March 2014 Bulletin
March 2014 Bulletin
March 2014 Volume 39 39— —No. 3 FREA Presidents and FREA History ~ 60 Years of Service For 60 years, FREA has had a governing board led by the FREA President. FREA members elect their President to serve for one 2 year term. Like all members of FREA who give of themselves, and their resources, the President’s position is a volunteer position. What, in fact does the FREA President do? More than can be recounted here in any kind of detail, but here is an overview. The President begins their tenure by serving as President-Elect for 2 years, learning and growing into the position, and is present during most of the President’s functions. There are 5 FREA Board Meetings throughout the year at which the President presides. The preparation for these meetings involves many different moving parts, and many different people: 10 State Directors, Special Committee Chairs, Standing Committee Chairs, and usually the continuation of their position inside their local unit. (e.g. President Thelma Mosley is also Membership Chair for Alachua REA). The President is also present at Florida Retired Foundation meetings, as a Trustee Officer, but those meetings are presided over by the FREF Chair. Another of the President’s duties is to preside over the Annual FREA Convention. The convention week is filled with meetings and functions and while the President has little down time during the convention, this is merely the culmination of months of preparation. Before the convention are thousands of details to be handled. The President chooses the convention theme, venue, activities, working with her selected Convention Coordinator and the FREA State Office staff to pull these together into a cohesive whole. The President takes part in multiple conference calls, and travels to the venue on site visits to work on specifics particular to that location. A successful and well attended convention is the President’s reward. Travel is ever-present for the FREA President. In addition to attending the board meetings and the convention, the Fall Leadership Workshops are held yearly in the 10 State Districts. The President, accompanied by the Treasurer, President-Elect, and the State Director, travels for 2 weeks to interact with FREA members from each District. The phrase “A hotel room is a hotel room, is a hotel room, no matter how nice it is,” becomes a reality. Four incredibly busy years go by, and the President prepares to turn the office over to the President-Elect. Does this mean they get to go sit on a beach and eat bon-bons? Not hardly. For the next 2 years, the Past President serves as the Nominating Chairman, whose position is critical to filling State Officer and Board Member positions. This means that 6 years is the length of time an FREA President commits to. Not a small amount of time, and the value of their service cannot be measured in monetary terms, only in thanks and gratitude. At the 60th Anniversary Convention this year, 7 Past Presidents will be attending. (See above picture) They can be identified by a pale ribbon on their name tag, if you do not know them by sight. Please take a moment to thank them for their selfless dedication to FREA and for their continued efforts to ensure that the FREA of the future is as strong and vibrant as the FREA of the past. Board Of Directors President/4 President Elect/9 Thelma Mosley Catherine McCartney State Director/7 Secretary/4 Treasurer/6 FREF Chairman/4 District 1 Director District 2 Director District 3 Director District 4 Director District 5 Director District 6 Director District 7 Director District 8 Director District 9 Director District 10 Director Fay Murphy Ruth Hickmon Marie Grein D. Paul Conley Carolyn McLaughlin Arlene Oehler Leanne Karstedt Carolyn Stephens Bertha Padgett Jane Lee Constance Besco Jean Campbell Jamie Colborn Marguerite Falconer Audit Benefits Catherine McCartney Catherine McCartney Budget ByLaws Convention Coordinator Historian Information Services Legislative Co-Chair Legislative Co-Chair Membership Memorial Services Chairman Nominating Parliamentarian Travel Coordinator Unit Exhibits Volunteer Services Marie Grein Tom Johnson Norma White Janet Ford Mildred Dunlap Larry Carmichael Linda Edson Norma White Helen Shaw Esther Twitchell Tom Johnson Arlene Ziller Flora Woodfaulk Jody Scruggs Committee Chairs FREF Trustees District District District District District District District District District District 1 2 3 4/Chairman 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pamela B Schwartz Beverly Kelley Laura Hodges D. Paul Conley Carolynne Fooshee Helen Shaw R. David Brown Sue Orth Janet Ross Anne French FREA State Office Executive Secretary Database Administrator Barbara Williams Libby Brut Technology/Data Coordinator Anne Fagan To send an e-mail to all 3 of the FREA Office Employees: Out of forms you often use? These are easily accessed by going on the FREA website and clicking on the FREA Forms tab in the Menu. Changed Your E-mail address? Have you changed your email address, mail address, or phone number? Please send your new contact info to so that we may update your records. Want to see your Bulletin in full color? Access it on the front page of the website. “Get Connected and Stay Connected” Send us your Newsletters, Website, and Facebook Information The FREA website is a terrific resource to let people know about your unit. On the Home page of the website we have a page that contains links to the local Units’ newsletters, web pages, or Facebook page. This allows you to get the word out about all of the activities and accomplishments of your unit. So if you have not yet sent us your information, what are you waiting for? Let’s Get Connected! Questions? FLORIDA RETIRED EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Affiliated with NRTA: AARP’s Educator Community 10051 5th Street North, Suite 108 St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2211 Phone: (727) 577-6400; — Submissions may be sent to: EDITOR’S NOTE: The editors have exercised the privilege of editing Bulletin material where space was limited or when similar information was received. 