WI-CaN CookBook - Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen eV


WI-CaN CookBook - Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen eV
Traditional and Modern Recipes from Womwn living in Spain, Denmark, Turkey, Bulgaria, Germany and the United Kingdom
Collected and Presented by the Learning Partnership WI-CaN—Women, Education, Crafts and Networking
Main Dishes
The Mediterranean Diet
Cakes & Desserts
Across Europe, a large number of migrants
are socially isolated, and thus, more difficult
to reach through traditional integration
initiatives. Most of them – majority of which
are women -- are unemployed, uneducated,
without professional training, and lack the
necessary language skills to hold a job or to
take part in everyday life activities.
The WI-CaN project gave women from six
different European countries the opportunity
to meet and exchange views on common
topics like education, health issues,
employment opportunities and social
integration. WI-CaN was aiming at
integrating migrant women through cooking
and nutrition, crafts (e.g. sewing and
needlework) and cultural exchange. Local
club evenings and cultural events will
promote informal learning, networking and
cultural understanding.
Participants from six partner countries during the transnational meeting in Cocentaina /
Transnational partners in the project were:
National Association of Municipal
Clerks, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Verein Niedersächsischer
Bildungsinitiativen e.V., Hannover
Assosació D’Alumnes FPA
Beniassent, Cocentaina (Spain)
Association of Social Rehabilitation
(TRDER), Adana (Turkey)
Refugee Therapy Centre. London
(United Kingdom)
Vejle Kommune in co-operation with
VIFIN, Vejle (Denmark)
The project lead to the production of
this international cook book (with
cultural information on the origin of
the food),
a collection of needlework
An intercultural quilt showing the
participants' story and culture,
the project website: www.wi-can.eu
All these initiatives shall inspire migrant
women, help them become a part of a
network, and empower them to take a more
active role in inspiring other women, as well
as seek and find employment.
The project was coordinated by Vejle
Municipality Special Projects Unit in
cooperation with VIFIN
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views
only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained
The variety in Bulgarian cuisine is based on the long history of the
country, as well as on the long-lasting migrations of the tribes that
founded Bulgaria more than 1300 years ago. The close contact with
Turkey and Greece have helped form very attractive and to some extent
an exotic national cuisine, including some dishes which are typical of
Bulgaria only.
Famous for its rich salads required at every meal, Bulgarian cuisine is
also noted for the diversity and quality of dairy products and the variety
of Bulgarian wines. Bulgarian cuisine features also a variety of hot and
cold soups, an example of a cold soup being tarator. There are many
different Bulgarian pastries as well such as banitsa.
Most Bulgarian dishes are oven baked, steamed, or in the form of stew.
Deep-frying is not very typical, but grilling - especially different kinds
of meats - is very common. Pork meat is the most common meat in the
Bulgarian cuisine. Oriental dishes do exist in Bulgarian cuisine with
most common being mousaka, gyuvetch, and baklava. A very popular
ingredient in Bulgarian cuisine is the Bulgarian white brine cheese
called "sirene". It is the main ingredient in many salads, as well as in a
variety of pastries. Fish and chicken are widely eaten and while beef is
less common as most cattle are bred for milk production rather than
meat, veal is a natural byproduct of this process and it is found in many
popular recipes.
Bulgaria may well be the first geographical region where vines were
planted and wine produced. The same area may claim property to the
first vine protection decree in 2 c. AD. The wine cellar may also be
Bulgarian invention since Bulgarian monastic orders had first been
reported to have stored wine in cool vaults deep under the ground level.
The traditional Danish cuisine – old country
kitchen - used ingredients produced in farming. Thus the traditional recipes were created
primarily to protect the Danes against the
country’s cold weather conditions. Therefore,
it was natural for the Danes to eat a lot of
meat together with plenty of vegetables and
rye bread – and it still is today.
Poultry and fish products are the Danes’
second choice. The cold, and often wet
climate in Denmark requires a lot of food with
high nutritional values that contains many
vitamins, minerals and proteins to mobilise a
lot of energy - which is a vital source needed
for work, school, sports and other forms of
daily activities.
Earlier, the Danes used to salt, smoke or
brine-pickle meat, poultry and vegetables
to prolong the food’s shelf life. This tradition
remains an integral part of the Danish food
culture up to today.
For hundreds of years, rye bread and beer
have been basic parts of the daily food consumption. It was only later, that potatoes and
gravy became the main supplement to fish
and meat dishes.
The current Danish food culture is partly still
very traditional and conservative and partly
inspired by foreign cultures, primarily by the
French and Italian kitchen.
Det traditionelle danske køkken – det
såkaldte landbrugskøkken – benyttede sig
typisk af de ingredienser, som de danske
landmænd producerede på deres gårde.
Opskrifterne var således også indrettet efter
at beskytte den almene landmand mod de
kolde vejrforhold. Derfor var det sædvane at
servere store mængder kød (især svinekød),
grøntsager og rugbrød.
Fjerkræ og fisk var danskernes næstmest
foretrukne valg af mad. På grund af det kolde
og våde vejr og for at kunne varetage det
daglige arbejde havde danskerne behov for
fødevarer med høje næringsværdier, vitaminer, mineraler og proteiner.
For at konservere og forlænge fødevarernes
holdbarhed saltede, røgede eller lagrede
danskerne deres kød og grøntsager. I dag er
denne tradition stadig en anvendt metode i
det danske køkken.
Rugbrød og øl har tidligt været grundbestanddele i den danske madlavning og
forbrug. Senere blev også kartoflen og den
brune sovs et typisk supplement til fisk og
I dag er den danske madkultur til dels stadig
traditionel og konservativ og dels inspireret af
udenlandske kulturer, især det franske og det
italienske køkken.
German cuisine traditionally includes
different regional styles of cooking and food
specialties. Dishes from the mountain areas
in the South differ a lot from dishes in the
North, where the sea is close. Germany is
well known for the huge variety of breads,
sausages and cheese.
have changed. One example is the Döner
Kebap: Originally coming from South
Eastern kitchen cultures like the Turkish
cuisine, the “Berlin style” Döner Kebap
served with salads and sauce in a bread roll
has become a popular fast food dish in
German cuisine is often associated with
hearty, meat-heavy dishes. For example,
many people think of Sauerkraut with
potatoes and sausages or pork legs when
imagining German food. But the everyday
cooking and eating habits have changed
during the past half century, mainly through
migration and mobility factors such as labor
migration, mass tourism, but as well
because of industrialization of food
production, conservation and distribution.
Breakfast (Frühstück) traditionally consists
of coffee and/or tea, bread, toast or bread
rolls with jam or honey, sausage or cheese,
with boiled or fried eggs on Sundays. As this
is a very heavy meal, many people
meanwhile prefer a lighter version of
breakfast, such as cereals with fruit, yogurt
or juice.
Vegetarian and vegan food have become
more popular in the past 25 years,
especially as a reaction to mass production
of meat and poultry and a number of food
scandals. Many young families prefer to use
local organic products where applicable.
Picture above: Pretzels. © Jonathan M. (Wikimedia Commons)
Picture to the left: Eisbein mit Sauerkraut. © Rainer Zenz
(Wikimedia Commons)
Many traditional regional dishes and
specialties have been preserved, but by
mixing in aspects from other kitchen
cultures, the overall images of German food
Traditionally, the main meal of the day is
lunch (Mittagessen), which is taken between
12:00h and 14:00h. The evening meal then
often consists of a few sandwiches only
(Abendbrot). Due to changing work habits,
many people in Germany meanwhile prefer
to have only a snack at lunchtime, in order
to share the main meal with the whole family
or friends in the evening.
the Mediterranean Diet
Modern Spanish cooking is very well known thanks to many famous
Spanish chefs who have developed a personal style and have spread it all
over the world.
But the foundations of this modern cooking come from skills, knowledge,
practice and tradition from our mothers and grandmothers who taught
their families a healthy, solid and at the same time simple way of
preparing meals from crops, harvesting, fishing, making preserves,
processing and preparation. They are the real origin of our famous
Mediterranean diet.
Particularly in Cocentaina (and all the area), since we have cold winter, we
have a large list of winter dishes mainly based in vegetables, cereals (rice,
wheat), all sort of beans, chick peas, etc.
During our warm spring we have all sorts of fresh green vegetables, to be
eaten in salads, stews and all kind of pastries and dumplings.
Due to the fact that we are not far from the Mediterranean sea, we also
have fresh fish from Alicante bay.
There is also a large variety of sausages and hams of all kinds, made by
our local artisan butchers (we have 6 or 7 butchers in town).
