APG Maryland


APG Maryland
12th Edition
APG Maryland
Welcome Guide
Shining the Light on Opportunity in the
Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor
Welcome Letter
From the Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor
Dear Colleagues, Friends & Neighbors:
Welcome to the Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor (CSSC). On
behalf of our regional consortium, we welcome you to the Aberdeen
Proving Ground (APG) community and invite you to learn more about
the quality of life that communities surrounding APG have to offer.
With the official completion of BRAC in September 2011, the CSSC Consortium renewed its
Memorandum of Understanding, expanded to include 50 government entities and nonprofit organizations from across the region. This ongoing collaborative effort will focus on
sustaining the mission at Aberdeen Proving Ground, supporting the safety and welfare of
our warfighter, and promoting the economic vitality of the region.
Government, industry and education come together in this region to make a quality
workforce our top priority. With unparalleled public education ratings, a strong K-20 STEM
focus, engaged Workforce Investment Boards and articulated and customized programs that
make career pathways seamless for lifelong learners, you’ll find the community responsive
to your educational needs.
Post-BRAC, the APG region continues its expansion and evolution toward a Mid-Atlantic
technology hub. With more than 8,200 jobs now transitioned to APG; more than $1 billion in
on-installation construction; 80+ new defense companies established within the APG area,
and 10 new professional organizations active and engaged, the CSSC region offers prime
opportunities for tech innovation and transfer, as well as commercialization opportunities
ripe for angel and venture capital investment.
We are very proud of our growing defense community. A transfer rate of nearly 70 percent of
BRAC-impacted government personnel who chose to come to APG with their job demonstrates
the commitment of those dedicated to ensuring our men and women in uniform have
efficient and effective equipment and state-of-the-art technology for mission success.
APG represents a beacon for transformation in the areas of research and development, test
and evaluation (RDT&E); anchors the northeastern corridor for CyberMaryland; and connects
with Tier One research universities in the region. With a $20+ billion dollar collective
annual installation program and a key workforce center, APG (with its more than 80 tenant
organizations) embodies success and a forward focus. APG is shining the light on opportunity
in the Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor!
We invite you to be part of the region’s success story and share in the pride of a growing
defense community.
Karen L. Holt
Karen L. Holt
Manager, APG-CSSC Regional Office
Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor: Sustaining the Mission
APG-CSSC Regional Office
A Regional Resource for Defense-Related
News & Information
The APG-CSSC Regional Office is located at the HEAT Center in Aberdeen near the I-95
interchange and approximately four miles from Aberdeen Proving Ground. Established
in 2006 with support from the Department of Defense’s Office of Economic Adjustment,
the primary role of the office was to coordinate planning and implementation efforts to
support BRAC readiness, and serve as a communications clearinghouse for relocating
BRAC-impacted personnel and their families.
Today, with BRAC 2005 successfully implemented at Aberdeen Proving Ground, we can
reflect on more than 25 completed contractual elements addressing a broad spectrum
of areas: from ordinance development to water and sewer capacity studies, GIS
system development to curriculum assessments, feasibility studies for a multimodal
transportation center to corridor redevelopment analysis. These studies spanned the
Corridor from Baltimore City to New Castle County, Delaware and BRAC-impacted
border areas of Pennsylvania. In total the Regional “BRAC” Office administered nearly
$7.8 million dollars in BRAC-readiness efforts to ensure quality of life while absorbing
and accommodating growth in the region.
It’s post-BRAC, so now what? APG-CSSC staff continues to support the Chesapeake
Science and Security Corridor (CSSC) Consortium which has expanded to more than 50
government entities and non-profit organizations in support of our growing defense
community. In addition, with continued consolidations and prospects of future BRAC
or BRAC-like impacts, a regional commitment to sustaining the mission at Aberdeen
Proving Ground is critical.
We will continue to focus our communications on defense-related news and issues that
affect the economic vitality of the greater APG community. Our recently revamped CSSC
daily news distribution, now the CSSC Defense Daily, is accessible each business day
through a free subscription service via our website, www.apg-cssc.com, and keeps you
in the loop on contract award news, DoD updates, ribbon cuttings, veteran and soldier
support events, and much more. Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8AM5PM and continues to serve as a communications hub to respond and refer to general
inquiries regarding the APG community for key stakeholders and the public at large.
Staff members, serving as liaisons for the CSSC Consortium, remain engaged with a
variety of committees and workgroups throughout the region regarding transportation
infrastructure and workforce development, education and STEM initiatives.
Proudly serving the Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor and the APG community!
Interstate 95 to exit 85,
Rt. 24
Take Rt. 22 West.
Rt. 1
To Wilmington
Exit 85
Rt. 22 Rt. 543
The HEAT Center is
Exit 80
located directly behind
the Park & Ride located
at exit 85.
To Baltimore Directions to the HEAT Center
APG-CSSC Regional Office
1201 Technology Drive, Suite 109, Aberdeen, MD 21001
410-273-5708 (office) • 443-360-9131 (fax) • www.apg-cssc.com
Table of Contents
CSSC Consortium: Sustaining the Mission
Aberdeen Proving Ground: Beyond BRAC
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Aberdeen Proving Ground - C4ISR Pioneers
Aberdeen Proving Ground Leadership
Aberdeen Proving Ground - Picerne Military Housing
Corridor Drive Time Map
Chesapeake Science and Security Corridor
CSSC Workforce Development
Pardon our Progress - Intersection Improvement Underway
Active Organizations in the Region
Veterans’ Employment Services
Regional Spotlight
Education and Lifelong Learning
CSSC Region: County by County
Harford County, MD
Cecil County, MD
Baltimore County, MD
Baltimore City, MD
New Castle County, DE
Chester County, PA
Lancaster County, PA
York County, PA
Additional Online Relocation Resources
Advertisers’ Index
Copies of the Fall/Winter Edition of the APG Maryland
Welcome Guide are now available for pick up at the
APG-CSSC Regional Office located at the HEAT Center
in Aberdeen. If you have clients, colleagues or customers
who may benefit from learning more about our growing
defense community, please call our office to reserve your
supply today!
