MIGS in Mumbai
Vol. 29 No. 4 OCT - DEC 2015 MIGS in Mumbai 12TH AAGL INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY PAGE 3 44TH GLOBAL CONGRESS PAGE 4 END OF YEAR PRESIDENTIAL SUMMARY PAGE 7 SIG: ONCOLOGY THE UNDERUTILIZATION OF MIS IN ENDOMETRIAL CANCER CARE PAGE 17 FOCUS ON AAGL IT TAKES A VILLAGE DR. LOFFER There is an expression that says “It takes a village to raise a child”, but the same can be said about producing a successful meeting. The 2015 44th annual AAGL meeting was our most successful meeting yet and there are many facets that came together to make that so. It started with the incredible support of the gynecological surgical community who submitted over 900 abstracts and videos. Each and every submission was graded using predetermined criteria by 5 members from a pool of 324 volunteers. The subsequent placements into the Plenary, Oral Communications and Video sessions were based on subject material and grade received. The Scientific Program Committee started early in the year developing the General Sessions and Postgraduate Courses with the goal to provide highly educational, innovative, topical and relevant sessions. This is a very arduous task as there are strict rules and documentation to follow in order to maintain our ACCME accreditation. I am pleased to inform you that the AAGL has received the highest level of ACCME recognition which has been given to only 15% of all CME providers. One of the most notable features of the meeting was the advanced level of the audio/ visual production not found in most meetings. From the jaw-dropping 60-foot screen in the General Session to streaming live telesurgeries in high definition, it was a true technical achievement. More detail on the AAGL SurgeryU Team’s efforts can be found in the “Behind the Scenes “article (see page 9). And finally, the village became complete with the AAGL staff. In addition to their primary roles providing daily support for AAGL’s ongoing function, they assume additional responsibilities related to the annual meeting. No detail gets ignored! Before the program is even printed, the room size requirements for each session must be determined. The hands-on labs are all unique and require detailed coordination with the program chair, the industry equipment supplier, and the hotel. The food and beverage requirements are constantly changing. A huge checklist of items gets packed and shipped (15 pallets this year!). And the list goes on and on. But possibly one of their most important roles is that they are our ambassadors to all who attend the meeting. Their gracious, friendly and helpful attitude, throughout the year and at the registration desk, helps set the tone of the meeting. We had over 2300 attendees walk through our Congress doors from over 64 international countries, thus professionalism and courtesy was vitally important. I hope you experienced their warmth and welcome in Las Vegas. Franklin D. Loffer, M.D., FACOG, is the Medical Director of the AAGL and resides in Phoenix, Arizona. The AAGL vision is to serve women by advancing the safest and most efficacious diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that provide less invasive treatments for gynecologic conditions through integration of clinical practice, research, innovation, and dialogue. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITORS Linda Michels Franklin D. Loffer, M.D., FACOG EDITORIAL STAFF Linda J. Bell “Lynn” Barbara Hodgson Elena Schweppe Dené Glamuzina GRAPHIC DESIGN Joe Neric BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Arnold P. Advincula, M.D. CONTENTS FOCUS ON AAGL: It Takes a Village 12TH AAGL INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MIGS: Make Plans Now for the 12th Annual International Meeting in Mumbai! FROM THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM CHAIR: 44th AAGL Global Congress: Increased Recognition as Leaders in Gynecologic Surgery PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: End of Year Presidential Summary SURGERYU: Behind the Scenes With the Live Cadaveric Demo and Live Telesurgeries at AAGL 2015 AAGL CONGRATULATES AWARD WINNERS AT THE 44TH AAGL GLOBAL CONGRESS FELLOWSHIP IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY: Transforming MIGS through FMIGS SIG: ONCOLOGY: The Underutilization of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) in Endometrial Cancer Care NEW PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL NEWS: AAGL – COGA: An Update on a Growing Global Collaboration WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AAGL VISION 2 3 4 7 9 11 15 17 19 19 20 VICE PRESIDENT/SECRETARY-TREASURER Jon I. Einarsson, M.D., Ph.D., MPH TRUSTEES Michel Canis, M.D. Bernard Chern, M.D. Pedro F. Escobar, M.D. Carlos Fernandez-Ossadey, M.D. Isabel C. Green, M.D. Michael Hibner, M.D., Ph.D. James K. Robinson, III, M.D., M.S. Pamela T. Soliman, M.D., MPH MEDICAL DIRECTOR Franklin D. Loffer, M.D., FACOG EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Linda Michels NewsScope [Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, Main entry under NewsScope, Vol. 29, No. 4; (ISSN 1094–4672] is published quarterly by the AAGL for ten dollars, paid from members’ dues. Periodicals Postage Paid at Cypress, California. Copyright 2015 AAGL. Publisher AAGL Advancing Minimally Invasive Gynecology Worldwide 6757 Katella Avenue Cypress, California 90630-5105 USA Tel 714.503.6200, 800.554.2245 Fax 714.503.6201, 714.503.6202 E-mail: newsscope@aagl.org Website: www.aagl.org The views and opinions expressed by the authors in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of NewsScope, its editors, and/or the AAGL. 2 NewsScope October - December 2015 | www.aagl.org 12TH AAGL INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MIGS MAKE PLANS NOW FOR THE 12TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MEETING – IN MUMBAI! The AAGL and the Indian Association of Gynecologic Endoscopists (IAGE) are proud to invite you to “Witness the Unbelievable” at the 12th AAGL International Congress on Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery to be held for DR. TRIVEDI the first time in Asia, specifically, Mumbai, India, from June 2-5, 2016. The Scientific Program Committee, led by Prakash Trivedi, MD, has planned an exciting program reflecting the international standards and day-to-day needs of our colleagues in their practice in the era of modern gynecology. An incredible panel of invited faculty experts from throughout India and the world (USA, Europe, Australia and Russia) will be demonstrating their skills in the field of laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic, vaginal, and urogynecological surgery. A crowning jewel to this year’s program is the 2 days of live surgeries conducted in 13 operative theaters throughout Mumbai. This represents the largest live telesurgery undertaking at an AAGL International Congress yet. A Master’s class has been meticulously designed around 8 important topics to offer take-home learnings and practical solutions required for your own practice. Woven throughout the program are various hands-on workshops, scientific sessions, panel discussions, and great debates on hot button topics. There will also be a full day’s focus on sonography, color doppler and imaging in gynecology as well as a full day of live infertility and ART procedures by national experts for the benefit of those interested in the growing science of these exciting fields. Unique additions to this event are the pre-and post-Congress hands-on training courses covering hysteroscopic surgery and laparoscopic suturing (pre-Congress on 6/1) and laparoscopic suturing, laparoscopic hysterectomy, myomectomy, hysteroscopy, vaginal and urogynecological surgeries during the post-Congress (6/6-6/7). PRAKASH TRIVEDI SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM CHAIR RAJENDRA SANKPAL PRESIDENT IAGE & PROGRAM CO-CHAIR JON I. EINARSSON GENERAL CHAIR To unwind after each day’s academic feast, there will be delightful musical evenings, cocktails and great Indian food. Conference delegates can also take advantage of site seeing tours to explore the incredible and magical land of India. We look forward to welcoming visitors from all over the world! To learn more, please visit www.aaglmumbai2016.com. Prakash H. Trivedi, M.D., DGO, DNB, FCPS Total Health Care Private Limited Mumbai, India www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 3 FROM THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM CHAIR Dr. Mobolaji Oluwaseun Ajao presents his idea to members of the panel: Scott Larson (Olympus); Robert Auerbach (CooperSurgical); Edward Evantash (Hologic); and Mirelle Akiian (Smith & Nephew). 