deliverable D3.1
deliverable D3.1
FP7 – 609082 – Collaborative Project Decision support Advisor for innovative business models and useR engagement for smart Energy Efficient Districts DAREED Deliverable 3.1: Development of district energy model Authors: CETMA, IAT, UBRUN Reviewers (KIT, UNIBO) Delivery due date: 30.01.2015 Actual submission date 30.01.2015 Status RE Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 1. Executive Summary This deliverable entitled ―Development of district energy model‖ reports the results of the work carried out as part of task T3.1 in Work Package 3 (Modelling and Simulation for ICT platform). The aim of WP3 is to develop a model based simulation tool for performance analysis of energy saving procedures at a district level. According to the Methodology for district modelling (D1.4), using the work done in previous work packages, in Task 3.1 a district energy system simulation model has been developed to characterize energy flow (consumption and production) at district level, evaluating the relationships inside the district and using real data acquisition. The theoretical model considers the flexibility of energy supply and demand, facing with the availability of renewable energy sources. Weather conditions are used to predict user’s behaviours and renewable energy production. 2 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 2. SUMMARY 1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... 2 2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8 3. State of the Art Analysis .................................................................................................... 8 3.1 3.1.1 From buildings energy model to district energy model ............................................................................. 8 3.1.2 Decentralized generation technologies .................................................................................................... 13 3.2 4. 5. State of the art analysis in energy district modelling ............................................................... 8 Overview of existing simulation tools for city district energy modelling ................................ 20 Description of district energy model ................................................................................. 21 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 21 4.2 Physical modelling vs. Machine Learning .............................................................................. 23 4.3 Integration of physical models in the DAREED platform ........................................................ 23 4.4 An overall model ................................................................................................................. 24 Components modelling and characterization .................................................................... 25 5.1 5.1.1 5.2 Consumption nodes ............................................................................................................. 27 Buildings ................................................................................................................................................... 27 Production energy units ....................................................................................................... 32 5.2.1 DHW ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 5.2.2 Photovoltaic ............................................................................................................................................. 35 5.2.3 Small wind ................................................................................................................................................ 36 5.2.4 µCHP ......................................................................................................................................................... 38 5.3 Weather data information ................................................................................................... 42 5.4 District energy infrastructures.............................................................................................. 43 5.4.1 Electrical distribution grid ........................................................................................................................ 44 5.4.2 Gas grid ..................................................................................................................................................... 48 5.4.3 District heating and cooling ...................................................................................................................... 48 3 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 6. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 50 7. References ....................................................................................................................... 52 8. Annex I. Consuming Black Energy Unit example................................................................ 57 4 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA List of figures Figure 1: Types and technologies of Distributed generation (adapted from [2]) ........................................................... 14 Figure 2. Process to enrich DAREED platform from physical to model to “Grey-Box Model approaches” ..................... 24 Figure 3. First time data introduction............................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 4. Next time data introduction ............................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 5. Template models categories ........................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 6 Pathways for RE integration to provide energy services, either into energy supply systems or on-site for use by the end-use sectors .................................................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 7 Efficiency of European Electrical Network compared with rest of the world ................................................... 44 Figure 8 Distribution systems for electrical power ......................................................................................................... 46 5 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA List of tables Table 1. Features of different building modelling approaches ....................................................................................... 10 nd Table 2. 2 level classification of building modelling approaches ................................................................................. 10 Table 3: Comparison of application of common energy types (adapted from [2]) ........................................................ 15 Table 4. Overview on existing tools for energy modelling and simulation ..................................................................... 20 Table 5 Black building model inputs and outputs .......................................................................................................... 28 Table 6 Set of parameters required from user for grey building model generation ....................................................... 29 Table 7. DHW model. Inputs ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Table 8. Parameters associated to the selection of a type of collector .......................................................................... 34 Table 9. DHW model. Outputs ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Table 10. PV model. Inputs ............................................................................................................................................. 35 Table 11. Parameters associated to the selection of a type of collector ........................................................................ 36 Table 12. PV model. Outputs .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Table 13. Small Wind inputs ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 14. Small Wind parameters .................................................................................................................................. 37 Table 15. Small Wind outputs ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Table 16. µCHP model. Inputs ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Table 17. Parameters µCHP model ................................................................................................................................. 41 Table 18. µCHP model. Outputs ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Table 19. Description of black energy units. ES.ME.SFH.01.Gen .................................................................................... 57 Table 20. Final energy consumption per climate zone. (CBEM) ..................................................................................... 57 Table 21. Constructive elements. U coefficient. (CBEM) ................................................................................................ 57 Table 22. Energy systems description. (CBEM) ............................................................................................................... 58 Table 23. Lighting and equipment consumption per type of building ............................................................................ 58 6 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Glossary HVAC – Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Energy aspect – final uses of the energy; lighting, air conditioning, equipment, or industrial processes DHW – Domestic Hot Water DEG – Decentralised energy generation GUI – Graphical User Interface SW - Software 7 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 2. Introduction One of the components that will integrate the proposed DAREED’s Platform architecture is the Energy Performance Simulation tool. The main goal of this document is to provide the foundations of this architecture component, describing the set of models on which it will be based. These models will be aligned with the methodology proposed in WP1. Along this document, a state of the art of district modelling will be reviewed, different modelling approaches will be compared selecting the most suitable one, and the proposed models will be described. 