Ealing Dean CPZ review - Consultation document


Ealing Dean CPZ review - Consultation document
Public Consultation
Review – Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs)
Ealing Dean (Zone JJ)
The Ealing Dean CPZ was introduced in 2008 and reviewed in 2010. The zone currently operates Monday to
Friday 10am-11am and 3pm-4pm. These were the operational times favoured by residents when the zone was
originally implemented in 2008 and were considered suitable by residents when the zone was reviewed in 2010.
In the last few years, we have received a number of parking related complaints from residents and more recently
a petiton requesting that the operational hours of Zone JJ be reviewed. Following these appeals, Ward Councillors
put the area forward for inclusion on the Councils CPZ Programme for 2014/2015.
Residents residing in the north of the zone have raised concerns about the increase of parking pressure in the area
and believe that the existing operational hours are no longer sufficient. It is our understanding that those roads
leading off of Uxbridge Road have experienced an increase in the volume of parking. Residents have informed
us that parking stress now escalates into the evening and weekends and consequently they are having to seek
available spaces a great distance from their homes.
The high demand for parking near to high streets and shopping parades is normal but it is recognised that there
are additonal factors that have contributed to the increase in demand for parking in the area such as the gym on
Uxbridge Road and the Temple on Chapel Road. Neither of these establishments provide parking for their visitors,
so the surrounding streets are burdened with the additional parking they generate.
While it has been highlighted that there are expanding parking issues in the north of the zone, it is acknowledged
that such concerns may not be evident further south, away from Uxbridge Road. When these different parking
dynamics and levels of parking pressure exist within an area, it is possible that the current operational conditions
are suitable for some but not for all. Therefore, depending on the response received from residents during this
consultation, consideration may be given to a section of the zone operating at different times. However, it should
be stressed that such an outcome is fully dependent on how residents respond to this consultation and whether
such changes are able to be made with minimal disruption to other residents.
To assist in the collation and analysis of the consultation responses, we would be grateful if you could complete
this questionnaire online at www.ealing.gov.uk/consultations. Alternatively, you may complete the enclosed
questionnaire and return it to us using the envelope provided.
The results and comments received during this consultation will be presented to your Ward Councillors for their
views before being reported to Cabinet for consideration.
The closing date for this consultation is
24 October 2014
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Ealing Dean CPZ ( Zone JJ )
Parking Occupancy
0% - 49%
50% - 59%
60% - 69%
70% - 79%
80% >
This plan shows the average
parking occupancy between
8am and 9pm
Data recorded:
Wednesday 18th June 2014
The OS mapping included within this web-site/document is provided by LB Ealing
This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with permission
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Scale: do not scale
By: Transport Services
02 September 2005
Parking Survey
In June 2014, Ealing Council commissioned a
parking survey to be undertaken in Zone JJ. As
residents had raised concerns of increasing parking
pressures in the evenings and at weekends, the
Council wished to capture a broad record of parking
occupancy in the zone. For this reason, the Parking
survey was carried out over two days; Wednesday
18 June between 8am – 9pm and Saturday 21 June
between 8am – 4pm.
How was the parking data
An initial study of the area is carried out to establish
the parking capacity of each road, and then the
number of vehicles parked in each road is recorded
at two hour intervals. For reference, you will find
enclosed a plan of the area showing the average
parking occupancy recorded on Wednesday 18 June.
What does the data show?
The data shows that there are certain parts of the
zone that experience greater occupancy level than
others, particularly in roads leading off of Uxbridge
Road and those bordering Walpole and Lammas Parks.
However, it should be noted that there are certain
factors that can influence and distort the data. For
example some roads, notably Elers Road, possess a
considerable number of dropped kerbs. This leads
to a reduction in the parking capacity and therefore
parking occupancy levels are recorded as being higher
than they may visibly appear on street.
