September 2011


September 2011
PSP Director of Fitness
Volume 6, Number 3 • September 2011
A message from DFit
During the most recent PSP Manager
conference, Chief PSP announced his
intention to host a PSP symposium
attended by PSP managers and
most or their direct reports. This
announcement was most welcome
news for DFIT staff as one of our
2011/2012 Directorate priorities was
to provide an opportunity for both
our Fitness and Sports Directors
and Health Promotion Directors
to get together and tackle some of
our program delivery challenges.
The PSP symposium has been
scheduled from 24-28 October at
NAVCAN in Cornwall with the 24th
and 28th reserved as travel days.
While many of the details remain
to be confirmed, the first day will
include all symposium attendees and
focus on broad PSP issues. Health
Promotion Directors and Fitness and
Sports Directors will subsequently
spend the following 2 days discussing
respective physical fitness and health
promotion program delivery topics.
Our DFIT symposium objective is for
Base and Wing staff to share best
practices while also using smaller
breakout sessions to tackle specific
issue, all in hopes of maximizing the
impact we have on the health and
physical fitness of CF personnel.
Planning is underway, however if you
have recommended agenda items
or would like to share one of your
Base or Wing best practices with
a short 10-15 minute presentation
please contact Ben Ouellette at 613995-7794 (fitness) or Jacques Adam
613-996-8326 (health promotion).
Presentations topics should focus on
the following program areas:
2. Behaviour change to create a culture of Health and Fitness;
Tailoring Fitness and/or Health Promotion programming to B/W/U operational requirements; Avoiding program duplication by partnering within PSP and the local community; and
Reaching out to CF personnel who don’t participate or have access to our Health Promotion or Physical Fitness programming.
Promoting Health and Fitness
Newsletter Publication
Deadlines and Guidelines
Publication guidelines
Total Force (Regular and Reserve Force) approach to Physical Fitness and Health Promotion Programming;
Publication date Deadline
Dec 30
March 30
July 30
Word count 250 or less;
Tone should be informal and easy to read;
Oct 30
Include author, position, base/wing;
Topics of interest include: personal features such as deployments, awards, etc.; special events on base, new initiatives.
Essentially sharing of information/stories for other PSP;
Include pictures of at least 960 Kb or 4x6” at 300 dpi;
Submissions can be submitted to by any PSP or Military regarding a PSP Fitness or Health Promotion initiative.
In this Issue
3rd Annual Advanced Skills Training Clinic Hosted in Ottawa
CSEP certifications 2
Adventures in Research Update Project FORCE
3 Training Program Working Group
New SAR Tech Applicant Physical Fitness Selection Test Training Program and
Operational Manual
PES Course Transition
to Distance Learning
Great Work in the Field
Warrior Challenge
Wing PSP Staff play a key role Air Force Nijmegen Training
4 Wing PSP put the
“TRY” in “Triathlon”
CFB Petawawa Annual Circuit for the Cause 2011
Two members of the Health Promotion Team leave us temporarily to spend a month
in the Cyprus sun!
PSP Petawawa recognizes
its employees
Chief of PSP Award Presented
in Petawawa
Congratulations to our
new CEPs
Meet PSP Winnipeg
Changes to PSP Fitness,
Sports and Health Promotion
3rd Annual Advanced Skills Training
Clinic Hosted in Ottawa
PSP/Soldier On contribute to
improving the quality of life of injured
and ill Canadian Forces personnel,
through fitness, recreation or sport. It
is in this context that PSP organized
the 3rd Advanced Skills Training Clinic
/ Army Run/Roll. This event provided
an opportunity to injured or ill CF
personnel to receive advanced skills
training from PSP Regional Adapted
Fitness Specialist (RAFS). This event
was conducted during the CF Army
Run Week, 14-18 Sep 2011 in Ottawa,
ON and accommodated 15 injured or
ill CF personnel and one personnel
support person. The event culminated
with full and active participation in
the Canada Army Run on 18 Sept
2011. The intent was to provide ill and
injured CF members the opportunity
to showcase their newly re-acquired
skills while building confidence in their
CSEP Certifications
By Christine Charon Fitness Programs Coordinator,
Changes to CPR Requirements
Effective the 2012-2013 renewal year,
CPR level “C” will be required for all CSEP
certifications. This is already a requirement
for the CSEP-CEP. There is no change to
the requirement that CPR be recertified no
more than 12 months past the date of issue
(regardless of the expiry date listed on the
CPR certificate).
