Fall 2011 - Catholic Christian Outreach


Fall 2011 - Catholic Christian Outreach
G o o d
N e w s
Fall 2011
From C atholic Christian outr e ac h
Universal Call to Mission:
An Invitation to All Our Supporters
C o n t e n t s
Univeral Call to Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Animer Découverte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Leading Discovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Avec Dieu, il n’y a rien à craindre. . . . . . 4
Leaving Fear Behind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CCO At Home and Abroad. . . . . . . . . . 6-7
L’appel universel à mission . . . . . . . . . . 8
Special Insert: Annual Report
Making a Lasting Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Les Olympiques pour
le renouveau de monde. . . . . . . . . . 10
Olypmics for the
Renewal of the World. . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Missionary Identity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Missionary by Nature, Not Nurture. . . 14
Newest Members of the
CCO Missionary Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Reaching Future Leaders
T o day
by André Regnier, Founder of Catholic Christian Outreach
hen opportunity comes it is
too late to prepare. This has
always been a guiding
principle in the movement. Over the
last few months an idea has been
stirring up within me that I see as a
great opportunity. This idea is going
to take planning and preparation.
What is this opportunity? In 2013
we will be celebrating CCO’s 25th
anniversary. When I reflected on what
God has accomplished over the years
my heart was filled with wonder and
awe. The only appropriate response
I could think of was to give thanks
and praise back to Him. What is the
best way to thank Him? What came
clearly to my mind was that although
we could certainly throw a year
long party, we should do more: we
must continue to do what we have
always been doing—seeking out
those who have wandered and bring
them back. It was at this point that
my heart exploded with a sense of
opportunity. In 2013, our anniversary
year, let us invite the thousands of
our students, alumni, prayer partners
and supporters spread out across the
country to join with us in our mission!
What is it that I mean when I say join
with us in the mission? We recognize
that through your support of CCO
missionaries, you are making a
significant contribution to the work
of evangelization on campuses
across Canada. In 2013, our 25th
anniversary year, we want to provide
an opportunity for people to take part
in one special way that we use on
campus: by using the Discovery faith
study to bring the people you know
and love who have wandered away
back to the Church.
Discovery, which is the first of five
studies that CCO missionaries and
students lead on campus and in
parishes, is very transferable—anyone
can learn how to lead it. It’s very
effective at bringing someone who is
far away from their faith to a place of
significant conversion.
For those who are thinking they might
not ready to take up this invitation,
this is a great opportunity for them to
become more aware of our methods,
strategies and material. It’s a unique
anniversary project, preparing
thousands of people to lead a faith
study. To seize this opportunity we
want to begin to prepare now. So for
the next two years we will focus on
providing a broad basis of training
(Continued on page 8)
R e n co ntr e r u n b i e n faite u r
Animer Découverte
par Chantal Balthazar, paroissienne de la paroisse St. Isidore
a paroisse Saint-Isidore était
une des dix paroisses qui a été
bénie par la présence d’une
équipe d’Impact durant l’été. Nous
continuons à recevoir des bénédictions
par l’entremise des études de foi de
Découverte que nous avons continuées
durant l’automne. Ceci a été possible
grâce au travail d’un des étudiants de
l’équipe d’Impact de Saint-Isidore, qui
avec une équipe de paroissiens a établi
un groupe de leaders incroyables.
Le Saint-Esprit a accompli de grandes
choses dans le cœur du groupe de
leaders. Si quelqu’un nous avait
dit avant le début de l’été que nous
animerions des études de foi à
l’automne, personne d’entre nous
ne l’aurait cru. À la fin de l’été, trois
d’entre nous, nous sommes rencontrés
pour organiser des études de foi.
Après bien des prières, nous avons
approché des personnes de la paroisse
qui avaient exprimé de l’intérêt pour
continuer les études de foi. Nous
nous sommes retrouvés avec plus de
cinq autres leaders qui étaient prêts à
relever le défi d’animer une étude de
foi pour un petit groupe de personnes.
La prochaine étape était de présenter
cela à la paroisse et d’inviter les
paroissiens à se joindre aux études de
foi. Par l’entremise de témoignages
et d’annonces, mais en grande partie
en parlant personnellement aux gens,
nous avons invité plusieurs personnes
à se joindre à nous. Les leaders avaient
reçu le défi d’inviter au moins cinq
personnes que le Seigneur leur avait
inspiré d’inviter. Moi bien sûr, j’ai
accepté de faire la même chose, mais
j’avais toujours été un peu timide.
Heureusement, après bien des prières
et beaucoup de grâces c’était comme
si j’avais été libérée d’une partie de
cette peur et cela m’a permis d’inviter
plus de dix personnes. Des gens que
le Seigneur m’avait inspiré d’inviter
personnellement. J’étais surprise de
ce changement radical en moi! J’ai
remercié et rendu grâce à Dieu pour
cette libération!
