Commission scolaire des Patriotes
Commission scolaire des Patriotes
Commission scolaire des Patriotes Verification report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (‘’GHG’’) reduction project – Educational Institution’s GHG Emission Reductions from energy conservation grouped project August 14, 2014 Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; August 14, 2014 Mr. Jean-François Rondeau Ingénieur mécanique du bâtiment et efficacité énergétique Commission scolaire des Patriotes 1740 Roberval Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec, J3V 3R3 Dear Sir: Subject: Verification report on a greenhouse gas emissions (“GHG”) reduction project Please find enclosed our verification report on a GHG emissions reduction project performed at 1740 Roberval, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec, J3V 3R3. The quantification report that is subject to our verification is included in Appendix 2. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information you may require. Yours truly, Roger Fournier CPA, CA GHG Lead Verifier Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; Draft Report Mr. Jean-François Rondeau Ingénieur mécanique du bâtiment et efficacité énergétique Commission scolaire des Patriotes 1740 Roberval Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec, J3V 3R3 Dear Sir: We have been engaged by Commission scolaire des Patriotes to perform the verification of a GHG Emissions Reduction project performed at 1740 Roberval, Saint-Bruno-de Montarville, Québec as an independent third party verifier We have verified the accompanying greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions reduction quantification report entitled “Educational Institution’s GHG Emission Reductions from energy conservation grouped project at schools of Commission scolaire des Patriotes’’ – Greenhouse Gas Project Report for the Period from January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2012’’ (the “quantification report”). This quantification report dated August 13, 2014 is included in Appendix 2 of our report which is intended to be posted on CSA’s GHG CleanProject TM registry. Management is responsible for the relevance, consistency, transparency, conservativeness, completeness, accuracy and method of presentation of the quantification report. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls relevant to the preparation of a GHG emissions reduction quantification report that is free from material misstatements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion based on our verification. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes (CSP) CSP’s mission is to promote and enhance public education and ensure the quality of the education, effective management of financial, human and material resources. The school board includes 64 schools and training centers and eight support services for establishments for a total of 75 buildings in 21 municipalities of the Monteregie region. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; The emissions reduction project The project is located at 1740 Roberval, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec, J3V 3R3, Latitude 45o 52’ 39’’ N and Longitude 73o 34’ 03’’ W. Buildings where a project have been implemented are all in the same region, their latitude and longitude does not change significantly from one to the next. The coordinates for the head office of CSP have been used for the 8 buildings. The project achieves GHG emissions reduction since it makes possible to consume less fossil fuel because of improvement in the overall energy efficiency and energy switches from oil combustion to natural gas combustion. These energy efficiency and fuel switch measures are additional to a baseline scenario which is the status quo situation, meaning that CSP would not have implemented any energy efficiency measures and fuel switches in the 8 buildings under its management. The baseline scenario and the project scenario deliver the same type and level of product service (i.e. they are functionally equivalent) in a sense that they both meet the energetic needs and provide sufficient heat to assure comfort and decent life quality inside the buildings. At CSP the project implementation began in 2002 and started to reduce GHG emissions in 2002. The expected life time of this project as per page 8 of the attached quantification report should be as long as the new equipment last and as long as the project respects the principal of additionality. This is the first verification report to be issued for this project. As of this report, we have no indication from the client on its intentions to update annually over the next few years its GHG project. The main GHG sources for the project are from electricity, natural gas and light fuel oil consumptions. The various gases involved at CSP and related to this project are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). The project was under the responsibility of Mr. Jean-François Rondeau, Ingénieur mécanique du bâtiment et efficacité énergétique. Mr. Rondeau was also responsible for the data collection and monitoring. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; The quantification report The quantification report was prepared by National Ecocredit, in accordance with ISO 14064-2 “Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancement (2006)”. The quantification is done by using as a guide the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology proposed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) titled: AMS-II.E. version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings. This methodology is appropriate because it includes any energy efficiency and fuel switch measures implemented in buildings and this corresponds to the projects implemented by CSP Although the quantification method consists essentially of multiplying appropriate emission factors to the total consumption of different types of energy (natural gas, electricity and light fuel oil), the quantifier has added two more elements to his quantification by taking into account the impact of weather conditions and the size of the buildings. Therefore, energy consumptions are ‘’standardized’’ by the means of heating degree days (HDD) ratio plus the impact of the changes in the size of the buildings. The approach that was used for the quantification of the GHG emissions reductions was one of comparing the GHG emissions generated by various sources of emissions included in the baseline scenario, being the natural gas, electricity and light fuel oil consumption with those resulting from the project scenario, being also the emissions generated by the natural gas, electricity and light fuel oil consumption. The quantifier determined the GHG emissions for every source of energy by using appropriate emission factors multiplied by the consumption of every GHG source The emission factors have been chosen from the National Inventory Report 1990-2011, Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; The verification team Before undertaking this assignment we ensured there were no conflicts of interest that could impair our ability to express an opinion and the conflict of interest form was completed and is included in Appendix 1 to this report. We also ensured we had the skills, competencies and appropriate training to perform this specific assignment. The Verifier assigned to this audit work was: Roger Fournier CPA, CA, Lead verifier. Roger Fournier has received the CSA ISO 14064-3 training and has performed, over the last seven years, audits for similar projects. Over the last seven years, Mr. Fournier has been involved in the audit of more than 90 projects and most of them as a Lead Verifier. The verification work Standards: Our verification was conducted under ISO 14064-3 International Standard, entitled: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions (2006). This standard requires that we plan and perform the verification to obtain either a reasonable assurance or a limited assurance about whether the emission reductions declaration that is contained in the attached quantification report is fairly stated, is free of material misstatements, is an appropriate representation of the data and GHG information of CSP and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded Scope: A reasonable assurance engagement with respect to a GHG statement involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the quantification of emissions, and about the other information disclosed as part of the statement. Our verification procedures were selected based on professional judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement in the GHG statement. In making those risk assessments, we considered internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the GHG statement. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; Our engagement also included: Assessing processes and control over data. Evaluating the appropriateness of quantification methods and reporting policies used and the reasonableness of necessary estimates made by CSP Identifying GHG sources sinks and reservoirs, types of GHG involved and time periods when emissions occurred. Establishing quantitative materiality thresholds and assessing compliance of results to these thresholds Ensuring ownership of the project by observing that all reductions are obtained directly by the client. Level of assurance: It was agreed with CSP’s representatives that a reasonable assurance level of opinion would be issued and we planned and executed our work accordingly. Consequently, our verification included those procedures we considered necessary in the circumstances to obtain a reasonable basis for our opinion. Planning: At the planning phase of this verification assignment, we assessed the quantification report in order to understand the major processes of CSP’s operations, the different production or operation stages with the purpose of assessing the complexity of the operation. We then made a first assessment of the inherent risk. We also got information on CSP’s internal control with the purpose of assessing our first evaluation of control risk and detection risk for this assignment. We also assessed the emission sources and GHG involved. A verification plan and sampling plan have been prepared and designed to mitigate the detection risk Our verification plan establishes, among others, the terms of the engagement, level of assurance, objectives, criteria, scope and materiality threshold. Various other steps are also described in our verification plan as the first documents necessary for the conduct of the audit. These documents allow us to corroborate various elements of different monitoring systems. The audit plan also includes discussions with various stakeholders at CSP to ensure that different controls are in place. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; 2 Assessing Materiality: Materiality is an amount that, if omitted or misstated, will influence the reader of the report in his decision making. Materiality is defined by the lead verifier in accordance with the agreed level of assurance. This materiality is also based on professional judgment and risk assessment. The materiality for this project is 5% of declared emission reductions The inherent risk, control risk and detection risk were assessed at an acceptable level for verification purposes. Sampling Plan: Our sampling plan included the verification of natural gas consumptions for the years 2002 to 2012. This verification was done by reviewing the natural gas invoices. Our sampling plan also included the verification of building sizes. During our verification, our sampling plan was not modified. Execution: A draft of the quantification report was submitted to us on August 28, 2013. Our initial review of the documentation was undertaken on September 23, 2013 and a verification plan was prepared. We then toured CSP’s premises on October 17, 2013. In doing so we interviewed Mr. Jean-François Rondeau, Ingénieur mécanique du bâtiment et efficacité énergétique and Mr Guy Rousseau who works with Mr. Rondeau in the Material Resources Service at CSP. This visit allowed us, among others, to reassess our audit risks, to get a good comprehension of the different productions stages and also to confirm the emission sources and GHG involved. The final quantification report is dated August 13, 2014 We have identified each monitoring system that may have an effect on the data used for emissions reduction calculations. During the course of our audit, we have received all available requested information from the staff responsible for data input and reporting out of these systems (Mr. Rondeau) and the control procedures were described and assessed. All reports used in the calculation were reconciled to the calculations. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; We have assessed, among others the appropriatness of using the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology titled: AMS-III.E.version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings as a guide to build the quantification and we agree with it. We also assessed the appropriateness of using the National Inventory Report 1990-2011 for emissions factors and we agree with it. The materiality level, which has been established at 5% of the declared emissions reductions has not been exceeded. All findings were listed, valued and compared to the established materiality level. Criteria: 1. The attached quantification report is in conformance with the requirements and principles of ISO 140642 2. The approach and methodology used for the quantification are appropriate. 3. The baseline scenario is appropriate 4. The supporting data are subject to sufficient controls to be considered fair and accurate and should not cause any material discrepancy 5. The calculation supporting the GHG assertion are sufficiently accurate to be considered fair and accurate and should not cause any material discrepancy 6. The quantification report has a low degree of uncertainty and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded 7. There are no competing claims to the ownership of the GHG project and the resulting emission reductions or removals. 8. The project start date is accurate and the lifetime of the project is well stated Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; Reasonable assurance opinion Our verification was conducted under ISO 14064-3 International Standard, entitled: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions (2006). In our opinion: 1. The quantification report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 standard: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements (2006), and the principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy, transparency and conservativeness have been respected. 2. The approach and methodologies used for the quantification are appropriate. 3. The baseline scenario is appropriate. 4. The client’s data controls management system is appropriate. 5. The quantification report and the GHG assertion are free of material misstatements and are an appropriate representation of the data and GHG information of Client. 6. The quantification report has a low degree of uncertainty and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded. 7. To our knowledge, there are no competing claims to the ownership of the GHG project and the resulting emission reductions or removals 8. The project start date is accurate and the lifetime estimation of the project is fairly stated 9. The GHG emission reductions presented in the quantification report entitled “Educational Institution’s GHG Emission Reductions from energy conservation grouped project at schools of Commission scolaire des Patriotes’’ – Greenhouse Gas Project Report for the Period from January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2012’’ and dated August 13, 2014 are, in all material respect, fairly stated at 268 tCO2e for the period between January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2002, 856 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2003 to December 31st, 2003, 838 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2004 to December 31st, 2004, 927 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2005 to December 31st, 2005, 1506 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2006 to December 31st, 2006, 931 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2007 to December 31st, 2007, 905 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2008, 900 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2009 to December 31st, 2009, 1554 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2010, 1296 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011, 1387 tCO2e for the period from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2012, and are additional to what would have occurred in the baseline scenario. Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; The following breakdown of those emission reductions for the years 2002 to 2012 is fairly stated (in units of CO2e): Year CO2 CH4 N2O Total 2002 272 -3 -1 268 2003 858 -3 1 856 2004 840 -3 1 838 2005 927 -3 3 927 2006 1502 -2 6 1506 2007 930 -2 3 931 2008 905 -2 2 905 2009 900 -2 2 900 2010 1550 -2 6 1554 2011 1294 -2 4 1296 2012 1384 -2 5 1387 Note: Other GHG such as PFC, HFC and SF6 are not accounted for because they are not specific to Natural gas, electricity and light fuel oil consumptions Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; Restricted usage and confidentiality This verification report is produced to be used by the management of CSP and parties interested in the above described GHG emissions reduction project. Reliance on the conclusions of this verification report for any other usage may not be suitable. The quantification report entitled : “Educational Institution’s GHG Emission Reductions from energy conservation grouped project at schools of Commission scolaire des Patriotes’’ – Greenhouse Gas Project Report for the Period from January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2012’’ and dated August 13, 2014 is an integral part of this verification report and should in no circumstances be separated from it. This verification report and the supporting work files are kept confidential and are available to the client on request and will not be disclosed to anyone else unless compelled by law. They will be safeguarded for 10 years after which period they will be safely destroyed. Roger Fournier, CPA, CA Lead Verifier Greenfield Park, August 14, 2014 Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; Appendix 1 Conflict of Interest Review Client Name: Commission Scolaire des Patriotes Report Identification: Verification Report on a GHG Reduction project entitled: “Educational Institution’s GHG Emission Reductions from energy conservation grouped project at schools of Commission scolaire des Patriotes’’ – Greenhouse Gas Project Report for the Period from January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2012’’ Date of report: August 14, 2014 Professional: Roger Fournier CPA, CA, Lead Verifier I confirm the following: Independence: I remained independent of the activity being verified, and free from bias and conflict of interest and I maintained objectivity throughout the verification to ensure that the findings and conclusions will be based on objective evidence generated during the verification Ethical conduct I have demonstrated ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification process Fair presentation I have reflected truthfully and accurately verification activities, findings, conclusions and reports. I have reported significant obstacles encountered during the verification process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinion with the responsible party and the client Due professional care I have exercised due professional care and judgment in accordance with the importance of the task performed and the confidence placed by clients and intended users. I have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the verification ------------------------------------- August 14, 2014 ----------------------------- Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; APPENDIX 2 Service de vérification Carbon Quantum Inc 76 Morley, Greenfield Park, Québec, J4V 2Y9 Tél: 514-891-6799;; EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS’ GHG EMISSION REDUCTIONS FROM ENERGY CONSERVATION GROUPED PROJECT AT SCHOOLS OF COMMISSION SCOLAIRE DES PATRIOTES Greenhouse Gas Project Report Period January 1st 2002 to December 31st 2012 Project proponent: Prepared by: Commission Scolaire des Patriotes Siège social 1740, rue Roberval Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Qc) J3V 3R3 National Ecocredit 1100, René-Lévesque West (Office 1310) Montreal QC H3B 4N4 August 13st, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... ii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... iii ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... iv SOMMAIRE EXÉCUTIF ................................................................................................ 