Sustaining the Mission
CSSC Consortium: Sustaining the Mission
Aberdeen Proving Ground: Beyond BRAC
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) is a process the Department of Defense uses
to reorganize its installation infrastructure to better support its forces, increase
operational readiness, create synergies among missions, and facilitate new ways of
doing business. The BRAC 2005 decision, officially completed at Aberdeen Proving
Ground in September 2011, was the fifth round of BRAC in our nation resulting
in 12 installation closures and 25 growth communities across the United States.
Aberdeen Proving Ground experienced the loss of the U.S. Army Ordnance Center
and School to Fort Lee, VA, and the Army Environmental Command to Ft. Sam
Houston, TX. However, APG gained 12 commands, directorates or activities from
eight different states, and now, post-BRAC hosts the following tenants:
Team C4ISR
• Communications Electronics Command
• Communications-Electronics Research, Development & Engineering Center
• Program Executive Office Command, Control and Communications – Tactical
• Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors
• Army Contracting Command - APG
• Army Test & Evaluation Command with elements of the Army
Evaluation Center
• Army Research Laboratory Vehicle Technology Directorate
• Army Research Institute Human Systems Research
• Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense
• Air Force Non-medical Chem-Bio Defense Development & Acquisition
• Chem-Bio Technologies Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
• Division of Bio-Chemical Medical Research from Walter Reed Army
Institute of Research
This mission growth brought approximately 8,200 direct jobs to Aberdeen Proving
Ground with more than 6,300 personnel (civilian DoD, embedded contractors and
military) at the time of the official completion of BRAC. Indirect job growth is also
a result of BRAC with 7,500 – 10,000 defense contractor jobs anticipated to the
region before 2017. As of October 2011, more than 78 defense contractors have
established a presence in the region; most within close proximity to APG. With
additional consideration to induced jobs such as professional services that tend
to follow growth in communities, total job gain for the region will exceed 30,000
by 2017.
Continued consolidations, changes in fiscal requirements, and the installation’s
efforts to look at cross-functional efficiencies are currently underway, so vacancy
numbers remain fluid. Vacancies may be addressed through normal attrition,
VERA/VSIP retirements, balancing of labor force with interns, fellowships and
career interns who came on board during the BRAC process, as well as traditional
and expedited government hiring procedures. Most of these DoD jobs require
security clearances; many require a bachelor’s degree or higher; and all require
U.S. citizenship.
To learn more about government and defense industry job opportunities in the
APG community, visit the following sites:
Aberdeen Proving Ground
APG covers 72,500 acres
35,495 acres of land
36,734 acres of water
6,808 acres of improved grounds
65,421 acres of other grounds
298 lane miles of roads
567,336 square yards of
airfield pavement
APG Facilities
14.7 million square feet
of building space
• 2,026 buildings, including office,
administrative, training
facilities, & warehouses
• Barracks & Family Housing
• 42 Miles of Test Track
• 196 Firing Positions
• 8 Medical Research Laboratories
• 10 Chemical Laboratories
• 2 Physics Laboratories
• 5 Human Engineering
• 1 Materials Research Laboratory
• Airfields
• Weide Army Aviation
Support Activity
• Phillips Army Airfield
Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Harford’s
largest employer with nearly 22,000
civilian, military, and contractor employees,
is a federal research and development
center. Workers at APG are responsible
for numerous technical achievements in
military intelligence, medical research,
engineering and computer technology.
APG contributes nearly $700 million in payroll
and, post-BRAC, it is projected that annual
contract awards will increase from $500
million to more than $20 billion annually.
A $1+ billion research and development
resource and a key player in the nation’s
homeland defense and international
counter-terrorism efforts, APG is an economic
and technology resource for the region.
The advanced installation, operated by
the U.S. Army Garrison, Aberdeen Proving
Ground (USAGAPG), is home to 9 major
Army commands, and supports more than
80 supported organizations, 20 satellites and
17 private organizations. The installation
provides facilities to perform research,
development, testing and evaluation of
Army materiel. Facilities include laboratories
for research investigations, state-of-the-art
ranges, engineering test courses for tanks
and other tracked vehicles and a broad array
of research investigations. The installation
also supports a wide variety of training
including mechanical maintenance.
• PopulaƟon FY 2012
Civilian DoD
Contractor (embedded)
• Infrastructure 2012 - AddiƟonal BRAC Space
- RDT&E administraƟve/specialty space - approx 1.5M SF
- Laboratory - approx 1.3M SF
- Includes renovaƟon of current space + new construcƟon
APG Facts
• Personnel have 237 doctorates with 52 post-doctoral academic credentials,
2,241 masters’ degrees and over 5,101 bachelors’ degrees;
• Home to $1.4 billion Major Shared Resource Center, High Performance
Computing, one of the world’s largest supercomputers;
• Ongoing commitment to energy efficiency;
• Strong and supportive community and installation partnerships, including
but not limited to: The Army Alliance, Inc.; Chesapeake Science & Security
Corridor; Maryland Technology Development Corporation; Northeastern
Maryland Technology Council; Harford & Cecil County Public School Systems;
Harford County Government and Harford Business Innovation Center.
APG: Installation & Garrison
Aberdeen Proving Ground is home to more than 80 supported organizations which
perform various U.S. Army functions. The Commander of the U.S. Army Research,
Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Senior Mission Commander
also serves as the Installation Commander. The Garrison Commander serves as the
Deputy Installation Commander. The Garrison provides base operation services
to a diverse and far-reaching group of customers, making it one of the largest
landlords in the Army.
