European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (Association
European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (Association
EuropeanAssociationofHotelandTourism Schools (AssociationeuropéennedesEcoles d’HôtellerieetdeTourisme) ACTIVITYREPORT Academicyear2015/2016 1. 28thAEHTAnnualConferenceinCervia(I) 1.1.Generalaspects The Annual Conference is the AEHT’s flagship event and is held once a year in a different country; the programme includes meetings of t he Presidium, the Executive Board and the GeneralAssembly,aswellasaseriesofcontests,whichenablestudentstocompetewitheach otherinavarietyofdisciplines. th The 28 AEHT Annual Conference took place in Cervia (Emilia-Romagna, ITALY) and it was organized by IPSEOA “Tonino Guerra” from 5th to 10th October 2015. It attracted 603 persons(includingstudents,teachersandheadmasters)from118differentschoolslocatedin29 countries. Founded in 1967, IPSEOA “Tonino Guerra” provides initial and further vocational training in differentprofessionaldisciplines, comprising cooking, pastry, restaurantservice and cocktail bar, hospitality management and hotel service. The school hosts 1000 regular students. Therearealmost190staffmembers,including140teachers. The hosting school organized the annual conference thanks to the precious collaboration of tourismandenogastronomyschoolsofFerrara,CastelSanPietroTerme,RioloTerme,Riccione andForlimpopoli. th The main objective of the 28 AEHT Annual Conference was to promote a European outlookamonghotelandtourismschools,beyondotheraimsas: • Providingashowcaseforprofessionalism,skillsandcareersinTourism • Enhancing the image and professionalism of hospitality education in Italy and in particularinRomagna • EncouragingcontactsbetweenschoolsthroughoutEurope • FosteringbetterknowledgeoftheItalianeducationsystem • PromotingthebestItalianfoodandculturalhighlights • Energizingnetworksofteachersandstudents • Sharingteachingmethods,materials,skillsandknowledge. A further objective was to ensure that all delegates would have an opportunity to experienceatfirsthandtheverybestofItalian’sculturalandsocialfacets. The delegations were hosted in 3 different hotels (Dante, Aurelia and Doge), between Cervia and Milano Marittima; the Hotel Dante hosted the opening ceremony (Tuesday October 6th), the association's meetings (executive board and general meeting) aswellasfourworkshops. Activityreport2015/2016 Page2 Thefollowingelevencompetitions were heldduringtheconferencewithin theschoollabs (seebelow). *COMPETITIONS PARTICIPANTS HauteCuisine-A2 36 NouvelleCuisine-A2 38 Decathlon-A2 18 WineService-B1 15 RestaurantService-B1 34 Pastry-A2 27 Cocktailbar-B1 28 Barista-B1 18 TouristDestination-B2 41 FrontOffice-B2 36 HospitalityManagement-B2 13 Activityreport2015/2016 Page3 AEHTCompetitions–Medalspercountry Country Goldmedals Silvermedals Bronzemedals Special prize TOTAL *Austria 6 4 7 1 18 *Belgium 4 3 7 *Croatia 1 1 2 *Estonia 2 1 3 *Finland 2 1 1 4 *France 1 2 3 *Germany 1 1 *Hungary 1 1 *Ireland 1 1 *Italy 4 3 7 1 15 *Latvia 2 0 2 *Lithuania 1 1 2 *Luxembourg *Republicof Macedonia *Norway 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Portugal 1 3 3 7 *Slovenia 2 4 2 8 *Sweden 1 2 3 *TheNetherlands 6 9 7 22 *Turkey 1 1 Activityreport2015/2016 Page4 During the entire week, the Institute organized a series of excursions in the area offering the opportunity to visit Cervia (Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday) and Ravenna (Friday). In close collaborationwithotherhotelschoolsoftheRegion(RioloTerme,Riccione,Forlimpopoli,Castel SanPietroandFerrara)theyalsoorganizedadditionalexcursionsaroundtheterritoryaimedat enhancinganddiscoveringtheculturalandgastronomicdelightsoftheregion. Workshops October6th DISABILITY ANDINCLUSION: VIABLE REALITYOR JUSTGUESSWORK? October7th BOLOGNA FERRARA RICCIONE/RIMINI FERNZA/RIOLOTERME/BRISIGHELLA CESENA CERVIA CHANGE 75 Excursions/workshop participants Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Workshop 41 35 20 14 15 35 48 Excursions/workshop participants October8th BOLOGNA FERRARA RICCIONE/RIMINI FORLIMPOPOLI CESENA CERVIA IT’S A KIND OF MAGIC: EMILIA-ROMAGNA, THE VERY SOUL OF ITALIAN ENOGASTRONOMICTREASURES Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Workshop 30 16 55 18 13 45 50 Excursions/workshop participants October9th Workshop participants RAVENNA PLACINGEUROPEANHOSPITALITYINTERNS Excursions Workshop 413 20 On these occasions, the host schools have prepared a lunch of typical seasonal products offered to the participants. For students and teachers involved in competitions, a lunch was organizedbyIAL(CampusInternationalTouristHotel)inCervia. The week ended with a gala dinner organized by staff and students of the Institute "Tonino Guerra"in the unusual, but exceptionalvenues ofthe military base o f Pisignano, with the participation of authoritiesamongthemtheMinisterofLabourMr.GiulianoPoletti. The organisation of this conference and competitions was a big challenge for the staff of IPSEOA “Tonino Guerra”, but at the same time it was an opportunity to promote the professionalismofthehospitalityandtourismindustryparticularlyinROMAGNA. The organizers are convinced that this conference has made a great