St. John`s Military School
St. John`s Military School
St. John’s Military School CADET HANDBOOK 128th CORPS 2015-2016 Loyalty - Honor - Responsibility Revised June 2015 THE COMMANDANT OF CADETS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, DELETIONS, OR ADDITIONS TO THE CADET HANDBOOK AT ANY TIME DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. NOTIFICATIONS OF CHANGES WILL BE FORWARDED TO CADETS, STAFF AND FACULTY ONLY. -0- 2015-2016 128th CORPS OF CADETS CALENDAR August 12 (Wed) August 15 (Sat) August 16 (Sun) August 17 (Mon) August 30 (Sun) August 1 (Mon) September 1 (Tue) September 19 (Sat) October 8-11 (Thu-Sun) October 14 (Wed) October 16 (Fri) October 19 (Mon) October 24 (Sat) October 28 (Wed) November 7 (Sat) November 11 (Wed) November 18 (Wed) November 20 (Fri) November 21 (Sat) November 29 (Sun) December 9 (Wed) December 14 (Mon) December 15-16 (Tue-Wed) December 17 (Thu) December 18 (Fri) January 3 (Sun) January 4 (Mon) January 18 (Mon) January 30 (Sat) February 10 (Wed) February 18-21 (Thu-Sun) February 26 (Fri) February 29 (Mon) March 10 (Thu) March 11 (Fri) March 20 (Sun) March 20 (Sun) March 24 (Thu) March 25 (Fri) March 27 (Sun) April 9 (Sat) April 29 (Fri) May 2-3 (Mon-Tue) May 4 (Wed) May 5-7 (Thu-Sat) June 5-July 1 (Sun-Fri) Battalion Staff & New Boy Training Cadre Return Leadership Camp/Fall Sports Camp – Old Boy Registration New Boy Registration Begin Leadership Camp/Fall Sports Camp Old Boy Registration Forming/Blessing of the 128th Corps of Cadets Begin 1st Quarter Smoky Hill Museum Day Parade Fall Parents’ Weekend PSAT End 1st Quarter Begin 2nd Quarter ACT test date Corps “Halloween WOW” SAT test date Veterans Day Corps/Staff/Board Thanksgiving Luncheon Last day of classes before break Thanksgiving Break Begins/Travel Day Cadets Return/Travel Day Corps/Staff/Board Christmas Dinner & Lessons & Carols End 2nd Quarter 1st Semester Exams Last day of classes before break Christmas Break Begins/Travel Day Cadets Return/Travel Day New Boy Registration & Begin 3rd Quarter Martin Luther King Jr. Day SAT test date Ash Wednesday Winter Parents’ Weekend End 3rd Quarter Begin 4th Quarter Last day of classes before break Spring Break Begins/Travel Day Cadets Return/Travel Day Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday ACT test date End 4th Quarter 2nd Semester Exams Military Field Day Commencement Weekend Summer Camp 2016 -1- ST. JOHN’S MILITARY SCHOOL SALINA, KS 67402 SJMS - COMMANDANT June 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR The 128th Corps of Cadets, St. John’s Military School, Salina, KS 67401 SUBJECT: Commandant’s Welcome Message Welcome to St. John’s Military School and the 128th Corps of Cadets. The Military Staff and I extend our sincere desire for you to excel during the 2015-2016 school year. As in the past, our mission is to provide your Corps of Cadets with a military structure that has purpose, operates as a team, and cares for each cadet’s welfare and self-worth. Our goals include inspiring in every cadet the principles of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship, loyalty, and fellowship. Only by all of us working together can we ensure the 128th Corps of Cadets will achieve the high standards that have come to be expected at St. John’s. For those of us on the Military Staff, leadership is the cornerstone of life at St. John’s. Leadership ability is gained by working hard to develop personal intellect, sound common sense, and the trust and confidence of all who work with you. Discipline at St. John’s is simply a matter of respect for people and property within the approved set of rules established in this handbook. Although this handbook may at first appear to be very detailed and complex, you will quickly learn that if you approach it with common sense, you will find that it will quickly become routine. We in the Military Department stand ready to assist you in any way we can. We genuinely hope that the coming year will be one of the finest and most rewarding of your life, and challenge you to do your best in the classroom, in activities, in athletic events, and on the parade field. Please seek advice, counsel or assistance from your Military Advisor Team, the faculty, school staff or administration. All of these concerned professionals are dedicated to supporting your individual, family, religious, academic or social needs. I am here, along with your cadet chain of command and Military Advisors, to help you with your personal problems. My door is always open to you. Again welcome! We sincerely hope you will enjoy your stay at St. John’s. George H. Stelljes MAJ, US ARMY (RET) Commandant -2- ST. JOHN’S MILITARY SCHOOL SALINA, KANSAS 67401 SJMS – ABOUT THE HANDBOOK SUBJECT: June 2015 Cadet Handbook of Rules and Regulations 2015-2016, 128th Corps of Cadets 1. AUTHORITY: These regulations are published by the Commandant of Cadets/Director of Military Affairs as directed and authorized by the President, St. John’s Military School, Salina, Kansas. 2. PURPOSE: The purpose is to prescribe SJMS policies and procedures for the command and administration of the Corps of Cadets. Further, parents and patrons by signature of the enrollment contracts have subscribed to the rules and regulations as set forth herein. 3. INTERPRETATION: The interpretation of these regulations is a function of command exercised by the Commandant. When any doubt arises as to the meaning of a regulation, a Cadet will seek advice from his Chain of Command beginning with his squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, military advisor, and finally the Commandant. 4. COMPLIANCE: Cadets will keep themselves thoroughly acquainted with these regulations and all changes and additions. Cadets will comply with the obvious intent as well as the letter of all regulations and orders. Ignorance is no excuse and these regulations apply to St. John’s Military School Cadets at all times during the current school year. Cadets are considered to be in the custody of St. John’s Military School at all times while in the City of Salina, traveling to school and to home from school with the following exception: When Cadets are officially in the custody of parents or guardians out of the City of Salina and when traveling to and from school with parent(s), guardian(s) or authorized adult(s). 5. PROCEDURAL DUE PROCESS AFFORDED CADETS - ST. JOHN’S MILITARY SCHOOL: Each cadet is authorized to have due process. However, cadets are not authorized to use this procedure to avoid or otherwise circumvent discipline. Military Advisors (SMA’s and MA’s) have the authority, indeed, the responsibility, to keep order at St. John’s Military School. Inherent in this responsibility and authority is the ability to take corrective action immediately. There are available procedural safeguards to ensure that any adverse action can be dealt with fairly and equitably so that any individual affected has every opportunity to respond in writing to charges and refute evidence against him. When appropriate, an individual may request an additional hearing, seek counsel of own choosing and be afforded appellate review. The Commandant’s “Open Door” policy provides cadets with another form of redress for presenting grievances and ensuring due process. Individuals may also request a Cadet Court as an appellate review. 6. ENGLISH, THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE: a. All cadets enrolled at St. John’s Military School, and all Military Advisors, are advised that English is the only language permitted during academic, religious, military and recreational activities conducted or permitted by the Administration of SJMS. At no time will cadets at St. John’s be addressed in a language other than English during daily routine (Reveille to Taps). b. Languages other than English may be spoken when: (1) In the barracks when the conversation does not disrupt the barracks routine. (2) In an academic environment when a language, other than English, is being taught. (3) When off campus on authorized pass or leave, but never during off campus school sponsored activities. (4) When on the phone with parents, sponsors or family acquaintances, or when escorting visitors who are more comfortable with a foreign language. (5) During any class or training, with the approval of the instructor. -3- SJMS – ABOUT THE HANDBOOK c. All St. John’s personnel will be sensitive to the comfort and perceptions of others when using a language, dialect or slang which might not be easily understood by other personnel. 7. ACTION IN CASES NOT COVERED: In cases not specifically covered by regulations, cadets will conduct themselves as gentlemen. Whenever circumstances over which he has no control make it necessary for a cadet to violate orders or regulations in order to do the obviously correct thing, he will report the facts as soon as possible to his Military Advisor or the Commandant. -4- St. John’s Military School Salina, Ks 67401 June 2015 INDEX PAGE # Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Commandant’s Welcome Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 About the Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 4 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 8 ANNEX A (History) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 12 School Crest & Shield Alma Mater ANNEX B (JROTC Program) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 17 Cadet Duties & Responsibilities Definitions of Military Terms Commands Pledge of Allegiance National Anthem Spartan Program APPENDIX 1 to Annex B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 31 Cadet Staff Principles Cadet Staff Procedures Cadet Staff Organization Roles & Responsibilities of Cadet Staff APPENDIX 2 to Annex B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 - 35 Old Boy-New Boy System Duties & Responsibilities of New Boys ANNEX C (Military Operating Procedures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - 47 Discipline Cadet Control/Supervision Appearance & Personal Hygiene Food & Drink Bulletin Boards Vehicles Cadet Property Personal ID’s & SJMS ID’s Cadet Rooms School Property Telephones Computer Policy Cell Phone Policy Electronic Devices Policy Barbershop Infirmary Laundry & Dry Cleaning Military Courtesy Mail Chapel -5- Index to Handbook PAGE # Special Courts, Boards & Committees Cadet Court Promotion/Reductions Inspections Monthly Review Senior/Post Graduate Privileges Hotel & Travel Arrangements Barracks Living Physical Fitness APPENDIX 1 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 - 51 Promotions/Reductions APPENDIX 2 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 - 56 Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Policy Computer Policy Cell Phone Policy Electronic Policy APPENDIX 3 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 - 58 Contraband Items APPENDIX 4 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 - 68 Discipline Class III, II, I Offenses Drug Policy Alcohol Policy Hazing Policy Tobacco Policy Descriptions of Consequences Counseling Statement APPENDIX 5 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 -70 Tour Squad Procedures APPENDIX 6 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 - 112 Physical Activity to Enforce Rules & Regulations APPENDIX 7 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 - 114 RAT and RAT STATUS Program APPENDIX 8 to Annex C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Physical Security Reporting/Investigating ANNEX D (Uniforms) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 - 127 Civilian Clothing Uniform Accessories & Authorized Accoutrements Authorized Insignia & Headgear ANNEX E (Quartermaster Operations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 - 129 -6- Index to Handbook PAGE # Educational Materials Tailoring Services Shoe Repair Allowances ANNEX F (Infirmary-Medical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 - 136 Sick Call Emergencies Physicals Appointments Admission to Infirmary Admission to Hospitals Sick in Quarters Light Duty Slip Medication Schedule Possession of Medications/Supplements Infirmary Rules ANNEX G (Dining Facility) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 - 141 Attendance Procedures/Rules Etiquette Duties of OIC/NCOIC Duties of Table Head Waiters ANNEX H (Chapel Procedures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Chapel Services & Conduct ANNEX I (Academic Department) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 - 150 Graduation Requirements Course Lists Class Schedule Class Attendance Make-up Work Books Night Study Hall Computer Use Academic Restrictions Grading System Report of Grades Scholarship Recognition Guidance Fire & Disaster Drills Athletic Eligibility Extra Curricular Activities ANNEX J (Awards & Decorations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 - 169 Color Pictures of Ribbons, in order of precedence, follows this annex ANNEX K (Emergency Evacuation Plans & Procedures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 – 172 Fire & Tornado -7- Index to Handbook PAGE # ANNEX L (Administrative Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Laundry Barbershop Recreation Services Facilities & Maintenance Service APPENDIX 1 to Annex L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 - 175 Interior Guard, Duties & Responsibilities Corporal of the Guard (COG) Sergeant of the Guard (SOG) Bugler of the Guard (BOG) Flag Detail Cannon Detail Conduct APPENDIX 2 to Annex L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Laundry & Dry Cleaning APPENDIX 3 to Annex L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 - 178 Cadet Patrol Duties & Uniforms APPENDIX 4 to Annex L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 - 182 Passes RON OPD’s Leaves (Vacations) Curfew Off Campus Runs APPENDIX 5 to Annex L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Electrical APPENDIX 6 to Annex L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Visitors On Bounds Areas Off Bounds Areas Persona-non-grata ANNEX M (Off Bounds & Off Limits Areas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 - 186 School Boundary Off Limits Areas – Salina Off Bounds Areas - Campus Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 - 192 -8- St. John’s Military School Salina, Kansas June 2015 ANNEX A (HISTORY) TO CADET HANDBOOK 1. HISTORY a. The Rt. Rev. Elisha Smith Thomas may be called the founder of St. John’s. Soon after taking up residence in Salina as Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor of Kansas, he interested a number of prominent citizens in the idea of a military school and soon the school was incorporated. Late in 1887, the Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Vail, Bishop of the Diocese of Kansas, laid the corner stone of the first building known as Vail Hall which stood until 1978 when it was destroyed by fire. b. Following Bishop Thomas as President of the Board of Trustees, the governing body of the school, the following Bishops all contributed time and effort toward the operation and development of St. John’s as it is today: The Rt. Rev. Frank Rosebrook Millspaugh The Rt. Rev. Sheldon M. Griswold The Rt. Rev. John Charles Sage. The Rt. Rev. George Allen Beacher The Rt. Rev. Robert Herbert Mize The Rt. Rev. Robert Nelson Spencer The Rt. Rev. Shirley Hall Nichols The Rt. Rev. Edward C. Turner The Rt. Rev. Arnold Meredith Lewis The Rt. Rev. William Davidson The Rt. Rev. John F. Ashby The Rt. Rev. Vernon E. Strickland The Rt. Rev. James Adams The Rt. Rev. Michael Millikin c. Much might be said in praise of the many heads of the school and the staff and faculty who so unselfishly and tirelessly worked for its advancement. Bishop Mize was Rector of St. John’s for eight years, 1898 to 1906, and remained closely associated with the school during his 17 years as Bishop from 1921-1938. Colonel W. L. Ganssle headed the school, after being closed for one year, during the years 1915-1928. Colonel Ganssle was the originator of many SJMS traditions including the Crack Squad (Exhibition Drill Team) and The Skirmisher. Both Bishop Mize and Colonel Ganssle died in 1956. d. St. John’s made great strides under the leadership of Colonel R. L. Clem. Colonel Clem arrived at St. John’s in July of 1936 and began the longest, continuous service by one person as head of the School. At the time he became superintendent at SJMS, he was a Presbyterian layman. During this period he studied for the Episcopal priesthood and was ordained in 1940. Colonel Clem served as rector of St. John’s until his retirement in 1968. He died in 1990. e. Succeeding Colonel Clem as superintendent, later changed to President in 1979, was Colonel Keith G. Duckers. Under his supervision Mize Hall, Clem and Ferris Halls, the Vanier Academic Center, Spencer Cadet Center, Banes Gymnasium and Annex, all faculty housing, tennis courts and -9- (ANX A(H&T)CHB) Lyman Linger Middle School were erected. Colonel Duckers retired as President effective June 1, 1993. f. On June 1, 1993, Captain E. A. “Skip” McAlexander assumed the presidency of St. John’s Military School. Skip’s tenure witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of students enrolled, and saw the completion of the Steven’s Center, a multipurpose facility, consisting of a kitchen, dining room, infirmary, student housing, rifle range, JROTC classrooms, the Browning reception and conference hall, and a formal dining room. Captain McAlexander served as president of St. John’s until December 15, 2001. g. Mr. Jack H. Albert Jr. was appointed to the position of President of St. John’s Military School on December 15, 2001. He served in that position until May 28, 2004. h. Colonel Jack R. Fox became President of St. John’s Military School on August 30, 2004. Colonel Fox, a retired military officer, came with experience as a teacher and as the Commandant at another military school. Colonel Fox’s tenure saw the beginning of construction on the new Jack Vanier Hall barracks. Colonel Fox served until May 17, 2007. i. Mr. D. Dale Browning became the Interim President of St. John’s Military School following Colonel Fox’s departure and prior to the arrival of President-select, Larry Lysell, who was scheduled to take the reins in July 2008. Mr. Browning has a long and personal association with St. John’s beginning with his enrollment as a cadet. After graduation from St. John’s and Kansas Wesleyan University, Mr. Browning became a teacher and mentor for cadets at St. John’s. During the many years that Mr. Browning built his impressive career in international banking, he simultaneously served St. John’s selflessly as a Board of Trustees member, and a devoted benefactor to St. John’s and its cadets in ways too numerous to list, but it includes the D. Dale Browning scholarship and the Browning Soule Cadet Recreation Center in the basement of Jack Vanier Hall. j. Mr. Larry Lysell assumed the Presidency of St. John’s on July 1, 2008. Mr. Lysell has a long career as an educator and educational administrator. He began that career at St. John’s Military School in 1973 and held positions of teacher, coach, admissions officer, Director of Admissions, and Administrative Assistant to the President. Mr. Lysell left St. John’s in 1987 to become the Principal of Wilson High School in Wilson, Kansas. His Superintendent career spanned the years 1990 through 2008 and involved dedicated service in five Kansas unified school districts. Mr. Lysell served as President during the 2009-2010 school year. k. Mr. Andy England began his tenure as President on June 1, 2010. Mr. England was born and raised in Mechanicsville, VA and graduated from the Virginia Military Institute as a Distinguished Military Graduate with a BA in History. His four year military career was spent as an Artillery Officer in the United States Army, predominately stationed with the 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas. Mr. England has invested sixteen years in building construction; the last thirteen as the President and owner of Salina Building Systems, Inc. in Salina, Kansas. During Mr. England’s association with St. John’s he has been a member of the St. John’s Board of Trustees where he served a term as president. Mr. England has also served on the Board of Directors for the Kansas Association of General Contractors and the Board of Trustees for First Presbyterian Church. His wife, Katy, is a Salina native and they have three children; Grant, Kegan and Mary. - 10 - (ANX A(H&T)CHB) 2. THE SCHOOL CREST AND SHIELD a. The official school shield first appeared in the 1930-31 catalog. The details were the work of Bishop R. H. Mize, and Colonel R. V. Perkins, the school Commandant, who made a study of several books on heraldry. The interpretation is given as follows: • • • • • 3. Crest - A wreath bearing an eagle with extended wings resting on a rifle and unsheathed saber. Shield - Orange and black with gold chevron and three fleurs-de-lis. Motto - Scientia-Virtus-Disciplina (Science-Virtue-Discipline). Description of Crest - The eagle is fearless, possesses far vision, is resourceful and is resting in an attitude of protection. The rifle and saber are emblematic of the defense of our state and institutions. The wreath has been taken from the Coat of Arms of the State of Kansas. Description of Shield - A gold chevron and three fleurs-de-lis surmount a field of black and burnt orange (the approved school colors) which indicate religious and scholastic activities. The fleurs-de-lis taken from the shield of the First Bishop of England, symbolized the three Bishops of Salina who played important roles early in the life of the school; also that St. John’s school furnished soldiers to the federal government for three campaigns during Spanish American War, Mexican Border War and World War I prior to the time the shield was adopted. ST. JOHN’S MILITARY SCHOOL ALMA MATER (Words by Lt. Col. Paul Kellogg, USMC (Ret.) FIRST VERSE: Far across the Kansas prairie Midst it’s waving grain Stands our noble Alma Mater Mightiest on the Plains CHORUS: Lift your voices speed them onward Praising all her sons Hail to thee our Alma Mater Hail all hail St. John’s. SECOND VERSE: Scientia, virtus and disciplina Is our motto true Carved in stone and in our memories This we pledge to you CHORUS: Repeat THIRD VERSE: Cadets all marching flags all flying Bugles end the day Sons as yet unborn will hail thee Orange and black to stay CHORUS: Repeat 4. THE FREEDOM TREE a. The Freedom Tree was donated to the 95th Corps of Cadets, St. John’s Military School, on October 30, 1982 by the City of Salina in honor of Major Dennis Pugh, a resident of Salina, Kansas and a member of the United - 11 - (ANX A(H&T)CHB) States Air Force. Major Pugh was listed as missing in action on March 19, 1970 in Vietnam, and presumed dead on January 23, 1982. 5. THE HONOR CODE a. The St. John’s Military School Honor Code was authored by Cadet Major Brian Sweeney, class of 1989. St. John’s Military School Code of Honor Honesty-Dignity-Pride “none can exist without the other, nor will the absence of any be tolerated” - 12 - ANNEX B (JROTC PROGRAM) TO CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL a. Each cadet enrolled in Grades 9-12 at St. John’s Military School is required to receive training in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program (JROTC). This training is referred to as Leadership, Education and Training Levels l through 4. The Department of the Army (DA) provides equipment and training guidance to include detailed programs of instruction and supervisory support. b. The Senior Army Instructor (SAI) of St. John’s Military School is responsible for conducting the JROTC Program by scheduling, organizing and presenting training as directed by DA (TRADOC) and for organizing and conducting extracurricular military activities such as rifle and drill competition, Ranger (Spartan) Program, reviews, parades and social events. c. The mission of the JROTC Program is to motivate young people to become better citizens. 2. CADET DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES a. Both Old and New Boys enrolled at St. John’s Military School have the responsibility to follow all orders given to them by a cadet senior in rank and all Military Staff and Faculty members. An order is defined as any direction given that is directive in nature. An order has been issued if you are directed to do something that requires you to respond with some sort of action. The only exception to this is when you are directed to perform an illegal act. Report such orders received when it can be substantiated by witnesses. b. Specific duties of each leadership position are listed in Appendix 1 to Annex B. Each cadet holding a leadership position is required to read the Leadership Appendix in this handbook. c. St. John’s Cadets DO NOT: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3. Lie Cheat/Plagiarize Steal Use vulgar language/profanity Put hands in pockets Break step while walking with another person Straggle to and from assignments DEFINITIONS (FM 3-21.5) a. Drill: Drill consists of certain movements by which individuals or units are moved in an orderly, uniform manner from one formation to another or from one place to another. Movements are executed in unison and with precision. b. Ceremonies: Ceremonies are formations and movements in which a number of cadets execute movements in unison and precision, just as in drill. However, their primary value is to render honors, preserve tradition and/or stimulate esprit de corps. Note: Measurements in this manual are approximated and based on the configuration of an average cadet. c. Element: An element is an individual, squad, section, platoon, company or larger unit formed as part of a unit. - 13 - (ANX B(JROTC)CHB) d. Interval: Interval is the lateral space between elements. (1) Normal interval is the lateral space between cadets, measured from right to left by the cadet on the right holding his left arm shoulder high with fingers and thumb extended and joined and the tip of the middle finger touching the right shoulder of the cadet to his left. (2) Close interval is the lateral space between cadets, measured from right to left by the cadet on the right placing the heel of his left hand on his left hip even with (top of) the belt line. The fingers and thumb are joined and extended downward with his elbow in line with his body and touching the arm of the cadet to his left. (3) Double interval is the lateral space between cadets, measured from right to left by raising both arms shoulder high with the fingers and thumb extended and joined (palms down) so that his fingertips are touching the fingertips of the cadet to the right and left. e. Distance: Distance is the space between elements when the elements are one behind the other. (l) Distance between units varies with the size of the formation. (Desired distance measurements accompany all diagrams.) (2) Distance between individuals is an arm’s length to the front plus 6 inches, or approximately 36 inches, measured from the chest of one cadet to the back of the cadet immediately to his front. f. Formation: A formation is the arrangement of elements of a unit in a prescribed manner. (l) Line formation: A line formation is a formation in which the elements are side by side or abreast of each other. In a platoon line, the members of each squad are abreast of each other with the squads one behind the other. (2) Column formation: A column formation is a formation in which the elements are one behind the other. In a platoon column, the members of each squad are one behind the other, with the squads abreast of each other. Note: To change a line formation to a column formation, the command is RIGHT, FACE. To change a column formation to a line formation, the command is LEFT FACE. g. Rank: A rank is a line which is only one element in depth. h. File: A file is a column which has a front of only one element. i. Alignment.: The arrangement of several elements on the same line. j. Cover: Cover is aligning oneself directly behind the cadet to your immediate front while maintaining correct distance. k. Head: Head is the leading element of a column. l. Flank: Flank is the right or left side of any formation as sensed by an element within that formation. m. Front: Front is the space from side to side of a formation including the right and left element. n. Depth: Depth is the space from front to rear of a formation including the front and rear element. o. Base: Base is the element on which a movement is planned or regulated. p. Post: Post is the correct place for an officer or non-commissioned officer to stand in a prescribed formation. - 14 - (ANX B(JROTC)CHB) q. Guide: The guide is the person responsible for maintaining the prescribed direction and rate of march. r. Cadence: Cadence is the uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed, or the number of steps or counts per minute at which the movement is executed. Drill movements are normally executed at the cadence of quick time. Those movements which may be executed at double time are explained in the paragraphs pertaining to double time. (1) Quick time is the cadence of 120 counts or steps per minute. (2) Double time is the cadence of 180 counts or steps per minute. s. Step: A step is the prescribed distance measured from the heel of a marching cadet. 4. COMMANDS (FM 3-21.5) a. Position of Attention: Assume the position of attention on the command FALL IN or the command BATTALION (Company, Platoon, Squad) ATTENTION. Note: To assume this position bring your heels together smartly so that the heels are on the same line with the toes pointing out equally and forming an angle of 45 degrees. Keep your legs straight without locking your knees. Hold your body erect, with your hips level, chest lifted and arched, and your shoulders square and even. Keep the head erect and face straight to the front with the chin drawn in so that alignment of the head and neck is vertical. Let the arms hang straight without stiffness. Coil the fingers so that the tips of the thumbs are alongside and touching the first joint of the forefingers. Keep the thumbs straight along the seams of the trouser leg with the first joint of the fingers touching the trousers. Remain silent and do not move unless otherwise directed. b. Parade Rest: Parade rest is commanded from the position of ATTENTION only. The command for this movement is PARADE REST. On the command of execution REST, move your left foot 10 inches to the left of your right foot. Keep your legs straight while resting your weight equally on the heels and balls of both feet. Simultaneously, place your hands at the small of the back and centered on the belt. Keep the fingers of both hands extended and joined, interlocking your thumbs so that the palm of the right hand is outward. Hold your head and eyes as at the position of attention. Remain silent and do not move. “STAND AT EASE”, “AT EASE”, or “REST” may be commanded from this position. c. Stand at Ease: The command for this movement is STAND AT EASE. On the command of execution, EASE, execute parade rest, but turn your head and eyes directly toward the commander. AT EASE or REST may be commanded from this position. d. At Ease: The command for this movement is AT EASE. On the command AT EASE, you may move; however, you must remain standing and silent with your right foot in place. REST may be commanded from this position. e. Rest: The command for this movement is REST. On the command REST, you may move, talk, or drink unless otherwise specified. You must remain standing with your right foot in place. AT EASE may be commanded from this position. f. 30-Inch Step: To march with a 30-inch step from the halt, the command is FORWARD MARCH. On the preparatory command FORWARD, shift your weight to the right leg without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, step forward with your left foot and continue marching with 30-inch steps, keeping your head and eyes fixed to the front. Without exaggeration, allow the arms to swing in a natural motion without bending at the elbow, approximately 9 inches straight forward and 6 inches straight to the - 15 - (ANX B(JROTC)CHB) rear of the trousers’ seams. Keep the fingers curled as in the position of attention so that the fingers just clear the trousers. g. 15-Inch Step (Half Step): To march with a 15-inch step from the halt, the command is HALF STEP MARCH. On the preparatory command HALF STEP, shift your weight to the right leg without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, step forward 15inches with your left foot and continue marching with 15-inch steps. Allow your arms to swing as with a 30-inch step. h. 15-Inch Step (Right/Left): To march with a 15-inch step right (left), the command is RIGHT (LEFT) STEP MARCH. The command is given only while at the halt. On the command of execution MARCH, bend your right knee slightly and raise your right leg only high enough to allow freedom of movement. Place your right foot 15 inches to the right of the left foot and then move the left foot (keeping your left leg straight) alongside the right foot as in the position of attention. Continue this movement, keeping your arms by your side. i. 15-Inch Step (Backward): To march with a 15-inch step backward, the command is BACKWARD MARCH. The command is given only while at the halt. On the command of execution MARCH, take a 15inch step backward with your left foot and continue marching backward with 15-inch steps, allowing your arms to swing naturally. j. 30-Inch Step (Double Time): To march in the cadence of 180 steps per minute with a 30-inch step, the command is DOUBLE TIME MARCH. It may be commanded while at the halt or while marching at quick time with a 30-inch step. 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG a. The pledge of Allegiance is not recited in military formations or in military ceremonies. b. At protocol functions, social and sporting events which include civilian participants, military personnel should: (1) When in uniform outdoors, stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag and render the hand salute. (2) When in uniform indoors, stand at attention, remain silent and face the flag. The hand salute is not rendered. Where the participants are primarily civilians or in civilian attire, reciting the pledge is optional for those in uniform. c. When in civilian attire, recite the pledge while standing at attention and face the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men should remove headdress with the right hand and hold it over the left shoulder with the hand being over the heart. “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 6. NATIONAL ANTHEM (Star Spangled Banner) 1st Verse: O say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bomb bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. O say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave - 16 - (ANX B(JROTC)CHB) O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? 2nd Verse: O thus be it ever when free men shall stand Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation! Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n rescued land Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto-“In God is our trust.” And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 7. SPARTAN PROGRAM a. All cadets participating in the Spartan Program must meet the rigorous standards set for in this section. b. All cadets earning the privilege of being called “Spartans,” must remain spiritually, intellectually, morally, and physically fit for all activities. Any Spartan that does not meet any of the below listed standards cannot wear Spartan distinctive items until all standards are met. (1) All Spartans must have a B average or higher. If a Spartan earns a failing grade on the D/F list at any time, he cannot wear Spartan distinctive items until all standards are met. A grade check will be made at the mid-quarter point. If the Spartan is passing all of his classes at that point, he will be reinstated; if not, he will be removed from the Spartan roster (2) A Spartan will be removed for any conduct reports of Class I offenses. Removal for other classes of conduct reports will be determined by the Senior Army Instructor (SAI). (3) A Spartan must pass every event at each cadet challenge or the APFT with a 70 percent average or above. (4) A Spartan will not violate the alcohol, drug, or tobacco policy of St. John’s Military School. If he does, he will be removed from the Spartan roster. (5) Any involvement in physical hazing whatsoever will result in being removed from the Spartan roster. (6) A Spartan must have integrity. Any Spartan caught lying, cheating, or stealing will be removed from the Spartan roster. (7) A Spartan must live the Spartan Creed: THE SPARTAN IS THE GUARDIAN OF THE INFERIOR. HE IS THE EYES FOR THE BLIND. HIS IS STRENGTH FOR THE WEAK. HE IS A SHIELD FOR THE DEFENSELESS. A SPARTAN STANDS TALL, BY BENDING LOW. SPARTANS RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS. c. Qualification Board: If Spartan candidates meet all of the eligibility criteria, they must pass a qualification board. The board will be comprised of current Spartans and the SAI. - 17 - APPENDIX 1 (Duties and Responsibilities) to ANNEX B (JROTC) to Cadet Handbook PART I: BATTALION STAFF (DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH CADET LEADERSHIP POSITIONS) SECTION I - STAFF PRINCIPLES 1. The Commander a. Command is authority exercised over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. Command includes the authority and responsibility for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling personnel for the accomplishment of the mission. Command also includes responsibility for health, welfare, morale, training and discipline of all personnel. b. The Commander alone is responsible for all that his unit does or fails to do. He can delegate authority, but not responsibility. He is assisted in performing command functions by an Executive Officer and a staff. 2. Relationship between the Battalion Staff and Company Commanders and company staffs with Company Commanders. a. Staff officers carrying out basic staff functions must avoid usurping the responsibilities or the prerogatives of Company Commanders and company staffs with whom they work. b. A staff officer contacts a Company Commander to transmit orders or instructions, to provide advice and recommendations or to exchange information. c. Normally, all orders issued from the Battalion Commander requiring or prescribing action by a Company Commander are by or in the name of the Battalion Commander. Exceptions to this basic principle occur when: (1) The Battalion Commander specifically authorizes staff members to issue orders and instructions. The Battalion Commander will formally announce this delegation of authority to insure proper distribution and unquestioned validity. (2) The technical nature of certain activities requires a special relationship. Technical control represents a degree of command authority that the Battalion Commander delegates and announces formally. d. Recommendations and advice to Company Commanders from staff officers are recommendations and advice only. A Company Commander may accept or reject them just as he does those from his own staff. SECTION 2 - STAFF PROCEDURES 1. The Staff a. The staff provides information to the Battalion Commander and supplies him with advice and estimates as required. The staff prepares plans and converts the Battalion Commander’s decisions into plans and orders that go to all companies for planning or execution. As authorized by the Battalion Commander, the staff supervises the execution of these plans and orders and takes the necessary action to insure that the Commander’s intentions are carried out. - 18 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK b. Staff officers follow standard procedures and use standard techniques when possible. Staff procedures are methods used to accomplish staff functions. They are the “how to” of staff operations. A staff visit is a staff procedure. It is used in collecting information or in supervising the execution of tasks. 2. Completed Staff Action a. A completed staff action is a staff officer’s analysis of a problem to include consideration of all feasible courses of action and his solution presented in a form that the Commander can approve or disapprove. b. A completed staff action that recommends implementing actions should include an implementing directive for the Commander to sign or approve. 3. Staff Coordination a. Coordination within a staff is essential to insure harmonious staff action in carrying out the Commander’s plans and to avoid conflicts and duplication. Most staff actions require coordination. b. The Executive Officer establishes procedures to coordinate staff operations. c. Specific coordination procedures include: (1) Informal and formal conferences with various staff members. (2) Briefings (3) Prompt distribution of essential information, decisions and orders within and among staff sections. 4. Briefings - Frequent briefings provide an excellent means of keeping the Commander and staff informed of the current status and problems facing the Commander. SECTION 3 - STAFF ORGANIZATION 1. Objective of Staff Organization - The material in this section is a guide to Commanders in organizing their staff. The Commander’s desires, his needs and available personnel may cause variations in assignment of duties and responsibilities a. A staff is a single, cohesive unit organized to help the Commander accomplish his goals. The Commander follows the principles of good staff organization by: (1) Describing and assigning responsibilities clearly. (2) Delegating decision making authority commensurate with their assigned responsibility. (3) Establishing an effective span of control. 3. Command and Staff Structure a. The Battalion Commander may include any or all three different groups - coordinating, special and personal - in his staff organization depending on his needs. b. The battalion coordinating staff officers are the principal staff assistants to the Battalion Commander. Each is concerned with one of these broad fields of interest: Personnel, intelligence, operations and logistics. They assist the Battalion Commander by coordinating the plans, duties and operations of all company elements. - 19 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK c. Battalion special staff officers assist the Battalion Commander in technical and other functional areas included in, but narrower than, the broad field of interest of the battalion coordinating staff officers and largely relating to technical and administrative matters. The special staff is under the operational control of the respective coordinating staff element. The SJMS Cadet Battalion Command and Staff Organizational Chart is as follows: BATTALION COMMANDER EXECUTIVE OFFICER CSM COORDINATING STAFF: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 SPECIAL STAFF: LAUNDRY MESS ASSISTANT S1 ASSISTANT S4 ASSISTANT S5 ____________________________________ S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ASSIST S1 S3 SGM (housed in company) LAUNDRY MESS ASSIST S4 ASSIST S5 (housed in company) (housed in company) HEADQUARTERS & HEADQUARTERS CO. ALPHA CO. BRAVO CO. CHARLIE CO. d. In the Command Chain, Company Commanders are directly responsible to the Battalion Commander for direction/required tasks. SECTION 4 - ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CADET BATTALION COMMANDER 1. Battalion Commander is responsible to: a. Command the Corps of Cadets and set a good example at all times. b. Be responsible for everything the Corps does or fails to do c. Maintain a direct relationship with the adult staff, the Battalion Staff, and Company Commanders. d. Ensure all orders and actions are in compliance with SJMS policies. e. Report serious incidents to the Commandant or his designated representative: Deputy Commandant or NCOIC of Operations. f. Make operational decisions for the Battalion in coordination with adult staff. g. Supervise, mentor, and evaluate the company commanders and encourage them to communicate freely. h. Prepare for and conduct corps training activities. i. Use the Battalion Staff to gather information and plan Corps activities, and designate Battalion Staff officers to assist in the supervision of activities. - 20 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK j. Arrange the required meetings and assemble the required command and staff personnel. k. Serve as the cadet court commander. l. Provide briefing to the Annual Formal Inspection (AFI) team. m. Assist the Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during classes. n. Execute all responsibilities in the name of the: Headmaster, President, Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Academic Dean/Dean of Students, Senior Army Instructor. o. Carry out their directives quickly and completely. SECTION 5 - RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF STAFF OFFICERS The Battalion Staff exists to support the Corps and SJMS. As such the Battalion Staff should: a. Follow the Battalion Commander’s guidance. b. Set a positive example for the Corps of Cadets. c. Help supervise the Corps of Cadets. d. Guide company leadership towards success. e. Support the Faculty and Staff, and place SJMS and the Corps above themselves. f. Provide briefings to the Annual Formal Inspection (AFI) team. g. DO WHAT IS RIGHT. 1. Executive Officer The Executive Officer is second in command and the principal assistant to the Commander. He is not in the Cadet Chain of Command. He is responsible to: a. Organize the Battalion Staff, mentor the individual staff members, and ensure they work as a team. b. Supervise the daily activities of the Battalion Staff and ensure that the Commander’s orders and instructions to the staff are carried out. c. Ensure the Battalion Staff rooms meet standards daily. d. Assigning specific staff officers the task of preparing detailed plans, orders, reports and other staff actions, as well as ensuring submission of such on time. e. Facilitate the weekly staff meetings. f. Assist the Battalion Commander as needed and assume command of the Corps in his absence. g. Act as the Commander of Troops during pass in review. - 21 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS)D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK h. Assist the Academic Department with supervising cadet behavior during classes, as well as supervising class leaders, and provide list of class leaders to SMA’s. i. Serve on cadet court. j. Perform other duties as assigned by the Battalion Commander 2. S-1 (Personnel Officer) The S-1 has staff responsibility for personnel activities and other administrative matters not specifically assigned to another staff officer. The major areas of responsibility are: a. Maintain JROTC records on all high school cadets – including providing quarterly awards summaries, making record changes, and handling awards questions from cadets. b. Prepare periodic strength reports such as position held, grade, tables of organization (TO), etc. c. Prepare the CSDO roster for commandant’s administrative assistant. d. Create a CSDO Roster for each weekend (3 Cadets SSG-1LT) to work in the JVH Rec Center (5 hour shifts) e. Personnel Management – appointments, assignments, announcements, transfers and promotions. f. Make recommendation for Assistant S-1 and Operations Sergeant with adult staff input. g. Make recommendations to improve morale and welfare of the Corps of Cadets. h. Assist in aligning the battalion during formations and receive the reports. i. Narrate special ceremonies. j. Report incidents that are prejudicial to good order within the Corps of Cadets. k. Assist the Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during classes. l. Make announcements during mess and assist the nurse as requested. m. Serve as the recorder for cadet court. n. Perform other duties as assigned. 3. S-2 (Intelligence/Academic Officer) The S-2 is the Provost Marshall and in this capacity is responsible for: a. Make periodic inspections of the security of the supply room and equipment storage areas. b. Assist in making periodic weapons security inspections. c. Make necessary on-the-spot corrections during security inspections. - 22 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS)D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK d. Report incidents that are prejudicial to good order within the Battalion. e. Select and train cadet patrol members. f. Investigate Class I offenses when required. g. Maintain the security and cleanliness of the Browning Soule Recreation Center. h. Meet weekly (Thursday) with Battalion Executive Officer i. Serve as the Battalion Academic Officer by monitoring D & F list/coordinate Student Tutors and supervising Company Academic Officers. j. Serve on Cadet Court. k. Perform other duties as assigned. 