
82nd Annual Meeting
AACRAO’s Annual Meeting draws more than 3,000
individuals from all fields and levels within higher
education. With over 250 sessions, workshops, and
roundtables highlighting topics impacting higher education
professionals, the Annual Meeting will help you tackle current
issues and prepare you for future challenges. Come to the meeting
to develop insights and ideas for promoting institutional and student success.
Program Contents
Conference Schedule
Map of Conference Facilities
PACRAO Featured Speakers
PACRAO Special Attractions
PACRAO Pre-Conference & Special Sessions
PACRAO Workshops
-A Sessions
-B Sessions
-C Sessions
-D Sessions
-E Sessions
-F Sessions
-G Sessions
-H Sessions
-I Sessions
-J Sessions
PACRAO Partners
PACRAO Presenters, Alpha List
PACRAO Exhibitors
PACRAO Executive Board & Committees
PACRAO Conference Schedule
Sunday, November 2nd
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:45 am - 2:30 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
4:15 pm - 4:45 pm
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
8:00 pm
Registration Booth
Hospitality and Information Booth
Newport Beach 2009 Information Booth
Pre-Conference Workshop(s)
First Time Attendee Orientation
Exhibitor Hall Open
Presenter and Facilitator Orientation
Opening Plenary Session
Opening Reception
Dinner on your own
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Galleria I, II, III
Broadway I, II, III, IV
Grand Ballroom & Foyer
Broadway I, II, III, IV
Grand Ballroom
Grand Ballroom
Monday, November 3rd
7:30 am - 8:30 am
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 9:30 am
9:30 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 11:30 am
11:45 am - 1:15 pm
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Breakfast with Exhibitors Newport Beach 2009 Information Booth
Exhibit Hall Open
Registration Booth
Hospitality and Information Booth
A Sessions Coffee Break with the Exhibitors B Sessions
Diversity Lunch
C Sessions
Snack/Beverage Break
D Sessions
E Roundtable Sessions Exhibitors’ Reception
Dinner on your own
Grand Ballroom
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Grand Ballroom & Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Grand Ballroom
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Grand Ballroom
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Grand Ballroom
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Grand Ballroom
Tuesday, November 4th
7:30 am - 8:30 am
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
7:30 am - 3:00 pm
7:30 am - 3:00 pm
8:30 am - 9:30 am
9:30 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 11:30 am
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
3:45 pm - 6:00 pm
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Breakfast with Exhibitors Exhibit Hall Open
Registration Booth
Newport Beach 2009 Information Booth
Hospitality and Information Booth
F Sessions Coffee Break with the Exhibitors G Sessions Lunch on your own
H Sessions
I Sessions Free time
PACRAO Social and No Host Bar
Gala Dinner and Entertainment
Grand Ballroom
Grand Ballroom & Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Grand Ballroom Foyer
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Grand Ballroom
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Plaza Foyer
Wednesday, November 5th
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:15 am
9:15 am - 9:45 am
9:45 am - 10:45 am
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm
Conference Information Booth
J Sessions
Business Meeting Brunch
Closing Plenary Speaker
Business Meeting
Hotel Guest Room Checkout
Grand Ballroom Foyer
See Pocket Schedule for Locations
Grand Ballroom I
Grand Ballroom I
Grand Ballroom I
Hilton Portland Conference Facilities
PACRAO Featured Speakers
Dr. Rebecca A. Sanderson
Pre-Conference Presenter
Dr. Rebecca A. Sanderson, Director of Student Affairs Research and Evaluation at Oregon State University, has held university
faculty and student affairs administrative positions for over 30 years. Currently Dr. Sanderson provides leadership for the
assessment of student learning in the division of student affairs at Oregon State University. She consults with division faculty
and staff, facilitates workshops, and chairs the Student Affairs Assessment Council. Dr. Sanderson also is responsible for
administering, analyzing and reporting the results of specific university-wide assessment and evaluation efforts. She has
presented at numerous national and regional conferences on assessment, counseling services, and orientation.
Dr. Sanderson received her PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri—Columbia with special emphasis in
testing and measurement. She also holds a master’s degree and bachelor’s degree from Northeast Missouri State University
(now Truman State University) in Counseling and Biology, respectively.
Dr. Will Keim
Opening Plenary Speaker
Dr. Will Keim has spoken to more than 2 million students,
faculty, and staff from 2,000 campuses in all 50 states in
the United States and most provinces of Canada.
His corporate clients include AT&T, IBM, State Farm Insurance,
several state human resources and development organizations,
and Delta Airlines. He is the author of The Education of Character:
Lessons for Beginners, Spirit Journey, Life after College, The Truth
About College, The Tao of Christ and is a contributing author to Chicken Soup for the College Soul, Let Your Leadership
Speak, and Greek Inspirations. Educator, Residence Hall Director, Educational Program Coordinator, 4 Year Division 1 Varsity
Letterman in baseball, and Campus Minister, Will Keim understands students and the major issues facing them.
Frances Portillo
Diversity Luncheon Keynote Address
Ms. Portillo has been in the training and consulting field since 1979 when she first
presented at the Colorado Association for Bilingual Education on cultural issues in
language acquisition. Her main areas of expertise include cross-cultural communication,
conflict management with an emphasis on cross-cultural conflict, team building across
cultures, workplace harassment and drug and alcohol prevention.
Training and consulting have taken Ms. Portillo to almost every state in the union, (perhaps the only one missing is Maine) and
many countries including Canada, Bermuda, Singapore, Jamaica, Saipan, Guam, Germany, Italy Colombia, Paraguay, Chile,
the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Vietnam, China and Japan. She has worked with many client groups including educators,
health care professionals, religious leaders, businesses, police, construction supervisors, and parents. Her training and
consulting ranges from a presentation within a larger conference or forum to an ongoing partnership with long range plans and
training. She is also adjunct professor at Portland State University where she teaches graduate courses in cross-cultural
Ms. Portillo is also involved in training of trainer programs in education, business management, the drug and alcohol field and
the cross-cultural communication field.
Ms. Portillo earned a degree in Social Work with a minority studies emphasis from Arizona State University and a Master’s
degree in Higher Education and Bilingual/Bicultural education from the University of Washington. She continues to advance
her work in communication through readings, seminars and classes.
She is very active in many organizations including the International Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research
where she served on the board for three years and was awarded the Outstanding Interculturalist Award in 1995, The Oregon
Ethics Commons and the American Society for Training and Development. These organizations provide current research,
dialogue on timely topics and offer a variety of seminars and lectures from which to strengthen and add to her work.
PACRAO Featured Speakers
LeRoy Rooker
LeRoy Rooker directs the U.S. Department of Education’s Family Policy Compliance Office. In that capacity, he administers laws and
policies designed to help protect the rights of America’s 58 million students.
Among his major responsibilities is the administration of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a comprehensive federal
law that provides privacy protections for student education records. Sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment, FERPA affords
parents and students the right to obtain access to education records, as well as the right to exercise some control over the disclosure of
information from those records.
Mr. Rooker has served in his current capacity since February 1988. Before that, he was special assistant to the Department’s deputy
secretary for management.
Bob Welch
Closing Plenary Speaker
Bob Welch is the general columnist at The Register-Guard, the
author of 11 books and a nationally known speaker.
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists has honored him six
of the last eight years for his work, which emphasizes heart, humor
and hope. Stories of his have appeared in such magazines as
Reader’s Digest, Sports Illustrated and the Los Angeles Times.
His latest book, published in September, is "Pebble in the Water," the inspirational story about how we matter to each other more
than we might realize. It is based on his experience of researching, writing and promoting a previous book, "American Nightingale,"
about the first nurse to die after the landings at Normandy. “Nightingale” was a finalist for the 2005 Oregon Book Award and
featured on ABC’s “Good Morning America."
An adjunct professor of journalism at the University of Oregon in Eugene, Welch is the founder of the Beachside Writers Workshop
in Yachats, Ore.
Lynda Coates
Presenting session I3: Breaking Barriers For People in Poverty
Lynda Coates is an associate of Communication Across Barriers, a poverty consulting
firm owned by Dr. Donna Beegle. She is an authentic voice of poverty who grew up
homeless. Through the support of mentors, such as Donna and others, she earned a
master’s degree from Portland State University and has been speaking and training in
the Portland area for more than two years. As a writer, curriculum developer and
researcher, she has produced several tools for trainings, including an online Student
Retention Relationship Tool (SRRT) for adults who work with at-risk students.
PACRAO Special Attractions and Events
Sunrise Run in the Rose City
6:45 am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mornings
led by Jim Bouse and Mike Jefferis, University of Oregon
Need a little fresh air and exercise during the conference? Join other PACRAO colleagues for a Sunrise Run in the Rose
City. We've mapped out a 2.6 mile paved loop near the Hilton along both sides of the scenic Willamette River waterfront,
crossing two bridges and then back. The route features the longest floating walkway in the US (1,200 feet), public art,
plus beautiful skyline and river views. Meet at the east entrance of the Hilton main lobby (by the curved staircase). Runners and joggers of all abilities are welcome. Maps for longer routes will be available for those of you who prefer
additional exercise mileage.
