Megan Young - Fil
Megan Young - Fil
fil-am who’s who FIRST ANNIVERSARY ISSUE JANUARY 2014 Megan Young Beauty with a Purpose PIDCI Bringing Filipinos Together 2013 REWIND FAWW Turns One In This Issue. . . Organizations We Love A Word from The Editor 4 Cover Story: Megan Young, Miss World Oliver Oliveros 8 Two Anniversary Celebrations In A Row Besides the new beginnings that the new year brings, January 2014 also marks major milestones for two media outlets near and dear to my heart:, the largest online theater news site, where I serve as regional editor for nearly five years, is celebrating its 10th anniversary; and Fil-Am Who’s Who (FAWW), a monthly magazine that features inspiring life stories of Filipino Americans in the New York Tri-State area, where I serve as Editor-in-Chief for six months, is celebrating its first anniversary! 11 Kay Habana 2013 Rewind 12 Just so you know, both are celebrating in style. Photo by Rolan Gutierrez is staging a special, sold-out 10th anniversary concert titled “ Visits Oz” at Joe’s Pub in the East Village, starring Broadway superstars Sierra Boggess (“The Phantom of the Opera”), who sings “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” from the movie musical “The Wizard of Oz,” and Norm Lewis (“Les Miserables”), who sings “Home” from the movie musical “The Wiz,” together with Mandy Gonzalez (“Wicked”), Kathy Najimi (“Sister Act”), and Jon Tartaglia (“Avenue Q”), among others. The show is directed by Richard Jay-Alexander, executive producer of the original Broadway productions of “Les Miserables” and “Miss Saigon.” Megan Young, 2013 Miss World FAWW, on the other hand, has Megan Lynne Young, the first ever Filipino American who bagged the coveted blue crown at the 2013 “Miss World” beauty—with a purpose—pageant, who graces the first anniversary cover of the magazine. Ms. Young, 23, has successfully ratcheted up her celebrity status in the Philippines and around the world: From being a well-known soap actress and television host in the Philippines to an effective humanitarian, who globetrotted London, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Jakarta in less than two weeks to raise funds for the victims of super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in central Philippines, whom she personally visited in November 2013. To FAWW’s avid readers and supporters, thank you very much for “keeping us company” on our first year. The tireless team behind the magazine—Dr. Prospero Lim, Ollie David, Rolan Gutierrez, Myrna Gutierrez, Maricar CP Hampton, April Lombardi, and yours truly—will continue churning out stories that are inspiring and relevant to Filipino Americans today. We invite our readers to contribute articles, letters, comments, or pictures. Please email submissions to We use information sources that we believe to be reliable, but do not warrant the accuracy of those sources. Reasonable care is taken to ensure that Fil-Am Who’s Who articles and other information on the website are up-to-date and accurate as possible, as of the publication date. fil-am who’s who 2 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO jANUARY 2014 STAFF Editor-in-Chief Oliver Oliveros • Managing Editor Myrna Gutierrez • Layout Artist & Photo Editor Rolan Gutierrez • Marketing/Sales Director & Columnist Ollie David • Marketing/ Sales Executive & Columnist Prospero A. Lim, MD • Contributing Writer Maricar CP Hampton • Publisher Fil-Am Who’s Who, Inc. Copyright © 2013 Fil-Am Who’s Who, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Fil-Am Who’s Who invites you to contribute articles, letters, comments, or pictures to the editor. Please email submissions to For advertising inquiries, please email or call (732) 499-7995, (917) 502-9887, or (917) 502-9891. Unsurprisingly, numerous Filipino American events easily filled up my calendar last month. Below, I have listed some of the most memorable ones: Ollie’s Grapevine Ollie David Happiness is a choice that you make; it does not depend on your circumstances. However, in most cases, people ask happiness on condition; but happiness can only be felt when you do not set any conditions. The Christmas season, supposedly the happiest, most wonderful time of the year, has come to an end. As always it was a magical time: A time for new dreams and wishes, a time of peace and joy, where everyone tries to be a little nicer to one another. It was also a season to buy more new things: More gifts, decorations, food, which called for more bins and baskets to store whatever you have just bought! Despite what the Christmas season has