4. S-3 (Operations and Training) The S-3 serves as Senior Staff Officer after the Executive Officer and has staff responsibility for all matters pertaining to organization, operations and training. In this capacity he is responsible for: a. Establish and implement the New Boy training program in coordination with the HHC SMA. b. Make recommendation for Assistant S-3 and Operations Sergeant with adult staff input. b. Preparation and execution of training programs, MOI’s, and orders. c. Prepare the weekly training schedules, and compile training records and reports. d. Maintain cadet training records in JROTC. e. Responsible for parades and ceremonies, and preparing the drill field for such. f. Plan and supervise field events, training inspections, and tests. g. Maintain the unit reference library. h. Assist the Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during class hours. i. Serve on Cadet Court. j. Perform other duties as assigned. 5. S-4 (Logistics) The S-4 has staff responsibility for planning, coordinating and supervising all logistics activities. Major areas of responsibility are: a. Supervise the daily meals in dining facility. - 23 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS)D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK b. Recommend and supervise Laundry NCO; supervise the Corps laundry and dry cleaning. c. Recommend, train, and supervise the mess Officer/NCO. d. Make recommendation for Assistant S-4 and Operations Sergeant with adult staff input. e. Plan and coordinate Corps transportation. f. Serve as the food council commander, hold monthly meetings, and pass suggestions to adult staff. g. Assist the Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during class hours. h. Have a knowledge of Quartermaster operation. i. Perform monthly inventory of ROTC government property. j. Issue stays-on when needed. k. Perform other duties as assigned. 6. S-5 (Public Affairs) The S-5 has the responsibility for planning, coordinating and supervising public affairs operations and media coverage for St. John’s. The major areas of responsibility are: a. St. John’s Yearbook b. JROTC Scrapbook c. Consolidate all Corps Community Service Hours d. Assist the Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during class. e. Make recommendation for Assistant S-5 with adult staff input. f. Meet weekly (Thursday) with Battalion Executive Officer g. Perform other duties as assigned. SECTION 6 - RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF SPECIAL STAFF 1. Battalion Command Sergeant Major The Battalion CSM has the responsibility to: a. Supervise the RAT Program. b. With adult supervision and input, recommend and train RAT Drill Instructors. c. With adult supervision and input, select and train the Corps Color Guard, and appoint a Color Guard Commander; - 24 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part I(BNS)D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK d. Function as the primary point of contact for all Color Guard and other flag details conducted during the school year. e. With adult supervision and input, select and train the Cannon Detail; including the proper care and maintenance of the ceremonial howitzer and all ancillary equipment to include insuring sufficient blank loads are on hand for all events. f. Supervise and coordinate the campus police plan. g. Preside over NCO promotion boards. h. Assist the S-1 and S-3 in aligning the Battalion and marking the parade field. i. Receive strength reports from the First Sergeants. j. Establish and monitor the informal Chain of Command (SL to CSM) k. Assist the Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during class. l. Serve on Cadet Court. m. Perform other duties as assigned. 2. S-1 Assistant – Assists S-1 in his duties (this position filled with adult input) 3. S-3 Sergeant Major – Assists S-3 in his duties and the CSM with the RAT program (this position filled with adult input) 4. S-4 Assistant – Assists S-4 in his duties (this position filled with adult input) 5. S-5 Assistant – Assists S-5 in his duties (this position filled with adult input) 6. Mess Officer/NCO This duty position is one of the most important functions in the Corps. The Mess Officer/NCO will: a. Coordinate mess activities with the Food Service Director. b. Insure that all waiters are at their duty positions 20 minutes prior to the beginning of each meal. c. Inspect all waiters for cleanliness, proper uniform, and insure they conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times while in the dining facility. d. Supervise the mess hall and support platoon during meals. e. Fill in for duty when the waiter staff is short of personnel. f. Check each table to make sure it has been properly cleared after each meal. 7. Band Master - 25 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part II(CS)D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK The Corps Band Master controls and conducts all school band related functions as directed by the Band Director and Commandant. He has the responsibility to: a. Supervise all band members while at functions as representatives of SJMS. b. Insure all instruments and band property is properly secured. c. Insure all band members are on time for performances and inspect for proper uniform and cleanliness. d. Assist the adult band director when needed. e. Serve as the Band Platoon Leader. f. Responsible for any duties assigned by Company. 8. Battalion Bugler The Battalion Bugler is responsible for knowing and mastering all bugle calls required for day to day operations and specified special events. He will report to Stevens duty office 5 minutes prior to each scheduled call, in proper uniform of the day, to retrieve his instrument and then report to formation for sounding of all calls necessary. 9. Laundry NCO and Assistant. The Laundry NCO and his assistant (appointed by each company) will supervise the turn-in and pick-up of all laundry and dry cleaning by members of the Corps. Specifically: a. Control entrance and departure from laundry room, allowing only 5 cadets in the room at any one time. b. Check each laundry bag turned in for proper name tag and insure cadets turn in only one bag of laundry each week. c. Insure that cadets leave with only their own laundry. d. Maintain a proper police of the laundry room. e. Provide the military staff with a list of unclaimed laundry and/or dry cleaning. f. Report all violations of conduct by cadets to SMA/MA. 10. Flag Detail The Flag Detail will report to Duty Office five minutes prior to each time the colors are scheduled for raising or lowering. The detail will be in full Uniform of the Day and will perform duties as directed by the SMA and BN CSM. The Flag Detail is responsible for care, maintenance and storage of all colors and equipment. 11. Cannon Detail - 26 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part II(CS)D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK The Cannon Detail will be supervised and trained by the JROTC Department and BN CSM. The detail will report to Duty Office five minutes prior to scheduled firings or when otherwise directed by the SMA. The detail is responsible for the proper cleaning and care of the ceremonial howitzer as directed by the SAI, SEI, or BN CSM. PART II: CADET STAFF (DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH CADET LEADERSHIP POSITIONS) 1. COMPANY COMMANDER a. As the Company Commander you have total responsibility for the performance of your company. The key to good performance is thorough planning. Your tasks will be received from the Battalion Commander and staff in coordination with your Military Advisor Team. Your Senior Military Advisor (SMA) is your primary advisor and coach to your staff who provides your company with consultant expertise and adult supervision. b. Nightly: (1) Meet with the Military Advisor (MA) and your Cadet Battalion Commander (when required) the night before training when he provides mission briefing. Ask questions if anything is unclear to you. (2) Schedule meetings to brief the XO and platoon leaders on the Order of the Day for the following day. (3) Provide S-1 with company status report. (4) Know where your XO and 1SG are at all times. (5) Train and mentor Platoon Leaders. (6) Collect essays and apologies assigned to your company members as a consequence of misconduct (7) Perform other duties as assigned c. Daily: (1) Attend all scheduled formations. (2) Avoid lengthy formations. If possible, try not to form up in the sun. Use the Chain of Command to disseminate information. (Do not hold formations when proper use of the Chain of Command can accomplish the same.) (3) Enforce the established time schedule. Make sure platoon leaders are informed of all changes to the published Order of the Day. (4) Move your company as rapidly as possible. DO NOT WASTE TIME!! (5) Always locate yourself adjacent to the first moving element of the company while marching. (6) Insure the 1SG keeps you up to date on the status and location of personnel in the company. (7) Promote company integrity as opposed to platoon rivalry by instituting a company cheer for appropriate occasions. (8) Review all recommendations for promotions and awards pertaining to members of your company. (9) Review all conduct reports submitted to the SMA from other members of the company. (10) Counsel cadet officers and NCOs in your company (when needed). (11) Assist Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during class hours 2. COMPANY EXECUTIVE OFFICER - 27 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part II(CS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK a. As the Company Executive Officer (XO) you are the assistant to the CO and therefore should be prepared to assume command in the event of his absence. You are also responsible for the training program within the company. b. Nightly: (1) Attend the Company Commander’s meeting to receive guidance for the next day’s training. Insure platoon leaders are at the meeting. (2) Coordinate with the MA and Battalion Executive Officer and/or Training Officer on a daily basis. (3) Attend all meetings held by the Company Commander for any reason. (4) Work with S-2 as Academic Officer of the company and meet with him weekly (Thursday) to be briefed and assist with duties (5) Work with S-5 for Community Service hours and meet with him weekly (Thursday) to be briefed and assist with duties c. Daily: (1) Understand the Order of the Day in order to assume the CO’s position should he be absent. (2) Make sure the company gets to all functions on time. (3) At the Mess Hall make sure that all cadets are seated properly. (4) Assist Nurses with med call at all meals (5) Anticipate duties assigned to the company and prepare accordingly. (6) Monitor Opportunity Study Hall (OSH). (7) Train and mentor company staff. 3. PLATOON LEADER a. As platoon leader you are in charge of your platoon. In order to be successful, this job requires the maximum effort in planning and execution. “You are responsible for everything your platoon does or fails to do.” Your tasks will be received from your Company Commander or MA. Be sure you understand all of the following day’s activities. b. Nightly: (1) Review the Order of the Day and the role to be played by the platoon. (2) Brief your platoon sergeant and squad leaders on the next day’s activities. (3) Insure the CO and XO know where you are at all times. (4) Plan, organize and conduct training at platoon level when required. (5) You are responsible for checking the marking of all platoon members equipment and clothing. (6) You are responsible for equipment in rooms (i.e. chairs, desks, wall lockers, blinds). (7) Conduct a final check of your areas of responsibility prior to inspection by higher ranking cadets or staff personnel, including a 5 point inspection of each room c. Daily: (1) Get the head count from your platoon sergeant. (2) Always have your platoon where it is supposed to be on time. (3) Make a visual check to ensure your platoon area is clean and wall lockers are secured every day. (4) Clear your platoon from the barracks for formations (5) If your platoon is divided, your PSG will go with one half while you go with one half. (6) If you must leave your platoon at any time, inform your PSG that he is in charge. (7) You’re out in front; remember that your attitude and appearance sets the example for other cadets to follow. (8) Anticipate. Think ahead. - 28 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part II(CS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK 4. FIRST SERGEANT a. The job of the first sergeant is one of the most demanding at the school. As long as you keep on top of the situation you’ll be in good shape. Know what you are supposed to do and know what you’re doing at all times. b. Nightly: (1) Attend the Company Commander’s meeting to receive guidance for the next day’s training. (2) Direct platoon sergeants to attend the CO’s meetings, if required. (3) Brief your platoon sergeants with information on the Order of the Day, time of formations, appointments, etc.-on next day’s activities. (4) Always stay in contact with the Company Commander. (5) Counsel cadets when required. (6) Delineate duties for the company clerk and coordinate preparation of the duty roster. (7) Contact BN CSM for area of police responsibility assigned to your company (8) Be thoroughly familiar with the cadet handbook (9) Make on the spot corrections when observing rule infractions (10) Perform other duties as assigned (11) Train and mentor platoon sergeants. c. Daily: (1) Be sure to get status reports from PSGs before company formations and turn in to CO. (2) Call morning formation and receive the report. Make certain it checks with the status report. (3) Make sure all formations are conducted properly. Avoid formations in the sun if possible. Don’t form cadets outside during bad weather (extreme cold or rain). (4) Know where your people are at all times. Have PSG keep you informed and be sure to inform your CO of all activity within the company. (5) Your PSGs should frequently be checked to make sure your instructions are being carried out properly. (6) Make sure the company stays on schedule by motivating your PSGs. (7) While marching, sound a loud and clear cadence (Jody), or designate someone to do this for you. (8) Insure your company is in bed at Taps and cadet accountability is accurate at Taps. (9) Keep the MA informed of status and activities within the company at all times. (10) Assist Academic Department in supervising cadet behavior during class hours (11) Supervise companies in mess hall – position self at entrance to food line and monitor behavior as well as check for unshaven cadets. 5. PLATOON SERGEANT a. The platoon sergeant will be directly responsible to the first sergeant. You are the platoon leader’s right hand man. Remember to keep him informed of all information that is passed down from the company level. You will also supervise the activities of the squad leaders, re-supply for the platoon and assist in the training of the platoon. b. Nightly: (1) Break down the platoon area of responsibility for the squad leaders. (Barracks clean-up, police of area, etc. For complete list, refer to Cadet Leadership Handbook). (2) Supervise laundry turn-in and pick-up. (3) Counsel cadets when required. (Promotions/Demotions) (4) Make sure the platoon leader and first sergeant knows where you are at all times. - 29 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part II(CS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK (5) Supervise and check your areas of responsibility to insure duties are completed. (6) Insure that you have proper cleaning supplies on hand (toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner, mops, brooms). (7) Designate the Chain of Command in the platoon. (8) After squad leaders have briefed their squads, circulate throughout the barracks checking that the cadets have been thoroughly informed of the next day’s training and equipment requirements. (9) Be available to the platoon leader as he will frequently need information from platoon members. c. Daily: (1) Give a status report to the first sergeant indicating the number of cadets in the platoon, the number absent (sick call-A.W.O.L.-infirmary) by name and the number present for training. (2) Keep the platoon leader informed of the platoon’s status at all times. (3) Supervise the cleaning of the barracks, police call and laundry turn-in. (4) Make sure the barracks are locked when you leave for the day. You should be the last one out of the barracks. Also check that all lockers and windows (if required) are secured. Do not limit this to a visual check; physically check everything. (5) Form and dismiss the platoon for the platoon leader. Receive the report from the squad leaders. Remember not to form up in the sun if possible. DO NOT WASTE TIME!! (6) Take charge of the platoon in the platoon leader’s absence. (7) Inspect the next day’s uniform of all platoon members for cleanliness and completeness the night before (after study hall). (8) Do not be late for any formation or allow any member of your platoon to be late. (9) Be thoroughly familiar with the cadet handbook (10) Make on the spot corrections when observing rule infractions. 6. SQUAD LEADER a. The Squad Leader is responsible for the safety, discipline, training, welfare and control of his squad. b. Duties: (1) Responsible for personal hygiene (showers, teeth, finger nails, etc.) of subordinates. (2) Responsible for supervising the squad during execution of squad duties. (3) Know where your squad members are at all times. (4) Inspect your squad on Mondays for haircuts and insure they get to the barber during the week. (5) Assign Squad Buddy Teams so cadets look after each other and are responsible for each other. (6) Supervise laundry turn-in and pick-up. (7) Be thoroughly familiar with individual and squad drill. (8) Be thoroughly familiar with the cadet handbook. (9) Make on the spot corrections when observing rule infractions. c. Nightly: (1) Brief your squad on the Order of the Day and equipment list for the next day. Do this as early as possible so that each cadet has the maximum time to prepare. (2) Insure next day’s uniform is set up and displayed for PSG inspection. (3) Assign cadets for common areas of responsibility in the barracks (clean-up, police call, hallway). (4) Make sure your squad members are on time, well informed and ready for all events. (5) Inspect your squad and equipment at every chance. (Use the “buddy system”). - 30 - (APP1(D&R)ANXB(JROTC)CHB) Part II(CS(D&R/CLP) to LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK (6) Insure squad members are taking showers daily. (7) Insure the squad eats properly and encourage them to finish on time. Squad leaders should eat after their squad has eaten. (8) Supervise police call and report status to the platoon sergeant as required. 7. COMPANY CLERK a. Duties: (1) Carries the company guidon. (2) Responsible for proper posting and appearance of company bulletin boards. Make sure a copy of all orders is conspicuously posted on a daily basis. (3) Perform all duties assigned by the Company Commander and 1SG. (4) Performs as the laundry/dry cleaning NCO for company. (5) Keeps blank forms supplied to the company. (6) Keeps Table of Organization (TO) updated and properly distributed. - 31 - APPENDIX 2 (Old Boy-New Boy System) to ANNEX B (JROTC) to Cadet Handbook SECTION I - OBJECTIVE A. GENERAL 1. School organizations have a long established history of traditions. St. John’s Military School has evolved a set of worthwhile customs and traditions to enhance the mission of creating an opportunity for each cadet to grow spiritually, morally, intellectually, and physically. 2. Traditions thus, are the basis of values for all cadets. St. John’s has developed rules defining the relationship, privileges and responsibilities for all members of The Corps of Cadets. 3. New cadets are expected to accept and follow the customs and traditions of St. John’s and learn from the guidance and example of the Old Boy cadet leadership. A New Boy is any cadet who has not met the task, conditions and standards of the St. John’s Cadet Training Company. 4. The following objectives will assist in the development of new as well as old cadets. They are summarized as follows: a. To develop a feeling of loyalty to the principles of clean living, morality and physical fitness. b. To teach respect for authority and willing obedience to the orders of superiors. c. To develop esprit-de-corps and a high degree of morale. d. To train the cadet to care for himself, his room and his property in an orderly and efficient manner. e. To teach the cadet to present and maintain a neat appearance. f. To teach the principles of honesty, and fair dealing with others. g. To teach the cadet to accept responsibility for his actions. B. Methods and Procedures 1. Responsibility for the orientation and implementation of the Old Boy-New Boy system is vested in the Commandant through the company SMA’s. 2. All cadets will be given instructions and training through a course in leadership and personal responsibility. 3. There will be an orientation period (starting with the arrival and continuing through the processing of new cadets). Each new cadet will be instructed in the organization of the school and given a clear orientation of the Old Boy-New Boy system and the cadet handbook. 4. Only Old Boy cadets appointed to the rank or position of cadet officers or noncommissioned officers (squad leader or above) within each company’s Training Detachment will deal with New Boy cadets in matters pertaining to discipline, leadership and the instructive/constructive implementation of the measures and procedures. This will be performed under the supervision of the company SMA/MA’s in conjunction with the Cadet Battalion Staff. - 32 - (APP2 (OB-NB) ANXB (JROTC) to CHB 5. Any New Boy cadet entering after the official opening of school during the fall semester will be given the same orientation and instruction as other cadets and will begin training immediately thereafter. C. Measurement of Performance 1. Ratings - the following rating system will commence with the first week of training. a. Each New Boy will be evaluated on a weekly basis with a written test administered by the Training Commander. b. The individual company SMA and his cadet staff will review and rate each new cadet. An exceptional rating could possibly result in early graduation from the company’s New Boy Training program. c. The duration of new boy training will be a minimum of six (6) weeks, or adjusted to accommodate the school calendar. 2. Recognition a. A roster recommending New Boys for the Old Boy examination will be prepared by the company SMA and Training Detachment staff and submitted to the Commandant for final approval. Selection will not begin prior to completion of the fourth week of training. b. The names of those cadets selected for advancement to Old Boy and promotion to Private (PVT) or Private First Class (PFC) will be published by the Commandant. c. Those cadets promoted to Old Boy status will be transferred out of the company Training Detachment and authorized to wear the Old Boy shields. d. Those cadets not advanced (promoted) will remain in the company Training Detachment until they accomplish established procedures. e. The advancement of new cadets entering after school commences will be the same as above in training procedure. SECTION II - DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF NEW BOYS A. Designation and Requirements of a New Boy 1. Cadets entering St. John’s Military School for the first time will be designated “New Boy” and automatically rated as such. 2. No distinction will be made between old and new cadets in athletics or academic work. However, cadet rank will be recognized and all cadets will obey official orders of cadet officers and NCO’s. 3. New Boys will adhere to the following until they become Old Boys: a. Shower according to shower schedule b. Eat “square meals” when directed ONLY by the Battalion Commander to insure proper manners. When soups, cereals, syrup and stews are on the menu, square meals will NOT be directed. c. “Walk the Walls” in barracks and other buildings at attention. - 33 - (APP2 (OB-NB) ANXB (JROTC) to CHB d. Double-time when out of doors, except in adverse winter weather when snow and ice are present e. New Boys are restricted to assigned floors except when in class or en route to class, mess, chapel or formation. f. Square all corners when walking. g. When indoors outside of class, New Boy Cadets will not speak unless spoken to by an Old Boy or a Staff/Faculty member. h. Favors will not be accepted from New Boys by anyone. i. All New Boy rooms are off bounds to other New Boys and Old Boys unless they are officers or New Boy instructors. j. Upon passing the Freedom Tree when on the sidewalk-face tree-salute and sound off: “Freedom Forever.” B. Detailed Responsibilities & Obligations of a New Boy 1. Cadet New Boys will be required to assume the normal position of attention (NOT a “Brace”) under the following circumstances: a. All regular scheduled formations b. When addressing an officer or noncommissioned officer or Military Advisor c. When addressing a member of Staff/Faculty d. When addressing an “Old Boy” e. When reporting to school administrative officials f. When in ranks g. When approached by Commandant, officers and NCO’s 2. The term “Sir” or “Ma’am”, respectfully voiced, will be used by all cadets to include New Boys when addressing the President, the Commandant, Faculty/Staff members and officers. 3. New Boys will not be given passes until after achieving Old Boy status and participating in a promotion ceremony. New Boys are not authorized: phone privileges, radios, stereos, electronics, or Recreation Center privileges for the six weeks of new boy training. 4. Exceptions to number 3 may be granted on a case by case basis at the discretion of the President or Commandant. 5. New Boys will room with New Boys only. 6. New Boys will write and mail a letter to parent(s) or guardian at least once a week. 7. When a cadet officer or noncommissioned officer enters a room, New Boys will rise and come to attention. They will remain at attention until the officer/NCO leaves the room or orders otherwise. Cadet Officers and NCO’s will enter a New Boy’s room on official business only. 8. When a New Boy’s room is unoccupied, no cadet may enter except on official business. 9. New Boys will continue to be so designated until they pass the Old Boy test and are advanced to the rank of private or in the case of scoring 100%, advanced to the rank of private first class. 10. Old Boy examinations will be administered by the Military Department. Normally a cadet must be at St. John’s a minimum of six (6) full weeks before he is ready for examination. When a cadet passes the examination he is entitled to wear “Old Boy” shields. - 34 - (APP2 (OB-NB) ANXB (JROTC) to CHB 11. The New Boy speech (oral) which must be learned by all new boys is as follows: Sir!! How fareth St. John’s? Sir!! St. John’s being in the hands of the last of a long line of illustrious Cadets, all things looketh well, save myself who remembereth only that there are __________days until Thanksgiving vacation, Christmas vacation, Spring Break, or Commencement. C. Upholding the Old Boy-New Boy System 1. The Old Boy-New Boy system embodies the traditions of St. John’s developed and cherished since 1887. 2. Excessive zeal and harshness by the Training Cadre, beyond the extent of the rules and regulations and the training of New Boys will be a clear violation of trust and confidence. The Training Cadre should be fair, just, considerate and reasonable in exacting compliance from new cadets assigned in their care. Hazing is absolutely forbidden and will not be tolerated. Those found guilty will be punished, to include possible suspension or dismissal from St. John’s. 3. The Old Boy-New Boy system requires the support of new cadets. Each new cadet should accept the rules and regulations, and do his best. Defiance on the part of a new cadet will inevitably bring unhappiness, affect his academic record, and may lead to further disciplinary problems. 4. The instructive/constructive handling of a New Boy is delegated by the Commandant to the Military Advisors, Cadet Battalion Staff, Cadet Officers and NCO’s of Headquarters Company. They are charged with preventing any type of harassment from Old Boys not authorized to instruct or correct. - 35 - ANNEX C (MILITARY OPERATING PROCEDURES) to Cadet Handbook 1. GENERAL a. Commandant’s Authority The Commandant is solely responsible for the administering of discipline at St. John’s Military School. This does NOT preclude “on the spot” constructive corrective action by faculty, staff and cadets in authority which is not considered disciplinary action. b. Discipline Cadets are admitted to St. John’s Military School with the definite understanding that they will submit to authority and conform to the standards of the school in all matters, and live according to established rules and regulations. Every cadet is expected to conduct himself as a gentleman at all times and be obedient and respectful to staff and faculty, Military Advisors, superior cadet officers and non-commissioned officers. Parental/guardian/patron consent is given to designated officials of St. John’s Military School to inspect the person (to include chemical abuse testing), clothing, personal effects and school assigned quarters and equipment of any cadet at any time while he is enrolled in the school. These inspections are conducted to insure safety and wellbeing of every cadet and are agreed to by parents/guardians/patrons as specified in the Enrollment Contract and attested by signature thereto. c. Cadet Control/Supervision Cadets are under the supervision of St. John’s Military School during the school year. During authorized ordinary leave (vacations), cadets are under the supervision of the school administration while traveling to their destination and again when leaving their destination for return to school. Cadets are subject to the rules and regulations of SJMS while on parent pass, to include RON pass, Parents’ Weekend, Vacation periods, and Commencement Weekend. d. Appearance and Personal Hygiene While in uniform, cadets are required to be neat, orderly, smart in appearance, and punctual. Their hair will be worn according to school regulations (refer to page 37, Barbershop) and their faces clean shaven at all times. Eye glasses must be of approved prescription, with standard frames and of standard size. Oversized, nonprescription colored lens and granny styles are not approved for wear. Sunglasses are not authorized except in the event of a medical condition and are prescribed by a doctor. The SJMS nurse will provide a profile for such need. Cadets will shower daily after the athletic-physical fitness class in the gym and at shower hour in the barracks. Cadets will brush and care for teeth at least once every day. Brushing after every meal is recommended. Cadets will be robed or clothed from waist down when in hallways to and from latrines. Cadets will not sleep in their uniforms except clean PT uniform. The next day’s uniform of the day will be laid out for the next day before taps. e. Food and Drink No food or drink will be consumed in the school building except when offered by faculty or staff. No food or drink will be removed from the dining facility. Food or drink ordered for delivery may be ordered, with permission of SMA/MA, on Friday evening after mandatory mess and during regular pass gate times on Saturday or Sunday. Exceptions would be made for Birthdays or other special events with the acknowledgement and approval of SMA/MA. Food must be pre-paid and delivered not later than thirty (30) minutes prior to end of pass gate Saturday or Sunday. f. Bulletin Boards - 36 - ANX C(MOP)CHB) All cadets will read the Battalion Bulletin Board daily and will be aware of all scheduled activities. Cadets will be present and on time for all formations. Cadet Officers and NCOs will not hold special drills, formations or exercises unless permission to do so has been granted by the Commandant. Cadets who fail to report as directed or absents himself from any formation or detail without proper authority will be disciplined by the Commandant/Deputy Commandant. Cadets will report to main Duty Office and school administrative offices only when requested or scheduled and will report in full uniform of the day. g. Vehicles Cadets are not allowed to have motor vehicles, scooters, motorcycles, or any other motorized vehicle in the Salina area or on campus. Cadets are prohibited from operating motor vehicles in Salina during the school year except when accompanied by parents/guardians or when authorized in writing by the Commandant. Cadets may ride in vehicles with parents/guardians, adult relatives (18 years or older), staff/faculty members and adults (21 years or older) who possess valid driver’s permits when on church pass, special pass, guest pass, RONs and or emergency leave. Cadets with written parental consent may ride with specified adult licensed drivers (21 years or older) in Salina while on authorized pass or leave. Any exceptions to the above policy must be approved in writing by the Commandant. h. Cadet Property Borrowing, lending, buying or selling among cadets of any item is prohibited. Stereo equipment, authorized electronics, computers, cell phones, CDs, DVDs, skateboards, skates, and all other items of personal property of value will be marked or engraved with applicable cadet serial number and registered on “personal property sheet” with the company adult military advisor (MA). The cadet is responsible for getting his personal property registered with the MA’s. Cadets will verbally report losses of personal property through cadet Chain of Command and the MA’s. In addition cadets will report loss in writing to the Commandant. Cadets who steal or are discovered in possession of property not their own will be disciplined as the Commandant directs, to include possible dismissal. i. SJMS Identification, Personal Identification & Credit/Debit Cards Cadets are not allowed to have in their possession any kind of credit or debit card; neither will they be allowed to keep in their possession a Passport, Visa, I-94 or I-20 form, Drivers’ License or State Identification card. These items will be turned over to the cadet’s Adult Military Staff on the same day as cadet’s arrival on campus. Each cadet will be given a St. John’s Military School photo ID at no cost. If a cadet’s ID card is lost or stolen, the cadet will be charged $10.00 for a replacement. A second replacement card is $15.00 and a third is $20.00, etc. These costs will be collected from the cadet’s allowance. j. Cadet Rooms Cadets will not enter rooms other than their own without permission of the occupant. No more than four (4) cadets at a time will gather in any room. In no case shall cadets enter rooms during the occupant’s absence except when accompanied by members of the Commandant’s Staff. Rooms will be inspected daily by adult staff. k. School Property Cadets will not tamper with or adjust any thermostat, smoke detector, fire extinguisher, heating fixture or surveillance equipment. Lighting fixtures will not be tampered with by cadets to include wall sockets, switches and all desk and overhead light fixtures. All damaged or defective physical property will be reported promptly to MA for work order action. Cadets who damage or destroy school property will be responsible for cost of - 37 - ANX C(MOP)CHB repair or replacement. Cadets will not rearrange the furniture in their rooms nor switch school property from room to room or building to building. l. Telephones Office phones are OFF BOUNDS except in the case of an emergency or authorized by Military Advisors. Obscenity on telephones either active or passive may result in a denial of telephone service to the cadet responsible for the offense. Should you have a cell phone, protect it and do not pass it around to other cadets under any circumstance. St. John’s Military School is not a collection agency and will not act as such should unauthorized charges be made against your credit accounts by other members of the Corps of Cadets. Should the situation arise, disciplinary action may be taken against offenders. m. Barbershop The school operates a barbershop where all cadets will have their hair cut when scheduled or directed by the Commandant. (Special authority to utilize off campus barbers MAY be approved by the Commandant). Cadets who fail to get the required haircut will be subject to disciplinary action. The regulation haircut for New Boys is a cut at 1/4 inch all over with side burns ending at the upper ear canal opening. The regulation haircut for Old Boys (to include RATs) is a cut at 1/4 inch for sides and back, and 1” for top with the side burns ending at the upper ear canal opening. The hair in the back will present a tapered (not blocked) appearance. The barber is instructed by the Commandant and will not deviate from these instructions. A VERY SHORT ALL OVERSO CALLED ID HAIRCUT-IS NO LONGER AUTHORIZED AT ST. JOHN’S. Cadets who do not conform to barber’s instructions in accordance with the order will be reported to the Commandant. The Commandant may, at his discretion, direct and order the type of haircut for any cadet not considered to present an acceptable appearance. Military Staff will supervise and are responsible for the behavior of cadets during haircut times. Military Staff will check each haircut voucher to verify that it is filled out correctly and thoroughly. Cadets are NOT authorized to cut, shape, trim or alter haircuts on self or others; nor are cadets authorized to shave heads, eyebrows, or put notches in eyebrows. Any questions pertaining to this policy will be clarified by the President or Commandant only. n. Infirmary Cadets in the infirmary for any reason are subject to the orders of the Nursing Staff. The nurse is solely responsible for admitting and discharging cadets into and from the infirmary. All cadet appointments made by the nurse for treatment, medication, physical examinations, evaluations, etc. will be attended by applicable cadet on schedule - NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action by the Commandant. Except for valid emergencies, cadets will report to sick call only at times indicated on the Order of the Day. At all other times, and for any reason, cadets will check with the SMA/MA for permission to go to the infirmary. The nurse on duty will email, to the military staff, the name(s) of any cadet(s) admitted to the infirmary. The nursing staff shall coordinate consultation by social workers, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other consultants as required to meet the needs of cadets. (See Annex F) o. Laundry and Dry Cleaning It is each cadet’s responsibility to have available clean uniforms to wear at all times. Dry cleaning and laundry turn-in will be accomplished by each cadet as scheduled on the Order of the Day. Each cadet is responsible for insuring that all items of clothing are properly marked with his name and/or serial number. Each cadet will have cloth name tags affixed to a minimum of two laundry bags by the Q.M. MA’s will supervise the turn-in and hand-out of all laundry for his company. Dry cleaning is turned unto laundry and returned through the Q.M. for accountability. See Appendix 2 to Annex L. - 38 - ANX C(MOP)CHB p. Military Courtesy (1) Proper military courtesy will be rendered by all cadets in the Corps. It is always initiated by the junior and returned by the senior. Instruction in military courtesy is an ongoing subject and will be instructed throughout the year at all levels of command. (2) The salute is the most frequently used method of military greeting to senior personnel. The salute is always rendered with a greeting such as “Good Morning, Sir.” The salute will be rendered smartly and in a military manner. A hand salute will be rendered to all cadet officers and adults upon recognition. All cadets will salute as follows: (a) All cadets will salute all cadet and adult commissioned officers. (b) All officers will salute officers holding higher rank than themselves. (3) All cadets, when approaching the President or Head Master of SJMS, will provide the proper greeting of the day whether indoors or outdoors. (4) When outdoors, cadets will render the applicable hand salute at all times. Individuals not under arms will be uncovered indoors except when on duty and considered under arms. When adult staff officers and cadet officers approach or enter cadet billets, the first cadet present who recognizes them as such, will call every cadet in the area to ATTENTION. When the President, Head Master, or Commandant, or any person above Commandant’s rank enters the dining facility, the first cadet present, who recognizes such officer will call “at ease”. Cadets will remain at ATTENTION until the officer commands “at ease”, “rest” or “carry on.” Cadets will not salute indoors except when entering an office and reporting to a senior individual. Special requirements for “New Boys” will be outlined in special instructions and implemented only upon order of the Commandant. (5) All SJMS cadets will observe the following regulations: (a) When a Staff/Faculty member enters a barracks room all cadets present will come to attention. (b) All questions to a Staff or Faculty member should be prefixed with “Sir”, “Ma’am”, or appropriate military title. (c) Cadets will salute all Staff or Faculty officers at ALL TIMES whether Staff/Faculty are in or out of uniform, in or out of automobiles, on or off campus, going or coming. q. Mail Mail call will be conducted as scheduled by the SMA. MA’s will handle mail distribution to cadets under their supervision. All mail and packages must be opened in front of a SMA or MA. Cadets mailing letters from St. John’s to other persons will affix a proper return address on each outgoing letter as follows: SAMPLE: Cadet CPL John Jones C Co., JVH Box 5020, SJMS Salina, KS 67402-5020 r. Chapel Attendance at scheduled chapel services is required unless permission has been granted by the Commandant for a cadet to be absent. Participation by all cadets in the services will conform to the customs and practices established by the administration except as modified by the President. See Annex H. - 39 - ANX C(MOP)CHB s. Special Courts, Boards and Committees There will be, when the need arises, certain special courts, boards or committees appointed by Special Orders. These serve as fact-finding bodies. They will be authorized to make recommendations and other reports to the Commandant and/or the President as the case may be. These Courts/Boards or Committees may be composed of either: staff, faculty, and/or cadets, or in some cases, all three. Generally these will be composed of staff and faculty personnel appointed to investigate alleged offenses or acts of misconduct believed to be too serious for consideration by the Cadet Court. t. Cadet Court (1) The Cadet Court consists of Battalion Staff and Company Commanders. The senior officer of the court is the Cadet Battalion Commander, appointed to the court by the Commandant. The Battalion S-1 is the Recorder of Cadet Court (a non-voting member), and the Battalion S-2 is the Provost of Cadet Court (also non-voting member). (2) Duties of the court are to: (a) Meet as needed (b) Hearing cadets who have received a large number of improper conduct reports specifying Cadet Court action and other cases directed by proper authority. (c) Make recommendations as specified to the Commandant (d) Serve as a grievance committee to hear cadet complaints, and to listen to and act on cadet recommendations of a constructive nature. (3) At all hearings, the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, or a SMA will be available to act as an advisor to the Court. Disciplinary and/or other action recommended by the court must be approved by the Commandant. The Commandant is the designated sponsor and advisor for the Cadet Court. x. Inspections (1) Room Inspections: All barracks areas will be inspected on a daily basis by Commandant Staff and cadet leaders, insuring that good order, health, comfort and a high state of discipline exists in all billets. All inspections will be uniformly conducted with the specific objective being that every room is clean (ie, bed made, floor clean, blinds open, trash can emptied), uniform, and in a good state of repair. Weekly Inspection results will be forwarded to the Commandant for his perusal. Work orders for damaged property will be prepared on the standard work order form and turned in to the Deputy Commandant for proper processing and forwarding. Formal Inspections will be conducted monthly by the Commandant or his designated representative. (2) Personnel Inspections: Cadets will be inspected daily by company staff and SMA/MA’s as scheduled or at any time. A battalion inspection will be scheduled for Saturday and an honor company will be designated for the week. An in-ranks personnel inspection will be conducted on Sundays. Cadets may expect to be inspected at anytime and anyplace. (3) Inspecting Authority: The only authorized personnel who can direct cadets to open lockers for inspection are: (a) President (b) Commandant (c) Members of the Commandant’s Staff - 40 - (ANX C(MOP)CHB) (4) Cadet Company Commanders may request members of the Commandant’s staff to make locker inspections. All items confiscated will be secured by the Commandant’s staff member. y. Senior Privileges When authorized by the Commandant, regulations will be published that govern Senior Privileges. In any event, no senior will be authorized special privileges until his participation in all scheduled school activities has been concluded. To participate in Senior Privs, all requirements for regular pass must be met. Eligibility or ineligibility is in effect for a week (Friday-Thursday). z. Hotel/Travel Reservations Cadets are never authorized to make hotel reservations or travel arrangements at any time during the school year or scheduled summer activities. Any cadet found doing so will be subject to disciplinary action. 