contribution to the promotionofCervia,Emilia-RomagnaandItalyasatouristdestinationandthatitwasanevent inwhichalloftheorganizerstookgreatpride. Activityreport2015/2016 Page5 1.2Programme AEHT 2015 Annual Conference Programme CERVIA, ITALY 5th- 10th October 2015 Programme des Rencontres Annuelles de l’AEHT en 2015 CERVIA, ITALIE 5 - 10 Octobre 2015 Programma della Conferenza Annuale dell’AEHT 2015 CERVIA, ITALIA 5 - 10 Ottobre 2015 FINAL UPDATE Monday 5th October (arrival day) Lundi 5 Octobre (arrivée des participants) Lunedì 5 Ottobre (arrivo dei partecipanti) Time Heure Activities / Activités / Attività 1 Location / Lieu / Luogo During Arrival at the airport the day Arrivée à l’aéroport Arrivo all’aeroporto Bologna “G. Marconi” (BLQ) / Rimini “F. Fellini” (RMI) Pendant Arrival at the railway station toute la Arrivée à la gare journée Arrivo alla stazione Cervia / Cesena / Ravenna / Rimini Durante Transfer from airport/railway station to hotel Déplacement de l’aéroport/gare à l’hôtel la giornata Trasferimento dall’aeroporto/stazione all’hotel Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia Dinner (all participants) 19:00 - Dîner (tous les participants) 21:00 Cena (tutti i partecipanti) Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia 20:30 Briefing of the judges / Briefing des juges / Briefing dei giudici Haute Cuisine Nouvelle Cuisine Decathlon Hotel Dante – Cervia Pastry Hall / Salle / Sala “ULISSE” Barista Restaurant Service Wine Service Cocktail Bar Tourist Destination Front Office Hospitality Management Be a part of the AEHT experience! Share your pictures on: with the #aeht2015 hashtag! Tuesday 6th October Mardi 6 Octobre Martedì 6 Ottobre Time Heure 2 Activities / Activités / Attività Location / Lieu / Luogo 06:30 - Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner / Colazione 09:00 Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia 10:00 - Opening Ceremony / Cérémonie d’ouverture / 12:00 Cerimonia d’apertura Hotel Dante - Cervia Hall / Salle / Sala B “DANTE FORUM” 12:00 – Welcome Drink 12:30 Hotel Dante - Cervia 13:00 - Lunch (all participants) / Déjeuner (tous les 14.30 participants) / Pranzo (tutti i partecipanti) Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia Briefing of the competitors / Briefing des Hotel Dante – Cervia concurrents / Briefing dei concorrenti Haute Cuisine Hall / Salle / Sala “CARONTE” Nouvelle Cuisine Hall / Salle / Sala “ULISSE” Cocktail Bar Hall / Salle / Sala “BEATRICE” Tourist Destination Restaurant Service Hall / Salle / Sala “VIRGILIO” 14:30 – Briefing of the competitors / Briefing 17:30 concurrents / Briefing dei concorrenti. Front Office Decathlon Pastry Barista Wine Service Hospitality Management des School / École / Scuola – Cervia Front Office Classroom / Salle de classe / Aula 1G-1st floor Gymnasium / Gymnase / Palestra Classroom / Salle de classe / Aula 3E-1st floor Hall / Salle / Sala 4 Classroom /Salle de classe/Aula 4E-1st floor 14:00 - Presidium Meeting / Réunion du Présidium / 17:30 Riunione del Consiglio Direttivo School / École / Scuola Classroom/Salle de classe /Aula 3A-1st floor 15:00 – For teachers and headmasters non participating to 17:30 briefings: Sightseeing tour of Cervia 14:45 – Visite guidée de Cervia 17:30 Visita guidata di Cervia from / de l’ / da Hotel Aurelia + Hotel Doge on foot / à pied / a piedi Workshop / Atelier/ Convegno 18:00 19:30 “Disability and inclusion: viable reality or just guesswork?” “Invalidité et intégration: réalité possible ou simple supposition?” “Disabilità e inclusione: possibile realtà o semplice supposizione?” from / de l’ / da Hotel Dante on foot / à pied / a piedi Hotel Dante - Cervia Hall / Salle / Sala “UFFIZI” Dinner / Dîner / Cena Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / 20:00 (All participants, tous les participants, tutti i Hotel Doge - Cervia 21:30 partecipanti) 22:00 Karaoke Hotel Dante - Cervia Be a part of the AEHT experience! Share your pictures on: with the #aeht2015 hashtag! Wednesday 7th October Mercredi 7 Octobre Mercoledì 7 Ottobre Time Heure 3 Activities / Activités / Attività Location / Lieu / Luogo Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner / Colazione Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia 08:30 17:30 Sightseeing tour / Visite guidée / Visita guidata *collect a wristband as lunch ticket / retirer un bracelet comme ticket - déjeuner / ritirare il braccialetto per il pranzo Faenza – Riolo Terme / Rimini, Riccione, Gradara / Ferrara/ Bologna / Forlimpopoli (with partner schools, avec les écoles associées, con le scuole partner) 08:00 14:00 Competitions / Compétitions / Competizioni Haute Cuisine Nouvelle Cuisine Decathlon Pastry Barista Restaurant Service Wine Service Cocktail Bar Tourist Destination Front Office Hospitality Management School / École / Scuola - Cervia Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 3 Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 5 Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 1 Pastry / Pâtisserie / Pasticceria 5 Coffee bar / Café / Barettino Hall / Salle / Sala 5 Hall / Salle / Sala 4 Hall / Salle / Sala 3 Lab / Laboratoire / Laboratorio 1 Front Office Classroom /Salle de classe/Aula 4E-1st floor 