1996 #2 - Austin Genealogical Society
1996 #2 - Austin Genealogical Society
Austin Genealogical Society Volume XXXVII, No. 2 June 1996 CONTENTS ’ Comments ............i.. ......................................................................... 4 1 Book Reviews .................................................................................. 43 The Five Thomas Harrises of Isle of Wight County, Va. ............ 43 John Owens Greene of the Oregon Territory, Letters 1853-1863 44 Happy Hunting Ground (Queries) .................................................... 45 Ancestor Listing Pages Index ................................ .......................... 47 Ancestor Listing Pages (start) .......................................................... 48 Continuum (a Poem) ........................................................................ 138 Plat of Genealogical Collection, Texas State Library ...................... 138 .2 .: . The AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL, SOCIETY QUARTERLY is published four times per year in the months of March, June, September and November. AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY has specific addresses for certain purposes. To save time and trouble for yourself as well as for us, please use the appropriate address. See inside back cover for further details. THANK YOU! EXCHANGE QUARTERLIES--Send quarterlies and correspondence about them (such as change of address or failure to receive ours by the loth of April, July, October or December) to TEXAS STATE LIBRARY, Tech Services S.S., Box 12927,Austin TX 7871 1. CHECKS AND BILLS--Dues, seminar reservations, orders for our Special Publications, memorial gifts, other financial matters: AGS Treasurer, Box 1507,Austin TX 78767-1507. AGS QUARTERLY--Send material for and correspondence about quarterly to AGS Quarterly, 4500 Hyridge Drive, Austin TX 78759-8054.EXCEPTION!:QUERIES should be sent to 5722 Highland Hills Drive, Austin TX 7873 1 . PAST ISSUES OF AGS QUARTERLY: Inquiries about availability and cost should be addressed to the AGS Quarterly Custodian, 4304 Lostridge Drive, Austin TX 78731. MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES: Address inquiries to the AGS Membership Chairman, 2609 W. 49th Street, Austin TX 78731-5636.(Check inside back cover for membership dues, etc.) GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE concerning Society matters goes to AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 1507,Austin TX 78767-1507. , I OFFICERS-- 1996 Ms. Roberta Jenkins Mrs. Vangee Rushing Brigham Mrs. Lillian Ramirez Dr. Robert Tull Ms. Julia Mellenbruch Mrs. Lorrie Foster Henderson Mrs. 'Cl'ilena Young Mr. Bill Koehler President First Vice-President Second Vice-Presidenflgm. Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Editor, ,4GS Newsletter Editor, ,4GS 0uarterly BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1995-1996 1996-1997 Ms. Tamara Baldwin Mr Beryl Bergscbneider Mrs. Leanna Bergscbneider Mrs. Vangee Rushing Brigham Mrs. Juanita Dodgen Mrs. Glenda Knipstein M s Julia Mellenbruch M s Josephine Ross Dr. Robert Tull Mrs. Wilena Young Mrs. Lorrie Foster Henderson Mrs. Lois Henegar Ms. Roberta Jenkins Mr. Lee Kinard Mr. Bill Koehler Col. Putnam Monroe Mr. William Monroe Nasb, Jr. Mrs. Clarice Neal Mrs. Lillian Ramirez Dr. Jay Shurley NOTE: BOARD MEETS AT 6:15 p.m. FOURTH TUESDAYS immediately before regular Society meeting. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN--1996 Book Acquisitions: Quarterlies Custodian: Hospitality: Publicity: Clarice Neal Beryl & Leanna Bergscbneider Clark Layton Jeffries & Doris Saxson Jeffries Vangee Brigham Membership: Programs: AGSQ Review Editor Publications Mailing: Please see inside back cover for further Society information. Bill Nash Lillian Ramirez Helen R Rugeley Putnam Monroe c p'V & P @ ~ The Austin Genealogical Society Quarterly Volume XXXVII, Number 2 June 1996 9_ . #$ pj @ ALL OUR BEST TO YOU, LEE Over the past dozen or so years there has been no one who has done more for AGS and who has been more of an inspiration to the rest of us than has Lee Kinard. He has served the Society in numberless ways and might yet be our President if he hadn't finally out-argued the annualnominating committee; most recently he has been the Society treasurer. So it is with mixed feelings we bid Lee farewell, for he has moved to the Houston area in a professional reassignment. There is no way he can be readily replaced; his knowledge of AGS and its history was as vast as was his dedication to its success. Lee has at least one important event remaining in Austin; he will return this summer to be married. The Editor joins the entire Board of Directors and no doubt the membership at large in offering Lee congratulations, best wishes for every success in life, and a cordial hope that there may be many occasions when we may be able to see him again. We are in turn happy that Board member Bob Tull has agreed to fill Lee's unexpired term as Treasurer. We conned Bob into accepting Board membership last fall by the usual '?\Jot much to do your first year, you know." We know that Bob (who is on the Astronomy faculty at UTA) can keep dollars and black holes separate. Thanks for accepting, and good luck. HALBERT'S UNDER CEASE AND DESIST ORDER We note from the MarcWApril issue of the National Genealogical Society Newsletter that Halbert's Inc. of Bath, Ohio, a mail order firm that markets surname products, has agreed to the provisions of a cease and desist order issued by the United States Postal Service in November 1995. This order augments previous cease and desist orders issued in 1985 and 1988. Among other provisions included in the order is a required disclaimer on any surname advertising as follows: "No direct genealogical connection to your family or ancestry is implied or intended. HISTORIC PATENTS FROM THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT (BLM) From the same publication we note that the BLM has made available CD-ROMs which include land patents, survey plats and cadastral survey field notes for the following ten states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin. We understand each state is on one CD and the purchase price is $15. You may contact the Bureau of Land Management, 411 Briarwood Drive, Jackson , Mississippi 39206, phone 601-977-5400, for order information. (cont'd) \ Volume )(>oNII. No. 2 (June 99961 Austin. TX GOVCHA! On page 3 of the last (March 1996) issue of the Quarterly we reprinted an item having to do with identifying babies born out of wedlock. Our information was that it came from the 11/95 issue of the “WAGS Newsletter.” We recently received a very gracious letter from Dessie Little Simmons, Editor of the Bulletin of the Watauga Association of Genealogists-Upper East Tennessee (WAGS). She kindly informed us that, nothing wrong with the item, but it was from their publication. This abashed Editor apologizes to Dessie and all the fine folk in the Johnson City, Tennessee area for any misrepresentation, for it was unintended. In turn, we must inquire generally: is there another WAGS or is the original attribution incorrect? In her letter, Dessie mentions Miller cousins around the DFW area and many Young relatives in Ft. Worth and Pleasanton. If this rings a bell I’m sure she would be glad to hear from you: Dessie Little Simmons, P.O. Box 117, Johnson City TN 37605-0117. . FIRST FAMILIES OF TEXAS CERTIFICATES / She also commented favorably on the First Families of Texas Certificates being issued by the Texas State Genealogical Society. It turns out Tennessee already has had similar certificates. Well, now. A reminder: the Texas program runs through the end of the year. For details: Wanda L. Donaldson, 3219 Meadow Oaks Drive, Temple TX 76502, 817-778-2073. NO AGS 1996 SEMINAR As mentioned in the last issue, there will be no AGS seminar this August as we have had in previous years. The member who protests most vociferously automatically becomes chair of the next seminar, prospectively next spring. Other seminars in the area: OJuly 13-Luling. The Genealogical and Historical Society of Caldwell Co. will hold their 14th annual seminar at the Luling First United Methodist Church with Sharon DeBartolo Carmack. Pre-register for $25 to the Society at 215 S . Pecan Ave., Luling TX 78648 or 210-875-9466. OSeptember 6-8-Lubbock. The German-Texan Heritage Society Annual Meeting is at the Lubbock Holiday Inn Civic Center September 6-8. Pre-register for $45 to GTHS, P.O. Box 684171, Austin TX 787684171. OJuly 21-26-Plano. The Institute of Genealogical Studies (formerly Genealogical Institute of Texas) will hold a week-long school at the Harvey Hotel, Plano. This school conducts eight simultaneous courses presented by well-known genealogists. Tuition is $325 per course. Contact IGS, P.O. Box 25556, Dallas TX 75225-5556,214-341-5166 evenings. THIS IS THE ANNUAL MEMBERS’ ANCESTRAL LISTING ISSUE The AGS membership has responded handsomely to our requests for submissions to this, our annual ancestral listing issue, resulting in the largest single issue in the Editor’s experience. Thirty-three of you sent in material and it all looks very good. We thank everyone who has responded so well. The magnitude of the material was such that we had to enforce the size and formatting policies and requirements as set forth in the inside back cover of each issue. Much of the material was immaculately prepared, testifying to the increasing sophistication of the publication tools in our members’ hands. You will even find that there were several web-site and E-mail locations included--another first for our Quarterly. We have included a separate submitter’s index on Page 47 so that the pages sent in by each person may be correctly identified. Thank you again, and happy browsing. By the way, there is a very lovely short poem by our gifted Lorrie Henderson to close out the issue on page 138. Don’t overlook it. The Editor Page 42 . AGS Quarterlv Volume WXV II. No. 2 (June 1996) Austin. TX Book Reviews . . 0 The Five Thomas Harrises ofIsle of Wight County, Virginia,01995by John Anderson Brayton, 1001 S . Marshall St., Suite 53, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. 6x9";190 pp.; Bristolboard binding. Introduction, Appendix, Previous Publications, Bibliography, 3 Indices: Name, Locality, and Slave. Price $20 postpaid (NC residents add $1.20 for sales tax). Order from author at address above. Most genealogists are familiar with the frustration involved in trying to identify each bearer of the same name in a given locality. It is doubly difficult when most of the given names are of the garden variety, with no handeddown Jehoshaphat or Malachi among the Thomases, Georges and Johns to show that you're on the right track. Until recently, Harris researchershave accepted the works of John Bennett Boddie (Historical Southern Families, Virginia Historical Genealogies,et cefera)from the 1950s and formed some misconceptionsthat led them to realms of glory. John Brayton has painstakingly re-examined Boddie's sources and discovered many more, which has resulted in the present enlightened and fascinating volume. He also generously reminds his readers that the esteemed Mr. Boddie did not have access to some sources that are available now. The author has made it easy for those who may be scanning the book for only certain names: in the quoted documents the names of those related to the Harrises are printed in all capital letters. Also, the use of different typefaces for &e various fohiats admirably facilitates locating a particular item such as introductory or explanatory narrative; a quoted will, deed, or land grant; lists of children: footnotes: abbreviations of frequently quoted sources and phrases; as well as the use of roman, bold and italic type. For the computerconvemt reader, Mr. Brayton has revealed his technical methodology in the Introduction. Your reviewer is well aware that some of us glance at the verbatim quoted matter, spot the first quaintly-spelled word, and then skip over to the larger body typeface. Experience teaches that if we take the trouble to read the passage aloud, we,will soon be snickering, then gigghng hysterically, and persevering until we decipher the words which had first appeared to be incomprehensible. [HINT: Some of the words are Lam legalese, others are merely spelled phonetically.] We get a peek at John Brayton's sense of humor at the end of the Introduction when he tantalizes us by mentioning (without explaining) an incident involving dousing his files with Tilex, and another pertaining to a note he found in a book which resulted in nearly 20 years of research. Little can be said here about the body of this book. The "plot" consists of steps taken to further the research: interesting and educational for Harris descendants and for non-Harrises as well. Suffice it to say, the five synonymous men are yclept [I've been studying my new Oxford English Dictionary!] respectively: Thomas Harris, 1688; Thomas Harris, 1672; Thomas Harris, Jr.; Thomas Harris, 1729; and Thomas Harris of Surry County, Virginia. For tips on how to find your ancestors on the eastern seaboard in pre-Revolutionary times, don't miss the opportunity to explore this book. It will be placed in the Genealogy Collection of Texas State Libmy in the near future, with thanks to the author for his gift. --H.H.R. Helen H. Rugeley Page 43 AGS Quarterlv Wolurns )(XXVI1. No. 2 (June 9996) Austin. TX John Owens Greene of the Oregon Territoy, Letters 1853-1863, edited 1996 by Phoebe Greene Simpson, 1421 Elm Brook Drive, Austin TX 78758-2245. 8% x 11”; 58 pp, single side, spiral bound. Includes Preface, illustra- tion and reproductions. Privately published by editor. As genealogists, we treasure the writledprinted record; not one of us will deny the keen thrill experienced when we discover any written or printed record pertaining to or originated by a family ancestor, even a distant relative. Moreover, the explosion of the computer age all around us portends a decreasing availability of certainly the more personal of such records in the days and years ahead. Electronic files are very dispassionate. - AGS member Phoebe Greene Simpson has taken a step more of us should consider’doing. In her family’s possession has been a collection of letters hand-written by her great uncle, John Owens Greene in the period from 1853 to 1863, principally to his brother, Dr.Peter Thomas Greene, Phoebe’s great grandfather. The two had traveled to the California gold fields from Indiana in 1850. Dr. Greene shortly returned to Indiana while John Owens continued to Oregon Territory. Phoebe has selected eight letters written by John Owens (seven from Oregon; one from New Albany IN), plus two others written to him by his father, Edmund Greene, for inclusion in this volume. She has reproduced the actual letters, the originals of which appear to be in excellent condition and quite readable. But with gracious consideration for the reader, she furnishes printed transcriptions preceding each letter. A portrait of Edmund’s three sons (including brother Jacob Wesley) is included, as is a family tree of the Edmund Greene family. A clipping from the New Albany Tribune dated Tuesday, March 27,1930 (Fifty Years Ago in New Albany) furnishes what was already then a backward glance to 1880 and some of Greene’s experiences; the article was authored by his daughter Alice. The letters, of course, are the centerpiece of this volume. They are written, as personal letters would be, in an informal manner, but they are neither trite nor crude; Mr. Greene’s intelligence and good judgment are always apparent. Yes, the second letter, dated Oct. 20, 1853 from Jacksonville, Oregon Territory, comments.with some acerbity about matrimony: “I could marry here but I will be sawed into boot jacks if I like to go in for life among strangers who have come here for no other reason but to marry the first chance.” In the same letter he mentions corresponding with a Miss Dorcas (back in Indiana?) and considered marriage, but in his next letter a month later, “You are to let marrying go to the devil.” He was busy panning gold. 0 Certainly gold was important and was mentioned. Phoebe includes a copy of a gold bullion deposit memorandum from the Philadelphia Mint to Jno. 0. Greene for $1,146.58 in receipt of 61.56 ounces of gold. Mr. Greene’s letters mention much more, though--commodity prices, the weather, acquaintances, and so on. It must have been an adventuresome time now also gone with the wind, but these letters can waft us back to those days even better than a well-written novel. Phoebe is due high compliments on a very excellent job of editing her material into a manageable and meaningfbl record, and our sincere thanks for providing for her family’s posterity (and ours) by archiving this valuable resource. May we all be inspired to follow her example in handling our own genealogical information. The review copy of “Greene” is being placed in the Genealogy Collection, Texas State Library, through Phoebe’s kind generosity. . Page 44 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June. 1996) Austin. TX HAPPY HUNTING GROUND @ Queries are free. Send your proofread information to Lorrie F. Henderson, 5722 Highland Hills Drive, Austin TX 78731-4244,(512-451-2312).Cutoff date is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Include at least one first name, date and place per query. Please use names of months and the two capital letters for states. Letters may be edited to our format. WElLER Searching for marriage license, land records, or other information, some possibly printed in the BastroD Advertiser in Bastrop in or about 1870, regarding my grandfather, AUGUST WEILER, an immigrant from Prussia, possibly naturalized in Austin or in Bastrop County about 1860. Listed in 1870 Bastrop County census, also in 1900 Oklahoma census, with information of naturalization of 40 years. Clydene W. Cannon, 462 Woodrow Ave., Vallejo, CA 94591. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CANTERBURY Trying to find correct name, birthdate, and birthplace for my grandfather, CLAUDE CANTERBURY, an Army artillery officer in France during WW 1, born and died in TX. Claude's son, father of the inquirer, was CLAUDE EDWARD CANTERBURY, born in Austin, TX, 1905, linotype operator, Fort Worth Star Telegram; owner and editor, Live Oak County Herald; became an Episcopal minister. [Information has been sent from birth and death indices of Texas. -LFH] Claude Canterbury, Jr, 1523 Lucky Street, Oceanside, CA 92054. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 HASKlNS Searching for missing brother and two sisters taken from parents 21 March 1957, by Grayson County Child Welfare and placed in Wac0 State Home, Waco, TX, along with three others who have been found. Parents: WILLIAM NOBLE and HAZEL EUGENIA SNAVELY HASKINS, married 11 March 1940, Denison, TX, b. 18 August 1921 and 8 May 1919 respectively. Missing: JOYCE LAVERNE, m. MELVIN MARVIN BRUCE 4 July 1967; Joyce b. 26 March 1943, Denison, TX; LINDA DARLENE, b. 9 January 1954, Fort Worth; DAVID WAYNE, b. 24 November 1955, Denison, TX. Found: JOAN, 1941, Denison, m. JOHNNY HOWELL, ##2:CHARLES WATSON; WILLIAM NOBLE, JR, b,1945, Denison; JAMES PAUL, b. 1949, Denison; SHIRLEY JEAN, b. 1958, Waco; KENNETH LEE, b. 1961, Gainesville, TX. LEONARD RAY HASKINS, b. 25 July 1946, has emphysema, is in poor health; has photographs, information, vital statistics and a baby book to give to those missing, and wishes a reunion. Helped in his search by friend, Wendy Hansen, 2307 N. 1125 E, Tayton, UT 84040-5754; (801) 771-8247; email HansenW@isnacom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOYNT Seeking information on D. L. JOYNT (Dudley Lang Joynt??], whose letter to T. F. Harwood, dated 5-9-1902 was printed in AGS Quarterly Vol XXXlT No. 4, p. 183 [copy found and previous page mailed to inquirer]. Looking for relatives of her great, great grandfather, DAVID JOYNT, who settled in IA after emigrating from Ireland in 1867; little info on Joynt name after 3-yr search. Catlhy Joynt Labath, 27380 150 Ave, Long Grove, IA 52756-8715. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUSTlN Seeking ancestors and descendants of JESSE MILTON AUSTIN b. probably 24 August 1835 in TN; d. before 1938; m. at Butler Co., OH 16 November 1881, SARAH E. KENNARD, who d. Detroit MI 1938. They had at least five children: ETHEL MARIE b. 8 October 1890; EARL, JANE, BLANCHE, and LILLIAN. Sharon Mowery, 357 Red Fox Trail, Rock Hill, SC 29730. Page 45 AGS Quarterlw Volume )oo(vll. No. 2 (June. 99961 Austin. TX R,4IBOURNffRABORN/RAYBORN/etc. Seeking information re: THOMAS SILVANNUS RAIBOURN, b. Overton, TN, 1814; m. MARY LEE 24 December 1835, Fayette Co., IL; d. where? Mary Lee b. where? Parents of Mary Lee, who? Bonnie Fae Sckerak, P. 0. Box 269, Moody, TX 76557. 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHITNEY Researching ancestors of ORLANDO WHITNEY, b. 1792, MA, d. - 1872, Comanche Co. TX. J. B. NOWELL from NC and MISS ELI WELCH from AL. HUGH A. WELCH and L. G. WELCH from MS. ANDREW JACKSON MARTIN from GA. CHARLEY COLUMBUS GILLEY from TN. J. H. THIEHOFF d. 1912 Austin, TX. Sandy Welch, 15809 Hwy 31 West, Tyler, TX 75709 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KUTZER Researching great-great grandfather, CARL KUTZER, who arrived in Galveston, TX 30 Sept 1854 from Bremen on the "Gessnef and loc. In Comfort, Kendall Co. TX; d. 11 Mar 1887. He m. ? PFEIFFER (?). Also, g-g-father REINHOLD KUTZER, m. PAULINE HOLEINGER, I. in Boeme, Kendall Co. TX. Debra Kutzer beeds, 4740 Andrea Drive, NW, Salem OR 97304. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JAMES-YOUNG Ganq Starting a manuscript on the JAMES-YOUNGER gang. Seeking information of any kind re: 7 April 1874 stagecoach robbery in San Antonio, TX. Was JIM REED involved? Any background information on BISHOP GREGG? Steve Gerwick, 530 Concetta Drive, Monroe, MI 481613542. E-mail: gentvick@td i.net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARRINGTON Endeavoring to find birthplace for great-grandmother, NANCY MARIA HARRINGTON and her parents and sibling's names. Her son went to TX with his brother, AUTTCE HAMAKER to stay with haltbrother, WILL WAGNER, mother's son by 1st m. to GEORGE T. WAGNER, the latter killed in the Civil War. Will Wagner and wife lived in Alexander, Erath Co., TX, and mother's brother lived about 8 miles away. Another son by the 1st marriage, TOM WAGNER, also lived in the area; all of this around 1890-1905. Donna M. Munk, 762 W 15O,N, Blackfoot, ID 83221. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BONE/ CHALK/ BURTON/ GARDNER/ W E T T E R 9 SHELTERS/ COW P O T S / WEST/ WEEKS/ BROWN/ COOPER/ TIGER/ TIGERT/ LUCAS/ BIRKff IIDKINS/ CANADY/ STIDHAW BOYLES/ WRIGHT/ HIGHTOWER/ LEE/ BARNETT/ HAIR/ MONK/ MORGAN/ GOSS/ CONNEW COPELAND/ NELSON Would like to correspond with anyone having informationon these families. Bobbi New, P.O. Box 187, Baker CA 92309 Page 46 a AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVl1. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Ancestor Listing Pages r On the followmg 90 pages we present the submissions by individual Austin Genealogical Society members of genealogical and/or family history information they want to share with all our readers. Our members have responded heartily to our invitations; there are submissions from 33 mdividuals or couples. We have not edited the material in any way except to reduce the size to meet policy and/or publication requirements. All names shown in these submissions will be included in our annual name index in the November 1996 issue ofthe Quarterly. For the reader’s convenience m mterpretating the separate presentations we include below an index of the submitters showmg their name, address and pages on which their material is shown. The Editor sincerely thanks all submitters for their efforts and hopes there will be many follow-ups to the publication of these data. Name of Submitter Bergschneider, Leanna Brown, Clay L. Cooper, James L. Dodgen, C.E. Giesen, Betty Hans, Anna L. T. and Harold B., Henley, Marilyn Maniscalm Koehler, Ruth Hardt Miller, John C. Ross, Josephine Brown Shurley, Erwina &Jay Address CityIState 4304 Lostridge Drive 13910 Wilbert Rd. 15404 Chevy Circle 107 RR 620 South, #12-C 2607 Hancock Dr. S 11805 Whitewing Avenue 110705 Bay Laurel Trail 4500 Hyridge Drive 5921 Carleen Drive 905 East 38 Street P.O. Box 1277 Austin TX 78731 hustin TX 78751 hustin TX 78723 IAustin TX 78734 hustin TX 78731 Austin TX 78753 Austin TX 78750-3650 Austin TX 78759-8054 Austin TX 78757 Austin TX 78705-1810 Bastrop TX 78602 60-63 64-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-83 84-87 88-91 1 I I Simpson, Phoebe Tull, Catherine Am, Marcia 1421 Elm Brook Drive 8401 Grayledge Drive 11203 Powder Mill Tr. Barker, Mildred Bryant, Billie Palm IBurden, Elizabeth Smith Henderson, Lome Foster Holman, John T. 12629 Picket Rope Lane 1054 Bluebonnet Dr. 202 Sheffield Place 5722 Highland Hills Drive 4901 Westview Drive I 92-95 96-99 100-101 102-103 104-105 106-107 108-109 110-111 Hopkins, Roy Tom Hunt, Jeny A. Martin, Jack Paul Maxson, Peter Flagg 1830 S. Valentine St. Lakewood CO 80228 1 5419 Montview St. hustin TX 78756-1607 P.O. Box 686 ISanderson TX 79848 14212 Avenue F IAustin TX 78751 15506 Cordell Lane hustin TX 78723 i (5002 Pack Saddle Pass /AustinTX 78745-1530 19400 Ashton Ridge [AustinTX 78750-3457 I 18 Harvest Hill Road [W. Simsbury CT 06092-222 17211 Lakewood Drive, #I04 hustin TX 78750 16916 Vassar Drive hustin TX 78723-2222 18344 Summerwood bustin TX 78759 11208 Southwood Rd. bustinTX78704-5355 1 19604 Hansford Dr. Austin TX 78753 1 Baker CA 92309 IP.0. Box 187 112-113 114-115 i 116-117 118-119 120-121 j 122-123 1 124-125 f 126-127 1 128-129 130-131 132-133 134-135 136 137 Mayland, Elizabeth Gleason Myers, Connie Perdue, Connie Wallace Pexa. Nancy Beam Phillips, Reba Sue Pitcher, J.V. Scott, Ida Calhoun ITallant, Mary Posey [Baumann, Grace Alice Jones INew, Bobbi Austin TX 78758-2245 Austin TX 78753-5709 Austin TX 78750 Austin TX 78727 Kerrville TX 78028-3066 San AntonioTX 78213 Austin TX 78731 Austin TX 78731 I Page I I Number I I 48-51 I I txxx j I 56-59 I I I I I I Page 47 I I I 1 I 1 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 4996) Ancestor Liitina Paaes 34 B: 14JanL803 -4GeorgeLINHaRT B: 16 Feb 1853 P: Stubendle,Ohio M: 26 Dec 1876 P: Ft Leav€!nwotl& €3 P: Leavenw* K8 M: 15 Sep 1915 P: Chikothe, A 40 D: 10Nov 1%3 IP: c%&xthe~O. I 1 5EmmaROBNSON l 8: 1 May 1858 P: wanhingtonco.(7)#y D:20hm1903 P: Dawn, Carroll Co., MO I M: 3 Jun 1951 P: Cohxmbia,Boone Co.,MO P:FkllIWy€VS.li&USA M: 1833 . P: Chion Co.,PA 8: 29 Bog 1873 P: L,Leavenwortha. Ks 6 -1 MOSS 8: 19 Oct 1850 D: 10 Jan 1987 P: A - Travis Co., TX R3Dec1866 P: Fort Madipon, iA D: 19Oct 1942 cord B: D: 35 CQlt - 36 98 Conl- D: Nov 1868 20 90 ? ROBNSON 8: ? P: ? .!:; D: 7 P: ? ,I 1 NmCY 6: ? B: ? 0: 7 fa: --- 41 D: 42 - 2s ,43 B: D: 44 22 B: -s 45 D: 46 c- - CQlt - - 23 47 B: 12 Robert B.MOSS JP: c l a i c o . , T N M: 6 Jan 1835 P: clatbonre Co.,m 0: 9 hm 1872 14 B m d W.WENKE B: 6 M l a 6 P: Rnrria, Gemlany 7CatherineWENKE 97 37 9 annie E S S B:3Jun1806 P: I Austin. TX M: 12Apr 1864 ~~~0rt-m D: 27 Dec 1928 P: chisticothe, MO B: 7 8: 25 Sara AMODY B: 11 May 1786 8:3 May 1865 8: 15D: 1869 1804 cord- 50 WilliamMADDY 51 EliadxthMANN 52 Andrew B: 1813 D: 1858 30 BERNARD W.ROS C d - CRKm ----- 57 Angela WINTERBURG 58 mMariannaDAHLDON B:7 Page 48 -- Martha JORDAN 1845 cord- 60 . AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 [June 1996) Ancestor L d n a Paaes Austin. TX Pedigree Chart NO Chart no. 6 ionmsmtsmesuneasno 52mnbrartm 1 IIC. 4Jame~cRocKETT 8ACROCKETAGNE D:? 6: 10 MI643 P: 7 southofFrance M: ? p:7 17 6: 0: D: ? B: 20 Nov 1674 P: Kerry, Bantry Bay, heland P: ? M: ? P: ? D: ? P: ? 2 Ssmuel CROCKETT 8: AM' 1690 P: Bantry Bay, Ireland M: ABT 1733 -18 D: B: ? P: Fmce 19 P: ? 0: ioTMONTG0MERY B: ? D:? P:7 1 Andrew Sr.CROCKETT 8: 1745 21 8: P:? M: ? p? D: 7 P: ? 6 John,THOMPSON 8: ? P: ? M: ? P.? 0:? I?? 3 Esther THOhfPSOX 8: ? P: ? D:? P:7 -. . . 37 coru c0I-f. Colt 41 42 43 ---m- 46 47 D: 48 12 6: P: -M- 40 23 24 8: D: m- 49 Cora - C d - C d - cant - 50 25 51 M p: 0: D: P: 52 26 8: D: 13 B: P: D: D: 8: D: wl-lt CW-d 54 27 P: - m- 38 45 D: 11 6. P: D P: P: 7?? 36 22 14 B: P: ? cwt 35 44 8: ABT 1?06 0:? 34 0: P: Wythe Co.,VA M: 7 P: 7 D: 1821 P:Willismpon Co.,TN ~E ---cant- 33 20 0:ABT 1750 P:7 V A 6: 7 P: ? 6: 9L.ouisedesAIx P: ? 5MMONTGOMERY 16 G CROCKETAGNE B: ? M- 56 57 cud - con 58 CQd 59 M: D: P: D: P 30 8: D: 15 Page 49 60 61 -CQd - Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 4996) AGS Quarterlv Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Life of an American Pioneer Woman The folowing letter is copied from a letter belonging to Bashie Kincaid of Rose Hill, VA. This letter was written by Elizabeth (Crockett) Evans the dau&ter of Robert E. Crockett and granddaughter of Major Andrew Crockett of W-ythe County, V.4 & Brentwood, Williamson County, TN and Major George Gibson. She was born in 1825 and died in 1905 in Bosque County, TX. Her mamage occurred March 7, 1848 in Claiborne County, TN where her fust ,three children were born. i 1 0 , Carroll County, AK and on the The other children were born in Livingston County, h Red River 25 d e s south of Tishomingo, OK. Thts is an example of the life of a pioneer woman during this time in our history. It shows how women had to take charge and be assertive to survi.ve.They had to have true grit to overcome the many hardships they endured. Throughout our American history people have been forced out of or drawn to new locations and opportunities. Q " t Submitted by Leanna Bergschneider 4304 Lostridge Drive ..\ustin, TX 78731 (512) 346-4758 Page 50 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXV II. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin, TX Fishertown, Creek Nation July 17, 1868-9 Dear Brothers, After my respects to you and all my relations, I have not heard a word from you since the close of the war when I received a letter from Brother James (Crockett) while he was a prisoner of war. I wrote to Sister Sarah after the war and received no answer. I have heard that Father died about the close of the war. How it may be I do not know. Jim Evans Walter's Son, was out in the Chocktaw Nation to see Walter's Doctor, J. P. Evans son , who wrote that James said Father was dead. The boys was winding up the estate and wanted to know where I lived. I will now give you a small detail of my travels. We had a good farm in Carroll County, Arkansas. I stayed on the farm with my children, suffering severely by being robbed by the enemy of almost everytlung but intended to try to tuff it out. Evans slipped through the mountains in last of November, before the surrender, with salt and cotton and went back with a Southern command in December. Then the Missouri Militia came into Arkansas and burned houses and nearly everything I had. I bought a cart, put my children into it. Bob drove and I started south. I got near the Arkmas River and put Bob and Dan to cutting cord wood at a steam mill near Dover and wintered balance of winter. When grass rose I started to Texas where I understood Evans and Niggars was making a crop. I went on high waters and it was the last of May getting near Washington, Hempstead County where I sent word to Evans my oxen had given out. He brought a team and carried us on to Texas, where we were all taken sick in a few days. My son James died, which was about the 10th of July, 1864 and in about ten days my only daughter died. As soon as the balance got so we could travel, we started to the west. We moved up into the Chickasaw Nation and lived there fwe years, expecting the country to be sectionahzed, which will be done. So we moved up to this country this spring. We have a good crop. This is the finest country here in the Cherokee Nation west of the Mississippi . Whether we will stay here or not, I do not know but we will not move for a short time so you may write to this place. My oldest son Robert is up in the Cherokee Nation on Priars Creek, Cherokee Nation on the Ba.ster Springs road ffom Fort Gibson. Daniel, my second son is with us. Crockett Shelby is my nest son, about ten years and my next is Jefferson, about seven years and my youngest is a son and is about three years old and has no name. My family you see is now all boys. I am in good health and so is Evan and the children. Uncle Andrew died in about seventy miles of this place. James and his son-in-law Josephus Crockett lives there. I suppose Aunt h is still hing. They live in Sebastion County, Arkansas. Fort Smith is their post office. Bob Crockett and Louiza lives in Washington County, Arkansas, Cain Hill post office. Write to sure give all the news, good and bad. Let me hear all. Keep nothing back. Our land still lies in kkansas. We will send Bob with a power of attorney in a short time to Carroll County, Arkansas to see about the land. It is a valuable track of land. What are you heirs going to do about our Grandfathers estate? Evan says he is going to see into it for me. He would be d a d to hear what you are going to do? If there is anything coming to me write immediately. Is my Mother well? How is Sister Sarah? How is all my Brother's? Wlen you write, direct your letter to North Fork Station, care of Doctor Patterson. Direct to Captain N.A. Evans. So I must close by sending my love to you all and my respects to all enquiring friends.. God bless you all, Elizabeth J. (Crockett) Evans Page 51 AGS QuarteI I V Volume XXXVII. No. 2 IJune 9996) Clay IL. B R O W N and Alma C. PIPEW 3910 Willbert Rd. Austin, TX 78751 These are the ancestors of Clay IL. BROWN and Alma C. PIPER. They are grouped by birth names, starting with the oldest of each name followed by their child (unless otherwise noted). Clay and Alma are engaged to be married on 12 oct 1996 austin, travis co., TX. BROWN #O. A h a Price BROWN (b. 21 jan 1863 TN / d. 7 apr 1946 AR / bd. hillcrest cem., wake village, bowie co., TX) md. Nannk Elizabeth Sw%I[$HI (b. 12 apr 1865 TN / d. 9 nov 1940 texarkana, miller co., AR / bd. same) # I . Joseph Abernathy BROWN (b. 2 dec 1907 coweta, wagoner co., OK / d. I6 dec 1971 angelina co., TX / bd. zavalla cem., zavalla, angelina co., TX) md. 1930 tulsa, tulsa co., OK Eunice E v a h a KEPLEY (b. 30 jul 1906 conway, laclede co., MO / d. 9 aug 199 I texarkana, bowie co., TX / bd. chapelwood mem. gardens cem., wake village, bowie co., TX) #2. James Lynn BROVVN (b. 1 1 apr 1936 yakima, yakima co., WA) md. 25 apr 1964 texarkana, bowie co., TX Margaret Ann STARR, h e n . of #6 (b. 6 jun 1936 scranton, eastland co., TX) #3. @lay Evnn BROWN (b. 25 dec 1964 atlanta, cass co., TX) Page 52 Ancestor Ustina Paaes Austin. STARW #4. Joseph West STARR (b. 1838 IN / d. 1910 eastland co., TX / bd. NE) md. #5. William Palmer Burr STARR (b. 17 apr 1878 richmond, Wayne co., IN / d. 3 1 jan 1968 taylor co., TX / bd. scranton cem., scranton, eastland co., TX) md. 6 aug 1903 arvada, jefferson co.. CO Elizabeth JEFFRYES (b. 8 oct 1883 lucky valley, IA / d. 2 oct 1977 / bd. same) #6. WilPiam Josenh STARR(b. 1 1 may 1904 eastland co., TX / d. 14 nov 1982 texarkana, miller co., AR / bd. restland mem. park cem., dallas, dallas co., TX) md. texarkana, miller co., AR Margaret Rose HEINEMANN, dau. ~f #7 (b. 5 mar 1910 new orleans, orleans par., LA / d. 19 feb 1996 mesquite, dallas co., TX / bd. same) HEHNEMANN #7. Frederick HEINEMANN (b. 26 may 1882 pecs, HUNGARY / d. 18 apr I976 marshall, harrison co., T X / bd. marshall, harrison co., TX) md. NJ Wosalia NIKA (b. 19 aug 1884 rabaszentmihaly, HUNGARY / d. 17 jul 1973 marshall, harrison co., TX / bd. same) PI[PEW #8. Beniamin PIPER (b. 1793 TN / d. 16 feb 1854 travis co., TX) md. smith TN Susan PI(. CLEVELAND (b. 1800 franklin co., GA / d. travis co., TX) CO., e AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXV II. No. 2 (June 1996) Clay L. BROWN and Alma C. PIPER 3910 Willbert Rd. Austin, TX 78751 #9. Alexander PIPER (b. 18 may 1825 TN / d. 15 nov 1894 travis co., TX / bd. live oak cem., manchaca, travis co., TX) md:24 dec 1850 travis co., TX Isabella CLEMENTS, dau. of #15 (b. 20 feb 1832 TN / d. 27 jan 1902 travis co., TX / bd. same) #lo. Richard Alexander PIPER (b. 10 nov 1853 TX / d. 21 dec 1937 travis co., TX / bd. bear creek cem., bertram, burnet co., TX) md. 5 jan 1881 travis co., TX Louisa Dixie BURDITT, dau. of #17 (b. 7 aug 1862 travis co., TX / d. 15 apr 1949 burnet, burnet co., TX / bd. same) #11. John Bwant PIPER (b. 2 jun 1897 burnet co., TX / d. 12 jul 1968 temple, bell co., TX / bd. bear creek cem., bertram, burnet co., TX) md. 11 mar 1923 travis co., TX Stevie Ester KINKEAD, dau. of # 19 (b. 5 oct 1900 burnet, burnet co., TX / d. 17 dec 1986 austin, travis co., TX / bd. burnet cem., burnet, burnet co., TX) #12. Larry Gordon PIPER (b. 26 jun 1928 dallas, dallas co., TX) md. 7 sep 1946 burnet, burnet co., TX Vera Jo SHEPPERD, dau. of #27 (b. 1 nov 1929 TX / d. 2 jul 1985 austin, travis co., TX / bd. post mt. cern., burnet, burnet co., TX) #13. Stephen Shemerd PIPER (b. 29 aug 1952 burnet, burnet co., TX) md. 30 mar 1972 rockville, montgomery co., Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX MD Laura Ysela GARCES, dau. of #33 (b. 23 feb 1953 laredo, Webb co., TX) #14. Alma Cristina PIPER (b. 18 jan 1973 falls church, fairfax co., VA) CLEMENTS #15. John C. CLEMENTS (b. 1787 NC) md. Martha (b. 1794 NC) BURDITT #16. Jessee BURDITT (b. 2 jan 1788 edgefield dist., SC / d. 21 apr 1855 travis co., TX / bd. fiskville cem., austin, travis co., TX) md. Mildred CRAIN (b. 1790 GA / d. 4 apr 1870 / bd. same) #17. Giles H. BURDITT (b. 2 mar 1818 bedford co., TN / d. 24 may 1903 travis co., TX / bd. fiskville cem., austin, travis co., TX) md. 1839 bedford co., TN M a w Jane VANCE (b. 3 dec 1821 bedford co., TN / d. 5 nov 1905 travis co., TX / bd. same) KINKEAD #18. Stephen Addison KINKEAD (b. 19 oct 1843 KY / d. 24 jun 1871) md. 6jan 1869 Sarah Gordon CHURCHILL (b. 2 aug 1842 KY / d. 19 nov 1889 / bd. post mt. cem., burnet, burnet co., TX) #19. John Allen KINKEAD (b. 6 mar 1870 shelbyville, shelby co., KY / d. 28 may 1924 burnet, burnet co., TX / bd. odd fellows’ cem., burnet, burnet co., TX) md. 27 jun 1892 fi. worth, tarrant AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVl1. No. 2 (June 99961 Clay L.BROWN and Alnia C. PDIPER 3910 Willbed Rd. Austin, TX 78751 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin, TX I808 GA / bd. king ceni., limestone co., TX [marker not at exact location]) md. Rebecca F. BURNLEY #25. Joseph Alexander SHEPPERD (b. 26 jul 1849 montgomery co., AL / d. 23 jan 1900 eutaw, limestone co., TX I bd. king cem., limestone co., TX) md. 10 oct 1872 eutaw, limestone co., TX Margurete TX Amanda Marcellla NPCHQILS, dau. of#ZP (b. 10 mar 1873 lampasas, lampasas co., TX I d. 16 mar 1963 burnet co., TX / bd. same) CO., NPCHOILS #20. Lorenzo P)ow NI@HBES, sr. (b. 10 feb 1816 loudoun co.. V A I d. 30 nov 1876 I bd. oak hill cem., lampasas, lampasas co., TX) md. 25 may 1839 marion co., MO Amanda MaUvenia BQYCIE, dau. of#22 (b. 1819 hopkins co., KY) #21. Lorenzo P)ow NICHOLS, Jr. (b. 20 may 1845 MO / d. 4 dec 1908 A. worth, tarrant co., TX / bd. oak hill cem., lampasas, lampasas co., TX) md. 18 nov 1868 Florentine 'Williams GUINN, dau o f #23 (b. 6jan 1853 GA / d. 3 1 dec 1921 tarrant co., TX / bd. fi. worth, tarrant co., TX) BOYCE #22. Nicholas Ba'YCIE (d. oct 1849 travis co., TX) md. 1 1 mar 18 16 hopkins co., KY SaPPy ASHBY Rebecca LAWEEY, dau. of #28 (b. 5 jul 1853 pontotoc co., MS / d. 3 jan 1927 thornton, limestone co., TX / bd. same) #26. Arthur SHEPPERD (b. 4 aug 1889 limestone co., TX / d. 8 feb 1949 burnet, burnet co., TX I bd. burnet cem., burnet, burnet co., TX) md. 25 jul 1910 science hall, limestone co., TX .!Juanita WEWMAN,dau.of#29 (b. 10 sep 1894 limestone co., TX I d. 4 jan 1977 burnet, burnet co., TX I bd. same) #27. Dr. Joseph Arthur SHEPPERD (b. 27 nov 191 1 thornton, limestone co., TX / d. 23 oct I986 burnet, burnet co., TX I bd. burnet cem., burnet, burnet co., TX) md. 1928 Vera Mae MALE, dau. o f #31 (b. 10 jun 1912 oletha, limestone co., TX / d. 21 feb 1994 I bd. palacios cem., palacios, matagorda co., TX) GUII" #23. J. $rv. GUINN (b. 1830 SC) md. M a w (b. 1834 TN) SHEPBEWD #24. William SHEPPERD, Jr. (b. 10 dec Page 54 LAWLEV #28. William A. EAWLEY (b. 15 jul 1807 SC / d. 10 jul 1871 / bd. king cem.. limestone co., TX [no marker]) Clay L.BROWN and Alma C. PlPER 3910 Willbert Rd. Austin, TX 78751 0 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVl1. No. 2 (June 19961 md. 19 may 1836 tuscaloosa co., AL Sara Ann TINDALL (b. 25 jul 1822 A L / d . 1887) NEWMAN #29. Joe Bopan NEWMAN (b. 8 oct 1861 amite co., MS I d . 14 aug 1941 sudan, lamb co., TX / bd. sudan, lamb co., TX) md. 4 mar 1880 caseyville, lincoln co., MS Nancv Eudora SMITH (b. 17 jul 1864 franklin co., MS [now part of lincoln co., MS] I d. 27 aug 1848 sudan, lamb co., TX / bd. same) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX 1950.Juanita GIL, dau. of #34 (b. 29 may 1929 saginaw, saginaw co., MI) GALVEZ #34. Jesus GALVEZ (b. guadalajara, MEXICO / d. sayinaw, sayinaw co., MI) md. Francisca ORTIZ, dau. of #35 (b. 2 apr 1905 rio frio, real GO., TX / d. 18 aug 1893 san angelo, tom green co., TX) ORTIZ #35. Silvestre ORTIZ (b. 3 I dec 1850 I d. 26 feb 1927 I bd. san jose cem., austin, travis co., TX) md. Francisca BERMEA HALL #30. James Larkin HALL (b. 1845 a) md. Sarah Marie BRICE (b. 1850 TX) #31. William Henrv HALL (b. 4 nov 1885 crockett, houston co., TX I d. 1952 / bd. rosemound cem., waco, mclennan co., TX) md. Ethel ALEWINE, dau. of #32 (b. 15 jul 1895 farrar, limestone co., TX / d. 2 may 1972 dallas co., TX I bd. palacios cemetery, palacios, matagorda co., TX) ALEWINE #32. Elisha ALEWINE (b. 1846 AL)md. Elizabeth DAUGHERTY (b. 1846 AL) GARCES #33. Ramon GARCES (b. 15 dec 1925 laredo, Webb co., TX) md. 15 sep Page 55 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 lJune 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX 74ay-1996 WUlimn p.rbhBird Barn 2806-1819 JohlIaBild Ban 4-Mar-lW EWdeeon County. Texas Died 24-Feb1917 W.lcsonCwntr.T- JhrJMWkSBiKi M a n 1 NOV 1843 Died548n-1899 ffiRaxrruPowen Ban -Feb-1830 Died 17-Feb-1895 Temple, Texas Diad aM 1874 Ausbjn. Tslres Page 56 AGS Quarterly Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes UlonCedbThwp Born 2-1943 James Lewis Cooper Died 12-1837 submittedby: James L Coopar fi404cheVycirde /\lstir.Texas 78723 Page 57 Austin, TX AGS Quarterht Volume -1. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. Tx 744~1996 1878 DiedbellsZO Faifield. lX oied SApr-1972 diustir. Texas slrbmittedby: James L. Cooper 5101cheVyci Aush.Tex8s 78723 Page 58 9 . . .. . . -- ~ AGS Quarterlv .~ --- Volume m 1 1 N3.27June . 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX ~ Husband: LewitWurenc0op.r in: Sabine County,Texas Bom: llJuC1875 Died: l%ukl956 in: Austin. Texas Fatfm JamesAmbersonCooper M O W . Am& Uizabeth Jadu ~~ ~ ~ Bom: Died: Father: Mother: ~ sep1881 in: Texas in: Batlinger, Runnels Co.,Texas 3oJuCl926 RobertWiseGnremrUen ImArenieMcEhoy Died: lW&v-1958 (Lewis) Richardson Died: 6-Aug-1976 Died: Mamed: 24-May-1957 1954 Austin, Texas 6 M HuolrnAmborron"8uUy"Coop.r sp. Ethel Estelle Goff Born: 17-Mcw1918 Died: 7 F Ho(lyaClmriotteCooper sp. Marion#Aonk"RaVis sp. Carl Hanford Currier 8 M HirlleyLewibWCooper sp. Evelyn Lois Bird Born: 23-Apr-1921 Died: Died: Bom: W r - 1 9 1 9 Msrried: Manied: Ranger, Eastland Co.,Texas Died: 9 s e ~ l 9 9 1 Born: 8-1921 Married: 18JuI-1440 Austin,Texas BaUinger, Runnels Co.,Texas Austin, Texas Died: Page 59 ~~ AGSQuarbxlv- . ValumeXXXVJI, N a 2 (June 1996L - Amestar Liitina-Paaes Austin. TX C.B. Dodgen 107 WR 620 South 182-C A u s t i n , TX 70734 Phyllis Juanita BcRm Bwn: 5 September 1927 in E l o t k k m , Taylor, ICI Wife: spc in D i e d: SRC 2a ktcJust 1946 Cktstin, T r a v i s , TX Mamiage date: Marriage locationg Divorced: N sourre : 1 2 3 4 5 B i r t h dates 29 July 1947 Pi 18 November 1949 F f5Uctober 1951 PI 9 J u n e 1 9 x 3 Sex Children Phyllis D i a n e Ixp3GEM F David WMiEN OeborahGrace~ IkuglasMaewlMjEN o*hpthaDeniseDdgm Clarence & Katie F 1 mtt DClDG€N Bwng 10 FebCuary 1896 h Walnut k b a d : Clarence 3pbvembwim S F ~ Basque, S ~ TX S E in cktstin, Travis;, TX D i e d : 12 May 1957 STC Wife: Katie Eelle CHISM Born: 27 September 1898 in Kmm, Ikntar, T)( spc Died: 19 F e w 1929 in Ko-erm, Dartm, TX sor Marriage dates 33 Sptemberc 1963 Marriage locations Dentar, D m h , TX Divorced: N sB0Ur"ceI sex Birth dates 1 4 . k m m b e r 1916 M 25 December 1917 Child1 ClarenceGJwards~ 2 bklda\chirnDQDGEM 3 KdtherineLariseMH3GEN 4 Jarnee Franklin KMJDQN 5 Clarence Emnett MHx3N, Jr t, John Leland 7 M F 19Ckbbw19Zj PI fFkrvembw1922 M 2 February 192s M 11 1928 - -.____ Page 60 mil . . .. AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 1996) Ancestor Lstina Paaes Austin, TX C . E . Dodgen 107 RR 620 South #l2-C A u s t i n , TX 78734 Joseph t M a r y Ktsband: Joseph Washingtar Dodgen Emm: 3,June 1852 in Folk County, SrC in Died: 3 August 1927 Wife: Mary F r a n c e s Wley Rn-n: 17 Septemkr 1853 in Ttmrndale, Texas Flcryd Cannty, Georgia STC D i e d : 27 &gust 1- in Decatur, Texas SrC Marriage dater Marriage laration: 18 June 1871 Thorndale, Texas Divorced: sex Children 1 David Lauis Dodgen 2 CIda Evalena Dodgen 3 SLle Ella Dadgen 4 L e t t i e I r e n e Dodgen 5 Jtxeph Francis Dodgen 6 Mary E l i z a b e t h Dodgen 7 J o b Henry Dodgen 8 Martha Margaret Dpdgen 9 C l a r e n c e Emnett DODGEN 10 W i l l i a m Claude Dodgen Oscar & A l b e r t M F F F M F M F M M N B i r t h dates 11 June 1872 21 &tgUst 1875 17 September 1878 28 March 1-1 1 October 1883 2 September 1886 10 December 18B8 2 Jamcav 1893 10 Febnrary 1896 16 February 1899 1 hsband: Oscar Jotnsan Chism Earn: 12 November 1862 i n Washingtan CO., TX IjTc D i d o 30 November 1940 in Krum, Dentcn. TX SrC Wifer A l b e r t Sydney Johnston J a w s in Tabacco Fbrt, Stewart, TN src Died: 5 October 1939 i n Ktum, Darton, TX Born: 10 Octaher l.866 5% Marriage date: Marriage locatian: 25 December 185'0 Children 1 2 3 4 5 Sylvester J c n e s c h i s m J e t u M "Jake or Wgh" MISM Oscar Olin MISM K a t i e Belle MISM ChnieL 6 LorenaLeilaChivn 7 sydda Mabel Chi= DiMxced: sex M M PI F N B i r t h dates 16 September I891 21 A U g C l E i t 1893 19 July 1895 27 September 1898 F March 1%:) F 16 /Ltgust 1 T J l F 9 July 15!& Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) AGS Quarterly Ancestor Lstina Panes C.E. Dodgem P O 7 RR $20 South t 1 2 - C Austim, TX 70734 I Eli & Jane Hasband: Eli wM3EAI Born: I790 Austin. Tx in Gewgia SIT in D i e d : 1860 A t l a n t a , f3 S h WiPeg Jaw EUWW Porn: 1792 in SPC in Atlanta, GCI Died: I861 STC Marriage dateg Phrriage lacatim P Divorced: N same I sex Child1 Emily D M3M3EN F PI 2 J h M s M3M3EN 3 J ~ S y 1 v e r ; t e r ~ 4 William 0 WMiEN 9 Francis C DODGEN 6 EliWashingtml” -___... ....... Wife: ....... ___.. pt PO F M - ~ .... B i r t h dates 1814 16 Wgust 1819 lS22 1826 1BXt 1833 Eleanor McpFERsa\l BM-n: 18 July 1798 in lhial CQLBIty, sc src Died: 10 Play 1856 Mappiage date: i n Gatesville, Coryell, TX 5m EFQE %a4 Divorced8 N Marriage locatims ScRIrce: sex B i r t h dates F 19 August 1822 M 22March1824 M 2 October 1825 F 1ocktobw1826 F 25 October 1828 M 2September1830 F F 15Dececnber1832 11 June 1835 F 13May1838 F 27February 1841 M 10 October 1642 AGS Quartertv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX C . B . Dodgen 107 RR 820 South #lZ-C Austin, TX 78734 1 J o h & Mary Msband: Jotn Lewis Dodgen Burn: 16 Augutzt 1819 F l b b w i l l e C u m t y , SC in SrC Died: 1 February 1895 in plosque -tY, -l-x 5rc M a r y E l i z a b e t h Uaoley Born: 16 March 1827 in Wife: Georgia S K Died: 24 Fe-ry in 1895 Marriage date: Marriage lacation: ~ LCUUlty, E TX Divorced: 26 Nov#ntxr 1844 Floyd m t y , GA N source : . ... . . , Jeh 81 ... .. _- .