3. State of the Art Analysis 3.1 State of the art analysis in energy district modelling 3.1.1 From buildings energy model to district energy model Nowadays building energy consumption and CO2 emission in Europe are measured over 40% and 36% of total, respectively [55]. The reduction of these numbers is one of the main objectives to fight against the global warming and preserve the environment, as it has been proclaimed by the European Union through several actions such as the EPBD (Energy Performance of Building Directive), for instance. In order to achieve such targets, building energy forecasting models are of critical importance. Therefore, the energy performance of a building or the integration of initiatives concerning energy efficiency are firstly tested via software thanks these energy building models. However, there are several typologies of buildings with their own characteristics that complicate the modelling: residential, offices, schools and hospitals are the most important among the commonly considered. In addition, there are a wide variety of devices in the market which are part of the system being modelled: HVAC systems, boilers, solar collectors, lighting, photovoltaic facilities and equipment, concept that includes a high variety of devices such as computers, printers, etc. 8 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA As a result, accordingly with the literature, there are different modelling approaches that will be described in following sections according to [52], [54], [53], [55]. The higher level for the classification of building modelling approaches is based mainly in the data origin. Thus three different levels are identified [54] White-box modelling approach White-box modelling is physics-based and beforehand knowledge about the system is required. This approach is based on solving the equations that rule the physical behaviour of the heat transfer (thermal model equations). Models of space heating, natural ventilation, air conditioning system, passive solar, photovoltaic panel, occupant behaviour and others are included. These models are mostly generated based on software such as EnergyPlus or TRNSYS. Black-box modelling approach Black-box modelling includes data-driven methods. Unlike physical methods, black-box modelling does not require any physical information about parameters or equations since these statistical methods use machine learning. These models are based on the implementation of a function deduced from samples of training data which describe the behaviour of the specific system. Black-box modelling is the most suitable when building parameters are not known. On several occasions, the physical meaning of the problem is lost and result interpretation is not obvious. The most used statistical techniques are: the linear multiple regression, the genetic algorithm, the artificial neural network and the support vector machine. Grey-box modelling approach This approach is a combination of the two above, as it combines input/output data together with physical models. The combination of both white-box and black-box approaches allows to overcome the disadvantages of each one. Several strategies are contemplated in this approach. The first one consists in using machine learning to estimate the physical parameters. Other strategy is to use black-box models to implement a learning model based on a physical approach to describe the building behaviour. Another strategy is to use statistical method in fields where physical models are not effective or accurate such as end-uses disaggregation. 9 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA The allowance to consider only a certain number of data is one of the main strengths. In addition, the input parameters regarding building geometry and thermal behaviour do not need to be too accurately neither fixed at the beginning of the simulation. Furthermore, a physical interpretation is maintained with this method. For instance, [52] exposed a method where a resistance and capacitance (RC) network was use to model and predict building cooling load. The parameter values were determined by non-linear regression method of on-site measured operation data. Numerous different grey-box models can be found in literature [53]. To sum up, the main features of each model is perfectly presented in the table below, extracted from [53]. Table 1. Features of different building modelling approaches Method Building geometry description Training data requirements Physical interpretation White-box High Low High Black-box Low High Low Grey-box Medium Medium Medium Additionally to this first level classification pending from White and Black approaches it could be possible to identify following modelling strategies. Table 2. 2nd level classification of building modelling approaches 1st level classification 2nd level classification The CFD approach White-box or physical model The zonal approach The multi-zone approach Grey-box Black-box or predictive models Multiple linear regression or conditional demand analysis(CDA) 10 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 1st level classification 2nd level classification Genetic algorithm (GA) Artificial neural network (ANN) Support vector machine (SVM) Under physical modelling three categories could be proposed The CFD approach The CFD method is a 3D approach able to model in detail even the fluid flow field. On the other hand, a huge computation time is required and the implementation of the models is complex. Since its application fields are very large, CFD models are used by several software such as FLUENT, COMSOL Multiphysics, MIT-CFD or PHOENICS-CFD. The zonal approach The zonal approach is a simplification of the CFD technique. It consists in dividing each zone into several cells. Therefore it is considered a 2D approach where local state variables such as temperature, concentration, pressure and airflow could be measured in a large volume. Computational time, though less than in the CFD method, still are very large. Another disadvantage is the requirement of a detailed description of the flow field and flow profiles. Some software tools that use this method are: SimSPARK and POMA. The multi-zone approach The multi-zone or nodal method considers that each building zone is a homogenous volume characterised by uniform state variables. Thus, a zone is approximated to a node described by a single value of the variables (temperature, pressure, concentration, etc.). Therefore, the nodal method is considered as a one-dimensional approach. This enormous simplification turns into a huge reduction of computation time. In addition, the implementation is much easier. Nevertheless, it is unable to study local effects as heat or pollutant source and the study of large volume systems becomes more difficult. The most popular software using this procedure are: TRNSYS, EnergyPlus, IDA-ICE, ESP-r, Clim2000, BSim and BUILDOPT-VIE. In the case of predictive or black-box models the possibilities are the following; 11 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Multiple linear regression or conditional demand analysis (CDA) Multiple linear regression or conditional demand analysis (CDA) is a linear multivariate regression technique consisting on predicting an output as a linear combination of the input variables and an error term. This method is valid to forecast the energy consumption as well as the evolution of the energy demand. As inconveniences stand the large amount of training data and non-collinearity between variables. Genetic algorithm (GA) Genetic algorithm (GA) is a stochastic optimization technique deduced from an analogy with the evolution theory of Darwin. This method starts from an equation form imposed by the user and the main advantage is the powerful optimization algorithm it consists on. Still, a large amount of training data is required as well as a considerable computation time to adjust the algorithm parameters. Artificial neural network (ANN) Artificial neural network (ANN) is a nonlinear statistical technique mainly used for the prediction. The algorithm is multilayer composed where the outputs consist on the sum of the weighted input variables. No starting hypothesis is needed but the physical interpretations are not easy to stablish. They have a huge training faculty, though an exhaustive and representative data is required. Support vector machine (SVM) Support vector machine (SVM) is an artificial intelligence technique to solve classification and regression problems. The kernel function should be imposed by the user. This model is able to forecast the energy consumption or temperature requiring a reasonable amount of training data. The difficulty of this algorithm resides on the determination of the kernel function and the adjustment of certain parameters. Hitherto, single building energy models have been presented. Another step on is to move up to district modelling which includes several of the single building models. Therefore, some points should be kept in mind in order to effectively do so. 12 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Firstly, the computation time required for black-box model becomes unacceptable given the great amount of buildings to model from a district overview. Consequently, it is hard to work with a large amount of training data, besides the difficulty of compiling and acquire all this information. On the other hand, white-box models require much less computational time considering the nodal method instead of zonal or CFD methods. Still, with these approaches, many parameters are needed, focusing the problem on this point. A grey-box approach look to be the most suitable option to district modelling as it stands at an intermediate point between the two previous techniques. Thus, the number of known geometrical parameters needed could be adjusted to achieve a trade-off where computational time is not excessive and the physical interpretation does not get lost along the way at the same time that the strengths of statistical methods could support the integrated model. Furthermore, a district wide model should as well integrate the behaviour of other energy consumer, producers and distribution systems in them such as public lighting, decentralized generation technologies or infrastructures auxiliary equipment such as pumping stations for DHC networks. Thus, generating a district wide model could be tackled by coupling and aggregating the aforementioned energy unit models. In this interconnected modelling approach, a statistical analysis should be performed in order to assess how the uncertainty associated to different energy unit models is propagated into the district wide model, and therefore how the latter’s accuracy is affected. 