Demon Heat Fall Ed.[1] - Santa Fe Public Schools
Demon Heat Fall Ed.[1] - Santa Fe Public Schools
LOREM HIGH SCHOOL / SPRING_SUMMER 2009 / VOLUME 01 Vol. 1 No. 2 A Newsletter for the Santa Fe High School Community At-Large Mrs. Leslie Romero-Kilmer, Principal (505) 467-2401 Late Fall/Early Winter Rigor - First Relevance - Found Relationships - Formed Principal’s Message from Mrs. Romero-Kilmer What a great beginning we have experienced this school year. Santa Fe High School has the absolute best students in the state! Homecoming Week and the Homecoming Dance were evidence of this great start. We sold approximately 800 tickets in comparison with last school year of approximately 250 tickets and did not have ONE problem during the week and the night of the dance...great school spirit was displayed! Academically, we are excited that our departments are moving forward with implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Each department is receiving training through High Schools That Work regarding how to implement these standards through Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Math Design Collaborative (MDC). Teachers are developing units of study that incorporate English Language Arts and Math Common Core State Standards in all content areas. Teachers are also ensuring that their lesson plans incorporate and reflect content objectives that tell WHAT students are learning, WHY they are learning what they learn, and HOW they will know what that what they have Mission Statement The Mission of Santa Fe High School in partnership with its community is to challenge our students with a visionary, innovative and positive learning environment that is provided by high quality, dedicated, caring individuals, so that each student will develop life long learning skills, values and knowledge to become a self-reliant, positive contributor to our democratic society and the world. Vision Statement Santa Fe High celebrates learning in a respectful, diverse and safe environment where all are engaged and accountable for academic and social growth. continued on page 2 Mrs. Barnes and the SFHS choir performing on Canyon Rd. during MusicFest 2012 From the first day of summer two-a-days, making the playoffs was goal One for of our Demon football team. After a 26 year absence from the playoffs, this year’s squad made good on that goal. The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Principal’s Message from Mrs. Romeo-Kilmer Continued learned is mastered. Teacher lesson plans are posted in a folder on every teacher’s door. Central office and SFHS administration are very visible and interested in the quality of instruction taking place in every classroom and frequently walk through classrooms to observe instruction. Athletically we have shown great improvement. Our Football Team has made the state playoffs and are district champions. This has not occurred since 1986. Our boys Soccer Team made the state playoffs, as well and our Cross Country Team which competed in the State Meet with the girls finishing in 6th place. Our Volleyball and Girl’s Soccer teams also experienced successful seasons. The Performing Arts Department has been working very hard. From the huge success of the performances of "Midsummer's Night Dream" by the drama program and winning first place in woodwinds, percussion, brass and people’s choice at the Pageant of Bands to the highest number of students getting into All-State in chorus, band, and orchestra, this fall the Performing Arts Department has continued its great tradition of excellence. Our students have an opportunity to participate in dance classes, musical theater, guitar, and mariachi as well this fall; and many will be performing in their holiday show Dec. 11, at various schools, or the musical theater showcase the weekend of Dec. 13th, 