come to mean different things in the world, the holiday season has been unable to shake off completely what was the real reason for the celebration: Christmas is all about God sending His one and only Son into the world not to condemn humanity but to save us all. The birth of Jesus Christ has always been the most magnificent gift ever; a gift that will never cease to move people closer to the Lord. Ollie’s Attendance Sheet The Panunuluyan sa Konsulado, which was subtitled “Sharing the Light of Faith, Journey of the Holy Family, A Re-enactment and Reflection,” held December 4 to 12, was well attended. Consul General Mario De Leon, Mrs. Eleanor De Leon, and members and officers of various organizations were there. Refreshments followed after the main event. Strictly tuxedo and red bow ties for the gentlemen and red gowns for the ladies, the Sixth Annual Poinsettia Grand Ball held at World Astoria Manor was well attended, too. Fe Martinez, president of the Philippine Independence Day Council Inc. (PIDCI); yours truly, chair of the 2014 grand marshal search committee; PIDCI officers and board of directors; Francisco Escobar, 2013 Mr. World; Consul General De Leon; and officers of various organizations were in attendance at the consul general’s residence to welcome Drs. Emilio and Felicisima David Quines, PIDCI’s 2014 grand marshals. All the guests participated in singing Christmas carols, which made the evening even more memorable. Lastly, the 29th anniversary of the Pangasinan Association USA Inc. and the sixth anniversary of Our Lady of Manaoag Society of America were also held at World Astoria Manor, where Tessie Seguritan and her lovely daughter Christine led the parade of beauty queens and princesses. To Fil-Am Who’s Who’s wonderful readers and supporters, I wish you good health, peace, love, happiness, wealth, and the best of everything in 2014! Photos by Ollie David Pangasinan Association & Our Lady of Manaoag anniversaries At PIDCI new grand marshals’ residence Panunuluyan Poinsettia Ball jANUARY 2014 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO 3 Organizations We Love Photos by Rolan Gutierrez Philippine Independence Day Council, Inc. T he Philippine Independence Day Council Inc. (PIDCI), formerly Philippine Independence Day Committee (PIDC), was formed in the fall of 1989, and incorporated on February 14, 2002. PIDCI is primarily devoted to promoting the rich historical and cultural heritage of Filipinos through the annual celebration of the Philippine Independence Day. The nonprofit organization is best known for the biggest Philippine Independence Day parade outside of the Philippines, which is held first Sunday of June (June 1 this year) along Madison Avenue, accompanied by an all-day street fair and cultural festival. These events are attended by about 100,000 Filipinos from the New York Tri-State area and Pennsylvania, visitors from neighboring states and California, and Canada. PIDCI President Fe Martinez, together with PIDCI board members and this year’s Parade Grand Marshals Drs. Emilio and Felicisima Quines, invites members of the Filipino American community to join PIDCI’s pre-Independence Day celebrations namely: Presentation of Candidates for Diwa ng Kalayaan and Mrs. Kalayaan (February 15), Grand Marshal Gala (March 15), Mrs. Kalayaan Pageant (April 12), and Diwa ng Kalayaan Pageant (May 3), and its post-parade event, the Independence Ball (June 7). For more information, visit 4 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO jANUARY 2014 Bringing Filipinos Together Photos by Michi Productions, AJ Images, and Rolan Gutierrez jANUARY 2014 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO 5 Celebrating Culture & Diversity 6 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO jANUARY 2014 Photos by Michi Productions, AJ Images, and Photo Buddies Kapamilya, Kapuso, Kapatid It’s fun to be Pinoy! Photos by Michi Productions, AJ Images, and Photo Buddies jANUARY 2014 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO 7 Megan Young Beauty with a Purpose By Oliver Oliveros Photos by Rolan Gutierrez F ilipino Americans in the New York Tri-State area and Los Angeles, alongside some of the biggest media companies ABC—via the morning talk show “Good Morning America”— and the Associated Press, and countless donors in Hong Kong and Indonesia, have generously supported 2013 Miss World Megan Young, 23, first Filipino American who won the coveted blue crown, when she called for help to raise funds for nearly four million people displaced by super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the