- M 3 June 1852 M M 28 Hay 1847 8 February 1849 7 fwgust 1854 8 October 1857 29 January 1860 5 January 1864 16 January 1865 8 May 1868 F M M M M M van Doaley Dcxgen _____. b i r t h dates A * Children Joseph Washington Dodgen Jotn Lewis M g e n J r James Harris D0dga-i Letitia Ophelia Dodgen Wgustus B l a k e Dodgen Thunas J Dodge George M m g m Robert Lee Gordon Dalgen . .. , . .. . .. . .. . Sarah l-&sbmd: Jehu MCPher-san CHISM Born: 22 March 1824 in Kentucky SIT D i e d : 5 February 1?03 i n Emliver, Dentcn, TX SIT Wife: Sarah chn Hackworth born: 2 Dec#nber 1833 i n CIlabama SIT D i e d : 2 l CIpri1 1884 i n Granbury,Hmd,TX SIT Marriage date: Marriage location: 4 PuJgUst 18x) Tippah crxlnty, ffi Divorcd! N m e : Chil d m 1 James Marshall Chism 2 MattHackwwthMISM 3 M a r y KateM1S-l 4 Georgechivn 5 Oscar Jotnsar Chi= 6 Jehr W i l l b m MISM 1 Sex B i r t h dates M 10 Octoher 1851 M March 18s F M#JUT 1857 M 1861 M 12November 1862 M 1865 I 2 CHESTER TOM COWLEY-29: b 31 Aug 1895 COVINGTON,HILL,TX; m 26 Apt1918 COVINGTON,HILL COUNTY,TEXCIS; d 30 Aug 1958 FT WORTH,TARRANT,TX 3 OTTIE LAURA MORRISON-30: b 12 O c t 1S99 ROGERS,EELL,TX; d 21 O c t 1984 AUSTIN,TRWJIS,TX _._-----------------__^_________________-------------------------------------. 3rd GENERATION b 2 J u l 1B68 SMIlHVILLE,MONROE,MS; m 13 J u l 1890 HILL,TX; d 21 Jul 1944 COVINGTOM,HILL,TX 5 JESSIE VIRGINIA OLIVER-35: b 31 Play 1873; d 5 Mar 1954 COVINGTON, HILL,TX 6 JOHN MATTHEW MORRISON-40: b 9 Aug 1868 CHERRYVILLE9GASTON,NC; m 17 Jan 1897 ,RELL,TX; d 5 Nov I947 ,JOHNSON,TX 7 MAUDE M WOODWARD-41: b 4 Sep 1880 BRYAN,BRGZOS,TX; d 14 Jun 1915 C~VINGTON,HILL,TX 4 JOE L COWLEY-34: ............................................................................ 4th GENERATION ROBERT COWLEY-49: b 30 Jun 1818 ,CHESTEH,SC; m 1845 ,,SOUTH CAROLINA; d 6 Nov 1874 COVINGTON,HILL,TX A . REBECCA MECIDOR-SO: b 27 Jun 1830 % , S C ; d 5 Aug 1908 COVINGTON, HILL TX THOMAS S OLIVER-58: b 29 Jan 1847 ,,VCI\j d 23 Jan 1918 MARTHe L SANDERS-59: b 9 M a r 1851 9 3 M S i d 22 Sep 1942 J O H N MORRISON-60: b 28 A p r 1839 ,LINCOLN,NC; m 13 Aug 1865 CHERRYVILLE,GASTON COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINCI; d 1 Jan 1874 CHERRYVILLE, GASTDN ,NC ELIRAH LAURA STROUPE-61: b 28 O c t 1849; d 1 D ~ C1940 CHERRYVILLE, GASTON, NC THOMAS JEFFERSON WOODWARD-66: b 1854 WASHINGTON/BRAZO,WASHINGTON,TX; m 24 Dec 1878 ,BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS; d A b t 1930 HONROE,OUACHITfi,LA MARTHA HUDSON-67: b 1893 ERYCtN,BRAZOS,TX; d A b t 1885/1887 o r T X 5 t h GENERATION 16 MOSES COWLEY-68: b 4 Jan 1788 ,CHESTER,SC; m ,,SOUTH CCIROLINA; d s 9 MS 17 GRIZY-69: b 1790 ,,SC CHARLES SANDERS-S26: 4 1831 , , N C 24 MAXWELL MORRISON-78: b R b t 1811 ,,NC; m 13 c l p ~1836 ,LINCOLN,NORTH CAROLINA; d A f t 1870 ,GASTON,NC 25 ELIZABETH EAKER-79: b A b t 1813 ,LINCOLN,NC; d Rft 1870 ,GASTON C0,NC 26 MATTHEW STROUPE-81: b 5 Dec 1807 ,LINCOLN,NC; m 21 Sep 1846 ,LINCOLN NORTH CAROLINA; d 1 Jul 1858 ,GASTON,NC 27 BARBARA BLACK-82: b 22 M a y 1822 , , N C ; d 20 M a r 1890 ,GASTON,NC 28 JAMES M WOUDWARD-662: b CIbt 1830 ,,TN; m 23 Nov 1852 ,WASHINGTON, TEXAS 29 '3. CI CRAWFORD-683: b A b t I835 9 P T N s(:)LEONARD HUDSON-63: b 20 May 1826 ,RANDOLPH,AR; m 26 Mar 18SO ,BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS; d 1 Jan I890 BRYAN,ERAZOS,TX q-4 LL Page 64 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Pages Austin. TX AHNENTAFEL CHART 32 ROBERT COWLEY-75: 33 50 51 52 53 b 1750; m ,CHESTER COUNTY,SOUTH C A R O L I N A ; d 13 Sep 1846 ,CHESTER,SC MARY-457: b FIbt 1767; d 1844 ,CHESTER,SC' PETER E A K E R - 7 0 1 : b 1765 ,TRYON,NC; m 6 Sep 1792 ,LINCOLN,NC; d 16 A p r 1846 ,GASTON,NC JANE K I S E R - 7 0 2 : b A b t 1775; d 25 A p r 1848 ,GASTON,NC b A b t 1779 , L I N C O L N C0,NC; m 19 Feb 1803 , L I N C O L N D A N I E L STROUF-734: NC; d 8 Nov 1824 ,LLNCOLN,NC MARY ( P O L L Y ) GOODSON-735: b A b t 1785; d 11 Dec 1833 , L I N C O L N / G M T O N , NC 54 STEPHEN B L A C K - 1 7 0 1 : b 3 Feb 1800 ,LINCOLN,NC; m 1 A u g 1821 CHERRYVILLE,LINCOLN,NC; d 22 Jun 1856 b 1799; d 9 Aug 1882 CHEHRYVILLE,GASTON,NC 55 E L I Z A B E T H BROWN-1711: 60 HENRY GREGG HUDSON-88: b 1 Feb 1800 ,SMITH,TN; m 1822 ,SMITH,TN; d 24 M a r 1877 BRYAN.BRAZOS,TX 6 1 E & I Z A B E T H BELLCIH-89: b A b t 1803 ,,TN; d 24 NoV 1880 ERYAN,ERAZOS,TX 6 2 JAMES A L F R E D HEAD-96: b 25 Jun 1797 ,,GA; m 27 D e c 1818 ,JAMES CO, GEORGIA; d 22 Sep 1872 HEADSVILLE,HOBERTSON,TX 63 E L I Z A B E T H S E A L E - 9 7 : b 12 Jun 1804 , , G A 7 t h GENERATION 101 C H R I S T I A N EAKER-713: b A b t 1722 ,,GERMANY; m A b t 1760 ,LINCOLN,NC; d B e f 1776 , L I N C O L N (TRYON),NC b 30 Nov 1746 ,LANCASTER,PA; d M a r 1818 , L I N C O L N E V E WHISENHUNT-714: NC LAWRENCE E I Z E R JH-1104: b A b t 1740 , , P A ; d A f t 1820 ,LINCOLN,NC b 1732 RHINELAND,FALITINATE,GERMANY; d 1804 JACOB STROUF-1682: LINCOLN,NC NANCY-1683 d B e f 1809 ,LINCOLN,NC MATTHEW GOODSON-1687: EPHRAIM BLACK SR-827: b 11 Feb 1767; m 2 1 Dec 1790 ,LINCOLN,NC; d 24 Sep 1843 ,LINCOLN,NC T A B I T H A DOSHEY HOMSLEY-828: b 4 Jun 1778; d 6 J u l 1854 ,LINCOLN,NC EDWARD D HUDSON-94: b 2 5 Dec 1756 ,KERSHAW,SC; m 1786 LCINCASTER DIST.,KERSHAW C0,SC; d 4 A p r 1845 RAVENDEN SPRINGS,RANDOLPH,ARK b A b t 1766/1769 ,KERSHAW,SC; d 29 NOV 1848 MARY ANN WHEAT-95: RAVENDEN SPRINGS,RANDOLPH,ARK b ,,VA; m 11 D e c 1792 ,GOOCHLAND,VA LEONARD B E L L A H - 1 0 8 9 : S A R A H W I NGF IE L D - 1 0 9 0 b 23 Sep 1758 ,ORANGE CD,VA; m 5 D e c 1775 ,ORANGE CO JAMES H E A D - 8 5 9 : VA; d A f t 23 Oct 1795 ,ELEERT C0,GA E L I Z A B E T H J A N E T POWELL-860: d 1827 THOMAS S E A L E - 1 0 7 : b 7 J u l 1759 ,CUMBERLAND,NC; m A f t 1796 ,,GA; d 12 Nov 1825 GREENSBORO,,AL RACHEL PAXTER Z N D - 5 6 2 , 105 1.06 108 109 120 121 125 126 127 Page 65 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII, No. 2 (June 49961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX 4HNENTAFEL CHARY 203 204 LORENTZ 0 KAYSER-1105: b A b t 1710 ,,GERMANY; d J u l 1786 ,LINCOtN,NC 205 SARAH-1106: b ,,GERMANY; d A f t 1786 ,LINCOLN,NC m ,,GERMANY 208 PETER STROUP-1684: 209 M F I R I A - 1 6 8 5 216 THOMAS B L A C K - 8 2 9 : b ,,PA; d Bef J u l 1779 217 E L I Z A B E T H - 8 3 0 218 HOMSLEY-1724 b A b t 1730; m g g S C 240 HENRY HUDSON J R - 1 7 7 5 : 2 4 1 E L I Z A B E T H GREGG-1784 m p9VA 242 JOHN WHEAT J R - 1 7 8 6 : 243 D I C E Y S M I T H - 1 7 8 7 244 SAMUEL WALTER B E L L A H JW-1092: d B e f 1819 24 5 HESTEH-1091: d 1819 ,SPIPTW,TN b 1731 LANCASTER OR,PRINCE GEORGE C0,VA; m 1754 248 B E N J A M I N HEAD-866: VA; d 19 A u g 1803 ,ORANGE C0,VA b 1734; d 1821 24 9 SARAH WARTHA SHhAMAN-867: 250 SIMON POWEL-L-1691: b ,ORANGE C0,VA; m 9 9 V A ; d Eef 22 A u g 1771 , ORANGE ,VA 251 M~IRTHA-18 58 252 CHARLES SECILE-369: b 10 Feb 1729 ,PRINCE W I L L I A M B V A ; m 1758 CUMBERLAND,NC; d 1798 , F A % R F I E L D 9 S C 253 L Y D I A HUSE-370 2 54 COLONEL B A X T E R - 5 6 1 , , 9 t h GENERATION 404 P H I L I P PETER V I S I N A N D - 1 1 2 0 : b 10 A p f 1684 KLOSTEK,HEILSBRUCK, GERMANY; m ,,GERMANY; d A b t 1744 OLD LANCASTER,,PA 405 ANNA HELENA NEFF-1121: b ,,GERMANY 432 D A V I D B L A C K - 1 7 2 0 480 HENRY HUDSON SR-1768: b A b t 1700 t r g V A ; d ,BUTTE,NC 482 HENRY GREGG-1785: b ,RAPPAHANOCK,VA 484 JOHN WHEAT S R - 1 7 9 1 486 W I L L I A M S M I T H C A P T A I N - 1 7 9 2 480 SAMUEL WALTER B E L L A H - 1 9 9 4 496 HENRY HEAD-1561: b 1695; m B e f 1715 ,,VcI; d 1765 ,SPOTSYLVANIA,VA 497 FRANCES SPENCE-1562 498 ROBERT SHARMAN-1579: d ,CULPEPPER C 0 , V A 499 LUCY MFIRSHALL-l&90: d ,CULPEPPER C 0 , V A 504 CINTHONY SEALE-747: b 1695; m 25 Dec 1720; d hug 1781 ,PRINCE W I L L I F I N VA so 5 ANNE BRISTOW-748: b 1701; d A f t D e c 1781 506 JAMES MUSE-566: b 1722 p p V G ;m E e f 1759; d ,PRINCE W I L L I A H , V A 507 S O P H I E POPE-567 b 1.734 p o N C 508 E L I EAXTER-560: 808 F R A N C I S V I S I N A N T - 1 2 2 0 : b A b t 1660 NEAR LAUSANNE,pSWITZEHLAND 809 A N N A - 1 2 2 1 8 1 0 CONHADT NEFF-1219: d ,HASSLOCK,GERMANY 960 W I L L I A M HUDSON-1764: b 1668 y , , V A 976 MOSES P E L L A H - 1 7 9 5 : b 4 b t 1722 s 9 S C 992 JAMES HEAD-1570: d 1748 ,SPOTYSYLVCINIh,Vfi 993 BETTY R U S S E L L - I S 7 1 __.___________________---------------------------------------------------------- Page 66 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Litina Paaes Austin, TX Ssrry &0..si 2487 N-@e2P. AHNENTAFEL CHART Ip&N/Z7P73/ A u g 1995 @ Page 4 /t-V97-6#79 .............................................................................. 994 ALEXANDER SPENCE D H - 1 5 6 3 : m 6 Feb 1694 ,RICHMOND C0,VA; d ,KING GEORGE, VA 995 E L I Z A B E T H BROWNE-1568 1008 ANTHONY SEALE S R - 1 7 2 9 : b A b t 1649 ,,VA; d A b t 1726 , , V A 1010 JOHN B R I S T O W - 7 5 5 : b 1672 1011 MARY N I C H O L L S - 7 5 6 . 1012 THOMAS MUSE-761: b A b t 1665 ,,VA; d May 1732 ,WESTMORELAND C0,VA 1014 HUMPHREY P O P E - 1 5 5 2 : d A b t 1734 ,WESTMORELAND C0,VA 1015 AMEY V E A L E - 1 5 5 5 : d B e f 1733 .............................................................................. 11th GENERATION 1920 R I C H A R D HUDSON J R - 1 7 5 6 1921 1952 1988 1989 MARY BOWMAN-1762 JOSEPH B E L L A H - 1 7 9 6 P A T R I C K SPENCE-1564: b 1633; d B e f 27 May 1712 ,LANCASTER C0,VA DORCAS-1565 1990 E V A N BROWNE-1572 2016 W I L L I A M S E A L E S R - 1 7 3 0 : b A b t 1634 ,,ENGLAND; d A b t 1700 , , V A 2 0 2 4 - J O H N MUSE S R - 7 7 0 : b 1633 ,,ENGLAND; d 1723 ,WESTMORELAND CU,VA 2028 HUMPHREY P O P E - 1 5 4 8 : m ,WESTMORELAND,VA; d 1695 ,WESTMORELAND,VA 2029 E L I Z A B E T H H A W K I N S - 1 5 4 9 LU.~*.(JMAUR I C E VEALE- 1576 ---- _________---_-___----------------------------------------------------------.--12th G E N E R A T I O N Q RICHARD HUDSON ~ ~ - 1 7 5 4 MARY H A Y E S - 1 7 5 5 W I L L I A M BELLAH-1797: b ,,SCOTLAND SEALE-1744: b ,,ENGLAND 4058 R I C H A R D H A W K I N S - 1 5 5 0 3840 3841 3904 4032 ._____--__-----___------------------------------------------------------------____----_---------------------------------------------------------------------. Page 67 Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) AGS Quarterlv Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX REFLECTIONS OF MY EARLY YEARS By: Ralph L. Tschirhart Submitted by: Anna Louise Tschirhart Hans and Harold B. Hans,Sr. father, Ralph L. Tschirhart (19081993) in an old ledger which is in the possession of Teresa Tschirhart Hackebeil. his granddaughter. Teresa had given him the ledger and asked him to record memories of his early years. In 1933. Eloise BiDDert. a friend of the familv. t v ~ e dthe folldna unedited notes. My mother was Cecilia Huesser. She was lucky she received a grammar school education. She could write real good in German and English. She was a devout person, hard working. She always sang or whistled when she worked. She worked a long time for Mr. & ME. L.M. Tondre for $8.00 a month, seven days a week. She also worked as a house maid for the Howards in Del Rio, Texas. Her mother was also a devoted person. She received daily Communion as long as she was able to go to church. My mother had a big garden and all kinds of fruit trees and lots of flowers. We had fresh lettuce almost all the year round. The biggest pleasure my mother had was doing something for her family. She milked the cow and made a pound of butter almost every day. I would churn it sometimes. I carried the stove wood into the house, and a Mexican would chop it and the same Mexican would spade the garden. When we killed (pig) in the wintertime we had fresh sausage, bacon, kutla, head cheese, liver sausage, and pickled pigs feet. Ah! how good we ate all the time! She cooked a soup every day my father wanted a bowl of soup before dinner every day. And we had meat every day at dinner and supper, except on Friday. We usually had beans, noodles, and prunes or peaches and sometimes we had cheese enchiladas. My mother was always happy, she loved to work, and she would do anything for us. She would cook me pancakes at 3:OO o'clock in the afternoon. Her mother became senile in her later years and she stayed at our house and my mother took care of her for eleven years, missing one nite (sic) when my father was in the hospital; then my wife stayed with her. When my Grandma died my mother was so glad that she had been able to take care of her. I never will forget the sermon Father Lenzen had at her (my mother's) burial. He said if he could canonize a saint this would be the person he would canonize. It was a wonderful feeling, she was a great person. (She died of breast cancer). My father was Ed. A. Tschirhart. He was a blacksmith, and a hard working one. He was born on his daddy's farm east of Castroville and had had 2 years of school. They had to work on the farm and as he was the oldest, he had to stay home most of the time. When he was eighteen years old he left home and went to Quihi to learn the blacksmith and wheelwright trade from an old German. His name was Shrader. He borrowed $81.00 from his father to pay for his room and board. It was $9.00 a month and he never spent a nickel outside of his room and board. He stayed at Henry Leossburg family and never went no other place but to the blacksmith shop for nine months. He learned to temper steel, read well, and was an excellent horse shoer. Also build (sic) new wheels for buggies and wagons. He always had a helper in the shop and when the canal was build (sic) he would shoe 18 to 20 horses and mules in 1 day. Fitted and put 4 shoes on a horse for $1.00 a head. But he made money in those days because he build (sic) a new house for his bride, and bought 100 acres of land in the first few years of his blacksmith work. ' "V Imtki-evening he would comb home and lay on the front porch too tired to eat but in a little while he would come in and.eat his supper by kerosene lights, of course. After 25 years at his work, he retired and went back to his first love, farming, which:he did for several 'years. His shop was next to the saloon and when he was finished shoeing a horse or some other work, they would get what was called a growler, which was a little tin bucket of beer. It cost 15 cents and the bucket was passed around and I got a swallow once in awhile, and it was so good. . . . I , :. . ~ , .: .. . . . . .'. . .. ; '::.: He:died wherr.he'was.68years.oldi If,he.hadthe medicine we have today, he could have lived a long time'yet. He died with Uric Acid.(Kidney failure). I have a trace of it but Zyloprim tablets take care of it. Page 68 0 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Grandpa and Grandma Tschirhart had 5 boys and one girl, and their farm was 3 1/2 miles east of Castroville on Highway 90. He sold it to Emil Mechler and retired in Castroville. I was the oldest grandchild and Grandpa would come and get me in his little wagon and we would go fishing up at Paul Haby’s place. Grandpa died with a stroke. I was at his bedside when he died. He turned black and blue and was dead. He drank a lot, mostly whiskey. r Grandma (Ahr) Tschirhart was a good old soul. She worked hard and had a hard life, but like all the old people they stuck it out. When they lived in Castroville, Dad would hitch up the buggy and we would visit with them once or twice a week. Grandpa Huesser was a grand old man. He came to Castroville in 1854 and was brew master for Mr. Keiffer. The brewery was in the basement of the building where the antique shop is$ was also the Wemette saloon and the L.M.Tondre store. Later he had a saloon with Mr. Kilhom as a partner, shortly though, he bought out Mr. Kilhom and he had the saloon where the bank is now. First it was a frame building and in 1906 he build (sic) the store building where the bank is now. He never drank water, he said water was only to wash your feet in. He drank 20 to 30 glasses (small glasses) of beer every day. He had an old tom cat that went to the saloon with him every day and at nite (sic) he would go ahead of Grandpa and meow ahead of him. The walks in those days were mostly brush and they had trails through them. Grandpa Huesser lived to be 88 years old. He never was sick one day in his life. He went and took a dip in the river every morning before daylight. He took a nap every day after dinner and at two o’clock he would get up and drink one cup of coffee and eat one piece of preserve bread. So one day when Grandma had his coffee ready, he did not come; she went and looked and he had died in his sleep. Grandma Huesser (Schwendemann) was a pious and good woman. She had 1 child before she married Grandpa Huesser. She was married to Mr. Bilhartz and he died soon after this first child (Pauline) was born. So she married Grandpa Huesser. They had 5 girls and 3 boys. The girls names were Mary, Adline (she was my Godmother and lived to be 104 years old), Melanie, Cecilia and Helen. The 3 boys were Joe, Fritz and Eugene. Pauline Bilhartz married a Mr. Torres and they had a saloon across the street from Judge Roy Bean’s Jersey Lily. Once in a while Grandpa would give his children a little money. When he gave his children $100.00, Pauline would get $50.00. I went to Alsace (France) and found our Huesser relatives in Wittlesheim where he came from. Our home was where Connie now lives. We had the whole half a block. We had a big barn, cow pen, hog pen, chicken house, rabbit hutch, garden, fruit trees and a flower bed. Half of the block was planted in hay in the summer and oats for the cows in winter. I was the oldest and Nedla is 3 years younger than I and Helen is 10 years younger than I. We grew up and went to school every day and walked. No cars or bicycles. We went home at noon for dinner and going and coming to and from school the boys walked on one side of the street and the girls on the other. We had to go to Mass every morning. When we started school we could not speak English. We had first reader in English and first reader in German. We learned the German a lot easier than the English. We didn’t learn the pronunciation of the V and the thlill later in life. We did not distinguish the difference between the 2 and the 0. After school we would play. Hilmer Mangold and I were the best of friends, so were Nedla and Madeline (Hilly’s sister). ab We had cows and horses and mules on the streets. They kept the grass and weeds down in the street. My Dad fixed us a little wagon with shafts and he made a harness for a big goat we had and we would hitch the goat to the little wagon and haul rock, manure or anything. We had fun. Page 69 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXV II. No. 2 fJune 9996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. ‘n( Many evenings, Hilmer and I would go with his Grandma to her garden at the river where Wiley Mangold and Kilhom now live. She had a big garden and we would pump water from a shallow well for the garden. In the winter time I always set traps. I caught skunks, possums, coons and bobcats. Our school would stink in the winter, never got rid of the skunk smell. We made a little money from the pelts. In the spring we always fixed us a ball diamond on a vacant lot. We made our own balls and bats. On our playground at the school we had a six foot solid fence between the boys and girls. No playing together. Sister Pierre was one of our teachers and she broke one of those yard sticks on me every other day. They didn’t hurt, broke easy. Sister Marcella was our best teacher. She would have been a General if she were a man. She had discipline and when she cracked you with a pomegranate switch across your bare calf you had a red mark. But we leamed under her. I still remember her every nite (sic) in my prayers. We enjoyed our neighborhood. All the kids to play with. We played marbles, spin tops, hide and seek, all such dumb games, but we thought it was great. In the summer we were in the river all the time. We had a big swing on a cypress tree just above the dam.. It would take you half across the river. We also had a spring board. That was our biggest enjoyment in the summer. Swimming and more swimming. The river was clean, we would dive way down and get a cool drink. The swimming hole above the dam was enjoyed by many people from all around, Hondo, Devine, D’Hanis and all the small communities would come to swim and play. We went 9 years to the parochial school, and 2 years to the public school. We never had a library. At the public school we had two books, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. But we learned reading, writing and arithmetic. Never to (sic) good at spelling. Our teachers at the public school were Miss Octavia Davis, Mrs. Sonny Haass, and Joseph,ine Brucks. In the winter on Friday nites (sic) we would take the three teachers and go coon hunting from DeMontels up to Rio Medina. It was fun. Later when we were out of school we would go to dances and surprise parties on the farms. Sweep out an old barn and go to fiddling. We always had a good dance on Sunday nites (sic). Wemettes Garden and Electric Park dance hall. We didn’t go in blue jeans. We wore white shirts and ties, and the girls were all dressed nice, we respected each other. Jimmy Klein was the good orchestra. Jimmy played 2 clarinets at one time. He was great. We danced waltzes, one step, trots, Charleston, and later when we were older we danced the old time dances. Waltzes, 2 steps, schotish (sic), put your little foot and others. Grandpa Droitcourt played the fiddle, Aunt Alice the piano, and Paul Tschirhart the flute. No microphone, and you could hear them, real nice music. We really enjoyed dancing with all the nice ladies. My wife was a good dancer, well most all could dance well, because we learned young. The Brieden girls were light as a feather. Alice and I won the waltz contest at the Wernettes garden. Came and Laura were really good dancers. Mother and I really could dance the schotish (sic), we liked to dance it. I had several girl friends before I found Mother. We had good teachers in our school. We learned the Baltimore catechism and I believe the world would be better today if we lived as we learned. At Christmas time dad would get a cedar tree. Mother put a few candles, candy, fruit and a few trimmings, and sometimes a few gifts on it. I never will forget when I received a 20 cent can of paint for my bicycle. But we always had good eats every day of the year. Homemade bread, butter, cheese, bacon, sausage, blood sausage, head cheese, and all the good things that are no good so they tell us. That is all B.S., what goes in does not hurt, only what goes out. Page 70 , ( AGS Quarterlv 6. 1 , ;,J*, , Volume XXXV II. NO. 2 lJune.1996) . An:, estor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Every Monday inoming was wash day. Hot watcr was rnadc and cvcrything scrubbcd on r7 wash board and all the wash and rinse water was poured to the fig (trees) and on the grass. Friday all the good clothes was ironed. I remember one Sunday I used 3 ironed white shirts. When Tragasser opened the Electric Park Dance hall, I was the coat checker. 