3.1.2 Decentralized generation technologies The concept of Distributed Generation (DG in advance) is not at all new but it is an emerging trend in the electricity industry, market, and deregulated systems [11]. In the existing literature DG is loosely defined as small-scale electricity generation [1], [7] and there are several terms used to refer to distributed generation [2], [3] for example: In Europe and some Asian countries it is referred to as ―Decentralized generation‖ In North America it is referred to as ―Dispersed generation‖ In South American countries it is referred to as ―Embedded generation‖ 13 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA According to Little [10], although DG has been defined in various ways, a general definition for distributed generation is ―the use of stand-alone or grid-connected small, modular electric generation devices which are located close to the point of consumption‖ [10]. The key defining characteristics of DG technologies encompassed the size of the power production of the technology and the location and application of the device [11]. From a practical point of view, DG is a facility for the generation of electricity that may be located at or near the end users within an industrial area, a commercial building, or a community (district). Types of Distributed Generation DG compromises a wide range of technologies for specific applications. Figure 1 adapted from ElKhattam and Salama [2] graphically depicts some of the different types of DG from the constructional and technological points of view. These applications and technologies vary according to the load requirements (thermal needs, stand-alone or grid-connected electrical power, size, and requirements of power quality, environmental issues in the site, etc.). Figure 1: Types and technologies of Distributed generation (adapted from [2]) A comparison of the application of some of the common DG energy types has been presented in Table 1. These types of DGs could be compared to each other to support decision making with regards to which kind is more suitable to be chosen in different situations. 14 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Application of Common Energy Types MicroTurbines Fuel Cells Wind Turbines Photovoltaic Support for peak load shaving, cogeneration, and as a base load. Fit to provide CHP for airconditioning, cooling, and heating purposes. Stand alone and base load in some rural applications if combined with batteries. Commercially available in small units with sizes 30– 75kW [8]. Commercially available in small units with sizes 3– 250kW and connected as modular to serve large loads [8]. It can be considered as a maintenance free supply for telecommunication and road lighting and advertising. Remote homes and farms and process industry applications. Traditional internal combustion engines (diesel engines) Central Power generation In use for several years, but generate high emissions. Operation and maintenance costs are also high in addition to diesels hazardous during transportation to remote consumers [8]. Main electricity generation as the main base load. Mostly used for peak load shaving and backup operation (for reliability purposes) not for continuous operation. Mostly used for peak load shaving and backup operation. Large stations are suitable for base load applications. Table 3: Comparison of application of common energy types (adapted from [2]) 15 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA In DAREED the main focus is concerned with DG technologies and types of the renewable energy sources such as PhotoVoltaic (PV) and WindTurbine (WT) based on the most common technologies applied nowadays in the European market. Key Drivers of Distributed Generation Technology In the last decade, there has been a renewed interest in DG due to technological innovations and a changing economic and regulatory environment. IEA (International Energy Agency) have confirmed this and have listed five major factors that has resulted in driving the renewed interest in DG [4]. As per Driesen and Belans [1] these factors could be further reduced to two major driving forces, i.e. electricity market liberalization and environmental concerns. Liberalization of electricity market encompasses four major factors, namely; (a) Standby capacity or Peak Use capacity, (b) Reliability and Power quality, (c) Alternative to Expansion or Use of the Local Network, (d) Grid support and the fifth major factor is the (e) environment concerns. Liberalization of Electricity Markets: There has been an increased interest by electricity suppliers in DG as they see it as a tool that can support them address niches in the market, in which customers look for the best suited electricity service. In the electricity sector DG allows players to respond in a flexible manner to changing market conditions. In liberalized markets, it is significant to adapt to the changing economic environment in a flexible manner. DG technologies provide flexibility because of their small sizes and assumed short construction lead times compared to most types of larger central power plants. However, the lead time reduction is not always that evident. For example, resistance to wind energy and use of landfill gasses may be very high by the public. Environmental Concerns: In Europe, environmental policies are probably the major driving force for the demand for DG. Environmental legislations and regulations force players in the electricity market to look for cleaner energy solutions. In this context, DG can play a key role as it allows optimizing energy consumption of firms that have a large and constant demand for heat. In addition, most government policies aiming to promote the use of renewables also results in an increased impact of DG technologies, as renewables, except for large hydro and wind parks (i.e. off-shore), have a decentralized nature. 16 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Particularly on sites where there is a constant demand for heat, it is sensible to consider the use of combined generation of heat and electricity instead of generating the heat in a separate boiler and buying electricity from the grid. In this context, compared to separate fossil-fired generation of heat and electricity, CHP (Combined Heat and Power) generation may result in a primary energy conservation, varying from 10% to 30%, depending on the size (and efficiency) of the cogeneration units [5], [6]. Benefits and Challenges associated with Distributed Generation Technology DG provides benefits for the consumers as well as for the energy utilities, especially in sites where the central generation is unfeasible or where there are deficiencies in the transmission system [13]. Some of the benefits of distributed energy sources are as follows: Highly efficient CHP plants, and backup and peal-load systems could provide increased capacity. In addition, it enables the use of waste hear and improves overall system efficiency [14]. Increased use of DG resources such as renewable energy sources will help reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, as a result benefitting the environment [13]. On-site production can help reduce the amount of power that needs to be transmitted from a centralised plant, and avoids resulting in loss of transmission and distribution as well as cost reduction due to the fact that generation business and consumption are closer [11]. DG may provide ancillary services or network support [13]. The connection of distributed generators to networks generally leads to a rise in voltage in the network. Therefore, in areas where voltage support is difficult, installation of a distributed generator may improve quality of supply. Apart from the abovementioned benefits, some of the key challenges associated with increased penetration of DG can be classified into three main categories, namely technical, commercial and regulatory [9]. These are now discussed below. Technical: There are many factors that add to the technical challenges of DG which are as follows [9]: 17 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Voltage rise effect: this is a key factor that limits the amount of additional DG capacity that can be connected to rural distribution networks. DG Protection: A number of different aspects of DG protection can be identified: Protection of the generation equipment from internal faults; protection of the faulted distribution network from fault currents supplied by the DG; anti-islanding or loss-of-mains protection (islanded operation of DG will be possible in future as penetration of DG increases) and impact of DG on existing distribution system protection. Quality of power: Two aspects of power quality are usually considered to be important: (1) transient voltage variations and (2) harmonic distortion of the network voltage. Depending on the particular circumstance, DG plant can either decrease or increase the quality of the voltage received by other users of the distribution network. Power quality is an increasingly important issue and generation is generally subject to the same regulations as loads. Stability: Traditionally, distribution network design did not need to consider issues of stability as the network was passive and remained stable under most circumstances provided the transmission network was itself stable. However, this is likely to change as the penetration of these schemes increases and their contribution to network security becomes greater. Commercial: Existing case studies have indicated that active management of distribution networks can enable significant increases in the amount of DG that can be connected to the existing networks [9]. Although the cost associated with the operation of active distribution networks is still to be identified, it is expected that the benefits are likely to considerably outweigh the cost of its implementation. However, distribution companies that operate wires businesses have no incentives to connect DG and offer active management services Regulatory: As there is a lack of clear policy and associated regulatory instruments on the treatment of DG, it is highly questionable that this type of generation is going to thrive. In order to nurture the required changes, there is a clear need to develop and articulate appropriate policies that support the integration of DG into distribution networks [9]. 