Finalement, approximativement
25 personnes se sont jointes à nos
études de foi. Jusqu’à maintenant,
c’est une expérience extraordinaire
de voir Dieu à l’œuvre dans la
vie des paroissiens. Dans notre
groupe, plusieurs personnes ont
partagé comment leurs vies ont été
transformées, comment le Saint-Esprit
leur a donné les forces nécessaires
pour faire face aux différents défis. Un
paroissien a mentionné que durant
ces vacances, il parlait à quelqu’un
de l’Église Catholique; cette personne
avait seulement entendu de mauvaises
choses concernant l’Église. Il a été
capable de témoigner qu’il avait une
relation personnelle avec Jésus-Christ
et que c’était l’aspect le plus important
de sa foi! Nous savons que cette
conversation peut porter beaucoup de
fruits, et que c’est l’Esprit Saint qui lui
a donné le courage de témoigner de
sa foi!
Nous sommes très reconnaissants,
en tant que groupe, que l’équipe
d’Impact de CCO: Mission-Campus
nous ait visités cet été. Notre paroisse
a vraiment été bénie par les nombreux
cadeaux de l’Esprit Saint! L’équipe
d’Impact nous a permis de nous
multiplier en paroisse en allant vers
les autres et qu’à leur tour, ces autres
invitent Jésus à venir au centre de
leurs vies. Nous rendons grâce et
remercions Dieu pour son amour et sa
miséricorde sans fin.
Patricia Stewart, bienfaitrice d’Ottawa, partage sa propre expérience en animer
l’étude de foi Découverte:
“Animer l’étude de foi Découverte a été une très belle expérience qui m’a apporté beaucoup de
joie et m’a permis de relever un défi. Après avoir terminé le programme Catholique Courageux
(Courageous Catholic) avec les jeunes adultes d’Impact, j’ai relevé le défi d’animer Découverte.
Malgré le fait que j’étais très enthousiaste, orienté vers la mission, j’étais quand même un peu
nerveux. À la fin de la première soirée, j’ai commencé à voir la simplicité et la joie d’animer
Découverte. Le contenu présenté dans le livret de l’étude de foi est très clair et complet et que
la seule autre ressource nécessaire c’est Dieu. De plus, son Esprit-Saint était présent chaque
semaine pour ouvrir les cœurs et inspirer les discussions. Mon travail fut donc très facile. “
M e et a s u p porte r
Leading Discovery
by Chantal Balthazar, Parishioner at St. Isidore’s
t. Isidore’s Parish was one of ten
Ottawa parishes blessed with an
Impact team over the summer.
We have furthermore been blessed by
the Discovery faith studies that we
have been able to continue throughout
the fall. This is due in part to one of
the students of the St. Isidore’s Impact
team, who has been able to work with
a team from the parish to establish a
wonderful group of leaders.
The Holy Spirit has worked wonders
in the hearts of our group of leaders.
If you would have told any one of us
prior to the summer that we would
be leading faith studies in the fall,
none of us would have believed it.
At the end of the summer, three of us
met several times to begin the initial
phase of setting up the studies. After
much prayer, we approached people
in the parish who had expressed their
interest in continuing with the faith
studies, and we ended up with a
group of five other leaders who were
willing to take on the task of leading
a group.
The next task was to present this to
the parish and invite people to join.
Through testimonies, announcements,
and simply approaching people faceto-face, we were able to invite many
people to join us. The leaders had been
given a challenge to invite at least five
people whom the Lord had put on
their heart to invite. I myself agreed to
do so, but have always been somewhat
shy. After much prayer – and a lot of
grace – it was as if I had been freed
from some fear, and I was able to
invite over ten people personally that
the Lord had put on my heart. I was
amazed at this change in myself! I
praise and thank God for this freedom!
mentioning how he was talking to
someone about the Catholic Church,
and this person only had negative
things to say about the Church. He
was able to witness to her that he
had a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ, and that was the most
important aspect of his faith! We do
not know what fruits this may bring,
but the Holy Spirit gave him the
courage to speak out!
We ended up with approximately
twenty-five people in our faith studies.
It has been a wonderful experience
seeing God work in the lives of the
people at the parish. In our group,
people have shared so much about
how their lives are being affected, how
the Holy Spirit has worked to give
them the strength to face different
challenges. One parishioner was
We are so thankful as a group that
the CCO Impact team visited us this
summer. Our parish has been truly
blessed by so many gifts of the Holy
Spirit! The Impact team has multiplied
into our parish as more and more
people are placing Jesus at the centre
of our lives. We praise and thank God
for his unending love and mercy.
Ottawa supporter Patricia Stewart was involved in Courageous Catholic, a similar program run concurrently with Impact. She shares about
her own experience leading the Discovery study:
“Leading the Discovery faith study was a wonderful experience, both a pleasure and a welcome challenge. Having just completed the
Courageous Catholic program with those wonderful young people from CCO Impact, I took on the task of leading Discovery feeling
exhilarated and mission-oriented but also a little nervous. But by the end of the first evening I was beginning to see just how simple and
pleasant it is to lead Discovery. The material presented in the faith study booklet is so clear and complete that the only other resource you
need is God, and His Holy Spirit showed up every week to open hearts and inspire discussion. So my job was made easy.”