14th, and 15th. Thank you for your continued support of all programs and academics at Santa Fe High School. Respectfully, Leslie Romero-Kilmer Principal SFHS Parent Teacher Coalition Welcome to the Santa Fe High School PTC! As a parent or teacher at SFHS you are a member. The major purpose of the PTC is to improve communication between parents and teachers, administrators and other staff at SFHS. The PTC will work to assure parents are fully informed about their child’s school. Other goals of the PTC this year are to improve counseling support for students and parents; increase the respect for SFHS, students and staff; and provide PTC support for SFHS staff. Meetings will typically be held the third Monday of each month at 5:15pm in the Demon Library. All SFHS Parents and Teachers are invited to attend these meetings. 2 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Inclement Weather Procedures Snow Day Procedure for Students and Parents: Students and parents are asked NOT to call the school site, but are encouraged to watch television reports or listen to local radio stations. • KOB-Channel 4,KRQE-Channel 13 or KOAT- Channel 7 • Radio: KSWV AM 810, KDCE AM 950, KTRC AM 1260, Eagle FM 104.1, KHFM FM 95..5 to name a few. For SFPS Transportation Department, call 467-3541 for general information. Parents are asked and encouraged to evaluate weather conditions and inclement weather days and make a decision about their own child’s attendance. • Two-Hour Delay - SFPS will announce a two-hour delay to the school day when weather creates hazardous road conditions which compromise the ability of school buses and students to come safely to school. This announcement will be made as early as possible, but not later than 7 a.m. School will begin 2 hours later than normal start time. • Cancelation of School - After a two-hour delay has been announced and weather conditions have continued to deteriorate, the Superintendent may call a cancelation of school as early as possible, but no later than 8 a.m. All school activities are canceled. • Early Release - An early release of schools will be called in extreme weather conditions. Early release will be called no later than 11 a.m. All after-school programs will be canceled. 3 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 December and January Dates: December 14 - SFHS WinterFest December 18 - 21 SFHS Exam Week December 21 - End of Second Quarter and Early Dismissal for Students December 24 - January 4 Winter Break January 11 - Report Cards Sent Home via Students January 11 - Deadline to Register for Feb. 9 ACT Exam January 21 - No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day Friday, Dec.14 5-7:00 p.m. • Visual Arts Winter Art Show • Culinary Arts Holiday Food Showcase • Performing Arts Musical Showcase o Main Performance @ 7:33 p.m. • Capital City Basketball Tournament Come enjoy an evening of art,festivities, farolitos, music and much more as we usher in the Winter Holiday Season!!!!!! 4 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 5 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Santa Fe High School Attendance at and Participation in Extracurricular Activities The Santa Fe High School Administration recognizes the value of interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities in promoting leadership and team skills, practicing democratic principles, encouraging the lifelong learning process, and in fostering school spirit and pride. Attendance at/Participation in extracurricular activities, including student organizations and interscholastic athletics, is a privilege, not a right, and are reserved for students at SFHS who are in good academic standing, and who meet behavior and attendance standards established by the Board, the School, and the New Mexico Activities Association. Attendance at extracurricular activities will be restricted for a month in December, if in November a student: 1. Receives three (3) or more unexcused absences. a. Guardians must submit a written request to excuse an absence(s) to our Attendance Clerk, Ms. Nora Solano, within three days of a student’s return to school. 