10 cents each. There were so many people I had hats and coats all over the room and checked out perfect. It was the best dance hall almost anywhere. AIways had a big crowd. r Lots of bootleg beer and whiskey. I guess that's why so many came to Castroville, we had at one time 56 bootleggers wide open. Beer was 10 cents a bottle and whiskey was $1.OO a flask. Cheaper by the gallon. I watched Joe (Sport) Tschirhart and Uncle Rudolph make whiskey. It came out of the still white as water and about 180 proof. They put it in cleaned oak kegs to pour in the added water to bring it down to 90 or 100 proof. Everybody made beer at home. One of our favorite places to go was Ma Kempfs place. We would get a head of lettuce and a loaf of limburger cheese and go and get some beers and eat, sing and be merry. Sport Tschirhart had one of the biggest joints in Castroville. Beer, wine and whiskey and poker games. I remember one day he had two poker tables going and the revenue agents were making raids. Henry Halter told all the bootleggers that Mr. Stevens was in town, so Sport told his brother, August, to go hitch up the hearse and stand in front of fhe house, so he did, and when Mr. Stevens drove by, he took off his hat, he thought there was a funeral with all the cars and the hearse around the house. By the way, one of the Newton boys was in a poker game. (The Newton boys were the last famous bank robbers). When I opened the little grocery and the fruit stand, we would pack 1 can of Blue Ribbon malt, 1 Fleishmanns yeast, 1 pound of beer caps and 5 pounds of sugar. That was on a Monday morning. This batch would make from 80 to 100 bottles of beer. The cost of this batch was about $1.60 to $1.75. We were married in 1929 on April 23, in LaCoste, Texas. We went to Dallas and Fort Worth for about 6 or 7 days. I had a model T touring car, but Alvin, my wife's brother, let us have his coupe. We left with 14 boots in the tires and 2 new tires in the trunk. We made the trip and never had a flat. We stayed in the new Plaza Hotel the first nite (sic) in room 342. We went to the Aztec Theater that evening and I don't remember the film, but I do remember a colored guy sitting under a railroad, and him singing "The Lonesome Road." We paid $5.00 a month rent at Aunt Melanie's house. The little house in the back, it is still there. We had a hard time. The depression hit that year, but we made it. I remember the first month or so mother cooked some cabbage. When I walked in I said, "What in the hell do I smell?" She said, "I'm cooking cabbage." I said, "Goodby, I'm going to get me a hamburger." (Cost them days was 10 cents). She always tried to cook what I liked, she would ask my mother what I liked, but she never cooked any more cabbage. We barely made a living but we managed, and when mother had to go to the hospital, we had $20.00 put away, but my father helped us and paid the hospital bills. I paid him 5% interest as long as he lived. He would rather have the interest than for me to pay him off when I was making some money. When he died I owed him $2,750.00, so I paid my sisters. My dad was good to me and I was good to him. I would take him to Del Rio, but mostly to Eagle Pass to the races and rodeo. Eagle Pass had the best rodeo I ever saw. They had real big Brahma bulls and my dad really enjoyed those trips. Once I took him and Albert Hoog to Hot Springs to the races for a week. He didn't bet, but loved to see horses run. I rented a little house. Couldn't get a motel and we ate good. Albert Hoog would do the cooking. I think I paid $40.00 for the house for a week. a Going back to the rodeo, I think the best bull rider that ever lived was a young boy from Copperas Cove, he was the clown also, and was the only rider that could ride those big bulls. When he clowned he would run behind those big bulls, catch them by the tail and stick his feet in the ground and turn 3 flips before hitting on his feet, but only one year could he perform. He went to war and had his leg shot off and never could compete again. Page 71 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 IJune 99961 Ancestor K i n a Paaes Austin. TX . .. John R. 8 b. at d. at m. I I baniel 4 b. at d. at 0. C A W circa 1812 Tennessee circa 1887 Calhoun Co, Ark ? 8. C h 1838 a t prob Tenn lartin 2 b. at d. at m. at , Van Wren CATHEY 1854 Ouachita Co, Ark 1908 Calhoun Co, Ak 18 Aug 1873 Ark home, Sarah Word I a n Ann fPollvl mm 5 b. circa 1816 a t Tennessee d. after 1880 at Jaries Walker CATHEY 1 b. 22Hay1888 a t Ouachita Co, Ark d. 16 Jan 1965 a t Hut Co, TX 8. 7 Dec 1919 a t Polk Co, Ark ' Sarah Ruth PATTERSON WIFE John T 6 b. at d. at m. at WORD circa 1820 South Carolina before 1870 Arkansas circa 1845 law (Martha A (Pat)) WORD 3 b. circa 1856 a t Arkansas d. circa 1888 a t Arkansas Prepared by: Marilyn Maniscalco Henley 10705 Bay Laurel Trail Austin, TX 78750-3650 Sarah ? 7 b. circa 1822 a t South Carolina d. (deceased) at Page 72 CATHEY before 1775 NC ? circa 1828 Dickson Co, TN C i r c a 1795 IHaraaret (Peaavl ??? 9 b. circa 1784 a t GA d. after 1860 a t Dickson Co, TN Y Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) AGS Quarterlv illman Andrew Jackson 'wlTERm * 26 Dec 1806 4 b. a t Franklin Co, NC d. 5 Peb 1866 a t Sevier CO, bR Ancestor Listina Paaes Burrell 8 b. at d. at Austin. TX PATTERSON lOApr 1775 Bute Co, NC 5 hug 1854 m. 13 Aug 1802 at 16 b.-"Arg &-i30/ J. / 7 ~ 7 PnflrSW, b*fl c. /Y'cY Lucv Jordon 17 b. at Ga4.u #/ac ' H* JoseDh Leeran I 18 b. peaw LEI" lexander Preston PA'lVR!XM 2 b. 22 Peb 1857 a t ARK d. 30 Jun1901 a t Little River co, ARR P. circa 1887 a t Seiver Co, Ark Katherine lKittvl BISHOP 5 b. 22 llay 1817 a t AL d. 6 Peb 1884 a t Seiver Co, Mu( Sarah Ruth PliTpwSoN 1 b. 10 llar 1898 0 a t Little River Co, Ark d. 6 hug 1992 a t Houston, Harris CO, TX m. 7 Dec 1919 a t Polk Co, Ark James Walker CATHEY WSBAND d. Jaaes H. UCCALL 6 b. 1 Jan 1839 a t Alabama d. INan Frances m L 3 b. 9 Jan 1868 a t Seiver Co, Mu( d. 1 4 Jun 1905 I (deceased) at m. before 1836 at 14 Jan 1918 Inartha ? 13 b. 1817 a t fron census, c 1813 d. 1901 a t from headstone at a t Little River Co, ARK Sarah Dudv WRIGHT 7 b. 9 llar 1844 a t Arkansas Prepared by: M a r i l y n M&iscalco Henley 10705 Bay Laurel T r a i l Austin, TX 78750-369 Page 73 1 4 b. 30 15 b. 19 )hr 18U )lar 1807 a t ? Hissouri d. 6 Sep 1873 a t Little River Co, Ark 0. 1 Jul 1828 a t Arkansas a t Tennessee d. 10 Auq 1878 a t Seiver Co, Ark a t N o r t h Carolir \Jane ? circa 1794 a t N o r t h Carolir 31 b. Vohme XXXVII. 910.2 fJune 49961 AGS Quargrtv Austh. Tx 16 b. circa 1789 8 b. circa 1812 Francis Warion Henlev 4 b. Jun 1838 at South Carolina d. a f t e r 1900 at prob, calhoun Co, WS James Lee Henlev 2 b. 17 low 1882 (?) at Sarepta, k d. 17 Bov h940 at Hiller Co. hk at South Carolina at South Carolina d. (deceased) at 8. C Narv Salter 17 b. 1793 at South Carolina d. (deceased) at h 1836 at South Carolina Barlotte ? at Sarah Caroline ? 5 b. S ~ 1841 P at parents, born d. (deceased) at sc ArthurLeemEY 1 b. 2l Now 19ll at Hiller CO, Brkansas d. 2 hag 1975 at Houston, Texas 8 . 28 Jul 1939 at Hiller to, Brkansas Harilvn Elieabetb c a m WIFE William 6 b. at d. at Joseph LEE 8 Oct 1856 Warietta, Cobb Co, Ga 10 Jan 1931 Texarkana, Ak f9. 28 Jan 1880 at Cobb Co, Ga (mar rec) at Austell, Cobb Co, Ga d. 27 )hr 1967 at Ebwie Co, Tx Nathaniel LEE 12 b. 9 Ihr 1825 at GA d. 1 Hay 1916 at GA a. C h 1850 at Clarke Co, GA &:: :( 1827 1871 J a w s Russell WE I 14 b. circa 1823 I at Ga d. circa 1881 Lena Adeline CAPE at Ga 7 b. 11 Apr 1857 1. 2 Jul 1845 at Wableton, Cobb Co, Ga at Henry Co, Ga d. 16 Sep 1944 Trepared by: M a r i l y n Maniscdco Xeriiey I o n 5 Bay Laurel Trail A u s t i n , TX 7879-369 at Ga, parents from Ga d. circa 1903 at Page 74 IHartha ? 25 b. circa 1801 at GA Barris House Sarah House 13 b. at d. at 1790 i h a Luke 27 b. circa 1808 at GA Lewis CAPE 28 b. circa 1775 at North Carolina Elizabeth Coker itC%gb’Z%&lj.na zt%f&68?g, GA ? POS Qua** peter Mi Is. 1946 at Houston, Tx Iflaria Grazia Hessina 5 b. 1 4 Jun 1882 at Poggioreale, Sicily d. 19 Apr 1971 at Houston, Harris Co, Tx Rosalia 11 b. at d. Jarilvn hn ktniscalco 1 b. Poggioreale, Sicily 23 Apr 1915 ~ o gloreale, Sicily 19 an 1871 Poggioreale, Sicily s Fiacomo 10 at b. Poggioreale, circa 1844 Sicily . d. (deceased) at P. 26 Oct 1873 at Poggioreale, Sicily at Tonball, Harris Co, Tx 3 at d. at m. at ietro !kukscalco 1' 4 b. 1Jan 1879 at Poggioreale, Sicily d. 24 Dec 1946 at Houston, Harris Co, Tx btonina ADiCella 9 b. circa 1849 m. 24 Apr 1904 at Poggioreale, Sicily at Poggioreale, Sicily d. 29 Bov 1925 at Poggioreale, Sicily ~ 1. Auatfr. TX Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 6 hug 1947 at Houston, Harris Co, Tx rs. at bustin, Travis co, TX P. 28 Jan 1967 at Houston, TX , da 17 . Savatore ADicelh WssrNA 1GiuseDDe 20 b. -at (bmenica 21 b. M I SI CulBone at - 22 ... 11Aug 1850 Poggioreale, Sicily 8 Peb 1937 Antonia kondotto udenzio "brenzo" blfi Ih%.%%r 1898 at HuBford, Brazos, TX d. 28 Peb 1974 at 8:15 am; c& I 4369 1. 6 Peb 1924 at Houston, TX ITommaso 12 b. at d. at 1. at 'Thomasa hlfano 9 Oct 1861 Poggioreale , Sicily 4 Ju 1938 Nev Orleans, LA 22 bug 1888 Poggioreale, Sicily - jb24 Francesca CalaBia 25 --.' - . --- - . Prancesco Laria lhntonina 'Lena' Goria l3 b. 23 Sep 1866 at Pwaioreale at New Orleans, LA 26 Antonina 'Lena" Variscc 27 3.b. 26 Jun 1926 at Hev Orleans. La rs. at Tormball, Harris Co, Tx Pichele 1 4 b. 20 (Hike1 Sep FURTRK, 1864 IRosalia 'Lillie' Hartin0 7 b. 28 Jun1901 at Uia, Paleno, Sicily d. 28 A r 1948 at Hous on, TX 1 (Prepared by: at Uia, Paleno, Sicily d. 1 Apr 1915 at Harris CO, TX 0. 15 b. I 4 DeC 1893 at uja, PalGo, Sicily Haria Grazia (Wary Grace) 28 D o m i c a Ulesandra 29 b. 1842 at ancesco Wichiele Scac 15 Oct 1875 at uia, PalGmo, Sicily d. 2 Hay 1954 at Houston, Harris Co, TX Page 75 Patteo Wartino osalia Maria Lth&& 31 .' - ! AGS Quarterlv V o l w XXXVII. No. a! IJune 4 996) Ancestor Listino Paaes Austin. TX NO- REST - WITH A RATTLER by Ruth Hardt Koehler Almost every s p r i n g , t h e r e a r e a r t i c l e s i n t h e papers about r a t t l e s n a k e roundups. The weather i s t u r n i n g w a r m and t h e snakes a r e beginning t o come out of t h e i r dens i n t o t h e warm sunshine. I t has a l s o become a way of making money with t h e s e l l i n g of snake When I read s k i n s f o r b o o t s , b i l l f o l d s , b e l t s , and o t h e r i t e m s . t h e s e s t o r i e s , an event i n my memory again becomes v i v i d and I wonder why anyone t a k e s t h e chance of being b i t t e n ! I t was a time of my l i f e t h a t I w i l l never f o r g e t . Having j u s t had my t h i r d b i r t h d a y on February 27, 1 9 2 4 , i t i s probably one of my most impressive memories. We l i v e d on t h e ranch a t Yancey, i n Medina County, Texas, and my mother's F r i c k family from San Antonio always loved v i s i t i n g i n t h e country; i t was always one of our f a v o r i t e times. The F r i c k family was a family of love, l a u g h t e r and j o y f u l l i v i n g i n s p i t e of l i f e ' s many h a r d s h i p s . On t h e weekend of May 29, 1927, we had a h o u s e f u l of g u e s t s and a l l t h e beds were occupied; s o my p a r e n t s , Anton and Laura F r i c k Hardt, along with my n i n e t e e n month o l d baby b r o t h e r , Calv i n , whom my f a t h e r nicknamed "Pete", s l e p t on a p a l l e t on t h e screened back porch. About 3:30 i n t h e morning of May 30th, my mother w a s awakened with a s e v e r e p a i n above h e r eye. For a few minutes, she s a i d , she s a t up i n bed and p r e s s e d h e r hand a g a i n s t h e r forehead t h i n k i n g she could. suppress t h e pain. But as t h e burning s e n s a t i o n continued, she got up and i n t h e dark went i n t o t h e k i t c h e n and bathed h e r forehead with c o l d water t h i n k i n g t h i s might e a s e t h e pain. When t h i s gave no r e l i e f , she g o t some matches and took them t o my f a t h e r who was l y i n g on t h e p a l l e t . Thinking i t could probably be a scorpion, she t o l d him t h e y had b e t t e r look f o r f e a r i t might s t i n g t h e baby. He t o o k t h e match, reached over and lit i t on t h e f l o o r and a s he d i d s o he saw a diamondback r a t t l e s n a k e slowly crawling away between t h e two p i l l o w s j u s t beneath h i s arm. Immediately upon seeing i t he screamed, " I t ' s a r a t t l e s n a k e " . He s t r u c k a t it w i t h a hammer which was l y i n g nearby b u t it crawled through a crack i n t h e f l o o r and a s i t crawled away it rattled. By t h e time my mother reached t h e f r o n t bed room, she f e l t a s i f she w a s going t o f a i n t ; s o she immediately l a y down and my f a t h e r who had been a nurse i n World War I sucked t h e wound which he continued doing f o r about f i f t e e n minutes. About t e n o r f i f t e e n minutes a f t e r t h e b i t e h e r head began t o s w e l l and i n a few seconds it w a s s o swollen t h a t she could not s e e . About f i f t y minu t e s a f t e r she was b i t t e n , D r . W. H. S m i t h o f Hondo, Texas, which i s t h i r t e e n m i l e s from where we l i v e d , a r r i v e d t o a d m i n i s t e r t h e anti-venom serum, a f t e r which he lanced t h e b i t e from fang t o fang. By t h i s time she s t a r t e d vomiting blood and a l s o hemorrhagi n g from h e r kidneys. I can v i v i d l y remember sneaking i n t o t h e a d j o i n i n g bedroom and peeping around t h e c o r n e r of t h e door t o s e e t h e d o c t o r as he worked. A l o v i n g aunt g e n t l y p u l l e d m e away. Then she was t a k e n t o t h e Mechler H o s p i t a l i n Hondo where t h e y gave h e r a second anti-venom serum i n j e c t i o n . She continued hemorrhaging f o r about s i x hours and h e r p u l s e was s o weak t h a t Page 76 ~ 0 AOS Quartarlv VoLurne XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Auath. TX the doctor gave her glucose. She was strengthened immediately. In the middle of the afternoon the doctor left, finally having a little hope for her to recover. And she did! Had it not been that the two drugstores in Hondo had each received their first vials of anti-venom serum, she probably would not have survived. She got both vials! The day after the bite, I remember watching my father, grandfather and uncles as they tore up boards and were successful in finding the snake. It had four rattles and a button. But I remember more vividly the day that my mother came home from the hospital. They had not prepared me for the shock I felt when I saw her--she was home so she should have been normal. Instead, I saw a mother whose head was still swollen as large as a bucket and colored every color you can imagine--purple, red, green, yellow, etcetera. I fainted! A week after she had been bitten, we went to San Antonio and stayed with her sisters for three weeks while she further recuperated. Here, due to her unusual case, Colonel Martin Lalor Crimminsl who had helped develop the anti-venom serum' came to visit her on several occasions and had her write down everything just the way it happened so he could report it to Washington. He later asked her permission to publish her story from coast to coast in the hopes of saving lives. It was a real thrill for us as children to see this handsome six-foot man arrive in his snappy military uniform and driven by a chauffeur. C o l . Crimmins was born on April 4, 1876, in New York City, the son of John D. and Lily Lalor Crimmins. He was an army officer, traveler, herpetologist, and military historian.3 During his military career he had seen many soldiers die from rattlesnake bites. Prior to enlisting in T h e Rough R i d e r s , Col. Crimmins was within four months of completing his studies at the University of Virginia and becoming a fullfledged Doctor of Medicine. While stationed in San Antonio in 1920, he was determined to find an In 1924, antidote after watching a small child die from a bite. he and a New York doctor began importing a serum developed in Brazil which worked. But in 1925 the federal government halted importation of the serum, explaining "It hasn't yet been sufficiently demonstrated. '' Having been bitten several times himself, it seemed that these absorptions of venom had made him partially immune. He resolved to make his blood an anti-venom serum. However, the army doctors would have nothing to do with the idea. Fortunately, Dr. Dudley Jackson of San Antonio consented to participate in the experiment. By receiving injections of snake venom smaller than lethal doses, he experienced the expected painful reactions until the fourth day when there was a marked lack of 'West Texas Historical Association Year Book, Vol. XXX, October 1954, Abilene, Texas, pp. 3-16, reproduced from the holdings of the Texas State Archives. 21bid. 3The Handbook of Texas, A Supplement, Vol. 111, Texas State Historical Association, Austin, Texas, 1976, pp. 208-209. Page 77 . fiGSQuargrtv Vohnne XXXVII. 910.2 (June 1996) Austh. TX effect of the poison. Three months after the experiment, a three year old boy was bitten by a rattler and Col. Crimmins offered his blood. After the boy failed to respond to other treatment, it was accepted. The next day, the boy sat up in bed and played with his toys. He later fully recovered. Col. C r i d n s ' theory was proved. In 1953, Col. Crimmins received the Walter Reed Award "in recognition of courageous service to mankind." Col. Crimmins had allowed himself to be inoculated with snake venom until he could give blood transfusions to snake bite victims and later help to develop the anti-venom serum. Col. Crimmins died in San Antonio . at Brook Army Hospital on 05 February 1955.' Many years later, the Castro Colonies Heritage Association In it, David W. Mechler published the Medina County History.! wrote of the Mechler Hospital, "Mrs. Anton Hardt of Yancey was bitten by a rattlesnake on the forehead while sleeping. Her face was quite swollen and discolored and there was great fear for her life. Mrs. Mechler, realizing the seriousness of it pleaded with Dr. Smith not to let Mrs. Hardt die since she was the mother of small children. Dr. Smith, with tears in his eyes, promised that he was doing everything he knew to pull her through. Mrs. Hardt did recover and was later released from the hospital," She suffered no after effects in subsequent years, nor did she ever forget the excellent medical care she received. My mother, Laura Josephine Rose Frick Hardt, born on 29 April 1893 lived to the age of 90, dying on 04 September 1983 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Hondo, Texas, next to the grave of my father, Anton John Hardt, born 10 December 1892, who died on 13 June 1980. A city girl from San Antonio, she had given up a career in 1920 as a supervisor for Southwestern Bell Telephone to marry and move to the country and live with the man she loved. It was only after my father's death that she told me that her sisters said she would never make it in the country. She became an excellent cook and ranch wife, but most of all a remarkable woman. In addition to my mother's snake bite, my grandfather Henry George Hardt, my father Anton John Hardt, and my brother Richard Wilburn Hardt, were all bitten by rattlesnakes on this same ranch. 'West Texas Historical Association Year Book, Abilene, Texas Vol. XXXI, October, 1955, pp. 145-150, reproduced from the holdings of the Texas State Library. 'Ibid. 6The History of Medina County Texas, Castro Colonies Heritage Association, Castroville, Texas, pp. 55-56. Page 78 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Considering rattlesnakes from the lighter side, my husband and I were very amused by a recent editorial in the Hondo Anvil Herald, my very excellent hometown newspaper. If you haven't heard of it before, maybe you'll be as entertained as we were. Ruth Hardt Koehler 4500 Hyridge Drive Austin TX 78759-8054 His wife thought he had had a heart attack and called an ambulance. him on the stretcher and started carrying him out. Aboutthattimetbesnakecameslitheringoutfromunderthesofaand the ambulance men saw it and dropped the stretcher and broke the fellow's leg and that's why he was in the hospital Well, with her husband in the hosptial with a broken leg and,a snake under her couch. the wife went next door to enlist the aid of a neighbor who had the reputation of being an outdooman. having camped out with the Cub Scouts last summer. His wife was at the grocery store and he volunteered to corral the snake. Armed with a rolled-up newspaper. he took a fcw swishes under the couch,and declared that the snake had probably left the premises. 'Thank goodness,': sighed the woman, plopping down on the couch. As her hand dropped between the cushions. it brushed a small scaly skin, which she immediately realized was the snake. Screaming. she fainted dead away on the sofa as the snake slithered quickly back to the floor'and underneath the couch. Realizing that something needed to be done, the great hunter drew upon his meager first aid skills and remembered a demonstration of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation he had seen. Sohepushedthe woman'sheadbackintotheproperpsitionandjust. as he staRed the first breath. in ran his wife with a sackful of groceries afrer hearing her neighbofs scream. Seeing her husband mouth-to-mouth with the neighbor woman on the sofa. she immediately slammed the sack-full of canned goods across the top of his head. The crash.and scattering cans brought the fainted woman up with a he attendants rushed in and loaded Page 4, The Hondo Anvil Herald, Thursday, March 29 o n e of the funniest snake stories ever written has been making h e rounds of Texas newspapers, and I dare you to read this one and keep a svaight face all the way through. Ifit doesn't give you a laugh. maybe you'd bcttcr find out if you are suffering from a serious case of depression, as it is one of the best little humorous essays I have read. It has been borrowed by so many differem editors. that I won't try to say where I found it. but if you have already seen it. read it again and see if it has changed since the last time you saw it. .. The patient w q explaining why he was in the hospital. He said his wife had brought a bunch of pot plants and hanging baskets into the house to keep them from freezing. and it happened that a little green snake had hidden himself in one of those plants. When the snake warmed up. it came slithering out of the plant and wentunderthesofallx fellow'swifesawitandleioutagreatscnam. He happened to be taking a bath at the time, but he leaped out of the tub. and ran naked to see what his wife was screaming about. , His wife told him a make was under the sofa. so he got down on the floor to look for it, and hen came his dog and cold-nosed him. Well. he thought it was the snakc and he fainted. Stan When she saw the man laying on the floor. and his wife bending over him,she was sure he had been bitten by the snake, so she ran to the kitchen and brought out a small bottle of whiskey which she began to pour down the fellow's throat His wife, beginning to regret hitting him with the sack, was subdued but did manage to wrestle the bottle away from the well-meaning neighbor, sloshing some on both of them in the proms. About lhattime. two policemen, summoned by a neighbor who had heard the screams and all the other commotion. walked in. Afrer a sniff of the whiskey aroma from the man and both women. the officers listened politely as the two women, talking at the same time, explained about how a snalce caused it all. The policemen left with a summoned ambulance containing the unconscious husband and his sobbing wife, leaving the first woman completelyunbalanced withaverysmallandscaredsnakehidingunder the sofa. Reprinted with permission Page 79 ## B I LiUaLM b. I630 d. 08 J m 1691 00 0 4 1689 li 0 0 ;tT e 0) c 0 w 7- l- Page 81 w2 00 t 4 1- & ¶ I J&1926inpimknBCm~Co., I TCPB b in JpLBon Co.. QA 9io JeoFpoo, Co., QA I .. Page 83 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Name W d i t h Walton Hemy Born:January 26,1831 m e d :January 04,1870 Died:March 12,1912 Spouse:Nancy Jane Mullins Name:Elizab&THemy kOctober 11,1832 Married: october28,1856 D i d April 20,1906 Spouse: Samuel Blue Bales Name Hugh G. Henry Born: Febmary 18.1834 AAarried: 13,1860 Died: March 26,1873 Spouse: Louisa S. Cole Name: DavidNelsonHemy Born: January 13, 1836 W e d : February 10,1861 Died: March 23.191 1 Spouse: Nancy Caroline Rowe Name: John Richard Hemy Born:Novanber 11,1837 Marrid Died: octoba31,1864 Ancestor Lstina Paaes in:HPobeosonColmty,m in: ia. W d k , Gtmzdescounty, Tx in:Roberrsoncormty,Tid in: i n : S a n ~ l x in: RobatsonCo~,Tid in: in: in: Rokrtroncow,m in: i n : P l ~ T z ( in:Ebbatxmcolmty.