2. BARRACKS LIVING a. The barracks are the cadets’ homes at St. John’s. Obviously, with many cadets living closely together, rules and regulations are necessary. The only things, however, that insure harmony are the sincere desire of each cadet to get along with fellow cadets, to respect the right of others, and to be considerate in his actions. b. Halls, stairways, latrines and showers are common areas for the use of all cadets. Military Advisors and Company Commanders will be held accountable for the condition of these facilities. All cadets share the responsibility for keeping these areas clean and presentable at all times. The furniture in the reception area of Jack Vanier Hall is off bounds to all cadets except when visiting with parents. c. Rooms will be assigned at the direction of the SMA/MA. Requests for room changes will be made orally to the applicable SMA. All occupants of a room will sign a hand receipt and be responsible for his and all common property therein. Damage to doors or room or equipment will be charged to the room occupants, including the cost of replacements. Major damage to a room will be treated as a very serious disciplinary matter. All cadets will inspect their assigned rooms and common area for damage and submit an itemized list of noted discrepancies to their respective MA within three days of occupying the room. Failure to comply will result in any noted damages being charged to the cadet (s) concerned. An itemized list used to conduct this inspection is available in each MA office. (1) Rooms will have approved name tags affixed and will be kept clean, neat and orderly at all times. All clothing and equipment must be kept in the proper places at all times. Room doors will be locked when occupants are absent. (2) All occupants of a room accept and share full responsibility for all property therein. The cadet senior in rank is the room supervisor and in charge. Cadets will NOT congregate more than four in a room at any time. All baggage must be stored in storage area designated by the MA. (3) Room furnishings will not be removed from the room or rearranged in the room. Individual drawers will not be moved from room to room. Upon being assigned to a room, each cadet will be responsible for the contents and condition of the room and all furnishings. Inspections for condition of room and furnishings will be conducted daily. (4) Room configurations will be standardized for each barracks. (5) Nails or screws will not be driven into any of the walls or furniture in cadet rooms. Extension or alterations in the electrical wiring will not be permitted unless such alterations or extensions are specifically approved by the Commandant in writing. NO wall decorations, including posters, will be allowed in any barracks room. (6) No chairs will be placed in the shower areas. - 41 - (ANX C(MOP)CHB) d. Desks will be neatly arranged with books placed upright (standing). Chairs will be placed against desks when not in use. e. The following check list must be completed before rooms are reported ready for inspection: (1) All shoes and boots not being worn will be clean and shined. Except when directed otherwise (i.e. inspections, etc.) boots and shoes will be secured IN LOCKERS - toes toward locker doors. (2) All uniforms brushed, no trash in pockets, hung neatly in the prescribed order, evenly spaced. (3) Toilet articles neatly displayed in locker. (4) All articles of clothing and linens on the shelves folded carefully. Wet towels on hanger - outside wall locker. (5) All furniture and accessories will be dusted. (6) Wastebasket empty and clean, broom and dust pan clean and stowed behind door. (7) When heating systems are activated the following applies: all windows will be closed and doors will be SECURED. f. Lights, audio and/or electronic equipment, and fans in cadet rooms will be turned off whenever the occupants are absent from the room and upon the last note of TAPS (except fans) in the evening and at other times when announced over the PA system, at formation or when directed in the Orders of the Day. g. Bunks will be made with a mattress pad and two sheets on the bed plus one school approved blanket. Corners will be squared and blanket pulled tight to give a neat military appearance. Pillow with case will be placed under the hood of each bed until taps each day. Each bunk will have only one mattress unless otherwise approved by the Commandant. Instructions for the airing of bedding will be published. Bunks will not be moved unless authorized in writing by the Commandant. Extra blankets will be stored on top of the lockers. All bunks will be stripped and fresh bedding stockaded every laundry turn-in day and before each vacation break. No boot bands will be used to tighten the mattress. h. All lockers and desk areas will be arranged neatly according to locker sheets (SOPs) prepared for each barracks. All uniform items will have all buttons and zippers fastened and all academic materials will be arranged neatly on desks. i. Floors will be clean and free of black marks, spills, dust and other trash. All furniture and window sills will be dusted daily to include the tops of all lockers. Cleaning materials will be stowed in accordance with SOP, and all trash cans will be empty and clean. Window blinds will be adjusted according to barracks SOP or SMA’s directive. Personal furniture (including shop projects) and rugs or carpets in cadet rooms are not authorized. j. Limited company storage areas are available for storage of personal items. Anyone storing items in a storage room must identify and list all items on a Personal Property Form (see page 44) provided and maintained by the company MA’s. Cadet property left at the end of the school year will be stored for one year. If it is not retrieved or shipped within that one year, it will be disposed of. k. Each cadet is responsible for all of his own property. St. John’s Military School will not be responsible for property damaged, stolen, or lost. Moreover, we will not be responsible for personal belongings of a cadet who departs school in an AWOL or medical leave status. l. All barracks rooms will be locked when unattended by one or more occupants of said room. 3. PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST - 42 - At least one time per semester a Physical Fitness Test will be conducted based on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Each cadet is expected to participate unless exempt by a medical profile. The following tables illustrate the grading standard for push-ups, sit-ups, and 2-mile run: - 43 - (ANX C(MOP)CHB) - 44 - (ANX C(MOP)CHB) - 45 - (ANX C(MOP)CHB) - 46 - (ANX C(MOP)CHB) SJMS PERSONAL PROPERTY FORM Name:___________________________SN____________Co.____________Date:__________________ ITEM SERIAL # COMPLETE, DETAILED DESCRIPTION 1.__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7.___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8.___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10.__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ MA SIGNATURE ____________________________________ CADET SIGNATURE - 47 - APPENDIX 1 (Promotions/Reductions) TO ANNEX C (Military Operations Procedures) to Cadet Handbook The Commandant is the final authority for all promotions, demotions, or duty assignments within the Corps of Cadets. The Commandant may waive any of the promotion criteria for any reason and at any time. Promotions in rank within the Corps of Cadets are based on demonstrated leadership ability, academic, military, disciplinary excellence, and an available position. Seniors may be promoted without an available position. (1) Promotion Procedures: (a) Recommendation for promotions to private through SSG will be processed by the Corps Chain of Command in coordination with the Military Staff (SMA/MA). Recommendations will be submitted to the Commandant’s Administrative Assistant prior to submission to the Commandant for approval. (b) Special orders will be printed and promotions will be announced at the monthly formal inspections and reviews. The Commandant may remove a cadet from promotion consideration for cause. (c) Cadets will not be placed in positions of acting squad leader without the approval of the SMA. Cadets will not be placed in positions of acting platoon sergeants and above without the prior approval of the Commandant. (d) The Commandant may waive promotion criteria in special cases or circumstances. (2) Rank Allotment: (a) Each company’s allotment of Sergeants and above is based on the number of cadets assigned. (b) Companies with sixty (60) or more cadets are authorized three (3) platoons while companies with less than sixty (60) are authorized two (2) platoons. (c) Each is authorized the following: CO…………………… 1LT or CPT XO…………………… 2LT or 1LT PL……………………. 2LT or 1LT 1SG…………………... SFC or MSG PLT SGT…………….. SSG or SFC SQD LDR…………… SGT or SSG ASST SQD LDR……. CPL or SGT 1 per company 1 per company 1 per platoon 1 per company 1 per platoon 1 per squad 1 per squad (d) Promotions to the rank of Sergeant and above must be into a vacant position. (e) When a senior cadet is reduced for inefficiency, he will be reduced to Corporal, or highest rank attained if less than Corporal, unless a position of higher rank is vacant. (3) Promotion Eligibility: NB to PVT-begin testing at completion of NB training, pass Old Boy Exam and be recommended by SMA NB to PFC-begin testing at completion of NB training, max the Old Boy Exam and be recommended by SMA RAT-per special order as directed by the Commandant RAT to PVT-automatic re-promotion at successful completion of RAT training period RAT STATUS-will assume full RAT status for the duration of RAT training period, will wear no insignia of rank, and will be reinstated to former rank upon successful completion of RAT training. (a) To be eligible for promotion to PFC, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of four (4) weeks 2. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 3. Must have held the rank of PVT for four (4) weeks (Time in Grade-TIG) 4. Must have held the rank of PVT for two (2) weeks for re-promotion - 48 - (APP 1(Promotions/Reductions)ANC(MOP)CHB) (b) To be eligible for promotion to CPL, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of eight (8) weeks 2. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 3. Must have held the rank of PFC for four (4) weeks (TIG) 4. Must have held the rank of PFC for two (2) weeks for re-promotion (c) To be eligible for promotion to SGT, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of one semester 2. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 3. Must successfully pass a Sergeant’s board scheduled 2 weeks prior to promotion recommendation 4. Must have held the rank of CPL for four (4) weeks (TIG) 5. Must have held the rank of CPL for two (2) weeks for re-promotion 6. Must have a vacant position to move into (d) To be eligible for promotion to SSG, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a Freshman or higher 2. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of one year 3. Must have completed Squad Leader School 4. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 5. Must have held the rank of SGT for six (6) weeks (TIG) 6. Must have held the rank of SGT for three (3) weeks for re-promotion 7. Must have a vacant position to move into (e) To be eligible for promotion to SFC, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a Sophomore or higher 2. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of one year 3. Must have completed Squad Leader School 4. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 6. Must have held the rank of SSG for six (6) weeks (TIG) 7. Must have held the rank of SSG for three (3) weeks for re-promotion 8. Must have a vacant position to move into (f) To be eligible for promotion to MSG/1SG, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a Sophomore or higher 2. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of one year 3. Must have completed Squad Leader School and the First Sergeant School 4. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 5. Must have held the rank of SFC for six (6) weeks (TIG) 6. Must have held the rank of SFC for three (3) weeks for re-promotion 7. Must have a vacant position to move into (g) To be eligible for promotion to SGM, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a Junior or higher 2. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of one year 3. Must have completed Squad Leader School and the First Sergeant School 4. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 5. Must have held the rank of MSG for six (6) weeks (TIG) 6. Must have held the rank of MSG for three (3) weeks for re-promotion 7. Must have a vacant position to move into - 49 - (APP 1(Promotions/Reductions)ANC(MOP)CHB) (h) To be eligible for promotion to second lieutenant, a cadet must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a Senior or Junior 2. Must have attended St. John’s for a minimum of one full semester 3. Must have completed the leadership development Course 4. Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% or higher 5. Must have a vacant position to move into (i) To be eligible for promotion to first lieutenant or above, a cadet must meet the criteria in (h) and the following: 1. Must have held the previous officer rank for eight (8) weeks (TIG) 2. Must have held the previous officer rank for four (4) weeks for re-promotion 3. Must have a vacant position to move into (9) Time in Grade (TIG) begins on the first day of promotion; includes all authorized ordinary leave; ends on Commencement day, and begins again on the first day of the next academic year. Time in Grade is a requirement for promotion, not a date of automatic promotion. (10) New cadets with prior JROTC experience will meet the following criteria for award of rank at St. John’s Military School: (a) JROTC Officers: (1) All transfer JROTC Officers will be required to attend SJMS “New Boy training” for a specified period. (2) All transfer JROTC Officers will be required to attend SJMS Officer Candidate School prior to commissioning at SJMS. (3) The highest officer rank awarded to a transfer JROTC Officer will be 2nd Lieutenant. (b) JROTC NCO’s: (1) All transfer JROTC NCO’s will be required to attend SJMS “New Boy training” for a specified period. (2) The maximum initial rank for a transfer JROTC NCO will be Sergeant. (3) Initial rank determination will be based on the results of the “Old Boy Test” and the evaluation of the SMA/MA. (4) Transfer JROTC NCO cadets will be eligible for re-promotion up to the maximum JROTC rank previously achieved after completion of any required courses. (11) Senior Promotions: (a) Senior promotions are considered “merit” promotions and not automatic because a cadet is a graduating senior. (b) Seniors who are officers may receive 1 rank promotion as a “senior promotion” in May before graduation. (c) Seniors with rank NCO or Enlisted may receive a 2 rank promotion as a “senior promotion” in May before graduation. (d) Seniors who held an officer rank and were reduced to a NCO rank, during the school year, must submit a letter to the Commandant explaining why, in his opinion, he should be re-promoted to his previous officer rank. (12) Reductions: (a) Demotions in rank are based on inability to perform efficiently, and/or failure to maintain required Academic, Physical Fitness, Military standards. - 50 - (APP 1(Promotions/Reductions)ANC(MOP)CHB) (b) Any cadet who fails to perform the duties of their position in an efficient manner after proper/documented counseling may be reduced in rank. This reduction will be stated as “Reduced for Cause”. The SMA will recommend the level of reduction. - 51 - APPENDIX 2 (Technology/Computer/Cell Phone/Electronics) TO ANNEX C (Military Operations Procedures) to Cadet Handbook A. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. CIPA imposes certain types of requirements on any school or library that receives funding for Internet access or internal connection from the E-rate program – a program that makes certain communications technology more affordable for eligible schools and libraries. In early 2001, the FCC issued rules implementing CIPA. More recently, Congress enacted additional protections for children using the Internet. What CIPA requires: 1. Schools and libraries subject to CIPA may not receive the discounts or Internet funding offered by the E-rate program unless they certify that they have an Internet safety policy and technology protection measures in place. An Internet safety policy must include technology protection measures to block or filter Internet access to pictures that are: (a) obscene, (b) child pornography, or (c) harmful to minors (for computers that are accessed by minors). 2. Schools and libraries must also certify that, as part of their Internet safety policy, they are educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including cyber-bullying awareness, and response and interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and chat rooms. 3. Schools subject to CIPA are required to adopt and enforce a policy to monitor online activities of minors. 4. Schools and libraries subject to CIPA are required to adopt and implement a policy addressing: (a) access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet, (b) the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications, (c) unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking” and other unlawful activities by minors online, (d) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors, and (e) restricting minors’ access to materials harmful to them. 5. Some sites on YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Email, and other communication sites are considered to have inappropriate content. This is why and other sites are blocked from access on the SJMS network. Cadets who manage to access any blocked internet site are considered to be circumventing the system and will earn a conduct report for this activity. Schools and libraries are required to certify that they have their safety policies and technology in place before receiving E-rate funding. 1. CIPA does not affect E-rate funding for schools and libraries receiving discounts only for telecommunications, such as telephone service. 2. An authorized person may disable the blocking or filtering measure during any use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. 3. CIPA does not require the tracking of Internet use by minors or adults. 4. ALTHOUGH CADETS MAY BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER, while you are at SJMS you are still considered a minor until you are no longer enrolled. B. Acceptable Technology Use Policy St. John’s Military School is pleased to offer its cadets access to technology, which will enable them access to services that support research and education in and among other educational institutions by allowing them an opportunity to develop collaborative and unique work. SJMS follows the guidelines of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, which is a federal law enacted by congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on computers that use our network. The following applies: 1. Any technology (e.g. computers, files, and software) furnished to cadets are SJMS property and are intended for educational use only. Any physical or electronic damages (such as breakage, viruses, and unlicensed software) to the SJMS network infrastructure will result in disciplinary action and probable monetary charges for any damages done. - 52 - (APP 2(Technology/Computer/Cell Phone/Electronics)ANC(MOP)CHB) 2. Cadets are forbidden to use passwords that are not their own, retrieve any information or communication that is not their own, or circumvent any security measures placed on the SJMS network. Cades may not download, duplicate, or use illegal software or related documentation while on the SJMS network. All technology is monitored by the IT department. Downloading any unlicensed, illegal, proxy files or applications, which may or may not contain a virus from the use of peer-2-peer, or file-sharing of any illegally downloaded files through any means of electronic and physical transmission is illegal. 3. Cadets must have prior authorization before accessing the SJMS technology network. Cadets are not allowed to install any non-SJMS technology on campus until the hardware and software is checked by the IT department to make sure it is free from inappropriate or illegal software, files, viruses, or mal-ware. 4. Cadets must forego their right to privacy when using the SJMS network, in that their technology and files are subject to search. 5. SJMS strives to maintain an environment free of cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others. 6. Signing the “Authorized Technology Use Agreement” form constitutes an acceptance by cadets and parents of all information and requirements contained in this appendix, which guides the use of SJMS technology and network between the cadet and SJMS. 7. Non-SJMS technology will not be allowed to be brought into Vanier Academic Center, unless it is an SJMS authorized item such as a calculator or translator needed for class. 8. Cadets should notify SJMS staff members upon learning of violations of this policy. Cadets who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action with 3 weeks (first violation) or 6 weeks (second violation) ban on the use of technology at SJMS. Continued violations (third or more) will result in additional 3 week increments for each successive violations. 9. Cadets and their parents are required to sign the Authorized Technology Use Agreement Form. C. Personal Computer Policy All Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen are allowed to bring laptop computers (printers and scanners are not allowed) for use in their rooms and classrooms as needed. Middle school cadets will not be authorized to have computers in their rooms except at the discretion of the SMA. Any violation of the computer policy will result in the loss of the privilege. ST. JOHN’S ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOST, DAMAGED, OR STOLEN COMPUTERS. Violations to computer policy include but are not limited to: 1. Taking computers to class without authority 2. Using computer to download unlicensed, illegal software 3. Using computer to download or view pornography 4. Using computer after taps 5. Using PC to PC wireless network 6. Profane music 7. Noise level audible outside cadet room 8. Taking computer off campus 9. Any attempt to circumvent the SJMS network 10. Any use which is deemed inappropriate by any adult staff member 11. Cadets may not lend, borrow, sell, or purchase computers to or from other cadets. 12. Cadets listed on the D&F list will surrender their computer(s) until they are no longer listed on the D&F list. D. Cellular Phones - 53 - (APP 2(Technology/Computer/Cell Phone/Electronics)ANC(MOP)CHB) All cadets are permitted to use cellular phones under certain conditions and, with parental consent, will be issued a cell phone by SJMS for their use. Terms for the possession and use of school issued phones is set forth in the SJMS Cell Phone Program form. Cadets are not permitted to possess or use personal cell phones, except the Battalion Staff, Company Commanders, Company XOs, First Sergeants, when authorized by the President, and at his discretion. Cadets found to be in possession of personal cell phones will be subject to disciplinary action and the cell phone will be confiscated and properly secured. The conditions for cell phone use are as follows: 1. Cadet phones will be activated for use during the period between dinner mess and taps, and during the weekends. 2. Cadets may take their cell phones on activities off campus if approved by the sponsor of the activity. 3. Cell phones are not to be brought into the academic building, other areas of instruction, battalion or company PT, place of business, intramurals, league sponsored athletic events (if a team participant), drill and ceremony, or other activities on campus for any reason whatsoever. 4. Cell phones may not be used in any way that circumvents any other policy of SJMS. 5. Cell phones must be turned off at lights out. 6. Cadets may not lend, borrow, sell or purchase cellular phones to or from other cadets. 7. Cell phone use is limited to the SJMS-Sprint network (except for cadets authorized personal cell phone use in above paragraph). Any attempt to circumnavigate this network or to access other networks is a violation of this policy. 8. Cadets on the D&F list will surrender their cell phone until they are no longer listed on the D&F list. Cell phones are a privilege and not a right! Cell phone violations are listed as Class I or Class II violations depending on the severity of the violation as determined by the Commandant. In which case cell phones will be confiscated with the first violation of a Class I offense or a Class II offense as outlined in Appendix 4 (Discipline) to Annex C of this handbook. Any use of a cell phone which is deemed inappropriate by any adult staff member is a violation of the cell phone policy. Cell phones may be confiscated by any member of the SJMS staff if they observe any deviation from the stated rules. Confiscated phones, with conduct report, will be turned in at the Stevens Center Duty Office. Possession of a cell phone brought from home (without permissions from the President) or purchased locally is considered a violation of the cell phone policy and will be acted on accordingly. ST. JOHN’S WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MISUSE OF CELL PHONES TO INCLUDE EXCESSIVE EXPENSES INCURRED BY ANY CADET, NOR WILL SJMS ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOST, DAMAGED, OR STOLEN CELL PHONES. E. Electronic Devices (Authorized) All Old Boy cadets will be allowed to have certain electronic devices in their rooms (refer to Appendix 3 to Annex C for items not allowed at SJMS). The only authorized electronic devices are: Ipod Classic (any generation), Ipod Shuffle (any generation), Ipod Nano (generations 1,2,3,4, & 6), or similar devices without camera capability. Conditions for electronic devices are as follows: 1. Cadets may use authorized electronic devices on pass gate, free time after the academic day, or otherwise authorized by the Commandant. 2. Cadets may take their electronic devices on activities off campus if approved by the sponsor of the activity. 3. Electronic devices are not to be brought into the academic building, other areas of instruction, battalion and company PT, place of business, intramurals, league sponsored athletic events (if a team participant), drill and ceremony, or other activities on campus for any reason whatsoever. 4. Cadets may not lend, borrow, sell, or purchase electronic devices to or from other cadets. 5. Cadets on the D&F list will surrender all electronics until they are no longer listed on the D&F list. 6. Any attempt to circumvent the SJMS network (ie “hot spots”, etc.) is a violation of this policy. Possession and use of electronic devices is a privilege and not a right and may be confiscated if cadets do not comply with the guidance as stated in this section. A violation of the electronic devices policy is a Class II - 54 - (APP 2(Technology/Computer/Cell Phone/Electronics)ANC(MOP)CHB) offense with possible consequences as outlined in Appendix 4 to Annex C of this handbook. Electronic devices may be confiscated by any member of the SJMS staff if they observe any deviation from the stated rules. Possession of unauthorized electronic devices is considered possession of contraband and will be dealt with as such, to include confiscation of the unauthorized item(s). Confiscated devices will be turned in at the Stevens Center Duty Office. ST. JOHN’S WILL NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOST, DAMAGED, OR STOLEN ELECTRONIC DEVICES. - 55 - St. John’s Military School Salina, Kansas AUTHORIZED TECHNOLOGY USE AGREEMENT FORM Please read this document carefully before signing below. All St. John’s Military School technology users are required to sign the Authorized Technology Use Agreement Form to abide by the terms and conditions of the policies and regulations of SJMS. St. John’s Military School does not authorize any use of technology that is not conducted strictly in compliance with these policies. Your signature on this document indicated that you have read the terms and conditions carefully and understand their significance. St. John’s Military School believes that technology offers vast, diverse and unique resources for students, teachers and other users. The goal of SJMS in providing this service to staff and cadets is to promote educational excellence in the school by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. All use of technology must be in support of education, research, and consistent with the purposes and outcomes set forth by St. John’s Military School. Users who disregard the SJMS acceptable use policy and regulations may have their user privileges suspended or revoked and be subject to further school disciplinary action. Users granted access to technology through St. John’s Military School assumes personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for uses of technology not approved by the acceptable technology use policy. Students, teachers, and other users are cautioned to remember that inappropriate use of SJMS technology access (just as any other SJMS-provided resource) may subject the offender to school disciplinary actions up to and including suspension and/or dismissal and may further subject the violators to criminal and civil prosecution and penalties. I have read the Authorized Technology Use Agreement Form and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this policy. I understand that technology access at St. John’s Military School is a privilege and is designed for educational purposes only. I further understand that any violation of the policy or regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and disciplinary actions taken. This agreement will be enforced as long as I attend school at St. John’s Military School. User’s Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________Date____________________ As the parent/guardian of this cadet, I have read the Authorized Technology Use Agreement Form and have discussed this information with my child. I understand that technology access at St. John’s Military School is designed for educational purposes only. I recognize it is impossible for St. John’s Military School to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold them responsible for inappropriate materials acquired on the network. I hereby give permission to allow technology access for my child. Parent/Guardian’s Name (please print)______________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________Date______________________ - 56 - APPENDIX 3(Contraband Items) to ANNEX C (Military Operating Procedures) to Cadet Handbook The following items are not permitted to be on the cadet’s person, in his possession or on campus at anytime. They will be confiscated and disposed of as the Commandant deems appropriate. Possession of contraband items may be grounds for disciplinary action being directed by the Commandant and/or referral to civil authority: Earrings, Tongue studs or Tongue rings or any item used in body piercing. Lighters, matches, rolling papers, lighter fluids/gases and pipes, electronic cigarettes-will be destroyed Drug, Alcohol, and/or Tobacco advertisements or promotions, including clothing Dining facility equipment (cups, silverware, etc.) Darts and blow guns, tattoo needles (CLASS I OFFENSE) Cooking appliances of any type, including coffee pots, hot pots Electric blankets, heating pads, irons, barber shears, electrical appliances except approved stereos, fans and electric razors Skateboards, longboards, any kind of skates Television sets of any kind, stereo systems with detachable speakers and/or subwoofers, video records/players, DVD players, audio recorders, all kinds of personal play stations, xbox of any kind, game boy or other hand held games, laser light pointers, cameras of any kind, any electronic device with camera, video, or internet capabilities (except those laptops authorized to high school students), electronic tablets, Ipads, or similar devices, electronic book readers (except those with book seller site access only), computers (except as outlined in computer policy), printers, scanners, cell phones (except those issued by SJMS), cordless phones, communications equipment or devices including antennas, aerials, ground wires, transmitters, listening devices, and walkie-talkies. Exception: cadets holding the position of platoon sergeant or above are authorized to have video games and player in their rooms. All forms of music containing profanity, glorifying death, dismemberment, gore, or disrespect towards ethnic groups or genders. Firearms to include all toy guns and paint ball guns (CLASS I OFFENSE) Paintball markers, paint ball air tanks Fireworks of any type (CLASS I OFFENSE) Ammunition, explosives of any type, shell casings (CLASS I OFFENSE) Weapons (all types), whips, paddles, clubs and razor blades-outside of or removed from disposable shavers (CLASS I OFFENSE) Knives (all types), chains, handcuffs, martial arts equipment (CLASS I OFFENSE) Candles, colored lights, lava lamps, rope lights, etc. Pornography (Commandant’s definition)(CLASS I OFFENSE) - 57 - (APP 3(Contraband Items)ANC(MOP)CHB) Bottles or other glass containers, ink bottles, sole and edge dressing (not approved by Commandant or Senior Military Advisor), glue or scissors of any type except Quartermaster issue Permanent dye markers, all tapes except scotch tape Tools of any type, including equipment used to break and enter secured areas. Pressure type dispensers (except shaving) Cleaning supplies except those sold in Quartermaster store After shave lotions (not approved by Commandant) Weeds and plants of any type Synthetic or liquid cannabinoids or bath salts (CLASS I OFFENSE) Incense and burners Nuts or seeds of any type requiring removal of hulls prior to consumption, gum (except prescription nicotine gum with proper authorization) Patent medicines, prescription medicines (ALL MEDICINES) (see NOTE: below); any over the counter substance with alcohol in it Food supplements to include vitamins, nutritional supplements (pill or liquid), body building pills, powders, or drinks; energy drinks, tablets or sprays (including those sold in cans in the soda pop section of stores), testosterone boosters, etc. Any literature subversive to the US Government or church or any ethnic group, occult or neo-Nazi material (CLASS I OFFENSE) Unauthorized rank insignia, Letterman or Spartan jackets Animals, reptiles, birds, insects and fish Personal furniture, carpet or rugs, shop projects in barracks, FOOTLOCKERS (except in Sage Hall or Clem/Ferris) Civilian clothing except when authorized by the Commandant of Cadets Property belonging to another person or unauthorized possession of school property (CLASS I OFFENSE) Bank cards (ATM, Debit, Credit, etc) NOTE: All medication of any type will be administered by the school nurse and will be kept in the infirmary. NOTE: Confiscated contraband is not held or shipped home; it is disposed of – especially that which is for consumption. - 58 - APPENDIX 4(Discipline) to ANNEX C (Military Operating Procedures) to Cadet Handbook 1. GENERAL a. St. John’s Military School is a Character Counts school and as such expects cadets to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. Our discipline system is based on the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. When a cadet fails to live up to one of the pillars of character, he will face consequences for his decisions and actions. b. The Commandant and/or Deputy Commandant are the sole disciplinary authorities for the Corps of Cadets. Violation of established laws, regulations, and rules by cadets are brought to his attention for action or disposition. Minor offenses may need nothing more than counseling and constructive remedial training. Counseling statements will be used to document cadet interviews with cadet leaders and Senior Military Advisors (SMA) for violations warranting corrective counseling. The Commandant and/or Deputy Commandant are the only ones who may levy disciplinary action as written reprimand/admonishment, punishment tours, reduction in rank, loss/forfeiture or suspension of privileges and allowance, extra duty, referral to Cadet Court or Board action for possible suspension or dismissal. The Commandant’s non-judicial discipline system is primarily concerned with corrective action and, when necessary, rehabilitation. When the Commandant determines that a cadet needs rehabilitation due to continued poor performance and extensive violation of the rules, he may convene a Disciplinary Review Board to examine the cadet’s potential for continuation at St. John’s Military School. c. Conduct reports, oral reports or detailed written reports pertaining to misconduct by cadets may be submitted to the Commandant by any member of the Faculty and Staff. Cadet Commissioned Officers, Cadet Senior NCO’s and Squad Leaders may submit conduct reports on their subordinates through their Military Advisors. The Senior Leaders may submit conduct reports to the Commandant through the Operations Officer. Any cadet may report violations to Cadet Leaders or any member of the Commandant’s Staff who will take appropriate reporting action. Every effort possible will be made to inform a cadet when he is going to be placed on report for violation of the rules. When this is not possible, it is important that the MA for that cadet is informed. Anyone submitting a Conduct Report must fill out the report as indicated in the form and obtain cadet signature. Specific facts as to why the report is being submitted are essential. Additional written statements may be included as attachments to the report. d. Cadets will not - REPEAT - WILL NOT conduct nonscheduled events such as close order drill, floor meetings, training exercises such as push-ups, “TV positions” or any other form of physical activity unless these events are authorized by the Commandant, or Military Advisors (SMA/MA). All such activities will be supervised by the above adult staff. Activities conducted by cadets without authority such as those mentioned above may very well be construed as “hazing” and will be treated accordingly. e. Cadets may make statements concerning any report of misconduct in writing or request to see the Commandant. Written or oral statements must be made within twelve hours after the alleged offender has reviewed the Conduct Report and the cadet will acknowledge receipt by dating and signing the report. Refusal to sign constitutes acknowledgement. Due process will be afforded each cadet at all times. The alleged violator of the rules will be afforded the opportunity to appear before the Commandant or his representative to explain or present reasons for the Conduct Report. Appeals to completed Conduct Reports will be made in writing to the Commandant. f. The Commandant may dismiss or suspend (with or without Board action) a cadet for violation of a major offense. Suspension means the cadet is suspended for the remainder of the semester. The cadet may apply for re-admission at that time. Any cadet suspended or dismissed by the Commandant may appeal that decision to the President of St. John’s Military School. The President’s decision is final. If the President upholds a dismissal, the cadet will not be accepted for re-admission to St. John’s at any time. - 59 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) g. The Commandant may convene a Major Disciplinary Review Board to examine the facts surrounding a serious offense committed by any cadet. The board shall consist of the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Academic Dean, Director of Admissions, Senior Army Instructor (SAI), and Chaplain. 2. SPECIFIC a. Class III, minor offenses: Counseling, reprimand, extra duty and 1-3 tours or beautification tours may be appropriate. RESPECT (1) Discourtesy (2) Disturbance (3) Improper manners (4) Indifferent to instruction (5) Disturbance in rank RESPONSIBILITY (1) Wasting time (2) Neglect of uniform (3) Neglect of home letter rules (4) Disorderly in quarters or more than four cadets in the room (5) Late to: formation, classes, scheduled events, OPD’s (6) Lost room key (include $5.00 charge for each key) (7) Unprepared for class (8) Failure to follow directions (9) Indiscretion Class III (10) Lack of Military bearing FAIRNESS (1) Consumption of extra or additional food rations without authority CITIZENSHIP (1) Lights on after TAPS, up and about after TAPS (2) Sleeping in class (3) Consuming food, candy, etc. in classrooms, library, chapel, or Battalion Assembly Area (4) “Horseplay” in barracks, classrooms, or other buildings (5) Throwing balls or other objects in buildings (6) Spitting (7) Chewing gum b. Class II, serious offenses: Cadet court, discipline review board, suspension, loss of significant privileges, loss of electronics, 4-10 tours or beautification tours, reduction in rank may be appropriate. TRUSTWORTHINESS (1) Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline (i.e. disloyalty to corps and school, conduct tending to bring discredit, demeaning orders and regulations, opening mail or sealed envelopes intended for someone else), aiding or abetting misconduct (2) Violation of cell phone policy (1st offense-loss of privilege for 3 weeks; 2nd offense-loss of privilege for 6 weeks and old boys lose personal cell phone for remainder of school year-may participate in SJMS cell phone program at the end of 6 weeks; each additional offense adds additional 3 weeks over the last offense, etc.) (Also a Class I offense) - 60 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) (3) Violation of computer, or electronics policy (1st offense-loss of privilege for 3 weeks; each additional offense adds additional 3 weeks over the last offense/ 2nd -6 weeks, 3rd -9 weeks, etc.) (Also a Class I offense) (4) Violation of Technology Use Agreement (consequences as outlined in “Acceptable Technology Use Policy”, #8) (5) Wearing unauthorized civilian clothes RESPECT (1) Insubordination, insolence, disobedience of a direct order (2) Obscenity: oral, written or gestures, foul language, cursing, profanity, obscene acts, possession of pornography (3) Disrespect to adult staff (4) Inappropriate questions, discussion, or language (5) Instigation of inappropriate behavior RESPONSIBILITY (1) Out of uniform (2) Loss or damage of school/military/private and/or public property, tampering with public or private property, threatening to damage property, careless conduct. (3) Failure to complete assigned disciplinary essays or letters of apology in the time allowed (2 days) (4) Neglect of homework or class work (5) Neglect of duty, improper performance of duty, or fraternization between cadet officers and subordinates (6) Absent from place of duty, classes, formations, quarters, etc. without authority, late from pass, unauthorized pass, late for duty, failure to make first call, habitual absence from tour squad (7) Conduct unbecoming a cadet and a gentleman (Also a Class I offense) (8) Gross room (9) Unsecured room, locker or lock drawer (10) Indiscretion, Class II FAIRNESS (1) Requiring other cadets to perform personal services, (i.e. cleaning rooms, shining shoes, etc.) CITIZENSHIP (1) Unauthorized area, off bounds, entering rooms, desks, restricted area without authority. (2) Violation of tobacco regulations (3) Disorderly conduct, unruly, disturbance, (i.e. AWOL-causing search, civil authority action, juvenile authority action, disturbing orders and routine) (5) Incompatibility (consistent refusal to cooperate and/or unwillingness to conform to school standards (6) Gambling, blackmail, coercion for money or favors (7) Causing a fire hazard, including heating shoe polish etc. (8) Wearing or borrowing of: unauthorized rank insignia, property, or clothing belonging to other cadets, persons or organizations (9) Borrowing, lending, selling, buying of property or money (10) Violation of automobile operation and occupancy regulations (11) Public display of affection between the sexes (i.e. caressing, “making out,” sitting on each other’s laps, etc.), anything other than holding hands (12) Possession of contraband item(s) as outlined in Appendix 3 to Annex C, except those items listed as first class offenses. - 61 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) c. Class I, major offenses: May be reviewed by a Disciplinary Review Board appointed by the Commandant. All Class I offenses may involve 11-15 tours, beautification tours, reduction in rank, reduction to RAT, loss of privileges, loss of electronics, suspension, dismissal, or a combination of the above. TRUSTWORTHINESS (1) Lying, false muster report, false pretense, false witness, false statements to civil authority, conspiracy (2) Forgery (3) Unauthorized entrance to lockers or secured areas (especially by breaking and entering or use of unauthorized keys or combination(s), possession of lock combinations of other persons) (4) Obtaining mail for another person (5) Cheating, aiding and abetting cheating, plagiarism (i.e. unauthorized possession or use of academic material) (6) Possession of contraband item(s), stolen property, and those items listed on contraband pages as first class offenses (7) Violation of cellular phone policy (1st offense-loss of privilege for 3 weeks and old boys lose personal cell phone for remainder of school year (may participate in SJMS cell phone program at the end of 3 weeks), plus 5 days of extra duty with Deputy Commandant; each additional offense adds additional 3 weeks over the last offense, plus additional 5 hours of extra duty over the last offense, etc.) (8) Violation of computer or electronics policy (consequences depend on nature of violation-can result in loss of privilege) (9) Unauthorized change or obliteration of serial number(s) or name(s) stenciled on personal property or private property, alteration of doctor’s orders or medical profile. (10) Violating the trust of an adult staff member RESPECT (1) Physical hazing (2) Causing self or other person(s) bodily harm or endangering self or others with bodily harm or injury (3) Using racial slurs directed at any individual or group of individuals either verbally, in gestures, written, or illustrations (including in casual or joking conversations) (4) Acts of disloyalty or subversion directed against country, school, church, Corps of Cadets, or administration (5) Gross disrespect to adult staff RESPONSIBILITY (1) Conduct unbecoming a cadet (also a Class II) CITIZENSHIP (1) Violation of civil laws – stealing, larceny, armed robbery, theft, shoplifting, purse snatching, extortion, breaking and entering, joy riding as pertaining to Kansas statutes or an accomplice to these, trespassing, theft of telephone services through unauthorized use of another person’s cell phone or calling card, theft of computer access codes, etc. (2) Violation of drug or alcohol policies (3) Indecent exposure (4) Acts of vandalism, defacing, carving, damaging or destruction of school or private property (5) Un-American behavior or disrespect to the flag (6) Acts of perversion or acts or attempted sexual acts of a homosexual nature, molestation (7) Acts involving moral turpitude (8) Self-mutilation or that inflicted on others such as: tattoo marking, ear or body piercing, body burns, etc. (9) Striking another cadet or threatening another person with bodily harm, fighting, verbal harassment - 62 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) (10) Hostile demonstrations with a deadly weapon(s), assault, aggravated assault, striking a teacher or administrator, profane, verbal abuse of/or threatening a person of authority (11) ARSON or attempted arson, setting of fires with the intent to destroy or damage, activating live ammunition or any explosives in unauthorized area without authority (12) Unauthorized use of fire (includes use of flammable materials; tampering with electrical equipment, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, thermostats, or lighting, etc.) (13) Manifest indifference to the rules and regulations of St. John’s (14) Felony conviction while a cadet at St. John’s (15) Bullying (including cyber-bullying), strong arm tactics, causing physical pain 3. IMPORTANT DISCIPLINE POLICIES Drug Policy: a. The use, possession of, and trafficking of illegal narcotics, drugs and controlled substances is against the law and is strictly prohibited. This includes any and all forms of cannabis or its derivatives/extracts and synthetic chemicals related to cathinone (amphetamine-like stimulant) commonly referred to as “bath salts” or “spice” but may be labeled by vendors for other uses. Violation of this law is subject to civil action and dismissal. b. Cadets found to have drugs, or other mind altering chemical substances in their system or possession at any time school is in session, regardless of when or where the drug(s) or chemical substance was ingested, are in violation of St. John’s Drug and Policy. Methods for detecting use or abuse of drugs or chemical substance can include, but are not limited to, the use of urine drug screen, swab test, Romberg test, hair sample, or drug detecting dogs, etc. c. Cadets who attempt to mask or use any device to alter the outcome of a drug screen will be in clear violation of the SJMS drug policy. This includes using someone else’s urine sample, use/possession of any masking agent or any contraption that produces a false reading. d. St. John’s can dismiss a cadet if he is found possessing, using, misusing, or trafficking in legal/illegal drugs, or mind altering chemical substances, including but not limited to those drugs listed under schedules identified in the United States Federal Control Substance Act. This includes possession of drug use paraphernalia-hypodermic needles, marijuana pipes, “roach clips”, plants or seeds, etc. Cadets will not, on or off campus, use, possess, transport, distribute, or attempt to secure or buy legal/illegal drugs, chemical substances or drug paraphernalia. Any cadet found engaging in the above activities is also subject to referral to civil authorities. Drug or chemical substance means any substance used for mind-altering effects, including but not limited to narcotics, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, aerosols, butane, inhalants, any over the counter drugs, and any prescription drug not prescribed by a physician, or not taken as prescribed, including acts of cheeking or palming. Additionally the term chemical substance means any performance enhancing substance, including but not limited to anabolic steroids. Over the counter products that are inhaled or ingested for the mind altering effects they may produce are considered “chemical substances”. The very dangerous practice of “huffing” - inhaling substances for a “high” - is forbidden, and violates St. John’s Drug Policy. e. St. John’s Military School does not tolerate use of illegal or misuse of over the counter or prescription drugs and possession of drugs or any drug paraphernalia. Any cadet found to be in violation of established SJMS drug policies will be subject to severe disciplinary measures to include dismissal. Any cadet dismissed from St. John’s will not be accepted for re-admission at any time. f. All cadets arriving at SJMS for the beginning of any semester or beginning their enrollment at SJMS will be screened for drug use. Any new cadet who is found to be positive for drug use will be subject to a series of unannounced tests and must demonstrate no further drug usage. Parents/Guardians will be notified if their - 63 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) cadet is found positive upon their initial enrollment at St. John’s, and their progress in no further use of drugs will be closely monitored. Subsequent positive tests will result in severe disciplinary action. Old boy cadets found positive for drug use when they return each school year, will receive a thirty (30) day suspended reduction to RAT and will be tested at the end of the thirty days. g. Cadets who are found positive for drug use, following their initial test upon first time enrollment or at the beginning of each school year, will be reduced to RAT for two (2) weeks with one (1) week suspended for 30 days. A second violation will result in reduction to RAT for two (2) weeks without a suspended week. h. A third violation of the drug policy may result in the cadet appearing before a Major Disciplinary Review Board. The Board will make recommendations on disciplinary action to the Commandant of Cadets. Disciplinary action may include dismissal. At the very least the cadet will be reduced to RAT for three (3) weeks without any suspended weeks. Any cadet dismissed from St. John’s will not be accepted for re-admission at any time. i. Any cadet returning from Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, and Spring Break, and who tests positive for drug use, will incur the sanctions as explained above. j. Cadets at St. John’s are subject to random testing for drugs and may, at any time, be tested for suspicion of or continued drug use. Alcohol Policy: a. Cadets are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol, drinking alcoholic beverages, possessing alcohol, purchasing alcohol, and distributing alcohol to other cadets. “Under the Influence” includes speech, actions or an appearance of the cadet, which leads Faculty/Staff to reasonably suspect the cadet’s ability to function safely and effectively has been impaired by alcohol. Methods for detecting use or abuse of alcohol or over the counter products containing alcohol, can include, but are not limited to, breathalyzer, or Romberg test. All cadets will submit to a breathalyzer test upon their return from any pass period during the school year. Cadets violating the alcohol policy once during the school year will be reduced to RAT for two (2) weeks with one (1) week suspended for 30 days. A second violation will result in reduction to RAT for two (2) weeks without a suspended week. b. Cadets violating the Alcohol Policy for a third time during a school year may appear before a Major Disciplinary Review Board. The Board will make recommendations on disciplinary action to the Commandant of Cadets. At the very least the cadet will be reduced to RAT for three (3) weeks without any suspended weeks. Disciplinary action may include dismissal. Any cadet dismissed from St. John’s will not be accepted for re-admission at any time. Hazing Policy: a. Hazing is defined as any unauthorized assumption of authority by a cadet where another cadet suffers, or is exposed to any cruelty, indignity, humiliation, oppression or the devastation or abridgement of certain rights. Hazing exists when training or disciplinary sanction has gone well beyond normal bounds. b. The following may indicate hazing is occurring: 1. Use of vulgarity or profanity, administering corrective training during an unusual time of day, and any activity conducted “out of sight.” Hazing usually involves acts of cruelty, indignity, oppression, deprivation, or an activity that exceeds what a mature and prudent cadet would find reasonable and appropriate. - 64 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) 2. Physical hazing is an act of cruelty. Shaking, striking, laying open hands upon, treating with violence, or threatening to do bodily harm is never allowed and will be grounds for dismissal. 