2. Receives five (5) or more tardies. 3. Receives three (3) or more days of In School Suspension (ISS) Need not be consecutive days. 4. Receives one (1) or more days of Out of School Suspension (OSS). A few of the December Extracurricular Activities include: • Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball • WinterFest 2012 SENIOR ALERT! If you have not taken an honors, Pre-‐AP, AP, online or dual credit class please see Ms. Champion. All seniors who are not showing up to E2020 WILL LOOSE their spot to juniors or sophomores. Morning session Afternoon session 7:30 – 8:30AM Academic lab (top of A bldg.) 3:45-‐4:45PM Activity Center Must have Iilled out paperwork with Ms. Champion prior to attending. 6 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 NMMI JROTC Drill Meet The girls earned a 3rd place trophy in “Unarmed Exhibi9on Team performance”. Abigail Aragon received a 3rd place individual medal in sit ups. JROTC Golden Anchor Drill Meet at West Mesa HS in Albuquerque 1st Place in Armed Exhibi9on 1st place in Unarmed Regula9on 2nd place in Unarmed exhibi9on 2nd place in Academics 3rd place in Armed Regula9on Abby Aragon took 3rd place overall amongst all boys and girls in sit-‐ups. She completed 150 sit-‐ups in a 2 minute 9me period. JROTC CompeAAon in Gadsden NM. 1st place unarmed drill exhibi9on 1st place unarmed drill regula9on 1st place unarmed drill inspec9on 2nd place armed relay race 2nd place armed drill exhibi9on 3rd place armed drill inspec9on 3rd place mixed (Male/Female) color guard 3rd place air rifle Abigail Aragon won Outstanding drill team commander OVERALL 2ND PLACE TEAM FINISH. SFHS Choir Program Hits the High Note! SFHS Chorus • • • We had 15 boys and 16 girls selected for North Central District Honor choir for the festival Nov. 9 and 10th. At Solofest 2012, 23 choir students received a score of 1 – indicating a Superior Performance! 27 students received a score of II – indicating a performance level of Excellence!! Over 30 SFHS Choir students are participated in the State Auditions! Bravo to our Choir students and Ms. Barnes, our Choir Director!!! 7 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Perfect Attendance – First Quarter MAYORGA DEL VALLE, ALEJANDRA MELGAR SAGCHE, HECTOR A MENJIVAR MELGAR, KITZET C MORRISON, EMILY T MUNIZ, STEPHANIE M NAKAMURA, PALOMA L PADILLA, WILLIAM C PITMAN, MAX F RAYMER, TOBIAS S RODRIGUEZ, FRANCISCO ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ, MARISOL L SALAZAR, ADRIAN R SMITH, ALEXIS S SPRADLING, ALEXANDRA MARA VALLES BANUELOS, ERIKA ELIZABETH VIGIL, CHRISTOPHER VOLD, URSULA G WILLIS, CAITLYN ANAYA, JOAQUIN A ANTUNA, JORGE ARCHULETA, FELISHA K AYANNIYI, AKEISHA IYABO COLLINS, CHRISTIAN JESSERAY COROY ALONSO, DEIMY Z ELLIOTT, ALEXIS MAY FRANCO, DAKOTA A GARCIA OLEA, NAYETZY GONZALEZ, JULIO M HERMELING, CADE A HERRING, SCOTT C HEWETT, KYRA M LOPEZ, ANNA ANTONIA LORETTO, KAYLENE A LUJAN, MABEL MALINOWSKI, MONICA MARIA MARTINEZ, CYNTHIA MABEL MARTINEZ, LUIS ARTURO MARTINEZ, STEPHEN MAYHON, NATALIE VICTORIA 8 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Principal’s List – First Quarter All - A’s Honor Roll ALLEN, JAMIE ALLEN, SHANENA KERRIE ALMEIDA RUIZ, LESLIE ALONZO, JESSICA BERALIS ANAYA, JOAQUIN A ANAYA, SAMANTHA M AYANNIYI, AKEISHA IYABO BACA, NICHOLAS P BRIMACOMBE, BENJAMIN LINCOLN CHAIRES III, ARMANDO TRES CHEEK, SAVANNAH NEVA LEE CLARK, KACEY L CLINTON, ISABELLE L COMELLAS, JADE M COOK, CARLEY D COVELLI, DELANEY C CRUZ, CYNTHIA M CRUZ, FERNANDO A DAWSON, OLIVIA P