06:30 09:00 08:45 13:00 Executive Board Meeting / Réunion du Comité Hotel Dante - Cervia Directeur / Riunione del Comitato Direttivo Hall / Salle / Sala “CARONTE” 13:30 15:00 Lunch (for those who stay in Cervia) / Déjeuner (pour ceux qui restent à Cervia) / Pranzo (per chi resta a Cervia) *collect a wristband as lunch ticket / retirer un bracelet comme ticket - déjeuner / ritirare il braccialetto per il pranzo IAL Campus Turistico-Alberghiero, via Marconi 6 - Cervia *Participants who end the competition by 11:30 a.m. are invited to have the lunch at IAL at 12:00 p.m. 12:30 14:30 Lunch /Déjeuner/ Pranzo (All judges, tous les juges, tutti i giudici) School / École / Scuola – Cervia Gymnasium / Gymnase / Palestra Cervia 14:45 17:30 Excursion to/ Excursion aux/Visita guidata Cervia Salt Pans/Salines de Cervia/Saline or /ou/ oppure Malatestian Library/ Bibliothèque Malatestiana/Biblioteca Malatestiana-Cesena Workshop / Atelier/ Convegno Hotel Dante - Cervia Hall / Salle / Sala “UFFIZI” 12:00 13:30 18:00 19.30 20:00 22:00 “Change”. “Le changement du travail quotidien” “Il cambiamento nel lavoro quotidiano” by / par le / con il Vice-President Herman Siebens Cesena Dinner / Dîner / Cena Restaurant / Restaurant / Ristorante (All participants, tous les participants, tutti i “Casa delle Aie” - Cervia partecipanti) Be a part of the AEHT experience! Share your pictures on: with the #aeht2015 hashtag! Thursday 8th October 2015 Jeudi 8 Octobre 2015 Giovedì 8 Ottobre 2015 Time Heure 06:30 09:00 4 Activities / Activité / Attività Location / Lieu / Luogo Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner / Colazione Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia Sightseeing tour / Visite guidée / Visita guidata 08:30 - *collect a wristband as lunch ticket / retirer un 17:30 bracelet comme ticket - déjeuner / ritirare il braccialetto per il pranzo. Faenza – Riolo Terme / Rimini, Riccione, Gradara / Ferrara/ Bologna / Forlimpopoli (with partner schools, avec les écoles associées, con le scuole partner) Competitions / Compétitions / Competizioni Haute Cuisine Nouvelle Cuisine Decathlon Pastry 08:00 - Barista Restaurant Service 14:00 Wine Service Cocktail Bar Tourist Destination Front Office Hospitality Management School / École / Scuola - Cervia Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 3 Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 5 Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 1 Pastry / Pâtisserie / Pasticceria 5 Coffee bar / Café / Barettino Hall / Salle / Sala 5 Hall / Salle / Sala 4 Hall / Salle / Sala 3 Lab / Laboratoire / Laboratorio 1 Front Office Classroom /Salle de classe/Aula 4E-1st floor 08:45 - General Assembly / Assemblée générale / 13:00 Assemblea generale Hotel Dante - Cervia Hall / Salle / Sala “CARONTE” 13:30 15:00 Lunch (for those who stay in Cervia) / Déjeuner (pour ceux qui restent à Cervia) / Pranzo (per chi resta a Cervia) *collect a wristband as lunch ticket / retirer un bracelet comme ticket - déjeuner / ritirare il braccialetto per il pranzo IAL Campus Turistico-Alberghiero, via Marconi 6 - Cervia *Participants who end the competition by 11:30 a.m. are invited to have the lunch at IAL at 12:00 p.m. 12:30 14:30 Lunch/Déjeuner/ Pranzo (All judges, tous les judges, tutti i giudici) School / École / Scuola – Cervia Gymnasium / Gymnase / Palestra 12:00 13:30 Excursion to/ Excursion aux/Visita guidata Butterfly House/La Maison des Papillons/La Casa 14:45 delle Farfalle or /ou/ oppure 17:30 Malatestiana Library / Bibliothèque Malatestiana /Biblioteca Malatestiana Cervia Cesena Workshop / Atelier /Convegno 18:00 19:30 “It’s a kind of magic: Emilia-Romagna, the very soul of Italian eno-gastronomic treasures”. “C’est de la magie: l’Émilie-Romagne: la véritable âme des trésors de l’enogastronomie italienne”. “È qualcosa di magico: Emilia-Romagna, l’anima dei tesori enogastronomici italiani”. Hotel Dante - Cervia Hall / Salle / Sala “UFFIZI” Dinner / Dîner / Cena Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge 20:00 (All participants, tous les participants, tutti i Cervia 21:30 partecipanti) 22:00 Disco / Discothèque / Discoteca Dress Code: white and light blue Cà del Liscio (3 dance rooms: pop/commercial, latin, folk dance) Be a part of the AEHT experience! Share your pictures on: with the #aeht2015 hashtag! Activityreport2015/2016 Page9 Friday 9th October Vendredi 9 Octobre Venerdì 9 Ottobre Time Heure 5 Activities / Activités / Attività Location / Lieu / Luogo 06:30 - Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner / Colazione 09:00 Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia Sightseeing tour of Ravenna for everybody Ravenna (except for competitors of the day) 08:00 - Visite guidée de Ravenna pour tous (sauf les 12:30 concurrents de la journée) Visita guidata di Ravenna per tutti (escluso i concorrenti del giorno) Competitions / Compétitions / Competizioni Haute Cuisine Nouvelle Cuisine Pastry 08:00 - Restaurant Service 13:00 Cocktail Bar Tourist Destination Front Office Hospitality Management School / École / Scuola - Cervia Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 3 Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 5 Kitchen / Cuisine / Cucina 1 Hall / Salle / Sala 5 Hall / Salle / Sala 3 Lab / Laboratoire / Laboratorio 1 Front Office Classroom /Salle de classe/Aula 4E-1st floor 13:00 - Lunch (all participants) / Déjeuner (tous les Restaurant / Restaurant / Ristorante participants) / Pranzo (tutti i partecipanti) “Campaza” - Ravenna 14:30 15:00 17:30 Workshop / Atelier /Convegno “Placing European Hospitality Interns” by / par le / con il Butler Search Group & Docklands Academy –Europe 3000 18:30 - Gala dinner / Dîner de gala / Cena di gala Dress code: gold, white and/or blue 01:00 Hotel Dante - Cervia Hall / Salle / Sala “UFFIZI” Air base/ Base aérienne/ Base aéronautique Pisignano Saturday 10th October (departure day) Samedi 10 Octobre (jour de départ) Sabato 10 Ottobre (giorno di partenza Time Heure 6 Activity / Activité / Attività Location / Lieu / Luogo 06:30 09.00 Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner / Colazione Hotel Dante / Hotel Aurelia / Hotel Doge - Cervia During the day Departure / Départ / Partenza Airport / Aéroport / Aeroporto Railway station / Gare/ Stazione Pendant toute la journée Durante la giornata Be a part of the AEHT experience! Share your pictures on: with the #aeht2015 hashtag! Activityreport2015/2016 Page10 COMPETITIONS: Students involved in the competitions are invited to come to school wearing their uniform and bring with them their clothes for the lunch, BUS STOPS and DEPARTURE TIMES: EXCURSIONS, SIGHTSEEING TOURS, BRIEFINGS, MEETINGS, CASA DELLE AIE, GALA DINNER, DISCO: A shuttle bus will arrive in front of each hotel 20 minutes before scheduled time. COMPETITIONS (for judges, students, teachers and participants): Bus departures from each hotel to school at 7:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY October 7th - THURSDAY October 8th: During competition hours a shuttle service will be available every hour (from 9:30) with stops at Hotel Dante, Hotel Doge, Hotel Aurelia and at the school. LUNCH AT THE IAL (Campus Turistico Alberghiero) in Via Marconi, Cervia Wednesday October 7th and Thursday October 8th (from 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.): Bus shuttle service will include an extra stop at Via Roma (corner of Via Marconi - 30 metres from the IAL). FRIDAY October 9th: Participants not involved in the competitions may visit the city of Ravenna and have lunch at Campaza Restaurant. LUNCH DURING SIGHTSEEING TOURS AND AT IAL Campus Turistico Alberghiero-Via Marconi, 6 Cervia: WEDNESDAY October 7th - THURSDAY October If you are booking the tours, organized in collaboration with the schools of Ferrara, Riccione, Forlimpopoli, Riolo Terme and Castel San Pietro, be sure to collect a wristband at the front desk of your hotel. It will be needed to claim your free lunch ticket. * Competitors and accompanying teachers can collect wristbands at each hotel front desk before 7:30 a.m. or at the school after 8:00 a.m. Wristbands are required to claim a free lunch at the IAL. Participants who end the competition by 11:30 a.m. are invited to have a buffet lunch at IAL at 12:00 p.m. A buffet lunch for the competition judges will be served in the school gym from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Judges are required to wear their badges at all times. FRIDAY October 9th Only judges, competitors, and accompanying teachers will have access to the school during competition hours. A shuttle service to "Campaza" restaurant (in Ravenna) will be available at the end of the competition for lunch. Participants not involved in the competitions may visit the city of Ravenna and have lunch at “Campaza” restaurant. Those who choose to not use the shuttle service will be responsible for their own transportation to the restaurant. GALA DINNER: All participants are invited to carry their passport or ID card to show in case of control. *Participants without a wristband may choose to have lunch at the schools of Ferrara, Riccione,Forlimpopoli, Riolo Terme, Castel San Pietro and IAL in Cervia. Cost is 15 € per person. Students involved in competitions are required by law that in their countries have received appropriate supervision, instruction and training in food hygiene in line with their work activity and should be able to handle food safely. COMPÉTITIONS: Tous les éleves doivent se présenter à l’école avec leur tenue le jour des compétitions et apporter les vêtements pour le déjeuner. REINSEGNEMENTS SUR LES HORAIRES DE DÉPART ET SUR LES ARRÊTS DE BUS: EXCURSIONS, VISITES GUIDÉES, BRIEFING, CONGRÈS, "CASA DELLE AIE", DINER DE GALA, DISCOTHÈQUE: le point de départ des Bus pour les activités ci-déssus sera en face de chaque hôtel, 20 minutes avant l'heure indiquée sur le programme. COMPÉTITIONS (Pour les juges, les étudiants engagés dans les compétitions et les professeurs qui les accompagnent): le point de départ des Bus pour toute compétition sera à 7h30 devant l’hôtel où l’on loge. MERCREDI 7 et JEUDI 8: pendant les compétitions dans la matinée il y aura une navette toutes les heures (de 9h30), avec des arrêts aux hôtels (Dante, Doge et Aurelia) et à l'école. DÉJEUNER PRÈS DU IAL (Campus Turistico Alberghiero) rue Marconi Cervia (Mercredi 7 et Jeudi 8): de 12h00 jusqu'à 15h00 le service de navette desservira