At Cocentaina we have several bakers and confectioners, each of them
with their own variety of breads and pastries as part of a very well-known
tradition in this community.
But basically the most important of our dishes are the natural ingredients
used in the cooking, being olive oil (of local production) the highlight of
the ingredients.
However, the Mediterranean diet encompasses more than just food. It
promotes social interaction, since meals, with family and friends, are the
basis of social customs and festive events. It has given rise to a
considerable body of knowledge and tradition spread among the
community participants that endures over time.
the Mediterranean Diet
La cocina moderna española es muy conocida gracias a sus famosos
chefs, quienes han adquirido un estilo personal y lo han difundido
alrededor del mundo.
Pero los fundamentos de esta cocina moderna vienen del saber hacer, la
sabiduría, práctica y tradición de nuestras madres y abuelas, que
enseñaron a sus familias una forma de cocinar sana y simple a partir de
cosechas, pesca, cultivo, conservación y preparación. Ellas y ellos son el
verdadero origen de nuestra famosa dieta mediterránea.
En Cocentaina (y alrededores), como siempre hemos tenido fríos
inviernos, cocinamos muchos platos invernales con verduras, cereales y
toda clase de judías y garbanzos.
Durante el periodo estival y primavera gozamos de gran variedad de
verduras frescas para ensaladas, estofados pastas y empanadas.
Como no estamos lejos del mar Mediterráneo, también tenemos pescado
fresco de la bahía de Alicante.
También hay gran variedad de embutidos y jamón de distintas variedades,
hechos por nuestros carniceros locales (6 o 7 en el pueblo).
En Cocentaina tenemos también varios panaderos y pasteleros, cada uno
con su propia variedad de pan y pastas como parte de la bien conocida
tradición de esta Comunidad Autónoma.
Pero básicamente lo más importante de nuestros platos son los
ingredientes naturales que usamos, empezando por el aceite de oliva (de
producción local).
No obstante, la dieta Mediterránea es más que sólo comida. Promueve la
interacción social, desde las comidas en familia o con amigos, que son
una base social en fiestas y eventos.
Esto ha dado lugar a unos conocimientos y la difusión de la tradición entre
los participantes de la Comunidad que perdura en el tiempo.
According to many culinary experts, Turkish
food is considered to be among the top
three greatest cuisines in the world along
with French and Chinese. Some may agree
with the French and Chinese but find the
Turkish one debatable.
When looking back at Turkish history, the
reason for Turkish cuisine being ranked
among the top three cuisines in the world
can be understood better .
Original Turks lived a nomadic, as they
moved from the Far East to Asia Minor
(current Turkey), the Turkish ancestors
adopted various foods from various cultures.
Furthermore; Ottoman Empire which
covered three continents, influenced food
culture from North Africa to Eastern Europe
and most of the Middle East.
Almost every region or province is renowned
with one or more types of foods. The
variation of
Turkish food from region to region is as a
result of a diverse weather, lifestyle due to
geographic location and ancestry. The
foundation of Turkish food is based on the
freshness of the ingredients.
In rural areas the vegetables come right out
of people’s garden just before cooking, the
meat comes from a farm or local butcher.
Although, there are still some people who
are living in cities and perform the routine of
grocery shopping daily to get the freshest
available ingredients. In smaller cities and
less populated areas, fresh ingredients are
still the biggest factor in cooking.
Some of the main ingredients used in
Turkish food can be stated as follows:
Tomato paste, red pepper paste,
pomegranate molasses, olive oil, yogurt,
olives, cheese, cumin, sumac, red pepper
flakes, paprika, black pepper, lemon,
oranges, parsley, mint, dill, garlic, onions,
tomatoes, green peppers, eggplant,
zucchini, green beans, cucumber, cabbage,
fish, chicken, beef, lamb, yufka (phyllo
dough), kadayıf (shredded phyllo dough),
chick peas, dried beans, lentils, pistachios,
walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
3 ripe tomatoes
2 long cucumbers
1 green onion
1 red or green pepper
1/3 bunch of parsley
2 tablespoons (olive) oil
Traditional Bulgarian salad
Shopska salad is a traditional Bulgarian cold salad
made from tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, raw or
roasted peppers and sirene (Bulgarian cheese, feta
cheese, white brine cheese). Shopska salad is a very
distinctive Bulgarian dish. It is named after a group
of very frugal people called shopi who live in the
capital of Bulgaria, Sofia.
3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
1 cup (1/2 lb) Bulgarian cheese (or feta cheese)
Chop all tomatoes (we recommend leaving the pieces bigger), cucumbers and the
pepper and put in a bowl. Add the finely chopped onions and parsley. Sprinkle with
the oil and vinegar and mix it all together. Grate the feta on top.
1 person
2 fish fillets (1 breaded, 1 boiled)
75 g shrimps
75 g asparagus (in summer fresh asparagus
are the best)
1 slice of toast
2 dl. white wine
1 lemon
1 slice of cucumber
1 teaspoon caviar
1 tablespoon creme fraiche
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 salad leaf
1 tomato
Dill for garniture
1 egg (optional)
“Shooting Star” is an open faced sandwich,
belonging to the “smørrebrøds”-tradition
introduced in Denmark in the 1880s. A traditional open faced sandwich normally consists
of a piece of bread with various kinds of cold
meat, fish, salads, cheese and is decorated
with all types of toppings. “Smørrebrød” is
normally served together with the famous
Danish beer and snaps. The shooting star
got its name from the way it is built or formed.
It consists of a base of buttered rustic rye
bread - two pieces of battered plaice fillets
(rødspætte), a piece of steamed white fish
rolled. On top is piled a mound of fine fresh
shrimps, which are then decorated with a
dollop of mayonnaise or a dressing, black or
red caviar, and nicely cut lemon slices.
Then a piece of salmon rolled around green
asparagus, cucumber, tomato slices and lettuce. Finally, a boiled egg divided into half’s
(optional) and fresh dill. By placing the fish
on top of each other, the dish should get the
form of a shooting star
The shooting star is a classical dish for lunch,
typically served at official dinners and for
Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.
Fry the breaded fish fillet on a pan. Put the
rolled fish fillet in a pot; add white wine, lemon juice and salt and pepper and steam it.
Mix creme fraiche and ketchup and season
with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Toast the
bread on the pan used for the fish fillet. Arrange the toast on a plate and put the salad
leaf on top. Put the fried fish and the steamed
fish hereupon. Put the dressing on top of the
steamed fish and garnish with asparagus
and shrimps. Put the slice of cucumber,
tomato, a lemon slice, caviar and dill on top.
Tip: Smoked salmon can also be used in this
Stjerneskuddet har fået sit navn efter den
måde, som retten er bygget op på. Ved at
placere de forskellige former for fisk oven på
hinanden får retten form som et stjerneskud.
Selve retten hører til smørrebrødstraditionen, som har eksisteret i Danmark siden
1880’erne. Stjerneskuddet er derfor også en
klassisk frokostanretning, der typisk serveres
ved officielle middage og jule-, påske- og
1 person
2 stk. fiskefilet (1 paneret, 1 upaneret)
75 g rejer
75 g asparges (gerne de friske om sommeren)
1 skive franskbrød
2 dl. hvidvin
1 citron
1 a gurkeskive
1 tsk. kaviar eller fiskerogn
1 spsk. creme fraiche
1 spsk. ketchup
1 salatblad
1 tomat
Dild til pynt
Steg den panerede fiskefilet på en pande
med en smule fedtstof ved jævn varme. Kom
den rullede fiskefilet i en gryde, tilsæt hvidvin
og citronsaft, drys med salt og peber og
damp den på komfuret. Bland creme fraiche
og ketchup sammen og smag til med salt,
peber og citronsaft. Rist brødet på panden
fra fisken. Anret brødet på en tallerken og
kom salatbladet på. Herpå lægges den stegte fisk og den dampede fisk lægges ovenpå.
Kør den røde dressing over den dampede
fisk, og garner fisken med asparges og rejer.
Top fisken med en agurk og citronskive,
tomatbåde, dild og kaviar.
Tip: Man kan også anvende laks som fisk.
4 persons
3-4 free range eggs
3-4 zucchini (600g)
3-4 onions (shallot)
100g solid cheese (i.e. Kefalotíri, Gruyere)
100g breadcrumbs
1 bunch of parsley
1 branch of mint
salt & pepper
frying oil.
This dish is often a part of ”mzze”, where
several dishes are served together on the
table, and everyone can choose from a
variety of different plates.