DE KATONA, ISABEL DUNLAP, MORGAN DELACRUZ ELLIOTT, ALEXIS MAY FUENTES DIAZ, EMMY GALLEGOS, ISAIAH R GOMEZ, CELESTE M GOMEZ, KIANNA A HAYES, SCOTT J HERMELING, CADE A HEWETT, KYRA M HOYT, CHANDLER B ITURRALDE, VANESSA JONES, KAYLEI RAE KING, MIRANDA LOREEN KUZIEL, ISABELLE WHEELER LANDEN, AIDAN M LARLEE, ALANNA M LOPEZ, FELICIA JEAN LUCERO, ALIYAH E LUJAN, MABEL LUJAN, MARISSA MARQUEZ, KLARISSA MARTINEZ, LUIS ARTURO MAYHON, NATALIE VICTORIA MCCULLOUGH, MARISSA LEE MERINO CHACON, JOSE MANUEL MILLER, CARSON A MILLER, GRETA A MILLER, JACKSON D MIMS, DESIREE LOVE MONTIJO, BRIANNA MONTOYA, BENJAMIN CRISTINO MUNOZ, AIMEE C NAKAMURA, PALOMA L ORNELAS, LUIS CARLOS ORTEGA, JUANITO I ORTEGA, QUIANA ROSE ORTIZ, ALEXANDER E ORTIZ, ANDRES OTERO-BELL, RAYLEE E PACHECO, MARIBEL M PADILLA, BRIANNA M PANTANO, MIGUEL E PRESTON, MORGAN E QUINTANA, VICTORIA RAEL, ALEXIS M RANEY, CELIA L RICHARDS, SOPHIA S RISE, JOSIAH DAVID RIVERA, PENELOPE CHRISTINE ROBLES, ELENA I ROMERO, DIEGO E ROMERO, DOMINIQUE K ROMERO, IVANA R ROMERO, MARCELINA A 9 ROMERO, PATRICK JR SAMMETH, CAMILLE M SENA, JULIA M SENA, VANESSA M SHELLBERG, TYLER SCOTT SIDEBOTTOM, RACHEL B SMITH, KIANA SOLEIL PALMER, ROSS SOSAYA, VALERIE DOLORES TANGPRADABKUL, TIYAPORN THOMPSON, EMMA TORRES, KAY K VALDEZ, VIVIAN M VALLES, ERIKA ELIZABETH VARNUM, MEGAN BROOKE VENEGAS SANTILLAN, YADIRA Y VOLD, URSULA G WOLFF, CHLOE E ZEILIK, JEREMY A The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Dean’s List – First Quarter A/B Honor Roll ABEYTA, ALFREDO JOSE ABUKHADER, JEEDA ZAFER AGUIRRE FLORES, MIRIAM A ALONZO, JESSICA BERALIS ALVA, ELIJAH MATTHEW ALYAMANI, ABDULAZIZ SAAD F ANAYA, SAMANTHA M ANGEL WHITSELL, MIRABELLA S ARAGON, ABIGAIL EMILY ROSE ARCHULETA, ELIZABETHANNE ARCHULETA, MARISSA T ARNAL SANCHEZ, MIKAYLA M ARNOLD, AUSTIN L AUBREY, EVAN L AULT, DREW B BACA, ANDREWE L BACA, RACHEL M BACA, SANTANNA BACA, SELINA B BALDONADO, ANASTACIA REINA BALDONADO, BRANDON J BARELA, DEVIN B BATES, SHANNON M BEAUREGARD, BRITTNEY G BENJAMIN, IAN A BERNAL, ANTHONY JACOB BILLY, SAMANTHA MAE BLIVEN, ASHLEY JENNIFER BRANDT, EMMA MARGARET BROOKS, SHAYLA A BRUCH, HANNAH ESTHER BUSTILLOS, ANGELICA MARIA BUSTOS, ALYSHIA N CALDERON, ANGELICA M CALLIN, JULIAN J CANTWELL, VICTORIA ATHENA CARRILLO, DENISE CARRILLO, KAYLA M CASAUS, HEAVEN LEE A CASAUS, VERA ANTOINETTE CATIZONE, OLIVIA MAGNOLIA CHACON ORNELAS, ITZEL A CHAVEZ, AMBER N CONTRERAS, ROGERIO SALUSTIANO COPPLER, ISABELA CORIZ, SAMMANTHA L CRAMER, DMITRI S CRUZ, NICO J CUMMINGS, JUSTIN A DAVIS, BENJAMIN JOSEPH HOMANS DAVIS, IAN R DE LUNA NAVARRO, JOSUE DING, YUJIE DORSETT, KELSEY S DOZIER, VICTOR D DUCHARME, GABRIELLE ROSE DURAN, REUBEN A DURICA, BONNIE ROSE EGELHOFF, WYATT THOMAS FENINGER, ZOEY JORDAN FERNANDEZ, AMALIA A FLORES, CASSANDRA FLORES, MATTHEW PLACIDO FLORES, PATRICK B FORTIER SHULTZ, BONNIE ROSE FRAERE, MARCOS FREEDLE, ANGELICA ESPERANCE FRYBARGER, KATELIN J FULGENZI, WARREN LEE FULREADER, JAMES C GALLANT, AMETHYST D GALLEGOS, MIRANDA P GARCIA, BRITNEY A GARCIA, DAYNA M GARCIA, MATHEW GARCIA, MIA M GENTSCH, ALEXANDRA RAE GEORGE, ALEXANDER C GONZALES, LUCIAS T GONZALES, RICO M GRAHAM, SAGE GRAND, ZACHARY A GREGG, GABRIELLA HARGROVE, HAYDEN J HAWN, NOEL K HAYDEN, MEGAN LEIGH HAYUNGA, CREE C HEILBRON, KARINA M HEINE, LAUREN K HERNANDEZ, BRANDE L HERNANDEZ, KLARISA M HERRERA SALINAS, ANGELICA HERRERA, ANGEL RAYLENE HERRERA, KAYLA HERRING, SCOTT C HIDALGO HERRADA, WILLIAMS I HOLMES, TRISTAN L HONSTEIN, WYATT R IRWIN, JACINDA FAYE JOHNS, HANNAH NICOLE JUPITER, KIANA K KNOX, GRACE A LANTIS, BREEANN M LESCHT, ESTHER T LOPEZ CARMONA, JACKIE LIZA LORETTO, KAYLENE A LOZANO GAMBOA, EVELYN LUCERO, BRENDA C LUJAN, ANGELIQUE TRINIDAD MACCHIONI, SEBASTIAN T MACKOWSKI, KRISTIN MADRID, KRYSHANA SHANTELL MALLARY, CRYSTAL R MARES, LATISHA E MARGARET VERRETT, ELI MARTINEZ, ALYSSA M MARTINEZ, BRANDON M MARTINEZ, DAVID