Mar-Apr 09 - Montana Pilots Association


Mar-Apr 09 - Montana Pilots Association
Heading Bug
Mark Your
(See full events report
on page 2!)
May 23-24, 2009
Spotted Bear Work Session
May 30-31, 2009
Rocky Mountain West
Aviation Expo
Boise, ID
June 20-21, 2009
Father’s Day Fly-In
Fort Peck Airport
June 20-21, 2009
Father’s Day Fly-In
Twin Bridges Airport
If you have a story or
something you would
like to see in the
newsletter, please
contact Kristi Dunks
at 406.498.2470 or
President’s Message
Hello to One and All,
I would like to thank everyone for
the vote of confidence in electing
me president of the MPA. I will try
to do my best to live up to your
This could be a very trying year
with the economy. Also, the
Customs and Border Protection new
border crossing rules with
Electronic Advance Passenger
Information System (eAPIS) need
work to make the system more userfriendly. A big thanks goes to Bram
Tilroe of Canada and Chuck Jarecki,
Western Director, for their
leadership in letter writing to bring
this to the attention of concerned
citizens and agencies.
I would also like to thank Russ
Dahl, and all the other officers,
including hangar officers- without
you none of this could be possible.
Our newsletter and website editors
are doing a great job and deserve a
BIG thanks.
I want to encourage all hangar
officers and other interested people
to attend the next meeting that will
be held at the Montana Aeronautics
in Helena on April 25 at 11:30AM
following the Aviation
Organizations of Montana (AOM)
meeting. Lunch will be provided.
Please, remember to turn in written
reports. It makes life easier for our
secretary. We will be deciding the
meeting dates and discussing
different committees and assigning
chair positions. Please let me know
if you have an interest in a particular
committee or if you have any
agenda topics. I know one that I
have a personal interest in is fund
accounting policies.
I would also like to attend as many
hangar meetings as I can fit into my
schedule. It is great to see how
other hangars function and,
hopefully, give a little pep talk.
Please, feel free to call or e-mail me
at anytime to discuss issues or just
say hello.
We also lost one of our own this
month-Sparky Imeson- and send our
condolences to his family and
friends. He will be greatly missed.
Until next time – Gear up and fly
Wade Cebulski, President
New officers were elected at the conference this year. President, Wade Cebulski (Seeley Lake), Western Vice
President, Steve Rossiter (Missoula), and Treasurer, Jon Hudson (Bozeman). See a full list of officers on page 7.
A big thanks to the South Central MPA Hangar, Montana Aeronautics Division, Aviation Organizations of
Montana, and all others for organizing a great conference in Billings. Rick Donaldson and Robert Peccia and
Associates for sponsoring the MPA Hospitality Area, to the Southwest and Miles City Hangars for contributing,
and to the South Central Hangar for setting it all up!
Additional thanks go to Kurt’s Polaris, Seeley Lake, Kalispell, and Missoula for helping with the ranger Raffle and
to Yellowstone Polaris of Billings for the use of their Ranger in the display area for three days. For all of you who
wanted to win and did not, please go buy from one of these two dealers. Thanks also to Champion Powersports in
Detroit for ultimately providing the Ranger to the winner.
April 25- MPA Board Meeting 11:30 A.M. (following the AOM meeting) - MT Aeronautics Building - Helena Airport
May 23-24 - Spotted Bear (8U4) Work Session
May 30-31 - Rocky Mountain West Aviation Expo, Boise, Idaho (KBOI). For more information or to participate, Email
Lee Hudson at or call him at 208.323.4464.
June 12-13 - 5th Annual Lewistown Airport Fly-In & Pancake Breadfast courtesy of Central MT Hangar MPA. (In
conjunction with Pioneer Power Days) Antiques, Warbirds, Helicopters, Experimentals. Friday Evening Steak
Fry-6:30pm (reservations appreciated) - Saturday Morning -7am-11am - Sourdough Pancake Breakfast - For more
information call Jerry Moline @ 406-350-3264.
June 12-14 - Winifred/Breaks Flyin, 12th: camp/cookout Cow Creek (RSVP on the cookout), 13th: Morning breakfast
at LWT Flyin, fly the breaks, hamburger feed at Winifred (9S7) hangar, 14th: departure. Contact Ralph Rogers ,
June 20-21 - Fathers Day Fly In Sourdough Pancake Breakfast Fort Peck Airport (37S) Steak Fry Saturday evening
and Pancakes Sunday morning. Canoe trips down Missouri for those that call and schedule in advance. Call Lanny
Hanson 406.526.3535 or 406.263.1154.
