École St. Cecilia Junior High School MAY 2010 NEWSLETTER


École St. Cecilia Junior High School MAY 2010 NEWSLETTER
Éc ol e S t. Cecili a Ju n i o r Hi g h
Sc h o o l
8 8 3 0 - 1 3 2 A v e n u e , E d m o n t o n , AB T 5E 0 X 8
Ph o n e: 780 -476 - 7695
Fa x: 780-473 -7363
W e b P a g e: w w w .s t c e c ili a . e cs d . n e t
Ad minis t ra tio n Message
Paren t Inf o r ma tio n
School Schedule
Bits and Pieces
School Inf o r ma tio n
Spor ts Page
SAC Minu tes of Meet i n g
Superin te n den t’s Message
School Calendar
Dear Parents/Guardians:
April was a special month filled with events, the Gala d’art oratoire,
Celebration of the Arts: “Peter Pan” and of course, the annual Dance
Competition, organized by our student teachers.
The month of May appears to be full of exciting events both at the
school and district level. Activities slated for May include the Interim
Report Cards, two out of Province Field Trips by the Band and Drama
clubs, PAT/District Field Test Exams, Athletic league play and playoffs
in Badminton and Softball and Track and Field Day. If you would like
to take in any of these activities please check for the dates and times
with your child or contact the school.
As we move into the final two months of school, with our day time getting longer, outdoor sport commitments, children playing more outside
and our thoughts turning to summer fun and holidays, our learning
journey continues. It is important that our students maintain a strong
work ethic with their assignments and that they continue getting
enough rest; it is truly an integral part in doing our best to achieve well.
Together we will celebrate a successful year.
Drama Trip Inf o
Page 3
Grade 9 Fare well
Page 3
Track & Field Day
Page 5
Page 6
If you have any questions or need clarification regarding your child’s
education, please do not hesitate to contact the school at your earliest
Yours in Catholic Education,
Mr. David Andrews
Mr. Bob Gagnon
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Dana Hutton
Assistant Principal
Page 2
Second invoice notices for school
fee payment have been sent and
are now due.
Accelerated Reader Program
Accelerated Reader points deadline
Friday, May 28, 2010
Please contact Mrs. Kwasniewski
in the business office if you have
any questions.
Last meeting is THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2010
Monthly Pass
Family Plan
Replacement Cost $57.50
Subway Subs
The business office is now taking orders for the 20092010 yearbook. The cost is $28.00, cash only.We also
have some 2008-2009 yearbooks for the same price.
Tuesday DQ Cheeseburgers $2.25
Wed D’Amores Italian Day
Soft Tacos
Shorts $20.00 - T-shirts $15.00
contact Mrs. Kwasniewski
in the business office
With the end of the school year
quickly approaching, the library will be
closed for inventory.
Students are reminded to return all
their library books on or before their last scheduled class.
Page 3
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Call In
May 3, 2010 at the Bronx Bowling Lanes
8:12 am
May 28 at Vertically Inclined
Announcements 8:20-8:23 am
Block 1
8:25 - 9:11 am
Block 2
9:13 - 9:59 am
Block 3
10:01 - 10:47 am
Thirty of the Grade 8 and 9 Drama Students this year have been given
the opportunity to travel to Ottawa and Montreal from May 18 to the
Block 4
10:49 - 11:35 am
11:35 - 12:12 pm
Call In:
12:12 pm
Homeroom 12:20-12:25 pm
Block 5
12:25 - 1:11 pm
Block 6
1:13 - 1:59 pm
Block 7
2:01 - 2:47 p.m.
2:47 - 2:52 pm
2:52 pm
Call In
8:12 am
23rd, 2010. This trip is to explore the wonderful world of the Fine Arts specifically
Drama. We will be touring both of these beautiful cities, attending two plays and
performing at local elementary schools.
We are very excited and eager to travel as a group. In advance I would like to thank
the parents of the students travelling for being so understanding and supportive. On
behalf of Mr. Rink and Miss Martiuk we look forward to this experience very much!
Ms Ritacco
Appropriate Hot Weather Clothing
The warm and sunny weather is upon us which brings summer fashions and styles.
We would like to remind parents and students of our expectations for students to
dress appropriately while at school. This would include:
No spaghetti straps (at least 2 fingers wide)
No low cut t-shirts and no halter tops
No bare midriffs
No short shorts (longer than end of fingers when standing)
No hats, visors or bandana
Announcements 8:20 - 8:23 am
Block 1
8:25 - 8:55 am
Block 2
8:57 - 9:27 am
Block 3
9:29 - 9:59 am
Block 4
10:01- 10:31 am
Locker Break:
10:31-10:36 am
Block 5
10:36- 11:06 pm
Block 6
11:08- 11:38 pm
Block 7
11:40- 12:10 pm
12:10- 12:15 pm
The Gr. 9 Farewell will take place on Thursday, June 10. Mass will be held
at St. Charles Catholic Church 17653-112 St. at 5:00pm. Everyone is welcome to
attend the mass however seating is limited so arrive early.
