The Anne Frank Trust - Anne Frank Trust UK


The Anne Frank Trust - Anne Frank Trust UK
The Anne Frank Trust
to mark Holocaust Memorial Day
Order of ceremony
Gillian Walnes MBE
Candle lighting followed by one minute’s reflection
Julian Schild
2015 marks the 70th anniversary of Anne Frank’s death in Bergen-Belsen and 25
years of the hugely successful Anne Frank Trust. In the last year alone the trust has
spread Anne’s inspirational message to over 28,000 young people in 68 schools, to
16 prisons and, with Government support, has expanded its regional education
The Anne Frank Declaration developed by the Trust commits all those who sign it
to standing up against prejudice and hatred and I was pleased that, at the end of
last year, I had the opportunity to add my name to the hundreds of political and
civil leaders and thousands of school children who have taken the pledge.
Holocaust education is an incredibly powerful way we can honour this
commitment as a country and I am glad that the Holocaust Commission has spent
the last year investigating how Britain can ensure the facts and the lessons of the
Holocaust are never forgotten, honouring the memory of survivors and combating
the prejudice that can lead to persecution. The Anne Frank Trust has been an
important partner in this mission, submitting key evidence to inform the
Commission’s work. I know the year ahead will see the continuation of this fruitful
relationship and, with your support, the remarkable impact of the trust will
continue to grow.
Anne’s life shows us what can happen when prejudice and hatred go unchallenged.
In her diary she wrote: “How wonderful it is that no one has to wait, but can start
right now to gradually change the world.” I want to congratulate everyone at
today’s lunch and involved with the Anne Frank Trust for being such an important
part of that change.
Eva Schloss MBE
Kemal Pervanic
George Kinsella
Anne Frank Award for Moral Courage
Mariane Pearl
Daniel Mendoza
Anne Frank Ambassador, Eve Meskell
Special Guests
Natasha Kaplinsky in conversation with Eva Schloss MBE
Pea Panacotta with
Fennel and Asparagus
Blackened Cod on Sticky Rice and
Grilled Baby Bok Choi, Sweet Soy,
Tomato and Spring Onion Dressing
Caramelised Plum and Almond Tart
with a Toffee Sauce and Vanilla Ice Cream
Coffee and Chocolates
David Cameron
Prime Minister
Sauvignon, J Moreau et fils
Merlot, J Moreau et fils
Candle lighters
Kemal Pervanic
Kemal Pervanic is a survivor of the notorious Omarska concentration
camp, which was set up by Bosnian Serb forces in the early days of
the Bosnian War. The camp, nominally an ‘investigation centre’, was
uncovered by British journalists in 1992, leading to international outrage
and condemnation. Kemal is the founder of the charity Most Mira and
author of The Killing Days: My Journey Through the Bosnian War.
Recipient of the
Anne Frank Award
Mariane Pearl
Mariane was five months pregnant when
her husband, the Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and brutally
murdered by a militant Islamic fundamentalist
group in Pakistan in 2002. Determined not to be
broken, she wrote A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life
and Death of My Husband Daniel Pearl. The book won
international praise and was translated into 15 languages.
In 2007, it was released as a major feature movie starring
Angelina Jolie in the role of Mariane Pearl.
George Kinsella
Mariane Pearl is an award winning journalist and writer who works
in French, English and Spanish. She is currently the managing editor
of Chime for Change, a global journalism platform focusing on women
and girls.
George Kinsella’s son Ben was just 16 years old when he was stabbed in
a horrific, violent and senseless murder in June 2008. A star pupil and
promising artist, Ben was stabbed after a night out in north London
celebrating the end of his GCSEs. Ben was just about to begin an adult
life full of promise. This was cut short by the devastating and growing
problem of knife attacks. Since his son’s death, George and his family have
campaigned tirelessly for tougher sentences for knife crime convictions.
Guest performer
Simon Wallfisch
Simon Wallfisch was born into a musical family. His grandmother,
Anita Lasker-Wallfisch would probably have been killed at Auschwitz
were it not for her skill as a cellist. She was part of the concentration
camp's women's orchestra. Simon's grandmother survived Auschwitz and
eventually found her way to London and made her career as a cellist. Her son, cellist Raphael Wallfisch, and his son Simon have continued in
the family tradition.