44TH AAGL GLOBAL CONGRESS: INCREASED RECOGNITION AS LEADERS IN GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY The recent AAGL Global Congress at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas was a resounding success as exemplified by multiple record-breaking events. Registration was at an all-time high of 2,302! (the first time we’ve passed DR. EINARSSON the 2000 mark), there were 64 countries represented, and lastly, the total number of abstracts submitted was 902. These achievements are definitely something that we all can be proud of. There was palpable excitement in the air and the meeting ran smoothly throughout thanks 4 NewsScope October - December 2015 | www.aagl.org to the outstanding staff and faculty. Some of the highlights included the expertly done live cadaveric dissection with Drs. Ceccaroni, Puntambekar and Pasic and the presentation of award-winning videos and papers during the Plenary Sessions. Dr. Possover’s Keynote address on Neuropelveology was amazing. It is incredible what he and his team have accomplished and there surely will be a lot of exciting developments in this field in the years to come. The Shark Tank event was also very well received and attended. Three finalists pitched their unique concept to a group of industry “sharks” who countered with constructive feedback and challenging questions. The event was very entertaining and both the Attendees were treated to a 90,000 foot exhibit hall with state-of-the-art surgical equipment from our industry partners. Dr. Aarathi Cholkeri-Singh (l) works with attendees to teach the finer points of hysteroscopy. More than 850 attendees enjoyed the Presidential Gala at Hakkasan. Dr. Fariba Mohtashami demonstrates suturing technique to an attendee. Dr. Marc Possover, the Jordan M. Phillips Keynoter, presents his groundbreaking work on Neuropelveology. presenters and the “sharks” did an outstanding job. We hope to repeat this event next year, so if you’ve got an idea for a medical device product, keep developing it and you may be on stage as our next shark tank presenter. As always, the backbone of the meeting included a plethora of postgraduate courses that were held during the first two days along with a variety of video sessions, surgical tutorials, oral presentations and virtual posters. In fact, there was such a variety of excellent sessions going on at the same time, I am sure many found it hard to choose what to attend. In the end though, this is a good problem to have and speaks to the diversity of the scientific program. However, if you did miss a session during the Congress, please check the AAGL website for replays. Looking ahead, the program for 2016 is in the excellent hands of Dr. Kevin Stepp, who will surely create an even better event in Orlando Florida. Please mark your calendars now; you do not want to miss the next AAGL Global Congress! I would like to sincerely thank the amazing staff of the AAGL as well as the outstanding faculty whose time and contribution helped to make the meeting so successful. I also want to thank our industry partners who are an important component to our specialty and the Global Congress. I believe the AAGL is at a cross Dr. Abdulrahman K. Sinno right explains access techniques to attendees at the Advanced Pelvic Anatomy and Hysterectomy postgraduate course. roads where we are increasingly being recognized as the leaders in gynecologic surgery. The record-breaking attendance at this most recent congress certainly corroborates that notion. One of the critical factors of this development is all of the AAGL/SRS Fellowship graduates who have been advocating MIGS around the United States and beyond and who now function as leaders in gynecologic surgery in their community. The age old wisdom “you reap what you sow,” certainly applies here. We now have an abundance of very talented up-and-coming members who will ensure that the future of our society will accomplish great things for women’s healthcare worldwide. Many of these outstanding young members made their debut at the Congress in Las Vegas and they are surely the future leaders of our organization. To close, I want to thank you all for your support and I wish you all Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you all in 2016 and to work together to continue to further the mission of the AAGL. Jon Ivar Einarsson, M.D., Ph.D., MPH, is AAGL Vice President/Secretary-Treasurer, the 44th Annual Scientific Program Chair, Director, Division of MIGS at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Working with Dr. Einarsson and the Board to plan the coming year. Dr. Franklin D. Loffer, center, surrounded by his family, receives Leadership Award. END OF YEAR PRESIDENTIAL SUMMARY As I write this year-end summary, I cannot believe how quickly 2015 has nearly drawn to a close. The expression, “Time flies when you are having fun”, clearly rang true this past year and culminated in what was our most exciting DR. ADVINCULA and successful AAGL Global Congress ever under the leadership of our Scientific Chair, Jon I. Einarsson. This year, your committed Board, together with our membership, solidified existing initiatives such as ratifying new by-laws, committing $60,000 to fund research projects and launching new projects like our global outreach program in Malawi. The year was capped off with another successful joint meeting between the AAGL and the Chinese Obstetricians and Gynecologists Association (COGA) in Beijing. Despite the many successes of the past year, we still have much to accomplish and the agenda set by your Board for 2016 is jam-packed. The programming is extensive and starts off with the Global Hysterectomy Summit, April 15-16, 2016, San Diego, CA. Hot-button topics will continue to be addressed on both domestic and international levels as we strive to elevate surgical standards and knowledge. Early in the year, the Board was faced with changes in our executive leadership. After consulting our bylaws and outside counsel, the Board voted to extend the term of office for President to 18 months each for both myself and Dr. John F. Steege (l) receives Inaugural Award for Mentorship. 2015 Board of Directors: (l to r) Carlos Fernandez-Ossadey, Isabel C. Green, Franklin D. Loffer, James K. Robinson, Jon I. Einarsson, Linda Michels, Michael Hibner, Arnold P. Advincula, Pamela T. Soliman, Michel Canis and Bernard Chern. Pedro F. Escobar (not pictured). Dr. Einarsson. I will conclude my term in June 2016 and then Dr. Einarsson will take the helm, 6 months earlier than usual, and then serve his normal year in 2017. I am grateful that we both can commit to serving 18-month presidential tenures until the full complement of executive leadership is up and running. I am honored to be able to lead this incredible organization. In the remaining 6 months of my presidency, I encourage each and every one of you as members to get involved in AAGL initiatives that you are passionate about and to take up the mantles of mentorship and leadership. Collectively, I know that we can advance minimally invasive surgery worldwide. I hope that all of you have a most joyous holiday season and best wishes for 2016. Arnold P. Advincula, M.D., FACOG, FACS, is President of AAGL, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Vice-Chair of Women’s Health and Chief of Gynecology, Sloane Women’s Hospital at Columbia University in New York, New York. www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 7 #Wanted #SocialMediaEditor SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR WANTED The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology If you are interested in serving as the Social Media Editor for JMIG, please send a 250-word vision statement and your curriculum vitae to the attention of Linda Michels, Managing Editor (SocialMediaJob@aagl.org) no later than February 15, 2016. JOB DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Maintain JMIG’s social media presence as well as steadily increase reader engagement. Coordinate with reporters and editors to package and distribute news reports and enterprise projects on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Instagram, Snapchat and other outlets for maximum performance. • Engage viewers with social discussions (commenting, surveys, email, etc.). • Monitor comments about JMIG’s content and news events on social media, with the ability to summarize and communicate information. • Respond quickly and accurately to breaking news, reporting live on social platforms when necessary. WHAT YOU’LL GET: • Measure content performance on each social media platform and recommend changes in strategy to increase reader engagement. • The opportunity to work alongside the JMIG Editorial Board to determine the best articles to highlight and showcase. • Work with a variety of