Wash, grate, and salt the zucchini, let it
draw water for 10 min.
Καλή όρεξη – Enjoy your meal!
Cut shallot in fine pieces, mix with squeezed
Vegetarian Dishes have become very
popular in Germany in the past years; after
several food skandals, and as a reaction to
global issues like mass production of meat
and poultry, and the consequences for other
regions in the world.
This is an example of an originally a Greek
dish which came to Germany through
tourists who spent their holidays in Greece,
and through labor migrants who brought
their traditional dishes to Germany.
Greece has always been a country of
emigration. Over the centuries, so many
people have emigrated - especially to the
United States of America and to Ausrtalia so that meanwhile more Greeks are living
abroad then in Greece itself.
In Germany, the biggest wave of Greek
labor migrants came in the late fifites and
sixties of the past century. They worked in
different industries and contributed to the
prosperity of the German economy as well
as migrants from many other countries. In
the past years, due to the economic crisis,
the number of immigrants from Greece to
Germany has increased again.
Mix with breadcrumbs, grated cheese and
egg yolk.
Add salt (when needed) and pepper.
Beat white of egg and mix in carefully.
Fry auburn in ample oil and dry on kitchen
Serve immediately!
1 lbs beans
(use white beans if possible - haricot, fava, etc.)
2 qt. water
2 onions, chopped
2 tbsp oil
3 tbsp flour
1 tsp paprika
3 tomatoes (or a can of tomatoes)
Bob chorba or beans soup was a very popular dish in
Bulgaria due to the large internal production of beans. A
wide variety of beans was cultivated in the state and
peasants used to commonly put the beans and vegetables
into a stock pan to make a plain, but filling bean soup.
Usually a combination of beans and root vegetables were
used to make the soup.
1 tsp oregano (or dried mint)
salt to taste
Soak the beans in the water overnight. Next morning drain off the water, add
same amount and bring to boil. If you don't want to wait one day to get this
done, you can simply boil the beans for an hour, then discard the water, add
water again and bring to a boil again. Simmer gently for about an hour or until
the beans soften. In a separate plan fry the onions in the oil until golden brown,
add the flour, stir and fry for less then a minute. Add the paprika, stir and add to
the beans. Add the tomatoes and oregano as well. Leave the soup to simmer on a
low heat for about 20 minutes.
6 persons (ca. 2 ½ liter)
1 hen, rooster or chicken (1500 g)
Ca. 3 l water
6 teaspoons salt
½ celeriac
2 bay leafs
1 teaspoon black pepper grains
3-4 parsley stems or coriander stems
3-4 thyme sprigs
2 onions (200 g)
1 leek (150 g)
2 carrots (150 g)
Meatballs and dumplings
Put the poultry in a pot and cover it with cold
water. Boil it slowly and remove the scum.
Add salt, spices and the scum again. Rinse
the vegetables and boil in the soup until
they are tender, ca. 30 minutes. Take out the
vegetables and let the poultry boil at low heat
until the meat is tender (ca. 1 ½ - 2 hours).
Take out the poultry and let the soup boil for
a few minutes. Sieve the soup. Cut the carrots and the celeriac in smaller pieces and
heat them in the soup with the meat balls and
the dumplings. Season the soup with salt and
4-6 persons
200 g minced meat (pork, lamb, turkey or
½ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons white flour (20g)
1 egg or 1 egg white
¼ onion (25 g)
Ca. 1 dl milk
4-6 persons
1 dl water
50 g butter
60 g flour (1 dl)
6 eggs
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons salt for the water
Mix the minced meat with salt and stir it. Add
pepper, flour and eggs and stir it. Cut the
onion and add it and some of the milk and
stir it until it is smooth. Put the mixture in the
refrigerator for 30 minutes. Add more milk
if the meat is too firm. Add more flour if the
meat is too soft.
Boil 1 liter of water with 3 teaspoons of salt.
Mould the minced meat into small balls with
a teaspoon and put them in the boiling water
while lowering the heat. Boil them in 5 minutes. When they are done, they will appear
on the surface of the water.
Boil water and butter in a pot. Add the flour
with a wooden spoon. Toast the dough until
it lets go of the wooden spoon and cool it.
Whip the eggs and mix them gradually with
the dough. Add salt.
Bring some water to the boil and add salt.
Remove the pot from the heat. Mould the
dough into balls and put them in water. Bring
the water to boil again and turn the heat
down, and let the balls stay in the water for
10 minutes. Take up the balls with a skimmer
and put them in cold water for 1 minute. Let
them drain off.
6 personer (ca. 2 ½ liter)
1 høne, hane eller kylling (1500 g)
Ca. 3 l vand
6 tsk. groft salt
½ rodselleri
2 laurbærblade
1 tsk. sorte peberkorn
3-4 persillestilke eller korianderstilke
3-4 kviste timian
Peber fra kværn
2 løg (200 g)
1 porre (150 g)
2 gulerødder (150 g)
Kød – og melboller.
Læg fjerkræet i en gryde og dæk med koldt
vand. Kog langsomt op og fjern skum med
en stor ske. Tilsæt salt og krydderier og skum
igen. Rens grøntsagerne og kog dem med
i suppen til de er møre, ca. 30 minutter. Tag
grøntsagerne op. Lad fjerkræet koge videre
ved svag varme til det er mørt (ca. 1 ½ - 2
timer). Tag fjerkræet op og lad suppen koge
igennem. Si den. Skær gulerødder og selleri
i mindre stykker og varm dem i suppen sammen med kød og melboller. Smag suppen til
med salt og peber.
4-6 personer
200g hakket kød (svin, lam, kalkun eller kalv)
½ tsk. groft salt
2 spsk. hvedemel (20g)
1 æg eller 1 æggehvide
¼ løg (25 g)
Peber fra kværn
Ca. 1 dl mælk
4-6 personer
1 dl vand
50g smør
60g hvedemel (1 dl)
6 æg
½ tsk. groft salt
2 tsk. groft salt per liter vand
Rør kødet sejt med salt i en skål. Rør peber,
mel og æg eller æggehvide i. Pil og riv løg
fint. Tilsæt løg. Rør lidt af mælken i farsen og
rør til den bliver smidig. Sæt farsen i køleskab
i 30 minutter. Tilsæt mere mælk hvis farsen
er for fast. Tilsæt hvedemel hvis farsen er for
Kog ca. 1 l vand med 3 tsk. groft salt. Form
farsen til små boller med en teske og kom
dem ned i det kogende vand. Dæmp varmen
og lad dem koge ved svag varme i ca. 5
minutter. Når de er færdige, stiger de op til
Kog vand og smør sammen i en gryde. Rør
hvedemelet i med en grydeske. Rist dejen til
den slipper grydeskeen, fjern den fra varmen
og lad den afkøle lidt. Pisk æggene let sammen og rør dem gradvis i dejen. Tilsæt salt.
Bring en gryde med vand i kog, tilsæt salt.
Fjern gryden fra varmen. Form dejen til boller
direkte ned i gryden med en fugtet teske.
Bring vandet i kog, skru ned så det ikke
koger. Lad bollerne blive i vandet i ca. 10
minutter. Tag dem op med en hulske og kom
dem i en skål med koldt vand ca. 1 min. Læg
bollerne til afdrypning.
Ezo, good natured and beautiful, married
badly – twice. Her life was so tragic, it
became a legend.Ezo was born in 1909 in
the village of Dokuzyol in southeastern
Anatolia (very near to Konya city). The
house where Ezo lived was on an ancient
caravan route.Ezo’s family stored their water
in a large jug outside the front door. When
dry and dusty travelers wanted a drink, Ezo
graciously served them.Tales of Ezo’s
beauty spread along the caravan route.
Soon, camel drivers were stopping by Ezo’s
house to see her lovely face and spend time
in her company. This happy time came to an
end when she was 20. Her family arranged
Ezo’s marriage to a man who was in love
with someone else.After the wedding, Ezo’s
husband ignored her and left her alone while
he trailed after the woman he truly loved.
For Ezo, who was used to being cherished,
this was intolerable. After a year, she
returned to her family and divorced her
husband.Ezo remained single for six years,
at which time her family arranged a second
marriage to a cousin who lived across the
border in Syria. Though Ezo had six
daughters in Syria, she remained homesick
for her family and village. Adding to Ezo’s
misery was a mother-in-law who couldn’t be
pleased.Ezo died at 46. She was buried, at
her request, on a hill looking north to the
Turkish village she missed so badly.