Anne Frank Ambassador
Eve Meskell
Eve Meskell is 13 years old and a student at the Frances Bardsley Academy for
Girls in East London. She was first introduced to the Anne Frank Trust during
our programme at the school in November 2014. The Anne Frank Trust has been
invited back to Frances Bardsley each year since 2012. Eve made the journey
through the Trust's Schools Programme to achieve selection as a peer guide.
Her interest was then piqued to such an extent that she became one of those to
apply and be selected as an Anne Frank Ambassador in December 2014.
Simon began playing the cello aged 5. At 18 he was awarded a foundation
scholarship to study at the Royal College of Music, where he later
returned to study voice, gaining a post-graduate diploma.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |5
Special guest and candle lighter
Eva visits Wormwood Scrubs
Eva Schloss MBE
Eva Schloss is a survivor of the Holocaust and a co-founder of the Anne
Frank Trust. Having fled Nazi persecution in Austria in 1938, Eva and her
family moved to Amsterdam where Eva became friendly with Anne Frank
and her family. They were subsequently forced into hiding in 1942. In
May 1944 Eva's family was betrayed and deported to Auschwitz; Eva and
her mother were to survive their ordeal but both her father and brother
perished at the camp.
Eva witnessed the work of her step-father, Otto Frank, in spreading Anne’s
diary and message, but it was not until 1986 that she began to talk about
her own tragic experiences. Since that moment her voice has not faltered.
Speaking at schools and prisons, she promotes the power of education
to counter all forms of prejudice and racial hatred. She was awarded an
honorary doctorate from Northumbria University in 2001 and an MBE in
2012 for her dedication to this work.
The final forming of a
person’s character lies
in their own hands.
– Anne Frank
The Anne Frank Trust took our Prison Programme to HMP Wormwood
Scrubs in December 2014. The programme concluded with a talk by
Holocaust survivor, Eva Schloss MBE. The following is an extract from an
article that appeared in the Jewish Chronicle written by Rosa Doherty.
The Wormwood Scrubs inmates sat tall, hands clasped often at their chest while not
one of them spoke as Eva Schloss described in vivid detail how her family was betrayed,
captured by the Nazis, and suffered at the hands of sadistic guards at the AuschwitzBirkenau Nazi concentration camp.
There was no sound other than the occasional
gasp or discreet shuffle as someone moved
uncomfortably in his seat. A tear was wiped away
as Eva spoke calmly of the time she was tortured
and made to strip naked in front of male guards.
She is the author of Eva’s Story, The Promise and After Auschwitz: A Story of
Heartbreak and Survival.
Special guest
It made me cry to hear her story. In the same way people say all Jews
are this or all Muslims are that, not all prisoners are the same. We
are still human beings. I'm young and I want the chance to change my
life. Her story teaches us all about responsibility.
Natasha Kaplinsky
Michael, 23, a Muslim inmate, who is serving a two-year term
for possessing a replica gun
Natasha Kaplinsky is one of the UK’s leading broadcasters and one of
the most familiar faces of TV news, having worked for Sky News, BBC and
Channel 5. She is currently one of the main anchors for the ITN network.
In September 2007 Natasha was the subject of one of the programmes
in the popular BBC1 television series, Who Do You Think You Are?, in
which she traced the tragic wartime story of her father’s Jewish family
in Belarus, and her father’s turbulent background as an anti-apartheid
activist in South Africa.
Natasha currently sits on the Prime Minister's Holocaust Commission.
David was one of six peer guides trained by the Trust to talk to other prisoners at an exhibition set up by the
Trust inside the prison walls. After serving a 13-month sentence for fraud, he said he thinks the experience
is going to change his life.
"Being a guide for the exhibition has been great. I've been able to impart a bit of wisdom
on those looking round it. A lot of the younger Muslim generation who have come through
here would have been borderline anti-Semitic. As a Muslim myself, it has given me the
opportunity to talk with them and challenge some of those ideas. It was a privilege to meet
Eva, to have that opportunity in here. For anyone,. something like that is life affirming.”
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |7
The Partners of Locke Lord Edwards are proud to support
The Anne Frank Trust UK as it marks Holocaust Memorial Day.
Welcome from
our host
We thank you for your commitment to educating young people about the dangers
of racism and discrimination.
I am both honoured and privileged to be
hosting the Anne Frank Trust Lunch to mark
Holocaust Memorial Day for what is now my
twelfth year. It is in memory of my beloved husband
Rolf Schild that I continue to support this wonderful
charity. He hosted the first ever lunch in 2003 shortly
before his death, and I am proud to continue his legacy.
