強震即時警報系統之相關研究 鄧大量1 李汯鑑2 1.美國南加州大學南加州地震中心 2.美國地質調查所 吳逸民1 辛在勤2 蕭乃祺2 1.國立台灣大學 2.中央氣象局 1 FINAL REPORT TO THE CENTRAL WEATHER BUREAU ON Strong-Motion Real-time Warning Systems and Related Research Submitted by Ta-liang Teng Southern California Earthquake Center University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089-0740 William H. K. Lee U.S. Geological Survey (Retired) Menlo Part, California 94025 Also at 862 Richardson Court Palo Alto, California 94303 In collaboration with Yih-Min Wu1, Tzay-Chyn Shin2, Nai-Chi Hsiao2 1. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 2. Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan November 15, 2004 2 Executive Summary This contract performs work that assists the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) in improving and executing the on-going large seismological observation and research programs of its Seismological Center. The work further help expand the capability of the Earthquake Rapid Reporting System (RRS) and the Earthquake Early Warning System (EWS) to include more realistic moment magnitude information, near real-time seismic intensity, damage, and casualty assessment, so that governmental emergency response agencies can more effectively dispatch the rescue resources. A good part of this contract work also helps in defining the instrumentation specifications and evaluating bidder’s technical proposals during the CWB acquisition activities, instrument calibrations, data quality control and database construction – all directly related to the successful Taiwan Strong-Motion instrument Program (TSMIP). A number of scientific papers have also published that, together with earlier published works, has made Taiwan Central Weather Bureau a well-known scientific governmental agency in the world. Task A. Research work in Strong-motion studies and earthquake early warning: (1) A published scientific paper: Near Real-Time Magnitude Determination for Large Crustal Earthquakes by Wu, Y. M. and T. L. Teng has been published in Tectonophysics, 390, 205-216, (2004). Abstract: We introduce and empirical method of near real-time, near-field magnitude determination for large ( M > 6.5 ) crustal earthquakes. Time integration over the strong shaking during on the absolute values of the acceleration records is carried out for nearby stations surrounding many large earthquake sources in Taiwan. The integrated quantity, here denoted as total effective shaking, is used in 3 a regression process to derive and empirical relationship for a quick Mw determination useful for a reliable real-time operation in earthquake rapid reporting and earthquake early warning systems. [Note: This manuscript was reported in our final report of 2003. Formal publication with some revisions of the original manuscript is reported here for completeness. The body of the entire text is omitted as it can be found from the published journal]. (2) A submitted manuscript of a scientific paper: A Study on Near-Fault Mortality from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake by Chih-Hung Pai, Yong-Ming Tien, and TaLiang Teng, submitted to Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. (2004). Abstract: A new approach to estimate the relations between mortality and the closest distance to the Chelungpu fault surface trace, causal to the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake is introduced. We have constructed the database giving the attributes of victims through a compilation of various documents of field survey made immediately after the big damaging earthquake. These survey documents were resulted from comprehensive filed visits recording actual locations of victims and types of buildings in which victims were found. Among the total 2492 victims of the Chi-Chi earthquake, 2039 victims (more than 80% of the total) were located by GPS. Through the combined use of the attributive database of victims, digital maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), we map the spatial distribution and the attributive nature of victims with resolution of the smallest administrative districts in Taiwan. A regression analysis gives equations for the mortality as functions of the closest distance to the surface trace of the Chelungpu fault. We find that the percentage of the mortality M can be expressed as M = 0 . 08 exp( 2 . 97 − 0 . 0097 d ) 4 Here d is the closest distance to the fault surface trace in meter. As expected, the shorter distance d causes higher mortality. We device three disastrous levels and then suggest orders and scopes of an effective earthquake disaster rescue strategy according to the regression curve of the mortality and the closest distance d to the fault surface trace. The difference in mortality between the hanging-wall and the footwall areas is remarkable and is described in separate regression curves. In nearfault regions, the death tolls and mortality for the residents lived in the hangingwall block (1348, and 0.23%) is significantly higher than those in the footwall block (557, and 0.01%). The deaths ratio of the hanging-wall vs. the footwall block is approximately 2.4:1. Finally, find that the mortality is nearly zero in areas experiencing a PGA below 220 gals; and increases dramatically from 0.2% up to 2% of the local population when the PGA exceeds 400 gals. This rapid increase at about 400 gals also shows up in the building damage. This close correlation clearly indicates that earthquake death by-and-large are caused by the building collapse. (3) An accepted manuscript by Yunfeng Liu, Ta-Liang Teng, and Yehuda Ben-Zion to appear in Geophysical Journal International: Near-surface seismic anisotropy, attenuation and dispersion in the aftershock region of the 1999 Chi-Chi, earthquake Abstract: Seismograms from local aftershocks of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake recorded at a 200 m deep downhole station CHY of the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN) have clear direct up-going shear waves and their surface-reflected down-going phases. Measurements of time difference between the direct and reflected phases of the fast and slow components of split shear waves show approximately 8% velocity anisotropy in the top 200 m of the crust. The phase velocities extracted from the direct and reflected waveforms display clear evidence of attenuation-related dispersion. Taking the dispersion and geometrical spreading factor into account, we estimate the Q value of the shear waves by fitting calculated results to the observed reflected waveforms. The 5 amplitude spectral density ratios between the direct and reflected phases are approximately linear within the frequency range 2 - 15 Hz. This allows us also to estimate the Q value from the slope of the amplitude spectral ratio (in dB/Hz) in this range. The estimated Q values with both methods, based on a set of similar waveforms and additional 156 high-quality records, are 61 - 68 for the fast components and 43 - 52 for the slow components. The observed attenuation anisotropy may be, similarly to velocity anisotropy, a manifestation of microcracks alignment and their response to in-situ stress. Strong attenuation anisotropy (23 30% in this study) along with attenuation-related dispersion in the shallow crust can affect significantly the properties of shear waves and should be taken into account in studies employing surface and shallow borehole records of shear waveforms. (4) A conference paper by Ta-liang Teng, Yih-Min Wu, Tzay-Chyn Shin, Yi-Ben Tsai, William H. K. Lee and Chung Chi Liu, Nai-Chi Hsiao for 2004 兩岸強地動觀測暨 地震測報研討會: Development of Modern Seismic Monitoring in Taiwan and Progress on Earthquake Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Systems Abstract: A recollection of the recent history on the developmental events that lead to the current CWBSN and TSMIP, both of these two seismic networks have contributed significantly not only in Taiwan’s earthquake science, but also have a great impact on the holding of the seismological data of the entire world – in quality and in quantity. Taiwan also leads the world in the development, operation, and accomplishments of earthquake rapid reporting (RRS) and earthquake early warning (EWS) systems. Task B. Specifications and Evaluations of Strong-Motion Instruments 6 Instrument specifications and evaluations were performed in 2004 in support of the CWB 2004 procurements of free-field digital accelerographs. Instrument specifications were written for 24-bit digital accelerographs and are given in Appendix B1 of Section B. We also evaluated a technical proposal submitted by the Refraction Technology for bidding the CWB 2004 digital accelerographs. A preliminary analysis of the Reftek’s technical proposal was sent to CWB on April 6, 2003 (see Appendix B2 of Section B). Task C. Strong-Motion Data Processing and Software Development During 2004, we made slow but steady progress in systematic processing of the strong-motion data recorded by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The quality assurance tasks are performed with the aid of a computer program called SmBrowser, which has been described in the 2003 Annual Report. Enhancement has been made to SmBrowser to improve data processing efficiency, and considerable efforts have been made to verify station coordinates, which is still now underway. A field test of multiple co-located accelerographs was conducted in Hualien from end of March to early June, 2004. To analyze the recorded data, we developed some pre-processing software and application code for coherence analysis. In particular, computing the coherence function between two time-series signals was implemented, and over 1,000 correlation pairs had been computed for up to 16 earthquakes that were recorded by the six deployed accelerographs. A detailed report analyzing the performance of the 24-bit acclerographs is given in Appendix C2 of Section C of this Report. The results indicate that these accelerographs performed not as 99% perfect with respect to each other as we would like, but not as bad as we might have feared. 7 Section A : Research work in Strong-motion studies and earthquake early warning Paper (1) Text omitted. Paper (2) A Study on Near-Fault Mortality from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake Chih-Hung Pai, Yong-Ming Tien, and Ta-Liang Teng Abstract A new approach to estimate the relations between mortality and the closest distance to the Chelungpu fault surface trace, causal to the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake is introduced. We have constructed the database giving the attributes of victims through a compilation of various documents of field survey made immediately after the big damaging earthquake. These survey documents were resulted from comprehensive filed visits recording actual locations of victims and types of buildings in which victims were found. Among the total 2492 victims of the Chi-Chi earthquake, 2039 victims (more than 80% of the total) were located by GPS. Through the combined use of the attributive database of victims, digital maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), we map the spatial distribution and the attributive nature of victims with resolution of the smallest administrative districts in Taiwan. A regression analysis gives equations for the mortality as functions of the closest distance to the surface trace of the Chelungpu fault. We find that the percentage of the mortality M can be expressed as M = 0 . 08 exp( 2 . 97 − 0 . 0097 d ) 8 Here d is the closest distance to the fault surface trace in meter. As expected, the shorter distance d causes higher mortality. We device three disastrous levels and then suggest orders and scopes of an effective earthquake disaster rescue strategy according to the regression curve of the mortality and the closest distance d to the fault surface trace. The difference in mortality between the hanging-wall and the footwall areas is remarkable and is described in separate regression curves. In near-fault regions, the death tolls and mortality for the residents lived in the hanging-wall block (1348, and 0.23%) is significantly higher than those in the footwall block (557, and 0.01%). The deaths ratio of the hanging-wall vs. the footwall block is approximately 2.4:1. Finally, find that the mortality is nearly zero in areas experiencing a PGA below 220 gals; and increases dramatically from 0.2% up to 2% of the local population when the PGA exceeds 400 gals. This rapid increase at about 400 gals also shows up in the building damage. This close correlation clearly indicates that earthquake death by-and-large are caused by the building collapse. Introduction Human fatality due to destructive earthquakes is a matter of the most important concern. It implicitly describes the degree of resiliency of a country, due to its socioeconomic structures and physical assets, to the impact of earthquakes. As human safety is a primary goal of most modern earthquake hazard mitigation programs, reliable analyses and estimations on modes of human fatalities during earthquakes are necessary. Nevertheless, data and documents of the occurrences of fatalities during earthquakes are relatively rare (Coburn and Spence, 1992) and mostly qualitative, which prevent a quantitative statistical analysis of human casualties caused by earthquakes. The extensive field data from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake provides an opportunity to proceed with a necessary quantitative research. According to reports published by the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of Interior of Taiwan, the Chi-Chi earthquake has caused 2492 deaths, 739 severely injured (Hsiao et al., 2001b), and 51,778 and 53,852 buildings, respectively, 9 totally and partially collapsed (Hsiao et al., 2001a). Because the earthquake struck the central Taiwan in the early morning, almost all residents were sleeping at home, 94% of deaths resulted from lost their dwellings collapsed (Tien et al., 2002). It is fortunate, because of the availability of excellent field data on (1) fault rupture, (2) ground motion, (3) building damage, (4) well-documented fatality statistics and (5) demographic data for the destructive earthquake that a reasonably quantitative analysis can be carried out. The great (100 km × 40 km) rupture of the causal Chelungpu fault and the strong shaking produced by the Chi-Chi earthquake were responsible for this great loss. New guidelines introduced after this disastrous event require building sites to set back at least 15 m away from an well-defined trace of the Chelungpu fault, or 30 m away from west and 50 m away from east side from a not well-defined trace of that fault. Based on these guidelines, the active Chelungpu fault zone with which construction of structures for human occupancy is prohibited, affects 15 towns and the total area equals 363 hectares. Surveys to identify and define active fault zone are a common practice in earthquake countries like the U.S.. Taiwan has Building Codes and Regulations prohibited construction on a slope site which is within 100 m from an active fault zone when the maximum historic earthquake magnitude (Mmax) is over or equal to 7.0; 50 m for 7.0>Mmax ≧6.0; and 30 m for Mmax <6.0 for cases of uncertain earthquake records. Here Mmax is considered as the largest earthquake magnitude that is believed to occur on an active fault or fault segment in the future. In this Regulation, the term “slope sites” must conform to either of the following two conditions: (1) The land must have an elevation of more than 100 meters. (2) The land’s elevation is less than 100 meters but with a slope greater than 5%. The Regulations are as shown in Table 1 (Construction and Planning Agency, 1997). In U.S., the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act (renamed the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act in 1994) was signed into law in 1972. The primary purpose of the Act is to mitigate the hazard of fault rupture on structure by prohibiting the construction of structures for human occupancy across the trace of an active fault. 10 Earthquake Fault Zones are delineated on U.S. Geological Survey topographic base maps at a scale of 1:24,000 (1 inch equals 2,000 feet). The boundary of an “Earthquake Fault Zone” is generally about 500 feet (150 meters) away from major active faults, and 200 to 300 feet (60 to 90 meters) away from well-defined, minor faults. The Act requires that cities and counties withhold development permits for sites within an Earthquake Fault Zone within their jurisdiction until geologic investigation demonstrate that the site is not threatened by surface displacements from future faulting (California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1997). Immediately after the occurrence of the Chi-Chi earthquake, more than 1,200 scientists and engineers were mobilized to conduct investigations and to collect data in order to document as much as possible from this catastrophe. These investigations recorded building types, the number of floors, building ages, building usages and construction type etc. of 8,773 totally or partially collapsed structures (Architecture and Building Research Institute, 1999). Nevertheless, the data associated with human fatality were not included in the original report. Tien et al. (2002) had performed another field work and compiled the complete statistical data of human fatality according to the death certificates, the relief fund distribution lists, and construction types of buildings. In this study, we constructed “the attributive database of victims” which was further completed through a joint analysis of various after-earthquake survey documents. The database from these various surveys is the result of a comprehensive field visit confirming exact locations of victims and the type of buildings in which victims were found. With these detailed descriptions, we can easily map and present the spatial distribution and the attributive data of victims with the accuracy in terms of the smallest administrative districts in Taiwan. Moreover, we have proposed a new estimation approach for determining the mortality as function of the closest distance to the ruptured fault surface trace. This differs from earlier report where the mortality determined by the calculation of death tolls with regards to population after the earthquake in an administrative district. A regression analysis gives correlated equations between the mortality and the closest distance to the ruptured fault surface trace. We 11 device three different disastrous levels and then suggested orders and scopes of an effective earthquake disaster rescue strategy according to the regression curve of the mortality and the closest distance d to the fault surface trace. The difference in mortality between hanging-wall and footwall areas and effect of building construction types are particularly discussed with emphasis. Finally, we have established relations between PGA and mortality as function of the closest distance on both sides to the ruptured fault surface trace. From these relations have provided a quantitative method of the mortality estimation and confirmed the adequacy of the research results against the real data. This leads to a new procedure for the estimation of mortality. The results give a clearer assessment of hazard levels induced to the destructive earthquake in near-fault regions. Attributive Database of Victims In this study, we try to quantify the spatial relationship between near-fault mortality and the Chelungpu fault, causal to the Chi-Chi earthquake. Since the documentation and factual data of deaths generally are in descriptive form, we have first built an attributive database of victims by gathering quantitative data with GPS positions of victims. In this attributive database of victims we have constructed for every positioned victim not only has (1) a GPS coordinates but also (2) ID number, (3) name, (4) address at which the victims was found, (5) buildings type and age, (6) floor numbers, as well as (7) situation descriptions for surrounding areas of destructed buildings. This database is also complemented by on-site photos, records of investigation staffs and dates and so on (Pai et al., 2004). Specifically, to confirm the types and characteristics of buildings in which victims were found, the original data bank of damage buildings that was established by the Architecture and Building Research Institute was also reexamined and verified by field visits. Among the total 2492 victims of the Chi-Chi earthquake, there were 2039 positioned victims (more than 80%) by using GPS in this study. There were 1082 (43%) 12 and 752 (30%) victims mainly lived in Taichung and Nantou counties, respectively, where the loss was heaviest. There were 205 (8%) positioned victims in Taichung city, Taipei city, Changhua county, and Yunlin county of Taiwan that were hit less hard. Among the 2039 positioned victims, there were 1921 victims who died from the collapse of buildings, 97 victims died from landslides and 21 victims with unidentifiable cause of death. It took our research team two-years, with many graduate students and substantial research funding to finish the GPS location of victims and the attributive database of victims. Due to the remoteness of the areas and damaged roads, it was sometimes quite difficult to get the GPS locations of victims of the Chi-Chi earthquake. We usually took a whole working day just to complete the required data of 2-3 victims during field investigation. The establishment of a complete database of human fatalities is thus not feasible and some minor errors are not avoidable. Through the attributive database of victims we have constructed, we desire to find information in the assessment of earthquake fatality. Digital Maps and Application of GIS Data in this study are presented by a series of digital maps, including 1:25,000 scale digital Taiwan regional geographical maps and 1:1,000 scale digital Chelungpu fault trace map, supplied by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering and the Central Geological Survey. High-resolution digital regional geographical map are used that enables us to conduct analysis at the level of villages, the smallest administrative unit in Taiwan. It will help to enhance the accuracy of our research results when we process a series of spatial analyses. In the major disastrous region on both sides of the Chelungpu fault, the area and population of villages are uneven, ranging from (0.006 km2, 88) to (425.5 km2, 29487) before the Chi-Chi earthquake. The power of a GIS comes from the ability to relate different information in a spatial context, so as to facilitate a relationship to be derived. Therefore, the application 13 of the GIS software in supporting analyses of near-fault mortality arises directly from the benefit of integrating attributive database of victims and the digital maps to process numerous operations that address any desirable spatial relations. Methods for Mortality Calculation The nearly NS–striking Chelungpu fault, causal to the Chi-Chi earthquake, produced a sudden surface rupture for a total length of about 100 km (Central Geological Survey, 1999; Ma et al., 1999; Chang et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2000). Most of the collapsed and heavily damaged buildings were concentrated along the Chelungpu fault zone, especially in the areas east of the fault (hanging-wall) that has experienced most intense shaking (Tsai et al., 2001). As far as the characteristics of near-fault ground motion is concerned, the PGA contour lines of all three components are elongated along the fault line, and the regression of ground motion is strongly dependent on distance to the fault rather than the distance to the epicenter (Wang et al., 2002). Therefore, the distance to the causative fault is specifically defined as the closest distance between the location of victims and the surface rupture trace as used in this study. The values of the closest distance to the fault surface trace used in this study were calculated by GIS. The definition of the closest distance to the fault surface trace is illustrated in Figure 1. The spatial analysis approach to near-fault mortality can be thought of as a process that combines and transforms data of victims into a spatial resultant multi-layered database and then process a series of the GIS analyses to finish the relationship between mortality and the distance to the Chelungpu fault. The proposed process is an iterative one that combines several operations from the technique of the GIS spatial analysis. Published human fatalities research has not yet been developed in a quantitative form because of the lack of a thorough database established for human fatalities. Therefore, we will introduce calculation methods to which can best be adopted to generate mortalities estimates. The mortalities calculation methods are available to serve this purpose and many of them use the GIS software, together with algorithms to calculate, 14 map, and display damage and mortalities estimates according to particular methods that meet our research needs. Figure 2 schematically shows the essential concept and procedure for the calculation method of mortality. The proposed procedure involves several main stages presented as follows: Data Integration The first stage of the proposed methodology is to integrate a set of digital maps and the attributive database of victims through the GIS software-Arcview. It provides the spatial field which includes Taiwan regional geographical boundaries, traces of the Chelungpu fault and spatial coordinates of victims for examining, presenting and calculating the spatial relations of victims and the Chelungpu fault, as shown in Figure 3. In fact, this is the essential part in the overall approach because we need to make sure that the spatial field we have constructed is sufficient to process the research objectives. In choosing these data, we attempted to cover all aspects of possible human fatalities data in the earthquake and avoid redundancy. Most of the mortalities estimates can be calculated as a function of population density and the closest distance to the fault surface trace. Selection of Analysis Zone To process a series of spatial analyses and calculation of mortalities, we firstly capture different analysis zones for equivalent closest distance to both sides of the fault and then produced the spatial buffer space by the GIS software. In Figure 4a and b, we present the two spatial buffer spaces in different closest distance to the fault surface trace (d= 500m, 1000m) to explain that part of procedures. Once analysis zone of the spatial buffer space is chosen, we can get a region with respect to the closest distance to the fault surface trace. Therefore, many buffer spaces will be produced in this stage to handle analysis of mortalities in individual closest distance to the fault surface trace. 15 Determination of Death Tolls Once we choose one of the closest distances to the fault surface trace, the corresponding analysis zone of spatial buffer space which includes areas far away from the both side of the fault is produced. In every analysis zone of the spatial buffer space, the victims involved are scattered over in the individual spatial buffer space according to their own GPS locations. We can conduct and obtain building types and other attributive data related to victims by operation of the GIS within analysis zone of the spatial buffer space. Besides, we can handle and differentiate the information of victims separately in the hanging-wall and footwall areas based on the construction of the spatial buffer space and related information of victims. Estimation of Population In this stage, it is important how to accurately determine the population of each analysis zone. Firstly, we gathered the document of “current” population and areas of each village in Taiwan at the end of June 1999, which was about three months before the Chi-Chi earthquake. These data are routinely documented by the Population Affairs Administration, Ministry of Interior. The population density of each village was calculated by gathered data accordingly. Secondly, any analysis zone is composed of pieces or whole areas of many villages. We separately calculated the occupied areas of each village in the corresponding analysis zone by the GIS. Estimated population of each village was calculated by the product of the occupied areas and population density. Finally, total population of the analysis zone was obtained by the summation of estimated population of all villages. Mortalities Calculation From the death tolls and population of each analysis zone, the mortalities rate, which is given by the death tolls divided by population in an individual closest distance to the fault surface trace, are calculated. Results are shown in Table 2. 16 Spatial Distribution of Victims Among the 2039 GPS-located victims, 1082 victims are located at Taichung County; 752 at Nantou County; 21 at Taichung City; 23 at Changhua County; 74 at Yunlin County (See Fig. 3). Additional victims (87) are located in the city of Taipei, some 145 km away from the epicenter. We have left these out because victims in Taipei are caused by complex causes including strong basin amplification effect and fraudulent construction practice. In order to explain features of the attributive database and GPS locations of victims, we present the data from the Taichung County, where most of the victims are located. The geographical location of Taichung County almost equally seat over both sides of the Chelungpu fault. Before the Chi-Chi earthquake, the total population of the county was 1,475,254 in 21 towns. In the attributive database of victims, the distribution of 1082 positioned victims there was mainly concentrated in 9 townships. The population before the earthquake, the number of positioned victims, and the statistics of types of buildings in which victims were found are presented in Table 3 and Figure 5. The spatial distribution of victims in two of the nine towns is presented in Figure 6a and b, which is based on the scale of villages. From Figure 6a and b, we can easily map out the spatial relations between the locations of each victim and the Chelungpu fault. Moreover, we can conduct a series of spatial analyses to resolve many research problems through application of the GIS such as the analysis of mortality, difference in mortality between the hanging-wall and footwall areas, effect of building construction types and ground motions. Regression Analysis of Mortality In the following we present results from analyses to show the relation between mortality and the Chelungpu fault. A relationship between the mortality and the closest 17 distance to the fault surface trace can be obtained by a regression analysis. Results are given in Figure 7 and an equation for the mortality can be expressed by: M = 0.08 exp(2.97 − 0.0097d ) (1) Here M is the percentage of the mortality, and d is the closest distance to the fault surface trace (in meter). The corresponding curve matches the data closely, with the multiple correlation coefficient (R2) =0.98. The regression curve clearly points out that the closer to the Chelungpu fault the higher mortality is observed, and vice versa. In Figure 7, we have marked off the three regions: the first region (Ⅰ)--d<30 m. The mortalities are the highest. In the d=30 m situation, where the mortality and the numbers of cumulative victims, respectively, 1.43% and 128. In the second region (Ⅱ)--d=30 m~1000 m, the mortalities are sharply reduced with increasing distance to the fault as shown in Figure 7. From the results of analyses tabulated in Table 2, the mortality and the numbers of cumulative victims reduces from a high (1.43%, 128) to (0.2%, 529). Finally, in the third region (Ⅲ)--d>1000 m, the mortality is approaching zero. There were the 1562 cumulative victims and about 77% of the 2039 located victims. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, a new guideline issued by the Executive Yuan (the office of the Prime Minister) requiring building sites that to be set back at least 15 m from an identified Chelungpu fault. It is interesting to note that as a whole, there were 65 victims (3.2% of the population lived within the region of 15 m from the identified Chelungpu fault) in that 15-meter zone. A relatively high rate among the total 2039 located victims. Higher mortalities in the near-fault regions are a logical expectation and described qualitatively from several documents on disastrous earthquakes. With excellent database, we have preceded an analysis to obtain quantitative results in terms of equations more clearly define the relationship between mortalities and closest distance to the fault. Of course, other parameters enter into this relation, too. These include the faulting geometry, site effects, etc. that will be discussed later. Difference between Hanging-wall and Footwall Areas 18 Due to the unique nature of thrust faulting, distribution of ground motions intensity was highly asymmetrical about the fault trace, with the hanging-wall displaying much higher ground acceleration. The rupture of the fault and the strong ground motion definitely influenced the distribution of mortalities on both east and west blocks of the fault. Therefore, it is helpful to understand and verify the difference on mortalities between the hanging-wall (eastern block of the fault) and the footwall areas (western block of the fault). There are three major building types which victims lived, mud-brick, masonry (including reinforced masonry) and Reinforced Concrete (RC) shorter than 6 stories, were discussed according to statistic data (See Table 4). Based on the same method for mortality estimation, we separately process the mortalities estimation of the hangingwall and the footwall areas. The cumulative death tolls, population and mortalities of the hanging-wall and the footwall areas are tabulated against the closest distance to the fault surface trace; these are presented in Table 5. The relations between the mortality of the hanging-wall and the footwall areas and the individual closest distance to the fault surface trace are presented in Figure 8. These relations between the closest distance to the fault surface trace and mortality of the hanging-wall and the footwall areas can be separately represented by the regression curves given by: M HW = 0.33 + 2.22 exp(−15.45d ) (2) M FW = 0.095 + 0.78 exp(−4.11d ) (3) in which MHW and MFW are the mortality of the hanging-wall and the footwall areas (in percentage), and d is the closest distance to the fault surface trace (in meter). These corresponding curves matches the data closely, with R2 =0.98 and 0.84 in the hangingwall and the footwall areas. It shows that the mortality for residents lived in hangingwall block is significantly higher than those in footwall block especially within areas of 100 m on both sides of the Chelungpu fault. Specifically, the closer to the Chelungpu fault the differences in mortality between the hanging-wall and the footwall areas are more pronounced. On both sides of the fault, the death tolls and mortality for the 19 residents lived in the hanging-wall block (1348, and 0.23%) are significantly higher than those in the footwall block (557, and 0.01%). The deaths ratio of the hanging-wall vs. the footwall block is approximately 2.4:1. Effect of Building Construction Types Damage to or collapse of buildings resulting from an earthquake is very complex. In addition to the characteristics of earthquake strong shaking, other factors, such as the building design codes, the construction quality, architectural designs, the usage behavior of householders, and so on, can lead to different degrees of damage to or collapse of buildings. Because the Chi-Chi earthquake struck central Taiwan at 1:47 AM local time, almost all victims were crushed to death by the collapsed buildings in the dormant state. Before the Chi-Chi earthquake, the number of mud-brick (adobe) residences was only about 5% of total buildings in Taiwan. However, there were 962 victims (43%) staying in mud-brick residences. Mud-brick residences are not strengthened by any materials and they are very old. In addition, the seismic resistance capacity of mud-brick residences is clearly much lower than that of masonry (particularly the reinforced masonry) and RC buildings; and they are very likely to collapse in a strong earthquake. The seismic resistant capacity of mud-brick residences is the most important factor that caused great loss of lives in the Chi-Chi earthquake. Masonry (including reinforced masonry) and RC buildings under 6 stories in height are currently the two most common types of building in Taiwan. In general, the more urbanized the district the higher the percentage of RC buildings which can be found. In contrast, the percentage of masonry (included reinforced masonry) buildings is higher in rural areas. In the disaster area, the average number of masonry buildings in each town is approximately one third to two thirds of the total buildings. In addition, the total number of masonry buildings in Nantou and Taichung counties, areas most affected by the earthquake in Taiwan, masonry structures make up to about 44% of the total buildings. The total number of RC buildings in the two counties is about 38% of the total buildings. There were 384 and 363 victims, respectively, who stayed in masonry 20 buildings and RC buildings. We infer that the seismic risk of masonry buildings and RC buildings are almost equivalent, and the seismic risk of these two types of buildings is much lower than that of mud-brick strictures (Tien et al., 2002). Statistically, we found that these three major building construction types account for 841 deaths (43.7%) in mud-brick (adobe); 368 (19.2%) in masonry and reinforced masonry buildings and 459 (23.9%) in RC buildings under 6 stories (Fig. 9a~9c). Based on the procedures of preceding estimation, we are able to process the mortality of the hanging-wall and the footwall areas in different building construction types with respect to the individual closest distance to the fault. The mortalities and preChi-Chi population in the hanging-wall and footwall areas are given in Table 6. A relationship between the mortality of the hanging-wall and footwall areas and the closest distance to the fault surface trace in different building construction types are given in Figure 10a and b. From Figure 10, we find the mortality of the hanging-wall areas is clearly higher than that of the footwall areas in the same building construction types. Mud-brick buildings play a dominant role. Mud-brick buildings are rapidly collapsed during the fault thrust motion. On the other hand, for both of masonry and RC buildings no clear difference on mortality in either the hanging-wall or the footwall areas. The lower mortality of masonry and RC buildings is attributed to their better resistant to strong shakings. Effect of Ground Motions After the Chi-Chi earthquake, recordings of more than 400 out of 650 free-field ground-motion stations deployed throughout Taiwan Central Weather Bureau have obtained excellent records. These data represent an unprecedented wealth of waveform information invaluable for ground-motion studies, as well as for the correlative study of human fatalities engaged in this paper. To understand the relations between characteristics of ground motion and the mortality, as well as the distances to the Chelungpu fault, PGA data of 66 ground-motion stations in the immediate 21 neighborhood on both sides of the Chelungpu fault were gathered. Among the 66 stations, there were 11 stations in the hanging-wall block (also foothill side) and 55 stations in the footwall block (sedimentary plain side). Figure 11 shows the spatial distribution of these ground-motion stations. We have defined the Mean PGA Index (MPI) of a station as the mathematic mean calculated from PGA values of the three directions for every ground-motion station. In the meantime, we have calculated the closest distance (L) of the location of every ground-motion station with respect to the Chelungpu fault surface trace by the GIS operations. Figure 12 shows the relation that is given by a regression line having the following form: MPI = 451.34 − 95.34 ln( L + 1.13) (4) where MPI has a unit of gals and L is in kilometer. Through the combination of Eqn. (1) and Eqn. (4), Figure 13 shows a regression curve of the MPI value and mortality resulted from the Chi-Chi earthquake as functions of the closest distance to the Chelungpu fault surface trace of every ground-motion station. We found that the mortality is nearly zero in the areas experienced the MPI below 220 gals. On the other hand, the mortality increases dramatically from 0.2% up to 2% when the MPI exceeds 400 gals. Discussions and Conclusions Human safety has been a primary concern in most modern earthquake damage mitigation programs. However, there was not sufficient knowledge related to earthquake fatalities, damage and distance to potential active faults. In this research, we have carried out a study employing a large amount of quantitative data obtained through extensive after-earthquake field investigations. Positioning of the victims is done by the GPS. We have built-up a comprehensive attributive database of victim to explore the factors leading to human fatalities caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake. Our research has finished the relationship between the mortality and the closest distance to the fault surface trace, as obtained by a regression analysis. The regression curve clearly points 22 out, though not surprising, that the closer to the Chelungpu fault surface trace the higher mortality is observed, and vice versa. Therefore, we have devised three disastrous levels and then suggest the orders and scopes of the earthquake disaster rescue according to the regression curve on the mortality and the closest distance d to the fault surface trace. Level 1: People live within 100 meters from the rupture surface trace, especially in the hanging-wall areas. Level 2: Large fraction of mud-brick buildings is in presence in those areas. Level 3: PGA in those areas exceeds 400 gals. As we have found that the mortality is nearly zero in the areas having shaking below 220 gals and increases dramatically up to 2% when the PGA value exceeds 400 gals. Thus, for emergency response agencies, conditions meet the above three “levels” should receive the highest priority in the dispatching of rescue resources, which unfortunately are never enough during a major disaster such as a major disaster like the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake. However, rapid and logical dispatching however limited resources will still maximize the rescue effectiveness. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the National Science Council under Contract No. NSC 90-2211-E-008-068 and NSC 93-2625-Z-253-001. TLT is also support by the National Science Foundation (grant EAR-0124926) and the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (Contract MOTC-CWB-93-E-06). We sincerely thank the Central Weather Bureau and the Architecture and Building Research Institute for providing the groundmotion data and 1:25,000 scale Taiwan digital geographical maps. We especially appreciate Prof. Yi-Ben Tsai and Dr. Li Zhao for their valuable comments. Finally, we dedicate this study in memory of the victims in the Chi-Chi earthquake. References 23 Architecture and Building Research Institute of Taiwan (1999). 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Building Construction Regulations for slope sites in Taiwan Max. historic earthquake magnitude (Mmax) Distance away from the fault (m) Mmax ≧7.0 100 7.0>Mmax ≧6.0 50 Mmax <6.0 or 30 no earthquake records 27 Table 2. Cumulative death tolls, population and mortality in regions of increasing distance from the surface fault trace. Analysis Zone* (m) Closest distance Cumulative to the fault, d death toll Population Mortality (%) (m) 0~10 10 42 3,197 1.31 0~20 20 86 6,375 1.35 0~30 30 128 9,541 1.43 0~40 40 145 12,699 1.02 0~50 50 162 15,856 1.02 0~100 100 232 31,872 0.73 0~200 200 265 62,128 0.43 0~300 300 300 90,387 0.33 0~400 400 333 116,402 0.29 0~500 500 363 141,351 0.26 0~600 600 376 166,347 0.23 0~700 700 402 190,749 0.21 0~800 800 480 214,936 0.22 0~900 900 519 239,232 0.22 0~1,000 1,000 529 263,283 0.20 0~2,000 2,000 712 519,599 0.14 0~5,000 5,000 1,322 1,305,427 0.10 1,562 2,327,196 0.07 0~10,000 10,000 *Analysis Zone as defined in Figure 4a. 28 Table 3. Statistics of death tolls and types of buildings in which positioned victims were located (in Taichung County). Under 6 stories Town District Population Victims* Victim Mud- Location brick Masonry and reinforced High-rise Residential RC Building Others (RC) masonry Hoping 11,041 36 26 0 0 0 0 26 Shihgang 15,563 173 168 113 38 15 0 2 Hsinshe 27,024 120 105 82 15 7 0 1 Dongshi 59,413 357 329 207 29 55 31 7 Wufeng 68,126 86 74 22 22 30 0 0 Tanz 86,037 7 5 3 2 0 0 0 Fengyuan 160,863 157 155 64 10 27 45 9 Taiping 164,246 89 70 24 11 18 12 5 Dali 171,215 165 150 1 4 2 136 7 Others 711,726 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1,475,254 1192 1082 516 131 154 224 57 *the data of victims were supplied by Reconstruction Committee of Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake. 29 Table 4. Statistics on death tolls and building types in which victims stayed of positioned victims Under 6 stories Districts Victims Victim Mud- Location brick Masonry and High-rise Residential reinforced RC Building (RC) Other types Landslide (Non- Unidentified building) masonry Taichung 1192 1082 516 131 308 70 28 26 3 927 752 319 222 151 0 10 32 18 108 21 6 15 0 0 0 0 0 87 87 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 33 23 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 82 74 0 0 0 35 0 39 0 Others 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 841 368 459 215 38 Total 2492 2039 97 21 County Nantou County Taichung City Taipei City Changhua County Yunlin County 1921 30 Table 5. Results of cumulative death tolls, population and mortality in regions of increasing distance from the fault. Different data from hanging-wall and footwall areas are separately tabulated. Footwall Areas Closest distance to the fault, d (m) Cumulative death tolls Population Hanging-wall Areas Mortality Cumulative (%) death tolls Population Mortality (%) 10 8 1,735 0.46 34 1,462 2.33 20 25 3,405 0.73 61 2,970 2.05 30 53 4,834 1.1 75 4,707 1.59 40 58 6,444 0.9 87 6,255 1.39 50 67 8,062 0.83 95 7,794 1.22 60 76 9,681 0.79 109 9,606 1.13 70 78 11,297 0.69 122 11,179 1.09 80 84 12,895 0.65 133 12,737 1.04 90 87 14,475 0.6 140 14,285 0.98 100 90 16,052 0.56 142 15,820 0.9 200 103 31,746 0.32 162 30,382 0.53 300 127 47,650 0.27 173 42,737 0.4 400 138 63,730 0.22 195 60,452 0.33 500 156 80,055 0.19 207 61,296 0.33 600 163 97,323 0.17 213 69,024 0.31 700 189 114,772 0.16 213 75,977 0.28 800 260 133,124 0.2 220 81,812 0.27 900 269 151,767 0.18 250 87,465 0.29 1,000 273 170,619 0.16 256 92,664 0.28 2,000 333 399,664 0.08 378 119,935 0.32 5,000 494 1,083,865 0.05 824 221,562 0.37 10,000 494 2,028,872 0.02 1,056 298,324 0.35 31 Table 6. Death tolls, estimated population and mortality of the hanging-wall and footwall areas in different analysis zones. Analysis Zone (m) Building Type * MB 0~10 0~20 0~30 0~60 0~100 0~500 0~1,000 0~5,000 Footwall Areas E.P.‡ Deaths Hanging-wall Areas M (%) ♀ Deaths E.P. M (%) 1 106 0.94 26 131 19.89 MRM 7 524 1.33 1 570 0.18 RC 0 645 0 7 664 1.05 MB 11 211 5.22 34 262 12.98 MRM 11 1,051 1.05 19 1,137 1.67 RC 0 1,331 0 7 1,288 0.54 MB 21 309 6.79 36 397 9.07 MRM 22 1,548 1.42 27 1,730 1.56 RC 7 1,915 0.37 11 2,010 0.55 MB 29 613 4.73 52 795 6.54 MRM 28 3,087 0.91 50 3,459 1.45 RC 12 3,821 0.31 11 4,022 0.27 MB 44 1,009 4.36 58 1,330 4.36 MRM 28 5,088 0.55 67 5,787 1.16 RC 15 6,298 0.24 13 6,724 0.19 MB 69 4,818 1.43 95 5,906 1.61 MRM 41 24,019 0.17 85 26,269 0.32 RC 43 29,642 0.15 20 30,900 0.06 MB 83 9,501 0.87 124 10,533 1.18 MRM 67 46,714 0.14 102 46,785 0.22 RC 76 57,505 0.13 21 55,263 0.04 MB 105 46,181 0.23 464 34,540 1.34 MRM 98 250,603 0.04 160 152,789 0.10 RC 236 350,998 0.07 133 193,691 0.07 † MB*: Mud-brick (adobe) MRM†: Masonry and reinforced masonry E.P. ‡: Estimated Population M ♀: Mortality=Deaths/Estimated Population 32 The Fault Trace (Xi,Yi) B(X b,Yb ) db da A(X a,Ya ) Hanging-wall Footwall Figure 1 : Definition of the closest distance from a victim to the Chelungpu fault trace. For examples, d a and d b give the closest distance from GPS locations of victim A and B to the fault trace. 33 Data Collections Attributive Database of Victims Digital Maps Population & Areas of Each District Data Integration Selection of Analysis Zone Calculation of Population Density Determination of Death Tolls Estimation of Population Mortalities Calculation Finish Figure 2 : Procedures of near-fault mortality Estimation. 34 Figure 3 : Spatial distribution of victims from Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake (near- fault region). 35 (a) (b) Figure 4 : (a) Shows the analysis zone; (b) Shows the patterns of the spatial buffer space for an individual located closest distance to the fault surface trace (d=500 m & 1000 m). 36 350 Death Tolls others 300 high-rise residences 250 reinforced concrete masonry & reinforced masonry 200 mud-brick 150 100 50 0 Shihgang Hsinshe Dongsi Taiping Fengyuan Dali Wufeng Hoping Tanz Town Figure 5: Death tolls of each town in Taichung County classified with building types in which victims were founded. 37 (a). (b). Figure 6: Spatial distribution of victims based on each village (the smallest administrative district in Taiwan). (a) Shihgun town of Taichung county; (b) Hsinshe town of Taichung County. 38 1.6 1.4 Mortality (%) 1.2 1.0 (Ⅰ) (Ⅱ) (Ⅲ) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Closest distance to Chelungpu Fault (m) Figure 7: Mortality as plotted against the closest distance to the fault surface trace. 39 Mortality (%) 2.5 2.0 Footwall Areas Hanging-wall Areas 1.5 1.0 0.5 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 Closest Distance to the Fault (km) Figure 8: Mortalities of the hang-wall and footwall areas as plotted against the closest distance to the fault surface trace. 40 10 (a) (b) 41 (c) Figure 9:(a) A partially collapsed mud-brick (adobe) residences in Dongshi town during the Chi-Chi earthquake. Its distance to the Chelungpu fault trace is 1.643 km. (b) Most of the ground floor, especially at the corner buildings, collapsed and practically all un-reinforced masonry and poorly constructed reinforced masonry structures were destroyed in the town of Puli during the Chi-Chi Earthquake. Its distance to the Chelungpu fault trace is farther 27.858 km. Puli is a small yet soft basin. Basin amplification of strong-ground motion is the primary reason. (c) Tilting of the RC building in Chungshan Gobow Community of Douliu city during the Chi-Chi Earthquake. Its distance to the Chelungpu fault trace is 13.292 km. It is apparently a problem of poor foundation preparation. 42 Mortality (%) 25 Mud-brick (Adobe) Masonry and reinforced masonry Reinforced Concrete 20 15 Footwall Areas Hanging-wall Areas 10 5 0 10000 1000 100 10 100 1000 10000 Closest Distance to the Fault (m) (a) Mortality (%) 2.0 Masonry and reinforced masonry Reinforced Concrete 1.5 Footwall Areas Hanging-wall Areas 1.0 0.5 0.0 10000 1000 100 10 100 1000 10000 Closest Distance to the Fault (m) (b) Figure 10: Mortalities of the hang-wall and footwall areas as plotted against the closest distance to the fault surface trace according to the classification of buildings types in which victims stayed. 43 Figure 11:Spatial distribution of ground-motion stations on both sides of the Chelungpu fault. 44 Mean PGA Index, MPI (gals) 1000 100 Hanging-wall Stations (11) Footwall Stations (55) 10 0.1 1 10 100 Closest distance to the fault, L (km) Figure 12: The Mean PGA Index (MPI) as plotted against the closest distance to the fault surface trace of every ground-motion station. 45 2.0 1.8 Mortality, M (%) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Mean PGA Index, MPI (gals) 400 Figure 13: Relations between mortality and Mean PGA Index (MPI). 46 450 500 Paper (3) Near-surface seismic anisotropy, attenuation and dispersion in the aftershock region of the 1999 Chi-Chi, earthquake Yunfeng Liu, Ta-Liang Teng, and Yehuda Ben-Zion Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0740, USA Email: yunfengl@terra.usc.edu, lteng@terra.usc.edu, benzion@terra.usc.edu Submitted March, 2004 Abstract Seismograms from local aftershocks of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake recorded at a 200 m deep downhole station CHY of the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN) have clear direct up-going shear waves and their surfacereflected down-going phases. Measurements of time difference between the direct and reflected phases of the fast and slow components of split shear waves show approximately 8% velocity anisotropy in the top 200 m of the crust. The phase velocities extracted from the direct and reflected waveforms display clear evidence of attenuation-related dispersion. Taking the dispersion and geometrical spreading factor into account, we estimate the Q value of the shear waves by fitting calculated results to the observed reflected waveforms. The amplitude spectral density ratios between the direct and reflected phases are approximately linear within the frequency range 2 - 15 Hz. This allows us also to estimate the Q value from the slope of the amplitude spectral ratio (in dB/Hz) in this range. The estimated Q values with both methods, based on a set of similar waveforms and additional 156 high-quality records, are 61 - 68 for the fast components and 43 - 52 for the slow components. The observed attenuation anisotropy may be, similarly to velocity anisotropy, a manifestation of microcracks alignment and their response to in-situ stress. Strong attenuation anisotropy (23 - 30% in this study) along with attenuation-related dispersion in the shallow crust can affect significantly the 47 properties of shear waves and should be taken into account in studies employing surface and shallow borehole records of shear waveforms. 1.INTRODUCTION The heavily damaged material in the top few hundred meters of the crust, with a low overburden pressure, contains a high density of cracks, pores and other defects. The near-surface material can thus have a large influence, in terms of attenuation, dispersion and anisotropy, on seismic recordings made at the surface. Many studies (e.g. Aster and Shearer 1991; Fletcher et al. 1990; Hauksson et al. 1987) employed borehole observations to investigate the seismic attenuation and anisotropy in the shallow crust and their effects on surface recordings. In this paper we perform such a study using high quality seismograms from local aftershocks of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake recorded at a 200 m deep downhole station CHY of the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN). The borehole seismograms we use have clear direct up-going shear waves Sup and surface-reflected down-going phases Sdown. In a previous study based on this data set (Liu et al. 2004), we found a strong anisotropy of shear-wave velocity in the top 200 m, which contributes about 20% of the total shear-wave splitting (SWS) time delay in the upper crust. In the present work we employ two methods to calculate the quality factors (Q) of both the fast and slow shear-wave components determined from the previous SWS analysis of Liu et al. (2004). In the first method, the quality factor is estimated from the slope of the amplitude spectral ratio of the direct and reflected waves versus frequency. In the second method, we estimate the quality factor by comparing the observed reflected waveform with a calculated one, generated by applying an attenuation equation to the observed direct waveform. The quantity and quality of the recordings enable us to measure the quality factor reliably. The results show clear evidence of attenuation anisotropy in the near-surface structure. The phase velocities extracted from the direct and reflected waveforms indicate the existence of attenuationrelated dispersion. The inferred dispersion curves fit the theoretical logarithm dispersion 48 equation well. Because of the difficulty of isolating the reflected P wave phases, we only analyze the attenuation and dispersion properties of shear waves. 2.DATA SET AND GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Modern digital seismic monitoring in Taiwan began in the early 1970s and at present the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN) has 75 telemetered stations (Shin and Teng 2001). One of these short-period stations, CHY, is installed in a 0.2 km deep borehole. The 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake sequence was highly energetic, with many M ≥ 6.0 aftershocks, two of which and many other smaller aftershocks occurred in the area close to CHY. The data used in this study extends from January 1997 to March 2002 and the sampling rate of the employed seismograms is 50 sps. As shown in Figure 1, the borehole station CHY is located in the eastern boundary area of the west coast Holocene alluvium plain, southwest of the southern end of the Chelungpu Fault (CLF), which ruptured during the Chi-Chi main shock. The Meishan fault (MSF), a strike-slip fault associated with the 1906 M 7 earthquake (Wu and Rau 1998), is located at the northern boundary of the study region. The Chukuo fault (CKF), another well-known active structure, is about 10 km to the east of the region. Observations from hydro-geological drilling reveal that the top 200 - 300 m of the crust in the study area consists of inter-fingered fine-, medium- and coarse- grain sandstones and gravel beds. Figure 2 shows drill core samples from a nearby hydrogeological well #200201G1 that illustrate visually some characteristics of the nearsurface material. The core samples from 88 m to 90 m are coarse- grain (0.50 mm – 1.00 mm) sandstone, those from 90 m to 92 m are medium- to fine- grain (0.125 mm – 0.5 mm) sandstone, and those from136 m to 140 m are finer siltstones or mudstones. 3.METHODS FOR ATTENUATION ANALYSIS 49 The amplitude spectrum Ai ( f ) recorded at the ith station for a given earthquake can be expressed as (Bath, 1974) Ai ( f ) = Gi K ( f ) S i ( f ) I i ( f ) exp(− πfRi Qv) , (1) where Gi is the geometrical spreading factor, K ( f ) is the source spectrum, S i ( f ) is the site response, I i ( f ) is the instrumental response, Ri is the travel distance of the seismic wave, v is the average wave velocity and Q is the assumed frequencyindependent quality factor averaged along the path. Because the travel times can be measured directly from the recordings, they can be used to determine interstation Q values without making assumptions about the velocity structure. For two stations along essentially the same ray path, we have approximately πf (t 2 − t1 ) A1 ( f ) G1 S1 ( f ) I 1 ( f ) exp( ) = A2 ( f ) G2 S 2 ( f ) I 2 ( f ) Q (2) where t1 and t 2 are the travel times from the source to the first and second stations, respectively, and Q is the average quality factor along the path between these two stations. Here the source spectrum k ( f ) is eliminated, since both recordings are from the same source. In this study, we adopt this method for downhole recordings in which reflected waves from the free surface are viewed as waveforms that are recorded by another virtual station. Figure 3 illustrates schematically the geometry of the direct and surfacereflected waves in the borehole configuration. Since the up- and down-doing phases are both recorded by the same physical station, we have S1 ( f ) = S 2 ( f ) and I 1 ( f ) = I 2 ( f ) . Thus, we can eliminate the site and instrumental response terms as well and get Aup ( f ) Adown ( f ) = Gup Gdown exp( πf (t down − t up ) Q ), (3) where the subscripts ‘up’ and ‘down’ replace ‘1’ and ‘2’, respectively. We can develop the following two procedures for estimating the quality factor Q based on equation (3): 50 (a) Amplitude spectral ratio method Taking denary (base 10) logarithms on both sides of equation (3), we get log Aup ( f ) Adown ( f ) = log Gup Gdown + log e π (t down − t up ) Q (4) f The first item in the right side of equation (4) is independent of the frequency f . Thus a plot of log Aup ( f ) Adown ( f ) versus f gives a line with a slope m , from which the Q value can be estimated as Q = π ⋅ (t down − t up ) /(log e 10 ⋅ m) (5) A similar method is adopted by Hauksson et al. (1987) and Aster and Shearer (1991) for attenuation analysis in borehole experiments. (b) Waveform fitting For a layered velocity model, the geometrical spreading factor G for a shallow depth range is, from ray theory, approximately proportional to 1 / R , where R is the distance from source to receiver (Hauksson et al., 1987). Therefore, equation (3) can be rewritten as Adown ( f ) = Rup Rdown exp( πf (t down − t up ) Q ) Aup ( f ) (6) As will be discussed later, for a frequency-independent Q there must be a frequency-dependent phase velocity c( f ) , which can be represented (Aki and Richards, 2002) as ⎛f ⎞ 1 1 1 = + log⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟ , c( f ) c( f 0 ) πQc( f 0 ) ⎝ f ⎠ (7) where f 0 is a reference frequency. In this case we can combine the amplitude and phase spectra and get X down ( f ) = Rup Rdown X up ( f ) exp[− πf (t down − t up ) Q 51 +i 2πf ( Rdown − Rup )] c( f ) = = Rup Rdown Rup Rdown X up ( f ) exp[− X up ( f ) exp[− πf (t down − t up ) Q πf (t down − t up ) Q +i +i 2 f ( Rdown − Rup ) Qc( f 0 ) 2 f (t down − t up ) Q Rdown − Rup ⎛f ⎞ log⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟ + i 2πf ( )] c( f 0 ) ⎝ f ⎠ ⎛f ⎞ log⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟ + i 2πf (t down − t up )] , (8) ⎝ f ⎠ where X up ( f ) and X down ( f ) are the Fourier spectra of the direct waveform xup (t ) and the reflected waveform x down (t ) , respectively. In this study we use equation (8) as follows. We first calculate X up ( f ) from k ( f ) using equation (8) with an assumed Q k , waveform xup (t ) . Then we calculate X down where k is the index of different trial values of Q. In a third step we calculate k k ( f ) by inversely transforming X down x down ( f ) and compare the result with the observed waveform x down (t ) . The fitting errors between the calculated and observed waveforms are defined as E (k ) = N ∑ (x l =1 k down (t ) − x down (t )) 2 / N , (9) where N is the number of data points in the waveforms. The minimum value of E (k ) indicates the best fitting result and the corresponding Q k gives an estimate of Q . 