After a bureaucratic battle between Turkey
and Syria, Ezo’s remains were removed
from her Syrian grave in 1999, and she was
reburied in her home village of
Dokuzyol.Ezo’s tragic life has been
popularized in Turkey through song, film,
and television. Though her life was spent in
hardship, Ezo became the emblem of
traditional values: love, honor, pride, beauty,
longing for homeland, and
patience.Cementing Ezo’s role in Turkish
culture is a soup named for her: Ezo Gelin
Çorbasi (The Bride Ezo’s Soup). Some say
Ezo created the soup to placate her
miserable mother-in-law, successfully or
unsuccessfully, depending on who’s telling
the story.Others say the soup is named for
Ezo because, like the soup, her example
strengthens women for the many challenges
of married life. In Turkey, women eat Ezo
Gelin Soup right before their wedding.
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
1 tbsp dry mint
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp dry mint
Saute the onion with olive oil for about 2
minutes, then add garlic and saute until the
smell of the garlic comes out.
Throw the diced tomatoes in and let them
soften for about 10 minutes. Then add the
rest of the ingredients.
First cook on high heat to bring to boil then
turn the heat down to simmer.
Cook for about half an hour, stirring
occasionally. Pour it into the blender and
pulse 3-4 times.
4 persons
1/2 cup red lentils, washed and drained
1/4 cup fine grain bulgur, washed and
1/4 cup rice, washed and drained
2 tbsp olive oil or butter
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1/4 cup diced tomato, in a can
2 tbsp tomato paste
4 or 5 cups chicken stock
1 tsp paprika
Pour it back into the pot. If it's too thick, add
a little bit more hot chicken stock or
water.Melt the butter in a small pan. When
you see the bubbles turn the heat off.
Add the dry mint and stir. Pour it into the
soup, stir and serve with lemon wedges.
Makes 4-6 servings.
3 eggs
1 cup strained yogurt
1 tsp oil
a pinch of paprika
salt to taste
2 tbsp of vinegar
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
1/4 gallon water
This dish is named after Panagyurishte, a small town full
of history, one of them - this great recipe. In essence it is
poached eggs with yogurt with a little twist.
Add the vinegar and a pinch of salt to about 1 liter (1 quart) of boiling water.
Break the eggs directly into the water. Boil for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on
how runny you like your eggs. Mix the yogurt together with the crushed
garlic and very little salt. Put the eggs on top of that mixture. Heat the oil and
add the paprika very carefully not to burn it (it takes 10 seconds or less to
burn so be careful). Immediately pour the curried oil over the eggs and the
yogurt mixture and serve.
Note: A friend of mine used to prepare the dish by adding some crushed feta
inside the yoghurt mixture which adds a tasty twist to its taste.
2 lbs beef
3 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 lbs mushrooms
1 cup rice
1 onion, chopped
15 olives, whole
a bunch of parsley
2 tbsp vegetable oil
This dish used to be prepared at the Rila Monastery kitchen.
Rila Monastery is one of the most famous Bulgarian tourist
attractions and a milestone in Bulgarian culture and religion
- it has survived almost untouched throughout the years of
the Ottoman Yoke and has provided a shelter and education
to many people in the years of oppression.
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp sugar
2 1/2 cups beef stock
black pepper, paprika and salt
Cut the beef into cubes or small pieces and fry in a pan with a little oil for
about 5 minutes or until brown. Add the onions, beef stock and paprika, 5
minutes later add the mushrooms and rice and simmer for about 15 minutes.
Add the tomatoes, salt to taste, butter, sugar and olives, and cook for
another 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 400F. Transfer the content of the pan
into a baking dish and cook for about 30 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and
pepper before serving.
2 lbs flour
3 eggs
1 lbs yoghurt (you can use regular milk instead)
a pack of yeast ( or 1 tsp of baking soda)
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup full oil.
Mekitsa is a traditional Bulgarian kind of pastry dish
that is made from kneaded dough in advance. After
the dough "rise", it is pieced into small balls, spread
Add yeast to some lukewarm water; let it stay for 5 minutes to get bubbly.
Beat eggs and yoghurt and water together until they mix well. Add flower
and continue to mix until you get soft dough. Let it stand for 1 hour. Roll into
a sheet and cut out circles (you can use a teacup). Fry in plenty of oil (deep
fryer will do) until golden brown. Serve powdered with sugar. They go well
with jam or feta cheese too.
Usually the Mekitsi are served for breakfast, sprinkled
with powdered sugar or with jam on top or cheese.
The Danes are the most pork eating people
in the world. Each Dane eats almost 60 kg
of tasty pork every year, and nearly 30 kg of
beef. In contrast, each Dane only eats 23 kg
of poultry and fish meat. Denmark is all one
of the largest exporter of pork. There are over
5,000 pig farms in Denmark and around 28
million pigs are slaughtered every year at
production plants and privately owned plants.
Every year 10 million pigs are exported from
Denmark, mainly to Germany, UK, Poland,
Japan, Italy, Russia and Sweden.
The "Frikadelle" (meatballs) is a national dish
believed to have been cooked since 1648.
The first recipe of this delicious dish dates
back to 1837. The meatballs are made of
pure pork and served with potatoes, pickled
beetroot, sour preserved cucumber and
brown sauce.
4 persons
400 g minced meat (pork, veal or lamb)
1-1½ teaspoon of salt
A bit of pepper
45 g wheat flour (3/4 dl)
1 egg or 2 egg whites
½ onion (50 g)
About 2 dl milk
15 g butter (1 tablespoon)
1 tablespoon of oil
4 persons
15-25 g butter (1-2 tablespoons)
4 dl meat stock or broth
2 tablespoons of white flour (20 g)
Brown food color, salt and pepper (optional)
Mix the meat with the salt and stir it. Add
pepper, flour, eggs and onions. Stir it and
add the milk gradually. Put the mixture in the
refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Brown the butter and oil on a pan and
remove the pan from the heat. Dip a tablespoon in the hot butter and oil and mould
the minced meat into balls with a spoon. Put
them on the pan and fry them over medium
heat for 1 minute. Turn the heat down and fry
them for additional 3 minutes. Turn them and
fry them in the same way until they are fried
Side dish:
Potatoes, brown sauce and pickled beetroots.
Melt the butter in a pot at medium heat until it
is brown. Add the flour and stir until the butter
has been absorbed. Add the fluid gradually
and stir constantly until the mixture is smooth.
Boil it at low heat for 5 minutes. Stir it frequently. Add browning and season the sauce
with salt and pepper.
1 kg beetroots
5 dl vinegar
2 dl water
250g sugar (3 dl)
½ teaspoon clove
Rinse the beetroots and boil them for 45-60
minutes depending on their size and until
they are tender. Put the beetroots in cold
water afterwards. Cut the top and the root
and peel off the skin. Cut the beetroots in
pieces of ½ cm and put them in a jar. Make a
brine of vinegar, water, sugar and clove and
let it boil for 5 minutes. Pour the brine over
the beetroots and screw on a lid immediately.
Let the beetroots infuse for three days before
Danskerne er det folkefærd i verden, der spiser allermest svinekød. Hver dansker spiser
næsten 60 kg svinekød hvert år og næsten
30 kg oksekød. Til sammenligning spiser
danskerne kun 23 kg fjerkræ og fisk om året.
Samtidig er Danmark en af de største eksportører af svinekød. Der er over 5000 svinefarme i Danmark, og hvert år bliver der slagtet
omkring 28 millioner svin på både offentlige
og private slagterier. Af de 28 millioner bliver
de 10 millioner eksporteret – hovedsageligt til
Tyskland, UK, Polen, Japan, Italien, Rusland
og Sverige.
Frikadellen er en national ret, som menes
at have eksisteret siden 1648. Den første
opskrift på frikadeller kan dateres til 1837.
Frikadellerne er primært lavet af svinekød
og serveres med kartofler, rødbeder, syltede
agurker og brun sovs.
4 personer
400 g hakket kød (svinekød,
kalvekød eller lammekød)
1-1½ tsk. groft salt
1 knsp. peber fra kværn
45 g hvedemel (3/4 dl)
1 æg eller 2 æggehvider
½ løg (50 g)
ca. 2 dl mælk
15 g smør (1 spsk.)
1 spsk. olie
15-25 g smør (1 -2 spsk.)