Avec Dieu, il n’y a rien à craindre
par Desiree Nieckar, étudiante de l’Université de Saskatchewan
e me suis familiarisée avec
la peur à un jeune âge. Mais
avant que cela n’arrive, je
priais en public et avant mes repas
sans me préoccuper du regard
des autres. La peur s’est installée
quand mes pairs ont commencé à
me ridiculiser en raison de ma foi.
En réaction à cette intimidation,
je me suis éloignée de ces gens
le plus possible. J’ai tout fais
pour rester fidèle à Dieu mais les
épreuves que je vivais devenaient
de plus en plus difficiles à
assumer et j’ai fini par blâmer
C’est lors d’une retraite que
ma relation avec Dieu a été
renouvelée. La retraite m’a aidé à
approfondir ma relation avec Dieu
et mes amitiés se sont améliorées
en conséquence. J’ai cependant
demeuré craintif face au regard
des autres. En 2009, j’ai commencé
mes études à l’Université de
la Saskatchewan et j’ai me suis
inscrite à une étude de foi avec
CCO : Mission Campus. Malgré
l’accueil chaleureux du groupe,
j’avais encore honte de partager
ma foi. Je souhaitais approfondir
ma relation avec Dieu alors j’ai
commencé à participer davantage
aux évènements et sous peu j’ai
découvert un nouveau bonheur
dans ma foi. J’ai appris comment
prier et mettre Dieu au centre de
ma vie. J’étais cependant toujours
peur qu’on se moque de moi.
Mais tout cela a changé lorsque
j’ai participé à la conférence
nationale de
CCO : Mission
Campus, Rise
Up. Pendant
cette semaine,
j’ai mis Dieu
au centre de
ma vie.
la soirée
j’ai eu
l’occasion de
renouveler les
promesses de
mon baptême.
J’ai aussitôt
répondu à l’appel de participer au
sacrement de réconciliation (ou de
pénitence). J’ai enfin compris ce
que ça voulait dire être enfant de
Dieu. Je n’étais plus peur comme
par le passé et j’étais soulagé par
La soirée d’après, toujours à Rise
Up, le conférencier parlait de
comment il était important que
chacun devient missionnaire et
proclame l’Évangile. Je sentais
que Dieu me demandait de
laisser ma peur derrière moi et de
devenir missionnaire dans ma vie.
Quand le conférencier a terminé
son discours, les participants sont
avancés pour une bénédiction.
J’étais prête à me débarrasser
de ma peur. Il était temps d’être
courageuse et missionnaire.
Pendant la bénédiction, j’ai
ressenti le Saint Esprit et le poids
de ma peur n’était plus. J’étais
remplie de joie et j’ai remercié
Dieu pour ce cadeau.
Quand j’ai retourné aux études,
je me sentais prête à partager
ma foi. J’ai animé une étude de
foi avec mes amis croyants et
non croyants. C’est parce que
j’ai invité Dieu dans ma vie que
je n’avais plus peur. Si vous
avez peur de partager votre foi,
demandez à Dieu de vous guérir
et permettez lui d’être au centre
de votre vie. Car avec Dieu, il n’y
a rien à craindre.
Student Testimony
Leaving Fear Behind
by Desiree Nieckar, student at the University of Saskatchewan
ear was something I became
very familiar with at an
early age. Before that fear set
in I was not afraid to pray before
meals and cross myself without
looking at others’ reactions.
But with people criticizing and
bullying me in school, I began
to be fearful and hide my faith. I
started to separate myself from
my classmates whenever possible.
I tried to stick close to God but
that was difficult because I hated
everything that was coming my
way. I’d blame God and always
wonder why He put me in those
At age 17 my relationship with
God was renewed when I went to
a retreat. The retreat helped me
get to know God in a deeper way
and my relationship with others
got better, but I was still fearful.
In 2009 I began university and
joined CCO in Saskatoon. CCO
members opened their arms wide
to me and I thank them for that
but I was still fearful of sharing
my faith with others. I desired to
grow in my relationship with God
so I began going to CCO events.
I found joy in participating in a
faith environment with peers.
I soon learned more about the
Bible, how to pray, and how to
open my heart and surrender to
God during those times of prayer,
but the fear of expressing my faith
in various ways with others was
still there. What I really feared
was being rejected and ridiculed.
When I went to the CCO Rise
Up Conference, this all changed.
During that week it felt amazing
to dedicate time to God and solely
put him first. During Eucharistic
adoration one night we were
able to go up to the front and
renew our baptismal promises.
When I went up to the front I was
reminded of just how God accepts
me as his child. Immediately I felt
God invite me to go to confession.
I was not fearful like I had been
other times, and after receiving
this Sacrament I felt such a relief.