Gala Event: Social Hour/Dinner/Dueling Pianos
Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 6:00 pm in the Hilton Pavilion
Social Hour (No Host Bar): 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Dinner: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Entertainment: Dueling Pianos Anywhere: 8:30 pm
No Host Bar continues throughout the evening
Join us for a fun and entertaining evening with the talented pianists, Kirk Garrett and Eric Mangum, of Dueling Pianos
Anywhere. The entertainers in this show have performed hundreds of all-request shows at a variety of venues. Not only
will you enjoy listening to the music during the performance but we guarantee you will have a ton of fun with the audience
participation as well. This is bound to be a notable event not to be missed!
The cost of this event is included in your registration fee, but you may want to bring a few extra dollar bills for that special
song request. 8
PACRAO Pre-Conference & Special Sessions
Pre-Conference Sessions
Getting Started in Assessment to Improve Programs and Services
Sunday, November 2nd, 8:45am - 2:30pm
Location: Galeria I
Presenter: Dr. Rebecca A. Sanderson
Assessment in the context of higher education accountability is increasingly becoming a “must” for all departments
and services. Yet, the real value of assessment does not necessarily come from external accountability but rather
from the thoughtful and meaningful development of assessment processes and products that when purposely utilized
by departments and units can help to focus efforts, improve programs, and energize staff. This workshop will provide
participants with an opportunity to learn about different types of assessment, strategies for getting started,
assessment plan development, an overview of various methodologies, and strategies for using the information to
make improvements. Throughout the workshop participants will have the opportunity to develop aspects of plans,
use planning tools, ask questions, and discuss strategies that have worked for others. Participants are encouraged to
bring departmental mission statements and goals, if available, to use during the workshop.
Going from a Well-Squared to a Well-Rounded Person: Professional Competencies that Work
Sunday, November 2nd, 8:45am - 2:30pm
Location: Galeria III
Presenters: Generational Differences: Kris Plaehn, Registrar, Pacific Lutheran University
Communication: Liz Vaughn, Program Coordinator-Registrar’s Office, Washington State University-Vancouver
Leadership: Becky Bitter, Associate Registrar, Washington State University
Career Advancement: Joyce Allen, Associate Registrar-Systems, Seattle University
Time Management: Barbara Fortin, Director of Admissions, University of Utah
Each academic year we face challenges and cyclical processes which take their toll on our spirit and our minds. Are you
seeking colleagues to network and share information and wisdom in the fields of Admissions and Registration? Then this
workshop just may be what you are looking for as we shed insight in the areas of Generational Differences, Communication,
Leadership, Career Advancement, and Time Management. Join seasoned professionals and to learn what they know. It will
also be an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on what you have experienced. Whether you are new to the profession
or have worked in these areas for years, you can always learn new techniques and information to re-energize your mind and
make you a more well-rounded person so you are providing the most efficient customer service you can give!
Diversity Luncheon Keynote Address
The Diversity In All of Us
Monday, November 3rd, 11:45am - 1:15pm
Location: Grand Ballroom
Presenter: Frances Portillo
So we are different, that is the frightening part. But here is a chance to hear how we are all different in the way we do
things, the way we see things and the way we react to things and yet somehow we manage to get things done. Let’s
have fun over lunch and see if we can communicate across cultures and across the banquet table.
PACRAO Workshops | A Sessions
A1 Degree Audit for Graduate Programs of Study
Matt Bemis, Associate Registrar, University of Southern California
Nicholas Andreosky, Chapman University
An overview of an electronic program-of-study application that is integrated with a degree audit application (DARS).
Features include the application of home and transfer work to a program of study, the recording of thesis and
dissertation committees and titles, and the recording of non-course-based events (e.g., thesis completion, leaves of
absence, time extensions).
Interest Track: Registrar, Graduate
A2 Recruiting Non-Traditional Students
Janet Danley, Executive Director, Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston Campus
Nancy Norman, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
Recruiting non-traditional aged students can be challenging, especially in small communities. This session presents
some of the strategies and methods that have been successful for Walla Walla Community College’s Clarkston Campus.
Partnering with local employers has proven to be one of the most powerful strategies in our tool kit.
Interest Track: Admissions
A3 Benefits of Studying Abroad
Tanna Johnson, Executive Director, US Operations and Admissions, University of Phoenix
Danny Aynes, Linn-Benton Community College
People who have studied abroad often glow when discussing their experiences and share sentiments such as, 'It will
change your life. You’ll come back a new person.” This session will focus on four key areas of growth which are
cultivated through such an experience: Personal Development, Academic Commitment, Intercultural Development and
Career Development.
Interest Track: Diversity
A5 Emotional Intelligence and Leading Change
Presenters: Bruce Clemetsen, Dean, Student Services, Linn-Benton Community College
Rosemary Garagnani, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, Oregon State University
Facilitator: Evelyn Gaskin, University of Phoenix
In this world where relationships are the key to success, it may be more important how we do things than the technical
skills to achieve a desired change. This session will engage participants in a review of the concepts of Emotional
Intelligence (EI). The model developed by David Goleman will serve as the basis for this session.
Interest Track: Professional Development
Monday, November 3rd | 8:30 am - 9:30 am
A6 Getting Involved With PACRAO
Presenters: Andrew Anderson, Associate Registrar, Seattle University
Kristen Labrecque, Student Academic Counselor, Seattle University
Facilitator: Janet Jobes, Willamette University
A popular repeat from last year’s PACRAO, these two professed Gen X’ers are eager to share their stories! Come and
hear the path that these presenters have taken to get involved in PACRAO. They will talk about their career history,
education, and association involvement. They will offer tips and suggestions on how to become an active member in
PACRAO. A “must attend” session if you are new to PACRAO or even if you aren’t new to the association.
Interest Track: Professional Development
A7 Opening a New Enrollment Services Center
Presenters: Matt Stillman, Director of Enrollment Analysis, Southern Oregon University
Peg Blake, Dean of Enrollment Management, Southern Oregon University
Facilitator: Tina Toma, University of California, Irvine
This session will overview the benefits and pitfalls of moving to an integrated enrollment services model. By sharing the
experiences of an institution that recently implemented such a model and sharing thoughts from session attendees, we
hope to provide valuable insight for any campus considering such an approach.
Interest Track: Enrollment Management
A8 Exhibitor: Transcripts 2008: Online Requests, Automated Processing, Electronic Delivery
Tom McKechney, CEO, Credentials Solutions
David Farrington, Umpqua Community College
The past two years have seen real movement as several corporations have entered the transcript processing market with
innovative services and technologies. In this session Credentials Solutions, the largest online transcript order processor,
will demonstrate the convergence of online ordering with completely automated order processing using RoboRegistrar®.
The session will highlight online ordering, automate processing and electronic delivery. We will also include a strategy for
remaining paper-based transcripts and share results of customer satisfaction surveys.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
A9 Exhibitor: A Better Course Catalog: Responding to the Revamped Higher Education Act in
a Web 2.0 World
Ryan Peterson, President, Verba Software
Diane Drebin, Clackamas Community College
The recent congressional overhaul of the Higher Education Act presents unique challenges to registrars and their
institutions. Learn about the new requirements that will shape the content and feel of your course catalog. Verba
Software provides an innovative, cost-effective solution that will streamline your workflow across the university
while impressing current and prospective students alike.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
PACRAO Workshops | B Sessions
B1 CSI FERPA III: Return of Privacy
John Snodgrass, Registrar, Chapman University
Theresa Bosworth, Blue Mountain Community College
Join us for the third annual FERPA 'sleuthing' session, where attendees will look at typical and atypical situations and
determine, based upon the evidence and FERPA guidelines, whether or not a violation may have occurred. Participants
are encouraged to bring their own cases to 'submit to the microscope.'
Interest Track: Records, Registrar
B2 Admissions Evaluation: Thinking Outside the Box
Kate Jakway-Kelly, Senior Admission Evaluator, UCLA
Nicole Nixon, Portland State University
More applications for admission? No increase in staffing? No increase in funding? What’s a college campus or a system
of sister universities to do? This session will discuss the way in which the University of California embraced “the power
of ten” to work smarter during transfer admission selection.
Interest Track: Admissions
B3 In Our Voices: Diverse Student Panel
Erica O'Neal Howard, Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs, California Institute of Technology
Kent Kuo, Oregon State University
A diverse panel of students from Portland-area colleges and universities will discuss specific programs and services
offered by their schools that have supported their success.
Interest Track: Diversity
B4 Business Resumption Planning
LaVern Lazzereschi, Principal Administrative Analyst, University of California, Berkeley
Walter Wong, Associate Registrar, University of California, Berkeley
Karen Denton, Assistant Registrar, University of California, Berkeley
Rose Chan-Gee, Principal Administrative Analyst, University of California, Berkeley
John Barber, George Fox University
This session will explore the concept of business or continuity planning as applied at UC Berkeley to ensure the campus
can carry out the core mission of teaching, research, and public service in the event that a nature- or human-caused
event strikes our campus. Specific examples related to Student Services and Classroom Scheduling will be presented.