Changes to Professional Development
Credits (PDCs)
The CSEP-CEP PDC chart has been
updated to add a maximum of 15 credits
in Category P (Conferences offered or
sponsored by Local, Private, Club or
Commercial Fitness Consulting and/or
Fitness Certification Agencies) per PDC
The CSEP-CPT certification will require
30 PDCs to be submitted every two years
with the annual renewal. It will no longer
be required to attend a re-certification
workshop every three years in order to
retain your certification. More information
about these requirements will be
communicated in the coming months.
Volume 6 • Number 3
CF Physical Rehabilitation and
Regional Adaptive Fitness Specialist
personnel supporting the largest
numbers of amputees and/or complex
trauma cases in the CF participated.
This military exercise-like activity
improved independence and gave
everyone involved a snapshot of the
functional abilities of our ill and
injured members.
For more information contact
Adventures in Research
Update Project FORCE:
No slacking in the summer heat!
By Dr Tara Reilly, Research Manager Human Performance, PSP DFit HQ
Human Performance Researchers in Ottawa have completed 13
full scale work simulations of the 13 tasks identified from Project
FORCE Phase 1 as essential to all CF personnel. Pictured below is
a mock-up of the task “clearing rubble to rescue casualties”. This
task originated from CF experiences in Haiti on OP HESTIA. Here,
the researchers reproduced the “post earthquake” environment,
and measured the oxygen consumption (energy demands) of the
task with portable metabolic analysers to determine what level of
fitness a CF member would require to complete this task. This and
12 other scenarios were completed at Connaught Range, Ottawa in
June and July. The next part of Phase 2 will take researchers to 19
Wing Greenwood and CFB Kingston for further data collection on
CF members completing these tasks. Training Program Working Group (13-16 June 2011)
Marcel Roy, Program Development Manager, PSP DFit HQ (
13-16 June, 2011 DFit invited PSP fitness specialists
from across the country to review a new training
program which will be delivered through a web base
platform - making it available to all
CF regardless of their location. The review process
included technical review as well as assurance
of safety and effective delivery of PSP and the
CF members. Working group participants were
impressed with the training program concept
1. Offers the option of providing both a random and
dynamic training program, in contrast to a standard
set number of weeks; and
2. Considers the deployment cycle of each
environment. Each environment will have a training
program that will be periodized base on that cycle.
This web based approach provides a solution to one of
the issues that was identified in the Health & Fitness
Strategy launched in 2008.
While reviewing the workout library, the working
group identified issues with respect to creating
an ideal workout template for the entire library
of workouts. The participants are now working
on various tasks to resolve these issues with the
intention of the final version of the program being
completed for this fall. A series of trainability and
field trials are planned to follow. Working Group Participant List
1. Aaron Grainge
Directing Staff
PSP Training Center – CFB Borden
2. Denis Couturier
Fitness, Sport & Recreation Director
3. Jessica Hood
Health Promotion Manager
CFB Gagetown
4. Mary-Beth McGinn
Environmental Manager - Army
5. Philippe Leduc
Fitness & Sport Instructor
6. Todd Stride
Environmental Manager – Air Force
7. James Follette
Fitness Coordinator
1 Wing Winnipeg
8. Kevin Serre
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
9. Dave Harju
Fitness Coordinator
10.Noelle Daigle
Fitness & Sport Instructor
CFB Halifax (Shearwater)
11.Michelle Cormier
Environmental Manager - Navy
12.Dan Bourgoin
National Physical Fitness Coordinator
13.Stephane Robert
Physical Education – Curriculum Coordinator
RMC, Kingston
14.Geoff Drover
Physical Fitness Manager - VCDS
Volume 6 • Number 3
New SAR Tech Applicant
Physical Fitness Selection
Test Training Program and
Operation Manual
By Switch Rousseau, Fitness Implementation Manager,
The new “SAR Tech Applicant Physical Fitness Selection Test
Training Program” as well as the new “SAR Tech Applicant
Selection Test Protocol Operation Manual” were distributed to
all the FSD/Fitness Coordinators this past July 2011.