One evening, a speaker talked
about how important it is for each
of us to be missionaries for Christ
and to proclaim God’s message. I
had been fearful to share my faith
but I could hear God calling me,
telling me it was now time to heal
and move on. When the speaker
was done, I was one of hundreds
of people went up to the front
to receive the blessing of a
missionary heart. I was extremely
excited to get rid of my fear. It
was time for me to be fearless
and begin my missionary way
of life. During the prayer, I felt
something amazing come over me
and a weight lifted off. l was filled
with joy as I knelt down, thanking
God for his gift.
When I went back to university in
January I was up for the challenge
to share my faith. I started my
own faith study and invited
others, even friends of mine who
did not believe. Since I allowed
God to wipe away my fears I have
seen growth in myself. If you are
fearful, consider asking God for
healing, and allow him to be at
the centre of your life. With God
you have nothing to fear!
at home and abroad
University of British Columbia
Youth Arise International
University of Calgary
Attendees at the UBC Fall Retreat proudly represent “West
Coast” on their hands. The Fall Retreat gives students a
chance to have fun and get to know each other interspersed
with powerful times of sharing, engaging talks and
Eucharistic Adoration
Students serving on CCO’s World Youth Day mission also
partook in Youth Arise International in Gibraltar, a gathering
of Catholic movements in the weeks leading up to the WYD
gathering. Student missionaries had the opportunity to share
the Gospel with CCO’s clear and simple materials as part of
their pilgrimage before gathering in Madrid.
CCO staff member Jennea Grison gives her testimony before
90 students at Calgary’s first Cornerstone event of the year.
Carleton University
Queen’s University
Students gather for the monthly Cornerstone event on
Carleton campus. Carleton and U of Ottawa now take turns
hosting a regional event, creating more opportunity for
students and staff at one university to get to know people
beyond their own campus community.
Students in Uganda gather for CCO faith study training.
Since CCO’s first mission to Africa just over a year ago, faith
studies have been running on a number of campuses.
Pictured here are the attendees of the Queen’s CCO Fall
Retreat. The retreat is an opportunity for returning student
leaders to be renewed in their work alongside the staff
missionaries, as well as for newcomers to the university to
get a taste of CCO in a powerful way!
University of Saskatchewan
University of Ottawa
Université Laval
Ste Thérèse School of Faith and Mission in Bruno, Saskatchewan hosted the U of S’s Fall Retreat this year. Students from
schools in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba participated
at the weekend retreat.
Students at the U of Ottawa pose for a group picture during
a Photo Scavenger Hunt event. We welcomed 22 new
students at this one event!
The Laval University CCO team poses at their
Commissioning Mass. The Laval team represents the efforts
of CCO : Mission Campus, our French-language branch,
which is also active at the University of Ottawa.
Courageous Catholic
Dalhousie & Saint Mary’s Universities
Simon Fraser University
In conjunction with the IMPACT mission in Ottawa, CCO ran
a Courageous Catholic program for leaders from each of
the parishes with an Impact team. Participants were taught
how to lead CCO’s faith studies and the importance of
having a missionary disposition. Pictured here is one of the
participants giving a testimony at a reunion event held in
CCO staff and students in Halifax gather after the CCO
Commissioning Mass. Each year staff and student leaders
are commissioned by their city’s local bishop to go out and
spread the Gospel on university campuses. The Halifax team
uniquely serves two campuses, which are within walking
distance of each other.
Students volunteer along with staff at an outreach event
during Catholic Week. Fall is an important time for bringing
new students into Catholic community and faith studies.
Impact Ottawa
World Youth Day Madrid
IMPACT 2011 served the Ottawa diocese for 14 weeks. 57
students worked in 10 parishes and led 600 people through
faith studies over the course the summer.
The WYD team travelled throughout Europe for 4 weeks,
visiting many religious sites, shared their faith through the
Ultimate Relationship booklet with the Spanish people. At
WYD they animated a catechesis site and led an Eucharistic
Adoration event with 400 people in attendance
Rise Up Vancouver
L’appel universel à mission :
Une invitation à tous nos bienfaiteurs
par André Regnier, fondateur de CCO : Mission Campus
uand l’opportunité se présente,
c’est trop tard pour planifier.
C’est cela un des principes qui
guident notre mouvement. Pendant
ces derniers mois une idée a germiné
dans mes pensées que je vois comme
une grande opportunité. Cette idée
prendra également la planification et
la préparation.
C’est quoi cet opportunité ? En
2013 nous célébrerons le 25ième
anniversaire de CCO : Mission
Campus. Quand j’ai réfléchi sur tout
ce que Dieu a accompli pendant
ce temps mon coeur s’est remplit
d’émerveillement. La seule réponse
acceptable dont je pourrais penser
c’était de Lui donner la grâce et
les louanges. Et comment meilleur
Lui remercier ? Ce qui m’est venu
clairement c’est que nous pouvons
faire plus qu’organiser une grande
fête toute l’année; nous devons
continuer de chercher les brebis
perdus et les ramener à l’Église. C’est
à ce moment que mon coeur a explosé
avec une sens d’opportunité. Invitons
les milliers d’alumni, partenaires en
prière et bienfaiteurs éparpillés à
travers le pays à nous joindre dans
notre mission !