un arrêt supplémentaire rue Roma au croisement de la rue Marconi, à 30 mètres du IAL. VENDREDI 9: Tous ceux qui ne sont pas engagés dans les compétitions suivront le programme de visite de Ravenne, déjeuner compris au restaurant “Campaza”. Be a part of the AEHT experience! Share your pictures on: Activityreport2015/2016 with the #aeht2015 hashtag! Page11 1.3.Statistics The 28th Annual Conference attracted 603 participants (299 directors and teachers, 304 studentsaswellassomepartnersandspecialguests(numbernotspecified))from118member schoolsin29countries. ParticipationattheAEHTAnnualConference Year Location Organisingcountry 2015 2014 2013 Cervia Belgrade Savona,Barcelona, Palma,Ajaccio, Marseille Ohrid TheHague Lisbon Dubrovnik Kuressaare JesoloLido Killarney Antalya Bled Copenhagen SanRemo Linz Berlin Luxembourg Faro/Vilamoura Zandvoort LaRochelle Gothenburg Portrush Sciacca Antalya HerkdeStad Setubal-Troia Anavyssos Strasbourg-Illkirch Italia Serbia AEHTHeadOffice 118 94 112 29 28 33 603 569 721 Rep.ofMacedonia TheNetherlands Portugal Croatia Estonia Italy Ireland Turkey Slovenia Denmark Italy Austria Germany Luxembourg Portugal TheNetherlands France Sweden NorthernIreland Italy Turkey Belgium Portugal Greece France 117 109 143 132 130 137 136 130 135 140 139 105 120 127 123 115 101 107 75 75 (71) (64) (51) 39 25 30 32 29 30 32 33 32 31 34 28 29 33 23 24 21 23 19 20 16 15 17 (16) (16) 16 16 575 617 652 690 660 650 660 646 620 564 705 601 641 940 640 596 814 620 393 500 300 (332) (273) (220) (80) 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 Schools Countries Participants Activityreport2015/2016 Page12 1.4.FinancialReport–AEHTAnnualConference2015 EXPENSES HOTELS(DOGE,AURELIA,DANTEandrelatedservices) CADELLISCIO CAMPAZA(CATERINGEQUIPMENT+LUNCH) JOURNALIST LUNCHbyIAL FOOD(COMPETITION,BARandGALADINNER) MUSEUMS(Ravenna,Cesena,Cervia) GUIDES SERVICELIGHTS,AUDIOandVIDEO LUNCH,SIGHTSEEINGANDTOURS FLAGS FLOWER&GARDEN TRANSPORTATION DINNER AIERESTAURANT inEuros € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 152.616,30 3.525,00 34.539,54 10.980,00 7.512,50 23.515,75 1.986,00 1.300,00 11.102,00 3.214,00 1.115,57 1.808,50 26.000,00 8.924,97 GALADINNEREXTRACOSTS(Speaker,PIANOBAR,DANCERS,BASERENT, CLEANING) STATIONERY EQUIPMENT € 10.780,06 € 7.165,14 € 10.634,27 €316.719,60 TOTAL: INCOME Registrationfees €310.792,21 Sponsors €10.000,00 inEuros €320.792,21 TOTAL: DIFFERENCE €4.072,61 NOTE:MedalsandcertificateswereprovidedbytheAEHTandthecostsrelatedtothestayof thePresidiummembersandtheHeadJudgeshavebeencoveredbythehostingschool. Activityreport2015/2016 Page13 1.5.Picturesandvideosontheevent • ONTHEOPENINGCEREMONY&THECOMPETITIONS: Pictures Pressconference(Videoregione) Openingceremony(Videoregione) Openingceremony1 Openingceremony2 Openingceremony3 StreamingofthecompetitionsonOctober7th StreamingofthecompetitionsonOctober8th StreamingofthecompetitionsonOctober9th • ONWORKSHOPSANDSEMINARS: “Disabilityandinclusion:viablerealityorjustguesswork?”part1 “Disabilityandinclusion:viablerealityorjustguesswork?”part2 "Change"part1 "Change"part2 “Emilia-Romagna,theverysoulofItalianeno-gastronomictreasures”P1 “Emilia-Romagna,theverysoulofItalianeno-gastronomictreasures”P3 “Emilia-Romagna,theverysoulofItalianeno-gastronomictreasures”P2 • ONTHEPRIZE-GIVINGCEREMONY: GalaDinner(Videoregione) Activityreport2015/2016 Page14 2. Headjudges’workinggroup Afewyearsago,theorganisationalguidelinescommitteehadbeenreplacedbyaheadjudges working group bringing together all head judges of the competitions taking place during the AnnualConference. TheheadjudgesmeetseveralmonthspriortotheConferencetoinspectthevenue/facilitiesof theforthcomingcompetitionsandtosetuptheprogrammeandtheofficialguidelineswiththe organizingteam. This way these documents are earlier available to the participating schools, allowing them to preparewellinadvancetothevariouscompetitions. In 2016, the members of the head judges’ working group met on the occasion of the AEHT ExecutiveBoardmeetingon12thMarch2016inLondon(UK). Compositionoftheheadjudges’workinggroup Coordinator:VicePresidentRemcoKoerts Competition Headjudge E-mailaddress Pastry LucBastiaens Wineservice AlexanderMair Cocktail ThomasGasteiner Barista AlfioRivalta Touristdestination AsdisVatnsdal Frontoffice HelenaCvikl Management TheoVerkoyen Decathlon MarcusHallgren Culinaryarts AlexandreFerreira Restaurantservice PauloBaptista 3. EventsincludedintheofficialAEHTcalendar AEHTworkshop“Change-changingdailywork” OntheoccasionoftheAEHTAnnualConferenceinCerviainOctober2015,AEHTVice-President Herman Siebens held a workshop on the subject of ‘Change - changing daily work’, with the contributionofAgostinaMelucciandCarlaMariaGatti.Unfortunately,thisseminarwasnotas attendedasexpected. HEGinternationalseminaron“TheimpactofSports,CulturalandMusiceventsonseasonality management”inKuopio(FI) The 7th HEG seminar was held from 14th to 17th April, 2016 by Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Kuopio, Finland. There were ten participants from six countries; Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia and Finland. More detailed information on the seminar might be found in the April 2016 newsletter of the AEHT published on