Interest Track: Staff Development
B5 Slowing Down to Find Your Purpose
Helen B. Garrett, Dean of Enrollment and Student Financial Services, Lane Community College
Kristen McGillivray, Art Institute of Portland
Have you ever read a book that changed your way of thinking and behaving so much that others noticed and wondered
what you did to impact such change? Come hear the tenets of Tolle's 'A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose'
and the significant and life-changing impact it had on the presenter's relationships at work and at home.
Interest Track: Professional Development
Monday, November 3rd | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
B6 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving
Presenters: Debbie Crouch, Associate Director of Academic Counseling, Seattle Pacific University
Kenda Gatlin, Associate Registrar, Seattle Pacific University
Facilitator: Gillian Cornwall, University of Victoria
'Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School' is a new book by Dr. John Medina.
There are 12 'brain rules' that brain researchers know about how the brain works. This session will present the science
and then offer ideas for investigating how each rule applies to our daily lives, including work and school.
Interest Track: Professional Development
B7 Mandatory Orientation/Advising - Community College
Alicia Moore, Dean of Student and Enrollment Services, Central Oregon Community College
Janet Danley, Walla Walla Community College
Mandatory new student orientation and advising? It’s true! Central Oregon Community College has had mandatory
student orientation and advising for degree-seeking students for years. Participants will gain the tools needed to recreate all or parts of this process on their home campus, including new student orientation, pre-advising workshop,
academic advising and “Academic Jump Start,” a just-in-time delivery of student success workshops.
Interest Track: Admissions, Retention, Community College
B8 Exhibitor: Electronic Transcripts – The Clearinghouse Delivers
Frost Johnson, Regional Director, National Student Clearinghouse
Bruce Clemetson, Linn-Benton Community College
The Clearinghouse’s Electronic Transcript Exchange service enables transcripts to be exchanged electronically between
high schools, colleges, and other educational organizations. Data is securely transmitted via standard formats (EDI or
XML) or PDFs that look like paper transcripts. Our session covers data exchange/validation, security, benefits to schools
and students, and more.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
B9 Common Course Numbering, The Journey to “Commonness”
Dr. Sara Burns, Vice President of Instruction, Lake Washington Technical College
Julia Pomerank, Washington State University
The community and technical college system has been implementing common course numbers for the thirty four
colleges in Washington State. This session will both provide an update for the attendees from Washington and
provide a synopsis of the journey from each college creating their own numbering protocol to establishing a
system-wide numbering protocol for courses commonly transferred between and among the community and
technical colleges. Sunny will detail both the paths not taken (but tried!!) and the successful conclusion to this
massive project.
Interest Track: Records, Registrar
PACRAO Workshops | C Sessions
C2 Creating State-by-State Articulation Agreements
Andrew Anderson, Associate Registrar, Seattle University
Alicia Moore, Central Oregon Community College
Seattle University has established state-to-state transfer agreements for students from Oregon and California. These
transfer agreements will give the student Junior standing and complete their core requirements (Gen Ed’s). The
presenter will explain the process used to gain this approval and future plans for each state.
Interest Track: Admissions
C3 Communication Across Cultures
Frances Portillo, Intercultural Consultant, Portillo Consulting International
Jim Bouse, University of Oregon
A more in depth conversation about communication across cultures. Let’s look at how culture can help or hinder our
communication especially in a conflict situation. What might keep each party from stating their needs in a way that the
other might understand and what might be our own barriers to understanding across cultures?
Interest Track: Diversity
C4 What's Blooming in PACRAO
Bruce Clemetsen, Dean, Student Services, Linn-Benton Community College
Archie Porter, University Registrar & Associate Dean, University of San Francisco,
Steve Barnhart, Director, Student Information Services, University of Southern California
Brad Tomhave, Registrar, University of Puget Sound,
Andrew Speed, Manager, System Development, Malaspina University
John Colgrove, Reed College
The PACRAO website is like a garden. This session will be a tour of the latest features and member benefits available on
the PACRAO website. A panel of current and past PACRAO board members will expose you to the job postings,
association information, and professional resources available to help guide you in taking care of your own garden.
Interest Track: Technology
C5 Difficult Conversations and Positive Outcomes
Carl Thomas, Associate Director of Visitation and Programming, Oregon State University
Gilian Cornwall, University of Victoria
This session will examine the positive aspects of having difficult conversations and how to manage a difficult exchange
so that the outcome is likely to be positive.
Interest Track: Professional Development, Staff Development
Monday, November 3rd | 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
C6 Tips for Staff Development
Presenters: Julia Pomerenk, Campus Registrar, Washington State University-Spokane
Lisa Marten, Enrollment Coordinator for Student Services, Washington State University-Spokane
Facilitator: Mickey Reynolds, Oregon State University
Staff Development often gets short shrift in the busy Registrar and Admissions environment. Often staff development is
relegated to the occasional retreat or yearly conference. Join us for a discussion of tips that can make staff development
an ongoing activity to boost knowledge, morale, and creativity, without a major commitment of time or resources.
Interest Track: Staff Development
C7 The Answer is 'No': How to Give Bad News
Presenters: Kristin Plaehn, Registrar, Pacific Lutheran University
Kelly Gaspar-Poth, Graduation Administrator, Pacific Lutheran University
Facilitator: Claire DeWitt, Brigham Young University
Telling faculty and students “no” is an integral part of most Registrar’s offices. Balancing service with integrity with time
management is a complicated job, but it can be done. Techniques and scripts along with audience member examples
will be given.
Interest Track: Staff Development
C8 Exhibitor: ImageNow at Work in Admissions and Records
Eric Munro, Account Executive, ImageNow by Perceptive Software
Joanne Demay, Linfield College
ImageNow puts all pertinent student information at staff members’ fingertips. Streamline your admissions process by
capturing and linking each student’s documents electronically, then automatically route applications and supporting
information to the appropriate reviewer. Single-click access also enhances student service, helping admissions staff
answer inquiries instantly. Reduction of filing, photocopying and manual data entry helps the registrar’s office simplify
enrollment, allowing students to register for classes without waiting in lines all day.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
C9 Exhibitor: Commencement 101: Fundamentals of Staging a Successful Ceremony
Joe E. Jolesch, President, Jolesch Photography
Michelle Dodge, Western States Chiropractic College
Jolesch Photography is proud to put our years of experience to work for you in a discussion-oriented presentation on the
commencement ceremony. From Pomp and Circumstance to the recessional, we cover every element in creating a
memorable event.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
PACRAO Workshops | D Sessions
D1 The New Interactive Transcript
Presenter: Celeste Fowles, Student Services Manager, Stanford University
Reid Kallman, Assistant Registrar, Stanford University
Facilitator: Jean Lang, Washington State University, Vancouver
Are you ready for what's next in transcripts? Electronic transcripts are passe'. What's on the horizon? Interactive
transcripts and other electronic documents. Find out what these look like, who might use them, and for what.
Interest Track: Registrar, Technology
D2 Document Management Hindsight
Presenters: Rosemary Garagnani, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, Oregon State University
Hollie Pitts, Business Analyst, Oregon State University
Facilitator: James Crane, Brigham Young University
A business analyst and an admissions professional describe the process that evolved as they worked with a team to
design and implement workflows for a document management system in an admissions office. Hear what was assumed
in the beginning, what was learned, and how hindsight after the first steps improved the process and the product in the
next phases. Topics include building a team, writing user documentation, testing and test plans, staff training and
communication, both internal and external. Sharing of experiences at other institutions will be encouraged.
Interest Track: Admissions
D3 Undocumented Students and Higher Education
Presenters: Roberto Suarez, Outreach & Orientation Coordinator, Portland Community College Cascade Campus
Armando Lopez, Associate Director of Admissions, Southern Oregon University
Facilitator: Katherine Rousseau, Portland State University
Learn about the history of undocumented students in K-12 and higher education systems and the challenges that make
higher education for undocumented students so difficult to access. Valuable information will be shared on efforts at state
and federal levels to improve access for undocumented students. This information could help your institution better
address the needs of undocumented students.
Interest Track: Diversity
D4 Technology Trifecta
Presenter: Jim Bouse, Associate Registrar for Technology, University of Oregon
Facilitator: LaVern Lazzereschi, University of California, Berkeley
This session will explore how the University of Oregon has implemented technologies in EDI, imaging, workflow and SIS
integration to automate the processing and delivery of information to students. This saves staff from manually printing,
routing and entering the data, allowing them to spend more time on other duties while delivering faster service to
Interest Track: Technology
Monday, November 3rd | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
D6 History of the Registrar Profession
Presenter: Rayanne Williams, Registrar, San Diego State University
Facilitator: Julia A. Ford, Chapman University
The Registrar’s profession is one of the oldest administrative units within universities today. This session looks at the
roots and early beginnings of the profession. It will also address the sources used for the standards by which the
profession is guided as well as a look at the challenges facing Registrars today. The concept of “assessment” is also
addressed in building the Registrar’s office of the future.