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire, nous
joindre dans notre mission ? Nous
reconnaîtrons que vous faites
une contribution importante à
l’évangélisation sur les campus
canadiens par votre bienfaisance
des missionnaires de CCO : Mission
Campus. Avec notre 25ième
anniversaire, nous ouvrons la porte
pour vous offrir l’opportunité de faire
la même chose que nous faisons sur
campus, en utilisant l’étude de foi
Découverte pour ramener les gens
que vous connaissez et aimez à leur
foi et à l’Église.
Découverte est la première d’une
série de cinq études de foi que les
missionnaires de CCO: MissionCampus utilisent sur les différents
campus et dans des paroisses. Animer
Découverte c’est simple, ça s’apprend
très rapidement ; n’importe qui
pourrait l’animer. L’étude est aussi
très efficace pour amener une
personne qui est éloignée de sa foi à
une conversion profonde.
Pour ceux et celles qui se
pensent incapables ou mal
préparés à accepter défi, c’est
une merveilleuse opportunité de
grandir sa connaissance de nos
méthodes, stratégies et matériaux.
Ce défi de préparer des milliers
de personnes à animer une étude
de foi est unique; toute chance de
succès nous exige à commencer
les préparations maintenant. Alors
les deux prochaines années, nous
offrirons la formation nécessaire à
nos bienfaiteurs, par l’entremise de
la formation dans le Grapevine, sur
des vidéos en ligne, et à travers les
missionnaires qui vous relanceront le
défi et vous guideront.
Ma joie et mon enthousiasme sont
énormes lorsque je considère que
nous avons bien plus que 4000
personnes comme bienfaiteurs de
CCO : Mission Campus. Si chaque
groupe qui se rejoint pour une étude
de foi qui compte environs quatre
personnes, ça fait 16 000 personnes
évangélisées ! Quand je réfléchis sur
les conversions et sur les nombreux
co-travailleurs—vous—qui vont
labourer avec nous dans le champ de
mission, il y en a beaucoup auquel
être excité !
Le pape Jean Paul II a dit que « la
nécessité pour tous les fidèles de
partager une telle responsabilité
[à évangéliser] est un devoir et un
droit fondés sur la dignité conférée
par le baptême. » Au lieu de voir
cela comme une tâche intimidante,
pourquoi ne pas prendre cette
opportunité pour vivre dans la
plénitude de notre foi catholique—
en la partageant avec les autres ?
Universal Call to Misson (Continued from page 1)
and encouragement through the Grapevine, online training videos, and individual CCO missionaries’
My hope and excitement grows as I consider the potential. For example, we have well over 4000 people that are
supporting the movement today. If everyone was able to get involved and on average invited four others to their
faith study group,,16,000 people would be evangelized! When I reflect on the conversions and the many
co-labourers (that is, you) who could join us in this mission, there is plenty to be excited about and hopeful for.
Making a Lasting Impact
by John Stevens, Coordinator of Youth Ministry in Halifax-Yarmouth
hen the Archdiocese of
Halifax was discerning
whether to host Impact
Canada 2012, the decision-making
was being done with the backdrop
of a new vision for the diocese
being introduced at Pentecost 2011.
Archbishop Mancini was very clear
that the mission project would
need to be at the service of this new
vision, not something tacked on as
simply another thing to do. Bringing
together the missionary charism of
Catholic Christian Outreach with
the Archbishop’s vision for a New
Evangelization is bringing together
means and opportunity.
The Holy Father has commented on
the need for a New Evangelization
in those countries that have deep
Christian roots but that are currently
experiencing an eclipse of God.
Ours is no exception. In speaking of
the Archdiocese of Halifax and the
Diocese of Yarmouth, Archbishop
Mancini notes that “for too many,
being a Catholic has been more about
customs, local traditions and family
practices than about the personal
encounter with Jesus Christ and the
decision to turn one’s life over to
him.” While an eclipse of God may
highlight what is lacking, it also
presents an opportunity to offer
others this personal encounter again,
perhaps for the first time.
The Archbishop’s vision for the New
Evangelization brings with it an
opportunity to propose Christ anew.
We also need the means to pursue
this opportunity. Impact brings
these means to the local church.
The first means are the student
missionaries themselves. By their
enthusiasm, contagious faith, and
personal witness they can enliven
and inspire. However, as Mancini
notes, “transforming lukewarm
believers into more mature adults
in the faith will necessitate good
user-friendly, effective instruments
for faith development.” The biggest
contribution Impact makes to jumpstarting the New Evangelization
in the local Church is the clear and
simple tools used to communicate
the Gospel message: tools that can be
given to the local church and used
again and again well after the mission
has ended.