Staff members will be present, but not to supervise the event. Parents or
Guardians are asked to be at the venue with their son/daughter for the duration of
this event.
The dress code for the Farewell is ‘Sunday Best’. The boys need not wear a
tux. If the girls have purchased strapless or spaghetti strap dresses, we ask that they
wear a sweater or shawl for the Mass. These types of dresses are not appropriate
for church and are not part of our school dress code.
Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s Gr. 9 Homeroom Teacher for
more information regarding this event.
Page 4
School Information:
Student Absences:
If your son/daughter is going to be absent for
any reason, please report the absence to
780-476-7695. Please keep in mind it is your
responsibility to inform the school of an absence.
Going on Vacation:
Please notify the office as soon as possible
of the absence.
For the 2010 - 2011 school year, elementary, junior and senior
high school bus passes will remain at the same rate as the 20092010 school year.
Bus Passes
2009 – 2010
$27.00 per month
2010 – 2011
$27.00 per month
Junior / Senior High
$39.00 per month
Free to designated
$39.00 per month
Free to designated
It is our school policy that if a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to contact their
homework buddy to get their assignments. If
your child is absent for more than four days,
you may call the office for homework.
Family Plan
2009 – 2010
2010 – 2011
$23.00 per month
$23.00 per month
Junior / Senior High
$35.00 per month
$35.00 per month
Cell Phones:
Students are encouraged not to bring cell
phones to school. If your child is required to
carry one it is expected to remain in their
locker. Students will not use cell phones in
the school building from the time of entry to
leaving at the end of the day. A violation of
this guideline may result in the cell phone
being confiscated.
Personal Items:
Students are not encouraged to bring personal items of value to school. Students do
so at their own risk.
Medical Alerts:
If your child has a severe medical alert we
would ask you to please notify the school
During the month of March, our French Immersion Students prepared a poem to
present. The poems were memorized and presented to the judges on March 25
and 26 that were invited to our school competition. Certificates were presented
to all students and gift certificates were awarded to the top place finishers.
On April 14 at J.H.Picard, our top place finishers in each grade represented St.
Cecilia at the Canadian Parents for French 5th Annual Gala D’art Oratoire. It was
a great evening of celebrating students accomplishments in French Public
Speaking from elementary, junior high and high schools of Edmonton Catholic
School District. Thanks to all who came out!
We look forward to participating again next year. Good luck! Bonne chance!
Thank you to Mr. Cottrell who was our parent representative for this wonderful
Here are some useful organizations that can provide French tutors for you and your
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) - In Edmonton (780)720-7939
www.cpfalta.ab.ca Click on : - For students — Activities and resources
Change of Address:
Alliance Française -
Please notify the office if you have had a
change in address or phone number.
In Edmonton (780)469-0399
www.af.ca/edmonton Click on : - Apprendre le français—English-French schoolChildren and Youths-Private
Campus St. Jean—In Edmonton (780)465-8700
* ask for names of university student who would be willing to tutor
Page 5
The Badminton Team’s season is coming to an end. Good
-luck to the entire team as they finish their season. Playoffs and Finals will be at St. Joe’s High School on May 11
and 12 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME!
May 14, 2010
Rain out day, May 17, 2010
Congratulations to the following students who will be representing St. Cecilia this year in our mixed slow pitch
Bretton R.
Tyler S.
Austin T.
Tyler S.
Derrien C.
Erin O.
Josh R.
Dylan C.
Allie L.
Leah C.
Maddy P.
Michael W.
Tessa A.
Jackie V.
Page 6
***Please note the following important dates on your calendar!
May 2010
Please note that the exams will take place in the morning during regular times and all students are expected to be here for
morning registration. Regular afternoon classes on these days:
Wednesday, May 12 Grade 9 English Language Arts - Part A PAT, Gr. 7 & 8 Test of Written Expression Part A
Wednesday, May 12 Grade 9 K & E English Language Arts - Part A
May 11 Grade 9 French Language Arts - Part A PAT
June 2010
Information to follow in the June Newsletter:
Wednesday, June 16 Social Studies - Gr. 9 PAT, Gr. 7 & 8 Final, and K & E program final exams
Tuesday, June 22 French Language Arts Part B - Gr. 9 & Gr. 7 & 8 French final exams
Wednesday, June 23 English Language Arts Part B - Gr. 9 PAT, Gr. 7 & 8 final and K & E program final exams
Thursday, June 24 Science - Gr. 9 PAT, Gr. 7 & 8 final and K & E program final exams
Friday, June 25 Mathematics - Gr. 9 PAT, Gr. 7 & 8 final and K & E program final exams
A huge thank you to all volunteers who judged for us and donated prizes which made our annual dance competition successful.