digital content, including audio, video and photography. • Your name and affiliation on the JMIG masthead. • Exhibit excellent writing and communication skills, understanding of journalistic ethics and procedures. • Candidate must be an AAGL member • An invitation to the AAGL Annual Congress with registration, travel and housing covered. • To work in a culture with passionate, creative, diverse and dedicated editors. • Stipend available SURGERY U Live Surgeries were presented to a full ballroom. Dr. Marcello Cecccaroni (right) demonstrates a step-by-step strategy for surgical retroperitoneal anatomy of the posterior compartment. BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE LIVE CADAVERIC DEMO AND LIVE TELESURGERIES AT AAGL 2015 Physicians who recently attended the 44th AAGL Global Congress at the MGM Grand Convention Center in Las Vegas were treated to five surgical demonstrations that were presented live in the General Sessions. The DR. STEPNANIAN first of these events was our 90-minute Live Cadaveric Demonstration on Anatomy that was presented on Monday, November 16th. This important session was presented under the direction of Marcello Ceccaroni from Rome, Italy. As Chair of the session, he highlighted the surgical expertise of Drs. Shailesh Puntambekar, India, and Resad Pasic, USA, and also demonstrated to the audience, the importance of navigating the pelvis. Later in the week, four live tele-surgeries originating from India, Canada, Italy, and the United States were presented to a full audience. Each of these events was also streamed out live on SurgeryU HD to our worldwide audience on the Web, with over 25,000 physicians contacted with the instructions on how to watch online. After the Congress, we placed videos of the events online where you can now re-watch them on demand at aagl.org (look for the link on the home page).Although our in –house team and production partners make these events look seamless, the technical details that need to be managed behind the scenes are anything but simple. Take, for example, the live anatomy demonstration that took place before our live audience of 1,750 attendees. Surgical equipment from six corporate sponsors had to be flown in from all over North America to re-build an OR on stage. Next, the equipment was connected to our AV team’s non-medical video switching equipment using sophisticated picture scaling hardware that bridges the gap between the medical and non-medical hardware. From that point, the video was split into two; one video signal flowed into our SurgeryU streaming equipment, while the other video signal was prepared for display on our giant 60’x15’ display in the General Session (which, by the way, required four industrial-sized projectors behind the screen to fill the entire space!) For the live tele-surgeries, the process was even more complex. The video for these events originated in the remote operating room of the featured hospitals and was then compressed for transmission over the Internet. A device called a “codec” (short for “enCODer-DECoder”) is used on both ends of the transmission to efficiently handle the transmission of the video from the remote site to Las Vegas. Our AAGL SurgeryU team then received the high-bandwidth, high-definition video signal at our control room back stage and converted the video into a format that can be presented both on-screen at the General Session and simultaneously webcast out to the world on SurgeryU HD. In all, it took the efforts of about 40 people to make the amazing presentation of these events possible. We hope you enjoyed all of the surgical Dr. Malzoni and his team from Avellino, Italy, demonstrate resection of deep infiltrative endometriosis. The audience was captivated by his “bloodless” surgery. Dr. Rahman from Kerala, India, walks through the intricate steps of a total laparoscopic hysterectomy. demonstrations and found the content beneficial. I would like to thank and applaud the teams of Dr. Rahman in Kerala, India, Dr. Malzoni in Avellino, Italy, Dr. Warty in Las Vegas, Dr. Leyland in Hamilton, Canada, and Dr. Boggess in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, as well as the on-site AV team at Pixel in Las Vegas and our SurgeryU team from AAGL for their efforts in presenting these highly-educational presentations to a worldwide audience. Assia A. Stepanian, M.D., is Editor-in-Chief of SurgeryU. She is also in private practice at the Academia of Women’s Health and Endoscopic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia. www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 9 SPONSORED BY THE AAGL Save the date APRIL 15-16, 2016 GLOBAL HYSTERECTOMY SUMMIT Expanding the Surgical Armamentarium & Optimizing Outcomes in a Value-Based Medical World Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, California Attention Fellows! The Foundation of the AAGL is making 5 grants available to attend a seminar on clinical research. The grants are open to current fellows in the FMIGS program and FMIGS fellows who graduated in 2014 or 2015. This highly recommended seminar, limited to 28 attendees, will take place in Tucson, Arizona from September 24-30, 2016. The curriculum for this 6-day course provides an intensive introduction to epidemiology, research methods, and data analysis. The seminar is presented by The Foundation for Exxcellence in Women’s Health Care, which is dedicated to improving the quality of women’s health care, through research, awards, grants and education. They are sponsored in part by ABOG (American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology). GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH SEMINAR If you’re interested, don’t delay! The application deadline is fastapproaching on February 1, 2016. THE FOUNDATION Est. 1993 Grant application available at www.aagl.org/clinicalresearchgrant AAGL CONGRATULATES AWARD WINNERS AT THE 44TH AAGL GLOBAL CONGRESS GOLDEN HYSTEROSCOPE AWARD BEST PAPER ON HYSTEROSCOPY GOLDEN LAPAROSCOPE AWARD BEST SURGICAL VIDEO (l-r) Carmine Nappi and Attilio Di Spiezio “Accuracy of Hysteroscopic Metroplasty With the Combination of Pre Surgical Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography and a Novel Graduated Intrauterine Palpator: A Randomized Controlled Trial” (l-r) Suketu M. Mansuria and Amanda M. Ecker “Extrinsic Ureteral Endometriosis: Tackling the Difficult Ureterolysis” Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, MD, PhD, Brunella Zizolf, MD, Stefano Bettocchi, MD, Caterina Exacoustos, MD, Caterina Nocera, MD, Giovanni Nazzaro, MD, Carmine Nappi, MD manda M. Ecker, MD, Suketu M. Mansuria, MD, A Ted T.M. Lee, MD The winner of this prestigious award receives a gold-plated laparoscope mounted on an engraved plaque. The winner of this prestigious award receives a gold-plated hysteroscope mounted on an engraved plaque. Support for this award has been provided by Olympus America Inc. Support for this award has been provided by Olympus America Inc. JAY M. COOPER AWARD BEST PAPER ON MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY BY A FELLOW JEROME J. HOFFMAN AWARD BEST ABSTRACT BY A RESIDENT OR FELLOW (l-r) Warren Volker, Chair and Francois Closon “Complications and Trend of Adhesion Barrier Use during Myomectomy or Hysterectomy” F rançois Closon, MD, Haim Abenhaim, MD, MPH, Nicholas Czuzoj-Shulman, B.A., Togas Tulandi MD, MHCM This award was established to honor the memory of Dr. Jerome J. Hoffman. Dr. Hoffman was an early AAGL Board member, philanthropist and educator, who believed strongly in supporting residents and fellows. Dr. Hoffman was enthusiastically supportive of the Foundation of the AAGL and was its first Executive Director. Supported by an educational grant from the Foundation of the AAGL Jerome J. Hoffman Endowment ROBERT B. HUNT AWARD BEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN JMIG (SEPTEMBER 2014 – AUGUST 2015) IRCAD AWARD FOR FELLOWS EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION (l-r) Timothy A. Deimling and Gerald J. Harkins (l-r) Robert S. Furr and Shanti I. Mohling “Laparoscopically Assisted Transversus Abdominis Plane Blocks” “Laparoscopic versus Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial” T imothy A. Deimling, MD, MS, Jennifer Eldridge, MD, Kristin Riley, MD, Allen Kunselman, MA, Gerald Harkins, MD Shanti I. Mohling, MD, Robert S. Furr, MD The IRCAD award is presented to recognize the best research in education acknowledging innovative ideas in teaching. The winner is honored by receiving a fully paid week-long visit to the IRCAD Institute in France. Supported by an educational grant from Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc. Dr. Cooper, the 26th President of the AAGL, was a natural born leader with enormous perceptual