How to move on after a divorce


How to move on after a divorce
“Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. Nobody ever died of divorce.” — JENNIFER WEINER
How to move on
after a divorce
Just what the
doc ordered
> Continued from page 1
How do you plan to take the
legacy forward?
We have to adapt appropriately, look ahead. I think we
have a fairly good management system. We have a good
team, good leadership in
place. Internally, the organisation is stable and we are
just waiting for the tide to
turn a little bit and move into
the next phase.
How are you handling the issue with USFDA?
The product quality has
never been an issue. It is just
the way we are doing certain
things which are not as per
the processes that have been
laid down. So the deviations
that have been there, we
have tried to tighten them
a lot, train a lot of people.
Sometimes, one communicates something from the
top down, but at the lower
level one really doesn’t
know how things are happening. So people-related
initiatives like training and
development are important.
The other aspect that we
have tackled significantly
is technolWe (the
ogy. What
family) are
next denot very
pends toexpressive
tally on the
people. We
talk less and (USFDA),
do more
When a family is involved in
a business, how are family
dynamics maintained at a
workplace and how are business dynamics maintained
at home?
We are not very expressive
people. We talk less and do
more. Just being with each
other and talking helps to understand each other. We don’t
talk about family at work or
about business at home. The
bottom line is we all realise
that we are here to do a job
and don’t look at it as our
right. If I look at things from
that point of view, a lot of the
friction or conflict automatically goes down.
You are fond of reading.
What are you reading now?
I am reading a book on innovation called Jugaad
Innovation. It is about innovation in the Indian context.
The authors ( Navi Radjou,
Jaideep Prabhu, Simone
Ahuja) try to compare the innovation process in the west
and in India and emerging
unsold Rolex
seeks new
l a t i o n s , bi d d i n g
climbed to around
$475,000 (`2.8 crore)
before stalling out.
This was short of the
undisclosed reserve
price and the watch
hammered unsold.
RR Auction will
likely reach out
to the bidders
and private collectors now to find
the watch a new
owner. Becoming
the most expensive
watch ever sold
would have re-
Getting back into the dating game after a long-term
marriage can be a daunting task. ETPanache makes
the transition easier with a few simple tips
Think about it
hen you were
young, the
idea of going on a date
and meeting
someone new filled you with
excitement and enthusiasm.
Cut later to a marriage, perhaps a few kids and a full
time career, and the whole
dating scene may not seem
as enticing anymore. Yes, the
rules have changed and the
clubbing scene may not appeal
to you anymore, but that doesn’t
mean you have to swear off relationships. We tell you how to ease back into
the dating scene after a divorce:
While divorce is hard, it does open your eyes and helps
you realise what you want from a relationship. And
more importantly — what you don’t want. Spend some
time alone and think about what you are looking for
before jumping into the dating pool. If you are looking
for something serious, don’t get involved with someone who is just into dating casually, as the emotional
stress can turn you off dating forever.
Be open
Once you’ve decided what kind of relationship you
are looking for, keep an open mind when friends introduce you to someone new. Be flexible and accepting of the people you may meet. Don’t repeat the same
mistakes by going after only “your type” of woman.
Accept invitations to events outside your comfort zone
and make sure to surround yourself with other single
with DDE
Invest in some new clothes
frontman Chris
Martin has
moved on to
dating Jennifer
Lawrence after
uncoupling’ from
wife Gwyneth
Paltrow in March
this year
It’s common for married couples to get into a lull,
which means that all your “good” clothes have found
their way into the back of your closet. Keep them
there. Instead, buy a few new key items to help you get
back on the dating scene. A well fitting pair of jeans is
a must as it can work for any type of date. A few smart
shirts, a nice pair of shoes and an invigorating scent
can help you feel more confident about meeting and
dating new people.
The date
A wise move: never make the first date
last for more than an hour. Suggest
meeting up for coffee or a glass of
wine, but leave dinner for later. A
dinner date can feel like a two-hour
long interview and is a notorious
fun killer. Keeping it quick means
that conversation will flow and
you’r e mor e l i kely t o
meet the person again.
However, steer clear of
topics involving your divorce, ex and sex.
Do you personally believe in
Of course, I believe the
concept is valid. There are
certain levels of discovery
that require larger funding and there are certain
discoveries that you can do
with less funding. It also
depends on the society. If you
put a jugaad situation in an
American society, it will not
work because mentally, they
are not tuned to think like
that. In the Indian context,
it works because the system
is more flexible. The Indian
pharma industry over the
last 50 years has been developed by Indian companies.