18 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Development Trends in Distributed Generation Technology New energy and renewable energy sources includes hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, biological energy, geothermal energy and ocean energy. In the field of electrical engineering, the use and development of new energy, wind power generation, solar photovoltaic generation and fuel cell technology is a major research area and some of the development trends in DG are as follows [12]. Wind power technology is emerging as one of the most important renewable technologies. The wind power generation technology is used to convert wind energy into electrical energy power generation. It can be classified into two broad categories: constant speed constant frequency (CSCF) and variable speed constant frequency (VSCF). As VSCF power generation technology has merits of capturing the maximum limit wind power, the wide rotational speed movement scope, flexible adjustment of the system active power and reactive power, as well as the advanced PWM control, it has gradually became the mainstream technology of the current wind power generation. Reviewing the fast development route of global wind power generation in recent years, the latest development trend and research progress are [2]: larger rated power, variable blade pitch, variable speed constant frequency (VSCF), no gearbox driven (direct driven), gridconnected full power converter, low voltage ride through (LVRT), intelligent control for wind power generation, remote wireless network wind farm monitoring system, and so on. Solar photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electrical energy by photovoltaic effect of semiconductor material. Photovoltaic generation system is divided into separate photovoltaic systems and grid-connected photovoltaic system. Photovoltaic generation system typically uses two power converters. The first one is the Direct Current (DC) DC / DC converter, using Boost step-up circuit to achieve the transformation of solar output voltage and photovoltaic arrays maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control. The second one is used to convert the direct current into alternating current by voltage source inverter to the utility grid, and the inverter controls the DC constant voltage and inputs reactive power of the utility grid. At present the biggest hurdle of photovoltaic generation is the high price of solar cells, which accounts for over 60% the price of the whole solar photovoltaic (PV) generation system, so the solar cells research such features as cheap 19 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA price, high efficiency, high reliability, high stability, long lifetime has become the world's focus [12]. Fuel cell technology is considered as one of the power generations with high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection in the 21st century [12].Fuel cell is a generation facility which can directly convert the chemical energy stored in the fuel and oxidizer into electricity power efficiently. The FC converts fuel and air directly to electricity, heat, and water in an electrochemical process. It also has some merits in the fuel diversification, clean exhaust, low noise, low pollution, high reliability and good maintainability. 3.2 Overview of existing simulation tools for city district energy modelling As assessed in D2.5, there are evidences of tools to simulate aspects of a city or urban areas separately. In the following table extracted from D2.5 provides a general overview. Table 4. Overview on existing tools for energy modelling and simulation DAREED Components Existing Tool Name EnergyPlus – Modelling and Simulation Consumption monitoring, analysis and control Energy management X simulation engine DOE-2 – simulation X engine Lucid’s BuildingOS and X Dashboard Dexma’s DexCell X Energy Manager C3 Energy X eSightenergy X EnergyCAP X US Department of X X X 20 Decision support and energy awareness Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA DAREED Components Existing Tool Name Modelling and Simulation Consumption monitoring, analysis and control Energy management Decision support and energy awareness Energy’s BEopt Toshiba’s CEMS X RETScreen (only for X models) BeAware Project X Efergy Engage X Platform BuildVisTool (issued X by an FP7 project, X X called KnoholEM) However, there are not exists or at least high deploy an integrated software tool able to offer different services from a district perspective, which guarantee the innovation of DAREED platform. 4. Description of district energy model 4.1 Introduction According to the approaches set in D1.4 Definition of a methodology for district modelling, the concept of Energy District was defined as a combination of elements called Energy Units responsible for energy production and/or consumption. In this sense a district energy model could be understood as a linear sum of the mentioned Energy Units as follows; ⌋ ∑ ∑ ⌋ In addition to this, and foreseeing the lack of real data information as well as the interest of different stakeholders, associated with the concept of Energy Units, three different levels of accuracy were defined; 21 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Black level Grey level White level and their associated Black Energy Unit Grey Energy Unit White Energy Unit At the black level, black energy units are characterized by data from bibliography. Therefore Black Energy Units are static providing aggregated energy consumption per year including in the case of buildings or industries different energy aspects such as; lighting, equipment and HVAC systems. Regarding other infrastructures i.e. public lighting the information provided under this approach is just the total annual amount of electric consumption depending on the technology installed. The time-scale for this black approach could be annual or monthly. In the case of the grey level, energy units are created based on dynamic physical models which are composed by a set of inputs parameters and a set of outputs in an hourly basis. Considering the case of buildings, the number of inputs in buildings models is tremendous so it is necessary to review the aim of this deliverable, the district modelling Regarding district modelling, users may not be interested in a deep district element analysis especially if real data are not available mainly because the huge amount of elements that could be found in district makes an accuracy effort useless. In other words the process of district simulation could be composed by following step depending on the information available (Figure 2). 1) Developmet of the district energy models based on black energy units 2) Progressive Replacement of black energy units per grey units once district manager or responsable gets information about inputs selected per element. 3) Replacemente of certain grey energy unit as long as this specific unit is monitor by DAREED platforma and white model could be develop by the platform itself. The lack of real data information has been one of the major concerns taking into consideration the amount of information required from a district perspective. So the methodology already introduced in D1.4 tries to overcome this barrier by offering above-mentioned alternatives. 22 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA It is important to note that the terminology used by DAREED project does not refer to the modelling approaches presented in Section 3. The discussion regarding types of energy modelling chosen to develop DAREED platform is introduced in the next section. 4.2 Physical modelling vs. Machine Learning The selection of certain modelling provides advantages as well as disadvantages in comparison with other methods. The key point is the identification of the most suitable modelling according to DAREED platform needs. Generally speaking and as it is stated in [53] physical methods (PM) are suitable in situation in which building design data are available and specially for new building when real data do not exist. On the negative side, physical models require a big amount of input data including geometry, envelopes, energy systems, building use patters, occupancy, etc. On the contrary, Machine learning modelling (MLM) is suitable in the opposite situation when design data are not available but operational data are, including energy and comfort information. One of the weaknesses of this last approach is that MLM requires high quality and amount of available data to train models. All in all, MLM requires less information and seems easier to be developed. But, if a physical interpretation is required PM is the most suitable solution. In the DAREED framework, taking into consideration the major concern regarding real time data acquisition, physical models is needed as starting point. 4.3 Integration of physical models in the DAREED platform The selection of physical models is mainly based on the fact that from a district perspective the collection of real data from a high amount of building is really time consuming specially for gathering a great number of final users. As mentioned before, physical modelling guarantees a first starting point for a district simulation, to increase lately the accuracy of the different models in case real data are available. 