and communication skills. Always comfortable with innovation, he was an inventive and strategic thinker whose vision was bold and far reaching. He was one of the most respected advocates and global teachers in hysteroscopic surgery and actively participated in new product development including technical evolution, clinical validation, regulatory approval and delivery to market. Supported by an educational grant from the Foundation of the AAGL Jay M. Cooper Endowment (l-r) Tommaso Falcone, JMIG Editor and Celine Lonnerfors “A Randomized Trial Comparing Vaginal and L aparoscopic Hysterectomy vs Robot-Assisted Hysterectomy” C eline Lönnerfors, MD, Petur Reynisson, MD, PhD, Jan Persson, MD, PhD Dr. Hunt had a strong leadership role in the AAGL. He was the President of the AAGL, 19911992, and the Foundation. From its inception, he was the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of the AAGL, now The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. He was instrumental in creating a well-respected academic journal which continues to inform and educate physicians worldwide. Supported by an educational grant from the Foundation of the AAGL Robert B. Hunt Endowment www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 11 Together we can help achieve excellence in gynecologic surgery Research and evidence • Shaping the future of women’s health care through research and evidence in gynecologic surgery • More than 50 years of investment and commitment Education and training • Educating and training surgeons, physician assistants, and nurses through a wide range of professional education offerings • Empowering women through education to enable informed discussions with their surgeons Innovative products • Offering a broad portfolio of products from access to closure in most gynecologic procedures • Innovating based on the evolving needs of surgeons and providers • Other Ethicon product support services including: —24/7 clinical support —reimbursement hotline Find education resources at ethiconinstitute.com © 2015 Ethicon US, LLC. All rights reserved. 042807-151103 CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY Program Overview The AAGL Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology (COEMIG) program recognizes hospitals and surgeons around the world that provide exceptional minimally invasive gynecologic surgical care. A COEMIG designation helps expand patient awareness of and access to minimally invasive gynecologic procedures performed by surgeons and facilities that are dedicated to continuously improving healthcare quality and patient safety. Nearly 200 hospitals and 550 surgeons in 16 countries – including 40 U.S. states – are currently participating in the COEMIG program. Benefits Center of Excellence designees surveyed in 2015 experienced the following benefits derived from designation: 35% 65% 41% 47% Increased Referrals Transformative Process for Team Improved Efficacy Decreased Complications 59% Improved Team Cooperation 71% Improved Patient Safety 24% 59% 53% Higher Patient Volume Increased Budget 53% Increased Patient Awareness 35% Decreased Costs Increased Patient Satisfaction 53% Professional Recognition & Distinction 47% Improved Efficiency Application fee Surgeon Requirements Facility Requirements $7,500 for the facility | $650 for each surgeon – includes the first year of participation and use of the COEMIG Outcomes database. 1. Surgical Experience and Volume 2. Physician Program Director 3. Surgeon Experience and Qualified Call Coverage 4. Clinical Pathways 5. Patient Education 6. Continuous Quality Assessment 1. Institutional Commitment to Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology 2. Facility Experience and Volume 3. Physician Program Director 4. Consultative Staff 5. Qualified Call Coverage 6. Equipment and Instruments 7. Clinical Pathways 8. Designated Surgical Team and Support Staff 9. Patient Education 10. Continuous Quality Assessment To register for the COEMIG program, visit www.surgicalreview.org/coemig/register To keep the program free of bias and protect participant confidentiality, the AAGL selected Surgical Review Corporation (SRC), an independent nonprofit healthcare quality organization, to manage the program on the society’s behalf. $10,000 Grants available for Research on Minimally Invasive Gynecology. In 2016, the Foundation of the AAGL is proud to provide THREE research grants for $10,000 each! To qualify for this specific grant, the research must be related to minimally invasive gynecology and the project period must occur between 7/1/2016--6/30/2017. The Foundation of the AAGL exists to fund the development and application of emerging technologies to the benefit of gynecologic health care for women. If you’re interested, don’t delay! The application deadline is 3/1/2016. All AAGL members in good standing are encouraged to apply. THE FOUNDATION Est. 1993 Grant application available at www.aagl.org/MIGresearchgrant SPONSORED BY THE AAGL WRGC VI 2016 World Robotics Gynecology Congress The 6th World Robotics Gynecology Congress represents an evolution in surgical instruments, techniques, outcomes, and experiences from some of the most experienced robotic surgeons in the world. THIS YEAR’S CONGRESS WILL FEATURE: • A loaded and totally interactive curriculum incorporating live demonstrations from a faculty of renowned experts • Two live telesurgery cases • Seven specific plenary sessions will target topics such as complex surgical scenarios, reproductive surgery, single-site robotics platform, tissue extraction, the cost of robotics, urogynecology and credentialing and privileging. • A separate session geared towards healthcare executives and hospital administrators as well as allied health professionals will be offered. August 5-6, 2016 Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Station New York, New York Join us next summer in New York City for this comprehensive workshop. To register go to: www.aagl.org. FELLOWSHIP IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY TRANSFORMING MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY THROUGH FMIGS The mission for FMIGS in 2015 was to gain further credibility and validity for Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (MIGS) in the realm of gynecology. In order to achieve this, focus was directed on three main areas DR. KHO – first, the body of knowledge that defines the field needs to be distinct and well-articulated; second, the educational training programs need to be of the highest quality; and third, the practice underlying MIGS needs to be further grounded on evidence. Keeping the mission clearly in mind, FMIGS made great strides in achieving the multiple initiatives outlined in the beginning of the year. In seeking ABMS-recognition for MIGS as a practice requiring “focused-expertise,” meaningful conversations and exchanges were made with ABOG and ACOG. The Task Committee has prepared a response to the public comment web page www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2376188/Criteria-for-Focused-Expertise launched by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) that supports the proposed criteria for Certificate in Focused Expertise. A comprehensive document of Learning Goals and Objectives was developed and approved by the Board www.aagl.org/wp-content/ uploads/2013/01/EducationalObjectives11.17.15. pdf. Using ACGME-language, this document outlines the educational pillars of medical knowledge and procedural competencies that essentially define the field of MIGS as a distinct area of focus. The Program Requirements for each fellowship training site was updated www.aagl.org/service/ fellowships/program-requirements/ to reflect the high standards required to ensure a vigorous academic and learning environment for our fellows. This document also provides the template for our Site Review and Compliance Committee as they conduct their reviews. In response to the needs of the fellows, a userfriendly app for case log entry has been created and is currently on beta-trial. A grievance policy was also developed www.aagl.org/service/fellowships/grievance-policy/, and approved. Educational programs were developed such as the 2-day fellows didactics and workshop conducted in collaboration with SREI. In addition, the recent Congress included a course geared towards faculty to enhance teaching and mentorship. The FMIGS-SGS Subgroup of the FPRN (Fellows Pelvic Research Network) was successfully established in collaboration with the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons (SGS). Study proposals of merit were chosen and fellows will conduct every aspect of their study involving multiple centers under the guidance of the Research Steering Committee. To further promote academic writing, a Fellows Section will be established in JMIG that will feature articles written by fellows and a senior faculty/mentor. These articles will address each educational pillar and will collectively become the “handbook” for fellows-in-training and MIGS specialists. FMIGS Bylaws were successfully amended to reflect the evolution of FMIGS since its incorporation in 2001. 