2 The President’s Message Greetings again Colleagues, 2014 has arrived and as the time for the Convention grows closer, the excitement is getting stronger. We are just elated that we have the privilege and pleasure of commemorating the 60th Birthday of FREA at our State Convention this year. It is our sincere hope that each unit will have a special tribute at its April meeting, recognizing April as the official month of organization for FREA in 1954. We are extremely grateful to those members who stayed connected and active with FREA and your units. We appreciate all the hard work you are doing in your communities. Visiits to your unit meetings and reading your newsletters have been inspiring, informative, and rewarding. Your commitment and Thelma Mosley dedication to “serving and not being served” is evident in the activities, volunteer hours, and financial support you give to others. You are great! A special “Thanks” to our past FREA Presidents for their continued support to our State and your local units. You are gems! As we turn our attention to the State Convention, a special invitation is extended to All members. Come celebrate with us the sixty years of service by members of our organization. Come hear some interesting speakers, chat with old friends, make new ones, enjoy some delicious food, and tour the famous World Golf Hall of Fame and Museum, at the World Golf Village. You will not have to leave the premises for any of our activities this year. We will recognize units and individuals at this meeting. Come celebrate with them! We will continue the wonderful work of the Margaret Poppell Literacy for Life Project for an elementary school in St. Johns County this year. Please bring your books, cash, or gift cards to purchase books for the Otis Mason Elementary School in St. Augustine. Also, our Unit Display Chairman and State Historian, request that you get your forms and pictures in to them on time. This will help them with their tasks as they plan for the 60th Anniversary Celebration in St. Augustine. For the second year, we will be giving The Thelma Mosley Attendance Award to each District to celebrate the Unit that has the most attendees to the Convention. Will your Unit win the award? We have a special added prize for the winning units. Finally, it saddened us to learn of the loss of two past State officers, Barbara Leon and Margaret Poppell. Barbara served as the state Secretary and was currently serving as the District 10 Information Services Chair and Margaret served as the Literacy State Chair and also the 5th Grade Essay Contest Coordinator. We extend our sympathy to their families and units. Each one will be missed. Looking forward to seeing you in St. Augustine at the State Convention, May 28 – 30, 2014. Thelma J. Mosley, FREA President Workshops Move to October District Location Date District Location Date 1 Milton Monday October 6th 6 Clearwater Monday October 13th 2 Carrabelle Tuesday October 7th 7 Cape Coral Tuesday October 14th 3 TBA Wednesday October 8th 10 Pompano Beach Wednesday October 15th 5 Jacksonville Thursday October 9th 9 Okeechobee Thursday October 16th 4 TBA Friday October 10rh 8 Kissimmee Friday October 17th 3 Taste-buds Are-a-Calling—FREF Country Store Gift Baskets Galore! It’s Convention time and you are there, at the beautiful Renaissance World Golf Resort. It Last year the FREF is late in the afternoon, you walk into your Country Store sumptuous room at the Renaissance, with time displayed before leaving for the evening, are in wonderfully creative your room, and it is time to go to sleep, but you gift baskets that contained every wish you had just a little something to nibble theme from an Italian Dinner to a on. Day at the Beach. These are Not to worry, because this year we are incredibly popular items for the extending the challenge to have members show Dollars for Scholars Auction, so off their baking and snack-making skills. We want to stock the Country let’s do it again this year! Store with affordable homemade goodies that can be used as room snacks during the Convention. This is a great way to show other Got Stuff? members your skills, and help the Foundation at the same time. Don’t buy So come on! Get out those Banana Chocolate–Chip Cranberry Bread another storage recipes, use up some of your garden’s zucchini, make some jam or shed, or cram pumpkin butter and bring it in little baskets with crackers... Think about one more thing portions that can be sold for a dollar or two and package accordingly— into that closet! with labels please. If you would like to include recipe cards, Bring your gently used or new do so. Bragging is allowed! The goal is to have full tables on items to the Convention and let Wednesday, and empty tables by Thursday afternoon! Let’s them go to a new home. get baking, and show some love for FREF Dollars for Scholars! 4 Keynote Speaker Betty Burney is a Star in her own right FREA is honored to have as its Keynote Speaker for the FREA 60th Anniversary Convention, Betty Seabrook Burney. Betty Seabrook Burney is the founder and Executive Director of the “I’M A STAR” Foundation. A foundation committed to empowering and equipping youth to transform themselves into Betty Seabrook Burney solutions-oriented leaders in their schools and respective communities. Burney is a former Duval County School Board member who joined the Duval County School Board in November 2004 and held the distinction of serving as a two time Board Chairman (2006 and 2011) and a two-time Vice Chairman (2005 and 2010). At the end of her term as Chairman Duval County achieved the distinction of having all chronically low performing schools exit the state of Florida’s intervene list. Burney serves as a consultant for the Center for Reform of School Systems where she works with School Boards and Superintendents to provide technical assistance on governance strategies and practices designed to impact student achievement and to narrow the academic achievement gap. In 2013, Betty was asked by management of the WCGL radio station to serve as a community service radio talk show host; The Betty Burney Empowerment Hour is a live radio talk show that empowers the community with information. She is formerly the Executive Director of The Project Reach Foundation, Inc. and served as owner/director of Kidsville Learning Center, Inc. for 14 years. She is a Raines High School graduate, holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Miami and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from Northern Illinois University. Ms. Burney is a motivational speaker and author of the nationally-recognized book, “If These Chains Could Talk” which is comprised of letters of advice from incarcerated inmates ages 13-18. "Never leave your child because a child needs both a mother and a father," 17-year-old "Kyle," who is charged with murder, told Burney. "I know my life would be different if my father was around. I have not seen him in three years. When he was with my mother I was a straight-A student. He left when I was 7 and I had to become the man of the house. ... A mother cannot play the male role. I started smoking weed when I was 7 years of age -- my cousin and my brother got me started ..." Betty Burney is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, NAACP Education Committee, and serves on the Board of the Professional Opportunities Program for Students, Communities In Schools, City Year and Inventing Futures, Inc. Betty is married to Calvin Burney, Sr. and they have two sons, Calvin, Jr. and Craig who are successful graduates of the Duval