~ in: in: P h v i l l q AL SpoUSe: Name: Mary Jane Henry Born:November 24,1839 Married: June 11,1868 ]Died: Jaauary 08,1918 Spouse: Samuel Abel Brown Name: Amanda M Hmry Born:Match 31,1842 Manid May 25,1865 Died:May 11,1906 Spouse: hncnius Robao Trogdon Name: 'Ihomas JeffGn Hapy Born: M a y 18,1844 W e d : Deamba22,1869 Died: Deceubx 16,1882 Spouses: Sarah ElizkthJones, Lucy Irby in: Robertson County, TN in: Travis county, Tx in: Round Rodz W ~ C o U n l y , T X in: lpokrtson county, m in: Travis county, Tx in: Del Vde, Travis County, TX in: RobemonCouaty, Tpd in: Travis county, n< in:m SUBMITTED BY JOSEPHINE BROWN ROSS 905 E 38 STREET AUSTIN, TX 78705-1810 ( 5 1 2 ) 459-6121 Page 84 Austin. TX AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin, TX .9 10 M 11 F 12 13 14 Name: James Monroe Henry Born: August23,lW Married: January 19,1870 aed:~ o c e m b e r z 1882 spouse: MarglmcodCliaFliIlt Name: FranLlinDonaldSonHcnry Bom: November 03,1848 Msrried: septcmber 24,1872 Died: November 06.1913 spow: AmlaMartin Name: TatannaChlocHenry Born: Decemba 13,1853 ~anied~ : m ~ a05.1882 ry Died: August 05,1934 Spouse: John Addison Shaw "Jack" Name: Born Married: Died: SpouSe: Name: Born: Manied: Died: in: Robertson comty, TN in: Gonzalw,Tx in: Jollyville, W i l l i a m s o n cormty,Tx in: Robatson county, TN in: Travis colmty,?x in: sanAntOni0,Tx i& Traviscounty.TX in: Travis Colmty, lX in: Travis County, TX in: in: m in: in: m Spa=: Name: Born: Married: Died: in: in. ia: swuse: 1s 16 17 Name: Born: Manid Died: in: in: in: spouse: Name: Born: Marsied: Died: in: in: in: SpoUSe: Name: Born: w e d : in: in: Did. in: swuse: ~~ 18 19 20 Name: Born: Married Died: Spouse: Name: Born: Married: Died: spouse: Name: Born: Married: Died: in: 5. in: in: in: in: in: SUBMITTED BY in: in: JOSEPHINE BROWN R O S S SpOW Page 85 905 E 38 STREET AUSTIN, TX 78705-1810 Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 49961 AGS Quarterhr Died: Fatha: Mothec Ancestor Liitina Paaes in: other spouses: CHILDREN Name: John D.Hemy Born: August 24,1805 hhied: Deccmba 29,1829 Died: July 30,1853 Spouse: EliEsbah B.Walton Name: Nancy Hapy Born: in: aobatsoncormty,m in: aobcr&nlcoullty,m in: T m v i s c o l m s y , ~ in: in: in: Married: Died: SpOUSe: Name: RachclHaq Born: Married: Died: SpoUSe: in: in: in: N8me: MuyHemy Born: Married: Died: spouse:Azariah Hepdley Name: DavidHaay Born: k in: m in: in: in: MaKied: Died: SpoUSe: Name: ThomasHcnry Born: in: Married: Died: SpoUSe: Name: in: in: Born: in: in: in: MafTied: Died: SpouSe: Name: Born: in: in: MalTid Died: -m SpOUSe: SUBMITTED BY JOSEPHINE BROWN ROSS 905 E 38 STREET AUSTIN# TX 78705-1810 ( 5 1 2 ) 459-6121 . Page 86 Austin. TX AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paqes Austin, TX - Husband Hogh Hemy, Sr. Born: Marrid D i d Bef October 10,1791 I in: in: in: Robmson county,TN I Fatha: Moth=. otherspouses: Wife: MnrvDondson Born: Died: Abt 1808 Fathec John Donelson Sr. Mothec CatherineDavis in: in: Robaeon County. TN 0th- SDOUSS: 1 M !EILDREN Name: John Hemy Born: Married: in: in: in: Died: 1779 2 M 3 M Spouse: Name: Hugh Hemy, Jr. Born: Juue 25.1751 Married: Decamba 17,1800 Died: April 17,1834 spouse: Elizabeth TamnassOn in: Pittsylvania County, VA in: Davidson County, TN in: Robcrtoon County, TN Name: David Henry Born: February 11,1753 Married: Died: October 14,1846 in: PittsylvanhCounty, VA in: in: Robcr&ollCounty. TN !3pouse:~MooringE8rhant Name: IssacHenry Bm: in: in. in: Married: Died: Spouse: Name: -Henry Born: Marlied: Died: Spouse: Name: Thomas Harry Born: Married: Died: in: in: in: in: in: in: SpOuSe: Name: CatherineHemy Born: in: Married: in: Died. in: soouse: ~~ Name: Born: Married: Died: ~~~ ~ ~ in: in: in: SpoUSe: SUBMITTED BY JOSEPHINE BROWN ROSS 905 E 38 STREET AUSTIN, TX 78705-1810 ( 5 1 2 ) 459-6121 Page 87 aP Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) AGS Quarterly =.Erw.ina Austin. TX Ancestor Listina Paaes Labell ANCESTOR CHART b Pb Date ofBinh .Placeof Binh rn DaoC0fM;rrmIp d DIteOfIkrth PlaUof&a& Pd m 20 Scp 1853 pb Llano co TX RADETZKY. Johanna 26 Mar 1932 d b 5 Feb 1828 Pb Silcsla. Gcr d 1P Oct 1903 BODE, Ervin W b 19 Jan 1891 pb M a s o n c o T X m 2 Jan 1918 d 1 2 Dcc 1 9 8 0 pd B c x a r c o T X Pd t t Pb RODE. C h a t . 0. b 23 Nov 1856 pb 6 l l l e s p l a Co m 9 Jun 1879 I I , Ka1zOw.Wtch.. Gar 6 Jan 1854 n 12 Oct 1820 pb Prurs,ia d 8 Jun 1874 G i l ~ a s D I eCo TX Id * A u ~ N W m M a rr-l e b d 1790 i Id d 16 Oct 1934 L. Pd ”-lna I b d L Pd ECKERT. Cia Bcrnharnt ECKERT. Geom piim.ib 26 J m 1793 b I0 NOV 1820 pb Wffenhardt , Baden m 25 ADr 1853 TX . TX IEcrEa A L b 23 Aug I857 pb qason Co TX d 23 Sep 1923 Pd GlllcsDie Co TX (Spoarc) b 20 bcc. 1917 GF.278 b 18 hug 1828 Pd b 23 Jan b d 1888 d . e @ r e d 11 Jan 1883 haFrt tr IPd I I M A T E R N o bS b c 1839 pb Rraunschwig, Ger b VIEDT, Sophie E. d 30 Nov 1911 d b 31 l k c 1816 Im nnnw i I (b 17 Jan 1919 pb Victoria co TX ( 2 ) 20 k c 1986 d II r b d Pd BODE, Erwfna L I d An mmixed German-Texan Lineage GENEALOGY COLLEWON Page 89 - TEXAS STATE U l 3ayX &znvinOB.SkrrrLy wo.B Y < 12 77 gpmoP, 78602-3277 AGS Quarterlv IONI'D. ON :HART ... ..... Volume )(xxvII, No. 2 (June 99961 COWT'D. ON CONI'D. OH CHART CHART - i : '... i... I . .. ..: ... _ .: I .... ... .: . ._ : . _ .... .. : ;.. . ;., . .!.. .::. ... . ..-i .:. :... . :. ; :.. ..... : ... . . : .! :. ... ... : . ... :. ... .... .: r r i 1 : .:.. . ... x u . P 3 a i _.._._. Ancestor Liitina Paaes C0"D. O N ciun -- Austin. TX CONI'D. ON CONTP. ON CHART CHAn j i iI II ii i i I I I !j c I c - P Page 90 ! 2 P I n - 2 BORN PED GREE CHART NO. 1 (Limited t o Jonathan EIRO (l7R3-1950) Lfne !. Compiled by Jay 1. Shurley PO8 1277 Bastrop, TX, 78602 WHERE SHURLEY, I r a Laurence 28 Sep 18117 WHERE Streeter. Mason Co IORN WHERE DIED WHLRC TX la Feb. 1972 wHcRE.San Saba, San Saba Co TX DIED Date: 1 Mar. 1996 - BICD I BORN WHtRt DIED BORN wnm WHE - DIED WHEW DORN WHLRE SHURLEY, Jay Talmadge DIED BORN 2 WHEW 7 K a f f l r , Schlcicher Co, TX cd $ 20 DCC. 1917 DltD iarrled: 2A Mar 1917 Eldorado, Schlelcher Co TX WHERE 5. w M t 01 CHOATE, John Melton 22 Oct. 1871 wouri 1) LOOS, Helen M Lee 2) ALEXANDER, Emily W J 3) BODE, E n i n a WHER Waco. McLennan Co TX 11 DIB) . CHOATE. Jewqll Lee 23 Sep 1896 WHEllCPontotoc, Mason Co TX 10 J U l 1973 wnERc Hugo, Llncoln Co, CO (as Mrs. Oonald E. Capansky) AUg 1958 wnr BORN married: 20 Oct. 1895 Hcnard, &nard, DIED WHCRC TX WHEW 14. GlEES, H a r r e l l Eascom Aug 1855 Bexar, Marion Co AL ~ O I N26 7- GIRBS. Cora Zald - Euloav* 27 Nov. 1076 WHERE ue CO TX - . WHLRt DIED WHERr 10 Feb 1938 Brownwood, Brown Co TX 15. JONES, Mary Candace WHERE 7 Jan 1879 Pontotoc, Mason Co TX -c- AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 49961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX A SURPRISING TRIP TO WENDELSTEIN, GERMANY In October, 4 9 9 5 , we had two weeks to visit Poland and Germany in search of records of my Hirdler-Mihm and wagenknecht-Schmidt families. Although they were all of German ancestry, the places# they had lived were now in Poland and the former East-Germany as well as the former West-Germany, Armed with my Family Group Sheets printed in both Polish, postcards from the 4 9 3 0 s showing scenes of they had lived, and Grandpa Hirdler's recollections Peilau before emigrating, George and I started out expectations. German and the places of life in with great without an interpreter in Poland, or in the former East Germany, there was no way at all to get any information or ask any questions! Only the hotel clerks spoke any English and that was very limited, I was showing my postcard of Herrmann's Bleach Factory at the hotel in Zary, Poland (formerly Sorau, Schlesien) when a guest there, an older local man, locked at the picture and said he remembered the place, but it was no more. That was the extent of any assistance in genealogical research. Wrong! Our center of operations in Poland.was in wroclaw. Dr. Carl Benjamin Hirdler, the one who brought his family to America in 4 8 6 0 , had lived in the village of Peilau tnow renamed Pilawa). Our first stop was at the town of ~zierzonibw (formerly Reichenbach). This was the village two miles from Peilau where the shoemaker, Kirkoff, gave C. B. a chance to repair shoes. We bought a city map at the tourist office and found the road to Pilawa. Except, now there were three Pilawas on the map: Pilawa I had no idea what the Dolan, Pilawa Dln. and Pilawa Grn. abbreviations meant, or why there were three locations, none of which were located on the river Oder (odra in Poland). According to Grandpa Hirdler, his mother (an illegal Baptist) was baptized in the Oder shortly before he was born. drove there, found an old church and walked through the cemetery, but only Polish names were on the headstones. In fact, that was the case at every cemetery we checked. we had the distinct impression that Germans were still 'persona non grata' in Poland. Nothing was ever said, but you had that feeling. In visiting Auschwitz, for instance, they were most careful to never refer to their captors as Germans, they only refered to them as Nazis. However, I do believe that any headstones with German names would have been removed long ago, so we quit that search. We Next, we visited two towns near Zielona Gbra: Sagan tnow Zagan) and Sorau in der Nieder Lausitz -(now Zary). Incidentally, one guide book that I read about Poland informed that it was illegal to bring into Poland maps with the German names of the cities? At any rate, the towns were interesting, but we didn't find any clues to our ancestors. August Wagen&'knecht had his Bleach factory there, and it was there that he went into debt and had to Page 92 a AGS Quarterlv 0 Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX make a quick exit to avoid debtor's prison. My records show that Grandma Hirdler's siblings, Babette Helena, Frederick Carl, August and William C. were all born in sagan, near Sorau, which was in Schlesien at that time. I have a beautiful photo of Marie wagenknecht and her mother Helena Schmidt Wagenknecht that was taken by the photographer Ernst Koppe, in Sorau NIL, possibly in April 1866. Marie was 14 years old and dressed for her confirmation. Unfortunately, we were in sorau on a Saturday afternoon, and no chance to return during business hours, even if we c-ould find t.he studio and even if we could talk to anyone. So far, we were batting z e r o . well, we had better information about our next stop in Muhlhausen, Thuringia, in the former East Germany. We had tried to visit this town when we were in Germany in 1987, but it wasn't possible. Our friends Ted and GiSela Olpp' did go there for us trying to find Church records. We spent two days in Muhlhausen with the same results as before: we couldn't find anyone to consult. According to the family history, my great-grandmother Martha Marie Mihm was born and married in the same house at #18, St. George Place, " a stone house built in the 11th Century". Neither the Olpps or George and I could find any St. George Place or a St. George church. we visited a number of churches there, and also the remains of the old city walls and towers. It's a very interesting town but the mystery remains regarding the marriage of Martha Mihm to a man from Peilau. Even driving, we found it's a considerable distance between the two towns. How did they meet? when did they rgmove to Peilau? They were married on January 10, 1851 and the first child was born on February 2 2 , 1 8 5 2 in Peilau. Well, another little mystery t o solve. The last town to visit was Wendelstein in Bavaria. When I showed my post card of wendelstein to ~ i s e l aOlpp, she said right away, We drove through the that's near Nurnberg (Nuremberg to us). entire town and didn't see the building on the card. There was a street going North, so we drove it to the end, and still nothing. Back to the main street and found a street going South. It curved along, and around one bend, there was our building! It was exactly like the picture I had. we went inside and at the counter, I showed a woman my postcard and the Family group sheet in German. She didn't speak any English, but was impressed with the card printed in the 1 9 3 0 s . She called another worker who did speak English. When I told her that my grandmother was born in Wendelstein and I was looking for records, she began making phone calls immediately. The peoplg in this town in the former west Germany just couldn't do enough to. help us. What a contrast with the other towns we had visited?. The postcard had been erroneously labeled "the Church where Uncle will was christened". Actually, the building was formerly the Rathaus (City Hall). This young lady made an appointment at the church for us that afternoon. We visited more cemeteries in the Page 93 AGS Quatterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX meantime, but no wagenknechts. The St. George Church was only a Pew blocks away, and there we met Herr Goddard and Gertrude weber. The really strange thing was that Frau weber lived in the neighboring town of Rednitzhembach, and never came t o wendelstein on Monday. However, on this particular day, she was here to Play the organ €or a funeral. Apparently she was the local authority on the family lines, so we were fortunate to see her. They were both excited about the old pictures and the old memo written in Wendelstein in 4 8 5 2 . Herr Goddard produced the church records and we looked €or April 4 8 5 2 . rt was all right there-the record of her baptism on April 4 , 4 8 5 2 . I asked Frau'Weber if that was customary to baptitg 50 soon; in grandma's case, the day after she was born. She said sometimes they even baptized the very day the child was born. This was because, in their religion, if the child died before being baptized, it would go straight to Hell. Next we checked the Church Record and it was full of surprises. Her mother's name was Helena Johanna Friedericke Schmidt and the father was Johann August Wagenknecht from Deutchmachen in the Sagan region. They were NOT married. Helena was the Youngest daughter of Johann Friederick Schmidt, a pappendeckel macher. In different handwriting was a note that Helena and August were subsequently married in December, 9853 in Sorau, Silesia. At the same time, we checked the records for March 2 2 , 4828 for the baptism of Helena Schmidt, but there was no entry. Frau Weber translated the paper I had brought, and we had another surprise. The paper was a prayer €or Grandma's life and well being and was signed by the midwife Marie Regina Margaretta Felsner. In other words, Grandma was named a€ter the midwife and godmother. Frau weber already knew about Frau Felsner and told us that she lived at house #6 and was the wife of George Felsner, a bricklayer. This answered another question that had always bothered me, and that was that my Grandma, Marie Regina Margaretta wagenknecht was born in Wendelstein, Bavaria, yet her four brothers and sisters were all born in Sagan, near Sorau, Silesia. Now it made sense, Helena lived in wendelstein, but after Grandma was born, she moved to sagan, married August wagenknecht and lived there until coming to America in 9 8 6 7 . Another question that bothered me was that when August sued Helena €or divorce in St. Louis MO in 9873 (yes, that's another great story), he stated that they were married on the 27th day of December, 9853. This didn't quite agree with the fact that my Grandma was born on April the 3rd, 9 8 5 2 . Now we know t h e true story. Was my great grandfather ~ugustwagenknecht a rascal? I think so. Phoebe Simpson November, 1 9 9 5 Page 94 0 0 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes wasenknecht. 1995 photo of t h e Same building 6 0 y e a r s l a t e r . Page 95 Austin, TX AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXV 11. No. 2 [June 1996) PEDIGREE CHART - onchartno. - GeorgeM.RUBLE -32 Born: 18 Sep I869 Place: Powhatan Point,, OH Marc 15Aug 1893 4 1 1 1 place: p b Decatur, Macon, IL Died: 22 Nov 1951 Catherine "Kav" RUBLE 2 Barn: 20 Nov 1928 Place: Decatur. Macon, IL Maxr 8Jun1952 {I] Place: champaign. c, IL Did Place: Place: Decatur. Macon. IL Melvina Isabelle NEFF -123 Born: 6 Sep 1849 . Louis SHEETS -137 Born: Place: Marc Place: Died: pi=: 21 Jull830 Sugar Grove,, OH 30Oct 1850 {34] Sugar Grove. F. OH 4Sep1911 ,prob Macon, n. CalherineRaeSHEETS -33 Born: 10 Jul1867 place: Long Creek Twp.. M. IL Died: 23 Dec 1961 Place: Decatur. Macon, IL 11 Chrjstiann DENNIS -138 Born: 27 Mar 1828 Place: Decatur, Macon, IL Died: 1 Sep 1889 Place: , prob Macon, IL Robert Gordon TLJL.LPh.D. -1 Edwin David DAVIS -40 Born: 9Jul 1876 Place: h a m . Macon, IL Marc 11 Jan 1903 -[I31 Place: Long Creek Twp.. M. IL Died: 6 May 1954 Place: Decatur. Macon. IL , Person Submitting Pedigree Chart: Catherine 'MI 8401 Grayledge Drive DavidRUBLE -122 IBorn: 29 Dec 1841 Place: ,Belmont, OH Marc IOSep 1867 4311 Place: , Belmont, OH Died: 30 Sep 1915 Place: , , prob OH Place: Belmont, OH Died: Place: .,probOH Sp0US.Z .Elsie Leona DAMS -12 B m 1Jan 1905 Place: Decatur. Macon, IL Died: 14Jul1993 Place: Austin.Travis, TX Austin. TX Sat. Apt 20. 1996 Person Number 1 on this chart is the same as no. Charles Bernard RUBLE -1 1 B m 2May1900 Place: Decahu, Macon, IL Maxr 6 Feb 1926 431 Place: Decatur,Macon, IL Died: 25 Nov 1955 Place: Decatur. Macon, IL Ancestor Listina Paaes Elsie Leona BARNETT 4 1 Born 26 Mar 1877 Place: Decatur, Macon, IL Died: 13 Jul 1913 Place: Rinn. Weld. CO 16 Daniel RUBLE -132 - l7 lMarv Ann CREE -133 - 18 HenrvNEFF -743 - 19 Marv JACOBS -750 - LouisSHEETS -141 - . 21 ?JACKSON -142 - 22 JohnDENNTS -139 - MW M G ~ -140 R DavidDAVIS 4 2 .Svlvester Claybourne DAVIS -5p Bom: 8 Jun 1834 Place: Long Crk. Twp.. M, IL 3 MawMMARTIN63 Man: 29 Sep 1857 -[I61 Place: Long Crk. Twp., M. IL Died: 31 Dec 1910 Place: Long Ok.=P., M. IL a6 Nathan N B;\KER -70 Ann Caroline BAKER -56 Bom: 29Mar1839 Place: Long Crk. Twp., M. IL 27 Talitha J HODGE -71 Died: 7 Jan 1922 Place: Decatur, Macon. IL zs G P. BARNETT -191 14 Georee M.BARNETT -44 Born: 6 Dec 1833 Place: Lancaster. PA 29 IT3 MUSSELMAN -192 Marr: 12 Scp 1858 -1141 Place: Decatur, Macon. IL Died: 4Feb 1921 Place: Dccatur, Macon. IL 3o -John M. MAGEE -51 b 480'ilp.DE Is SammlhaMAGEE 4 5 Born: 1 Mar 1841 31 Eli7ahcth NORRIS -52 . Page 96 - AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes I .David ,David RUBLE -751 b DanielRUBLE - 1 8 IB: B 8Jan1766 P: p: ,Washington. PA M -[242] p. D: AUR 1814 la. 1747 D lrn 1808 .LJ' Austin. TX - 17 SarahMALM -764 I/ B 1- Lvdia ? -781 D 36 18 Page 97 I - AGS Quartedv Volume XX XVII. No. 2 [June 49961 PEDIGREE CHART Person Number 1 on (his chart i. h e same as no. Sat. Apr 4 Ancestor Listina Paaes ChanNNn. 3 20. 1996 o n cliar~no. - 8 Born: 4 Austin. n( Samuel DENNIS -1094 BOln: Place: , , Wales Marc -13841 Place: Place: Marr: Place: Died: . Place: - 9 Born: 9 Jun 1793 10 Di+d: 4Ma: ?869 Place. Sugar Grove. ,OH Plice: c M&T Place: Dicd: I’lace: 5 Born: Placc: Dicd: I Placr: Born: PI=: Place: Decatur. Macon. IL Marr: 30 O C 1850 ~ 4341 Died: Place: Born: Abt 1720 ,prob Macon, IL PI-: Mar SpOUU: LDuisSHEETS -137 John Samuel G1jDTNF.R -865 Born: 1745 Place: , Wbecl; Germany Mm. 1768 -[2831 Place: Franklin,Greencastle, PA Died: 16Apr1837 Place: Cbambersburg. Franklin. PA Marv MaEaline G m E R -140 Born: 2Nov1192 Place: Carlisle,.PA Died: 21 id 1868 Place: Decatur. Macon Co.. IL MNiah7 -1224 Born: Abt 1725 Pbone: (512) 836-8091 Page 98 - Place: Marr: , Place: Died: Born: AUStin - PI=: Died: 7 J a n 1856 Place: Millcreek. Erie. PA Born TuraF -[2s41 Did: 5 Apr 1857 Place: Millcreek. Erie, PA 14 Calherine DREHER -866 1756 Place: ,, , Switzerland Died: Place: Chambersburg. lianklin. PA - Placc: . Person Submitting Pedigree Chart: Catherine TUl 8401 Grayledge Drive - II ChristiannDENNTS -138 Pl& - Born: Place: 15 - Volume XXXVII. AGS Quarterlv PEDIGREE CHART CliartNo. 4 on chari no. _L William Cumminn DAVIS €4 B 16Dec1760 P. .FrederiCk.MD M 27Jan 1825 4181 p: D 27Sep1831 DavidDAVIS 62 IB: 2May1198 P. ,Iinc&,NC M 28sep1825 4171 P. .Ruthafud,TN 9 D: 19 Aug 1875 P. LongOk.Twp.,Macon,IL 2 Svlvester Qavbourne DAVIS Q IB: 8Jm1834 P. Long Qk. Twp., MXOQ IL D: 31Dec1910 P. IangQk.Twp.,Ma~on,IL I 5 Marv McDowell MARTIN +3 IL B: 9Ju11876 P. -*MaaQJL M 11Jan 1903 4131 P. ~~QeelcTwp..Macon,IL D 6May1954 P. -,MaaQIL spcxlsa. E l s i e L e o n a B A R m 41 6 NathanNewtonBAKER -iU k 28Feb18M D: I8 Nov 1776, flc D: AA 1776 19 D 5oct18OS - B P. M F! Feb1757 , near h b e r l a n d , PA 28 May 1783 4281 , Mecklenburg, NC D 17Sep1835 p: Murrrmcboro,Ruthcrford Ca.,TN B - D - - 1l +Mary MCCLEARy 83 B: 15Sep1765 !F ,Mecklenburg,NC D 26 lull852 Murfkboro. Ruthefiord,TN 12 Nathaniel “Nathan” BAKER 72 B: 20Junl771 p. - ti Michael BAKER -i6 B D: ..sc Jacob BAKER -1048 49 M 1790 3231 P. 0: 22Scp1824 Elizabeth ASTON Person Submitting Pedigree C h t calhe4ineTull 8401 Grayledge Drive AUiII Tew Phme: (512)83648091 - D: 23 ~ a1791, r MecKbbuT,riC B: 1767 P. ,pb. Mecklenburg, NC D 12Jun1834 P. ,YOrkcn..SC B p-b. -i3 Nt h s3 p. 3, Jane CARR 61 B D Page 99 - - I D 20Jan 1872 - Same as #17 m chart 4 M 11 Jun 1835 4221 . Austin. TX Thu. Apr 18,1996 Number I on this chart is the same a s no. B: 16Nov1806 I? ,Ruthafnd,TN D 29Jan1889 P. Long Ok.T’V., Ancestor Listina Paaes No. 2 (June 1996) 63 - AGS Quarterhr Ancestor Lstina Paaes Volume wo(vII. No. 2 (June 1996) Austin. TX hd%groeChart 8' dr Yonathan DEUING b o about 1639 P*b* Wethersfield. CT 25 Dec 1673 ]Pa0 8 , 08 Jan 1700 wet wet hers field, CT mo 03 lov 8909 peaoWcehersf i e l d , CIC d o 02 &PIP 1771 podo ParmingtoPaD e% 9 BQ 28 Harch 1654 Pebo m-2) b b0 24 Nov 1711 g.bo Wetbermrieldo CT Abfgdl-ad.0f Timothy Yerome 1752 (?) do pedo 8 Sept 171.4 Po 02 AUg 17SO porno do 28 Feb 1774 pado Kensington, CT 5 168% pobo do 03 Oct 1751 Pod0 Fa&ngtono CT b0 pobo E l f i a b e t b DE?4ING d0 P podo be 20 bec 1752 pebo 3 =Po pa0 d o 07 Sep 1796 B e d o Rocky H i l l , c1c (Deacon) Joseph WRIGHT 2 1639 p,bo k t h e m f i d d . CT 6 Yomthau WBPGHT bo 18 Yune 1681 gebo m o 26 Baagch I&, me 10 Dec 1663 BeIo _I9 Dec 1714 pedo Wethersfield. CT 1706 pa0 Ma SrODDARD &*between Apr-Yufy 1740 8 ) podo bo 12 Narch 1643/4 pmboWethersfield, CT d o 23 August 1683 p ~ d ~ w e t h e r s f i e l dCT , EPfiabeth WRIGHT $,I4 Feb, 1720 pabo d o l l Oct. 1788 podo 7 $0 pobo Peter BL4" Jt, 7 bo 80 1 podo b0 pobo d o pod, Page 100 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 1996) Ancestor M n a Paaes Austin. TX P.dign. Qlrt Porsoa No, 1 oa this chart is the s a m Chrt ]lo. 8 2 Joseph ABBOTT be p.b.Branford, & - CT (New Haven - Co.) a. Steuhen ABBOTT Rae bo do P.b.Braaford, CT (NewEaver pod. m* 6 J m 1724/5 Count] p.=. do 9 P.d*niddlebury, CT Daniel ABBOTT b. 04 January 1725/6 Branford, New Haven C P. 01 March 1763 CT p.b. Ebenezer FRISBIE Pa. b. do p=d. (prob.Middlebury, CT) 5 - 1682 Pgb* Branford, CT 25 April 1703 Hannah FRISBEE/FRISBIE p.m. b, - - 05 Jan 1703/4 13 Dec. 1764 p o b o Branford. CT pod* Branford. CT d. 25 D e c . 1803 aged 103 p.d. Middlebury, CT 1: Hannah PAGE 2) Joanna Rose,1715 Daniel%BBOTT' b.24 i768 P*boNiddlebury, N e v Haven Co.,cT m*25 July 1787 p.m. do pob. ' pod. 6 CT New m. 30 Dec. 1702 Joseph SMITH ,p.m. New Hapea, CT a. 20 Dec 1727 p.m. 20 b y 1776 Pod. Wallingford, CT L o i s SMITH b, bap. Feb. 1741/2 p.b. Walllngford, CT dug. 1800 age 59 13 1681 p-bo h. 13 Hatch 1724 podo W e s t Haven, CT be ' a Page 101 Joseph IVES J AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII, No. 2 [June 1996) ANCESTOR @%-KART Submitter: Ancestor Lstina Panes Austin. TX A Mildred Barker Pho 512-835-61z4 12629 Picket Rope Lane Austin, Texas 78727 Page 102 . .. AGS Quarterhr Volume -1. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Liitina Paaes Austin. TX AN Q d * - Pd N A L ,a Submitter: Mildred Barker 1 2 6 2 9 Picket Rope Lane Austin, Texas 7 8 7 2 7 Page 103 Ph . 