5 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 6 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................. 8 2.1. Project title .......................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Objectives ........................................................................................................... 8 2.3. Project lifetime .................................................................................................... 8 2.4. Type of GHG project .......................................................................................... 8 2.5. Location .............................................................................................................. 8 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation................................................................. 10 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements ..................................................................................... 10 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and expected level of activity ........... 10 2.9. Aggregate GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements likely to occur from the GHG project....................................................................................... 12 2.10. Identification of risks ........................................................................................ 12 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................ 13 2.11.1. 2.11.2. 2.11.3. 2.11.4. Project proponent and representative ...................................................... 13 Monitoring and data collection ............................................................... 13 Quantification and reporting responsible entity ...................................... 13 Authorized project contact ...................................................................... 14 2.12. Project eligibility under the GHG program ...................................................... 14 2.13. Environmental impact assessment .................................................................... 14 2.14. Stakeholder consultations and mechanisms for on-going communication ....... 14 2.15. Detailed chronological plan .............................................................................. 14 2.16. Ownership ......................................................................................................... 15 3. SELECTION OF THE BASELINE SCENARIO AND ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIONALITY ......................................................................................................... 16 4. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF GHG SOURCES, SINKS AND RESERVOIRS ....................................................................................................... 18 5. QUANTIFICATION OF GHG EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS ............ 21 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report ii 5.1. Baseline and Project GHG emissions ............................................................... 22 5.2. Emission reductions .......................................................................................... 24 5.3. Emission factors ................................................................................................ 24 5.4. Global warming potential (GWP) ..................................................................... 25 6. DATA MONITORING AND CONTROL ................................................... 26 7. REPORTING AND VERIFICATION DETAILS....................................... 28 APPENDIX I ................................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX II .................................................................................................................. 35 APPENDIX III ................................................................................................................ 38 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1: Summary of the energy efficiency measures implemented in each project phase for the buildings considered .................................................................................... 10 Table 2-2: Summary of the eight buildings considered for the emission reductions........ 11 Table 2-3 Aggregate GHG emission reductions 2002-2012 (t CO2e) ............................. 12 Table 2-4 Detailed chronological plan .............................................................................. 15 Table 3-1 Barrier Assessment ........................................................................................... 17 Table 3-2 Baseline scenario – baseline year for each cluster ........................................... 17 Table 4-1 SSR’s Baseline Scenario Inventory .................................................................. 19 Table 4-2 SSR’s Project Inventory ................................................................................... 19 Table 5-1Emissions factors ............................................................................................... 24 Table 5-2 Global warming potential ................................................................................. 25 Table 6-1: Data monitoring summary ............................................................................... 26 Table 7-1: Baseline Scenario GHG Emissions for 2002 to 2012 – Sources and Total (t CO2e)................................................................................................................................. 29 Table 7-2: Project Scenario GHG Emissions for 2002 to 2012 – Total (t CO2e) ............. 30 Table 7-3: GHG Emission Reductions for 2002 to 2012 (t CO2e) ................................... 31 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report iii ABBREVIATIONS BS CDM CH4 CO2 CO2e CSA CSP EF EPA HDD GHG ISO IPCC kWh N2O PS SSR t VER Baseline Scenario (GHG Emission Source) Clean Development Mechanism Methane Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide equivalent (usually expressed in metric tons) Canadian Standards Association Commission Scolaire des Patriotes Emission Factor Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Heating degree day Greenhouse gases International Organization for Standardization Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Kilowatt hour Nitrous oxide Project Scenario (GHG emission source) Source, Sink and Reservoir Ton (metric) Verified Emission Reduction Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report iv SOMMAIRE EXÉCUTIF (Please note that the remainder of the document is in English) La Commission scolaire des patriotes (CSP) regroupe 64 écoles et centres de formation et 8 services en soutien aux établissements pour un total de 75 bâtiments dans 21 municipalités. Elle agit comme une structure intermédiaire entre le ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec et les établissements scolaires. Sa mission est la promotion et la valorisation de l’éducation publique sur son territoire. La CSP veille donc à la qualité de l’éducation, à la gestion efficace des ressources financières, humaines et matérielles. La CSP a depuis 2002 implanté des mesures d’efficacité énergétique dans plusieurs de ses édifices. Ces mesures ont pour objectifs de minimiser la consommation d’énergie, les impacts environnementaux et les coûts monétaires qui y sont associés. Ce faisant, la CSP devient un leader et un exemple à suivre dans la communauté en assumant un rôle de citoyen responsable. Pour 8 bâtiments pour lesquels les améliorations ont été significatives, la consommation énergétique et les émissions de GES associées pour chaque année sont comparées à ce qui aurait été consommé en l’absence du projet. Cette comparaison permet d’observer l’impact sur les émissions des diverses activités du projet qui visent la réduction des GES via la diminution de la consommation énergétique. Ce rapport fait état de l’évolution des émissions de GES depuis le début du projet. Le projet et les réductions d’émissions de GES seront enregistrés au Registre des GES ÉcoProjets® du CSA. Ces réductions sont quantifiées conformément aux principes et lignes directrices de la norme ISO 14064-2 tel que stipulé par le Registre des GES ÉcoProjets®. La méthodologie II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 1 du MDP (Mécanisme de Développement Propre / ONU) a été sélectionnée afin de choisir les sources, puits et réservoirs de GES à inclure dans la quantification ainsi que comme guide pour les calculs de réductions. Les réductions d’émission pour les années 2002 à 2012 sont au nombre de : Année 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 1 Réductions d’émission (t CO2e) 268 856 838 927 1506 931 905 900 1554 1296 1387 11368 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, p.1. Internet link: 1. INTRODUCTION Commission Scolaire des Patriotes (CSP) acts as an intermediate structure between the Quebec Ministry of Education and schools. Its mission is to promote and enhance public education and ensure the quality of the education, effective management of financial, human and material resources. The school board includes 64 schools and training centers and eight support services for establishments for a total of 75 buildings in 21 municipalities of the Monteregie region. Proud of its institutional standing, the CSP displays an understanding and a commitment to today’s societal concerns including environmental issues and acts as a leader to address these with novel solutions. The nature of the services delivered by the CSP implies the occupation and operation of buildings of considerable sizes. Total energy use is significant and translates into large quantities of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. In 2002, the CSP began implementing a series of energy efficiency measures aimed at reducing its environmental impact with the dual benefit of reducing their costs for energy consumption. This report outlines the results of the GHG emissions reduction associated to these efforts. The GHG project, hereafter called the project, is first described with statements concerning