Both the Discovery faith study and
Courageous Catholic leadership
training program first help people to
encounter Christ personally, and then
equip them to share Christ with
others. It is this dual focus of
Christ-centred formation and
strong missionary identity
that makes the Impact
University students at CCO’s
Fall Retreat in Halifax
project an excellent means to seize
the opportunity presented by the
challenge of the New Evangelization.
In his address The Response of the
Holy Spirit to Today’s Challenge of
Evangelization, Archbishop Stanislaw
Rylko, President of the Pontifical
Council for the Laity, highlights these
elements of Christ-centred formation
and strong personal witness as
they key ways the Spirit promotes
evangelization through movements
like CCO and gives their members a
missionary mindset for service of the
Church and of the world.
By using Courageous Catholic to
help develop a missionary mindset in
key leaders from parishes across the
Archdiocese, the Impact mission is
sharing the work of the Spirit found
in movements and breathing it into
the local Church. If sixty missionaries
come to the diocese and share faith
for four months, many people will
encounter Christ and God will be
glorified. If sixty missionaries come
to the diocese and imbue this charism
upon leaders in the diocese, many
more people will encounter Christ
and God will be greatly glorified –
well after the missionaries go home.
Les Olympiques pour
le renouveau de monde
par Kelly Rude, missionaire avec CCO : Mission Campus
28 octobre 2012, le Synode des évêques
se réunira à Rome. Durant ce temps,
les évêques discuteront ensemble de la
nouvelle évangélisation. Leur mission
reposera sur le fait que l’Évangile
n’a pas été suffisamment accepté
parmi les personnes, les familles et
la société comme cela a été le cas
pendant les derniers siècles. Le thème
de leur discussion sera «La nouvelle
évangélisation pour la transmission
de la foi chrétienne». Nous croyons
que ce synode apportera une parole
directrice, des conseils judicieux, pour
l’évangélisation du monde entier!
Tous les quatre ans, le monde entier se
regroupe autour de leurs télévisions,
certains voyagent même dans le pays
hôte, pour regarder les olympiques.
Cette compétition intense crée un
momentum qui est ressentie à travers
le monde entier.
J’aime les olympiques et l’intensité
qu’ils créent! J’aime comment notre
monde travaille ensemble avant et
pendant ces compétitions. Les athlètes
passent des années à se préparer.
J’aime l’importance qui est mise sur le
sport international.
C’est avec ce même enthousiasme et
attente que j’entrevois l’événement
significatif qui se déroulera dans
l’Église Catholique. En effet, du 7 au
Au printemps 2011, l’Église a
publié un document qui s’appelle
Lineamenta. Le but de ce document
était de préparer les évêques au
synode. Comme mouvement, quand
nous avons entendu parler de ce
document nous savions que nous
devions prendre part à ce débat.
CCO : Mission-Campus voit ces
rencontres de 2012 comme un
événement significatif pour l’Église,
comme les olympiques le sont pour
le monde. Nous anticipons ce qui
sera discuté et les conseils judicieux
qui seront publiés à la fin de ces
rencontres. Nous nous préparons en
priant, par notre oui quotidien de
partager le message de l’Évangile
aux étudiants, amis et voisins. «Dieu
On peut trouver le Lineamenta enligne à http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/
rc_synod_doc_20110202_lineamenta-xiii-assembly_fr.html et la réponse de CCO (en anglais) à
ouvre à l’Église les horizons d’une
humanité plus disposée à recevoir la
semence évangélique. Je sens que le
moment est venu d’engager toutes
les forces ecclésiales dans la nouvelle
évangélisation. Aucun de ceux qui
croient au Christ, aucune institution
de l’Église ne peut se soustraire à ce
devoir suprême : celui d’annoncer
le Christ à tous les peuples.» —
Redemptoris missio
Nous devons sonner les cloches et
faire conscient du synode chaque
Catholique, et les engager dans son
travail. L’Église voit l’importance
de partager sa foi et met tout son
effort afin que cela se produise. Nous
croyons que ce synode va produire la
direction et la grace pour la mission de
l’Église. Elle voit que le monde a soif
d’entendre la Vérité ; qu’uniquement
une belle relation avec Jésus peut
apporter. Je vous encourage —
bienfaiteurs, étudiants, missionnaires
et anciens — à répondre à l’appel
de l’Église à l’évangélization, et à
l’initiative du 25ième anniversaire soit
d’animer une étude de Découverte.
Olympics for the
Renewal of the World
by Kelly Rude, Missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach
Every four years the world gathers
around their televisions, some
even travel to the host country, to
watch the Olympics. This intense
competition creates a momentum
that is felt throughout the world as
countries rally together!
I love the Olympics and the intensity
it brings! I love how our world rallies
together, athletes spending years in
preparation, and the focus it gives to
international sports!