Thank you to our judges: Ms. Harding, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Rink, Mrs. Clarke-Lesiuk, Samantha MacLaughlin, Brian McWilliams, Angelika Gawronski, Harmen B. and Amit the Intern.
Thank you for our donations:
Doug Aire - Keyteck Water Management, Steven Kenworthy - Snow Valley, Ragazzi Bistro,
Second Cup, Crawford Company Canada, Millwoods Honda, Intersport, Sport Chek,
Shoppers Drug Mart, Ricci Hair, Pizza Hut, 91.7 The Bounce, WEM, Mrs. Speelman (I-Tunes Gift cards) and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruchal.
Page 7
Edmonton Catholic Schools is committed to promoting healthy eating within our
school district. The newly revised Nutrition Policy / Regulation 134 will assist students
and parents in promoting healthy food choices and developing healthy attitudes
about food.
Join us for a refreshing look at Edmonton Catholic’s Nutrition Policy. Learn about
resources that support healthy food choices for your use at home or school.
Monday, MAY 10, 2010
7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
St. Joseph School
10830 – 109 Street, Edmonton
REGISTER: call Sharon @ (780) 989‐‐3048 or
Partner with your school in taking an active role in promoting healthy
nutritional choices for your children!
Page 8
Wednesday, April 20, 2010
ATTENDANCE: Bernard Chan, Will Arbter, Teresa Aspelet, David Andrews, Jadwiga Nowasiad, Dana
Hutton, Bob Gagnon, Gerry Derewonko, Sandra Palazzo and Mina Angotti
1. Prayer- meeting called to order at 17:34 hrs and Sandra led prayer.
2. Approval of Agenda- motion by Jadwiga-second Nina
3. Approval of February Minutes- motion by Will -second Jadwiga
4. School Report-School fee staying the same-no increase.
-open house went well. 90% of feeder kids enrolled with 40 students from others as well.
-Grade 7-112 students in Regular Program
-French Immersion-61 students
-Academic support- 6 students
-next year some changes as 2 ASP Grade 9 leave and one 1 Grade 7 ASP class comes in, 5 regular
grade 9 classes leave and 4 come in, No K and E Grade 7 class.
-we will lose a couple of staff, some have offered to transfer and we are pleased with the overall
input thus far.
5. Correspondence- various literature handed out.
6. CPF Report - nothing to report
7. ASCA Report -newsletter handed out
8. Old Business -nothing to report
9. New Business -7-8 kids wrote French Global Test and all received over 90 %. We have 2 teachers
trained to test at the international level and grade. This test is for competency of French. If you have certificate of completion it will benefit in your job searches.
-Bernard would like to see parents sign petition to his letter concerning the loss of casino funding.
He would like to write on behalf of the PTSAS- we authorized that it was fine.
10. Next Meeting Date- May 26, 2010 @ 5:30 PM
P. T. S. A.S.
1. Treasurer
$ 7,520.54
$ 7,598.33
$ 72,906.98
2. Casino Report - nothing to report
3. Old Business
- nothing to report.
Meeting adjourned @ 6:03 PM
Page 10
Religion in a Wired World
We are a wired species. We use the internet and various electronic devices to read the news, magazines and
books, to pay our bills, to bank, to shop, to exchange ideas, to collaborate, to connect with family and friends. Did
you know that almost two-thirds of North Americans with internet access also use it for spiritual and religious reasons? Users range from teens to older adults with about half in the 30-49 year old group. The majority of ‘online
faithful’ use the internet in addition to their congregational affiliation. And 54% of them describe themselves as both
‘spiritual and religious’.
How might we use the internet to grow in our religious knowledge or foster our spirituality? What follows is but
a teaser of what the internet has to offer. Interested in Catholic news? Check out Catholic News, Independent
Catholic News , Whispers , or Catholic News Online . Want to check coverage of the Holy Father, life in the
Holy See, and events of interest to the Church? Go to http://www.zenit.org/ .
Wondering what’s on Catholic television? Salt and Light TV (S & L TV) offers Canadians a national Catholic television network. Find podcasts and publications, weekly updates and Vatican messages, view streaming live television
or check the schedule for the latest programs. At Eternal Word Television Network EWTN check the Catholic Q
and A, document and audio libraries, the latest Catholic News, send an Online Prayer Card to a family member,
friend or anyone who needs prayer and much more.