23 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Figure 2. Process to enrich DAREED platform from physical to model to ―Grey-Box Model approaches‖ At the beginning of the platform operation, a set of generic building will be created and store in the data layer of DAREED platform. These generic building models are created based on standard of uses and building national codes as explained in next sections Once, pilot building are including in the tool implying the acquisition of building design information, pattern of use and energy invoiced, associated physical model will be tuned creating a new element in the DAREED database 4.4 An overall model As mentioned in section 4.1, the overall district model comprises the sum of elements with certain energy behaviour in the sense of producing or consuming energy. Thus, to know and assess the energy demand and consumption in a certain area, DAREED platform users will aggregate ―Energy Units‖ responsible for energy consumption, such as 24 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA buildings, public lightings, etc. as well as those responsible for energy production, including; photovoltaic installations, domestic hot water systems (DHW), small wind turbines, etc. 5. Components modelling and characterization This section represents the main output of this deliverable. In following paragraphs different level approaches are explained in detail and will be implemented and located in the DAREED database. In general the models will be composed by following elements; Parameters Inputs Model Outputs Parameters are those variables fixed or linked to a certain selection done by DAREED users. This information will be stored in the Data layer. The input box includes all the information DAREED platform requires from user to run physical models. Relation between parameters and inputs It is important to note that it is possible some inputs become parameters based on the knowledge manager. An example of that is the modelling of a building. The first time associated building manager introduces the description of the building most of the information will be asked as Inputs such as building total area, height, uses, etc. but after that if user wants to assess the effect of improving building glazing just variables related to windows will be asked as windows, uploading the rest of variables as Parameters from the first time user introduced this information. 25 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Figure 3. First time data introduction. Figure 4. Next time data introduction Green arrows represent interaction with GUI Yellow arrows represent interaction with Component layer. Uploaded information from DAREED platform Blue arrows represent interaction with Data layer. Information to be stored in DAREED platform Physical Models are the set of equations that solve specific energy problem such as photovoltaic production, building energy demand or consumption, etc. In the next section these physical models are explained in depth for both consumption and production nodes. 26 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA For example in the case of a DHW the physical model is governed by the following mathematical equation; where η is the performance of the collectors A collector surface I solar radiation Finally, outputs are the result of solving the above-mentioned equations. In the example of the DHW model, Q values are the output of the model. 5.1 Consumption nodes 5.1.1 Buildings Probably buildings are the most complex elements to be modelled in a district as there exist a great number of parameters that can affect their energy behaviour including; user patterns, weather conditions, building envelopes or equipment. To overcome this complexity different levels of modelling have been foreseen. Black approach At an early stage in which DAREED Platform’s adoption in a district might be low, lacking the minimal required data in order to simulate building energy behaviour. Thus, an alternative to such cases might be provided. The use of this modelling approach will be limited to district wide simulations in order to provide a consumption estimation for those buildings not enrolled in DAREED Platform. Nevertheless, users will be required to provide some basic information based on which the estimations will be performed using knowledge extracted from bibliography and previous works. For instance, the approach followed in TABULA Project, where annual consumption for different building typologies is provided for regions all over EU. Under black approach, buildings will be modelled with the following inputs and outputs: 27 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Table 5 Black building model inputs and outputs Inputs Model Type of buildings Output Output = Building area ∙ Energy ratios ∙ Energy Aspect Total surface (sq-m) Breakdown Annual energy consumption per source (kWh) Annual energy demand per energy aspect (kWh) Grey The black modelling approached detailed along the previous paragraphs will provide a last resort solution in the event of very limited building characterization data and/or consumption data availability. Due to this lack of input data, the accuracy and data resolution of output variables from simulation and forecast tasks will be presumable low. In order to fulfil DAREED Platform objectives and to be able to provide some of the services described in Deliverable 2.4, a higher accuracy and output data resolution is required. To achieve this accuracy requirement, a physical modelling approach is proposed. The advantages of such approach are: The installation of devices is not required and, therefore, no budgetary constraints affect this approach The amount of data in which physical models are based is small compared to a machine learning model, and could be easily provided by the end-user. This modelling approach, unlike machine learning models, is suitable for the assessment of EEM in a particular building. Although machine learning models can achieve a higher accuracy for forecasting purposes, physical models present more flexibility, being suitable for both forecasting and EEM assessment tasks. The creation of an accurate physical model is a challenging task, which requires a comprehensive definition of a vast amount of parameters, which will characterize thermal behaviour of building, energy systems behaviour as well as usage patterns. Together with the amount of parameters, the mayor barrier to overcome is the fact that most of this input data would not be easy to identify and provide for a user with no technical background. To surmount this issue, the end-user will be asked to provide a limited set of parameters, easily identifiable for a non-expert person, based on which the DAREED platform will generate the 28 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA physical model taking into consideration some hypothesis integrated in the model generation logic. Table 6 details the preliminary set of parameters to be provided by the end-user in order to allow DAREED Platform to generate a physical building model1, some of which might be optional in the final version. Table 6 Set of parameters required from user for grey building model generation Parameter Input method Building location Selectable on map view Selectable from a predefined Building orientation list Selectable from a predefined Building typology list Selectable from a predefined Building use list Selectable from a predefined Construction period list Number of floors Façade surfaces Numeric input and orientation Façade constructive solution Approximate glazed surface Window technology Useful or conditioned surface Approximate use schedule 1 Numeric input [sq-m] Selectable from a predefined list Selectable from a predefined list Numeric input [sq-m] Selectable from a predefined list Numeric input [sq-m] Selectable from a predefined list Number of building users Numeric input [sq-m] HVAC System technology Selectable from a predefined Some services might require additional parameters to the proposed set. 29 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Parameter Input method list Existing on-site technologies generation Selectable from a predefined list2 To ease the physical model generating task, the platform will be provided with a set of template parametric models which will be adjusted based on characterization information entered by the platform’s user. These parametric models will be categorized in a tree-like structure consisting on the following preliminary set of levels: 2 Geographical location Building typology Construction period Building use typology Generation technologies will required additional parameters to construct their models. 30 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Figure 5. Template models categories The simulation tool selected for building simulation and forecast will be an integration of EnergyPlus, whose characteristics were detailed in D2.5, and JEnergyPlus, which has been described in D3.2. Therefore, the models will be generated in an appropriate format, compatible with the selected simulation tool. EnergyPlus model specifications have been extracted from the software documentation, EnergyPlus Input/Output Reference. White approach As it has been stated, physical modelling approach is the most suitable one to fulfil DAREED Project objectives, taking into consideration its constraints. 31 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Nevertheless, consumption monitoring data availability could be exploited to achieve a higher level of accuracy through a tuning process of the physical model already existing for a building. This fine tuning process will consist on the identification of the optimal parameters for the physical model in order to minimize the deviations between the forecasts performed by the DAREED Platform and the real consumption data gathered from buildings. The procedure would be executed as follows: A physical model would be generated based on user inputs (grey model) Consumption data will be uploaded to the DAREED Platform through the monitoring devices installed on site. The discrepancies identified between the real consumption data and the predictions generated by DAREED Platform will be assess attending to several indicators, i.e. baseline and peak loads deviations, total energy consumption, etc. Depending on the aforementioned indicators, a set of model’s parameters will be selected to be adjusted. The identified sub-optimal parameters in the model will be corrected using a data fitting technique to match as accurately as possible the real energy consumption. In the event of considerably large deviations from physical model results and monitoring data, the user will be asked to reassess building characterization data in order to avoid errors derived from an incorrect characteristics identification or transcription to the platform. The tuning procedure described could be executed recursively, triggered whenever certain discrepancy indicators are higher than a predefined threshold. 