J MARTINEZ, ERICA A MARTINEZ, JACOB GABRIEL MARTINEZ, JACQUELYNN L MARTINEZ, MARIAH L MARTINEZ, MARISSA DOLORES MARTINEZ, NICOLE A MCMICHAEL, KYLE T MEDINA DIAZ, EDWARD MELCHOR, MIA D MELGAR SAGCHE, HECTOR A MENDOZA CARRILLO, LUIS A MENDOZA ORTIZ, KARINA MENDOZA, ISABELLA MENJIVAR MELGAR, KITZET C MILLER, HARLAN A MILLER, ZION M MISKINIS, AVA ROSE MONDRAGON, ZACKARIAH P MONTOYA Y TIERNEY, GAVRIELLA GRACE MONTOYA, ALICIA R MONTOYA, ASHLYNN M MONTOYA, ELISA S MORALES, JUAN ALBERTO MORRIS, GRACE MORRISON, EMILY T CUEVAS, MORELIA ANNETTE HOAK, AUSTIN MOYA, ASHLEY D 10 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Dean’s List – First Quarter A/B Honor Roll MUELLER, ROBERT KORWIN NARVAIZ, GEORGE A NEEL, AADESH NEMETH, BROOKE KATLYN O’HORA, JAMES JOSEPH OLIVAS, ALEXANDER ORTEGA, CONSUELO FELIZ ORTEGA, ISAAC MATTEO ORTEGA, IZAIAH X OTERO-BELL, ELIANA L PALACIOS CALDERON, VALERIA PARAS, JULIAN PHUNTSOG, SONAM PALJOR PORTER, CHRISTIAN HOLMES PRANDONI, NOEL FLORENCE PRYOR, HALEY L PUGLISI, CHLOE H QUINTANA CHAVEZ, MARTHA G RAEL, ANGELA M RAMIREZ VILLATORO, FREDY A RAMIREZ, ALLYJA RAPHAEL, JOHN RAY, MARIE R RAYMER, TOBIAS S REHER-KELKAR, MEENAKSHI CHRISTINA RICHARDS, KODIAK CHEYENNE RIVERA AVILA, ERIKA JOAN RIVERA, JULIO M RODRIGUEZ ALVIDREZ, YAZMIN RODRIGUEZ, FRANCISCO ROBERTO ROMERO, DANIEL E ROMERO, ELIANA M ROMERO, LUCAS J ROMERO, SELENA FRANCHESCA ROMO, FERNANDO ROOP, BILLY JACK ROYBAL, ADELINA A RUIZ, JACQUELINE JR RUSSELL, ALEXANDRIA SALAZAR, ADRIAN R SANDOVAL, ASHLEY N SANDOVAL, NADINE M SANTOS, YARA S SCHULTZ, TESSA MARIE SCHUMAKER, KEVIN J SENA, ALYSSA M SHAWABKEH, MOHAMMED KALEED SMITH, NICHOLAS ANTHONY SPENCER, TRENT G SPERLING, JASMINE LANAI SPRADLING, ALEXANDRA MARA SURPRISE, SARAH LEILANI SUTTER, HIROSHI ULYSSES SWANSON, ANNA LOVISA TADFOR, YOMI NGASSA TALLENT, SHELBI CHRISTINE TALLMON, ALEXIS GRACE TARANGO SAENZ, ADRIAN TORREZ, DAKOTA G TRUJILLO, JACQUELINE A VALENZUELA, ANTHONY A VARNUM, TARA CAITLIN VAROZ, LINDSAY L VIGIL, ADRIANNA D VIGIL, CHRISTOPHER VOTER, SARAH C WATSON, SAGE DENALI WAYNE, SOPHIE ELIZABETH ORNETTE WENES, LIN YAN WERBER, ALEXANDER S WEST, TENIA RENEE WIEBE, MADELINE ROSE WIKLE, RYAN WILLIS, CAITLYN WILSON, AMY D WINTER, AIDAN Z WRIGHT, ASHLEE N ZAMBRANO CARDENAS, VANESSA P SALAZAR, ADRIANNA M SALAZAR, DOMINIC FRANCISCO SALINAS, RITA A SANCHEZ, ELIZABETH A SANCHEZ, JACOB E SANCHEZ, SARAH A SANDOVAL, ANALICIA SARITA 11 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Santa Fe High School Boys’ Basketball Schedule Nov - Jan 10-‐Jan 27-‐Nov 7:00p Belen (Belen, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 7:00p @ Albuquerque Academy (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Albuquerque Academy 15-‐Jan 29-‐Nov 7:00p @ Eldorado (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Eldorado High School 4-‐Dec 7:00p Sandia Prep (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 13-‐Dec 7:00p @ Valencia (Los Lunas, NM) Loca=on: Valencia High School 7:00p Del Norte (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 17-‐Jan 7:00p Rio Grande (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 19-‐Jan Capital City Tournament Through 12/15/12 Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 23-‐Jan 21-‐Dec 7:00p @ Espanola Valley (Espanola, NM) Loca=on: Espanola Valley High School 7:00p St. Michael's (Santa Fe, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 26-‐Jan 22-‐Dec 7:00p Los Alamos (Los Alamos, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 7:00p Grants (Grants, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 29-‐Jan 5-‐Jan 7:00p @ Pojoaque Valley (Pojoaque, NM) Loca=on: Pojoaque Valley High School 7:00p @ Taos (Taos, NM) Loca=on: Taos High School 8-‐Jan 7:00p @ Moriarty (Moriarty, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 12 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 