County Public School system. I'm a Star Foundation student members present a $20,000 check to School Superintendent Nikolai Vitti and School Board Chairman Fel Lee for the homeless education program. Summer2013 Photo Provided by Betty Burney 5 2014 FREA 60th Anniversary Convention Tuesday May 27, 2014 Wednesday May 28, 2014 OPENING GENERAL SESSION Keynote Speaker: Betty Burney (Details on Page 5 of Bulletin) FREF Trustees (Outgoing & Incoming) Meeting (1:30 PM) Registration: Open until 6:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting Board of Directors Dinner Meeting Registration: Open until 4:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting-Continued District Directors Meeting Unit Exhibits FREF Fundraising Project ALL DELEGATES MUST ATTEND OPENING SESSION (1:30 PM) Registrar’s Report Minutes of 2013 Convention Treasurer's Report •Proposed Budget • Nominating Report • FREF Report FREF Fundraising Project State Committee and Special Breakout Sessions Limited Space Available: Join us as we tee off for an evening of frivolity Wednesday Night Activity and good food at the beautiful museum that celebrates the World of Scavenger Hunt and Dinner at Golf. The Scavenger Hunt guides you through in a fun way, and there are the World Golf Hall of Fame excellent prizes to the winners. The museum has exhibits to appeal to “Fore!!!” (What does this actually mean? See page 13 of the Bulletin) Thursday AM May 29, 2014 SECOND GENERAL SESSION Thursday PM THIRD GENERAL SESSION Thursday Night Reception: 60th Anniversary Gala Music and Dance Styling by Mr. Rodney Hurst Friday AM May 30, 2013 CLOSING SESSION even those who think, as Mark Twain did, “Golf, a good walk spoiled”. Giving respect to excellence is always worthwhile, and these golfers, to make it into the World Golf Hall of Fame, had to be just that: Excellent. (Did you know…? Probably not. See page 13) Unit President’s Breakfast Meeting—Cash ’N‘ Carry available Registration Open Unit Exhibits and FREF Fund Raising Project continues District Meetings Roll Call of Merit and Membership Awards ~ FREF Honor Roll Memorial Service Legislative FRS Update Volunteer Services Do you want to join us or “Hear It Through The Grapevine” about how much fun we all had at the 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Dance? Join your President, Thelma Mosley, as we celebrate all things FREA. Each attendee at the gala will receive a special commemorative gift, enjoy a delicious meal, and then let “People Get Ready” as the musical stylings of Mr. Rodney Hurst pull you out on the dance floor. You can watch “What’s Goin’ On” as you try to stay seated on “Cloud 9”, but we think you will soon “Electric Slide” out of your chair. And while we probably won’t stay awake long enough to take “The Midnight Train to Georgia, there will be plenty of chances to see who “Ain’t To Proud To Beg” someone to dance with them. See page 11 of the Bulletin for more details on Mr. Hurst and to see if you know the history of Rhythm and Blues as well as you thought you did. FREA Board Meeting Unit Exhibits open for pick-up of displays FREF Fundraising Project ends—Please Pick up items Install Officers and Trustees FREF Fundraising Report FREF Extravaganza Drawing 6 Unit/County Name:_____________________ FREA 2014 Convention INDIVIDUAL Hotel and Meal Reservation Form Each paid-up FREA member is eligible and welcome to attend the Convention Avoid the $15.00 Late Fee—Return postmarked BEFORE April 11, 2014 (Please Print) Don’t want to tear apart the Bulletin? Print this form off the website: Please circle: Delegate, Alternate, Member, Visitor, Life Member Phone: _____-______-________ Name: E-Mail: Name for Badge 1st time attendee? Yes No Address City State Zip Others in room: Full Name(s) ALL OTHERS MUST COMPLETE THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL RESERVATION FORM IMPORTANT NOTICES 4 P.M. is check-in: Hotel may not have room available until after 4 PM Early check-out Fee: The hotel will impose an early check-out fee of $99.00 if a guest in our group checks out prior to original check-out date. To avoid fee advise hotel at check-in of any change in length of stay. Delegate cancellation: Reservation must be cancelled with Registrar or the unit/individual is responsible for charges. Please Complete ALL Information Handicap ____ Non-Smoking ____ Double Beds ____ King Bed ____ Rollaway ____ Arrival Day _______________Date: May ____ 2014 ~ Departure Day _____________Date: May ____ 2014 $99.00 a night Special Room Rate applies 3 days before & 3 days after Convention No charge for extra persons or rollaway bed Handicap Room - Please Specify all needs: Registration - PAID BY ALL attendees $40.00 x (# of People) = $ Late Fee (If registration is postmarked after April 11th) $15.00 x (# of People) = $ $99.00 x # extra night/s = $ $70.00 x PLEASE RESERVE: Hotel - Number of Nights - (Delegate—2 Nights No Charge) WEDNESDAY : An FREA Exclusive—World Golf Hall of Fame Scavenger Hunt & Dinner—150 Attendees—First Come Basis - Details in March Bulletin Article and on FREA website THURSDAY - Unit President’s Breakfast Meeting - 1 Unit Rep only—Cash ‘n’ Carry Breakfast Available Outside the Room THURSDAY - Gala Banquet (PAID BY ALL who wish to attend) $57.00 Entrée: Seared Pork Tenderloin x # ticket/s Attend? = $ Yes No # ticket/s -0- = $ SPECIAL MEAL REQUESTS (MUST BE ON THIS RESERVATION FORM): Check # TOTAL Enclosed $ A Check or Money Order of Full Amount Due MUST Accompany EACH Reservation Form 7 District Director Nominees Melanie H. Waite – District 1 Director Melanie Waite Melanie Waite is the District 1 Director nominee. Melanie graduated from Terrebonne High School in Houma, La, then attended Louisiana State University, University of New Orleans, LSU Medical School, Nicholls State University (BS in Health, PE, and French); University of Southern Miss. (M.Ed. in Health, PE, and Recreation), Pensacola State College, and University of West Florida. “I’m still trying to decide what to do when I grow up, so I keep trying different things. I substitute teach and am a Tastefully Simple consultant (need any food products?). But mostly I volunteer. As a sea turtle monitor at Gulf Islands National Seashore since 1993, I have found more nests than any other volunteer and escorted thousands of hatchlings to the Gulf of Mexico. I guide haunted history and museum tours for the Pensacola Historical Society. As Secretary of the Krewe of Wrecks I am instrumental in putting on the Krewe of Wrecks Pensacola Beach Mardi Gras Parade, and chair the Queens Dinner. Last but certainly not least, I am the reigning Queen Sugah of the Wooly Boogers and thus am responsible for keeping hurricanes away from Pensacola Beach.” Melanie is the President of Santa Rosa REA, and has served as Vice President, Audit Committee Chair and on the 5th Grade Essay Committee. Arlene