strongest storms ever to make a landfall in history, which slammed central Philippines on November 8, 2013. “I see the Philippines as a beautiful place. Bad things happen once in a while, but that doesn’t mean we can’t rise up from that…I think that’s where our strength as a nation comes from: We’re able to unite and work together as one to bring that beauty back. And that will happen in the next couple of years,” Young told reporters who covered Miss World Organisation (MWO)-Philippine Independence Day Council Inc.’s (PIDCI) well-received dinner fundraiser in Newark, New Jersey November 20. Steve Douglas, MWO event director, also said, “Miss World is more than just a beauty pageant. It’s a platform for young women to make a difference. Megan will travel to 40 countries and she will make a huge difference in the world. She will be making that real difference.” On November 28 to 29, Young, assisted by Philippine Red Cross, visited the evacuation centers in Leyte, Samar, and Iloilo, areas mostly affected by the super typhoon, to personally hand over the money raised. Young will return to New York City to join the Philippine Independence Day parade along Madison Avenue on June 1, 2014. 8 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO jANUARY 2014 jANUARY 2014 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO 9 big moments are better when shared Multicultural Weddings | Birthday & Children’s Parties | Holiday Parties | Deluge Restaurant | Social & Networking Gatherings |Corporate and Business Events | Sweet Sixteen & Quinceañera Parties | Outdoor Wedding Ceremony or Cocktail Reception. 135-20 39th Avenue Flushing, New York 11354 T. 718.670.7404 F. 718.460.0254 In New York, Kay sings with the San Lorenzo Choir and the Ugnayan Choir, and has performed at the prestigious Carnegie Hall and Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center. Like a test of faith, Kay developed chronic bronchitis several years ago. During such an ordeal, she thought she permanently lost her voice. “Singing has been a big part of my life. I’ve been singing since I was a child. I didn’t know how else to live life apart from it. So when the coughing wouldn’t stop, I was only able to open my mouth when I had to eat. The persistent coughing even impaired my vocal cords; my asthma compounded the problem,” she recalled. “It was a really scary experience. It took me nearly two years to regain my voice to such point that I could comfortably say that I could sing again.” Kay Habana New York Feels Like Home By Ria Serrano Photo by Edwin Ochoa A s a teen that grew up in Montreal, Canada, singer Kay Habana frequently visited New York in the summer and winter. However, her last visit to N.Y., more than seven years ago, had enticed her to stay longer that would change her life. “I came to N.Y. to visit my Aunt June, who was battling ovarian cancer at the time,” she said. “We were very close, and I wanted to look after her. That’s how important family is to me.” However, Kay’s aunt passed away. After things have settled down, she decided to stay in N.Y. instead of joining her family in California. She felt that the city wanted her to stay behind in ways she could not quite explain. For the past seven years, Kay found herself drawn to singing, a talent she knew she had but never paid much attention to. In the city that never sleeps, her calendar was filled up quickly with invitations to sing at corporate events, weddings, birthdays, and mini-concerts. And despite her busy schedule, she has successfully managed being a full-time mom and a professional caterer — yes, she cooks well, too! At events, people would persistently ask her to audition for Broadway and opera shows, which she dismisses. “I knew I didn’t have the proper training. It just doesn’t feel right,” she quipped. Despite her lack of formal music education, one can never dub Kay as a singer who can only carry a tune; she can sing arias with precision and clear diction. Without a doubt, Kay is bound to sing again and be recognized for her talent. She soon became a much sought after coloratura soprano among Filipino Americans. In N.Y., she sings with the San Lorenzo Choir and the Ugnayan Choir, and has performed at the prestigious Carnegie Hall and Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center. Back home in Montreal, she has performed at the exquisite Les Places des Arts. Last year, Kay even accepted the award for Excellence in Performing Arts from the Pan American Concerned Citizens Action League-New Jersey, and the title Miss Performing Arts 2013 from the Performing Arts Philippines Inc.