Business Partner Fact Sheet
Business Partner Fact Sheet
Blue Sky Business Partner Program SM To reward your business for supporting renewable energy through the Blue Sky program, we offer a business partnership program. This program recognizes organizations that commit to a Blue Sky renewable energy purchase that meets or exceeds minimum purchase requirements based on your electricity usage. The business partnership program currently has hundreds of partners who are voluntarily supporting renewable energy. Please see the back of this form for samples of some of the materials that may help get the word out about your efforts to hasten renewable energy development. When joining the Blue Sky business partnership, you have the flexibility to choose whether your entire organization or a facility within your organization becomes a partner. This flexibility allows you to fine tune your renewable energy purchase. A minimum purchase level and a one-year commitment are required to participate in the business partnership program. Rocky Mountain Power Blue Sky Partner levels For more information about the program, or to view a list of Blue Sky Business Partners in your area, visit Recognition category Percentage /monthly minimum requirement Additional monthly cost Visionary 30% of load or 50 blocks, whichever is greater (a 750 monthly block purchase will qualify a business as a Visionary level partner) $97.50 – $650.00 Champion 10% of load or 10 blocks, whichever is greater (a 350 monthly block purchase will qualify a business as a Champion level partner) $19.50 – $370.00 Over 10,000 kilowatt-hours/month (7 blocks) $13.65 Under 10,000 kilowatt-hours/month (4 blocks) $7.80 Supporter Rocky Mountain Power Blue Sky promotional materials Recognition category Visionary Champion Supporter Window Sticker x x x Blue Sky business partner logo for your website and communications material (available upon request) x x x Business Partner Poster (available upon request) x x x Certificate x Plaque x Increased marketing and promotional opportunities such as web listing, select advertisements, customer communication and social media (see reverse side for examples) x x x Upon completion of a one-year term, service will continue on a month-to-month basis unless we are notified of your desire to change or cancel your participation. No minimum purchase or term is required to participate in the Blue Sky program. A minimum block purchase and term apply only to QS option and business partnership program. PAC076 Blue Sky Business Partner sample promotional materials SM R O C K Y M O U N T A I N P O W E R renewable newable energy update te Proud to support renewable energy forecast forecasst FALL 2012 ■ VOLUME VO L UME 13 ■ ISSUE 2 First Unitarian Church goes solar with help from Blue Sky ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City is one of the Blue Sky program’s first business partners, supporting renewable energy at the Champion level for more than a decade. When they set out to bring their church near carbon neutral, it was a simple decision to look to Blue Sky for help. During their renovation in 2011, First Unitarian received Blue Sky community project funds to help install a rooftop solar array. Shortly after, an anonymous donor jumped in to cover the entire usable roof on their building with solar panels. The result is a massive 30.3-kilowatt (kW) solar array. Their installation was completed in August and includes a monitoring device that showcases the system’s generation information and environmental benefits. The church will also utilize the solar installation to teach the community about renewable energy technologies. “The seventh principle of Unitarian Universalists is: ‘Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.’ One way we show that is eliminating as much of our carbon footprint as we can,” said Michael Mielke, who oversaw the church installation. “We expect to install an electric charging station at our church connected to our solar. We take our blue skies and our clean air seriously.” First Un nitarian Church has implemented many green practices as a part of their sustainability efforts including recycling, water conservation and composting. In addition to their existing net-zero energy efforts, First Unitarian has started a community solar program with the help of Utah Clean Energy. Their efforts exemplify how the benefits of the Blue Sky program can be multiplied through a church and community effort. First Unitarian encourages you to visit and to ask them about their Blue Sky enabled solar installation. To tour their facility contact Michael Mielke. Learn more about Blue Sky Community Projects. u Forecast newsletter 1-800-769-3717 Business Partner poster Together we’re making a difference. To all our Blue SkySM business partners and customers, we say thank you. It is your support that helps drive more renewable energy development and provides opportunities for new, community-based renewable energy projects. It is your support that helps keep the environment healthy, brings economic benefits to the region and preserves resources for future generations. The following businesses participate in the Blue Sky business partner program and are making a difference. You can join them today. © 2011 Rocky Mountain Power To learn more or enroll visit or call toll free 1-800-769-3717. 222 Main Investments, LLC 4 Corner Archeology AAA Tent & Awning Co. AgeWell Center Albion Financial Group All Saints Episcopal Church Alpine City Alta Lodge AMD Architecture Amer Sports Winter & Outdoor Americas Co. American Fork City Arches Book Co., Inc. Arches National Park Arches Trading Post, Inc. Artist & Heirlooms Artistic Framing Company Associated General Contractors, Utah Atomic Hair Autoliv Awakening Heart Back of Beyond Books Barbara Hicks, CPA Becton, Dickinson and Company Beehive Cheese Co. Best Western Canyonlands Inn Best Western Zion Park Inn Bikram Yoga – Sandy Bingham Cyclery Bit and Spur Black Diamond Equipment, Ltd. Black Sheep Wool Co. Bryson’s Computer Repair Buck’s Grill House Buese + Peters + Newell Architects, PC Bumbleberry Inn Bunk House at Zion B&B C & H Enterprises Cali’s Natural Foods Canyon Voyages Adventure Co. Canyonlands Field Institute Canyonlands National Park Visitor Center Canyons Medical Center Catalyst Magazine Centered City Yoga Certified Ford CH2M Hill, Inc. Ching Farm Rescue Christ United Methodist Church CHUMS-CHISCO & Beyond Coastal City Academy City of Cedar Hills City of Lindon City of Moab City of Richfield City Pet Club Cliffrose Lodge Coffee Garden Coldwell Banker/Arches Realty Colvin Engineering Comfort Tech Consonus Technologies Contender Bicycles Corporation of Episcopal Church in Utah Cucina Deli Cyber Exchange Dave’s Corner Market Dave’s Health & Nutrition Daybreak Corporate Center DeZion Gallery Dive Addicts Dr. Ayre’s Dentistry for Children Dragon Dreams Earth Goods General Store Eco-Energy Systems & Consulting, LLC Eddie McStiff’s Restaurant Eiffel Tower Catering Elfon, LLC EM-Assits, Inc. Em’s Restaurant Emporium, LLC EnergySolutions Escape Adventures Especially for You Este Pizza Company, LLC ETC Group, LLC Fairchild Semiconductor Feye’s Laundry & Dry Cleaning Figaro Salon First Unitarian Society Flanigan’s Inn Flanigan’s Villas Floor Space Flow Yoga Footprints, Inc. For Shor Co. Fourth Street Clinic Futura Carwash GE Energy – Energy Services Inspection and Repair Services GE Healthcare – Surgery George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center George’s Architectural Salvage Gibbs Smith, Publisher Gold’N Diamonds Golden Braid Bookstore/Oasis Cafe Grand County School Grand Rental Center Granite Office Great Harvest Bread Co. Great Harvest Bread Co. (Millers & Bankers, Inc.) Great Western Hearing Center Green Earth Development Groovacious Halverson Company Hatch Family Chocolates Herbs for Health Water Outlet Hobbs & Olson, LC Holladay United Church of Christ Holly Refining and Marketing Horn & Partners Architecture Hound Dog Sound Hugger Mugger Yoga Products Inn Realty Inner Light Center Integra Pain Management Intermountain