M. Oehler – District 2 Director Arlene Oehler Arlene Oehler, District 2 Director nominee, is a member of the Franklin/Gulf REA and has served as President and Vice President, Literacy Chairman and Public Relations chairman. She is currently District 2 Director and District 2 Literacy chairman. She was an Elementary Principal when she retired from Wilmington, Ohio in 1995 and accepted a position as an Elementary Principal for two years in the Sitka School District in Alaska. She worked as the Sitka Fine Arts Camp Director from 1997-2000 and moved to Florida in 2000. Arlene has a strong interest in historic preservation and was president of the Carrabelle Lighthouse Association and currently serves as CLA Co-Treasurer. Arlene works on the Franklin County Take Stock in Children as Scholarship Coordinator. Leanne M. Karstedt - District 3 Director Leanne Karstedt Leanne M. Karstedt is the District 3 Director Nominee. She is currently serving as Director of District 3, and served as President of the Taylor County Retired Educators Association. Ms. Karstedt graduated from a high school an ocean away from Florida: Dreux Air Force Base, Dreux, France. Graduated from Florida State University, she then went on to become a teacher at the Perry Primary School, in Perry Florida where she taught Kindergarten Art, and PE/Health classes. Leanne’s enjoyment of art is manifested in her secondary career as a photographer and a professional videographer. She recently served as Chairman for a Relay for Life event that honors the survivors of, and those who have been lost to, cancer. The event benefits the American Cancer Society. Alonzo Braddon, Jr. - District 4 Director Alonzo Braddon Alonzo Braddon, Jr. is the District 4 Director Nominee. Born in Louisville, Kentucky he came to Florida when he was adopted as a child. He attended Marion County Schools from kindergarten thru high school. He then attended Hampton Jr College, transferred to Bethune Cookman, worked for a year as a Teacher Aide/Substitute went back to Bethune-Cookman and received his B. A. in Music August of 1970. In 1980 he received his Master’s degree in Administration/Supervision from Stetson University He was the first Band Director at Vanguard High School (1970), which was a new high school in Ocala at the time, and was there for 31.5 years. “Being a first year Band Director just out of college, a brand new high school with no instruments, no music, was a little scary for a first year teacher and I enjoyed every bit of it.” He is a Florida Bandmaster Assoc. certified judge, member of MENC, FMEA, ASBDA (music organizations), FBA District Chairman 1998-2000, and served on several state committees. After retirement he served on the board of: Optimist Club of Ocala, Governor’s West, Front Porch. He also works with Marion Civic Chorale, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., MCREA and a few more. Bertha M. Padgett – District 5 Director Bertha Padgett Bertha Padgett, District 5 Director nominee, is the current District 5 Director and the Duval REA Historian. She has attended four State Conventions and last year won 1st place in the best 50’s outfit contest. She has her Bachelors of Science Degree in Education and retired from John Stockton Elementary School in Duval County where she taught 2 nd grade. She worked in the school district thirty five+ years. At time of retirement she was a teacher and Director of the After-School program. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and has chaired the Cluster III meeting, the South Atlantic Regional Conference and the Gamma Rho Omega Debutante Coterie. Bertha went to South Africa with the sorority to build ten schools. 8 FREA President-Elect Nominee for 2014 – Roger C. Cuevas Roger stated in his biography that he has worn many hats in his lifetime. He grew up in a family of bakers and became a baker by trade and opened his own bakery. But it was not his life calling and decided to change careers and go into the field of education. He attended Miami Dade Community College, Florida Atlantic University and University of No. Colorado. Roger started as a primary teacher and was fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve students at many different levels. He went on as Assistant Principal, Principal, a District Administrator and served as Miami Dade County Superintendent. Roger is married and has three children. He is presently the Miami Dade REA Legislative Chair and the President. He has served on the State Audit Committee and is currently on the State Legislative Committee representing District 10. FREF Trustee Nominees Roger Cuevas Leila W. Pratt – District 4 Trustee Leila Pratt quotes, R. L. Sharpe, “Each is given a bag of tools, a shapeless mass, a book of rules; and each must make, ere life is flown, a stumbling block or a stepping stone. “I have used the tools God has given to me (my education and experiences) to dedicate over 40 years of my life in service to others, as a psychologist, therapist, counselor, educator, and as an active volunteer within the community ...” She received her Doctorate Degree from the University of Florida in School Psychology; Nova University in Administration; Masters University of Florida in Counseling; and Bachelor’s Degree from Florida A & M University in Psychology. She has been active among several groups: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; The Visionaries, Inc.; and Services to Youth Chairperson. She has served as Chair of the Alachua REA FREF Scholarship committee since 2006. She handles scholarships at the local level, She has been a member of FREA and Alachua REA since 2003. She was the District 4 Volunteer of the Year in 2009 and 2012 and received the NRTA With our Youth Award in 2012. Leila Pratt Carolynne K. Fooshee – District 5 Trustee Carolynne Fooshee is the District 5 Trustee Nominee - Carolynne graduated with her B.S. from Blue Mountain College in Mississippi. Her Masters, with majors in Art, Vocational Home Economics and Science was earned at the University of Mississippi In 35 years with the Duval County School System, her teaching spanned elementary through college level classes in the areas of Art, Vocational Home Economics, TV Production, and Reading. At the time of her retirement, she was working at several different positions: Family and Consumer Science Dept. Chair, Art Dept. Chair, TV Production, FHA Sponsor and Four-H Sponsor. She has also given her time as Sunday School Teacher and Mission Activities Leader at Neptune Baptist Church for over 40 years. She has been a Four-H Leader and County Foundation Board Member for over 30 years. She has been the Parliamentarian and By Laws Chair, as well as an FREF trustee. Carolynne Fooshee Janet Ross - District 9 Trustee Janet Ross is the nominee for District 9 Trustee —Janet “Jan” Ross has a BA from Carroll University in