4 RESULTS 4.1 Estimated Q values from stacked waveforms of multiplets Multiplets are a set of earthquakes with similar waveforms, and by implication they have similar locations, focal mechanisms, and ray paths to the station. Several sets of multiplets are identified by cross-correlating the observed horizontal waveforms with each other for all 360 events. Figure 4 shows the stacked horizontal seismograms of a set of 7 multiplets. These seismograms are projected into the resolved fast and slow directions of shear-wave splitting, as determined by the detailed SWS analysis of Liu et al. (2004). As expected, the average waveforms for all these events display a high signal-to-noise ratio. The nearly ideal impulse-like waveforms of the shear-wave phases 52 allow us to window the direct and reflected phases properly. A cosine taper is used to reduce the effect of data truncation (Kanasewich 1981). We calculate the amplitude spectra of the direct and reflected phases for both the fast and slow components and show them in Figure 5a. Since the data sample rate is 50 sps, the spectra are cut off at the Nyquist frequency of 25 Hz. The energy of shear waves is seen to be mainly distributed within the frequency range 2 – 15 Hz. We also present corresponding results based on the data prior to and following the first S wave (“boxes” on the seismograms of Figure 4). It appears that the amplitude spectra of the direct and reflected S phases are sufficiently larger than the background signals within the frequency range 2 – 15 Hz. We note that the above amplitude spectra are obtained from stacked waveforms, which usually have a higher signal-to-noise ratio. The amplitude spectral ratios between the reflected and direct phases for the fast and slow components are shown in Figure 5b. As discussed in section 3, we can estimate the Q values of the fast and slow shear waves by fitting the observed amplitude spectral ratios versus frequency (in db/Hz) to equation (4). We fit the curves to the equation within the 2 - 15 Hz range and calculate Q values from the estimated slope m through equation (5). The measured values are Q f = 68 ± 8 for the fast shear wave and Qs = 52 ± 3 for the slow wave. The main advantage of estimating Q values from amplitude spectral ratios is that we can avoid making assumptions on geometrical spreading factor and considering the effect of dispersion. However, the strong dependency of the estimated results on the employed frequency range reduces from the robustness of the measurements. Using the same waveforms, we also estimate Q f and Qs by fitting calculated reflected waveforms to the observed ones as discussed in method (b) of section 3. The fitting errors, defined by equation (9), with different trial Q values are shown in Figure 6a. As indicated by arrows in the figure, the minimum values of the fitting errors are associated with Q f = 61 for the fast shear wave and Qs = 43 for the slow shear wave, respectively. Figure 6b shows the corresponding results for best fitting waveform results. 53 This method is not strongly affected by the background noise since multiple reflections and scattering signals have much smaller amplitudes than the direct or free-surface reflected phases, and therefore contribute less to the fitting errors than the main phases. As a consequence, the estimated results are insensitive to factors such as the fitting frequency range, and are therefore relatively robust. Figure 6a shows that the analysis of individual measurements is not very sensitive to small changes in the estimated Q value, in our cases with relatively high Q and corresponding relatively small attenuation. Nevertheless, we can use the outlined procedure to derive automatically “best” estimated Q values from a large data set, and then estimate the error of the obtained values from the standard deviation of the results. 4.2 Estimated Q values from a set of 156 recordings There is typically a large scatter in Q measurements made from an individual recording. This raises doubts on the reliability of Q values estimated from few observations. In this section we employ 156 events that produce clear direct and reflected phases in our borehole data set for additional attenuation analysis. Since these events are located within the shear-wave window (Liu et al. 2004, and references therein), the waves generated by them have nearly vertical ray paths when they approach the free surface. Therefore, the reflected waves propagate to the borehole receiver through essentially identical paths. This implies that the amplitude spectral ratios between the reflected and direct phases for these waveforms should follow the same relationship. The direct and reflected phases of the employed seismograms for the fast and slow components are windowed with a cosine taper and shown in Figure 7a. We then calculate the amplitude spectral ratios from these phases and give the stacked results in Figure 7b. We find that the amplitude spectral ratios for frequencies larger than 15 Hz display a large scatter. We estimate the Q values by fitting the average amplitude 54 spectral ratios versus frequency curves to equation (4) in the range 2 – 15 Hz. The results are Q f = 62 ± 5 and Qs = 45 ± 5 for the fast and slow shear waves, respectively. We also estimate the Q values with the waveform fitting method for each of these recordings. The distributions of the estimated Q values are shown in Figure 8. The average value of Q f is 62 with a standard deviation of 11 for the fast shear wave, and the average value of Qs is 48 with a standard deviation of 11 for the fast shear wave. 5.DISCUSSION 5.1 Attenuation in the crust Several mechanisms have been identified to contribute to seismic attenuation and velocity dispersion (Winkler and Murphy III, 1995). In homogeneous rocks attenuation and dispersion appear to be dominated by viscous fluid/solid interactions. In heterogeneous rocks, scattering can lead to dispersion and energy diffusion. A frictional mechanism is only important at large strain amplitudes in the near field of seismic sources. The shapes of seismograms are strongly affected by seismic attenuation. This obscure source properties that are very important for earthquake physics studies. To characterize the source properties of earthquakes, it is important to separate the source from the path and site effects. Moreover, attenuation analysis also provides a tool to probe rock properties along the ray path. Downhole experiments provide the most reliable information on attenuation properties of the shallow crust. It is usually difficult to estimate near-surface attenuation from surface observations because of the free surface amplification and other complexities. To avoid the interference of near-surface amplification, it is desirable to use clear surface-reflected waves in downhole recordings (Hauksson et al., 1987). The results of this study, based on such surface-reflected waves, provide robust estimates of near-surface attenuation of fast and slow shear waves over the frequency range 2 - 15 Hz for the study area. 5.2 Body-wave dispersion 55 Dispersion of body waves is a consequence of any causal theory of absorption. Aki and Richards (2002) show that the assumptions of constant Q and linearity of seismic waves lead to non-causality if waves are non-dispersive. Since observed data indicate that those assumptions typically characterize the solid earth materials, a dispersion must exist to preserve causality of a propagating wave. From Figures 5b and 6b we see that the curves of amplitude spectral ratio versus frequency are well represented by a linear line in the approximate frequency range 2 - 15 Hz. This indicates that the assumption of frequency-independent Q also characterizes well that frequency range in our data. Various theories of dispersion (Lomnitz,1957; Futterman 1962 ; Kolsky, 1957; Liu et al. 1976) have the logarithmic dispersion form ⎛ω c(ω1 ) 1 log⎜⎜ 1 = 1+ c(ω 2 ) πQ ⎝ ω 2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ . ⎠ (10) A waveform distortion due to dispersion of local earthquake records can affect studies based on waveform shape, such as shear-wave splitting analysis. Since seismic waves attenuate greatly when propagating through the near-surface crust, they are expected also to be distorted by the corresponding dispersion. Figure 4 shows that the shape of the surface-reflected phase differs significantly from that of the direct one. Similar results can been found in the borehole observations by Hauksson et al. (1987). To estimate the dispersion of shear waves in the top 200 m of the crust, we first calculate the phase difference ∆Φ 'down ,up between the direct and reflected waves for both the fast and slow components. In the calculation, the direct and reflected waves are aligned using cross-correlation. This portion of phase change is apparently due to bodywave dispersion. The total phase change between the direct and reflected waves during wave propagation can be written as From equation (8), we have 56 ∆Φ down ,up = 2πf ( Rdown − Rup ) . c( f ) ∆Φ down ,up = ∆Φ 'down ,up + 2πf (t down − t up ). ∆Φ down ,up = ∆Φ 'down ,up + 2πf (t down − t up ). (11) (12) Thus, we can calculate the phase velocity as c( f ) = 2πf ( Rdown − Rup ) ∆Φ down ,up . (13) Similarly to equation (8), we can get from equation (10) c( f ) = c( f 0 ) + c( f 0 ) f log( ) . πQ f0 (14) The dispersion curves extracted from the stacked waveforms (Figure 4) using equation (13) are shown in Figure 9a. The measured phase velocities for the fast and slow components are represented by small circles and triangles, respectively. The solid and dashed lines in the figures give the theoretical dispersion curves based on equation (14) with Q = Q f and Q = Qs , respectively. The theoretical curves with Q = Q f appears to fit well the measurements in the frequency rang 4-15 Hz for both the fast and slow components. Beyond 15 Hz, the noise-to-signal ratio is too high to extract stable phase information. The measured phase velocities drop rapidly below 4 Hz and the theoretical results can not fit this portion of the data well. Similar results can be found in Wuenschel (1965). Figure 9b shows the impact of the dispersion on the waveform shape. The calculated waveform without dispersion is significantly different from the observed one, while the calculated results with dispersion improve the fit. We note that although the fast and slow shear waves attenuate differently, they disperse almost the same and the theoretical curves with Q = Q f (solid lines) fit the measured data for the slow wave better than with Q = Qs . It seems that the mechanisms that result in additional 57 attenuation for the slow shear wave have very small contribution to the body-wave dispersion. 5.3 Attenuation anisotropy It has been observed from VSP data that transmitted amplitudes display a systematic variation with azimuth (Liu et al., 1993; Horne and MacBeth, 1997). The amplitude variation is commonly interpreted as attenuation that is related to the fractures. Anisotropic attenuation has been also observed in laboratory measurements on rock samples containing aligned cracks (Thomsen, 1995). Attenuation anisotropy is one of the main seismic signatures of cracks that could be used for fracture detection. Aster and Shearer (1991) found evidence for preferential attenuation of the slow horizontal component relative to the fast horizontal component in borehole data near the San Jacinto Fault Zone in southern California. They suggested the existence of anisotropic shear-wave attenuation between 150 and 300 m, which is below the top weathered layer. They also argued that such phenomena may be partially responsible for the clear fast shear waves and the general lack of distinct slow shear waves. Our high quality data set provides excellent opportunity to study systematically the attenuation anisotropy in the near-surface crust. Based on our pervious SWS analysis (Liu et al. 2004), the horizontal shear wave can be separated clearly into fast and slow shear wave components. We can therefore estimate separately Q values for those two components of the split shear waves. The estimated results from the two employed data subsets using the two methods of section 3 are listed in Table 1. The obtained values of Q f for the fast shear wave range from 61 to 68, while the values of Qs for the slow shear component range from 43 to 52. The attenuation anisotropy ranges from 23% to 30%. The analysis assumes that the polarization directions are the same for the sections above and below the borehole station. As discussed in Liu et al. (2004), there is probably a 6 degree difference between the polarization directions for these two sections. 58 However, we found that such small vertical variation of polarization direction can change the estimated Q value only by 1 - 3, which is much smaller than the uncertainties of the estimated results. Because of attenuation anisotropy, the amplitude decays differently for different polarization directions. We calculate the amplitude ratios, defined as the ratio of peak to trough amplitude, between the direct and reflected waves in the time domain. The results for both the fast and slow shear waves obtained from 156 events are shown in Figure 10. The distribution of the amplitude ratios for the fast shear waves peaks at around 0.65, while the distribution of the amplitude ratios for the slow waves peaks at around 0.55. 6 CONCLUSIONS Estimating the Q values from the direct and reflected seismic phases in downhole recordings has the advantage of using signals that have the same instrument and site responses. In addition, the analysis avoids the distortions and amplification due to the near-surface structure and the free surface, which can complicate the measurements of attenuation from surface seismic data. We estimate the Q values from a set of earthquake multiplets and 156 events with high-quality recordings using both the amplitude spectral ratio and a waveform fitting method. The estimated value for the fast shear wave component is Qf = 61 - 68, and the estimated value for the slow shear wave component is Qs = 43 - 52. The results reveal a substantial difference of attenuation between the fast and slow shear wave components and show a clear evidence of attenuation anisotropy in the near-surface structure. The observed attenuation anisotropy may be a manifestation of microcracks alignment and their response to in-situ stress, as is commonly assumed for the velocity anisotropy. An attenuation-related dispersion is clearly observed and it has a significant effect on the shapes of waveforms. The observed dispersion curves fit the theoretical logarithm dispersion equation well in the frequency range 4 - 15 Hz. The mechanisms 59 that result in additional attenuation for the slow shear wave appear not to contribute measurably to the body-wave dispersion. The observed strong attenuation anisotropy (23% - 30% in this study) along with attenuation-related dispersion is likely to characterize the near-surface structure in other locations. These effects can modify significantly the properties of observed shear-wave seismograms and should be taken into account in studies employing such data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Rick Aster, anonymous referee and Associated Editor Raul Madariaga for useful comments. The research was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant EAR-0124926) and the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (MOTC-CWB-93-E-06). 60 REFERENCES Aki, K. and Richards, P.G., 2002. Quantitative seismology, University Sciences Books. Aster, R.C. and Shearer, P.M., 1991. High-frequency borehole seismograms recorded in the San Jacinto fault zone, Southern California, Part 2. Attenuation and site effects, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 88, 1081-1100. Bath M., 1974. 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Elastic anisotropy due to aligned cracks in porous rock, Geophys. Prosp., 43, 805-829 Wu, F. T. and R-J Rau, 1998 Seismotectonics and Identification of Potential Seismic Source Zones in Taiwan, TAO, 9, 4, 739-754 Wuenschel, C. P., 1965, Dispersive body waves – an experimental study, Geophys., Vol. 15, 539-551. 62 Table 1. The estimated Q from two data sets using two methods Data 7 multiplets 156 events Method a b a b Qf 68 61 62 62 Qs 52 43 45 48 Attenuation 24% 30% 27% 23% anisotropy 63 Figure 1 : A location map for the study region with the Meishan fault (MSF), the Chelungpu fault (CLF) and the Chukou fault (CKF). Solid triangles indicate short-period seismic stations including a 200 m deep downhole station CHY. Solid stars represent the September 20, 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake and its two large aftershocks. Solid circles represent other small aftershocks recorded by the borehole station CHY. 64 Figure 2 : Photos of drill core samples from a hydro-geological well #200201G1 in the study area. The total depth of the well is 250 m and the depths of core samples are indicated in the figure. (From the Hydrogeology Data Bank, the Central Geological Survey of Taiwan.) 65 Figure 3 : Schematic geometry for the direct and surface-reflected waves in the borehole configuration. 66 Figure 4 : Stacked fast and slow components of horizontal shear waveforms for a set of 7 earthquake multiplets. The vertical shaded areas indicate portions of the seismograms used in the following attenuation and dispersion analyses, while the horizontal boxes mark portions used for background spectral analysis in Figure 5. 67 Figure 5 : (a) Amplitude spectra of the direct and reflected shear-wave phases and the background noise prior to and following the direct shear waves. (b) Amplitude spectral ratios versus frequency and linear fitting to equation (4) in the frequency range 2 – 15 Hz. 68 Figure 6: (a) Errors of fitting between the observed waveforms and the calculated waveforms by equation (9) with different trial values of Q . The minimum error values indicated by arrows correspond to the estimated comparison between Qf and Qs . (b) A observed waveforms and calculated ones using the estimated Q values. 69 Figure 7 : (a) Direct and reflected windowed phases of the fast and slow shear wave components for 156 recordings. (b) Amplitude spectral ratios versus frequency. The heavy solid lines represent the average values and their linear fitting to equation (4) in the frequency range 2 – 15 Hz give estimates of Qs . 70 Qf and Figure 8 : Distributions of Qf and Qs calculated with the waveform fitting method for 156 recordings. 71 Figure 9 : Distributions of the amplitude ratios between the reflected and direct waves in time domain for the fast and slow shear waves. The mean and standard deviation of the amplitude ratios are 0.65 and 0.10 for the fast component, while the corresponding values for the slow component are 0.55 and 0.08. 72 Paper 4 Development of Modern Seismic Monitoring in Taiwan and Progress on Earthquake Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Systems Ta-liang Teng1, Yih-Min Wu2, Tzay-Chyn Shin3, Yi-Ben Tsai4,William H. K. Lee1,5 and Chung Chi Liu6, Nai-Chi Hsiao2 1.University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (lteng@usc.edu) 2.National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 3. Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan 4. National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan 5. U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California 6. Institute of Earth Science, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Historical Remarks Seismic monitoring in Taiwan began in the 1897 with the installation of the first seismic station in Taipei, it was during the period of Japanese occupation. A small group of Milne-Ewing type 3-component instruments were later installed that formed the basis of the early 1900s version of a seismic network. After the WWII, this network, with some augmentation, became the Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN). With 17 stations by 1968, this seismic network was operated as part of the meteorological monitoring activities within the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). This early version of CWBSN has provided Taiwan seismological data mainly from 1900 to early 1970s and has sketched out the basic seismicity framework of Taiwan. In the interim, several damaging earthquakes occurred in the Chia-nan area and in Hsinchu. This early version of CWBSN has published regular seismic catalogs, as well as number 73 of valuable special volumes after damaging earthquakes (such as the 1935 Hsinchu Earthquake Report). Because of sparse population before the recent great economical development, earthquake damage in Taiwan was not too expensive, but sometimes the loss of lives was considerable because of substandard constructions. First Stage Taiwan Seismic Monitoring Development in 1968 In the late 1960s, Taiwan organized a Long-Term Scientific Development Commission, headed by the famed physicist Dr. Ta-You Wu. He was soon contacted by a group of newly graduated seismologists from the U.S., and with his strong encouragement, this group of scientists* was organized and drew up “A Long-Range Taiwan Earthquake Research Development and Implementation Plan”, which was approved swiftly and fund allocated by the National Science Council. Work progressed efficiently, a Special Task Force on Earthquakes (STFE or 地震專 案小組 ) was organized, TL Teng made several trips to Taiwan in 1969 to conduct a field site survey for possible quiet seismic stations. In Taiwan, Dr. SK Yiu assembled a group of young geophysics graduates (YT Yeh and YH Yeh, for examples) from the National Central University and established a local office to carry out day-to-day administrative work, in excellent coordination with the group in the U.S. (mainly FT Wu, TL Teng and WHK. Lee) where actual design and acquisition of modern seismic instrumentation system were being carried out. Dr. Yiu also recruited an excellent electrical engineering graduate CM Lo from the then Taipei Technical College, who was sent to the U.S. to work with the group there on the seismic network system design, data communication and recording technique, as well as all acquisition and testing of delivered equipment. A man of total dedication, he also assembled the complete seismic network system on the University of Southern California campus to make sure that all components performed according to specifications before packaging and shipping the entire system back to Taiwan. This part of preparatory work was very well done, making the system immediately operational as soon as it arrived and installed in Taiwan 74 in late 1972. By that time, this STFE group was temporally housed in borrowed space from the Institute of Oceanography of National Taiwan University in Taipei. A very able seismologist, Dr. YB Tsai, a fresh Ph.D. from MIT, was recruited to head the STFE group, who has since for more than a dozen years made major contributions in all aspects not only during the formative stage of the STFE, but also during the later development and expansion stage when the Institute of Earth Sciences was established in the Academia Sinica. Background of TTSN While in the late 1960s, the Caltech Seismological Laboratory as well as UC Berkeley and U.S. Geological Survey at Menlo Park, California were experimenting with analog seismic data telemetry, the STFE has examined their results and adopted the method of frequency division multiplexing (FDM) as its basic telemetry scheme, using 300 Hz – 3600 Hz commercial telephone circuit to transmit 7 signal channels with 250 Hz bandwidth each channel and 90 Hz guard band. Remember at that stage that, almost all seismic stations in the world were isolated single stations each with their own clocks and recordings, which used either smoke-paper recorders or photographic recorders. However, after WWII, radio time synchronization became available, making the correlation of travel times between stations much more accurate. Since the expected total quantity of seismic equipment need for Taiwan was small, STFE decided to out-source all equipment from the U.S. This job fell on the able hands of an engineer CM Lo mentioned before, with the expertise help from WHK Lee who was very rigorous in setting the instrument specifications and in examining the performance of the delivered items. At the same time, the STFE team in Taiwan, led by SK Yiu and later by YB Tsai, prepared the local infrastructure of field station sites and instrument housings as well as the application and installation of telephone data transmission links. In six months after the equipment arrival in Taiwan in late 1972, the TTSN was up and going for test runs. Formal operation, however, started in 1973. Early Taiwan Telemetered Seismic Network 75 The newly set up modern telemetered system was named Taiwan Telemetered Seismic Network (TTSN). It became fully operational in 1973 with published seismic catalogs. This represents a modern mode with telemetered seismic monitoring in Taiwan. The timing error was reduced to milliseconds level. Regularly published seismicity catalogs were part of its products. In late 1972, as the TTSN begun, it was at first composed of 6 stations. Later, it was expanded into16 stations in a year. It has substantially higher gain capable of detecting M > 2.5 events and gave location with adequate accuracy. Besides drum recording, develocorders, multiplexed large analog tape unit, and later digital computer were used as recording media, pretty much kept pace with the advance of technology in the world. An advanced SRO station was installed in 1976, with 3-component long-period instruments. By 1982, TTSN was further expanded into a 22-station seismic network. A refined seismicity pattern of Taiwan was soon emerged, regular seismic bulletins published, also published was an academic journal bimonthly containing scientific contributions of TTSN, then a unit in the newly established IES (see next section). Second Stage Seismic Monitoring Development The success of STFE, under the able directorship of YB Tsai, was making great progress. TTSN increased again to 25 stations by 1988. The STFE was approved to be organized into the future Institute of Earth Sciences (IES) of Academia Sinica by 1976, with substantially broaden scientific scope. In the mean time, Dr. TC Shin joined the Central Weather Bureau in mid 1988 and continued to upgrade CWBSN into a network employing all digital operations based on a Teledyne/Geotech system, utlizing matched 3-comp S-13 short-period seismometers for all its stations. Digital telemetry (using 9600 baud rate telephone lines) and digital computer recording were employed. In 1989, CWBSN has added another 10 stations. By 1990, because of the primary function of IES was fundamental research, the daily operation of TTSN was thus integrated into CWBSN, forming a single and much more complete digital seismic 76 network. The augmented CWBSN also established a real-time data line transmitting all signals to IES as a backup recording site. The new CWBSN has a total 65-station - an all-digita telemetered, 3-component, high-gain short-period seismic network. This network is the backbone of Taiwan seismicity database from then on (Figures 4 and 5). Auxiliary Developments During the period of 1970 -1980, several related developments deserve mention, all having contributed to the seismic monitoring effort in Taiwan, some for special purposes: 1. The SMART-1 strong-motion array in the Lanyang Plain. 2. The SMART-2 strong-motion array in the Hualien area. 3. The WWSSN station ANPU at a saddle point in the Tatun volcano. 4. The first downhole Seismological Research Observatory (SRO) station TATO in the southern hillside of the Taipei basin. 5. Several large-scale portable network deployments, such as Panda Arrays, a collaborative work with Dr. JM Chiu of Memphis University in the U.S.. A Major Undertaking of TSMIP In 1989, Taiwan was undertaking a number of large-scale infrastructure construction projects (Six-Year Large Construction Program). YB Tsai proposed jointly with TL Teng to Dr. CY Tsai, then Director of CWB, an ambitious Taiwan Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program, later becomes the world well-known TSMIP. TSMIP consists of modern digital strong-motion instruments with large digital memory and absolute timing, some also with telemetry capability. By-and-large, the stringent specifications of TSMIP instrument followed closely with WHK Lee’s untiring effort, who was mainly in charge of the TSMIP basic instrument specifications and software development. Much of the TSMIP specifications developed by WHK Lee 77 were leading the world seismic equipment industry, and become the standard specifications of present-day strong-motion instruments. TSMIP consists of two principal parts: 1. 700 free-field strong-motion instruments, deployed with more concentration in metropolitan areas of Taiwan (Figure 3). A portion of the instruments have digital telemetry capability. This dense set of stations allows snap shots of strong-motion wave propagation to be directly observed (Figures 6 -9). This has never been done before in the history of observational seismology. Figure 10 gives the distribution of TSMIP stations with site geology, and Figure 11 gives the corresponding site response spectrums. 2. More than 50 structure arrays, each with 30 data channels at each structure and recorded by two digital computers (one online and one offline) – another first in the world when most instrumented structures in the U.S., particularly in California, have only 9 data channels, and most of them are analog instruments then. Real-Time Seismology A very important decision made in early stage of TSMIP was to make all telemetered CWBSN stations also equipped (or co-sited) with strong-motion instruments. Each CWBSN will then consist of (Figures 1 and 2): 1. 3-component, high-gain, short-period seismometers (Teledyne Geotech S-13) for routine seismic monitoring. 2. 3-component, low-gain, broadband, strong-motion instruments (with 1-2 g clipping level) for near-field recording with the foresight of future development of earthquake rapid reporting (RRS) and early warning (EWS) systems. EWS and RRS Developments in CWB 78 We report in the following the most recent progress on real-time seismic monitoring in Taiwan. Particularly on: 1. Earthquake rapid reporting (RRS) system, and 2. Earthquake early warning (EWS) system. These are developed at the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). This is done using the telemetered signals from strong-motion instruments in the free-field (clearly, all nearfield high-gain seismic stations would only give saturated square waves useless for waveform analysis). Taiwan today, leads the world in the development and operation of RRS and EWS for about five years. A good number publications in scientific journals have established this claim. Since a lot of papers have been published in these two subjects by scientists related to CWB and IES, we only give a brief list of these papers in the references section where interested readers can check the details. Only a brief account of the important and practical contributions are given below. For RRS The CWB can offer information about one minute after an earthquake occurrence and prediction of PGA and PGV distributions can be reported within two minutes. The empirical relationships between PGA, PGV and earthquake loss can also be determined about the same time. Thus, the system can achieve near real-time damage assessment in Taiwan for earthquake emergency response operations. A summary of its results shows: 2000/01-2003/11 reported 289 events Successful rate > 99% for ML>4.5 events Location difference < 10 km Magnitude difference < 0.2 Reporting time 58 +- 16 seconds For EWS 79 The CWB can achieve earthquake early reporting time about 23 sec. At the same time, research is devoted into more accurate determination of Mw, PGA, PGV, intensity, and damage potential of Taiwan in cases of future earthquakes. This will offer earthquake early warning for metropolitan areas located more than 75 km from the epicenter. A simple summary of its results shows: 23 seconds reporting time It possible gives early warning for metropolitan areas located more than one 75 km from the epicenter. Near-real time prediction of PGA, PGV, and strong-motion and damage potential in Taiwan. Additional Remarks: The CWBSN and the TSMIP networks have both stricken a gold mine in seismological data recovery as the consequence of the energetic earthquake sequence leading off by the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake. As of this writing, Taiwan holds the most important ( M > 7) strong-motion, near-field data, both in quality and in quantity, anywhere in the history of the earth. From these data, hundreds scientific papers, including an entire issue of the Bulletin of Seismological Society of America (2001, Volume 91, No. 5), have already been published that have substantially advanced the science of seismology. So, from a meager start in1897 to today, especially during the past 30 years, the seismological monitoring and network development in Taiwan have indeed come a long way and have made milestone contributions in observational seismology. Some Short Notes 1. We realized at the outset that the total instrument need in Taiwan is limited (say 1000 units). It was impractical to develop our own seismic instrument manufacturing facility. 