June 20-21- 6th Annual Father’s Day Fly In at the Twin Bridges Airport (7S1). Pig roast, pancake breakfast, Young
Eagle rides, airplane displays, pilot games, vendors, concessions, skydiving, presentations, and more! Visit or call Kendra at 406.684.5335.
June 27-28 - Meadow Creek (0S1) Work Session.
June 27 - 2nd Annual Seeley Lake (23S) Flying Club Fly-In & Community Dinner
July 19 - (Sunday) St. Ignatius Fly-in (52S) Steve Allard
August 2 - Hysham Airport (6U7) Lions Club Fly-In, Drive-In Breakfast. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Bob Miller
August 6-8 - Montana Antique Airplane Association Three Forks (9S5) Fly-in
August 14-15-16 - Montana Fun Weekend - Cut Bank (KCTB). Car show, airplane rides, fly-in for general aviation (60
aircraft last year) and drag racing. Roy Nollkamper 406-450-1078 or email
August 15 - Polson Fly-In
Wade Cebulski and Russ Dahl leaving the conference
area with the Polaris Ranger. The winner of the Polaris
Ranger is Steve Richardson, a pilot and an MPA
member from Canton, Michigan.
Central Montana Hangar members receiving Hangar of
the Year Award from Russ Dahl. L to R Tim Robertson,
Pete Smith, Fred Lark, Dale Chamberlain, Russ Dahl
Russ Dahl presenting the Spark Plug Award to Tracy
Russ Dahl presenting President's Award to Geanette
Max Murphy receiving the Bill Matthews Award from
Russ Dahl
Hangar of the Year: Central Montana Hangar
Spark Plug Award: Tracy O’Connor, Poplar
Bill Matthews Award: Max Murphy, Helena
President’s Award: Geanette Cebulski, Seeley Lake
Junior Pilot Scholarship- Katie George, Bridger
Flight Training Scholarship- Lacey Eklund, Billings
Membership Sweepstakes (Artex M406ELT):
Kenneth Morton, Big Sky
50/50 Tickets- Fundraiser for Jr. Pilot Scholarship:
Bill Burkland, Helena, MPA member donated back- thanks Bill!
Ranger Raffle:
Steve Richardson, Canton, Michigan and MPA member
Sparky Imeson touched-down January 19, 1945 to Paul and Jennie Imeson in Jackson Hole,
Wyoming. He grew up in Jackson while it was still a small town and had many wonderful
memories of family and friends. Sparky tragically died Tuesday, March 17, 2009, doing what he
loved to do - flying in the mountains near Helena, Montana.
Sparky Imeson (his real name) was born and raised in Jackson, Wyoming. He grew up in the
mountains near his grandfather's homestead, enjoying hunting, fishing and camping. As a Boy
Scout, he was introduced to flying with a 20-minute ride over Cheyenne, Wyo. in a DC-3. Like
others who have been bitten by the "flying bug," Sparky waited for the day when he could
"spread his wings." He began flying in July 1966 at Jackson in his father's Piper J-3 and Cessna 205.
Sparky worked as a policeman while attending the University of Wyoming (pre-dental). After being accepted at the
University of Oregon dental school, Sparky's father flew from Jackson to Laramie to pick him up for home visits before
going to dental school. Sparky decided he liked flying better than looking in someone's mouth. He attended Herrod School
of Aviation, Billings, Montana, and became a professional pilot in 1968.
Sparky and his parents (Paul and Jennie) founded Imeson Aviation Inc. in 1968 at the Jackson Hole Airport. He became
alarmed at the number of aircraft accidents attributed to mountain flying. Sparky’s passion led him to write the original
Mountain Flying book and many others. Sparky received the FAA Northwest Region Flight Instructor of the Year Award in
1974, 1979 and 1995, for providing effective and creative flight and ground instruction. He was named the 2001 Arizona
Safety Counselor of the Year for significant contributions to aviation safety. Sparky always shared his knowledge with other
pilots and gave many talks for the FAA and other organizations. He spent one year as editor of Wings West Magazine until
he discovered editors don't get much opportunity to fly.