PES Course Transition to
Distance Learning
In 2008, when the PES position was introduced to
PSP, an immediate need for training was seen. In
2009, the PSP Training Center (TC) launched the
pilot training course for the PES and has since ran
three courses (1 French, 1 English and 1 Bilingual).
However due to the low turnover of PES positions,
alternative methods of delivery needed to be explored
and distance learning was identified as the direction.
The Training Program was created for the SAR Tech Applicants
to prepare them for this new fitness evaluation that is effective
Sept 2011. This document is broken into 2 parts: A review of
the SAR Tech Applicant Selection Test protocol, and training
program guidelines. The Operation Manual was created for
the PSP fitness staff to provide all required information for
administration of the evaluation.
The Canadian Forces Training and Development
The SAR Tech Applicant Selection test consists of
3 main components:
effective experience for the participant. In addition,
is facilitating the process of transforming the PES
Treadmill: 25 kg loaded uphill walk/run;
Equipment Carry: shuttling 50 and 52 kg weight over
a 40m circuit;
Pool Swim: 750 m swim with fins.
It is very important that the PSP fitness staff become familiar
with these 2 new documents and practice this new fitness
evaluation as candidates will start requesting to be evaluated
using this new test as early as September 1st For immediate
queries or concerns about the content of these 2 documents or
about this new test protocol/ fitness evaluation, please contact
M. Dan Bourgoin, the National Fitness Coordinator at 613992-2747. For queries or concerns about the implementation
of this new test, please contact Switch Rousseau, the Fitness
Program Implementation Manager at 250-361-7996 or
Centre (CFTDC) has taken great steps to facilitate the
transition of typical classroom training into distance
learning using a variety of methods including
Webinars, SharePoint, DNDLearn, while ensuring an
the Canadian Forces Support Training Group (CFSTG)
course from an in-class and in-person course to
a distance learning course. CFTDC is a training
establishment within CFSTG. Various avenues for
delivery are being explored and new instructional
methods that focus on on-line training strategies
will be implemented upon completion of this
transformation. This is a first time experience for the
PSP TC to work on this type training with CFTDC with
the intent to paving the way for a new generation of
training methodology. The end goal is to provide new
PES hires to be appropriately trained for their job, at
the right time and for the right price.
For more information contact
Volume 6 • Number 3
Great Work in the Field
Warrior Challenge
By Simon Bélanger, Physical Fitness Manager, CFRLS (
Following the 5 common task trial, the CFRLS
Commandant wanted to put together a challenge that
would exemplify operational effectiveness relating
to Universality of Service. On March 25, the first
Warrior Challenge was held with platoon R0385E. The
challenge took place during week 10 of their BMQ
The challenge’s goal is the personal achievement
of each candidate in obtaining points towards the
Commandant’s pennant, a reward awarded to the
platoon with the highest average. The challenge was
worth 25% of the grade towards the pennant.
Because of time and space constraints, some of the
events were modified or cancelled. Here are the 4
selected events:
1. High-low crawl over a distance of 75 metres in less than 2 minutes, 20 secondes.
2. Sea evacuation simulation in 3 min 30 sec.
3. Land evacuation simulation with stretcher and a 40kg load over 580 metres in 11min 30 sec.
4. Carry 10 sandbags weighing 20 kg each over
855 metres (45 metres x 19 shuttles) in
7min 30 sec.