Aberdeen Proving Ground
APG History
In December 1917, President Woodrow Wilson established the installation upon
closure of the Army’s existing test site at Sandy Hook, NJ, eight months after
the United States entered into World War I. This site was chosen as a location
for a Proving Ground because of its proximity to existing manufacturing and
industrial centers, and the climate permitted year-round testing activities.
The original mission of proof testing field artillery, weapons, ammunition, air
defense guns, trench mortars and railway artillery was quickly expanded to
include an Ordnance School and the testing and development of small arms.
In July 1971, Edgewood Arsenal was merged with Aberdeen Proving Ground,
creating a diversified military installation with a unique combination of activities
and missions. The military-civilian workforce engaged in these efforts represents
nearly every scientific, chemical, engineering and professional discipline. Today,
Aberdeen Proving Ground is recognized as one of the world’s most significant
research and development, testing, and training facilities for military weapons,
equipment and personnel.
Pride in Preserving our Defense Heritage: The Ordnance Museum closed its doors
in August 2010 and many of its artifacts were transferred to Fort Lee, VA with the
Ordnance School & Center. Look for the new APG Museum – spotlighting combined
capabilities of its many tenant organizations – to open its doors in the future!
Small Business Contracting & Helpful Links
U.S. Army Mission & Installation Contracting Command Small Business Program Office
RDECOM Contracting Center, Aberdeen Installation Contracting Division
Martha Mitchem, Chief • martha.l.mitchem.civ@mail.mil • 410-278-2362
Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM)
Small Business Program Office
John O’Brien • john.j.obrien122.civ@mail.mil • 410-436-3349
Joe Bowers • albert.j.bowers.civ@mail.mill • 410-436-2451
Renee Hodge, Chief of Mission Contracting Branch
jacqueline.r.hodge2.civ@mail.mil • 410-278-0881
Deborah Ahn • deboarah.l.ahn.civ@mail.mil • 410-436-1835
Jacob Chieffo • jacob.a.chieffo.civ@mail.mil • 410-436-3136
CECOM Office of Small Business Programs
Kenyata L. Wesley, Chief Associate Director
kenyata.l.wesley.civ@mail.mil • 443-861-4371
Valerie B. Oliver, Deputy • valerie.b.oliver.civ@mail.mil • 443-861-4373
Small Business Specialists
Ha Dinh-Nguyen ‘Jeannie’ • ha.van.dinhnguyen.civ@mail.mil • 443-861-4369
James Branson • james.d.branson.civ@mail.mil • 443-861-4370
APG Public Affairs Office
APG Transformation Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Information: Contracting Division–Baltimore • 410-962-2196
Small Business Office • sba@usace.army.mil
U.S. Small Business Administration
Maryland Office • www.sba.gov • 410-962-6195
Harford Community College
Small Business Development Center • www.harford.edu/sbdc/index.asp
410-962-9165 • sbdc@harford.edu
Other Helpful Government Websites
Army Homepage • www.army.mil
Army Single Face to Industry Acquisition Business (ASFI) •
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) (MANDATORY) • www.ccr.gov
Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS) •
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Defense Logistics Agency (APG) • Bradley A. Holtzapple •
bradley.a.holtzapple.civ@army.mil • 443-861-4527
Department of Defense (DoD) Subcontracting Directory •
DoD Small Business Specialists •
Department of Energy (DoE) • www.energy.gov
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) • http://acquisition.gov/far/index.html
Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) • www.fbo.gov
Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) •
Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) •
SBA Subcontractors Listing • www.sba.gov
Veteran’s Business Journal • www.navoba.com
Aberdeen Proving Ground
APG Tenant Organizations
APG Directory Assistance • 410-278-5201
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
www.apg.army.mil/cpac1/ • 410-278-1404
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
www.ecbc.army.mil • 410-436-7118
Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD)
www.jpeocbd.osd.mil/packs/Default2.aspx?pg=0 • 410-417-2738
Kirk U.S. Army Health Clinic
http://kusahc.narmc.amedd.army.mil/default.aspx • 410-278-1727
Maryland National Guard
www.md.ngb.army.mil • 410-436-4403
Program Executive Office, Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO-C3T)
http://peoc3t.army.mil • 443-395-6489
Program Executive Office, Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO-IEW&S)
http://peoiews.apg.army.mil • 443-861-7881
U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center
www.atc.army.mil • 410-306-4010
U.S. Army Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives
www.pmacwa.army.mil • 410-436-3398
U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency
www.cma.army.mil/home.aspx • 1-800-488-0648
U.S. Army Civilian Human Resources Agency
www.chra.army.mil • 410-306-1701
U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command
www.cecom.army.mil • 443-861-6714
U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
www.cerdec.army.mil • 443-861-7566
U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command Software Engineering Center
http://cecom.army.mil/organizations.html • 410-436-9314
U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command Logistics Readiness Center
http://cecom.army.mil/organizations.html • 443-861-6323
U.S. Army Contracting Command
www.acc.army.mil/contractingcenters/acc-apg/ • 410-278-0841
U.S. Army Evaluation Center
www.atec.army.mil/AEC • 410-278-1313
U.S. Army Garrison Headquarters
www.apg.army.mil • 410-278-3000
U.S. Army Material Systems Analysis Activity
www.amsaa.army.mil • 410-278-6614
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
http://usamricd.apgea.army.mil • 410-436-3276
U.S. Army Public Health Command
www.phc.amedd.army.mil • 410-436-4311
U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command HQ
www.rdecom.army.mil • 410-306-4539
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
410-278-6968 • 410-278-6968
U.S. Army Signal Network Enterprise Center (USASNEC-APG)
www.apg.army.mil/necapg/ • 410-278-1540
U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
www.atec.army.mil/index.htm • 410-861-9647
U.S. Army 20th Support Command
www.cbrne.army.mil/contactinfo.html • 410-436-0330
712th Contingency Contracting Team (CCT)
Aberdeen Proving Ground - C4ISR Pioneers
Building 6000
Brigadier General Albert James Myer
Brigadier General Albert James Myer (1827-1880) was the founder of the U.S.