Of his 20,000+ flight hours, the majority was in small airplanes in the mountains. His aviation expertise is the result of
being directly involved in every aspect of aeronautics. His career, interests, and loves touched every person he ever met.
When Sparky looked at you with that glimmer in his eyes and his smile you couldn’t help but smile too.
Sparky enjoyed making people laugh. His words were original and were packed with insight, humor, and innuendos. He
knew every day was a gift from God and he lived that way. He was enthusiastic, passionate, personable and extremely
generous. Sparky was always there for us; we could always count on him. No call for help or request was too large - he
stepped up to the plate and performed whatever major or minor task we asked of him. We miss him sorely. Sparky was
active in many organizations including an Eagle Scout, Guardian of Job's Daughters, Past Master of Masonic Lodge of
Jackson, Wyoming and the Shriners. He was the Representative for NW WY to the Shriners Hospital in Salt Lake
City.Sparky was meticulous in his work. The goal of his writing and talks were to save lives. We believe Sparky is in heaven
with his Dad and others who have gone before and he is flying the great mystery and loving every minute of it. We suspect
God needed more laughter in heaven.
Sparky is survived by his loving wife and biggest cheerleader, Siew Hwa; his mother, Jennie; his daughter Lori Al-Rawi,
Leanne Silvestre, Brandy Ionikh, nine grandchildren, his sister DD Clearman, many cousins, nieces and nephews, and
many, many good friends. Preceding him in death was his father, Paul Imeson.
Sparky said, "happiness is an airplane on a clear day - and the time to go flying.”
The family suggests memorials in his name to the Shriner's Hospital for Children c/o Algeria Shrine P.O. Box 1174 Helena,
MT. 59624.
EAA Chapter 1122 and Mission Valley Hangar: On Feb 25 Ash Wednesday potluck brought in the members. Mauri pitched MPA raf?le tickets. EAA Conference: Mauri and Barb are attending an EAA conference in Oshkosh in late March on effective club leadership. New Business: Fly‐In Dedicating the Fly‐In to Art Lindstrom? Discussion. No action. T‐Shirt design: Mike Lozar at Total Screen Design has offered to donate this year’s artwork to honor Art Lindstrom. Mike is proposing a smokejumping plane theme. Carmine will pursue this and bring designs back for the group to select. The theme can be carried over to all publicity. Art Lindstrom Field? It has been suggested that we propose naming Polson’s airport Lindstom Field. No action. Special Use Permit for Flathead Nat’l Forest. Next meeting: March 25 ‐ Polson. Program on border crossings by US Customs & Board Protection Air Branch of?icial Shane Klakken Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. Submitted by Carmine Mowbray.
South Central Hangar Report: We have continued to join the EAA the ?irst Friday of each month. We appreciate the EAA allowing us to join them for food and fun. We want to give a special thanks to Scott Newpower for all of his work on the conference. We have added new members and have been working on getting the members at large in our area to join the South Central hangar. Right now, we have no new activities planned. We hope to have some thins to encourage more interest in membership. Submitted by Bobbi Powers.
Sanders County Hangar Report ‐ March 13 a soup and sandwich supper was prepared by the club members and after eating, Dan Lilja showed some slides of winter ?lying with skis. The pictures were beautiful and his story about ?lying into some thin ice made us think twice about trying it ourselves (the ladies, at least). Walt Pickering presided over a meeting where the main issue was whether to keep the club going when attendance at the meetings has been pretty light. The club members present all decided that they wanted to keep the club in place. The next meeting will be June 18 in Dan Lilja's hangar with a barbeque. The members discussed the condition of the grass area that surrounds the new Penn Stohr Airport. It was suggested that the club work to correct this by offering some funds for seed and work to establish some grasses. A number of members will work to see this project done, if it is possible. The members set the hall back in order and went home excited that we are still a club and now have a project to get done. Submitted by Karval Pickering.
Helping you reach
new heights.
Dear Fellow Pilot,
Would you like to take advantage of the best
financing market in the past five years and
refinance your existing aircraft or purchase
your next aircraft? At the Bank of Montana,
we specialize in aircraft financing and offer
a variety of loans and services to fit every
pilot’s needs.