It is with this same excitement and
anticipation that I look to a significant
event that is happening in our
Catholic Church. On October 7-28,
2012, the Synod of Bishops will gather
in Rome. During this time, vigourous
discussion will take place around
the topic of the New Evangelization.
Their mission is a response to the
rallying cry in seeing that the Gospel
has not been sufficiently accepted
among people, families, and society
as it was in recent centuries. Their
topic of discussion is “The new
evangelization for the Transmission
of the Christian Faith.” We feel that
there will be a directional word
released for the world, from these
meetings, in evangelization!
In the spring of 2011, the Church
released a document called the
Lineamenta. This document’s
purpose was for Bishops to prepare
for the Synod. As a movement, when
we heard about this document our
sense was that this gathering of
bishops was of great significance.
This is an opportunity to create a
momentum in evangelization that is
felt throughout the world!
CCO sees the 2012 meetings as a
significant event in the Church, like
the Olympics are to the world. We
rally around in anticipation of what
will be said and the word that will
be released at these meetings. We
prepare through prayer, through our
daily ‘yes’ of sharing the message
of the Gospel to students, friends,
and neighbours. “God is opening
before the Church the horizon of a
humanity more fully prepared for
the sowing of the Gospel. I sense
that the moment has come to commit
all of the Church’s energies to a
new evangelization. No believer in
Christ, no institution of the Church
can avoid this supreme duty; to
proclaim Christ to all people.” —
Redemptoris Missio
We need to ring the bells and make
every Catholic aware of the synod,
and engaged in its work. The Church
sees the importance of sharing your
faith and is focusing all her efforts to
make this happen. We believe that
this synod will provide direction and
grace for the mission of the Church.
She sees that the world is hungry to
hear the truth that only a relationship
with Jesus can bring. I encourage
you—supporters, students, staff, and
alumni—to respond to the Church’s
call to evangelization, and to CCO’s
call to lead a Discovery study.
Lineamenta online at http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_
doc_20110202_lineamenta-xiii-assembly_en.html and CCO’s response to the Lineamenta at
Bishops from across the world gather in Rome for a synod with Pope Benedict XVI
Missionary Identity
s a part of CCO’s mission,
we seek to form leaders
for the renewal of the
world. Our work on campus
serves this purpose by providing
our students with vision, training
and hands-on experience in the
work of evangelization. It is our
hope that as CCO alumni they
will continue with the same
missionary zeal in their parishes
and the world around them.
Three years ago we asked
ourselves the question, “How
effective have our alumni been
in bringing about the renewal
of the world”? We found
that one of the challenges for
them was to continue with
the same evangelistic zeal
and motivation they had as
students. This realization
stirred up much discussion
amongst the staff across the
country. What can we do to
even better prepare our alumni
for the challenge of continuing
these missionary ideals they
experienced on campus with
CCO? It was in the context of
these discussions that the term
“missionary identity” emerged.
The thinking was that mission is
not simply an activity, something
we do or are involved in for only
a period of our lives, but rather
it is who we are as Catholics.
Mission is not unique to CCO; the
Church teaches that our common
identity is rooted in the call to
Evangelizing is in fact the grace and
vocation proper to the Church, her
deepest identity. She exists in order
to evangelize.
~ Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi)
The missionary thrust…
belongs to the very nature of the
Christian life.
~ Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio
Although the need to bring
people back to the Church is
clearly understood by most, the
idea that each Catholic’s deepest
identity is found in evangelization
is surprising to many.
On campus it is understood
what it means to be missionary:
a natural desire and joy in
making Jesus known to all
people. Students are aware that
it will take courage, sacrifice and
commitment to bring about the
renewal of the world.
To help our alumni transition
from campus to the world they
needed to understand where this
missionary nature comes from.
As we learn from the Church, it
is first infused in us through the
Holy Spirit at baptism.
“Go into the whole world and
proclaim the Gospel.” (Mk 16:15).
These words concern every
baptized person. The same Spirit
who made us children of God
compels us to evangelize.
It is vital for our alumni to
understand that it is the Church,
not CCO, that has entrusted them
to evangelize.
Through his Church Christ
entrusts you with the
fundamental mission of sharing
with others the gift of salvation,
and he invites you to participate
in building his kingdom...You
must have the courage to speak
about Christ in your families and
in places where you study, work
or recreate.
(from the Vatican, 24 November
1991, the Solemnity of Jesus Christ
the King)
It was also important to make
known to all Catholics how vital
missionary activity is to their
spiritual life. History teaches
how the strength of our faith and
much-needed enthusiasm and
vitality are dependent on our
missionary activity:
For in the Church’s history, missionary drive has
always been a sign of vitality just as its lessening is a
sign of crisis of faith… missionary activity renews the
church, revitalizes faith and Christian identity, and
offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is
strengthened when it is given to others!
~ Redemptoris Missio
The evangelizing activity…
is the clearest sign of a mature faith...
~ Redemptoris Missio
It is our hope that students understand that the call to
evangelization is not specific to CCO. It is a mandate of
the Church and in fact the very nature of the Christian life.
