Brochure - University of Colorado Boulder


Brochure - University of Colorado Boulder
In addition to being a wonderfully exciting city, Rome is an especially
enlightening place to study the rich differences that can exist between
dominating cultures. It was once the capital of a pagan, aristocratic
empire; it then became the chief center of Christianity in the West; and it
is now the capital of a modern, secular, democratic state. To the attentive
observer, every footstep in this marvelous city contains clues to the ways
in which a culture can influence all aspects of life. Moreover, the sharp
differences between the cultures that have shaped Rome invite us to
inquire into the obstacles to harmony among rival cultures. This threecredit course will explore cultural difference by exploring Rome or,
rather, three different “Romes” that have inhabited in succession the
same site on the banks of the Tiber River.
The program will be based in downtown Rome
and will employ a lot of walking and a little local
transportation to get to know the city as well as
possible in a relatively short period of time. All
classes will be held on site and will include visits
to most of the major sites in and near Rome,
You will receive three hours of CU-Boulder "in
residence" credit for classes, as if you had
completed the work on the Boulder campus. The
course, credit, and letter grade will appear on your
official University of Colorado transcript and the
grade will be figured into your CU grade point
average. Pass/fail credit is not an option. The
credit may be applied to major and college
requirements with approval from your academic
The Roman Forum
The Colosseum
St. Peter’s Basilica and Piazza
Castel S. Angelo
The Trevi Fountain
The Spanish Steps
Piazza del Popolo
Hadrian’s Villa
The Vatican, including The Sistine
The Grotto and beach at Sperlonga
Piazza Navona
The Pantheon
The Villa Borghese
Churches of all architectural types
Grand Mosque of Rome, the largest
mosque in Europe
Students will earn three upper division credits in
HUEN 3700, Culture Wars in Rome. Walking
tours will be supported by a packet of readings
and a packet with information on the sites we will
visit. There will be regular written assignments
on both the packets and on the sites themselves,
and there will be both group and individual
projects. The course will be short but highly
concentrated. This compressed schedule will
maximize opportunities for independent travel at
the end of the course, and it will also lead to a
more intense and rewarding focus on the study of
Classes run from May 17-29, 2005.
Students must arrive in Rome by Wednesday,
May 17 and check into the hotel by the early
afternoon. Checkout will be on Monday morning,
May 29. There will be two classes every day of
the program except Sundays, when there will be
one. Students are required to be in attendance for
the entire period and to attend all classes.
All instruction
will be in
Students with
even a little
Italian will
find, however,
that they will
have extra
to enjoy and
profit from
their Italian
The program
will begin
with a series
of four
classes held in
during the
month of
April. The
purpose of these classes is to discuss the practical
details of the trip, to present an historical
overview of Rome, and to outline the principal
intellectual organization of the course.
Your grade will be based on the following:
1) Written assignments on both the readings and
on the sites visited
2) Your contribution to a group project
3) Class attendance and participation
4) A final individual project
Prof. Wayne Ambler, Director of the Herbst
Program of Humanities in the College of
Engineering and Applied Science, will direct the
program. Prof. Ambler lived just outside of Rome
for ten years and is fluent in Italian. He will
choose program participants, lead a pre-program
orientation, teach the course and act as resident
director in Italy. He will be aided by an assistant,
who will also be an employee of CU-Boulder.
Both the program director and assistant will be
available in case of emergency.
Students will receive frequent briefings on events
in Rome during the time they are there, and a
scavenger hunt will help them to learn their way
around the different parts of the city. How to eat
well in Rome will of course be a frequent subject
of conversation. Staff will also do all they can to
help students plan for independent travel at the
end of the course.
Students will be housed mostly in double rooms in
a simple pensione, the Hotel Suore di Santa Anna
located near the Colosseum. The address is
Piazza Madonna dei Monti, 3. Students should
check into the program hotel on Wednesday, May
17 by mid-afternoon and checkout will be on
Monday, May 29, 2005. Every room has a private
bath, but we have sacrificed other amenities in
favor of good location and price. A very simple
continental breakfast will be served every
morning, and we will have eight group meals
during the course. We will show students how to
eat well and economically on their own and hope
that they learn to enjoy this experience.
accommodation for 13 nights in a double or triple
room, continental breakfast, 8 group meals, and
class field trips. For 2006 the program fee will be
$2500 for residents and $3500 for non-residents.
In addition to the program fee, you will need
funds to cover airfare, additional meals, and
personal expenses. We estimate that you would
need an additional $1400 to cover those expenses.
The program begins and ends in Rome. You are
responsible for making your own transportation
arrangements to and from Italy. Students must
arrive in Rome by Wednesday, May 17 at the
latest. Students in the group who would like to
travel together can discuss this option at the group
orientation to be held during the spring semester.
We will provide good descriptions of how to
reach our hotel from the airport and train station,
and we are eager to help those planning to travel
independently in Italy.
Study Abroad scholarships, awarded on the basis
of academic excellence and/or financial need, are
available. The application for these scholarships
is included with the study abroad application.
Students who are interested in using financial aid
to pay for the cost of the program should check
with the Office of Student Financial Aid as soon
as possible. In order to use any available financial
aid in the summer, students need to be enrolled in
at least six credits. Students will earn three credits
on this program; additional credits during the
summer can be taken through Continuing
Education or during Term A or B in Boulder.
To be considered for the program you must be a
sophomore by the time the program begins and be
willing to adapt to a different culture. You must
also have the demonstrated ability to do aboveaverage academic work, usually indicated by an
overall GPA of 2.75 or better. Since all courses
are taught in English, there is no language
requirement. A maximum of 25 students will be
accepted to the program.
Mature conduct is essential for safety, for getting
the most out of a course like this, and for helping
all to enjoy and profit from the experience. It is
expected and will be required.
You should begin to plan early in order to
determine how you will finance your study abroad
experience. You will pay a program fee to CUBoulder that covers instructional costs,
administrative fees, limited health insurance, hotel
123 UCB, Environmental Design Building, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0123
Phone: 303-492-7741 ● Fax: 303-492-5185 ● ●
Applications will be considered between
November 1 and February 1, or until the program
fills. Early application is strongly encouraged.
Students can pick up the application in the Study
Abroad Programs Office, located in the basement
of the Environmental Design Building.
For further information on this program, please
free to contact Professor Wayne Ambler, Director
of the program, or Mary Ryan Dando, Study
Abroad Administrator.
The Study Abroad Programs puts a high priority
on serving a diverse student body. We welcome
applications from members of various groups
which have traditionally been under-represented
in study abroad programs, including racial and
ethnic minorities, GLBT students, students with
disabilities, and older students who have followed
non-traditional paths to higher education
Prof Wayne Ambler, Program Director
303-492-2009 or 303-735-5211
Those students selected for the program will be
invited to a series of orientation meetings during
the spring semester. We also encourage you to
begin early to prepare for your study abroad
experience. The Study Abroad website
has general information about studying abroad for
CU-Boulder students, including information about
other study abroad programs. We encourage you
to visit the office and explore all of the options.
Contact information:
Mary Ryan Dando
Study Abroad Administrator
*The information contained here is subject to change. Please
check with the program director or the Office of International
Education for the latest information.
The University of Colorado at Boulder is an affirmative
action/equal opportunity institution