visit and place an ad on there in which then will be
featured in the months edition.
Advertisement Website’s & Products
Want your website to featured or a product you are selling to share for
others to see ?? Then you don’t need to look anywhere else but here ! Get in
contact with myself and email me for more information.
Letters & Drawings and Photos To Magazine
When you write a letter to Coo Chi Coo, you can select whether you want your
name published or not. This is also for your email address as well.
Get in contact with Editor
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Page 6
Welcome to the May/June Edition
of your best FREE AB Magazine
Dear Readers,
Thank you for downloading this next Free issue of Coo Chi
Coo Magazine, I know its been running late but I have
added some great content for you to read in which I hope
you like all the great pages on what’s to offer.
I am now selling :
Littles And Baby Pride Badge Pin (UK Only)
In which you can find in the magazine and if you like to
order one then go straight to my website and pay using
paypal and show your badge to others :-)
With the Hot weather now here (Summer) its time to get
out your shorts and t-shirts and wear a nappy under them
and chill out near your local beach !!!
Enjoy Reading
Baby Junior
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Page 7
Will I Find Innocence ? (Poem)
Will I find my innocence?
Go back to the days I didn't know.
Where is the door to this innocence,
Who within, what within, I must grow?
I know that she always loved me,
Couldn't feel it, when she wasn't near,
I craved life, I craved love, I needed guidance,
Grew up with so much fear.
I wanted to know that I was worthy,
Mixed messages, the clear story, I never knew,
I grew into hatred, lust, and revenge,
Oh no, I grew so old!
So, I'm going back to the beginning,
Today will be a start of something new,
Yeah, it may look strange for a while,
But this time, I'm demanding love from you!
Maybe these demands can be seen in these,
A gentle reminder of what I can hope for,
So, will you love me again, so I can see,
Because I never saw it from behind the door.
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Page 8
Seven Years Ago (Letter)
It's hard to believe that only seven short years ago I discovered that I
wasn't alone in this big world. For many years, I thought I was the only
one to have these feelings - feelings of wanting to be just young at heart,
to be a baby, to wear diapers just like real babies, and to feel comfortable
knowing that it was okay to have these feelings.
Seven years ago I would have never thought or dreamed that I could
wear diapers and share the joys of it with hundreds and thousands of
others who felt the same way. Seven year ago I would have never
dreamed of being able to wear my diapers all day, regardless if it was a
week day or the weekend. Seven years ago, I would have never thought
that I would be able to talk and meet with others who share the same
desire to wear clothing that we had as real infants and/or toddlers.
What has the past seven years done for me? I am able to be me. I am an
adult baby. I feel confident that what I do in the privacy of my own
surroundings is okay and good for my health and self-esteem. I am able
to communicate with friends from around the world who share the joys
and desire to return to the warmth caress of a diaper around one's
bottom. I am also more of an open person. I realize that there are many
different aspects to this special world; each has it's positives and
negatives, and that one can pick and choose what works or makes them
feel comfortable. That means I can be me, a baby boy toddler, and that
one of my friends can be a baby girl, or another a diaper lover only, and
it's okay! With today's technology and the wonders of the Internet, I am
able to share, explore and discover many different aspects of my feelings.
With my rebirth or reawaking of the little one inside of me, I can smile,
play, laugh, and experience the world with a different point of view. Now I
smile when I see a long line of people waiting to use the restroom at a
public event. I smile when I see other kids playing at a playground. I smile
when I see kids looking and playing with items in a Toy Store (of course I
am doing the same thing!). I try to take more time to see things differently.
I sit on the ground and watch the bunnies hopping around. I take time to
look at the leaves waving in the breeze, or an ant crawling across the
sidewalk. I am not afraid to crawl on the floor, to play with my Legos, to
sleep with my teddy bears; most importantly I am not afraid to wear my
diapers and to be me. Larry L
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Page 9
Diaper Adventures (Letters)
I wanted to tell of two of my latest diaper adventures. I went to the pizza
parlor recently wearing my diaper. I don't think anyone noticed because it
wasn't bulked up and the noise level was high enough no one could hear
the diaper rustle. Sometimes I will wet my diaper while walking to some
place or while leaving the place. It's kind of ironic, since a part of the thrill
is me knowing I'm wearing the diaper out in public and yet I don't want the
people to know.
I really hadn't eaten much that day, and as I left I could feel my stomach
was upset. I wasn't feeling too good and under different circumstances I
would have to rush home before that feeling got worse and I lose control.
Since I was wearing a diaper, however, I thought how convenient. My
stomach was in need of some relief, so I gently pushed a little and let the
feeling pass. I soon found that my diaper was now pooped in, and
because of this my stomach now felt much better.
As I walked on I now found myself with conflicting emotions. The incident
was far from planned. I was only originally intending to wet myself, if at all,
and now I found myself in a position where I didn't want to cause attention
to myself. I was able to walk normally except for the kind of uncomfortable
feeling of walking in a messy diaper. My other problem was that I could
smell my poop, and if I could smell it I knew others could. For this reason I
couldn't let myself get near any passers by too close. I made it home
alright and changed into a clean diaper, which did feel much better than
the one I had on.