Interest Track: Professional Development, Registrar
D7 Decommission Your Student Services Silos
Presenters:Zena Mitchell, Director, Registrar Services, Kwantlen University College
Facilitator: Herb Chereck, University of Oregon
In 2001 the “Office of the Registrar” at Kwantlen University College was an underground installation where weapons
could have been stored. We were compartmentalized by walls both physically and metaphorically. Come hear about our
seven-year journey out of the bunker and into the service “light.” By applying the “Good to Great” approach and the
concept of “Dynamic Achievement,” we shifted our service culture and physically altered our space, thereby positioning
us to transform lives (of our staff, students and faculty) as the new Student Services Division.
Interest Track: Enrollment Management
D8 Exhibitor: Breaking Cost Barriers with On-Demand Document Imaging
Presenter: Aime Montero, Account Manager, CampusDocs
Facilitator: Jenifer Dekalb, Pacific Northwest College of Art
Too often document imaging and management solutions get pushed out to next year or get purchased only to sit on a
shelf unused because of the financial and human resources required to acquire, implement, support and maintain the
system. In this session, we’ll provide a comparison of the on-demand model with traditional on-premise solutions and
show how on-demand document imaging and management solutions can slash costs and complement resource
constrained IT staffs.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
D9 Exhibitor: X25 Strategic Graphical Analysis
Presenter: Bruce Sylva, Series 25 Sales Manager, CollegeNET, Inc.
Facilitator: Sherie Etges, University of Oregon, Law School
Core scheduling decisions often pivot on intangibles: instincts and political sensitivities. Yet, the buy-in is strongest when
supported by facts. CollegeNET’s space reporting and analysis tool – X25™ Strategic Graphical Analysis – provides data
you need to support space management decisions and develop sound policy. An array of X25 filters puts focus on the
metrics that matter most. The clear, colorful graphs present stark patterns, anomalies, and help you to identify where
your real problems lie.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
PACRAO Workshops | E Sessions | Monday, November 3, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
E1 Roundtable: 4-Year Public Registrars
Facilitator: Jim Bouse, Associate Registrar for Technology, University of Oregon
E2 Roundtable: Admissions - Sharing New Ideas
Facilitator: Rosemary Garagnani, Assistant Dean, OSU Graduate School
E3 Roundtable: Good Environment for LGBT Employees
Facilitator: Kirk Koenig, Senior Associate Director of Admissions, University of Oregon
E4 Roundtable: Private Enrollment/Registration Issues
Facilitator: Jenifer DeKalb, Registrar, Pacific Northwest College of Art
E5 Roundtable: Multi/Branch Campuses
Facilitator: John Barber, Enrollment Counselor, George Fox University
E6 Roundtable: Graduate/Professional Institutions
Facilitator: Colman Joyce, Director of Academic Marketing and Recruiting, Oregon
Health Sciences University, Department of Science & Engineering
E7 Roundtable: Community Colleges
Facilitator: Theresa Bosworth, Registrar/Director of Admissions & Advising, Blue Mountain
Community College
E8 Roundtable: Canadian Colleges & Universities
Facilitator: Fred Jacklin, Registrar, Vancouver Island University
E9 Roundtable: PACRAO Writer's Team
Facilitator: Kristen Labrecque, Senior Undergraduate Academic Counselor, Seattle
Pacific University
E10 Roundtable: Law School Registrars
Facilitator: Sherie Etges, Law School Registrar, University of Oregon
PACRAO Partners
PACRAO Platinum Partners
National Student Clearinghouse (
The National Student Clearinghouse's free education reporting/verification and transcript ordering services are used by
more than 3,100 institutions. Through StudentTracker, colleges can query our national database to track student
enrollment and degree attainment. Our newest service, Electronic Transcript Exchange, enables schools to securely
exchange transcripts with other educational institutions electronically.
ImageNow by Perceptive Software (
Since 1995, Perceptive Software has been creating enterprise document management, imaging and workflow software
for organizations in a broad range of industries worldwide. ImageNow, the company's flagship product, puts key
documents at business workers' fingertips, increasing efficiency over manual processes and saving time and money.
Used by more than 2,000 organizations in 30 countries, ImageNow lets users efficiently capture and organize virtually
any document type, then route and retrieve a precise page with a single click from within any business application at the
moment it's needed. Perceptive Software has won numerous awards including "Best Software Product of the Year" from
Document Manager magazine, the healthcare industry's coveted "Best in KLAS" in document management and imaging,
ComputerWorld Honors Laureate, and Ernst & Young's "Entrepreneur of the Year" award in the Midwest region.
PACRAO Active Partner
SunGard Higher Education (
SunGard Higher Education provides products and services to more than 1,600 institutions worldwide, helping them
measurably improve their performance. Bringing together people, processes, and technology, we work with colleges and
universities to help them strengthen performance through improved constituent services, increased accountability, and
better educational experiences. Visit us at
PACRAO Workshops | F Sessions
F1 FERPA 101: Information for Those New to FERPA
Presenter: LeRoy Rooker, Director, Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education
Facilitator: Kelly Garey, National College of Natural Medicine
Still trying to figure out what FERPA stands for, let alone knowing how to uphold it and teach it to others? This session is
for those who are interested in learning the basics of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The top expert in the
United States, LeRoy Rooker will be sharing his extensive knowledge of FERPA.
Interest Track: Records, Registrar
F2 Middle School Outreach Programs
Presenter: Christine Kerlin, VP Enrollment Management, Everett Community College
Facilitator: Jan McCuen, Chapman University
While outreach to high school juniors and seniors is stock-in-trade for admissions offices, shifting demographics and
changing student behaviors indicate that building relationships and aspirations with younger students is just as important.
This session will provide examples of middle school outreach strategies.
Interest Track: Admissions
F3 Growing Up with Cultural Conflict
Presenter: Robin Young, Associate Dean, Enrollment Services, Bellevue Community College
Facilitator: Revy Buchanan, Chapman University
Affirming your own cultural diversity can be both a great joy and a great struggle. By using stories and humor, the presenter
will engage the audience in a thought–provoking session. Colleagues are encouraged to share their stories, struggles and
strengths of cultural diversity and how it influences them now both professionally and personally. Identifying and sharing
similar situations and thoughts is a powerful tool to connect us all instantly by affirming… “we have been there too.”
Interest Track: Diversity
F4 Online Course Evaluations
Presenter: Jackie Charonis, Assistant Vice Provost for Student Affairs & Associate University Registrar,
Stanford University
Facilitator: Rocky Owens, Lewis-Clark State College
This session will review our development and use of online course evaluations at Stanford University. We will share our
implementation approach and system features. In addition, we will discuss how we are using this data in improving our
evaluation services and in management decisions on campus.
Interest Track: Technology
Tuesday, November 4th | 8:30 am - 9:30 am
F5 We're Both Speaking English, Why Don't You Get It?
Presenter: Jearlene Leishman, Assistant Registrar, Brigham Young University
Facilitator: Ron Rutter, Pacific Northwest College of Art
Even though we speak the same language, we have different communication styles that are influenced by culture,
gender, experience, etc. We will discuss some of the different communication styles and what you can do if co-workers
have different styles. Recognizing there are differences is the first step.
Interest Track: Diversity
F6 Can't Fire Them! What Do You Do with Them?
Presenter: Andrew Anderson, Associate Registrar, Seattle University
Facilitator: Peg Blake, Southern Oregon University
Great person but gifts are in other places… 20 years in the same position and it is time to retire… Doesn’t grasp the
changing technology advances... Sound familiar to you? I have two situations to share! Come listen for advice /
suggestions and be sure to bring questions about your own situation.
Interest Track: Staff Development
F7 Paper to Electronic Images
Presenter: Reid Kallman, Assistant Registrar, Stanford University
Facilitator: Rayanne Williams, San Diego State University
We will provide both suggestions and insight to a successful student records credential file conversion. This presentation
will focus on the steps taken to create and implement a document retention policy. Also discussed are tips to help your
school avoid the problems that we encountered as we moved from the cumbersome paper process to the modern
electronic storage of credentials.
Interest Track: Registrar, Technology
PACRAO Workshops | G Sessions
G1 EDGE: Tool for Foreign Credential Evaluation
Presenters:Gloria Nathanson, Associate Director, Undergraduate Admissions & Relations with Schools, University of
California, Los Angeles
Mary Baxton, Director of Admissions, The Tseng College of Extended Learning, California State University,
Facilitator: Anne Scher, Samuel Merritt College
This session will provide information and instruction on the tools available in the Electronic Database for Global
Education (EDGE) to assist international education professionals in the credential evaluation process. Practical
applications on how to use the EDGE tools (credentials list, placement recommendations, grading scales, accredited
institutions, educational ladder) will be discussed.
Interest Track: Admissions, International, and Graduate
G2 Building a Community College Recruitment Plan
Presenters:Bruce Clemetsen, Dean, Student Services, Linn-Benton Community College
Aimee Metcalf, Director of Admissions/Registrar, Central Oregon Community College
Diane Drebin, Dean of Enrollment Services, Clackamas Community College
Facilitator: Pauline Caporaletti, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
As competition grows and markets change, community colleges can benefit by developing recruitment plans that ensure
they are creating access and tending to the needs of the communities they serve. This session will share the current
status of an effort to develop a recruitment plan for a comprehensive community college.