Waukesha, WI and an MA in Humanities at NYC. French and English were her secondary subjects. She taught 9th and 11th grade English at Kettle Moraine High School in Wales, Wisconsin. She retired from Wisconsin, but not was not ready to entirely retire. Upon moving to Florida she taught one butyear at Martin County High School. She is single and has four children. In 1998 Jan served in the Peace corps in Madagascar as an English teacher Trainer. Jan has been very active in her local Martin REA, serving as President and Vice President. Always creative, Jan has raised money for FREF by finger knitting caps and dishcloths. Janet Ross Anne F. French - District 10 Trustee Anne F. French District 10 Trustee, after earning her BA in Sociology and Education at the University of Maine, moved to Florida and received her Master’s in Educational Administration from Florida Atlantic University. Her career in the education field, as suggested by the subject matter of her Educational Administration Degree, resulted in limited classroom experience. However, as the Coordinator of Volunteer Services, she worked continually with students in placing them into volunteer situations throughout the community. She was the Chairperson for the 2010 Fall District 10 Workshop. She works for the Taste of the Island Fundraiser as a restaurant facilitator, and also co-chairs an annual block party in her neighborhood, along with Lizzie, her canine buddy. Anne French 9 Legislative Update: The FRS Battle Continues Written by Linda Edson - Legislative Co-Chair The battle lines are now being drawn in Tallahassee. Tuesday, Feb. 18, the Community Affairs Committee met to discuss 2 future retirement plan bills. Currently all employees are able to put money into a deferred savings account and it is totally an opt-in program. When the employee retires they may withdraw the money they saved from this account. Bill SBP 7038 - concerned a deferred compensation plan. SBP 7038 gives all state employees a chance to "opt in or out" of a plan that would require Larry Carmichael Linda Edson the state to match up to $1200 a year for any funds put into a deferred compensation plan. This money would be set aside to supplement a worker's retirement. Senator Simpson, the bill's sponsor, said there were no strings attached to this bill. He said the state would be required to pay up to $1200 a year in matching funds for all state workers. (I thought it was interesting that there was no question as to the amount of money this would cost the taxpayers.) This bill passed with 100% of the vote. Bill SBP 7046 – Introduced by Senator Simpson changes the Florida Retirement Pension Plan drastically. SBP 7046 puts all new teachers and state employees hired after June 2015 into a Cash Balance or Investment plan. Special Risk employees will still have the option of joining a pension plan. Sen. Simpson said this plan was needed to reduce the risk of a pension plan on the State of Florida. The discussion began on the fact that the actuary study has not been completed. Thus, this committee would vote without any facts. It was pointed out that if this is such an excellent program, why exempt the risk class employees? Sen. Soto (D-Kissimmee) said that the member of the State Board of Administration (SBA) explained to the House that the Cash Balance Plan would pay about 40% of the pension plan. Sen. Simpson said that the money put aside in the deferred compensation accounts would help fill in this gap. Representatives of the police, retirees, and our own Larry Carmichael spoke against this bill. Larry did an excellent job pointing out four facts: 1. “After reading through SB 7046, my understanding of the proposed “Cash Balance Plan” is that it is much like the current FRS Investment Plan except that it would guarantee the employee’s retirement investment portfolio would earn a minimum of 2% return during hard times for investors. According to a report given on December 9 to the SBA Investment Advisory Council, with the current required contribution rate to the FRS Investment Plan, a person entering the plan with a beginning salary of $25,000, then working for thirty years while gaining average salary increases, could expect to annuitize his portfolio and receive a monthly benefit of $800 based upon an average return of 6% over the 30 years. If that percent average return were to be 7%, his monthly benefit would increase to $1,200. The point is that there is basically no retirement security offered by this plan. 2. “An elder person with no pension is 6 times more likely to be below the poverty level of income than one with a pension. I don’t have the figures of how many of the approximately 300,000 FRS pensioners are currently living in poverty, but if we use the conservative hypothetical number of 20,000, then we could expect the number would likely grow to 120,000 if we close the pension plan. This would mean an additional 100,000 persons eligible for Medicaid and food stamps (poverty level). 3. “$2 of every $3 paid in pension benefits to retirees comes from investment earnings by the SBA. With the requirement that employees must contribute 3% of the required contribution, this means that for approximately 70 cents investment in the employee’s pension fund, the taxpayers get $3 put back into the economy when the employee retires. 4. “The last point regards sustainability. When the FRS was created in 1970, it was only 40% funded; 28 years later it became 100% funded. Senator Simpson, I am not an expert in the area, and we do have experts in this audience who could address this issue, but if we had $126B in the FRS Trust fund in 2012 with an unfunded liability of $19B, I just can’t see how the unfunded liability would grow to $21B in 2013 when the Trust fund had $141B. That would mean our actuarial liability grew by $18B in one year.” SPB 7046 narrowly passed by a 4-5 margin. Senator Latvala, the only Republican to do so, voted "no" on this bill-crossing party lines. Senator Latvala was instrumental in defeating the FRS bill last year. This bill is now SB 1114 and it will move through the Senate. The next stop for SB 1114 will be the Government Operations Committee, Chaired by Jeremy Ring. Below is a list of the members on the Community Affairs Committee. Feel free to let them know your opinion about their vote. Don’t know how to do so? Contact your Legislative Unit Chair and look on for a wealth of information and links to the Florida Government Wilton Simpson Chair - R - New Port Richie Geri Thompson Vice Chair - D- Orlando Rob Bradley - R - Orange Park Dorothy Hukill - R - Orange Park Jack Latvala – R - Clearwater Yes No Yes Yes No Chris Smith – D - Oakland Park Darren Soto – D – Kissimmee Kelli Stargel – R - Lakeland John Thrasher R St. Augustine No No Yes Yes 10 This DJ’s Depth Covers More than his Music With an extensive recorded music