Rolf’s support of the Anne Frank Trust evolved from his own
tragic experience. He escaped Nazi Germany and came to England
as a child in 1939. Sadly his parents were sent to concentration
camps where they endured great suffering and eventually perished.
Though Rolf’s early life was filled with hardship and adversity he was
able to overcome the tragedies to lead a successful life in the UK. Here he
contributed to the arena of engineering and medical equipment, refusing to
allow such an ill-fated beginning to be the defining factor of his life.
2012_09_UK_Meir_Panim_Layout 1 9/25/2012 10:32 AM Page 1
Your dedication to the recognition of the importance of respect, compassion and individual
responsibility is truly inspiring.
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The Partners of Locke Lord are proud to support Meir Panim
The mission of the Trust is to challenge prejudice using Anne’s diary to instil in others her message of
tolerance, social justice and respect for all. This event marks a moment where we can come together to
reflect on these aspirations and look at how far the Trust has come since my husband was first involved.
A warm welcome to you all, thank you and enjoy today’s event.
Daphne Schild
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Daniel Polden
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Julian Schild will be lighting
a candle today on behalf of
the Schild family
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The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |9
70th Anniversary of the
liberation of Auschwitz
The law is
about ideals,
not just deals.
by Richard Pollins, Journalist
When the 60th Army of the Ukrainian Front
opened the gates of Auschwitz concentration
camp on 27th January 1945, as well as liberating
the surviving prisoners, they opened up a hidden
depth of depravity that 70 years on seems as
impossible to comprehend as ever.
The camp stands as a narrative and testament for the evils of
the Nazi regime. The original conception was as a concentration
camp built to divide, to enforce difference and physically
demonstrate the Nazi ideology that races should be superior. Then
came its evolution into a sprawling mass of sub-camps enforcing
the Final Solution strategy to exterminate as many people as possible
with brutal efficiency. Finally, to its last days, evidence and sites were
destroyed to conceal the full extent of mass murder that took place. Even
after its liberation Auschwitz has been a magnet for revisionists and liars
twisting facts and creating untruths.
Just the word Auschwitz conjures up a detached emptiness from the rest
of the world and yet it was attached, part of a fabric in society that allowed it to develop, to descend to
the lowest ebb it is possible to imagine. Auschwitz was a manmade killing machine, an institution run by
humans without humanity.
Over a million Jews were murdered at Auschwitz, around 1.3 million people in total, families split forever
and future generations lost. Only the survivors can give us any real glimpse of the horrors they witnessed.
70 years on the world should be grateful to those that have told, and those that still tell, their life stories
however they can.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This 18th century quotation
is as relevant now as it was then, tragically proved correct by the events that unfolded in Auschwitz.
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The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |11
The Chair of the
lunch committee
Welcome and thank you for joining us today
for the thirteenth Anne Frank Trust Lunch to
mark Holocaust Memorial Day.
Creating space for
the next generation
Portland House, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DS
We are pleased to support
the Anne Frank Trust
My husband and I have been coming to the Anne Frank
Trust Lunch for 7 years and so I am honoured and excited
to have taken the position of Chair of the lunch committee
this year. This event is both unique and important, particularly
as it provides a platform to remember the victims and survivors
of historic and current persecutions across the world.
Having observed first-hand the educational programmes that the Trust
run, I continue to be inspired by the amazing impact that the work of
this charity has on the young people it encounters. Their programmes use
Anne’s message and the historical backdrop of her life to educate people
about all forms of hatred, instilling positive attitudes, responsibility and
respect for others. Today is a stage to spread those ideals.
It is with much delight that I introduce and welcome our speakers today. We are honoured that Dr Eva
Schloss MBE has agreed to be interviewed by broadcaster Natasha Kaplinsky. I am also privileged that
Mariane Pearl is here to accept the Anne Frank Award for Moral Courage.
I would like to recognise our supporters, for without you, events such as this would not be possible. In
particular, thank you to our generous and loyal host Daphne Schild. Thank you also to our sponsors,
brochure advertisers, table hosts and dedicated lunch committee.
Pardeep Sandhu
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |13
The Chairman of
the Anne Frank Trust
No one has ever become
poor by giving.