5.2 Production energy units The case of production nodes is much simpler than consumption ones. As it has explained in previous sections, buildings in general include different energy uses as well as energy fuels. For that reason, production nodes are modelled from a grey approach. In the case platform user requires a black district simulation; aggregation of results will be carried out from the grey approach to the black as follow, If monthly basis information is required for the black approach modelling 32 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA ⌋ ∑∑ ⌋ where j is the calculated month N is the number of days of the month k is the hour of the day If annual basis information is required for the black approach modelling ⌋ ∑∑ ⌋ where k is the hour of the day Taking into consideration the most representative solution that can be found in a district, following technologies has been selected to be implemented; DHW – Domestic Hot Water Systems PV – Photovoltaic installations µCHP – micro-Combined Heat & Power Small Wind Public lighting 5.2.1 DHW Domestic hot water systems are probable the most extended DEG technology, supported by national regulations that require the integration of this type of systems in new building constructions. Typically the size of these installations in terms of power rate is not large unlike the number of them. In addition DHW represents an important energy use in dwellings, representing for example in the case of Spanish dwellings up to 8% of total energy consumption [58]. 33 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA The model to implement this grey producing energy unit is based on the following equation; where η is the performance of the collectors A collector surface I solar radiation To implement the model based on the previous equation a set of input and parameters are required to produce outputs Table 7. DHW model. Inputs Inputs Unit Type of collector - Description Type of collector available in DAREED platform database 2 Surface m Aperture area Location - Urban area under study Orientation - N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW The selection of a certain type of collector implies the selection of following parameters Table 8. Parameters associated to the selection of a type of collector Inputs ID Unit Description a0 - Intercept of the collector efficiency a1 kJ/h/m2/k Efficiency slope a2 kJ/h/m2/k2 Efficiency curvature Cp kJ/kg/K Specific heat collector fluid 34 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Table 9. DHW model. Outputs Outputs ID Unit Description Tout °C Temperature of the outgoing flow from the collector Q kWh Transmitted energy to the flow η - Instantaneous efficiency 5.2.2 Photovoltaic Photovoltaic installations are also well-deployed technologies in urban areas. The combined effects of energy price increase rate and the fast decrease of the technology price [62] have increased the investments in these technologies. National Policies have also contributed to the implementation of this technology. As a result there exist an important amount of installations mainly roof-installations and still a high potential to install new ones. These are the reasons why Photovoltaic has been considered as a production energy unit. The model to implement this grey producing energy unit is based on the following equation; PVpower,act = Iglob * Apv * effpv where PVpower,act is the active power output of the panels Iglob is the global solar radiation normal to the panel Apv is the area of panel effpv the constant efficiency of the panel To implement this model based on the previous equation a set of input and parameters are required to produce outputs. Table 10. PV model. Inputs Inputs Unit Type of collector - Surface m2 Description Type of collector available in DAREED platform database Aperture area 35 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Inputs Unit Description Location - Urban area under study Orientation - N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW Table 11. Parameters associated to the selection of a type of collector Inputs ID Unit effpv Description - Constant efficiency of the panel Table 12. PV model. Outputs Outputs Model ID Output Unit Description Electricity PVpower,act kWh produced by the installation 5.2.3 Small wind Small wind is probable the less common technology applied in urban areas. This technology is mostly applied for higher installation, called wind farm, far from consumption areas depending on the wind resource availability. On one hand the availability of wind source in cities is lower than in open areas where there not exist physical barriers that could stop wind flows. But on the other hand the impact on the environment is much lower in the case of urban areas, especially concerning wildlife. Regarding cities two main installations are foreseen; horizontal and vertical axis. The equations are the following; (kinetic energy equation) And including losses; where 36 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA PW is the wind turbine power produced ρLocal is the air density at a certain height AR is the swept area VLocal is the wind velocity Cp is the power generation coefficient The calculation of intermediate parameters will be done by EnergyPlus SW, from the user perspective inputs and outputs required are: Table 13. Small Wind inputs Inputs Unit Description AR m2 Swept area Location - Height m Place where the wind turbines are installed Height where the turbines are placed Table 14. Small Wind parameters Parameters Unit Description Type of turbine - Horizontal or vertical axis Number of blades Table 15. Small Wind outputs Outputs Model ID Output Unit Description Electricity PVpower,act kWh installation 37 produced by the Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 5.2.4 µCHP Micro Combined Heat and power systems are systems able to provide both thermal and electrical energy. Unlike elder systems where heat was dissipated, new systems take advantage from the heat produced in a combustion process, providing it as an output as well as the electricity. This means the efficiency of these systems could reach up to 90% much higher than the only production of electricity (around 40%) [59]. For that reason these technology has become popular in last years. Its scaling has allowed not only implementing at a high scale but also at lower scale, being 5kW-CHP installations suitable application for dwelling and block of buildings [60]. It is also common, especially in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, the existence of District Heating Networks some of the feed by CHP technologies. But limitation in terms of level of investments and regarding urban barriers limit the deployment of this solution in consolidated urban areas. In any case the model presented is applicable to both large and small scale. To implement this model based on the previous equation a set of input and parameters are required to produce outputs. Mathematical equations are the followings; 1. Case of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE): This model represents a 6 valves engine. The model is based on the "Baud Rochas" Cycle (four strokes engine). The four strokes are described below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Intake of air at atmosphere pressure Isentropic compression (All valves closed) Combustion, (constant pressure heat input) Expansion stroke (all valves closed) Heat rejection (constant volume, exhaust valve open and intake valve closed) Exhaust stroke at constant pressure (exhaust valve open and intake valve closed) First, the volume of each combustion chamber has to be defined: 38 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Power from thermodynamic transformation at each stroke is calculated for each time step of the simulation time: 1. Intake of air at atmosphere pressure First, the amount of substance (number of moles) has to be defined: The temperature out of this isentropic compression could be defined with the Laplace equation: The power needed for this compression could be calculated with this expression: ( ) 2. Isentropic compression (All valves closed) Combustion, (constant pressure heat input) ( ) 3. Expansion stroke (all valves closed) The exhaust temperature is depending on the volume ratio, γ and the temperature out of the combustion: ( ) The effective mechanical work could be calculated with this expression: ( ) 4. Heat rejection (constant volume, exhaust valve open and intake valve closed) Exhaust stroke at constant pressure (exhaust valve open and intake valve closed) 39 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA ( ) The cycle work is calculated from this expression: Cycle work leads to obtain the power calculation engine for a number of cycle per minute: | | The electrical power is obtained from the mechanical power: The power produced by the combustion transformation is: | | The thermal power from exhaust gas is | | Table 16. µCHP model. Inputs Intputs ID Unit Description T1 K Inlet ambient air temperature (For ICE and micro turbine) P1 kPa m kg/s Inlet air flow rate (For microtubule) T3 K Combustion temperature Inlet air (For ICE and micro turbine) 40 pressure Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Intputs ID Unit Description pr - ICE: Volume ratio Micro turbine: Compression ratio nc - Compressor efficiency nt - Turbine efficiency Vbdc m3 Volume bottom dead center rpm Tr/min Revolution per minute nelec - Alternator efficiency K - Gamma R J/mol/K Ideal gas constant Table 17. Parameters µCHP model Parameters ID Unit Description T3 K Combustion temperature pr dimensionless nc dimensionless Compressor efficiency nt dimensionless Turbine efficiency 3 Default value ICE : 2100 Micro turbine : 1240 ICE volume ratio ICE : 8 Micro turbine : Compression ratio Micro turbine : 10 Volume bottom dead centre ICE : 0 Micro turbine : 0.83 ICE : 0 Micro turbine : 0.87 ICE : 10-3 Vbdc m rpm Tr/min Revolution per minute η elec dimensionless Alternator efficiency 0.95 η therm dimensionless Combustion efficiency 0.99 Micro turbine : 0 ICE : 2500 Micro turbine : 0 Constant parameters K dimensionless γ : ratio Cp/Cv 1.4 R J.mol-1.K-1 R : Ideal gas constant 8.314 41 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Table 18. µCHP model. Outputs Outputs ID Unit Description T1_mean K Mean ambient temperature T4 K Exhaust temperature Pmec_mean W Mechanical Power Pin_mean W Mean combustion power Ptherm_mean W Mean heat Power Pelec_mean W Mean electrical power Pactive_mean W Mean active power Preactive_mean W Mean reactive power 5.3 Weather data information For the above models, weather data information is required as in all of them weather information is required as input. Data information will be collected from open-source weather information database compiled by U.S. Energy Department and linked to Energy Plus. This relation between weather information and Energy Plus SW tool will facilitate the processes of integration in further project steps. In a nutshell the parameters gathered in these files are; Site location including latitude, longitude, time zone and elevation Design weather days Monthly Average values; dry temperatures, dew points, relative humidity, wind speed and velocity, solar radiation, ground temperatures, etc. Hourly values of temperatures, humidity and radiation. Reader can find more details regarding weather data information in the following link; o_region_6 42 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 5.4 District energy infrastructures District energy strategies have to start from the analysis of distribution technologies to supply electricity, gas and cooling/heating services in a city. In fact, alongside the traditional energy infrastructure supplies that comprise both primary energy (gas, fossil fuel) and electrical energy, in the last years new types of energy supply networks are being studied and developed. These concerns with new heat and cool distribution network, district heating and cooling (DHC) enable the carrying of energy from one or several production units, using multiple energy sources, to many energy users. Figure 6 Pathways for RE integration to provide energy services, either into energy supply systems or on-site for use by the end-use sectors Now, for evaluating the district energy needs, the most widely used drivers that supply energy to a city or a neighborhood for buildings energy demands are: Gas network Electric distribution grid DHC 43 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA The 68% of the total residential buildings primary energy consumption is used for space heating by heat pumps (HP), electric heater (EH), gas boiler (GB) and combined heat and power (CHP). The demand of gas or fuel fossil is mostly due to space or water heating (GB, CHP), so it’s closely related to the energy features of each buildings. As consequence an improvement in buildings thermal performance leads to a reduction of gas or fuel fossil. The true potential of the city district energy system, able to support the flexibility of energy supply and demand and to support the integration of RES, involves the electrical energy supply infrastructure. This allows taking in consideration in the district energy model all the aspects that could not be investigated through the sum of single building analysis. Therefore, this approach in district infrastructure energy modelling allows taking in consideration local energy generation, storage technologies, the increasing of electric vehicles (EV), electrical appliances in transportation, public lighting and facilities. 5.4.1 Electrical distribution grid In the European Union region, the efficiency of Electric networks is highly efficient, with losses around 6% and values at Country level spanning from 2% (Slovak Republic) to 21% (Lithuania). Without considering losses due to failures, typical of countries with high losses, losses are due to unbalancing of reactive power consumption, to ohmic losses of the lines, to losses in transformation stations. Figure 7 Efficiency of European Electrical Network compared with rest of the world In an efficient network, failures are quickly repaired. There is an accurate active management of reactive power by means of compensation systems, the best compromise is found between length of lines and their capacity, and between lines voltage and voltage elevation/reduction 44 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA passages (if the voltage is high then the losses diminish, although this implies normally a larger number of transformation passages) Narrowing the distance between electricity production and consumption is an effective strategy to reduce losses, since ohmic and transformation losses are both reduced. Considering this, a way to increase grid efficiency could be distributed power generation with small plants connected to the distribution grid at low voltage and electricity used by the prosumers (producers/consumers) themselves or by their closer neighbours. New solutions and approaches of management will be required in the next future to convert the traditional grids into smart grids, since the rapidly growing electric production from distributed, unpredictable power sources (such as renewable energy sources) makes that the production follow the weather condition instead of the power demand stressing the traditional grid management policies. New features of grids require electricity buffers, production forecast systems linked to weather forecasts and dynamic pricing, tools to favouring energy use in moments of high availability and low demand and discouraging consumption in situations of low production and high demand. Integrating buildings and the electricity grid is important to guarantee a reliable grid operation if the fraction of renewable energy increases. Intermittent and variable generation sources and loads, such as those of electric vehicles and renewable on-site sources (e.g. PV panels or wind turbines), are being installed on the grid in increasing numbers and at more distributed locations. Examples are buildings that typically produce energy on-site from renewable sources in order to compensate their electric energy consumption. When many renewable energy sources are located in the same district, the fluctuations of the electric power generated may be high and usually not aligned with the demand of electric power. In order to avoid problems, efficient transactions between buildings and the grid need to become a reality. The district model platform could incorporate the electrical energy supply infrastructure in order to provide information about the state of the network, at the same time it has to allow the characterization of energy generation, storage, loads types (residential, commercial, tertiary, public facilities). The versatility of energy in electrical form, the ability to transport it across large distances (nearly) instantaneously, and its necessity for the deployment of modern technology and the advancement of economic and social development has resulted in a dramatic increase in the demand for electricity. This growth of electricity demand coupled with the geographically dispersed nature of 45 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA many renewable sources makes electricity an attractive energy vector to harness RE where adequate network infrastructure is available. The fundamental purpose of electrical distribution systems is to move power from a few sources of supply to a very large number of points of consumption. The major building blocks (or elements) of distribution systems are the line segments and the transformers. Distribution lines serve as channels. Numerous line segments are connected in order to deliver power to consumers. Transformers are inserted into the power flow path to change the voltage levels because such changes are needed in order to increase the efficiency of power transportation. Figure 8 Distribution systems for electrical power The object of our model will be essentially related to the distribution and sub-distribution network related to district level, specifically medium voltage (MV) and low voltage grid. These are the distinguishing features: The object of the MV grid is to carry electricity from the transmission network to points of medium consumption. These consumer points are either in the public sector, with access to MV/LV public distribution substations, or in the private sector, with access to delivery 46 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA substations for medium consumption users. The number of these customers is only a small proportion of the total number of customers supplied directly with LV. They are essentially from the tertiary sector, such as hospitals, administrative buildings, small industries. The object of LV grid is to carry electricity from the MV network to points of low consumption with access to LV customers. It represents the final level in an electrical structure. The distribution system typically starts at the distribution substation, and is fed by one or more sub-transmission lines. Each substation is designed to serve one or more primary feeders. Most of the utility distribution feeders are radial, i.e. power flows from the substation to the metered user. An important characteristic of radial distribution feeders is having only one path for power to flow from the source to each customer. A typical distribution system is composed of distribution substations having one or more feeders. The distribution lines may be overhead or underground depending on the feasibility and requirement, with distinct electrical characteristics. Voltage regulators adjust the voltage settings, to keep the voltage at all nodes within IEC limits. Some of the primary main feeders have in-line transformers to serve large industrial consumers. To provide reactive power support to the feeder at critical nodes, single phase or three phase capacitor banks are used. Smaller distribution transformers, also known as service transformers supply customers at 380/230 V level. The distribution feeder supplies single phase, two phase and three phase loads categorized as smaller residential consumer as well as large industrial consumers. Each device in a distribution feeder has unique electrical characteristics that must be determined before the power flow analysis of the feeder. Distribution systems for electrical power possess a hierarchical structure. Each level in this hierarchy corresponds to a specified voltage. The structure at each level consists of nodes and links between nodes. An assembly of links between nodes links the structure of one level to the upper structure. An assembly of transformers that are commonly referred to as sources links the structure of one level to the upper structure. The generation part consists of the power plants that are located in certain locations (at discrete points) on the territory. Seen from the point of view of a single consumer, the power stream that the consumer receives flows through the sequence of the upper subsystems. 