51 2-835-61 3'4 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 9996) Austin. TX Ancestor Litina Paaes A n c e r s of M e l a B&Awood 4 w~w~Atwoodl b: 16 Sep 1804 in Bath, Maine m:09 Jun 1829 Bolivar,Hardeman, 3” Adela M e Atwood b: 03 Oct 1838 in Bolivar, Hardeman, TN m: 26 Jun 1861 Austin, T d s , TX d: 15 Mar 1918 Austin, Travis, TX Y . r- b: Abt 1745 sale&, Augusm, VA m: Abt 1770 Botetourt Co., VA d: 21 Feb 1821 Spring Hill, Mawy, TN Charles x€ufmNedy b: 1787 in Botetourt Co., VA m: 19 Jan 1808 Maury County,TPJ 8: 1820 Tuxambib, Colbert, AL ____( CatimheEvans I c a t k i n e Nedy b: 16 Jan 1811 in Mauy county,Tpd d: 19 Bug 18% Austin,Tmvi~Tx EaeldelPolk b: 07 Dec 1747 in &lisle. Cumberland PA I m: 1769 Medenberg Co&ty, NC d: 31 Bug 1824 Bolivar, Hardeman, TN I Submi teed by : Billie Palm Bryant 1054 81uebonnet Drive Kerrvil le, TX 78028-3066 ILO- mh I b: in Probably d: Dec 1787 20 Mecklenburg &., NC 1869 Bolivar, I-IardemTN W W I i b: 1746 in Unknown d: 29 Nov 1791P i n m e , NC Page 104 4 AGS Quatterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Ancestors of Biuie Frances Palm bl9Aug1834mBesthull,Swedca m:26Jun1861~Tmvis,Tx d: 19 Fcb 1921 A w h , Travis, TX ' RIlfigAtwoodppbiD b 24Jd 1864 iu Au&9 Travis, TX m:17Dcc1886Unkaom d:2fApr 1960 AbiiTaylor, TX I AdelnBelkAhpood b 03 oot 1838 iuBoliw. H.rdaruqTN d: 15Mar1918Adn,Tnvis,Tx 1 -PdkPshn b27Dec 1896iuMsma.Tnvis,TX m: l 0 h 1925 Rulr.Hukell.TX d: 24 Apr 1972 Abilaw.Tayla, Tx I I Edwsud Mllkms, Jr. b 1816 in Wcrrdroa Parish, camvallCQ..England m: 2 4 0 6 1847 Weadron P.rishcormVallC0.. Endand d: 01 Feb 1901 Tx L - I b Editilwninals b 08 Aug 1864 mpermoEe.co.ofcamvall.Eoglrud d: 20 Feb 1934 Howrud Ccmmnmity.Wichita, TX M.ry Lombridr Fadl b02 Scp 1825 mEngknd d:20 hky 1921 Kyk,Hays, Tx BiUk-Pphn b 27Nov 1930 mE&hd, E.stlucd.TX m:24 Scp 1952 Abideae. Taylor, TX I 1 WiIliam A. U m o d s b: 14Od1814mOgletbapeCo,GA nx 02 Nov 1840 Ogldbape &GA d: 08 Feb 1902 Fa* C&nty. AL JpouaHinEdIDoocls b 28 Jan1862 m Faydk cormty. AL m: 15 Nov 1885 ha,Hill, 1x d: 1 6 J u n 1 9 3 0 ~ J a c l q T X MnryFrpocarb#ilW b 271823 h G A I Submitted by: Billie Palm Bryant 1054 Bluebonnet- Drive Kerrville, TX 78028-3066 L I I d: IS Feb 1880 Fqette Camty,AL WF-BPrLley b 08 Fcb 1865 in N a r Tyh. Sm& TX d 28 Jul19S6 hmm, Jaur. M MplrM.!hitb b: 06 Jun 1823 m Troup Co.. GA d: 08 Dcc 192OAnson.Jarq TX Page 105 I AGS Quarter& Volume WONII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor L i i - n a h a e s Austin. TX E l i z a b e t h Smith Burden 202 S h e f f i e l d P l a c e S a n . A n t o n i u ! , TX 78213 Q u e r y : Need i n f u r m a t i c m c ~ np a r e n t s a n d f a m i l i e s o f R o b e r t A . McAlister/McAllister/McCallister a n d w i f e 9 S a r a h Ann S i d n e y Clark(e1. Robert Mcklister Born 1 J u l y 1811 SCp m S a r a h Ann S i d n e y C l a r k ( e > 27 D e c 1 8 3 8 ' i n Augusta,GA, d 27 A p r i l 1896 A u s t i n ? T X . B u r i e d i n Oakwoctd C e m e t e r y , G u s t i n TX P a r e n t s u'nknuwn. Fathe): b a r n I r e l a n d Mother b o r n SC. . L. N o t e s : R o b e r t M c C a l 1i s t e r a n d C y r i s Ijcarrance bound tca t h e c o u r t o f Richmond Co.GA f o r $975.14 cdn 25 D e c . 1538 i n t e n d e d f a r S a r a h Ann S i d n e y C l a r k e , A . G . R a i f c ~ r d D e p u t y C l e r k . M a r r i e d 27 D e c 1538 by R o b e r t L car T Wils;c(n. " S a r a h Ann S i d n e y C l a r k e B o r n 2.5 March 1822 AugustasGA. d . 15 May 1905 A t i ~ t i n , T X . B u r i e d i n Oakwoud c e m e t e r y G u s t i n TX P a r e n t s unknowns b u t f a t h e r b a r n France a n d m o t h e r b o r n GA. Children: J u l i a F r a n c e s b . 16 Nov 1839 G A 9 m l l ) 27 D e c 1855 tcl MI-. ? Walter JGnes hScr m ( 2 ) 8 Nav 1859 t o D a v i d H. f7rrnstrc1ng~M.D.? d 4 FJov 1928 H o u s t o n ( H a r r i s . ) TX Rctbei-t b abctut 1841 SC. d . 1 6 N C ~ V 1862 F t . S m i t h A R ? ' B u r i e d 0akw.cmd C e m s G u s t i n , TX. Did n u t m a r r y . ? Albert b. a b o u t 1843 S C C a r o l i n e Caleman b a b o u t 1852 e i t h e r TX ctr TN. T h e r e ir, a f a m i l y s t o r y t h a t R o b e r t arrd S a r a h r a i s e d a n Indian g i r l I N a t e s on Ro b ert M c A l ister K n u w n P1 a c e s O f R e s i d e n c e 1850 Pi ice CCI GA 1357-1862 Cooke Cu.!, TX 1870-after 1850 B e l l Cu, TX Was l i s t e d as a n e l d e r o f t e h C h u r c h o f C h r i s t ; while 1 i y i n y in Saladca Be1 1 C o . , f X . On la60 C e n s u s L i s t e d a s C a i - r i a g e Maker On 1850 C e n s u s f o r B e l l C a . ,TX was l i v i n g w i t h h i s i a~ F r a n c e s s h e r h u s b a n d D a v i d H . Ai-mstrclng 9 daughter J L I M.D. a n d t h e i r f a m i l y . N o t e s can S a r a h Ann S i d n e y C l a r k e On 1900 C e n s u s f a r T r a v i s C C I . ~TX was l i v i n g w i t h D , H. A r m s t r o n g f a m i l y . She s a i d she h a d t h r e e c h i l d r e n ? o n e l i v i n g . From t h e e a r l y c e n s u s r e c o r d s I c a n " t t e l l i f A l b e r t a n d R o b r r t a r e carre and t h e same or d i f f e r e n t c h i l c l r e n . I f t h e y a r e t h e s a m e 7 p e r h a p s she is c a u n t i n g C a r o l i n e Coleman as h e r c h i l d . H e r o b i t u a r y is f u l l s f errc~i-~s. Page 106 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 F A M I L Y Ancestor Lstina Paaes Austin. TX R E U N I O N A E a m i l y r e u n i o n for a l l t h e r e l a t i v e s of EZEKIEL SMITH (1781-1854) a n d h i s w i f e , SUSANNA DINGESS (1774-1848), i s b e i n g p l a n n e d t o coi n c i d e w i t h t h e d e d i c a t i o n of a S t a t e H i s t o r i c a l M a r k e r t o b e p l a c e d i n R i v e r s i d e C e m e t e r y i n 1996, i n S e g u i n , T-exas. T h i s c e m e t e r y cont a i n s a b o u t 2000 g r a v e s of some o f t h e e a r l y s e t t l e r s of T e x a s . The " o l d SMITH p o r t i o n " i s t h e b u r i a l s i t e of EZEKIEL a n d SUSANNA a s w e l l a s t h e i r s o n s , PARIS, PETER, FRENCH, CHARLES a n d t h e i r wives; t h e i r d a u g h t e r , GERTRUDE, m a r r i e d WILLIAM ANDERSON DINGESS a n d r e m a i n e d i n West V i r g i n i a . Anyone i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e f i n a l p l a n s of d a t e a n d ' p l a c e s h o u l d s e n d a l a r g e SASE t o : SMITH FAMILY REUNION, 202 S h e f f i e l d P l a c e , San A n t o n i o , T e x a s 78213-2627. REUNION DATE: O c t o b e r 12, 1996 MARKER DEDICATION DATE: Page 107 October 13, 1996 ,GENERATION NO.- FAMILY GROUP No.480.6 Husband's FBI11 N a m e Georae aR/Georae BAER. Jr. . FROM THE BAER FILE AT THE FREDERICK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. FREDERICK, MARYLAND 1 . ) An article giving names of previous ma ore of Frederick. Maryland, liste Oeorge Baer [Jrf in 1820. 2.) An article etatee that an addre68 of welcome to Lafayette in 1825 was delivered by Hayor George Baer. along the nonocacy River at Jug Bridge. lvlfe's Full blalden S a m e ca Baer, George. Jfr a Representative from Maryland. born in Frederick, MD, in 17631 attended the common echoolsr engaged in mercantile pursuits; member of the State houee of delegates in 17941 elected as a Federaliet t o the Fifth and Sixth Congreasee (March 4, 1797 March 3 , 1 8 O l ) I again a member oe the State HOUSB of Delegates in 1808 and 18091 judge of the orphan's court of Frederick County in 18131 elected t o the 14th Congress (March 4, 1815 March 3 , 181711 reQumad hi0 formor msrcantlle pursuitei nayor oP Frederick in 18201 died in Frederick, Frederick Maryland April 3 . 18341 interment at Mount Olivet CemeFrederick, Maryland]. - - LAaed 67 lyears at I death. I2 Sons Oetzendanner 8 hWI.(C 1 I*Additional Sources: Docent Jog IAlbert, Frederick County Hletorlcai Inuseurn. Frederick, naryland. vorltraito of Georgo and Catherlne[Hauer ~ ~ a in e rthe Museum back parlor) I PWOTATIONS FROM W X A L HLSTOR Y OF FREDERICK MARYLAND, THE FIRST 174s-1995 BY CANNON, GORSLINE C WHLTKOREr M A R Y L A N D 1995. Page 3 E r "When word reached Frederick that tho French Oeneral, Marquis de Lafayette. was planning to visit the United States in 1824. a committee of citizens invited him to come t o Frederick because slany local men had served under his command during the revolution. Lafayette accepted the invltatlon, and vhen he approached Frederick on December 24. 1824, he was met by Fredericktonians on the Monocacy Bridge, just outside of town. Among those present to greot him were membera of the committee, Mayor Baer, several members of congrese. and Revolutionary war hero Lawrence Everhert, who had rescued the wounded Lafayetto during the Battle of Brandywine.. .I .. Page 42: " A plan of Fredericktown, Maryland, prepared by Lawrence Brengle, surveyor, was examlned and approved by Stephen Steiner, tovn commissioner. and Oeorge Baer, Mayor. on June 15. 1821.1 .... the first Page 116: P i c t u r e w Frederick county National Bank. cashier vas George Baer." O p e r a t i o m began in June, 1818. Oeorge Baer, Jr V a s a 4th great-uncle of Lorrie Foster Henderson. Hie father. Georg Bb.r/George Baer, vas born in Oermany. and was theearlieatknovn Person of our Bair family to immigrate t o America, possibly in 1732 on the 'Dragon". Family Group Sheet No. 480.4. sources, Continued: *...Run on the West side o f Linville Creek by May 1774, Rockingham County. Virginia. South of Rrock's Gap deed dated 18 August 1 7 7 3 . " Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index. Maryland, as of 1992. ... **Re! "&in' and "Schellmannin": These are German feminine forms of BPr and Schellman. respectively. See Scharf, a&, p. 5 2 6 regarding stones removed from the Original site of the German Reformed Church cemetery which was dug up and the stones removed, "preparatory to the erection of a chapel. the inscriptions of the following stones were obtained: [Includes apparent grandparents of Anna Maria "Barin-, George marks the and Naryhlagdalena Rimball Baer, Sr]....Another grave of Anna Naria sirin daughter o f Henry and Elirabeth.. .moat Of theae [stones) were in the Germ8n language'". ..... . ... ***Elizabetha/Elizabeth SchelLmannin/Shellaan Baer/Bear and Isaac Wisong are the 3 r d great-grandparents o f Patricia Faller, 2 5 6 1 Fairview Road, Madisonville, Tennessee 37354 Her Ancestor Chart documents this relationship. A copy of this chart vas sent to the compiler by Leona Bair Kenney. Ma. Faller his furnished much valuable information leading t o the extending of our knowledge of Bair ancestry back to German emigration. ****See LDS-IQI Maryland a s of 1 9 9 2 , page 6 2 4 . Anna Maria wns not listed in the cited .Records of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Fredrick Xaryland 1746-1800", translated by William J. Hinke & B. W. Reinecke, published by Family Life Publications of Silver Spring, Naryland. This fact was due t o her birth in 1 8 0 2 . outside the time frame of the records in the book. The time, place, and names natch Well enough that it can probably safely be assumed that this child belongs in this family. The name "Anna naris Kimbole Baer" suggests that she van named after her grandmother. referred to above. It was also a common practice for subsequent children to be given the name of one who previously died. - I I I I I Calh I .L"rlrll I .inn rzr.r- \tar. I I I I I -0VBR- I Additional Source! "Archives of Maryland Muster Rolls and other records of service of Maryland Troops in the hmerican Revolution 1775-1783.. volume 2; Baltimore; Maryland Historical Society, 1900. The names o f Henry and his brother John are both listed, and confirmed by other information from DAR records described in Volume 16, No. 4, and Volume 1 0 , NO. 2 , The Bear Family Newsletter. Putting this information together. it appears that both John (Family Group Sheet No. 2 4 0 ) served o n the ship Defence, although not necessarily simultaneously. In addition, Henry was a Private (implying Army), and John is listed as part o f the ship's company, d e s c d b e d a s a Yoeman "Diary Of in one roster, an: an a Coxswain in another. Also: Jacob Engelbrecht Vo1 1, pp 506 L 5 2 4 1 Maryland. AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Litina Paaes Austin. TX PEDIGREE CHART 23 Apr 1996 Ralpe and address of submitter: John P. Eolraan 4901 Westvieu Drive Austin PX 78731 Phone:( 512) 459-9403 Page 110 Chart no. 1 BOBB: PLACE: DIED: PLACB: . AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listinq Paaes Austin. TX PEDIGREE CHAR7 23 Apr 1996 Chart no. 1 8 I HABB: 4 Joseph DELAHEP---------------------------I ; BORH: 25 Har 1682 PLACE: I DIED: Aft 5 Har 1738 f PLACE: ,Harpland I I PLACE: Kilkennp,Kilkennp Co. Ireland I HARB: 1715 I PLACE: I DIED: 13 Sep 1769 1 PLACE: ,,VA 2 William DELAAEY , Doctor-----------------' I I BOBH: I PLACK: Spotsplvania Co. ,VA ; HABB: 1I PUCK: DIED: 1777 1I PLACB: Culpeper Co. ,VA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Thomas DELAHY--------------------------I BOBH: Abt 1662 I PLACE: ,Ireland I I . j ------------_-_____-------------------BOBH: PLACE : DIED: PLACE : 1 0 Zachary LEWIS--------------------------I BOER: Abt 1650 I I I I PLACE : Brecon,Brecknockshire ,Wales I KABB: 5 Harp LEWIS-------------------------------'l PLACE: BOBH: 1 9 Hov 1696 f DIED: Abt 1719 PLACE: Bichmond Citp,VA I PLACE: King & Queen Co. ,VA DIED: 19 Jan 1762 I I PLACE: I I I I Hame and address of submitter: John T. Holraan 4901 Westview Drive Austin TX 78731 Phone:( 512) 459-9403 Page 111 PLACE: AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 19961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin, TX ... .. E b . . a x e Page 112 AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listinq Paqes Austin. TX t -- ramnhpll rn. KA. Randolph Co. N.C. be ~ ? aR,L. ~ IIL 23 mar 1816 Campbell 1860+’ fili 6 2 0 Kar 1904 CO. GAd* .d St.Elmo/Austin, T X 18- J - ~ Page 113 $8 QUERIES Ancestor Lstina Paaes.. __ Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 9996) AGS Quarterlv ** 8$%88** Austin. TX J e r r y A. Hunt, 5419 M o n t v i e w S P . , A u s t i n TX 7 8 7 5 6 - 1 6 0 7 Te1.512/345-2402, e-mail: e p x y 9 7 a e p r o d i g y . c o m (b.abt 1720, m . b e f 1744, 1 s t r e c o r d Co. NC, d.abt JAN 1791, F r a n k l i n Co. NC) Po e a r l y HUNT f a m i l i e s w h o m i g r a t e d i n t o / f r o m S o u t h s i d e VA. Wife named ELIZABETH, THOMAS9 c h i l d r e n w e r e HENRY ($.1744)/HARDY,SARAH, & JOHN. HENRY/HARDY l i n e m i g r a t e d WILSON/SUMNER Co. TN, then GIBSON Co. TN. HENRY/HARDY m.ANN/SARAH TAYLOR ( F a t h e r = J O t d N TAYLOR) i n FRANKLIN Co. NC. P o s s i b l y r e l a t e d Po o t h e r THOMAS/#ENRY HUNT i n area. R e l a t e d names a r e MASSEY (m.unnamed dau.) and HARRIS ( i s s u e o f SARAH HUNT). l i n k s f r o m ?MOMAS HUNT HUNT--Want ---1754 M i l i t i a L i s t GRANVILLE i n f o . selaUivg Po JOSEPH TAYLOR (b.abP 1783, NC. L i v e d TAYLOR--Want WILLIAMSON Co. BN 9810-1855, d.abP 9 8 5 5 ) . W i f e ELIZABETH. Known issue: SARAH (b.abt 1880, m.JOHN KING, W ' S O N Co. TN, Jul 1834; JOSEPH Y. b.abt 1822 (m.NANCY JANE bef 18551, and M I L E S C. b . 1 8 2 7 , 1830 C e n s u s s h o w s 10 c h i l d r e n a t home. Most m . M a r t h a A n n MEREDITH. m o v e d to GIBSON Co. TN by 1857. 9860 C e n s u s shows ELIZABETH w/SARAH KING, QUINCY area, GIBSON Co. TN near JOSEPH Y. and M I L E S C. TAYLOR. T h e " Y " i n i t i a l i n JOSEPH Y . TAYLOR poss.is f a m i l y name o f "YANCEY". Note: A Joseph TAYLOR m . E l i z a b e P h TATE, ORANGE C o o NC, JAN 1 8 0 7 . ------ l i n k s P o JOHN VAYLOR (b.ebt 1 7 1 5 , prob. VA, m . b e f . 1 7 4 5 , 1 7 8 5 , FRANKLIN Co. NC). W i f e named MARY. Issue are MOURNING (To H a n c o c k Co. GA), ANN/SARAH (m.HENRY/HARDY HUNT, LUCRETIA (m.JESSE WEBB), RUTH (m.WILLIAM BABB). W i f e d . a b t 1789, F r a n k l i n Co.NC POSS. i s JOHN TAYLOR of NANSEMOND Co. VA, who bought 357a f r o m THOMAS Also i n t e r e s t e d i n poss. r e l a t i v e s HUNT i n GRANVILLE Coo NC, 07'63. who had sons named JOSEPH TAYLOR o r HENRY HUNT TAYLOR. TAYLOR--Want -----d.abt GRAVES/RUTLAND/WATSON--Want Po develop l i n e s o f JOHN GEORGE GRAVES, (b.a$U 1 7 7 5 V A ) m.RAary RUTLAND, dau. BLAKE RUTLAND/MARTHA WATSON; l i v e d WILSON Co. TN 1810-d.bef 1860. P r o b . Son o f BEVERLY GRAVES, C a r o l i n e Co. VA and poss. g-son of a John GRAVES. Issue $.Wilson Co. TN: LOUISA (b.abP 1811, m.SAMUEL BOOTH), MARTHA ($.abt 1815, m.5.D. ALFORD), POLLY E L I Z . (b.abt 1817, m.JOHN CRUDUP), M y l i n e : Louisa GRAVES JOHN GEORGE BLAKE (b.abP 9820, m.NANCY BROWN). v i a BOOTH/MAYF%ELD m a r r i a g e , G i b s o n Co. TN. ..................... MAYFIELD-GIBSON--Need ----------------------------- help w / l i n e s f o r James MAYFIELD and h i s son Isaac MAYFIELD (b.Prob. VA, d.TN 1780), pioneers o f mid-TN during Indian w a r s . I S A A C spouse w a s ELIZABETH GIBSON, w i d o w of NICHOLAS GENTRY. L i v e d DAVIDSON/W%LL%AMSONCo. TN. F a m i l y names ar BOYD, PATTERSON, WYNN. F a m i l i e s m o v e d on t o GIBSON Co. TN, TX, KY. ISAAC/ELIZABETH issue a r e SUTHERLAND/ELIZABETH/JAMES/ELIAS MAYFIELD. James w i f e i n TN w a s ELLENDER ( 3 ) . Was m o t h e r o f h i s issue? S u r n a m e ? Wish i s " e a r l y VA" ancestry o f JAMES MAYFIELD and ELIZABETH GIBSON. MEREDHTH-FULTON--Want t o develop l i n e s o f FREDERICK MEREDITH (b.poss NC, d.1826 WAYNE Co. TN) and MARY FULTON (b.poss VA, m s l . a b t 1800 TN, d.1836 WAYNE 6 0 . TN). Bro.JOHN MEREDITH nearby i n 1820 census WAYNE Co. TN. Prob. i s s u e a r e DEBORAH, JAMES B., FREDERICK, Assoc. f a m i l y names: NETTLES, THOMAS, PLEASANT, R I L E Y , SUSAN, CYRUS. HOLLIS, DAVIS; "LOVICK" i s 8 common m i d d l e name i n f a m i l y . Wish w i v e s m a i d e n n a m e s and MEREDIBH/FULTON ancestry. My l i n e : f r o m RILEY. ----------------------------- FLEMPNG-BOYD--Need -----------TN, i n f o . on RALPH FLEMING (b.abP 1 7 7 0 , m . W i l l i a m s o n C o d.abP 1821 Wm'son Co. TN) and w i f e HANNAH BOYD KY). Issue a r e JANE (Jenny), m . E l i a s MAYFIELD MARGARET (m.EBMINSON), JOSIAH. Name v a r i a t i o n 17'99, (prob. d.1803 LOGAN C o o JAMES, POLLY (m.WHITE), i s FLEMMON and FLEUMPNG. dau. o f T N pioneer JOHN HANNAH has been c a l l e d "HANNER"9 i s p o s s i b l e BOYD. Page 114 a AGS Quarterhr 0 Volume wo(vII. No. 2 (June 1996) AHNENTAFEL A p r i l 2 8 , 1996 at 3:Ol p.m. -- Ancestor Listina Paqes Austin, TX J e r r y A . HUNT, 5419 M o n t v i e w St., A u s t i n TX 18756 Page 1 NUM SURNAUE GIVENAMES BIRTHDATE B-PLACE MARR-DATE DEATHDATE D-PLACE ____ ___________ ___________________ ___--___-__-_____ __--_--_-___------------- -------------------_-------_-------------_-----__________------------------- ------------_---------------- 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 012 013 014 015 016 017 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 052 053 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 HUNT HUNT TAYLOR HUNT HARPER TAYLOR MAYFIELD HUNT ALLEN TAYLOR MEREDITH MAYFIELD BOOTH HUNT GAY TAYLOR MEREDITH MAYFIELD FLEUING BOOTH GRAVES HUNT TAYLOR GAY MEREDITH FULTON MAYFIELD GIBSON FLEMING BOYD BOOTH NELMS GRAVES RUTLAND HUNT 065 066 061 112 124 126 127 TAYLOR MAYFIELO GRAVES RUTLAND WATSON JERRY ARTHUR JAMES ARTHUR MARY LOU I S E JAMES GRANVILLE L O L L I E F. D A V I D HENRY ( D A V E ) MARGARET L . ( P E A R L ) HENRY GRADY J A N E W. MILES CHRISTOPHER MARTHA ANN JOHN NICHOLAS SARAH L O U I S A HARDY NANCY JOSEPH ELIZABETH RILEY SARAH M A R I A ( H ) -? ELIAS JANE (JENNY) SAMUEL LOUISA HENRY (REV. ) ANN JOHN MARTHA FREDERICK MARY ISAAC E L I Z A B E T H P . GENTRY RALPH HANNAH GEORGE CONWAY I 1 ANNA JOHN GEORGE MARY ( P O L L Y ) THOMAS E L I ZABETH JOHN MARY JAMES ( 1 S T ) BEVERLY BLAKE MARTHA ( P A T S Y ) 25 AUG 1931 23 AUG 1894 23 APR 1904 1 2 FEE 1849 18 F E B 1864 16 F E E 1872 14 MAR 1825 02 FEE 1822 09 AUG 1827 29 DEC 1837 12 MAR 1834 05 SEP 1840 18 JAN 1183 i a JAN 1786 A B T 1783 A B T 1185 ABT 1806 J U N 1958(Dv) 26 NOV 1923 14 FEE 1936 2a JAN 1955 26 NOV 1891 BET 1894-1900 B E T 1894-1900 GIBSON CO. TN A B T J A N 1899 11 NOV 1935 GIBSON CO. TN 31 DEC 1923 WILSON co. TN 25 AUG 1845 BEF 1880 GIBSON co. TN 25 AUG 1864 WILLIAMSON co. TN BEF OCT 1858 08 JAN 1891 WAYNE CO. TN 06 AUG 1916 GIBSON co. TN 01 J A N 1861 04 FEE 1 9 1 3 G I B S O N CO. TN 25 NOV 1893 FRANKLIN co. NC 05 JAN 1803 0 1 SEP 1860 NASH co. NC 1 6 NOV l a 5 1 NC ABT 1807 A B T 1856 VA A F T 1860 22 J U L 1900 G I B S O N CO, TN G I B S O N CO. TN GIBSON CO. TN GIBSON co, TN 1 9 FEE t i a 8 25 F E E 1792 A B T 1197 ABT i a i i 28 NOV 1744 0 2 F E E 1145 A B T 1153 DAVIDSON CO.NC=TN 07 SEP t a l i DAVIDSON CO.NC=TN 19 APR 1827 VA NC ABT 1770 20 MAR 1779 A B T 1750 A B T 1755 NC ( ? ) VA ( ? ) VA VA 31 J A N 1766 ABT iaoo A B T 1784 1 3 APR 1791 06 OCT 1758 06 F E B 1156 A 8 T 1771 A B T 1720 17 F E E 1791 NC C A R O L I N E CO. VA-? B E F 1811 VA ABT 1142 A B T 1715 ( ? ) VA ( ? ) A B i 1723 A B T 1150 A B T 1747 C A R O L I N E CO.VA -? VA -? VA ( ? I Page 115 GIBSON MADISON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON WM’SON GIBSON GIBSON CO. TN CO.TN co. TN CO. TN CO. TN CO, TN CO. TN co. T N co. TN CO. TN co. TN CO. TN co. Tti co. T N CO. TN CO, TN CO. TN GIBSON co. i N GIBSON CO, TN GIBSON CO. TN ABT JAN 1860 GIBSON co, TN 16 MAY 1825 WILSON CO. TN 30 MAY 1824 F R A N K L I N CO. NC ABT DEC i a o a NASH co, NC BEF 1808 ( ? I NASH co, NC ABT 1826 WAYNE CO. TN ABT 1863 WAYNE CO, TN 06 J U L 1794 DAVIOSON CO.NC=TN 03 MAY 1830 TN A 8 T 1821 WM.SON CO. TN BEF NOV 1803 A 8 T 1844 RUTHERFORD CO. TN 29 MAR 1822 TN ABT 1854 WILSON CO. TN W I L S O N CO. TN ABT 1791 F R A N K L I N CO. NC B E F 1766 ( ? ] B U T € CO. NC ( ? ) ABT 1185 F R A N K L I N CO. NC A F T 1785 F R A N K L I N CO. NC 05 APR 1780 DAVIOSON CO.NC=TN VA -? WILSON GO. TN W I L S O N CO. TN 04 SEP 1835 14 MAY 1846 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 99961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. Tx Family Group Record zhr.: Marr: Died: Bur.: Father: ABT 1837 30 DEC 1893 Place: Place: Place: Nixon's Chapel, Marshall Co, Alabama Place: Rock Springs Cem, Marshall Co,Alabama Mother : 1817 Place. , , North Carolina zhr.: Place. 9 MAR Place: , Marshall Co,Alabama Died: Place: Rock Springs Cem, Marshall Co,Alabama Bur.: ?ather: Mother: Ither Husbands: \ List each child (living o r dead) ;ex Children U/F in order of birth 1. Name: William M MARTIN Spouse: Mahulda GRlFFlTH M Born: 1839 Place: Guntersville, Marshall, Alabama Place: Chr.: Marr: 8 MAR 1860 Place: , Marshall Co. Alabama Place: Died: Spouse: George SMITH 2. Name: Nancy C MARTIN F Born: 1841 Place: Guntersville, Marshall, Alabama Place: Chr.: Marr: 23AUG 1858 Place: , Marshall Co, Alabama Place : Died: Spouse: Ophelia A UNKNOWN 3. Name: Henry Clay MARTIN M Born: 1845 Place: Guntersville, Marshall, Alabama Place: Chr.: Place: Marr: Died: Place: Spouse: Dorm Ellen FIELDS 4. Name: James Am brous MART IN M Born: 7 JUL 1854 Place: Guntersville, Marshall, Alabama Chr.: Place: Marr: 20 SEP 1874 Place: , Marshall Co, Alabama Died: 18 AUG 19 18 Place: Waco, McLennan, Texas Spouse: Millie Lucinda HUGHES 5 . Name: George W MARTIN M Born: 4FEB 1858 Place: Guntersville, Marshall Co, Alabama Chr.: Place: Marr: 14 DEC 1879 Place: , Marshall Co, Alabama Died: 20 MAR 1923 Place: , Marshall Co.Alabama Spouse: 6. Name: Place: Born: Place: Chr.: Place: Mwr: Place: Died: Born : PO Box 686 Sanderson, Texas 79848 P h y g : ( 9 15) 345-2686 Page AGS Quartertv @PEDIGREE Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 CHART Ancestor Lstina Paws Austin. TX Sat, Apr 27,1996 Chart No. - h ~ b l m n b e 1r on this chert is the same as no. 8 NMEIHANSEN Born: 1793 Place: b e , , Denmark Marr: 25 OCT 1822 Place: ,,Denmark - Place: Buske, ,Denmark Pl4Kw: ,,bonnuxk Died: 1 2 APR 1879 Place: Buoke, ,Denmark Xarr: Place: Died: Plea?: 20 OCT 1883 - PA,, New Jersey 2 DEC 1913 S u d t , south Dakota Place: Kvoerkeby, ,Denmark tlarr: 25 FEB 1832 Place: ,,Denmark Died: 31 JAN 1917 Place: RM., Denmark a . Place: Ase, Denmark Died: Place: 1 Place: WG, ,Xirmesota Xarr: 9AUE1913 Place: Detroit, B, M i m s o t a Died: 16 FEB 1972 Place: Tamer, ,Florida Spouse: H 3 6 d C SOFENSEN ace: Tybjerg, ,Denmark Marr: 24 JUL 1860 Place: Tybjerg, ,Denmark Died: 13 NOV 1898 Plooe: Tybjerg, ,Denmerk R Christoffer ANDERSEN 1 2 Born: 6APR1789 Place: Kongsted, ,Denmark Marr: Place: Tybjerg., Denmark Died: 16 JUL 1871 Place: Tybjerg., Denmark . - Kirsten HANSDATTER 1s Born: 1790 - . Place: Tybjerg.. Denmark Died: 2 APR 1871 Place: Tybjerg., Denmark Born: 14 OCT 1860 P l m : Tybjerg., Denmark Died: 7 APRl923 Place: SummitJlCSouth Dakota 1 Person srtbmitting Pedigree Chart: k Paul Xartirr Box 686 Harr : Place: Karen S TORGENSDATTER Born: 5 SEP 1834/1833 Plaae: Evordrup., Denmark Died: 1 8 SEP l 9 l l Place: Spragelselille,,Denmark nioa- Place: ,,,Denmark 15 Born. 1804 Place: ,Denmark Died: Place: , Dentnark .. kader8oa, Texas 79848 PHONE: (915) 345-2686 .. Page 117 - ll?