– Anne Frank
Our ability to co-exist and thrive regardless of
our differences is without question the biggest
challenge of our time. Everyone is affected by the
issues we tackle. How we see and relate to ourselves,
others and the world around us is at our core and
shapes all of our actions and decisions.
Manufacturers of Quality Packaging
The Anne Frank Trust forms the vanguard of a movement
that yearns to further reduce prejudice and encourage positive
attitudes. You’ll hear today about the critical thinking and action
that defines our work.
The Anne Frank Trust enters the lives of young people across the country
when they are likely to be at their most vulnerable and impressionable
and imbues in them the importance of personal responsibility and respect
for others. For the past 24 years, the Trust has worked tirelessly in
communities across the country in areas where hate and prejudice are most likely to fester, to teach the
lessons from Anne’s life.
With your generosity the Trust can continue to develop and further its reach to enable more young people
to benefit from its vital work. It is incumbent on us to empower the next generation by providing them
with the knowledge, skills and understanding to help to make discrimination and prejudice a thing of
the past. With your support we can continue to strive to build a society where any form of prejudice and
discrimination is not tolerated.
Daniel Mendoza
We are proud supporters of The Anne Frank Trust
One of our founding directors, the late Sybilla Friedler, was in hiding on the Prinsengracht,
Amsterdam at the same time as Anne Frank. Fortunately she survived. The other 3 initial directors
were also refugees from Nazi Europe. Our company now thrives in its 3rd generation.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |15
The Executive Director
of the Anne Frank Trust
This year is one of significant anniversaries.
This week we mark the 70th anniversary
of the liberation of Auschwitz, reflecting on
Holocaust Memorial Day on how we should keep the
memories of witnesses and survivors alive for future
In March we will remember the deaths of Anne and Margot
Frank in the hell of Bergen-Belsen. Poignantly as they faded
away, their father Otto was already on his tortuous way back to
Amsterdam hoping for a reunion with his lovely daughters. Anne
and Margot so nearly made it to the camp’s liberation just a few weeks
later, but succumbed to starvation, despair and disease.
Best wishes
and congratulations to the
Anne Frank Trust
Otto Frank was determined that Anne’s diary should be used as a force
for good, to remind the world what prejudice and hatred of innocent
people can lead to.
We are proud that our dedicated team of Anne Frank Trust educators are taking this history into schools,
prisons and communities up and down the country. On page 21 of the brochure you can see proof of
our impressive reach in 2014. From our recent impact report (see page 23) we know that what we are
teaching is working and learning about Anne Frank is opening young minds to how each of us can make
a better future.
Thank you for your part in this.
Gillian Walnes MBE
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |17
The Anne Frank Trust
Education Programme
What we do
In schools
Young people visit our Anne Frank exhibition and participate in
workshops exploring identity, diversity and resistance. Small groups of
pupils are trained as peer guides, who show their fellow pupils, teachers and
visitors around the exhibition. The end of the project is marked by a closing
ceremony where often a Holocaust survivor talks to the school about their
Our purpose
In line with the aims and vision of Otto Frank, we believe
that education is key to a more humane and just society.
By providing peer education programmes, we aim to:
– Anne Frank
Peer guides can then apply to be Anne Frank Ambassadors. They embody our aim as
a Trust to create active, responsible young people who are a positive force in their own
communities. Ambassadors work with us for a year and are trained to design and deliver
workshops on themes in Anne Frank’s diary to primary schools in their local area. They also
volunteer at our community exhibitions.
1.Reduce prejudice and discrimination
2.Increase young people’s respect for others who may come
from different cultural or religious backgrounds
3.Increase socially active behaviour among young people
Why our work is needed
The impact of our work is significant and far reaching,
but the ongoing prominence of hate crime shows that,
unfortunately, the need for it does not diminish.
44,480 hate crimes 89% of these were
were recorded in 2013/2014
We all live with the objective of
being happy; our lives are all
different and yet the same.
race or religious hate crimes
In communities
Our flagship Anne Frank + You exhibition has become a hub for community wide engagement and social
action opportunities for Anne Frank Ambassadors and local residents. They are able to take a leading role
in delivering an interactive community programme that teaches about Anne Frank’s life and diary and their
relevance to local social issues today.
In prisons
Our programmes combine an exhibition and workshops, where prisoners have the opportunity to explore
and debate the historical background of Anne’s life and diary as well as contemporary events and issues. A
Holocaust survivor also goes into each prison we work in to talk about their experiences. In each prison, around
ten participants are trained as peer guides, showing other prisoners and staff around the exhibition.