GeneraloverviewofAEHTeventsorganizedundertheaegisoftheAEHT Date th City th 5 –12 October Event Participants 2015 Prešov(SK) Eurocup2015–23theditionofthe Juniorbartenderscompetition 73competitorsfrom37 schoolsfrom6countriesof whom24participantswere from11AEHTmemberschools from6countries th th PraiadaVitória, TerceiraIsland, Azores(PT) ChocolatefestivaloftheAtlantic Nofeedbackhasbeen 2015(sculpting,displayandcontest receivedbytheHeadOfficeso ofchocolatesculpturesand far bonbons) nd th Diekirch(LU) 24theditionoftheChristmasin Europeevent 6 –8 December 2 –8 December th th 5 –7 April Bled(SI) th 2016 11 BartenderG&TCompetition th th Kuopio(FI) th st CastelSanPietro 18 editionoftheBartolomeo Terme(IT) ScappiInternationalCompetition (bar,sommelier,pastry,cooking competitions) 14 –17 April 18 –21 April rd th th th 5 –8 May rd Giulianova(IT) 23 June- PontaDelgada, nd July2 SãoMiguel(PT) 24participantsfrom9AEHT memberschoolsfrom7 countries Seminar for teachers and directors 10participantsfrom6member (forEQFlevel5andup)focusingon schoolsfrom6countries “The impact of Sports, Cultural and Music events on seasonality management”. th 3 –7 May London(UK) Morethan120participants from23AEHTmemberschools from14countries 113participantsfrom25AEHT memberschoolsfrom12 countries AEHTYouthParliamentonthe“The 23participantsfrom14AEHT impact of immigration on thetravel memberschoolsfrom8 countries and tourismindustryinEurope”. 8thInternationalCompetitionfor 105participantsfrom25AEHT Employeesatthehotelreception memberschoolsfrom10 “DonnaDinaMigliori”,the6th countries InternationalCompetition"Tourism intheCity”, 10FESTACORES2015–10days,10 7participantsfrom4AEHT chefs memberschoolsfrom3 countries 4. 2015ChristmasinEurope From 2nd to 8th December 2015, the Lycée Technique Hôtelier Alexis Heck of Diekirch in Luxembourg has hosted and organized the 24th edition of Christmas in Europe whose origins datebackto1992inKaysersberg(France).Eachyear,thisflagshipeventoftheAEHTallowsfora multitude of facets to be shown and for the 2015 edition no less than 23 schools from 14 differentcountriesparticipated. MorethanahundredparticipantshaveparticipatedinthisbeautifulChristmasinEuropeevent co-financed by the Erasmus Plus programme of the European Union, devoted to the spirit of Christmasandorganizedaccordingtofourintangibleprinciples: • • • • eachschoolpresentstheregionalgastronomicspecialtiesofChristmasatafair participatesinafolkloricparade, preparessomedelicaciesfortheEuropeanbuffet andmakesaperformanceattheculturalshow. ThedelegationscamefromschoolsfromArmenia(1),Austria(2),CzechRepublic(1),Croatia(2), France(1),Hungary(1),Ireland(1),Italy(3),Latvia(1),Luxembourg(2),ContinentalPortugal(2) andtheAzores(1),Slovakia(1),Slovenia(2),and,lastbutnotleast,Sweden(2)–thatisatotal of23schoolswithmorethan120headmasters,professorsandstudents(notcountingthoseof thehostschool).Andindeedtheywereafinebunchofdelegates,representingthediversityof Europeinaspiritoffriendshipandfestivity. Don’t miss the fascinating report by our journalist Jo Laengy published on our Internet site under the Christmas in Europe rubric as well as the article in the December 2015 editionoftheAEHTnewsletter. ParticipationattheChristmasinEuropeevents Year Town Participants Countries Schools 2015 Diekirch 120**** 14 23 2014 Prešov 103 13 19 2013 Marseille 99* 13 16 2012 Budapest 100 14 19 2011 Zagreb 96*** 15 20 2010 PontaDelgada 76 11 16 2009 Poznan 115 18 25 2008 ChinonCastle 90** 13 17* 2007 Semmering 69 12 15* 2006 Orebrö 81 13 16 2005 Fundaõ 7 11 15 2004 BadIschl 86 16 18 2003 Senigallia 135 16 22 2002 Kuresaare 70 12 14 2001 Poznan 150 19 20 2000 Rhodes 300 17 18 1999 Bonneville 72 10 12 1998 Podebrady 70 12 13 1997 Espoo 92 14 15 1996 Budapest 90 11 13 1995 Barcelona 70 10 13 1994 Copenhague 88 13 19 1993 Kaysersberg 110 10 11 *exceptorganisingschool/**numbertobeconfirmedbyorganisingschool/***exceptCroatianschoolswhocametohelpthe organisersoftheevent/****onlyadelegationof5personsformtheorganizingschoolhavebeentakenintoaccount. 5. Observationperiodsforteachers ObservationperiodswiththeSTARWOODgroup TheorganizationofobservationperiodswiththeSTARWOODgrouphasbeensuspendedafter the departure of our contact persons, the Vice President for Development and Training in HumanResourcesEAME,IngridEras-Magdalen,andherassistant. ObservationperiodswiththePESTENAHotels&Resortsgroup In substitution to the collaboration with STARWOOD Hotels, the AEHT has intensified its cooperation with the Portuguese hotel group PESTENA Hotels & Resorts by signing an agreementonMay17th,2016expandingtherangeofitsobservationperiodsforAEHTteachers tofurtherregions. Thegroup,thathasatotalof51hotelsinEurope,Africa,Brazil,Colombia,Venezuelaandthe UnitedStates,hasofferedtoprovideAEHTteacherswithplacementsofoneweektoonemonth forsummer2016inunitieslocatedthroughoutmainlandPortugal,MadeiraaswellasinNorth andSouthAfrica.ItisplannedtoexpandtheprograminthefuturetoSouthAmericaandother European countries. Further information will be as usual published on the AEHT website (,asitbecameavailable. Travelexpenseswillbeasusualbornbytheteachersparticipatingintheprogramme,butthe AEHTwillreimburseupto€200perpersonuponreceiptandapprovaloftheplacementreport; anadministrativefeeof€80willhoweverbededucedformostcountriestocoverorganisational costs.Accommodationatthehotelandmealstakenwiththestaffwill,inthiscase,beprovided freeofchargebythehostcompany. For various reasons, Ana Paula PAIS took care of the coordination of the observation periods withthisnewpartnerin2016. 