The challenge was conducted by PSP instructors with
the active participation of military instructors in order
for the challenge to take place within a reasonable
timeframe. Points were awarded as follows:
1. Highest number of candidates to meet the standard: 10 points
2. Highest number of candidates to complete all of the tasks: 5 points
3. Best platoon average: 10 points
All the events took place at the gymnasium and
the indoor running track, but they could easily be
conducted outdoors in the summer time.
To minimize the risk of injuries, the Warrior Challenge
equipment was used during training circuits to give
the candidates a chance to familiarize themselves
with the equipment prior to the challenge.
Visit the Army’s website:
Volume 5 • Number 3
Volume 6 • Number 3
Great Work in the Field (cont’d)
Work in the Field (Cont’d)
Wing PSP Staff play a key role in Air Force Nijmegen Training
By Todd Stride, AF Fitness Manager (
This past summer, PSP staff across
the CF worked hard helping to prepare
AF personnel prepare for participation
in the 95th annual Nijmegen March. A
prestigious international, four-day 160
kilometre march that took place in the
Netherlands from July 19 to 22. This
event commemorates Canada’s legacy in
Europe and celebrates Canada’s special
relationship with the Netherlands while
raising the operational fitness level of
those who participate.
In preparation for this test of physical
fitness and stamina, teams from 4 Wing
Cold Lake, Alta., 8 Wing Trenton, Ont.,
14 Wing Greenwood, N.S., and 17 Wing
Winnipeg, Man., put plenty of miles “under
the belt” as they collectively participated in
long distance marching on trails and roads
across Canada.
March training is all about building
endurance, both physical and mental.
During the demanding training sessions,
overuse injuries of the lower extremities
are common in weighted marching training
and Wings can regularly expect to loose
a handful of marchers during these
“Although we have maintained a solid core
of strong marchers, we have lost a few
members to injuries such as blisters, shin
splints, and plantar fasciitis,” said Captain
Craig Little, 14 Wing’s team captain.
Like many other teams, 14 Wing has taken
a proactive approach to injury prevention,
and have chosen to supplement their
marching with cross-training and health
promotion briefs.
Volume 6 • Number 3
“In addition to the team marches, we have
also been receiving fitness classes and
injury prevention briefings from our local
Personnel Support Program staff,” said
Capt Little.
The Nijmegen team at 8 Wing Trenton
received also benefitted from the
knowledge of PSP HP staff and received
the “Top Fuel for Top Performance”
training to ensure all marchers knew
how to properly fuel themselves and get
the max intake of food and beverage. 4
Wing Cold Lake has also taken the same
approach to injury prevention. Team
Captain 2Lt Jordan Rankin commented
on the benefits of using local fitness
and HP staff to augment their training.
“We utilized PSP to the maximum while
training for Nijmegen. They provided great
support to the team and assisted us in
various classes from nutrition, hydration,
foot care, strength training, and cardio.
This provided the team a means to break
up the marching training, while still
ensuring we had good overall fitness for
the event.”
CFB Petawawa
Annual Circuit for
4 Wing PSP put the “TRY” in “TRIATHLON” the Cause 2011
Great Work in the Field (cont’d)
Work in the Field (Cont’d)
Josey Yearley, FSD 4 Wing Cold Lake (
With the introduction of Regional
Development Camps for the sports
of Swimming and Triathlon, 4 Wing
has become the Prairie Region
“centre of excellence” for said
sports. Largely this is because we
have the best pool in the region (if
not across the Forces). But there is
more to it than that! The CF Chief
Official for the sport of Triathlon
calls Cold Lake home, as do some
the CF’s most accomplished
triathletes. Add to this, “kids
made of steel” (i.e. The 4 Wing Rec
Department has been hosting a
“kid focussed” community triathlon
for the past 15 years) and you have
a triathlon “hot-bed”. What better
place to “hatch” some interest in
this great endurance sport? And
what better way to “prompt some
play” than with a challenge? To
embrace this challenge the 4 Wing
Fitness Staff put together a team
and challenged all units across
the Wing to defeat them in this
sprint distance triathlon, military
team event. It had just the effect
they were hoping for (and I don’t
mean just that they won the gold
medals…which they did!)…adult
participation in this year’s triathlon
went up from 18 to 50! And it is
anticipated that we will get even
more units joining in the fun next
year. There truly is no better way
to get people out than to “join them
in the fun”!