Interest Track: Recruitment
G3 Recruiting/Retaining Asian/Pacific Island Students
Presenters:Mark Mitsui, Vice President of Student Services, South Seattle Community College
Stephen Bischoff, Retention Counselor, Washington State University
Rosie Rimando, Director, Outreach & Admissions, South Seattle Community College
Facilitator: Peggy Maas, Mt. Hood Community College
The Asian American & Pacific Islander population (API) is not over-represented in higher education. This broad
designation is made up of many diverse cultures that differ in background, socio-economic status, and educational
attainment. Participants will be introduced to factors that influence the recruitment of API students, a brief overview of
API populations, and examples of best practices for retaining students.
Interest Track: Diversity
G4 Program Management Development and Deployment
Presenter: Andrew Speed, Manager, Systems Development, Malaspina University-College
Facilitator: Diane Douglas, Lewis-Clark State College
A look at the process and technical issues Malaspina University-College needed to address during the development and
implementation of their integrated curriculum Program Management System. The presentation will include a
demonstration of the production system.
Interest Track: Technology
Tuesday, November 4th | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
G5 Have You Given at the Office Lately?
Presenters:Janet Danley, Campus Director, Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston Campus
Kristen Labrecque, Undergraduate Academic Counselor, Seattle Pacific University
Kate Peterson, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, Oregon State University
Rocky Owens, Associate Director, Lewis-Clark State College, Coeur D’Alene Center
Facilitator: Bobbie Nelson, Everett Community College
Despite heavy workloads we have a responsibility to make positive contributions to our profession on a regular and ongoing basis beyond our assigned duties and tasks. This panel presentation will give the audience insights on bestpractices and ways to fulfill our responsibility for improving and strengthening our profession.
Interest Track: Professional Development
G7 Front Line Services Dream Team
Presenters:Donna Jabillo, Student Information Services, Supervisor, University of British Columbia
Leanne Kearns, Student Information Services Manager, University of British Columbia
Facilitator: Mike Jefferis, University of Oregon
Today, meeting the high service demands of clients, prospective students and current students, can seem like an
insurmountable challenge for post secondary institutions. Putting together a team of motivated, professional and
student-centered staff is integral to succeeding at exceeding these expectations…and we have done it! We are here to
share our best practices in putting together our dream team.
Interest Track: Enrollment Management
G8 Exhibitor: Automate Graduate Admissions Processing!
Presenter: Mike Floback, Territory Executive, Hershey Systems
Facilitator: Amy Flint, Oregon State University
Hershey Systems has developed an Automated Graduate Admissions Process using Singularity Workflow. Attendees in
this session will learn how Hershey has helped colleges and universities decrease their application processing time to
become more efficient and provide increased communication to prospective students.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
G9 Exhibitor: Send Transcripts Electronically to Anyone, Anywhere at Anytime!
Presenter: S. Mark Strickland, Senior Vice President, Scrip-Safe International
Facilitator: Marla Edge, Oregon Institute of Technology
Join us for a demonstration and discussion of eSCRIP-SAFE™, the Secure Electronic Global Transcript Delivery
Network. Learn how the system can greatly expand the electronic exchange of transcripts beyond the boundaries
mandated by state e-transcript initiatives. eSCRIP-SAFE™ is designed to securely exchange academic transcripts in
either PDF or XML (PESC Standards) format. It is convenient to use and priced for higher education budgets.
Interest Track: Exhibitor
PACRAO Workshops | H Sessions
H1 FERPA 201: What's New in FERPA
Presenter: LeRoy Rooker, Director, Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education
Facilitator: John Snodgrass, Chapman University
LeRoy Rooker, Family Policy Compliance Office Director will be updating PACRAO members on what is new in the world
of FERPA, including important FERPA news.
Interest Track: Records, Registrar
H2 Developing a New Institutional Branding Campaign
Presenter: Alicia Moore, Dean of Student and Enrollment Services, Central Oregon Community College
Facilitator: James Collins, University of California, Berkley
After 25 years of the same logo, Central Oregon Community College underwent the development of a new branding
campaign in spring 2008. The work resulted in not only a new logo, but an overhaul of all marketing materials. Whether
interested in this topic from an institutional perspective, or simply want to liven up your admissions materials,
participants will gain the hands-on knowledge needed to lead this effort at their institution.
Interest Track: Admissions
H3 Using NSSE Data to Drive Retention Efforts
Presenter: Matt Stillman, Director of Enrollment Analysis, Southern Oregon University
Facilitator: Todd Rutgren, World Education Services
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) remains one of the most highly respected and utilized surveys in
higher education. This adaptable instrument can be very valuable in driving student retention efforts. This session will
offer an overview of what NSSE can measure and how to effectively leverage it as a retention tool. Additional attention
will be paid to using NSSE to better engage faculty in retention efforts, available literature, and best practices at other
Interest Track: Enrollment Management
H4 New Ways of Communicating with Our Students
Presenter: Jim Bouse, Associate Registrar for Technology, University of Oregon
Facilitator: Jearlene Leishman, Brigham Young University
A look at current trends in the ways that students are using technology to communicate with colleges and universities
and vice versa. A base level introduction will be made to such technologies as Instant Messaging, Social Networks, Chat
Rooms, Podcasts, Blogs and newer technologies. Come and see what all your students are talking about!
Interest Track: Technology
Tuesday, November 4th | 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
H6 The Millennials Go To Work
Presenter: Helen B. Garrett, Dean of Enrollment and Student Financial Services, Lane Community College
Facilitator: Wendy Pedersen, Oregon Institute of Technology
We’ve all been exposed to the unique and interesting characteristics of the Millennial Generation, born 1980 to 2006, and
applied what we’ve learn to them as college students. But, now they are entering the workplace (sometimes right along
side of us!). This presentation will give you tools to manage, inspire and coach these Millennials to find success in the
Interest Track: Staff Development
H7 PDF Transcripts: The USC Experience
Presenter: Robert Morley, Associate Registrar, University of Southern California
Facilitator: Steven Barnhart, University of Southern California
In April 2008, USC released a PDF transcript service. Walk through the implementation, the various capabilities and
choices associated with a PDF transcript, as well as lessons learned.
Interest Track: Registrar, Technology
H9 - Social Networking and Its Relevance in the Recruitment Process
Presenter: James Stoffer, Solutions Sales Account Manager, Hobsons
Facilitator: Betsy Abts, North Seattle Community College
How can you capitalize on student interest - whether they are prospects, accepted students, current students, or even
graduate students - to communicate with them in the way that they want to be reached? What are the benefits and
implications of using social networking in your day-to-day communication with students? In this session, Hobsons will
share information on the cutting-edge communication methods available today and the benefits they can have to your
short- and long-term strategies. We will explain the different types of social networks and how they can be combined
with other communication vehicles to build a comprehensive recruitment communications strategy for prospects,
applicants, accepted, and enrolled students.
Interest Track: Technology, Recruitment
PACRAO Workshops | I Sessions
I1 No Adds, No Drops, No Kidding
Presenter: Rayanne Williams, Registrar, San Diego State University
Facilitator: Melissa Mumford, Brigham Young University
Do you dream of implementing one deadline per term for students to make changes to their schedules? Come hear how
San Diego State University implemented and enforced this one deadline policy and lived to tell about it.
Interest Track: Registrar
I2 International Credential Review and Verification
Presenters:Judith Haccou, Director Graduate Admissions, Office of the University Registrar, Stanford University
Tifany Ferguson, Graduate Admissions Officer, Office of the University Registrar, Stanford University
Facilitator: Barbara Fortin, University of Utah
As admissions professionals and international credential evaluators how do we stay on track with the high speeds that
encompass the International Credential Highway? It is essential to stay up to date with the ever changing educational
systems and corresponding documentation. In order to ensure that the application dossier is complete and authentic, it
is imperative that we be proactive in our evaluation of submitted international academic credentials and communication
to prospective applicants. In this session you will be provided with the building blocks to successful review and
verification of international academic credentials.
Interest Track: Admissions, International, Graduate
I3 Breaking Barriers for People in Poverty
Presenter: Lynda Coates, Associate, Communication Across Barriers
Facilitator: Revy Buchanan, Chapman University
This workshop will shatter common myths and provide research-based theories and strategies for working with people in
poverty. Discover why communication and building relationships are keys to making a difference. Learn strategies to
empower people, foster resiliency and increase success for moving forward.
Interest Track: Diversity
I4 Paperless Class Scheduling On a Budget
Presenter: Katherine Rousseau, Assistant Director of Scheduling Systems, Portland State University
Facilitator: Sheryl Grunden, Central Washington University
Come see how Portland State University implemented a paperless scheduling system in one term without expensive IT
Interest Track: Registrar
Tuesday, November 4th | 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
I6 Your Office: The Next Generation
Presenters:Kristen Labrecque, Senior UG Academic Counselor, Seattle Pacific University
Stephanie Malin, Registration Coordinator, Seattle Pacific University
Facilitator: Matt Stillman, Southern Oregon University
Training student employees well can lead to them taking over your office! Whether on a temporary basis when staff
members take vacation, or on a permanent basis when staff members leave, student employees can run the show with a
seamless transition.