~ommUkdrIch (l732-180l) of CaroUne & Amhust Co. VA m.Ce(boP(m- and had issue, Edmand COoMeh (1758-1818) of Amhent Co VA 111.1782 hanm Pearee, and had issue. Gldeon C. Goodrlcb (17811835) of Amberst Co. VA & M o m Co MO m. 1809 Ellrnbclh carbca (a descendent of King Edward I thrw h e Mowbray, Wells, Dymoke, Sklpwith and Dale fsmllks),dau. A b m & Mary Robuts &of Amherst Co, and had issue, Robert Weon ooodrkb (1827-1905) of M o m Co MO and Norman, Cleveland Co, OK m. Mprgue(Ellnbc(h Rut, dau.of Hugh & Elizabeth See Har~(and gt. granddau. John Hart of Hopewell NJ, Signer of the Declararion of Indcpcadence), and had hue. Dr. Hugh Cldeoa CoaMcb,of New Florence, Mont ornery Co, MO and Noman OK.b. M m C o M O 1849m.lstly 1883EUmbetl1Jullraa%oem(d. Jonesburg MO 1884). daughw of Conrad Heinrick MorilELoeas of Elberfeld,0erman ,and had issue. a son, Dr. Loens Hart Goodtich (m. Odie M. H u t and had four children). b.0.O d c h m. zndl LaddoniaMO 1885 Emma Vlfglnln Antton (l857-1942), dab. of Jud e Jonah and Srdaey Centerbury Haptoa of High W, MontgomeryCo MO, and d 1933,leavffighurher bsue, I. Nell Virghth Gooddch, of Rancho Encinal, 8525 Oarland Road, Dallas TX and Hi hwall. 120 Lloyd Rd, Monrclalr NJ.Civic leader& philanthmplat. b. New flonm MO 1886. Norman HS, Unlv of olda m. Norman 1910EverLce DcOolyer (6Dallas 1956). son of John and Na~cissusHuddk Dbool ex of the DeBow Farm,Pompton Plains, NJ & Normaa. and dw. 6 Dallas 1972, leaving laws (see *&te Deaolyen of Dallas", A.O.S. Quarterly, Xxxm, No. 2. (June 1992) pp. 7679) Her grsndson Peter Flagg M u o n of Austin b author of this work. 2. (Mary) Pearl Coodrkh. of I225 E. 25th St., Tulsa OK.and Chi ita Park CO. b. New Florence 1888 Wuc. Norman HS.Umv. of OUa m. Nonnra 1913 &e Sellers Porter (d. 1951)son of Albert and Amanda SeIkrn Porter of OulMe OK,and d.'lhlsa 1983 leaving issue, A. P~IUPotter, of Dallas. b. Norman 1915 Educ. Rinccton Univ., Univ. of Okla.ktrolew geologist, former1 with DeOdyer & MacNap ton, Chief odologist VPRupsie. m.Tulsa 194ODorie Joan !&UI.dau. of Earl & Tessle g u t Smith of Tulsa and has issue. I. Pbil Oaodrich (Ricky)Porrtr, b. 1946 6 Dabs 1949 2. (Barle) Ste hen Porter, b. 1950 Educ. S.M.U., Univ. of Tex. (Dallas)m.1979 (dlv.1986) !me Shepherd. dau. of Mar & Mary Shepherd 3. Robett D a d Porter. b. 1951 111.1972 (dlv.1980) Elizabeth Brand, dau. of James B Maurine Brand, and haa lame (SM, Phil David) 4. ( M o h ) Susaaha Poner, b. 1951 (twin)m. 1990 (div.) Ron B a k e of Fayetieville NC. B. Helm Porter, of Orinda CA. b. Norman 1918Educ. SwarthmoreColl. Founder.Charmwick Candles. m. lstly 'I\llsa 1940 (div. 1972) Arnold Joseph Viehotver, of H W r o u g h CA. son of Dr.Am0 and Mabel Johnson Vlehwver. of SwarIhmorePA and had Issue, 1. Peter Viehoever. b. Redwood Cit ,Calff. 1951 Educ.Bltrlia ame HS. Saa Amm Jr. Coll. m. Pinole CA m. 1979 (div.1989 Darla Omber, dau. Don oeorgia Omber of Pinole, and had lmue (son P a m ) Helm Porter m.2ndly San Francisco 1973 Dr.Paul A. Slattery (d. Orinda CA 19&6),son of John & Marie Slallexy of clindnnati. Mar are1 (Pe gy) Poner, of Pacific palisades CA & Pon Townsend W A b. Glen Ridge, NJ 922 uc We wle C o t . Smford Unlv (MA) m. 194- John Gama Burke, W D (whom. 2ndly Ann Smih, widow of US. SenlOkla. Oov. Dewey Bar(k1t and d.1989). son of Edmund & CsrttcrineBnrry Burke of Boston MA and d . M Townsend 1983 kavin issue, 1. (Margm) AUson Burke. of Los Osos CA. b. Pittsburgh PA 1946 Educ. Unlv of dif r d A.i Wsr- hmm, Arrhltschtnl HIsbrimKoppui HOUM,u 1 2 Avenue F, tiydehrk, AwUn TX 78751 (SantaB u b r ~ im. ) Sans Barbara 1970John Mitchell Ball. son of Roy & Nancy AveneU Ball of pksoo CA, and has h u e (dew: Alyssa, Screna, Danielle; son Oarmt) 2. Kevin Oama. of Port Townseod W k b. Pinsburgh PA 1948 Educ.Pacific Palisades HS, Stanford Univ. m.lsUy L a Ve as NV 1969(dlv) Mary PrancesSeedlock, daughter of wdter mantes ~ c e d l o ~ lan r!. issue (da~.h ~ y son . Benjamin). HC m.2ndy port Townsend WA. 1989Debra Ann Snnderland,dau.Eugene & Joarme Sundertand 3. (Mary) Eileen Burke. of San Francisco CA b. Tulsa 1950Educ.Pumey Sch.(VT), Univ. of W. (Santa Cmz) d San Frandsu, 1992 3. C U e S Qioocsrlcb, of Middlesex Co. C T & Flint, MI.b. New Rmnce 1890 Educ. Norman H g U m v of Okla m. 1913 Bulc Smltb COag. son of John & Nola Smith Coots of Shawn& OK, and d. Palm Beach PL 1946 leaving lame, A. Mary Nell Coots, of DaUas.& lslesbom ME.b. Norman 1914. Educ. Univ of ma.m.1931 Rdph Burton Rogers, chuman, Texas Industnur, son of Joseph L.Rogers of Boston, and lB.3 i=-. 1. John Burton (Jack) Rogers. of F%h Beach FL & Islesbom, MEb. Boston 1933 Bduc. St. Mark's (Southbomgb, MA),Yak Coll, €!a!vard Unfv (MBA) m.Shmv LA 1954 (div. 1970) Joanna Wesley Lac,dam of Wdhm & Joerma OleUen Lce o%veport, and had (son Mark). He m. 2ndly Alhene, 01971 AUa Julia Corn. fonnedy wlfe of DeSnles Harrisoa and dau. of Ma& & JuUa Doda Con of Selma, AL,and bad furulerissue (dau.Cnllie, son John Jr.; ado sonsPegram andDesaks HaniSollW 2. Robert David (Bob) Rogers. of Hartlord 193- Educ. St. Mark's (MA). Yale Coll. Resident K.E.0. Tern Industries m.lstly Bast Hamptc~~, Lt,M y 1958 (div. 1 9 8 3 Joan Wards Barbour (who m. M y Dudley Orey of Snow Maas CO), dau. of W. Stanton dB: Manha Benedid Berbour of Morrislown. NJ & BBst Ham w and had issue (sons David. James; dau. Mary Burton). He m. M y 19, M arc4 &m Jonsson, formuly wife of Oeorge Volk. Charlton and dau. of Mayor (John) & Margant Jorrpson of Dallas. 3. Richard (Dick) Ooodrich Rogers, of Dallns. b. New Rochelle NY.1940 Educ. SL Mark's 0. Bmwa Univ! SMU (JD).Attorney. m.Ddas 1963 EUen Higginbo(ham, dau. Joseph a Euz8wlBell HI bolham of Ddlas,andhaelsJlle (Jon Michael,dau.Katherlm) 4. William (Bill) Eark%gm, of Dallas. b. New Rocbelle NY.1947 Educ. SL Mark's Rolllns CoU., Univ of Tex. ExecutiveVia h i d e n t , Century Sales Ltd.m.lsUy Aunin 1968 (div. 1973) Sara Jo Hood, dau. of C h w & Ora Barnes Hood of Houston & Lago Vista, and had issue (son Philip). He m.2ndly Mrs. Buff Rank Strickland, dau. of Don B Buff Rank of AmarilloTX,and has hnthuh u e (sou Will). g8. % m), 4 Robml Bnolcs Goadrkb. of Ooodricb-Kimball-CnrterHouse, # 21 Wwtover Road, Pon Worth and the O d c h Ranch. Bumet Co TX. Educ.Norman HS,Univ. of CMa. President, Rio Oil Company and rancher. m. lstly 1917 (dlv. 1921) 5erU1la Blank. of Claremore OK (who m. ond Ooodrich, of Fort Wonh, b. TUsn 1917 Educ. McCallie MUilary SCL, Univ lsrly Fort Worth 1946 Laura Blount Williams (d.1964), dau. of Charles & Armeta Price Williams of Fort Worth, and bad iapue. 1. Charles Hatton Goodrich of Tr y Club TX.,b. A b k n e 1953 Educ. Texas A&M, Univ of Texas. m. San Angela 1976Vkh Marie Schon, dau. of Raymond J. Schon of San An elo, ,and has isSm (BW Robert, dau. &in). R.R m.2ndly R Wonh 1964 (div.1982) (Beatria)Lucille Blewea, fonnedy wife of John Burwell Pope (d. 1984). dau of Emerson K e m y Blewett of Dcnton and Siekx of Peter Blewett, below. HCr childen are Sally Pope,of Austin (m.Bradley Fowler) and John Bumell (Bill)Po UI of Corpus Chri.sU (m. Helen Roumoy) frdly 1984 Auce Holforty, formwl wife of &en B. Morris and dau of John HoU m.Pt.Worch B. Oeraldke (Jerry) Ooodrich, of Okla City, b. Tulsa I 9 1 % & e k % ~ S % 1941 John Raach (Jack)Malloy. independent oil man (who m.2ndy 1965 Meen Westbrook. d&&d~ . RIlrRags Mauon, Ard~Ikctunl HwalnK a p p l How,4212 Avmur F, Hydo Pi*, A u m TX 78751 former1 Mrs. Emory A Cantey). son of W c k & Lenm Harrington Malloy of Tuka & Sioux Aty. IA and d. OUa. Clty 1961. having Isrme. I . John CIooMcb (Jack) Malloy of Okla City. b. Ft Worth 1942 Educ.Cascts Hall Sch. (Xiha) Univ. of Okla Dinctory ubllsher. m.Okl8. City 1970 (div.1980) Judilh K. M o m , dau. of John Monroc o!Wa City, and had issue (dau. Tyler, son Michael). 2. Mar aret Cecilia (Peg) Malloy, of Okla Ci , b. R.Worth 1946. Educ. Casedy Sch.. Univ. of Oba. m. lstly Olda City 1971 (dlv.197x Walter Sims. son of U.Z.S h , and had issue (dru. Connor). She m.2ndly Cambridge. England 1988 Tobias Hunter (Toby) llompson, son of James &Jean Young Thompson of Okla City. 3. Paul Michael Malloy, of Okla City, b. Okla City 1953 Educ. C w d y Sch., Univ of OUa m.Okla City 1981 Sarah Lea, formerly wife of Hugh A. Stout Jr. and dau. of Dr. James & Barbara Lea of Okla Ci ,and hap issue (sow Rory. Kyle.dau. Mallo ). C. David Earl Goodrich. of PI. aorth, b. Tulsa 1921 W. Tex. Country Da (now SL Mark's), Tex. A.& M.Udv. Stockbroter.m. lstly R.Worth I944 (div.lh6) Virginia Woolwine Spe (whom.2ndly FLWorth 1966 Dr. E m m n Kenney (Pete) Bbwea, brutha of Lu% Bkwett Goodrich. above), dau of Wade & HarrlU Waohvlne Spmy d Nashville. and had i m e , 1. Wade Spew (Smoky) ooodricb of Dallas. b. Daytona Beach EL.1947 Educ. Sr Marks Plinc+ton Univ.. Univ. of Texas (MBA) m. CrockefiTX. 1975 (Mary)M arc1 Kin , dau. of Oale & Anna Nauwald King of CmcLen, and ha9 issue (son Benju%. Qu. J a r y Kalbaioe) 2. Rc4wrt David Goodrich (Q of El TX.Insurance agent. b. Savannah (iA I949 Educ. Unlv. of Tern m. AuMin 1974 &Jane Mulcr. dau. of AUan & Iva Butla Miller of S t Louis, and has lapue (soasOrant, William) 3. catlk B d e r GadMch of Solanr Bcach CA. b. PI.Worth 1954 Gdac. SI.Edwards Univ. m.Auotin 1979 (James) Bryan Blasuta son of Victor & Eleanor Prtcock %%%!8%nbus. OH. 4. Haniu Hamilton (Haddy) Goodrich, of Austin. b. FI.Worth I958 Educ. Pine Manor Jr. CoU. (MA), Southwest Tex. S~IUC Univ. m. lsUy Austin 1980 (div. 1983) William McCmy. Zndly Austin 1984 Malone Vincent Hill, Jr.. M.D.son of Malone & Francw Mmlock Hillof Alpiae TX and has isSue (amMalone Ill, dau Virginia) D.E.OooMch m.2ndly Augtln 1%7 EUzabetb Owenr,formerly wife of R k Smith and dau.charles & P w l Elllson Owena of Austin, and ado his ttepsom. 5. Alan Owens Ooodrlch, of Dallas. b. Dallas 1958 Z U n i v . of Va. S.M.U. 0 ) 6. Michael Slephen Ooodrich. of Ft. Worth. b. AwUn 1960 Educ. Tulane, SL Marys Univ.(J.D.), Ten. Christian Univ. (MBA)m.1988 Mclanic K (Misty) Ray&. of Ben & Jean Ray, and has isspe (dau. KaUminc). RD. O W c h m . 2 d y Heavener. Okla. 192- Maprlac V e m Butler (d. PI. WOIUI 1989), formerly wife of Isaiah Oamu of Oloucester MS and dau. of Dr.Gavin and Frances Steck Butler, of W a and Hcavena OK.and d Goodrich Ranch. Bumet Co. 1958. H b stepson, D. (3avin Raiford O m , of the W c h Ranch, Bumet Co. b. Shreveport L A 1918 Educ. Mccallle Military Sch m. Lampapas 1943 Bonnllee Ke ,dau of Harry & BUlbe Nuclrles Key of Lampasas. and has issue (sonsGavin. David; daus: Maurine. Jane). %I. . ha. 5. Raymod Hugh Coodrldr of Penrbroot Farm,200 -wold, Houston and Riverbend Ranch. Waller Co, near Navasota TX.b. New Florence 1895. Educ. Long Beach (CA) HS Univ. of Okla.. Ward Univ. Jndependent oil man and rancher. m.Chica o IL. 1921 Esther Florraee Wblnnery (d. Denver CO 1973), dau. of Roben & Mary&atimer Whinnery of Kanm City. and d. R i v a n d Ranch 1958 leaving hue, A. Mary RltclllaGoodrich of New Yo& City, F M i l d CF.& Dark Harbor ME. b. B o w n 1922 Educ. Kincaid Sch., Unlv. of Texas, Unlv of Denver (PbD) m. lscly Howton 1941 (div. 1955) Roben Cramcr KuldeU of Houston, 8on of Lc. Col. Rudolph & Ethclyn Cramu Kuldell of 400 South Blvd, Houston and Morgan's Point TX.and had issue. P.tar Ma=, Ard~IblrmnlH I I Q ~K~ 1 - ~ . Howc,UtZ A v n u a P, Pmk, Auntn TX 78751 1. Roberta (Robin) Prlsdlla KuldeU. of Houston.b. 1946 Educ.. Pine Manor Jr. CON (Mm)m.lstly 19- (div. 19- )Tenell Smith, m.2ndly 19- (dv. 19Maurice Angly. and had issue (dau. Etlenne) 2. Roben Goodrich Kuldell. of Santa R Nh4. b. 1948 Educ. Tree Fron Univ. m.lsUy 19 (div 19JMkQ m.2ndl SantaFe1990Gayle. " M.P. Goodrich m.2ndlv CO.1 d 7 Manhall Nve Barnard of Amen (d.Aspen 19- )son of Hanison & Elizabeth Tidholm Barnad of Chi&go IL, and had h rG e . 3. Antn?Nye Barnard. of Paris, France.b.Denw C0.1958 Educ. Athenian School, Bennington CoU., Saa Pmcisco Art Mtute (MFA) 4. Phoebe Paffmce Barnard. of Arlington VA.b.Denver. 1960 Educ.Kent Sch. (0. Skidmore CoU. m.1992 On ory M.pnsdlla Ooodrk! m3rdly Denver 1968 Howard W. Rea of 200 High Stfeet Denver (d. 1981). She.m.4thlv New Yolf 1990 Junes Tiinson. son of Carl & Maralle Vallon Timpson of c;darhurst LI:NY. 8. Hugh Robert Goodrich. of Houston & K u r Co. TX.b. Houston 1926 @due. Phillips Academ (Andover, MA). DuLe Unlv., Comell Untv. MI & nal eJLate hveSrmeats. m. lsUy Fl. BendYCo TX.1949 (div.1967) Jane Wescemeld Tucker A h (who m. Zndly Ward T. Jones). dau. of Andrew &Lucy Tucker Adams, Jr. of M i s o u ~City i TJC, and had tss~e. 1. Rn ond Hugh Goodrich. a of Austin TX.b. Houston l9SO Ebuc.St. John's, Williams C o r Udv. of Texas m.l& Alexandria. La. 1982 Idiv. 19116) Rhonda'Ibompson. dau. m.hdly Holwon I988 (Mary)Melissa Hal&, dau.of James ?bompn of A k x & JmC-9& C k o Phillips Halbert of Howton and has imue (sons Ja~1e8. Halbert) 2. David Adams ooodrlch, of Houston. b. Houston 1951 educ. SL John's. Johns HopUniv., Univ. of Texas (M.B.A.) m.Hathenon.Leicestershire.Oreat Britain 1978 (div. 1988) Angela Mary Ooodacrc, dau. of Thomas & Joan TompUas Ooodacre of Hathexton. and dkd without issue,Houston 1992. 3. Lucy 'IWux Ooodrich, of Houston. b. Houston 1954 Educ.St John's, Bolton HS (Alexandria LA). S.M.U., Univ. of Colo. m.lstly W ~ ~ n ~ - TX t 1978 b B ~ (div. 1986) Robett Shemu Frost, son of Vernon & lnza Shwar Frost of Houston, and had ww (daus. Cardioe. Claire). She m. Zodly Houston 1989 Willlam Kaupu C W e . son of David (Atcheson) & Helen Kauper Cheadle of Housron C Montclair NJ,and has further issue (sea William), 4. Hart Lalimer ooodnch. of Austin. b. Houston 1956 Educ. Chosk Sch.. Univ. Of Texas m.Houston 1995 MIS. Amy Firwtone Morgan of Houston Hu h aoodrich m.2ndly 1983 ChrishM Lampe, dau. of Jean Paul Lamp of Me% Prancc. anlfLfunher(nrue. 5. John-SebaStlan Hugh Bemud Ooodrifh. b. HoUtM 1991 gs CO. b. New nret Prpaas coodrlcb, of h x e l Hill PA & Colo. S 6. (WUIle) M ~N ~ r I t Rorence 18973°C. ~ o n n a HS, n univ. ofom.m. N o m m 1922 ( d i m 9) ~ Henson, son of James & Mary Johnson Henson of S h a m OK and d CO 1961 k a v h g h u e , A. Richard Ooodrich Heason. of New York City and Denvu NY.b. E d d OK. 1925 Educ. Upper Darby HS, Villanova Univ., Colo. CoU.. Swarchmore Con. (MA). Yale Univ. (PhD) wilawphy professor, Rutgers Univ. m.1stly Scarsdale NYl947 (div. 1969) Ruth d a u of Rn ond & Ruth C w l b e of Scarsdale, and had hue. Anne @$Henson. of Bisbee Philadel a 19H)Educ. Udv. of Utah, DePaul Udv. Translator.m.laly 1919 ( d i v . c n . l 9 ~ R e uSafarian m.fndly 1992 b Hogan, dlvemmith 2. o frcy Newton Heasoa. of Santa Barbara CA. b. New Haven CT 1953 m.Santa Barbara 1983 Marta Johanssen, and has Issue (son ---4. 3. Gregory Neil Henson, of Salt Lalre City UT.b. lthaca NY 1956 He m.2ndly 1969 (div.1978) Sylvia Deon Smith of Salt Lake City. m.3rdly New Yort City 1984 Mrs. Amie Woodwonh Brochvay of New YorL.Her children by a pnVioue marriage: Adrienne Broctway. Virginia Brodtway. P y s My. &Y p.Car plrgg MUUOR M ( r c h r r a l HMoTIM, KoppalHaue,42l2 Avauc F,Hyds Pork Austln TX 78151 . Q3 1. Paternal Ahnenlelel lor Elirabelh Gleason Mnyland .". ...Mar ..... "*I. .I# ..a a. .,-.,. Y YCC .,"" ~ 1 ~ " * * ~ . " , " " . . " I ~ . , , I " I I " " ~ . . " D U C L ~ , Y . 1783 Sturbrid e Worcester Massachusetts Jolinnn '!'liioll /DLn?l' nOCl<BNPEI.~Ell-~99: h J u l 11595 E l d R l r l n r l , Wn#al:orw;i1 1 1 , Germanv. m 1723 Bonefeld,,Germany. d 1769 Germantown,Colunlbla,Ncw York - . Anna Gertrude Columb!a,New ALSDORPH-900: York b Bonefeld,,Gerrnany; d Aft 1769 125 Germantown 126 Hermanus BkER-905 m 2 Ma 1729 Looenburg Greene New York 127 Maria Magdalena WEEKHUISE#-906: b 28 Aug 1711 ,,hew York 160 Samuel CARY-424: b 1677 Bridgewater,Plyyouth Massachueetts. m 25 A ~ K 1704 B r i d eweter P1 mouth Maseachusette d lf59 Dutchese,kew York 161 Mar POOLg-425. b A& 1684. d 1766 Dutkhess New'York 'oyth,Massachusetts; m 162 Eli&l BRETT-456: b 1681/1662 Brid e;ater,Pl 17 Dec 1706 Bridgewater,Plymouth Wassachuse&, d 29 Apr 1745 Bridgewater Plymouth Massachusetks 163 Susannah EDSON-457: b 15 Jan 1679 Brid ewater,Plymouth Massachusetts' d 19 Jan 1773 Easton Br?atol Massachusetts 170 Jurien QUICK-998: b 20 Apr 1679 Kinbton,Ulkter,New York; m 21 Apr 1701 Kin ston Ulster New York 171 Rebecca ?IETS6ORT-99b 172 Richard SACKETT Ca tain-1026- b Abt 1677 New Haven New Haven Connecticut; m 11 t;ay 1699 ,New York,New York; d 1'146 Amenia: Dutchess New York 173 Mar orie'CREGO-1?27: b Abt 1678 Dutchess New York 174 Aarz MASTEN-1045 c 22 Se 1682 kingstown(l,Ulater,New York; m 9 Sep 1704 Kin ston Uliter New eork 175 Pieterneyla VfELE-1046: b Abt 1684 Schannechtad Alban ,New York d 361 1763 Goshen, 194 Solomon CARPENTER-822: b 1689 ,.Connecticut: .. Orange New York 200 Arter SCOFEL-566: b 24 Jan 1663 Boston Suffolk,Massachusetts* m 17 Dec 1689 Lyme,New London,Connacticut; 6 24 Jun 1694 Lyme,New'tondon, Connecticut 201 Rachel-567 204 Samuel BLISS-730: b 9 Dec 1657 Saybrook,New London Connecticut. m 8 Dec 1681 Norwich,New London,Connecticut; d 30 Dec 1729 Norwich:New London Connecticut 207 Elizabeth' RANSFORD-666: b 1682'Boston,Suffolk,Massachuset<s; d 9 Sep 1761 Montville New London Connecticut 212 Nathaniel1 SMIfH-327: b 31 Oct 1684 Medfield,Suffolk,Massachusetts; m 24 Ma 1705 Medfield,Suffolk,Massachusetta; d 16 Jan 1762 Sturbris e Worcester Massachusetts 213 Mary CLAWKL328: b 2 beb 1687 Medfield Suffolk,Massachusetts; d 17 Nov 1717 Medf ield Suf folk Massachusetts 214 Timothy HAMANT-533: b 1 Nbv 1667 Medfiald,Suffolk,Massachusetts; m 16 Dec 1696 Boston Suffolk Massachusetts 1674 Medfield Suffolk Massachusetts 215 Melatiah CLARKE-534. b 4 A; 248 Tonges ROCKENFELLENI902: b 9658 Rockenfeld: ,German;; m 1685 ,, 124 1 Hubert Sanford GLEASON-1' b 22 Mar 1884 Tomeinsville Lackawonno, Pennsvlvania: d 30 Avr i 6 6 n Siinhtnvv.Nnr+htm r ~ n n ~ _ ~ n A n P u ~ av a n i 2 Joseph Franc!s GLEASON-10' b 9 Feb 1857 Lenox Susquehanna Pennsylvania m 13 NOV 1881 Tompkinsville, Lac&awanna,PennAylvani.a; d 29 Mar 1946 Beaver Beever Penns lvania 3 Olive Geneva FINN-11 b 26 Nov 1860 Tompkinsvil~le,Lackawanna, Pannavlvania: d - 11 SAD . _1914 _ Gravitv.WnvnP.PonnPv1.~~~~~ 4 Ariel GLEASON-20: b 30 Jan 1812 Hopbottom,Susquehanna PennsylvanIia; m 1843. d 23 Jul 1875 Clifford Susquehanna Pennsylvania 5 C a r o l i h CAREY-21: b 5 Aug 1824 Providence'Twp, Luzerne, Pennsylvamia; d 14 Aug 1863 Penns lvania 25 NOV 1825 Clifford Susquehanna 6 Epaphras S. FIkk-32: Penns lvania- m 6 Oct 1850 ,,Pennsylvania; 6 18 Nov 1865 Tompk]Ynsvill& Lackawanna Pennsylvania 7 Jane Eliza MItLER-33' b 16 Dec 1827 New York; d 21 Jan 1889 TomDkinsville, Lackawinna, PennsylvaniA' 8 Israel GLEASON-44 10 Jose h CAREY-234: b 23 Feb 1794 Providence Luzerne,Pennsylvania* m 8 Oct P815 Luzerne Penns lvania d 3 Aug 18'17 ,Luzerne,PennsylvaAia 11 Elizabeth'SCOTT-235. d 36 Oct 1827 Luzerne Penns lvania 12 Theron FINN-63: b li Jan 1803 ,Luze;ne,Pennkylvan]Ya; m 1825; d 1884 Benton Twp Lackawanna Pennsylvania 13 Elizabeth SMITH-53: b'1804 ,,New York; d 12 Jun 1872 Benton Twp, Lackawanna Pennsylvania 14 Cornelius kILLER-82: b Claverack,Columbia,New York 15 Elizabeth SMITH-83: b 5 Aug 1787 Germantown,Columbia,New York 20 John CARY-250: b 29 Apr 1766 ,Dutchess,New York; m 1789; d 18 Jan 1826 Luzerne Penns lvania 21 Lucy kCKAY-251: b 28 Nov 1770 ,,New York; d 4 Dec 1863 Providence, Luzerne Penns lvania 24 Soloman'FINN-303: b 21 Jan 1770 ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania; m 23 Jun 1790. d 9 A r 1822 Sus uehanna Pennsylvania 25 Irene S C ~ V I L - ~ Ob~ :1775 Co?chester:New London,Connecticut; d 1848 , Luzerne Penns lvania 26 Elisha SMITH-302: b 10 Jun 1762 Sturbridge,Worcester,Massachusetts; d 20 Jan 1830 Luzerne Penns lvania 30 Johannes Fredekick SCHkIDT-8Y9: b New York. m 1784 New York 31 Anna ROCKEFELLER-880: c 20 Oct 176!i'Cermant0~~Columb~b.New York ~~ 249 254 255 320 'Francis CARY-435: b 10 Jan 1647 Duxbury!Plymouth Ma sachusetts. m 1676 Bridgewater, Plymouth,Massachusetts, d 1718 bri8gewater,Pl+mouth, tt p MaSSach*>ae 321 Hannah BRETT-436: b 1658 Bridaewater.Plvmouth.Massachusetts: d . n r i d g ewater ~ P1 mouth Massachusetts b Abt 1642 Weymouth,Norfolk,Massachusetts 322 Elishab...--AAu, Isaac k'2z_L'i!;f6: 323 326 Samuel EDSON-465: b 1645 Salem,Essex Massachusetts. m 2 Dec 1677 ypter,Plymouth,Massachusetts, 6 10 Apr 1719 bridaewater, Bridge) Plymoucn,massacnusetts a 327 Susannah BYRAM-466: b 1648 Weyny t h , $ y f f o l k , M a s s a c h u s e t t s ; d 12 Mar 1741 Bridgewater P1 mouth MasshL.suoerrs 340 Thomas Teunisse 6UI~K-lOOk.c 24 A r 1644 New Amsterdam,,New York; m 7 Dec 1672 Kin ston Ulster'New Yort. d Bef 9 Nov 1710 341 Rymerick WESTVZLL-1607. b bildwyck,Glster New York; d Aft 9 NOV 1710 342 William FITSOOR-1115: 6 1680; m Kingston,6lster,New York; d oct 1726 kDutchess eeltie SOA New Y n r k 343 344 Jonathan SAi m 1675 New 345 Hannah-1033: D AD^ l b 5 7 348 Cornelius MASTEN-1079' b 1656 New Amsterdam- m Abt 1676 Kingston, Ulster New York d Ma; 1712 Kin ston Ulster'New York 349 .l.,VElizab6th Artse'VAN WAGENEN-1088: b Abt 1656 Kingston, Ulster,New 350 i)r&r Cornelise VIELE-1054. b Abt 1648 New Amsterdam New York,New York; m Abt 1675 Schnectady;Albany,New York; d 12 Dec'1686 Schnectady Albany New York 351 Jacomyntje'SWART-i055: b Abt 1666 Schenetady,Albany,New York; d Aft 1700 Ulster New York 388 Solom& CARPkNTER-826. b 1670 Hemstead Queens New York- d 1690 400 Arthur SCOVILL-575: b'Abt 1635 Sha wick,Dorset,Englandj m Abt 1662; 7 Feb-1706 .Middletown,Middlesex.!onnectj mi+ .A. 9.3. 408 Thomas BLISS-742- b 1616 Rodbrough Gloucestershire En lane- m 30 Oct 1644 Saybrook New London,Connecticut; d 15 Apr 1681 No&ich,New London Connecticut 409 ElizabLth BIRCHARD-743: b 1622 ,,England; d 28 Feb 1669 ,, Connecticut 410 John ELDERKIN-782' b 3 Dec 1616 London London England- m 1 Mar 1660 , Connecticut d 2i Jun 1687 Norwich Ne& LondoA,Conneckicut 411 Elizabeth DRAKE-783: b 1621 ,,Engl&d; d 8 Jun 1716 Norwich,New London Connecticut 412 Thomas'AVERY-617: b 6 May 1651 New London New London,Connecticut; m 22 Oct 1677 Stonington,New L ndon,Connecticut; d 5 Jan 1736 Montville New London Connect?cut 413 H a n n a h MIkOR-618: b 15 Sep 1655 Stonington,New London,Connecticut; d 1692 New London New London Connecticut 414 Jonathan RANSFOb-646: b 26 Jul 1661 Boston,Suffolk,Massachusetts; m Abt 1684 Connecticut 415 Martha RAMOND-647. b 5 Dec 1666 New London New London,Connecticut 424 Samuel SMITH-339: 6 13 Oct 1641 Dedham,Suff&lk: a 2 2 Dec 1669 Dedham. 1731 Medfield Suffolk Massachusetts 427 Marie WIGHT-3h: b 1667 Medfield Suffolk,Massachusetts; d 16 Dec 1705 Medfield Suffolk Massachusetts 428 Francis HAMMAkT-539;-h21- Jul 1692 Medfield,Suffolk,Massachusetts 429 Sarah-540: d 29 Se 1708 Medfield Suffolk,Hassachusette 6 1628 Rockenfeld,,Germany; m Abt 496 Johann Wilhelm R RENFELLER-93 1652 Germany; 8c6 Jul 1695 Ehshied, ,Germany 497 LuciaLb36 640 - 641 642 643 644 645 652 653 654 655 680 681 688 689 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 776 777 816 817 818 824 825 826 827 828 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 4996) Austin, TX Ancestor Liitina Paaes FAMILY G R O W No. This InfomaUon Okained From: VR f o r Rochester. IRtrrh 108 Sep 1786 I Rochester, Plymouth Co. ler Thatcher Page 122 MA AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Pacles Austin. lX e .