47 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 5.4.2 Gas grid The largest gas suppliers for Europe are the Northern Sea, former Soviet countries and North Africa. In gas networks large diameter, high pressure and gas speed pipelines connect the production areas to the use areas covering thousands of miles. They are sided by the naval transport. The natural gas is liquefied into Liquid Natural Gas at cryogenic temperatures at shipping harbours, transported by gas carrier ships and brought to gas phase again into receiving Liquid Natural Gas terminals at arrival harbours, where it enters the transmission network again. Transport of liquid gas is more expensive, in terms of energy and of cost, than pipelines, but it allows the access to diversify the suppliers thus reducing risks related to price changes and gas availability. From the transmission network, gas passes at local level in distribution networks, where pressure is reduced to low values. In general, gas networks have low losses due to the leaks, thanks to the very high care in avoiding and repairing the leaks for safety reasons. Energy losses in transmission and distribution losses are due to gas compression at the production sites, gas-pumping stations along the lines, gas free decompression without energy recovery at pressure reduction station. For Liquid Natural Gas transportation, large energy inputs are needed for the liquefaction process at shipping harbours to bring gas at cryogenic temperatures and further losses occur from refrigeration systems on Liquid Natural Gas carrier ships. Part of the liquefaction energy is recovered at regasification terminals at arrival harbours. At the user side, pressure reduction normally occurs through simple lamination valves with no energy recovery. An emerging technology is the mechanical energy recovery from the pressure drop through turbo expander systems generating electricity, which is the only possible energy efficiency improvement at district level in gas distribution networks. 5.4.3 District heating and cooling District Heating and Cooling systems increase the overall efficiency of the energy system by recycling heat losses from a variety of energy conversion processes. Heat which otherwise would be lost is recovered and placed on the market to meet thermal demands in buildings and industries. 48 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Also renewable sources which otherwise would be difficult to use, such as many forms of biomass and geothermal energy, can be exploited. By aggregating a large number of small, variable heating and cooling demands, District Heating and District Cooling provide the key to wide scale primary energy and carbon emission reductions in whole communities. District heating networks bring heat from large production systems, where heat often comes as a by-product of industrial processes or of power generation, to the end users in districts. Normally the heat is carried by hot water, superheated water or steam. Losses occur by heat transmission through pipes walls, by water or steam leaks due to holes on pipes, heat exchangers and fittings and, in case of steam systems, by condensate return lines and by damaged steam traps. In an efficient DH network, losses due to thermal transmission are minimized thanks to high insulation levels of piping and losses due to damages are limited by careful maintenance. Normally, in a District Heating Network where the maintenance is performed well, the losses are kept below 10% of thermal energy entered into the grid. Aside improving maintenance, efficiency of district heating increases by maximising the ratio between the number of users and the length of the network. Despite good maintenance, losses due to leaks in District Heating networks keep being a main problem also in the best cases. One strategy to detect leaks, put in place since long times, are related to colouring water flowing in District Heating pipes that permit to detect immediately failures on heat exchangers and leaks along lines. Other strategy is to measure delivery and return flow rates. Efficiency reduction due to wearing and aging of components in District Heating networks is one of the fields where ICT technologies and the availability of more precise sensors play a major role in improving energy efficiency. The installation of meters along networks to detect anomalies in flow rate, pressure and temperature is today much cheaper than in the past, with more precise measurements and more powerful automatic monitoring systems able to detect anomalous behaviours and report them to the District Heating managers. A large field of energy efficiency improvement along District Heating systems is related to shaving demand peaks. In the majority of District Heating systems, part of the heat comes from cheap waste heat sources (industries or power plants), that produce it as a by-product at a certain rate regardless of the heat need of the city. 49 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Very often, the waste heat sources are sufficient to cover a part of demand, but often the peak load has to be covered in a more expensive way through dedicated boilers. Reducing demand peaks and shifting demand on different times can be therefore a way to increase the waste heat use and to reduce primary energy use. Normally, fluctuations in heat demand decrease with the size of the District Heating system. At network level, strategies that are effective in shaving peaks are related to mixing users with different heat demand profiles and different peak demand hours and to storing heat. District Cooling is an environmentally optimized cooling solution, using local, natural resources or absorption chillers using heat to produce cooling. As with District Heating, the customer is connected to the cooling production via a pipe network. Chilled water is distributed to the buildings where it loses its cold content, thus cooling down the building temperature. 6. Conclusions Through this document, a set of models have been proposed and described considering: State of the art of district modelling Modelling approach proposed in WP1 DAREED Platform objectives and functionality DAREED Platform constrains The suitability of two modelling strategies has been analysed: physical modelling and machine learning based models. It has been concluded that physical modelling approach is more convenient to fulfil the objectives established and to overcome the identified barriers. As it was proposed in WP1, the district will be modelled as a set of energy units, which will be modelled, extracting district-wide information by results aggregation. These energy units have been categorized as buildings, energy generating units, energy distribution units and infrastructures. In the case of buildings, different models have been proposed with increasing levels of precision in order to overcome lack of building characterization information. The simulation tool chosen for building energy behaviour simulation will be an integration of EnergyPlus and JEnergyPlus. A set of models have been proposed for energy generating units in the district, namely, DHW, photovoltaic, small wind and µCHP. The accuracy achieved by the simplified physical models proposed for energy generating units will be suitable for DAREED Platforms objectives. 50 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Regarding energy distribution infrastructures, the integration of existing simulation tools will be described in D3.4. 51 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA 7. References [1] Driesen, J.; Belmans, R., "Distributed generation: challenges and possible solutions," Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006. IEEE , pp.8 doi: 10.1109/PES.2006.1709099 [2] W. El-Khattam and M. Salama, 'Distributed generation technologies, definitions and benefits', Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 119-128, 2004. [3] A. Thomas, A. Göran, S. Lennart, Distributed generation: a definition, Electric Power Syst. Res. 57 (3) (2001) 195–204. [4] IEA, Distributed Generation in Liberalised Electricity Markets, Paris, 128 pages, 2002. 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Final energy consumption per climate zone. (CBEM) Climate Zone Final Energy (kWh/m2 yr) B3 107,20 B4 94,60 C1 138,60 C2 128,80 C3 144,50 D1 188,70 E1 211,40 And the following constructive elements; Table 21. Constructive elements. U coefficient. (CBEM) Element U (W/m2K) Pitched roof 5,56 57 Deliverable: D 3.1 Organisation: IAT, CETMA Façade 0,24 Floor 2,38 Ground floor 0,66 Windows 4,96 And energy systems Table 22. Energy systems description. (CBEM) System Description Performance Heating Electric 1 system DHW Gas Heater 0,8 Additionally to this information, it is required the total amount of energy linked to lighting and equipment covering the three main aspects found in residential and tertiary sector; lighting, equipment and HVAC. According to information provided in [58], depending on the type of dwelling lighting and consumption is as follows; Table 23. Lighting and equipment consumption per type of building Type dwelling of Lighting consumption 2 SFH Prevalence Equipment Energy of consumption Efficiency 2 (kWh/m yr) technology (kWh/m yr) Level 3,17 Incandescent 23,77 A Class 58