N E W S L E T T E R - Palmyra Sportsmen`s Association
N E W S L E T T E R - Palmyra Sportsmen`s Association
Sportsman Road P.O. Box 142 Palmyra, PA 17078 Clubhouse Phone: 717-832-0488 E-mail: psa@nbn.net www.palmyrasportsmens.com Club meetings are every third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Please note time change. NEWSLETTER Officers President – Skip Klinger 867-4269 Vice President – Dick Wallace Treasurer – Deb Light Recording Secretary – Rod Beyerle Financial Secretary – Bruce Meyerhoffer Range Information May 2008 Archery – Ed Davies BB Gun – Frank Pulli CMP High Power – Mark Burkhead High Power Sporting Rifle – Adam Hostetler Pistol – Jeff Lutz Smallbore/Air Rifle – Erin Gestl Sporting Clays – Willie Carlisle Trap Shooting – Bruce Meyerhoffer Wobble Trap – Willie Carlisle more money. I suggest that everyone police all our ranges and I also strongly suggest that whoever is doing these things, they stop immediately. We will not tolerate this behavior and will terminate your membership when we catch you. I also need help with another project. We will stock the Quittie on May 11 at 1 PM from the nursery. Dale Waybright does an outstanding job raising the trout. However, he needs some help to keep the raceway clean and to stock. Please call me if you are interested in helping with the fish program and thank you to Dale for all his hard work to provide us with thousands of very good fish. In closing, I want to say how much I appreciate everyone. There are many dedicated and motivated members who have taken us forward. I look around on Saturday and see all the activity and marvel at the success of our efforts. Congratulations to Frank and his BB gun team as they once again captured the PA State Team Title. This is another fine example of dedicated and motivated people who have chosen to make a difference and I thank all the parents who are so deeply involved. Congratulations to the young shooters who got the job done when it counted. I want you to know that we are very proud of your efforts and also extremely proud of all our junior shooters at PSA no matter what discipline they enjoy and compete in. These young people are our hope for the future of the shooting sports and this country. Thank you to everyone for being a member of Palmyra Sportsmen and I look forward to seeing you at the club. President’s Message By Skip Klinger I think that spring has finally sprung. The grass is starting to get green and the trees are starting to bud. It seems the older I get the longer winter is. That being said the fish are swimming in the Quittie and the gobblers are starting to strut. I want to welcome all the new members and want you to know how much I look forward to meeting you at the club. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or I can help in any way. I need some help! It seems that there are a few uninformed folks that may be causing some safety problems on the rifle range. We have made some modifications to the 25- and 50-yard area so please pay attention. There will be no shooting at anything other than paper targets, hung on the backer boards, below the orange line. I need everyone’s cooperation and assistance in policing this requirement. It is imperative that we keep all shots in the range or we could loose our rifle range and I am sure that no one wants that to happen. So please obey the rules and use some common sense. I have been informed that someone has shot holes in the new signs we installed two weeks ago at the 25-yard and 50-yard benches. Ladies and gentlemen, I ask why, and am very disappointed that someone would do that on purpose. If this reckless abandon of the rules and safety procedures does not stop immediately, we will take appropriate action. That could be installing video cameras and or hiring a person to police the rifle range when it is open. Either way this will cost all of us 1 Hunter Education By Skip Klinger Hunter Education will be July 17 and 18 from 6 PM to 9:30 PM and July 19 from 8 AM to 3 PM. Attendance is required for all three days and we will provide lunch on Saturday. Please call me at 867-4269 to pre-register as the class fills very quickly and I am limited to 40 kids. Thank you. 3-D Archery League By Todd Sheetz On July 26, 2008 Palmyra will have a 2-Man Team 3-D Money Shoot. All outdoor ranges will be closed for the 3-D team shoot. This shoot should bring shooters from across the state to our club. If the event draws 