library, Rodney Hurst spends what he calls quality time as an Old School DJ specializing in “spinning” Old School R&B and Classic Motown Music. However, when not moving and grooving to R&B and Motown, Mr. Hurst’s biography is impressive and filled with a lifetime of work dedicated to improving the world around him. He gave the Keynote address at the 2013 Nassau County Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast; and was the Featured Speaker at the 2013 Induction Ceremony of the Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame. His philosophy is, “If we do not teach them, they will never learn”. Hurst, serves on a number of Boards and Agencies in the Jacksonville Community, including the Executive Committee of the Jacksonville Branch NAACP. He served as one of the Honorary Co-Chairs of the National Convention of the Association for the Study of African American Rodney Hurst Life and History (ASALH) October 2013 in Jacksonville. Hurst and his wife Ann have been married for more than 47 years. They have two sons, Todd, and Rodney, and two granddaughters Marquiette and Jasmine. He is a member of the Bethel Baptist Institutional Church in Jacksonville Florida. Get Ready to Enjoy our Thursday Night Gala—Some Fun Facts about The History of Motown and Rhythm and Blues Did you know? Motown founder Berry Gordy was once a professional boxer before the US army draft for the Korean War put paid to his fighting ambition. In 1959 he created Motown with a loan from his father. Did you know? Billboard’s journalist Jerry Wexler was the one who coined the term “Rhythm and Blues” in 1948. The genre was a term to refer to African-American music. Did you know? The Beatles were hugely influenced by Motown & recorded cover versions of four Motown tracks. Did you know? Motown was the first record label to run its own 'charm school' for artists who were taught how to perform. Did you know? Who started R&B. No person can be credited for such genre since it was further developed by the concerted efforts of African-American jazz, blues, funk, and soul performers. The early R&B musicians who have really shaped the genre are Ray Charles, Little Richard and James Brown. The first group to top in Billboard’s R&B hit chart was Paul Williams and His Hucklebuckers with the song “The Huckle-Buck”. Did you know? In 1966 Berry Gordy refused to sign the Jackson Five because he didn't want to work with any more children. It was Gladys Knight who persuaded him to change his mind a year later. Did you know? Dreamgirls was believed to have been based on the story of Diana Ross and The Supremes. Rumour had it that The Supremes' Florence Ballard, was asked to take a back seat in favor of more photogenic Diana Ross. Did you know? “Hello” by Lionel Richie and Stevie Wonder's “I Just Called To Say I Love You” were two of the biggest-selling Motown singles. Did you know? The Funk Brothers - the unsung heroes of the Motown success story - performed on more number one hits than the Beatles, Elvis, the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys combined. Did you know? Motown is the only record label to get into the Collins English dictionary. Did you know? Meatloaf was once signed to the label. He performed with Shaun Murphy under the name of Stoney and Meatloaf. Did you know? What is the difference between Soul and RnB? A lot of people are quite confused about the differences between these two genres. To remedy that, let us first understand the roots of RnB and Soul: R&B is certainly derived from core genres such as jazz, funk and blues. Traditional RnB instruments were usually composed of brass instruments and woodwinds. Piano and drums were also incorporated in this music style. Though it’s a derivative of jazz, R&B music verges on a heavier yet steady beat—in this case, multiple instruments create multiple layers of sound. In the 1940s, R&B music was meant to be catchy and danceable. Later on, the genre was notable for its suggestive lyrics and electric guitar riffs. R&B songs from then on covered a wide array of subjects especially pertaining to love and relationships. Soul, on the other hand, is a combination of elements from Gospel music and Rhythm and Blues. The most notable feature in this genre is its funkier style—stressed by body moves like hand claps—and vocal dynamics such as runs and riffs. Examples of Soul artists include Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, and Smokey Robinson. 11 Enlightening, Entertaining, and Educational Unit Exhibits for the 2014 60th Anniversary Convention! Unit Exhibit Chair Flora Woodfaulk has a big old room she is looking to fill with exhibits from FREA Units all over the state. Last year’s exhibits were excellent, but as you retired educators know, there is always room for improvement. Up for the Challenge? We know you are! Put on your thinking caps, rev those creative juices and help us make these exhibits the best ever! Reservation form? Contact Flora: 850-584-7726 - Deadline: Friday, April 18 There’s Still Time! Commemorative Program Ad Opportunity Deadline Extended to April 1 FREA is Celebrating its’ 60th Anniversary by publishing a Commemorative Convention Program. Units who would like to place an ad in the program are invited to share their good wishes and thoughts with all who attend the Convention. The Ads are available in 1/4 ($25), 1/2 ($50), and full page ($100) sizes. A full page in the program is 8.5” high and 5.5” wide. Any unit placing an ad in the program will receive an 8x10 glossy print of the ad, suitable for framing. Please call Anne at the FREA office and she will send you a reservation form, or you can download one from the website: It is on the 2014 Convention Page Notice To All Units State Scrapbook - Establish Your Bragging Rights! Janet Ford, State Historian I know from reading Unit Newsletters that there is an abundance of activities happening everywhere in all FREA Units. Units, show us what your members have been doing this last year, collect photos of those activities & send them to be included in the 2014 State Scrapbook. The book will be on display at the 2014 State Convention in St. Augustine and, goes out on the road to all the Fall District Director Leadership Workshops in every FREA State District. A reminder of NEW GUIDELINES: Limit unit submissions to no more than 12 pieces, not pages (photos, clippings, etc.) Make hard copies of photos. Put this information on the BACK: District number, Unit name (use county name, not initials), names of those pictured and a brief description of the activity. Workshop Programs are a MUST! Newsletters will only be used as fillers when necessary. Unit Directories should not be sent. Deadline for sending materials to the State Historian is March 15th. Think its too late? Check with Janet Please do not send these materials to the St Pete office. Hopefully, we can