-New Jersey. Last month, Kay held her first solo concert titled “Christmas Klassic with Kay Habana” at the Kalayaan Hall of the Philippine Consulate General of N.Y. , produced by her good friend and manager, Ria Serrano. The sold-out concert proved Kay to be a versatile vocalist by performing songs from various music genres. “I’m very comfortable singing classical and Kundiman pieces so I thought of challenging myself, hence the Broadway and pop repertoire,” she said. In the concert, the singer also launched her CD sampler titled “Songs from My Heart…To Yours,” which features some of her personal favorite songs and two Christmas tunes. A mother herself, Kay considers children very dear to her. Thus part of the proceeds from the album sales will go to OnBoardForKids. org, an altruistic team that devotes its time and money to feed hungry children in the Philippines. “To whom much is given, much is required,” Kay quoted from the Bible. No wonder Kay generously received a standing ovation at the end of her show. Not only she amazed her audience with a great performance but she also captured them by the heart with her humble way. Beauty, talent, character, and wisdom are rolled into one in Kay. Although she sings for the love of singing and not for fame, one can only see an even brighter future ahead of this petite rising star. Buy Kay’s album at jANUARY 2014 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO 11 2013 REWIND fil-am who’s who August 2013 fil-am who’s who September/October 2013 fil-am who’s who November 2013 Drs. Donaire Servant Leaders Katbaloganon USA Jona Jane Tajonera Pays It Forward AFTA Selfless Teachers Godspeed WHO’S WHO 1 DCG Tess Dizon DeFIL-AMVega August 2013 Organizations We Love Nilda Jaynal How to Live a Good Life Fiestahan People’s Ball August Rewind Interesting Random Facts Ollie’s Grapevine Fe Martinez PIDCI Three-Term President Dennis Sy Stronger Than Before Margie Wisotsky 40th Birthday Bash FIL-AM WHO’S WHO Celebrating One Year of Inspiring Life Stories for Filipino Americans Fil-Am Who’s Who magazine, which primarily features Filipino Americans from the New York Tri-State area, started publication, which resembles a broadsheet, in January 2013—a far cry from what the monthly magazine looks like today: 16 glossy pages of striking photographs placed against a crisp, clean layout design, and printed on 100-pound paper stock. Its printed version reaches more than 4,000 Filipino Americans who are based in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland; its digital version, found on, reaches tens of thousands of Filipinos around the world. The magazine remains free, and we are thankful to our sponsors and advertisers whose business donations have helped us survive and proliferate while striving to tell the Filipino American’s most inspiring life stories. 12 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO jANUARY 2014 Community Calendar Feb 8 Valentine’s Ball and Coronation of 2014 Little Miss Valentine PH-USA Filipino Social Club of New York will hold a Valentine’s Ball and Coronation of 2014 Little Miss Valentine PH-USA at the Gold Cotillon Room, Astoria World Manor (25-22 Astoria Blvd., Astoria NY) from 7:30 PM to 12:30 AM For tickets ($75), call Joann Carman at 347-303-5755. Feb 15 RISE PHILIPPINES: A Benefit Concert for Typhoon Haiyan Victims Project Overflow and The Vine’s Church of New Jersey, in cooperation with LightCast Church International NY, will hold a fundraising concert, featuring homegrown talents Giselle Sera Josef, Pauline Del Mundo, Gabrielle Do, Justina Soto, L.E.X. Dance Crew, and Ruth Tarectecan, among others, at City Blessing Church (38-02 61st St., Woodside NY) at 6 PM. For tickets ($20), visit Mar 9 Processing of Passports, Dual Citizenship et al. in Jersey City The Philippine Consulate General NY staff will visit St. Mary’s Church Hall (252 2nd St., Jersey City, NJ) to provide consular services namely: Processing of passports, dual citizenship, and legalization of documents, from 10 AM to 3 PM. For more information, email: Disney’s ALADDIN Opens on Broadway, Starring Adam Jacobs The stage adaptation of the 1992 Academy Award-winning animated film Disney’s ‘Aladdin’ will open at the New Amsterdam Theatre (214 W 42nd St., New York NY), starring Filipino American Broadway star Adam Jacobs as Aladdin. For tickets, visit Mar 20 Erratum: Photo caption should have been written as Dr. Alice and Atty. Aris Francisco on page three of last issue. jANUARY 2014 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO 13 PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS The World is My Oyster Dr. Prospero A. Lim Let’s Talk Psychotic Disorders - Part Two Schizophrenia comes in different types: 1. Disorganized type: Bizarre mannerisms and grimacing are common; and affect is blunted or inappropriate. They are frequently incoherent. 