Interest Track: Staff Development
I7 From the Battlefield to the Classroom
Presenter: Marcy Shapiro, Interim Project Director, Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges
Facilitator: Gwen Hyatt, Marylhurst University
This interactive discussion will identify innovative ways that college and university officials can partner with staff from
non-college support programs in order to provide adequate services and other safety nets for the unique needs of
returning veterans who will be college students. We'll provide current concrete examples of support programs on college
campuses across the country. Let’s explore how the higher education community and the military can work together to
reintegrate these students into the classroom.
Interest Track: Enrollment Management
I8 PACRAO's Solid Gold Hits
Presenters:Christine Kerlin, VP Enrollment Management, Everett Community College
John Snodgrass, Registrar, Chapman University
Facilitator: Ronald Urban, Whitman College
This popular session focuses on the foibles of our profession and turns snafus into songs. This session will make you
laugh out loud as well as provide a useful tool for staff team-building. Musical talent not required.
Interest Track: Professional Development
PACRAO Workshops | J Sessions | Wednesday, November 5, 8:00 am - 9:15 am
J1 FERPA Q & A with LeRoy
Presenter: LeRoy Rooker, Director, Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education
Facilitator: Helen B. Garrett, Lane Community College
This is your chance to ask LeRoy Rooker, Family Policy Compliance Office Director anything about FERPA. Whether you
have a specific question, or you want to hear what other people are asking, you won't want to miss this session.
Interest Track: Records, Registrar
J2 Humor in the Workplace
Presenter: Nancy Norman, Registrar, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
Facilitator: Kirk Koenig, University of Oregon
Learn the importance of bringing some fun and humor into the workplace and your life. Explore ways to find your funny
bone and improve productivity. You’ll be given tips on how to help create some “funtastic” ideas to inspire your team,
boost morale and help with employee retention. We’ll ask you to share what you’re doing on your campus to “lighten-up”
the load. Everyone will be sure to leave with a smile!
Interest Track: Staff Development
PACRAO Presenters, Alpha List (A-F)
Andrew Anderson, Seattle University, Getting Involved With PACRAO (A6) and Creating State-byState Articulation Agreements (C2), and Can't Fire Them! What Do You Do with Them? (F6)
Joyce Allen, Seattle University, Pre-Conference Workshop
Richard Backes, Washington State University, On-line Transcript Requests: One Year Later... (C1)
Steve Barnhart, University of Southern California, What's Blooming in PACRAO (C4)
Mary Baxton, California State University, Northridge, EDGE: Tool for Foreign Credential Evaluation
Matt Bemis, University of Southern California, Degree Audit for Graduate Programs of Study (A1)
Stephen Bischoff, Washington State University, Recruiting/Retaining Asian/Pacific Island Students
Becky Bitter, Washington State University, Pre-Conference Workshop
Peg Blake, Southern Oregon University, Opening a New Enrollment Services Center (A7)
Jim Bouse, University of Oregon, Technology Trifecta (D4) and New Ways of Communicating with
Our Students (H4)
Dr. Sara Burns, Lake Washington Technical College, Common Course Numbering, The Journey to
“Commonness” (B9)
Rose Chan-Gee, University of California, Berkeley, Business Resumption Planning (B4)
Jackie Charonis, Stanford University, Online Course Evaluations (F4)
Bruce Clemetsen, Linn-Benton Community College, Emotional Intelligence and Leading Change
(A5) and What's Blooming in PACRAO (C4) and Building a Community College Recruitment Plan
Lynda Coates, Communication Across Barriers, Breaking Barriers for People in Poverty (I3)
Debbie Crouch, Seattle Pacific University, 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving (B6)
Janet Danley, Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston Campus, Recruiting Non-Traditional
Students (A2) and Have you Given at the Office Lately? (G5)
Karen Denton, University of California, Berkeley, Business Resumption Planning (B4)
Diane Drebin, Clackamas Community College, Building a Community College Recruitment Plan
Tifany Ferguson, Stanford University, International Credential Review and Verification (I2)
PACRAO Presenters, Alpha List (F-L)
Mike Floback, Hershey Systems, Exhibitor: Automate Graduate Admissions Processing! (G8)
Barbara Fortin, University of Utah, Pre-Conference Workshop
Celeste Fowles, Stanford University, The New Interactive Transcript (D1)
Rosemary Garagnani, Oregon State University, Emotional Intelligence and Leading Change (A5) and
Document Management Hindsight (D2)
Helen B. Garrett, Lane Community College, Slowing Down to Find Your Purpose (B5) and The
Millennials Go To Work (H6)
Kelly Gaspar-Poth, Pacific Lutheran University, The Answer is 'No': How to Give Bad News (C7)
Kenda Gatlin, Seattle Pacific University, 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving (B6)
Judith Haccou, Stanford University, International Credential Review and Verification (I2)
Donna Jabillo, University of British Columbia, Front Line Services Dream Team (G7)
Kate Jakway-Kelly, University of California, Los Angeles, Admissions Evaluation: Thinking Outside
the Box (B2)
Tanna Johnson, University of Phoenix, Benefits of Studying Abroad (A3)
Frost Johnson, National Student Clearinghouse, Exhibitor: Electronic Transcripts (B8)
Joe E. Jolesch, Jolesch Photography, Exhibitor: Commencement 101 (C9)
Reid Kallman, The New Interactive Transcript (D1) and Stanford University, Paper to Electronic
Images (F7)
Leanne Kearns, University of British Columbia, Front Line Services Dream Team (G7)
Will Keim, Opening Plenary Session
Christine Kerlin, Everett Community College, Middle School Outreach Programs (F2) and PACRAO's
Solid Gold Hits (I8)
Kristen Labrecque, Seattle Pacific University, Getting Involved With PACRAO (A6) and Have you
Given at the Office Lately? (G5) and Your Office: The Next Generation (I6)
Jean Lang, Washington State University, Tips for Staff Development (C6)
LaVern Lazzereschi, University of California, Berkeley, Business Resumption Planning (B4)
PACRAO Presenters, Alpha List (L-P)
Jearlene Leishman, Brigham Young University, We're Both Speaking English, Why Don't You Get It?
Armando Lopez, Southern Oregon University, Undocumented Students and Higher Education (D3)
Stephanie Malin, Seattle Pacific University, Your Office: The Next Generation (I6)
Lisa Martin, Washington State University-Spokane, Tips for Staff Development (C6)
Tom McKechney, Credentials Solutions, Exhibitor: Transcripts 2008 (A8)
Aimee Metcalf, Central Oregon Community College, Building a Community College Recruitment
Plan (G2)
Zena Mitchell, Kwantlen University College, Decommission Your Student Services Silos (D7)
Mark Mitsui, South Seattle Community College, Recruiting/Retaining Asian/Pacific Island Students
Aime Montero, CampusDocs, Exhibitor: Breaking Cost Barriers With On-Demand Document
Imaging and Management (D8)
Alicia Moore, Central Oregon Community College, Mandatory Orientation/Advising - Community
College (B7) and Developing a New Institutional Branding Campaign (H2)
Robert Morley, University of Southern California, PDF Transcripts: The USC Experience (H7)
Eric Munro, ImageNow, Exhibitor: ImageNow at Work (C8)
Gloria Nathanson, University of California, Los Angeles, EDGE: Tool for Foreign Credential
Evaluation (G1)
Nancy Norman, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Humor in the Workplace (J2)
Erica O'Neal Howard, Caltech, In Our Voices: Diverse Student Panel (B3)
Rocky Owens, Lewis-Clark State College, Coeur d’Alene Center, Have You Given at the Office
Lately (G5)
Hollie Pitts, Oregon State University, Document Management Hindsight (D2)
Ryan Peterson, Verba Software, Exhibitor: A Better Catalog (A9)
Kate Peterson, Oregon State University, Have You Given at the Office Lately (G5)
Kristin Plaehn, Pacific Lutheran University, The Answer is 'No': How to Give Bad News (C7) and
Pre-Conference Workshop
Julia Pomerenk, Washington State University-Spokane, Tips for Staff Development (C6)
PACRAO Presenters, Alpha List (P-Z)
Archie Porter, University of San Francisco, What's Blooming in PACRAO (C4)
Frances Portillo, Portillo Consulting International, Communication Across Cultures (C3) and Diversity
Lunch Keynote Speaker
Rosie Rimando, South Seattle Community College, Recruiting/Retaining Asian/Pacific Island
Students (G3)
LeRoy Rooker, FERPA 101: Information for Those New to FERPA (F1) and FERPA 201: What's New in
FERPA (H1) and FERPA Q & A with LeRoy (J1)
Katherine Rousseau, Portland State University, Paperless Class Scheduling On a Budget (I4)
Rebecca A. Sanderson, Oregon State University, Getting Started in Assessment (Pre-Conference Workshop)
Marcy Shapiro, Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges, From the Battlefield to the Classroom (I7)
John Snodgrass, Chapman University, CSI FERPA III: Return to Policy (B1) and PACRAO’s Solid Gold Hits
Andrew Speed, Malaspina University, What's Blooming in PACRAO (C4) and Program Management
Development and Deployment (G4)
Matt Stillman, Southern Oregon University, Opening a New Enrollment Services Center (A7) and Using
NSSE Data to Drive Retention Efforts (H3)
James Stoffer, Hobsons, Exhibitor: Social Networking (H9)
S. Mark Strickland, Scrip-Safe International, Exhibitor: Send Transcripts Electronically (G9)
Roberto Suarez, Portland Community College Cascade Campus, Undocumented Students and Higher
Education (D3)
Bruce Sylva, CollegeNET, Inc., Exhibitor: X25 Strategic Graphical Analysis (D9)
Carl Thomas, Oregon State University, Difficult Conversations and Positive Outcomes (C5)
Brad Tomhave, University of Puget Sound, What's Blooming in PACRAO (C4)
Liz Vaughn, Washington State University-Vancouver, Pre-Conference Workshop
Bob Welch, Closing Plenary Speaker
Rayanne Williams, San Diego State University, History of the Registrar Profession (D6) and No Adds,
No Drops, No Kidding (I1)
Walter Wong, University of California, Berkeley, Business Resumption Planning (B4)
Robin Young, Bellevue Community College, Growing Up with Cultural Conflict (F3)
PACRAO Exhibitors
Founded in 1910, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) is one of the nation's oldest and
largest higher education associations. Widely regarded as the leading authority on the emerging field of enrollment management, the
association is a recognized source of information on student admissions, academic records, technology solutions and international
education. In addition to its professional offerings, AACRAO serves as an independent advocate for the collegiate sector on a broad range
of policy issues in Washington, D.C. The Association's policy agenda is founded on the principles of academic autonomy, access, and
Ad Astra Information Systems (
Astra Schedule offers an integrated, campus-wide scheduling system that seamlessly interfaces with your student information system, and
can be configured to fit the unique needs of your institution. Our patent-pending Platinum Analytics module allows institutions to analyze
course demand to create the smartest schedule possible, while maximizing efficiency and your return on investment.