But these weren’t our only
“Champions” of this event. Our
Sports Coord Mr Jerry Ingham
served as “Run Captain” and our
Fitness Coord Mrs Tovah Fenske
served as “Time Captain”. In fact,
the entire PSP Fitness and Sports
team, lead by the Recreation
Department and joined by a virtual
army of volunteers, were required
to make this huge event fly. Well
done all!
4 Wg’s winners of the 1st annual unit triathlon challenge…the
“PSP Rocks” team…from left to right, our swimmer Danielle Henry (750
meters in 11:33), our cyclist Jorja French (20 km in 39:41) and our runner
Kevin Kiely (5 km in 20:23).
JoAnn Tyrie, FI.
PSP Staff and volunteers held their
annual Circuit for the Cause on
Friday March 25th 2011, to raise
money in support of the Military
Family Fund. This year’s circuit had
235 participants, and they raised
a record $9200 in pledges, from
as far away as British Columbia
to the West and New Brunswick
to the East. Military and civilian
employees from across the Base,
endured a grueling 4 hour circuit.
After a general group warm-up
with Fitness Instructor and circuit
organizer Cindy Hamel, participants
divided into eight teams led by their
assigned PSP instructor, and rotated
from circuit to circuit every half hour.
Eight classes were set up in the field
house, including Body Bar, Combat
Fitness, Kettlebell, Step, a Cardio
Circuit and Medicine Ball class. The
spin class was held in our very own
spin room. CANEX sponsored the
event with fruit, granola bars and
Gatorade. Music and PA systems
were donated for the day from Bobs
Music of Pembroke. After a well
deserved cool down and stretch a
traditional cheque was presented to
the Brigade Commander on behalf
of the Military Family Fund.
Caption: overhead
press as part of the
Kettlebell Class
Volume 6 • Number 3
Great Work in the Field (Cont’d)
Two members of the Health Promotion Team leave us
temporarily to spend a month in the Cyprus sun!
Deployed Ops called on Mrs Annette Huyter and
Mr Rick Dennis, both HPD in Halifax and Edmonton,
respectively. Our two directors’ mission was to
provide support to the mental health unit in Cyprus,
where programs are offered to CF personnel ending
their deployment.
This marks the very first time that Health Promotion
personnel is asked to help offer programs in that
context. HP is very proud that colleagues have been
specially selected to fullfill this very important role.
They are confident that Annette and Rick, with their
training in social work, have been incredible supports
to facilitate the return home of the troops.
In June 2011, Rick Dennis arrives in Cyprus and
replaced in July by Annette Huyter as part of the
Third Location Decompression (TLD) team. TLD
provides soldiers (sailors and air personnel as well)
coming out of Afghanistan with an opportunity to
What is decompression?
Decompression allows the soldiers to come down
from that high state of readiness before they head
home to their families and friends. The TLD is held
at a lovely resort, the Azia, situated on the edge of the
Mediterranean Sea.
Who is part of the Mental Health team?
Each of the six Mental Health teams includes one
Operator and one Clinician. The Clinicians include
Social Workers, Padres and Mental Health Nurses.
Annette & Rick were there as clinicians and Rick
was very fortunate to be paired with a former PPCLI
soldier, Bruce Frampton, currently employed by the
Joint Speakers Bureau (JSB). Annette was paired
with Bruce Phillips from OSISS.
What does a typical day look like?