2. Catatonic type: May appear immobile and attempts to move them are resisted; Could be rigid, bizarre posturing. Could be highly active and excited. 3. Paranoid type: The most stable type; often displays paranoid thinking that they may or not act on; could be highly suspicious and may be aggressive. 4. Undifferentiated type: They may have prominent hallucinations or delusions and could be incoherent. 5. Residual type: In remission from active psychosis; they could be socially withdrawn with eccentric behavior and illogical thinking. Medication is the primary mode of treatment for schizophrenia. Psychosocial methods could be helpful in the long-term treatment. Family therapy as well group therapy could be valuable augmenters to the management of the disease. Other psychotic disorders: 1. Schizophreniform Disorder: It is very similar to brief psychotic disorder and schizophrenia except for the duration of the symptoms, which lasts more than a month but less than six months. Treatment is similar to that of an acute schizophrenic episode. 2. Brief Psychotic Disorder: It is a condition in which a patient experiences an acute psychotic episode lasting longer than a day but less than a month. It may or may not follow a severe stressor or a life-changing event. 3. Schizoaffective Disorder: It is a disorder in which a person has evidence of both schizophrenic and major depressive symptomatology. Mood is usually depressed. The person can present both symptoms simultaneously. Treatment is like for schizophrenia and major depression. 4. Delusional Disorder: People with this disorder do not have the prominent symptomatology of a major depression or schizophrenia. People with delusional disorder experience one or more prominent delusions often of persecutory nature but could have other delusions, too, though not bizarre in nature. They could have delusions of infidelity (Partner is having an affair, etc.); grandiosity (He or she is part of a powerful group or an important personage, etc); or erotomania (He is a Don Juan or women are falling head over heels over him). Treatment could be difficult. Psychotherapy might help. 5. Shared Psychotic Disorder: It is a condition in which a normal person adopts the delusions of someone else, usually of the more dominant person. Also known as “folie a deux,” two people share the same delusion. Treatment is to separate the two. The healthier one will tend to show improvement. 6. Psychotic Disorder Due to a Medical Condition: Some medical conditions can cause delusions and/or hallucinations in which the patient does not have an idea of the connection. A medical workup with tests to eliminate the specific condition is necessary. 7. Lastly, Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder: Drugs of abuse, toxins, and some medications can produce psychotic symptoms with confusion: Visual, tactile, or olfactory hallucinations. Drugs of abuse (marijuana, cocaine, PCP [Phencyclidine], LSD [Lysergic Acid Diethylamide], and even alcohol and sedative-hypnotics) can cause psychotic symptoms during intoxications or withdrawals. Treatment requires stopping the use of the drug. hAPPY Happy SHOOTING Shooting StarSTAR SHOOTER’S TIP SHOOTER’S TIP Put depth in portrait shots. subject I do mostGive of myyour portrait shots a foreground and a on location. At the Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, background. Use aI asked my beautiful model wide opening to Dr. blurCathy the R to pose in front of the mirror along foreground. the hallway. With the light from the top giving her a niceadd highlight In post-processing, on her hair, I shot this photo with vignetting to So your shot. available light. next time when This will make your in an event, look around for some subject shoot from. interestingstand locations Happy Shooting! Happy shooting! 14 FIL-AM WHO’S WHO jANUARY 2014 Rolan Gutierrez rolan gutier- FULL COLOR GRAYSCALE (877) 260-3558 ONE COLOR (BLACK) SANTOS ENTERPRISES BONG D. SANTOS °BUNDLE SERVICES: Featured package/service names and prices: PREFERRED CHOICE $43.99/mo.; PinoyDirect $24.99/mo.; FilipinoDirect $34.99/mo. PREFERRED CHOICE package requires a qualifying WorldDirect a la carte service. 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