Avow Systems Inc. (
Avow Systems is the industry leader in end-to-end solutions for secure electronic educational documents. Leveraging Adobe’s certified
PDF technology, Avow’s Authentic Document Delivery Service (+ADDS™) offers cost effective alternatives to paper. +ADDS™ provides a
secure, integrated and streamlined solution for any official electronic documents, i.e. digital transcripts, enrollment verifications, and more.
CampusDocs (
CampusDocs is a web-based, on-demand document imaging and document management service provider focused exclusively on the
information challenges facing higher education. With our on-demand solution, everyone from small departments to large campuses can
manage their files online at a fraction of the cost of on-premise solutions.
Capella University (
Capella University is an online, accredited university offering high quality graduate and post-graduate programs in education, human
services and psychology, business and technology for the professional advancement of adult learners. Founded in 1993, Capella has
formed educational alliances with over 120 respected companies and more than 200 community colleges, and offers a unique enrollment
management program that leads to both a master's degree and a professional certificate in Enrollment Management from Noel-Levitz, a
nationally recognized consulting firm specializing in higher education recruitment and retention. Our online courses are built for academic
rigor, engaging discussion, and career relevance. Plus you have access to dedicated academic advising, financial aid counseling, library
services, and advanced writing support.
CollegeNET, Inc. (
Operational Intelligence - Do You Have It™? CollegeNET provides real-time, web-based analytic information that lets you see how your
institution is performing against key production benchmarks. We provide solutions in admissions, scheduling, faculty evaluation and IT
performance. Visit us at PACRAO '08 and see the newest features of these market-leading systems.
Credentials Solutions (
Credentials Solutions delivers the most technically advanced, yet easy to implement solution for transcript order management in the industry
- TranscriptsPlus® with RoboRegistrar® . Featuring online ordering, automated order processing, electronic communications and digital
rendering (EDI/EXL/PDF) TranscriptsPlus® is the most comprehensive solution in the industry and is fully compatible with CCCTran. Our
newest service, ParkingPlus®, marries online ordering with a “just in time” manufacturing and mailing operation. All of our transaction
processing is secure, FERPA compliant and fully audit-trailed. Stop by our booth to learn about these and other new services we have
recently launched!
PACRAO Exhibitors
Datatel (
Datatel is the leading provider of fully-integrated administrative and e-marketing solutions for higher education. Datatel has more than
760 clients throughout North America. For more than 28 years, Datatel has exclusively focused on helping colleges and universities
operate more efficiently so that they may better serve their constituents.
Decision Academic (
Decision Academic is dedicated to providing institutions of all sizes with a web based enterprise-class suite of products to fully
manage, leverage and integrate course and degree content across systems providing record keeping and services for students. Our
Degree Navigator Plus System serves as this platform providing centralization of curriculum data and student services supporting
Transfer & Articulation, Audit & Advising, Online Registration and Curriculum and Catalog Management
DI Imaging (
DI Imaging offers document imaging of transcripts, applications, grade sheets, compliance data and microfilm/microfiche conversions.
These images may be uploaded to many student information systems. Customers may also take advantage of our web repository
capabilities as well.
Digital Architecture (
Digital Architecture’s acalog ACMS™ powers the e-Catalogs of more than 75 institutions of higher education. It’s the only solution
developed exclusively for managing and publishing academic catalogs—online, in print, and on CD-Rom. The acalog ACMS™ is Webbased, cross-platform, and integrates with other systems on campus. The acalog ACMS™ saves you time, money and contributes
significantly to campus environmental objectives.
EDCTechnology (
Since 1964 EDC has been providing higher education with information management solutions. Using a comprehensive Client/Server
or Webhosted delivery method, our Microsoft-based, student services software suite also offers online applicant, student, faculty and
advising components. Our experts in networking/technical issues are available to help support your in-house staff. EDC continues to
pioneer effective, reliable and very affordable solutions for IHE information needs.
Herff Jones, Inc. (
The main business of the company is the manufacture and sales of scholastic recognition and motivation awards including class rings,
graduation announcements and accessories, yearbooks, caps and gowns, diplomas, multi media learning systems and photographic
services. The company is currently an employee-owned enterprise and has approximately 3,600 employees and 800 sales
representatives, most of whom are independent contractors, and operates plants in 20 locations throughout the United States.
Hershey Systems (
Hershey Systems provides innovative software solutions to 200 higher education institutions globally. Perhaps best known for their
transcript processing and transfer credit evaluation processes, Hershey offers totally integrated solutions to help institutions transform
the way they process, store, manage and access valuable information.
Hobsons (
Headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, Hobsons U.S. partners with colleges and universities to empower enrollment and admissions efforts.
Through domestic, international, and graduate student products, and enrollment technology and student retention solutions for
institutions, Hobsons U.S. helps colleges and universities elevate their enrollment strategies efficiently, effectively, and easily.
PACRAO Exhibitors
ImageNow by Perceptive Software (
Since 1995, Perceptive Software has been creating enterprise document management, imaging and workflow software for
organizations in a broad range of industries worldwide. ImageNow, the company's flagship product, puts key documents at business
workers' fingertips, increasing efficiency over manual processes and saving time and money. Used by more than 2,000 organizations
in 30 countries, ImageNow lets users efficiently capture and organize virtually any document type, then route and retrieve a precise
page with a single click from within any business application at the moment it's needed. Perceptive Software has won numerous
awards including "Best Software Product of the Year" from Document Manager magazine, the healthcare industry's coveted "Best in
KLAS" in document management and imaging, ComputerWorld Honors Laureate, and Ernst & Young's "Entrepreneur of the Year"
award in the Midwest region.
Integra Information Technologies, Inc. (
Since 1975 Integra Information Technologies. Inc. has bee designing, installing and providing support for Document Management
Systems. We help companies track, manage, store and purge files, intelligently, quickly, and economically. We offer our in house
Conversion Service Department where we can convert paper to digital, digital to microfilm, or microfilm to digital.
Jolesch Photography (
We photograph hundreds of commencement ceremonies at universities and colleges each year. There is no cost to your institution,
no obligation to the graduates, and we preserve the ceremony's dignity as parents do not need to crowd the stage. Graduates will
receive proofs in the mail and by email within one week, plus your institution will receive hundreds of PR photographs, a
complimentary album, and more! Please visit our website or contact Joe Jolesch at 515-556-4130.
Jostens (
Jostens' provides registrars and admissions officers with products and services to make their jobs easier and more efficient. Please
stop by our booth so we can introduce you to GradTrack®, our online diploma ordering and management platform. Our local
representatives look forward to seeing you.