3. Mental hazing is mental cruelty. A cadet will be treated as a human being of significant value. His dignity will not be degraded. Using vulgarity, personal insults, forcing a cadet to make demeaning remarks about one’s family, religion, hometown, etc. is considered mental hazing. The denial of certain rights may also be mental hazing. Subordinate cadets have yielded certain civilian freedoms (freedom from unreasonable search and seizure; freedom to avoid self-incrimination) when they attend St. John’s Military School; however, their remaining freedom and rights are not fair game without legitimate course. Mental hazing is not tolerated and will result in serious disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. c. A staff member or cadet who feels mental and physical hazing is occurring must take steps to report the activity. All reports of mental or physical hazing will be treated with utmost discretion and will be provided to other adults on a need to know basis. Staff members, as required by law, shall report any evidence of suspected child abuse or neglect of residents to the Kansas Department of Children and Families (KDCF), or the appropriate law enforcement agency when KDCF offices are closed. Simply reporting to those higher in the SJMS chain of command does not satisfy a staff member’s legal reporting requirements. d. All leaders must be aware of what activities constitute mental or physical hazing and are responsible for reporting it. Yelling and over-zealous training are not hazing but should be avoided if possible. Cadets found guilty of hazing may be punished by dismissal and/or possible referral to civil authorities. Any cadet dismissed from St. John’s will not be accepted for re-admission at any time. Tobacco Policy: a. The use or possession of tobacco items (cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco or other tobacco derivatives) by any cadets (of any age), on or off campus, while traveling to or reporting back from ordinary leave, or buying or selling tobacco products is prohibited. Violation of this regulation by cadets will result in severe disciplinary action. b. Cadets violating the tobacco policy for the first time will be assessed 1 hour of Campus Beautification Tours or Extra Duty. c. Cadets violating the tobacco policy for the second time will be assessed 2 hours of Campus Beautification Tours or Extra Duty. d. Cadets violating the tobacco policy for a third time will be assessed three hours of Campus Beautification Tours or Extra Duty and will be placed on RAT Status for a period of three days. e. Cadets violating the tobacco policy for a fourth time will be assessed four hours of Campus Beautification Tours or Extra Duty and will be placed on RAT Status for a period of four days. f. Cadets violating the tobacco policy for a fifth time will be assessed five hours of Campus Beautification Tours or Extra Duty and will be placed on RAT Status for a period of five days. g. Cadets violating the tobacco policy for a sixth time will receive a conduct report for “Manifest Indifference to the Rules and Regulations” and will appear before Cadet Court. h. Violations beyond the sixth will be referred to Cadet Court and may result in suspension or dismissal. - 65 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) i. Cadets violating the tobacco policy inside any campus building will result in a doubling of the assessed Campus Beautification Tours or Extra Duty. j. Cadets possessing 3 or more items of tobacco products will be charged with intent to sell and assessed 3 days of RAT Status for each violation. k. Cadets found guilty of selling tobacco products to high school aged cadets will be assessed one week of RAT Status for each violation. l. Cadets found guilty of selling tobacco products to middle school aged cadets will be assessed two weeks of RAT for each violation. m. Possession of Electronic cigarettes is a violation of the contraband policy and will result in 5 hours extra duty for the first offense, 10 hours for the second, 15 hours for the third and so forth. 4. CONSEQUENCES In order to effectively enforce cadet discipline, the consequences listed below are available to the Commandant of Cadets at St. John’s Military School: (1) Tours: These are given as outlined in Class I, II, and III offenses above with each tour lasting one hour. Tours are assigned for any and all offenses committed by cadets at SJMS and procedures for tours are outlined in Appendix 3 to Annex C. (2) Campus Beautification Tours: These are given as outlined in Class I, II, and III offenses with each tour lasting one hour. These tours involve the performance of general labor for the purposes of campus police calls, cleaning, and other tasks designed to enhance the appearance of the campus. (3) Extra Duty: Same as tours except that the cadet is performing work, in hourly increments, rather than marching tours. (4) Restriction: Restriction will be to a particular place. The respective cadet’s room, or to the St. John’s campus (meaning no pass privilege), and can be as short as three or four days, or may be assigned for a period of weeks or months (during the respective cadet’s free time). Cadets restricted by published order will sign in at the company duty office at the beginning of each hour. (5) Letters of Apology or Essays: Self-explanatory; essay subjects will depend upon type of violation. Failure to complete letter or essay in the time given (two days) will result in an assessment of two (2) hours of extra duty. A second failure (two more days) will result in an assessment of another two hours of extra duty. A third failure (two more days) can result in a reduction to RAT STATUS until essay or apology is completed. (6) Loss of Electronics: A consequence for repeat offenses at the discretion of the company SMA. These can be assigned for multiple violations of any rule, regulation, or poor academic performance such as remaining on the D&F list for more than two consecutive weeks for the same two or more classes. (7) Reduction in Rank: May be a reduction of one rank, or of all existing rank. (8) Suspended Reduction: Reduction, but with the reduction suspended for a given period of time; meaning that the reduction goes into effect only if the cadet receiving suspended reduction repeats the same offense during the period of suspension. (9) RAT: Loss of all rank, privileges, and standing within the Corps of Cadets. - 66 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) (10) RAT Status: To perform as a RAT, but elevated back to original rank at the end of RAT period. (11) Academic RAT: For poor academic performance. See Appendix 7 to Annex C. (12) Suspension: Cadet is suspended from St. John’s Military School (13) Dismissal: Cadet is dismissed from St. John’s Military School. - 67 - (APP 4(Discipline)ANC(MOP)CHB) GENERAL COUNSELING STATEMENT OR DISCIPLINARY PROBATION I HAVE BEEN COUNSELED WITH REGARD TO MY BEHAVIOR AND UNDERSTAND THE CONSEQUENCES IF I CONTINUE TO ACT IN AN UNACCEPTABLE MANNER. Narrative:________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ CADET SIGNATURE ______________ SN _______________________________ SMA/MA _______________________________ DATE COMPANY _________________________________ DATE OF PARENTAL NOTIFICATION _______________________________ COMMANDANT - 68 - APPENDIX 5(Tours) to ANNEX C (Military Operation Procedures) to Cadet Handbook 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to prescribe policies and procedures for the conducting of tours levied against cadets as a result of disciplinary infraction. 2. SPECIFIC: A. TOUR SQUAD PROCEDURES: Tours will be marched on the Impact Area in front of Jack Vanier Hall. Cadets whose names appear on the tour log will report to the MA on the Impact Area facing north at 1200 hours on Saturday and Sunday. The senior SMA that assumes duty on Saturday and Sunday will be responsible for supervising and supporting the MA assigned tour squad duty. The SMA/MA is directly responsible for the formation, accountability, and conduct of tour squad. Duties are as follows: (1) Designates squad leaders beginning with the highest ranking cadet and working down in rank until all squads have a leader. (2) Observes the conduct of tour squads to insure compliance with defined standards. Corrects rule infractions. (3) Records absentees for review by the Operations Officer after initiating actions to locate those who are absent. All efforts will be made to locate absent cadets who are to be on tour squads. (4) Makes appropriate entries in the tour log in accordance with the example that follows: EXPLANATION OF ENTRIES T – Walked tour A – Absent, unexcused E – Excused by SMA/MA (reasons will be annotated in the extreme right column of the tour log) X – Present for restriction check BT – Beautification Tour B. The Cadet Staff Duty Officer (CSDO) works directly for the SMA/MA. The CSDO’s primary duty in this capacity is to track down cadets absent (for unexcused reasons) from tour squad. The CSDO under the direct supervision of the SMA/MA conducts general duties. C. Cadets on tour squad are under the direct supervision of the SMA/MA. All cadets (officer, NCO’s, and troops) will satisfy tours in the same manner. D. The SMA/MA will assemble the cadets who have reported for tour squad and take roll. Only one (1) tour credit will be given for each hour present. For the first tour each day, the SMA/MA will first take roll and inspect each cadet. Once all cadets are inspected the SMA/MA will organize the tour squad members into elements of no more than ten (10) cadets, instruct them on the manner in which tours are to be walked, designate squad leaders, and direct squad leaders to initiate marching at a pace of 120 steps per minute at double arms interval. Tour Squad is an authorized form of punishment for violation of the standards/rules of the Corps of Cadets. It should be hard and professionally run but not be to the extent that a cadet cannot accomplish the task. E. Each tour represents 50 minutes of marching with a 10 minute break each hour. Tours must be marched at the appointed place unless otherwise directed by the SMA/MA. Cadets on break will remain in the immediate area and will not be allowed to lounge or lay down on the grass areas or on the football field. Cadets needing to use the latrine will be excused one at a time to use the latrines in one of the barracks. - 69 - (APP 5(Tours)ANX C(MOP)CHB) F. Tour squad will begin after brunch on Saturday and Sunday. All cadets will eat with their company. Saturday tour squad and Sunday tour squad will commence in accordance with the Order of the Day. Cadets participating in team sports must have the coach provide the Commandant’s Office with a list of those individuals who need to be excused for practice on Friday, Saturday or Sunday PRIOR to 1500 on Friday. G. Anyone reporting out of uniform, needing a haircut, or otherwise presenting a poor appearance will not receive credit for the first hour while correcting these deficiencies. H. Anyone missing tour squad without being excused will be put on report for each hour missed. The SMA/MA is responsible to account for any missing cadet. Be sure to check RON roster, athletic trip rosters, emergency absences, etc. first. I. No one will be excused from marching tours except by the Commandant or the Operations Officer. The SMA/MA is authorized to suspend a cadet’s tours till the following Monday if it is believed a mistake has been made on the tour roster. He must tell the cadet that he has to report during the cadet’s free period on Monday to his MA for correction. The tour log must be so annotated to the right by the SMA/MA. J. The SMA/MA will insure that the tour log is secured at all times and will closely supervise its use by the CSDO, or representative, as necessary. Cadets will not be allowed access to the tour log at any time. K. Cadets who have tours are automatically restricted to campus. L. The SMA/MA is the approving authority for fatigue details. Fatigue details will be approved for exceptional reasons only. All requests must be coordinated NLT 1200 Thursday with the Operations Officer. The Staff or Faculty member requesting the detail must supervise the special fatigue detail. Requests must include the beginning and ending times of the detail. M. Cadets assigned Campus Beautification Tours may receive 2 for 1 credit if they do physical labor, and possibly 3 for 1 credit if they do an exceptional job. O. Cadets who complete all their tours, and all other assigned disciplinary action may sign out on pass gate if there is sufficient time available. - 70 - APPENDIX 6 (Use of Physical Activity to Enforce Rules & Regulations) to ANNEX C(Military Operating Procedures) to Cadet Handbook 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of the memorandum is to establish policy guidelines to be used by the SJMS Military Department and the Cadet Chain of Command for the application of physical activities to enforce school rules and regulations. 2. GENERAL: Physical activities to enforce rules and discipline should be used to foster a positive attitude, and in such a manner that is both fair, but demanding. All such activities must and will be supervised by the Military Dept. adult staff. All leaders must recognize individual differences and motivate cadets to put forth their best efforts. The objective of every leader should be to incorporate the most effective methods of physical activities to achieve desired results. The use of physical activity to enforce rules which results in numerous injuries or accidents is detrimental to this goal. As in most training activities, common sense must prevail. The use of this program should challenge cadets but not lead to situations where accidents or injuries are likely to occur. The following exercises are taken from the US Army publication TC 3-22.20: 3. SPECIFIC: A. The following are exercises approved for use to enforce rules and discipline at SJMS. 1. Preparing Drill: (a) The Bend and Reach/Modified Bend and Reach (b) The Rear Lunge/Modified Rear Lunge (c) High Jumper/Modified High Jumper (d) Rower/Modified Rower (e) Squat Bender/Modified Squat Bender (f) Windmill/Modified Windmill (g) Forward Lunge/Modified Forward Lunge (h) Prone Row/Modified Prone Row (i) Bent-Leg Body Twist/Modified Bent-Leg Body Twist (j) Push-Up/Modified Push-Up Uniform: Only PT or ACU Only PT or ACU Only PT or ACU 2. Conditioning Drill (k) Power Jump/Modified Power Jump (l) V-Up/Modified V-Up (m)Mountain Climber/Modified Mountain Climber (n) Leg-Tuck and Twist/Modified Leg-Tuck and Twist (o) Single-Leg Push-Up/Modified Single-Leg Push-Up Only PT or ACU Only PT or ACU Only PT or ACU Only PT or ACU Only PT or ACU 3. Recovery Drill: (p) Arm Circles (not taken from US Army publication TC 3-22.20) (q) Overhead Arm Pull/Modified Overhead Arm Pull (r) Rear Lunge/Modified Rear Lunge (s) Extend and Flex/Modified Extend and Flex Only PT or ACU (t) Thigh Stretch/Modified Thigh Stretch Only PT or ACU (u) Single-Leg Over/Modified Single-Leg Over Only PT or ACU B. Rules for the application of these exercises are as follows: 1. The Push-Up: Normally no more than twenty-five (25) push-ups will be levied against a cadet for any one infraction within a five (5) minute period. Push-ups can be performed anytime/place (except Mess Hall or Chapel). - 71 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2. Arm Circles: Arms extended straight out from shoulders and small circles are made with outstretched arms. Normally arm circles will not be performed for more than ten (10) minutes at a time. Arm circles can be performed anytime, anywhere (except Mess Hall or Chapel) and in all uniforms except Alpha. 3. All Other Exercises: Normally no more than twenty (20) repetitions of an exercise will be performed by a cadet for any one infraction within a five (5) minute period. They can be performed anytime/place (except Mess Hall or Chapel) in all uniforms except the Alpha unless specifically noted above. 4. Only C/Squad leaders and above are permitted to use the above exercises to enforce rules and regulations at SJMS. 5. C/Company Commanders and C/Battalion Commander can administer any number of the above exercises at their discretion, based on the physical condition of a cadet. 6. All outside physical training (PT) will end at 2100 hours. 7. Detailed instructions begin on next page (taken from US Army publication TC 3-22.20). - 72 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) C. PREPARING DRILL: 1.a. Exercise: BEND AND REACH Purpose: This exercise develops the ability to squat and reach through the legs. It also serves to prepare the spine and extremities for more vigorous movements by moving the hips and spine through full flexion (Figure 6-56) Starting Position: Straddle stance with arms overhead. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Squat with the heels flat as the spine rounds forward to allow the straight arms to reach as far as possible between the legs. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to the starting position Check Points: 1. From the starting position, ensure that cadets have their hips set. Their abdominals tight, and their arms fully extended overhead. 2. The neck flexes to allow the gaze to the rear; this brings the head in line with the bend of the trunk. 3. The heels and feet remain flat on the ground. 4. On counts 2 and 4, they do not go past the starting position. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. To protect the back, move into the count 1 position in a slow, controlled manner. Do not bounce into or out of the position, as this may place an excessive load on the back. - 73 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.a. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED BEND AND REACH The instructor may modify the bend and reach by decreasing the range of motion and limiting the use of the arms. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-57 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, than progresses performance to standard. - 74 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.b. Exercise: REAR LUNGE Purpose: This exercise promotes balance, opens up the hip and trunk on the side of the lunge, and develops leg strength (Figure 6-58). Starting Position: Straddle stance with arms on hips. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Take an exaggerated step backward with the left leg, touching down with the ball of the foot. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1 with the right leg. 4. Return to the starting position Check Points: 1. Maintain straightness of the back by keeping the abdominal muscles tight throughout the motion. 2. After the foot touches down, allow the body to continue to lower. This promotes flexibility of the hip and trunk. 3. On counts 1 and 3, step straight to the rear, keeping the feet directed forward. When viewed from the front, the feet maintain their distance apart both at the starting position and at the end of counts one and three. 4. Keep the rear leg as straight as possible but not locked. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. On counts one and three, move into position in a slow, controlled manner. If the cadence is too fast, it will be difficult to go through a full range of motion. - 75 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.b. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED REAR LUNGE The rear lunge can be modified (Figure 6-59) by decreasing the range of motion at which it is performed. As with all lunges, the amount of knee bend may be restricted for the rear lunge. The feet may be closer together. Concentrate on trying to gradually lower the body in the lunge position. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 76 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.c. Exercise: HIGH JUMPER Purpose: This exercise reinforces correct jumping and landing, stimulates balance and coordination, and develops explosive strength (Figure 6-60). Starting Position: Forward leaning stance. Cadence: MODERATE Count: 1. Swing arms forward and jump a few inches. 2. Swing arms backward and jump a few inches. 3. Swing arms forward vigorously overhead while jumping forcefully. 4. Repeat count 2. On the last repetition, return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, the shoulders, the knees, and the balls of the feet should form a straight vertical line. 2. On count 1, the arms are parallel to the ground. 3. On count 3, the arms should be extended fully overhead. The trunk and legs should also be aligned. 4. On each count the cadet is jumping. On counts 1, 2, and 4 the jumps are 4-6 inches off the ground. On count 3, the cadet jumps higher (6-10) while maintaining the posture pictured in (Figure 6-60). 5. On each landing, the feet should be directed forward and maintained at shoulder distance apart. The landing should be “soft” and proceed from the balls of the feet to the heels. The vertical line from the shoulders through the knees to the balls of the feet should be demonstrated on each landing. Precautions: N/A - 77 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.c. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED HIGH JUMPER The instructor may modify the high jumper by decreasing the range of motion and limiting the use of the arms. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-61 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 78 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.d. Exercise: ROWER Purpose: This exercise improves the ability to move in and out of the supine position to a seated posture. It coordinates the action of the trunk and extremities while challenging the abdominal muscles (Figure 6-62). Starting Position: Supine position, arms overhead and feet together, and pointing upward. The chin is tucked and the head is 102 inches above the ground. Arms are shoulder-width, palms facing inward, with fingers and thumbs extended and joined. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Sit up while swinging arms forward and bending at the hip and knees. At the end of the motion, the arms will be parallel to ground, palms facing inward. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, the low back must not be arched excessively off the ground. To prevent this, tighten the abdominal muscles to tilt the pelvis and low back toward the ground. 2. At the end of counts 1 and 3, the feet are flat and pulled near the buttocks. The legs stay together throughout the exercise and the arms are parallel to the ground. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at the slow cadence. Do not arch the back to assume counts 1 and 3. - 79 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.d. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED ROWER The instructor may modify the rower by decreasing the range of motion or limiting the use of the arms. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-63 and Figure 6-64 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 80 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.e. Exercise: SQUAT BENDER Purpose: This exercise develops strength, endurance, and mobility of the lower back and lower extremities (Figure 6-65). Starting Position: Straddle stance with hands on hips. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Squat while leaning slightly forward at the waist with the head up and extend the arms to the front, with arms parallel to the ground and palms facing inward. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Bend forward and reach toward the ground with both arms extended and palms inward. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the end of count 1, the shoulders, knees and the balls of the feet should be aligned. The heels remain on the ground and back is straight. 2. On count 3, bend forward, keeping the head aligned with the spine and the knees slightly bent. Attempt to keep the back flat and parallel to the ground. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. Allowing the knees to go beyond the toes on count 1 increases stress to the knees. - 81 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.e. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED SQUAT BENDER The instructor may modify the squat bender by decreasing the range of motion or limiting the use of the arms. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-66 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 82 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.f. Exercise: WINDMILL Purpose: This exercise develops the ability to safely bend and rotate the trunk. It conditions the muscles of the trunk, legs, and shoulders (Figure 6-67). Starting Position: Straddle stance with arms sideward, palms facing down, fingers and thumbs extended and joined. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Bend the hips and knees while rotating to the left. Reach down and touch the outside of the left foot with the right hand and look toward the rear. The left arm is pulled rearward to maintain a straight line with the right arm. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1 to the right. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. From the starting position, feet are straight ahead, arms are parallel to the ground, hips set, and abdominals are tight. 2. On counts 1 and 3, ensure that the knees bend during the rotation. Head and eyes are directed to the rear on counts 1 and 3. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. - 83 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.f. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED WINDMILL The instructor may modify the windmill by decreasing the range of motion or limiting the use of the arms. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-68, 6-69, and 6-70 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 84 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.g. Exercise: FORWARD LUNGE Purpose: This exercise promotes balance and develops leg strength (Figure 6-71). Starting Position: Straddle stance with hands on hips. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Take a step forward with the left leg (the left heel should be 3-6 inches forward of the right foot). Lunge forward, lowering the body and allow the left knee to bend until the thigh is parallel to the ground. Lean slightly forward, keeping the back straight. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1 with the right leg. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Keep the abdominal muscles tight throughout the motion. 2. On counts 1 and 3, step straight forward, keeping the feet directed forward. When viewed from the front, the feet maintain their distance apart both at the starting position and at the end of counts 1 and 3. On counts 1 and 3, the rear knee may bend naturally, but does not touch the ground. The heel of the rear foot should be off the ground. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. On counts 1 and 3, move into position in a controlled manner. Spring off of the forward leg to return to the starting position. This avoids jerking the trunk to create momentum. - 85 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.g. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED FORWARD LUNGE The instructor may modify the forward lunge by decreasing the range of motion. As with all lunges, this one may restrict knee bend. The cadet may keep the feet closer together than with the forward lunge. The cadet concentrates on trying to gradually lower the body in the lunge position (Figure 6-72). Over time, the cadet gradually increases his range of motion and works toward standard execution of the exercise. - 86 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.h. Exercise: PRONE ROW Purpose: This exercise develops strength of the back and shoulders (Figure 6-73). Starting Position: Prone position with the arms overhead, palms facing downward 1-2 inches off the ground, and toes pointed to the rear. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Raise the head and chest slightly while lifting the arms and pulling them rearward. Hands make fists as they move toward the shoulders. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, the abdominal muscles are tight and the head is aligned with the spine. 2. On counts 1 and 3, the forearms are parallel to the ground and slightly higher than the trunk. 3. On counts 1 and 3, the head is raised to look forward but not skyward. 4. Throughout the exercise, the legs and toes remain in contact with the ground. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. Prevent overarching of the back by maintaining contractions of the abdominal and buttocks muscles throughout the exercise. - 87 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.h. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED PRONE ROW The instructor may modify the prone row by decreasing the range of motion and limiting the use of the arms. The cadet assumes the starting position using his hands to assist in lowering the body, and then steps back into the six-point stance before lowering the body to the ground. He uses the modifications shown in Figures 6-74 and 6-75 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet works toward standard execution of the exercise. - 88 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.i. Exercise: BENT-LEG BODY TWIST Purpose: This exercise strengthens trunk muscles and promotes control of trunk rotation (Figure 6-76) Starting Position: Supine position with the hips and knees bent to 90 degrees, arms sideward, palms down with fingers spread. Knees and feet are together. Cadence: SLOW Count: 1. Rotate the legs to the left while keeping the upper back and arms in place. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1 to the right. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Tighten the abdominal muscles in the starting position and maintain this contraction throughout the exercise. 2. The head should be off the ground with the chin slightly tucked. 3. Ensure that the hips and knees maintain 90-degree angles. 4. Keep the feet and knees together throughout the exercise. 5. Attempt to rotate the legs to about 8-10 inches off the ground. The opposite shoulder must remain in contact with the ground. Precautions: This exercise is always performed at a slow cadence. Do not rotate the legs to a point beyond which the arms and shoulders can no longer maintain contact with the ground. - 89 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.i. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED BENT-LEG BODY TWIST The starting position for this exercise is the supine position with the arms sideward or at 45 degrees to the body (IAW profile limitations). Palms should face downward and knees bent at 90 degrees, with the feet flat on the floor. The head may be on the ground or elevated 1-2 inches depending on profile limitations. The cadet assumes the starting position as in the bent-leg twist, leaving the feet flat on the ground. (Figures 6-77 and 6-78). - 90 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.j. Exercise: PUSH-UP Purpose: This exercise strengthens the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, and trunk (Figure 6-79) Starting Position: Front leaning rest position. Cadence: MODERATE Count: 1. Bend the elbows, lowering the body until the upper arms are parallel with the ground. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. The hands are directly below the shoulders with fingers spread (middle fingers point straight ahead). 2. On counts 1 and 3 the upper arms stay close to the trunk, elbows pointing rearward. 3. On counts 2 and 4 the elbows straighten, but do not lock. 4. The trunk should not sag. To prevent this, tighten the abdominal muscles while in the starting position and maintain this contraction throughout the exercise. Precautions: N/A Variation: Cadets should assume the six-point stance on their knees when unable to perform repetitions correctly to cadence (Figure 6-80) - 91 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.j. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED PUSH-UP The cadet performs the modified push-up in the six-point stance. The cadet assumes the starting position, using his hands to assist in lowering his body, and then steps back into the six-point stance. Range of movement may be limited throughout the exercise. Over time, the cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the push-up (Figures 6-92 and 6-93). - 92 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) D. CONDITIONING DRILL: 1.k. Exercise: POWER JUMP Purpose: This exercise reinforces correct jumping and landing, stimulates balance and coordination, and develops explosive strength (Figure 6-83). Starting Position: Straddle stance with hands on hips. Cadence: MODERATE Count: 1. Squat with the heels flat as the spine rounds forward to allow the straight arms to reach to the ground, touching with the palms of the hands. 2. Jump forcefully in the air, vigorously raising arms overhead with palms facing inward. 3. Control the landing and repeat count 1. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, tighten the abdominals to stabilize the trunk. 2. On counts 1 and 3, keep the back generally straight with the head up and the eyes forward. 3. On count 2 the arms should be extended fully overhead. The trunk and legs should also be aligned. 4. On each landing, the feet should be directed forward and maintained at shoulder distance apart. The landing should be “soft” and proceed from the balls of the feet to the heels. The vertical line from the shoulders through the knees to the balls of the feet should be demonstrated on each landing. Precaution: N/A - 93 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.k. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED POWER JUMP The instructor may modify the power jump by decreasing the range of motion or limiting the use of the arms. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-84 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet works toward standard execution of the exercise. - 94 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.l. Exercise: V-UP Purpose: This exercise develops the abdominal and hip flexor muscles while enhancing balance (Figure 6-85). Starting Position: Supine, arms on ground 45-degrees to the side, palms down with fingers spread. The chin is tucked and the head is 1-2 inches off the ground. Cadence: MODERATE Count: 1. Raise straight legs and trunk to form a V-position, using arms as needed. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, tighten the abdominal muscles to tilt the pelvis and the lower back toward the ground. 2. On counts 1 and 3, the knees and trunk are straight with the head aligned with the trunk. 3. On counts 2 and 4, lower the legs to the ground in a controlled manner so as not to injure the feet. Precautions: To protect the spine, do not jerk the legs and trunk to rise to the V-position. - 95 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.l. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED V-UP The starting position for this exercise is the supine position with the arms sideward or at 45 degrees to the body (IAW profile limitations). Palms are downward and knees are bent at 90 degrees with the feet flat on the floor. The head may be on the ground or elevated 1-2 inches off the ground IAW profile limitations. The cadet assumes the starting position as in the V-up, using the hands as needed to lower the body to the ground. The head is elevated while the back and feet are flat on the ground. On counts 1 and 3, the cadet lifts the feet off the ground, pulling the knees toward the chest. Then the cadet lowers the feet to the ground, returning to the starting position on counts 2 and 4 (refer to Figure 6-86). Over time, the cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works to perform the V-up to standard. - 96 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.m. Exercise: MOUNTAIN CLIMBER Purpose: This exercise develops the ability to quickly move the legs to power out of the front leaning rest position (Figure 6-87). Starting Position: Front leaning rest position with the left foot below the chest and between the arms. Cadence: MODERATE Count: 1. Push upward with the feet and quickly change positions of the legs. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat the movements in count 1. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Place the hands directly below the shoulders, fingers spread (middle fingers point straight ahead) with the elbows straight, not locked. 2. To prevent the trunk from sagging, tighten the abdominal muscles and maintain this contraction throughout the exercise. Do not raise the hips when moving throughout the exercise. 3. Align the head with the spine and keep the eyes directed to a point about two feet in front of the body. 4. Stay on the balls of the feet throughout the exercise. 5. Move the legs straight forward and backward, not at angles. Precautions: N/A - 97 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.m. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED MOUNTAIN CLIMBER The instructor may modify the mountain climber by decreasing the range of motion. The cadet assumes the starting position, stepping back as in the modified push-up. The cadet may use the modifications shown in Figure 6-88 to exercise within physical profile limitations. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 98 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.n. Exercise: LEG-TUCK AND TWIST Purpose: This exercise develops trunk strength and mobility while enhancing balance (Figure 6-89). Starting Position: Seated with trunk straight but leaning backward 45 degrees, arms straight and hands on ground 45 degrees to the rear, palms down. Legs are straight, extended to the front and 8/12 inches off the ground. Cadence: MODERATE Count: 1. Raise the legs while rotating on to the left buttock and draw the knees toward the left shoulder. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1 in the opposite direction. 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, tighten the abdominals to stabilize the trunk. 2. On all counts, keep the feet and knees together. 3. On counts 1 and 3, keep the head and trunk still as the legs move. 4. On counts 1 and 3, tuck (bend) the legs and align them diagonal to the trunk. Precautions: To protect the back on counts 1 and 3, do not jerk the legs and trunk to achieve the end position. - 99 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.n. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED LEG-TUCK AND TWIST Starting Position: The starting position for this exercise is the seated position with the arms sideward or at 45 degrees to the body (IAW profile limitations). Place the palms down and bend the knees 90 degrees. Keep the feet flat on the floor. Assume the starting position as in the leg-tuck and twist, but with the feet on the ground. Count: On counts 1 and 3, lift the feet off the ground and rotate to the left or right side, pulling the knees toward the chest. Lower the feet to the ground, returning to the starting position on counts 2 and 4 (Figure 6-90). Gradually increase the range of motion and work toward the standard execution of the leg-tuck and twist over time. - 100 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.o. Exercise: SINGLE-LEG PUSH-UP Purpose: This exercise strengthens muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms and trunk. Raising one leg while maintaining proper trunk position, makes this an excellent trunk stabilizing exercise (Figure 691). Starting Position: Front leaning rest position. Count: 1. Bend the elbows, lowering the body until the upper arms are parallel with the ground while raising the left leg 8 to 10 inches off the ground. 2. Return to the starting position. 3. Repeat count 1, bringing the right leg to 8 to 10 inches off the ground 4. Return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Perform a squat thrust to move into the front leaning rest, and keep the body straight from head to heels. Support the body weight on the hands and the balls of the feet. 2. Extend the fingers and spread them so the middle fingers point straight ahead and are directly aligned with the shoulders. 3. On counts 1 and 3, the upper arms stay close to the trunk. 4. On counts 2 and 4, straighten, but do not lock, the elbows. 5. The trunk must not sag. To prevent this, tighten the abdominal muscles while in the starting position and maintain this contraction throughout the exercise. Precautions: Do not jerk the leg to be raised past straight alignment with the trunk, as this may place undue stress on the back. - 101 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.o. Modified Exercises: MODIFIED SINGLE-LEG PUSH-UP The single-leg push-up is modified by performing the modified push-up in the six-point stance. The cadet assumes the starting position using the hands to assist in lowering the body, and then stepping back into the six-point stance (Figure 6-92). Range of movement may be limited throughout the exercise. The cadet gradually increases the range of motion (Figure 6-93) and works toward the standard execution of the exercise, then progresses performance to standard. - 102 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) E. RECOVERY DRILL: 1.q. Exercise: OVERHEAD ARM PULL Purpose: This exercise develops flexibility of the arms, shoulders, and trunk muscles (Figure 6-94) Starting Position: Straddle stance with hands on hips. Position 1: On the command, “Ready, STRETCH,” raise the left arm overhead and place the left hand behind the head. Grasp above the left elbow with the right hand and pull to the right, leaning the body to the right. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Starting Position: On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” assume the starting position. Position 2: On the command, “Change Position, Ready, STRETCH,” raise the right arm overhead and place the right hand behind the head. Grasp above the right elbow with the left hand and pull to the left, leaning the body to the left. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Throughout the exercise, keep the hips set and the abdominals tight. 2. In positions 1 and 2, lean the body straight to the side, not to the front or back. Precautions: N/A - 103 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.q. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED OVERHEAD ARM PULL The instructor may modify this exercise by decreasing the range of motion. The cadet reaches overhead and then grasps the wrist with the opposite hand instead of the elbow (Figure 6-95). Another modification is to pull the arm across the front of the chest. - 104 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.r. Exercise: REAR LUNGE Purpose: This exercise develops mobility of the hip flexors and trunk muscles (Figure 6-96). Starting Position: Straddle stance, hand on hips. Position 1: On the command, “Ready, STRETCH,” take an exaggerated step backward with the left leg, touching down with the ball of the foot. This is the same position as count 1 of the rear lunge on page 61. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Starting Position: On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” assume the starting position. Position 2: On the command, “Change Position, Ready, STRETCH,” take an exaggerated step backward with the right leg, touching down with the ball of the foot. This is the same position as count 3 of the rear lunge on page 61. Hold this position for 20-10 seconds. On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Maintain straightness of the back by keeping the abdominal muscles tight throughout the motion. 2. After the foot touches down on positions 1 and 3, allow the body to continue to lower. 3. Lunge and step in a straight line, keeping the feet directed forward. Viewed from the front, the feet are shoulder width apart, both at the starting position and at the end of counts 1 and 3. 4. Keep the forward knee over the ball of the foot on counts 1 and 3. Precautions: When lunging to the left or right, do not let the knee move forward of the toes. - 105 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.r. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED REAR LUNGE The instructor can modify the rear lunge by decreasing the range of motion (Figure 6-97). As with all lunges, this one might restrict how far the knee can bend. The cadet may place his feet closer together than with the rear lunge. The cadet gradually lowers the body into the lunge position. Over time, the cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of each exercise. - 106 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.s. Exercise: EXTEND AND FLEX Purpose: This exercise develops mobility of the hip flexors, abdominals, hip (position 1-extend, Figure 6-98) and the low back, hamstrings, and calves (position 2-flex, Figure 6-98). Starting Position: The front leaning rest position. Position 1: On the command, “Ready, STRETCH,” lower the body, sagging in the middle, keeping the arms straight and looking upward. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Starting Position: On the command, “STRETCH,” lower the body, sagging in the middle, keeping the arms straight and looking upward. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Position 2: On the command, “Change Position, READY, STRETCH,” slightly bend the knees and raise the hips upward. Straighten the legs and attempt to touch the ground with the heels. Move the head in line with the arms, forming an A with the body. Keep the feet together and hold this position for 20-30 seconds. On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. In position 1, the thighs and pelvis rest on the ground. Relax the back muscles while bearing the body weight through the straight arms. Toes point to the rear. 2. In position 2, the legs are straight and the arms are shoulder width apart, palms down on the ground. Relax the shoulders and push to the rear with the hands, forming an “A” with the body. Try not to round the shoulders. 3. Keep the feet together throughout the exercise. Precaution: N/A Variation: Cadets who cannot extend the trunk in position 1 while keeping the arms straight and hips on the ground may assume the modified position 1 shown above. - 107 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.s. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED EXTEND AND FLEX The instructor may modify this exercise by using a standing (Figure 6-99) or prone position. The cadet may assume the starting position for extend and flex using the prone position. To do so, the cadet steps back into the front leaning rest position (Figure 6-100) instead of performing a squat thrust. In the postprofile period, range of motion for some exercises may still be limited. Cadets may modify the extend position by raising up their forearms instead of their hands or by laying prone with the arms alongside the body, palms up (Figure 6-101). Over time, the cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of each exercise. - 108 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.t. Exercise: THIGH STRETCH Purpose: This exercise develops flexibility of the front of the thigh and the hip flexor muscles (Figure 6-102). Starting Position: Seated position, arms at sides and palms on the ground. Position 1: On the command, “Ready, STRETCH,” roll onto the right side and place the right forearm on the ground, perpendicular to the chest. With the right hand, make a fist on the ground with the thumb side up. Grasp the left ankle with the left hand and pull the left heel toward the buttocks and pull the entire leg rearward. Push the left thigh further to the rear with the heel of the right foot. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Starting Position: On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” assume the starting position. Position 2: On the command, “Change Position, READY, STRETCH,” lay on the left side and place the left forearm on the ground, perpendicular to the chest. The left hand makes a fist on the ground with the thumb side up. Grasp the right ankle with the right hand and pull the right heel toward the buttocks and pull the entire leg rearward. Push the right thigh further to the rear with the heel of the left foot. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. Keep the abdominal muscles tight throughout this stretch in order to keep the trunk straight. 2. Do not pull the heel forcefully to the buttock if there is discomfort in the knee joint. Precaution: N/A - 109 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.t. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED THIGH STRETCH The instructor may modify the thigh stretch by decreasing the range of motion. The starting position may be assumed using the hands (Figure 103). The knee bend may be restricted so pull the leg slightly toward the front. Over time, the cadet gradually increases the range of motion and works toward the standard execution of each exercise. The cadet may also perform this exercise in a kneeling position, assuming the starting position from the modified extend and flex (Figure 6-104). - 110 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 1.u. Exercise: SINGLE-LEG OVER Purpose: This exercise develops flexibility of the hips and lower back muscles (Figure 6-105). Starting Position: Supine position with arms sideward, palms down, and feet together. Position 1: On the command, “Ready, STRETCH,” turn the body to the right, bend the left knee to 90 degrees over the right leg, grasp the outside of the left knee with the right hand and pull toward the right. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Starting Position: On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” assume the starting position. Positive 2: On the command, “Change Position, Ready, STRETCH,” turn the body to the left, bend the right knee to 90 degrees over the left leg, grasp the outside of the right knee with the left hand, and pull toward the left. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. On the command, “Starting Position, MOVE,” return to the starting position. Check Points: 1. At the starting position, the arms are directed to the sides at 90 degrees to the trunk; the fingers and thumbs are extended and joined. 2. In position 1, keep the left shoulder, arm, and hand on the ground. 3. In position 2, keep the right shoulder, arm, and hand on the ground. 4. Keep the head on the ground throughout the exercise. Precaution: N/A - 111 - (APP6(Use of Phys Act)ANX C(MOP)CHB) 2.u. Modified Exercise: MODIFIED SINGLE-LEG OVER The starting position for this exercise is supine (Figure 6-106). The cadet places the arms sideward at 45 degrees to the body, palms downward. The cadet bends the knees to 90 degrees with the feet flat on the ground. The cadet rotates the hips and lowers the knees toward the ground. - 112 - APPENDIX 7 (Disciplinary Training (RAT) to ANNEX C (Military Operation Procedures) to Cadet Handbook 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to standardize the training administered to cadets guilty of disciplinary infractions and who are subsequently reduced to RAT (Rehabilitative Attentiveness Training) in the Corps of Cadets. The Battalion Command Sergeant Major and the S3 SGM are responsible for the RAT program. They are assisted by the Company First Sergeants, under adult supervision. Cadets reduced to RAT will be promoted to PVT or NB (depending on OB/NB status) upon successful completion of RAT training. The interpretation of this memorandum is a function of command exercised by the Commandant. When any doubt arises as to the meaning of any portion of this memorandum, cadets involved will seek advice from their Military Advisor or the Commandant. Parents will be notified when a cadet is reduced to RAT. 2. GENERAL: a. RAT: Cadets reduced to RAT will be required to: (1) Square every movement when inside or outside. (2) Square all meals while sitting at attention on the forward six (6) inches of the chair. (3) Unless otherwise directed, RAT’s will not join the nucleus of the Corps except for academics and meals at the RAT table. (4) Have no “free time” during the duration of training and will not be permitted to talk to anyone except their Drill Instructor. (5) Be supervised from first call until taps by a Drill Instructor, under supervision of MA on duty, and wear ACU with grey t-shirt at all times. (6) Submit to daily, highly standardized, room inspections. (7) Complete 20 minutes PT at each meal, under the supervision of an adult staff member (8) On weekends Rat’s belong to, and will be supervised by, the adult staff member who monitors tours. b. RAT STATUS: Cadets reduced to RAT STATUS are required to perform in every way as RAT’s but will be reinstated at rank held prior to becoming RAT, upon successful completion of RAT training. c. “RAT FOR A DAY”: Cadets may be reduced to RAT Status for one day by vocal order of the Commandant or Deputy Commandant. d. ACADEMIC RAT: Cadets may be reduced to Academic RAT for poor academic performance. Academic RAT’s will be identified by the Academic Dean using the weekly grade report (D & F list). (See Academic Annex I for more information) 3. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: RAT’s will perform RAT Training in their company of assignment. The special training is designed to discourage and correct poor behavior and will not be used to physically punish or degrade any cadet. The provisions of the hazing policy remain in effect and will be adhered to by all cadets associated with disciplinary training in the Corps of Cadets. For excellent behavior and performance, the Cadet Battalion CSM may recommend early promotion from RAT such as: one (1) day early for a seven (7) day assignment OR two (2) days early for a fourteen (14) day assignment. 4. SPECIFICS: A. Cadets reduced to RAT will not be afforded any favorable actions during their RAT training period. This includes but is not limited to: 1. No electronics use of any kind including cell phones 2. No use of recreation center or the Quartermaster store (except for necessary school supplies) 3. No participation in extracurricular activities (this includes but is not limited to: Church of Faith, Off Post Details (OPD), etc.) - 113 - (APP7(DiscTrng(RAT)ANX C(MOP)CHB) B. The daily RAT schedule is as follows: 1. First Call is as published on the daily Order of the Day. 2. Personal Hygiene 3. Room duties 4. Corps formation: RAT will be escorted by 1SGs to Grinder for PT during formation 5. Morning mess (enter mess hall 10 minutes after Corps; sit at designated table; at 6 inches; no talking; square meals; clean full table after meal) 6. Attend academic classes on school days If there is no scheduled event requiring the RAT’s attendance, RAT will: 7. Room duties 8. Cleaning of barracks: latrines, hallways, broom closets, stairwells, stairs, and sidewalks of building. See R.A.T. Directive Schedule in duty office for specifics. 9. Personal Hygiene and Taps - 114 - APPENDIX 8 (Physical Security) to ANNEX C (Military Operating Procedures) to Cadet Handbook 1. GENERAL Security of personal property, as well as campus equipment and facilities, is the responsibility of everyone at St. John’s Military School, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Theft, destruction of property, loss of personal items and unauthorized entry to campus buildings and facilities results in undue hardship for sponsors, faculty, staff and the administration. Common sense and good judgment on the part of all individuals on campus will alleviate or reduce this problem. A few simple precautions will help insure proper physical security is maintained on campus. Each cadet is responsible for all of his own property. St John’s Military School will not be responsible for property stolen or lost. 2. SPECIFICS a. Keep rooms and lock boxes secured at all times when not under observation. Do not give your lock combination to anyone. If you see a locker unlocked - lock it! This includes securing your gym locker at all times. Lost room keys will result in a charge of $5.00 and possible disciplinary action. b. Mark every item of personal property/gear with your serial number or name - preferably both on large items. Example: Doe, J #01234 c. It is the individual cadet’s responsibility to record identification, make, model, physical description, serial numbers and color of all high-dollar items with your MA. Forms will be provided upon request and should be returned to MA within 3 days of arrival. Items should be marked with your serial number and name engraved or inked conspicuously. d. During sporting events, field training exercises, off campus trips and other school activities, never leave personal or school property unattended. Always post a guard - a dependable guard. e. Secure all monies or rec. bucks at all times. If possible, keep it on your person at all times. NEVER wave money around - keep it to yourself! A good idea is to record the serial numbers of all paper currency $5.00 or larger and retain in your possession. f. When you receive a package from home - get it secured immediately. Do not use contents for barter or favors returned. Pick up all packages promptly after notification of their arrival at the Company Duty Office. g. Do not allow visitors to wander unattended in any billet area. All visitors must check in with the SMA on shift before entry is granted to any campus area. 3. REPORTING - INVESTIGATING a. All personnel will report loss of property and damage of property immediately to the Chain of Command, Military Staff or Faculty. Squad Leaders through Company Commanders will assist in the investigation. In all cases, the MA on duty will be advised of the incident. If the incident cannot be handled at the point of infraction, notify the Senior Military Advisor (SMA) who will make notification to the Commandant. The Commandant or President will make the decision as to whether civil authority or other outside agencies should be involved in the investigation. - 115 - ANNEX D (UNIFORMS) TO CADET HANDBOOK PART A - GENERAL 1. INTRODUCTION a. St John's cadets have always enjoyed the reputation for high standards of personal appearance, posture and decorum. Military bearing is a significant indicator of individual pride and discipline, morale and esprit. A St. John's cadet is RESPONSIBLE for adhering to all uniform regulations. b. The prescribed uniform will be worn at all times on campus by all cadets, in accordance with the order of the day. Uniforms will be clean and fit properly. 2. SCOPE a. This annex prescribes the uniforms which may be worn, and the manner of proper wear. For authorized decorations see Annex J. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES a. The Commandant is the proponent for this annex and changes will be addressed through him. b. The Corps Battalion Commander is responsible to the Commandant for compliance of these uniform regulations. 4. CADET UNIFORM a. Cadets will NOT mix uniform items with civilian or casual uniform clothes. b. Cadet clothing and uniform items will not be torn or mutilated and must be free of non-prescribed markings and may not bear profane expressions or pictures as determined by the Commandant. c. PT uniform is as prescribed in this annex with no additions unless approved by the President or Commandant. PT uniform may not be worn in the academic building except in the case of a medical profile. d. Cadets may remove head gear while in the bleachers watching a sports contest. e. Cadets will not carry bulging items in shirt or trouser pockets. f. Cadets may NOT wear sunglasses at any time (except with the casual uniform or civilian clothing) unless a medical condition exists and they are prescribed by a doctor. The nurse must supply a profile for use of prescribed sunglasses. g. Cadets in uniform, including “casual uniform”, will not wear conspicuous or garish items of jewelry, or adornments that detract from the uniform. Authorized items include a watch, the St. John’s Senior class ring, a medal or cross of religious nature (Commandant’s definition), that has a metal chain at least 20 inches in length to ensure it is not exposed above the front collar of the T-shirt. Other medals will not be worn. Bracelets will not be worn except approved medical emergency ID bracelets or POW/MIA bracelets. h. U.S. military rank will never be worn or displayed by cadets. Cadets will wear and display cadet rank only. i. The uniform for each day or special event will be designated on the “Order of the Day” 5. OPD (Off Post Detail) UNIFORM a. The authorized uniforms for OPD (off post detail) is Bravo, Charlie, or Casual Attire unless it is a work detail where the ACU uniform would be more appropriate. Those cadets that are authorized to wear civilian clothes may wear appropriate civilian clothes to restaurants, sporting events, youth group meetings, etc with sponsor permission. Those cadets not authorized civilians will wear B, C, or CA. Church Service/Sunday School OPD uniform is Bravo, Charlie or Casual Attire ONLY with dress shoes (corfams). - 116 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) b. Those cadets who are authorized to wear civilian clothes may wear appropriate civilian clothes at the discretion of the sponsor except in the case of church services or Sunday school where the uniform will be the normal OPD uniform listed above. Authorized civilian clothes may be worn to places such as: restaurants, sporting events, youth group meetings, etc. c. Cadets who are not authorized civilian clothes will wear normal OPD uniform of Bravo, Charlie, or Casual Attire. d. Athletic teams are authorized to wear the team uniform or the winter PT uniform while traveling in a school bus to and from a game or meet. 6. U.S. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT a. Army property is issued on loan to individual cadets and must be properly accounted for. The loss or damage of Army property will result in required payment of damages by the cadet issued the property. b. At no time should Army property be disposed of by cadets. Return all property to the SAI for determination of damages or fair wear and tear. 7. CIVILIAN CLOTHING a. Cadets may NOT wear civilian clothing on campus or on pass unless authorized by the Commandant, who will decide what clothing is appropriate. No civilian clothing will be authorized for wear at SJMS except by officers, first sergeants, sergeant major, and command sergeant major WHEN DESIGNATED, IN WRITING, BY THE COMMANDANT OF CADETS. Seniors, who do not meet the above criteria, will be authorized civilian clothing, during “Senior Privs” time, when “Senior Privs” is DESIGNATED IN WRITING BY THE COMMANDANT. PART B - PRESCRIBED UNIFORMS ALPHA Belt, black w/brass buckle Cap, Service, with cap crest Insignia of rank Name plate Shirt, as prescribed on OD Necktie, black Shoes, black corfam or Boots, black when prescribed Socks, black Trousers, dress blue Alpha Jacket Sam Brown Belt w/saber (Officers) when prescribed BRAVO Belt, Black w/brass tip Cap, Garrison Insignia of rank Name plate Necktie, black Shirt, long sleeve Trousers, dress blue Shoes, black corfam Socks, black Cadet Jacket w/rank when prescribed Jacket, letter, when authorized CHARLIE Belt, Black w/brass tip Cap, Garrison Insignia or rank Name plate Shirt, short sleeve Trousers, dress blue Socks, black Shoes, black corfam Cadet Jacket w/rank when prescribed Jacket, letter, when authorized DELTA Belt, ACU tan ACU cap Insignia of rank ACU T-shirt, Spartan T-shirt, AMS or BMS T-shirt ACU Pants Socks, athletic Boots, tan suede combat ACU blouse Gloves, black when prescribed ACU field jacket or Black cold weather fleece jacket - 117 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) PT UNIFORM Pants, Sweat, black with St. John's logo (winter) Shorts, Black with St. John's logo (summer) Sweatshirt, black with St John's logo (winter) T-Shirt, gray with St John's logo (summer) (the following shirts may be worn at company level PT only): Spartan T-shirt or AMS T-shirt or Running Program T-shirt or BMS T-shirt or Sports T-shirt or Company T-shirt or Dare T-shirt Socks, white crew Shoes, cross trainers-issued CASUAL ATTIRE UNIFORM Khaki or black pants (no shorts are authorized) Short sleeve polo shirt Long sleeve dress shirt Black dress belt Corfams AMS BDU blouse, black BDU pants, black Belt, black w/ black buckle T-shirt, black AMS Boots, black combat or tan Socks, black Gloves, black when prescribed BDU cap, black OD Beret w/flash Black field Jacket when prescribed OR complete ACU’s w/ black AMS T-shirt BMS BDU blouse, Asian Tiger Stripe BDU pants, Asian Tiger Stripe Belt, black or tan T-shirt, black BMS Boots, black combat or tan Socks, black Gloves, black when prescribed BDU cap, Asian Tiger Stripe OR complete ACU’s w/ black BMS T-shirt PART C - UNIFORM ACCESSORIES AND AUTHORIZED ACCOUTREMENTS 1. BELT, BLACK, (WHITE Drill Sergeants) web w/brass buckle. Worn: The brass tipped end of the belt will pass through the buckle to the wearer's left with only the brass tip extending beyond the face of the buckle. Worn with all uniforms except the PT or ACU uniforms. 2. BELT, TAN/KHAKI, web w/black buckle. Worn with ACU uniform. NOTE: WHITE BELT, WHEN AVAILABLE, WILL BE WORN ONLY BY DI, ONLY WHEN THE DRILL HAT IS WORN. SEE SECTION UNDER DRILL HAT. 3. GLOVES, (a.) BLACK, insulated worn with all uniforms when prescribed; (b.) WHITE, cotton worn with Class A when prescribed 4. JACKET, LETTER, a black and orange St. John's athletic jacket is authorized for optional purchase and wear by cadets who have lettered in a varsity sport. This letter jacket is authorized for wear with the class B uniform during non-duty hours, or as prescribed. 5. SHIRT, BLUE, a blue shirt, short sleeve, is authorized for wear with the Class A uniform. No insignia is worn on the shirt. Long sleeve blue shirt will be worn as prescribed on OD. 6. TIE, BLACK, worn with long sleeve blue shirt and/or Alpha uniform. 7. SHOES, BLACK CORFAMS, cadets will be issued one pair of high gloss polymeric (corfam) low quarters. 8. CADET JACKET (Black West Point Wool Jacket), a black wool jacket is authorized for wear with the Class B or C uniform when prescribed. The jacket will be worn zipped 3/4th of the way up. 9. ACU FIELD JACKET, a jacket worn with ACU’s, when authorized on the Order of the Day. The jacket will be worn with all snaps fastened except the very top one. - 118 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) 10. BLACK COLD WEATHER FLEECE JACKET, worn with ACU’s; worn zipped up 4 inches from top. 11. AUTHORIZED ACCOUTREMENTS ADV MILITARY SKILLS/RAIDERS Black/Blue Cord AMS Pin OD Beret w/flash AMS Patch w/qualification Black BDU’s w/black rank ACU’s or Asian Tiger Stripe AMS T-shirt Raider Pin for Alpha Raider patch Raider tab for ACU Bataan Patch (when earned) Ribbon N-3-5 (orienteering) Ribbon SJ 3647 BAND Silver & Black Cord Grey Beret w/flash “Band” pin Lyre Band patch Ribbon N-3-6 BAND (Middle School) Green/Gold Cord Gold Beret MS Band patch Ribbon SJ 4030 BASIC MILITARY SKILLS Black & Scarlet Cord Asian Tiger Striped BDU BMS T-shirt (when authorized) BMS patch Ribbon SJ 3655 BATTALION FIFER Red/White/Navy Cord Ribbon SJ 0326 BLUE BERET Blue/White Cord Blue Beret Ribbon SJ 3703 Blue Flash (4th award) Gold Star (5th/10th award) BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Sandlewood/Green Cord Ribbon SJ 3636 BUGLER DETAIL Gold/Black Cord Ribbon SJ 8001 CADET COURT Orange/Black Cord US Ribbon N-1-5 MS Ribbon CADET PATROL Red/White Cord Red Beret Flash (2 head CP’s) OB shield White gloves Ribbon SJ 5019 CANNON DETAIL Orange Cord Crossed Cannons (ACU cap) Ribbon SJ 4006 CHAPEL BAND Blue Cord Cross Ribbon SJ 3514 CHAPEL CHOIR Blue Cord Cross Ribbon SJ 3514 CHAPEL COUNCIL Scarlet/Royal Blue Cord Cross Ribbon SJ 4025 CHAPEL TECH Blue Cord Cross Ribbon SJ 5304 - 119 - CIVIL AIR PATROL Blue Cord Ribbon SJ 3010 COLOR GUARD White Cord Kelly Green Beret w/flash “Color Guard” pin White ascot White gloves US Ribbon N-3-6 MS Ribbon SJ 4030 DINING FACILITY CMDRS Coppen Blue/White Cord DRILL INSTRUCTORS Maroon/Metallic Gold Cord Drill Sergeant Hat Black or White pistol belt Orange Leadership Tabs DRILL TEAM Red Cord Kelly Green Beret w/flash & Single rifle pin “Drill Team” pin Performance uniform Ribbon N-3-4 DRILL TEAM (Middle Schl) Silver/Red Cord Red hatband “Drill Team” pin Ribbon SJ 3423 DRUMMER DETAIL Metallic Gold/Silver Cord Ribbon SJ 3242 FLAG DETAIL Orange Cord “Flag Detail” pin US Ribbon N-3-6 MS Ribbon SJ 4030 (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) HONOR GUARD Orange Cord “Honor Guard” pin US Ribbon N-3-6 MS Ribbon SJ 4030 MUSIC PARTICIPATION Med. Gold Cord Ribbon SJ 3627 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Gold Cord NHS Ribbon N-1-8 NICHOMACHEAN SOCIETY Green/White Cord Ribbon SJ 7118 PHOTOGRAPHY/YRBOOK/ BN SCRAPBOOK/VIDEO Black/White Cord Ribbon SJ 3111 SPARTANS Black/Gold Cord OD Beret w/flash (w/ACU) “Spartan” pin Spartan patch Spartan T-shirt Ribbon N-3-8 RIFLE TEAM Tan Cord Rust Beret w/flash “Rifle” pin Ribbon N-3-7 PART D - AUTHORIZED INSIGNIA ON THE ALPHA UNIFORM 1. BLOUSE, DRESS BLUE (All Cadets) (See diagrams beginning on page 115) A. SJ Insignia: Centered on both upper lapel, parallel to the inside edge of the lapel, 5/8 inch above the notch of the lapel. B. Torch of Knowledge: Worn centered on the left and right lower lapel, parallel to the inside edge of each lapel, upper edge of the disk 5/8 inch below the notch of the lapel and positioned so that the center line of the disk bisects the center line of the St. John’s Insignia. C. St. John's Distinctive Institution Insignia: Worn on both shoulder epaulets, an equal distance from the inside edge of the cadet rank to the buttons. D. Insignia of Rank, Pin On: Worn by all cadets on both epaulets, 5/8 inch from the outside seam. Insignia of Rank, Shoulder Sleeve Loops: Worn by all cadets over the epaulet of the uniform so that the rank insignia is centered. Leadership tabs will be worn on the epaulet next to the button by cadets as authorized by the Commandant. E. Special Skill Qualification Badges: 1. Marksmanship Badges are to be worn by cadets who qualify with the air rifle during the current school year. Previous qualifications are void. The badge is centered on the left flap of the Alpha uniform, 1/8th inch below the top seam of the pocket. F. Leadership Tabs: 1. Blue tabs are worn by Battalion Commander, Company Commanders, First Sergeants, Platoon Leaders, Platoon Sergeants, and Squad Leaders. 2. Orange tabs are worn by Battalion Sergeant Major, Sergeant Major S-3, and Drill Instructors PART E - AUTHORIZED HEADGEAR 1. ALL BERETS: Cadets earning the right to wear berets will wear the beret straight across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrow with the top of the beret draped over the left eye. Enlisted ranks - 120 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) PVT to SGT wear the school crest on the beret, SSG-COL wear their rank on the beret. Berets are authorized to be worn with all uniforms except PT and ACU. 2. CAP, SERVICE BLUE: Cadets will wear the service cap squarely on the head, with the bill approximately 2 inches above the brim of the nose. Battalion Staff are the only authorized cadets to have a blue and gold band on their cap. 3. CAP, GARRISON: Worn with the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose. The cap will be tilted slightly to the right but will not rest on the ear. 4. CAP, ACU/AMS BLACK: Worn squarely on the head, 2 inches above the brow. Rank will be worn on the cap centered on the front and 1 inch up from the bill. 5. CAP, WATCH/BEANIE/PT BLACK: Will be worn ONLY during inclement weather or when the temperature is below 32 degrees. 6. HAT, DRILL: Worn by cadets designated as drill instructors, squarely on the head and tilted slightly to the front with the chin strap at ear level behind the head. NOTE: ALL HEADGEAR WILL BE REMOVED UPON ENTERING ANY BUILDING, UNLESS THE CADET IS A MEMBER OF AN OFFICIAL INSPECTION PARTY. - 121 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) Alpha Jacket The HUD is worn centered ¼ of an inch above the top of the right pocket. It is worn inside of the Academic Wreath once you have earned both accoutrements. The Academic Wreath is worn centered left to right and 1/8 of an inch above the top of the right pocket. 2 The unit awards ribbons will be worn on the right side of the uniform above the right breast pocket, 1/8th inch and centered: Honor Company, Best Company Drill, Best Platoon Drill, Best Summer Camp Honor Platoon, and Best Summer Camp Company Athletic Award. Alpha Jacket The HUD is worn centered ¼ of an inch above the top of the right pocket. 3 - 122 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) Alpha Jacket The name plate is worn centered left to right and between the top of the pocket and the top of the button. 4 Alpha Jacket Special Team Badges are worn on the right breast pocket centered left to right and from the bottom of the pocket flap to the bottom of the pocket. If you have more than one, they are placed 1/8 of an inch apart; no specific order 5 - 123 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) Alpha Jacket The S.J. and Torch of Knowledge are aligned with the inside edge of the collar and the notch. The S.J. Is positioned 5/8 of an inch above the notch and the Torch of Knowledge is positioned 5/8 of an inch below the notch. 7 Alpha Jacket The ribbons are centered 1/8 of an inch above the left breast pocket; no more than 3 across. The order of placement can be found in the Cadet Handbook. The JCLC rifle is centered ¼ of an inch above the ribbons. 8 - 124 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) Alpha Jacket The Air Rifle Qualification Badge is worn centered left to right and 1/8 of inch below the top to the pocket. 9 Alpha Jacket The officer’s rank is worn centered and 5/8 of an inch from the seam. The Oldboy Shield is worn centered on the epaulet between the button and the rank. 10 - 125 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) Alpha Jacket The Oldboy Shield is worn centered on the epaulet between the button and the rank on the leadership tab. The officer’s rank is worn centered and 5/8 of an inch from the seam after it has been centered of the leadership tab. The pins are pushed through the epaulet to hold it in place. 11 Alpha Jacket The NCO cloth rank is positioned as far down the epaulet as possible and the Oldboy Shield is centered between the rank and the button. 12 - 126 - (ANXD(UNIFORMS)CHB) - 127 - ANNEX E (QUARTERMASTER OPERATIONS) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL a. Location. The St. John’s Military School Quartermaster store is located in the Spencer Cadet Center building. b. Operation. The store is operated as a convenience to cadets and is open Monday through Friday during the times listed on the Order of the Day. c. Payment for Services. All items purchased at the Quartermaster will be paid for by one of the three following methods: (1) Items entered into computer system according to each cadet’s serial number (SJMS credit). Monthly charges are mailed to the sponsor/guardian. (2) Cash (3) Credit Card (type and quantity of purchase and specific authority to use must be directed by the parent/sponsor) 2. SPECIFIC a. Uniform Issue (1) Only those uniforms issued, tailored, and properly fitted by the Quartermaster are authorized for wear at St. John’s Military School. (2) Each new cadet will be issued the full uniform and equipment allowance as itemized at Appendix I to this annex. Each returning cadet is responsible for maintaining on hand and in a good state of repair the complete basic issue of uniforms and equipment. When uniform items are lost, outgrown, or worn beyond repair, replacement items must be authorized for cadet purchase by parent/sponsor, Deputy Commandant, or the Commandant. In certain situations the Deputy Commandant or Commandant may delegate this authority to specific Military Advisor personnel. (3) When cadets are promoted to higher ranks through special orders or when additional items are required for membership in organizations, or earned through activities, they are billed to cadet accounts. b. Educational Materials (1) All textbooks, workbooks, and school planners will be procured through the Academic Department, and other required school supplies will be procured from the Quartermaster. (2) The Academic Dean is the approving authority for the initial issue and all replacement items required at later dates. c. Miscellaneous Items (1) Cadets are authorized to purchase health and comfort items at the Quartermaster; and with parent/sponsor consent or cash they may purchase such items as sweatshirts, jackets, caps and other SJMS memorabilia in stock. Parents/sponsors and other family members may avail themselves of SJMS memorabilia also. d. Tailoring Services - 128 - (ANX E(QMO)CHB) (1) All uniform items requiring tailoring will be custom tailored by the Quartermaster only. All future alterations and repairs will also be accomplished by the Quartermaster. Each cadet is responsible for proper fit and serviceability of all uniform items after the initial issue has been received. Filthy uniform items will not be accepted for repair by the Quartermaster. This service requires the full cooperation of the Corps and Military Staff. e. Shoe Repair (1) All footwear requiring repair will be turned in to the Quartermaster who will take the item to a local civilian facility for required work. Footgear will be cleaned prior to turning in at the Quartermaster. f. Allowances (1) All cadets, per school policy, are authorized to draw a weekly allowance of ten dollars from the Quartermaster on any day, Monday through Friday. If cadets fail to get their weekly allowance, they cannot receive it the following week. (2) Cadet Officers, Command Sergeant Major, S3 SGM, and First Sergeants are authorized to draw a weekly allowance of fifteen dollars from the Quartermaster. (3) Cadets are not authorized to have on person cash in excess of three weeks allowance without the Commandant’s permission except when departing campus on leave, RON, special pass or organized school activity. (4) Cadets may request an additional withdrawal of $20.00 from savings accounts through their SMA for use at special functions. Any amount above the maximum authorized withdrawal ($20.00) must be requested from and approved by the President, Commandant, Deputy Commandant, or Director of Admissions. (5) Only the President, Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Chief Financial Officer, or parent has the authority to reduce, withhold or suspend cadet allowances. (6) Cadets are not authorized to perform services for other cadets for money. Cadets engaging in this practice, either soliciting or performing services, are subject to disciplinary action. g. QM Snack Bar (1) The quartermaster runs a snack bar for cadets Monday through Friday. Items can be purchased with cash only from allowance or savings. Snack items will not be charged to cadet accounts. - 129 - ANNEX F (INFIRMARY - MEDICAL) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL a. Location: The Health Center for St John’s is located on the east side of Stevens Center, directly north across the hall from the Commandant’s office. The Health center encompasses the infirmary, nurse’s office and medication room. The infirmary area consists of a ten bed open bay area, two full bathrooms including one with a tub/shower combination and one with a shower, and a small kitchenette area. The infirmary bed area is monitored at all times. Monitoring may consist of, but is not limited to, video, audio, and direct line of site. The infirmary office area is off bounds to all cadets unless authority has been granted by the nurse or military staff on duty. b. Sick call: Cadets wishing to be seen by medical staff during sick call, are required to sign up on the Sick Call sheet located in the barracks duty office (prior to breakfast & evening mess) or Commandant’s office (during lunch mess). At the completion of mess, all cadets will fall out of the mess hall and proceed to their next assigned duty. Following the evaluation of the Sick Call sheet, cadets will be called to the infirmary based on priority of need. Sick call is open to address all reports of injury/illness as well as address any valid cares/concerns that should be reported to the nurse. The duration of routine sick call is as listed below and will occur after each mess (M-F). However, these times are subject to change as needed to accommodate the daily order as written by the Commandant/Deputy Commandant. No announcement of sick call will be made. It is the responsibility of each cadet to sign up on the Sick-Call sheet. NOTE: THE NURSE WILL NOT SEE CADETS FOR SICK CALL DIRECTLY PRIOR TO OR DURING MEDICATION PASS, EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY – THIS WILL BE STRICKLY ENFORCED FOR THE SAFETY OF CADETS RECEIVING MEDICATIONS. Open sick call times: M-F: AM, Noon, and 1800 Mess Weekend: No Scheduled sick call: A nurse will be on call for emergencies only. Sick call will be held in the Infirmary. If a Cadet did not sign up for sick call they must have a written Infirmary Medical Referral (IMR) form and/or be accompanied by an adult to be allowed into the infirmary; including during PT, accountability formations or military activities-Exceptions for emergencies only. Simple treatments for headaches, stomachaches, similar complaints, or those requiring over the counter pain medication, cold remedies, allergy remedies, etc., are allowed to be obtained as part of Med-Pass. Cadets wishing to see the nurse after school, during school hours or after sick call times must obtain a written Infirmary Medical Referral (IMR) form from the school secretary or an adult staff member in charge. Depending on the time of day and activity, the person/persons granting permission are limited to: Commandant, Deputy Commandant, OD, SMA/MA, school secretary, coach, or a supervising ADULT and must be accompanied by a written IMR form. Cadets arriving at the infirmary without a properly executed IMR form will be sent back without seeing the nurse and may be subject to disciplinary action from the Commandant. c. Emergencies: An on call nurse is available at all times for any medical concern determined to be in need of immediate counsel or card, or in the case of urgent or emergent need. d. Class Time: During the school day, cadets will not be given permission to see the nurse unless it is absolutely necessary. Cadets must obtain the IMR form from the academic secretary or adult staff member and upon returning to class, the cadet will return a copy of the IMR form to the school secretary. Cadets may not see the nurse during the passing period between classes and will not be given an excused pass if they are late to class. - 130 - (ANX F(I&N)CHB) NOTE: In the event the nursing staff is not available, cadets admitted to the infirmary may use the bay area phone to call an SMA/MA, the extension of the duty officer will be provided to the cadet as an alternate option e. Right to Privacy: The Nursing Department at St. John’s Military School recognizes the importance, and is committed to the compliance, of the HIPAA laws. All medical information will be handled with the utmost care and in accordance with the law in order to protect the privacy of every cadet. Disclosure of protected medical information will be limited to those with a bon-a-fide need-toknow and only when the need arises. However, the law allows for the disclosure of said information as needed for the continuation of daily operations and to provide care. The Nursing Department at SJMS recognizes the tremendous responsibility of the Commandant of Cadets in providing for the needs and safety of not only the cadets but the adult staff as well, and recognizes his authority to do such. Therefore, if it is determined by the nursing director that medical information needs to be disclosed to the Commandant in order for him to fulfill that obligation, then a private meeting will be requested and the information exchanged. This shall not be considered a violation of the cadet’s privacy or a breech of duty if provided after care and consideration, and in good faith that the person receiving the information will be a good steward of such, and will exercise the highest level of integrity and care in its use and disposition. 2. SPECIFIC a. Physicals: Every cadet will have a completed health history, physical examination, dental health, and immunization record on file at the nurse’s office prior to participating in any school activity. It is recommended that the health history and physical examination be completed prior to reporting to school. In the event the above is not completed as per the Kansas Statutes and/or the forms have not been submitted within 72 hours of enrollment, the SJMS infirmary staff will schedule an appointment to have these completed. Due to additional costs in processing appointments, paperwork, and extra time and effort required by nursing staff, an added charge of $75.00 will be charged to cadet’s incidental account. b. Appointments: The Nursing Staff will be the only staff authorized to call a physician or to make medical appointments of any type for cadets. When a cadet is called to attend a medical appointment, he must stop by the school secretary’s office (if prior to 1430 hours), leave backpack and quickly prepare to leave with SJMS staff to appointment. After 1430 hours, the cadet will leave his backpack in the Stevens Center duty office. It is absolutely essential that cadets make every effort to be on time for all scheduled appointments. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action taken by the Commandant and there will be a $25.00 charge added to the cadet’s incidental account. The nurse will notify parents, via phone, voice mail or e-mail, of their cadet’s appointment prior to or directly following and the results of that visit. All attempts will be made to ensure contact is made within 24 hours, but in some situations this may not be possible. Additionally, the following items will be adhered to: (1) When a cadet is called from class for a doctor’s appointment, he will stop by the academic office, leave his book bag, and quickly prepare to leave for appointment with designated SJMS staff. Cadets will meet the driver at and depart for appointments from the School Secretary’s office. If a cadet is not prompt when called, it will result in a missed appointment, the cadet will return to class, and a $25.00 fee will be charged to the cadet account. This is for the additional time and paperwork required by the nurse to reschedule the appointment. (2) Upon arrival at the doctor’s office the cadet will check in with the receptionist and present paperwork; he will then sit quietly and await his appointment. - 131 - (ANX F(I&N)CHB) (3) Violations of St. John’s rules while riding to, or during the time at the doctor’s office, or while riding back to campus, will not be tolerated. Common problems are horseplay, fighting, foul language, arguing with other cadets, and smoking. Any violation will result in disciplinary action as outlined in cadet handbook. (4) Cadets will treat all office staff with respect and courtesy at all times. (5) Cadets will not ask the doctor for unnecessary profiles; all profiles must be medically justified. Any suspect or open ended profiles from the doctor will be confirmed before written. (6) When a cadet departs the doctor’s office, he might be given a sealed envelope with instructions for the nurse and some cases an appointment card. This envelope is not to be opened by the cadet; these instructions are addressed to the nurse and are legal doctor’s orders. Tampering with signed doctor’s orders is a crime and will absolutely result in disciplinary action. (7) Upon returning to St. John’s, the cadet will proceed to the nurse’s office and present any paperwork from the doctor. He will wait quietly in the foyer while the nurse reviews the information and then she will discuss any special instructions or treatments with him. (8) If not admitted to the infirmary, the nurse will call the school secretary or SMA/MA and report cadet’s return. Cadet will check in with the secretary, pick up his book bag, and report to class. c. Admission to Infirmary: When required, the nurse will admit cadets to the Infirmary for observation and treatment. All overnight admissions to the infirmary will be reported to the cadet’s parent/guardian by the nurse within twenty-four (24) hours of admission, or as soon after as possible. A voicemail message will serve as notification after two unsuccessful attempts to talk with parent/guardian. The cadet should arrive with his book bag and/or homework for the day. Supplies for daily care will be provided. Taps and lights out is the same for the cadets in the infirmary as the rest of the Corps. The cadet may have his SMA/MA bring him some of his belongings, such as a change of clothes from his room. Cadet will shower daily while in the infirmary. Being clean is the best way to prevent secondary infections and reduce bacteria. The nurse is the only individual who can release cadets from the infirmary. Cadets admitted to the infirmary during the academic week will be medically restricted to campus the following weekend as directed by the school nurse. If an SMA/MA has determined that a cadet should be evaluated by nursing staff, he must provide the cadet with a written IRM (Infirmary Medical Referral) form and the cadet will be evaluated by the nurse. However, unless contact is made with nursing staff to assure infirmary staff is on duty, the military staff will be responsible for monitoring and care of cadet until nursing staff reports for duty. While in the infirmary, cadets will either rest or do school work. During school hours there will be no TV, or use of any electronics including cell phone, computers, or portable music providers as the purpose of admission is to rest and heal. The code of conduct for the infirmary is the same as everywhere else on campus. Any violation of the Cadet Handbook rules and regulations will result in possible expulsion from the infirmary and disciplinary action. Prior to dismissal from infirmary, cadets are responsible for cleaning their area, taking food tray back to mess hall, change bedding and leave infirmary bed in good condition and ready for the next cadet. Failure to follow an order by the nursing staff may result in disciplinary action taken by the Commandant. d. Admission to Hospitals: SJMS nursing staff will coordinate with competent medical authorities for treatment during major medical emergencies involving cadets. When directed by proper authority, SJMS staff will be responsible for admitting cadets into, and out of, applicable medical treatment facilities. SJMS adult staff includes, but is not limited to: Infirmary, Military, Academic, and - 132 - (ANX F(I&N)CHB) Administration staffs. When the nurse is on duty the nurse will arrange for treatment and transportation of cadet(s) to applicable medical treatment facility. When the nurse is NOT on duty, transport will be arranged by military staff or other SJMS as needed. If after assessment and treatment is provided and it is determined that the cadet requires hospitalization, SJMS nursing staff will coordinate with the hospital medical authorities for treatment. The parent/guardian will be notified at the first available opportunity in the event of emergency medical care. e. Sick in Quarters: Under certain conditions, and when overnight admission to the infirmary is not required, the nurse may place a cadet on the status of “Sick in Quarters” (SIQ). “Sick in quarters” cadets will have the authenticated pink copy of the Profile/IMR form stating that he has been designated as SIQ and/or why a cadet cannot participate in any activity. The pink copy of the profile denotes the cadet’s injury, the limitations of his physical activity, and the duration it is in effect. The cadet will keep the pink copy on him at all times. Military Advisors (MA) are issued a yellow copy of the slip for verification purposes. Cadets designated as SIQ during the academic week and do not attend classes on Fridays may be medically restricted to campus the following weekend as directed by the nursing staff or ordered by the Commandant. f. Medication Schedule: Medications are Mandatory. Cadets must take medications DAILY as prescribed and in compliance with the Doctor order. Non-compliance is not to be confused with the ‘right to refuse’ and each situation will be addressed individually. Medication non-compliance consists of 3 or more consecutive days of missed doses. Parent/Guardian will be notified when a cadet refuses medication. If a cadet refuses for 3 or more days, he will become an infirmary RAT for 1 day. Routine and scheduled medications will be handed out at the infirmary window by a licensed nursing staff member only. Cadets will be called by table to receive their meds. Nursing staff will complete the 0800, 1200, 1500, 1800 and HS med pass Monday-Friday. All HS 9hours of sleep) medications should be taken no later than 2200 hours. On the weekend medication will be set up by nursing staff for the SMA/MA on duty to complete the med pass. The nurse of SMA/MA passing medications will observe the cadet consume the medication and verify before dismissing the cadet. PLEASE NOTE: IN THE EVENT THE NURSING