2015 was a busy year for FMIGS. Though our tasks are not yet complete, the list of initiatives that initially appeared insurmountable was accomplished only with the help of a most committed team and a special thanks going to Arcy Dominguez and Claudia Sahagun. Together, we set out to transform FMIGS in 2015 with the ultimate intention of transforming MIGS for the future! Rosanne M. Kho, M.D., Associate Professor, Director, Benign Gyn Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, and President, FMIGS Fellowship Board of Directors. WITH SPECIAL CREDIT TO THE FOLLOWING: FMIGS BOARD: Rosanne M. Kho, President Magdy P. Milad, Vice-President Javier F. Magrina, Secretary-Treasurer Matthew T. Siedhoff, Jubilee Brown, Danielle E. Luciano, David L. Olive, Cara R. King, Franklin D. Loffer, Linda Michels FOCUSED-EXPERTISE TASK COMMITTEE: Ted L. Anderson, Rosanne M. Kho, Co-Chairs Mark R. Hoffman, Magdy P. Milad, Matthew T. Siedhoff LEARNING GOALS AND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS TASK COMMITTEE: Sawsan As-Sanie, Gary N. Frishman, Co-Chairs Kimberly A. Kho, Magdy P. Milad, Stacey A. Scheib, Sangeeta Senapati, Bethany D. Skinner, Amanda C. Yunker EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Matthew T. Siedhoff, Chair Rosanne M. Kho, Magdy P. Milad BYLAWS COMMITTEE: Ted L. Anderson, Magdy P. Milad, Co-Chairs Rosanne M. Kho, Franklin D. Loffer SITE REVIEW AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE: John J. Sciarra, Chair Ted L. Anderson, Stephen L. Corson, William W. Hurd, Rosanne M. Kho, Franklin D. Loffer, Joseph S. Sanfilippo FPRN STEERING COMMITTEE: Rosanne M. Kho, Vice Chair Hye-Chun Hur, Miles Murphy, Stacey A. Scheib, Matthew T. Siedhoff, Mary Ellen Wechter, Jeffrey R. Wilson, Amanda C. Yunker Congratulations to the Newest COEMIG Designees Since September 2015 Apply for COEMIG at www.surgicalreview.org/coemig/ ALASKA REGIONAL HOSPITAL ANCHORAGE, AK Donna Chester, MD Wynd Counts, MD Wendy Cruz, MD Carolyn Rhene Merkouris, MD Mark Edmund Richey, MD Linda Christine Wrigley, MD STAMFORD HOSPITAL STAMFORD, CT Stephen Gallousis, MD WINNIE PALMER HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN & BABIES ORLANDO, FL Virgil Anthony Davila, MD PRESENCE SAINT FRANCIS HOSPITAL EVANSTON. IL Allan Adam Adajar, MD Teresa Tam, MD OVERLAND PARK REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OVERLAND PARK, KS Timothy J. Martin, MD Robert A. Moulton, DO Kristi Lyn Weaver Rowe, MD LAHEY MEDICAL CENTER BURLINGTON, MS Raffaele Bruno, MD Alison Dick, MD Amy McGaraghan, MD Elizabeth Munro, MD Alison Blair Vogell, MD Kelly Wright, MD Valena J. Wright, MD ROCHESTER GENERAL HOSPITAL ROCHESTER, NY Mohamad Mahmoud, MD UNIONTOWN HOSPITAL UNIONTOWN, PA Christina Catherine Enzmann, MD AUXILIO MUTUO HOSPITAL SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO Adrian Colon Laracuente, MD Jesus Rodriguez-Arroyo, MD Miguel Angel Vazquez Guzman, MD 2014 KEY PARTNERS The ways in which our Key Partners support the mission of the AAGL include: AAGL Advancing Minimally Invasive Gynecology Worldwide A partner is defined as “someone who shares an activity.” The AAGL acknowledges the corporations who partner with the AAGL to keep open the doors to educating the next generation of minimally invasive gynecologists. With their support the AAGL can provide more programs that will educate physicians and provide better patient care. • Committing year round support through our Corporate Sponsorship program. • Funding our fellowship sites. • Giving unrestricted educational grants to enhance our programs. • Supporting our hands-on seminars with workstations. • Providing support for scholarly activities. • Funding unrestricted grants for MISforWomen.com. • Advertising in The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, the official journal of the AAGL, and ordering reprints of articles to disseminate to physicians. The support from our Key Partners is in accordance with ACCME guidelines for commercial support. Keeping the Doors to Education Open DIAMOND ($500,000 - $750,000+) RUBY ($350,000 - $500,000) EMERALD ($150,000 - $350,000) SAPPHIRE ($110,000 - $150,000) OPAL ($40,000 - $110,000) AMETHYST ($20,000 - $40,000) SIG: ONCOLOGY database demonstrated that an MIS increase within endometrial cancer care from 16% in 2006 to 48% in 2010 correlated to decreases in complications and hospital stays5. Additionally, each 10% increase in MIS would save $2.8 million and 41 postoperative complications. While not every woman diagnosed with endometrial cancer will be a candidate for MIS, this considerable under-utilization represents a chance to address the nearly two-fold higher rate of perioperative complications and associated increase in health care costs related to open surgery. Recognizing that the majority of women with endometrial cancer are obese and possess other comorbidities, this is a cohort who will particularly benefit from MIS. Hospital utilization of MIS for the treatment of endometrial cancer varies subtantially in the U.S., representing a disparity in the quality and cost of surgical care delivered nationwide. Notably, preliminary data from an ongoing NIS database study of a similar patient cohort treated from 2012-2013 does not show appreciable gains in MIS utilization. A national effort to increase MIS utilization in women with gynecologic cancer will result in tremendous reductions in morbidity for patients, substantial health care cost savings and should be a top priority in gynecologic cancer care. REFERENCES THE UNDER-UTILIZATION OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY (MIS) IN ENDOMETRIAL CANCER CARE AMANDA NICKLES FADER DIANA MANNSCHRECK It is undisputed that minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is the gold standard for the surgical treatment of many benign and malignant gynecologic conditions, including endometrial cancer, the most common gynecologic malignancy diagnosed in U.S. women1. A recent joint guideline issued by the Society of Gynecologic Oncology and the American College of Surgeon’s Commission on Cancer recommended that women with newly diagnosed endometrial cancer should be preferentially managed with minimally invasive hysterectomy and staging. This recommended quality measure in cancer care is founded on a plethora of randomized studies and a Cochrane database review demonstrating fewer perioperative complications, improved quality of life and similar stage-specific survival as open surgery for endometrial cancer survivors managed via MIS2,3. Yet despite this compelling evidence, surgical approach to endometrial cancer largely remains a matter of surgeon preference. Recently, our research group performed an analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database (NIS, the largest U.S. hospital inpatient database) to study domestic MIS utilization in this setting4. More than 32,000 women with non-metastatic endometrial cancer who underwent hysterectomy between 2007 and 2011 were included. Overall, only 33.6% underwent a MIS hysterectomy, although this increased to 51% by 2011. Low-volume cancer centers demonstrated the lowest MIS utilization rate (23.6%; P<0.001). After multivariable adjustment, MIS was less likely to be performed in patients with Medicaid vs. private insurance, black and Hispanic vs. white patients, and more likely to be performed in hospitals with high vs. low endometrial cancer volume. Not surprisingly, open hysterectomy was associated with a significantly higher risk of complications, including surgical site infection and venous thromboembolism. Additionally, while the hospital costs of MIS vs. open hysterectomy were similar, surgical cases with complications had higher mean inpatient costs (p<0.001). A similar study of the ACS-NSQIP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nieboer TE, et al. Surgical approach to hysterectomy for benign gynaecological disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009; (3):CD003677. Walker JL, LAP 2, Recurrence and Survival Recurrence and survival after random assignment to laparoscopy versus laparotomy for comprehensive surgical staging of uterine cancer: Gynecologic Oncology Group LAP2 Study. J Clin Oncol, 2012 Mar 1;30(7):695700. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.38.8645. Galaal K, et al. Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for the management of early stage endometrial cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 9:CD006655. Fader AN, et al. Under-utilization of minimally invasive surgery for women with endometrial cancer: A quality and cost disparity. Obstet Gynecol, in press, Dec 8, 2015. Scalici J, et al, The trend towards minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for endometrial cancer: an ACS-NSQIP evaluation of surgical outcomes. Gynecol Oncol, 2015 Mar;136(3):512-5. Amanda Nickles Fader, MD is an Associate Professor and Director of the Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Diana Mannschreck, BS is a 2nd year medical student at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 17 AAGL has launched its new “AAGL Expert Talks” series on AAGL.org. This video series features presentations on minimally invasive gynecologic surgery by noted experts in the field, and will offer viewers the opportunity to earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ by watching the videos and then completing a short post-test. AAGL EXPERT TALKS AAGL members with membership accounts in good standing will be able to access the videos and apply for CME by going to AAGL.org and clicking on “AAGL Expert Talks” in the right sidebar. Additional courses are added to the web site on a monthly basis. EARN CME ONLINE aagl.org/experttalks/ THIS MONTH’S FEATURED FACULTY VAGINAL HYSTERECTOMY WEBNINAR Vaginal Hysterectomy: Introduction and Overview Dr. Barbara Levy Hysterectomy with Retractor Kit and 90 Degree Scope Dr. Rosanne Kho Vaginal Hysterectomy with Basic Instrumentation Dr. Barbara Levy Right Salpingectomy with Ovarian Preservation Dr. John Gebhart Right Salpingo-Oophorectomy Dr. John Gebhartt Anatomy: Hemipelvis MORE TO SEE AT: ERTTALKS/ AAGL.ORG/EXP DR. BARBARA LEVY DR. ROSANNE KHO Vice President for Health Policy American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists Washington, D.C. Associate Professor, Director, Professor/Fellowship Benign Gyn Surgery, Cleveland Program Director Mayo Clinic Clinic, Ohio Rochester, MN Dr. John Gebhart DR. JOHN GEBHART WATCH NOW Deconstructing the Procedure Dr. Rosanne Kho Vaginal Hysterectomy: Tips and Techniques Dr. John Gebhart aagl.org/experttalks/ Managing Complications Dr. John Gebhart Did You Miss a Session at the 2015 Global Congress or Just Want to See One Again? Includes CME approved content. Available to members free of charge. Then we’ve got good news… SurgeryU is now your one-stop replay reference for all things Congress 2015! Please look for these special programs on the AAGL website at www.aagl.org. The following Congress content will be available to view on-demand: Special Postgraduate Courses Plenary Sessions Special Events • Opening Ceremonies • Keynote Speeches Live Telesurgeries Videos from the Video Sessions NEW PRODUCTS RICHARD WOLF MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION The ERAGONmodular mini hand instruments provide customers with a complete solution for mini-laparoscopy. With 18 different jaw patterns and 7 different handles you create a combination that best fits your needs. • Three-part modular structure that can be completely disassembled for reprocessing • Insulated or stainless steel sheaths • “Click-it” connection permits simple assembly and disassembly • Reduced surgical trauma 800.323.WOLF www.richardwolfusa.com THE ALEXIS CONTAINED EXTRACTION SYSTEM The Alexis™ Contained Extraction System enables minimally invasive procedures by creating a contained environment for manual morcellation. This new innovation features a specimen containment bag and a guard to protect the bag from sharp instrumentation. The specimen containment bag accommodates a range of specimen sizes with a volume up to 6500mL. The Alexis Contained Extraction System is a complete solution for contained manual morcellation. www.appliedmedical.com MINILAP® PERCUTANEOUS SURGICAL SYSTEM WITH MINIGRIP® HANDLE The ergonomic, multi-functional MiniGrip® Handle makes it easy for surgeons to grasp and manipulate tissue, while providing both ratcheted and non-ratcheted capabilities. The slim 2.4 mm shaft allows for percutaneous insertion without the need for a trocar causing less trauma for ideal cosmesis. For the patient, it’s less invasive and heals with a nearly unnoticeable scar and potentially less pain. www.teleflex.com/minilap LAPFLEX CO2 LASER HANDPIECE OmniGuide Surgical’s new LapFlex is the only articulating laparoscopic advanced CO2 energy instrument for ablation of endometriosis that enables surgeons to access hardto-reach anatomical structures and anterior disease. The 60° of articulation allows for enhanced precision and control during cutting, ablation and blunt dissection aiding in more complete disease removal. 1-888-666-4484 OmniGuideSurgical.com INTERNATIONAL NEWS AAGL – COGA: AN UPDATE ON A GROWING GLOBAL COLLABORATION 2010 marked the year that Dr. Franklin D. Loffer and Dr. CY Liu first travelled throughout China in order to meet with surgeons, key stakeholders and the leadership of the Chinese Obstetricians & Gynecologists Association (COGA). Discussions were held regarding the possibility of identifying and building potential collaborations. Fast forward to December 2015 where I recently returned from the 3rd joint AAGL-COGA meeting in Beijing. Under DR. ADVINCULA the leadership of Professors Jing-He Lang and Zhenyu Zhang, a very successful and innovative meeting was hosted which featured not only lectures on cutting edge topics but also over 40 televised surgeries from several hospitals in Beijing. The gamut of surgical procedures was covered and ranged from conventional laparoscopy for deeply infiltrating endometriosis to robotics for gynecologic cancer management. What started out as a simple fact-finding mission 5 years ago has now blossomed into a growing collaboration that in 2016 will yield a total of 6 joint AAGL-COGA meetings across various cities throughout China. Fuzhou, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xian and Beijing will all serve as host cities in 2016. Despite long distances and the differences in language and politics, what truly stands out is the shared passion and commitment to advancing minimally invasive surgery worldwide. Arnold P. Advincula, M.D., FACOG, FACS, is President of AAGL, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Vice-Chair of Women’s Health and Chief of Gynecology, Sloane Women’s Hospital at Columbia University in New York, New York. www.aagl.org October - December NewsScope 19 MEMBER NEWS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS September 1, 2015 - November 30, 2015 Maria Virginia Abalos, M.D. Tamara M. Abdul Raheem, M.D. Josephine Achiampong, M.D. Haritha Ackula, M.D. Oluseyi Adeniji, M.D. Enyonam Agamasu, M.D. Geetanjali S. Agarwal Joshi, M.D. Miriam Aguirre, M.D. Lisa Agustines, M.D. Hashem Adel Ahmed, M.D. Ibrahim Farid Ahmed, M.D. Ai Hua Li, M.D. Zufeiya Aili, M.D. Ailing Xu, M.D. Ai-Ming Wang, M.D. Chen Aiping, M.D. Sanaa Mohsen Al Hassan, M.D. Afaf Alansari, M.D. Anna B.I. Alensuela, M.D. Fatemah Khaled Alhadhoud, M.D. Hanan Al-Janabi, M.D. Reem Abdulla Alkhars, M.D. Chantal C.J. Alleblas, MSc. Kholode K. Almaslamani, M.D. Maria Amelia Almeida, M.D. Olanike Alonge, M.D. Ghazi Alsarraj, M.D. Angela Amato, R.N. Ruifang An, M.D. Marcela A. Andrade, M.D. Yoichi Aoki, M.D. Sarah Appleton, M.D. Rachel M. Archer, M.D. Chetna Arora, M.D. Bakytbubu Arynova, M.D. Shant Ashdjian, M.D. Rowell Stanford Ashford, II, M.D. Jose Aun, Sr., M.D. Alma Rosa Aurioles, M.D. Sharareh Bagherian, D.O. Huimin Bai, M.D. Anish Bali, M.D. Shamita Bansore, M.D. Lewen Bao, M.D. Emma L. Barber, M.D. Reut Bardach, M.D. Hayley C. Barnes, M.D. Adrianna Barrett, M.D. Ana Barrios, M.D. Edward Kelly Bartels, M.D. Santanu Baruah, M.D. Rachel Baskin, M.D. David Basurto Diaz, M.D. John W. Batich, M.D. Luca Bazzurini, M.D. Alice Beardmore-Gray, M.D. Gregory Beauge, M.D. Sadikah Behbehani, M.D. Bei Zhang, M.D. Donna L. Bell, R.N. Boleslaw A. Bendek, M.D. Ralf Bends, M.D. Robert Berg, M.D. Janet Berry, M.D. Loubna Beydoun, M.D. Lihong Bian, M.D. Yachun Bie, M.D. Rita Ann Biesen-Bradley, M.D. Zhou Binbing, M.D. Wang Hai Bo, M.D. Ruben Dario Bolivar, M.D. Brian K. Bond, M.D., FACOG Mercedes Borja Valverde, M.D. Pietro Bortoletto, M.D. Melodie Bourdages, M.D. Karen Brandon, DSc, PT, WCS Natalie Braun, M.D. Joline S. Bronson, M.D. Robert Brooks, M.D. Elizabeth Brunn, M.D. Gigliola Bublitz, M.D. Marissa Caballes, M.D. Patrick Joseph Cahill, D.O. Qiong Cai, M.D. Luis Calderon, M.D. Halime Cali, M.D. Monika Cancellaro, M.D. Luis Cano, M.D. Yungui Cao, M.D. Ricardo Caraballo, M.D. Leia Card, M.D. Ingrid Carrillo, M.D. Mary Anne Carrillo, M.D. Rachel Chanteil Cartechine, M.D. Santiago Castelazo, M.D. Erin Cavanaugh, M.D. Clarena