Santa Fe High School Girls’ Basketball Schedule Nov - Jan 15-‐Jan 29-‐Nov 7:00p Rio Grande (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 5:30p Del Norte (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 17-‐Jan 4-‐Dec 7:00p @ Sandia Prep (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Sandia Prep 7:00p @ Atrisco Heritage Academy (Albuquerque, NM) Loca=on: Atrisco Heritage Academy 18-‐Jan 13-‐Dec 7:00p Pojoaque Valley (Pojoaque, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School Capital City Tournament Through 12/15/12 Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 22-‐Jan 20-‐Dec 7:00p Espanola Valley (Espanola, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 7:00p @ St. Michael's (Santa Fe, NM) Loca=on: St. Michael's High School 25-‐Jan 4-‐Jan 7:00p Los Alamos (Los Alamos, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 7:00p Moriarty (Moriarty, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe High School 29-‐Jan 7:00p @ Santa Fe Indian (Santa Fe, NM) Loca=on: Santa Fe Indian High School 8-‐Jan 7:00p @ Belen (Belen, NM) Loca=on: Belen High School 13 Varsity Schedule Date Day Opponent Time Home/away Dec. 8 Sat APS@ Valley TBA Away Dec 15 Sat Capital Tourney TBA Away Dec. 22 Sat Piedra Vista 6:30 AM weigh ins Away Dec 27-‐28 Thu-‐Fri Silver City Duals TBA Away Jan. 12 Sat Pinto Duals TBA Away Jan 16th Wed Belen Dual TBA Away Jan 19th Saturday Bernalillo TBA Away Jan 26th Sat APS@ Rio Grande TBA Away Feb 1-‐2 Fri-‐Sat Robertson Invite TBA Away February 5th Sat Capital tri-‐city TBA Away Feb 16th Feb 22-‐23 Districts State TBA TBA Away Away Sat Fri-‐Sat Junior Varsity Schedule Nov 17th Nov 24th Dec 8th Dec 22 Jan 28 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Feb 9 Jan 26 Sat Sat Sat Scrimmage Taos APS @ Valley Piedra Vista APS@ Rio Grande Cibola Rio grande 14 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Home Away Away Away Away TBA TBA TBA Away Away Away Absenteeism and Truancy Everybody in School Every day On Time! The philosophy of the Santa Fe Public Schools is that regular school attendance and class participation are essential if students are to benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility. The responsibility of enforcing the Compulsory School Attendance Law rests with the parents or legal guardians. The responsibility of the school district is to notify parents of attendance problems. Notification of student absences will only be accepted by Ms. Solano, our Truancy Officer, within three days following the student’s return to school. Ms. Salano is located downstairs in Student Services. Her email address is: Her phone number is 467-2905. Please include your child’s ID number on any documentation you submit to excuse your child’s absence. Notification must be made in writing via email or a note. Notes must include a parent/guardian signature and contact information. Please include your child’s ID number on any documentation you submit to excuse your child’s absence. Absences may be excused only for the following reasons: 1. Bereavement: Immediate family members are the child, spouse, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, aunts, uncles, siblings, step-siblings, half-siblings, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, first cousins, foster parents, guardians, and others who reside in the same household with the student. 2. Long-term illnesses: are acute or chronic health-related problems that require a student to be out of school more than three (3) consecutive days, as verified by health-care professional’s note or school nurse verification or School Based Health Center (Healthy Tomorrow's Van & Teen Health Centers). Attach verification from the health-care provider for standing appointments. Absences for standing appointments will not be excused without this verification. 