60 teams it would payback close to $4,000.00. Then after the shoot there will be a pig roast for all shooters. This shoot is made possible from a lot of dedicated club members that got together and came up with this. I personally would like to thank everyone that is involved. A big thank you goes out to all our sponsors for this shoot; they support us, please support them!!! Friends NRA Banquet By Skip Klinger th This is our 8 year and the banquet has been moved to the spring. The date is Saturday, May 10 at PSA. The door will open at 4:00 PM and dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. The cost of the ticket, which includes dinner, is $30.00. Please come join us for an evening of enjoyment and fun as we raise money to continue to improve our shooting facilities and our youth programs in PA. Please call me at 867-4269 or Kip Klinger at 272-2971 if you need tickets. Thank you. GF Bowmans Hobart Kauffmans Bar-B-Que Chicken Bartolos Pizza Kinseys Outdoors Hoover Funeral Home Bells Meats Pat N Son Hornungs Ace Hardware Harris TV & Appliance Bucks Chiropractic New York Fitness Swatara Creek Outfitters Herbe And Son Primetime Maguires Ford Brass Rail Beverage Weaber Inc Hornungs Hardware If anyone wants more information or wants to get involved with this shoot you can call me at 838-3317. RANGE CLOSURES All outdoor ranges will be closed on June 29 from 7 AM to 3 PM for the PA Dutch Shoot. All outdoor ranges will be closed on July 26 for the Archery 2-Man Team 3-D Money Shoot. 2 JOAD Winter 3-D League By Dick Wallace By Todd Sheetz We had great participation from our JOAD members this year. On April 5, 2008, 16 youth shot in the JOAD State Indoor Championships at Harrisburg. Junior Female Division: Tory Bingeman – 1st Melanie Wise – 3rd Female Cub Division: Darian Shenk – 2nd Male Cub Division: Scott Gallaher – 4th Female Bowman Division: Maggie Bixler – 3rd Male Bowman Division: Nate White – 5th The Winter 3-D League came to a close on March 30. Palmyra had great participation and our shooters did pretty well. In the Bowhunter Release AAA class, Shawn Lutz, Brian Sheetz and Greg Hoover took 1st, 2nd & 3rd AA Class, respectively; Joe Bernardo took 1st and Randy Watkins took 2nd in A class. In Open, Tim Hoffer took 1st in AAA class. In the newly created IBO class Todd Sheetz finished 3rd. In the Seniors, Rodney Good took 1st and Skip Evans took 2nd in A class. Woman’s class Leslie Hoffer finished 1st and in the Intermediate, Devin Hoffer took 2nd in the AA class. Congratulations Shooters!! Good Shooting!! As far as the overall club results, Palmyra took 1st Place in the Bowhunter Release class. 1st place in the Open Class went to Ephrata; Big Bucks took 1st in the IBO class. Hemlock took 1st place in the Seniors Class. We, as a club, are very fortunate to have a good amount of club members who volunteer their time helping out with setting up and tearing down the 3-D courses, working in the kitchen and registration desk. Everything seems to go very well. I would like to thank each and everyone involved with helping out. 7 of our shooters qualified for the Olympic Round. Tory Bingeman – 2nd in Junior Division Melanie Wise – 4th in Junior Division Cub Female: Darian Shenk – 2nd; Emily Smith – 4th Cub Male: Scott Gallaher – 4th Female Bowman: Maggie Bixler – 4th Male Bowman: Nate White – 4th Palmyra Recurve Team: 1st – D. Shenk, S. Gallaher, T. Bingman, E. Smith Thanks for the great turnout Wednesday Night – 3-D Shoots are already in progress. Volunteers are needed to set up and tear down ranges Penn Dutch Shoot will be held at Palmyra on June 28 and 29. The South East Regional Field will be held on June 29. All outdoor gun ranges will be closed on June 29 from 7 AM until 3 PM. 3 Introduction to Pistol Class The Introduction to Pistol Class was well attended. Comments received from those who attended the class were: feel more comfortable around guns in general, and are now more knowledgeable in the safety of guns. If we have enough interest in holding another class, we will pursue it. If anyone is interested in attending, please call Rod Beyerle at 273-7554 or e-mail RKMJB@aol.com. Mid-Atlantic Prone Championship Monetary or Merchandise Donations are being sought for the 2008 Mid-Atlantic Prone Championship June 12-15, 2008 Please contact Erin Gestl, 832-3385 Trap (Clay Bird) Shooting By Bruce Meyerhoffer Tuesday evening practice continues starting around 5 PM. Beginners are