4 dl væske (fx fond/bouillon eller stegesky)
2 spsk. hvedemel (20g)
evt. kulør, peber fra kværn og salt
Rør kødet sejt med salt. Tilsæt peber, mel,
æg eller æggehvide og finthakket eller
revet løg. Rør farsen og tilsæt mælk lidt ad
gangen. Farsen skal røres smidig. Sæt farsen
i køleskab ca. 30 min. Lad smør og olie blive
gyldent på en pande ved god varme. Fjern
panden fra varmen. Dyp en spiseske i det
varme fedtstof og form farsen med skeen i
aflange boller. Sæt dem på panden og steg
frikadellerne over middelstærk varme ca. 1
minut. Dæmp varmen og steg dem endnu 3
minutter. Vend og steg dem på samme måde
på den anden side til de er gennemstegte.
Kartofler, brun sovs og syltede rødbeder.
Smelt smørret i en gryde ved middel varme
til det er brunt. Pisk melet i til alt smørret
er suget op. Pisk væsken i lidt ad gangen
og pisk konstant til blandingen er jævn og
klumpfri. Kog ved svag varme ca. 5 minutter.
Pisk jævnligt. Tilsæt evt. kulør. Smag til med
salt og peber.
1 kg rødbeder
5 dl eddike
2 dl vand
250 g sukker (3 dl)
½ tsk. nelliker
Skyl rødbeder fri for jord og kom dem i en
gryde med vand der lige dækker. Kog rødbederne i 45-60 minutter afhængig af størrelse
og ind til de er møre. Hæld kogevandet fra
og hæld koldt vand over. Skær top og rod af
og gnid eller smut skrællen af. Skær rødbederne i ½ cm tykke skiver og læg dem i et
rent glas. Kog en lage af eddike, vand, sukker og nelliker i en gryde ca. 5 minutter. Hæld
lagen over rødbederne. Luk straks med låg.
Rødbederne bør trække mindst 3 dage inden
1/2 kilo pork cut in cubes + 1/2 kilo chicken,
cut into pieces; or choice of either 1 kilo of
pork or 1 kilo of chicken
1 head garlic, minced
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 cup vinegar
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon paprika
5 laurel leaves (bay leaves)
4 tablespoons of cooking oil or olive oil
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons water
Adobo is a dish and cooking process in
Philippine cuisine that involves slow cooking of pork, chicken or fish in a marinade
of vinegar, soy sauce, bay leaf and garlic.
While the name is taken from Spanish, the
process is indigenous to the Philippines. This
method of cooking perhaps became popular
centuries ago, out of a need to prolong the
shelf life of food, as the country has a warm
climate. Adobo can last up to 7 days without
When the Spanish invaded the Philippines
in the late 16th century, they encountered a
cooking process that involved stewing with
vinegar. They referred to this method as
adobo due to its superficial similarity to the
Spanish adobo.
Adobo is eaten with rice, the staple food in
many Asian countries. It is among the most
popular food in the Philippines, so popular
that it earned the moniker, “The National
Meal.” It is an iconic symbol of the country
along with the mango, bamboo, milkfish and
carabao (water buffalo).
The dish also uses the country’s local ingredients – cane vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic
–giving it the distinct Filipino flavor
In a big sauce pan or wok, heat 2 tablespoons of oil then sauté the minced garlic
and onions.
Add the pork and chicken to the pan. Add 2
cups of water, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, vinegar,
paprika and the bay leaves. Bring to a boil.
Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or when
meat is tender.
Remove the pork and chicken from the sauce
pan and on another pan, heat cooking oil
and brown the pork and chicken for a few
Mix the browned pork and chicken back to
the sauce and add cornstarch dissolved in
water to thicken.
Add salt and/or pepper if desired
Bring to a boil then simmer for an additional
5 minutes.
Serve hot with the adobo gravy and rice.
½ kilo svinekød (skåret i tern)
½ kilo kylling (skåret i stykker)
1 fed hvidløg, hakket
½ løg, hakket
½ kop sojasauce
1 kop eddike
2 kopper vand
1 teske paprika
5 laurbærblade
4 spiseskeer madlavningsolie eller olivenolie
2 spiseskeer majsstivelse
Salt og peber
3 spiseske vand
Adobo er en ret og en madlavningsproces i det filippinske køkken, der involverer
langsom tilberedning af svinekød, kylling
eller fisk i en marinade af eddike, sojasauce,
laurbærblade og hvidløg. Selvom navnet er
spansk, hører madlavningsprocessen oprindeligt til Filippinerne. Det er muligt, at denne
madlavningsproces kom til for flere hundrede
år siden, som en metode til at forlænge
fødevarernes holdbarhed under de varme
klimaforhold. Adobo har en holdbarhed på
op til 7 dage uden for køleskabet.
Da spanierne invaderede Filippinerne i slutningen af det 16. århundrede, stødte de på
denne madlavningsproces, der involverede
en madlavningstilberedelse med eddike. De
henviste til denne metode som adobo på
baggrund af dens øjensynlige lighed med
den spanske adobo.
Adobo spises med ris, det primære tilbehør i
mange asiatiske lande. Ris er blandt de mest
populære fødevarer i Filippinerne – så populært at det har fået tilnavnet ”Det nationale
måltid”. Det er blevet et ikonisk symbol på
landet på linje med mango, bambus, mælkefisk og carabao (vandbøffel).
Retten gør også brug af landets lokale ingredienser, såsom sukkerrørseddike, sojasauce
og hvidløg, som giver retten et filippinsk
Opvarm 2 spiseskeer olie i en stor pande
eller en wok og svits løg og hvidløg. Tilsæt
svinekødet og kyllingen. Tilsæt derefter 2
kopper vand, ¼ kop sojasauce, eddike, paprika og laurbærblade. Bring det i kog. Læg
låg på og lad det simre i 30 minutter eller ind
til kødet er mørt.
Fjern svinekødet og kyllingen fra panden
eller wokken og læg det på en ny pande for
at brune det i et par minutter. Tilsæt derefter
kødet til saucen igen og tilsæt majsstivelsen
(udrørt i vand) for at jævne saucen.
Tilsæt salt og peber og lad det koge i endnu
5 minutter.
Retten serveres varm sammen med saucen
og ris som tilbehør.
4 persons
• For the dough: 2 cups of flour, ½
teaspoon of salt, 1 egg, lightly beaten
• For the filling: 1 small onion, grated, 1
pound ground beef or veal, 1/3 cup of
chopped fresh parsley, salt, freshly
ground pepper
• Yogurt and garlic sauce: 2 cups of
yogurt, at room temperature, 2-3
teaspoons of minced garlic, salt
• Pepper topping: 2 tablespoons of butter,
1 teaspoon of Aleppo pepper, 1
teaspoon of mint and pinch of sumac,
Mantı are a type of dumpling in Turkish and
various Central Asian, Northwest Chinese,
and Caucasian cuisines, closely related to
the east Asian mantou, baozi, and mandu
and the Nepali momo. Mantu were carried
across Central Asia to Anatolia by migrating
Turks in the Chingizid-Timurid periods.
Turkic and Mongol horsemen on the move
are supposed to have carried frozen or dried
manti, which could be quickly boiled over a
camp-fire". In Turkey it is also called Tatar
böregi (Tatar bureks), which indicates its
relation to nomadic peoples.
A mid-15th century Ottoman recipe survives,
with the manti filled with pounded lamb and
crushed chickpeas, steamed, and served
topped with yogurt mixed with crushed garlic
and sprinkled with sumac.
Manti are popular throughout the former
Soviet Union, where the dish spread from
the Central Asian republics.
Manti is popular traditional dish for
Armenian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz,
Tajik and Afghan cuisine.In Turkish cuisine,
manti are typically served topped with yogurt
and garlic and spiced with red pepper
powder and melted butter, and topped with
ground sumac and/or dried mint by the
Prepare the dough by making a well in the
flour, and adding the salt, egg, and ¼ cup of
water in the centre. By using your fingers,
work the ingredients together until dough is
formed. If you need, you can add more
water a spoonful at a time. Knead the dough
on a lightly floured surface until it gets
smooth and elastic. Gather into a ball, place
in a bowl, cover, and let it rest for an hour.
Prepare the filling by mixing together in a
bowl the grated onion, meat, parsley, salt,
and pepper to taste. Set aside.
In a small bowl combine the yoghurt and
garlic, with salt to taste, if desired. Let them
sit at room temperature until ready to
use.Divide the dough into 2 balls. Roll out
one ball of dough at a time on a lightly
floured surface until very thin (about 1/16
The secret of good dough is to roll it in
different directions, not just in one direction.