STAFF IS UNAVAILABLE OR ABSENT, IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT A MILITARY STAFF PERSON, TRAINED BY THE NURSE, WILL ADMINSTER THE MEDICATIONS. g. PRN Medication: “PRN” stands for “as needed”. PRN’s will only be available to cadets at the time of scheduled medication pass. When a cadet’s table is called to the infirmary window they will be allowed to report and receive a PRN med. Most PRN’s are over the counter medication and should be taken 4-6 hours apart. To assure cadets stay compliant, the Nursing Staff will be the ONLY staff to administer PRN meds, except for weekends. Cough drops and warm salt gargles will be available to the cadet in their barracks. h. Possession of Medications/Supplements: Cadets are not permitted to have any prescription medications, over the counter medications, vitamins, supplements, weight gainers, muscle builders, performance enhancers in their possession per Kansas law. All medications including over the counter medications (even cough drops) must have a physician’s order before the medication can be dispensed to a cadet. No cadet may purchase or keep over the counter medications in his room (see contraband list in Appendix 1 to Annex C). This includes all workout supplements as they are considered medication and require a doctor’s authorization for use. If cleared through the nursing department, workout supplements may be stored in the company duty office. Energy drinks have no nutritional value and can interact with many medications and conditions, and are expressly not allowed. (1) Cadets are not allowed to transport medication as described above (2) Any cadet caught possessing unauthorized medications will be referred to the Comma for disciplinary action; medication will be confiscated and stored in the infirmary. - 133 - (ANX F(I&N)CHB) (3) A cadet found to be cheeking, spitting out medication, or sharing with other cadets will receive a verbal warning for the first incidence and a parent/guardian will be notified. Any further incidence will result in disciplinary action. Each situation will be reviewed on an individual basis and will be subject to disciplinary action 3. INFIRMARY RULES The Infirmary is NOT a place where cadets can AVOID formation, PT, or school. The St. John’s Military School infirmary is here to provide all cadets with medical care in a safe, quiet environment. The following rules are implemented to maintain an environment which will promote physical and emotional health. St. John’s expects all cadets to show respect to others by following these rules. It is important to be familiar with the rules in all three categories as the rules overlap and have meaning for each category. a. Sick Call * Cadets must sign in on the Sick Call sheet before they will be seen * (1) No Horseplay; no foul language; no backtalk. (2) Provide privacy to other cadets as they are receiving medications as well as being assessed by nursing staff; per HIPPA law. (3) No arguing with the nurse. Medical decisions made by the nurse are not negotiable. Nonmedical decisions can be appealed through the proper chain of command. (4) Entering the office is strictly off limits without the expressed permission of the nurse. When a cadet is in the office, the door will remain open. Under no circumstances is a cadet allowed into the nurse’s bathroom or medication room. (5) NO SMOKING! Anyone caught will automatically be dismissed from the infirmary and referred to the military staff on duty. (6) Infirmary protocols will be strictly enforced! Cadets will be allowed an allotted time to stay in infirmary per these protocols. (7) The nurse will not see cadets for sick call directly prior to or during medication pass. Exceptions will be made only in emergencies. (8) For accountability reasons, cadets may not come to the infirmary during school passing periods. (9) Permission to see the nurse during school hours is granted by the school secretary via a written IMR form that must be presented to Infirmary staff. (10) For accountability reasons, during PT, accountability formations, or military activities, cadets must present with an IMR form completed by an SMA/MA prior to coming to infirmary. (11) Do not pound repeatedly on the infirmary window; this may result in disciplinary action!. This especially applies if the nurse is on the phone. Wait patiently. (12) The nurse will leave a note, if possible, when she is out of the office; however, if the blind is down and/or the light is off, the nurse is either not in the office or busy. DO NOT POUND ON DOOR AT THIS TIME!! This means the infirmary is closed; exception made in emergencies only! After school hours, please see your SMA/MA; if the need is immediate he knows how to reach the nurse at all times. (13) Do not listen to or interfere in other cadets’ business. Each cadet is entitled to privacy and confidentiality. (PER HIPPA LAW) (14) Leave the infirmary once treatment/medication is received. Do not wait for other cadets. (15) The infirmary phone is for medical business. Do not ask to call your parent/guardian at any time. - 134 - (ANX F(I&N)CHB) (16) The infirmary computer is off limits, so do not ask to use it. (17) Drink all water given with meds and dispose of cup in trash can. (18) Do not enter the infirmary without permission from the nurse. (19) Do not lay on infirmary beds unless directed by the nurse. (20) Do not leave book bags in infirmary – the infirmary staff is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings left in the infirmary. (21) ABSOLUTELY NO SPITTING IN THE SINKS! This is unsanitary, disgusting and will result in a conduct report. b. Infirmary Short Stays (The above rules may also apply in this category) (1) Remove boots/shoes prior to lying on the beds. (2) Do not remove pillows from other beds for personal use. (3) Additional blankets are available in linen closet. (4) Electronics of any kind are not allowed in the infirmary during school hours– do not bring them (5) Do not provide entrance to infirmary for anyone. This may result in dismissal from infirmary at the discretion of the nurse. Adult staff has keys and they are the only persons allowed in without permission of the nurse or SMA if nurse is off duty. (6) Meals and medications will be provided at routine times. Special diets will be provided if needed. (7) If the nurse is not on duty and a meal has not been delivered to the infirmary, contact the duty office at ext. 7797 or 7721. Cadet may call their prospective company: Alpha ext. 7736, Bravo ext. 7738, or HHC ext. 7737. (8) It is the responsibility of cadets to clean up after meals; empty excess food into trash; empty beverages down sink and rinse out sink; stack dishes on tray; wipe off table; return food trays to Mess Hall (9) When discharged from infirmary, obtain clean pillowcase and sheets from closet, change sheets, straighten bedding, and fold comforter/blanket and place at the foot of bed. Place used linens in the laundry hamper. Clear personal belongings from the bathroom. The floor area around the bed should be picked up and free from personal items or trash. (10) Notify the nurse before leaving the infirmary – she will provide further instruction at this time and notify SMA/MA of your return to barracks or school secretary of your return to school via IMR. (11) Discharge from infirmary (Mon-Friday) will be coordinated between the nurse and SMA/MA for a time after 1500 and before taps. (12) Do not harass the nurse for an early discharge as this may result in disciplinary action. c. Infirmary Overnight Stays (The above rules apply to this category also) (1) When staying overnight, submit to the nurse a written request for items needed and she will forward to SMA/MA who will oversee collection of items and transport to infirmary at his discretion and when time allows. (2) Do not leave the infirmary without permission under any circumstance. Violation could result in dismissal from infirmary at the discretion of the nurse. (3) Do not open windows. (4) Stay in the selected bed when admitted to the infirmary; do not dirty more than one bed. - 135 - (ANX F(I&N)CHB) (5) Do not move beds around. (6) If placed in isolation room, do not come out of room without permission from the nurse. (7) Shower every evening; hygiene products will be provided. After showering, place towel and wash cloth in the laundry hamper. Place hygiene items in the basket provided by the nurse and keep basket next to bed with other belongings. Notify the nurse when shower is complete so the shower stall can be disinfected. (8) Keep area around bed clean; pick up trash and throw away; stack books next to bed; fold laundry and place it on the chair next to bed. (9) During school hours cadets will rest, do homework or read quietly. (10) Do not leave personal belongings in the infirmary. The nurse will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. (11) Cadets cannot learn if they are not in school so to discourage abuse of the infirmary, please note the following: (a.) If a cadet is in the infirmary on Friday – ALL DAY – depending on the situation, he could be medically restricted for the following weekend. (b.) If a cadet stays overnight on Thursday and is absent from school on Friday, he will be medically restricted to campus the following weekend. (c.) If a cadet is in the infirmary at any time on the day of a scheduled school function, sports activity, field trip or any other off campus activity, the cadet will NOT be able to attend said events. 4. PROFILES/IMR FORMS This form has 4 copies: The white copy goes to the infirmary, pink copy goes to the cadet, light yellow goes to the SMA/MA, and the dark yellow goes to the Operations NCOIC in Stevens duty office. All profiles from the nursing staff will only be good for 24 hours, unless it states otherwise. When a cadet is issued a profile from the nursing staff or physician he is NOT to participate in Physical Activity for the written time period. If a cadet is witnessed doing physical activities under the care of a profile, SJMS staff has the right to take the profile from the cadet and notify the infirmary that such event occurred. At that time the nursing staff will reassess the cadet. If a cadet is caught faking an injury he will receive a consequence of Infirmary RAT for 1 day. 5. TUBERCULOSIS TESTING Per the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, each cadet in residence at St. John’s Military School who is 16 years or older OR foreign-born cadets from areas where TB is common OR travel by a cadet with a recent visit of four months or greater to a high risk country shall be required to undergo tuberculin testing. Following initial testing, additional testing is not required unless significant exposure to an active case of tuberculosis occurs or symptoms compatible with tuberculosis develop. - 136 - ANNEX G (DINING FACILITY) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL The Battalion Commander is President of the mess. The Battalion Commander may discuss service, quality, etc. with the Food Service Director in coordination with the Commandant or Deputy Commandant. ALL complaints by cadets will be made to the Deputy Commandant or Battalion Commander - NOT dining facility staff. Suggestions for meals are appreciated and the mess hall staff will do their best to apply appropriate suggestions to the menu; record suggestions in the book provided. Because cadets want to be treated with courtesy and respect, they will in turn treat others with courtesy and respect. The Deputy Commandant or SMA is delegated authority by the Commandant to supervise ALL, repeat, ALL Mess Hall procedures. Cadets are not authorized this function. THE KITCHEN IN THE MESS HALL IS OFF BOUNDS TO ALL CADETS AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT DESIGNATED WAITERS DURING THEIR DESIGNATED TOUR OF DUTY ONLY. 2. ATTENDANCE a. Cadets will attend all messes and mess formations except when authorized to be absent by the Commandant. A cadet assigned to the infirmary or hospital has authority to be absent from mess and mess formation. This authority will be in writing from the School Nurse or Doctor to the Commandant. The prescribed uniform for all messes will be the Uniform of the Day. This includes messing for early and/or late details EXCEPT by special authorization of the Commandant. Plan your departures and arrivals accordingly. b. On Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays (including school stand-down), Cadets who are restricted to campus (this includes duty section), for any reason, will attend all mess formations and mess—NO OPTION. c. Cadets who wish to be absent from mess(s) Monday through Friday must have authority from Commandant in writing. d. Uniform for dining facility will be the Uniform of the Day (ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, OR CA). A clean PT uniform may be worn in the dining facility only when it is prescribed as the uniform of the day. Shoes and socks are required at all times. Civilian clothes will NOT be worn in the dining facility. 3. PROCEDURES/RULES a. All cadets will enter the mess hall in the prescribed military fashion, remove cover when ordered and stand at attention until the Battalion Commander gives “Parade Rest.” At this command, assume position with bowed head. After grace, the cadets will be given “Attention”, and then “Seats.” Cadets will remain in their seats until told to “go eat.” Cadets will not get drinks or desserts until their table has been called to “go eat.” Cadets who are eating salads with their meal may fix their salad and immediately return to their table until called to “go eat.” Cadets who are not eating salads will remain in their seats until their table is called to “go eat.” Water for meds will be provided by the nurse at the med cart. The aim is to reduce the amount of movement and noise in the mess hall. b. If one or more tables are closed, cadets assigned there shall remain standing until “seats” is given. These cadets will then sit in unoccupied places at other tables without causing other cadets to change their regular place—as directed by cadet mess NCOIC. c. Cadet table seating assignments will be made by the respective Company Commander. Cadets will sit at their assigned seating for mess and will not sit at other tables to obtain extra rations - especially - 137 - (ANX G(DF)CHB) the waiter staff. Only waiters and specified duty personnel will mess at waiter’s table. Cadets will address needs to the waiters (not kitchen staff) as it is each waiter’s job to meet those mess hall needs. d. The order for serving will be by Company and the Company will be called to “go eat”. The following rules will be observed for the selecting, handling, safety, and eating of food, as well as the use of dining facility property. (1) There will be no eating or drinking in the kitchen. (2) Cadets will be seated at a table when consuming food and will not eat while moving around the mess hall. (3) While going through the food line, keep voices low so that kitchen staff can hear food orders. If the line becomes loud and out of control, the kitchen will be CLOSED until order is restored. (4) Use utensils in the deli and salad bar areas; NEVER touch anything that is going into a person’s mouth. This means food, silverware, and glasses (no one wants someone else’s dirty hands on their food) (5) Each cadet should take what he wants to eat but ensure that he eats everything he takes. (6) Every cadet has a turn being last through the food line, so be considerate of each other and reasonable. There will be a second opportunity for more food. (7) DO NOT WASTE FOOD! Waste determines the amount of money that can be spent on future meals. If cadets desire good food every day, they should not throw food away. (8) Do not erase menu board. (9) NO cadets will leave the dining facility without SMA/MA permission. e. The Dining Facility Staff understands that cadets are growing young men and need food. They want to provide the best quality food possible, and in fact enjoy cooking for cadets and watching them enjoy the food prepared. f. Cadets will NOT carry food from the Mess Hall - this includes fruit, milk, ice cream bars, etc. unless specifically directed otherwise by the Commandant. g. At the conclusion of the meal, the cadets will be called to attention and the Battalion Commander will dismiss the Corps. Dismissal by table will not be conducted without the permission of OD or SMA. 4. ETIQUETTE GUIDANCE AND INSTRUCTION a. Special instructions on etiquette will be conducted in an “on the job” atmosphere. At certain meals instructions will be given in the mess during the meal(s). b. There is NO EXCUSE for bad manners, and all Cadets are expected to be well mannered at all times. Appropriate language will be used in the dining facility and kitchen at all times. Fighting with other cadets or the kitchen staff will not be tolerated. c. It is a time honored rule that gentlemen do not remain seated in the presence of ladies approaching or departing your table for any dining occasion. The rule applies in any situation where the intimacy of the surroundings or a sense of reverence or respect suggests it is the proper thing to do. d. Loud, boisterous and unseemly conduct within the mess and when leaving will NOT be tolerated. Response to mess announcements with energetic applause is appropriate and encouraged. - 138 - (ANX G(DF)CHB) Cat-calls, whistling, stamping feet and “banging” tableware is NOT approved or acceptable manners, and will NOT be tolerated. e. Immediately upon seating, a SJMS Cadet takes the napkin and places it in his lap. f. The knife is held with the handle in the palm and the index finger along the back of the blade. After using the knife, lay it across the upper half of the plate with the handle to the right. (This applies also to the fork). No part of the knife should touch the table. When one is cutting salad or thin slices of cold meat use the fork and not the knife. When cutting any portion of food, only that part which is to be eaten immediately will be cut. When finished eating, place knife and fork side by side on the plate with ends in about the center of the plate and the handles on the edge. g. When the fork is used with the knife for cutting meat or for a similar purpose, it is held in the left hand with the tines down and the index finger extending along the back. At all other times, it is held in the right hand. When in the right hand, it is held with the tips of tines turned upward and the handle controlled by the thumb and the first two fingers in somewhat the same manner as a pencil would be held. The end of the handle should extend out between the thumb and index finger. h. The spoon is held in the right hand in the same manner as prescribed for the fork. When used to convey soup to the mouth, the spoon should be dipped away from you. When used with cereal, it is dipped towards you. The bowl of the spoon should never be put in the mouth; put the side of it to the lips and tilt it so the fluid flows of its own accord into the mouth. When using a spoon to stir coffee or other drinks, do so with the least possible noise. Never leave a spoon in the cup or glass, place it in the saucer. i. When crackers or croutons are served with soup, they are to be placed on the bread and butter plate or the soup serving dish. It is proper to place ONLY 2 or 3 pieces of croutons or crackers at a time in the soup. If saltines, break the cracker with your fingers into two or three pieces. Oyster crackers need not be broken - place 2 or 3 whole oyster crackers in the soup if desired. NEVER place whole crackers/saltines in soup and break with soup spoon. NEVER grind or pulverize crackers with the hands and place in soup. j. Before, during or after meals, cadets shall not rest their forearms on the edge of the table or their elbows on the table. A cadet may sit at ease but shall not slump or sprawl. k. Rolls and biscuits shall be broken into at least half-portions. Bread and toast shall be broken into half-slice before being buttered. Example: Take the slice of bread and break in half with the fingers, place both pieces on the bread and butter plate or dinner plate. Place one piece on the plate, butter the other piece and eat one bite at a time. Cadets will not remove the center from bread slices and discard the crust. Never cut a roll, muffin or biscuit in two with your knife, Break them with your fingers. l. Conversation and language at the table shall be in good taste. All instruction will be conducted by the Table Head or senior Cadet present. m. Cadets shall not play with dishes, glasses or silverware. n. Avoid all unpleasant noises while eating. It is inexcusable to drink coffee or soup in such a manner as to cause any noise whatsoever. Should it become necessary to cough or sneeze, the head should be turned to the side and bent forward and the nose and mouth covered with a handkerchief. One should never talk with food in one’s mouth and by the same token the mouth should be closed when chewing. - 139 - (ANX G(DF)CHB) o. At the conclusion of the meal, the Cadets will be called to ATTENTION and the Battalion Commander will dismiss the Corps. Dismissal by table will not be conducted without the permission of OD or SMA. p. Upon receiving the dismissal order the Table Head will dismiss those Cadets who are not required to stay because of additional training, police or other reasons. He may designate a representative to dismiss the table when he cannot remain through dismissal. 5. DUTIES OF THE OIC/NCOIC CADET MESS a. In coordination with Food Services Director, Company Commander, Company 1SG, and S4, supervise and instruct the waiters and other cadet personnel in performance of their duties. b. Carry out the orders and instructions as set forth in the Cadet Handbook. c. Assist in seating guests. d. Insure that cadets are seated at assigned tables. e. Supervise the serving of food. f. Determine that all tables are properly cleaned and cleared as well as the surrounding areas. g. Report all infractions of rules and regulations, comments on food, misconduct, improper manners, etc. to the Deputy Commandant/SMA/S4 or Commandant - DO NOT DISCIPLINE. h. Be courteous, correct and cooperative. 6. DUTY FOR TABLE HEAD a. The TABLE HEAD (PLT Leaders, PLT SGT’s, Squad Leaders, DI’s with NB’s or RAT’s) will monitor and control behavior and etiquette at his table. b. “Seconds” may be obtained when announced by the Battalion Staff. c. The TABLE HEAD is responsible for: (l) Proper manners and decorum of all cadets assigned his table. (2) Table care and clearance. (3) Police of area underneath and adjacent to his assigned table. d. The Table Head WILL NOT permit cadets assigned his table to visit other tables during mess, nor will he show partiality toward one cadet or another. e. Upon receiving the dismissal order, the Table Head will dismiss those cadets who are not required to stay because of additional training, police or other reasons. He may designate a representative to dismiss the table when he cannot remain through dismissal. f. The TABLE HEAD will be the last to leave the Mess Hall after inspecting his table and reporting OK to the Company Commander, 1SG, S4 or NCOIC. When duties require otherwise, the TABLE HEAD may designate the ranking individual to remain and supervise dismissal. - 140 - (ANX G(DF)CHB) 7. WAITERS a. Companies will be required to provide sufficient waiters on a rotation basis. Each Company will be responsible for waiter detail for two weeks starting with the Sunday evening meal through brunch on Sunday of the next week. All eligible cadets will perform waiter duty. Cadets may not quit or be fired from this position. This position is designed to give each participating cadet a real life job experience. Waiters will compete for best company as well as individual rewards for best workers. b. A duty roster detailing a specific Company for waiter detail will be maintained by the Battalion S4. c. Waiters will be under the direct supervision of the Company Commander, Company 1SG, and S4. When a waiter is assigned a station, the assignment will be listed with the waiter name so that kitchen staff know where each waiter is supposed to be. d. Waiters will report to the Mess Hall fifteen minutes (or on call) prior to meal hours. They will be inspected by OIC/NCOIC for proper uniform and cleanliness. All chores necessary to the meal will be completed prior to the meal. Cadets may dine after the chores are completed in order for them to be available during the meal. - 141 - ANNEX H (CHAPEL PROCEDURES) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL a. Chapel attendance is a required and mandatory part of the St. John’s experience and program. Missing chapel therefore is as serious as missing school or a military formation. Additionally, chapel behavior is to exemplify the virtues of respect and forbearance. The chapel worship conforms to the traditional form for Morning and Evening Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer in the American usage as well as the traditional form for the Holy Eucharist. Most chapel services will be according to the required attendance schedule. However, there will be times for optional attendance at special observances and cadets are encouraged and allowed to attend. It is recognized that not all cadets who attend St. John’s will respond favorably to required Chapel attendance. However, it is as much a part of our experience as anything else that is done here and due respect is warranted. b. The St. John’s Chaplain will make available to the Corps of Cadets the opportunity for cadets to serve on both the Chapel Council and the Chapel Choir. These are positions of honor and are therefore intended for cadets who have a desire to assist with the worship and care of the Chapel. 2. CONDUCT a. The choir loft and the Columbarium Chapel are off limits to all cadets during regular Chapel services, Chapel Choir excepted. b. The Chapel is a sacred place of worship. It is to be entered and exited by cadets in quiet and reverence. Side conversation or chatting with one’s neighbor will be cause for disciplinary action in accordance with the policies of this school. c. The St. John’s Chaplain is responsible for the leadership of all Chapel liturgies. He does so not only as a leader of worship but also as one who worships God himself. The Chaplain and many others, who may or may not wish to be anonymous, do like to come for worship. Therefore it is expected that according to rules of respect and decency, all cadets in attendance will honor all others regardless of their own personal preference. d. During the course of Chapel the Chaplain will direct the cadets toward page numbers and movement. Chapel is a participatory event. All cadets are required to participate in the recitation of all of those parts of the service that require a response. Participation in Chapel in this manner is no different than participation in the classroom or the barracks. e. There are particular occasions where the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated. This is a liturgy that is particularly for those who are professed Christians and have been baptized in the Church. Cadets desiring to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion are required to interview with the Chaplain to ascertain the faith commitment required to receive such sacrament. f. All cadets from a faith other than Christian are still required to be in the chapel but may be excused from participation in the service, after they have talked with the Chaplain, so that they will not be subject to any disciplinary action. - 142 - ANNEX I (ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION St. John’s Military School strives to maintain: a. A policy of admission of those students who can be expected to profit from their attendance at the school. b. A policy of admission and equal opportunity for all students regardless of creed, race, color, national or ethnic origin. c. An active Christian environment with formal worship of God under the auspices of the Episcopal Church. d. A high level of instruction by well-trained, competent teachers, small classes, opportunities for individual help, and scheduled study hours. e. A basic and varied curriculum wherein cadets learn to work well with others while maintaining and developing their own self-concepts and skills. f. The development of inquiring minds, the intellectually curious and the industrious. A program of well-rounded extra curricular activities. g. A total growth environment in which a cadet receives encouragement and guidance in making present and future occupational and educational choices. h. A framework of moderate, sensible and appropriate discipline, the terms of which a cadet is taught to understand and accept willingly. i. An opportunity for each cadet to become acquainted with his own shortcomings and abilities wherein he can correct the former and develop the latter. j. An opportunity for each cadet to develop his innate qualities of leadership and to become a responsible citizen. 2. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT A. GENERAL The Academic/Athletic Departments are under the direct supervision of the Academic Dean. He/She or the Academic Counselor should be consulted on all matters pertaining to course of study, grades, academic program and plans beyond high school graduation. Grades 9-12 B. ACCREDITATION St. John’s Military School is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the Kansas State Department of Education, and is associated with the National Association of Episcopal Schools and the Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States. C. ACADEMIC GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS All St. John’s Military School seniors must meet minimum competency standards before a diploma will be issued. All high school cadets must successfully complete Military Science (JROTC) each (SJMS) high school year. The curricula are applicable to the current graduating class and all classes thereafter. St. John’s will consider any cadet’s early graduation upon satisfactory completion of all SJMS graduation requirements by: 1. The combination of previous accredited school and St. John’s academic curriculum 2. A 90% grade on any approved course work taken outside the traditional educational school day-reference being, distant learning, college or junior college programs, and/or summer schools 3. A 90% grade on all competency (quiz out) testing while enrolled at St. John’s (only for cadets who have previously failed said course) 4. Payment of funds owed St. John’s Military School - 143 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) The diploma presented at graduation is the ONLY diploma given and should be kept in a safe location by the graduating cadet. Lost or damaged diplomas cannot be replaced at any future date. Standard Curriculum Twenty-four (24) academic units of high school are required for graduation. Of the twenty-four, nineteen (19) are required by St. John’s and twelve (12) of the twenty-four are required by the Department of Education of the State of Kansas and North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The remaining courses are to be selected by the cadet to best suit his present and future academic needs. St. John’s Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Four (4) units of Language Arts Three (3) units of Mathematics Three (3) units of Science Three (3) units of Social Science One (l) unit of Physical Education/Health One (1) unit of Computer Science One (1) unit of Fine Arts Elective to equal a minimum of 24 total credits All cadets must successfully complete Military Science (JROTC) each (SJMS) high school year. College Preparatory Curriculum The College Preparatory Curriculum operates on the same premise as the Standard Curriculum except twenty-eight (28) academic units are required by St. John’s for graduation. Special permission must be granted by the Academic Dean before enrolling in this program. Each graduate of this Curriculum will receive a special diploma. This requirement exceeds those of the Kansas State Department of Education, the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and those of the Standard Curriculum. Of the twenty-eight (28) units needed, twenty (20) units are required courses and include upper level course work in science and math. The required units are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. Four (4) units of Language Arts Four (4) units of Mathematics Four (4) units of Science Four (4) units of Social Science Two (2) units of Foreign Language One (1) unit of Computer Science One (1) unit of Physical Education/Health POST SECONDARY ADMISSIONS The Academic Dean is responsible for any college, university, military service, or post-secondary recruitment that is to be scheduled during any part of the student’s academic and/or athletic day. No one, except the nurse, is to schedule any student appointments off or on campus during the academic/athletic day without FIRST receiving the approval of the Academic Dean. - 144 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) Certain tests are usually required for admission to college such as the American College Test (ACT). Any cadet who signs up to take this or a similar test is required to take the test. The parents/guardians usually pay for the cadet to take these types of tests-they are important and should be taken seriously. Should a cadet fail to attend a testing session in which he has enrolled, or should he leave the test early and uncompleted, or should he “Christmas tree” the test, he will be subject to discipline for being absent from his place of duty or inattention to his duty. 4. MASTER CALENDAR The Academic Dean is responsible for student academic and athletic times. Any activities that would conflict with student academic and athletic responsibilities must FIRST be approved by the Academic Dean. 5. CLASS DAY Each cadet is assigned to eight (8) periods daily, Monday through Friday. He is required to enroll in seven (7) academic courses to include Military Science (JROTC), and one study hall. 6. GENERAL NOTES The mission of St. John’s Military School is to provide each cadet with the opportunity to grow spiritually, morally, intellectually, and physically in a structured environment. Cadets utilize computers in mathematics, science, English, reading and Spanish classes. The school reserves the right to change course offerings without notice. NOTE: Credit for less than one unit of credit. Classes MAY be terminated if six or less students enroll. St. John’s Military School does NOT offer any Special Education programs. 7. CLASS SCHEDULE Each student will enroll in seven (7) classes and one study hall. Tutorials are offered a minimum of three mornings each week. All full time faculty members will be available in their classrooms to give extra help before and after the school day. PERMISSION TO BE EXCUSED FROM ACADEMIC/ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ACADEMIC DEAN. 8. CLASS ATTENDANCE Each cadet is to be punctual in meeting his classes. If he is detained, he must have a written excuse from previous person and that written excuse (with time of departure) will be given to the next scheduled instructor. Every cadet who is absent or tardy must present a STUDENT’S ADMIT SLIP for his teacher to initial before being admitted. If the slip indicates that he is unexcused, appropriate action will be taken by the Academic Dean. Absences Due to SJMS Events: Each cadet who is absent from classes because he is a participant as noted above will be prepared with all the assignments required prior to departure for the event or on the next day after returning from the event. This is a prerogative of the teacher or instructor. Those who are not can expect to receive “zeros.” Further, all cadets can expect to be restricted from participating in the next game and/or scheduled event which includes meets, matches, etc. - 145 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) Unexcused Absences Before and After Vacations: THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THE POLICY REGARDING GIVING ZEROS FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES TO ALL CADETS WHO MISS CLASSES PRIOR TO THE START OF VACATIONS OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING VACATIONS. THEY WILL BE GIVEN ZEROS AS THEIR DAILY GRADE FOR EACH CLASS MISSED. CADETS MAY NOT BE WITHDRAWN FROM ANY ASSIGNED ACADEMIC/ATHLETIC SCHEDULED ACTIVITY WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE ACADEMIC DEAN. PERSONS WISHING TO WITHDRAW A CADET MUST CONTACT THE ACADEMIC DEAN. 9. MAKE-UP OR WRITTEN WORK For any unexcused absence a cadet will receive zeros for all class evaluations missed. Any cadet who is absent due to illness whether confined to the school infirmary, a hospital or for any excused reason will be given opportunity and reasonable time upon return to complete written daily assignments depending on the time away from classes. However, all back work plus tests must be made up not later than TWO WEEKS after he returns to classes. To earn credit for school work and exams missed while on approved RON’s, cadets MUST COMPLETE school work to be assigned and exams scheduled during the time he will be absent, prior to departure. Cadets who fail to complete assignments and exams prior to departure will earn grades of 0 for all incomplete school work and exams. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with his teachers to complete school work he will miss during his absence. In the case of emergency departures, reasonable, additional time will be allowed for cadets to complete missed school work and exams. 10. BOOKS The textbooks and workbooks are procured from the Academic Department. Other school supplies a cadet needs are purchased by him at the Quartermaster. Cadets who lose workbooks will be issued a replacement and his account will be charged appropriately. 11. NIGHT STUDY HALL a. Night study hall (NSH) is conducted for one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes (time established by the Commandant) Sunday through Thursday evenings with Wednesday night for D & F study hall. All doors will be open and all lights on during NSH. Additional study hall periods may be held for cadets earning D’s and F’s. b. Cadets will not leave their rooms for any reason, listen to CD’s/radios, wear headphones, read non-academic materials, take showers or engage in any non-academic activity. c. A cadet must not prepare uniforms or shine shoes unless given specific permission by his MA. d. Cadet leaders may assist the SMA/MA in insuring that cadets are in their rooms during the first five minutes of NSH. e. Cadets needing extra time will notify MA and it will be granted. 12. COMPUTER USE a. Computers, computer files and software furnished to cadets are SJMS property intended for academic and educational use. Access to electronic information systems is a privilege, not a right. All users must respect the rights of other computer users, respect the integrity of the physical facilities and controls, and respect all pertinent license and contractual agreements related to the SJMS information systems. See computer policy for personal computer possession and use in Annex C of this handbook. b. SJMS provides computer systems in good working condition for the benefit of a successful learning environment. Any physical damage to either computers or any part of the information system will result in disciplinary action and probable compensation for any damage done. c. Cadets are forbidden to use a password, access a file, circumvent security measure, or retrieve any stored communication without proper authorization. Cadets may only use software on the local network or on multiple machines according to the software license agreement. SJMS prohibits the illegal - 146 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) duplication of software and its related documentation. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer and network traffic usage may be monitored. d. SJMS strives to provide a high speed, reliable information system that is free of viruses. Downloading of any unlicensed, illegal software, or files that are a security or a virus threat is disallowed. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading of any files through messaging software, file sharing applications, and websites. Examples of restricted or disallowed software are Kazaa, Limewire, and file transfer through MSN or Yahoo messenger software. Failure to abide by these conditions will be subject to disciplinary action. e. Cadets must have approval before accessing the information systems. This includes the use of any available network and phone jacks. Cadets are not allowed to install any computer system inside any barracks or on campus, without prior consent of either the Commandant, or network administrator. f. SJMS strives to maintain an environment free of harassment and sensitive to the diversity of its cadets. Therefore, SJMS prohibits the use of computer and email in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others, or harmful to morale. For example, the display or transmission of sexually explicit images, messages, and cartoons is not allowed. Other such misuse includes, but is not limited to, ethnic slurs, racial comments, off-color jokes, or anything that may be construed as harassment, showing disrespect for others, or bullying. g. Acceptance and use of the SJMS internet and network shall constitute an agreement on behalf of the user or other individual accessing such information systems to abide and be bound by the provision of this policy. h. Cadets should notify their SMA/MA or a teacher upon learning of violations of this policy. Cadets who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or dismissal. 13. ACADEMIC RESTRICTIONS Cadets who neglect daily assignments may be requested to be restricted to campus and to their rooms by faculty members during scheduled pass time evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION REQUESTS WILL BE GIVEN EACH CADET PERSONALLY BY THE INSTRUCTOR AND WHAT IS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED DURING THIS TIME. 14. ACADEMIC RAT Academic RAT will be identified by the Academic Dean using the weekly grade report (D & F list). An Academic RAT will: a. Surrender all electronics until off Academic RAT status b. Have no pass, non-school OPD’s, or rec center privileges c. Do PT with military staff on Saturday and Sunday at 1300 hours d. Attend all OSH and tutorials e. May practice but not participate in team sports competitions f. Report to DFAC at 0600 hours for school work 15. GRADING SYSTEM Grades are based on the following: 90-100 Represents work of distinguished quality 80-89 Distinctly better than average quality 70-79 Average work 60-69 Below average work but passing Below 60 Failure In order to obtain full credit for a course, a minimum grade of 60 must be earned at the end of each semester of a one unit course. The same minimum grade of 60 must be earned to gain credit in a one-half - 147 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) unit course. One-half unit of credit will be given for successful completion of only one semester of a full year course. Full credit will be given, however, when the other semester’s work is completed satisfactorily. 16. REPORT OF GRADES The school year is made up of four (4) grading periods. Each teacher prepares a grade card for each cadet in each of his/her classes, which is made known to each cadet before it is mailed to his parent or guardian. The grading system is based on the percentage scale. Sixty (60) is the lowest acceptable (passing) grade and one hundred (l00) the highest. 17. ACCESSING GRADES Cadets may access their grades through the SJMS computer network. Using a school computer, go to and click on “student grades” under the “Parents/Students” tab. Click on the “St. John’s Military School’s Online Grades by High Touch, Inc.” if the page does not auto-load. Your username is your first name and first letter of your last name. Example: johnd (for John Doe) and you password is your birth date reversed. Example: 19850231 (for Feb 31, 1985). Click on “Change Password” button to set your password to what you would like. Be sure to keep this private to prevent others from viewing YOUR grades. 18. SCHOLARSHIP RECOGNITION At the completion of each reporting period the academic grade averages are compiled. The report to the Corps shows the name of each cadet who has earned a place on the school’s Honor List for all his academic subjects. To be eligible for Honor Roll or Honorable Mention, a cadet must be passing all subjects. Recognition is awarded on the following basis: DEAN’S HONOR ROLL REGULAR HONOR ROLL 100 TO 93.5 93.4 TO 88.5 19. GUIDANCE The St. John’s Military School’s Guidance Program focuses on three student domains: Personal/Social, educational and Career. A. Personal/Social Domain-to assist the student to: ♦ develop or increase knowledge and understanding of the importance of a positive selfconcept. ♦ develop or increase knowledge of and respect for individual differences in views, interest, attitudes and backgrounds. ♦ develop or increase skills for interacting with others in a positive and productive manner. ♦ develop or increase understanding of how to deal effectively with emotional and physical development ♦ acquire the ability to assume personal responsibility for one’s life. ♦ acquire an understanding of effective decision-making strategies. ♦ develop or increase awareness of the uniqueness of self ♦ acquire an understanding of methods for reconciling differences and coping with social situations. B. Educational Domain-to assist the student to: - 148 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) ♦ develop or increase his appreciation for learning and gain a knowledge of his academic abilities, educational needs and interests. ♦ acquire effective study habits for educational achievement. ♦ develop or increase knowledge of the processes involved in setting and achieving realistic educational goals ♦ develop or increase knowledge to choose academic and extra-curricular activities consistent with career goals. C. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Career Domain-to assist the student to: develop and use the skills for understanding and using career information. develop an awareness of the interrelationship of life roles and careers. acquire a knowledge of different occupations and changing male/female roles. develop and use an understanding of the career decision making process. develop a positive attitude toward work. demonstrate employment-seeking skills. Assistance in planning for the present and future may be received by each cadet from the Academic Dean or the Guidance Counselor. 20. FIRE DRILL (monthly), FIRE ESCAPES AND DISASTER DRILLS (monthly September through April) Each classroom is provided with an instruction card giving directions for exit. Each cadet should become familiar with these instructions for each room. Each building, class room, mess hall, Q.M., Clem/Ferris, Sage and Gym has an individual warning program. While students are in VAC, they will be alerted to a fire or drill by a pulsating horn sound. The tornado warning signal will be given by pulsating bell sounds and/or verbally. Each building administrator/department head will inform the cadets of their individual building fire and tornado warning sounds. The date and time for each drill will be recorded in the Duty Office. 21. ATHLETIC/ACTIVITIES ELIGIBILITY In order to participate in any sport, club or activity at SJMS, the cadet’s grades will be evaluated weekly. Cadets must be passing five (5) classes to remain eligible for athletic activity participation. If a cadet is declared ineligible, it will be the responsibility of the coach/sponsor to monitor the eligibility policy. It is the responsibility of the cadet to seek assistance in the academic department. Cadets involved in athletics will be expected to participate in all practices during his ineligibility status but may not participate in competition. Cadets involved with entire Corps activities are not subject to this eligibility policy but are subject to limitations by the President of St. John’s Military School if deemed necessary. (All of the other rules, Bona Fide Student, Age Requirements, Transfer and Undue Influence Regulations remain the same). 