welcome. Palmyra sportsmen shooters tied for first place at the end of the winter league, but lost the tie breaker. The last shoot was at Palmyra and saw 50 straight scores by Les Eckert, Les Garis and Dave Forry. Congratulations to Sheldon Hostetter named to the PA Trapshooting Hall of Fame as the Trapshooter of the Year for 2008. Raffle Ticket ATA Shoots at our club will be on Sunday May 4 – Club Championship; Monday September 1; and Sunday October 5. Ladies and gentlemen: Would you please consider helping your club by selling or buying this year’s raffle ticket? I have designed a ticket with a new idea and a twist. It is always a good thing to stay ahead of the curve. If you look at the ticket, we are giving away $12,500 twice in the first 25 days of August 2008. They will be merchandise certificates for 5 local retailers (three gun shops, one clothing shop and one archery shop). The twist is that we will have two tickets at the same time. One will be for the Mid-Day three-digit daily lottery number and the other is for the 7 PM three-digit daily lottery number. I am going to have both tickets with the same number stapled together so they can be bought or sold separately or as a pair. This means that a person can buy one number (either the mid–day or 7 PM number) for $25.00 or both numbers for $50.00. Please call me if you have any questions; and I will be in touch with my usual ticket sellers as soon as possible. Contact Skip Klinger if any questions. Thank you. Advertising If you are interested in advertising in this Newsletter, please contact Rod Beyerle at 717-273-7554. We would like to have the advertising cover the cost of printing and mailing the Newsletter. 4 Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. One Dozen X Two + One Raffle 25 Prizes for The Month of August 2008 Only 1,000 Tickets sold (SGOC# 2113) Drawing based on 7 PM Daily PA Lottery Number - Winners will be notified by letter. All Guns Subject to Firearms Control Laws All Certificates to be redeemed by 12/31/08 Any Unsold Tickets Become the Property of Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association Winners Will Receive a Certificate for Redemption at the Participating Retailer of Their Choice The Entire Certificate Must be Redeemed at This Retailer of Your Choice Participating Retailers Shyda’s Gun Shop – Lebanon, Pa Swatara Creek Outfitters – Annville, Pa Shyda’s Clothing Barn – Lebanon, Pa Glenn’s Guns – Annville, Pa JB’S Outdoor Sport’s Supply – Palmyra, Pa Donation $25.00 1- $500 Certificate 13 - $500 Certificate 2- $500 Certificate 14 - $500 Certificate 3- $500 Certificate 15 - $500 Certificate 4- $500 Certificate 16 - $500 Certificate 5- $500 Certificate 17 - $500 Certificate 6- $500 Certificate 18 - $500 Certificate 25 - $500 Certificate 7- $500 Certificate 19 - $500 Certificate 8- $500 Certificate 20 - $500 Certificate 9- $500 Certificate 21 - $500 Certificate 10- $500 Certificate 22 - $500 Certificate 11- $500 Certificate 23 - $500 Certificate 12- $500 Certificate 24 - $500 Certificate ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. One Dozen X Two + One Raffle 25 Prizes for The Month of August 2008 Only 1,000 Tickets sold (SGOC# 2113) Drawing based on Mid-Day Daily PA Lottery Number - Winners will be notified by letter. All Guns Subject to Firearms Control Laws All Certificates to be redeemed by 12/31/08 Any Unsold Tickets Become the Property of Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association Winners Will Receive a Certificate for Redemption at the Participating Retailer of Their Choice The Entire Certificate Must be Redeemed at This Retailer of Your Choice Participating Retailers Shyda’s Gun Shop – Lebanon, Pa Swatara Creek Outfitters – Annville, Pa 123456789101112- $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate $500 Certificate Shyda’s Clothing Barn – Lebanon, Pa Glenn’s Guns – Annville, Pa JB’S Outdoor Sport’s Supply – Palmyra, Pa Donation $25.00 13 - $500 Certificate 14 - $500 Certificate 15 - $500 Certificate 16 - $500 Certificate 17 - $500 Certificate 18 - $500 Certificate 19 - $500 Certificate 20 - $500 Certificate 21 - $500 Certificate 22 - $500 Certificate 23 - $500 Certificate 24 - $500 Certificate 5 25 - $500 Certificate match and were led by Jed and Allison. Competing in his first Sectional tournament, Sawyer Spicher fired a personal high score. April was probably the busiest month with a group of juniors competing at the National Junior