=-=- =-I z.7x khr’nd $eath --2: d r =: e: - 1< : : c -2t -I 23 Feb 1817 Windsor, Berkshire Co., MA I I i 114 Nov 1812 Windsor, Berkshire Co., MA .6 I George Morrise jnh , each urial I I I burialI I FuUNumdSpJsP I \Burial consumption I “at 42” ..&..I I I I I 110 Page 123 Page 124 Volume XXXVII, No. 2 (June 1996) AGS Quarterlv 8 n e I I Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX AGS Quarterhr Wolume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Pedigree Chae Austin. TX chart #l I bP. II fl. nm 4iAn6mJ.BEAU m.29 Oct 1843 I S i b Willkm BEAM b. Oa 1846/1849 ' bp. Virginia rn.2~pr18n d. ARcr 1900 dp. TX I 221 Joseph M. LONGACRE LONGACRE b 1780 % b. 25 Mar 1887 bp. Austin. Travis.TX dp. LQS Angtks. Los Angdes, CA 42 John DAWDSON SR b. 4 Ckt 1764 1bD.w - 2 4 1Wlllhm DAVlDSON (Malor) b. 10 od 1736 - - . - ..- -- : & &dm Y. DAWDSON b. UOa 1811 1 bp. Swannanoa. Buncombe Cty. NC (P. 16243) m.6May1833 d.7Aua1889 I bp. Travis cotmty,'IX id.Afh1900 44 Joue F. BURDllT Sr. b. 2 Jan 1788 I 4 ysrth.E ' l b. 3 May 1816 M A BURBllT Nancy Beam Pexa 8HarveatHillRoad west s i u w . CT 06092 86016514028~kWPEXA@AOL.com Created 6 M a y 1996 by Reunion for Windows Page 126 AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII, No. 2 [June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX Pedigree Chart Chart #l bp. AUstiq Travis, Tx m. 31 Dte 1908 Id. 6 Feb 1963 , dp. LQS Angcles. Los Angtlcs. CA Martha 6. (Mattlo)DAVlDSON 7 b. About 1859 4bp. Travis County, TX ---$ d.AIkr1900 I _ 21 Emitts Fmnklyn BEAM b. 30 Oct 1914 bp. Amens,Hendamn, Texas m. 8 Mar 1941 dp. 18 AndrmY. DAWDSON b. 22Oct 1811 d. 7Aug 1889 7r . - U lylUuI0 E l- A BURDllT b. 3 May 1816 191d. 12 Apr 1864 I d 1 Bdcr, Schuyla, IL - bP. M d c a h Fulton. IL -ion m HENDERSON -- d 28 Jan 1924 b 24Mar 1919 Jam08 MALCOMSON II h m h Wlda STEELE Nancy Beam pexo 8 Hawest Hill Road West S i u r y , CT 06092 8606514028 NANPIXA@OLcom Created 6 May 1996 by Reunion for Windows Page 127 AGS-Quarterk- Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 49961 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. 'fx- Richard J. Phillips 8 Reba Sue Phillips were married December 30, 1949 in Henrietta, TX Page 128 .-AGS Quarterhr Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) UL - 1 u JaRes cunings bgrn: by 21, 1839 u I Austin. TX Ancestor Listinu Paues u1 York Tom, Indiana b o r ' R d W t Y bpm:m1 3 UI Kentudty nary Stultr n : 1800 I Jaws Uilliar (Jb)Cunin, s bqrn: 482l 'Ibry Josephipe cunins bpm: pecerber 11, 1843 ln m o * in Oh10 SIsannah Wisecup bqrn: 18U in mo 1 liIldreu Jackson Uampler bgrn: Sep@&er 14 1854 UIBlooungton, I h o i s . 6lilliar Ey,Uy&er born: Harch Jutileab I. shenil Ophia HyrUe W ler bpm: July l S , y 7 8 u1 Beava Crossmq, Nebraska brrinaa Bllen Cain bgrn: April 9 1856 u1 Peoria, 11linois Reba sue cmrings bgrn: Sep30, 1932 i n 1xmcan, Oklahoma 3-5. Pennsylvama Bancy Agnes Patt bpm: nOv-.d, 1822 UI Fennsylvaua u1 Jadrson Co., Usouri nilliar -WJ 'bgrn: Jme 10, 1890 in U a n Territory I L Wiliam H. Warland bpm: 1832 ln nissoqi Aaanda RKVUI bgrn: 1832 ln Kissouri S a m A Harion llcparland bgm: Harch 16, 1853 1 ' verah askw bgm: Hoveiber 25, 18% u1 Uarrenburq, bssouri Kllk H. lwrev bgrn: 4824 ln m 0 I 7 ( y p l l bgrn: Hay 28, i 111 Rachel lieel bgm: February 14, 1825 111 Vivian Lee ltcparland bQrn: October 1 1910 111 colan~he,d a ~ ~ ~ m a (near) David badrev Head bgrn: 22 $8858 111 mion a.,Iilmoia I I(entudry Robert Ben]& Head bpm: P e b W 18, 1830 & % L a m i I bpm: J~pe17, 1838 Ednapearlllead in I l h o i s bgm: Harch 31, 1893 ~I lkntague I Co., Texas Charles Robert Christian Della bn.Christian bgrn: .U49 bgrn: Qril 23, 1870 m.hsslssippi ln Illlnols nellssac;reenwod I bgm: lrgooT 1853 ln Illlaols I i Page 129 Compiled by J.V. and Donna Pilcher--Page 1 (512) 926-4531 COHHSOFT ROOTS 3 1 Lynn Ann Pilcher, OCC. Attorney, b. 28 Oct 1956 in Chanute AFB.,Rantoul,Il., re. in Auetin, Travie Co.,Tx. 2 J.V. Pilcher, occ. USAP, b. 28 Peb 1916 in Ballinger, Runneb Co.,Tx., re. in AUEth, Travie Co.,Tx., P. 31 Aug 1941 in Danville, Vermillion Co., 11. 3 Anne Pauline Stump, w c . Rousewife, b. 12 Nov 1913 in Terra Raute,In., d. 8 Aug 1988 in Austin, Travie Co.,Tx. 4 Gomer Pilchor, occ. Laborer, b. 30 Jul 1889 in Cimco, Baetland Co.,TX, d. 6 Sep 1939 in Ranger, Baetland Co.,TX., m. 17 Feb 1912, Baetland, Baetland Co., Tx. 5 Camilla Rarvill Plumloo, occ. Roueewife, b. 12 Jul 1888 in Blm Mott, HcLennan Co.,TX, d. 17 Nov 1981 in Freemont, Alameda co. ,a. 6 Frank Monroe $elup, oco. Lumber S p w , b. 10 Apr 1879 in Greenup, Cumberland Co.,IL, d. 9 Jun 1968 in Danville, Vermillion Co.,IL., P. 27 Mar 1910, Cumberland Co., 11. OCC. Rousewife, b. 21 Hay 1887 'in 7 Eattie Lucinda Caeey, Cumberland Co.,IL, d. 11 Bug 1951 in Danville, Vewillion co. ,IL. 2 B c w 0 8 Charlea McKinney Pilchmr, OCC. Conetable, b. 10 Apr 1854 in Bloomington, Macon Co.,Mo., d. 27 Jun 1912 in Cieco, Baetland Co.,Tx., m. 23 July 1882 in Rovard Co., no. 9 Martha Jane Boaaher, occ. Rote1 owner/ilU., b. 4 Jan 1861 in Eoward Co.,MO, d. 13 Jul 1921 in Sheldon, Vernon Co.,Mo. 10 John Peyton Plunloa, OCC. Railroad, b. 19 Mar 1858 in m. 19 Nov Taney Co.,Mo., d. circa 1890 in West, McLennan Co.,TX., 1882 in MLennan Co., 'pn. 11 Ida Young, oca. Boueewife, b. 26 Jan 1862 in Waco, plc Lennan Co.,TX, d. 17 Oct 1892 in HcLennan Co., TX. 12 Rarrieon Albert lturp, occ. Farmer, b. 16 July 1839 in Unknown, d. 13 Uay 1925 in Greenup, Cumberland Co.,IL., m. circa 1859 in Cumberland Co., 11. 13 Mary Ann Iosthoringil, occ. EOUEeWife, b. 17 Sept. 1838 in Licking Co.,OR, d. 8 July 1892 in Greenup, Cumberland Co.,IL. 14 Rugh R o d 11, occ. Farmer, b. 22 H a t 1848 in Cumberland Co., IL, d. 9 Sep 1890 in Union Townahip, Cumberland Co.,IL., m. 28 April 1872 in Cumberland Co., 11. 15 Mary Cathrine Carpboll, occ. Rousewife, b. 24 Mar 1853 in Franklin Co.,OR, d. 13 May 1935 in Cumberland Co.,IL. 16 Calvin M. Pilchor, OCC. Tailor, b. 11 Jan 1822 in m. 19 Feb Jeeeamine Co., Ky., d. 10 Nov 1859 in Uacon Co.,Mo., 1845 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., no. 17 Virginia Alice B r o m , occ. E/W.aeamstreee, b. 20 Jul 1826 in Va., d. 12 Mar 1921 in Cieco, Baetland Co.,Tx. Compiled by J.V. and Donna Piloher--Page 2 (512) 926-4531 COHMSOFl' ROOTS 3 18 John William Peachor, occ. Miller, b. 4 Aug 1827 in Roward Co.,Mo., d. 5 Feb 1870 in Rovard Co.,Mo., m. 15 Mar 1849 in Boward Co., no. 19 Endl France Burnam, OCC. Rousewife, b. Jul 1828 in Macon Co.,Mo., d.cXrca 1880 in Fayette, Roward Co.,Mo. 20 John Plumloo, occ. farmer, b. 10 Nov 1831 in White Co.,Tn., d. 2 Mar 1863 in Fayetteville,BR., m.10 April 1853 in Stone Co., no. 21 Charlotte G. Jackson, occ. Roueewife, b. circa 1834 in Tn., d. after 1900 in Boone Co.,Ak. 22 Pleasant Xoung, occ. Farmer, b. circa 1809 in Ga.,, d. 28 Oct 1868 in Bold Springs, Hc Lennan Co., Tx., m. 18 Dec 1833 in Upohaw Co., Ga. 23 Caroline P o ~ o l - q ,occ. Rousewife, b. 25 Feb 1818 in Jaeper Co.,Ga., d.24 Nov 1904 in Dublin, Brath Co.,Tx. 24 Eenry 8 . Stump, occ. Farmer, b. in Unknown, d. in Unknown., 0 . circa 1830 in Unknown ( robably Oh.) 25 Caaeendra Meyes, OCC. Bousewffe, b. in Unknown, d. in Unknown. 26 Alfred F. Peathoringil, OCC. Farmer, b. in unk., m. in unk. 27 Bllen Pront1.8. 30 William C a q b o l l , occ. Farmer, b. 7 Apr 1803 in Franklin Co., Oh., d. 22 Jan 1894 in Caeey,Il., m. 24 Nov 1825 in Franklin Co., Oh. 31 Lucinda R e d , occ. R/W, b. 21 Apr 1807 in Otaego Co.,NY, d. 16 clay 1901 in Cumberland Co.,Il. 32 Beverly Pilchor, occ. Soldier/Farmer, b. circa 1790 in Va. or Ky., d. 11 Mar 1848 in Boone'e Lick area, Mo., m. 29 July 1815 in J e s s d n e Co., Ky. 33 Nanc Dabney Moon, occ. houeevife, b. circa 1795 in Va. or By., d. circa 1860 in Hacon Co.,Mo. 34 Jesee Brown, OCC. Farmer/Soldier (War of l812), b. circa 1793 in Rappahanock Co., Va., d. circa 1855 in Shelby Co.,Mo., m. 14 Aug 1815 in Shenandoah Co., Va. 35 Elizabeth Rswlop, occ. Rousewife, b. circa 1793 in Shenandoah Co., Va., d. circa 1835 in Rappahanock Co., Va. 38 Haaetin Burnnm, occ. Farmer, b. 31 Oct 1805 in Ky., d. 12 Apr,1874 in Eoward Co.,Mo., m. 22 Sept 1827 in Eoward Co., no. 39 Cynthia Pomborton, occ. Rousewife, b. circa 1801 in Ky., d. 29 Mar 1883 in Eoward Co.,Mo. 40 Joel Plunloo, oco. Farmer, b. circa 1800 in White Co., Tn., d. Feb 1863 in Stone Co.,Mo., m. circa 1829 in White Co., Tn 41 Rachel S h n m , occ. Rousewife, b. circa 1803 in South Carolina, d. circa 1885 in Bastland Co.,Tx. . Compiled by J.V. and Donna Pilcher--Page 3 (512) 926-4531 COHHSOFT ROOTS 3 Compiled by J.V. and Donna Pilcher--Page 4 (512) 926-4531 COMNSOFI! ROOTS 3 46 Thomas Bormlay, occ. Unknown, b. circa 1787 in NC, d. in Unknown., m. circa 1814 in Ga. or SC. 47 Sara BUDOIL, occ. Boueewife, b. circa 1795 in NC, d. in Unknown. 62 Daniel R a a d , OCC. Farmer, b. circa 1774 in NY, d. 6 Feb 1852 in Uaryeville, Union Co.,Oh., m. circa 1797 in Durham, Green Co. NY. 63 Alma M a u , occ. h/w, b. in Unknown, d. circa 1864 in Union Co.,Oh. 264 Stephen Moon Jr., WC. Landowner, b. circa 1681 in New Kent Co.,Va., d. circa 1740 in New Kent Co.,Va., m. circa 1702 in NEW Kent CO., Va. 265 Phyllie Moon, occ. Bousewife, b. circa 1682 in New Kent Co.,Va, d. circa 1744 in New Kent Co.,Va. 304 Thomas Bnrnar Jr., OCC. Unknown, b. 21 Feb 1708/9 in Cecil Co.,nd., d. 4 Aug 1750 in Cecil Co.,M., 21 Aug 1729 in Cecil co., nd. 305 Mary !I&r#, OCC. Rousewife, b. circa 1710 in Cecil Co.,W., d. in Unknown. 322 Abraham Danton Jr., occ. Farmer, b. circa 1700 in Eempstead, Queens Co., NY., d. circa 1774 in Shenandoah Co., Va., m. unknown 368 James Itormlag Sr., occ. Unknown, b. circa 1700 in England, d. in Queen Anne Co., M.,m. unknown 369 Unknown, b. in Unknown. 66 Archelue noon, occ. LandownerlSoldier, b. circa 1750 in d.circa 1796 in Jeeeamine Co..Ky., m. 29 Dec 1784 in Va. 67 Ann Andarmon, OCC. B/W/Landowner, b. circa 1765 in Va., d. after 1852 in Boonville, Eoward Co.,Mo. 76 Benry B u r n u Jr., OCC. Unknown, b. circa 1769 in Wake m. 26 Sept 1792 in. Co.,NC, d. circa 1845 in Randolph Co.,Mo., Uadiaon Co., Ky. 77 Sarah Jonam, occ. Eoueewife, b. in Unknown. d. in Unknown 80 Isaac P l u d a m , OCC. Landowner, b. circa 1775 in New Shenandoah, Va., d. circa 1835 in White Co.,Tn., m. circa 1799 in White Co.,Tn. 81 Margaret Bradmhew, occ. housewife, b. circa 1780 in NC, d. circa 1845 in Carol Co.,Ak. 92 Valentine Bormlar, occ. Unknown, b. 8 June 1758 in Queen Anne's Co., Hd., d. 18 Sep 1843 in Upeon,Ga., m. circa 1785 in Va 93 Sarah Itandrick, OCC. Eoueewife, b. 11 Jan 1766 in Wales, d. 21 Dec 1836 in Upeon Co.,Ga. Va., w 5 c w c . 132 Jacob Moon, occ. Landowner/Parmer, b. 3 Aug 1717 in Neu Kent Co.,Va., d. circa 1793 in Greene Co.,Ga., m. circa 1738 in New Kent Co., Va. 133 "Unknown' Noon, b. in Unknown. 152 Renry Burnam Sr., OCC. Unknown, b. 27 Nov 1732 in Cecil Co.,Ud., d. in Wake Co.,NC., m. unknown 153 Mary Ann Carmen, b. in Fairfax Co.,Va., d. in Wake Co., NC 160 William P l u r l a b , occ. farmer, b. circa 1740 in Pa. or Va., d. 19 Aug 1826 in Knox Co.,Tn., m. circa 1762 in Va. 161 Phoebe Danton, occ. Eoueewife, b. circa 1742 in VA., d. before 1796 in Burke Co., NC or Greenville, SC. 184 James Bormlay Jr., occ. Unknown, b. circa 1725 in Queen Anne's Co., Md., d. in York Co.,SC., m. circa 1743 in unknown 185 Uargaret Valontinb, occ. Bousewife, b. circa 1725 in Unknown, d. in Unknown. . 528 Stephen noon I, occ. Landowner, b. circa 1660 in New Kent Co.,Va, d. 29 Jan 1722/3 in New Kent Co., Va., m. circa 1869 in New Kent Co., Va. 529 Uary Moon, OCC. Rousewife, b. circa 1663 in N y Kent Co.,Va, d. 20 Uar 1711/2 in New Kent Co.,Va. 608 Thomas Barnam Sr., OCC. Unknown, b. circa 1685 in Charles Co.,Md., d. circa 1752 in Talbot Co,.Md., m. circa 1705 in Hd. 609 Sarah Burnam, occ. Eoueewife, b. circa 1690 in Charlee Pariah, York Co.,Va., d. in Unknown. 644 Abraham Danton Sr., w c . Landowner, b. circa 1668 in Eempstead, Queens Co., NY, d. circa 1729 in Eempetead, Queene Co., NY., circa 1699 in Eeqetead, Queene Co., NY. 1,216 William Burnu, occ. Unknown, b. in Unknown, d. circa 1695 in Charles Co.,Hd., m. Unknown 1,217 Unknown Burnam, OCC. Rousewife, b. in Unknown. 1,288 Samuel b a t o n Sr., occ. farmar, b. circa 1630 in England, d. circa 1714 in Bempstead, Queene Co., NY., m. circa 1856 Rempetead, Queene Co., NY. 1,289 Mary W t h , occ. housewife, b. circa 1636 in NY., d. circa 1725 in Eempstead, Queene Co., NY. 2,576 Richard Dantoa, occ. Minister, b. circa 1603 in Balifax, Yorkehire, England, d. circa 1663 in England, m. circa 1621 in England. 2,577 unknown Danton, occ. housewife, b. circa 1606 in England, d. in unknown. Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 4996) AGS Quarterhr Ancestor Liitina Paaes Austin. TX LINEAGE OF JOHN D. STEWART OF MONROE, UNION COUNTY, NC 1. Matthew 'Stewart, b. Scotland 1 7 2 0 d. Mecklenburg Co., NC 1 8 0 8 Captain in American Revolution Elizabeth b. Scotland d. Mecklenburg Co., NC 1 8 1 1 (Eight children: John, Henry, William, James, Reuben, Elizabeth, Sarah, Jane.) b. Mecklenburg Co., NC 1 7 6 5 d. Mecklenburg Co. 1 8 2 6 Nancy Agnes Moore b. Mecklenburg Co. 1 7 7 5 2. John Stewart 3. Hugh Stewart 4. John Dunham Stewart (born J o h n Robert Donnom Stewart) b. Mecklenburg Co., 1 3 Nov 1 8 3 1 d. Monroe, Union Co., 25 J u 1 : . 1 8 8 4 Merchant b. Mecklenburg Co., 1 7 9 8 d. Monroe, Union Co., NC 1 8 4 8 Farmer; county official Jane Harriett Crawford 1804 b. 1846 d. m. 1829 Lydia Ann Pistole b. Anson C o . , NC, 1 9 Oct 1 8 3 6 d. Monroe, Union Co., 8 Dec 1 8 9 7 m. 7 Dec 1 8 5 4 Children of John Dunham Stewart and Lydia Ann Stewart Charles Pinckney, b. 1 6 Oct 1 8 5 5 d . 2 Jan 1 8 5 6 2. Margaret Jane b. 1 8 May 1 8 5 7 d. 1 5 Jun 1 8 6 3 3. Julia Ellen b. 1 9 Dec 1 8 5 9 d. 1 2 Nov 1 9 2 3 4. flary Alice b. 8 lJan 1 8 6 2 d. 3 Nov 1 9 4 4 Elizabeth Ann b. 25 Sep 1 8 6 4 5. d. 8 Aug 1 9 6 0 . 6. Laura Agnes b. 8 July 1 8 6 7 d . 2 0 Nov 1 9 3 8 William Crawford b. 1 Sep 1 8 6 9 7. d. 22 May 1 9 4 2 8. Henry Dixon b. 5 Jan 1 8 7 2 d. 2 0 Mar 1 9 3 4 9. John Edward b. 24 Feb 1 8 7 4 d. 1 5 June 1 9 5 3 10. Carrie Lee b. 1 2 Jan 1 8 7 7 d. 1 8 Dec 1 9 0 6 11. Hugh Everett b. 8 Feb 1 8 7 9 d. 1 Feb 1 8 8 3 b. 6 S e p 1 8 8 1 : d. 1 3 ADr 1 9 4 9 1 2 . LUCY Mabel 1. Ida Cdhoan Sott.. 8344 Snmmcrrrood Austln, Tx 78759 512343-1481 Page 132 AGS Quarterly Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX John Robert Donnom Stewart was forn 23 Nov 1 8 3 1 at, the f.amily farm on Crooked Creek, between Charlotte and Wadesboro. This location was only a few miles from where his great grandfather, +o Matthew Stewart, settled when he came from Scotland in 1 7 4 7 . The area later became a part of Union County when that county was formed in 1 8 4 2 from part of Mecklenburg and Anson Counties. John D. had seven brothers and sisters, b u t he was the only one to survive to adulthood; he was orphaned at sixteen years of age. H i s uncle, Eli Stewart, helped John D. find a position as clerk in Charlotte. In 1 8 5 3 , John D. went into mercantile business for himself and, over the next 3 0 years, became one of central North Carolina's leading merchants and an administrator of charitable causes. John D. was known as "The little man", being of very slight physique. "Of his personal qualities, he transmitted to his children in varying degree intelligence, perceptiveness, a love of music, honesty, interest i n education and, yes, acquitiveness." This information is excerpted from a memoir written by John D. Stewart, M.D., a grandson. Ida CPlbonn Scott Kldd. Sammemood -. Allstin, TX 18759 5123411481 Page 133 AGS 6:uarteriv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 fJune 49961 Page 134 Ancestor L i i n a Paaes Austin. TX PEDIGREE CHART SURNAMES Mary Posey Tallant 1208 southwood M. Austin, Tx 787M-5355 Alkire----VA , Bu+ IW VA i w - &&&.'> Calbway-GA Eda ? GA sc GallawayGoV -A . Homer OH-KY Hosea GA Huggins-SC WIY fa* a. Kettering-VA (FEE;; McCauIy-VA MftchelI----W Nelson VA OH VA Porter Pose)r--------SC Tallant NC TaylorMO-11-NC % o r * * O.,SL Traynham SC-AL Turner sc-IL Vaughn---------GA Rh 6.- flepluretbarG "baa: phcr. Mob: pha: I . AGS Quarterfv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 19961 Ancestor Liitina Paaes Austin. TX BAUMANN I Edmund? b. German:/ apx.1842 d.? m. M a r g a r e t W i l h e l m b. N.Y. apx.1845 1866 Markus, b. N'.Y. Kathie, b. N.Y. 1874 1877 Lizzie, b. N.Y. 1879 p o s s i b l y moved t o Texas Adam, b. N.Y. Jacob John- b. Brook1vn.N.Y. 10 Oct. 1881 d.3O.Sept. 1958 m. C a r o l i n e Emma Comstock b. B r o o k l y n , N.Y. 18 Mar 1889 d. 15 Oct. 1967 - F a t h e r : H a r r v Chase Comstock b. 2 A p r i l 1866 d. Mother: Mary Augusta A l l e n b.Nov 1869 d. 6,June,1895 19 J u n 1910 d.24 Dec. 1984 Edward H a r r y b . B r o o k l y n N . Y . 24 Mar 1909 d. 7 maGladys M a r g a r e t Hickman b. B r o o k l y n , N.Y. Feb. 1974 1933 m. Grace A l i c e Jones b. Edward G e o r g e b. B r o o k l y n , N . Y . Brownsville,Tx. 1 Aug. 1937 18-Nov. 1914 m.Alma Neumann b. F r a n k l i n John b . B r o o k l y n , N . Y . Oct. A , 4 BIGINGTON; W i l l i a m b. E n g l a n d 1838 d.13 Feb.1886 m . Jane B o u l t o n b. E n g l a n d 1838 d.19 Feb. 1886 d. 14 Feb. 1954 m. George Washington Hickman E l i z a b e t h b. N . Y . b. 12 Feb. 1875 d. 1937 S e l i n a b.1862 d. 1942 rn. George Washington T w i b l e b.1860 d. 1925 JONES; Thomas Jones. N . Y . m. Mary Reyonlds, Canada Thomas J e f f e r s o n b. 24 Jan. 1856,Lacon Ill. d. 27 Feb.1924. m . A l i c e Thompson B r a u q h t b. 23 Nov. 1853 d. 4 Feb. 1928 m P a u l R o b e r t b . 20 Nov. 1884 d.1955 m. ? d a u g h t e r V i r g i n i a Robert B a r r i n g t o n Mary R u t h b. M a r q u e t t t e Neb. 3 Nov. 1886 m. Ruge George Dewey Jones b.Trumbal1 N e b . , l 3 Feb. 1899 d.24 Ju1.1972 m. Grace Mary Lommel b. 21 Feb 1914 d. 12 Jan. 1988 THOMPSON ; ? Thompson m. M a r t h a ( N a r y ) b.apx.1815 Ky. Mary E l i z a b. 3 J u l y 1833 Ky. d. 11 Feb. 1856 Iowa m. D a n i e l d.23 Dec. 1899 Iowa B r a u g h t b. 20 Dec. 1823, Penn. Anne b. 9 Sept. 1838 M i s s . m.Reuben P. T e r r y o n 16 Mar.1859 Amelia b. 1840 Miss. Jane b. 1848 Miss. Emma b. 1849 Miss. Submitted by: Grace Alice Jones Baumann 9604 Hansford D r , Austin, Tx, 78753 512-836-8864 Page 136 AGS Quartertv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 1996) rl a . e Page 137 Ancestor Listina Paaes Austin. TX AGS Quarterlv Volume XXXVII. No. 2 (June 4996) Tx Time is a melody, Played note by note; Some sweet, Some sour, Some played off key, Some fancy free. It is a series of “now”, “now”, “now”. You can live in the past, ItIe present, Or w b t is yet to Be. But i4‘ you live in only one, Y o u hear Only one note, Not &e melody. Lmie Foster Henderson About 1984,Austin, Texas Page 138 Austin, GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE: Austin Genealogical Society was organized in 1960 as a not-for-profit corporation c..srtered by the State of Texas. Its purposes are to collect and preserve genealogical and historical information about the people of Texas, particularly pertaining to the City of Austin and to Travis and surrounding counties; to instruct and assist members in genealogical research; and to publish public and private records of genealogical interest. In addition, the AGS supports the Genealogical Collection, Texas State Library by donations of books and other genealogical material. Gifts and bequests to AGS are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law. MEMBERSHlPis open to all upon payment of annual dues: $15 per individual, or family membership of $17 for two in the same household, entitling them to one copy of each Quarterly and monthly Newsletter, as well as two pages apiece (a total of four pages for $17 whether one or two people submit listings) in the Ancestor Listing issue (June). After 1 July, dues are $7.50 for the balance of the year, but you will only receive the publications produced after the date you join. DUES FOR EXISTING MEMBERS ARE PAYABLE on or before JANUARY FIRST of each year for the ensuing year. If dues are not received by 1 February, the name must be dropped.from the mailing list. If membership is reinstated later and Quarterlies and Newsletters have to be mailed individually, postage must be charged. (Back Quarterlies are supplied only IF available--very few extras are printed). Send payment to AGS Treasurer, P.O. B o x 1507, Austin TX 78767-1 507. MISSING COPIES: If your Quarterly does not reach you by the 10th of April, July, October or December, notify the Society at Box 1507, Austin TX 78767-1507. (Note: Exchange Quarterly Chairs should use the TEXAS STATE LIBRARY address on the inside front cover). Members who fail to give AGS sufficient advance notice of address changes and whose Quarterly is returned by the Post Office will be responsible for the postal fee for returned copies and for remailing the copy at individual rather than bulk mailing rates. MEETINGS of the general membership begin at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month except August and December. Members are encouraged to come as early as 6:30 to socialize with each other. MEETING PLACE: Eaton Hall, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3003 Northland Dr. (Take Northland (FM 2222) exit off Loop 1 (Mopac). The Church is on SE corner of intersection and entry to parking lot is off Northland. VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. The Board of Directors meets at 6:15 in a separate room. BOOK REVIEW POLICY: Books on appropriate subjects related to genealogy will be reviewed, but CANNOT be reviewed in AGSQ on the basis of advertising alone. If a review copy is received by the Review Editor at 2202 W. 10th. St., Austin TX 78703 by the first of February, May, August or October, it will be reviewed in the next Quarterly, space permitting. It will then be placed in the Genealogy Collection, Texas State Library, available to all patrons. CHECK RETURN POLICY: Members and other payees must pay AGS the cost of any returned check (currently $5.00)over and above the charge their bank may impose. AGS QUARTERLY is issued about the middle of March, June, September and November. Contributions are welcome, subject to editing for stylekize. Contributor is completely responsible for accuracy and any copyright infringement. AGS assumes no responsibility for content of submitted material. See inside front cover for address. ANCESTOR LISTING PAGES (June issue of Quarterly) must reach the Editor at 4500 Hyridge Drive, Austin TX 78759-8054 by the TENTH OF MAY. They must be BLACK and LEGIBLE, whether typed, handwritten, computer-printed or in superior calligraphy. Months must be SPELLED or abbreviated, not in figures. DATES SHOULD BE SHOWN in accepted genealogical style, that is, DAY, MONTH, YEAR. Allow space for binding at inner margins of facing pages; I.e., your first page will be a left-hand page. Carefully check horizontal pages (reading in the 1l-inch direction). Otherwise, the Editor has to position some pages upside down to prevent loss of data in the stapling-punching process. NO 8%x14 sheets, please! You may submit Lineage or Family Group charts, Ahnentafels, narratives, cemetery inscriptions, Bible records, census data, queries, or a combination of material, just so it is not under copyright. BE SURE to proofread your material for accuracy and clarity so we will not publish faulty or incorrect data. Put name and address of submitter on each page in legible form (not blind embossed). Consul)a recent June Quarterly for suggestions. Remember that reproductions are dimmer than originals so try to provide good quality originals. REMEMBER: $15 membershjp secures two facing pages. $17 membership allows you four pages. DEADLlNESfor everything in the Quarterly except book reviews: 10th of February, May, August and October. Material sent addressed only to AGS Box Number may not reach Editor in time. AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NON-PROFIT ORG. P.O. BOX 1507 AUSTIN TX 78767-1507 U.S.POSTAGE PAID Austin, Texas PERMIT NO. 2614 Forwarding and Return Postage Guaranteed. Address Correction Requested. HOWARD & GLADYS LONG 1510 BETTY JO DR AUSTIN TX 78704 c