The training is part of the Road to Mental
Readiness (R2MR). Phase 1, 2 & 3 are conducted
prior to deployment. Phase 4 is conducted at the
decompression location with the family back home
taking phase 5 which is a similar package, presented
by the MFRC.
Volume 6 • Number 3
Once participants complete the two-part Mental
Health session, they go on R&R, and have the
opportunity to participate in a variety of activities
(e.g., sea kayaking, biking, local tours, and the
very popular Donkey riding). Recognizing that
this opportunity should not be taken for granted,
Annette has also made an effort to explore the
local community. On one particular afternoon, for
example, she was able to join 5 CF members for
a few hours of sea kayaking where she enjoyed
chatting with the members about their experiences
while on tour and to watch them ease into pure
During the trip, they had an opportunity to meet and
chat with a variety of military and civilian support
personnel from across the CF. From the Chain of
Command, Orderly Room and Supply Services to
the Medics, Padre, Security, Mental Health and
PSP personnel, the TLD base team is extremely
committed to the task at hand. Working around
the clock to ensure a positive experience for all of
the returning members, these individuals are to be
commended for the quality of the services that they
are providing.
For the Health Promotion Directors from Halifax
and Edmonton, this tasking provided a much
better understanding of the Land Forces and of
the experiences of those returning home from
Afghanistan. All in all, this experience was an
invaluable opportunity to make a difference and to
grow both personally and professionally. It was a
wonderful first experience for Health Promotion
and an excellent opportunity for Annette & Rick
Congratulations PSP
PSP Petawawa recognizes
its employees
Nathan Lane, PSP Manager
Our Annual PSP Employee Recognition Awards
Luncheon was held on the 2nd June 2011 at the
Normandy Officers’ Mess. It was a time of celebration,
fun and accolades. This years Guest of Honour was
the Base Commander, LCol Keith Rudderham with
a special appearance by Mr. Daryl Allard, Director of
Fitness representing DGPFSS. Although the awards
ceremony is centered mostly on PSP employees,
other Staff of the Non-Public Funds Canadian
Forces were also invited such as NPF Accounting
Department and NPF Human Resources personnel.
During the ceremonies, we presented six long
service awards, three PSP Manager’s Honourable
Mention Certificates, three Employee Excellence
Awards, two Manager Excellence Awards, two Base
Commanders Commendations, three Team Awards
and the prestigious Chief PSP Certificate of Merit. The
CPSP Certificate of Merit was presented to Selena
Neily for her dedication and outstanding work as the
Physical Exercise Specialist and for her contribution
to the program. Due to her hard work and tireless
efforts the program has had tremendous success in
Petawawa. I pass on my congratulations to all the
recipients and my sincere thanks to all of you who
work very hard to provide the morale and welfare
programs here at CFB Petawawa. In addition, our
Employee Recognition Committee is to be commended
on planning and organizing the event, which again this
year was very well attended and enjoyed by all.
Chief of PSP
Award Presented
in Petawawa
By Rick McKie – National Physical
Fitness Manager (Richard.mckie@
Since the creation of the Physical
Exercise Specialist (PES) positions
in 2008, it has become abundantly
clear that working with ill and injured
members is the priority of many PES.
Over the past 3 years several PES have
been very creative in managing their
program locally. As mentioned in the
previously article Petawawa’s PES,
Selena Neily, was presented with the
Chief of PSP Award for exceptional
program delivery. C.F.B. Petawawa
has been extremely active, taking part
in many international and domestic
operations. The accompanying injuries
to the members of C.F.B. Petawawa
have resulted in Selena having to do
more with less. One solution to Selena’s
problem was to divide her clients into
one of three groups with common
functional limitations:
Group 1 – Upper Extremity, Cervical
Spine and Thoracic Spine injuries;
Group 2 – Lower Extremity injuries; and
Group 3 – Lumbar Spine injuries.