Olympics in Colorado Springs. Seven juniors qualified to attend the nationals including Leslie Angeli, Cody Rutter, Jed, Allison, Alyssa, Tommy, and Abby. In the women’s events, Leslie, Allison, and Alyssa fired personal bests for the competition in the smallbore events; in the air rifle event Leslie fired a 773/800 ending up 22nd in a field of 94 juniors. Alyssa captured 3rd place in the J3 category (age 14 and under) in both events. In the men’s events, Cody Rutter had a very strong performance, placing in the top 7 in the country in all 3 events, 1st in prone, 3rd in 3-position, and 7th in air rifle. Cody’s first place victory in prone was by a mere 3/10 of a point after the finals were complete. Jed Neidigh had his personal bests for the Junior Olympics with an 1153/1200 in air rifle and a 2254/2400 in 3-position ranking him 18th and 21st, respectively. In the local Friday night league, our team finished the season in second place behind Columbia Fish and Game. We are currently holding practices on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings beginning at 6:30 PM. If anyone is interested, please contact Byron Light at 838-9437 or me at 832-3385. Rifle Team By Erin Gestl Since the beginning of the year, the rifle team has been very active beginning with the 9th annual Palmyra Invitational in January. The 3-weekend event had its largest showing with 330 competitors competing in smallbore and air rifle events. We had collegiate teams from 6 of the top 8 collegiate programs in the country. The Palmyra junior rifle team had 3 separate teams in each event and the team of Allison Paulson, Tommy Carr, Jed Neidigh, and Abby Wert finished 3rd in air rifle and 4th in smallbore. During the months of February and March, the team competed in several 4-position smallbore matches and NRA sectionals. The first was the Open Sectionals at Harrisburg. At the second match, the Open State Championships at Alexandria, Jed Neidigh finished 2nd junior and the junior team of Jed, Tommy, Abby, and Levi Spicher top high junior team. The last match of the month was the junior sectionals at Langhorne. We had 12 juniors in attendance with several shooting their high score including Alyssa Gestl, Alex Gestl, Robert Granzow, Levi, and Abby. The team of Jed, Tommy, Allison, and Alyssa won the team event with a score of 1575/1600. In the 3-position sectional at Ontelauntee, the team of Tommy, Jed, Allison, and Abby won the local Allison Paulson at JORCs Leslie Angeli at JORCs Alyssa Gestl at JORCs ****************************************************************************************************************************************** The Palmyra BB Gun Team captured the 2008 State BB Gun Championship (Photo at right) → 6 Calendar of Events (Not inclusive – see calendar at clubhouse) May 2008 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 Vo-Tech School, Bullseye Range Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Vo-Tech School, Bullseye Range BB Gun 9am-11am Sporting Clays 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ATA Trap Shoot SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm Vo-Tech School, Bullseye Range Vo-Tech School, Bullseye Range BB Gun 9am-11am Sporting Clays-BPS Shoot CMP Highpower Comp. Range Friends NRA Banquet- 4 pm 16 17 Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm 11 18 12 13 14 15 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Indoor Handgun Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range BB Gun 9am-11am Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm BB Gun 9am-11am Sporting Clays Sporting Clays Smallbore-Comp. Range 9 am-? Club Mtg. 7:30pm 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Smallbore-Comp. Range 9 am-? SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Trap Shoot 5 pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Indoor Handgun Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range BB Gun 9am-11am Sporting Clays Women’s Shooting Event Appl. Wheelchair Games 8-? SB Range Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm June 2008 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6 Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Smallbore League Comp. Range 9am SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Steel Shoot SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm Smallbore 6400 Comp. Range 9am Smallbore 6400 Comp. Range 9am BB Gun 9am-11am BB Gun 9am-11am Sporting