Cut strips 1 inch wide and then cut into 1
inch squares. Place about a ½ teaspoon of
filling in the center of each square. Bring the
four corners together over the filling and
pinch to seal. Continue making manti until
all the dough and filling are used. Place the
manti on a lightly floured surface to lightly
coat them.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil
and in half the manti. As soon as they are
cooked they will rise to the surface. Remove
them from the pot with a slotted spoon and
place in a serving bowl or individual bowls
with a tiny bit of the cooking liquid. Cover to
keep warm while cooking the remaining
Pour most of the yogurt sauce over the
manti saving the rest to pass in a serving
dish. Quickly heat the butter in a small skillet
and when the butter is sizzling hot, quickly
add the pepper, mixing well.
Remove from the heat and drizzle over the
yogurt sauce. Sprinkle with sumac if
desired. Serve manti at once with yogurt
4 persons
1 cup of bulghur
2 cups of chopped parsley(can also be
mixed with ½ cup of chopped peppermint)
1 cup of chopped onions
¾ cup of minced tomatoes
¾ cup of fine olive oil
1 cup of lemon juice
salt & pepper
Soak the bulghur for 1 hour in water.
Strain off the water, and squeeze out the
rest of water.
© Picture:cyclonebill (Wikimedia Commons)
Mix all ingredients and serve them on a big
plate, garned eith tomatoe slices or salad
Tabouleh is an Arab salad and side dish,
traditionally made of bulhgur, tomatoes,
finely chopped parsley, mint, onion and
garlic, and seasoned with olive oil, lemon
juice, salt and pepper. There are many other
variations depending on the local tradition or
culture, like using couscous instead of
Tabouleh is often served as part of a mezze
(a selection of small dishes) in the Arab
world, it was adopted by many other food
cultures, like Turkish and Armenian cuisine,
and it has become a very popular ethnic
food in many European countries.
Parsley originally came from central and
mediterranean areas like South Italy, Algeria
and Tunisie. It has been cultivated in ancient
times and it is meanwhile naturalized acroos
the world.
Parsley offers a lot of health benefits. It is a
good source of antioxidants folic acid,
vitamin C, and vitamin A.
4 persons
600 gr tagliatelle (or other flat noodles)
400 gr pork filet
200 gr dried plums
4 free range eggs
80 gr butter
2 onions
1 small can of champignon mushrooms
100 ml (1 ½ cups) bouillon
salt & pepper
Cut the pork into slices, and flatten the
pieces. Season with salt and pepper, and
roll them to roulettes together with the
Heat oil in a frying pan and roast the
roulettes gently from all sides until they start
browning.Transfer them into a casserole
and lay aside.
Put onions and mushrooms into the frying
pan and braise them lightly.
frying oil
Spread onions and mushrooms onto the
roulettes, cast with the bouillon, and put the
casserole into the heated oven (40 min,
180° C).
In the years after the Second World War,
and especially since the breakdown of the
Soviet Union, millions of ethnic Germans
emigrated from the Eastern countries and
found a new home in Germany. For obvious
matters, they influenced the German kitchen
This recipe originally comes from the
Ukraine, and it was traditionally prepared in
the orthodox Christmas and New Years
time, that is between January 6th and 19th.
Cook the tagliatelle 2-3 minutes, drain and
refresh them well.
Mix the noodles with eggs and butter, and
bake them in the oven (30 min, 180° C).
4 persons
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
¼ coffee spoon of grounded pepper
1 table spoon of starch
4 table spoons of frying oil
500 gr. of beef filet or roast beef
½ onion in thin slices
250 gr cleaned string beans, free from ends
and strings
4 table spoons of chicken bouillon
1 table spoon of soya sauce
Add the remaining table spoon of oil into the
wok and heat it.
Add the onions and cook them until they get
softer. Add the beans and the bouillon, and
mix them. Reduce the temperature and cook
for another 4-5 minutes, until the beans are
getting crisp.
Now add teh soya sauce and the beef, and
heat up for 1-2 minutes until everything is
well heated.
Rice as desired
Serve immediatly, together with rice as
Cut the beef in fine slices.
Chúc ngon miệng!
In the Vietnamese capital Hanoi, Thit Bo
Xao Dau is one of the most popular dishes.
As many other Asian recipes, it can be
prepared very quickly.
A wok is a round-bottomed versatile cooking
vessel, which came originally from the
Chinese region of Canton.
Being the most common cooking tool in
Asia, it has meanwhile started its triumph to
the kitchens and households of the Western
There is a popular belief in Vietnam that the
Three Kitchen Gods (Tao Quan) are present
in the kitchen of every household, to
observe all things happening there. At the
end of the lunar year (which is the twentythird day of the twelfth month) they depart to
heaven and report to the Jade Emperor (the
highest divinity of the Taoist Heaven) about
their owner's affairs during the year round.
On that day the kitchen gods are offered the
best of food and spices and are presented
with gifts, like clothing and even money.
Mix garlic, pepper and starch with 1 table
spoon of oil in a big bowl. Then put the beef
in and mix well.
Heat 2 table spoons of the oil in a big wok
(or frying pan). Fry the beef for 2 minutes
and stir it well, until the beef starts to brown.
Transfer the beef from the wok into a bowl
and lay it aside.
Serves 4-6 People
“I usually enjoy this with
warm pitta bread. I hope you
noticed that I didn't add any
salt - I’m trying to be
healthy! You can add salt if
you like. I sometimes like to
use lemon juice as a
substitute for salt”
20 chicken wings
2 fresh tomatoes
2 onions
4 garlic gloves
Blend the onion, garlic and
tomatoes together. Heat a pan and
add the mixture, letting it simmer
for couple of minutes.
1 teaspoon of curry powder
1/2 teaspoon of cumin
2 lemons (juiced)
2 tablespoons of natural yogurt
2 cinnamon sticks
3 cardamom pods
2 bay leaves
Now add the chicken and let it
cook for few minutes.
Oil for frying
Mix the remaining ingredients
with the chicken and cook on a
low heat for about 1/2 an hour,
checking occasionally. If you
notice the sauce drying out, add
Serves 4 People
Rice (bariis)*
2 cup of rice (wash the rice first)
3 cups of hot water
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic gloves, chopped
2 medium size cinnamon sticks
4 cardamom pods
Half a teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of stock powder
Few peppercorn
“There are many traditional
ways of cooking rice, this
type is one of my favourites,
as it has potatoes and
raisins in it. As a child I
remember taking the raisins
out but now I find myself
looking for them”.
*rice (bariis) spiced with cumin,
cardamom, cloves and sage.
Heat some oil in the pan; add the
onions and garlic, and sauté until
slightly browned. Add the
cardamom pods and cinnamon
sticks and stir for a while, then,
add the rice. Stir the rice for about
a minute, then add the water, salt
and stock powder and leave to
simmer for about 15 minutes on a
low heat.
If the rice is still hard you can add
more water.
Fry onions and raisins, nuts and
chips separately
(put food colouring on the onions
before you fry them)
the Mediterranean Diet
4 persons
100 to 120 gr dry salted cod fish
3 or 4 medium size potatoes
2 eggs
Rinse in cold water the cod in order to take out as much of the salt
as possible.
Put the cod inside a bowl with cool water and leave it soaking for 3
or 4 hours.
Afterwards shred the cod into small pieces. Boil the potatoes and
mash with them.
This is a typical tapa dish eaten in many homes.
One can also eat it in most of our bars and
If you cannot find cod fish, it can be done with other
kind of salted fish.
I learned this very simple recipe from my mother,
for this reason it is special for me.
Chop the parsley. Mix the potatoes, shred cod, one egg, and
parsley, make a paste with all the ingredients.
Once the mixture is ready make small long croquettes.
Pass the croquettes in other egg and fry them in hot olive oil.
These croquettes are better while they are warm.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 personas
100 to 120 gr bacalao salado
3 or 4 patatas medianas
2 huevos
Lavar en agua fría el bacalao para desalarlo.
Dejarlo luego en un bol con agua fría a remojo durante 3 o 4
Después desmigajar el bacalao en trozos pequeños.
Hervir las patatas y hacer puré con ellas.
Trocear el perejil y mezclarlo con el puré y los trozos de bacalao,
añadir un huevo y hacer una pasta con todos los ingredientes.
Es un plato típico que se come en muchas casas,
bares y restaurantes.
Se puede cambiar el bacalao por cualquier otro
pescado salado.
Aprendí esta receta gracias a mi madre, hecho que
la hace muy especial para mi.
Una vez esté la mezcla hecha, hacer croquetas alargadas, pasarlas
por huevo y freirlas con aceite caliente.