My other adventure took place in the supermarket. I was wearing my
diaper, and my bladder was very full because earlier I had a cola too
many. I actually found it hard to hold the urine in. In another circumstance
this wouldn't bother me, but since I was in a store that had people all
around, and also a well-lit store at that, I didn't want to pee myself right
there. Yet I didn't want to just leave the store. I wanted to finish my
shopping and so I hurried along. I was now at the check out line and was
only a place away from being served when my bladder couldn't hold it any
Next Page ————>
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Page 10
Diaper Adventures (Letters)
I wet myself right there in the check out line. I was really scared, and the
pee just flowed and flowed for a few moments. I thought I could feel the
pee running down my pant legs. Thankfully, though, it didn't. My diaper,
however, was really full, and I hoped that the person in front of me
wouldn't get checked out too fast because I was hoping that the urine
would get a chance to soak into the diaper before I had to make a move
in the line. Again I was lucky, because by the time it was my turn the pee
had settled in the diaper and I could move without the fear of the pee
sloshing out from the leg gathers and down my pant leg.
So, in both incidents I was able to avoid a potentially embarrassing
situation, which in a way may seem odd to some readers that I didn't want
to be noticed. Diapers to me have always been my own personal safe
haven, and being as such I really like to experience them privately.
But then why this letter. Well, I guess part of me wanted to write so I could
possibly give a thrill to a reader the way I sometimes get when I read.
Also to perhaps catch the attention of some of the female members out
there. I'm kind of at the point now where I don't expect much, but I also
haven't given up yet either. It's like we're all looking, right? Each in our
own way, and some of us will find someone. We all hopefully get a bit of
joy in the search. Anyway, thank you, Jessie M
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Page 11
I'm A Baby Again (Letter)
why I must be a baby. I have found that if I just start acting like a baby my
wife (Mommy) will take charge and play her role as my mommy.
Sometimes, though, my wife takes it a little too far. Just last week my wife
and I were having friends and her family over to our house for a barbecue
(we were not playing mommy and baby at that time). Everyone had
arrived and was drinking beer and wine, including myself, when I spilled
my beer on myself (my wife was inside). You can guess where I spilled it.
It looked as if I had an accident and peed my pants.
Well, my wife comes out and looks at me and says in front of everyone,
"Did my little baby pee his pants?". I, of course, laughed and everyone
else, too. Then I replied, "No, I just spilled beer on myself" in a babyish
voice. My wife then walks over to me and pats my hiney and asks me why
I didn't have my diaper on. Everyone else started laughing again.
Needless to say, my face was turning beet red. I just laughed a little and
looked at her like, "what are you doing?" My wife looked at me with a
stern look and asked again why I was not in my diaper.
At that moment everyone got silent to hear how I would respond. I felt as
if I was regressing to a child by being questioned. I felt myself shrinking
and my hiney tingling, knowing she was ready to spank my hiney in front
of everyone. As my eyes started to tear, I replied in a cracked, babyish
voice, "I took it off." Right then and there she grabbed my wrist and gave
me seven of her best on my hiney as she walked me inside the house to
the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, she pulled my pants down and
put me over her knee and spanked me some more with a wooden paddle.
She then diapered me and put me in my onesie and put a drop of Baby
Sweet on me so I would smell like a baby. I tried to ask her what she was
doing to me, but my voice was gone. I was so embarrassed. She then
ordered me to stay on the bed, and she walked out of the room and back
outside to our friends and her family. As I lay there in bed I could hear
everyone asking my wife what was that all about. I could hear my wife
talking, but I could not make out what she was saying.
Next Page ——->
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Page 12
I'm A Baby Again (Letter)
About an hour later my wife came in to get me. She told me I was to walk
outside with my diaper and onesie on and I was to address her as
mommy and my in-laws as Granpy and Gamma, and all our friends as
Uncy and Auntie. She took my hand and walked me outside, and my
diaper making noise. I was scared and humiliated just like a baby, while
my wife (now my mommy) just looked at me, smiled and said, "This is
your new life".
I walked outside, and everyone said how cute my onesie looked on me.
They had a playpen set up for me, with rattles and Fisher Price toys
inside it for me to play with. My mommy took me over to each person and
introduced me as Bri-eee. Each person I was introduced to scolded me
for not wearing my diaper and turned me around and gave me a smack
on my diapered bottom. I was put into my playpen and there I stayed
while the adults talked and had fun. I knew now that I was a baby and
there will be no turning back, I just wanted to write this letter for you to
share with all my diapered friends that it can happen at any time, even
when you least expect it. Sincerely, Baby Bri-eee
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Page 13
Diaperman Comic
Episode 2
From the farthest reaches of the fetishist's imagination comes Diaperman, a true hero seeking only
truth, justice, and the occasional romantic encounter.