80 2. We have developed very detailed and stringent instrumental specifications, and have enforced that any qualifying manufacturer must meet these specifications by subjecting its product to extensive shaking-table tests performed by WHK Lee. Through Lee’s untiring effort, he has very important contribution in the quality control of the TSMIP instrument program. 3. With CC Liu’s technical guidance and untiring effort of the CWB staff members under the leadership of TC Shin (now Deputy Director of CWB), installation of free-field instruments and structure arrays has successfully accomplished. Acknowledgements: Authors gratefully appreciate generous research supports from the Central Weather Bureau and National Science Council, without which the CWBSN, TSMIP and all related scientific work would not be possible. In the implementation of TSMIP, Dr. CY Tsai (then Director of CWB) had the foresight and wisdom to push the program to fruition. 81 Selected References in the past ten years: Wu, C.F., T. L.Teng, and T.C. Shin (1994) Taiwan Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program -- Building array system and data analysis for Min-Li Elementary School, Meteorological Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 3,151-164. Lee, W.H.K., T.C. Shin, and T.L. Teng (1996) Design and implementation of earthquake early warning system in Taiwan, Proc. 11th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Paper N0. 2133. Lee, W. H. K., T. C. Shin, and T. L. Teng, (1996). Design and implementation of earthquake early warning systems in Taiwan, Paper No. 2133, Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam. Teng, T.L., Y.M. Wu, T.C. Shin, Y.B. Tsai, and W.H.K. Lee (1997) Development on Earthqyake Rapid Reporting: One Minute after: Intensity Map, Epicenter, and Magnitude, 1997 Proceedings of Meteorology and Seismology, Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan, 781-792. Lee, W. H. K. and T. C. Shin (1997). Realtime seismic monitoring of buildings and bridges in Taiwan, in "Structural Health Monitoring" edited by F. K. Chang, p. 777-787, Technomic Pub. Co, Lancaster, PA. Wu, Y. M., Y. B. Tsai, and T. C. Shin (1997). Discrimination between earthquake and noise signals on strong motion records by artificial neural networks (in Chinese). Meteorol. Bull., 41, 235-245. Wu, Y. M., C.C. Chen, T.C. Shin, Y.B. Tsai, W.H.K. Lee, and T. L. Teng (1997). Taiwan Rapid Earthquake Information Release System, Seism. Res. Lett., 68, 931943 Teng, T.L., L. Wu, T.C. Shin, Y.B. Tsai, and W.H.K. Lee (1997) One Minute after: strong-motion map, effective epicenter, and effective magnitude, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., Vol. 87, No. 5,1209-1219. Wu, Y. M., T. C. Shin, and Y. B. Tsai (1998). Quick and reliable determination of magnitude for seismic early warning, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 88, 1254-1259. 82 Lee, W. H. K., T. C. Shin, K. W. Kuo, and K. C. Chen (1999). CWB Free-Field StrongMotion Data from the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake: Volume 1. Digital Acceleration Files on CD-ROM, Pre-Publication Version (December 6, 1999), Seismology Center, Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan. Wu, Y. M., J. K. Chung, T. C. Shin, N. C. Hsiao, Y. B. Tsai, W. H. K. Lee, and T. L. Teng (1999). Development of an integrated seismic early warning system in Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 10, 719-736. Chang, C. H., Y. M. Wu, T. C. Shin, and C. Y. Wang (2000). Relocating the 1999 ChiChi Earthquake, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 11, 581590. Shin, T. C., K. W. Kuo, W. H. K. Lee, T. L. Teng, and Y. B. Tsai (2000) A Preliminary Report on the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, 71, N0.1, 24 – 30. Wu, Y. M., W. H. K. Lee, C. C. Chen, T. C. Shin, T. L. Teng, and Y. B. Tsai (2000). Performance of the Taiwan Rapid Earthquake Information Release System (RTD) during the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake. Seismo. Res. Let., 71, 338-343. Shin, T. C. and T.L.Teng, (2001) An overview of 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquake, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 91, No. 5, 895-913. Wu, Y. M., T. C. Shin, and C. H. Chang (2001). Near Realtime Mapping of Peak Ground Acceleration and Peak Ground Velocity following a Strong Earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, 91, 1218-1228. Shin, T. C., F. T. Wu, J. K. Chung, R. Y. Chen, Y. M. Wu, C. S. Chang, T. L. Teng, (2001). Ground displacement around the fault of the September 20th, 1999, Chi-chi Taiwan earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1851-1654. Wu, Y. M. and T. L. Teng (2002). A virtual sub-network approach to earthquake early warning. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, 92, 2008-2018 Wu, Y. M., N. C. Hsiao, T. L. Teng, and T. C. Shin (2002). Near real-time seismic damage assessment of the rapid reporting system. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 13, 313-324. 83 Wu, Y. M., T. L. Teng, T. C. Shin, and N. C. Hsiao (2003). Relationship between peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and intensity in Taiwan. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 93, 386-396. Wu, Y. M., J. K. Chung, C. C. Chen, N. C. Hsiao, T. C. Shin, Y. B. Tsai, and K. W. Kuo (2003). On the establishment of an automatic earthquake information broadcast system in Taiwan, in “Early Warning Systems for Natural Disaster Reduction” edited by J. Zschau and A. N. Kuppers, p. 461-464, Springer, Berlin Shin, T. C., Y. B. Tsai, Y. T. Yeh, C. C. Liu, and Y. M. Wu (2003). Strong-Motion Instrumentation Programs in Taiwan, in "Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology" edited by W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, and P. C. Jennings, Academic Press, p. 1057-1602. Wu, Y. M., T. L. Teng, N. C. Hsiao, T. C. Shin, W. H. K. Lee and Y. B. Tsai, 2004: Progress on earthquake rapid reporting and early warning systems in Taiwan, in “IUGG Special Volume on Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion” edited by Y. T. Chen, G. F. Panza, Z. L. Wu, Seismological Press, Beijing, p. 457480. Wu, Y. M., N. C. Hsiao, and T. L. Teng (2004). Relationships between strong ground motion peak values and seismic loss during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake. Natural Hazards 32, 357-373. Wu, Y. M. and T. L. Teng (2004). Near Real-Time Magnitude Determination for Large Earthquakes. Accepted by Tectonophysics. Wu, Y. M. and H. Kanamori (2004). Experiment on an onsite early warning method for the Taiwan early warning system. Accepted by Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 84 Station Instrument A900 & S13 Figure 1 : Instruments of typical CWBSN station, a GPS receiver is shown on the top left. 85 Figure 2 : CWBSN Real-time Seismic Station Distribution: Weak motion (squares) 73 stations; Strong motion (triangles) 86 stations, most co-sited on the same pier with S-13 short-period instruments. 86 Figure 3 : Distribution of the TSMIP stations. Also shown are the mainshock and larger aftershocks of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. 87 Figure 4 : Seismicity of ML > 3 event in Taiwan between 1990- 1999. Stars show damage earthquakes. 88 Figure 5 : Distribution of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake sequence. 89 Figure 6 : TSMIP instrumental intensity map of the 1999 Chi-Chi mainshock. 90 Figure 7 : Four snap shots at 14 s, 20 s, 23 s and 24 s of observed strong-motion wave propagation of the 1999 Chi-Chi mainshock derived from the TSMIP instrument data. 91 Figure 8 : Four snap shots at 27 s, 32 s, 43 s and 44 s of observed strong-motion wave propagation of the 1999 Chi-Chi mainshock from the TSMIP instrument data 92 Figure 9 : A snap shot at 88 s, at a time the rupture process has long completed, of observed strong-motion wave propagation of the 1999 Chi-Chi mainshock derived from the TSMIP instrument data. It shows the long duration of basin (Taipei, Lanyang and Chia-Nan) reverberations. 93 Figure 10 : Distribution of TSMIP stations and their corresponding site classification. 94 Figure 11 : Response spectrums from TSMIP 1999 Chi-Chi data for four different site classifications. 95 Section B : Specifications and Evaluations of Strong-Motion instruments W. H. K. Lee November 11, 2004 Contents II. Instrument Specifications........................................................................................... 97 III. Instrument Evaluation .............................................................................................. 97 Appendix B1. 2004 CWB Specifications for Digital Earthquake Strong-motion Accelerographs ............................................................................................................... 98 Appendix B2. A Preliminary Evaluation of Technical Compliance Test of a Reftek Model 130-SMA/01 Accelerograph (S/N 9080; S/N 9164)......................................... 125 I. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 148 II. Software Development ............................................................................................ 148 III. Coherence Analysis of Multiple Co-Located, “24-bit” Strong-Motion Instruments ...................................................................................................................................... 149 References .................................................................................................................... 150 Appendix C1. Script Code for Coherence Analysis ..................................................... 151 Appendix C2. A Coherence Analysis of Data Recorded by Multiple Co-Located “24bit” Strong-Motion Instruments at the Hualien Seismic Station, Taiwan .................... 170 Abstract......................................................................................................................... 170 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 171 2. Recorded Earthquakes .............................................................................................. 176 3. Coherence Analysis .................................................................................................. 179 4. Comparisons of “24-bit” Strong-Motion Instruments .............................................. 180 4.1. Earthquake at 09:03 on April 3, 2004 (Event #1)...............................................181 4.2. Earthquake at 05:33 on April 9, 2004 (Event #2)...............................................182 4.3. Earthquake at 02:26 on April 23, 2004 (Event #3).............................................185 96 4.4. Earthquake at 02:27 on April 23, 2004 (Event #4).............................................190 4.5. Earthquake at 15:20 on April 24, 2004 (Event #5).............................................195 4.6. Earthquake at 19:26 on April 24, 2004 (Event #6).............................................199 4.7. Earthquake at 22:29 on April 24, 2004 (Event #7).............................................204 4.8. Earthquake at 14:28 on April 25, 2004 (Event #8).............................................209 4.9. Earthquake at 07:56 on May 1, 2004 (Event #9)................................................214 4.11. Earthquake at 20:06 on May 9, 2004 (Event #11)............................................219 4.12. Earthquake at 15:28 on May 13, 2004 (Event #12)..........................................224 4.13. Earthquake at 06:04 on May 16, 2004 (Event #13)..........................................229 4.14. Earthquake at 07:04 on May 19, 2004 (Event #14)..........................................234 4.15. Earthquake at 20:25 on May 22, 2004 (Event #15)..........................................239 4.16. Earthquake at 16:56 on June 2, 2004 (Event #16)............................................244 Discussions ................................................................................................................... 249 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 250 References .................................................................................................................... 250 I. Introduction Instrumentation specifications and evaluation were performed in 2004 in support of the CWB 2004 procurements of free-field digital accelerographs. II. Instrument Specifications In support of the CWB procurements in 2004, instrument specifications were written for 24-bit digital accelerographs. These specifications are given in Appendix B1. III. Instrument Evaluation I received the technical proposal submitted by the Refraction Technology for bidding the CWB 2004 digital accelerographs. A preliminary analysis of the Reftek’s technical proposal was sent to CWB on April 6, 2003 (see Appendix B2). 97 Appendix B1. 2004 CWB Specifications for Digital Earthquake Strong-motion Accelerographs January 1, 2004 I. Introduction In this fiscal year, CWB would like to purchase ___ 24-bit digital accelerographs. By 24-bit, we mean that a 24-bit A/D chip is used in digitizing the accelerometer signals and the accelerograph achieves 20 bits (120 dB dynamic range) or better in the overall system performance for seismic signals in the earthquake frequency band. II. Required Items For 2004, the following items are required: (1) ___ units of 24-bit digital earthquake strong-motion accelerographs. Each unit must be able to maintain absolute time to +/- 0.005 sec of UTC when a GPS timing device is connected to it, and is ready for Internet access from anywhere in the world when the unit is deployed in the field and is connected to the Internet. [See Section IV below for specifications). (2) ___ GPS timing devices (each with a 50-feet receiver cable) that can be used to connect to the accelerograph for maintaining absolute time to within +/- 0.005 sec of UTC at all times and to provide geographic location of the accelerograph. [See Item 11 of Sub-section 4 of Section IV]. (3) Recommended spare parts for Item (1) and (2) for three years operation, and a listing of their prices. [See Section V below]. (4) A training program for installation, operation, and maintenance of Item (1) and (2). [See Section VI]. 98 (5) The required accelerographs and GPS timing devices must carry 3 years' full warranty and maintenance service (see Note 5 below). NOTE 1: All bidders must arrange with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu (phone: 02-2-709-5603; fax: 02-3-707-3220) for the Internet access test (see Section IV.10) during the following time period: from _______________ to _______________. NOTE 2: A bidder must submit a report of the test results (including computer readable data files and the required software [see Section IV.6] on floppy disks or CD-ROM) in their proposal in support of their claims that the proposed model meets the CWB 2004 specifications (see Appendix 1). [See Note 6 for exemption]. NOTE 3: A bidder must submit the proposed model for test at the CWB Headquarters and at the CWB Hualien Station for a field test during the following time period: from _______________ to _______________. Details are specified in Appendix 2. [See Note 7 for exemption]. NOTE 4: All delivered units from the awarded bidder will be subjected to performance acceptance tests as specified in Appendix 3. NOTE 5: Full warranty for three years after the final acceptance by CWB or its designated agent is required. This warranty must include parts and labor for fixing any breakdown of accelerographs and GPS timing devices under normal operating conditions in the field (i.e., anywhere in Taiwan) free of charge. Repair or replacement must be completed within 5 working days after notification by CWB, except if any replacement parts require importing from outside of Taiwan, an additional 10 working days will be granted by CWB if requested. NOTE 6: Accelerographs that were qualified in the CWB 2002 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs [Model K2 by Kinmetrics, and Model CV575C by Tokyo Sokushin] are exempted from requirements specified in Note 2 and Note 3 above. NOTE 7: If the bidder wins the bid with a new accelerograph, then the same tests as specified in Appendix 1 must be repeated and witnessed by a CWB appointed observer. 99 In this case, the bidder is required to give CWB a two-week advance notice for the time and place for the repeated testing. III. Technical Evaluation Each bidder is required to bid an accelerograph model that are in production and meet all the specifications listed below. The bidder should prepare in their bid proposal a clause by clause commentary indicating compliance with each specification. The bid proposal must contain a report of the technical tests as specified in Appendix 1. This technical test report must contain a written account of the technical tests (including the specs of the shaking table system used), and the recorded data files and the required software (see Section IV.6) on floppy disks or CD-ROM. The technical tests must be conducted in an appropriate test laboratory by the bidder at their own expenses. In addition, the bidder must submit their recorded data at the CWB Headquarters test and at the Hualien field test to CWB immediately after the tests, as specified in Appendix 2. As indicated in Note 6 in Section II, accelerographs that were qualified in the CWB 2002 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from the above test requirements. However, all bidders must arrange with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu for the Internet access test [see Section IV.10]. The CWB's Instrumentation Advisory Subcommittee will analyze all the recorded data files from the proposed accelerograph (and the reference unit if applicable) to determine if the new accelerograph meets the specifications. A bid of an accelerograph will be automatically rejected if its technical test report (with data files and required software [see Section IV.6] on floppy disks or CD-ROM for personal computers) is not included in the bid proposal, or if the bidder failed to provide the test data recorded at the CWB Headquarters and at the Hualien field test. In addition, the bidder of a new accelerograph must provide the specifications of the shaking table system used in the technical test (see Appendix 1). If the specifications do not meet the CWB required specs for the shaking table system, then the bid will be automatically disqualified. However, accelerographs that were qualified in the CWB 2002 bidding of the 24-bit 100 digital accelerographs are exempted from these requirements because these accelerographs had already been subjected to and passed the CWB 2002 tests before. Technical evaluation will be carried out in the following steps. (1) Technical evaluation will be based on the bidders' proposals, their technical test report (including using a shaking table system that meets the CWB specs), test data recorded at the CWB Headquarters and at the Hualien field test, the Internet access test, and their reputation with respect to customers' satisfaction of their accelerograph products. Any bidder whose accelerograph failed the Internet access test will be automatically disqualified, and any bidder who used a shaking table system that does not meet the CWB shaking table system specs will also be disqualified. (2) Based on results of the technical evaluation in (1), the CWB's Instrumentation Advisory Subcommittee will decide whether or not a given bid proposal is technically acceptable. NOTE 1: The exact bidding and instrument evaluation procedures are given in the Chinese version of the “CWB (2004) 24-bit Free-Field Accelerograph Specifications”. NOTE 2: Bidders whose accelerographs were qualified in the CWB 2002 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs [i.e., Model K2 by Kinmetrics, and Model CV575C by Tokyo Sokushin] are exempted from the above technical evaluation if they submitted the same 24-bit digital accelerographs. However, these accelerographs must be modified to include the Internet access capability, and must pass the Internet access test to be qualified in the CWB 2004 bidding. IV. Specifications for Earthquake Strong-Motion Accelerographs 1. General Features The accelerograph must be rugged, compact, weighing less than 25 kilograms, transportable over rough terrain by vehicle, and then capable of being installed and field calibrated with a minimum amount of adjustments. The accelerograph will be installed 101 in all types of environments and should be designed to withstand extremes of humidity, dust, and temperature, and to be waterproof [see 2.1(5) below]. After installation, the accelerograph shall remain in a standby condition until actuated manually for test purposes or triggered by ground motions satisfying the trigger criteria. After actuation, it shall record data for a prescribed time period, and return to the standby condition ready to record the next event without servicing or attention. The accelerograph must be designed for quick trouble-shooting by performing functional tests so that a technician can locate faulty component(s) or circuit board(s) under field conditions. A field installation site may be a simple instrument shelter in a remote region with extreme environment conditions. 2.System Operation The accelerograph is normally packaged in a single unit and consists of four components: the transducers (triaxial accelerometer), a solid-state digital recorder, a GPS receiver, and battery power supply. It must be capable of connecting by means of a user-supplied modem to telephone lines for remote interrogation and data downloading, and for Internet access of its recorded data files when it is connected to the Internet [see subsection 10 below]. The case enclosing the accelerograph shall be rugged enough to permit the accelerograph to operate after having typical non-structural, earthquake-caused debris, such as plaster, ceiling panels, light fixtures, falling on the unit from a height of 2.5 meters. The accelerograph must have handle(s) for ease of carrying and facility for leveling adjustment. If necessary, the triaxial accelerometer can be packaged separately from the recording unit. System operation shall be such that it will automatically start recording when the ground acceleration exceeds a preset triggering criterion. The trigger may actuate from any selected combination of the three transducer signals. A scheme for protected and externally visible indicator(s) must be provided to show the event status. The memory status must be displayed upon user's interrogation via a PC, and optionally by visible indicator(s). 102 2.1 System Characteristics (1) System Accuracy: A "static" system accuracy of +/- 0.03 g for any sensitive axis aligned with gravity from a tilt test is required, and a "dynamic" system accuracy of +/- 3% on a RMS basis at room temperature from a shaking table test is required. (2) System Response: nominally flat (+/- 3 dB) from DC to 50 Hz. (3) System Noise: The overall system noise must be less than the equivalent of 1 digital count of a 20-bit system on a RMS basis in the seismic frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. (4) Temperature Stability: Sensitivity change due to temperature effect must be less than +/- 0.06% per degree C for the operating temperature range (-10 degree C to 60 degree C). Similarly, zero-level change due to temperature effect must be less than +/- 0.06% per degree C. (5) Humidity and Waterproof: Must be able to handle high humidity (up to 100%), and must be waterproof according to the NEMA (US National Electrical Manufacturers Association) Standards Publication 250 for NEMA Type 6P enclosures (i.e., protection against the entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth), or the IEC standard IP67. (6) Auto-zeroing of DC level: If the accelerograph has the software feature of autozeroing of DC level, the user must be able to turn it off if necessary. (7) System DC-Level Drift in Field Operation: After removing the temperature effects (see Item 4 above), a daily drift of less than +/- 240 digital counts (of a 20-bit system) and a cumulative drift of less than +/- 720 digital counts (of a 20-bit system) over a period of 5 days are required in a typical field environment (for a 2g fullscale accelerograph when auto-zeroing of DC level is turned off). 2.2. Trigger Operation (1) Trigger Level: Selectable from 0.0001g to 0.1g of any one or more of the 3 accelerometer channels. 103 (2) Trigger Frequency Response: Triggering criterion is applied only in the frequency range from 0.1 to 12 Hz. The trigger filter's parameters must be given by the manufacturer. (3) Trigger Accuracy: Must be within +/-10% at 1% full-scale trigger level in the frequency range from 0.1 to 12 Hz. 3. Transducer Sub-Unit Orthogonally oriented, triaxial (two horizontal and one vertical) accelerometers must be mounted internally to the recording unit. (1) Type: Force-balance or force-feedback accelerometers. (2) Full scale: +/-2g standard. (3) Dynamic Range: at least 120 dB. (4) Frequency Response: nominally flat (+/- 3 dB) from DC to 50 Hz. (5) Damping between 0.6 and 0.7 critical damping. (6) Accuracy: The relationship between output signal and input acceleration is to be within +/- 1% of full scale for all frequencies from DC to 50 Hz at room temperature. (7) Cross-axis Sensitivity: 0.03 g/g maximum; 0.02 g/g desirable. (8) Output: Nominally +/- 2.5 volts full scale, or must match the input requirement of the recording unit. (9) Noise: less than 3 dB (on a RMS basis) with respect to a 120 dB system. (10) The unit itself or its transducer unit must have the facility for tilt testing. There must also be an adjustment so that each axis's zero-level may be reset to compensate for non-level mounting surface (< 2 degree ) by either one of the following methods: (i) by individual axis, or (ii) simultaneously on all three axes. A reference line indicating each sensor's orientation and polarity shall also be provided. (11) The unit itself or its transducer unit must have an indicator for leveling the transducer. (12) Calibration data (voltage per g and accurate to better than +/- 1%) for the three internal transducers must be provided with the accelerograph. 104 4.Digital Recording Sub-Unit The recording sub-unit shall record three channels with appropriate signal conditioning, A-D conversion, and solid-state memory. The retrieved digital data must contain sufficient coded information to enable proper and complete decoding of the data by the retrieval system using supplied program(s). The format of this recorded digital data shall be in a form suitable for rapid data reduction by modern computer methods and existing standard computer systems. Absolute timing to within +/- 5 msec of UTC must be maintained at all times by the accelerograph if the GPS timing device is used. In the event of losing the external GPS timing signal, the accelerograph must be capable of maintaining absolute timing with a drift of less than +/- 26 milliseconds per day. (1) Filtering: Anti-aliasing filter must be provided suitable for the maximum sampling rate (see item 3). (2) Analog Channel-to-Channel Sampling Skew: The channel-to-channel sampling must be completed within 10% of the sample rate in a known fixed manner so that corrections can be applied. (3) Sample Rate: 200 samples/sec/channel. (4) Pre-event Data Storage: 0-30 seconds, selectable in steps of 1 second by software. (5) Recording Type: Digital, solid-state memory and/or IC memory card. (6) Resolution: 20 bits or better. (7) Noise: less than 3 dB with respect to a 120 dB system (on a RMS basis) when the signal input is shorted. (8) Full Scale: Matching that of the output of the accelerometer. (9) Total Recording Capacity: At least 180 minutes of recording time at 200 samples per second for 3 channels. (10) Removable Recording Device: A removable recording device (e.g., a PC-standard removable memory card) of at least 20 megabytes must be provided for ease of data transfer to a PC for data processing. 105 (11) Absolute Time and Location: A GPS device is required to provide geographical location and absolute time to within +/- 0.005 sec of UTC at all the time by the accelerograph. Data acquisition must not be interrupted by GPS timing adjustments. In the event of losing the external GPS timing signal, the accelerograph must be capable of maintaining absolute timing with a drift of less than +/- 26 milliseconds per day. (12) Coded Information: In addition to the recorded acceleration data, all relevant instrument parameters are to be recorded in a header for each event. These items include (but are not limited to): (a) the instrument's serial number, (b) the day and time as synchronized by a servicing technician or as received from an external time code, and (c) coded indicators for any options (gain, etc.) that are preset at the factory, and would be required for processing the data. (13) IASPEI Software Compatibility: Recorded data must be either written directly in the PC-SUDS format, or a format conversion routine must be provided for conversion to the PC-SUDS format. The PC-SUDS format is required so that the recorded data are compatible with the IASPEI Software Library (jointly published by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America; see Sub-Section 6. “Required Software” below). (14) Post Event Shut Off Delay: The system shall continue to record for 10 to 60 seconds (selectable in steps), after the signal drops below the trigger level. (15) Facility for field calibration must be provided and described. (16) At least 2 serial ports must be provided: Port #1 provides direct or external modem (supplied by the user) communications for setup and/or download data; Port #2 is dedicated to realtime digitized data stream output as specified in Section VII. (17) Realtime digitized data stream in 16-bit data format: The system must be able to provide (on a dedicated serial port) a serial stream of digitized 3-component ground acceleration data at 50, 100, or 200 (user selectable) samples per second per channel for transmission by hardwire or a suitable modem (supplied by the user) 106 to a receiving station of the USGS Digital Telemetry System for realtime operation at all time. The digitized data at 50 or 100 samples per second per channel may be derived from decimation of the 200 sampling rate data. Suitable anti-aliasing filtering to 50 or 100 samples per second is required. A mating connector to the realtime digitized data stream must be provided (see Section VII below). Please note that the 16-bit realtime data stream format is required in order to be compatible with the existing CWB telemetry system. 