If learning about other faith traditions interests you, then check BBC World Religions for a comprehensive online
guide to world religions and beliefs. Want ‘just the facts’ on various religions? Then religions Facts will provide just
what you need. Or check the very helpful chart of world religions at Religion Chart for a quick overview.
Are you interested in finding out about the liturgical year, religious holidays and related religious services? Take a
look at CatholicCulture.org . Want to understand the liturgical year or help your kids’ understanding, then check
out Liturgical calendar. Perhaps you’ll make the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton www.caedm.ca, the Catholic
Bishops of Canada www.cccb.ca or of the United States www.usccb.org or the Vatican some of your ‘go to’ sites.
The internet is not just for information, of course. It also can convey the potential of prayer and retreat.
Consider subscribing to the three minute retreat at Retreat. Download to your mobile device or to your desktop.
You can even sign up for automatic daily delivery. Quiet music, peaceful imagery and food for thought can start
your day or provide a brief oasis in the midst of busyness. Prayer Windows is another prayer site by Jesuit artist,
Bob Gilroy. Enjoy the original art and learn how to incorporate it into your prayer at this site. The Irish Jesuits’ site
www.sacredspace.ie offers daily prayer in twenty one different languages. Its link to ‘Living Space’, a commentary
on the Gospel of the day, is also provided. Read the Bible at Bible Gateway which has an online Bible concordance,
several translations of the Bible and easy to use search features.
These are also great podcasts. Speaking of Faith and Tapestry provide listeners a weekly window into the spiritual
life and practices of people from many religions and all walks of life. Podcasts are also found at the online magazine
Busted Halo, a site that will have particular appeal to those in their 20s and 30s.
The new media can offer many helpful supports for putting our spiritual life into practice. Perhaps this brief sampling will help you discover some favourites of your own.
Page 11
May 2010
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has
looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.” (Luke 1: 46
The month of May with its freshness, greenness and signs of new growth in our northern climate is a great time to reflect upon some recurring
themes: honoring Mary, the Mother of God and the model of perfect servantship, honoring our mothers and all those who support us as mother figures, and
activities such as the first long-weekend family camping or lake outing.
As well, May signifies some yearly events for Edmonton Catholic Schools. Our 21st Annual Celebration of the Arts will be held at the Jubilee
Auditorium on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 starting at 7:00 PM. The theme for this year’s event is ‘Reach High…Stars Lie in Your Soul’ and is sure to once
again be a wonderful celebration of the diverse fine arts’ programming that is occurring in our District’s schools. One of the most difficult decisions for organizers is to have to choose only a certain amount of performances due to time constraints, knowing that all schools have groups that could be showcased!
By the end of May, the District will receive the keys to its three new schools: Monsignor William Irwin, Monsignor Fee Otterson, and Sister Annata
Brockman. These Catholic schools, situated in Edmonton’s south and southwest areas, are sure to become exciting centers for student learning and focal points
for many community activities. The District is also celebrating the addition of the following new programs for the 2010-2011 school year:
Filipino Language and Culture, grade 10, at Holy Trinity High School
French Immersion, Kindergarten to grade 2, at Monsignor William Irwin School
Fine Arts Focus program, grades 7-12, at Ecole J.H. Picard School
Year Round Schooling, at St. Catherine School
Hockey Academy, grades 4-6, at St. Benedict School
100 Voices, 3 ½ to 4 ½ year olds, at Katherine Therrien, Monsignor Fee Otterson, and
St. Elizabeth Schools
Partners in Technology and Innovative Learning, at Monsignor Fee Otterson School
Decisions regarding budget continue to be at the forefront of many dialogues. These economic times offer many challenges to overcome in order for our District to continue to offer the high quality Catholic education that has become the expectation for students attending Edmonton Catholic Schools.
May blessings be showered on all mothers as we celebrate their special day on May 9th!
Joan Carr
Page 12
M ay 2 0 1 0
Day 1
Day 2 5
Band Trip
Band Trip
Day 6 11
Day 5 18
Drama Trip
Day 2
Band Trip
Day 1 12
FLA Gr. 9
PAT - Part A
Day 3
Day 4 7
Band Trip
Day 2 13
Drama Trip
Band Trip
Band Trip
Day 4 15
Track & Field
Day 1 20
Drama Trip
Day 5
Day 3 14
LA Gr. 9 PAT
Part A
Gr. 7-8 Test of
Written Expression
LA Gr. 9 K&E PAT
Day 6 19
Day 4
Day 2 21
Drama Trip
Day 5 27
Day 3
Drama Trip
Day 6 28
Drama Trip
Day 1 29
PAC @ 5:30
June 10th
Gr. 9
5:00 p.m.