Clays Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Smallbore 6400 Comp. Range 9am Sporting Clays 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Smallbore 6400 Comp. Range 9am SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Indoor Handgun Range Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range BB Gun 9am-11am Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Sporting Clays Club Mtg. 7:30pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NRA Air Pistol Match Smallbore League Comp. Range 9am SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm HIA Police Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm HIA Police Derry Twp. Police, Bullseye Range Archery 3-D Shoot BB Gun 7pm-9pm Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm HIA Police HIA Police BB Gun 9am-11am Archery-Penn Dutch 29 30 Archery-Penn Dutch SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm All Outdoor Ranges Closed 7 July 2008 Sun 6 13 20 27 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 1 2 3 Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Archery 3-D Shoot Wobble Trap 3:30-7 7 8 9 10 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Trap Shoot 5pm SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Archery 3-D Shoot Wobble Trap 3:30-7 14 15 16 17 18 19 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Trap Shoot 5pm Club Mtg. 7:30pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Indoor Handgun Range Archery 3-D Shoot Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Hunter Ed. 6-9:30 Sporting Clays Hunter Ed. 8-3 21 22 23 24 25 26 Derry Twp. Police, Bullseye Range SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Trap Shoot 5pm Archery 3-D Shoot HIA Police 8-2, Comp. Range Wobble Trap 3:30-7 HIA Police 8-2, Comp. Range All Outdoor Ranges Closed 28 29 30 31 Aug. 1 HIA Police 8-2, Comp. Range Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range HIA Police 8-2, Comp. Range Trap Shoot 5pm Parole Bd. 8-5, Indoor Handgun Range Archery 3-D Shoot Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range Parole Bd. 8-5, Bullseye Range SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm 11 Hunter Ed. 6-9:30 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Wobble Trap 3:30-7 SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm 12 Sporting Clays CMP Highpower, Comp. Range SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Wobble Trap 3:30-7 5 Sporting Clays SB & AR Jr. Rifle Prac. 6:30pm-9pm Legend for Calendar of Events SB – Smallbore on Indoor Rifle Range AR – Air Rifle on Indoor Rifle Range Trap Shoot – All shooters welcome Club Meeting – All members urged to attend Sporting Clays – Open to public, bring your friends Comp. Range – Competition Range Outdoors BB Gun – Kids ages 8-15 on Indoor Rifle Range; during Invitational on Archery Range. CMP – Civilian Marksmanship Program Comp. Range – Competition Range Outdoors 8 4 Sat Archery 3-D Shoot, 2-man team 30 targets RAFFLE TICKET ORDER FORM Name__________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ Phone Number____________________________________ I would like # of tickets to sell ______ I would like # of tickets to buy ______ (Please enclose a check if you are buying) Send this form to PSA at PO BOX 142 Palmyra, PA 17078 or e-mail Skip Klinger at skipklinger@comcast.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION LADIES AND YOUTH The Palmyra Sportsmen’s Club is proud to be offering a learning experience for all youth up to the age of 18, and ladies of all ages. On May 31, 2008 from 9 AM to 4 PM learn how to use a hand gun, hand gun safety, archery, and trap shooting. Please Note: The pre-registration date has been extended until filled, contact Doris Shyda. You can bring your own bow or gun. Ear plugs and safety glasses are required. For any questions please call Doris Shyda at 717-274-2551 or E-Mail: dshyda@comcast.net. COST: $5.00 I AM INTERESTED IN: TRAP SHOOTING ARCHERY DID YOU EVER SHOOT A GUN BEFORE? YES RIGHT HANDED HAND GUN .22 CALI. .38 CALI. NO LEFT HANDED NAME ADDRESS PHONE ALL YOUTH UNDER THE AGE OF 16 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT SEND THIS FORM FOR PRE-REGISTRATION TO: DORIS SHYDA 1635 S. LINCOLN AVE. LEBANON, PA 17042 * PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE EVENT. SINCE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE ARE DOING THIS, WE HAVE NO WAY TO PROJECT THE TURN OUT. WE MAY HAVE TO TURN PEOPLE AWAY. * 9