Where we work
Our teams currently deliver exhibitions and
education programmes across five regions of
England: London, the East, the North East, the
North West and Yorkshire & Humberside, as well as
across Scotland. In 2015 we will also begin work in
the West Midlands for the first time. Within these
regions we target areas of multiple deprivation that
are in most need of social cohesion and support.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |19
Our reach in 2014
We’ve taken Anne’s message
We worked with over
into more than
in areas of high economic
deprivation across the UK
Our schools
programme reached
more than
young people
1,220 members of the public
participated in our workshops
became peer guides
an Anne Frank exhibition
We trained over
We held projects at
16 prisons
across the UK
went on to become
to become peer guides
Anne Frank
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |21
Our impact
In 2014 our new evaluation framework,
created to understand the true impact of our
work, delivered its first set of results. Our
research was based upon 749 students from
48 schools across the UK. We focused on those
who travel furthest on their journey with us;
our Anne Frank Ambassadors.
We are delighted by the results which, for the first time, is real evidence
that our work is having the impact we intend:
We asked students to assess their level of
empathy for others and their perceptions of
injustice. Students rated themselves before
taking part in the programme, after the two
week in-school programme, and finally again
after taking part in the Anne Frank Ambassador
Programme. The results were analysed by the
School of Psychology at the University of Kent.
The Anne Frank Schools Programme has
increased our pupils’ social and spiritual
awareness and has placed enlightenment
where it is best placed, which is in the
hearts and minds of our young people.
Joan Deslandes,
Head Teacher of Kingsford Community School
I feel like not only have I gained
a lot more confidence, I have also
become closer with some people that
I didn’t really think I’d necessarily
get along with .
Poppy, Frances Bardsley Academy
To read our Impact Report in full, please visit our website:
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |23
Working with the
Anne Frank Trust
by Alina Khan, School Advisor, City of
Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Diversity and Cohesion team, part of
Bradford Council’s Children’s Services has
been working with the Anne Frank Trust over
the last 6 years.
Ingram Winter Green LLP
Solicitors are proud to support
The Anne Frank Trust
Annual Lunch 2015
The district of Bradford is extremely diverse, and over
52% of our school population is minority ethnic. We face
the challenges that most deprived communities face today
in similar cities across the UK. Therefore, the delivery of
practical programmes that bring together children from different
linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds is key to promoting
community cohesion in our schools and wider community.
To this end the Anne Frank Trust has been a major partner in helping
us deliver our peer education programme: Stand up, Speak out, Make a
difference! Following in the footsteps of Anne Frank herself, students in
Bradford have been inspired and motivated to speak out and develop as agents of social change.
The materials and exhibitions provide an excellent balance for young people in recognising the injustices
of human rights issues, both in the past and those that they face as young people today. The impact on
individual students has been tremendous; raising their self esteem, confidence and aspirations.
We look forward to our continued partnership with the Anne Frank Trust, but we must do everything we
can to ensure that it has the backing and resources it needs to reach as many young people as possible.
We strongly believe that the Anne Frank Trust is a positive force for good, helping us achieve our goals
and must be supported.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |25
Fundraising in 2014
The Anne Frank Trust
Midsummer Dinner
On the 16 June 2014, we were joined by 300 guests
for the Midsummer Dinner held at the Business
Design Centre in Islington. It was a fabulous
evening, organised by our tireless Events
Committee Chairman, Susan Morris. The evening
was both memorable and entertaining, raising a
staggering £158,000 for the Anne Frank Trust.
We were given the opportunity of auctioning some
unique prizes that were donated by our generous
supporters. These varied from a stay at a riad in
Marrakesh to a half day cookery workshop to a style
consultation with a top fashion consultant.
A huge thank you to Susan and Jack Morris and
everyone at the Business Design Centre for their
tremendous support.
In 2014 Natasha and Isabella Tagliaferri developed
UpStArt, an art competition showcasing young art
talent, in aid of the Anne Frank Trust.
Sixth formers from over 750 schools across Greater
London submitted their artwork.
The judging panel was made-up of experts from across
the art world including artists, college deans, "Four
Rooms" presenter Jeff Salmon, Philip Edgar-Jones from
Sky Arts TV and Ivan Massow, former Chairman of the
Institute of Contemporary Arts.