Guitar & Banjo Iris Body Piercing Ivins City Jet Air Delivery JHS Enterprises Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District JSA Architects JTJG Foothill Village, LC Kaffe Mercantile Ken Hampton Kennecott Land Keogh Land Surveying Koo De Ker KRCL LaGrand Distributing, Inc. Landis Lifestyle Salon – Liberty Heights Landis Lifestyle Salon – Marmalade Language of Flowers Laughing Dragon LDI Group-Hollywood Holdings Legion Paper Liberty Heights Fresh Lifted Life Yoga Center Liston Concepts Live Earth Products, Inc. Lone Peak Productions, Inc. Lost River Trading Co. Louis Borgenicht, MD Majestic Investment Company Malt-O-Meal Mazza, LLC Millcreek Bicycles Millcreek Coffee Roasters Milt’s Stop & Eat Moab Adventure Center Moab Fitness Center Moab Information Center Moab Rim RV Camp Park Moab Times-Independent Moki Mac River Expeditions, Inc. Momentum Recycling Moonflower Market Morgan Stanley Mountain West Small Business Financing Newcastle Mortgage Next Full Service Salon Nobrow Coffee and Tea Ogden City Corporation Ogden Nature Center Olde Salt Bikes Pack Creek Campground Patagonia Outlet Payroll Perfect, Inc. PCR, LLC Planned Parenthood Association of Utah Poison Spider Bicycles Power Electric Company Q Street Fine Crafts Real People Press Red Rock Bakery and Cafe Red Rock Brewing Company Red Rock Forest Redman Movies and Stories Regalo Responsible Asset Management Revolution Dairy, LLC Rim Tours, Inc. RMEC Environmental, Inc. Roosters Round River Conservation Studies Rusted Sun Pizzeria Rustler Lodge, Inc. Sacred Mountain Healing Center Sage’s Cafe Sage’s Way Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective Salt Lake County Salt Lake County Draper Library Salt Lake Roasting Co. Sam Weller’s Bookstore San Miguel Wellness Retreat Sandy Car Wash Second Avenue Laundry Seekhaven Sheri Griffi th Expeditions Silvester & Co. Silvester & Conroy, LC Snow Lion Expeditions Solid Autoworks Solissa Boutique Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance Springdale Candy Company Squatters Pub Brewery St. Francis Episcopal Church St. Mark’s Cathedral Staker & Parson Companies Staples StarWash – Salt Lake City StarWash – South Jordan Streamline Industries Sue Berkahn Summit County Utah Sunflower Hill B&B Inn SUWA Sweet Pea Boutique Sweet William Floral & Design, LLC Switchback Grille & Trading Co. Tag-A-Long Expedition Tear-A-Part Auto Recycling Telarus, Inc. The Bayou The Beer Nut The Children’s Hour The Daily Rise Espresso The Deep Powder House The Dog’s Meow The Front Climbing Club The Green Building Center The King’s English Bookstore The Learning Center The Little Gym The McGillis School The Red Butte Cafe The Sole Conduit, LLC The Synergy Company TNT Fireworks Tom Till Gallery Tony Caputo’s Market & Deli Town of Alta Town of Castle Valley Town of Rockville Town of Springdale Tracy Aviary Trolley Square Associates, LLC Turner Lumber of Moab, Inc. Tutoring Toy Uinta Brewing Company University Pet Clinic Urgyen Samten Ling-Tibetan Buddhist Temple Utah Brewers Cooperative Utah Clean Energy Utah Department of Environmental Quality Utah Geological Survey State Energy Program Utah Open Lands Utah State University – Moab Campus Utah’s Hogle Zoo Varian Medical Systems Varsity Contractors Vasuvios Vertical Diner ViaWest, Inc. Wadman Corporation Walking Stick Wasatch Mountain Touring Watson Pharmaceuticals Western River Expeditions Westminster College Whitaker Studio, Inc. Wild Rose Mountain Sports Workers Compensation Fund XMission Zion Adventure Company Zions First National Bank Zion National Park (Visitors Center) Online business partner listing We’d also like to thank Salt Lake County, Trolley Square Associates, LLC, Watson Pharmaceuticals, The McGillis School, Architectural Nexus and Landis Lifestyle Salons for their recent Visionary level support of Blue Sky. Business partner ad Proud to support renewable energy 1-800-769-3717 Window decal Facebook page Participating business partners may use the Blue Sky Partner logo. 1/13
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