6. Meetings MeetingsofthePresidium October6th,2015 Cervia(IT) March11th,2016 London(UK) June25th,2016 Boom(BE) MeetingsoftheExecutiveBoard October7th,2015 Cervia(IT) March,10th,2016 London(UK) Reportscoveringthesemeetingsmaybeconsultedunderthe‘Meetingsandreports’rubricon GeneralAssembly October8th,2015 Cervia(IT) ReportscoveringtheGeneralAssemblyareavailableunderthe‘Meetingsandreports’rubricon theAEHTwebsite. Several illustrated reports covering the Executive Board and Presidium meetings in various countries have been published in the AEHT newsletters and may be consulted at the same website. Activityreport2015/2016 Page19 7. Representation Asfaraspossible,thePresidiumhasacceptedinvitationsandrepresentedtheAEHTatevents organizedbymemberschoolsundertheaegisoftheAEHTorotherentities. Date th City th October5 –10 Cervia(IT) October28th Luxembourg (LU) December2nd– 8th Diekirch(LU) December4th Luxembourg (LU) January22th Luxembourg (LU) March12th London(UK) April14th-15th London(UK) May3rd-7th May9th-10th London(UK) Seville Event AEHTRepresentative 2015 28 AEHTAnnualConference Allmembersofthe Presidium Meetingwiththefirst NadineSCHINTGEN counselloroftheMinisterof NationalEducationof Luxembourg,MichelLanners andtheschoolmanagerof theLTHAH,ElisabethReisen 24thChristmasinEurope RemcoKOERTS AnaPaulaPAIS HermanSIEBENS NadineSCHINTGEN Meetingwiththefirst RemcoKOERTS counselloroftheMinisterof AnaPaulaPAIS NationalEducationof NadineSCHINTGEN Luxembourg,MichelLanners andthe2schoolmanagersof theLTHAH 2016 Meetingwiththefirst NadineSCHINTGEN counselloroftheMinisterof EconomyofLuxembourg- Dept.ofTourism,RickyWohl ExecutiveBoardmeeting Allmembersofthe Presidium,exceptKlaus ENENGL InspectionatRedbridge RemcoKOERTS Collegeofthefacilities hostingthecompetitionsof theAEHTAnnualConference 2016 AEHTYouthparliament KlausENENGL 7thAEHOSForum(Asociación AnaPaulaPAIS deEscuelasdeHostelería- SpanishAssociationofHotel Schools)heldinSevilla(ES) th 8. AEHTdatabaseandpublications AEHTdatabase Currently (15.07.2016), the AEHT database counts 366 member school accounts. This number includes active (322) and inactive (44) accounts. The later are accounts of new members that havenotyetpaidtheirannualfees.Besides,thereare2professionalmemberaccountsand5 sponsoraccounts. What changed with the new database, which is operational since early 2014, is that member schools can use it to register directly to the AEHT Annual Conference. Furthermore, account managerscanincludecontactinformationofseveralpersonsoftheirschool.Eachoneofthem willautomaticallyreceiveallofficialemailssentbytheAEHTheadoffice. What also changes with this new system, is that member schools are now responsible for updatingtheiraccountinformation.Previously,thistaskwasprovidedbytheAEHTheadoffice. TheAEHTdatabasecanbeaccessedat: AEHTNewsletter AtotalofthreeAEHTnewslettershavebeenissuedintheperiod2015/2016andontheAEHT website( AEHTFacebookaccount TheFacebookaccountisavailableatthefollowingaddress: Thetotalnumberof‘likes’rouseby330units(17,78%)inoneyear;from1’856likesonJuly15th, 2015to2’186likesonJuly14th,2016. AEHTwebsite During the academic year 2014/2015, the number of visits to the website of the AEHT (’472units.Thenumberofvisitshasthusincreasedcomparedtothe previousacademicyear(36'513units). Duringthefirstsemesterof2016,anewwebsitehasbeenputonlinebythewebmasterofthe AEHT, Ahti Paju, together with Vice-presidents Klaus Enengl and Neeme Rand. As the use of mobilephones(smartphones)andtabletcomputershasincreasedsignificantly,theITteamof theAEHTiscreatingaplatformfacilitatingaccesstothesitefromthesemedia. Belowyouwillfindanoverviewofthecharacteristicsofthewebsiteaudience. Activityreport2015/2016 Page21 Activityreport2015/2016 Page22 9. Electroniccommunication During the academic year 2015/2016, the AEHT head office has sent out some 60 official mailingstoAEHTmemberschoolsonvarioussubjects. 10. CompositionoftheAEHTPresidium ElectedmembersoftheAEHTPresidiumfortheperiod2014–2017 Forename Surname Function Tasks AnaPaula PAIS President OfficialrepresentationandcoordinationofAEHT’s affairs Klaus ENENGL Vice-President AnnualConferenceandCompetitionsandthe financialsustainbilityoftheAEHT(sponsoring) Herman SIEBENS Vice-President Professionalplacements,activitiesrelatingto qualitymanagementandbusinessethics Neeme RAND Vice-President ITSolutions&AEHTwebsite Remco KOERTS Vice-President CoordinationofcompetitionsattheAnnual Conference Bogusława PIENKOWSKA Vice-President Occasionalevents,EUeducationalprogrammes andcoordinationwiththeOIF DesignatedmembersoftheAEHTPresidiumfortheperiod2014–2017 Forename Surname Function Tasks Klaus ENENGL Treasurer AEHT’sfinancesandaccounts Nadine SCHINTGEN General Secretary Day-to-daymanagement 11. EuropeanprojectRETOUR From2014toJune2016,theAEHThasbeenapartneroftheEuropeanproject“Retour-Russian for tourism”. The AEHT was an active partner in this project, especially with respect to the