Ceballos, M.D. Roberto Ceciliano, M.D. Lily Cha, M.D. Yvonne Chak, M.D. Felix Chan, M.D. John K. Chan, M.D. James Patrick Chaney, M.D., FACOG Andrew E-Kong Chang, M.D. Ha Kyun Chang, M.D. Biliang Chen, M.D. Chunlin Chen, M.D., Ph.D. Long Chen, M.D. Xiaojun Chen, M.D. Yong Chen, M.D. Chen Cheng, M.D. Luo Chengyan, M.D. Li-Mong Chiang, M.D. Yonghee K. Cho, M.D. Dong Mei Chu, M.D. Li Chunling, M.D. Roberto Clarizia, M.D. Michael Gregory Cohen, M.D. 20 NewsScope October - December 2015 | www.aagl.org Marie-Pier Comeau, M.D. Robyn Comeau, M.D. Karin Ann Commeret, M.D. Alexandra Correa, M.D. Katherine Croft, M.D. Roan Crow, M.D. Heather Crummett, M.D. Heng Cui, M.D. Ulisses da Costa Faria, M.D. Yuxin Dai, M.D. David Daniel, M.D. Sangeeta Das, M.D. Ivete de Avila, M.D. Donaldo De Leon, M.D. Lester De Silva, M.D. Katherine de Souza, M.D. Justin Alex DeAngelis, M.D. Murat Dede, M.D. Lorenzo Del Olmo, LSA Sofia Del Olmo, BSN, RN Marie-Elaine Demers, M.D. Yanjie Deng, M.D. Yao Desheng, M.D. Andrew Deutsch, M.D. Frank D. DeVries, M.D. Kuhan Dharmarajah, M.D. Wen Di, M.D. Robert Di Cecco, M.D., FRCSC Paul Dijkhuizen, M.D. Karin Dimon, M.D. Zhiwei Ding, M.D. Khady Diouf, M.D. Arthur Michael Dizon, M.D. Juliana Barros do Valle, M.D. Andrew Allen Doherty, M.D. Janine A. Domingo Doneza, M.D. Gaston Donetch, M.D. Yinchu Dong, M.D. Li Donglin, M.D. Nadine Doris, M.D. Felicia Doucet Gingras, M.D. N. Edward Dourron, M.D. Jamie M Drake, PA-C Shanping Du, M.D. Nadia du Toit, M.D. Duan Zhao, M.D. Jie Duan, M.D. Jhonathan Alexander Duarte, M.D. Andrey Anatolievich Dubinin, M.D. Emily Rose Earles, M.D. Emily Edwards, R.N. Niki Edwards, M.D. Jose Henrique Eing, M.D. Rachel Eliason, M.D. Eman Elkattan, M.D. Mohamed ElMouselmany, M.D. Kubilay Ertan, M.D. Sandra Escobar, M.D. Cholene Espinoza, M.D. Liangsheng Fan, M.D. Xiaoling Fang, M.D. Bruno Savoia Faria, M.D. Kose Mehmet Faruk, M.D. Lu Hsin Fen, M.D. Xin Feng, M.D. Fengbin Jin, M.D. Fengsen Xu, M.D. Stephen Fiascone, M.D. Homero Flores-Mendoza, M.D. Orlando Florez, M.D. Wendy Fodstad, PA-C Polly Victoria Ford, M.D. Melissa Fox, M.D. Alexia de Avila Frayha, Ph.D. Fengxian Fu, M.D. Tomasz Fuchs, M.D. Fuli Zhu, M.D. Denise Furlong, M.D. Andrew Galffy, M.D. Jesus Eduardo Gallardo, M.D. Kathleen Gallo, R.N. Mario Alfredo Galvis, M.D. Wang Gang, M.D. Huiqiao Gao, M.D. Rafael Garcia Concha, M.D. Kathryn Powell Gard, M.D. Nitu Garg, M.D. Abby Denisse Garnica, M.D. Francisco Garzon Lopez, M.D. Jing Ge, M.D. Ashita Gehlot, M.D. Sean George, M.D. Sarah Vondrak Gernhart, M.D. Amelie Gervais, M.D. llias Giarenis, M.D. Fani Gkrozou, M.D. Catalina Gomez, M.D. Jose Gomez, M.D. Liyun Gong, M.D. Alejandro Martin Gonzalez, M.D. Azucena Blanco Gonzalez, M.D. Carlos E. Gonzalez, M.D. German Gonzalez, M.D. Rocio Gonzalez Villanueva, M.D. Kathryn Hanson Goralski, M.D. Sonal Grover, M.D. Yu Gu, M.D. Ni Guantai, M.D. Nathan L. Guerette, M.D., FACOG Pascale Guerin, M.D. Camilla Guitarte, M.D. Rui-Xia Guo, M.D. Guoxing Wang, M.D. Guoyun Wang, M.D. Abhishek Gupta, M.D. Janesh Kumar Gupta, M.D. Jan Haider, M.D. Sun Haiyan, M.D. Ghaidaa F. Hakeem, M.D. Linxiao Han, M.D. Chen Hang, M.D. Ding Han Hanxiang, M.D. Wei Shu Hao, M.D. Haoping Zhu, M.D. Byron Hapner, D.O. Usha Harikumar, M.D. Douglas C. Harrington, M.D., FACOG Keith Harrison, M.D. Thomas Hasskamp, M.D. Ke He, M.D. Martin Hechanova, M.D. Sergine Heckel, M.D. Oystein Helland, M.D., Ph.D. Angie Henao, M.D. Rodrigo Henao, M.D. Dedy Hendry, FACOG Fernando Heredia, M.D. Ana L. Herrera-Betancourt, M.D. Christopher Raymond Hicks, M.D. Shauna Hicks, M.D. Teresa Hilgers, M.D. Margaret Rose Hines, M.D. James Hobby, M.D. Erik Hokenstad, M.D. Lisa Holcomb, M.D. Hong Chen, M.D. Liu Hong, M.D. Ma Hongmei, M.D. Hongyan Li, M.D. Hongyu Li, M.D. Elizabeth Naomi Hopton Wagner Horst, M.D. Jianqing Hou, M.D. Luis Rafael Hoyos , M.D. Weiguo Hu, M.D. Hua Yuan, M.D. Xiao Huan, M.D. Tai Hsun Huang Xianghua Huang, M.D. Laura Huffman, M.D. Chen Shao Hui, M.D. Dai Huihua, M.D. Huiping Jiang, Jr., M.D. Huiqing Li, M.D. Judith Huirne, M.D. Hu Huiying, M.D. Fatima Hussain, M.D. Sara Iacoponi, M.D. Manal Mohamed Idriss, M.D. Fong Wai Leng, M.D. Emma Inglis, M.D. Sara Irwin, M.D. Fawziah Ishak, MBBS, MRCOG Gennadiy Ivanov, M.D. Jocelyn Ivie, M.D. Colin Jackson, M.D. Orlando de la Rosa Jacobo, M.D. A. Jalail Far, M.D. Torri Janecek, M.D. German Jaramillo, M.D. Pernille Tine Jensen, M.D., Ph.D. Xuemei Jia, M.D. Jian Zhang, M.D. Hua Jiang, M.D. Jiang Yu, M.D. Jie Jiang, M.D. Yuan Jianhuan, M.D., Ph.D. Jianmin Chen, M.D. Zhang Jianqing, M.D. Jiaren Zhang, M.D. Jiaxin Yang, M.D. Jie Yang, M.D. Jin Wang, M.D. Jin Zhou, M.D. Ping Jin, M.D. Jing Zhang, M.D. Jing Zhao, M.D. Jing Zhou, M.D. Yi Jing, M.D. Cheng Jingxin, M.D. Ashley Meekin Johnson, M.D. Jil M. Johnson, D.O. Joanna Johnston, M.D. Louai Jony, M.D. Scott Eric Jordan, M.D. Saurabh Nishikant Joshi, M.D. Olivier Jourdain, M.D. Wang Man Ju, M.D. Cao Xiao Juan, M.D. Gong Pi Jun, M.D. Jun-Xian Zhang, M.D. To Justin, M.D. Amr Kader, M.D. Aban Kadva, M.D. Nisha Kadwadkar, M.D. Isabelle Kaelin Gambirasio, M.D. Arpitha Kalghatgi, M.D. Chun Ping Kang, M.D. Rita Kaplon, M.D. Erdal Kaya, M.D. Yan Ke, III, M.D. Sian Kerslake, M.D. Sadia Khandaker, M.D. Zohra Khanum, M.D. Tarulata Khulpateea, M.D. Mutlu Kilimciler, M.D. Sarah Kim, M.D. Caitlyn Klaska, M.D. Curt H. Klooster, M.D. Samara Knight, M.D. Chienwei Ko, M.D. Kara Koldon Beihua Kong, M.D. Karen Kong, M.D. Elena Konstantinova, M.D. Jessica Kroes, M.D. Paul Kuder, M.D. He Xiu Kui, M.D. Kun Zhang, M.D. Anthony Kupelian, M.D. Mei Wai Kwan, M.D. Esther B. Kyle, M.D. Caroline Lachance, M.D. Eve Anne Ladwig-Scott, B.S., M.D. Jeanne Laflamme, M.D. Jacqueline Ivett Laguardia, M.D. Yunju Lai, M.D. Fanny Lamb, M.D. Soren Lange, M.D. Eve-Lyne Langlais, M.D. Fernando Laverde, M.D. Mia Elise Layne, M.D. Marvin Enrique Lazo Cabrera , M.D. Luat Le, D.O. Sanghoon Lee, M.D. Stephanie Lee, D.O. Yuan-Bing Lee, M.D. Mathieu Legault, M.D. Lei Li, M.D. Humberto Lelevier, M.D. Jennifer Lew, M.D. Cuifen Li, M.D. Haili Li, M.D. Hu Li, M.D. Huan Li, M.D. Jinfeng Li , M.D. Jinghua Li, M.D. Li Li, M.D. Li Sun, M.D. Yan Li, M.D. Yingxiong Li, M.D. Ziqing Liang, M.D. Xiaohua Liao, M.D. Wang Liehong, M.D. Wang Lijie, M.D. Jinwen Ingrid Lin, M.D. Lin Wang, M.D. XiaoNa Lin, M.D. Yu-Geng Lin, M.D. Shang Hui Ling, M.D. Lingyan Zhang, M.D. Haiyan Liu, M.D. Lin Lin Liu, M.D. Ping Liu, M.D. Yabin Liu, M.D. Yakun Liu, M.D. YanYan Liu, M.D. Yuzhen Liu, M.D. Laura Long, PA-C Lixia Long, M.D. Livia Alves Lopes, M.D. Eliana Lopez, M.D. Beatrice Lorber, M.D. Lou Tong, M.D. Meisong Lu, M.D. Xiaohong Lu, M.D. Hua Luan, M.D. Miguel Oscar Ludi, M.D. Lufang Zhang, M.D. Angelina Lukwinski, M.D. Xiaohang Luo, M.D. Xiping Luo, M.D. Xiuping Lv, M.D. Xiuli Ma, M.D. Yingchun Ma, M.D. Denisse Fernanda Magdaleno, M.D. Thuy Mai, M.D. Robert Allen Mairs, D.O. Carole Maitre, M.D. Huda Majeed, M.D. Kingshuk Majumder, M.D. Maria Cecilia Maldonado, M.D. Neena Malhotra, M.D. Sabrina Maltais, M.D. Eileen Malapaya Manalo, M.D. Christopher Howard Mann, M.D. Daniel Marks, D.O. Emma Markstrom, M.D. Christine Marraccini, M.D. Ashley Nicole Martinez, M.D. Alexandre Magno de Freitas Martins, M.D. Danielle M. Mason, M.D. Nancy McBride, M.D. Scott Douglas McCauley, M.D. Amanda McDonough, M.D. Allison McKinnon, M.D. Erin Elizabeth Medlin, M.D. Debbie G. Meguizo, M.D. Natasha Mehandru, M.D. Fangyin Meng, M.D. Yuanguang Meng, M.D. Raquel Marie Mercado-Sepulveda, M.D. Elisabet Merino Mesa, II, FACOG Jinwei Miao, M.D. Katherine Miller, M.D. Ming Liu, M.D. Wang Qi Ming, M.D. Zhao Mingli, M.D. Angel Miranda, M.D. Carlos Eduardo Miranda, M.D. Decca Mohammed, M.D. Yara Mohammed, M.D. Reena Mohan, M.D. Pushparajem Mohanraj, M.D. Grace Marie Mooken, M.D. Surjit Reddy Moolamalla, M.D. Anika Moore, M.D. Kira Marie Moore, D.O. Ana Morales, M.D. Elisa Moreno Palacios, M.D. Nicole Ashley Moretti, M.D. Thomas Moscovitz, M.D. Lea Moukarzel, M.D. Tara Mould, M.D. Robert Anthony Moulton, D.O. Faizah Mukri, M.D. Torben Munk, M.D. Angelica Stephanie Kabigting Munoz, M.D. Olga Alejandra Munoz, M.D. Krishna Murala, M.D. Olarik Musigavong, M.D. Charles Badr Nagy, M.D. Deepa Balachandran Nair, M.D. www.aagl.org October - December 2015 NewsScope 21 MEMBER NEWS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS September 1, 2015 - November 30, 2015 Nan Liu, M.D. Nan Song, M.D. Lisa Lee Ng, D.O. Tin Yan Tina Ngan, M.D. Nguyet Nguyen, M.D. Yan Ni, M.D. Ma Ning, M.D. Adolfo Nino De Guzman, M.D. Mireille C. Nkoussa Ndjie Sonia Pai Novotny, M.D. Roberto Nyffeler, M.D. Oliver O’Donovan, M.D. Yuki Ogawara, M.D. Guy Ohad, M.D. Idris A Okewole, M.D. Nonye Okocha, M.D. Oluwatosin Onibokun, M.D. Irma Patricia Orihuela, M.D. Jose L. Ortiz Colon, M.D. German Ospina, M.D. Stephen Kam Otey, M.D., FACOG Chensi Ouyang, M.D. Ling Ouyang, M.D. Roberto Ovando, M.D. Kevin Overbeck, M.D. Maria Gabriela Pachori, M.D. Linglan Pan, M.D. Ivilina Pandeva, M.D. Hyuntae Park, M.D. Lindsay Parker, M.D. Melissa Ann Parks, D.O. Reginald Demetrius Peek, M.D. Xuebing Peng, M.D. Claudia Janeth Perez Ramirez, M.D. Helga Pereznunez Zamora, M.D. Jinxia Piao, M.D. Ping Huang, M.D. Ping Wang, M.D. Ping Yan, M.D. Zhou Ping, Jr., M.D. Lu Pinhong, M.D. Christine Pipitone, M.D. Marek Pluta, M.D. Marino Poliseno, D.O. Anne E. Porter, M.D. Katrina L. Porter, M.D. Paola F. Portilla Soto, M.D. Andrea Portillo, M.D. Hilda Porturas, M.D. Lionel Ange Poungui, M.D. Prescott Wade Prillaman, M.D. Genoveva Nicoleta Prisacaru, M.D. Michael A. Proffitt, M.D. Jianwen Pu, M.D. Giulana Puccini, M.D. Qingxia Zhang, M.D. Qiuxiang Xu, M.D. Ahmed Raafat, M.D. Rubin Raju, M.D. Adriana Ramirez, M.D. Ran Cui, M.D. Almotasimbellah O. Rayes, M.D. Humberto Reyes Cuervo, M.D. Griselda Claribel Reyes Torres, M.D. David Rice, M.D. Charlotte Richards, M.D. Michael Ritondo, M.D. William Rivera-Ortiz, M.D. Lukas Rob, M.D. LeAnne J. Roberts, M.D. Deborah Robertson, M.D. David Rodriguez, M.D. Luis Rodriguez, M.D. Luz Rodriguez, M.D. Martha Lilia Rodriguez, M.D. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Avalos, M.D. Graciela Rolong, M.D. Rong Xia Liu, M.D. Rong Zhang, Ph.D. Patricia Rossi, M.D. Amelie Roy Morency, M.D. Ilia Rubiano, M.D. Victor A. Rubio, M.D. Jose Saadi, M.D. Jorge Safe, Jr., M.D. Banchita Sahu, M.D. Maria Salanga Lomibao, R.N. Mary Sale, M.D. Mariela Salgado, M.D. Catherine Sanchez, PA Jose Sanin, M.D. Admario Santos Filho, M.D. lhan Sanverdi, M.D. Armine Sarchisian, M.D., FACOG Chandrakala Sathish, M.D. Saladin Sawan, M.D. Elisa Scatena, M.D. Lindsey Brooke Scharfman, M.D. Michael A. Schiavone, II, M.D. Lynnett Schindler, M.D. Raschelle Leanne Schowengerdt, M.D. Gastao Schwarz, Jr., M.D. Monica Sehgal, M.D. Claire Serrato, M.D. Vikrant Sharma, M.D. Abraham Shashoua, M.D. Jacquelyn Shaw, M.D. Patricia Shay, M.D. Alicia Ann Shields, M.D. Jessica Shields, D.O. Rachelle A. Shirley, M.D. Jyoti Sidhu, M.D. Sylvia Lee Siegfried, M.D. Dalia Sikafi, M.D. Tali Silberstein, M.D. Cassandra Blot Simmons, M.D. Ian Simpson, M.D. Jaleen Danae Sims, M.D. Ivan Rizal Sini, FRANZCOG Effie Siomos, M.D. Sofia Smirnova, M.D. Caroline Smith, M.D. 22 NewsScope October - December 2015 | www.aagl.org Kara L. Smythe, M.D. Alicia Sollman, NP Jessica Son, M.D. Julieta M. Sotelo Ortiz, M.D. Eduardo Soto Garcia, M.D. Suzanne Nicole Stammler, M.D. Dawn Stanek, M.D. Jamie Stanhiser, M.D. Michelle K. Stegenga, D.O. Holly Sternberg, M.D. Robert J Stevenson, M.D. Celeste Emily Straight, M.D. Suhui Wu, M.D. Tove Svarrer, M.D. Ana Talavera, M.D. Crystal Tallman, D.O. Sejal Tamakuwala, D.O. Amit Tandon, M.D. Tao Wang, M.D. Stephanie Christine Tardieu, M.D. Simon Tarsha, M.D. Tahir Tayyeb, M.D. Pravada Milind Telang, M.D. Juan Jose Tellez Castro, M.D. Derek Jon Tenhoopen, M.D. Nicole Sara Tenzel, M.D. Sitthipong Thawinkarn, M.D. Kelsey Renee Thrush, D.O. Ashley Wood Tiegs, M.D. Matthew Laurence Tilstra, M.D. Michael Ting, M.D. Ting Li, M.D. Ting Zhou, M.D. Reni Tjandra, M.D. Karla Liliana Toledo, M.D. Katterine Torres, M.D. Yardlie Toussaint, M.D. Soumil P. Trivedi, M.D. Rola Turki, M.D. Nino Tutberidze, M.D. Luz Uribe, M.D. Rafael Urquijo, M.D. Tara Usakoski, M.D. Gloria Patricia Valencia, M.D. Olga Valieva Bishop, D.O. Teresa C. Vasconcellos de Moura, M.D. Rodney Paiva Vasconcelos, M.D. Manuel Antonio Vasquez, M.D. Priyanka Venkataraman, M.D. Mariana da Cunha Vieira Daniel Vieyra, M.D. Carlos Vivas, M.D. Jocelyn Walbridge, M.D. Alexandra Walker, D.O. Meeca Walker, M.D. Hong Wang, M.D. Jingwei Wang, M.D. Wang Lin, M.D. Wang Yan, M.D. Sarah Weaver, M.D. Weimin Yang, M.D. Weiping Ma, M.D. Wenxin Liu, M.D. Harris Monroe Wexler, D.O. Katie Weyer, M.D. Tracy Allen Wheelock, M.D. Artur Wiatrowski, M.D. Catherine Marie Wilkes, M.D. Stephanie Wilkins, M.D. Judith Jordan Williams, M.D. Shira Varon Williams, M.D. Marron C. Wong, M.D. Jeffrey Woo, M.D. Jacqueline Leigh Wood, M.D. Valena Wright, M.D. Christine Wu, M.D. Xiao Shi, M.D. Xiao Zhang, M.D. Xiaoxuan Xu, M.D. Xiaoyun Liu, M.D. Xinchao Deng, II, M.D. Xinmei Zhang, M.D. Xiu Ping Wang Wang, M.D. Xuefang Zhang, M.D. Ritu Yadav, DNB Mikio Yamasaki, M.D. Yan Chen, M.D. Yan Yang, M.D. Yan Hong Yu, M.D. Yanlong Wang, M.D. Jacqueline Yano, M.D. Yanzhou Wang, M.D. Mufit Cemal Yenen, M.D. Yifeng Wang, M.D. Ali Yilmaz Yin Chen, M.D. Ying Yang, M.D. Ying Zhang, M.D. Ying Zhou, M.D. Yingchun Zhang, Jr., M.D. Laura Young, M.D. Yu Zhang, M.D. Yuan Lin, M.D. Yue Xi Luo, M.D. Yunshan Zhu, M.D. Yuting Zhu, M.D. Heather Marie Zechman, M.D. Aldene Zeno, M.D. Zhan Li, M.D. Ying Zhou, M.D. Zhao Lu, M.D. Zhaoyi Feng, M.D. Zhenyu Yang, M.D. Zhibo Zhang, M.D. Zhiying Su, M.D. Liangqing Yao, M.D. Cici Ruoxi Zhu, M.D. Zihan Zhang, M.D. Monica Tessmann Zomer, M.D. Save the date The Rosen Hotel and Convention Center at Shingle Creek Orlando, Florida Visit www.aagl.org for more information “EDUCATING THE SURGEONS OF TOMORROW” N RY GY EC Kevin J.E. Stepp, Scientific Program Chair MINIMAL LY TM P in HI SIVE VA IN FELLO W S NOVEMBER 14-18, 2016 45th AAGL Global Congress on Minimally Invasive Gynecology OL O GIC SUR G E Now is the time to begin planning for your participation in the FELLOWSHIP IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY Fellowship year July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019 For more information or an application contact: Arcy Dominguez, Fellowship in MIGS Manager 6757 Katella Avenue • Cypress, CA 90630 Phone: (800) 554-2245 or (714) 503-6200, Ext. 224 Fax: (714) 503-6201 or (714) 503-6202 E-mail: fmigs@aagl.org www.fmigs.org IMPORTANT DATES OF THE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM START DATE: July 1, 2017 APPLICATIONS OPEN: January 1 – July 1, 2016 DEADLINE TO SUBMIT APPLICATION: July 1, 2016 PERIODICALS 6757 Katella Avenue Cypress, California 90630-5105 Tel 714.503.6200 Fax 714.503.6201 E-mail newsscope@aagl.org • Web site www.aagl.org U.S. POSTAGE PAID CYPRESS, CA EDUCATION CALENDAR The following educational meetings are sponsored by the AAGL. 2016 AAGL MEETINGS Global Hysterectomy Summit: Expanding the Surgical Armamentarium & Optimizing Outcomes in a Value-Based Medical World April 15-16, 2016 Arnold P. Advincula and Jon I. Einarsson, Scientific Program Co-Chairs Charles Koh, Honorary Chair Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California AAGL Session on MIG at ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting Solving the Dilemma of the Route of Hysterectomy: A Roadmap to Clinical Decision Making May 16, 2016 Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC 12th AAGL International Congress on MIGS in partnership with the Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopy June 2-5, 2016 Prakash Trivedi, Scientific Program Chair Jon Einarsson, General Chair Rajendra Sankpal, IAGE President Mumbai, India AAGL 18th Annual Advanced Workshop on Gynecologic Laparoscopic Anatomy & Minimally Invasive Surgery Including Pelvic Floor Reconstruction June 17-18, 2016 Resad P. Pasic, Scientific Program Chair Shan M. Biscette, Lab Director University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky Workshop on Surgical Anatomy of the Pelvis and Procedures in Patients with Chronic Pelvic Paim December 9-10, 2016 Michael Hibner, Scientific Program Chair Nita Desai, Co-Chair St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center Phoenix, Arizona FMIGS/SREI/Residents and Fellows Surgical Boot Camp July 22-24, 2016 Matthew Siedhoff, Scientific Program Chair Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort & Nicholson Center, Celebration, Florida 13th AAGL International Congress on MIG in partnership with the Federation Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (FECOLSOG) February 22-24, 2017 Juan Diego Villegas-Echeverri, Scientific Program Chair Rafael Padrón Burgos, Jimmy Castañeda, José Duván López, Co-Chairs Pedro Escobar, Carlos Fernandez-Ossadey, M.D., AAGL Co-Chairs Cartagena de Indias, Colombia VI World Robotics Gynecology Congress August 5-6, 2016 Arnold P. Advincula and Michael Pitter, Scientific Program Co-Chairs Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Station, New York, New York 45th AAGL Annual Global Congress on MIGS November 14-18, 2016 Kevin J.E. Stepp, Scientific Program Chair The Rosen Hotel and Convention Center at Shingle Creek Orlando, Florida 46th AAGL Annual Global Congress on MIGS November 12-16, 2017 Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center National Harbor (Washington, DC), Maryland 47th AAGL Annual Global Congress on MIGS November 11-15, 2018 MGM Grand Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada
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