Army Signal Corps. While assigned as an assistant surgeon in the Regular Army
of the United States during the period 1854-1860, Myer devised a military
visual signaling system (wigwag signaling) that was adopted by the Army in
1860. After the Civil War, Myer led the Signal Corps for two and a half decades
as Chief Signal Officer, and during that time he created within the Signal Corps
the country’s first national weather service.
Building 6001
Colonel Charles S. Wallace
Colonel Charles S. Wallace (1866-1942) signed the contract with the Wright
Brothers in 1908 for the first military airplane, and served on the board of
officers that observed the flight trials at Fort Myer. He went on to graduate from
the Army Signal School at Fort Leavenworth in 1910, and served in World War I
as Signal Corps’ Chief of the Lines of Communication, and later as Director of the
Telephone and Telegraph Division.
Building 6002
Major Edwin Howard Armstrong
Major Edwin Howard Armstrong (1890-1954) invented three of the electronic
circuits fundamental to modern radio, television and radar. Most notably, he
designed an entirely new system – wide-band frequency modulation (FM) –
that offered the highest-fidelity sound yet heard in radio. His FM system made
reliable mobile radio equipment possible for infantry and artillery forces around
the world. He received the Medal of Merit for his contributions to military
communications during the Second World War.
Building 6003
Dr. Walter S. McAfee
Dr. Walter S. McAfee (1914-1995) was the African American mathematician
and physicist whose theoretical calculations determined the feasibility of the
original radar “moon bounce.” Those calculations were critical to the success of
Project Diana, which would provide fundamental research to enable Americans
to later walk on the moon. His studies on radar included radar siting, minimum
detectable signal and radar range, radar cross-sections, nuclear weapons effects,
quantum optics, and radar coverage patterns including diffraction around the
curved surface of the earth.
Courtesy of CECOM Public Affairs
Building 6006
Dr. Rudolf Buser
Dr. Rudolf Buser (1929-2007) championed the Night Vision Electronic Sensor
mission bringing it to the forefront of research and development in the
Department of Defense. He left a legacy of innovative equipment that turned
night into day for the U.S. Armed Forces and culminated with FLIR thermal
sensors, the Miniaturized Eye Safe Laser Infrared Observation Set and Driver’s
Vision Enhancers.
Building 6007
Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
U. S. Navy Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (1906-1992), known as a forwardthinking “futurist” in the computing world, was integral to the development of
the first iteration of today’s electronic computer. Rear Admiral Hopper also wrote
the first compiler, an intermediate program that translates English language
instructions into the language of the target computer. This ultimately led to the
development of the Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL).
Building 6008
Lieutenant General Alfred J. Mallette
Lieutenant General Alfred J. Mallette (1938-1994) commanded the U.S. Army
Communications-Electronics Command and Fort Monmouth from 1990-1992.
He directed CECOM’s Gulf War efforts, and contributed significantly to the
conceptualization of Mobile Subscriber Equipment.
Building 6009 & 6010
Colonel William R. Blair
Colonel William R. Blair (1874-1972), known as the United States’ father of
radar, was an extraordinary leader and highly creative scientist. A member of
the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Colonel Blair holds the patent for the technology
used to locate and track targets using radio echoes, one of the most important
contributions to the Allied victory in the Second World War.
Aberdeen Proving Ground Leadership
Major General Nickolas G. Justice
Senior Installation Commander
and Commanding General
U.S. Army Research, Development
and Engineering Command
Major General Justice began his 40-year
Army career as an enlisted soldier. He was
commissioned upon graduation from Officer
Candidate School in 1977.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in history from
the University of Maryland, a master’s degree in Institutional Management from
Pepperdine University and a master’s degree in International Relations from Salve
Regina College. His military education includes the Industrial College of the Armed
Forces, the Senior Acquisition Course of the Armed Forces, the Adjutant General
Basic and Advanced Course, Systems Automation Course, and the United States
Naval War College.
Prior to serving as RDECOM commanding general, Major General Justice was the
Program Executive Officer for the Program Executive Office Command, Control
and Communications-Tactical at Fort Monmouth, NJ. His experiences include
significant joint service and acquisition assignments. His joint service experience
includes a two-year assignment to the Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force as Chief,
Project Management for Command and Control Systems. During this assignment,
he participated in Operation Desert Storm as part of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, he served as Commander of the
Information Management Task Force in Kuwait and Iraq. His 20 years of acquisition
experience includes assignments as Project Manager, Transportation Coordinator’s
Automated Information for Movement Systems and Project Manager, Force XXI
Battle Command Brigade and Below (PM FBCB2). As the PM FBCB2, Major General
Justice fielded 1,100 battlefield-tested systems to Soldiers deployed in Operation
Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Major General Justice received the 2002 Army Acquisition Excellence PM
of the Year Award. He won Federal Computer Weekly’s Federal 100 Award in
2004 and 2008, as well as its Monticello Award in 2004. He was awarded
the 2008 Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
Award of Excellence in Information Technology and the Association of
Defense Communities 2010 Military Leader of the Year Award. His awards
and decorations include the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters,
the Bronze Star Medal, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious
Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with
an oak leaf cluster, the Army Achievement Medal, and the Army Staff
Identification Badge. Major General Justice was inducted into the 2009 Officer
Candidate School Hall of Fame on March 27 in Fort Benning, GA.
Did You Know?
With 40 territorial pairs nesting, Aberdeen Proving Ground is home to the largest
bald eagle population in the northern Chesapeake Bay area.