its objectives, nature, location, lifetime and main characteristics. The most appropriate baseline scenario is identified and the GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) for the baseline and the project scenarios are inventoried. GHG emissions are then quantified using an outlined methodology. The achieved emission reductions calculated as the difference between the baseline and project emissions are reported in the final section. A CDM methodology, II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 2 , is selected to identify the sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) to be included in the quantification and chosen to offer a guideline for the calculation of emission reductions. This methodology is deemed to be the most appropriate one given that the applicability conditions it stipulates apply to the project. In section 3, the selection of the baseline scenario and the assessment of additionality were performed according to best practices and the expertise of the quantification team. A barrier analysis is performed and used to confirm the most plausible scenario and to provide a solid argument on which to base the additionality assessment. This GHG report meets the requirements of the CSA’s GHG CleanProjects® Registry and the ISO 14064-2 guidelines and principles: 2 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, p.1. Internet link: Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 6 Relevance: All relevant GHG sources are meticulously selected and presented in section 4. A precise methodology is used along with project specific parameter values such as Quebec fuel combustion and electricity-related GHG emission factors. The CDM’s methodology “Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings” is the most relevant given that it is possible to directly measure and record the energy use within the project boundary (e.g. electricity and/or fossil fuel consumption) like required by the methodology. The methodology is applied on a per-building basis as requested and the GHG reductions are aggregated upon the overall CSP’s energy efficiency project. Completeness: A complete assessment of GHG sources is made and all GHG types are considered in the applied quantification methodology. Complete information regarding project implementation, activities and GHG quantification is given through this GHG report. GHG sources include all types of energy used for heating needs: Natural gas, Fuel Oil and Electricity. Consistency: Chosen quantification methodology is appropriate for the CSP’s project. The baseline scenario established as the continuous use of equipment and normal maintenance without additional investment in energy efficient heating technologies and buildings retrofits, is consistent with the project level of activity related to energy needs for heating of the schools. Accuracy: Calculation uncertainties are kept as small as possible. Direct monitoring of energy consumption recorded on suppliers’ invoices allows for high accuracy of data values. Transparency: Project related information is transparently communicated throughout this document so that the intended user can identify important data, how they are collected, and how the project actually leads to GHG emissions reduction. Data monitoring and GHG emission reductions calculation are clearly detailed in order to provide the reader sufficient information to allow the user to confidently make decisions. Conservativeness: GHG emission reductions are not overestimated. When accuracy is jeopardized because of assumptions, conservative choices are made to make sure that GHG reductions are not overestimated. This report will be made available for public consultation. It is intended to serve as a transparent reference document to support the prospection of potential verified emission reductions (VER) buyers. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 7 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1. Project title Educational institutions’ GHG emission reductions from energy conservation grouped project at schools of Commission Scolaire des Patriotes. 2.2. Objectives The objective of this project is to minimize the GHG emissions associated to energy use in the CSP’s buildings. 2.3. Project lifetime The project start date is January 1st 2002 and is expected to end in 2014. In theory, the project ends when the equipment used for the project has reached the end of its useful life or when the principle of additionality ceases to be respected. It is reasonable to assume that these conditions will be respected for a minimum of 15 years. The grouped project has a claiming period starting on January 1st 2002 and should end on December 31st 2014. 2.4. Type of GHG project The project falls under the category ‘‘energy efficiency’’ and is characterized as a grouped project since it accounts for various project activities implemented at different locations and times. The project activities are mainly the implementation of energy efficiency measures. These include but are not limited to: installing more energy efficient heating systems, modernizing lighting equipment, installing a centralized management system for electromechanical equipment and adjusting the water temperature based on the outside temperature. The emission reductions are therefore the result of lower energy consumption. All the measures implemented at a given building are considered to be a single project activity. 2.5. Location The CSP covers 21 communities on the South Shore of Montreal and has a total of 75 buildings. The address of these 75 buildings is provided in Appendix II. However, main project activities occur in eight buildings and only these are taken into account in the quantification. They are highlighted in green in the list of Appendix II. The main office is located at: Commission Scolaire des Patriotes Siège social 1740, rue Roberval Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Qc) J3V 3R3 Latitude: 45°52’39” N Longitude: 73°34’03”W Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 8 Figure 2-1 : CSP Territory Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 9 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation Project activities were gradually implemented in three phases (these will be described in a later section) because the costs of simultaneous implementation would be too high to absorb at once for the CSP. What is more, every building is different and has its own set of characteristics. Initial conditions, and hence needs and opportunities for emissions reduction, vary from one building to the other. Conditions prior to project initiation involved heating the exact same floor area as after the project but with much less efficient yet still functional heating equipment that could have been maintained operational over the crediting period. 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements GHG emission reductions result from lower energy consumption. The various set of energy efficiency measures implemented at each building reduces emissions associated with the use of any type of energy compared to the baseline scenario by reducing total energy use. In particular, GHG emissions related to the combustion of natural gas are being reduced thanks to more efficient boilers, advanced control system and other energy conservation measures. It is pointed out that the project offers the same comfort and heat level as the baseline scenario. 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and expected level of activity The technologies and products employed by the CSP are not unique but they are among the most recent and effective available technologies at the time of their implementation. Although they are not unique, their use is not common practice for the type and age of the buildings managed by the CSP. Measures were implemented in 3 phases. The table below shows the main measures implemented at each phase, the numbers are the building codes. Additional information on the measures is provided after the table along with information on the equipment replaced and the new equipment for measures that include boilers. Table 2-1: Summary of the energy efficiency measures implemented in each project phase for the buildings considered Phase Period Installation of Adjustment of the Installation of a new boilers (nb) water temperature centralized based on the outside management system temperature for electromechanical equipment 2002-2003 117 (2 nb), 116 (3 117, 116 117 1 nb) 2003 211 (optimization of 2 existing system) 3 2006 101, 162, 220, 102 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 101, 220 162 (optimization of existing system) 10 Table 2-2: Summary of the eight buildings considered for the emission reductions Phase Period # of the building 2002-2003 116 1 117 2003 211 2 2006 101 3 102 106 162 220 Other measures were also implemented, although not as widely in the affected buildings, these include: - The installation of a heat recovery system - The replacement of windows and doors - Modifying the ventilation system and its operation sequences - Modifying the air conditioning system - The installation of a heat recovery system A detailed list of measures implemented in each school is available in Appendix III. Lighting retrofit entails the implementation of one or more of the following (depending on the building): - The replacement of existing lamps with more energy efficient one: T8 lamps. Consumption per lamp will drop from 140 watts to 49 watts or from 70 to 49 watts depending on the case. - Incandescent lamps (1x15watts) in exit signs are replaced by DEL lamps (1x 3 watts) - Replace mercury lamps with more efficient metal halide ones - This measure’s useful life is estimated at 15 years The adjustment of the water temperature based on the outside temperature entails the installation of electronic controllers (brand Delta by Régulvar), wiring for the communication network of the centralized system, and the installation of a modem for communication from an operating post. It also requires the training of the personnel to use the system. The installation of a centralized management system for electromechanical equipment includes the following measures: - Optimization of operating sequences of ventilation and fresh air flow o Optimizing the start and stop of the systems, the modulation of fresh air flow, and modulation of heating coils. - Lowering the temperature when building is unoccupied o Install temperature probes (3 or 4) in selected rooms. These are connected to the collateralized system (brand Delta) which controls the building’s heating system. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 11 - Control lighting and heating in classrooms with motion detectors o Ventilation, heating and lighting will cease when the zone is unoccupied. These measures result in the common use of a centralized control system. This system requires: a communication network, controllers, software, programming, graphical interface, panels and accessories. 2.9. Aggregate GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements likely to occur from the GHG project The table below summarizes the emission reductions for 2002-2012. Table 2-3 Aggregate GHG emission reductions 2002-2012 (t CO2e) Year Achieved Emission Reductions 2002 268 2003 856 2004 838 2005 927 2006 1506 2007 931 2008 905 2009 900 2010 1554 2011 1296 2012 1387 TOTAL 11368 2.10. Identification of risks National Ecocredit is confident that the emissions reductions presented in the previous section are representative of the actual emissions reductions. This emission reductions report was written according to ISO 14064-2 Specifications Requirements for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal enhancements assertions. In order to minimize risks, the methodology and GHG emission factors were selected based on their completeness and their international recognition. One risk is that the project, for one reason or another, had ceased to respect the principle of additionality over its course. As a result, the project would cease to be eligible under the CSA’s GHG CleanProjects® Registry. To ensure that the principle of additionality was respected throughout the project, the following was checked: - The measures responsible for emissions reductions did not become common practice or mandatory via new regulation. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 12 - The new equipment did not malfunction to be temporarily substituted with equipment with a poorer environmental performance (or equivalent to what was previously in place). This was confirmed by Mr. Rondeau at the CSP. The CSP has remained the owner of the buildings over the project period and therefore the ownership of the carbon credits generated within this project is non-objectable. Emission reductions are not only the results of technological improvements. They are also closely related to management methods. Attention must be paid to energy use practices and management in order to achieve emissions reduction. 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities 2.11.1. Project proponent and representative Commission Scolaire des Patriotes Siège social 1740, rue Roberval Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Qc) J3V 3R3 2.11.2. Monitoring and data collection Commission Scolaire des Patriotes is responsible for the project implementation and data monitoring. Data are provided by Jean-Francois Rondeau. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes Jean-Francois Rondeau Ingénieur mécanique du bâtiment et efficacité énergétique, Service des ressources matérielles 480, boul. Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Qc) J3H 6H4 450-441-2919 poste 3530 2.11.3. Quantification and reporting responsible entity National Ecocredit is a firm specialized in non-traditional corporate financing. An expertise has been developed in the quantification of GHG emissions. Services are offered for GHG inventory, GHG emissions reduction project implementation, GHG markets advising, regulatory requirements and much more. Camille Orthlieb works at National Ecocredit as a carbon credits advisor. She has an environmental engineering Master degree from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. Before joining National Ecocredit, she worked from 2012 to 2013 with an engineering company, specialized on building energy efficiency. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 13 Camille Orthlieb Carbon credits advisor National Ecocredit 514 871 5335 ext. 305 2.11.4. Authorized project contact Karine Desjardins has the signing authority for National Ecocredit. She is authorized by the project proponent to perform requests and administrative tasks regarding the project registration. Karine Desjardins VP-Sales, Marketing and Structured Transactions National Ecocredit 514 871 5335 2.12. Project eligibility under the GHG program The project is eligible under the GHG CleanProjects® Registry. It is implemented following the ISO 14064-2 guidelines and principles, is not attempted to be registered under another GHG program and does not create any other environmental credit. 2.13. Environmental impact assessment The nature of the project does not require an environmental impact assessment as the impact on the environment is limited to GHG emissions. 2.14. Stakeholder consultations communication and mechanisms for on-going Jean-Francois Rondeau, engineer at the CSP, is responsible for the communications with the quantifier, the verifier and with all relevant stakeholders within and outside the company. Over the course of the project no stakeholder communication has generated results warranting a mention in this report. 2.15. Detailed chronological plan The project started in 2002 and will end in 2014. GHG emission reductions are reported in this report for years 2002 to 2012. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 14 Table 2-4 Detailed chronological plan Before Project Implementation During Project After Project Date 2001 January 1st 2002 2014 - Steps in Process Data monitoring started to create baseline scenario Project start date 1st GHG report covering 2002-2012 - 2.16. Ownership The CSP has mandated and paid National Ecocredit for this quantification work and has paid for all measures responsible for the emissions reductions and is the owner of the buildings in which they were implemented. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 15 3. SELECTION OF THE BASELINE SCENARIO AND ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIONALITY The baseline scenario is selected among alternative scenarios representing what would have happened in the absence of this project. The alternative scenario that is most likely to occur is selected as the baseline scenario. The CMD II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 3 methodology, selected for this project, dictates the choice of GHG sources, sinks, and reservoirs to take into account for the quantification. The project respects all applicability criteria for the methodology, namely: - It entails energy efficiency and fuel switching measure implemented at a single building (in this case institutional) - Project activities aimed primarily at energy efficiency (examples include energy efficiency measures (such as efficient appliances, better insulation and optimal arrangement of equipment) and fuel switching measures (such as switching from oil to gas)). - The technologies replace existing equipment or are installed in new facilities. - The aggregate energy savings of a single project does not exceed the equivalent of 60 GWh per year. According to the selected methodology: - The energy baseline consists of the energy use of the existing equipment that is replaced in the case of retrofit measures (all measures implemented at the CSP are retrofit measures; no new building was built during the project period). Only alternatives that could realistically be implemented on-site are listed below: 1. Option 1: Status quo 2. Option 2 : Project scenario For the assessment of additionality of the project scenario, a barrier analysis has been performed. In this case, the project is voluntary. It aims to lower the energy consumption and the GHG emissions. The scenario that is most likely to occur in the absence of this project is to keep using the equipment in place prior to its initiation and make no changes to management methods (status quo). An equipment change or retrofit is not required by law and to stick with in-place systems remains the least expensive and efforts demanding scenario. 3 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, p.1. Internet link: Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 16 Potential Barrier Law and regulation Financial Technology Common practice Table 3-1 Barrier Assessment Project Scenario Efficiency measures, efficient boiler or fuel switch* Baseline Scenario Status quo Above requirements of the law, (Barrier) Requirements of the law implemented (Not a barrier) Investment required (Barrier) Existing technology but maintenance changes required (Barrier) Not a common practice (Barrier) No investment required (Not a barrier) Existing technology (Not a barrier) Common practice (Not a barrier) The emission reductions achieved by the project are additional to what would have occurred in the absence of the GHG project since it is voluntary and faces significant investment barriers. Its implementation is highly motivated by the GHG emission reductions potential. Project activities were not all implemented simultaneously. Therefore, a specific baseline performance is computed for each group of buildings that were modified in the same year. In the absence of the project, energy performance would have remained somewhat similar to the performance observed during the year preceding the implementation of energy efficiency measures. As such, a baseline energy intensity in terms of “energy units / heating degree day”, is identified for each group of buildings (referred to as a “cluster”) and the baseline energy needs for each year is obtained by the multiplication of the baseline energy intensity with the actual number of heating degree-days for a given year. In the following table, the baseline year is presented for each cluster. Table 3-2 Baseline scenario – baseline year for each cluster Clusters Baseline years 2002-2003 2001 2003 2002 2006 2005 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 17 4. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION SOURCES, SINKS AND RESERVOIRS OF GHG To determine the sources, sinks and reservoirs relevant to the project and baseline scenario, a systematic approach was used to meet the requirements of ISO 14064-2. In order to insure good practices relating to the criteria and procedures for the determination of relevant SSRs (Sources Sinks and Reservoirs), the following documents were consulted: CSA (2006), ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements4; CDM, II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 5 , Table 1: “Summary of gases and sources included in the project boundary and justification/explanation where gases and sources are not included”. To proceed with the identification and selection of elements, we used the decision tree from the standard ISO 14064-26 that provides a procedure to assist project proponents consider GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs. The SSRs for the baseline and the project scenario are identified in the tables below and it is stated whether they are included or excluded from the quantification. As aforementioned, the methodology stipulates that the energy baseline is the energy use of the existing equipment that is replaced. It follows that the sources of GHG are all the energy sources used by the equipment. Although the methodology does not require the quantification of methane and nitrous oxide, these were included in the calculation for a more complete emissions profile. Figure 4-1displays the project elements divided by SSR type. 4 CSA (2006), ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements, Figure A.2, Available at: 5 CDM (2007) CDM methodology II.E/Version 10:Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, Internet link: C8APNP 6 CSA (2006), ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements, Figure A.2, Available at: Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 18 SSR - Baseline S1. Fuel extraction and processing S2. Electricity Generation S3 Electricity Consumption S4. Fossil fuel combustion S5. Maintenance SSR - Baseline S1. Fuel extraction and processing S2. Electricity Generation S3 Electricity Consumption S4. Fossil fuel combustion Table 4-1 SSR’s Baseline Scenario Inventory Included Controlled/ GHG Explanation /excluded Related / Affected This emission source is assumed Excluded Related to be negligible compared to the combustion. This source of emission may be significant, depending on the CO2, production means. This emission Included Related CH4, source, although not so important N2O because of hydropower origin, is easily tracked and is therefore include for enhanced accuracy. This source of emissions is taken CO2, into consideration by including Included Controlled CH4, emissions from electricity N2O generation for the amount of electricity consumed CO2, An important source of Included Controlled CH4, greenhouse gases. N2O Emissions from maintenance activities result from fossil fuel combustion in vehicles used for Excluded Controlled transporting maintenance personnel to and from project site. These emissions are assumed to be negligible Table 4-2 SSR’s Project Inventory Included Controlled/ GHG Explanation /excluded Related / Affected This emission source is assumed Excluded Related to be negligible compared to the combustion. CO2, This source of emission may be Included Related CH4, significant, depending on the N2O production means. This source of emissions is taken CO2, into consideration by including Included Controlled CH4, emissions from electricity N2O generation for the amount of electricity consumed CO2, An important source of Included Controlled CH4, greenhouse gases. N2O Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 19 S5. Maintenance Excluded Controlled - S6. Equipment manufacturing Excluded Related - S7. Transportation of equipment to the site Excluded Related - S8. Decommissioning of equipment Excluded Related - Excluded Related - Excluded Related - S9. Transportation of decommissioned equipment to landfill or recycling center S10. Recycling of components of decommissioned equipment Emissions from maintenance activities result from fossil fuel combustion in vehicles used for transporting maintenance personnel to and from project site. These emissions are assumed to be negligible This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. Figure 4-1Project elements Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 20 5. QUANTIFICATION REMOVALS OF GHG EMISSIONS AND This project is based on a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology proposed by the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) titled: AMS-II.E.version 10 - Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, validated 2 November 20077.The quantification is done in accordance with the selected methodology, which stipulates that: ‘‘Each energy form in the emission baseline is multiplied by an emission coefficient. […] IPCC default values for emission coefficients may be used.’’ The VCS methodology VM0008 Methodology for Weatherization of Single and Multi-Family Buildings8 also serves as a reference. The quantification method consists essentially of multiplying appropriate emission factors to the total consumption of different types of energy namely electricity, light fuel oil and natural gas. Doing so is pretty straight forward in the project scenario. One just needs the actual consumption of those energy sources (taken from energy suppliers bills) and to multiply the appropriate emission factors (taken from the latest Canadian National Inventory Report). However, adjustment to this methodology must be made to take into account the impact of weather conditions impacting the energy consumption and to avoid (as much as possible) a too important difference between project and baseline energy needs due to different yearly climate conditions. Therefore, energy consumptions are “normalized” by the means of heating degree days (HDD) ratio. Further details are given below. Another element which can significantly influence the energy consumption is the size of the buildings. Changes in buildings dimensions must be monitored and the impact on the energy demand must be assessed. Once normalized for weather impact, the consumption is then multiplied by the ratio of the buildings’ areas in baseline year to buildings’ areas in the year for which emissions are quantified. According to the applied methodology, leakage is to be considered if: “the energy efficiency technology is equipment transferred from another activity or if the existing equipment is transferred to another activity” 9. That is not the case here and therefore there is no leakage calculation. Calculation examples are at the Appendix I. 7 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, Internet link: C8APNP 8 VCS website, 9 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, page 2/6 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 21 5.1. Baseline and Project GHG emissions BASELINE EMISSIONS The data for the baseline quantification was taken from the year before the project implementation and subsequent years depend on the project’s implementation time. This is a conservative way of estimating the baseline GHG emissions for this project. The Heating Degree Day Correction Factors (HDDCF) is used to update the baseline energy consumption annually based on changes in temperature. This factors accounts for changes in heating degree days and associated changes in heating loads. The method for the normalization is the one applied by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec 10 . A realistic representation of the Quebec’s schools network is to assume that 60% of the overall energy consumption is weather dependant and is therefore normalized using the degree-days ratio. The degree-days are taken from P-E-Trudeau international airport weather station11. BSi = BSElec, i + BSNG, i + BSOil, i BSi = BSElec,i = BSNG,I = BSOil,i = Baseline Scenario emissions from building “i” (t CO2e); Baseline Scenario emissions associated with electricity use at building “i”(t CO2e) Baseline Scenario emissions associated with natural gas combustion at building “i” (t CO2e) Baseline Scenario emissions associated with fuel oil combustion at building “i” (t CO2e) BSElec, i = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQEi BSNG, i = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQNGi BSOil, i = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQOi BSQEi = Normalized quantity of electricity consumed for the baseline scenario at building “i” (kWh); BSQNi = Normalized quantity of natural gas consumed for the baseline scenario at building “i” (m3); BSQOi = Normalized quantity of light fuel oil (no. 2) consumed for the baseline scenario at building “i” (Liters); EECO2, EE CH4, EEN2O = GHG emission factors for electricity ENCO2, ENCH4, ENN2O = GHG emission factors for natural gas combustion EOCO2, EOCH4, EON2O = GHG Emission factors for fuel oil combustion GWPCH4 = Global Warning Potential of methane (21) GWPN2O = Global Warning Potential of nitrous oxide (310) 10 Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec (July 2010) Bilan énergétique du réseau des commissions scolaires 2008-2009, Appendix 6, Available at : 11 Monthly HDD : Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 22 BSQEi = CElec,bsi * [0.4 + 0.6 * (CDDCFy)] BSQNi = CNG,bsi * [0.4 + 0.6 * (CDDCFy)] BSQOi = CO,bsi * [0.4 + 0.6 * (CDDCFy)] CDDCFy = Actual electricity consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Actual natural gas consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Actual fuel oil consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Heating degree days correction factor for year y CDDCFy = HDDref/ HDDy HDDref = HDDy = Average Heating Degree Days for the last 30 years (1981-2010) Heating Degree Days for the year y CElec,bsi = CNG,bsi = CO,bsi = PROJECT EMISSIONS PSi,y = PSElec,i,y + PSNG,i,y + PSOil,i,y PSi,y= PSElec,i,y = PSNG,i,y = PSOil,i,y = Project Scenario emissions for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e); Project Scenario emissions associated with electricity use for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) Project Scenario emissions associated with natural gas combustion for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) Project Scenario emissions associated with fuel oil combustion for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) PSElec,i,y = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * PSEi,y * RSi,y PSNG,i,y = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * PSNGi,y * RSi,y PSOil,i,y = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * PSOi,y * RSi,y Quantity of electricity consumed for building “i” in year “y” (kWh); Quantity of natural gas consumed for building “i” in year “y” (m3); Quantity of light fuel oil (no. 2) consumed for building “i” in year “y” (Liters); Ratio of areas in baseline year/ year “y” of building “i” PSEi,y = PSNGi,y = PSOi,y = RSi,y12 = RSi,y = Ai,bs / Ai,y Ai,bs = Ai,y = Area of building “i” in baseline year (m2) Area of building “i” in year “y” (m2) 12 The area of only 2 buildings affected by the energy efficiency project was modified from 2002-2012 (buildings 161 and 211) Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 23 5.2. Emission reductions These following equations illustrate the GHG emissions reduction quantification. These calculations were done for each building with energy efficiency or fuel switch projects. TPERy = ∑ Total Project Emission Reductions in year “y” (t CO2e) Emission reductions for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) Number of buildings TPERy = ERi,y = n= ERi,y = BSi – PSi,y Quantification limits and uncertainty Uncertainties are considered small. CDM methodologies are recognized internationally. As of today, they offer the most complete methodologies. The AMS II.E. is a flexible small scale methodology as long as you can prove your emission reduction by verifiable facts (ex. Invoice). So there is no particular limit with the CDM methodology proposed. The provincial emissions coefficient used is closer to the reality than national ones, since the electricity is produced differently from one province to another. This choice limits the uncertainty and the overestimation of the GHG reduction for the emission reduction project. 