disseminationandassessmentofthematerial. FromFebruarytoAugust2015,theteamoftheProjectRETOUR(fundedwithsupportfromthe European Commission) tested the learning materials developed during the first phase of the project, namely: ‘30 Videos in Russian’ - 10 for each sector: Hotel, Restaurant and Retail, featuring everyday professional scenarios in the tourism sector and ‘Written Materials’ with transcriptions of the video dialogues, exercises, grammar information and vocabulary. The materials were tested with pilot groups of students led by Russian language teachers in the three different learning modalities: Face to face in regular classes; online - supported learning modality; and self-learning modality. The project’s associated partners and the AEHT were activelyinvolvedinthetestingoftheRETOURmaterials. By the beginning of September 2015, the piloting phase in all partner countries had been successfullycompleted.Allpartnersmanagedtoinvolveasignificantnumbersofbothstudents and Russian language teachers in the pilot project. A total of 780 students and 34 teachers participatedinthetestingphase.An‘OverallPilotReport’withthefinalnumbersofparticipants percountryandevidencefromthepilothasbeenproduced. Finalversionofthetrainingmaterial FromSeptember2015untilJanuary2016,theconsortiumworkedonimprovingthefirstversion of the materials, following suggestions and recommendations collected from the Russian language teachers and students involved in the pilot phase. The following changes have been madetothematerials: theguidesforteachersandstudentswererevised, thewrittenmaterialswereenrichedwithadditionalexercisesandaudios, ananswerkeywascreated, onevideoforabsolutebeginners(level0)withsimpleexpressionsandbasicsentences was produced. This video was recorded in Russian and subtitled in the partner languages, • a video tutorial on how to use the different versions of the RETOUR videos on our YouTubechannelwascreated, • a PDF tutorial on how to use the Personal Space for voice recording was created anduploadedtothehomepageofthewebsitetosupportself-learners, • thePersonalSpaceandtheAppforAndroidwereproofreadbythepartnersandthen revisedbythetechnicianssoastocorrectanyerrorsormalfunctions. All of the teaching materials are available in the following languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, English and Bulgarian, and freely accessible on the project website: • • • • Foradditionalinformation,youmayalsovisit: YouTube: Facebook: 12. “Erasmus+”Programme A project proposal (No 2015-2-LU02-KA105-000161) was submitted on April 29, 2015 at the LuxembourgAgencyinchargeofyouthmobilityprojectswithinthe“Erasmus+”programme,to obtain a EU co-funding for the Christmas in Europe event held in 2015 in Diekirch (LU). This request was approved end June 2015. A preparatory meeting for the event took place during theAEHTAnnualConferenceinCervia(IT). The project itself was carried out according to the criteria of the programme and the requirementsofthecallfortender2015,recommendingtheintegrationofdisadvantagedyoung people (from a social, economic, medical, educational, cultural and / or geographical point of view) to the group, and the promotion of European citizenship and tolerance among young people by encouraging their socialization with a very divers group of students and their encounterwithaverycosmopolitanpopulationwithdifferentwaysoflifeandcustoms. This event has enjoyed great popularity and good coverage in several media (attendance at a radioprogramofRTL,reportsonseveralTVchannels,articlesinnewspapers,Internetsitesand Facebookpages,aso.).ThefinalprojectreportwasfiledMarch25th,2016withtheLuxembourg AgencyandwasapprovedonMay25th,2016. On April 26, 2016, the Secretary General submitted a new proposal No 2016-2-LU02-KA105000248withtheprogramme“Erasmus+”,thistimetoco-financetheChristmasinEuropeevent takingplaceinDecember2016inSanBenedettodelTronto(IT). As for last year, the project was accepted end June 2016 with again a reduced number of leaders, maximum 2 per country, except for the organizing country (Italy), for which 3 are Activityreport2015/2016 Page24 allowed.Unfortunately,thisyearwiththerefusalofthegrantforthepreparatorymeeting,the projecthastofaceanothercutofitsfinancialresources. Despitethesebudgetcuts,thecommunitygrantrepresentsasignificantfinancialsupportboth fortheorganizersandparticipantsoftheevent. Diekirch,July20th,2016, AnaPaulaPAIS NadineSCHINTGEN AEHTPresident AEHTSecretaryGeneral Activityreport2015/2016 Page25 13. Tableofcontent 1. 28thAEHTAnnualConferenceinCervia(I) 2 1.1.Generalaspects 2 1.2Programme 6 1.3.Statistics 12 1.4.FinancialReport–AEHTAnnualConference2015 13 1.5. Picturesandvideosontheevent 14 2. Headjudges’workinggroup 15 3. EventsincludedintheofficialAEHTcalendar 15 4. 2015ChristmasinEurope 17 5. Observationperiodsforteachers 18 ObservationperiodswiththeSTARWOODgroup 18 ObservationperiodswiththePESTENAHotels&Resortsgroup 18 6. Meetings 19 7. Representation 20 8. AEHTdatabaseandpublications 21 AEHTdatabase 21 AEHTNewsletter 21 AEHTFacebookaccount 21 AEHTwebsite 21 9. Electroniccommunication 23 10. CompositionoftheAEHTPresidium 23 11. EuropeanprojectRETOUR 23 12. “Erasmus+”Programme 24 13. Tableofcontent 26 Activityreport2015/2016 Page26