Aberdeen Proving Ground Leadership
Colonel Orlando W. Ortiz
Deputy Installation Commander
Colonel Orlando W. Ortiz was commissioned a
Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army on 16 May
1987. He is a career intelligence officer originally
from Newark, New Jersey. His most recent
assignments were as the Director of Foreign
Intelligence, G2, Headquarters, Department of
the Army; Commander of the 303rd Military
Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence
Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas during Operation Iraqi
Freedom 06-08; and Chief of Operations for
Intelligence (C2), III Armored Corps during Iraqi Freedom II.
He has served in a variety of tactical command and staff positions in Light Infantry,
Airborne, Armor, and Special Forces units at Battalion, Brigade/Group, and Division
level. He has had two tours to Korea with the 2nd Infantry Division serving as the
Battalion S2 of the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry (Currahee), and as the Brigade S2,
1st Brigade (Iron Brigade). He also served as the Battalion S2 and later the Military
Intelligence Detachment Commander for 2nd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group
(Airborne), Fort Campbell, Kentucky and the Senior Intelligence Officer for the 7th
Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Colonel Ortiz has held multiple positions within the 525 Military Intelligence
Brigade, XVIII Airborne Corps, at Fort Bragg, NC including the Battalion Executive
Officer for the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion (Airborne), Chief of the
Analysis and Control Element (ACE), 319th Military Intelligence Battalion. He also
served as the G2 for the Free Iraqi Forces training initiative (Task Force Warrior) in
support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Previously assigned to the Military District
of Washington, he served as a military Analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) specializing in the Middle East. Additionally, he served as the Assistant G3
for Operations, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM),
Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
His military schools include the Military Intelligence Officer Basic and Advanced
Courses, the Combined Arms Services and Staff School, the United States Army
Command and General Staff College, and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from Wagner College,
a Master of Science Degree in Aviation Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University, and a Master of Science Degree in National Resource Strategy from the
National Defense University.
His military awards include the Bronze Star Medal (2nd Award), Defense Meritorious
Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (7th Award), Army Commendation
Medal (3rd Award), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal
(3rd Award), Global War on Terrorism Service and Expeditionary Medals, the Iraqi
Campaign Medal, the Korean Defense Service Medal. His decorations include the
Joint Staff Identification Badge, the U.S. Army Ranger Tab, the Master Parachutist
Badge, the Egyptian Parachutist Badge, and the Air Assault Badge.
Did You Know?
APG was home to the ENIAC, the world’s first all-electronic digital computer, installed
at the Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory in 1947. Weighing more than 30 tons and
occupying approx. 15,000 sq ft, the ENIAC performed 5,000 additions or subtractions
per second. Initially designed to compute WWII ballistic firing tables, the ENIAC
launched the computer industry as we know it today.
Aberdeen Proving Ground Leadership
MG Nick Justice
Research, Development &
Engineering Command
MG Randolph P. Strong
Command (CECOM)
MG Genaro Dellarocco
Army Test & Evaluation
Command (ATEC)
BG Leslie Smith
20th Support Command
BG Harold J. Greene
Program Executive Officer
Intelligence, Electronic
Warfare & Sensors (IEWS)
BG Jess A. Scarborough
Program Executive Officer
Chemical & Biological
BG John S. Regan
Deputy Commander
Army Test & Evaluation
Command (ATEC)
BG N. Lee S. Price
Program Executive Officer
Command, Control &
COL Dennis C. Brown
Acting Commander
Public Health Command
Aberdeen Proving Ground - Picerne Military Housing
Bayside Community
School Street Renovation
RCI Housing Partnership increasing quality of life for
residents on post
Exciting things have been happening at Aberdeen Proving Ground and Picerne
Military Housing is happy to be a part of the changes. As part of the Military
Housing Privatization Initiative, the Army and Picerne Military Housing partnered
in December 2009 at Aberdeen Proving Ground to build, renovate and improve
housing and the quality of life for military families.
The Community Management Development Plan (CDMP) is the blueprint for the
50-year partnership to change the face of housing on post and was developed by
the Aberdeen Proving Ground leadership and Picerne. Construction efforts will
continue to take place over the course of the next four years as part of the six-year
Initial Development Period (IDP).
The community will continue to see new and remodeled homes take the place of
those currently available through 2015. It has been 20 years since the last new
home was constructed at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
At Aberdeen, Bayside Village will be the primary area of development. A total of
210 new homes will be constructed and will include junior enlisted, NCO, senior
NCO and company grade officer homes built for military families. Picerne will
also complete a total of 162 renovations—97 historic home renovations and 65
renovations that will combine existing, smaller duplex houses and multi-family
buildings into spacious single-family homes. These new homes and renovations
will reach an end state of 372 homes on post at Aberdeen and Edgewood.
Last fall, Picerne broke ground beginning construction on the 210 new homes
in Bayside Village. The site work was complete in August 2011 and vertical
construction began shortly thereafter. Picerne completed framing the first five
buildings of junior enlisted townhomes in September and the first new townhome
is scheduled for occupancy in early 2012.
“We have gone to great lengths during the planning phase to ensure that
neighborhoods are designed to create homes that appeal to today’s modern,
military families,” said Greg Cannito, Program Director for Picerne Military
In addition to new and renovated homes, construction of a Neighborhood Center
is scheduled to begin in 2014. The Neighborhood Center will be a family-focused
facility where residents will be able to enjoy a fitness room, swimming pool,
computer lab, lounge area and a place to hold community gatherings.
Picerne is not only building new homes at Aberdeen Proving Ground, but is also
renovating existing homes as well. The beautiful historic homes on post have a rich
architectural history and many eclectic features worth preserving. Renovations
being completed to these homes focus on interior upgrades to make living spaces
modern and spacious while maintaining the integrity of the original exterior
style and appearance. Picerne continues to work closely with the installation
and Maryland State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in an effort to preserve
the architectural heritage of Aberdeen Proving Ground. Picerne has completed a
total of 17 historic renovations through September 2011. Two of these renovations
included sets of historic duplexes that were combined and renovated to be one
spacious home.