National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals (
The National Association of Graduate Admissions Professional (NAGAP) is the only professional organization devoted exclusively to
the concerns of individuals working in the graduate admissions and recruitment environment. NAGAP is committed to serving the
needs and interests of graduate admission professionals and is the leader in graduate enrollment management.
National Student Clearinghouse (
The National Student Clearinghouse's free education reporting/verification and transcript ordering services are used by more than
3,100 institutions. Through StudentTracker, colleges can query our national database to track student enrollment and degree
attainment. Our newest service, Electronic Transcript Exchange, enables schools to securely exchange transcripts with other
educational institutions electronically.
Paradigm (
Paradigm is the market leader in the printing and direct mailing of diplomas. We are chosen above all others for our unparalleled
service, quality, competitive pricing and 10 day turnaround times. With no transfer costs or the need for any special software, why use
anyone else? Ask about our high-quality diploma covers, too.
Pearson (
The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is a new computer-based international English language test. Through the use of twenty innovative
and integrated question types, the test will meet the needs of universities, other higher education institutions and professional and
government organizations requiring an authentic, real-life measure of language ability.
PACRAO Exhibitors
redLantern (
redLantern, formerly DARS, offers a complete and integrated software solution, combining transfer advising application, degree
progress and degree planning tools in a single suite. The combination of our three products,, and u.achieve, allows
students and advisors to quickly and accurately view degree programs, develop an integrated plan for graduation, view and apply
transfer courses to their programs, and continuously check progress towards graduation.
SCRIP-SAFE International (
SCRIP-SAFE® is the leading manufacturer of secured transcripts and is trusted by over 1,800 academic institutions. In addition, over
600 of your colleagues use Diplomas on Demand® software and diploma paper to print diplomas directly from their desktop. Also
eSCRIP-SAFE™, the global electronic transcripts delivery network, enables secure, reliable, inexpensive and instantaneous delivery of
transcripts and supporting documents between academic institutions as well as authorized third parties.
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) is a consortium of 15 higher education associations, the Department of Defense, over
1,700 member institutions, and Active and Reserve components of the Military Services dedicated to expanding and improving
voluntary postsecondary education opportunities for servicemembers worldwide. Members are accredited, degree- and licensinggranting, and subscribe to specific principles and criteria ensuring that high quality academic programs are available to military
SmartCatalog (
SmartCatalog is software for editing, managing and publishing online and print catalogs. With it, you can maintain data in a central
repository, track all changes, manage the approval process, and publish searchable online catalogs in less than an hour. With our
unique toolset, you can even get print-ready, indexed documents without any further typesetting required.
SunGard Higher Education (
SunGard Higher Education provides products and services to more than 1,600 institutions worldwide, helping them measurably
improve their performance. Bringing together people, processes, and technology, we work with colleges and universities to help them
strengthen performance through improved constituent services, increased accountability, and better educational experiences.
Technical Imaging Systems, Inc. (
Trust Technical Imaging Systems for all of your document and microfilm scanning needs. We also specialize in document destruction
and microfilm service.
Verba Software (
As a newcomer to the higher education community, Verba Software brings innovative design and functionality to the creation of
course catalogs and the experience of using them. Our software eases administrative burdens for faculty and staff, promotes greener
campuses, lowers student costs, and most importantly, helps universities achieve their educational missions.
World Education Services (
World Education Services (WES) is a not-for-profit organization specializing in international credential verification and evaluation. WES
provides accurate and reliable evaluations that help more than 2,000 academic institutions make prompt, well-informed decisions
regarding admission, placement and/or transfer credit for students who hold academic credentials earned outside the U.S.
PACRAO Executive Board
Michele Sandlin
Director of Admissions
Oregon State University
Phone: 541-737-0583
Fax: 541-737-2482
Past President
Nirmala Sharma
Dean of Admissions/Financial Aid
Soka University of America
Phone: 949-480-4010
Fax: 949-480-4151
Mary Neary Morley
California Institute of Technology
Phone: 626-395-6354
Fax: 626-395-6121
VP for Membership
Brad Tomhave
Associate Registrar
University of Puget Sound
Phone: 253-879-3529
Fax: 253-879-3108
VP for Professional Development
Julia Pomerenk
University Registrar
Washington State University
Phone: 509-335-2522
Fax: 503-335-7823
VP for Publications & Information
Steven Barnhart
Director, Student Information Systems
University of Southern California
Phone: 213-740-2748
Fax: 213-740-2748
Diane Douglas
Registrar/Director of Admissions
Lewis-Clark State College
Phone: 208-792-2875
Fax: 208-792-2429
Archie Porter
University Registrar, Assoc. Dean
University of San Francisco
Phone: 415-422-2786
Fax: 415-422-6329
Diversity Development Advocate
Tandy Elisala-Wiest
Vice President of University Services
Phone: 480-557-3301
Fax: 480-643-1521
PACRAO Program Committee
Ali Crane
Director, Enrollment & Student Services
Idaho State University-Boise
Phone: 208-373-1706
Fax: 208-327-7430
Committee Member
Teresa Church
Associate Director of Admissions
Boise State University
Phone: 208-426-1338
Fax: 208-426-4253
Committee Member
Rosemary Garagnani
Associate Director, Operations
Oregon State University
Phone: 541-737-9683
Fax: 541-737-2482
Committee Member
Celeste Fowles
Assistant Registrar
Stanford University
Phone: 650-725-1895
Fax: 650-725-7248
Committee Member
Angela Bigby
Registrar/Director of Student Services
University of Southern Nevada
Phone: 702-968-2029 x2029
Fax: 702-968-1643
Committee Member
Jeff Sorensen
Associate Director of Admission
Utah State University
Phone: 435-797-1109
Fax: 435-797-3708
Committee Member
John Barber
Assistant Registrar
George Fox University
Phone: 503-554-6108
Fax: 503-554-6111
Committee Member
Ann Perkins Gillen
Associate Registrar
University of the Pacific
Phone: 209-946-3988
Fax: 209-946-2596
Committee Member
Becky Bitter
Senior Assistant Registrar
Washington State University
Phone: 509-335-4766
Fax: 509-335-7823
PACRAO Local Arrangements Committee
Sue Eveland
University Registrar
University of Oregon
Work: (541) 346-3195
FAX: (541) 346-6682
Chris Sweet
Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Work: (503) 821-8926 or (888) 390-7499
FAX: (503) 821-8978
Physical Arrangements:
Todd McCollum
Director of Enrollment Services
Linfield College, Portland
Work: (503) 413-7714
FAX: (503) 413-6964
Heather Chermak
Associate Registrar
University of Idaho
Work: (208) 885-5566
FAX: (208) 885-9061
Hospitality / Tours:
Diane Crabtree
Registrar, College of Arts and Sciences
Lewis and Clark College
Work: (503) 768-7324
Cell: (503) 432-6562 (PDX)
FAX: (503)768-7333
Cindy Baccar
Director, Registration & Records
Portland State University
Office of Admissions, Registration &
Work: (503) 725-5533
FAX: (503) 725-5525
Tara Sprehe
Clackamas Community College
Work: (503) 657-6958 ext. 2742
FAX: (503) 722-5864
Meals / Special Events:
Melissa Frey
Admissions Coordinator
Chemeketa Community College
Work: (503) 589-7652
FAX: (503) 399-3918
Pinch Hitter:
Roberto Suarez
Admissions Coordinator
Portland Community College
Cascade Campus
Work: (503) 978-5291
FAX: (503) 978-5432
Two Great Ways
to Speed Your
Transcript Ordering
The National Student Clearinghouse makes processing and sending
transcripts easier and faster than ever! When you sign up for our
Transcript Ordering and Electronic Transcript Exchange services, you’ll
realize the full time-saving benefits of these two powerhouse services.
Transcript Ordering
Electronic Transcript Exchange
Our free Transcript Ordering service automates
your transcript order processing, eliminating
the cost and time involved handling manual
requests. You’ll save valuable staff resources
while providing your students and alumni with
24/7 transcript ordering convenience.
How much time does your office spend printing
and sending transcripts to other colleges
each year? With Electronic Transcript Exchange,
you can quickly reduce the expense and
hassle of sending paper transcripts by
exchanging transcripts instantly with other
participating schools.
! FREE to colleges and universities
! Includes credit cards processing
! Free to Transcript Ordering participants
(there is no cost to receive transcripts)
! Eliminates data entry, cash handling
and consent form collection
! Enables 24/7 transcript delivery
! Enhances service to students & alumni
! Improves cost & time savings
! Real-time order status tracking
! Accepts e-signatures
! Secure, FERPA-compliant transactions
! Reduces transcript printing/mailing costs
! Saves staff resources
! Decreases transcript fraud
! Highly secure (safer than sending paper!)
! Easy-to-use for senders & recipients
! Customizable for your school
! Multiple secure send/receive options
(all file formats supported)
! Integrates with our free Student Self-Service
! Automatically validates senders/recipients
! Tracks transcript delivery status/receipt
! No programming required
! FERPA compliant
Stop by the Clearinghouse booth or contact Frost Johnson at 503-892-8760
w w w . s t u d e n t c l e a r i n g h o u s e . o r g