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Page 14
Diaperman Comic
Episode 2 Cont...
Sit back and enjoy the life and times of Diaperman, his friends and his
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Page 15
Diaperman Comic
Coming Your Way - Every Two Months
Episode 3 Coming Soon
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Page 16
Adult Baby Club London
(Meet with other ab’s / dl’s / furries / daddy’s / mummy’s/sissy’s)
Saturday 19th July 2014
Saturday 16th August 2014
Information Details
Night runs from 19:00 to 23:59.
Membership fee is £25 and a £10 admission fee is charged on the door.
You must be be over 18 to attend
We have no dress code and are pretty easy going.
ABC Club London :
Central Station is 37 Wharfdale Road, London, N1 9SE.
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Page 17
Got My Mother's Attention (True Story)
I cannot begin to tell you how helpful it has been to know that other
people enjoy diapers as much as I do. Since that time I've managed to
enjoy being an adult in diapers more and more each year. I enjoy going
back in time to a place where someone else cared for me.
I grew up with an abusive, alcoholic dad and I was never treated with
kindness and respect, and I never got the love and attention I needed. I
did find a way to get my mother's attention, and I got it whenever I was
sick or naughty. I can remember doing things as a kid that I knew would
earn me a bare bottom spanking across my mother's lap. I can remember
enjoying getting my pants and underwear pulled down and draped across
my mom's lap. Mom never spanked me hard enough to cause extreme
pain, but she did make me cry a few times. I realized today, as an adult,
that it was my mother's attention I was looking for, and I always got it
when I was spanked.
My idea of a wonderful vacation would be to go to a mommy's house
where I would be cared for and treated like a baby. I would wear only
diapers and plastic pants and pee and poop in them until my mommy felt
like changing my diapers. My entire diaper area would be kept hairless as
a newborn. All of my food would be fed to me, and I would drink
everything from a bottle or sipper cup. Mom would take my temperature
rectally a couple of times a day using a real rectal thermometer or any
one of the anal toys mom told me to bring. When my diaper was off to let
my bottom to get some air, I would have to crawl around the house with a
butt plug in my ass to prevent messy accidents.
When mommy was babysitting other boys like me, I would have to help
her with them whenever she needed it. I would also have to submit to 2
qt., warm, soap-rich enemas whenever mom felt I needed one. Thank
you, Bob, Mundelein
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Page 18
Friend Finder Ads
Male - West Sussex
baby need love Northamptonshire
Email :
AB Male seeks mummy and new friends
Tel/Mobile No: : 07903620101
Daddy want daughter - West
Email :
Hi im daddy male 43 uk I want
daughter who will wear plastic
panties, nappies dresses and
anything else would be great. You
must be a female age not important
Email :
Hi to all,
Im a 40yr old adult baby/ nappy
lover looking for gay or bi adult
baby boy/ sissy baby’s in
Northamptonshire into everything
baby, nappies,plastic pants,
bottles,dummies, bibs, buggies
pushchairs everything…
I am will to play the role of eather
mummy or daddy as well as being
a baby myself,
Look forward to hearing from
someone soon.
Baby for Daddy - London
Chub ab and daddy 35 m Hampshire
Email :
Chub m 35 into an role play and
daddy role play too. Love mess/pee
changing and whole scene.
Email :
Baby boi looking for his special
Daddy . Also always nice to meet
other abdl’s to, so hit me up/
Tel/Mobile No: : 07957414376
New to scene , can travel etc.
Tel/Mobile No: : 07941909665
Visit Friend Finder :
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Page 19
Baby Walking Advertisement (Comic)
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Page 20
Littles And Baby Pride Badge (Pin)
The Littles and Baby Pride Pin - The pin is a great way to show your pride
and recognize others. Wear it on the lapel of your jacket, your t-shirt, your
hat, your school uniform, your frilly party dress, or your onesie.
Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers
“Kidz” who roleplay being school-age or teenage.
Sissies, who are “boys” who like to be feminized and made to feel young
as a form of power exchange
Babyfurs, members of the Furry Fandom who are also AB’s or DL’s
And the many different kinds of “grownups” who love them - Mommies,
Daddies, Aunties, Uncles, Nannies, & Sitters are just a few...
All these people have a symbol which speaks for them, the Littles and
Baby Pride Symbol. The symbol’s been around since 2002 and has
spread far and wide. People in nearly every state, and several different
countries are proudly wearing a Littles and Baby Pride pin. You can too.
The blue and pink areas represent the boys and girls that engage in age
play. It’s set in a circle to symbolize our common bond. The heart in the
middle represents the love and passion we bring to age play. The white
strip in the heart represents the innocence and purity of age play
(FREE UK SHIPPING) (1st Class Postaged)
3cm Badges - £3 (UK Only)
4cm Badges - £3.50 (UK Only)
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Page 21
Vangoo Photo
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Page 22
Adult Baby Photos
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Page 23
*NEW* Drawing - Mr O.D.K
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Deadline for adverts “V2 - Issue 4” 24th August 2014

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