5. Power Supply The accelerograph shall operate from an internal battery that can be charged either from solar cells or from an 110V +/- 20% AC power source. The accelerograph must meet the following requirements: (1) Internal Battery: 12 volt rechargeable, sufficient to operate the system on standby for a minimum of 36 hours with the GPS timing device (or for a minimum of 48 hours without the GPS timing device) and then record for 90 minutes without external power source for charging. (2) If the external power source for the accelerograph were cut off by more than 36 hours, then the accelerograph must be able to restart automatically and function properly after the external power source is restored. (3) Supplemental Power: The accelerograph shall be configured so that an auxiliary external 12 Vdc power source may be connected in such a way as to add to the Amp-hour capacity of the internal battery. (4) Because a rechargeable battery can create a safety hazard in a waterproof accelerograph as hydrogen gas can accumulate and cause an explosion, the accelerograph must have a safety device (e.g., breather valves) to guard against this safety hazard. 6. Required Software There are two main categories of required software. 107 (1) Instrument Firmware: The instrument's firmware program consists of the code (normally embedded in EPROMs) to perform the basic functions of recording and retrieval of earthquake records. Internal data recording format must be able to store 24-bit data samples and should be clearly described. Other important functions are event triggering and pre-event memory control. Also, the programs normally allow the user to examine and set the instrument's operating parameters, and perform important diagnostic functions. They should be upgradeable. In addition, a user must be able to select either the required 16-bit data stream output, or the manufacturer’s 24-bit data stream output of its internal recorded data. (2) External Support and Communications Programs: These programs must run on a typical personal computer (running under either Microsoft Windows or DOS), and provide the user interface to the instrument. They must support remote communications via telephone, including Internet access of the recorded data either via anonymous FTP or by the TCP/IP based software provided by the manufacture. They are also used to retrieve the data and display it. The display of earthquake records should be able to be accomplished with a minimum of processing. A stand-alone utility program to convert the 24-bit recorded data (if it is not written directly in the PC-SUDS format) to the standard PC-SUDS format for IASPEI software compatibility must be provided. IASPEI Software (executable code and source code) packages are published jointly by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America. They are available for sale from the Seismological Society of America, 201 Plaza Professional Building, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA (Phone: 1-510-5255474; Fax: 1-510-525-7204). 7. Interconnection with Other Identical Accelerographs The accelerograph shall be capable of being interconnected for common timing and common triggering with identical accelerographs. When interconnected, a trigger 108 signal from any one accelerograph shall cause simultaneous triggering in all interconnected accelerographs. 8. Ancillary Requirements A convenient means for system calibration and checkout shall be provided. The calibration of the total system for sensitivity shall be possible by a physical tilt test. Operability of the total system shall be possible by application of functional test voltages under software control which stimulate the accelerometer mass, permitting the determination of the damping and frequency response of the system. In addition, testing and data retrieval shall be performed with a typical personal computer (running under either Microsoft Windows or DOS). Remote interrogation shall be possible so that parameters of the data, including event count, battery voltages, amount of memory used, and accelerogram parameters (such as peak value and trigger-time) shall be available via telephone. A manual shall be provided with complete description in full detail of all operational characteristics and of all adjustments or options capable of being made in the factory, in the shop, and in the field. The manual must be sufficiently clearly written that a trained electronic technician in a shop along with the manufacturer's recommended test equipment could thoroughly test out every operating feature of the system and therefore be in a position to judge whether (1) repairs or adjustments are necessary to bring the system up to the required specifications or (2) a return to the factory is necessary. The manual must contain a complete and detailed description of the format of the recorded data. The factory calibration data for individual components, including those for the transducers, filters, and clocks, shall be provided. 9. Training and Support The seller must provide a training course at CWB, Taipei, Taiwan. The training program must provide sufficient instruction on the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of the accelerograph. The course must also include sufficient instruction on 109 the installation and operation of all provided software and timing systems. The maker must supply a copy of their course outline within one month after signing of the contract. 10. Internet Access Capability The proposed accelerograph must have the Internet access capability; i.e., when the unit is deployed in the field and is connected to the Internet, data recorded by the accelerograph must be accessible from anywhere on the Internet for downloading the recorded data files in near real time either via anonymous FTP or by the TCP/IP based software provided by the bidder. The test for the Internet access capability must be performed by all bidders with an arrangement with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu (phone: 02-2-7095603; fax: 02-3-707-3220) within the specified time period given above [see Note 1 of Section II]. A bidder must first set up the proposed accelerograph and connect it to the Internet at a site with telephone communication. He then arranges with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu to set up the necessary software (if necessary) in a PC at CWB that is connected to the Internet. When the bidder is happy with the connection (both Internet and telephone communication), he requests a formal test. Mr. Wu will then instruct the bidder to tell the person at the accelerograph site to start recording and to tap the accelerograph at certain time intervals to generate sudden “pulses”. The recorded file (typically 1 minute in length) should appear for download either via anonymous FTP or by the bidder’s TCP/IP based software in near real time (i.e., within 2 minutes after the recording ended). The downloaded file should be plotted by the bidder using his software to show that “pulses” did occur at the specific times given over the telephone. A bidder will be automatically disqualified if the trigger recorded data files can not be downloaded and shown to have the specified “pulses” after 3 formal requested trials. We realize that there can be Internet problems beyond the bidder’s control. Therefore, a bidder should check out everything at CWB first before requesting a formal test. V. Recommended Spare Parts for Three Years Operation 110 The bidder must quote the recommended spare parts with an itemized price list, valid and firm for one year after the contract is signed, needed for the 3-year operation of the delivered accelerographs. VI. Specifications for Training and Support CWB specifications for training at CWB have been given in Subsection 9 of Section IV above. The seller must provide the training free of charge as follows: On-site training of CWB staff (20 maximum) and demonstration of installation, operation, and maintenance for the accelerographs and related items in Taiwan are required during the period in which the Post Award Performance Acceptance Tests are conducted. VII. Specifications for Realtime Digital Data Stream Output in 16-bit Format The proposed accelerograph must have two user selectable realtime digital data stream output formats: (1) a 24-bit format with time tag as designed by the manufacturer, and (2) the 16-bit data format as specified below. Bidder must provide the 24-bit format in detail in the proposal. In order to be compatible with existing accelerographs in CWB, digital data are to be streamed out in packets immediately upon completion of a sample scan of all three channels by the accelerograph. The output rate is 50, 100, or 200 samples/channel/second (user selectable by either hardware jumpers or software commands) at 4800, 9600, or 19200 baud, respectively, and each sample packet consists of eight bytes with the following format: Byte No. 1 Description Sync character (user programmable) 111 2 Most significant byte (MSB) of first channel (16-bit) data 3 Least significant byte (LSB) of first channel (16-bit) data 4 Most significant byte (MSB) of second channel (16-bit) data 5 Least significant byte (LSB) of second channel (16-bit) data 6 Most significant byte (MSB) of third channel (16-bit) data 7 Least significant byte (LSB) of third channel (16-bit) data 8 Auxiliary data byte for timing and error checking This realtime digital data stream output must be 100% compatible with the USGS Realtime Digital Telemetry System when the XRTPDB program (published in the IASPEI Software Library Volume 1; See Sub-Section 6. “Required Software” of Section IV above) is used for realtime data acquisition of the accelerograph. NOTE 1: The Auxiliary data byte (8 bits) should be used as follows: (1) the 0th to 5th bit are used for parity error checking of the six data bytes, (2) the 6th bit may be used for message if necessary, and (3) the 7th bit may be used for timing if necessary. NOTE 2: The realtime digital stream output must not be interrupted when the accelerograph is performing its normal functions. NOTE 3: IASPEI Software (executable code and source code) packages are published jointly by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America. They are available for sale from the 112 Seismological Society of America, 201 Plaza Professional Building, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA (Phone: 1-510-525-5474; Fax: 1-510-525-7204). 113 Appendix 1. Technical Tests to be Conducted by a Bidder for a Proposed Accelerograph “Technical Tests” for a proposed accelerograph must be conducted in an appropriate laboratory by the bidder at their own expenses and must include the following tests. The shaking table system used for the Section 1 tests must be at or exceed the CWB specifications [see Note 1 below]. Otherwise, the bidder will be automatically disqualified. A report describing the “technical tests” and results must be included in the bidder's proposal. In addition, the recorded acceleration data, the recorded displacement data if applicable, and the required software [see Section IV.6] must be provided as computer readable files on floppy disks or CD-ROM for personal computers running under Microsoft Windows or DOS). Failure to submit the technical test report (including the specified data files on floppy disks or CD-ROM) with the bid proposal will lead to automatic rejection of the bidder's proposal. However, bidders whose proposed accelerographs had been qualified in the 2002 CWB bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from these required technical tests. 1. System Response to Vibration An accelerograph must be subjected to the shaking table tests using a proper shaking table system [see Note 1 below]. The accelerometers used to monitor the shake table (which must be separate from that in the accelerograph) may be used as the reference. The bidder must also record the time history of the shake-table displacement with a suitable displacement sensor (+/- 1% accuracy or better) for test (7) below. The recorded data must be submitted as computer readable files on floppy disks or CDROM, with software to convert the recorded files to the standard PC-SUD format. Input signals for the shake table are: 114 (1) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in x-direction, (2) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in y-direction, (3) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in z-direction, (4) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in x-direction, (5) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in y-direction, (6) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in z-direction, (7) 1 Hz, 3 mm displacement "steps" in one direction (with 25 msec to 30-msec rise time for “rounding” the step corners) for 60 seconds. 2. System Static Accuracy The static accuracy of an accelerograph can be determined by a tilt test of the accelerograph on a tilt table. A precision tilt table (with better than 0.1 degree tilt control) must be used. Data must be recorded for 60 seconds each for the following tilt angles: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, and 360 degrees, and submitted as computer readable files on floppy disks or CD-ROM. 3. Digitizer Performance A bidder may choose one of the following two choices for testing digitizer performance: either 3A. Sandia Test, or 3B. The CWB 2002 Test. 3A. Sandia Test Digitizer performance is to be tested according to the Modified Noise Power Ratio test as described in Sandia National Laboratories technical report SAND 94-0221, "Modified Noise Power Ratio Testing of High Resolution Digitizers", by T. S. McDonald, 1994. This report is available as SANDIA94.PDF from Mr. Chien-Fu Wu upon request. The test involves driving two identical digitizer channels with pseudo random, band limited, Gaussian noise and measuring the noise power ratio (NPR), defined as the ratio of the RMS input noise to the RMS non-coherent noise floor (both averaged over 115 the digitizer pass band). The resolution is estimated indirectly by comparing the NPR as a function of RMS input noise against ideal digitizers. Vendors are required to provide a plot of NPR in decibels versus loading factor in decibels compared with theoretical curves for ideal digitizers of varying dynamic ranges (i.e., number of bits). The loading factor is the ratio of the digitizer clip level to the RMS input noise. The NPR must be determined at RMS input levels between the RMS shorted input and clipping in 10 dB steps. Vendors are also required to provide a plot of shorted input power in decibels versus frequency and at least one plot of the phase of the non-coherent noise in degrees versus frequency. Both plots must including at least the frequency band 0 < f < 50 Hz. 3B. The CWB 2002 Test (1) Noise Test: The inputs to the digitizer are shorted and the system noise is recorded for 300 seconds by the accelerograph as a computer readable file and to be submitted with the report. The recorded system noise should be less than the equivalent of 1 digital count of a 20-bit system on a RMS basis in the frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. (2) Full-Scale Clip: A voltage calibrator is connected to the inputs and the full-scale clip level of the digitizer on each channel be recorded for 10 seconds each by the accelerograph as a computer readable file (to be submitted with the report). This allows the full-scale accuracy to be verified. (3) Filter Performance Verification: A swept sine is applied to the inputs of the digitizer to test the amplitude and phase response of the digitizer and be recorded for 60 seconds by the accelerograph as a computer readable file (to be submitted with the report). Accelerographs using over sampling techniques will demonstrate the performance of the DSP filter, while more classical digitizers will demonstrate the performance of the analog anti-aliasing filter. (4) Frequency Response Spot Tests: Apply a sine wave of very high spectral purity, record 60 seconds by the accelerograph as a computer readable file (to be submitted 116 with the report). CWB will examine the recorded data for noise that should not degrade a 20-bit system to less than 114-dB dynamic range. 4. Utility Software The manufacturers must provide utility software perform the following functions for their proposed accelerograph with their bid proposal: (1) Operate the unit and set the instrument parameters, including the timing system. (2) Retrieve data from the accelerograph. (3) Display the retrieved data. (4) If the accelerograph does not write data in the PC-SUDS format directly, then conversion software must be supplied to convert the data to the PC-SUDS format for test of IASPEI software compatibility. NOTE 1: The bidder must perform the test for “system response to vibration” using a proper shaking table system that must meet the following specifications: (1) The shaking table system must be able to carry the load of the 24-bit accelerograph to be tested plus the weight of all other monitoring sensors on the shake table, and must be capable of shaking up to +/- 0.2g at 1 Hz. (2) The shaking table system must be equipped with a reference 3-component accelerometer and at least one displacement gauge (e.g., a LVDT displacement transducer) along the active shaking axis to monitor the shake table motion. (3) The shaking table system must have a data logger of 24-bit resolution and capable of sampling at 200 samples per second. We recommend that the bidder uses another unit of the bid 24-bit accelerograph as the data logger to record the output of the reference accelerometer and displacement gauge. (4) The shaking table system must be capable of faithfully carrying out the 7 specified input signals as specified in Section 1 of this Appendix. 117 (5) The shaking table system must be able to faithfully record the time history of the displacement of the shake table using a proper displacement gauge with an accuracy of better than +/-1% for small displacements in the millimeter range. (6) The time history of the reference accelerometers and of the displacement gauge must be recorded with a data logger that is time synchronized with the accelerograph under test. If a 3-channel data logger is used for the reference 3-component accelerometer and the displacement gauge, the bidder may substitute one channel of the accelerometer output (in the direction that is not active in shaking) by the out put of the displacement gauge. (7) If a uni-axial shaking table system is used, then the accelerograph must be mounted so that every axis (i.e., x, y, or z) can be tested along the active axis in turn. (8) A detailed description of the shaking table systems used for the technical tests must be provided by the bidder in their technical report, including specs of major subsystems (i.e., the manufacturer, the model number, and its technical performance specifications). Failure to include this information will lead to automatic rejection of the bid. Please note that any bidder not using a proper shaking table system (i.e., whose performance does not meet the above CWB specifications) will be automatically disqualified. NOTE 2: IASPEI Software (executable code and source code) packages are published jointly by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America. They are available for sale from the Seismological Society of America, 201 Plaza Professional Building, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA (Phone: 1-510-525-5474; 118 Fax: 1-510-525-7204). Appendix 2. Test at the CWB Headquarters and at the CWB Hualien Station Bidder must contact CWB 10 days before the closing date for bidding to arrange a schedule for testing at the CWB Headquarters (64 Kung Yuan Road, Taipei), and at the CWB Hualien Station (24 ______ Street, Hualien). Bidder must transport the proposed accelerograph to the CWB Headquarters and to the CWB Hualien Station at their own expenses. All accelerograph operations must be conducted by the bidder, under monitoring by CWB. A copy of all the recorded data must be provided to CWB immediately after the test. However, bidders whose proposed accelerographs had been qualified in the CWB 2002 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from these required technical tests. I. Test at the CWB Headquarters (1 day): (1) Tilt table test: at tilt angles of 0, 30, 60, 90, 135, 180, 210, 270, 315, and 360 degrees. Record at least one minute when the accelerograph is at each tilt angle. (2) RTD (16-bit realtime data stream output) test: Bidder must provide a 2-meter or longer RS-232 output cable with a 25-pin connector for connecting to CWB’s realtime time system. Record at least 5 minutes with occasionally shaking of the accelerograph to simulate an earthquake. II. Test at the CWB Hualian Station (14 days): (1) The bidder must set up their proposed accelerograph with GPS timing on the seismic pier at the CWB Haulien station for a field test of approximately 14 days. (2) Continuous recording for at least 3 hours or until the memory is full. Provide a copy of the recorded data to CWB immediately. 119 (3) Set trigger level at 0.0005g for all 3 seismic channels, and set trigger recording whenever any one of the 3 seismic channels exceeds 0.0005g, with 30 seconds of pre-event and 30 seconds of post-event recording, and synchronize the accelerograph clock with GPS timing. Leave the accelerograph at the Hualien seismic pier for approximately 14 days, and provide a copy of the recorded data to CWB at the end of the test. 120 Appendix 3. Post Award Performance Acceptance Tests Criteria for Acceptance The basic question is: how does one know that an accelerograph is functioning properly and meets the technical specifications? By shaking an accelerograph on a shake table, one can find out if it is functioning correctly and by analyzing the recorded data, one can determine if it meets the important technical specifications. Tests for All Accelerographs If any accelerographs fail to meet any one of the following tests, besides any applicable penalty clause in the contract, it will be returned to the supplier for repair or replacement until it passes all the tests. 1. Visual Inspection All accelerographs will be visually inspected for damage and other imperfections: (i) Verify that there is no damage to the case, with particular attention to the connectors and latches; (ii) Generally inspect the visible portions of the accelerograph for evidence of damage; and (iii) Verify that all items on the packing list are included in the shipment. An acceptable unit must not have any obvious imperfections. Report any damage or discrepancies to the supplier's representative. Make notes of any damage during shipment for use in preparing possible claims against the shipping carrier. 2. Power/Charger Test Each accelerograph will be connected to its AC power charger and allowed to charge the internal backup battery for a period of 24 hours with the accelerograph turned off. 121 After the charging period, the accelerograph will be turned off and its battery cable disconnected. For an acceptable unit, its open circuit voltage should be 12.9 Vdc +/- 1.3 V at 24 hours later. 3. Tilt Test The accelerograph to be tested will be mounted flat on a precision tilt table, and the accelerograph will be tilted to various angles. An error of not more than +/- 0.03 g for the sensitive axis aligned with gravity is required. An additional error of +/- 0.03 g is allowed for cross-axis effects if applicable. 4.Shake Table Test All accelerographs (after charging 24 hours) will be placed on a shake table for shaking tests. The CWB shake table can accommodate 1 accelerograph at a time and shake along one horizontal direction. Input signals for the shake table are: (1) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds, (2) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds, and (3) 1 Hz, 3 mm rounded displacement "steps" (with 25 msec to 30 msec rise time). An acceptable accelerograph must be able to record all the input test signals, and must record a time history for any test signal that is within +/- 3% of the signal recorded by the reference accelerometer for the sine waves (on an RMS basis and adjusted for sampling time difference), and within +/- 10% of the displacement measured by the displacement gauge. III. Tests for Randomly Selected Accelerographs If any randomly selected accelerograph fails to meet any one of the following tests, besides any applicable penalty clause in the contract, the supplier is required to correct the problem(s) for all accelerographs. 1. Power Consumption 122 Three randomly selected accelerographs will be charged for 24 hours with the units turned OFF. The units will then be disconnected from their AC power chargers and placed in their acquisition mode. After being allowed to operate for a period of 48hours (with GPS timing device off) from the backup battery, the accelerographs will be triggered to record for 90 minutes. An acceptable accelerograph (with GPS timing device off) must be able to operate for 48 hours off the backup battery and then record for 90 minutes. Similar test may be performed on selected accelerographs with the GPS timing device. In this case, these accelerographs must be able to operate for 36 hours off the backup battery and then record for 90 minutes. 2. GPS Timing Three randomly selected accelerographs will be checked for GPS timing against an external UTC timing device for several times during a day according to the supplier's procedure. An acceptable accelerograph must be able to maintain time within +/-5 milliseconds of UTC at all the times. In the event of losing the external GPS timing signal, the accelerograph must be capable of maintaining absolute timing with a drift of less than +/- 26 milliseconds per day. 3. DC-Level Drift Three randomly selected accelerographs will be set up for DC-level drift test. The auto-zeroing feature will be turned off and data will be collected several times every day for 5 days in an outdoor environment. After temperature effects are removed, an acceptable accelerograph must have an average DC-level drift (with respect to a 20-bit system) of less than +/- 240 counts per day and a cumulative drift of less than +/- 720 digital counts over a period of 5 days in a typical field environment for the 2g full-scale accelerograph when auto-zeroing of DC level is turned off. 4. Trigger Level 123 Three randomly selected accelerographs will be placed on the CWB's small shake table. Verify that the trigger level is within +/-10% of the technical specifications. 5. Interconnection The supplier will demonstrate that data can be download via direct wire and telephone/modem (supplied by the user) connection, and that the software performs as specified in the technical specifications. 6. Recording Sub-Unit Noise The technical specifications for the recording sub-unit call for “noise less than 3 dB with respect to a 120 dB system (on a RMS basis) when the signal input is shorted”. To test this requirement, three randomly selected accelerographs will be subjected to the following test. By disconnecting the sensors from the analog input board and shorting the input pins together, the noise of the recording unit will be recorded for 10 minutes. The noise should be less than 1 LSB as measured on a RMS basis in the frequency range 0.01 to 50 Hz for a 20-bit system. 7. Other Tests CWB may choose to perform additional tests for some randomly selected accelerographs to verify that the units meet the technical specifications. 124 Appendix B2. A Preliminary Evaluation of Technical Compliance Test of a Reftek Model 130-SMA/01 Accelerograph (S/N 9080; S/N 9164) by W. H. K. Lee Submitted to the CWB Instrumentation Committee March 29, 2004 125 1. Introduction This evaluation report summarizes a preliminary analysis of the data obtained in a technical compliance test conducted on a Reftek model 130-SMA/01 accelerograph (S/N 9080; S/N 9164). A technical report was submitted to CWB by Datatek, Inc., Reftek’s representative in Taiwan. It contains a description of the technical tests conducted by the bidder according to the “2004 CWB Specifications for 24-bit Digital Earthquake StrongMotion Accelerographs”, with data files and software given on a CD-ROM, as well as some results with plots. Due to time limitation, I concentrated on analysis of two sets of data: (1) the shake table tests conducted on the S/N 9080 unit at the ANCO Engineers, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA, and (2) the tilt table tests conducted on the S/N 9164 unit at the CWB Headquarters, Taipei, Taiwan. 2. Shake Table Tests According to the ANCO report given in the technical report submitted by the bidder, shake table tests were conducted on the ANCO R-1 vector biaxial hydraulic shake table with the following characteristics: Maximum load: 1500 pounds Table size: 24 inches by 24 inches Maximum displacement: ± 5 inches Maximum velocity: 30 inches/sec Maximum acceleration: Up to 2 g; ±0.5 g at 1 Hz. The R-1 tabletop motion is guided by high-precision, linear bearings and is controlled by a Shore-Western analog servo-controller. For the vibration tests of the Reftek accelerograph, the shake table was oriented for single axis, horizontal motion. Motion on the shaking table is monitored by three Dytran accelerometers and a Celesco 126 displacement transducer. These reference sensors were recorded on a separate Reftek accelerograph unit (S/N 9180). A total of 7 shaking tests were conducted (1 Hz and 10 Hz sine waves along the X-, Y-, and Z-component, respectively, and 1 Hz, 3mm displacement steps). Because the step displacement test was not clearly written in the CWB Specifications, a cumulative step-motion test was conducted for 60 seconds, instead of repeating the same 1-sec step for 60 times. Actually, a cumulative step test is more demanding on the accelerograph than a repeated step test. IASPEI Software (Lee, 1994a, b, c) were used in processing and analyzing the recorded data. In particular, the program SeisGram (Lomax, 1994) was used to compute and plot all the figures shown below. Since the shake motions are large, I analyzed the data for both 24-bit and 16-bit formats (the 16-bit files were created by truncating the least significant 8 bits). The results are essentially the same, and for plotting convenience, I will show the results from using the 16-bit files. Furthermore, I also used a totally different program written by Doug Dodge (based on the Livermore’s SAC software) to verify the result of a double integration of acceleration to displacement. 2.1. Shake Test with 1-Hz Sine Waves 1 Hz sine waves (amplitude of about 0.1 g) were used as input motions to the shake table. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the recorded data and their corresponding spectra of the Reftek accelerograph for the X-, Y-, and Z-component, respectively. Due to mechanical noises on the shake table and the fact that the frequency response of the accelerograph extends to 100 Hz (instead of 50 Hz), the 1Hz sine waves were not purely recorded. Nevertheless, the Reftek accelerograph recorded similar spectra as other accelerographs that CWB has purchased (see CWB Instrumentation Committee, 1993). 2.2. Shake Test with 10-Hz Sine Waves 127 10 Hz sine waves (amplitude of about 0.1 g) were used as input motions to the shak table. Figures 4, 5, and 6 show the recorded data and their corresponding spectra for the Reftek accelerograph for the X-, Y-, and Z-component, respectively. Due to mechanical noises on the shake table and the fact that the frequency response of the accelerograph extends to 100 Hz (instead of 50 Hz), the 1Hz sine waves were not purely recorded. Nevertheless, the Reftek accelerograph recorded similar spectra as other accelerographs that CWB has purchased (see CWB Instrumentation Committee, 1993). 128 Figure 1 : Recorded acceleration data and the corresponding FFT spectrum of the Reftek accelerograph under a 1-Hz sine-waves shake test along the X-component. 129 Figure 2 : Recorded acceleration data and the corresponding FFT spectrum of the Reftek accelerograph under a 1-Hz sine-waves shake test along the Y-component. 130 Figure 3 : Recorded acceleration data and the corresponding FFT spectrum of the Reftek accelerograph under a 1-Hz sine-waves shake test along the Z-component. 131 Figure 4 : Recorded acceleration data and the corresponding FFT spectrum of the Reftek accelerograph under a 10-Hz sine-waves shake test along the X-component. 132 Figure 5 : Recorded acceleration data and the corresponding FFT spectrum of the Reftek accelerograph under a 10-Hz sine-waves shake test along the Y-component. 133 Figure 6 : Recorded acceleration data and the corresponding FFT spectrum of the Reftek accelerograph under a 10-Hz sine-waves shake test along the Z-component. 134 2.3. Shake Test with a Cumulative 1-Hz 3 mm Steps 1-Hz 3 mm displacement steps was applied to the shake table horizontally (along the Y-component of the Reftek accelerograaph) cumulatively for 60 seconds. This cumulative step test is more demanding than a simple repeated 1-Hz step test for 60 times. Therefore, it is not surprising that a simple double integration (with just mean removal) of the recorded acceleration data does not produce the displacement steps adequately. After discussing this issue with John Evans and Doug Dodge, I applied a band-pass filtering to the recorded data with a very broad frequency band, from 0.001 Hz to 50 Hz. The filter used is a 4-pole Buttesworth filter available in the SeisGram program (Lomax, 1994). The top frame in Figure 7 shows a 2-second segment of the recorded acceleration (about 30 second after the test started). The second frame shows the filtered acceleration. The third frame shows the velocity obtained by a simple integration, and the fourth frame shows the displacement obtained by one more integration. Figure 8 shows a comparison between the displacement obtained by double integration (top frame) and the displacement recorded by the Celesco displacement transducer (recorded on Channel 4 of a separate Reftek unit S/N #9181) in the bottom frame. Although the time scale is the same for both frames, the displacement scales in these two plots are not identical. The reason is that I did not have enough time to convert the recorded data to the proper physical units. If I take the bit weight and sensitivity data given in the bidder’s report for Channel 3 (Y-axis) of Unit S/N 9081: 818x10^-9 volts/count, and 1.18 volts/g, then the displacement from double integration for the step is 3.02 mm. Similarly, for Channel 4 (Celesco displacement transducer) of Unit S/N 9181: 1.632x10-6 volts/count, and 1.06 inches/volt, I obtained 2.87 mm for the step displacement. Please note that the plots in Figure 8 are from the 16-bit files (i.e., the 16 most significant bits from the original 24bit files), so that there is multiplying factor of 2^8 = 256 for the digital counts. 135 The difference between these two displacement values is 0.15 mm, well within the 10% required. Figure 9 and 10 show the same results for a 10-second segment of the recorded acceleration as those shown in Figures 7 and 8. Please note that the double integrated displacement (bottom frame in Figure 9, and top frame in Figure 10) shows the step with increasing upward slope as time increases. A plausible explanation is that the horizontal motion of the shake table has some tilt. 136 Figure 7 : Recorded acceleration data and integration results of the Reftek accelerograph under a 1-Hz step displacement shake test for 2 seconds (see text for explanation). 137 Figure 8 : Comparison of displacement obtained by double integration of recorded acceleration for 2 seconds with direct displacement obtained by the displacement transducer (see text for explanation). 138 Figure 9 : Recorded acceleration data and integration results of the Reftek accelerograph under a 1-Hz step displacement shake test for 10 seconds (see text for explanation). 139 Figure 10 : Comparison of displacement obtained by double integration of recorded acceleration for 10 seconds with direct displacement obtained by the displacement transducer (see text for explanation). 140 3. Tile Table Tests Ten files were recorded for the tilt tests of a Reftek 24-bit accelerograph conducted at the CWB Headquarters. The original data files in Reftek format were converted to the PC-SUDS format by the program (REF2SUDS.EXE) supplied by Reftek. I then used the SGRAM program of Lomax (1994) to view and compute the average for each channel of the 10 data files. Normally, the entire record was used. However, five data files showed large disturbances in the early part of the record. Consequently, I selected a portion that is free of disturbances to compute the average. These selected data used are: Tilt_60.dmx: Starting at 07:38:35 for 20 seconds Tilt_90.dmx: Starting at 07:39:40 for 40 seconds Tilt_210.dmx: Starting at 07:44:30 for 30 seconds Tilt_270.dmx: Starting at 07:45:40 for 40 seconds Tilt_360.dmx: Starting at 07:49:10 for 20 seconds From the Reftek Report, the bit weight is 818x10^-9 Volts/Count, and from an email of Jared Raczka (dated March 25, 2004), the sensitivies are: Ch. 1 = 1.22 V/g Ch. 2 = 1.20 V/g Ch. 3 = 1.18 V/g From these data, I deduced the following conversion from digital counts recorded to g units: Ch. 1 (Z-component) 1 Count = 0.67049 micro g Ch. 2 (Y-component) 1 Count = 0.68167 micro g Ch. 3 (X-component) 1 Count = 0.69322 micro g The Reftek accelerograph was rotated with the x-axis as the active axis for tilt angles of 0, 30, 60, 90, 135, 180, 210, 270, 315, and 360 degrees in clockwise direction. 3.1. Analysis of Recorded Data for the Active X-component (Ch. 3) 141 The average accelerations recorded for Ch. 3 (X-component) are shown in the following table in digital counts (Column 2), and in g (Column 3). If the bias at 0 degree tilt angle is removed, the corrected accelerations are shown in Column 4. The expected accelerations from theoretical consideration for various tilt angles are given in Column 5. Finally, the differences between corrected accelerations and the expected accelerations are given in last column. Table 1. Acceleration of the Active X-component (Ch. 3) at Various Tilts ---------------------------------------------------------------------Tilt Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration Angle in Counts in g (degrees) (x10^6) corrected (g) expected (g) Difference (g) ---------------------------------------------------------------------0 +0.034957 +0.02423 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 30 -0.69722 -0.48333 -0.50756 -0.50000 -0.00756 60 -1.2341 -0.85550 -0.87973 -0.86603 -0.01053 90 -1.4299 -0.99124 -1.01547 -1.00000 -0.01547 135 -1.0027 -0.69509 -0.71932 -0.70711 -0.01221 180 +0.029418 +0.02039 -0.00384 0.00000 -0.00384 210 +0.75963 +0.52659 +0.50236 +0.50000 +0.00236 270 +1.4880 +1.03151 +1.00728 +1.00000 +0.00728 315 +1.0621 +0.73627 +0.71204 +0.70711 +0.00493 360 +0.031231 +0.02165 -0.00258 0.00000 -0.00258 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Analysis of Recorded Data for the Z-Component (Ch. 1) The average accelerations recorded for Ch. 1 (Z-component) are shown in the following table in digital counts (Column 2), and in g (Column 3). If the bias at 0 degree tilt angle is removed, the corrected accelerations are shown in Column 4. The 142 expected accelerations from theoretical consideration for various tilt angles are given in Column 5. Finally, the differences between corrected acclerations and the expected accelerations are given in last column. Table 2. Acceleration of the Z-component (Ch. 1) at Various Tilts ---------------------------------------------------------------------Tilt Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration Angle in Counts in g (degrees) (x10^6) corrected (g) expected (g) Difference (g) ---------------------------------------------------------------------0 +0.16566 +0.11107 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 30 -0.031090 -0.02085 -0.13192 -0.13397 +0.00205 60 -0.58035 -0.38912 -0.50019 -0.50000 -0.00019 90 -1.3287 -0.89088 -1.00195 -1.00000 -0.00195 135 -2.3948 -1.60569 -1.71676 -1.70711 -0.00965 180 -2.8458 -1.90808 -2.01915 -2.00000 -0.01915 210 -2.6464 -1.77438 -1.88545 -1.86602 -0.01943 270 -1.3459 -0.90241 -1.01348 -1.00000 -0.01348 315 -2.7887 -1.86980 -1.98087 -2.00000 +0.01913 360 +1.6571 +0.11111 +0.00004 0.00000 +0.00004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------3.3. Analysis of Recorded Data for the Y-Component (Ch. 2) The average accelerations recorded for Ch. 2 (Y-component) are shown in the following table in digital counts (Column 2), and in g (Column 3). If the bias at 0 degree tilt angle is removed, the corrected accelerations are shown in Column 4. The expected accelerations from theoretical consideration for various tilt angles are given in 143 Column 5. Finally, the differences between corrected accelerations and the expected accelerations are given in last column. Table 3. Acceleration of the Y-component (Ch. 2) at Various Tilts ---------------------------------------------------------------------Tilt Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration Angle in Counts in g (degrees) (x10^6) corrected (g) expected (g) Difference (g) ---------------------------------------------------------------------0 +0.004552 +0.00310 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 30 +0.004760 +0.00324 +0.00014 0.00000 +0.00014 60 +0.008876 +0.00605 +0.00295 0.00000 +0.00295 90 +0.015613 +0.01064 +0.00754 0.00000 +0.00754 135 +0.027242 +0.01857 +0.01547 0.00000 +0.01547 180 +0.033859 +0.02308 +0.01998 0.00000 +0.01998 210 +0.033380 +0.02275 +0.01965 0.00000 +0.01965 270 +0.022492 +0.01533 +0.01223 0.00000 +0.01223 315 +0.013223 +0.00901 +0.00591 0.00000 +0.00591 360 +0.006485 +0.00442 +0.00132 0.00000 +0.00132 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Conclusions and Recommendations The shake table tests show that the Reftek accelerograph meets the CWB specifications for vibrations. 144 A tilt test is perhaps the simplest test to find out the "static" accuracy of an accelerograph. Since the acceleration due to gravity is a constant at a given location, tilting an accelerograph along an active axis (e.g., X-component) will change its recorded acceleration according to the effect of gravity on that axis. Since the Zcomponent measures the vertical-component of gravity, tilting the X-component will also produce a known effect on the recorded acceleration of the Z-component. However, tilting the X-component should have no gravity effective on the Y-component, but will indicate the cross-axis error for the acceleration recorded by the Y-component. The CWB specs call for a static accuracy of +- 1% of the full scale, or +- 0.035 g for the submitted accelerograph for testing, which has a full scale of 3.5g. According to Tables 1, 2, and 3, if the bias at 0 degree tilt is removed, then the worse case for the active X-component is -0.015 g, for the Z-component is -0.019 g, and for the Ycomponent is +0.020 g. Therefore, the submitted accelerograph meets the CWB specs for the tilt test. To avoid confusion in the field, the bias at 0 degree tilt for all components should be removed by the accelerograph so that no corrections are needed for the recorded data. The manufacturer supplied the bit weights and sensitivities with only 3 significant figures or digits. Due to round-off errors, it is desirable to have these values given with 4 or 5 significant digits. If the bidder wins the bid, technical tests as given in Appendix 1 of the CWB specs must be repeated under an observer designated by CWB. Since the bidder did not submitted a test unit with a 2g full-scale (a 3.5g, DC-100 Hz unit instead), the bidder must repeat their tests with a 2g full-scale (DC-50 Hz) unit. Furthermore, the REF2SUDS program to convert the recorded data files to PC-SUDS requires some modifications so that some data fields are properly specified. I recommend that a revised Appendix 1 of the CWB specs, and a more detailed guideline for the PC-SUDS conversion program be prepared by the CWB Instrumentation Committee. If Reftek wins the bid, then CWB should request that the 145 technical tests be conducted according to the revised Appendix 1 and the REF2SUDS be modified according to the new guideline. References CWB Instrumentation Committee, (1993). A preliminary report on testing accelerographs and accelerometers (dated October 9, 1993), reproduced as Appendix 1 of the Annual Report to the Central Weather Bureau by T. L. Teng et al., CWB Seismology Center Report No. 7, 1994. Lee, W. H. K. (Editor), (1994a). “Realtime Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing”, IASPEI Software Library Volume 1, Second Edition, Seism. Soc. Am., El Cerrito, CA. Lee, W. H. K. (Editor), (1994b). “Plotting and Displaying Seismic Data”, IASPEI Software Library Volume 2, Second Edition, Seism. Soc. Am., El Cerrito, CA. Lee, W. H. K. (Editor), (1994c). “Digital Seismogram Analysis and Waveform Inversion”, IASPEI Software Library Volume 3, Updated Edition, Seism. Soc. Am., El Cerrito, CA. Lomax, A., (1994). User manual for SeisGram, IASPEI Software Library Volume 3 (Updated Edition), 13-80. 146 Section C. Strong-Motion Data Processing and Software Development Willie Lee and Doug Dodge Contents I. Introduction ................................................................................................................148 II. Software Development .............................................................................................148 III. Coherence Analysis of Multiple Co-Located, “24-bit” Strong-Motion Instruments .......................................................................................................................................149 References .....................................................................................................................150 Appendix C1. Script Code for Coherence Analysis ......................................................151 Appendix C2. A Coherence Analysis of Data Recorded by Multiple Co-Located “24bit” Strong-Motion Instruments at the Hualien Seismic Station, Taiwan .....................170 Abstract..........................................................................................................................170 1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................171 2. Recorded Earthquakes ...............................................................................................176 3. Coherence Analysis ...................................................................................................179 4. Comparisons of “24-bit” Strong-Motion Instruments ...............................................180 4.1. Earthquake at 09:03 on April 3, 2004 (Event #1)...............................................181 4.2. Earthquake at 05:33 on April 9, 2004 (Event #2)...............................................182 4.3. Earthquake at 02:26 on April 23, 2004 (Event #3).............................................185 4.4. Earthquake at 02:27 on April 23, 2004 (Event #4).............................................190 4.5. Earthquake at 15:20 on April 24, 2004 (Event #5).............................................195 4.6. Earthquake at 19:26 on April 24, 2004 (Event #6).............................................199 4.7. Earthquake at 22:29 on April 24, 2004 (Event #7).............................................204 4.8. Earthquake at 14:28 on April 25, 2004 (Event #8).............................................209 4.9. Earthquake at 07:56 on May 1, 2004 (Event #9)................................................214 4.11. Earthquake at 20:06 on May 9, 2004 (Event #11)............................................219 4.12. Earthquake at 15:28 on May 13, 2004 (Event #12)..........................................224 4.13. Earthquake at 06:04 on May 16, 2004 (Event #13)..........................................229 4.14. Earthquake at 07:04 on May 19, 2004 (Event #14)..........................................234 147 4.15. Earthquake at 20:25 on May 22, 2004 (Event #15)..........................................239 4.16. Earthquake at 16:56 on June 2, 2004 (Event #16)............................................244 Discussions ....................................................................................................................249 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................250 References .....................................................................................................................250 I. Introduction During 2004, we made slow but steady progress in systematic processing of the strong-motion data recorded by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The basic computer program for performing quality assurance, SmBrowser, has been described in the 2003 Annual Report (Dodge and Lee, 2004), and will not be repeated here. Enhancement has been made to SmBrowser to improve processing efficiency, and considerable efforts have been devoted to verify station coordinates, which is still now underway. II. Software Development A field test of multiple co-located strong-motion instruments was conducted in Hualien from the end of April 1 to June 3, 2004. To analyze the recorded the data, we developed some pre-processing software and application code for coherence analysis. In particular, computing the coherence function between two time-series signals was implemented, and over 1,000 correlation pairs had been computed for up to 16 earthquakes recorded by the six deployed instruments. A standard method to quantitatively compare two time-series signals, x(t) and y(t), where t is time, is to compute the coherence function between these two signals in the frequency domain. The magnitude squared coherence function, Cxy(f) is defined by: Cxy(f) = │Pxy(f) │2 ⁄ [Pxx(f) Pyy(f)] (1) where f is frequency; Pxy(f) is the cross spectral density (CSD) function of x(t) and y(t); and Pxx(f), and Pyy(f) are power spectral density (PSD) function of x(t) and y(t), respectively. The goal of computing power spectra is to describe the distribution over 148 frequency of the power contained in a signal, based on a finite set of sampled data. PSD function is actually a special case of CSD function when x(t) = y(t). The cross spectral density function is defined by: Pxy(ω) = Σ Rxy(m) exp(-iωm) (2) where the summation is over m, ω = 2πf /fs, fs is the sampling frequency, and Rxy(m) is the cross correlation sequence: Rxy(m) = E{x(n) y*(n+m)} (3) where E{·} is the expected value operator, and x(n) and y(n) are the discrete time series of x(t) and y(t), respectively. Fortunately, coherence analysis can be implemented by using the software package MATLAB with its Signal Processing Toolbox (Math Works Inc., 2000). In particular, we use “cohere(x,y)” to compute the magnitude squared coherence function (between two length n signal vectors x and y) as a function of frequency. The maximum frequency is 100 Hz because our data are sampled at 200 samples per second. The minimum frequency is limited by the length of the two sampled signals (i.e., the lesser length of the two). Readers are referred to MathWorks (2000) for more details. The script code for performing coherence analysis using MATLAB is given in Appendix C1. III. Coherence Analysis of Multiple Co-Located, “24-bit” StrongMotion Instruments Although strong-motion instruments had been deployed in the field for several decades around the world, we are not aware of any published reports of testing multiple co-located instruments in the field with the recorded earthquake data presented. Under the sponsorship of the Seismology Center of the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), six strong-motion instruments from four different manufacturers [two Geotech A900As, one Reftek (130-SMA/01), one Kinemetrics (K2), and two Tokyo-Sokushins (TS-575 and TS-G3)] had been deployed on the seismic pier (2 x 3 meters surface) at the Hualien Seismic Station (HWA) during a testing period from April 1 to June 3, 2004. We will 149 use “accelerograph” interchangeable with “strong-motion instrument” in this report, although the TS-G3 instrument is not an accelerograph. The TS-G3 instrument has a broadband velocity sensor that is capable of functioning up to 2g ground motions, and therefore, it is qualified to be called a strong-motion instrument. A total of 16 earthquakes were recorded during the test period by the permanent accelerograph at HWA (Model A900A by Geotech). Among these 16 earthquakes, the temporary A900A accelerograph recorded 13 (but it was not deployed until after the first 2 events had occurred), the K2 accelerograph recorded 15, the Reftek accelerograph recorded only the first two earthquakes (due to an operator error of not connecting to an AC power source, and was taken back after about a 2-week deployment). The two Tokyo-Sokushin instruments were not deployed until after the first two earthquakes had occurred, and recorded 13 and 14 of these earthquakes, respectively. We developed some pre-processing software and application scripts for coherence analysis using the MATLAB and its Signal Processing Toolbox (see section above). In particular, computing the coherence function between two time-series signals was implemented, and over 1,000 correlation pairs had been computed. A detailed report analyzing the “24-bit” strong-motion instruments is given in Appendix C2. Coherence plots from data recorded by various accelerographs are shown by earthquakes. The results indicate that these accelerographs performed not as 99% perfect (judging from their coherences between each other) as we would like, but not as bad as we might have feared. References Dodge, D. and W. Lee (2004). Strong-motion data processing and software development. In Annual Report to the Central Weather Bureau by T. L. Teng and W. H. K. Lee, CWB Seismology Center Report No. 35, p. 202-448, April, 2004. MathWorks (2000). User’s Guide of Signal Processing Toolbox for use with MATLAB. The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA. 150 Appendix C1. Script Code for Coherence Analysis The Matlab code in this file was used to produce the coherence plots shown in Appendix C2 of this report. It runs under Matlab 6.1 with the signal-processing toolbox. The code reads a driver file containing the names of waveform data files (in PC-SUDS format) for each instrument type organized by earthquake. For each earthquake, the code computes all-possible pairings of the available instruments, and for each pair produces a plot showing the overlapped seismograms channel-by-channel and the coherence function for each channel pairing. The output plots are output as encapsulated postscript files. This is the driving function. It reads a text file that contains for each earthquake to be used in the analysis, the origin time to the nearest minute and the file names of the recordings from each triggered instrument. For each earthquake all the data are read and accumulated into a cell array. After all the data have been accumulated, the plots are produced for the earthquake. function makeCorrelationPlots fid=fopen('correlation.driver.txt'); fgetl(fid); while 1 tline = fgetl(fid); if ~ischar(tline), break, end [token,remainder] = strtok( tline ); [EventTime,remainder] = strtok( remainder ); % For this event get all data from instruments that recorded the event... % This information goes into the 'Data' structure j = 0; 151 Data = {}; [remainder, data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, 'A900Perm' ); if ~isempty( data ) j = j + 1; Data{j} = data; end [remainder, data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, 'A900Temp' ); if ~isempty( data ) j = j + 1; Data{j} = data; end [remainder, data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, 'K2' ); if ~isempty( data ) j = j + 1; Data{j} = data; end [remainder, data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, 'Reftek' ); if ~isempty( data ) j = j + 1; Data{j} = data; end [remainder, data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, 'TS575' ); if ~isempty( data ) j = j + 1; Data{j} = data; end [remainder, data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, 'TSG3' ); if ~isempty( data ) j = j + 1; 152 Data{j} = data; end plotAllPairs( EventTime, Data ); end fclose(fid); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PlotAllPairs function produces a plot for each instrument against every other instrument with a recording in this dataset. function plotAllPairs( EventTime, Data ) N = length( Data ); for j = 1 : N - 1 for k = j + 1 : N PlotPair( EventTime, Data{j}, Data{k} ); end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function produces a plot for a single comparison of one instrument against another. The plot is constrained to use data from one second before the nominal P-arrival to 10 seconds after. All of the data meet this criterion, and it is a short enough time segment that the structure of the P- and S-coda are clearly visible. The two seismograms are cross correlated to find the best alignment. By aligning them it becomes easier to visually compare the two traces. Also, the coherence function degrades if the traces are misaligned by more than a few samples. Each component is plotted for the pair followed 153 by a plot that shows the coherence for all three components superimposed on one another. function PlotPair( EventTime, Data1, Data2 ) tStart = -1; tEnd = 10; clf set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0.5 0.5 7.5 10]); for j = 1 : 3 idx = getMatchingChannel( Data1{1}, Data2{1}, j ); [time1, trace1, flipped1, time2, trace2, flipped2] = getAlignedSeismograms( Data1, Data2, j, idx ); [time1, trace1, time2, trace2] = getWindowedSeismograms( time1, trace1, time2, trace2, tStart, tEnd ); hAxis(j) = subplot( 4,1,j ); plot(time1, trace1, 'g', time2, trace2, 'm-.') if j == 3 xlabel( 'Time relative to P-pick (s)') else set(gca,'XTickLabel',[]); end ylabel( 'Acceleration (cm/s^2)' ) hSeisLegend(j) = addLegend( Data1, Data2 ); addTitle( j, Data1, Data2, j, idx, flipped1, flipped2 ); 154 [F, cxy] = getCoherence( trace1, trace2, Data1{2}(j).Rate ); coherenceData(j).freq = F; coherenceData(j).coherence = cxy; coherenceData(j).label = sprintf( 'Pair %d', j ); end hAxis(4) = subplot(4,1,4); plot( coherenceData(1).freq, coherenceData(1).coherence, 'r',coherenceData(2).freq, coherenceData(2).coherence, 'b--', coherenceData(3).freq, coherenceData(3).coherence, 'k-.' ); set(gca, 'xscale', 'log'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Coherence'); hCohLegend = legend( coherenceData(1).label, coherenceData(2).label, coherenceData(3).label ); title( 'Coherence (All Pairs)' ); hSupTitle = makeSuperTitle( EventTime, Data1, Data2 ); set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf,'position',get(gcf,'paperposition')) ymax = 0.9319; % puts top of top plot 1.25 inches from top of page. for j = 1 : 3 ymax = shiftSubplotPosition( hAxis(j), ymax, hSeisLegend(j) ); end setCoherencePosition( hAxis(4), ymax, hCohLegend) printPlot(EventTime, Data1, Data2 ) 155 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function renders the generated plot into a Postscript file names after the event and instrument pair. function printPlot(EventTime, Data1, Data2 ) EventTime(find(EventTime == '/')) = []; EventTime(find(EventTime == '-')) = []; EventTime(find(EventTime == ':')) = []; str = sprintf( 'print -depsc -tiff %s_to_%s_eq_%s', Data1{1}, Data2{1}, EventTime ); eval( str ); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function makes a super title for the pair plot. function hSupTitle = makeSuperTitle( EventTime, Data1, Data2 ) str = sprintf( 'Comparison of %s and %s For Earthquake (2004) %s', Data1{1}, Data2{1}, EventTime ); hSupTitle = suptitle( str ); set(hSupTitle, 'fontsize', 14); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function is part of the page-layout code. It places the coherence plot in the correct position on the printed page. function setCoherencePosition( hAxis, ymax, hCohLegend) pos = get(hAxis,'position'); 156 pos(4) = ymax - pos(2) - 0.0727; %0.8 inch spacing set(hAxis,'position', pos ); legendPos = get(hCohLegend,'position'); legendPos(2) = pos(2) + .01; legendPos(1) = pos(1) + 0.0182; set(hCohLegend,'position', legendPos); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function is part of the page layout code. It places each time-domain subplot in its correct position on the page. function ymax = shiftSubplotPosition( hAxis, ymax, hLegend ) pos = get(hAxis,'position'); pos(2) = ymax - pos(4) - 0.0182; %0.2 inch spacing set(hAxis,'position', pos ); legendPos = get(hLegend,'position'); legendPos(2) = pos(2) + .01; set(hLegend,'position', legendPos); ymax = pos(2); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function adds a legend to each component comparison plot. The legend associates each line style and color with the appropriate instrument name. function hLegend = addLegend( Data1, Data2 ) hLegend = legend(Data1{1}, Data2{1} ); axisPos = get(gca, 'position'); 157 legendPos = get(hLegend,'position'); legendPos(2) = axisPos(2) + .01; set(hLegend,'position', legendPos); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function windows out appropriate parts of each seismogram to be compared. function [time1, trace1, time2, trace2] = getWindowedSeismograms( time1, trace1, time2, trace2, tStart, tEnd ) idx11 = getIndex( time1, tStart); idx12 = getIndex( time1, tEnd ); idx21 = getIndex( time2, tStart); idx22 = getIndex( time2, tEnd ); time1 = time1(idx11:idx12); trace1 = trace1(idx11:idx12); time2 = time2(idx21:idx22); trace2 = trace2(idx21:idx22); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads in the pair of seismograms to be compared, aligning the retrieved traces on the P-wave arrival presumed to be set in the file. It then correlates the traces, and uses the correlation-derived shift to align the traces to the nearest sample. In some cases, a trace has to be flipped because of channel reversal, and that status is reported in the output. function [time1, trace1, flipped1, time2, getAlignedSeismograms( Data1, Data2, j, idx ) [ time1, trace1, flipped1 ] = getPlotData( Data1, j ); [ time2, trace2, flipped2 ] = getPlotData( Data2, idx ); 158 trace2, flipped2] = timeshift = getTimeshift( trace1, trace2, time1, time2, Data1{2}(j).Rate ); time2 = time2 + timeshift; %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function cross-correlates two traces to determine the best alignment. function timeshift = getTimeshift( trace1, trace2, time1, time2, rate ) [c,lags] = xcorr( trace1, trace2 ); [y,i] = max(c); timeshift = lags(i) / rate - (time2(1) - time1(1) ); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function cross-correlates two traces to determine the best alignment. function addTitle( pairNumber, Data1, Data2, j, idx, flipped1, flipped2 ) hTitle = title( getTitle( pairNumber, Data1, Data2, j, idx, flipped1, flipped2 ) ); set(hTitle,'units','normalized'); pos = get(hTitle,'position' ); pos(2) = .85; set(hTitle,'position',pos); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function produces a title string based on the contents of the Data structure arrays and indices into the structure arrays. function theTitle = getTitle( pairNumber, Data1, Data2, idx1, idx2, flipped1, flipped2 ) chan1Name = getChanName( Data1, idx1 ); 159 chan2Name = getChanName( Data2, idx2 ); if strcmp(flipped1, 'yes' ) flip1Text = ' (flipped)'; else flip1Text = ''; end if strcmp(flipped2, 'yes' ) flip2Text = ' (flipped)'; else flip2Text = ''; end theTitle = sprintf( 'Pair %d: %s chan (%d) (%s)%s, %s chan (%d) (%s)%s', pairNumber, Data1{1}, idx1, chan1Name, flip1Text, Data2{1}, idx2, chan2Name, flip2Text ); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function provides a channel name to be used in plot annotation. function chanName = getChanName( Data, idx ) if length( Data{3} ) < 3 chanName = 'Name not available'; elseif strcmp( Data{3}(idx).Chan, '_' ) chanName = 'Name not set'; else chanName = sprintf( 'Name = %s', Data{3}(idx).Chan ); 160 end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function extracts a time-series from a Data structure array. The time series is intended to be used as input to the plot function. function [ time, trace, flipped ] = getPlotData( Data, idx ) flipped = 'no'; trace = Data{2}(idx).Data; % Channels 2 and 3 for TS575 need to be flipped to be consistent with other instruments. if strcmp( Data{1}, 'TS575') & idx > 1 trace = -trace; flipped = 'yes'; end N = length( trace ); dt = 1 / Data{2}(idx).Rate; time = linspace(Data{2}(idx).Time, Data{2}(idx).Time + (N-1) * dt, N ) Data{5}.Time; time = time'; %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function returns the index of a particular time value from a time array. function idx = getIndex( timeArray, time ) idx = 1; [y,i] = min( abs( timeArray - time) ); idx = round(i); 161 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function computes the coherence between two aligned traces. It returns both a frequency and a coherence vector. function [F, cxy] = getCoherence( trace1, trace2, sampRate ) WindowLength = 256; [cxyraw, F] = cohere( trace1, trace2, WindowLength, sampRate ); cxy = smooth(cxyraw, 2 ); %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This function smooths the coherence vector. function c = smooth( c, ns ) % Applies a ns points smoothing operator to vector c M = length(c); for j = ns + 1 : M - ns c(j) = mean( c(j-ns:j+ns) ); end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function looks up the conversion factor between counts and ground-motion units by instrument name. function factor = getCountsToGmUnits( instname ) factor = 1; if strcmp( instname, 'A900Perm' ) | strcmp( instname, 'A900Temp' ) maxAcc = 1960; % cm/s^2 maxCounts = 2^15; 162 factor = maxAcc / maxCounts; elseif strcmp( instname, 'K2' ) maxAcc = 1960; % cm/s^2 maxCounts = 2^23; factor = maxAcc / maxCounts; elseif strcmp( instname, 'Reftek' ) bitWeight = 8.18e-7; % volts/count sensitivity = 1.2; % volts/g toCmSecSqrd = 980; %cm/s^2 per g factor = bitWeight / sensitivity * toCmSecSqrd; elseif strcmp( instname, 'TS575' ) maxAcc = 2000; % cm/s^2 maxCounts = 8192000; factor = maxAcc / maxCounts; elseif strcmp( instname, 'TSG3' ) maxVel = 200; % cm/sec maxCounts = 8192000; factor = maxVel / maxCounts; end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads a suds file assumed to have a P-pick set on one of the channels. It retrieves data from PrePSeconds before the pick extending for BufferLength seconds. function [data, samprate] = getDataBuffer( fname, PrePSeconds, BufferLength ) % Read the file (assumed to have a P-pick set, get the pick time and use that % to cut the file from PrePSeconds in front of P to a length of BufferLength. % If BufferLength points are not available, then buffer goes to end of traces. 