have a wonderful display from all units throughout State Historian Janet Ford double checks the State Scrapbook before the 2013 the state! Send all submissions to the below address or e-mail and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact JANET FORD 715 Beech Road West Palm Beach FL 33409-6111 561-683-3665 Convention opens. We had photos and news from all FREA units, and she is looking to equal the success of last year at the upcoming 2014 Convention. Please help her by getting your articles and photos in ASAP. 12 Join us in learning Fun Facts about the game of golf and let’s get ready to celebrate FREA’s 60th Anniversary at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort, home of the World Golf Hall of Fame and the location for our Wednesday Night Scavenger Hunt and Dinner! Did you know? Breaking Barriers - Long before Annika Sorenstam competed in the 2003 Bank of America Colonial, Babe Zaharias became the first – and only – female golfer to make the cut at a PGA TOUR event, shooting 76 and 81 during the first two rounds of the 1945 Los Angeles Open. Did you know? Splash! - Every year, roughly 125,000 balls are hit into the water surrounding TPC Sawgrass’ world-renowned island green 17th hole. During the 2013 Players Championship, 44 balls were lost. But two errant shots received more media coverage than any other. Attempting to capture his second Players Championship, Sergio Garcia carded an untimely quadruple bogey seven at the 17th on Sunday, losing two balls – and the tournament – in the process. FYI: There is a duplicate of that hole at the World Golf Hall of Fame—Come to St. Augustine and get ready to try it at our Convention in May! Did you know? Break Needed - One of the world’s most popular actors, Samuel L. Jackson, is also an avid golfer. In fact, the star of flicks like “Pulp Fiction” and “Django Unchained,” has a contract clause to play golf twice a week whenever he films movies. Did you know? Ad-Libbed - “Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greens keeper, now, about to become the Masters champion.” A cult classic, “Caddyshack” delivers one memorable movie line after another. But few are quoted as often as greens keeper Carl Spackler’s Masters reference, as he imagines winning the tournament, while swinging away at flowers with a garden tool. Incredibly, the entire scene was improvised by comedic legend Bill Murray. FYI: The restaurant chain started by Bill Murphy and his brother is on the property at the World Golf Hall of Fame. D i d you know? "Fore" is another word for "ahead" (think of a ship's fore and aft). Yelling "fore" is simply a shorter way to yell "watch out ahead" (or "watch out before"). It allows golfers to be forewarned, in other words. The British Golf Museum cites an 1881 reference to "fore" in a golf book, establishing that the term was already in use at that early date (the USGA suggests the term may have been in use as early as the 1700s). Did you know? Bring Your Parka - Northern Canadian territory Nunavut’s annual Toonik Tyme Festival includes a nine-hole golf tournament. With temperatures well below freezing, golfers play on a sheet of ice, using fluorescent balls, in fear of losing them in the snow. Did you know? Turkey and Cattle - In the midst of World War II, Augusta National Golf Club closed for three years, and cattle and turkey were raised on the grounds to support the war effort. The Masters was not contested again until 1946. That year, Herman Keiser won his only major championship, defeating Ben Hogan by one shot. Did you know? Speed Round - Alice Miller presently holds the LPGA Tour’s record for fastest round, completing 18 holes in one hour, 26 minutes, and 44 seconds. The record was established during the final round of the 1997 Welch’s/Circle K Championship. Did you know? Walk It Off - If you choose to walk, rather than ride 18 holes, you will not only walk roughly four miles, but also burn 2,000 calories. To compare, golfers that ride carts burn about 1,300 calories. Did you know? Apollo 14 member Alan Shepard hit two balls on the lunar surface with a six-iron, making it one of only two sports played on the moon. Photo by Retronautmpare 13 FREA Volunteer Spotlight Congratulations to the 2013 National Philanthropy Day Award Recipient: Pam Schwartz She Spoke Softly and Wielded a Big Pen Former FREA State Secretary and District 10 Information Services Chair Barbara Leon left us in December of 2013. She served as the FREA State Secretary from 2004-2008 and was the current Chair for District 10 Information Services. Being the Secretary, is a Barbara Leon quiet, but very important position, and Barbara is remembered as being highly accurate and always pleasant as she recorded the meeting minutes for both the FREA meetings and the annual State Convention. Literacy Loses A Champion Submitted By: Annette Massicotte, Publicity Chair of the Margaret Virginia Johnson Poppell, 89, wife, mother, Escambia Retired Educators grandmother, teacher and volunteer extraordinaire passed Association away Wednesday, January 16, Pam Schwartz, FREF District 1 2014. Margaret taught Business Trustee and Chair for Escambia FREF Committee, Education at Escambia High School for 33 years. She continued received the Outstanding Philanthropist award from to follow her passion for teaching the 2013 National Philanthropy committee and was and helping others through recognized at a luncheon at the Hilton Pensacola various organizations in Escambia Beach on November 15,2013. County including: Learn to Read The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Northwest Florida, First Book, represents more than 30,000 members in over 229 E s c a m b i a C o u n t y R e t i r e d Educators, Council on Aging, chapters throughout the world, working to advance Guardian Ad Litem and many philanthropy through advocacy, research, education, others. and certification programs. The association fosters Margaret served as FREA State Margaret Poppell development and growth of fundraising professionals Health Chair from 1992-1993 and and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising Literacy Chair from 1993 to 2012 and then as the 5th Grade Essay Contest Coordinator until her death. In 2012 profession. the Margaret Poppell Literacy For Life Project was created in her honor. The project is dedicated to donating books Congratulations Pam, and Thank You! to schools and organization that are in need. The project Did You Know? The Nonprofit Sector in Florida: will live on, as will the fond memories of all those who • Is the fourth largest employer among Florida have ever met or worked with her. industries • Between Nonprofits and Foundations, it holds assets exceeding $91 billion • Generates more than $48 billion in total revenue, expending over $44 billion • Generates more than $61 billion in total economic activity “I knew Margaret for more than 20 years. Even as her physical body started to fail her, she was still out there doing things that mattered. Every single day that she was able, she overcame pain, etc. and got out there and did something for someone. She will continue to be an inspiration to me, just as my own mother is, forever…” Georgia Brazzell, Pensacola “We are truly sad to hear of the home going of one of our great workers. Margaret will be missed greatly. Our prayers Spotlight Volunteers Needed! are with the family at this time.” ~ Thelma J. Mosley FREA Has someone in your Unit or District received an “Mrs. Poppell was my business teacher at EHS and also award or deserve their moment in the Volunteer provided a recommendation for my first job. I have nothing Spotlight? Even if we do not use it in the bulletin, we but fond memories of her classes. What a treasure!”