Se pueden comer tanto frías como calientes.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 persons
1 spring/tender garlic (or garlic cloves)
250 gr piece salt cod, soaked in three changes of water in
refrigerator over 24 hours
125 ml (½ cup) extra-virgin olive oil
3 dried red pepper, soaked in cold water for 15 minutes then
drained (see note)
You will need to begin this recipe 1 day ahead, as
some ingredients need to be soaked for 24 hours.
This is a very strong taste dish, so when putting it
on top of the bread be aware of not over serve.
Roast the peppers a little directly in the fire, cook garlic separately,
both need to become soft and it gets a little dark, cool, then
remove cloves, discard outer skin and stems and thinly slice.
Dry with absorbent paper.
Roast the cod for 5 minutes or until it begins to get a little dark,
cool slightly and tear into small pieces, discarding bones and skin.
Combine garlic, pepper and cod in a bowl, add oil and lemon juice,
stir and then leave for about 30 minutes before eating. Serve with
toasted bread.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 personas
1 manojo de ajos tiernos (o cabeza de ajos)
250 gr de bacalao salado, remojado en agua, cambiarla tres veces
durante 24 horas.
125 ml (½ taza) aceite de oliva
1 pimiento seco, poner a remojo en agua fría durante 15 minutos.
La receta se debe empezar un día antes, cuando
se pone a remojo todo.
Es una receta muy sabrosa por lo que la cantidad
que se pone en el pan no es excesiva.
Colocar el pimiento seco sobre papel absorbente, tostar durante 2
minutos o hasta que empiece a hacerse negro, y luego cortar en
trozos grandes.
Tostar también el bacalao durante 5 minutos o hasta que empiece
a oscurecer, enfriar un poco y el desmigar en trozos pequeños, tirar
los huesos y la piel.
Mezclar el ajo, el pimiento y el bacalao en un bol, añadir el aceite y
el jugo de limón y el ajo, mezclar bien y luego dejar en infusión
durante unos 30 minutos antes de servir. Servir con pan tostado.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 persons
250 cc of oil
250 cc beer
750 gr flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
For the filling:
1kg tin of tomato (for sauce)
3 tins of tuna fish in oil
This kind of pie or pasty can be eaten in different
occasions, and can also be stuffed with many
different ingredients such as spinach, onion, peas,
Fry the tomato with a little salt (to get a tomato sauce), afterwards
add the tuna fish and fry for 2 to 3 minutes more, leave aside.
Make the dough with the oil, a little salt, the beer, and the flour,
the dough must be "worked", knead the dough until it gets soft.
Flat the dough and cut little circles, fill them with tomato filling and
make the dumplings.
Once you have made the dumplings paint them with beaten egg,
in this way they will look shiny.
Put them in the oven till they are golden. You can use sparkling
water instead of beer.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 personas
250cc aceite
250cc cerveza
750 gr harina
1/4 cucharadita de sal
Para el relleno:
1kg lata de tomate
3 latas de atún en aceite
Este tipo de empanadilla se puede comer en
distintas ocasiones, se pueden rellenar con
distintos ingredientes como espinacas, cebolla, etc.
Fríe el tomate con un poco de sal y añade el atún, freír durante 2 o
3 minutos más, dejar reposar.
Haz la pasta con el aceite, un poco de sal, cerveza y la harina.
La masa debe ser trabajada, amasar.
Aplana la masa y corta pequeños círculos, rellenar con el tomate y
plegar haciendo la empanadilla.
Una vez estén cerradas, pintarlas con huevo para que se queden
Hornear hasta que estén dorados. También se puede usar agua
con gas en vez de cerveza.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 persons
4 juicy red peppers (about 200 gr each)
1 natural tomato tin or 500 gr ripe tomatoes
300 gr mince pork and veal meat
3 cloves of garlic
4 ladles of rice (one per person)
Cut the garlic cloves and fry them together with the meat. Once is
all fried, add the chopped tomatoes or the tomato tin, mix it all
and when it is all done, add the rice.
Clean the red peppers, open the top of them, take out all the seeds
and put the fried meat and rice into them (up to about half of the
pepper, so that the rice can grow). Wrap the peppers with tinfoil
and put them into the oven at 190 degrees during 90 minutes.
Once time is finished they are ready to be eaten.
Stuffed peppers is a dish very common and typical
in the inner region of the Valencian Community,
between Alicante and Valencia province.
The main ingredients - rice, red pepper and tomato
- are cultivated in this region.
Valencian families use to gather around a table and
have plentiful dishes, they talk and eat together for
the Mediterranean Diet
4 personas
4 pimientos rojos gruesos (sobre 200 gr cada uno)
1 lata de tomate natural o 500 gr tomates maduros
300 gr de carne picada de cerdo y ternera
3 dientes de ajo
4 cucharones de arroz (uno por persona)
Cortar el ajo y freírlo junto a la carne. Una vez esté todo frito,
añadir los tomates cortados o la lata de tomate, mezclarlo todo y
cuando esté hecho, añadir el arroz.
Limpiar los pimientos rojos, abrirlos por la parte de arriba y sacar
las semillas. Rellenarlos con el arroz y la carne frita (más o menos
hasta la mitad, para que el arroz pueda cocerse y hincharse dentro
del pimiento.
Envolver los pimientos rojos con papel de aluminio y meterlos al
horno a 190 grados durante 90 minutos.
Los pimientos rellenos son un plato muy común de
algunas regiones de interior de la Comunidad
Valenciana, concretamente entre las provincias de
Valencia y Alicante.
Los ingredientes principales: arroz, pimiento rojo y
tomate, son cultivados en esta zona.
Una vez transcurrido el tiempo están listos para comer.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 persons
slices of dry bread
olive oil to fry the rosquetes.
Soak the slices of bread in tepid milk. Once the slices are soft take
them out of the milk and dip them in the beaten eggs.
Fry the slices in olive oil until they get a nice brown colour (we use
olive oil but any other oil can be used).
In the past this dish was made out of the dry bread
(left-over) and was one of the ways that our
mothers had to use this old bread.
It is a simple dish made all over Spain but in our
Valencian Community is very usual to eat it during
Easter, in Ash Wednesday.
Sometimes the ROSQUETES can be also eaten as
breakfast or as a midday snack.
Once the slices are already fried and gold put them (one by one)
in a dish with sugar. Make sure that they are covered with sugar
for all sides.
The final product is, by all means, a very nutritive, healthy and
solid dessert.
the Mediterranean Diet
4 personas
rodajas de pan
aceite de oliva
Empapar las rodajas de pan en leche tibia. Una vez estén bastante
mojadas, sacarlas de la leche y pasarlas por huevo batido.
Freír las rodajas en aceite de oliva hasta que se doren
(normalmente se usa aceite de oliva, pero cualquier otro puede
ser usado).
Antaño este plato se hacía del pan del día anterior,
para darle salida al pan duro.
Es un plato simple que se hace en todo el país,
pero en nuestra Comunidad Valenciana es muy
típico comerlo durante Pascua, el Miércoles de
A veces las rosquetes se comen como desayuno o
Una vez estén fritas y doradas ponerlas, una a una, en un plato
con azúcar y canela y asegurarse de espolvorearlas.
El plato final es muy nutritivo y saludable.
2 lbs flour
1/2 cup walnut kernels
4 cups sugar
6 cups water, vanilla
A pinch of salt
2 tbsp butter
Banitsa (Bulgarian: Баница, also transliterated as banica and banitza) is a
traditional Bulgarian food prepared by layering a mixture of whisked eggs and
pieces of cheese between filo pastry and then baking it in an oven.
Traditionally, lucky charms are put into the pastry on certain occasions, particularly
on New Year’s Eve. These charms may be coins or small symbolic objects (e.g., a
small piece of a dogwood branch with a bud, symbolizing health or longevity).
More recently, people have started writing happy wishes on small pieces of paper
and wrapping them in tin foil. Wishes may include happiness, health, or success
throughout the new year.
Banitsa is served for breakfast with plain yogurt, ayran, or boza. It can be eaten hot
or cold. Some varieties include banitsa with spinach(spanachena banitsa) or the
sweet version, banitsa with milk (mlechna banitsa) or pumpkin (tikvenik).
Combine the flour, salt and 3 cups water and knead a
medium-hard dough. Roll into thin sheets (makes about
10). You can also use filo dough sheets from the store
instead. Baste each sheet with butter and top with crushed
walnut kernels. Roll the sheet and arrange either
lengthwise or in a circle in a better-lined dish. Bake for
about 35 minutes in 375 F oven. After it has cooled pour
over the hot syrup made from combining sugar, 3 cups of
water and vanilla.