163 [ waveforms, stations, origins, picks ] = readsuds(fname); picktime = picks.Time - waveforms(1).Time; samprate = waveforms(1).Rate; idx1 = round( picktime * samprate ) + 1; idx2 = round( (picktime + BufferLength ) * samprate ) + 1; [nchannels,m] = size( waveforms ); for l = 1 : nchannels D = waveforms(l).Data; D = D - mean(D); if idx2 > length(D) idx2 = length(D); end; tmp = D(idx1:idx2); data(:,l) = tmp; end function [remainder, Data] = getInstrumentData( remainder, label ) [filename,remainder] = strtok( remainder ); if ~strcmp( filename, '-' ) [ waveforms, stations, origins, picks ] = readsuds(['../' filename]); waveforms = convertToGmUnits( waveforms, label ); if strcmp(label, 'TSG3' ) waveforms = differentiateData( waveforms ); end Data = { label, waveforms, stations, origins, picks }; else 164 Data = {}; end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function is used to differentiate velocity data to acceleration. It estimates the derivative using a first-order difference. function waveforms = differentiateData( waveforms ) tmp = diff( waveforms(1).Data ) * waveforms(1).Rate; waveforms(1).Data = [tmp(1); tmp]; tmp = diff( waveforms(2).Data ) * waveforms(2).Rate; waveforms(2).Data = [tmp(2); tmp]; tmp = diff( waveforms(3).Data ) * waveforms(3).Rate; waveforms(3).Data = [tmp(3); tmp]; %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function converts the raw seismogram data for a single Suds file from counts to ground-motion units. In the process of the conversion, it also removes the mean from the traces. function waveforms = convertToGmUnits( waveforms, instname ) factor = getCountsToGmUnits( instname ); waveforms(1).Data = ( waveforms(1).Data - mean( waveforms(1).Data ) ) * factor; waveforms(2).Data = ( waveforms(2).Data - mean( waveforms(2).Data ) ) * factor; waveforms(3).Data = ( waveforms(3).Data - mean( waveforms(3).Data ) ) * factor; 165 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function is used to determine the correct channel match between two instruments. This step is necessary because the different instruments do not have a common standard for associating physical components with channels. function chan = getMatchingChannel( thisInstrument, thatInstrument, thisChan ) chan = -1; names = {'A900Perm', 'K2', 'Reftek', 'A900Temp', 'TS575', 'TSG3'}; identity = [1,1;2,2;3,3]; v{1,1} = identity; v{2,2} = identity; v{3,3} = identity; v{4,4} = identity; v{5,5} = identity; v{6,6} = identity; %A900Perm to K2 v{1,2} = [1,3;2,2;3,1]; v{2,1} = v{1,2}; %A900Perm to Reftek v{1,3} = [1,1;2,3;3,3]; v{3,1} = v{1,3}; %A900Perm to A900Temp v{1,4} = identity; v{4,1} = identity; 166 %A900Perm to TS575 v{1,5} = identity; v{5,1} = identity; %A900 Perm to TSG3 v{1,6} = identity; v{6,1} = identity; %K2 to Reftek v{2,3} = [1,2;2,3;3,1]; v{3,2} = v{2,3}; %K2 to A900Temp v{2,4} = [1,3;2,2;3,1]; v{4,2} = v{2,4}; %K2 to TS575 v{2,5} = [1,3;2,2;3,1]; v{5,2} = v{2,5}; %K2 to TSG3 v{2,6} = [1,3;2,2;3,1]; v{6,2} = v{2,6}; %Reftek to A900Temp ( equivalent to Reftek to A900Perm ) v{3,4} = v{1,3}; v{4,3} = v{3,4}; 167 %Reftek to TS575 v{3,5} = [1,2;2,3;3,2]; v{5,3} = v{3,5}; %Reftek to TSG3 v{3,6} = [1,1;2,3;3,2]; v{6,3} = v{3,6}; %A900Temp to TS575 v{4,5} = identity; v{5,4} = identity; %A900Temp to TSG3 v{4,6} = identity; v{6,4} = identity; %TS575 to TSG3 v{5,6} = identity; v{6,5} = identity; idx1 = getIndex( names, thisInstrument ); idx2 = getIndex( names, thatInstrument ); if idx1 > 0 & idx2 > 0 mapper = v{idx1, idx2 }; chan = mapper( thisChan, 2 ); end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168 This function is used by the previous channel-association function to get the index for a lookup into the association array. function idx = getIndex( names, thisName ) idx = -1; for j = 1 : length( names ) if strcmp(thisName, names{j} ) idx = j; return; end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169 Appendix C2. A Coherence Analysis of Data Recorded by Multiple Co-Located “24-bit” Strong-Motion Instruments at the Hualien Seismic Station, Taiwan Willie Lee, Chien-Fu Wu, and Chun-Chi Liu Nov. 14, 2004 Abstract Although strong-motion instruments had been deployed in the field for several decades around the world, we are not aware of any published reports of testing multiple co-located instruments in the field with the recorded earthquake data presented. Under the sponsorship of the Seismology Center of the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), six accelerographs from four different manufacturers [two Geotechs (A900A), one Reftek (130-SMA/01), one Kinemetrics (K2), and two Tokyo-Sokushins (TS-575 and TS-G3)] had been deployed on the seismic pier (2 x 3 meters surface) at the Hualien Seismic Station (HWA) during a testing period from April 1 to June 3, 2004. Since the two Geotech A900As are 16-bit instruments, we will not include them here in the analysis. The other four instruments are the so called “24-bit” type, because they use 24-bit A/D chips and record data in 24-bit integers. A total of 16 earthquakes were recorded during the test period by the permanent accelerograph at HWA (Model A900A by Geotech). Among these 16 earthquakes, the temporary A900A unit recorded 13 (but it was not deployed until after the first 2 events had occurred), the K2 accelerograph recorded 15, the Reftek accelerograph recorded only the first two earthquakes (due to an operator error and was taken back after about a 2-week deployment). The two Tokyo-Sokushin instruments were not deployed until after the first two earthquakes had occurred, and recorded 13 and 14 of these earthquakes, respectively. 170 We developed some pre-processing software and application scripts for coherence analysis using the MATLAB and its Signal Processing Toolbox (MathWorks, 2000). In particular, computing the coherence function between two time-series signals was implemented, and over 1,000 correlation pairs had been computed. In this report, we present the results of our coherence analysis on the data recorded by multiple co-located strong-motion instruments. Coherence plots from data recorded by various instruments for up to fifteen earthquakes are shown in this report. The results indicate that these strong-motion instruments performed not as 99% perfect (judging from their coherences between each other) as we would like, but not as bad as we might have feared. 1. Introduction Under the sponsorship of the Seismology Center of the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), six strong-motion instruments from four different manufacturers [two Geotechs (A900A), one Reftek (130-SMA/01), one Kinemetrics (K2), and two Tokyo-Sokushins (TS-575 and TS-G3)] had been deployed on the seismic pier (2 x 3 meters surface) at the Hualien Seismic Station (HWA) during a testing period from April 1 to June 3, 2004. We will use “accelerograph” interchangeable with “strong-motion instrument” in this report, although the TS-G3 instrument is not an accelerograph, strictly speaking. The TS-G3 instrument has a broadband velocity sensor that is capable of functioning up to 2g ground motions, and therefore, it is qualified to be called a strong-motion instrument. We will process the recorded velocity data by the TS-G3 instrument into acceleration data, so that they can be used for coherence analysis with the recorded data from the accelerographs. Although some comparisons of strong-motion instruments had been undertaken since the dawn of strong-motion seismology in the 1930s, we are not aware of any published results comparing earthquake data recorded by multiple instruments in the field. When the first digital strong-motion accelerograph appeared, Iwan et al. (1985) conducted laboratory tests on the background noise level of the instrument and compared the results with previously reported observations for the analog (optical) 171 instruments. For procurement purposes, testing multiple accelerographs (and sometime accelerometers) had been conducted by the CWB Instrumentation Committee on a few occasions in the laboratory, including using a shake table (e.g., CWB, 1994; 1997). Digital accelerographs from individual manufacturers had been tested annually (if necessary) for more than 10 years as an essential part of the CWB procurement procedure. In addition, new accelerographs submitted for bidding are required to be deployed in Hualien for a short period of time to see if the instruments can record earthquakes. However, the primary purpose of these tests is to ensure that the CWB specifications are met by the bidders, and over the years, a few accelerographs has been rejected for mostly failing the shake table tests. Due to tight procurement schedule and limited resources, we have not undertaken tests designed to compare the performance of co-located accelerographs in the field until recently. Such investigation is important in order to define the instrumental limits of field observations of strong earthquakes. Because of variations of component parts and manufacturing procedures, we do not expect two co-located (less than two meters apart) accelerographs (even of the same model) will record identical ground motions for the same earthquake. The question is how variable will the results be, and what is its impacts on the estimates of parameters of earthquake engineering interests. In early 2004, an invitation was sent to manufacturers requesting their voluntary participations of a field test of multiple accelerographs in Hualien. We are grateful that three manufacturers agreed: Kinemetrics, Reftek, and Tokyo-Sokushin. Furthermore, we are particularly interested in the new broadband velocity senor made by TokyoSokushin that is capable of functioning up to 2g ground motions. The Hualien Seismic Station already had a permanent accelerograph (an A900A accelerograph by Geotech). Also, an A900A accelerograph from a nearby school site had to be temporarily relocated (due to school remodeling) and was thus available for the comparison study. Figure 1 shows a photo and a location map of the instruments on the seismic pier of the Hualien Seismic Station. The seismic pier is about 2 by 3 meters in surface area, and the spatial separation between any two instruments varies from about 0.6 to 2 172 meters. The HWA site is chosen for reasons of logistics and of abundance of strong earthquakes occurring nearby. The Kinemetrics and the Reftek accelerographs were deployed at the end of March, 2004. However, due to shipping delay, the two TokyoSokushin instruments were deployed in mid-April. 173 Figure 1 : Instruments deployed on the seismic pier (2 by 3 meters) at the 入 口 Figure 1. A photo of the instruments on the seismic pier (2 by 3 meters) at the Hualien Seismic Station (HWA) is shown (top), and a map showing the instrument locations 174 with (x, y) coordinates in centimeters (bottom). This photo and map were made after the Reftek accelerograph was removed. The Reftek accelerograph was deployed between the A900-427 (A900A permanent) and the VSE-355G3 (Tokyo-Sokushin G3) instruments. Please note that the photo and the map are not oriented in the same direction. 175 2. Recorded Earthquakes After about 2 months, the recorded earthquakes by various strong-motion instruments are shown in Table 1. The permanent accelerograph at Hualien (a Geotech A900A accelerograph) recorded a total of 16 earthquakes from April 3 to June 2, ranging from local magnitude of 2.3 to 6.5, and epicentral distance of about 2 to 144 km. Moment magnitudes of these earthquakes are also given whenever available, and their values are smaller than the local magnitudes. The Reftek accelerograph recorded only the first two earthquakes. It appeared that due to an operator error, the instrument was not charged by the AC-DC converter, and the accelerograph was taken back by the manufacturer after a deployment of only about 2 weeks. The Kinemetrics K2 accelerograph recorded all but 1 of the earthquake. Event #10 is a very small earthquake and only the TS-G3 instrument recorded it besides the permanent A900A accelerograph. This may simply due to the setting of the trigger level. The Tokyo-Sokushin 575 accelerograph and a similar instrument with a G3 (broadband velocity sensor) recorded 13, and 14 earthquakes, respectively. Since these two instruments were deployed after the first two earthquakes had occurred, they recorded the same earthquakes as the Kinemetrics K2 accelerograph for the same time period. The TS-G3 instrument also recorded Event #10, probably due to a little more sensitive triggering level. The temporary A900A accelerograph did not join the other instruments until after the first two earthquakes had occurred. It also recorded the same set of earthquakes as the Kinemetrics K2 accelerograph and the two Tokyo-Sokushin instruments for the same time period. Table 1 summarizes the relevant information about the earthquakes recorded by these 6 instruments. The origin times (in Year, MMDD, Hr:Mn:Sec), hypocenter (Latitude in degrees N, Longitude in degrees E, and Depth in km), local magnitude (ML) are based mostly on the preliminary CWB Autoloc solutions. Mw values are taken 176 from the BATS moment tensor solutions by the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica. We then computed the epicentral distances (epdist in km). “Y” in Table 1 indicates that a data file is available. The strong-motion instruments are designated as: AP = A900A (permanent accelerograph at HWA). AT = A900A (temporary accelerograph at HWA). K2 = Kinemetrics K2 accelerograph at HWA. RK = Reftek 130-SMA/01 accelerograph at HWA. TS = Tokyo-Sokushin 575 accelerograph (accelerometer sensor) at HWA. G3 = Tokyo-Sokushin G3 instrument (broadband velocity sensor) at HWA. 177 Table 1. Summary of Earthquake Information and Available Data Files --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No Year MMDD Hr:Mn:Sec Lat_N Lon_E Dep ML/Mw epdist AP AT K2 RK TS G3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2004 0403 09:03:28.0 24.05 121.59 11.6 3.9/ 8.0 Y 2 2004 0409 05:33:38.3 24.10 121.53 23.5 4.8/4.0 15.6 Y Y Y Y Y 3 2004 0423 02:26:38.5 23.97 121.59 4.8 2.3/ 2.3 Y Y Y Y Y 4 2004 0423 02:27:34.6 23.97 121.58 4.0 2.5/ 3.2 Y Y Y Y Y 5 2004 0424 15:20:31.2 23.95 121.48 20.7 5.3/4.4 13.6 Y Y Y Y Y 6 2004 0424 19:26:02.7 23.96 121.46 15.2 /3.4 15.4 Y Y Y Y Y 7 2004 0424 22:29:01.8 23.96 121.48 16.2 /3.5 13.4 Y Y Y Y Y 8 2004 0425 14:28:35.4 23.95 121.46 14.2 3.3/ 9 2004 0501 07:56:13.3 24.08 121.52 17.8 15.6 Y Y Y Y Y /5.0 14.4 Y Y Y Y Y 10 2004 0509 07:46:07.8 23.97 121.60 6.5 2.5/ 1.5 Y Y 11 2004 0509 20:06:48.3 24.58 121.75 67.1 5.7/4.8 68.0 Y Y Y Y Y 12 2004 0513 15:28:47.4 24.05 121.51 18.9 4.6/3.7 12.8 Y Y Y Y Y 13 2004 0516 06:04:08.3 23.09 121.99 12.5 6.0/5.3 105.9 Y Y Y Y Y 14 2004 0519 07:04:12.0 22.70 121.39 8.7 6.5/6.0 143.5 Y Y Y Y Y 15 2004 0522 20:25:38.5 24.04 121.51 19.2 4.2/ 12.2 Y Y Y Y Y 16 2004 0602 16:56:28.8 23.64 121.33 9.7 5.2/4.5 47.2 Y Y Y Y Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178 3. Coherence Analysis A standard method to quantitatively compare two time-series signals, x(t) and y(t), where t is time, is to compute the coherence function between these two signals in the frequency domain. The magnitude squared coherence function, Cxy(f) is defined by: Cxy(f) = │Pxy(f) │2 ⁄ [Pxx(f) Pyy(f)] (1) where f is frequency; Pxy(f) is the cross spectral density (CSD) function of x(t) and y(t); and Pxx(f), and Pyy(f) are power spectral density (PSD) function of x(t) and y(t), respectively. The goal of computing power spectra is to describe the distribution over frequency of the power contained in a signal, based on a finite set of sampled data. PSD function is actually a special case of CSD function when x(t) = y(t). The cross spectral density function is defined by: Pxy(ω) = Σ Rxy(m) exp(-iωm) (2) where the summation is over m, ω = 2πf /fs, fs is the sampling frequency, and Rxy(m) is the cross correlation sequence: Rxy(m) = E{x(n) y*(n+m)} (3) where E{·} is the expected value operator, and x(n) and y(n) are the discrete time series of x(t) and y(t), respectively. Fortunately, coherence analysis can be implemented by using the software package MATLAB with its Signal Processing Toolbox. In particular, we use “cohere(x,y)” to compute the magnitude squared coherence function (between two length n signal vectors x and y) as a function of frequency. The maximum frequency is 100 Hz because our data are sampled at 200 samples per second. The minimum frequency is 179 limited by the length of our sampled signals. Readers are referred to the User’s Guide of Signal Processing Toolbox for use with MATLAB for more details (MathWorks, 2000). Since we have a total of 73 data files and each file has three components (vertical, north-south, and east-west), we have a total of 219 individual time series. Thus we can compute over 20,000 coherence functions from possible pairs of available time series. Since correlating between different earthquakes and between different components of the instruments are of secondary importance, we concentrated on comparing the same component between different instruments for the same earthquake. Even then, we have over 1,000 coherence functions to study. The A900A accelerographs (permanent and temporary) are 16-bit instruments, whereas the Kinemetrics, the Reftek and the two Tokyo-Sokushin instruments produce 24-bit data. Although these latter instruments do not have perfect 24-bit resolution from 0 to 50 Hz, we call them “24-bit” instruments because they use 24-bit analog-to-digital chips and record data in 24-bit integers. 4. Comparisons of “24-bit” Strong-Motion Instruments In this section, we will compare the “24-bit” strong-motion instruments, i.e., Kinemetrics K2, Reftek 130-SMA/01, Tokyo-Sokushin 575, and Tokyo-Sokushin G3 (with the broadband velocity sensor), earthquake by earthquake. Since the recorded data are labeled by channel numbers, and different manufacturers assign components to channels differently, we selected the proper component pairs and the components are noted in the figure captions. We have standardized the polarity in all the figures of this report. Please note that in all the plots, the order is by channel number of the first selected instrument and the corresponding components are labeled according to the legends shown. Since the first instrument is selected alphabetically, Kinemetrics K2 accelerograph becomes the first “24-bit” instrument chosen, the component order is East-West (EW), North-South (NS), and Vertical (V). However, when we compare TS180 575 and TS-G3, the component order is Vertical (V), North-South (NS), and East-West (EW). All the plots are in color, and therefore, do not show up well in black-and-white printing. This is not a serious problem for the coherence functions by components in superposition, because the curves can be distinguished by (1) solid, (2) dash, and (3) dash and dot, in addition to different colors. However, the waveform plots of the two instruments are superposed for each component. Although they are in two different colors, the superposition makes it difficult to distinguish, especially when the plot is compressed to the limited space within a page. They are included in the plots to show the data used for computing the coherence functions. In general, the earthquake waveforms from two co-located instruments appear to be nearly the same and hardly distinguishable from each other. Visual comparison of two signals is very subjective and consequently, we compute coherence functions for objective comparisons. 4.1. Earthquake at 09:03 on April 3, 2004 (Event #1) Event #1 is a very small earthquake located about 8 km from the accelerographs and has a local magnitude of 3.9, and no Mw value is available. Only 3 instruments were in operation: AP, K2, and RK, and all recorded it. Figure 2 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the Reftek accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded Reftek time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. For the NorthSouth component, the coherence is nearly perfect from about 0.8 Hz to 40 Hz. However, the coherence functions for the other two components are not that good for no obvious reasons. 181 4.2. Earthquake at 05:33 on April 9, 2004 (Event #2) Event #2 is a small earthquake located about 16 km from the accelerographs and has a local magnitude of 4.8, and Mw = 4.0. Only 3 instruments were in operation: AP, K2, and RK, and all recorded it. Figure 3 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the Reftek accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded Reftek time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. For the NorthSouth component, the coherence is nearly perfect from about 0.8 Hz to 40 Hz. However, the coherence functions for other two components are not that good, especially for the vertical component. Nevertheless, coherence is a little better in this case than in Event #1, probably because the earthquake is a little larger. 182 Comparison of K2 and Reftek For Earthquake (2004) 04030903 10 Acceleration (cm/s2) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), Reftek (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 K2 Reftek −10 10 Acceleration (cm/s2) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), Reftek (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 Reftek −10 10 Acceleration (cm/s2) Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), Reftek (Component = V) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 K2 Reftek 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 2 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and Reftek for Event #1. See text for explanations. 183 Comparison of K2 and Reftek For Earthquake (2004) 04090533 Acceleration (cm/s2) 40 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), Reftek (Component = EW) 20 0 −20 K2 Reftek Acceleration (cm/s2) −40 60 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), Reftek (Component = NS) 40 20 0 K2 Reftek −20 Acceleration (cm/s2) −40 20 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), Reftek (Component = V) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 K2 Reftek 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and Reftek for Event #2. See text for explanations. 184 4.3. Earthquake at 02:26 on April 23, 2004 (Event #3) Event #3 is a microearthquake located about 2 km from the accelerographs and has a local magnitude of 2.3 and no Mw estimate. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 4 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 28-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 5 Hz to 20 Hz. This earthquake is too small to have sufficient waves in longer periods, and thus, the coherence functions are fair to poor below 5 Hz. Figure 5 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 28-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the horizontal components from about 2 Hz to 10 Hz, and fair for the vertical component. The general the coherence in this case is not as good as the case between K2 and the TS-575 instrument. One possible explanation is that the TS-G3 instrument has a broadband velocity sensor, and the recorded data have to be differentiated numerically to yield acceleration data for comparison. See comment about the coherence of the vertical-component pair below. Figure 6 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions 185 between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 28-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 2 Hz to 20 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is rather poor. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 186 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 04230226 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 10 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 5 0 K2 TS575 −5 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 2 TS575 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 −2 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #3. See text for explanations. 187 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04230226 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 10 TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 K2 TSG3 −5 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 2 TSG3 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 −2 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #3. See text for explanations. 188 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04230226 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 2 TSG3 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 TS575 TSG3 −2 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 10 TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 TS575 TSG3 −5 −5 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 6 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #3. See text for explanations. 189 4.4. Earthquake at 02:27 on April 23, 2004 (Event #4) Event #4 is a microearthquake located about 3 km from the accelerographs and has a local magnitude of 2.5 and no Mw estimate. It occurred in less than one minute after Event #3. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 7 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 17-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 2 Hz to 30 Hz. The coherence results are better than that for Event #3, probably due to a smaller time window (17 vs 28 sec) of the available data for analysis. Figure 8 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 17-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 1 Hz to 10 Hz, but not as good as the coherence between K2 and the TS-575 instrument. One possible explanation is that the TS-G3 instrument has a broadband velocity sensor and the recorded data have to be differentiated numerically to yield acceleration data for comparison. Figure 9 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West, components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 17-second window of 190 the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 1 Hz to 20 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is poor beyond 10 Hz. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 191 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 04230227 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 6 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 4 2 0 K2 TS575 −2 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −4 4 TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 2 0 −2 K2 TS575 Acceleration (cm/s2) −4 1 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), TS575 (Component = V) 0.5 0 −0.5 K2 TS575 −1 −1.5 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time relative to P−pick (s) 12 14 16 18 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 7 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #4. See text for explanations. 