~ will put it on the FREA Facebook page and website. Hazel Whitacre Please send the information, and a picture to: Anne “You will be missed by all your fellow educators and Fagan at the FREA office. or mail to remembered always for your wonderful caring spirit. God bless you and your family. You were such an asset to the office address. Call 727-577-6400 with any Florida Retired Educators Association and will always hold a question you may have. special place in our hearts.”~ Jody Scruggs, FREA 14 Gone From Our Sight… October 26, 2013 ~ February 18, 2013 DISTRICT 1 Emma R Cannon Jay Merlease Coons Pensacola Nona G Eade Meridien Helen C Galloway Westville Marie C Lett Pensacola Helen Mahs Bonifay Tommie L Nolin Defuniak Springs Margaret J Poppell Pensacola James W Weaver Lynn Haven DISTRICT 2 Genevieve Doyle Tallahassee Don F Driggs New Hope Freeman D Lawrence Tallahassee Willie Mae Miles Tallahassee James L Nettles Nashville Barbara J Stewart Tallahassee DISTRICT 3 Robert H Mc Crea O'Brien Winifred J Tracy Orlando DISTRICT 4 Oretta W Duncan Gainesville Nadine M Fults Silver Springs Delia M Long Gainesville DISTRICT 5 Travis Barton Green Cove Springs Eugenia M Brown Jacksonville Mattie C Campbell Jacksonville Russell A Chapman Jacksonville George M Cole Jacksonville Thomas Covington Macclenny Ruth H Dixon New Smyrna Beach Julia H Gamble Atlanta Emily Gilyard Yulee Dorothy M HellerSegas Grand Rapids Roselyn M Langdale Jacksonville Mary L Rinehart Lake Como Hazel B Smart Jacksonville Evelyn C Wilder Jacksonville DISTRICT 6 Marjorie Adams Englewood Ruth S Brown Largo Dorothye M Davis Saint Petersburg Anne B Donaldson Covington Louise Mc Daniel Saint Petersburg Thelma C Pacetti Saint Petersburg Aldo R Paletti Saint Petersburg Alicia S Roberts Tarpon Springs Mildred W Sawyer Saint Petersburg DISTRICT 7 Guy F Amuso Sarasota Erva F Mc Collum Danville Jerry Morris Ten Mile Mary Jo Morris Plant City FL FL AL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL PA FL FL TN FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA FL MN FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA FL FL FL FL FL FL PA TN FL DISTRICT 8 Lucille B Bateman Belle Isle Lillie A Collins Rockledge Cornelius E Jenkins Excelsior Gussie L Johnson Sunrise Doris P Mc Cauley Land O Lakes Bernice H Odums Tavares Claretha A Randall Haines City Lejoyce R Stallings Dallas DISTRICT 9 Marjorie E Clefton Fort Pierce Beatrice S Davis Fort Pierce June Drake Stuart Wyniel A Granitz Fort Pierce Mary Dee Lucas Dunwoody Dan Thweatt Vero Beach DISTRICT 10 Julia D Berdeal Coral Gables Lily Diekman Sunrise Kathryn P Gaus Fort Lauderdale Barbara Leon Sunrise Alfred S Nemeroff Weston Eleanor Ourhaan Savannah Catherine Vetro Fort Lauderdale Gwendolyn H Welters Miami STATE MEMBERS Stanley Aronson Boynton Beach Lorraine Bara Concord Vincent E Barone Boca Raton Lucille B Bateman Belle Isle Ruth W D Bechtel Port Charlotte Lorraine D Bender Boca Raton Charles A Bessinger Gulf Breeze Paul Borenstein Delray Beach Dewey D Carroll Wauchula Irving Chenven Boynton Beach Rae Chenven Boynton Beach Alan Cohen Boynton Beach Grace Cromer Lakeland Nicholas Filloramo Juno Beach Nancy L Finley Inverness Thomas Frazier St Augustine Ruth J Gardner Jacksonville Rosemary H Garner West Palm Beach Ruth W Goforth Pineville Dorothy P Guynn Lake City Florence Halperin North Palm Beach Arthur B Higgs De Land Marion E Hollingworth Saint Petersburg Carl Isbitts Boynton Beach Genevieve E Johnson Pt Charlotte Loretta Kessler Syosset Carrie L Kidd Stuart Barry Kivor Lake Worth James R Lambrix Palm Bch Gardens Sara E Lawrence Brooksville FL FL MN FL FL FL FL TX FL FL FL FL GA FL FL FL FL FL FL GA FL FL FL CA FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL LA FL FL FL FL FL FL NY FL FL FL FL Henry Lefler Melvin E Liss Beverly J Makadok David J Mulcahy Jr Jesse E Mullins Calvin R Nichols Myrtis H Oser Ramona Pietkiewicz Josephine A Pizzo M.E. Pat R Powell Bernard Riback Lucia L Roberts Kay R Rodnesky Carole B Rosenberg Florence Rothbaum Robert Scheck Elaine Schwartz Enid J Shea Elizabeth J Smith Gertrude E Smith Shirley A Smith Dorothy Snidow Abe Stumer Adele Suskind Marion A Thew Beverly A Valdez Earline E Virts George Wajdowicz Paul Weissman Howard R Wright Tampa Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Fort Lauderdale Virgie Harrisonburg Orange Park Maitland Tampa Jupiter Boynton Beach Jacksonville Hollywood Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Boca Raton Edgewater Middlebury Sarasota Boynton Beach Ruther Glen Delray Beach Boynton Beach Palm Springs Jacksonville Tampa Largo Boca Raton Sarasota FL FL FL FL KY VA FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL VT FL FL VA FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL Gone From My Sight By Henry Van Dyke I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side says, "There, she is gone.“ Gone where? Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me -- not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, "There, she is gone," there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!“ And that is dying... 15 March 2014 Want receive the Bulletin weeks earlier and in full and glorious color? Let us e-mail it to you! Enter your e-mail in the space provided below and mail the form, or send us your request at Renew for 2014-2015 (if you need to) or Join Today! Circle One: Miss, Mrs., Mr., Dr., Other Date: Your Name: Date of Birth: Mailing Address Apt. / Condo / Lot # City State E-mail address: Telephone # (Area Code First) Zip County Spouse’s Name: New members Only—Retired from (Name of District, School, etc.) Position at Retirement: Date of Retirement: Are you a member of a Local Unit? Yes No Name of Unit: New Member Renewal Membership Type If not, would you like Local Unit Information: Yes No FREA membership year is from July 1st to June 30th Dues are $35 Annually General Associate FREA Office Use Only Check # State: Legis. Total: 16
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