While the results of the survey are not assumed to
be a completely accurate reflection of the parking
conditions, they do still serve as an indication of
parking stress levels in the area and enable us to
identify peak times of parking usage.
Further Information
EC6031 Produced by Ealing Council Marketing & Communications
Owing to the breadth of the survey data, we have
only included a summarised plan in this document.
However should you have an interest in the full details
of this parking survey, you may request a copy of this
information via email by contacting Anthony Kestla at
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Ealing Dean
CPZ review questionnaire
Zone JJ
1. Does your household have a car or other vehicle?
Yes No
If yes, please state how many
2. Do you have a resident’s/business parking permit?
Yes No I have a disabled badge
If you did not reside in the area when the CPZ was introduced in 2008, please continue from question 5.
3. In your experience, how is parking within the controlled parking zone compared to when the
area was previously uncontrolled?
Much harder Harder No change Easier Much easier
4. How have parking conditions changed since the zone was originally implemented?
Much improved Improved No change Worse
Much worse
5. At present, the parking controls apply from Monday to Friday. Is this suitable?
Yes No
If you answered ‘No’, which days do you think should apply?
Monday to Saturday Monday to Sunday
6. During what times would you like the CPZ to operate?
Existing Hours (10am - 11am and 3pm - 4pm)
Generally used to alleviate the pressure experienced from all day commuter parking. 2 hours is usually
sufficient in dealing with this problem and does not impose all day control on the area. Hour periods
are more practical for visitors and tradesman working in the area. They are also beneficial to local
businesses,ensuring that adequate parking is available throughout the day, for both short and long term
Existing Hours with Additonal Hour Period (e.g. 10am - 11am , 3pm - 4pm and 7pm - 8pm)
A further hour of control in the evening may be introduced to help ensure residents returning home from
work are able to park. An additonal hour will provide further assurances of available parking for residents
while retaining the flexibility for visitors to come and go during the evenings.
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All Day Control (e.g. 9am - 6pm)
If an area experiences parking pressure from various sources during the day, hour periods may not be
sufficient. As well as preventing long term parking, all day control ensures that residents are given priority
to park in the area and visitors encouraged to use the free short term parking and pay & display facilities
All Day and Evening Controls (e.g. 9am - 9pm)
Some areas located close by to busy shopping centres, restuarants, gymnasiums and other night spots may
experience further parking pressure during the evening. In some cases, an additonal hour period will alleviate
this pressure, however some may find this inadequate and full evening control more suitable.
7. Are there enough stop-and-shop and pay-and-display parking spaces in the zone?
Yes No
8. Are the stop-and-shop and pay-and-display parking bays in appropriate places?
Yes No
9. Can you suggest any area that may benefit from having more or fewer stop-and-shop or payand-display parking bays? Please describe the areas using street names and numbers and local
More bays:
Fewer bays:
On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest):
10.How would you rate the way the Council enforces controlled parking?
11.Overall, how satisfied are you with the CPZ?
12.Would you like the CPZ to be retained or removed?
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13.Do you wish to comment on these proposals?
Example (on the questions above or suggestions on how we can improve this scheme and our service to
you). Please feel free to enclose any additional comments on separate paper if necessary.
__________________________________________________ Postcode:_____________________________
Thank you for filling in this questionnaire.
Please return your questionnaire in the prepaid envelope provided to:
Highways, Ealing Council, 1st Floor Perceval House,
14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL.
We need your comments by 24 October 2014.
Thank you for your help.
Contact us
Anthony Kestla Tel: 020 8825 6710
Email: kestlaa@ealing.gov.uk EC6031 Ealing Dean CPZ Consultation_v2.indd 7
Abdur Rashid
Tel: 020 8825 8052
Email: rashida@ealing.gov.uk
EC6031 Produced by Ealing Council Marketing & Communications
IMPORTANT – Please ensure that you provide these details so that responses may be collated by street.
Please also be advised that only one response per household will be accepted. Any duplicate responses
from one household will be invalid.
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