192 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04230227 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 6 TSG3 (Component = EW) 4 2 0 K2 TSG3 −2 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −4 4 TSG3 (Component = NS) 2 0 −2 K2 TSG3 Acceleration (cm/s2) −4 1 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), TSG3 (Component = V) 0.5 0 −0.5 K2 TSG3 −1 −1.5 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time relative to P−pick (s) 12 14 16 18 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 8 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #4. See text for explanations. 193 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04230227 Acceleration (cm/s2) 1 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), TSG3 (Component = V) 0.5 0 −0.5 TS575 TSG3 −1 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −1.5 4 TSG3 (Component = NS) 2 0 −2 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −4 6 TSG3 (Component = EW) 4 2 0 TS575 TSG3 −2 −4 −5 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 9 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #4. See text for explanations. 194 4.5. Earthquake at 15:20 on April 24, 2004 (Event #5) Event #5 is a small earthquake located about 14 km from the accelerographs and has a local magnitude of 5.3 and Mw = 4.4. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 10 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 1 Hz to 30 Hz. Figure 11 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 1 Hz to 40 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is poor beyond 4 Hz. One possible explanation is that the One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 12 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 1 Hz to 40 Hz, but the coherence 195 for the vertical component is poor beyond 4 Hz. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 04241520 100 Acceleration (cm/s2) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 50 0 K2 TS575 −50 100 Acceleration (cm/s2) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 50 0 −50 K2 TS575 Acceleration (cm/s2) −100 40 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), TS575 (Component = V) 20 0 −20 −40 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 10 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #5. See text for explanations. 196 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04241520 100 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TSG3 (Component = EW) 50 0 K2 TSG3 −50 100 Acceleration (cm/s2) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 50 0 −50 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −100 40 TSG3 (Component = V) 20 0 −20 −40 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 11 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #5. See text for explanations. 197 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04241520 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 40 TSG3 (Component = V) 20 0 −20 TS575 TSG3 −40 100 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 50 0 −50 TS575 TSG3 −100 100 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = EW) 50 0 TS575 TSG3 −50 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 12 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #5. See text for explanations. 198 4.6. Earthquake at 19:26 on April 24, 2004 (Event #6) Event #6 is a very small earthquake located about 15 km from the accelerographs and has a moment magnitude of 3.4. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 13 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 4Hz to 50 Hz. Figure 14 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is very good for the two horizontal components from about 2 Hz to 30 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is fair to poor in the same frequency band. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 15 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 3 Hz to 30 Hz, but the coherence 199 for the vertical component is fair to poor in the same frequency band. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 200 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 04241925 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 5 TS575 (Component = V) 0 K2 TS575 −5 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 13 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #6. See text for explanations. 201 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04241925 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 14 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #6. See text for explanations. 202 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04241925 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 5 TSG3 (Component = V) 0 TS575 TSG3 −5 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 15 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #6. See text for explanations. 203 4.7. Earthquake at 22:29 on April 24, 2004 (Event #7) Event #7 is a very small earthquake located about 13 km from the accelerographs and has a moment magnitude of 3.5. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. This earthquake occurred very near Event #6, and has nearly the same moment magnitude. Figure 16 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 2 Hz to 40 Hz. Figure 17 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 2 Hz to 30 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is fair to poor in the same frequency band. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 18 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly 204 perfect for the two horizontal components from about 2 Hz to 30 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is fair to poor in the same frequency band. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 205 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 04242228 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 20 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 10 0 −10 K2 TS575 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 10 0 −10 K2 TS575 −20 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), TS575 (Component = V) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 16 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #7. See text for explanations. 206 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04242228 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 20 TSG3 (Component = EW) 10 0 −10 K2 TSG3 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TSG3 (Component = NS) 10 0 −10 K2 TSG3 −20 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), TSG3 (Component = V) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 17 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #7. See text for explanations. 207 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04242228 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), TSG3 (Component = V) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 20 TSG3 (Component = NS) 10 0 −10 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TSG3 (Component = EW) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 18 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #7. See text for explanations. 208 4.8. Earthquake at 14:28 on April 25, 2004 (Event #8) Event #8 is a very small earthquake located about 16 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 3.3 and no moment magnitude estimate. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. This earthquake occurred very near Event #6, and has nearly the same moment magnitude. Figure 19 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 28-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From about 5 Hz to 50 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components, and is very good for the vertical component. However, coherence of each of the component pairs is fair to poor below 5 Hz for no obvious reasons. Figure 20 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 28-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From about 5 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components, but is poor for the vertical component. Coherence of each of the component pairs is fair to poor below 5 Hz for no obvious reasons. Figure 21 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 28-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly 209 perfect for the two horizontal components from about 5 Hz to 30 Hz, but the coherence for the vertical component is poor in general. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 210 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 04251428 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 4 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 2 0 −2 K2 TS575 −4 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −6 5 TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 0 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −5 2 TS575 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 −2 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 19 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #8. See text for explanations. 211 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04251428 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 5 TSG3 (Component = EW) 0 K2 TSG3 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −5 5 TSG3 (Component = NS) 0 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −5 2 TSG3 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 −2 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 20 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #8. See text for explanations. 212 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 04251428 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 2 TSG3 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 TS575 TSG3 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −2 5 TSG3 (Component = NS) 0 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −5 5 TSG3 (Component = EW) 0 TS575 TSG3 −5 −5 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 21 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #8. See text for explanations. 213 4.9. Earthquake at 07:56 on May 1, 2004 (Event #9) Event #9 is a moderate size earthquake located about 14 km from the accelerographs. It has a moment magnitude of 5.0. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. This earthquake occurred very near Event #6, but is larger in magnitude by 1.6. Figure 22 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 0.8 Hz to 20 Hz. Figure 23 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components, but the coherence for the East-West component becomes poor beyond about 30 Hz. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 10 Hz, and becomes poor beyond 10 Hz. Figure 24 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 0.8 Hz to 40 Hz, but the 214 coherence for the vertical component is poorer in general in comparison with the coherence for the horizontal components. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 215 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 05010755 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 400 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 200 0 −200 K2 TS575 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −400 400 TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 200 0 −200 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −400 100 TS575 (Component = V) 50 0 −50 −100 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 22 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #9. See text for explanations. 216 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05010755 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 100 TSG3 (Component = V) 50 0 −50 TS575 TSG3 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −100 400 TSG3 (Component = NS) 200 0 −200 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −400 400 TSG3 (Component = EW) 200 0 −200 −400 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 23 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #9. See text for explanations. 217 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05010755 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 100 TSG3 (Component = V) 50 0 −50 TS575 TSG3 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −100 400 TSG3 (Component = NS) 200 0 −200 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −400 400 TSG3 (Component = EW) 200 0 −200 −400 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 24 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #9. See text for explanations. 218 4.10. Earthquake at 07:46 on May 9, 2004 (Event #10) Event #10 is a microearthquake located about 2 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 2.5. Although five instruments were in operation, but only AP and G3 recorded it, probably due to slightly more sensitive triggering. Since we do not have two “24-bit” instruments recorded this earthquake, no comparison can be made. 4.11. Earthquake at 20:06 on May 9, 2004 (Event #11) Event #11 is a moderate size earthquake located about 68 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 5.7 and a moment magnitude of 4.8. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 25 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is almost perfect for all three components from about 0.8 Hz to nearly 50 Hz, although there is a decrease in coherence for the vertical component around 30 Hz. Figure 26 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, fair to 20 Hz, and poor beyond. Figure 27 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 219 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 m apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 220 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 05092006 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TS575 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 25 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #11. See text for explanations. 221 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05092006 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 26 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #11. See text for explanations. 222 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05092006 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 TS575 TSG3 −4 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 27 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #11. See text for explanations. 223 4.12. Earthquake at 15:28 on May 13, 2004 (Event #12) Event #12 is a small earthquake located about 13 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 4.6 and a moment magnitude of 3.7. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 28 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 0.8 Hz to 40 Hz, although the coherence is a little poorer for the vertical component in comparison with the horizontal components. Figure 29 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 2 Hz, but becomes poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located over a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 30 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 224 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 2 Hz, but becomes poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 225 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 05131528 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 30 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 20 10 0 K2 TS575 −10 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 40 TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 20 0 −20 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −40 20 TS575 (Component = V) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 28 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #12. See text for explanations. 226 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05131528 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 40 TSG3 (Component = EW) 20 0 −20 K2 TSG3 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −40 40 TSG3 (Component = NS) 20 0 −20 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −40 20 TSG3 (Component = V) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 29 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #12. See text for explanations. 227 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05131528 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 20 TSG3 (Component = V) 10 0 −10 TS575 TSG3 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 40 TSG3 (Component = NS) 20 0 −20 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −40 40 TSG3 (Component = EW) 20 0 −20 −40 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 30 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #12. See text for explanations. 228 4.13. Earthquake at 06:04 on May 16, 2004 (Event #13) Event #13 is a moderate size earthquake located about 106 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 6.0 and a moment magnitude of 5.3. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 31 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 0.8 Hz to nearly 40 Hz, although the coherence is a little poorer for the vertical component in comparison with the horizontal components. Figure 32 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes fair and then poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located over a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 33 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of 229 the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. From 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes fair and then poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 230 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 05160604 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TS575 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 31 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #13. See text for explanations. 231 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05160604 15 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TSG3 (Component = EW) 10 5 0 K2 TSG3 −5 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 32 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #13. See text for explanations. 232 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05160604 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 TS575 TSG3 −4 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 −10 15 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = EW) 10 5 0 TS575 TSG3 −5 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 33 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #13. See text for explanations. 233 4.14. Earthquake at 07:04 on May 19, 2004 (Event #14) Event #14 is the largest event recorded during the test period. This earthquake is located about 144 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 6.5 and a moment magnitude of 6.0. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 34 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting as early as possible (this event was probably triggered late and because it is far away, it was not recorded in its entirety). Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz, although the coherence is a little poorer for the vertical component in comparison with the horizontal components. Figure 35 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from 0.8 Hz to 10 Hz, but becomes fair beyond. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes fair and then poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 36 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions 234 between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from 0.8 Hz to 10 Hz, but becomes fair beyond. Coherence for the vertical component is very good from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 235 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 05190704 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TS575 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 34 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #14. See text for explanations. 236 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05190704 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 −4 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 35 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #14. See text for explanations. 237 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05190704 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 4 TSG3 (Component = V) 2 0 −2 TS575 TSG3 −4 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 36 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #14. See text for explanations. 238 4.15. Earthquake at 20:25 on May 22, 2004 (Event #15) Event #15 is a small earthquake located about 12 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 4.2 and no moment magnitude estimate. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 37 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 30-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first Parrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 3 Hz to 40 Hz, although the coherence is a little poorer for the vertical component in comparison with the horizontal components. Figure 38 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 3 Hz to 30 Hz. Coherence for the vertical component is much poorer in comparison with that for the horizontal components. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 39 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of 239 the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from 2 Hz to 30 Hz. Coherence for the vertical component is poor in general. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 240 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 05222025 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 20 TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 10 0 −10 K2 TS575 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 10 0 −10 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TS575 (Component = V) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 K2 TS575 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 37 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #15. See text for explanations. 241 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05222025 Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 20 TSG3 (Component = EW) 10 0 −10 K2 TSG3 Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TSG3 (Component = NS) 10 0 −10 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TSG3 (Component = V) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 K2 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 38 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #15. See text for explanations. 242 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 05222025 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 20 TSG3 (Component = V) 10 0 −10 TS575 TSG3 Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TSG3 (Component = NS) 10 0 −10 TS575 TSG3 Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −20 20 TSG3 (Component = EW) 10 0 −10 −20 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 Time relative to P−pick (s) 20 25 30 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 39 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #15. See text for explanations. 243 4.16. Earthquake at 16:56 on June 2, 2004 (Event #16) Event #16 is a small earthquake located about 47 km from the accelerographs. It has a local magnitude of 5.2 and a moment magnitude of 4.5. Five instruments were in operation: AP, AT, K2, TS, and G3, and all recorded it. Figure 40 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-575 accelerographs. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-575 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 30-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for all three components from about 0.8 Hz to 40 Hz, although the coherence is a little poorer at 30 Hz for the vertical component in comparison with the horizontal components. Figure 41 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the East-West, North-South, and Vertical components of the K2 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded K2 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz. Coherence for the vertical component is almost perfect from 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes fair and then poor beyond. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located a little over one meter apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. Figure 42 shows the coherence functions between the recorded time series data of the Vertical, North-South, and East-West components of the TS-575 and the TS-G3 instruments. The top 3 frames shows the recorded TS-575 time series in green and the recorded TS-G3 time series in purple. The bottom frame shows the coherence functions between these three pairs of recorded time series. We selected a 31-second window of 244 the recorded data, starting just one second before the first P-arrival. Coherence is nearly perfect for the two horizontal components from about 0.8 Hz to 30 Hz. Coherence for the vertical component is almost perfect from about 0.8 Hz to 3 Hz, but becomes poor in higher frequencies. One possible explanation is that the two instruments were located about 1.3 meters apart on the seismic pier and the vertical component may be more sensitive to location on the seismic pier. 245 Comparison of K2 and TS575 For Earthquake (2004) 06021656 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped) 5 0 −5 K2 TS575 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 2 TS575 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 K2 TS575 −2 −3 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 40 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-575 for Event #16. See text for explanations. 246 Comparison of K2 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 06021656 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 1: K2 (Component = EW), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: K2 (Component = NS), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 K2 TSG3 Pair 3: K2 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) −10 2 TSG3 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 K2 TSG3 −2 −3 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = EW Component = NS Component = V 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 41 : Coherence functions between recorded data of K2 and TS-G3 for Event #16. See text for explanations. 247 Comparison of TS575 and TSG3 For Earthquake (2004) 06021656 Pair 1: TS575 (Component = V), 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) 2 TSG3 (Component = V) 1 0 −1 TS575 TSG3 −2 −3 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 2: TS575 (Component = NS) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = NS) 5 0 −5 TS575 TSG3 −10 10 2 Acceleration (cm/s ) Pair 3: TS575 (Component = EW) (flipped), TSG3 (Component = EW) 5 0 −5 −10 −5 TS575 TSG3 0 5 10 15 20 Time relative to P−pick (s) 25 30 35 Coherence (All Pairs) 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Component = V Component = NS Component = EW 0 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 42 : Coherence functions between recorded data of TS-575 and TS-G3 for Event #16. See text for explanations. 248 Discussions The Hualien field test of accelerographs is still ongoing at present, but with only 3 co-located accelerographs, because the Reftek and the two Tokyo-Sokushin instruments had been removed. The first author has urged CWB to deploy two of its own TokyoSokushin 575 accelerographs to HWA in order to study the coherence between two 24bit accelerographs of identical model. In order to capture larger earthquakes, we need to continue this type of experiment to answer the question about coherence at frequency below 1 Hz, since the frequency band of engineering interest extends to about 0.1 Hz. At present, another experiment is being carried out under the leadership of C. C. Liu to compare sensors at a broadband station in Taiwan (as far away from the coast as practical). All signals are being digitized and continuously recorded by the same model of Quanterra data loggers. We have generated far more results (over 1,000 coherence plots) than we can digest in a short period of time. We also need to figure out a better method to summarize the coherence analysis results. In addition, we need to investigate the impacts of non-perfect coherence on parameters of engineering interest (e.g., peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, peak ground displacement, response spectra, etc.). The preliminary comparison results presented here indicated that the 24-bit accelerographs (that CWB has purchased) performed quite well in the field. Coherence for the horizontal components is nearly perfect in many of the recorded earthquakes. But the coherence for the vertical component is generally poorer, in comparison with the coherence for the horizontal components. We suspect that this may have something to do with the seismic pier, and the vertical component may be more sensitive to where the instrument is placed on the seismic pier. Since the sensor of the Reftek accelerograph is based on the new solid-state MEM design and is very different than the traditional FBA design used for A900A, K2, and Tokyo-Sokushin 575. We now have some field evidence that these two different type 249 sensors recorded very similar ground accelerations. However, we definitely need more earthquakes recorded by a co-located Reftek accelerograph to have more confidence. Coherence of recorded data between the Tokyo-Sokushin G3 instrument (with broadband velocity sensor) and the K2 accelerograph is slightly poorer, in comparison with coherence of recorded data between Tokyo-Sokushin 575 accelerograph and the K2 accelerograph. However, more study is needed to find some explanations for the difference, e.g., where or not numerical differentiation of velocity data introduces incoherence in the acceleration data. Finally, due to practical limitations of manufacturing and deployment in the field, it will be very difficult to record the same earthquake to better than 99% in coherence by two co-located instruments (about 1 meter apart) in general. This result is perhaps not as good as we like, but not as bad as we may have feared. We may never know the “true” ground motions, but the present study suggests that we could “reproduce” nearly the same recorded data by instruments of different manufacturers in the field. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Mr. Outhay Viengkhow (Kinemetrics), Mr. Paul Passmore (Reftek), and Mr. Isamu Yokoi (Tokyo-Sokushin) and their respective Taiwan representatives for participating in this field test of multiple accelerographs in Hualien. References CWB (1994). A preliminary report on testing accelerographs and accelerometers by CWB Instrumentation Committee. In Annual Report to the Central Weather Bureau by T. L. Teng, M. Hsu, W. H. K. Lee, Y. B. Tsai, F. T. Wu, Y. T. Yeh, and G. Liu. CWB Seismology Center Report No. 7, June, 2004. CWB (1997). A preliminary report on technical compliance test of a Model Etna accelerograph by CWB Instrumentation Committee. In Annual Report to the 250 Central Weather Bureau by T. L. Teng, M. Hsu, W. H. K. Lee, Y. B. Tsai, F. T. Wu, Y. T. Yeh, and G. Liu. CWB Seismology Center Report No. 17, June, 1997. Iwan, W. D., M. A. Moser, and C. Y. Peng (1985). Some observations on strong-motion earthquake measurement using a digital accelerograph. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 75, 1225-1246. MathWorks (2000). User’s Guide of Signal Processing Toolbox for use with MATLAB. The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA. 251