Call Tom, at 406.370.5026
Missoula, Montana
MONTANA PILOTS ASSOCIATION - Membership Application Form
Work Phone:____________________________________________
Mailing Address:______________________________________
Please select one of the local MPA Hangars to join: Central (Lewistown) Colstrip Southwest (Dillon, Butte) Flathead (Kalispell)
Gallatin Valley Glacier (Cutbank) Glendive Great Falls Miles City Mission Valley Sanders County North Central (Havre)
South Central (Billings) Valley (Glasgow) Vigilante (Helena) ) Five Valleys (Missoula) Member At Large
Regular Member (pilot) $25.00
Household Membership ( 2 Regular Members)
Associate Member (those who have not soloed) $15.00
Family Membership (1 Regular and 1 Association) $35.00
Montana First Year Solo Student Pilot (1 year free)
Make check payable to: Montana Pilots Association , Inc.
Mail to:
Geanette Cebulski, Sec/Treas P. O. Box 1178, Seeley Lake, MT 59868-1178
Total $ ______
By Chuck Jarecki
Bozeman: Adjacent to the towering mountains
of Glacier National Park lies a recreational
airstrip that will soon be available for the
enjoyment by capable pilots with suitable
aircraft. The Recreational Aviation Foundation
(RAF) announces that Ryan Field, near West
Glacier, Montana, (Great Falls Sectional Chart)
will be open in the summer of 2009 for general
use by qualified recreational pilots, but only
with prior contact with the RAF. There will be
no commercial use of the airstrip. The airstrip
is jointly owned by the RAF and Ben and
Agnes (Butchie) Ryan who built the airstrip
and have lived on the property for forty years.
The 2500’ airstrip is, as Ben says, a “bush
strip”, surrounded by trees. Visitor facilities
now feature a campground complete with a 24’
X 30’ shelter and a wood cook stove, two level
tent sites, several picnic tables and an outside
fire pit. Nearby is a porta-potty. Across the
grass runway are three well-marked tiedown
spots. There is a courtesy van on site for access
to Glacier National Park only four miles away.
The Ryans are looking forward to hosting
visitors to this special place they have carved
out of the surrounding forest. See their three
homebuilt aircraft, marvel at the work they
have put into their property and hike through
the surrounding forest. To read more about the
Ryans and Ryan Field go to the RAF web site
The RAF requires that you obtain a safety
briefing before landing at Ryan Field.
1) E-mail your landing request to all of the
following RAF Directors:
Chuck Jarecki,
Dan Prill,
Jerry Cain,
Carmine Mowbray,
E-mailing all four directors in your first e-mail
will provide you with a timely reply.
2) You will be sent by return e-mail full details
of the airstrip, especially safety concerns of
which you should be aware. As with any flight,
it is the responsibility of the pilot in command
to acquire all available information pertinent to
the intended flight as well as determine if the
aircraft and the pilot’s capabilities are suitable
for the safe use of Ryan Field. Phone requests
will not be honored as you must request and
receive the complete Ryan Field information by
The mission of the RAF is to provide
leadership, private financial support, and
expertise for preserving and enhancing
recreational aviation resources on both public
and private lands throughout the United States
for present and future generations.
Wade Cebulski
Eastern Vice President
Bobbi Powers
Will Stene
Immediate Past President
Russell Dahl
Western Vice President
Steve Rossiter
Newsletter Editor
Kristi Dunks
State Secretary
Geanette Cebulski
Eastern Director
Tim Robertson
406.538.6004 or 366.1940
State Treasurer
Jon Hudson
Western Director
Chuck Jarecki
Central Hangar
Dale Chamberlain
Gallatin Valley Hangar
Robert Shropshire
Miles City Hangar
Lee Richardson
South Central Hangar
Scott Newpower
Colstrip Hangar
No active officers
Glacier Hangar
(Cut Bank)
Roger Sammons
Mission Valley Hangar
Mauri Morin
406 675 8488
Southwest Hangar
Denzel Davis
Glendive Hangar
Leon Baker, Sec/Treas
North Central Hangar
Darren Huestis
Valley Hangar
David Heins
Five Valleys Hangar
Steve Rossiter
Flathead Hangar
Jim Pierce
Great Falls Hangar
Lou Ronnau
Sanders County Hangar
Walter Pickering, VP
Vigilante Hangar
Mike Naegele
Heading Bug
PO Box 4311, Helena, MT 59604
The bi-monthly newsletter of the
Montana Pilots’ Association, Inc.
Montana Pilots’ Association, Inc.
PO Box 1178
Seeley Lake, MT 59868-1178
US Postage
Kalispell, MT
Permit 121