Charlotte Hendry was The Judges' Favourite
& Overall Winner. “Mournful Man” (below)
showed “near mastery”
The impressive collection of finalists’ artwork was
exhibited at the Strand Gallery.
Thank you to all the judges, and sponsors Natasha
and Isabella Tagliaferri, Simon and Alison Ryde, Scott
Franklin of Landview Properties, Jean-David Malat
of the Opera Gallery and Cass Art. Thanks also to
artists Nick Walker, Sarah Lightman and Kev F, who all
donated masterclasses.
Mark and Helene Tagliaferri and their daughters,
Isabella and Natasha
Aleksandra Klima won the People’s Choice for her artwork
“Self-portrait” – it achieved 2,629 likes by the public
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |27
I don’t want to have lived in vain like
most people. I want to be useful or
bring enjoyment to all people,
even those I’ve never met.
I want to go on living even
after my death!
Our benefactors
The Hon AG Samuel Charitable Trust
The Andor Charitable Trust
Matthew Arnold
Anne Baruch and Claude Green
Victoria and Edward Bonham Carter
Candice and Lyall Cresswell
Jeffrey Currie
Sara and Adam Franks
Emmety and Robert Gibber
Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
The Harris Family Charitable Trust
The Humanitarian Trust
Debbie and Andrew Jacobs
Jordan Max Goodman Charitable Trust
Julian Fellerman Memorial Fund
Katten Muchin Rosenman UK LLP
Judith Katzler and Geoffrey Jayson
Kathy Koll Matsui
Joerg Kukies
The Lambert Charitable Trust
Brian Levine
Michelle and Daniel Mendoza
Milton Damerel Trust
The Morris Charitable Trust
Philip and Myra Morris
Nimrod Capital
Joanna Myers and Peter Oppenheimer
The Pears Foundation
Sara and Paul Phillips
The Roden Family
The Rosemarie Nathanson
Charitable Trust
Alison and Simon Ryde
Julian Salisbury
Pardeep and Bim Sandhu
Daphne Schild
Victoria and Julian Schild
The Sir Sigmund Sternberg
Charitable Foundation
The Sumners Foundation
The Sybilla Friedler Memorial Fund
Isabella and Natasha Tagliaferri
Vincent Tchenguiz
The Vail Foundation
Why benefactors are
so important to the
Anne Frank Trust
The generosity of our benefactors helps us to ensure
the development and sustainability of our core
work with young people and offenders. Without this
incredible support, we would not be able to reach so
many young people and be a positive force in their
lives. If you would like to become a benefactor, please
tick the box on your pledge card. If you would like to
see for yourself the valuable work of the Anne Frank
Trust, please contact Sara Pollins (details opposite) who
will happily arrange a visit to one of our projects and
show you first hand the incredible impact they have.
Thank you
Daniel Mendoza
The Anne Frank Trust
needs to raise £1.3m this
year to continue its vital work
- Anne Frank,
April 5 1944
£100,000 is the cost of running the Anne Frank Trust Education
Programme in one region for a year reaching over 2000 students, training
80 Anne Frank Ambassadors and providing social action opportunities
through Anne Frank + You, our flagship community exhibition.
Business support for your local school
A fantastic way to support both the Anne Frank Trust and a local school at the same time is for
your company to sponsor that school to host the Anne Frank Trust Schools Programme.
Your sponsorship could include:
• The presentation of a plaque to the school recognising your company’s contribution
• The opportunity to meet the peer guides and Ambassadors whom you have enabled to take
part in the project
• The opportunity to develop a long lasting relationship with the school
Benefits of becoming a benefactor:
Remembering someone special
• Bi-annual update on the work of the charity,
as well as the opportunity to meet key directors
and trustees to hear about the work and projects
you are supporting
As a tribute to someone special, you may wish to set up a fund in memory of a friend or
relative, creating a lasting legacy in their name. It’s a fitting way to honour a loved one whilst
contributing to a fantastic cause.
• An invitation for two to attend our exclusive
benefactors' reception
• A private VIP tour of the Anne Frank House
in Amsterdam (excluding flights
and accommodation)
To support the Trust in any of the ways mentioned here, please contact
Sara Pollins on 020 7284 5858
• Names listed in all fundraising literature,
letterhead, brochures and our annual review
The Vandervell Foundation
We also gratefully acknowledge
those benefactors who wish
to remain anonymous
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |29
Anne Frank
29-31 MAY 2015
Take part in an exciting cycle ride over 2 days, fundraising for the
Anne Frank Trust and celebrating Anne Frank's legacy.