22. SPORTS/EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A. GENERAL All sports/extracurricular activities except as indicated herein are under the direct supervision of the Academic Dean and will be regularly scheduled in the weekly and Daily Bulletins. These schedules will be strictly adhered to and any changes thereto must be approved by the Academic Dean or Commandant as they apply. Sports are classified as those activities in which “only cadets who meet the Kansas State High School Activities Association eligibility requirements may participate.” - 149 - (ANX I(AD)CHB) B. ATHLETICS Participation in all sports is governed by the rules of the Kansas State High School Activities Association and the guidelines imposed by the General Laws of Kansas, school board policies and school policies. Students missing academic class time due to early dismissal for approved activities must complete all academic work according to school policy. Students shall not be eligible to participate in activities including athletics, music, speech, debate, band, etc., if they have been absent more than half a day the day of the event. All students must ride approved school transportation home from the activity unless parent or legal guardian personally receives permission from the activity sponsor, coach or Commandant. Participation policy at SJMS prescribes that once a cadet has been “published” as a member of or candidate for a specified athletic event he must receive approval from that coach or activity sponsor prior to being removed from practice, games, roster, etc. for that activity. In other words, a cadet does not “quit.” For cadets who participate in one or more activities (this is a most laudable action), varsity activities or sports take priority, i.e. when a conflict of events occurs, football, etc. have priority over Drill Team, Cadet Patrol, dramatics, etc. (Hopefully this type of conflict can be avoided). Per the Commandant and Athletic Director: Once a cadet has been entered on an athletic roster (i.e. football, wrestling, rifle team, etc.) he may NOT quit to enroll in another sport unless both coaches agree to it. Each participant earns points toward “Honor Company” and quitting the team results in loss of points for their company. C. KSHSAA CHECK LIST TO RETAIN ELIGIBILITY 1. Has passed an adequate physical examination given by a physician and have the written consent of parents or legal guardian on file with the school nurse. 2. Has proof of accident insurance on file with the school nurse before any practice sessions. 3. Is not 19 years of age on or before September l of the school year in which they compete. 4. SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Has not completed eight (8) total semesters of high school attendance, nor more than four (4) seasons in one sport, beginning with the ninth grade. 5. Is regularly enrolled and in attendance not later than Monday of the fourth week of the semester in which they participate. 6. Has passed at least five (5) subjects of unit weight. D. ASSEMBLIES School assemblies are usually held in the Battalion Assembly Area (BAA) in Vanier Academic Center at various times during the day. Schedules will be published. Cadets, instructors, outside speakers and groups presenting musical programs, films, speech and demonstrations for the enjoyment of all make up the assembly programs. - 150 - ANNEX J (AWARDS AND DECORATIONS) TO CADET HANDBOOK 1. INTRODUCTION a. Cadets entering St. John's Military School with previous JROTC experience may wear only those awards received from Army JROTC units as determined by AR 145-2, chapter 2. b. Cadets entering the JROTC program from a middle school program below grade 9, may not wear awards on their uniform unless authorized in this annex. 2. SPECIAL, INDIVIDUAL AND UNIT AWARDS a. JROTC Academic Achievement Awards: Academic wreath will be worn on the right side of the uniform 1/8 inch above the breast pocket. The HUD star will be centered inside the wreath (see diagrams beginning on page 117). A felt pad will be worn behind the wreath to denote subsequent awards as follows: 2nd award red 3rd award silver 4th award gold This award will be worn only by cadets authorized to wear it. b. Unit Designation Star (Gold or Blue): Worn by all cadets 1/4 inch above the right breast pocket centered. c. The MacArthur Cadet Medallion: Worn by the one selected cadet yearly, centered on the right breast pocket. d. Marksmanship Badges: Worn by cadets who qualify 1/8th inch below the pocket seam on the left breast pocket and centered above the button. Cadet must qualify each year in order to continue wearing the award. e. Shoulder Cords: Cords are to be worn with the Alpha Uniform only. At no time will more than two cords be worn. The cord of highest priority will be worn on the left shoulder. When only one cord is worn it will be worn on the left shoulder. Only cadets on good standing will be allowed to wear the cord representing the activity. Cadets failing to remain in good standing will have their cord revoked. f. Medals and Ribbons: Medals and ribbons are authorized on the Alpha uniform only. At no time, including school pictures, will cadets wear both medals and ribbons for the same award. Ribbons will be worn no more than three per row and will be worn in order of precedence, 1/8 inch above the left breast pocket, from top to bottom, and from left to right. When fewer than three ribbons are worn they will be centered above the left breast pocket. Lamps or numerals will be worn to signify subsequent awards as follows: Bronze lamp - 2nd award Silver lamp - 3rd award Gold lamp - 4th award The above table is used for all JROTC awards except the perfect attendance, community service, and SJMS achievement award ribbons, which use numerals starting at 2 for the second award. - 151 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) School awards use only numerals for subsequent awards. When wearing medals instead of ribbons they are to be worn on the flap of the left breast pocket, three abreast, below the ribbons. j. Flashes: A flash is authorized on the berets for AMS, Color Guard, Rifle Team, HS Drill Team, Cadet Patrol (2 head CPs), HS Band, Spartan, and Blue Beret (after a 4th consecutive award). k. Organizations must be meeting regularly or performing organizational duties before ribbons and special uniform accoutrements can be authorized on special orders. l. When a cadet is no longer an active member of an organization, or a cadet is removed from an organization for any reason, that cadet will no longer be authorized to wear the cord, beret, flash, pin, lyre, cross, or any other organization accoutrement including t-shirt or special uniform. The cadet may continue to wear the organization ribbon only. m. The Spartan T-shirt, AMS T-shirt, Running Program T-shirt, Sports team T-shirt, and Company T-shirt are authorized to be worn with the summer or winter PT uniform. The Spartan and AMS T-shirts are authorized to be worn under the ACU blouse. All five may be worn during Cadet Challenge. n. Only one figure 8 cord and/or one figure 4 cord will be authorized and worn in each organization. If the commander or assistant commander is replaced, the replacement cadet will be authorized the appropriate cord on special order and the removed cadet will cease to wear the authorized cord. REFERENCE CHART ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL AUTHORIZED CORDS PRIORITY CORD NAME COLORS SPECIAL CORD 1 Cadet Court Orange/Black 2 National Honor Society Gold Commander Fig 8-BC Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 3 Blue Beret Blue/White 4 Spartan Black/Lt. Gold 5 Color Guard White 6 Drill Team Red 7 8 8 8 Drill Team MS Band Band Band Red/Silver Silver/Black Silver/Black Red/White/Navy No Commander cord . Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 . Commander Fig 8-CSM Asst. Commander Fig 4 MS Asst. Cmder Fig 4 . Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 . Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 . Commander (Bandmaster) Fig 8 Drum Major Fig 4 Battalion Fifer Fig 4 . 9 Band MS Green/Gold No Commander cord . 10 Drum Detail Metalic Gold/Silver Leader Fig 4 . 11 Bugle Detail Gold/Black Leader Fig 4 . - 152 - . . (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) PRIORITY 3. CORD NAME COLORS SPECIAL CORD 12 Music Participation Med. Gold 13 14 14 14 14 Rifle Team Honor Guard Flag Detail Flag Detail Cannon Detail Tan Orange Orange Orange Orange 15 Advanced Military Skills Black/Med. Blue 16 Basic Military Skills Black/Scarlet Red No Commander cord Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 Commander Fig 8-XO Commander Fig 8-CSM Asst. Commander Fig 4 NCOIC Fig 4 Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 Commander Fig 8 Asst. Commander Fig 4 17 Civil Air Patrol Blue 18 Cadet Patrol 19 20 20 20 Chapel Council Chapel Band Chapel Choir Chapel Tech 21 22 22 22 Nicomachean Photo/Yearbook/ BN Scrapbook/ Video Class 23 Boy Scouts of America 24 Dining Fac. OIC/NCOIC 25 Drill Instructor Detail . . . . . Commander Fig 8 . Commander Fig 8-S2 Red/White 2 Head CP’s Fig 4 . Commander Fig Scarlet/Royal Blue Asst. Commander Fig 4 . Blue Choir Master Fig 8 Blue Asst. Band/Choir/Tech Blue Fig 4 each assistant . Commander Fig 8 Green/White Asst. Commander Fig 4 . Commander Fig 8-S5 Asst. Commander Fig 4-asst. S5 Black/White Asst. Commander Fig 4-EIC . Senior Patrol Leader Fig 8 Sandlewood/Green Patrol Leaders (2) Fig 4 . Commander Fig 8-S4 Coppen Blue/White NCOIC Fig 4 . Commander Fig 8-S3 BN CSM Fig 4 Maroon/Metalic Gold S3 SGM Fig 4 . CRITERIA FOR UPPER SCHOOL AWARDS Records of awards are kept by the Cadet Battalion Staff in the JROTC department. 1. Heroism Medal, awarded to any JROTC cadet who has been distinguished by an act of saving a life. Awarded at Commencement. 2. Superior Cadet Award, awarded to a cadet who ranks in the top 10% of his class both in JROTC and in core courses, and has displayed the highest character coupled with extraordinary leadership ability. Awarded at Commencement. 3. Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement, awarded to an LET III cadet for achievement of scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects and to stimulate development of leadership. Awarded at Commencement. 4. Distinguished Cadet Award for Scholastic Excellence N-1-1, awarded to the cadet who exhibits the highest degree of excellence in scholastics (highest final GPA). Awarded at Commencement - 153 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 5. Academic Excellence Award N-1-2, awarded annually to one cadet in each LET level for maintaining the highest academic grades for his level. Awarded at Commencement. 6. Academic Achievement Award, N-1-3, awarded to all cadets who maintain a letter grade of "A" in all classes for the year. Awarded at Commencement. 7. JROTC Perfect Attendance Ribbon, N-1-4, awarded to all cadets who have been to all classes and have no unexcused absences or unexcused tardiness. Awarded at the end of each semester. 8. Cadet Court Ribbon (Student Government), N-1-5, awarded to members of cadet court who have participated in a cadet court ordered by the Commandant. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet, per year. 9. LET Service Ribbon, N-1-6, awarded to all JROTC cadets who successfully complete their first semester of each LET year. Can receive a second award if advanced to next LET level during same year. 10. National Honor Society Scholar of the Year Award, N-1-7, awarded at Commencement. 11. National Honor Society Ribbon, N-1-8, awarded to members of the National Honor Society. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 12. Junior ROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl Team (JLAB), N-1-9, awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet, per year. 13. SAI Leadership Award, N-3-1, awarded to one cadet in each LET level who displays the highest degree of leadership. Awarded at Commencement. 14. Personal Appearance Ribbon, N-3-2, awarded to cadets who have maintained consistently outstanding appearance. Awarded as needed by special order; submitted by adult staff members only, one per cadet per year. 15. Proficiency Ribbon, N-3-3, awarded to the cadet who displays a high degree of leadership, academic achievement, and performance of duty during the school year. May be recommended by any SJMS staff/faculty. Cadet must meet all criteria. Academic achievement means being on the Dean's list consistently, verified by JROTC. Awarded at Commencement. 16. Drill Team Ribbon, N-3-4, awarded to those cadets who have earned at least 50 performance points. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 17. Orienteering Ribbon, N-3-5awarded to cadets who are participating members of orienteering teams. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 18. Color Guard/Honor Guard/Band/Flag Detail Ribbon, N-3-6, awarded to upper school cadets who have performed at least one time in public. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 19. Rifle Team Ribbon, N-3-7, awarded to cadets who make the rifle team and have competed in one team match. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. - 154 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 20. Adventure Training Ribbon, N-3-8, awarded to cadets who qualify as Academic Spartans by completing required testing and training. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 21. Commendation Ribbon, N-3-9, awarded to cadets whose performance of duties within the Corps of Cadets exceptionally exceeds that expected for grade and experience. Must be recommended by a staff/faculty member. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 22. Good Conduct Ribbon, N-3-10, awarded to cadets of exemplary nature. Must not have received any conduct reports for any offense and have attended St. John’s for at least three quarters of the school year. Awarded at Commencement. 23. JCLC Summer Camp Participation Ribbon, N-3-11, awarded to cadets who participate in the JROTC summer camp and meet all camp requirements. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 24. Community Service Ribbon, N-3-12, awarded to those cadets who distinguish themselves by selfless service to the community. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per semester. 25. CFI Commendation Award, N-3-13, awarded at Commencement. 26. Military Field Day Commendation Award for Manual of the Guidon N-3-14, awarded at Commencement. 27. Varsity Athletic Ribbon, N-2-1, awarded to cadets who excel in varsity sports and "letter" in the sport. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year regardless of the number of sports lettered in. 28. Physical Fitness Ribbon, N-2-2, awarded to those cadets who maintain excellent physical fitness. Cadets must receive an 85 percentile rating or better in all 5 cadet Challenge events. Awarded by special order following the Cadet Challenge for record in the Spring; one per cadet per year. 29. ROTC Athletic Ribbon, N-2-3, awarded to cadets who maintain a basic, yet challenging level of physical fitness. Cadets must receive a 50 percentile rating or better in all 3 cadet Challenge events. Awarded by special order following the Cadet Challenge for record in the spring; one per cadet per year. 30. Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Ribbon, SJ 3314, awarded on special order as needed; one per cadet per year. 31. Adventure Activities Ribbon, N-2-4, awarded to cadets who participate in certain adventure trips, e.g. Bataan Death March, Robert Land Academy Trek, etc.; one per cadet per year. 32. Cadet Challenge Medal, awarded at Commencement. 33. Parade Ribbon, N-4-1, awarded to cadets who march in at least one parade during the school year. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 34. Recruiting Ribbon, N-4-2, awarded to any cadet who has recruited a cadet for attendance at SJMS. Must be verified by admissions office. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. - 155 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 35. Cadet of the Year Award, N-4-3, awarded to the cadet who wins the “Cadet of the Year” board. Winners of the “Cadet of the Quarter” board are eligible to compete for this award. Awarded at Commencement. 36. Cadet of the Quarter Award, N-4-4, awarded to the cadet who wins the “Cadet of the Quarter” board. Criteria to attend this board is described in the “Cadet of the Quarter” MOI. 37. SJMS Achievement Ribbon, N-4-5, awarded to cadets whose performance of duty exceeds that expected for grade and experience. It can be awarded more than once per year, and is awarded to Upper School cadets as needed by special order. 38. Service Learning Ribbon, N-4-6, awarded to cadets who participate in service learning projects. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet, per year. 39. Excellent Staff Performance Ribbon, N-4-7, awarded to cadet staff officers for outstanding performance. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet, per year. 40. National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Award, awarded to the cadet who best displays excellence in leadership and soldierly bearing. Awarded at Commencement. 41. Military Order of the World Wars Award, awarded to a cadet for overall improvement in military and scholastic studies. Awarded at Commencement. 42. Daughters of the American Revolution ROTC Award, awarded to the cadet in the senior class who is in the upper 25% of JROTC and all academic subjects, who is of excellent character. Awarded at Commencement. 43. The Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America Award, awarded to the cadet in the sophomore class who is in the top 10% of his JROTC class, of good character and military discipline, and understands the importance of our American heritage. Awarded at Commencement. 44. Amcus Award, awarded to the middle school cadet who shows the most potential to be an outstanding JROTC LET I cadet. Awarded at Commencement. 45. American Legion General Military Excellence Award, awarded to a senior cadet who is in the top 25% of his JROTC class and who demonstrates military leadership, character, discipline and citizenship. Awarded at Commencement. 46. American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award, awarded to senior in the top 10% of his senior class and in the top 25% of his JROTC class. Must demonstrate leadership and involvement in the schools activities. Awarded at Commencement. 47. American Legion School Medal, awarded to a senior cadet who displays courage, honor, leadership, scholarship and selfless service to the school. Awarded at Commencement. 48. American Legion School Medal (Honorable Mention) Certificate, awarded to the cadet with a high quality of leadership and true patriotism. Awarded at Commencement. 49. National Sojourners ROTC Award, awarded to a cadet in recognition of the highest attributes of Americanism and support of the United States as a member of JROTC. Awarded at Commencement. - 156 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 50. Scottish Rite of Free Masonry JROTC Award, awarded to one cadet for contributing the most on campus to encourage and demonstrate Americanism, demonstrated academic excellence, and outstanding leadership, character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism. Awarded at Commencement. 51. US Army Recruiting Command Award for JROTC, awarded to the cadet in LET III and in the top 25% of his class in overall academic standing, and has participated in school activities. Awarded at Commencement. 52. United States Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Award, awarded to a cadet in recognition for being an outstanding scholar and athlete while at St. John’s. Awarded at Commencement. 53. Noncommissioned Officers Association (NCOA) Award for JROTC, awarded to a cadet who has consistently exhibited the best military bearing, personal appearance, deportment, and leadership ability in JROTC. Awarded at Commencement. 54. Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Award, awarded to the cadet who has achieved the highest excellence in military history. Awarded at Commencement. 55. Military Officers Association (MOA) Award, awarded to a Junior cadet who is in good academic standing, demonstrates a high degree of loyalty to JROTC, school and country, and has exceptional potential for military leadership. Awarded at Commencement. 56. Reserve Officers Association (ROA) Award, awarded to a third year JROTC cadet who is in good academic standing, and demonstrates a high degree of loyalty to JROTC, school, community, and country. Awarded at Commencement. 57. Military Order of the Purple Heart, awarded at Commencement. 58. V.F.W. Leadership Award, presented to the cadet who displays outstanding leadership, based on his contribution to the school, military bearing, personal attributes, patriotism, courtesy, and potential Awarded at Commencement. 59. American Veterans (AMVETS) Award, awarded to an outstanding cadet in recognition of his diligence to duty and willingness to serve the United States of America. Awarded at Commencement. 60. Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Award, awarded to a third year JROTC cadet who is in good academic standing, presents outstanding military bearing in and out of uniform, demonstrates a high degree of loyalty to JROTC, school, community, and country, and has not previously received the award. Awarded at Commencement. 61. Daedalian JROTC Medal Set Award, awarded to a cadet who demonstrates patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation. The cadet must indicate the potential and desire to pursue a military career, rank in the upper 10% of his JROTC class, and rank in the upper 20% of his high school class. 62. Sergeant’s Major Association Award, SJ 3641, awarded at Commencement. 63. USMC Scholastic Excellence Award, SJ 3713, awarded to the cadet for outstanding academic achievement and leadership as a high school scholar. Awarded at Commencement. - 157 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 64. USMC Music Excellence Award, SJ 3714, awarded to one cadet for outstanding leadership, dedication, and musical excellence as a member of the St. John’s band. Awarded at Commencement. 65. US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Medal and ribbon SJ 3715, awarded to a cadet who displays courage, poise, and self-confidence as a high school athlete. Awarded at Commencement. 66. Rotary Medal and ribbon SJ 3413, awarded to a senior who has the longest service at SJMS. Awarded at Commencement. 67. Gordon Prize, SJ 3009, awarded to the cadet who best combines the qualities of school spirit and excellence in studies and athletics. Awarded at Commencement. 68. D. Dale Browning Scholarship Award, SJ 3638, awarded to the cadet most deserving. Awarded during commencement weekend. 69. President’s Award for Distinguished Service, SJ 5404, awarded to a cadet or staff person who gains special recognition for extra-ordinary service in support of St. John’s Military School per the President of St. John’s. May be awarded more than once per year. 70. President’s Award, SJ 3604, awarded to a cadet or staff person for superior service far above and beyond the call of duty. 71. Golden Eagle Award, SJ 4032, awarded to the two cadets (one senior and one junior) who have distinguished themselves as cadets who have surmounted the greatest odds and maintained the highest personal standards of fellowship among their contemporaries. Awarded at Commencement. 72. The Russell Guernsey Award, SJ 3201, awarded to the cadet who best combines the qualities of rigid adherence to the cadet code of conduct, with integrity, fortitude and persistence. Awarded at Commencement. 73. Activity Leadership Medal and ribbon SJ 3405, awarded to the cadet who by distinctive leadership has promoted interest in some activity or existing organization that concerns the welfare of the school. Awarded at Commencement. 74. Blue Beret Ribbon, SJ 3703, awarded by the Academic Dean to three high school cadets and three middle school cadets per grading period who achieve the highest grade point average. A flash will be awarded on the 4th consecutive award, a star will be awarded for the 5th consecutive award, and a second star will be awarded for the 10th consecutive award. (NOTE: cadets earning Blue Beret in the fourth quarter of a school year are authorized to wear BB accoutrements during the first quarter of the following school year) Awarded as needed by special order. 75. Hardy Rifleman Medal and ribbon SJ 4022, awarded to the cadet member of the Rifle Team who maintains the highest academic average for the year. Awarded at Commencement. 76. Ferris Medal, and ribbon SJ 3502, awarded to the cadets as follows: (1) Best performance by shop I cadet; (2) Best performance by shop II cadet;(3) Best performance by advanced shop cadet. Awarded at Commencement. 77. BSN Sports GPA Award, SJ 5413, awarded to the cadet in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12 grade who achieved the highest GPA in his grade. Awarded at Commencement. th - 158 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 78. President’s List Award, SJ 3278, awarded to those cadets who, at the end of each semester, earn a place on the Dean’s Honor Roll, for each quarter in the semester, and who receive no conduct reports during the semester. Awarded at the end of each semester. 79. Commandant’s List Award, SJ 5313, awarded to those cadets who, at the end of each quarter, earn a GPA of at least 90.000, and who receive no conduct reports during the quarter. Awarded at the end of each quarter. 80. Commandant’s Medal and ribbon SJ 3607, awarded to the upper school cadet winning the military drill down during military field day competition. Awarded at Commencement. 81. Faculty Merit Ribbon, SJ 3705, awarded to cadets who have noteworthy success in any area of school life. Awarded at Commencement. 82. Sage Memorial Medal and ribbon SJ 3519, awarded to the cadet who is a senior and not a newboy who has shown the greatest development in the school year. Awarded at Commencement. 83. Wilson Loyalty Medal and ribbon SJ 3503, awarded to the upper school cadet who has shown the distinct spirit of loyalty to the school by supporting the ideal for which it stands. Awarded at Commencement. 84. The Bishop's Award, SJ 3001, awarded to the cadet(s) who are of greatest service to the chaplain in service for the school year. Awarded at Commencement. 85. Kastner Award, SJ 3008, awarded to a new boy cadet who has made the most satisfactory record of progress through the year. Awarded at Commencement. 86. Lyman G. Linger Award, SJ 3232, awarded to the cadet who shows the greatest respect and has the greatest love for God’s great out-of-doors. Awarded at Commencement. 87. “I Dare You” Award, SJ 3229, awarded at Commencement. 88. St. John's Military School Foundation Medal and ribbon SJ 3626, awarded to one middle school cadet and one cadet in each of the four classes of upper school, excluding officers, for the best combined rating of characteristics, other than academic, as indicated in each cadet’s monthly evaluation. Awarded at Commencement. 89. Upper School Effort Medal and ribbon SJ 3007, awarded to the cadet who has made the most effort throughout the year. Awarded at Commencement. 90. Optimist Unsung Hero Award, SJ 3505, awarded to cadets, by the Noon Optimist Civic Organization, who are recommended by SJMS staff & faculty to receive the award. 91. KSHSAA Citizenship Award, SJ 3653, awarded to an Upper School cadet and a Middle School cadet who, through their actions, have demonstrated the traits of good citizenship, respect for the property and convictions of others, and responsibility in school community life. Awarded at Commencement. - 159 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 92. The Jerry Lee Mirth Award, SJ 3629, awarded to the cadet who exemplifies all the qualities of leadership necessary for success, plus a sense of humor to help him enjoy life, and who, in adversity, has the courage to do what has to be done in the same manner as BG Wm L Lee, USA Retired. Awarded at Commencement. 93. SGM Eugene R. Louis Memorial Medal and ribbon SJ 3302, awarded to the Upper School band member who best exemplifies a combination of selfless dedication and the consistent development of talent within the organization, and who has provided a model of excellence for the band in particular and Corps in general. Awarded at Commencement. 94. Kevin Kerns Outstanding Bandsman Award, SJ 3630, awarded at Commencement. 95. John Philip Sousa Award, SJ 3102, awarded at Commencement. 96. Kennedy Holifield Award, SJ 3622, awarded at Commencement. 97. Father Remy L. Clem Award, SJ 3704, awarded at Commencement 98. Cadet Choirmaster Award, SJ 3662, awarded at Commencement 99. Best Bandsman Medal and ribbon SJ 3304, awarded to the most dependable bandsman in attention to his duties. Awarded at Commencement. 100. Best Bugler Medal and ribbon SJ 3101, awarded to the cadet bugler who has been the most dependable in attention to his duties. Awarded at commencement. 101. Best Battalion Drummer Medal and ribbon SJ 3106, awarded to the most dependable drummer in attention to his duties. Awarded at Commencement. 102. Most Improved Bandsman Medal and ribbon SJ 3305, awarded to the bandsman demonstrating the most improvement throughout the year. Awarded at Commencement. 103. The O’Halloran Award, SJ 3210, awarded at Commencement. 104. Leadership Development/OCS Course Completion Ribbon, SJ 3202, awarded to those cadets who successfully complete the leadership development course. Awarded as needed by special order. Middle School award carried over to high school. 105. First Sergeant Course Completion Ribbon, SJ 4023, awarded to those cadets who successfully complete the first sergeant course. Awarded as needed by special order. Middle school award carried over to high school. 106. Platoon Sergeant Course Completion Ribbon, SJ 7149, awarded to those cadets who successfully complete the platoon sergeant course. Awarded as needed by special order. Middle school award carried over to high school. 107. Drill Instructors Course Completion Ribbon, SJ 3642, awarded to those cadets who successfully complete the drill instructor course. Awarded as needed by special order. Middle school award carried over to high school. - 160 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 108. Squad Leaders Course Completion Ribbon, SJ 3640, awarded to those cadets who successfully complete the squad leader course. Awarded as needed by special order. Middle school award carried over to high school. 109. Leadership Camp Participation Ribbon, SJ 3309, awarded to those cadets who are invited to and participate in the summer leadership camp sponsored by the Military Department. Awarded as needed by special order. 110. Battalion Bugler Medal, SJ 3100, awarded at Commencement. 111. Battalion Drummer Medal, SJ 3110, awarded at Commencement. 112. Battalion Fifer Ribbon, SJ 0326, awarded to cadets who have performed at least one time in public. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 113. Battalion Drummer Detail, SJ 3242, awarded to cadets who are members of the drum corps and have attended all formations for at least two weeks. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 114. Battalion Bugler Detail, SJ 8001, awarded to cadets who are members of the bugle corps and have attended all formation for at least two weeks. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 115. Military School Band Festival Ribbon, SJ 3224, awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 116. Military Tattoo Ribbon, SJ 0321, Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 117. Music Participation Ribbon, SJ 3627, awarded to individual cadets who play musical instruments which are not part of an organized unit. Awarded by special order, one per cadet per year. 118. SJMS Summer Camp Distinguished Honor Graduate Medal, SJ 7158, awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 119. SJMS Summer Camp Platoon Honor Graduate Ribbon, SJ 3518, awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 120. SJMS Summer Camp Participation Ribbon, SJ 3241, awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 121. Tinsley C. Fry Athletic Medal and ribbon SJ 3204, awarded to the cadet who has rendered the greatest service in the promotion of athletics at the school. Awarded at Commencement. 122. The Cheney Marksmanship Medal and ribbon SJ 3005, awarded to the rifle team member who attains the highest aggregate average for the year in Rifle Team competition. Awarded at Commencement. 123. Upper School Marksmanship Medal and ribbon SJ 3108, awarded to the cadet making the highest marksmanship qualifications. Cadet cannot be a member of the rifle team. Awarded at Commencement. - 161 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 124. Athletic Scholarship Medal and ribbon SJ 4212, awarded to the cadet earning either his varsity or junior varsity letter who has maintained the highest academic standing for the year. Awarded at Commencement. 125. Advanced Military Skills Ribbon, SJ 3647, awarded to a cadet who satisfactorily completes the AMS challenge to become a member of the AMS team. 126. Basic Military Skills Ribbon, SJ 3655, awarded to a cadet who satisfactorily completes the BMS challenge to become a member of the BMS team. 127. Civil Air Patrol Ribbon, SJ 3010, awarded to cadets designated as members of the Civil Air Patrol as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 128. Cadet Patrol Ribbon, SJ 5019, awarded to cadets who have completed 10 hours of service to SJMS as CP's. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 129. Chapel Council Ribbon, SJ 4025, awarded to cadets designated as members of the St. John’s Chapel Council. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 130. Chapel Choir/Band Ribbon, SJ 3514, awarded to those cadets designated as members of the chapel choir or chapel band. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 131. Chapel Tech Ribbon, SJ 5304, awarded to those cadets designated as members of the chapel technical team. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 132. Nicomachean Society Ribbon, SJ 7118, awarded to cadets designated as members of the Nicomachean Society as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 133. Photography Class/Photography Freelance/Yearbook/Corps Scrapbook/Video Class Ribbon, SJ 3111, awarded to those cadets who are members of the photography class/yearbook staff/ Battalion S5 Public Affairs Officer/video class/photographic freelancers, and have published at least one article, video, or pictures. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 134. Cannon Detail Ribbon, SJ 4006, awarded to cadets who are members of the cannon detail. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 135. Boy Scout Ribbon, SJ 3636, awarded to those cadets who are members of the St. John’s boy scouting program. Awarded as need by special order, one per cadet per year. 136. Humanitarian Ribbon, SJ 0225, awarded to those cadets who participate in a disaster relief/cleanup event. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 137. Cadet Tutor Ribbon, SJ 3654, awarded to those cadets who have fulfilled the role of company tutor in the Corps of Cadets. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. 4. UNIT AWARDS 1. Honor Company Ribbon, SJ 3619, awarded to the company that has excelled the most in the areas of military field day competition, cadet challenge, discipline, community service, SJMS sports, and academic standing. Worn by upper school and middle school cadets assigned to the honor company at the time of the award. Awarded at Commencement. Transferable to Upper School. - 162 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 2. Best Company Drill Ribbon, SJ 3507, awarded to cadets assigned to the company that excels the most in the area of company drill during military field day. Awarded at Commencement. Transferable to Upper School. 3. Best Platoon Drill Ribbon, SJ 3600, awarded to members of the platoon that excels the most during military field day. Awarded at Commencement. Transferable to Upper School. 4. SJMS Summer Camp Honor Platoon Ribbon, SJ 1302, awarded to members of the summer camp platoon who exhibit the best overall conduct during the summer camp program. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Transferable to Upper School. 5. SJMS Summer Camp Platoon Athletic Ribbon, SJ 3674, awarded to members of the summer camp platoon who exhibit the best overall athletic scores during the summer camp program. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Transferable to Upper School. NOTE: UNIT AWARDS ARE WORN ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE UNIFORM ABOVE THE RIGHT BREAST POCKET, 1/8TH INCH AND CENTERED. ONLY THOSE RETURNING OLD BOYS WHO WERE MEMBERS IN THE UNIT WHEN THE HONOR COMPANY AWARD WAS AWARDED, ARE AUTHORIZED TO WEAR A GOLD METAL STAR ON THE AWARD WHICH IS PRESENTED BEFORE AFI THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL YEAR. ALL OTHER UNIT MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE A RIBBON. 5. CRITERIA FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL AWARDS Records of awards are kept by Commandant’s administrative assistant. 1. Middle School Medal and ribbon SJ 3002, awarded to the cadet making the most satisfactory record of progress. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. 2. Middle School Government, SJ 4045, awarded to cadets who are members of cadet court. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 3. Middle School Perfect Attendance Ribbon, SJ 5206, awarded to middle school cadets who have been to all classes and have no unexcused absences or unexcused tardiness. Awarded at the end of each semester. Not transferable to upper school. 4. Middle School Proficiency Ribbon, SJ 3618, awarded to middle school cadets who display a high degree of leadership, academic achievement (being on the Dean’s List) and performance of duty during the school year. Awarded as need by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 5. Blue Beret Ribbon, SJ 3703, awarded to cadets who earn Blue Beret status for the grading period as determined by the academic dean. Awarded as needed by special order. Not transferable to upper school. 6. Middle School Progress Medal and ribbon SJ 3308, awarded to the cadet who demonstrates the most progress in the area of academics through out the year. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. 7. Middle School Citizenship Medal and ribbon SJ 3006, awarded to the cadet who has demonstrated loyalty to his school, country and an attitude of cooperation. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. - 163 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 8. Middle School Commendation Ribbon, SJ 3506, awarded to middle school cadets whose performance within the Corps of Cadets exceptionally exceeds that expected for his grade and experience. Must be recommended by a staff/faculty member. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. Also awarded for middle school Manual of the Guidon Award which is awarded at Commencement. 9. Middle School SJMS Achievement Ribbon, SJ 3227, awarded to cadets whose performance of duty exceeds that expected for grade and experience. It can be awarded more than once per year, and is awarded as needed by special order. Not transferable to upper school. 10. Middle School Effort Medal and ribbon SJ 3103, awarded to the cadet who has made the most effort through out the year. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. 11. Middle School Adventure Activities Ribbon, SJ 3717, awarded to middle school cadets who participate in adventure activities e.g. Bataan Death March, Robert Land Academy Trek, etc. Awarded as needed by special order. Not transferable to upper school. 12. Middle School Good Conduct Ribbon, SJ 3509, awarded to middle school cadets of exemplary nature. Must not have received any conduct reports for any offense and have attended St. John’s for at least three quarters of the school year. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. 13. Middle School Cadet of the Quarter, SJ 5306, awarded to the middle school cadet who wins the “Cadet of the Quarter” board. Criteria to attend this board is described in the “Cadet of the Quarter” MOI. 14. Middle School Cadet of the Year, SJ 0043, awarded to the middle school cadet who wins the “Cadet of the Year” board. Criteria to attend this board is described in the “Cadet of the Year” MOI. This award is transferable to upper school as ribbon N-4-3. 15. Middle School Personal Appearance Ribbon, SJ 3608, awarded to cadets who have consistently presented a sharp uniform. Awarded by special order after AFI, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 16. Middle School Community Service Ribbon, SJ 3513, awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per semester. Not transferable to Upper School. 17. Middle School Color Guard/Honor Guard/Band/Flag Detail Ribbon, SJ 4030, awarded to cadets who have performed at least one time in public. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 18. Middle School Drill Team Ribbon, SJ 3423, awarded to those cadets who are participating members of the Middle School Drill Team. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 19. Middle School Athletic Scholarship Medal and ribbon SJ 4211, awarded to the Middle School cadet who wins his letter in athletics and has the highest academic standing. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. - 164 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) 20. Middle School Athletic Medal and ribbon SJ 5014, awarded to the Middle School cadet who has rendered the greatest service in the promotion of athletics. Awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. 21. Middle School Varsity Athletic Ribbon, SJ 3421, awarded to cadets who excel in varsity sports. Must earn a varsity letter. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year regardless of the number of sports lettered in. Not transferable to upper school. 22. Middle School Physical Fitness Ribbon, SJ 3508, awarded to cadets who score 70 or higher on each cadet challenge event and run one mile in the times listed: age 9-11 11 minutes 30 seconds or less; age 12-13, 9 minutes and 20 seconds or less. Cadets 14 years of age must meet upper school standards. Awarded as needed by special order. Not transferable to upper school. 23. Middle School Parade Ribbon, SJ 3422, awarded to cadets who march in a parade during the year. Only one ribbon per year can be earned. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 24. Middle School Recruiting Ribbon, SJ 5200, awarded to cadets who assist in recruiting at least one cadet to SJMS. Must be recommended by admissions office only. Awarded as needed by special order, one per cadet per year. Not transferable to upper school. 25. D.A.R.E. Award, SJ 3211, awarded at Commencement. Not transferable to upper school. - 165 - (ANXJ(AWDS&DEC)CHB) Heroism Medal – Nat Superior Cadet Award – NAT Distinguished Cadet Award for Scholastic Excellence N-1-1 #725 Academic Excellence Award N-1-2 #726 Academic Achievement Award N-1-3 #727 Perfect Attendance Award N-1-4 #728 Cadet Court Ribbon N-1-5 #729 Leadership Development Service Ribbon N-1-6 #730 National Honor Society Ribbon N-1-8 JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl Team (JLAB) Ribbon N-1-9 SAI Leadership Award N-3-1 #735 Personal Appearance Ribbon N-3-2 #736 Proficiency Award N-3-3 #737 Drill Team Ribbon N-3-4 #738 Orienteering Ribbon N-3-5 #839 Color Guard -Honor Guard- Band Flag Detail Ribbon N-3-6 #740 Rifle Team Ribbon N-3-7 #741 Adventure Training Ribbon N-3-8 #742 Commendation Award N-3-9 #743 Good Conduct Ribbon N-3-10 #744 JCLC Ribbon N-3-11 #745 Community Involvement Activity Ribbon N-3-12 #749 CFI Commendation Award N-3-13 #7654 Military Field Day Commendation Award N-3-14 #766 Varsity Athletic Ribbon N-2-1 #732 Physical Fitness Ribbon N-2-2 #733 JROTC Athletic Ribbon N-2-3 #734 Adventure Activities Ribbon N-2- 4 Parade Ribbon N-4-1 #746 Cadet of the Year Award N-4-3 #767 Cadet of the Quarter Award N – 4 – 4 Service Learning Ribbon N-4-6 Excellent Staff Performance Ribbon N- 4 -7 Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement - NAT No Picture Available National Honor Society Scholar of the Year N-1-7 #731 OPEN N-1-10 No Picture Available Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Ribbon SJ 3314 Recruiting Ribbon N-4-2 #747 SJMS Achievement Award N-4-5 Military order of the World Wars (MOWW) Award NATIONAL Sons of the American Revolution Award- Nat Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Award – Nat No Picture Available No Picture Available Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America –Nat AMCUS Award – Nat - 166 - American Legion General Military Excellence Award – Nat American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award - Nat American Legion School Medal – Nat National Sojourner’s Award – Nat No Ribbon No Picture Available No Picture Available Scottish Rite of Free Masonry JROTC Award – Nat US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) Award for JROTC - NAT. US Army Reserve Scholar Athlete Award – NAT No Picture Available Noncommissioned Officers Association (NCOA) Award for JROTC No Picture Available Association of the United States Army Award – Nat Military Officers Association (MOA) NAT Reserve Officer Association Award – Nat Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) NAT VFW Leadership Award – Nat No Picture Available No Picture Available AMVETS Award – Nat Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Award – NAT Daedalian JROTC Medal Set Award NAT Sergeant’s Major Association Award - SJ3641 #769 USMC Scholastic Excellence Award - SJ3713 #783 USMC Music Excellence Award - SJ3714 #724 USMC Distinguished Athlete Award – SJ3715M #784 Rotary Medal – SJ3414M Gordon Prize - SJ3009 S-1-1 D. Dale Browning - S-1-2 SJ3638C President’s Award for Distinguished Service S-1-3 SJ 5404 President’s Award Ribbon S-1-4 SJ 3604 No Picture Available Golden Eagle S-1-5 SJ4032 Russell Gurnsey S-1-6 SJ3201M Activity Leadership Award S-1-7 SJ 3405M Blue Beret Ribbon S-2-1 SJ3703 #713 Hardy Rifleman Award S-2-2 SJ4022M Ferris Award S-2-3 SJ3502M BSN Sports GPA Award S-2-4 SJ5413P President’s List Award S-3-1 SJ3278 Commandant’s List Award S-3-2 SJ5313 Commandant’s Medal S-3-3 SJ3607 Facility Merit Award S-3-5 SJ3705C Sage Memorial Award S-3-7 SJ3519M Wilson Loyalty Award S-3-8 SJ3503M Bishop’s Award S-3-9 SJ3001P Kastner Award S-3-10 SJ3008M Lyman G. Linger Award S-3-12 SJ3232P #772 “I DARE YOU” Award S-3-13 SJ3229 SJMS Foundation Award S-3-14 SJ3626 Upper School Effort Award S-3-15 3007M Optimist Unsung Hero Award S-3-16 SJ3505 # 773 KSHAA Citizenship Award S-3-17 3635C #790 - 167 - Jerry Lee Mirth Award S-3-18 SJ3629P SGM Eugene R. Louis Award S-3-19 SJ3302 Kevin Kerns Outstanding Bandsman Award S-3-20 John Phillip Sousa Award S-3-21 SJ3102 #779 Kennedy-Holifield Award S-3-23 SJ3622 Father Remey L. Clem Award S-3-24 SJ3704 Cadet Choirmaster Award S-3-25 SJ3662 Best Bandsman Award S-3-26 SJ3304M Best Bugler Award S-3-27 SJ3101M Best Drummer AwardS-3-28 SJ3106 Most Improved Bandsman Award S-3-29 SJ3305M O’Halloran Award S-3-30 SJ3210 #787 Leadership Development/OCS Completion Ribbon S-3-31 SJ3202 First Sergeant’s Course Completion Ribbon S-3-32 SJ4023 Platoon Sergeant’s Course Completion Ribbon S-3-33 SJ7149 Drill Instructors Course Completion Ribbon S-3-34 SJ3642 Squad Leaders Course Completion Ribbon S-3-35 SJ3640 Leadership Camp Participation S-3-36 Ribbon SJ3309 #790 Battalion Bugler S-3-37 SJ3100 Battalion Drummer S-3-38 SJ3110M Battalion Fifer S-3-39 SJ0326 #792 Battalion Drummer Detail Ribbon S-3-40 SJ3242 Battalion Bugler Detail Ribbon SJ-3-46 SJ 8001 Military School Band Festival Ribbon S-3-41 SJ3224 No Picture Available Military Tattoo Ribbon S-3-42 SJ0321 #708 Music Participation Ribbon SJ3627 SJMS Summer Camp Distinguished Honor Graduate Award S-3-43 SJ7158 SJMS Summer Camp Platoon Honor Graduate AwardS-3-44 SJ3518 SJMS Summer Camp Participation Ribbon S-3-45 SJ3241 #720 Cheney Marksmanship Award S-4-3 SJ3005M Upper School Marksmanship S-4-4 SJ3108M Athletic Scholarship Award S-4-5 SJ4212M No Picture Available No Picture Available No Picture Available Advanced Military Skills Ribbon SJ 3647 Basic Military Skills Ribbon SJ 3655 Civil Air Patrol Ribbon SJ 3010 Tinsley C. Frey Athletic Award S-4-1 SJ320M #3204 No Picture Available Cadet Patrol Ribbon S-5-3 SJ5019 #715 Chapel Council Ribbon S-5-4 SJ4025 #788 Chapel Choir/Band Ribbon SJ 3514 No Picture Available No Picture Available No Picture Available Chapel Tech Ribbon SJ 5304 Nicomachean Society Ribbon SJ 7118 Photography Class/Photography Freelance/Yearbook/Corps Scrapbook/Video Class Ribbon SJ 3111 No Picture Available Cannon Detail S-5-8 SJ4006 #785 Boy Scout Ribbon S-5-9 - 168 - SJ3636 Humanitarian Ribbon SJ0225 Cadet Tutor Ribbon S-5-11 SJ3654 No Picture Available No Picture Available Honor Company Ribbon SJ3619 (unit award) Best Company Drill Ribbon SJ3507 (unit award) No Picture Available No Picture Available Best Platoon Drill Ribbon SJ3600 (unit award) SJMS Summer Camp Honor Platoon Ribbon SJ1302 (unit award) - 169 - SJMS Summer Camp Platoon Athletic Ribbon S-4-6 SJ3674 (unit award) ANNEX K (EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS AND PROCEDURE) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL a. In the event of a fire or tornado all personnel will evacuate campus buildings and/or take cover as directed by competent authority. In most instances this will be the Commandant and his Military Staff. All faculty, staff and cadet personnel at St. John’s will be familiar with the contents of this Annex. b. Drills will be conducted on a monthly basis as directed by competent authority. This will normally be the Academic Dean or the Commandant. Each emergency procedure will be rehearsed during both daylight and nighttime conditions. The Senior Military Advisor, on duty at the time of the drill, will prepare a written report addressed to the Academic Dean stating: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Type of drill. Time activated Time muster completed Time drill secured Problems encountered This report is not required if the drill was activated by the Academic Dean. 2. SPECIFIC a. FIRE. (Monthly) Alarm will be mechanical (bell) or passed vocally. After exiting building, proceed in rapid but orderly manner and form up in battalion formation on the Impact Area in front of Jack Vanier Hall. Senior officer present will conduct a headcount and report to the senior staff/faculty member present. (1) Clem/Ferris Hall (A) First floor occupants will use north or south exits as directed. (B) Second floor occupants will use the main entrance stairway (south) and the secondary stairway (north) as directed. (2) Quartermaster and Laundry Room (A) Basement (laundry room) occupants will depart through main entrance and upstairs to ground exit. (B) Quartermaster store occupants will depart through main entrance. (3) Infirmary - Occupants depart east entrance. Nurse residence occupants depart through main entrance. (4) Banes Gymnasium - Locker Rooms, Wrestling Room and Office (A) Main floor court and all adjoining rooms use main entrance (east) and secondary doors on north and south sides. (B) Locker rooms, wrestling rooms and office use north or west exits as directed. (5) Stevens Center – Occupants depart North, South, East and West entrances. (6) Chapel (A) Occupants of the front pews will depart through the single west door (up front right). - 170 - (ANX K(EmEvacPlans & Proc)CHB) (B) The occupants of all other pews will depart through the two doors at the main entrance (east). (C) Occupants of the choir loft will depart through the main entrance (east). (7) Jack Vanier Hall - (Floor Officers are the Platoon Leaders) (A) Second floor - East wing will use east stairway and exit northeast rear entrance. West wing will use west stairway and exit northwest rear entrance. (B) First floor - East and west wings will exit through main front (south facing) entrance. (C) Basement - East and west wings will depart up east and west stairways and out northeast and northwest rear entrances. (8) Linger Hall - Occupants depart through office doors into main hallway and exit through north, south, or east entrances. (9) Vanier Academic Center (A) Administrative Offices - Main entrance. (B) Battalion Assembly area - northwest entrance. (C) Classrooms, Academic Administration Offices, Faculty Lounge - exit the building as directed by proper authority using the west exits or east exits depending on the location of the disturbance or fire. (D) Middle School - center stairway or north rear basement exit. (10) Sage Hall (A) Second floor utilize northeast stairway or through southwest stairway as directed by proper authority. (B) First floor exit northeast or southwest as directed by proper authority depending on location of disturbance or fire. (11) Industrial Arts Building and Maintenance - Exit east or west as required. b. TORNADO. (monthly September through April) The alarms will be passed vocally. (1) Conditions (A) Tornado Watch - Conditions are RIGHT for TORNADOS. Be prepared to evacuate to shelters. SMA/MA’s insure all evacuation areas are open for immediate occupation. (B) Tornado Warning - Evacuate to shelters. Tornado imminent. Take all appropriate precautions. Senior Officer present conducts head count and reports to senior staff/faculty member present. (2) Shelter Areas SAGE HALL – Lower level Stevens Center CLEM/FERRIS HALL – Lower level Clem/Ferris JACK VANIER HALL – Lower level Jack Vanier Hall - 171 - (ANX K(EmEvaPlans&Proc)CHB) STEVENS CENTER – Lower level Stevens Center INFIRMARY – Lower level Stevens Center VANIER ACADEMIC CENTER – Lower level Vanier Academic Center CHAPEL – Lower level Stevens Center SHOP – Lower level Vanier Academic Center GYM – Lower level Stevens Center LINGER HALL – Lower level Linger Hall QUARTERMASTER – Lower level Stevens Center NOTE: In all areas stand clear of doorways, windows, electrical equipment and heating units. Sit with backs against inside walls. Personnel occupying living quarters should go to lower levels in all cases. Senior officers present will take musters as required. If tornado warning is sounded during a period when the Corps is attending class, cadets will go immediately to the basement of the school building they are in. - 172 - ANNEX L (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL The following pages contain general information governing the administration of the daily routine of the Corps of Cadets. 