Through this understanding their missionary zeal will continue
to increase. The Church speaks boldly of the need for all
Catholics to place evangelization as a priority.
God is opening before the Church the horizon of a
humanity more fully prepared for the sowing of the
Gospel… the moment has come to commit all of the
Church’s energies to a new evangelization. No believer in
Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme
duty; to proclaim Christ to all people.
~ Redemptoris Missio
Over the past number of years we have invested special time
and energy preparing our alumni to be missionary for the long
haul. As we approach our 25th anniversary, we hope to invite
many others to courageously respond to the Church’s challenge
to be missionary and to be part of the renewal of the world.
S t u d e n t
t e s t i m o n y
Missionary by Nature, Not Nurture
by Chris O’Hara, student at Dalhousie University
he Church by her nature is
missionary.” For anybody
who has been involved
with CCO for any length of time,
these words are probably familiar.
Before this summer, they certainly
were familiar to me, but over time
I had partially forgotten their
I grew up in a Catholic family
in Halifax, and my faith was
always important to me. I became
involved with CCO as soon as
I started studying at Dalhousie
University in Halifax, even before
I attended my first class. I took
faith studies and participated in
mission projects, and eventually
had bought into their message:
the Catholic Church, and CCO
by association, is missionary.
Missionary activity has always
been a sign of vitality in the
Church, and for 2,000 years the
Church has survived because God
has impelled his people to bring
the Gospel to others. This was
something we’d been taught, and
I experienced that my faith was
strengthened when shared with
others. If I am a Catholic, then I
must be reaching out to others
with the truth about Jesus Christ
because that is what Catholics
do, and I believed that it was
an important part of the
Catholic faith.
I decided to participate in the
Impact mission this past summer
in Ottawa, and while I believed
that being missionary was one of
the most important parts of the
Catholic faith, I had forgotten
the full impact of this dimension
of the Church. When I was
reading some of the writings of
Blessed John Paul II on the New
Evangelization, I was struck by
some of the content in a fresh
way. He writes that “The mission
of evangelization is an essential
part of the Church”, which did
not surprise me one bit, but what
struck me was what followed.
“The Church by her nature is
missionary.” This is something I’d
heard the CCO staff members say
many times, and although
I did not disagree with
them, I had always
assumed that it was
the way that CCO
interpreted John
Paul II’s writings
about the New
I did not realize
that it was word
for word, directly
from the Pope’s
mouth! When I read
those words, “The
Church by
nature is missionary”, I heard it
with fresh ears, and it was like
hearing it for the first time, like
he was saying it directly to me,
“Chris, your nature is missionary.
It is not something that you do on
just the evenings and weekends;
it is something that you are by
your very nature.” The deep
desire that I have to share the
Lord with others does not come
from my experience with CCO. It
comes from the very fact that I am
Catholic and that evangelization
is a fundamental part of my
identity, and CCO has helped me
to discover that identity. Pope
Paul VI writes that evangelization
is the ‘deepest identity of the
Church’; by virtue
Chris and fellow students lead
praise and worship music at the
Fall Retreat in Halifax.
of my Baptism I have been welcomed into that
identity, and my deepest identity as a Catholic
and as a Christian becomes to evangelize.
Is the mission of evangelization something
that I do perfectly everyday? Certainly not!
But my disposition has now changed from
that of a part-time missionary to that of a
person whose missionary consciousness flows
naturally from who I am: an adopted Son
of God.
My hope and prayer for all of us is that living out our missionary identity as Catholics will stop being
something that we do for God—that we discover that being a missionary is something that we are by
virtue of our Baptism into the Church.
Build the
I want to make
a special gift
to CCO.
CCO would like to invite you to join us in the New Evangelization through
monthly financial support. Monthly donations provide CCO missionaries with
stable finances, allowing them to focus more time on campus evangelization.
Please consider giving – we cannot do it without you!
I want to support on a monthly basis in the amount of:
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account or credit card on the:
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16th of each month for payments of my monthly support:
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the ministry of:
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Newest Members of the
CCO Missionary Team
Université Laval
Campus Intern
University of Ottawa
Campus Intern
National Headquarters
HQ Intern
University of Calgary
Campus VINE
National Headquarters
HQ Intern
Université Laval
Campus VINE
National Headquarters
University of Ottawa
Campus Intern
University of Ottawa
Campus Intern
Queen’s University
Campus VINE
University of Saskatoon
Campus Intern
University of Saskatoon
Campus Intern
Catholic Christian Outreach is a university student movement dedicated to
evangelization. We challenge young adults to live in the fullness of the Catholic
faith, with an emphasis on becoming leaders in the renewal of the world
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
Catholic Christian Outreach Canada • 1247 Kilborn Pl., Ottawa, On K1H 6K9 Canada
Telephone: (613) 736-1999 • Fax: (613) 736-1800 • Email: hq@cco.ca • Website: www.cco.ca
Catholic Christian Outreach Canada