The MNCs are there and
acquiring more. Still, their
growth is slower than Indian
companies and they are losing market share
Be nervous
Hrithik Roshan and
Sussanne Khan split
in December 2013,
ending their 13-year
A l low you r s e l f t o
feel nervous — it is a
weird situation after
all, and one that you
didn’t imagine yourself
to be in. Be careful not to
rush into anything too soon
to try to capture the same
intimacy you had in your
marriage. Take it slow and
enjoy yourself. And our final piece of advice, sleeping
together on the first date is
still not a good idea
Karisma Kapoor
and husband Sanjay
Kapur called it quits
this June after being
married for 11 years
An 18-karat gold
Rolex Datejust that
belonged to Dwight
D Eisenhower, 34th
P r e sident of t he
United States and
famed World War
I I genera l, fai led
to sel l at t he R R
Auction in Boston,
Massachusetts. This
is one of the most famous Rolex watches
of all time, so it is
surprising that it
did not even sell. The
pre-auction chatter
about whether or not
this would become
the most expensive
watch ever sold was
rendered mute. The
bidding started at
$100,000 (`61 lakh)
and accordi ng to
Bobby Livingston,
RR Auction executive VP, public re-
quired a final price of
over $11 million (`67
crore) dollars.
History on wrist
The Datejust was
given to Eisenhower
by Rolex in 1951 to
celebrate the production of its 150,000th
ch ronometer- certified watch. It features a matching
jubi le e br ac ele t .
Notably, Rolex had
a l ready given its
50,000th chronometer to Swiss general
Henri Guisan and its
100,000th to Winston
Churchill. The case
back is eng raved
w it h h i s i niti a l s
‘DDE’, his five-star
general insignia, and
the date that he was
appointed Supreme
Allied Commander
of Europe by NATO.
The bracelet clasp
also reads ‘DDE’. He
left the watch to his
valet Sargent John
M o a n e y, w h o s e
widow eventually
sold it to the Raleigh
DeGeer Amyx
Collection, the consigner for this sale
Dwight D
— Bloomberg
We list the headphones
that enhance your
musical notes and also
make a style statement
Sony MDR
– XB 450
RS 220
z30mm dynamic
driver unit
zPortable, swivel
folding design
zPressurerelieving ear
pads for extended
zTangle free flat
serration cord
zOpen, circumaural digital
wireless headphone
zRange of up to 100 m
(line of sight) from sound
source and up to 30 m
zPower on/off, balance
control and volume
control integrated
on headphones
zMulti-purpose transmitter
functions as ‘easy-charge’
cradle and docking station
Price: `2,190
Shahid Kapoor and Justin
Bieber are both rarely spotted
without their beloved headsets
Price: `34,990
Price: `7,990
Kardon NC
zSwivel earcup
design with
Bluetooth 3.0
wireless freedom
and connectivity
zUser controls on
outer earcup; USBrechargeable battery
z40 mm driver
zBuilt-in microphone
with echocancellation
zContinuous playback
(minus active
digital noisecancelling) when
battery is dead
zExceptional bass
response at any
volume level
headband bows
zUSB rechargeable
z 40mm premium
neodymium drivers
z Closed acoustic
design for better
bass and noise
z Built-in microphone
to switch from music
to phone calls
Price: `16,990
Price: `3,999
The 2004
Acura NSX
The 1995
Acura NSX-T
Japanese culture. He owns an $86 milHe reportedly bought
lion villa in Kyoto, along with as many
a few Acura cars every
as 500 pieces of Japanese art. So it
should come as no surprise that the
year of its
Oracle founder’s favourite four-wheeled vehicle
production run to
is one that many believe
to be the quintessential
that end
The adventures of former
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison
are well chronicled. His
possessions include everything from luxury
mega-yachts to fighter
jets to his own Hawaiian
Island. However, what’s even more
interesting are things the Silicon
Valley titan chooses to give away
as gifts.
Ellison has long been a fan of
Japanese supercar — the
Acura/Honda NSX.
In fact, Ellison would reportedly buy a few of these $ 80,000
(`48 lakh) rides every year of the
model’s 15-year production run to
give to friends and top employees as
gifts and bonuses, reported Complex
Magazine and USA Today.
So what makes the NSX so worthy of
Ellison’s adulation? Well, for one thing,
it’s got a pedigree. In the late 1980s, Honda
(Acura’s parent company) was all but un-
beatable in the
racing world.
The company’s Formula One engines
powered drivers to six consecutive constructor’s world champions and five
straight driver’s world championships.
To commemorate its success, the company decided to build what it considered
to be the perfect supercar. It would be fast,
high-tech, light-weight, and precise-han-
dling. It would
a l s o br i n g a
level of reliability
and user-friendliness unseen in the
European supercars.
From 1990 until it was discontinued in 2005, the cult favourite remained relatively unchanged,
with only an updated front headlight design in 2002. As a result, the NSX stayed
true to its original theme of lightweight,
Japanese precision and goes about its
business in a truly understated manner.
No V12 engines. No turbos. No all-wheel
drive — and for a long time, no power
steering. So why does Larry Ellison love
the NSX? Probably because it’s Honda’s
defiant ‘Take that!’ to European cars and
it sounds like something Ellison would
— Bloomberg