2. PROCEDURES a. Visits to the Commandant - A cadet will not be denied the opportunity to see the Commandant. The Commandant operates under an open door policy during normal office hours (07301700). All appointments with the Commandant will be arranged by the cadet through his Military Advisor (MA). b. Visits to Vanier or Linger- Cadets will not be denied permission to see the President, Headmaster, Chief Financial Officer, Admissions Director, or other business office staff. All visits with the above will be coordinated with and arranged for by the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, or Operations Officer. c. Cadets arriving after duty hours (between hours of l700 to 0800 hours) will be temporarily inprocessed by the Senior Military Advisor (SMA) on duty at time of arrival. 3. SERVICES a. Laundry - located in the basement of the Quartermaster store provides bulk laundry service to the cadets. See Appendix 2 to Annex L b. Barbershop - located in Stevens Center and provides barbering service for all cadets. See Annex C c. Mail Service - See Annex C. d. Sick Call - See Annex F e. Recreation Services – Browning Soule Cadet Rec. Center, located in Jack Vanier Hall, is available for use by cadets. Constant efforts are being made to improve the equipment and furnishings to insure the very best atmosphere possible for relaxation. Cadets will obey the simple rules established for the operation of the cadet center. f. Facilities and Maintenance Service - Located on the northeast side of campus adjacent to Vanier Academic Center. This department is responsible for the overall maintenance of St. John’s buildings and grounds. The Facilities and Maintenance Department is “OFF LIMITS” to all cadets. Cadets will report damage to school property immediately to their SMA or MA who in turn will notify Facilities and Maintenance. 4. SECURITY - See Appendix 6 to Annex C 5. VISITORS - See Appendix 6 to Annex L 6. PASSES - See Appendix 4 to Annex L 7. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - See Appendix 5 to Annex L 8. FIRE AND TORNADO - See Annex K - 173 - APPENDIX 1(Interior Guard) to ANNEX L(Administrative Services) to Cadet Handbook 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Appendix is to outline and delineate the routine and specific duties and functions of the cadets who are assigned duty during the week as Cadet Staff Duty Officer (CSDO). 2. GENERAL a. Cadets will stand guard duty (0600-2145 hours). There will be no changing of guard tours unless the Commandant approves. SMA’s or MA’s, if requested, will not approve changes in the guard unless so directed by the Commandant. b. The S-1 will maintain a duty roster for the CSDO who will be selected from the commissioned and warrant officers in the Corps. 3. SPECIFIC a. Cadet Staff Duty Officer (CSDO): The CSDO will assume his duty position at the JVH Duty Office at 2145 hours the night before his day for duty for briefing by the SMA and the relieved CSDO. (1) The CSDO will insure that he is familiar with the Orders of the Day. He will insure that all bugle calls are sounded on time and that all formations are announced and held on time. (2) He is responsible for assisting the SMA in maintaining order on campus, in the barracks and in Duty Office. He will allow no cadet personnel to enter the Duty Office during his shift unless the SMA has authorized such entry. He is responsible for maintaining Duty Office in a high state of police at all times and is responsible for taking care of all integral equipment, furnishings and supplies. (3) The CSDO will remain on campus at his duty station unless relieved by the SMA. He will keep the SMA informed of his whereabouts at all times. (4) Three CSDO assignments will be made each weekend for duty in the JVH Recreation Center to assist the adult supervisor. Each of the assigned cadet CSDO’s will work 5 hours and then be relieved by the next scheduled CSDO. (a) Saturday, 1200-1700 hours (b) Saturday, 1700-2200 hours (c) Sunday, 1200-1700 hours (5) The CSDO will enforce uniform regulations and military courtesy at all times. He will make on-the-spot corrections when required and will use good judgment insuring that all violations are corrected. He will be professional and courteous in his actions at all times. (6) The CSDO will observe all formations, drills, parades and special activities conducted by the Corps. (7) The CSDO will eat all meals served in the dining facility during his tour of duty. He will report to the SMA on food quality, quantity and how received by the Corps. (8) The CSDO will attend and observe all chapel services and assemblies. He will assist the SMA as needed. - 174 - (APP 1(IG)ANX L(ADM)CHB) (9) The CSDO will insure that the telephone and paging system at Company Duty Offices are used for official business only. No local calls for cadets will be received on the duty phone. Except in emergencies, the paging system will not be used during study periods or after TAPS. During these periods, the Sergeant of the Guard (SOG) in each company will act as messengers. Only the SMA may authorize cadets to make calls on the duty phone. (10) How to Answer: St. John’s Military School, Duty Office, Cadet Smith speaking - May I help you, Sir/Ma’am? (11) Weekend CSDO’s (3) will work in the JVH Recreation Room to assist the adult recreation room attendant. Two CSDO’s will work 5 hour shifts on Saturday (first shift 1200-1700 hours; second shift 1700-2200 hours) and the third CSDO will work a 5 hour shift on Sunday (12001700 hours). b. Sergeant of the Guard (SOG) (1) The SOG in each company area will perform all duties directed by the CSDO and SMA on duty. This duty is one of the most important duties assigned a cadet. (2) The SOG will insure that noise levels in all billets are proper and that police of all inside and outside areas is maintained during his entire tour of duty. He will keep the MA informed of all misconduct by cadets and will report in detail all breakage and destruction of school property. - 175 - APPENDIX 2(Laundry and Dry Cleaning) to AnnexL(Administrative) to Cadet Handbook 1. This Appendix establishes rules for the operation of the laundry and dry cleaning service at St. John’s Military School. The Operation Officer is the Officer-in-charge of the laundry and dry cleaning. 2. The designated Senior laundry operator of the laundry service at this school acts with the authority of the Commandant. 3. Cadets will follow the rules set forth below: a. One (1) bag of laundry per week. This bag must be no larger than the issue St. John’s Military School laundry bag. STRICTLY ENFORCED!! b. All items MUST BE MARKED with the cadet’s personal serial number or name. c. Cadets may turn in ONLY ITEMS WHICH THEY OWN and are so designated by their serial number or name. Other items will be removed and not serviced. d. Secure the laundry bag with loose (bow) knots. e. Do not use laundry bags as trash bags. f. Do not turn in clean laundry or items that must be dry cleaned with your weekly laundry. g. Pockets are to be cleaned out before turning in laundry. The school will not be responsible for items left in the pockets of clothing. h. Laundry bags will be dumped at company formation and checked before turn-in. THE MA WILL SUPERVISE ALL LAUNDRY TURN-IN AND PICK UP. i. Only a one (1) week’s supply of each laundry item will be laundered. j. A hanger will be turned in for each shirt that is in the laundry bag. k. Laundry will be turned in per the Order of the Day 4. Dry cleaning will be turned in per the Order of the Day (usually Sunday and Tuesday). Items to be turned in will be specified by the MA’s and the S-4 Officer. 5. Please be advised that violations of the above rules will be reported to the Commandant and appropriate disciplinary action initiated. - 176 - APPENDIX 3 (Cadet Patrol) to ANNEX L (Administrative Services) to Cadet Handbook SECTION I: ORGANIZATION: The Deputy Commandant is the adult sponsor of the Cadet Patrol and the Cadet Provost Marshal (S-2) commands and supervises the Cadet Patrol which is comprised of the following members: 1. The Provost Marshal (S-2) (Commanding Officer) 2. The Assistant Provost Marshal (Head CP) 3. Guards. SECTION II: TOURS OF DUTY: Cadets will serve a tour of duty based on the requirements of specific activities and events being conducted on campus. These activities and events include all sports activities, dances, Homecoming, Veterans’ Day activities, Parents’ Weekend, Commencement as well as duty in the Cadet Recreation Center. Hours worked by CP members will be reported to the Deputy Commandant in writing. SECTION III: DUTIES: Part A: The Cadet Provost Marshal (S-2): 1. As the Commanding Officer of the Cadet Patrol Unit his duties are similar to those of a Chief of Police. He plans CP operations, prepares schedules of assignments and is responsible for the proper performance of duty by all members. At the appropriate time he submits a list of those Cadet Patrol members, who have met the required hours of service, to the Deputy Commandant so that orders can be published awarding members with the appropriate uniform accoutrements (see Annex D). 2. He is responsible for the maintaining of order at all athletic games in the gymnasium, stadium or elsewhere. 3. He investigates all serious violations of regulations and makes direct reports to the Commandant while submitting all evidence he may have gathered at the same time. 4. Assembles CPs immediately before each tour of duty to insure that each cadet going on duty is assigned a post and is familiar with his duties and presents a neat appearance. 5. He keeps the Commandant and the Battalion Commander advised of the conduct of the Corps. 6. He reports all infractions of regulations and policies noticed throughout the Corps without fear, favor or partiality. 7. As required, he submits to the Commandant a written report on the Cadet Patrol activities. He forwards a copy to the Battalion Commander. Part B: The Cadet Assistant Provost Marshal: 1. A cadet who assists the Provost Marshal (Head CP) and in his absence performs all the duties of the Provost Marshal. Part C: The Sergeant of the Guard: l. The senior Non-commissioned Officer of the Guard. He performs the duties and assumes the responsibilities of the Commander of the Guard if there has been no officer detailed. - 177 - (APP 3(CP)ANX L(ADM)CHB) 2. He supervises the other enlisted members of the Guard and is familiar with their orders and duties. 3. He insures that the equipment used by the guard is properly cared for and stored when not in use. 4. He investigates all serious violations of regulations and makes reports to the S-2. 5. Assembles CPs immediately before each tour of duty to insure that each cadet going on duty is assigned a post, is familiar with his duties and presents a neat appearance. 6. He keeps the S-2 and the Battalion Commander advised of the conduct of the Corps. 7. He reports all infractions of regulations noticed without fear, favor or partiality. 8. As required, he submits to the S-2 a written report on the Cadet Patrol activities. He forwards a copy to the Battalion Commander. Part D: Squad Members: The squad members’ duties are as follows: 1. Patrols his assigned area. He is responsible to the Head CP for proper performance of duty. 2. Reports to the Head CP all violations of regulations coming to his attention and provides the name(s) of the offender(s) and the circumstances of the offense. The member does not make the discipline report. 3. The CP has jurisdiction over all cadets and has full authority to maintain good order and discipline. 4. In the event a CP is unable to take a particular tour of duty, he arranges for a qualified CP replacement and reports to the Provost Marshal for approval of the replacement. Restricted cadets will not be selected as replacements. SECTION IV: UNIFORMS: The uniform for the Cadet Patrol will be as prescribed by the Commandant. At no time will weapons of any kind be carried. - 178 - APPENDIX 4 (Leave and Pass) to ANNEX L (Administrative Services) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL A. The pass is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. This includes special “Church of Faith” passes. Misuse or abuse of this privilege will result in its restriction, curtailment or elimination of this privilege. ALL passes must be approved or validated by the Commandant, otherwise they will not be honored by the Duty Office personnel. When the Commandant is not on campus and the situation warrants, the SMA may act as the approving authority for all passes. All “runs” to area businesses during weekends will be coordinated with SMA/MA on duty. B. Passes (other than RON) will be taken only within the city limits of Salina unless specifically authorized in writing by the Commandant. C. RON (remain overnight) passes allow cadets to remain off campus for the period of time stipulated in the pass request. RON passes will be granted in cases of emergency or demonstrated need. The President, Headmaster, Commandant, or Academic Dean may recommend RON passes for individual cadets based on merit or achievement. (1) RONs will NOT be granted during summer camps, the first two weeks of the school year, Parents’ Weekends, the weekend before CFI, or Commencement Weekend. Nor will RON’s be granted during the weeks prior to, or immediately following scheduled vacations, Parents’ Weekends, or Commencement Weekend. (2) RONs will be granted immediately in the case of a verified emergency. (3) All RON requests, other than emergency, must be completed, initialed by teachers, signed off by the Academic Dean, the SMA/MA of the company; the Commandant, and submitted to the President’s office for final approval at least 48 hours prior to the requested time of departure. (4) To earn credit for school work and exams missed while on approved RON’s, cadets MUST COMPLETE school work and exams scheduled to be assigned during the time he will be absent, prior to departure. Cadets who fail to complete assignments and exams prior to departure will earn grades of 0 for all incomplete school work and exams. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with his teachers to complete school work he will miss during his absence. In the case of emergency departures, reasonable, additional time will be allowed for cadets to complete missed school work and exams. (5) All requests for RON will originate with the individual cadet and will require parental/sponsor verification for the need of a RON in writing to the office of the Commandant. The cadet is responsible for notifying parent/sponsor of approval or disapproval. (6) RONs will be taken from Friday after school until Sunday at 1800 hours. Missing school days will incur a charge of $50.00 for any part of each school day missed. The Commandant or Academic Dean may make exceptions to this charge in the case of exceptional grades and behavior. (7) RONs for out of town medical or dental care will be granted only for services that cannot be administered by Salina physicians/dentists. (8) RON requests for exceptionally meritorious conduct/performance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. - 179 - (APP 4(L&P)ANX L(ADM)CHB) (9) Cadets will not be permitted to RON in the Salina area. (10) RON leave uniform is Bravo, Charlie or Casual Attire. D. Any cadet who leaves campus without permission, within the context of passes, is considered to be in unauthorized area/off bounds. E. Passes may not be taken on campus. The pass ends at time specified in the order of the day or when a cadet returns to campus, whichever is first. F. The uniform for pass will be as specified in the Order of the Day. The uniform will be complete, clean, pressed and with brass and shoes properly shined. The letterman jacket and Spartan jacket may be worn by qualified cadets ONLY when authorized by the Commandant. 2. TYPES OF PASS A. Regular Pass (1) Saturday - Pass Gate is from opening of pass gate until 2200 hours with the following exceptions: a. Pass Gate for eighth graders is 1300-2000 hours b. There is no Saturday pass for fifth, sixth and seventh graders (2) Sunday - Pass Gate for all cadets will be from opening of pass gate until 1730 hours. a. There is no Sunday pass for fifth or sixth graders (3) Exceptions to these rules may be made by the President or the Commandant. (4) Removal from regular pass will occur for the following: a. Two or more D’s in academic classes b. One or more F’s in academic classes c. Two, three, or four tardies in one week (lose Sunday) d. Five or more tardies in one week (lose Saturday & Sunday) e. Any outstanding disciplinary action not completed f. Three unsatisfactory room inspections in one week (lose Sunday) g. Four or more unsatisfactory room inspections in one week (lose Saturday & Sunday) h. Missing school on Thursday and/or Friday due to illness (5) Removal from regular pass can occur, but is not limited to, the following: a. Class I offense committed on weekend b. Gross room/Failing room inspections c. SIQ slip (6) All Military Staff are authorized to redline cadets from pass for just cause. (7) Pass pick up areas are the grinder in front of Stevens Center and the west drive way at JVH. (8) Back packs may not be taken on pass. (9) Cadets will be subject to breathalyzer tests and contraband checks upon return from pass. - 180 - (APP 4(L&P)ANX L(ADM)CHB) B. Special Passes (1) Parent Pass: Special pass requests will require a parental email sent to MSG Paula Lambert not later than 48 hours prior to requested date of departure. The SMA will recommend approval or disapproval and the request will be forwarded to Commandant for final action. Cadet must be accompanied by parent(s), guardian or approved (by parent/guardian) family adult(s). He will be checked out only by the military staff person on duty in the company duty office. There will be no approved parent passes on the Sunday before Commencement through Wednesday night before Commencement. (2) Guest Pass: Cadets may depart on guest pass with adult sponsors of another cadet enrolled at SJMS. Authority for departure must be approved in writing by the Parent/Guardian to the SMA on duty. The guest cadet becomes the responsibility of the approved sponsor for the entirety of the pass. A special pass will be prepared and signed by the Commandant authorizing the guest pass. (3) President’s/Commandant’s Pass: A pass, whenever deemed appropriate by the President or Commandant, for cadets deserving special consideration for “jobs well done”, academic achievement and conduct “above and beyond” the normal. (4) Church of Faith Pass: passes for church of faith must be authorized by the President. 3. OFF POST DETAILS (OPD) a. The OPD sponsor is responsible for verifying that each cadet listed on the OPD form is eligible to depart campus on the OPD. If the Operations Officer finds a cadet listed on the OPD to be ineligible he will remove that cadet from the OPD. The sponsor will complete one copy of the OPD form (with all required signatures) and bring it to the Duty Office at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of departure. b. Cadets restricted because of the D and F list may not depart campus for an OPD except in the following cases: 1. Team sporting events, AMS, Raiders, Drill Teams, Color Guard, Band units 2. Official school functions 3. Mom’s/Dad’s club birthday dinners (birthday cadet only) 4. Church of Faith 5. Unit community service activities 4. LEAVES (VACATIONS) a. All leaves will commence after 0500 hours unless otherwise directed by the Commandant. Requests for early departure will not be approved except in extreme emergencies. Cadets who depart early on leave without authorization and return to school after the stipulated date and time on orders WILL RECEIVE ZEROS FOR CLASSES NOT ATTENDED OR MISSED. b. Parents/sponsors will receive advance information on leave dates, etc., and deadline dates for receipt of transportation arrangements to the President’s office. Parents/sponsors must purchase tickets and forward to the transportation coordinator by deadline dates in order to comply with departure and return times. - 181 - (APP 4(L&P)ANX L(ADM)CHB) c. During leaves, cadets are under the supervision of the school while traveling to their destination and again upon leaving their destination and return to school. Cadets are reminded that they are subject to the rules and regulations of the school and shall conduct themselves as gentlemen and representatives of St. John’s. d. Travel will be performed in complete BRAVO, CHARLIE, or CASUAL ATTIRE uniform. Civilian clothing is not authorized for any cadets traveling on leaves, RONs, etc. NO EXCEPTIONS. e. Parent/sponsor must send special allowances for travel expenses, by check or money order, to the Quartermaster. Charges to the incidental accounts will not be approved. f. Cadets will report to the SMA NOT later than one hour following return to Salina. CADETS WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED TO RETURN TO CAMPUS PRIOR TO 0800 HOURS ON THE DATE THAT LEAVE (VACATION) ENDS. 5. CURFEW a. The city of Salina has a curfew law, which will be strictly adhered to by St. John’s Military School cadets. The Salina law is quoted in part: “All persons age 15 and below, both male and female, must be off the streets of Salina not later than 2200 hours daily.” Therefore, cadets who are subject to the law, that is all cadets age 15 and below, will be required to be on campus not later than 2200 hours when they are on authorized pass. b. All cadets are required to be familiar with and understand the provisions contained in ANNEX M (OFF LIMITS/BOUNDS) TO THE CADET HANDBOOK. - 182 - APPENDIX 5 (Electrical) to ANNEX L (Administrative Services) to Cadet Handbook 1. Reference State of Kansas - Fire Regulations 2. In accordance with reference above the following regulations apply for all cadet rooms and spaces at St. John’s Military School. a. One approved electrical appliance (i.e. computer, radio, or fan) and ONLY ONE will be attached or “plugged in” to one electrical outlet. This must be a power strip with surge protection, as mentioned in b. below. EXAMPLE: Electrical outlets which have two female openings to a fixture are considered to be two outlets. b. Extension cords may be used if only one computer, radio, or fan is attached to that cord coming from one electrical outlet. EXCEPTION: Cadets are authorized the use of fused power strips that MUST be purchased from the QM only. c. The only authorized electrical appliances are a computer, a radio, and/or fan which must be approved by a company MA. 3. Daily inspections will be made to insure compliance with this directive. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action by the Commandant which may include removal of authorized electrical appliance(s). 4. The Battalion S2 will insure that a copy of this Appendix is posted on each Company Bulletin Board as well as the Battalion Bulletin Board. - 183 - APPENDIX 6 (Visitors) to ANNEX L (Administrative Services) to Cadet Handbook 1. GENERAL Cadets may have visitors, relatives and friends who reside outside of Salina call at the school. Visitors who live in Salina, including girls, may visit campus only during authorized times. The Senior Military Advisor (SMA) will be the authorizing authority and all visitors will check in at the Main Duty Office, or company duty office after close of business, for the authorization. Cadets on pass will not invite or bring girls to campus except for school approved activities. All dates at dances, athletic events, chapel services, etc. will depart campus shortly after the conclusion of each event. Restricted cadets are not authorized visitors except parents or sponsors. 2. SPECIFIC a. Girls Visiting Campus. Girls will not be allowed on campus without a specific cadet escort who is in the complete uniform of the day except when visitor is on official business that requires reporting to the Administrative or Commandant’s offices. All barracks and cadet rooms are off bounds to female guests at all times unless the SMA has approved visitation on special occasions. The cadet escort will report to the Company Duty Office with the female visitor for issuance of visitor pass and instructions by the SMA. b. The campus is normally closed to visitors each day Monday through Friday from l600 hours to 0800 hours the following day unless a school approved activity is being conducted on campus. c. Visitors’ Schedules. (1) Saturday: From opening of pass gate until dark. (2) Sunday: 1300-1700 hours (3) All visitors are required to check in at the Company Duty Office and check out on departure. d. On Bounds Areas. The following areas of campus are “on bounds” to girls and other visitors at specified times. (1) Banes Gymnasium, Stevens Center, Quartermaster, and the football field across Euclid Street during scheduled school activities or events. (2) Vanier Academic Center at specifically scheduled times (3) Armstrong Chapel during certain religious or ceremonial activities (4) Impact Zone in front of Jack Vanier Hall (5) Outside seating area at Sage Hall e. Off Bounds Areas. Barracks and cadet rooms are off bounds at all times to visitors. All other campus areas except those listed in paragraph d above are off bounds. The SMA has been delegated approval/disapproval authority in all cases. f. Persona-non-grata. A persona-non-grata (PNG) list is on file in the SMA/MA Instruction Book. Any individual on this list will be denied entry to any SJMS facility at all times. - 184 - ANNEX M (OFF BOUNDS AND OFF LIMITS AREAS) to CADET HANDBOOK 1. GENERAL a. School Boundary. For the guidance of all concerned, the outer boundaries of St. John’s Military School are: South Boundary - North curb of Otis Avenue East Boundary - West curb of Fifth Street North Boundary - Area of the football field, obstacle course, and paintball course across Euclid Street West Boundary - East curb of Ninth Street b. Off Limits Areas - Salina. All cadets are expected to be aware of the scope and intent of this Annex. The following areas/establishments/facilities are off bounds to cadets at all times in order to protect the health and welfare of the Corps of Cadets. In certain instances, the Commandant may, at his discretion, lift or add certain restrictions if specific situations/circumstances warrant the action. (l) Any establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold or served unless accompanied by parent/guardian of legal age (21) years. (2) All hotels, motels, and private homes in Salina except when accompanied by parents, guardians, or staff and faculty. (3) All construction areas on and off campus. (4) All truck stops/plazas within Salina (5) All grain elevators, mills, rail yards, auto lots and all civilian storage lots and buildings in the Salina area. (6) All parks within the Salina area after the hours of darkness. (7) All alleys in residential areas not considered common thoroughfares within the city of Salina (8) All dumpsters and other trash receptacles adjacent to any commercial or other civilian facility within Salina. (9) All dikes, levees and river bank areas adjacent to Mulberry Creek and the Saline and Smoky Hill rivers unless participating in supervised school activities. (10) All smoke shops & vapor shops c. Off Bounds Areas - Campus. The following areas of campus are off bounds to cadets unless permission to enter or use has been granted by President or Commandant. (1) All barracks to which cadets are not assigned unless on official business and MA permission to enter has been requested and granted. (2) All administrative offices unless on official business. (3) Areas north and east of Vanier Academic Center to include the basement stairwell. (4) Maintenance building to include the fenced area east of the building. (5) Football field and bleacher areas, obstacle course, and paintball course except during scheduled events or with adult supervision. (6) All roofs and other overhead areas on campus. (7) Fire escape stairwell from the laundry behind Quartermaster store, and concrete access area between QM and Gymnasium (8) Vanier Academic Center, Linger School, Stevens Center and Banes Gymnasium when not open for specific cadet activity. All lockers in the gym annex and the coaches’ office are specifically off bounds to all non-authorized personnel. (9) Parking lot South of Banes Gymnasium unless arriving or departing on official school business. (10) Fire escape stairwell from Clem/Ferris basement on west side of building - 185 - (ANX M(OB&OLA)CHB) (11) Seating area outside Clem/Ferris Hall (12) Mize Hall inside or outside, including bleachers north of Mize Hall (13) All outside areas surrounding Linger Hall 2. SPECIFIC The following areas are declared off limits to all cadets at all times. The Commandant will add to or delete from this list as he deems appropriate. a. All houses across streets forming the boundary of campus. b. All Salvation Army properties, 1137 North Santa Fe, except bus stop. c. Uptown Apartments, 801 North Santa Fe d. Mid Kansas Mobile Homes, 1415 North 9th St. e. Clayton Homes across 9th St. from Mid Kansas Homes f. Pump Mart, 1118 N. 9th St. g. Gold Key Apartments, Ash & Eighth Streets h. Chapel Ridge Apts. Near Central Mall i. All motels/hotels in Salina unless accompanied by parents or guardians j. Pack Rat and all other smoke shops k. Fifth Street bridge l. Thomas Park m. FoodMart at Crawford & Ninth streets n. All supplement stores (Supplement U, GNC, Complete Nutrition, etc.) o. Juicies & Salina Vape, etc. p. Cerilla’s in south Salina q. U.S. Post Office, UPS Store, any other shipping company r. 310 S. 9th, Salina, Kansas - 186 - Glossary for Cadet Handbook AA - Administrative Assistant to the Commandant of Cadets. That person who has the primary responsibility of providing administrative support to the Military Department. ACT - American College Testing; an assessment for admission to college. ACU - Army Combat Uniform AMS (Advanced Military Skills) – An elective combining both the mental and physical aspect of the Military. AOL - Absent Over Leave; failure to return from leave on time. Armstrong Chapel - Dedicated in memory of Captain John Bradford Armstrong, United States Army, who gave his life for his country on June 15, 1944. AWOL - Absent Without Leave. Awards and Decorations - Ribbons, badges and other devices given for meritorious and academic achievement. Banes Gymnasium - School gymnasium named for Wiley T. Banes of Albuquerque, NM; benefactor to St. John’s Military School. Battalion Assembly Area - Assembly area in Vanier Academic Center that will accommodate the entire Corps of Cadets. Also called “the Round Room”. Blue Beret - Distinctive headgear awarded to both Middle School and Upper School cadets for academic excellence. BMS - Basic Military Skills Board of Trustees - Governing body of the school. Cadet - A student at a military school. Cadet Challenge - A series of physical fitness events designed to help assess the level of physical fitness of the Corps of Cadets. Cadet Court - A committee made up of cadets which hears cases involving serious breaches of student discipline. Cadet Handbook - This handbook; it contains information vital to your success here at St. John’s Military School. Cadet Patrol - Cadets who help maintain order and discipline at functions attended by the Corps of Cadets. They are our “Military Police”, and are identified by the red berets they wear. Cannon Detail - Those cadets given the honor of firing the cannon at Retreat and special events. CFI - Cadet Formal Inspection; a once-yearly inspection given to the Corps of Cadets by US Army inspectors and military service recruiters. - 187 - Chain of Command - The system of leader positions, running from squad leader to company commander, which helps to insure that problems are addressed at the lowest possible level. Christmas Vacation - A period of time the cadets spend at home over Christmas and New Year’s. Usually about three weeks. Civil Air Patrol – Air Force auxiliary volunteers. Clem Ferris Hall - The building housing Alpha Company. Named jointly for Colonel R.L. Clem, President of St. John’s from 1936-1968 and Walton C. Ferris, an outstanding benefactor of St. John’s. CSDO - Cadet Staff Duty Officer. Commandant of Cadets - The officer who administers and provides services for the cadets in the area of parental supervision, housing, recreation, health, welfare and discipline. Commandant’s Time – A form of consequence for violation of St. John’s rules and regulations involving intense physical training, administered by the Commandant. Commencement - Ceremonies at the close of the school year conferring diplomas upon graduating seniors and various awards to cadets who have earned them. Conduct Report - A one page sheet submitted on cadets who commit infractions of the rules. All conduct reports are submitted to the Commandant of Cadets. Also referred to as a “hook sheet”. Contraband - Items considered to be unlawful to possess and other items prohibited by St. John’s Military School. A comprehensive list can be found in this handbook. Corfams - A “super shiny” patent leather shoe authorized for wear by all St. John’s cadets except New Boys. Corps of Cadets - The entire student body at St. John’s Military School. CQ - Call to Quarters; the time during the evening, just before taps, when all cadets must be present in their rooms and preparing for bed. D. Dale Browning Parade Field – The grassy area in front of the Jack Vanier Hall: used for Corps parades. Deputy Commandant – Assists the Commandant in administering and providing services for the cadets in the area of parental supervision, housing, recreation, health, welfare and discipline. DI - Drill Instructor; those cadets who train “new boys”. They are identified by their black campaign style or “Smoky the Bear” hats. Dining In – A formal gathering of the Corps to celebrate brotherhood. Double Time - A marching cadence of 180 steps per minute; normal cadence is 120 steps per minute. Drill Team - A group of upper school cadets who specialize in drill proficiency and who represent St. John’s Military School at drill meets and other special functions. - 188 - Esprit de Corps - Group spirit and the sense of pride and honor in the Corps of Cadets. Etiquette - The forms, manners and ceremonies established as acceptable or required in society, in a profession or in official life. Extra Duty – A form of consequence for violation of rules and regulations in which a cadet performs work in hourly increments. First Call - That time in the morning when cadets are awakened, usually at 0600 hours. Flag Detail - A group of cadets given the honor of raising, lowering and folding the National Colors. Freedom Tree - A ceremonial tree donated by the city of Salina, in October 1972, in honor of Major Dennis Pugh, United States Air Force, who was declared missing in action in the Republic of Vietnam on March 19, 1970 and presumed to be deceased on January 28, 1982. Freedom Tree Ceremony – A ceremony at Commencement where the Seniors pay tribute to the memory Of Major Pugh by laying a wreath at the Freedom Tree. GI – General inspection Guidon - The identification flag of a unit. Guidon Bearer - A cadet carrying the unit flag at the head of the unit. Headgear - Military jargon for hat, cap, beret, etc. High and Tight - A haircut description meaning short on top, close and high on sides. Honor Code - “Honesty-Dignity-Pride: none can exist without the other, nor will the absence of any be tolerated” Honor Company - The company of cadets which through discipline, leadership, and participation has been named best overall company for the entire year. Given at Commencement. Hook Sheet - See “Conduct Report” HOOAH (who-a) - slang used primarily by elite soldiers such as the Infantry; referring to or meaning anything and everything except “no.” Impact area - The paved area directly in front of the Jack Vanier Hall. IMR (Infirmary Medical Referral) - A written authorization to see the nurse during periods when there is no sick call. Infirmary - A place for the care of sick or injured cadets. Jack Vanier Hall - A dormitory for cadets named after St. John’s Old Boy and benefactor Jack Vanier. Junior/Senior Prom - A formal dinner and dance during Commencement Weekend, attended by Juniors, Seniors, their dates, and chaperones. Junior Spartan - See “Spartan” - 189 - JROTC - Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps. Leave (vacation) - A leave granted to St. John’s cadets for a specified period, usually more than three days. Linger Hall - Named for Lyman J. Linger, the Cadet Battalion Commander in 1926 and outstanding benefactor of St. John’s Military School. Mess Hall - The cadet, staff and faculty eating establishment, also known as the Dining Facility. Military Advisor (MA) - The adult assigned to a specific company who has responsibility for the good order, discipline and safety of all cadets within that company while he is on duty. Military Field Day - A day set aside to allow St. John’s cadets the opportunity to display their military excellence as individuals, platoons and companies. Awards are presented to the winners of each event. Mize Hall - A building on campus named for The Right Reverend Robert H. Mize. Muleskinners - Mascot of St. John’s Military School and name of St. John’s athletic teams. NCO - Non Commissioned Officer; Corporal through Command Sergeant Major. New Boy - A first time cadet at St. John’s, still in the initial period of training. New Boy Speech - A speech that must be memorized by all new boys, and recited when testing to become an “old boy”. Obstacle Course - Special area designed with physical obstacles requiring cadets to overcome those obstacles as they traverse the course. OD - Order of the Day; a daily schedule of events beginning at First Call and ending at Taps. Posted on main bulletin board, each bulletin board on each floor in all companies, and on St. John’s website. Off Bounds/Off Limits Area - Designated areas and establishments which cadets are not permitted to visit. Old Boy Shield - Distinctive institutional insignia of St. John’s Military School awarded to cadets upon their attaining “old boy” status. Open Door Policy - A time set aside by the Commandant of Cadets for visits by cadets who have problems that their Chain of Command is unable to solve. PI - Personal Inspection; given daily by cadet leaders. PT - Physical Training Parents Weekend - A three day period (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) held in October and again in February, set aside for visitation by parents. Pass - Authorization, for a short period of time, to leave the campus area and visit establishments, facilities within the city of Salina. - 190 - Pass in Review - A formal military ceremony to inspect the Corps. Persona Non Grata - Persons who are unwelcome on the St. John’s Military School campus. Physical Fitness Test – Physical testing done at least one time each semester to gauge fitness in pushups, sit-ups, and 2 mile run. Profile - Written by the nurse when a cadet is restricted from a normal activity due to medical reasons. Quadrangle - That area between Clem/Ferris Hall, the Stevens Center Duty Office, and the Quartermaster store. Quartermaster - St. John’s Military School’s sales facility for uniforms and uniform related items, school books and supplies, necessary toiletries, etc. Quarters - The individual room occupied by each St. John’s cadet. Raiders R.A.T. - Rehabilitative Attentiveness Training; a program assigned to cadets who violate Class I regulations or who habitually violate lesser regulations. Restriction - A form of consequence for violation of rules and regulations involving the cadet restricted to a certain area for a specified period of time; i.e. campus, barracks, or room. Retreat - The ceremony performed at sunset for lowering the National Colors. Reveille - The morning playing of the bugle to awaken cadets; the beginning of the day. Ring Ceremony - The ceremony conducted during Commencement weekend whereby returning Juniors are presented their class rings by a person of their choosing, usually a parent. RON - Remain Overnight; a type of special pass. Round Room - See “Battalion Assembly Area” Saber - A sword with a hand guard and curved blade, carried by cadet officers and the cadet Command Sergeant Major in formations and at ceremonies. Sage Hall - A dormitory housing middle school cadets; named for The Right Reverend John C. Sage. SAI - Senior Army Instructor; the officer in charge of the JROTC program. SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test; an assessment for admission to college. School Crest - See “Old Boy Shield” School Motto - Scientia/Virtus/Disciplina; meaning Science/Virtue/Discipline. Senior Military Advisor (SMA) - The adult assigned to a company, who has been assigned overall responsibility for good order, discipline and safety of all cadets within that company, by the Commandant. - 191 - Sick Call - A formation scheduled three times a day for cadets to receive meds and/or medical attention. SIQ - Sick in Quarters; the status of any cadet who, although not being ill enough to merit time in the infirmary, is assigned “rest time” in his quarters. SJMS - St. John’s Military School Skirmisher - The St. John’s Military School newspaper. Smoky Hill Museum Day Parade - An annual historical celebration of the city of Salina’s heritage. The Corps of Cadets is traditionally invited to participate as a parade unit. SOP - Standard Operating Procedures. Sound Off - The title of the St. John’s Military School yearbook. Spartan - Small, elite organization requiring participation in Ranger type activities. When a cadet becomes a Spartan, he earns the Adventure Ribbon and the Spartan cord. Spit Shine - The process of shining footgear using polish and moisture. Spring Break - A period of time in the spring, about nine days, usually in March, when the school is closed and all cadets are required to go home. Square Meal - During meal, when directed, cadets must sit at attention on the front six inches of their chair, look straight ahead and “square” all movements with the silverware from the plate to the mouth. Stevens Center - The building housing the JROTC classrooms, barber shop, dining hall, kitchen, Infirmary, nurse’s quarters, military offices, and rifle range. Named for Charlie Stevens, SJMS Trustee. Table Head - The senior cadet, assigned to a table in the mess hall, responsible for manners/etiquette, behavior and cleanliness of all cadets present at the table. Taps - A bugle call signifying lights out and time for bed. Tattoo - A military ceremony to honor the armed forces. Teardrop - The circular driveway in front of Vanier Academic Center where the Corps of Cadets stands formation. Tours - A form of consequence for violation of rules and regulations whereby the cadet receiving the consequence marches the Impact area for a specified period of time. Uniform of The Day - Required dress as listed daily in the Order of The Day. Vanier Academic Center - The building housing SJMS academic headquarters, business offices, academic offices, and classrooms. Named for John J. Vanier, a school benefactor and patron. Vienti Cinco - An immediate form of consequence for violation of rules and regulations; 25 push ups. Walk The Walls - A requirement of “new boy” training whereby the new boy walks rapidly, at attention, along the right side of the hallway looking straight ahead at all times. - 192 -