3. Short-term illnesses: are any medical or mental conditions that requires a student to see a health care professional on a recurring basis with standing appointments and, that such appointments occur at least once per month. The student must obtain an official note from the health-care professional (doctor, dentist, mental health counselor, etc.) verifying that the absence is recurring and necessary. Short-term illnesses also include any medical or mental condition that keeps a student out of school fewer than three (3) days, as verified by parent notification. Attach verification from the health-care provider for standing appointments. Absences for standing appointments will not be excused without this verification. 4. Parent requested absences for educational travel: opportunities may be designated as an excused absence if approved by the Principal (in advance of the travel) and the assigned schoolwork is completed within two weeks of return to school or another agreed upon time frame. 5. Other emergencies or set of circumstances: that, in the judgment of the Superintendent or designee, constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absences from school. The following absences will be excused automatically by SFHS. You do not need to submit a form to excuse these Absences: Hazardous weather conditions: shall mean weather conditions that would endanger the health or safety of the student when in transit to and from school as approved by the Superintendent or designee. Late bus arrivals: Students will not be considered late or tardy if caused by late bus arrivals at school. Short-term suspension: removal from school for one (1) to five (5) days for disciplinary reasons (suspension cannot be used for discipline of students who are truant). Long-term suspension: removal from school for six (6) to ten (10) days or longer for disciplinary reasons following a Formal Due Process Hearing (suspension cannot be used for discipline of students who are truant). School-sponsored/school sanctioned activities : a. Events or activities sponsored or held by school clubs, athletics, extracurricular or curricular classes; b. Visits to college/university campuses on officially designated visitation days or on alternate visits when the student has applied for admission to that particular college/university. Unexcused absences are: Absences from school or a class for which the student does not have an allowable excuse pursuant to the Compulsory Attendance Law or rules of the local School Board. E. Early Intervention is defined as a student who has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences within any twenty (20) day period. F. Habitual Truant is defined as a student who has accumulated the equivalent of ten (10) or more unexcused absences within a school year. Critical Time during the School Year Will Not Be Excused: A. These include the final weeks of the semester during scheduled final exams (unless student has completed enough credit to have completed the course early). B. During the New Mexico Public Education Department required testing cycles, and the District Fall and Spring Testing cycles. C. If the student is enrolled in participation based courses (such as art, computer keyboard, PE, etc) additional assignments upon return may be required for credit recovery. 15 The Demon Heat Fall 2012 SFPS Board of Education SFHS (District 1) Representative: Steven J. Carrillo email: December/January Board of Education Meeting Dates: All meetings will take place at the ESC Building, 610 Alta Vista Street, Santa Fe, NM. 4:30 PM Executive Session 5:30 PM Regular Board Meeting Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Jan. 15 Santa Fe High School 2100 Yucca St. Santa Fe, NM 87505 PRSTD STD US Postage PAID Permit No 123 Santa Fe NM