For more information on the program or family-housing construction efforts at
Aberdeen Proving Ground, please contact Angela Marcum at 410-672-4041.
Did You Know?
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) ranks #1 in up-and-coming
national universities; Johns Hopkins University continues its climb at #13 overall
in national universities and #1 in undergrad engineering specialties: biomedical;
Loyola University ranks #3 in up-and-coming regional universities (North region);
and Delaware State and Morgan State rank #15 and #18 respectively among
Historically Black Colleges and Universities. - U.S. News & World Report
Corridor Drive Time Map
Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor (CSSC) The shade gradations on this map show drive
Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) Drive Time Analysis
time in 15 minute intervals from APG (0 to 45 minutes).
Chesapeake Science and Security Corridor
Maryland Transition Center
Award Winning
The Maryland Transition Centers operated
by the Susquehanna Workforce Network
Inc., that were located at Fort Monmouth,
New Jersey for the past three and half years
have officially transferred back to Maryland.
The Centers have served over 16,000
transitioning personnel and garnered
National and International awards for their
innovation. The Maryland Transition Coordinator, Elizabeth Theisen, who staffed
the New Jersey Centers, will now focus her efforts on assisting family members of
personnel who recently relocated to Cecil and Harford Counties.
Ms. Theisen will be providing customized employment and career/training services
in designing and improving resumes, writing cover letters, conducting career
assessments, and providing job placement assistance. She will offer workshops
on Resume Writing and Interviewing, and provide tips for getting a Federal
Job. In addition to these customized services, Elizabeth will notify job seekers of
employment resources such as Career InfoNet which discusses job market and
salary trends and local job fair opportunities. Ms. Theisen can be reached through
etheisen@swnetwork.org or 732-403-4537.
The Susquehanna Workforce Network, Inc., which has been creating workforce
solutions for the region’s business community and connecting residents to career
and employment opportunities for over 25 years, has been awarded additional
funding for enhanced employment and training services for dislocated workers,
veterans and unemployed adults in Cecil and Harford Counties. Training funds
will be targeted to occupations in demand and those occupations with growth
potential related to Aberdeen Proving Ground. Certified Job Search Trainers and
Certified Federal Career Counselors will provide assistance on obtaining Federal
employment. All services will be accessed through the Workforce Centers in the
region. Information on employment and training opportunities and the locations
of the Workforce Centers is available on the Susquehanna Workforce Network
website: www.swnetwork.org.
Chesapeake Science and Security Corridor
CSSC Housing & Commuting Profile
A wide variety of housing choices is available throughout the Chesapeake
Science and Security Corridor. Choose from urban communities, rolling hillsides,
transit-oriented developments, waterfront communities, communal-oriented
clubhouses, family-friendly town homes, condos and apartment complexes,
tree-lined drives, and active senior communities to provide a full spectrum of
quality living opportunities within reasonable commuting distances to Aberdeen
Proving Ground.
Approximate Commuter Time & Distance to APG
Time (minutes)
Distance (miles)
Harford, MD
Havre de Grace
Harford, MD
Bel Air
Harford, MD
Cecil, MD
North East
Cecil, MD
Cecil, MD
Rising Sun
Cecil, MD
Perry Hall
Balt. Co., MD
White Marsh
Balt. Co., MD
Balt. Co., MD
Balt. City, MD
Federal Hill
Balt. City, MD
New Castle, DE
New Castle, DE
Chester, PA
Lancaster, PA
York, PA
Did You Know?
University of Maryland jumped from 8th to 5th place for resident students in
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine’s 2010-11 list of “100 Best Values in Public
Colleges” and from 11th to 6th for out-of-state students. In addition, the university
was designated “America’s Greenest Campus” by Climate Culture.
Average & Median Home Value
Harford County, MD
Cecil County, MD
Baltimore County, MD
Baltimore City, MD
New Castle County, DE
Chester County, PA
Lancaster, PA
York County, PA
Source: ESRI 2010 data, www.esri.com
Chesapeake Science and Security Corridor
Major City Cost of Living Comparison
To maintain the same purchasing power, a salary of $600
in Baltimore, Maryland would need to be:
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Manhattan, NY
Elizabeth, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
San Francisco, CA
D.C./ArlingtonAlexandria, VA
Wilmington, DE
Source: CNN Money
Did You Know?
Maryland ranks #1 in millionaires per capita. Approximately 7.22 % of Maryland’s
households are millionaires. - Phoenix Marketing International
Moving About the Region
The Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor
(CSSC) is well-positioned in the Mid-Atlantic
region for easy access to air, rail, bus and
the interstate highway systems. Statewide,
Maryland features a comprehensive network of
transit modes to help you reach your destination
on time and hassle-free. In addition, the CSSC is
in close proximity to the following metropolitan
areas (distance based from Aberdeen, MD):
Washington, D.C.