If you are celebrating a special occasion please
support our work. Contact us on 020 7284 5858 or You can make a real difference!
• An exhilarating 155 mile cycle challenge through stunning scenery of the English and Dutch countryside
• Follow the historic and poignant trail of the Kindertransport, visiting important landmarks en route
• Experience an exclusive tour of the secret annexe and at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, visiting private areas not open to the public
• Transport and accommodation included Registration fee £200 per person - with a minimum sponsorship requirement of £1500 per person.
Places are limited so we recommend you register as soon as possible.
The Anne Frank Trust UK is a registered charity in England, Wales (1003279) and Scotland (SC040488)
For more information please contact Julia Clarfield at or visit
Sir Andrew Burns
UK Chair, International Holocaust
Remembrance Alliance
As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of
the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp,
and anticipate the anniversary in April of the
liberation by British forces of the concentration
camp at Bergen-Belsen, I want to express my deep
sense of gratitude and admiration for all that the Anne
Frank Trust does to keep the memory of those horrific
experiences alive, and to educate younger generations to
reflect seriously on what they mean for our world today.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is the
intergovernmental body which brings the international community
together to cooperate in Holocaust education, remembrance and
research. We do this to ensure that our own societies remember the
tragedy of the Holocaust and understand how vital it is to combat prejudice,
xenophobia, antisemitism and racism. 31 countries, 8 observer countries
and 7 international partners bring together experts from across Europe, the
Americas and Israel - academics, educators, curators, administrators and
survivors – to discuss among themselves and with governmental policy-makers how best to think and teach
about the Holocaust.
As this year’s British Chair of IHRA I have been fortunate to draw upon a wide range of experienced,
committed and tireless advocates for Holocaust education, among whom the team of dedicated staff and
volunteers at the Anne Frank Trust play an exceptionally prominent and effective role. Working in schools,
prisons and across our society, the determination to challenge prejudice and fight hatred has rarely been
more important. What the Anne Frank Trust does matters deeply here in the United Kingdom and is a model
for other societies of what thoughtful yet passionate education and remembrance can achieve in resisting
intolerance and prejudice.
Please keep up the good work.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |33
Dentons is proud to
support the Anne Frank Trust
The new Global Elite law firm created by Salans,
FMC and SNR Denton*
As a truly international law firm with more than 2,600 lawyers in more than
75 locations spanning 50-plus countries across Africa, Asia Pacific, Canada,
Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Russia and CIS, the UK and the US who
are committed to challenging the status quo to offer creative business and
legal solutions.
We are delighted to have supported the Anne Frank Trust over many years
and continue to wish them every success for the future.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Dentons, please
contact us at:
T +44 20 7242 1212
A better world for
our children
by Paddy Ashdown, Lord Ashdown of
Norton-sub-Hamdon, GCMG, CH, KBE, PC
It is impossible to over-estimate the importance
of embracing Anne Frank’s message and learning
from it. I signed the Anne Frank Declaration in 1998,
when I was Leader of the Liberal Democrats. Since then,
my experiences in Bosnia and the evidence of what is
happening all across the world has made me more confident
of the importance of this declaration and all that goes with it.
It acts as a reminder for us to strive to make a better world for our
children and that is needed now more than ever.
As a young Irish boy in London after I left school, I vividly remember
signs in shop windows that declared ‘No dogs, no blacks, no Irish’. Thank
God we no longer plaster our hate and racism on shop windows. But
that does not mean racism is dead, even in our own country let alone
elsewhere in the world. Currently we are facing a realistic threat of
terrorism, which is stoking fear in the minds of the British. As a result,
Muslims are now facing increasing alienation in this country. We should
be focusing on encouraging universal values and changing attitudes. The
Anne Frank Trust’s education programmes greatly contribute towards this vital work.
We cannot say ‘never again’. The evil at the heart of men’s minds that fuelled Auschwitz and Srebrenica
has the potential to occur again. Both serve as stark reminders that we need to make a stand against the
prejudice, hatred, racism and community tension that leads to these genocidal atrocities. I am proud to
support the work of the Anne Frank Trust in working towards that goal.
© 2014 Dentons. Dentons is a global legal practice providing client services worldwide
through its member firms and affiliates. Please see for Legal Notices.
*Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index 2013 and 2014.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |35
Redefining the property business
The Anne Frank
The Prime Minister, Rt Hon David Cameron MP,
signed the Anne Frank Declaration at
10 Downing Street on 17 December 2014. He
signed as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
and Leader of the Conservative Party.
The Anne Frank Declaration was written by the Anne Frank
Trust in 1998. It declares that the signer will remember what
can happen when prejudice and hatred go unchallenged, and it
calls upon us all to strive for a world in which everyone is treated
fairly and has an equal chance in life.
Notable recent signatories have included Dame Angelina Jolie, who
signed in June on behalf of the UNHCR, rock legend Nile Rodgers on
behalf of his We Are Family Foundation, actor Tim Robbins, City of Chicago
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who signed on behalf of the city of Chicago, Home
Secretary Theresa May and Communities Secretary Eric Pickles… plus tens of
thousands of young people in Britain.
Please sign the Anne Frank Declaration online at
Commercial & Residential Investment and Asset Management 020 7486 7090
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |37
70 years after Anne Frank’s final diary entry, the Trust launched the
revolutionary Generation Diary, with one simple aim - to build the
biggest collective digital diary in the world. Representing the voices
of our future, the diary aims to highlight how teenagers today view
themselves and the world around them.
A national, year-long project, Generation Diary will provide a vital snapshot
of how Britain’s young people think. Teens between 13 and 15 are being
invited to write a digital diary entry, either as a one off or a series of
entries. The collection of diary entries are available anonymously on the
Generation Diary website as well as on our social media channels, for
sharing and inspiring others.
There are spot prizes for the best entries and the overall winner will be
given the opportunity to have a 1-1 writing workshop with a choice of
authors including Justin Somper and Cathy Cassidy, as well as a tablet on
which to keep their own digital diary in the future.
Stereotypes aren’t necessarily your own opinion. Sometimes
they are put into your mind by something you see in a
newspaper or something. Everyone is vulnerable to being
manipulated to think something and I think that this needs
to change. Chanpreet, Stereotypes
Don’t think that just because you don’t look the way everyone
else does, or don’t fit in because of where you are from, that you
aren’t accepted. Don’t be a sheep. Don’t follow the pattern of the
world. You are unique. You are one in 7 billion. Literally.
Shania, Expectations
I was the boy who always had his face buried in a book, the boy who used
to stay out late in the library and then lie to people that I was out with
my friends but what friends do I have? Anonymous, You Are Amazing
To take a look at the other entries we have received so far, visit
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |39
Our thanks
Your generosity and support
have greatly contributed
to the success of
today’s lunch.
The Anne Frank Trust, along with the
lunch committee, extend grateful
thanks to all our guests, table hosts,
brochure advertisers and absent
With special thanks to:
Our host
Mrs Daphne Schild
Our committee
Pardeep Sandhu (Chair)
Carina Bauer
Clarissa Coleman
Michel Driessen
Our special guests
Kelvin MacKenzie
Simon Maine-Tucker
Daniel Mendoza
Vinay Veneik
Our pen sponsors
Natasha Kaplinsky
Eva Schloss MBE
Mariane Pearl
George Kinsella
Julian Schild
Kemal Pervanic
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |41
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Norris McDonough LLP
is proud to continue their support
of the excellent work of
the Anne Frank Trust
Steve Norris, David McDonough
Alex Baird, Deborah Staines
5-8 The Sanctuary,
London SW1P 3JS
020 7340 0380
Great Portland Estates plc
is delighted to support
The Anne Frank Trust
With best wishes from
IMEX Group is so proud to
support the Anne Frank Trust.
Property Investment & Bridging Finance
1 Dancastle Court Arcadia Avenue London N3 2JU
Telephone: 020 8343 2728 | Fax: 020 8343 3738 |
Delighted to support the
Anne Frank Trust
Anne Baruch and Claude Green
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a charity providing hope to people
diagnosed with MS to live long,
healthy happy lives.
The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |49
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The Anne Frank Trust Annual Lunch 2015 |59
The Anne Frank Trust UK
Star House
104-108 Grafton Road
Tel: 020 7284 5858
Fax: 020 7428 2601
Company no. 2612141
Registered charity no. 1003279
Scottish Charity No. SC040488
All images of Anne Frank © Anne Frank Fonds Basel
Designed and produced by