5.3. Emission factors Factor EFoil Gas CO2 CH4 N2O EFNG CO2 CH4 N2O EFelec CO2 CH4 N2O Table 5-1Emissions factors Unit Source g/L National Inventory Report 1990-2011, Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, g/L Part 2, p.196, Table A8-4, Light Fuel Oil for g/L Institutions 1878 g/kg National Inventory Report 1990-2011, Value 2725 0.026 0.031 0.037 g/kg 0.035 g/kg 1.64 g/kWh 0.0002 g/kWh 0.0001 g/kWh Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, p.194, Marketable Natural Gas National Inventory Report 1990-2011, Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, p.195, Institutional National Inventory Report 1990-2011, Greenhouse Gas Source and Sinks in Canada, Part 3, Table A13-6 24 5.4. Global warming potential (GWP) Factor Value CH4 N2O 21 310 Table 5-2 Global warming potential Source National Inventory Report 1990-2011, Greenhouse Gas Source and Sinks in Canada, Part 3, Table A12-3 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 25 6. DATA MONITORING AND CONTROL Data that need to be monitored for GHG emissions quantification purposes are the electricity consumption the natural gas consumption and the light fuel oil consumption at every building where measures were implemented. Data control system and procedures are therefore very limited since they mostly come from the energy suppliers data acquisition and storage system. These external systems are deemed sufficiently safe and reliable and allow for transparent communication of the relevant data. These are easily verifiable. Therefore, no limited access data storage system or control procedures are implemented. Data values are inputs in the quantification model and are therefore critical for accuracy of the GHG reductions estimation. Both calculations and data values are internally reviewed by the quantification team from National Ecocredit. Reported data are the responsibility of Jean-Francois Rondeau. The CSP uses an energy data management software interface called Helios. A summary of the data monitoring is presented in the table below. The flow of data is depicted in Figure 6-1. Data Units CElec kWh Table 6-1: Data monitoring summary Description Measurement method; Source of data to be used electricity consumption Electricity meter monitors the power usage. The meter is read on a monthly basis and invoices reflect the usage of that period. Data is collected from the invoices and inputted into Helios software. CNG m3 natural gas consumption A gas flow meter continuously measures the inflow. Integrated data over a certain period is reported on natural gas invoices. Data are collected directly from energy bills and inputted into Helios software. CO Liters light fuel oil consumption An oil reservoir is filled when required. The volume of each fill is measured by volumetric flow meter upon delivery. Invoices reflect the delivered oil quantity. Entire year invoices are compiled and assumed to adequately reflect the actual usage in that year. Data is collected the invoices and inputted into Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report QA/QC procedures Electricity invoices are assumed to be accurate. No further quality assurance procedures are implemented. Natural gas invoices are assumed to be accurate. No further quality assurance procedures are implemented. Fuel oil invoices are assumed to be accurate. No further quality assurance procedures are implemented. 26 A m 2 Total area of the building for a given year Helios software. The renovation plans specify the new area of the renovated building. This information is aggregated and reported to the building owner by the contractor to create a synthesis report for the client. Data is collected from this report. The synthesis report is assumed to be accurate. No further quality assurance procedures are implemented. The data collection method allows for a low level of uncertainty. The quantification process therefore respects the ISO 14064 principle of accuracy for the calculations. Figure 6-1Data flow chart Throughout the review of report, the CSP never had access to an unlocked version of the report document. Only authorized members of National Écocrédit’s team made modifications to address any issues. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 27 7. REPORTING AND VERIFICATION DETAILS The project plan and report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 standard and the GHG CleanProjects® Registry requirements. The methodology that is used, the choice of region specific emission factors and a rigorous monitoring plan allow for a reasonably low level of uncertainty. National Ecocredit is confident that the emission reductions are not overestimated and that the numbers of emission reductions that are reported here are real and reflect the actual impacts of the project. The GHG report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 and GHG CleanProjects® Registry requirements. Emission reductions will be verified by an independent third party to a reasonable level of assurance. Emission reductions are reported below for years 2002 to 2012. Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 28 Table 7-1 : Baseline Scenario GHG Emissions for 2002 to 2012 – Sources (t CO2e) BSele BSNG Year CO2 CH4 N2O Sub-total CO2 CH4 N2O Sub-total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 5 5 5 5 15 14 14 14 16 15 15 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 15 14 14 14 16 15 15 123 1416 1355 1372 1425 3015 2794 2804 2798 3040 2933 3010 25962 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 7 7 8 17 16 16 16 17 16 17 145 1424 1362 1379 1433 3033 2811 2821 2815 3058 2950 3028 26114 BSoil CO2 CH4 N2O Sub-total 168 374 379 393 413 383 384 384 417 402 413 4110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 168 375 380 394 414 384 385 385 418 403 414 4120 Table 7-2: Baseline Scenario GHG Emissions for 2002 to 2012 – Sources and Total (t CO2e) BE - TOTAL Year CO2 CH4 N2O TOTAL 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 1589 1734 1756 1823 3443 3191 3202 3196 3473 3350 3438 30195 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 8 8 8 9 18 17 17 17 18 17 18 155 1597 1742 1764 1832 3462 3209 3220 3214 3492 3368 3457 30357 29 Total 1597 1742 1764 1832 3462 3209 3220 3214 3492 3368 3457 30357 Table 7-3: Project Scenario GHG Emissions for 2002 to 2012 – Sources (t CO2e) PSele PSNG Year CO2 CH4 N2O Sub-total CO2 CH4 N2O Sub-total 2002 5 1 1 7 1125 1 7 1133 2003 4 1 1 6 577 1 4 582 2004 5 1 1 7 598 1 4 603 2005 5 1 1 7 636 1 4 641 2006 18 1 1 20 1643 1 10 1654 2007 17 1 1 19 1965 1 12 1978 2008 16 1 1 18 1962 1 12 1975 2009 17 1 1 19 1984 1 12 1997 2010 15 1 1 17 1658 1 10 1669 2011 13 1 1 15 1708 1 10 1719 2012 13 1 1 15 1778 1 11 1790 TOTAL 128 11 11 150 15634 11 96 15741 PSoil CH4 N2O Sub-total 187 1 1 189 1329 295 1 2 298 886 313 1 2 316 926 255 1 1 257 905 280 1 1 282 1956 279 1 1 281 2278 319 1 2 322 2315 295 1 2 298 2314 250 1 1 252 1938 335 1 2 338 2072 263 1 1 265 2070 3071 11 16 3098 18989 Table 7-4: Project Scenario GHG Emissions for 2002 to 2012 – Total (t CO2e) PE - TOTAL Year CO2 CH4 N2O TOTAL 2002 1317 3 9 1329 2003 876 3 7 886 2004 916 3 7 926 2005 896 3 6 905 2006 1941 3 12 1956 2007 2261 3 14 2278 2008 2297 3 15 2315 2009 2296 3 15 2314 2010 1923 3 12 1938 2011 2056 3 13 2072 2012 2054 3 13 2070 TOTAL 18833 33 123 18989 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report Total CO2 30 Table 7-5: GHG Emission Reductions for 2002 to 2012 (t CO2e) ER - TOTAL Year CO2 CH4 N2O TOTAL 2002 272 -3 -1 268 2003 858 -3 1 856 2004 840 -3 1 838 2005 927 -3 3 927 2006 1502 -2 6 1506 2007 930 -2 3 931 2008 905 -2 2 905 2009 900 -2 2 900 2010 1550 -2 6 1554 2011 1294 -2 4 1296 2012 1384 -2 5 1387 TOTAL 11368 11362 -26 32 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 31 APPENDIX I Calculation example The example is given for building 117 for the project year 2004 (the baseline year is 2001) BASELINE EMISSIONS: BS = BSelec + BSNG + BSOil = BSy 1384,00 = BSElec + 4,00 + BSNG + 1380,00 + BSOil 0,00 (Rounded down) BSElec =[ EECO2 +( = BSQE*RS*0,000001 * 2,947 * 4 = EECH4 * GWPCH4 ) + ( EEN2O * GWPN2O )] * EECO2 + BSQE*RS*0,000001 * EECH4 * GWPCH4 + 1,640 + 2,947 * 0,00020 * 21,000 + BSQE * RS * 0,000001 g/t BSQE*RS*0,000001 * EEN2O * GWPN20 2,947 * 0,00010 * 310,000 +( BSNG =[ ENCO2 = BSQN*RS*0,000001 * 0,731 * 1380 = ENCH4 * GWPCH4 ) + ( ENN2O * GWPN2O )] * ENCO2 + BSQN*RS*0,000001 * ENCH4 * GWPCH4 + 1878,000 + 0,731 * 0,037 * 21,000 + BSQNG * RS * 0,000001 g/t BSQN*RS*0,000001 * ENN2O * GWPN20 0,731 * 0,035 * 310,000 +( BSOil =[ EOCO2 = BSQO*RS*0,000001 * 0,000 * 0 = EOCH4 * GWPCH4 ) + ( EON2O * GWPN2O )] * EOCO2 + BSQO*RS*0,000001 * EOCH4 * GWPCH4 + 2663,000 + 0,0000000 * 0,140 * 21,000 + BSQO * RS * 0,000001 g/t BSQO*RS*0,000001 * EON2O * GWPN20 0,000 * 0,082 * 310,000 RS 1 = = = BSQE 2947416,203 = Ay 34203,000 / / CElec,bs *[ 3052277,561 *[ Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report Abs 34203,000 0,400 + 0,400 + 0,600 * ( 0,600 * ( DJr / 4401,000 / DJy )] 4668,300 )] 32 = BSQN 730828,470 = CNG,bs *[ 756829,435 *[ 0,400 + 0,400 + 0,600 * ( 0,600 * ( DJr / 4401,000 / DJy )] 4668,300 )] Co,bs 0,400 + 0,400 + 0,600 * ( 0,600 * ( DJr / 4401,000 / DJy )] 4668,300 )] BSQO = 0,000 = *[ 0,000 *[ CElec,bs = 3052277,561 CNG,bs = 756829,435 CO,bs = 0,000 PROJECT EMISSIONS: PE = PEelec + PENG + PEOil PSy 609 = = PSElec 5 + + PSNG 601 + + PSOil 3 (Rounded up) PSElec 5 PSNG 601 =[ EECO2 = PSEi,y *0,000001 = 2,435 + ( EECH4 * EECO2 * 1.64 =[ ENCO2 = PSNGi,y *0,000001 = 0,318 + ( ENCH4 * * ENCO2 + * 1878,000 + Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report * + + GWPCH4 PSEi,y *0,000001 2,435 )+( * * EEN2O * EECH4 * 0,00020 * GWPN2O )] * PSEi,y GWPCH4 + PSEi,y *0,000001 21,000 + 2,435 * * * 0,000001 g/t EEN2O * 0,00010 * GWPN20 310,000 GWPCH4 PSNGi,y *0,000001 0,318 )+( * * ENN2O * ENCH4 * 0,037 * GWPN2O )] * PSNGi,y GWPCH4 + PSNGi,y *0,000001 21,000 + 0,318 * * * 0,000001 g/t ENN2O * 0,035 * GWPN20 310,000 33 PSOil 3 =[ EOCO2 = PSOi,y *0,000001 = 0,001 PSEi,y = PSNGi,y = PSOi,y = + ( EOCH4 * * EOCO2 + * 2663,000 + GWPCH4 PSOi,y *0,000001 0,001 )+( * * EON2O * EOCH4 * 0,140 * GWPN2O )] * PSOi,y GWPCH4 + PSOi,y *0,000001 21,000 + 0,001 2434500,000 317918,799 1094,300 EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS: ER = BS – PE TPERcy = 775 = Bsy 1384 - Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report PSy 609 34 * * * 0,000001 g/t EON2O * 0,082 * GWPN20 310,000 APPENDIX II List of buildings (in green are the buildings where admissible project activities occurred) School Centre La Traversée Saint-Mathieu Jolivent au Coeur-des-Monts Le Petit-Bonheur Polybel Le Tournesol L'Envol Orientante l'Impact Louis-H. Lafontaine Pierre-Boucher Antoine-Girouard Paul-VI La Broquerie Père Marquette De Mortagne Jeunes-Découvreurs Marguerite-Bourgeoys Du Parchemin Nouvelle école primaire d De la Roselière De la Passerelle De Bourgogne Sainte-Marie De Salaberry Jacques-de-Chambly De Chambly CFR Chambly Mère-Marie-Rose code_bâtiment1 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 108 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 130 131 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 151 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report code_bâtiment2 865001 865002 865003 865B009 865006 865007 865008 865005 865011 865012 865013 865014 865015 865016 865017 865018 865019 865020 865023 865010 865025 865026 865027 865028 865029 865030 865031 865036 Address 866 boulevard Laurier 225 rue Hubert 330 boul. Cartier 2035, rue Paul-Perreault 80 rue F. -X. -Garneau 725 rue de Lévis 201 rue du Buisson 850 boulevard Laurier 544 rue Saint-Sacrement 795 rue Benjamin-Loiseau 225 rue Joseph-Martel 650 rue Antoine-Girouard 666 rue Le Laboureur 401 rue de Jumonville 900 boul. du Fort-Saint-Louis 955 boul. de Montarville 850 rue Étienne-Brûlé 11 rue Louis-H. -Lafontaine 1800 rue Gilbert-Martel 1551, rue de l'École 31 rue des Carrières 60 rue St-Jacques 1415 rue Bourgogne 1111 rue Denault 1371 rue Hertel 5 rue des Voltigeurs 535 boul. Brassard 1500 Boul. Industriel 351 rue Chabot City Beloeil Beloeil Beloeil Beloeil Beloeil Beloeil Beloeil Beloeil Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Boucherville Carignan Chambly Chambly Chambly Chambly Chambly Chambly Chambly Chambly Contrecoeur 35 Postal code J3G4K7 J3G2S8 J3G3R6 J3G 0M3 J3G3G4 J3G2M1 J3G5V5 J3G4K7 J4B3K9 J4B3T3 J4B1L1 J4B3E5 J4B3R7 J4B1K4 J4B1T6 J4B1Z6 J4B6T2 J4B4Y2 J3L3P9 J3L 0X1 J3L2H5 J3L3M1 J3L1Y4 J3L2L7 J3L2M5 J3L3H3 J3L6H3 J3L 6Z7 J0L1C0 La Farandole Éducation internationale Au-Fil-de-L'Eau/Hertel Au-Fil-deL'Eau/Desrocher Au-Fil-deL'Eau/Desrocher De La Pommeraie Ozias-Leduc De L'Aquarelle Édifice Robert Chartier Notre-Dame 1 Notre-Dame 2 François-Williams Le Sablier De l'Envolée de L'Odyssée Georges-Étienne-Cartier Pavillon St-Basile Jacques-Rocheleau De la Chanterelle De la Mosaïque De Montarville Centre de services altern Albert-Schweitzer Mgr Gilles-Gervais Du Mont-Bruno Siège social Saint-Charles Saint-Denis De l'Amitié Des Trois-Temps L'Arpège Le Rucher 161 162 171 865039 865040 865043 265 3e avenue 720 rue Morin 120 rue Sainte-Anne McMasterville McMasterville Mont-St-Hilaire J3G1R7 J3G1H1 J3H3A4 172 865044 259 rue Provencher Mont-St-Hilaire J3H3M3 172 173 174 175 179 180 181 190 191 192 193 200 210 211 212 213 220 222 223 224 225 229 230 240 245 250 270 271 865044 865045 865046 865047 865048 865052 865051 865054 865055 865056 865057 865061 865063 865064 865065 865066 865069 865071 865072 865073 865074 865075 865079 865081 865082 865083 865086 865087 259 rue Provencher 685 boul. Montenach 525 rue Joliette 50 rue Michel 480 boul. Laurier 306 rue Prince-Albert 11 avenue Helen 950 rue de Normandie 491 rue Ouellette 440 rue de l'Église 169 rue David 32 rue Marie-Rose 9 rue Préfontaine 10 rue Préfontaine 1 rue de la Chanterelle 105 rue Montpellier 1725 rue Montarville 1430 rue Montarville 1139 rue Cadieux 1435 rue Châteauguay 221 boul. Clairevue Est 1740 rue Roberval 420 chemin des Patriotes 290 rue du Collège 3065 rue Bédard 103 de la Fabrique 649 rue Saint-Joseph 1800 rue Savaria Mont-St-Hilaire Mont-St-Hilaire Mont-St-Hilaire Mont-St-Hilaire Mont-St-Hilaire Otterburn Park Otterburn Park St-Amable St-Amable St-Amable St-Amable St-Antoine-sur-Richelieu Saint-Basile-le-Grand Saint-Basile-le-Grand Saint-Basile-le-Grand Saint-Basile-le-Grand Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville St-Charles-sur-Richelieu St-Denis-sur-Richelieu St-Jean-Baptiste-de-Rouville St-Marc-sur-Richelieu Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie J3H3M3 J3H2N8 J3H3N2 J3H3R3 J3H4R9 J3H1L6 J3H1R2 J0L1N0 J0L1N0 J0L1N0 J0L1N0 J0L1R0 J3N1L6 J3N1L6 J3N1L1 J3N1C6 J3V3V2 J3V3T5 J3V2Z5 J3V3A9 J3V5J3 J3V3R3 J0H2G0 J0H1K0 J0L2B0 J0L2E0 J3E1J9 J3E1J9 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 36 Aux-Quatre-Vents Arc-en-Ciel Du Moulin Du Grand-Chêne Du Grand-Côteau Du Tourne-Vent CFP des Patriotes J. -P. - Labarre Marie-Victorin Les Marguerite La Roseraie De la Source Le Carrefour Du Carrousel Ludger-Duvernay 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 290 Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 865088 865089 865090 865091 865092 865093 865094 865097 865098 865099 865100 865101 865102 865103 865108 1920 rue Borduas 450 rue Charles-de-Gaulles 1500 rue du Moulin 27 rue du Plateau 2020 rue Borduas 2300 rue de Genève 2121 rue Bombardier 2250 boul. Marie-Victorin 20 rue Vincent 251 rue Beauchamp 237 rue Mongeau 239 rue du Fief 123 chemin du Petit-Bois 230 rue Suzor-Côté 36 rue Dalpé Verchères Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie Sainte-Julie Varennes Varennes Varennes Varennes Varennes Varennes Varennes Verchères 37 J3E1A4 J0L2S0 J3E1P8 J0L2S0 J3E2G2 J3E2J1 J3E2M8 J3X1P9 J3X1R8 J3X1E7 J3X1M6 J3X1Z2 J3X1P7 J3X1L6 J0L2R0 APPENDIX III Phase 1 (2002-2003) School code 117 116 School code 211 School code Measures implemented - Lighting retrofit - Installation of new boilers o Prior to modifications the building was operating the following boilers: one 8 400 MbTUH/h boiler from HC Vidal installed in 1995 (will keep being used in peak periods) (efficiency 85-87%) one 11 700 MbTUH/h boiler from Volcano (efficiency 83-85%) one 1 400 MbTUH/h steam boiler o New boilers installed Two high efficiency condensing boilers from gasmaster model GM2M (efficiency of 87%) to produce hot water and heat the building year round. - Adjustment of the water temperature based on the outside temperature - Installation of a centralized management system for electromechanical equipment. - Lighting retrofit - Adjustment of the water temperature based on the outside temperature - Lowering the temperature when building is unoccupied - Replace existing boilers with 2 efficient boilers o Two 1 215 000 Btuh/h oil boilers brand Volcano dating from 1966 o New boilers: a 500 MBTU/h Patterson-kelley model Pulsar PO-500 (efficiency 87%) three smaller 300 MBTU/h from Dettson model HM2293 (efficiency 75%) for peak periods - Replacing windows and doors (replacement of 270m2 of windows and doors to diminish heat losses, useful life of the measure 30 years) Phase 2 (2003) Measures implemented - Installation of a centralized management system electromechanical equipment includes the following measures - Lighting retrofit Phase 3 (2006) Measures implemented Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report for 38 101 106 - 162 - 220 - 102 - Adjustment of the water temperature based on the outside temperature Lower temperature when unoccupied Control of lighting in the gym, cafeteria and ‘’big room’’ Installation of a 1500Mbtu/h condensing boiler by Gasmaster model GMI1.4M (efficiency 87-99%) to replace two natural gas boilers of 1850 MBH (542 kW) and 1266 MBH (371 kW) Lighting retrofit Couple both heating networks Installation of a heat exchanger plate between domestic hot water and water loop Installation of a heat recovery system between evacuation and new air for the pool Installation of an off peak electric boiler of 300 kW Replace 50 heat pumps of the water loop, installation of shutters on new air and optimization of sequences Lighting retrofit Installation of two new systems of 20 000 CFM and modification of air distribution Optimization of sequences of existing centralized management system (addition of 500 points) Installation of two 2000 Mbth/h condensing boilers from Gasmaster model GMI2M (efficiency 87-99%) to replace two 16800 MBH boilers by Dominion Bridge Installation of one 100kW off peak electric boiler Lighting retrofit Adjustment of the water temperature based on the outside temperature Lower temperature when unoccupied Control lighting in the gym, cafeteria and theater Installation of a 2000 Mbtu/h condensing boiler from Gasmaster model GMI2M. The old boilers will stay in operation, the new one will allow to increase efficiency of the entire heating system. Modification of the new ventilation system and control its operation sequences Lighting retrofit Control of the new air conditioning system Adjustment of the water temperature based on the outside temperature Lower temperature when unoccupied Installation of a 1500 MBH condensing boiler by Gasmaster model GMI1.5M. This additional boiler will allow to increase the efficiency of the heating system. Lighting retrofit Couple the networks and replace feeding piping and return of the façade of the old section Commission Scolaire des Patriotes 2002-2012 GHG Report 39