Philadelphia, PA
Wilmington, DE
New York City, NY
73 miles
74 miles
42 miles
160 miles
90 minutes
90 minutes
50 minutes
3 hours
• Maryland Aviation Administration – Regional Aviation
• Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (43 miles south)
• Philadelphia International Airport (64 miles north)
• Reagan National Airport (76 miles south)
• Dulles International Airport (93 miles south)
• Harrisburg International Airport (75 miles northwest)
• New Castle Airport, DE (40 miles northeast)
Corporate Accommodations
• Martin State Airport, MD
• Cecil County Airport, MD
• New Castle Airport, DE
• Lancaster Airport, PA
• Chester County Airport, PA
• York Airport, PA
• Amtrak – regional and express service
- City of Aberdeen
- City of Baltimore, Penn Station
- City of Newark, DE
• MARC Train (Commuter Rail)
• Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Commuter Rail)
• Cecil County Transit
• Harford County Transit
• Maryland Transit Administration (Baltimore City and County)
Regional - http://mtamaryland.com/services/commuterbus/schedulesSystemMaps
Local - http://mtamaryland.com/services/bus
• Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
• Delaware Transit Corporation
COMMUTER SERVICES (Vanpool & Carpool)
• Harford County Commuter Assistance Program
www.harfordcountymd.gov/commuter/ • 1-800-924-TOGO (8646)
• Commuter Choice Maryland
• APG Shuttle Service
• VPSI, Inc (vanpool)
• Rideshare Delaware
• Commuter Services of Pennsylvania
www.pacommuterservices.com • 866-579-RIDE
www.ezpassmd.com (Maryland)
www.ezpassde.com (Delaware)
CSSC Workforce Development
CSSC Regional Workforce
Maryland ranks second in the nation in the percentage of professional and
technical workers in the workforce. Here in the Chesapeake Science and Security
Corridor, 200,000 professionals reside within a 60-minute commute of Aberdeen
Proving Ground; 500,000 professionals reside within a 90-minute commute. The
Susquehanna Laborshed Map demonstrates the expansive reach to employees
that job opportunities offer in the region, pulling from Maryland, Delaware, and
Maryland also ranks third in the nation in the number of adults with bachelor
degrees or higher; first in the U.S. for PhD’s in mathematical, biological, and
health science, and third in physical sciences; and fifth in federal government
Maryland households thrive on one of the highest median household incomes in
the nation. Throughout the CSSC region, which includes southern Pennsylvania
and northeastern Delaware, a low unemployment rate coupled with a vast array of
education opportunities and technical trainings tailored to fit employees’ lifestyles
make lifelong learning an integrated aspect of quality living in our growing
defense community.
Reasonable commute
times, reverse
commutes from
metropolitan areas,
and a variety of transportation options,
further enhance
regional choices to
live, work and play
throughout the
Chesapeake Science
and Security Corridor.
Visit our website at
and click on “workforce
development” for
more information.
Workforce Resources
Maryland has a variety of workforce services to assist you in seeking employment
and related services. Through a network of eight Centers in the CSSC, along
with the Maryland Workforce Exchange, you can seek spousal employment
information, former/retired military transitioning to civil service or private
contractor employment opportunities or public service jobs. The CSSC has a
variety of resources in place to assist you.
Susquehanna Workforce Network
410 Girard St., Havre de Grace, MD 21078
410-939-4240 • www.swnetwork.org
Cecil County Workforce Center
1275 West Pulaski Hwy, Elkton, MD 21921
Aberdeen Workforce Center
Aberdeen Community Services Building
34 North Philadelphia Blvd., 3rd Floor, Aberdeen, MD 21001
Bel Air Workforce Center
Mary Risteau Building
2 South Bond St., 2nd Floor, Bel Air, MD 21014
Baltimore Works One Stop Career Center
1100 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, MD 21201
Eastside One Stop Career Center
3001 E. Madison St., Baltimore, MD 21205
Northwest One Stop Career Center
Mondawmin Mall
2401 Liberty Heights Ave., Ste. 302, Baltimore, MD 21215
Baltimore County Workforce Development Center at Eastpoint
7930 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21224
CSSC Workforce Development
Baltimore County Workforce Development Center at Hunt Valley
1102 McCormick Rd., Suite 102, Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Baltimore County Workforce Development Center at the Liberty Center
3637 Offutt Rd., Randallstown, MD 21133
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
500 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-2080 • www.dllr.state.md.us/aboutdllr
Civilian Personnel Office
Care Civilian Assistance and Re-Employment
Army Community Service, APG Garrison
Pardon our Progress - Intersection Improvement
Underway US 40 Interchange at MD 715
Active Organizations in the Region
Northeastern Maryland Technology Council
The NMTC organizes over 50 annual
events for its members to…
1. Meet decision makers in business, defense, education and government at
member meetings, social after hour’s events, NMTC’s Golf Tournament (the
first of the season) and our February gala celebrating individuals who are an
inspiration in areas of technology growth and STEM education;
2. Get on the inside track to NE Maryland’s strong economy at our monthly
Expert Speakers Series, Learn Over Lunch programs, leader networking events,
workshops and executive roundtables;
3. Gain access to hard-to-find business information through summarized
research sent via weekly email, our information sharing events and in-office
advisory service.
4. Champion Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) education. Our
STEM Summit workshops introduce you to government, industry and
education leaders to benefit students, teachers and curriculum. Our monthly
evening Science Cafés discuss how science and technology affect our lives.
We are proud that the NMTC is the appointed industry liaison with the APG’s
growing technology base to improve STEM education and workforce development,
providing a ready workforce for our STEM-based economy.
We offer a multi-state, strategic connection to the nation’s largest defense
contractors, support businesses locating to the area, and represent experts in
all technology areas. NMTC’s access to APG and government leadership offers an
excellent opportunity for your future development and company growth.
Membership in the NMTC accelerates opportunity for you. Let us connect you!
Visit www.nmtc.org or call 443.360.9134, and ask for John Casner, Executive
With NMTC, members collaborate; key connections thrive; and opportunity
STEM Education Direction
Connecting You After Hours
Delivering hard to find information
Active Organizations in the Region
Veterans’ Employment Services
The Maryland Department of Labor (DLLR) is actively working with employers
to place transitioning service members and veterans into federal positions now
based in Maryland because of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC). Veterans are
among the nation’s most talented, most highly-trained and best qualified workers.
Maryland is committed to helping men and women who wore the uniform
transition back into civilian like to fill these important vacant positions. Earlier this
year, Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown – a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and a
veteran of the Iraq War – and DLLR launched the nation’s first web-based “Military
to Federal Jobs” crosswalk.