Apples have been part of the Danish cooking since the Middle Ages. At that time, the
apples grown locally were not as sweet, as
they are today, and the access to apples
depended on the season. A common usage
of the apples was dried apple rings and as
flavoring in meat dishes and porridge. When
the stove became a standard in middleclass
households in the middle of the 19th century,
people started using apples as garniture.
It was also at this time that the apple cake
with breadcrumbs and whipped cream was
invented. Today it is a part of the traditional
cake table.
1 portion of apple sauce
150 g breadcrumbs
85 g sugar
50 g butter
2 ½ dl double cream
Apple or redcurrant jelly
1 kg of apples
1 vanilla pod
½ dl water
80-160 g sugar (depending on the sweetness
of the apples)
Prepare a portion of apple sauce and cool it.
Mix breadcrumbs and sugar. Melt the butter
on a pan, add the mix of breadcrumbs and
sugar and toast it until it is crispy. Cool it. Put
the apple sauce and the breadcrumbs stratified in a bowl with the breadcrumbs as the
final layer. Whip the cream and put it on top
of the cake. Decorate with jelly.
Tip: Macaroons can be mixed with or replace
the breadcrumbs. Chopped almonds can be
mixed with the apple sauce.
Pare the apples, cut them in pieces and
remove the core. Boil the apples with the
vanilla pod and water at a moderate temperature until they are tender (approximately
10 min.). Remove the vanilla pod. Blend the
apples into a sauce and add the preferred
amount of sugar.
Æbler har været en del af den danske
madlavning siden middelalderen. På det
tidspunkt var æblesorterne ikke nær så søde,
som de er i dag, og adgangen til æbler var
sæsonpræget. En udbredt anvendelse af
æblerne var tørrede æbleringe eller som
smagsgiver i kødretter og grød. Da komfuret
blev almindeligt i de borgerlige husholdninger i midten af 1800-tallet begyndte man
at anvende æblet som garniture i and, går
og steg. Det var også på dette tidspunkt,
at æblekagen med rasp og flødeskum blev
opfundet. Den er i dag en del af det traditionelle kagebord.
1 portion æblemos
ca. 150 g rasp eller tvebakker
85 g sukker
50 g smør
2 ½ dl piskefløde
Evt. æblegele eller ribsgele
1 kg æbler
1 vaniljestang
½ dl vand
ca. 80-160 g sukker (afhængigt af æblernes
Lav en portion æblemos og lad den køle
af. Bland rasp eller knuste tvebakker og
sukker. Smelt smør på en pande, tilsæt
raspblandingen og rist den til den er sprød
og gylden. Afkøl raspen (husk at røre i den
af og til). Læg æblemos og rasp lagvis i en
skål. Øverste lag skal være rasp. Pisk fløden
til flødeskum og pynt kagen med flødeskum
og gele.
Tip: Man kan blande makroner i raspen.
Makronerne kan også anvendes i stedet
for rasp. Hakkede mandler kan blandes i
Skræl æblerne, skær dem i både og fjern
kernehus, blomst og stilk. Kog æbler, vaniljestang og vand under låg ved svag varme til
de er møre (ca. 10 min). Fjern vaniljestangen
efter kogningen og pisk eller blend herefter
æblerne til mos. Smag til med sukker.
4 persons
350 gr cooked sweet potatoes
(or 1 can, if you can’t get fresh ones)
½ cup of brown sugar
½ coffee spoon of cinnamon
1 egg,
4 table spoons of melted butter
1 bag of marchmallows
roasted pecan nuts
Boil or bake potatoes until done, and
remove all strings. In case that canned
potatoes are used, strain off water.
Spread butter into the casserole.
Squeeze the potatoes, mix them with brown
sugar, salt, and cinnamon.
Put the mixture into the casserole, and
spread the main part of the marshmallows
on it. Bake it in the oven for 30 min / 180°C.
Take the casserole off the oven, spread the
rest of the marchmallows on the mixture
put the casserole back into the oven and
bake it until the top of the marshmallows
becomes golden brown.
Marshmallows are seen as something
typical American – but their roots were
elsewhere: In ancient Egypt, the original
marshmallow plant (”Althaea Officinalis”)
was used as a medicinal substance to treat
sore throats. It later came to France, where
in early 19th century it was turned into a
At the beginning of the 20th century, gelatin
replaced the marshmallow root to make it
cheaper and easier to produce.
In the USA, marshmallows are very popular
at Thanksgiving, where they cover sweet
potatoe dishes like this one, or they are
roasted on sticks at a campfire.
// WI-CaN
WI-CaN is a GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership project composed of 6 organisations from Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Turkey, and the UK:
Bulgaria: National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria, Sofia
The National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria (NAMCB) is a professional non-profit association established in Sofia in 2005. Its
establishment and its objectives was inspired by the International Institute of the Municipal Clerks (IIMC) in USA, which which has over 10 400
members from the USA, Canada, Holland, England, Portugal, Belgium, Australia as well as countries from South America and Africa. NAMBB's
experience has been transferred to Bulgaria with the help of The Certification Institute of The Municipal Clerks for Central and East Europe
(CIMCCEE), which was registered in Bbulgaria in 2004 and is the first of kind outside North America.
Denmark: Municipality of Vejle in co-operation with VIFIN, Vejle
Located on the Jutland peninsula in Southeast Denmark, the Municipality of Vejle is the sixth largest in the country, with a population of 110,000 people,
a land area covering 1,055 sq.km. It is also the capital of Region South Denmark. "Knowledge, growth and welfare" sum up the municipality’s vision. To
efficiently deliver services, the municipality employs over 12,000 workers, and operates on an annual budget of ca. US$ 1 Billion. Vejle municipality is
among the cities in Denmark that leads integration issues and problems. These initiatives were honoured with several awards on integration and
community development, among which is the Danish Integration Award (2007). Its Child & Youth Division-Special Projects Dept. implements social
inclusion projects with special focus on first and second generation young and adult migrants.
Germany: Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB), Hannover
The VNB is an officially acknowledged state-wide adult educational institution in Lower Saxony / Germany, and as well an umbrella organisation with a
network of more than 200 adult educational member organisations and co-operation partners. Main topics of VNB educational work are of public,
social and political interest. Apart from its own educational work, the VNB gives financial, organizational and professional support to local
associations working at these issues. VNB has a wide range of transnational experience, promoting own projects as well as participating in European
cooperation programmes. The VNB as a regional network of local adult education institutions cooperates permanently with local initiatives providing
cultural exchange and language training, i.e. through “language cafés” in rural areas, sewing and other crafts workshops.
// WI-CaN
Spain: Assosació D’Alumnes FPA Beniassent, Cocentaina
Assosació D’Alumnes is a learners’ association connected to the FPA Beniassent Adult School. The started in 1987, and after a few years, theLearners'
Association was created to carry out some tasks that could not be fulfilled by the formal school. In 1990, the Association was established. At that time,
the school had few learners, and all of them became members of the association. Every learner enrolled in the school becomes member of the
association. At this stage, there were over 600 learners/members, mostly women. The association organizes all the non-formal learning at the school,
such as: classes of English language, French language, Pottery, Drama, Painting, Yoga, Sports, Dance, Music, etc.
Turkey: Association of Social Rehabilitation (TRDER), Adana
TRDER is an NGO based in Adana, Turkey, that aims to undertake initiatives that will benefit the social and cultural life of the people in the locality.
Specifically, it aims to to provide to access basic services to disabled people, women, migrants and those belonging to socially at-risk groups. The
Association's initiatives will focus on developing the target group's social, economic and cultural capacity and thus contribute to the development of
social life in the region.
UK: Refugee Therapy Centre, London
The Refugee Therapy Centre was established in 1999 in response to the growing need for a therapeutic service which respected, and worked with, the
cultural and linguistic needs of refugees and asylum seekers providing people with the opportunity to be heard and receive help in their own language
where possible or in English if they so wished. The Centre provides psychotherapy, counselling and associated treatments to refugees and asylum seekers
in their own language. The Centre endeavours to help people to deal with and overcome psychological problems in a creative, supportive and containing
environment in which they are better able to understand their feelings and experiences, and through this to feel more content about themselves. Its
central purpose is to provide psychotherapeutic help for refugees and asylum seekers, especially children and families of recently arrived refugees who
are having problems of adjustment.
The WI-CaN project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Contact: WI-CaN Learning Partnership c/o VIFIN, Daemningen 33, DK-7100 Vejle