Selena leads classes for each group
between 0700 hrs and 1200 hrs,
Monday - Friday, taking into account
their specific injury. At 1300 hrs each
day she hosts classes for Pre/Post
Natal women. All members on her
program complete a PES intake form,
receive nutrition logs, a gate analysis,
a cardio tracking sheet, a progress
report and are signed up for the Aerobic
Award of Excellence. Her program has
been extremely successful in getting
members back to unit PT without
reoccurring injuries. In total, Selena
benefits between 50 and 70 clients per
day. Congratulations Selena!
L to R: Nathan Lane (PSP Manager), Selena Neily (PES),
Daryl Allard (DFit), LCol Rudderham (Base Commander)
Volume 6 • Number 3
Congratulations PSP
Congratulations to
our new CEPs
Meet PSP Winnipeg
Health Promotion
18 PSP staff have upgraded
their CSEP certification to the
Chris Buott (Borden)
Jaclyn Smith (Calgary)
Ali Connell (Halifax)
Isacc Habib (Halifax)
Noelle Daigle (Halifax)
Robert Russell (Halifax)
Tyler Vivian (DHTC)
Ryan Cain (Ottawa)
L to R: Kathy Godfrey HPD, Diane Brine HPM, Penny
Wawrzyniak HPAA
Fitness and Sports
Kevin Serre (Petawawa)
Claudie Bussieres (St-Jean)
Joseph Jacques (St-Jean)
Guillaume Leclerc (St-Jean)
Mathieu Doucet (St-Jean)
Audray Gagnon (St-Jean)
Philippe Leduc (St-Jean)
Pierre-Olivier Brunet (St-Jean)
Marie-Andrée Laroche (St-Jean)
Jason Topp (Toronto)
There are 2 upcoming CEP workshops in
Ottawa this Fall.
for more information.
Volume 6 • Number 3
Back Row (L to R):
Rick Phillips (Resource Coordinator)
Al Brazeau (Fitness and Sports Director) Ron Nicolas (Fitness
and Sports Instructor) Don Mills (Physical Exercise Specialist)
Chris Merrithew (Sports Coordinator) Rick Harris (PSP
Manager) James Follette (Fitness Coordinator)
Front Row (L to R):
Erin Patton (Fitness and Sports Instructor) Teresa Kontusic
(Fitness and Sports Instructor) MCpl Martin (Facilities
Assistant) Leeona Bond (Fitness and Sports Instructor)
Joanna Jarrett (Facilities Coordinator) Deanne Bennett
(Fitness and Sports Instructor)
Changes to PSP Fitness, Sports and Health Promotion
PSP Staff
Dominic Demers Tammy Barriage Anthony Marsh
Christie Fahey, Chris Partridge Angie Sloan
Nick Cox
Veronica Lewis
Kyle Kugler
Jill Babin
Richard Stauffer
Jason Topp Lindsay Hill
Cindy Zhou
Jackie Pacheco
Stephen Mitchell
Daryl Allard
Patrick Gagnon
Sue Jaenen
Mark Carlson Tracey Fromm Shelly Moore Jackie Pacheco Amy Doelman
Kori Klein
Shantelle Murphy
Lisa Silveria
Fitness, Sport and Recreation Coordinator 5 Wing Goose Bay.
CFS St John’s
Return 22 Aug
CFB Borden
CFB Borden
Outdoor Facilities Maintainer
CFB Borden
F & S Director
CFB Borden
Aug leaving
CFB Gagetown
CFB Edmonton
ASU Toronto
April 18
ASU Toronto
May 2
PSP Administrative Assistant
ASU Toronto
June 13
HP assistant
ASU Toronto
June 27
Evaluation Coordinator
Director PSP Ops D
PSP HQ Ottawa
Director of Fitness
PSP HQ Ottawa
Senior Manager Human Performance PSP HQ Ottawa
CANSOFCOM Research Manager
PSP HQ Ottawa
HP Admin Assitant
HP Manager CFSU Ottawa
Mat leave replacement
HP Admin Assistant
HP Director
Facility Supervisor
Fitness and Sports Instructor
Gym Attendant
Volume 6 • Number 3