The tool is targeted for use by transitioning service members and veterans. Federal
hiring managers and human resources personnel can also utilize the crosswalk
to identify military occupations that translate into the civilian federal workforce.
Specifically, the tool will allow transitioning service members and veterans to:
• Identify federal jobs that might be of interest given similarities between the
military and federal job;
• Find out about federal job characteristics and strategies for finding suitable
jobs; and
• Execute a search on USAJOBs for a matched federal job.
Federal hiring managers will be able to:
• Identify military occupations that share the same attributes as a specific
federal job;
• Learn about military occupations; and
• Learn about military careers and terminology to better assess qualified
For more information, visit the Maryland Workforce Exchange
(https://mwejobs.maryland.gov) and click on the mil2fedjobs icon.
Maryland Internship Opportunities Website
A resource for employers and students!
The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) has created a userfriendly website for both employers to showcase internship opportunities with
their companies as well as for students to review and apply for these exciting
opportunities with some of the region’s most cutting-edge companies and
institutions. There are no fees for employers or students to use the site. Simply
visit www.internshipcenter.mhec.maryland.gov and register to receive updated
notices when new internships become available.
If your company has an upcoming internship opportunity you’d like to have
posted, contact Melinda T. Vann, BRAC Coordinator for MHEC, at 410-260-4578 or
mvann@mhec.state.md.us. They can either take the internship posting from your
company’s website or develop one for you and post it to the Statewide site. Don’t
delay—take advantage of this assistance today and spread the word about these
great opportunities for our young people to gain valuable hands-on experience.
Regional Spotlight
Regional GIS Initiative Offers Data at Your Fingertips
The Chesapeake Science and Security Corridor (CSSC) is a regional tri-state
consortium comprised of jurisdictions in MD, DE, and PA, to support planning
and implementation efforts for BRAC in the Aberdeen Proving Ground region.
Two years ago, a Geographic Information System (GIS) Committee was formed
with representation from each jurisdiction’s technical experts across the region to
look at design and development of a web-based, land use planning tool to assist
planners, economic developers, new residents and business prospectors. The
result: www.myReGISonline.com, a GIS enablement that looks across municipal,
county and state lines to provide timely data mapping where and when you need
it. The system was developed in coordination with Maryland’s MDiMap, housed
at Towson University’s Center for GIS, and funded by the Office of Economic
Adjustment with a BRAC grant administered through Harford County Government.
Involving multi-state data makes this an unprecedented application of its kind
in the country; the GIS committee has presented at several national conferences
to showcase the system and its capabilities. For more information about “ReGIS”,
contact Steven Overbay at the APG-CSSC Regional BRAC Office who serves as the
committee coordinator for this initiative, ssoverbay@harfordcountymd.gov, or
Exciting Features Include:
• Highest quality data from local government sources
• Quarterly updates
• Updated transportation routes, school boundaries, and business parks
• Themed searches including business, demographics, infrastructure,
land use, etc.
• Street and imagery mapping
• Detailed queries, professional tools, enhanced print functionality
Photo by Roger Teel, RDECOM
“Spirit of Thanks” Tour 2010
Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor Continues “Spirit of Thanks”
Tour for Wounded Warriors
For a second year, the Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor hosted the “Spirit of
Thanks” Tour to visit with wounded warriors and their families members in November
2011- this year at the newly consolidated Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
at Bethesda. Harford County Executive David Craig and Command Sergeant Major
Rodney Rhoades of the APG Garrison served as ambassadors for the visitation; more
than 25 government agencies, service organizations, and local businesses participated.
Contributions of gift cards were collected from area businesses and organizations and
made into care packages for service members.
Don’t miss out on defense-related
news and information…subscribe today!
The APG-CSSC Regional Office provides a daily news distribution service delivered
each business day to your inbox. The CSSC Defense Daily (formerly CSSC BRAC News
Distribution), spotlights contract awards, ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings,
mission-related technologies, economic impacts, education partnerships and
more. This comprehensive news resource offers need-to-know info keeping you
in the loop in APG’s growing defense community. The service is free and you can
unsubscribe at any time. Please visit www.apg-cssc.com and click the “Subscribe
today” icon to begin receiving your CSSC Defense Daily.
Thank you for your continued interest in the transformation occurring at Aberdeen
Proving Ground and the surrounding region!
Education and Lifelong Learning
Regional Higher Ed News
Maryland is a leader in the nation in the
number of adults with bachelor degrees
or higher; ranks #2 in the percentage
of professional and technical workers
in the workforce; ranks #1 for PhDs in
mathematical, biological and health
Source: MD Dept of Business & Economic Development
STEM Initiative in northeastern Maryland unites government,
industry and education in developing tomorrow’s talent
Photos courtesy of RDECOM
The Northeastern Maryland Technology Council (NMTC) and Aberdeen Proving
Ground are driving coordinated efforts among government, industry and
education leaders in the community to address Science, Technology, Engineering
& Math (STEM) needs in preparing tomorrow’s workforce. A fourth STEM Summit
was held in October 2011 which 1.) Showcased the new volunteer STEM inventory
to compile a centralized repository for mentors and subject matter experts;
2.) Featured a panel of college students in STEM fields sharing their perspective
on career preparation and current classroom, lab and intern experiences;
3.) Shared metrics and Generation STEM pilot program by the College Board; and
4.) Reviewed Maryland State Department of Education’s standards of practice for
STEM instruction. ‘STEM and Beyond’ activity nights are currently being planned
for February and March 2012 for both Harford and Cecil County Public School
students. For more information visit www.nemdstem.org.
Gary Martin (CECOM and STEM Summit Co-Chair)
and Nina Lamba (CCL BioMedical and NMTC Board Member)
listen to panel presenters at the STEM Summit.
Dean Ertwine (Battelle) and Larry Birchfield
(Aberdeen Test Center) talk during a break.